Teste Gestão

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Name ________
Daniela _______________
Sofia Abreu da Silva ________________
____________ Claass ________________________

TTeacher _____
_______ Date _______/ _____ / __
_________ Gradee ___________________________

1. Read an exxcerpt from th
he article you’’re going to re
ead next. Fivee sentences h
have been rem
moved from itt. Choose
from the se
entences a. to
o e. the one which
w fits each
h gap.

Wheere are the

t skillled oness?
Economistss are now emp phasising a thirrd problem: th
he mismatch bbetween the skkills that youngg people offerr and the
mployees neeed. (1) _______
ones that em _ — but comp plain that theyy cannot find candidates wwith the right aabilities.
McKinsey, a consultancy y, reports that only 43% of the
t employerss in the nine countries that iit has studied in depth
(America, Brazil,
B Britain
n, Germany, In ndia, Mexico, Morocco, Saaudi Arabia annd Turkey) thiink that they ccan find
el workers. (2) _______
5 enough skillled entry-leve _
The most obvious
o reasoon for the miismatch is po oor basic eduucation. In moost advanced economies ((whether
growing or shrinking) thhe jobless rate for people wiith less than a secondary-scchool educatioon is twice ass high as
for those with university degrees. But two
t more subttle reasons desserve attentionn, too.
________. Germany has a long trad h-quality vocaational educattion and apprenticeships, w
dition of high which in
10 recent years have helped
d it reduce you
uth unemploym
ment despite only modest ggrowth. ________. In Fraance few
high-schooll leavers havee any real ex xperience of work.
w In Norrth Africa uniiversities focuus on preparing their
students to ven as compaanies complaiin about the shortage of technical skills. The
o fill civil-serrvice jobs ev
unemploym ment rate in Morocco
M is fiive times as high
h for gradduates as it iss for people with only a primary
education. The
T legacy off apartheid meaans that young g black South Africans ofteen live and go to school manny miles
15 from wheree there are jobss.
________; today they do
d so less. Peteer Capelli, of Wharton businness school, aargues that com
mpanies regarrd filling
a job merely
y like buying a spare part: you
y expect it to fit.

“Generation jobbless”, www.econoomist.com (abridgged), accessed in Jaanuary 2014

a. Countrie
es with the low
west youth jobless rates have a close relaationship betw
ween educatio
on and work

b. Middle--sized firms (between 50 an

nd 500 workerrs) have an aveerage of 13 en
ntry-level jobss empty

c. Compan
nies used to try to bridge that gap themse
elves by investting in training

d. Employe
ers are awash with applicattions

e. Countrie
es with high youth unemplo
oyment are sh
hort of such linnks

331 B R I D G E S 1 1 . o A n o

Descarregado por Marina Gomes ([email protected])



1. Read the arrticle.
ation Job
Helder Pereeira is a youngg man with no o work and feew
prospects: a 21-year-old who failed to o graduate from
high schooll and lost his job on a building site a feew
months ago. With his sav vings about to run out, he haas
5 come to hiis local emplloyment centrre in the Parris
suburb of Sevran
S to sign
n on for beneefits and to getg
help finding something to do. He’lll get the cash.
Work is an nother matterr. Youth uneemployment in
Sevran is ovver 40%.
10 A continentt away in Atthlone, a grittty Cape Tow wn
suburb, Nok khona, a youn ng South Afrrican mother of o
two, lacks a “matric” or high-school
h quualification, an
has been ou ut of work sinnce October 2010,
2 when her econnomies are similarly “inacctive”. The E Economist
contract as a cleaner in a coffee sho op expired. Sh he calcuulates that, aall told, almoost 290m aree neither
15 hopes for a job as a maid, and has so ought help from workking nor studyying: almost a quarter of thee planet’s
DreamWork ker, a charityy that tries to place youn ng youthh. If the figurres did not incclude young wwomen in
jobseekers in work. A counsellor helps h Nokhon na 35 counntries where thhey are rarely part of the wworkforce,
brush up herh interview skills. But th he jobless raate the rrate would be lower; South Asian womenn account
among you ung black South African ns is probably for oover a quarter of the woorld’s inactivve youth,
20 around 55% %. thouggh in much oof the rich woorld young woomen are
Official figu
ures assembled d by the Intern
national Labou ur doingg better in thee labour force tthan men.
Organisation n say that 75m young g people are 40 On tthe other han nd, many of thhe “employedd” young
unemployed d, or 6% of alla 15- to 24-year-olds. Bu ut havee only inform mal and interrmittent jobs.. In rich
going by youth
y inactivitty, which inccludes all thosse counntries more tthan a third, on average,, are on
25 who are neeither in work k nor educatio on, things loo ok tempporary contraccts which makke it hard to gaain skills.
even worse. The OECD, an intergoverrnmental think k- In pooorer ones, acccording to thhe World Bannk, a fifth
tank, countss 26m young people in thee rich world as a 45 are uunpaid familyy labourers orr work in the informal
“NEETS”: not n in employm ment, educatioon or training.. econnomy. All in aall, nearly halff of the worldd’s young
A World Bank
B databasee compiled fro om household ds peopple are eitherr outside thee formal econnomy or
30 shows moree than 260m young peoplee in developin ng contrributing less pproductively thhan they couldd.

“Generation jobleess”, www.econom

mist.com (abridgedd), accessed in Januuary 2014

2. Complete the following sentences

s acco
ording to the information in
n the article. YYou can only u
use two to six words.
a. Not only did Helder fail __________
____ his job onn a building siite a few months ago.
b. Although
h Nokhona is getting
g help with
w the job intterviews, she _________________________ a job.

c. A quarter of the planett’s youth____


3. Explain the
e title of the article.

1 1 . o A n o B R I D G E S 32

Descarregado por Marina Gomes ([email protected])



4. Answer the
e following qu

4.1 Explain the importan

nce of getting an education when the tim e comes to fin
nd a job.

4.2 Why are half of the world’s

w young people contriibuting less prroductively than they could

5. Fill in the gaps

g with the appropriate
a future form off the verb in b

a. Tomorro
ow after schoo
ol, I ________
________ (go) to a job intervview.

b. When yo
ou _________
_______ (get off)
o the plane,, I ________________ (wait)) for you.

c. Don’t forget that we ____________

_ ____ (have) ou
ur weekly stafff meeting at 3 pm.

d. I ______
__________ (ffinish) this wo
ork before tom
morrow morninng – even if it takes me all n

e. _______
_________ (yo
ou / stay) with
h friends when
n you’re in Neew York next m

f. Next wee
ek at this time
e I __________
______ (trave
el) to Greece.

g. Where ____________
_ ____ (we / me
eet) our colleaagues this weeekend?

h. Look at the
t thermome
eter! It ______
__________ (be) so hot lat er today!

i. I think we
e __________
______ (arrive
e) late at the meeting!

You have seen the followin
ng job advertiisement on th d of your locaal language school:
he noticeboard

Monday and Wed
dnesday evenings only)

ur language sch
hool is looking
g for a personn to help organnise a Film
ub for studentss of English. Ou
ur Film Club w
will meet twicee a week to
waatch a film in English
E followeed by a discussiion of the film

ƒ Do you have
h some kno
owledge of Engglish?
ƒ w groups of ppeople?
Do you like working with
ƒ u interested in films?
Are you f

If you
y think you would
w be a suiitable person too organise our Film Club
om you. Pleasee send your leetter to the
theen we would like to hear fro
hool director saaying why you
u are suitable foor the job.

Write your lettter of applica
ation to the scchool owner (around
( 180 w

333 B R I D G E S 1 1 . o A n o

Descarregado por Marina Gomes ([email protected])

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