Multiple Fillers
Multiple Fillers
Multiple Fillers
MULTIPLE FILLERS (New Pattern) It is necessary that you understand the context of the
Thought Process for Fillers sentence. While closely reading the sentence and the
STEP 1: Read the statement carefully and first, try to fill options given in the question, you must try to determine
the missing word without looking at the options. Guess it! the tone of the missing word -- whether the required word
Predict it! is positive or negative in the meaning it implies
STEP 2: Choose the word from the options that best
replaces the word that you had thought of initially. OR try RULE5
to find most fit word from the options. In certain fill in the blank questions, you are required to fill
STEP 3: if you are unable to find the fit word go for more than one blank. In such cases you should use
elimination. Eliminate most unfit/illogical words from the the method of elimination by simultaneously checking
answer options. Once you eliminated 2-3 words it will be which of the options best satisfies both the entries.
easy to target answer from remaining words. Elimination
will enhance accuracy and hence your score. RULE6
STEP 3: Read the sentence again by replacing the blank In case you are confused between two or more options,
with the option that you have chosen if time permits. you can also apply the hit & trial method - one by one
NOTE: You must ensure that the word you have inserted in place each of the likely options in place of the missing
the blank enables you to read the sentence smoothly and word in the sentence. The option which credits maximum
correctly meaning to the sentence should be the correct answer.
STEP5 Even if you fail in above process then try it!
Observe the words before/after the blank. Try to find clues RULE7
using grammatical rules. Do not spend a lot of time on one question. If you are
unable to spot the correct answer, despite repeated efforts,
Grammar Rules
leave the question and move forward.
Preposition following a noun, adjective or verb. (Example:
look at images)
a prepositional phrase. (Example: in spite of ) PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTIONS
an adverb. (Example: they vacated the house two years
Directions: In each of the following sentences there are
four blank spaces. Five pairs of words are given below
a connector. (Example: it is raining, therefore ground is
each sentence. Find out which pair of words can be filled
up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to
a conjunction. (Example: Although he is seven, he can
make it meaningfully complete.
speak eight languages)
a auxiliary verb , an article , a pronoun , either subject or
object. (Example: it is easier to know)
a comparative or superlative involved? (Example: she’s
taller than me)
The worst market sell-off in _____________ history may be
around the corner. Just don’t blame China alone for it.
Other General Rules Since 2007, the aggregate size of central banks’ balance
RULE1 sheets has tripled to $22 trillion; _____________ by asset
It is very important that you read the sentence in the repurchases to stave off a deeper crisis. After Lehman
question very carefully. In most of the cases, clues about Brothers’ collapse _____________ a rout, the biggest central
the type of information needed to fill the gap -- a person’s banks around the world _____________ ‘quantitative easing’,
name, a date or a fact -- can be derived by a good or huge wads of cheap money, to encourage investment
understanding of the meaning of the sentence itself. and bolster confidence.
(a) Recent - bloated - triggered - unleashed
RULE2 (b) Current - bloated - triggered - unleashed
You should keep a close watch at grammar clues, for (c) Recent - compressed - triggered - unleashed
instance, if the article, “an” comes before the blank, then it (d) Recent - bloated – influenced by - unleashed
implies that the answer must begin with a vowel. Such (e) Recent - bloated - triggered - enlarged
grammatical clues can be of great help in deciding the
answers. Q2.
The target to achieve “full and productive employment and
RULE3 decent work for all women and men” appears admirable —
You must recognize the logical structure of a sentence and but making zero unemployment a global policy is foolish.
pay attention to what the question requires. Every economy needs some unemployment _____________
workers to change jobs. All governments are already
focused _____________ people into work. Moreover, studies ranks with Japan; and the US argument that it has no
show such language is used by interest groups to create problem with India’s candidature but remains conflicted
great jobs for a minority while leaving others out in the on Germany over Italy and Brazil over Mexico, are all
cold, often pushing _____________ workers back into the divide-and-rule _____________ and have to be exposed as
informal economy and increasing poverty. The costs of this such. None of the P5 countries _____________ cast-iron
target will _____________ the benefits. guarantees to India that it would get India into the UNSC if
(a) To be allowed - on getting more - vulnerable - likely it abandons the G4. So, the argument that the G4 route
outweigh weakens India’s case is a _____________
(b) to allow - on getting more - vulnerable - likely (a) iff - tactics - has given - red herring.
outweigh (b) if it – planning - has given - red herring.
(c) to allow – to get more - vulnerable - likely outweigh (c) if it - tactics – had been given - red herring.
(d) to allow - on getting more - qualified - likely outweigh (d) if it - tactics - has given - red tape.
(e) to allow - on getting more - vulnerable – likely weigh (e) if it - tactics - has given - red herring.
Q3. Q6.
Take achieving _____________ access to contraception and On its part, China created the Shanghai Cooperation
family planning: it will mean _____________ orphans and Organisation (SCO) _____________ its geopolitical and geo-
mothers dying in childbirth. It will also generate a economic interests in Eurasia. The US _____________ to
_____________, with more people of productive age. In total, created mega-regional trade groups, the Trans-Pacific
every dollar spent will mean $120 of benefits to society. Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and
_____________, with ending tuberculosis by 2030 (saving Investment Partnership (TTIP), to deal with the Chinese
nearly 1.5 million lives a year, with each dollar leading to trade threat. Diplomats and analysts will debate forever on
$43 worth of benefits) and completing the Doha free trade the _____________ of these and other such associations,
deal (lifting incomes and cutting poverty especially in groups, alliances and partnerships. Some succeed in their
developing countries, the benefits would be worth $2,000 objectives, many fail. _____________, more are getting created.
more than the costs). (a) to pursue - has not hesitated - usefulness - Yet
(a) global - fewer - demographic dividend - Likewise (b) to argue - has not hesitated - usefulness - Yet
(b) universal - more - demographic dividend - Likewise (c) to pursue - has not been hesitated - usefulness - Yet
(c) universal - fewer - demographic dividend - Likewise (d) to pursue - has not hesitated - useful - Yet
(d) universal - fewer - demographic profit - Likewise (e) to pursue - has not hesitated - usefulness - indeed
(e) universal - fewer - demographic dividend - unlike
Q4. Over 300 million people in India are _____________ and have
Analysis of all the benefits and costs shows that focusing no access to electricity. _____________ building grids or
on the top 19 targets _____________ the Copenhagen nuclear plants, Valley companies like Simpa Networks and
Consensus Centre would achieve four times more than if Tesla have renewable solar battery packs and can light up
we sprayed all the development spending around 169 every home with 24×7 efficient and low-cost energy.
targets. In other words, _____________ would have the same Simpa has already brought solar battery powered
effect as quadrupling the entire budget. Even here on the electricity to over 10,000 homes in Mathru district in just
floor of the United Nations, I find that global leaders, less than 12 months. These are the kind of new micro-grid
ambassadors, and those who work in development agree and micro-power wall solutions that _____________ the
that the targets _____________ severely pruned. They just all common man’s problem to bring _____________ and clean
want their targets. But _____________ of making this a game of energy.
who got the most of their targets into the final declaration, (a) on-grid - Rather than - will solve - affordable
it should be all about getting the most effective targets in (b) off-grid - Rather than - will solve - affordable
there. (c) off-grid - Rather then - will solve - affordable
(a) identify by - prioritising - should have been - instead (d) off-grid - Rather than – will be solved - affordable
(b) identified by – prior to - should have been - instead (e) off-grid - Rather than - will solve - good
(c) identified by - prioritising - should have - instead
(d) identified by - prioritising - should have been - instead Q8.
(e) identified by - prioritising - should have been – along Goldman Sachs claimed _____________ no law. That’s
with precisely the problem. Our societies are _____________ by
legal corruption. University professors are in cahoots with
Q5. pharmaceutical companies that think nothing of
Will they succeed? No harm trying. Does India weaken its _____________ hundreds of thousands of dollars for life and
case by aligning with the G4? Nonsense. China’s argument death products that _____________ hundreds. And economists
that it would support India _____________ were to break who cannot see past markets support such nonsense.
(a) to be broken - being destroyed - charging - cost them
(b) to have broken - been destroyed - charging - cost them Q12.
(c) to have broken - being destroyed - charging - cost them It is a _____________ great importance for an economy that
(d) to have broken - being destroyed - costing - cost them inflation and inflationary expectations are _____________
(e) to have broken - being destroyed - charging – charge under control. Else, the economy risks getting into a
them situation where any sign of even moderately strong
economic growth leads to _____________ high inflation, thus,
Q9. structurally reducing the potential rate of growth of the
We are _____________ on foreign sources of defence and other economy .However, the timing of the increase and
hi-tech technology than perhaps ever before. Creating an decrease in rates is always a very difficult decision as it has
app or an e-commerce service doesn’t qualify as hi-tech to ensure _____________ between both inflation and growth.
_____________. Narendra Modi and his team seem to think (a) issue of - kept - the onset of - a delicate balance
that shaking hands with Jack Ma and Mark Zuckerberg are (b) matter of - kept - the onset of - a delicate balance
crucial steps in _____________ a culture of innovation in India. (c) matter of - keep - the onset of - a delicate balance
The result is that our PM signs up for a town hall meeting (d) matter of - kept - the insight of - a delicate balance
at the Facebook office _____________ investigating the ins and (e) matter of - kept - the onset of - a perfect balance
outs of hi-tech research at US institutions.
(a) mere reliant - innovation - fostering - instead of Q13.
(b) more reliant - innovatively - fostering - instead of India is now at that crucial stage where inflation is falling,
(c) more reliant - innovation - growing - instead of growth has slowed down _____________ and more interest
(d) more reliant - innovation - fostering - instead of rate cuts are _____________. However, the timing of these rate
(e) more reliant - innovation - fostering - yet cuts is a bit _____________ as the inflation trajectory is still
not very clear. One has to remember that India has
Q10. witnessed continuously high inflation over the last 7 years
Organisations are gradually _____________ the importance of and, therefore, the central bank would likely to wait for
creating strong brands that provide real customer benefits concrete proof that inflationary expectations have been
so they can avoid falling prey to commoditisation. In other broken before cutting rates _____________.
words, companies are realising that it’s the only way (a) significant - expected - uncertain - further
_____________. To a point, marketing and brand building (b) significantly - expect - uncertain - further
exercises can help _____________ one’s products and services (c) significantly - expected - uncertain - further
and break the monotony and commoditisation but after (d) significantly - expected - uncertainly - further
that one often needs to turn to innovation and constant (e) significantly - expected - uncertain - farther
technological upgrades _____________ mindshare.
(a) Has realised - to survive - differentiate - to retain Q14.
(b) realising – to be survived - differentiate - to retain Three actions troubled the pharma lobby: In 2012, the
(c) realising - to survive - contrasting - to retain Indian Patent Office granted India’s first compulsory
(d) realising - to survive - differentiate - to gain licensing order in favour of Natco Pharma, allowing it to
(e) realising - to survive - differentiate - to retain manufacture Nexavar, an anti-cancer drug patented by
Bayer In 2005, Parliament _____________ Section 3(d) of the
Q11. Patents Act and declined to provide intellectual property
Bridge is _____________ popular card sport in the world with patent protection _____________ changes in drug
over 100 countries as members of the World Bridge formulations that did not result in “enhancement of the
Federation. The estimated number of bridge players known efficacy of that substance“, a practice that is called
exceeds 60 million. But not many know that bridge “evergreening” In 2013, the Supreme Court refused to
_____________ the passion of corporate honchos and financial grant a patent for Novartis’ cancer drug Glivec, citing and
investors. Wall Street loves this cerebral game and some of upholding Section 3(d) Compulsory licensing is a provision
_____________ players in the US are investors. A bridge buff, governments can use to ensure _____________ of medicines in
Warren Buffet had famously declared, “I _____________ mind case of public health emergencies. Many in the government
going to jail if I had three cellmates who played bridge.” I _____________ the 2012 order did not meet these rigorous
have had the personal fortune of playing two boards with benchmarks and was probably unnecessary . However, on
Bill Gates, some 20 years ago. Section 3(d) it would appear India is on good ground and
(a) the most - has always been - the best - wouldn’t the case against “evergreening” is strong.
(b) the more - has always been - the best - wouldn’t (a) amend - to incremental - mass manufacture - concede
(c) the most - has always - the best - wouldn’t (b) amended - to increment - mass manufacture - concede
(d) the most - has always been - the better - wouldn’t (c) amended - to incremental - mass manufacturing -
(e) the most - has always been - the best - wouldn’t have concede
(d) amended - to incremental - mass manufacture - model to them _____________. We created ShopClues as
concede India’s First “Managed” marketplace — what this meant
(e) amended - to incremental - mass manufacture – has was to take a very considered though opposing _____________
conceded being the first pure marketplace to intermediate shipping,
customer service and many other supporting services from
Q15. day one etc. Since then, many other ecommerce companies
Indeed, as global pharmaceutical companies themselves have “pivoted” to the model, but our clear differentiation
come under pressure in their home countries as to just has stood us in good stead.
how expensive cutting-edge, patented medicines can be, (a) have - had to be - was not enough - point of view of
_____________ generics versions, this is becoming a concern (b) have been - had to be - was not enough - point of view
beyond just India. A story that came to _____________ recently of
was of an Australian academic who began suffering from (c) have been – has been - was not enough - point of view
Hepatitis C, his liver reaching a critical precancerous stage, of
and realised patented medicines down under _____________ (d) have been - had to be - was enough - point of view of
him $100,000 for a course. He made his way to Chennai (e) have been - had to be - was not enough - point of view
and bought generics versions of the same drug for less
than $1,000. Completely cured, he is now running a Q18.
_____________ the high price of patented medicines. Yet, despite having the world’s largest youth market, India
(a) in relation to - prominence - would cost - campaign has one of the _____________ shares of the annual $100-
against billion global character and entertainment licensing
(b) in comparison to - prominently - would cost - industry. Asian characters like Pokemon, Dragonball Z and
campaign against Doraemon _____________ household names around the world,
(c) in comparison to - prominence – would have been cost and countries like Japan, South Korea and China have built
- campaign against multi-billion-dollar character entertainment industries.
(d) in comparison to - prominence - would cost - campaign Yet, India, a culture with some of the _____________ and rich
in favour of storytelling the world has _____________, hasn’t come close to
(e) in comparison to - prominence - would cost - campaign unlocking its amazing vault of creativity in this space.
against (a) smaller - have become - most mythic - ever known
(b) smallest - have been become - most mythic - ever
Q16. known
While the NEP definitely needs _____________ the anomalies (c) smallest - have become - most mythic - ever known
and bring in a reasonable secure ecosystem for (d) smallest - have become - more mythic than - ever
transactions, it _____________ clearly in tune with the existing known
standards and expectations that India’s online ecosystem (e) smallest - have become - most mythic - ever found
deserves and demands. In a landmark judgment in March
2015, the Supreme Court had _____________ Section 66A of Q19.
the IT Act on the same premise that it encroached on This seems counterintuitive but is a growing leadership
online freedom. The lessons of that judgment _____________ challenge. High performance and individual happiness
to the DEITY bureaucracy and experts in the committee to cannot stay _____________, notwithstanding the hardliner
see a reasonably encompassing NEP in place. view that workplaces are about business success alone. It
(a) to harmonise - has to be - struck down - should have _____________ helps the individual nor eventually the
been clear organisation. It is not just about engagement levels at a
(b) to be harmonised - has to be - struck down - should workplace, which _____________ a short-term issue. It is
have been clear about a Happiness Quotient, a bedrock of long-term
(c) to harmonise – had been- struck down - should have effectiveness and _____________ high performance. How can
been clear we create Happier Workplaces, not just successful ones?
(d) to harmonise - has to be – struck by- should have been Places where there is a sense of joy and fulfilment, of trust
clear and collaboration. And yes, tasks get delivered without a
(e) to harmonise - has to be - struck down - should have ringmaster’s presence.
clear (a) divorce - neither - could be - sustained
(b) divorced - either - could be - sustained
Q17. (c) divorced - neither - can be - sustained
While fundamentally the differentiated business pillars (d) divorced - neither - could be - sustained
mentioned above should _____________ sufficient, we realised (e) divorced - neither - could be - sustain
that the execution _____________ done differently as well. The
Indian mass market consumer, was new to the internet as Q20.
was the SME merchant — just bringing the marketplace
No free pizzas and food courts can substitute good work. (b) promulgation - inhabit - delineation - ethnic group
The tasks must be _____________ nor too little. Excessive and (c) promulgation - inhibition - delineation - ethnic group
unending lists of ‘to dos’ drain people and confuse them on (d) promulgation - inhabit – delineated by - ethnic group
priorities. Bad and inadequately understood multitasking (e) promulgation - inhabit - delineation - minority group
is a happiness drain. _____________ on your plate also makes
one unhappy. And is the kind of work that one is tasked Q23.
with really something that the talent looks forward India is displeased with the treatment of the ethnic
_____________? Many organisations assign work of a level far minorities and _____________ no great effort to conceal this.
removed than the profile of the user. Some tasks are just What are the lessons to be learnt? Constitution-making has
too _____________ and never seem to connect with the larger to be a _____________ exercise, as it was in India, when every
purpose. It may seem to some that work, especially member of the Constituent Assembly _____________ his or her
documents and presentations, is deliberately being signature to the charter of rights and responsibilities.
constructed to keep people busy. The manager must _____________, if that is not possible, the next best thing may
always be alert and respectful of such cues. There are be to get the concurrence of the largest possible majority.
always constructive solutions but does the workplace pick This is what the Nepalese have done. They may, rightfully,
up the cues? point out that the vast majority of the Constituent
(a) neither too many - Not having enough - to - mundane Assembly voted for the Constitution in its present form.
(b) neither too much - Not had enough - to - mundane (a) Had been made - consensual - appended - However
(c) neither too much - Not having enough - in - mundane (b) has made - consensus - appended - However
(d) neither too much - Not having enough - to - tedius (c) has made - consensual - appended - However
(e) neither too much - Not having enough - to - mundane (d) has made - consensual - amended - However
(e) has made - consensual - appended - Therefore
Another reason that makes shoulders droop is faulty Q24.
organisation design. Maybe jobs are not clearly sculpted. Violence in the Terai can only make it difficult for that
_____________ people are stepping on too many toes. process to materialise. It would be good if all _____________
Accountabilities are _____________. There may be a formal realise this. There are many in the top Indian leadership
organisation structure but a stronger informal power who wish to see Nepal enjoy the _____________ multi-party
structure is what _____________ works. Are the rank and file democracy and federalism in full measure. Some of them
getting conflicting messages from too many stakeholders? can surely muster sufficient goodwill in Kathmandu
Could the structure and responsibilities be better _____________ the Nepalese leadership to set up a
_____________, both in letter and spirit? Every team has issues Commission to look into the grievances of the Madhesis
of power, influence and politics. Could yours be getting to and the Tharus, especially with respect to _____________ of
be a victim of it and living with unhappiness? provinces and adequate representation.
(a) Too many - unclear - really - articulated (a) concern - fruits of - to persuade - delineation
(b) So many - unclear - really - articulated (b) concerned - fruits for - to persuade - delineation
(c) Too many – not unclear - really - articulated (c) concerned - fruits of - to be persuaded - delineation
(d) Too many - unclear – in reality - articulated (d) concerned - fruits of - to persuade - delineation
(e) Too many - unclear - really - articulation (e) concerned - fruits of - to persuade – to deline
Q22. Q25.
There are many ironies investing the _____________ of Nepal’s Through the ‘product envelopment’ strategy, firms expand
new Constitution. President Ram Baran Yadav, who features of their platforms and offerings. The _____________
formally signed the charter on September 20, is a Madhesi. Myntra by Flipkart for about $300 million is a notable
His community is unhappy about the Constitution. Who example. This has helped Flipkart _____________ its product
are the Madhesis? They _____________ the southern plains of line in fashion apparel and target brand-conscious
Nepal. Many have familial connections on the Indian side customers. By acquiring Freecharge, Snapdeal could
of the border. Why are they unhappy? Because they feel, _____________ the mobile payment platform into its e-
with good reason, that the Constitution will not do them commerce offerings. The same holds for Flipkart recently
much good. On the other hand, the manner of _____________ acquiring FX Mart, which provides a prepaid wallet licence
of provinces, they are convinced, will work to their so that payment platforms _____________ into Flipkart’s
disadvantage. The Tharus, another _____________ who mostly online stores platform.
inhabit the western reaches of the Nepal plains, have (a) acquisition of - to expanded - embed - can be
similar apprehensions. The violence that has been integrated
unleashed by these unhappy elements has already claimed (b) acquisition for - to expand - embed - can be integrated
close to 50 lives. (c) acquisition of - to expand - embed - can integrate
(a) promulgated - inhabit - delineation - ethnic group
(d) acquisition of - to expand – embedded into - can be that their luxury lifestyle is just the _____________ of
integrated devotees. To admit they enjoy their hard earned wealth
(e) acquisition of - to expand - embed - can be integrated _____________ career suicide.
(a) Endorsed by - being - generosity - would be
Q26. (b) endorse - been - generosity - would be
Companies are acquiring stakes in technologies unrelated (c) endorse - being - generosity - would be
to their core business that holds _____________ the future. (d) endorse - being - generous - would be
Google is _____________ such acquisitions, buying the satellite (e) endorse - being - generosity – would have been
imaging technology firm Skybox Imaging in 2014 for $500
million to enhance its project Loon that intends to provide Q29.
internet access in _____________ of the world. With the In the Hindu Puranas, the problem is never with wealth.
acquisition of Nest Labs for $500 million, Google showed Wealth is a goddess, Lakshmi, one of the _____________,
its _____________ home monitoring. Facebook acquired the invoked in the Shri Sukta of the Rig Veda for cows and
Britain-based Ascenta to provide internet access through grain and gold and children. The problem is with our
unmanned aerial vehicles. We are yet to see such high-risk, relationship with wealth. In the Puranas, Brahma’s son
long-term investment types of acquisitions in India. Indra is always chasing wealth. In contrast, Vishnu attracts
(a) promise for - well known for - remote parts - appetite wealth and Shiva is _____________ to wealth. The wealth
for chasers are not worshipped; the wealth-attractors and the
(b) promise of - well known for - remote parts - appetite wealth-ignorers are _____________ in temples. Vishnu is
for linked to householders and Shiva to hermits. But then
(c) promise for - know how to - remote parts - appetite for Shiva is made to marry a princess of the mountains,
(d) promise for - well known for - accessible parts - Parvati, who is also the goddess of food, Anna-poorna, thus
appetite for _____________ to the value of food, if not wealth, in human
(e) promise for - well known for - remote parts - appetite society. Even the hermit who shuns wealth needs food.
to Thus, production and distribution of food and wealth are
separated, though both are seen as key to society.
Q27. (a) oldest - different - enshrined - drawing attention
They’re trying to disrupt (even create) industries, and (b) older - indifferent - enshrined - drawing attention
emerge as the ‘mutations’ of this decade. This mindset has (c) oldest - indifferent – enshrine - drawing attention
been further _____________ the sudden ease in raising large (d) oldest - indifferent - enshrined - drawing attention
amounts of venture capital funding, even compared to just (e) oldest - indifferent - enshrined - getting attention
three years ago. But the problem with growth is that it
blinds you. It makes you feel that it’s the only thing that Q30.
_____________. The infamous fall of is a _____________ There is talk of behavioural economics, but this subject
to all startups which think they can just keep expanding does not bother with emotions, for the _____________ that
categories and geographies by throwing money at the emotions cannot be measured and so are outside the
problem. What these startups don’t realise is that they’re _____________ of science. In contrast, the Hindu scriptures are
growing just for the sake of growth. And with this obsessed with human relationship with wealth. Do we
approach, they will never win the battle. Only those few derive our identity from how much money we have? Is
startups which understand how to ‘grow naturally’ will _____________ society celebrates in the list of the richest
_____________. The rest will become extinct. people in the world? If yes, then it is not a good thing. For
(a) fuel by - matters - testament - survive we are placing wealth-chasing Indras and wealth-clinging
(b) fuelled by - matters - testament - survive Brahmas on pedestals as our role models, not the wealth-
(c) fuelled by – matter of importance - testament - survive attracting Vishnu who does not need wealth to _____________
(d) fuelled by - matters – tested example - survive himself.
(e) fuelled by - matters - testament – survival of (a) better reason - purview - that what - validation
(b) simple reason - review - that what - validate
Q28. (c) better reason - purview - that what - validate
Ironically, even the business communities of India such as (d) simple reason - review - that what – validation
the Jains, Marwaris and Gujarati Vaishnavs _____________ this (e) simple reason - purview - that what - validate
assumption that money is evil and make it a point to atone
for the sin of business by _____________ vegetarian and Q31.
funding temple-building projects and making huge Be paranoid about customers. Do not believe that they will
donations to gurus, who fast on their behalf. And saffron- ever be loyal. They will _____________ with zero compunction
robed gurus, who travel in fancy cars and oversee vast if someone provides a better service. You could reduce the
FMCG, healthcare, hospitality and spa empires, hide their risk of migration through small hooks like your frequent-
shrewd consumer insight and insist they, own nothing and flyer programme equivalent, but they _____________ work
when customers are unhappy. Treat your frequent-flyer servicing, and will also have a positive _____________ on retail
programme not as a retention hook but as gratitude for credit in the second half of FY16.
using your services. It’s their gratitude that will always (a) depreciation - stimulus - would be eased - consequence
_____________ in the race. Do not behave like an early mover. (b) Appreciation - support - would ease - impact
Remain humble (with humility comes open-mindedness) (c) depreciation - stimulus - would ease - impact
and agile – success often goes into the heads of the early (d) Appreciation - stimulus – would be eased - impact
movers and they tend to get a tad overconfident about (e) depreciation - support - would ease - consequence
their _____________. As a result, they tend to scoff at the late
entrants and their strategy. Be quick in making corrections Q34.
on both the strategic and execution approaches based on The Indian economy is in relatively good shape with $380
shifting ground realities. billion forex reserves, adequate for 11 months of imports.
(a) migrate - cease to - keep you ahead - invincibility While the trade account has been little soft, India is one of
(b) Migrated to - stop - keep you ahead - invincibility the most _____________ investment destinations, with
(c) migrate - cease to - keep you ready - invincible macroeconomic _____________ and good growth outlook. As
(d) Migrated to - cease to - keep you ahead - invincibility global investors return to emerging markets, I believe
(e) migrate - stop - keep you ahead - invincible India would garner a fair share. Yet, while FII flows would
drive stock market performance in the near term, in the
Q32. longer term, the key driver _____________ corporate earnings.
Early movers often lose the plot when they begin to make While the period of volatility does cause nervousness, it
ill-informed _____________ between scale and customer always provides a very strong opportunity to raise
satisfaction (often by sacrificing customer satisfaction for allocation to equities. It’s a good time to buy many quality
scale) or revenue growth and profitability (sometimes companies available at a _____________ price due to the
sacrificing profitability for growth – and sometimes vice- recent correction. This time is no different.
versa). _____________ early mover advantage can be built only (a) Prefer to – stable - would be - discounted
if there is a deep knowledge of customer and (b) Prefer to – stable - would be - discounted
business/domain trends. Winners use this knowledge and (c) preferred - stability - would have been - discount
insight _____________ the kind of thrusts a new entrant could (d) preferred - stability - would be - discounted
make to snatch market share and constantly strengthen (e) preferred - stability - would have been - discount
their armour at precisely these spots. At times, this could
involve proactively investing in technology and analytics, Q35.
and _____________ it could be about opening a new line of Efforts have been made in the past to cleanse the sector,
business or service. A late entrant with deeper pockets can but without success .The Appropriate Authority was set up
try and imitate, and even better your strategy. So, think by the tax department for pre-emptive purchase of
about what you are doing that someone with access to property in cases where the value was _____________ .But the
funds cannot easily imitate. What is positively difficult to experiment flopped. There were litigations, the tax
imitate is the culture. What is also positively difficult to department was _____________ with high priced properties,
imitate is IP. And, in a complex business that is not _____________ could not be disposed of. These were
necessarily IPdriven, the quality of execution is equally _____________ to officers for residential purposes. I recall
difficult to imitate. colleagues staying in palatial accommodation in Golf Links,
(a) trade-offs - Sustainable – to be anticipated - at other Malabar Hill and Cuffe Parade. The funds of the
times Government were unnecessarily blocked. The institution
(b) trade-offs - Sustainable - to anticipate - at other times had to be scrapped.
(c) balance - Sustained - to anticipate - at better times (a) Under declare - saddle - most of which - allotted
(d) trade-offs - Sustainable - to be anticipated - at better (b) Under declare - saddle - most of which - allotted
times (c) Under declared - saddled - more of which - allotment
(e) balance - Sustainable - to anticipate - at other times (d) Under declared - saddled - more of which - allotment
(e) Under declared - saddled - most of which - allotted
The reversal of FII flows would also stem the _____________ in Q36.
emerging market currencies. With the rupee stabilising Many businessmen, including small traders, are becoming
and the US Fed’s rate hike decision behind, the RBI would NRIs. Or asking their kin not to return to India after
now be less constrained in easing rates in India. India is completing their studies or employment _____________. In
among the few large economies that can offer monetary 2015, _____________ reversing the money drain, the
_____________ to aid growth. The rate cuts, I believe, may not government is aiding it. Amidst all the talk about attracting
necessarily wait for scheduled policy announcements. FDI, what can be a bigger PR disaster than home-grown
Over the next three months, I would expect RBI to cut rates business leaders planning _____________ their residences and
by 50 basis points. This _____________ some pressure on debt investments overseas? It comes as little surprise that India
_____________ the Foreign Direct Investment Confidence through tieups with wholesalers and marketing agencies,
Index’s Top 10 list for the first time in 10 years. and _____________ them to sell online via cataloging
(a) abroad - instead of - to shift - dropped off companies, it is advantage all the way for sellers.
(b) foreign - Indeed - to shift - dropped off (a) Affected - gain access to - competitive - assisting
(c) foreign - Indeed - to shift - dropped off (b) Affected - gain access to - competitive – assisting
(d) abroad - instead of - to be shifted - decline (c) influences - gaining access - competition - support
(e) abroad - instead of - to be shifted - decline (d) influences - gaining access - competitive - assisting
(e) influences - gaining access - competition – support
Ecommerce marketplaces such as Flipkart, Snapdeal and Q40.
Amazon _____________ revolutionised selling by simply Access to the right infrastructure, both digital and physical,
connecting “sellers of goods” (earlier called traders) and _____________ an issue for most SMEs, particularly traders
“the consumer” _____________ their platforms. In the recent and retailers. We see that large ecommerce companies
past, we have seen the rise of hyperlocal commerce with now provide warehousing facilities for retailers to store
companies connecting neighbourhood stores and service and catalogue their inventory, even extending in-house
providers to consumers, to deliver anything from food and logistics teams or third-party logistics support. This has
groceries to laundry and medicines. What’s _____________ also created _____________ for cataloguing startups that help
important is that everyone seems to finally _____________ sellers list their products online and manage inventory
with spending their rupees online. _____________ marketplaces. It’s not enough to go e-tail,
(a) Had been - across - more - be comfortable sellers have realised, without going digital. Today
(b) have - through - more - be comfortable _____________ before, they all transact online. This creates a
(c) Had been - across - more - be comfortable much easier and transparent digital ecosystem in which to
(d) have - through - most - comfortable with operate.
(e) have - through - more - most - comfortable withc (a) had been - opportunity - across - unlike
(b) had been - opportunity - across – unlike
Q38. (c) has always been - opportunities - through - like
The ecommerce boom has certainly been good for (d) has always been - opportunities - through – like
consumers, but what it has almost _____________ done for (e) has always been - opportunities - across - unlike
sellers is even more phenomenal. India has over 30 million
small and medium enterprises which employ 40 per cent Q41.
of the country’s workforce but _____________ to only 20 per Now, conventional western wisdom holds that by raising
cent of the GDP. There are _____________ for this, but the or lowering interest rates, central banks can curb or
three main reasons are lack of access to markets and a _____________ inflation. Apart from the immediate impact of
consumer base, lack of infrastructure, both digital and rate changes, central bankers supposedly _____________ the
physical, and most important lack of financing. With the power to anchor future inflationary expectations by
growth of ecommerce a large segment of these SMEs has signalling the future course of interest rates. _____________,
suddenly received that much-_____________ shot in the arm. some economists believe that the central bank _____________
(a) Inadvertent - contributed - several reasons - needed only one aim: to target inflation, and not get distracted by
(b) inadvertent - contributed - several reasons - needed other tasks like influencing GDP growth or exports.
(c) inadvertently - contribute - several reasons - needed (a) encourage - have - Indeed - should have
(d) inadvertently - contribute – many factors – need to (b) grow – have been - Indeed - should have
(e) inadvertently - contributde - many factors – need to (c) grow – have been - Indeed - should have
(d) encourage - have - although – would have been
Q39. (e) encourage - have - although – would have been
Even young entrepreneurs with companies less than a year
old are cashing sales of almost `2-3 crore per month. While Q42.
most ecommerce platforms are in the red, sellers are This is a revolution spurred not by policy change or
already profitable. Traditionally a lot of these sellers would government grants but by private capital. The success of
witness cyclical or seasonal _____________ on business that these leagues comes from the work of venture capitalists,
would hinder consistent growth. That has all changed — bankers, business persons, actors, statisticians, an
by _____________ to customers from across the country they international technical crew and an evolving media, who
are able to take advantage of regional festivals and together have all _____________ these sports with
sometimes almost daily offers by ecommerce companies. professionalism and a glossy _____________. This is not to say
Ecommerce companies are taking on traditional retail that cricket is losing its lustre. Far from it. Cricket, our
models, even going to the extent of backing their seller- national obsession, remains the _____________ sport in India.
partners with all the machinery that they need to win in a The 2015 World Cup, despite being played in an
highly _____________ market. From propping them up ‘inconvenient’ time zone, delivered the best ever ratings
for any event on television. But cricket is no longer the (c) will produce - Many reasons - tabulated – doesn’t say
only sport occupying the national _____________ anymore. (d) will produce - Many reasons - tabulated – doesn’t say
(a) Embedded - shade – most watched - consciousness (e) will produce - Many reasons - index - didn’t say
(b) injected - veneer – most watched - consciousness
(c) Embedded - shade – most watched - consciousness Q46.
(d) injected - veneer – more watch - conscience No matter how great you think your product is, it will
(e) injected - veneer – more watch – conscience always improve _____________ if you go beyond India to tap
other markets and find other users who will try it. In
Q43. Singapore, we learnt a lot about how healthcare is
Already the success of the franchise based leagues is practiced in a developed country, how responsive and
turning sport into an aspirational _____________ for scalable our infrastructure _____________. We took a lot of
youngsters. The support of private capital assures these learnings and put them back into our product so that
lucrative _____________, while the platform these leagues the next version was 10x better. What we also did was to
provide ensure players get the _____________ they deserve. not build a ‘Singapore version’ – we decided that if we go
Today, our sporting heroes come from sports beyond only to a country and learn something that is better, we will
cricket. Hand in hand with our growing success on the _____________ our product globally _____________ that, not do
global sporting stage, sports persons competing in boxing, isolated versions for each country.
shooting, snooker, wrestling, chess, golf, and most recently, (a) significantly - needs to be - upgrade - to reflect
kabaddi and football are _____________ becoming household (b) significant – need to - upgrade - to reflect
names. (c) significant – need to - upgrade - to reflect
(a) Efforts - incomes - recognition - increasingly (d) significantly - needs to be - enhance - to glimpse
(b) Efforts - incomes - recognition - increasingly (e) significantly - needs to be - enhance - to glimpse
(c) endeavour - remuneration - recognition - increasingly
(d) endeavour - remuneration - recognised - increasing Q47.
(e) endeavour - remuneration - recognised - increasing So, if the taxman was to discover an undisclosed
immovable property in India acquired in 2010, it
Q44. _____________ taxed not at the current market value but at
The core of the Chinese economic policy is to create jobs at the price paid for the property at the time of its purchase.
_____________ cost, as long as basic raw material costs are But, as per the Black Money Act, the current market value
covered. The banks, _____________, are funded by the People’s of the foreign property on the date of its _____________ would
Bank of China, which prints currency notes to _____________ be subjected to tax. This means that the tax shall
that this cycle continues as it brings in the dollars, _____________ payable on the ‘black money’ paid to acquire
generates jobs and ensures that China can continue its the property, but also on the appreciation in the price of
breakneck speed of economic growth. The same holds for the property — not to mention the _____________ in the
infrastructure. The banks _____________ tons of companies foreign currency.
who build ghost cities, highways to nowhere and buildings (a) would have been - disclosed - not only be -
that no one occupies because the investment growth appreciation
remains high and no one looks at economic returns. (b) would be - disclosure - not only be - appreciation
(a) all - on the other issue - ensure - fund (c) would have been - disclosed - not only be -
(b) all - on the other issue - ensure - fund appreciation
(c) any - on the other hand – make sure of – funding (d) would be - disclosure - nor only been - appreciate
(d) any - on the other hand - ensure - fund (e) would be - disclosure - not nor only been - appreciate
(e) any - on the other hand - make sure of – funding
Q45. What is likely to be debated over a far longer time is
We constantly ask when India _____________ the next Google, whether a government has the right to _____________ decide
Facebook or Uber. _____________ are given but I believe it what kind of food products are to be sold and consumed.
starts with the thinking. You must, right at the start, think But, most importantly, what must not be forgotten is the
and believe that your product, your company, is global. impact this ‘meat ban’ issue _____________ and such
Google didn’t say it wants to index all information in prohibitions in general can have on business in India. Such
Mountain View, or California, or the United States. No. It signals are especially _____________ for any kind of attempts
said it wants to _____________ all the information in the world being made to improve ‘ease of doing business’ in India.
— global from Day One. Similarly, Uber _____________ it is the Used frequently as a battle cry for progress, ‘ease of doing
private driver for everyone in the United States. It said business’ has become a slogan that the central government
‘Everyone’s private driver.’ Global from Day One. proudly and frequently flaunts and promises to better. But
(a) will be produced - some reasons - index - didn’t say _____________helping India become an easier place to do
(b) will be produced - some reasons - index - didn’t say business — meat, online retail, F&B, anything — the
government’s priorities seem misplaced. A much- fixed habitat. It has to fly to a new spot, sometimes
publicised ‘Will shops be closed or will they remain open?’ _____________ food, some other times to escape harsh
discourse can deliver a big blow to India’s already winters, the reasoning the same each time-the desire to
lackadaisical image for doing business. survive. Migration as a phenomenon is nature’s
(a) unilateral – more specific - retrogressive - instead of remarkable way of _____________ Darwin’s theory-‘Survival
(b) unilateral – more specific - retrogressive - instead of of the fittest’; the Syrian migrants _____________ the theory
(c) unilaterally - in particular - retrogressive - instead of even more vehemently.
(d) unilaterally - in particular - progressive - although (a) encompassing - in search of - validating -
(e) unilaterally - in particular - progressive - although authenticating
(b) encompass - in lieu of - validating - authenticating
Q49. (c) encompass - in lieu of - validating - authenticating
The World Bank’s ‘ease of doing business’ report considers (d) encompassing - in search of - including - approving
a number of factors in its assessment. These _____________ (e) encompassing - in search of - including - approving
what it takes to start a business, procuring licences and
permits to operate, registering properties, protection of Q52.
minority investors, certainty in taxation, enforcement of The current migrant _____________ also brings to light the
contracts and resolving insolvency. The government insecurities and selfish disposition of us humans. The
_____________ to get India in the top 50 within the next two people, who ought to support us, comfort us, cheer us in
years. For that to be achieved, for starters, arbitrary bans times of distress, give us a _____________. These are the
and diktats need _____________. Meat sellers and businesses, people who speak the same language, adorn the same garb,
both in the organised and unorganised sectors, have been practise the same rituals, celebrate the same festivals,
_____________, as have the food chains selling meat-based indulge in same nosh, pray to the same God- but give us
food products. With revenues being lost, and unexpected apathy when we seek their _____________. The 5 wealthiest
impediments to doing business, this unpredictability and countries of the Arabian Peninsula namely Saudi Arabia,
wanton disregard for the interests of businesses hardly UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain- none of these lousy rich
bodes well. economies _____________ considered offering a roof to the
(a) Take into account - has to be vowed - to ban - affected homeless Syrians. They take comfort in the fact that they
(b) Take into account - has to be vowed - to ban - affected financially support refugee camps in Jordan, Turkey and
(c) include - has vowed – to be banned - effected Lebanon, thus doing their bit.
(d) include - has vowed - to ban - affected (a) disaster – Luke warm - asylum - have even
(e) include - has vowed - to be banned - effected (b) crisis - cold shoulder - asylum - have even
(c) disaster – Luke warm - asylum - have even
Q50. (d) crisis - cold shoulder – support - have even been
Although the World Bank’s ‘ease of doing business’ report (e) crisis - cold support - have even been
may not _____________ its analysis such anomalous situations
like a government’s arbitrary action and diktat fuelled by Q53.
some lobby or another affecting business, this _____________ Think of the times when you felt vulnerable, miserable and
makes any analysis on a comprehensive ‘ease of doing _____________. What did you desire the most in that
business’ report incomplete. The case in point being that situation? A kin offering you few thousands of dollars to
_____________ the widespread and competitive meat bans in rebuilt your life, sans the emotions? _____________ that kind
various states last week, the issue won’t reflect in India’s of support suffice? Or did you seek a dear one offering you
ranking, despite business on the ground being severely a shoulder _____________, have him wipe off your tears, have
affected. This means that corporate institutions will look at him hold your hand assuringly and tell you- All will be OK!
the actual ground _____________ in India rather than just I find solace in words of kindness, I feel reassured with a
World Bank rankings, and decide for themselves whether warm hug, I feel consoled with a gesture that _____________ a
doing business in India is worth their efforts or not. sense of belonging. And I need all this even if I am behind
(a) corporate into - separation - despite - realities the eight ball.
(b) corporate into - separation - despite - realities (a) Hoping for – Would be - to lean on - conveys
(c) incorporate in - exclusion - indeed - reality (b) Hoping for – Would be - to lean on - conveys
(d) incorporate in - exclusion - indeed - reality (c) hopeless - Would - to lean on - conveys
(e) incorporate in - exclusion - despite - realities (d) hopeless - Would - to lay around - deliver
(e) hopeless - Would - to lay around - deliver
Birds migrate long stretches, sometimes even thousands of Q54.
miles between its breeding and non-breeding ground, a It is appalling to see how these Gulf nations, floating in
journey _____________ many hiccups, often perilous, but it wealth, show no compassion or _____________ responsibility
doesn’t have the luxury to reproduce and blossom in a of this crisis. It’s indeed a disgrace to the Muslim
community who are shying away from taking the onus. But our research _____________ that investors cannot operate
How can they turn their backs to their ‘own’ people? Yes, on divided attention. Major non-market attention-grabbing
the refugees do need the financial support _____________the events overwhelm firm _____________ information carrying
pieces of their once beautiful life; no denying that fact. But strong sentiment. For example, when Hazare was on his
what they need the most is _____________. A flourishing fast, a positive news item on Coal India gaining Maharatna
economy like Kuwait would have been an ideal ground for status _____________ negative sentiment. Its price fell by
the abandoned _____________ because of similar customs, almost 2 per cent over the next two days. Around the same
language, beliefs. Closing doors to these destitute and period, there was neutral-to positive news on Infosys with
asking them to seek asylum elsewhere(EU being the most officials _____________ in talks to have the IT company set up
popular choice) where they are alien to their language, local presence. Strangely, the stock reported a negative
rituals,festivals and customs , reflects the inhumane and cumulative abnormal return (CAR) of 1 per cent in the two
insensitive stance of these nations and its leaders. days around the Hazare event.
(a) Shared by - to take up - compassion - to recapitulate (a) has been shown – in particular - generated - reportedly
(b) Shared by - to take up - compassion - to recapitulate (b) has shown - specific - generated - reportedly
(c) sharing of - to pick up - no disturbance - to recalculate (c) has been shown – in particular - generated - reportedly
(d) sharing of - to pick up - compassion - to recapitulate (d) has shown - specific - develop - reported
(e) sharing of - to pick up - no disturbance - to recalculate (e) has shown - specific - develop - reported
Q55. Q58.
Though there’s a lot of buzz on rehabilitating the refugees, Let’s simply decode the first verse of the Rig Veda.
the world _____________ needs to focus all its energies on Language experts have concluded that there are older
ways to consummate the 4-year long civil war. The world verses in the Rig Veda, _____________ when the books were
is _____________ over the Syrian crisis. Russia and Iran re-organized, this verse was located as the first one. A
backing the Assad regime whereas US, Europe alongside traditionalist will try to exclude general public people from
few Gulf countries want Assad to vacate power. The the decoding exercise using various _____________ reasons.
_____________ want Assad to continue to prevent Syria from These isolationist rules were created to protect the
falling into further chaos, thus allowing subsequent _____________ of hymns, but _____________ breeding corruption
strengthening of IS’s foothold. The latter want to dislodge in the priestly class, much like the License Raj. Again it is a
Assad’s regime _____________ all the atrocities conducted by burden we do not bear in the 21st century. The hymn is
him; the reason behind the break of civil war. identified as Rig Veda 1.1.1, meaning it is the first hymn
(a) Along with – division - former - in face of (rig) of the first poem (sukta) of the first of the ten books
(b) Along with – division - former - in face of (mandala).
(c) simultaneously - divided - first - in lieu of (a) So - devout - sanctity - ended up
(d) simultaneously - divided - first - in lieu of (b) So - devout - sanctity - ended up
(e) simultaneously - divided - former - in face of (c) but - orthodox - sanctity - ended up
(d) but - orthodox - religiousness - closed
Q56. (e) but - orthodox - religiousness - closed
The presence of information in electronic _____________ on
real-time basis, and the availability of advanced natural Q59.
language processors, helps one measure sentiment of any Exchange happens between shareholder and the
new information on a continuous basis. Whether an organisation, _____________ employees and the organisation,
investor will act rationally _____________ availability of between customers and the organisation, between the
information depends on the ‘effort’ that the investor state and the organisation. When exchange favours one
_____________ to put in processing such information. Vendors side _____________ we speak of inefficiency, or exploitation,
who provide sentiment scores on news are, in a way, or the absence of ethics. All the various directors and
reducing the mental effort _____________ process any managers and supervisors and team leaders of an
information. They would, therefore, argue that an investor organisation play are the purohitams, the rtviks, the
needs to spend a fraction of her limited attention span to hotras, all _____________ the exchange. German Indologists of
act on available sentiment. the 18th century wrongly translated the word yagna as
(a) format - based on the - would like - required to sacrifice. This meant one group of _____________as it was
(b) Form – basis in the - would like - required to expected to ‘give’ without ‘getting’. But this word has
(c) Form – basis in the - would like - required to glamour in the religious world and so a preferred
(d) format - based on the – must like - requirements translation even amongst those who conduct yagna.
(e) format - based on the - must like - requirements (a) Among - over the latter - participating in - being
Q57. (b) Among - over the latter – participating in - being
(c) between - over the other - including - been exploited While even the ILO refers only to ‘labour’, the fact is that
(d) between - over the other - participating in - being today’s refugees and migrants are often _____________ labour.
exploited They deserve protection from social and political
(e) between - over the other - including - been exploited _____________ and economic discrimination in host nations.
Be it in Europe or in China, in West Asia or North America,
Q60. every modern nation must grant the ‘right of entry’ and
We want to be seen as ‘givers’. But the yagna is as much human security to refugees and migrants, coming
about ‘getting’. Not taking but getting. So yagna is not _____________ the laws of demographics and the human
_____________ a contract, that is the cornerstone of modern instinct for survival. Stringent visa systems and
management, and contract as an idea comes from immigration laws are a 20th century _____________ that have
Abrahamic _____________, not the Vedas. The deity is under no place in the 21st.
no contractual obligation for there is no regulatory (a) Future’s - hostile - to terms with - aberration
authority out there to _____________ we can petition in case (b) Future’s - hostile - to terms with – aberration
of breach of contract. It is all about trust between the (c) tomorrow’s - hostility - to terms with - aberration
buyer and the seller, the seeker and the hoarder. When (d) tomorrow’s - hostility - along with – irregularity
there is decent exchange, relationships _____________ and (e) tomorrow’s - hostility - to along with – irregularity
society prospers. That is the direction in which the first
hymn of the Veda takes us. Q64.
(a) More than - myth - which – thrive It has been argued that right to be forgotten strengthens
(b) More than - myth - which - thrive privacy and _____________ granted when the public interest
(c) quite - mythologies - whom – generate test is satisfied. But acknowledgement of the right would
(d) quite - mythologies - whom – generate indicate that search engines could adjudicate what
(e) quite - mythologies - which - thrive constitutes public interest. An _____________ could be found
in the sensitive data-protection rules under the
Q61. Information Technology Act. This _____________ entail that if
The macro-policy stance and climate are, however, not the right to be forgotten is formally recognised, it should
_____________ to growth. The US Federal Reserve has _____________ to the extent of removal of sensitive personal
_____________ the record of greater success. It achieved this data, and nothing else.
with a dual mandate and not a monetarist perspective — (a) Would have been - option - would - only be allowed
of which inflation targeting is a collateral product. The dual (b) Would have been - option - would - only be allowed
mandate underscores the sovereignty of employment — (c) should be - alternative – would be - only allow
i.e. growth — as an independent policy objective and (d) should be - alternative - would - only be allowed
_____________treat inflation as a monetary _____________. (e) should be - alternative - would be - only allow
(a) conducive - arguably - does not - phenomenon
(b) productive – argue - does not - phenomenon Q65.
(c) productive – argue - does not - phenomenon Ultimately, any such formal recognition must be informed
(d) conducive - arguably - has not been - occurrence by experiences from real-life content removal requests. In
(e) conducive - arguably – has not been - occurrence Europe, where the right to be forgotten _____________, many
of the data-deletion requests involve the _____________ past
Q62. criminal behaviour. Nearly 20% of the requests were for
Despite its fears of migrants, India has been home to removal of reportage relating to fraud, and 12% for
_____________ Nepalis and Bangladeshis. Many moons ago, allegations relating to child pornography. The question
persecuted refugees such as the Parsi community and Jews now is _____________ protection of individual privacy is
_____________ India their home. Countries with totalitarian _____________ important than the protection of an
and authoritarian systems have to also find ways in which uncensored internet.
they can _____________ migrants. Demographic shifts, with (a) recognised - removed of - whether - more
ageing societies losing their global competitiveness, (b) recognised - removed of - whether - more
_____________ this more compelling. (c) has been recognised - removal of - rather – most
(a) Many of – have made - accommodate - have made (d) has been recognised - removal of - rather – most
(b) thousands of - made - accommodate - have made (e) has been recognised - removal of - whether - more
(c) Many of – have made - accommodate - have made
(d) thousands of - made - accommodation – have been Q66.
made A search engine may weigh the public interest in such
(e) thousands of - made - accommodation – have been information _____________ the right of the person seeking its
made removal. But this process is _____________ transparent.
Moreover, drawing attention to the content _____________
Q63. would only further highlight it, creating what is known as a
‘Streisand effect’. With online privacy and data protection Recent plunges in China’s stock markets, currency value
fast becoming important areas of legislative consideration, and economic growth have _____________ global fears. After a
it is only _____________ before proponents of the right to be long spell of gravity defying rise, the sudden spectacle of
forgotten seek its formal approval. But a nuanced China stumbling and panicking _____________ confidence in
conversation about this right will only get off the ground President Xi Jinping’s ‘dream of national _____________ has
after a comprehensive right to privacy is established. upset calculations of not just Chinese consumers and
(a) against - seldom - being removed - a matter of time producers, but _____________ international stakeholders.
(b) In accordance with - sometimes - being removed - a (a) promoted - sustained - rejuvenation - also of
matter of time (b) promoted - sustained - rejuvenation - also of
(c) In accordance with - sometimes - being removed - a (c) triggered - to sustain - reformation - including
matter of time (d) triggered - to sustain - rejuvenation’ - also of
(d) against - seldom - been removed - a case of time (e) triggered - to sustain - reformation – including
(e) against - seldom - been removed - a case of time
Q67. The core failure exposed by China’s fall from double digit
The brewing industry in India has, of late, turned flat. GDP growth to approximately 5% or less is in the working
Foreign players such as Heineken and Budweiser are now of its state capitalist system. Excessive _____________ of
strong leaders in the market. But the Indian beer industry economic decision-making authority in Xi’s own hands at
has been _____________ from its growth potential because of the expense of Premier Li Keqiang, who is theoretically
stringent taxation policies and availability, along with _____________ the economy, and the former’s contradictory
curbs on distribution. This, in turn, is the _____________ no priorities of cracking down on official corruption while
distinction made between beverages with low alcoholic preserving the commanding position of public sector
content like beer and wine and spirits like whisky and enterprises, _____________ a major hand in China’s
vodka. Most beers have a 6% alcoholic _____________, while contemporary troubles. Speculative bubbles in real estate
most liquor has 40% and above. In India, however, they and overcapacity in manufacturing and infrastructure had
are all clubbed as ‘daaru’. In countries such as Germany _____________ the Chinese GDP racehorse for years and oiled
and France, spirits are taxed at six times the rate of beer the palms of the Communist Party bureaucracy.
where the price and tax distinction _____________ alcohol (a) focus - acceptance for - have played - fuelled
content. (b) focus - acceptance for - have played - fuelled
(a) promoted - affect of - content - are based on (c) concentration - responsible for - have being played -
(b) thwarted - result of - content - are based on promoted
(c) promoted - affect of - content - are based on (d) concentration - responsible for - have been played -
(d) thwarted - result of – constituents - basis on promoted
(e) thwarted - result of - constituents - basis on (e) concentration - responsible for - have played - fuelled
Q68. Q71.
This heavy taxation _____________ in beer being seen as a Xi is widely accepted as the most authoritarian Chinese
‘high-end’ drink driving drinkers to hard spirits. The leader since Deng Xiaoping. Some _____________ labelled him
current policies of each and every state government are as a 21st century Mao Zedong. _____________, this control
_____________ aimed at raising revenues from the alcoholic freak ideology has limits in keeping the lid on underlying
beverage sector without differentiating between problems. The series of ‘administrative interventions’
categories of low and high alcoholic beverages. These ordered by Xi in the past few weeks _____________ the
policies _____________ social needs and objectives, thereby bearish stock market, put a floor on the renminbi’s
driving drinkers to opt for liquor consumption. One must depreciation, and prevent capital flight _____________ that the
appeal to the states to stop looking _____________ at beer strongman method of crisis-response does not compensate
producers to fund their coffers. for fundamental economic weaknesses.
(a) has been resulted - indiscriminate- overlook - (a) have even - However - to prop up - reveal
overwhelmingly (b) Have been even - Therefore - to prop up - reveal
(b) has been resulted - indiscriminate - overlook - (c) Have been even - Therefore - to prop up - reveal
overwhelmingly (d) have even - However - to gain for - explore
(c) has resulted - indiscriminately - overlook - (e) have even - However - to gain for - explore
(d) has resulted - indiscriminately - overturn - increasingly Q72.
(e) has resulted - indiscriminately - overturn - increasingly Countries that keep adapting institutions and policies can
maintain rapid growth _____________ others, Harvard’s Dani
Q69. Rodrik has long argued. Strategies that work for moving
from low to middle income must change for progress to
upper-middle income, or later to high income. Such While the good is getting better, the bad may be getting
adaptations are difficult. Hence, discontinuities are far _____________. The situation in Afghanistan, including
_____________ than sustained growth. Acemoglu and Pakistan’s role in planting designated terrorists as the new
Robinson emphasise the role of institutions — these need Taliban ‘leaders’ with _____________ US acceptance, has
to keep _____________ sophistication and quality. Constant alarmed New Delhi. Washington’s continuous _____________
improvements _____________ in the quality of government to believe in Islamabad’s myth-making abilities _____________
services, transaction and accounting practices, a sour point but the latest play has made New Delhi
transparency and accountability, and predictability of extremely unhappy.
policies and legal interpretations. (a) worst - clear - tendency - has always been
(a) more longer than - common - improving in - are (b) worst - clear - tendency - has always been
needed (c) worse - apparent -tend - has always being
(b) much longer than - commoner - improving in - are (d) worse - apparent - tendency - tend - has always being
needed (e) worse - apparent - tendency - has always been
(c) more longer than - common - improving in - are needed
(d) much longer than - commoner - improved on - need Q76.
(e) much longer than - commoner - improved on - need Consider this target: “By 2030 ensure all learners
_____________ knowledge and skills _____________ promote
Q73. sustainable development, including among others through
Soon Gasim’s business interests were targeted and he was education for sustainable development and sustainable
hit with a $100 million fine for delay in developing the lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a
islands that were leased out to him. His bank accounts culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and
were _____________, his business temporarily crippled; so appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s
much so that he _____________ pay salaries of thousands of _____________ to sustainable development”. It is hard to know
his employees. Gasim was forced to make a deal with then what is promised, _____________ how it will be implemented,
Tourism Minister, now elevated to the post of Vice monitored or evaluated.
President, Mohd. Adheeb, widely _____________ the money (a) acquire - needed to - contribution - recent
bag of the President. Never before had the Tourism (b) Has been acquired – require to - contribution - recent
Industry, the mainstay of the country’s economy had been (c) Has been acquired – require to - contribution - recent
caught in the crosshairs of country’s politics. Yameen soon (d) acquire - needed to - support - recently
realized that _____________ inviting the wrath of thousands of (e) acquire - needed to - support – at present
employees, it is better to strike down Gasim’s political
ambitions. ANSWERS :
(a) Being frozen – would have been - known as - instead of 1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6a 7b
(b) Being frozen – would have been - known as - instead of 8c 9d 10 e 11 a 12 b 13 c 14 d
(c) frozen - could not - known as - instead of 15 e 16 a 17 b 18 c 19 d 20 e 21 a
(d) frozen - could not – knew for – in spite of 22 b 23 c 24 d 25 e 26 a 27 b 28 c
(e) frozen - could not - knew for – despite 29 d 30 e 31 a 32 b 33 c 34 d 35 e
36 a 37 b 38 c 39 d 40 e 41 a 42 b
Q74. 43 c 44 d 45 e 46 a 47 b 48 c 49 d
The Americans remain officially optimistic, even if a little 50 e 51 a 52 b 53 c 54 d 55 e 56 a
impatient, at India’s pace of economic reforms. But when 57 b 58 c 59 d 60 e 61 a 62 b 63 c
two countries as _____________ as India and the US get 64 d 65 e 66 a 67 b 68 c 69 d 70 e
together to face complex _____________the world, there will 71 a 72 b 73 c 74 d 75 e 76 a
be things that don’t work. The focus, say US officials, is and
should be on implementation. Both Barack Obama and
Modi are sensitive that past _____________ about the world’s
most powerful and the largest democracies walking into
the sunset together has begun sounding _____________. When
they last met, they agreed to focus on getting things done.
(a) mix - restrictions of - rhetoric - hollow
(b) mix - restrictions of - rhetoric - hollow
(c) diverse - challenges of - oratory – hollowness
(d) diverse - challenges of - rhetoric - hollow
(e) diverse - challenges of - oratory – hollowness