Semantic Modeling and Design Patterns For Io - 2023 - Future Generation Computer
Semantic Modeling and Design Patterns For Io - 2023 - Future Generation Computer
Semantic Modeling and Design Patterns For Io - 2023 - Future Generation Computer
article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: In recent years, there has been an increasing diffusion of IoT-based devices that collect and share
Available online 22 December 2022 sensor data for a wide variety of applications. These data are highly heterogeneous as they are
obtained from various data sources utilizing different representation schemes, which represents a great
Internet of Things (IoT) richness in terms of stored information but also a strong limitation in terms of interoperability. Since
Industrial IoT traditional software modeling is not able to cope with this issue, several semantic approaches based
Semantic modeling on ontologies and/or linked data have been proposed in recent literature. Semantic modeling provides
Ontology a potential basis for interoperating among different systems and applications in the IoT. The semantic
Interoperability interoperability can be implemented for just one specific IoT device or for entire IoT ecosystems in
which different IoT devices interact with each other. The goal of this Special Issue is to provide insights
on recent advances in semantic modeling for IoT by presenting original scientific contributions in the
form of theoretical foundations, models, experimental research, and case studies.
© 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.
∗ Corresponding author. 2.1. Semantic models and frameworks for Industrial IoT
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Potena),
[email protected] (A. Longo), [email protected] (A. Mircoli), In ‘‘AoI-Aware Energy Control and Computation Offloading
[email protected] (M. Zappatore). for Industrial IoT’’, by J. Huang, H. Gao, S. Wan, and Y. Chen [1],
0167-739X/© 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.
D. Potena, A. Longo, A. Mircoli et al. Future Generation Computer Systems 142 (2023) 1–3
the authors focus on Industrial IoT (IIoT) by proposing an opti- framework for semantic annotation in IoT ecosystems. In partic-
mization method for the Age of Information (AoI) metrics, be- ular, they consider semantic annotation as a multi-label classifi-
cause of the significance of this metrics that introduces data cation problem, and develop an automatic annotation framework
semantics into traditional performance evaluation approaches. In based on multi-head self-attention mechanism. Experiments on
order to cope with typical IIoT challenges (e.g., limited compu- two large real-world datasets show high performance in semantic
tational resources and significant energy consumption), the au- annotation for mobile and edge services.
thors introduce a Deep Reinforcement Learning-based algorithm The article ‘‘A collaborative semantic framework based on
to optimize, as a dynamic optimization problem, the computa- activities for the development of applications in Smart Home
tion offloading and the energy control for both IoT devices and living labs’’, authored by C. Rodrìguez-Gallego, F. Dìez-Munoz,
edge servers, whose dynamic behavior is formulated via Markov M. Martìn-Ruiz, A. Gabaldòn, M. Dolòn-Poza, and I. Pau [6],
queueing models. To validate the model, a real-life telecommu- presents a collaborative framework for data extraction, charac-
nication dataset consisting of 7.2M Internet access trace data terization, and formalization. The goal is to enable the inter-
gathered from more than 3k base stations and referring to nearly pretation and reutilization of previously collected data related
10k mobile users is exploited, so to enable the comparison be- to Smart Home environments. The framework offers a set of
tween the proposed approach and a set of baseline alternative services, applications and mechanisms for proper synchronization
models. between elements and management of both events and activi-
The article ‘‘Process-aware IIoT Knowledge Graph: a semantic ties. Authors evaluated the framework on two projects and they
model for Industry IoT integration and analytics’’, authored by found that it gave significant benefits in terms of reusability and
C. Diamantini, A. Mircoli, D. Potena, and E. Storti [2], addresses interoperability.
the important role that semantic models can play in the Industry
4.0 context when the integration of significant data streams from 2.3. Semantic interoperability for data processing and data exchange
IIoT sources is required at cloud level and when data analyt- in IoT
ics are necessary. Starting from the ontological description of
IIoT sensors, processes, and KPIs, the authors propose a process- The article ‘‘Semantic models for IoT sensing to infer
aware knowledge graph aimed at enriching raw sensor data with environment–wellness relationships’’ by M. Zappatore, A. Longo,
information coming from two complementary perspectives: the A. Martella, B. Di Martino, A. Esposito, and S. A. Gracco [7],
one describing process activities and the one associated with the addresses the challenges in data collection, usage, and exchange
physical production environment where the IIoT sensors are de- originating from the heterogeneity and large-scale diffusion
ployed. The proposed conceptual knowledge layer is incorporated of non-standardized IoT solutions for personal and environmen-
in a framework allowing to query the knowledge graph and it is tal sensing, which reach the market with a constantly growing
instantiated in a case study dealing with the industrial production speed without being effectively supported by appropriate se-
of metal components. mantic interoperability capabilities. The authors propose a set of
In the article ‘‘Blockchain-based Trust Mechanism for Digital ontologies suitable to describe sensor-agnostic APIs for personal
Twin Empowered Industrial Internet of Things’’ by A. Sasiku- wellness monitoring as well as to model environmental monitor-
mar, V. Subramaniyaswamy, K. Ketan, V. Indragandhi, R. Lo- ing campaigns performed according to the mobile crowd sensing
gesh, G. Selvachandran, and A. Ajith [3], the authors combine a approach. The crucial correlation between these two perspectives
blockchain-based distributed network with a digital twin for In- is also considered and supported by semantic modeling patterns,
dustrial IoT (IIoT) applications. In particular, the article proposes so that complex functionalities based on inference rules can be
a blockchain-based Proof of Authority (PoA) trust mechanism to designed.
enhance security and data privacy. The approach is evaluated by In ‘‘A scalable, secure, and semantically interoperable client
simulating a blockchain network with a digital twin using IIoT for cloud-enabled Demand Response’’, by A. Cimmino, J. Cano-
sensor nodes. The simulation result shows that the proposed PoA Benito, A. Fernández-Izquierdo, C. Patsonakis, A. C. Tsolakis,
trust mechanism can reduce energy consumption and enhance R. García-Castro, D. Ioannidis, and D. Tzovaras [8], the need
security in IIoT. for standardized data models in Demand-Response (DR) sys-
In ‘‘Workload categorization for hazardous industries: the tems of services and IoT devices used by grid operators to mit-
semantic modeling of multi-modal physiological data’’, by J. L. igate changes in the energy supply, is considered. The authors,
König, A. Hinze, and J. Bowen [4], the authors address the peculiar tackle the heterogeneity in data formats and models of cur-
field of physical and cognitive fatigue for workers in hazardous rent and mainly centralized DR systems, which hamper data
industries, by proposing a semantic model for workload catego- exchange and limit system applicability and reliability on a larger
rization, so that fatigue-mitigation interventions can be identified scale, by proposing a distributed, cloud-based, semantic-enabled
and the risk of incidents lowered. The model, fed by multi- tool, named CIM. The tool allows distributing DR systems and
modal physiological parameters acquired via IoT and wearable components in the cloud, with a specific focus on security and
sensors monitoring the worker’s physical and health conditions, privacy for data exchange. The semantic-interoperability layer
classifies workloads into resting, cognitive, and physical thanks allows these decentralized systems to exchange data indepen-
to the integration of complex-event processing and rule based- dently from the adopted DR standard, thanks to normalized data
modeling. As a validation test case, several workers of different formulations and data payload translation mechanisms.
age groups are involved from the forest industry in New Zealand,
because of its prolonged workloads. The proposed categorization 2.4. Other semantic approaches for IoT
approach can be also considered as a suitable enabler for effective
workload prediction. The article ‘‘A fuzzy logic technique for virtual sensor net-
works’’, proposed by L. Caroprese, C. Comito, D. Talia, and E.
2.2. Semantic models and frameworks for non-Industrial IoT Zumpano [9], presents an approach to model virtual sensor net-
works based on fuzzy logic. The virtual sensor network can learn
In ‘‘Towards effective semantic annotation for mobile and the relationships between the physical quantities detected by the
edge services for Internet-of-Things ecosystems’’ by Y. Xu, W. sensors and model them through fuzzy rules, which provide an
Xiao, X. Yang, R. Li, Y. Yin, and Z. Jiang [5], the authors propose a approximation of the real values that can be used in case of
D. Potena, A. Longo, A. Mircoli et al. Future Generation Computer Systems 142 (2023) 1–3
sensor malfunction. The effectiveness of the proposed method- • Mahda Noura (Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany)
ology is also assessed by means of a thorough experimental • Majdi Rawashdeh (Princess Sumaya University for Technology,
evaluation. Jordan)
In ‘‘Semantics-based privacy by design for Internet of Things • Sanju Mishra (Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico)
applications’’, by L. Alkhariji, S. De, O. Ran, and C. Perera [10], • Sergio Ilarri (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
the authors focuses on the development of a personal assis- • Shahoua Wan (Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Study, China)
tant that can answer software engineers’ questions about Privacy • Viktorya Degeler (Technical University of Delft, The Nether-
by Design (PbD) practices during the design phase of IoT sys- lands)
tem development. This is achieved through the development of • Yudith Cardinale (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela)
the PARROT ontology, developed through a set of representative • Chiara Rucco (Università del Salento, Italy)
IoT use cases relevant for software developers. The ontology is
assessed within a user study that identified that the PARROT Declaration of competing interest
ontology can answer up to 58% of privacy-related questions from
software engineers. The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
Acknowledgments to the Committee of Reviewers to influence the work reported in this paper.