Effects of Salt, Vinegar and Bleach in Accelerating Rusting of Iron
Effects of Salt, Vinegar and Bleach in Accelerating Rusting of Iron
Effects of Salt, Vinegar and Bleach in Accelerating Rusting of Iron
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5 authors, including:
Murugan Thirumalai
All content following this page was uploaded by Murugan Thirumalai on 11 November 2020.
Abstract: This investigation is primarily focusing on the effect of salt, vinegar and bleach in accelerating rusting of
an iron. We use nails, common salt, bleach powder and five percent vinegar solution. The nails are partially immersed in
the solutions contained in petri dishes labeled A to G and in the distilled water contained in petri dish ‘H’. Petri dish ‘A’
contains 30mls bleach solution of 66.66g/dm 3 concentration, Petri dish ‘B’ contains 30mls of five percent vinegar
solution, Petri dish ‘C’ contains 30mls salt solution (common salt) of 66.66g/dm 3 concentration. Petri dish ‘D’ contains
30mls of five percent vinegar solution dissolves 2g of bleach powder. Petri dish ‘E’ contain 30mls solution dissolves 2g of
bleach powder and 2g of salt. Petri dish ‘F’ contain 30mls of five percent vinegar solution dissolves 2g of salt (common
salt). Petri dish ‘G’ contain 30mls of five percent vinegar solution dissolves 2g of bleach powder and 2g of salt. Petri dish
‘H’ contain distilled water only. The weight of the nails contained in each petri dish is recorded after every 24 hours for
seven days. The results obtained are interpreted and discussed through different graphs. The results show that the rate of
rusting on the nails contained in petri dish ‘D’ is highest followed by nails contained in petri dish ‘A’, followed by nails
contained in petri dish ‘E’, followed by nails contained in petri dish G, followed by nails contained in petri dish C,
followed by nails contained in petri dish F, followed by nails contained in petri dish B and lastly the nails contained in
petri dish H which show the least rate of rusting. This brings the conclusion that, bleach, common salt and vinegar
accelerate the rate of rusting.
further enhanced. Rust contains iron (III) ions, so the formed of deposition i.e. Where, Eo is the standard reversible
undergoes redox reaction, to give as follows. potential, Mn+ the unit activity of dissolved metal ions, R the
4 + →4 + 2 ------------------(iii) gas constant, T the absolute temperature, F the Faraday and
the number of electrons transferred per ion. No further metal
and undergo following acid base reactions with
dissolution is witnessed once the potential reaches the
reversible potential. Typically only a very small quantity of
+ 2 ⇌ + 2 -------------(iv) metal is dissolved during this process.
+ 3 ⇌ + 3 -------------(v) However the reverse potential is not often reached and the
Ultimately, a series of hydrated iron oxides is formed as potential stays more positive due to other reactions which are
rust. removing the electrons from the metal. For example, in acid
⇌ + ------------------------------------(vi) solutions hydrogen gas is produced as the electrons react with
⇌ + -----------------------(vii) hydrogen ions that have been absorbed on the metal surface
⇌ + -------------------------(viii) from the solution.
Rybolt and Mebane (2010) Have investigated on effect
acid rain on materials. Acid rain causes corrosion on metals
such as iron which rusts. You may see corrosion (rust) on the II. METHODOLOGY
nails in the vinegar in just the few hours. Most unprotected
metals corrode when exposed to air and water. Acid like that APPARATUS AND MATERIALS
found in acidic rain, can accelerate the corrosion of metals. He
observed how the acids in vinegar corrodes iron. The amount In order to successfully conducting the experiment, the
of acid in vinegar is approximated 100 times more than what following apparatus and materials were used. Apparatus used
is found in acidic rain around many urban areas. By using a are as follows;
strong acid in this experiment, you can observe the corrosive Petri dishes
effect of acid on metals more rapidly. Measuring cylinder
According to Zarras and Smith (2014) Corrosion is a Digital weighing Balance [measures up 2 decimal
naturally occurring development, typically defined as places]
degradation of the material properties as a result of its Spatula
interaction with the environment over a period of time. This Dropper
definition is true for any type of material including plastics, Bleach powder
however it is often reserved for metallic alloys. In the region Vinegar
80 of the known chemical elements are metals (Figure 1). Of Salt (NaCl)
these metals roughly half can be alloyed with other metals, the Nails (3 inches)
subsequent composition of the alloy will determine the Distilled water
physical, chemical and mechanical properties (Speight, 1st
Edition). The literature illustrates that the corrosion resistance PROCEDURES
of alloys such as stainless steels can be ignificantly enhanced
by appropriate alloying (Olsson and Landolt, 2003). The procedures were described below.
The surface of all metals with the exception of gold Firstly, eight Petri dishes are cleaned and labeled letter A
contains an oxide film when in air. This protective oxide film to H.
has a tendency to dissolve when submerged in an oxidizing A solution of 30mls made of 2gram (g) of bleach and
environment, exposing the bare metal surface resulting in a water are put in Petri dish labeled A
susceptibility to corrosion (Hinds). However a passive film is Then 30mls of vinegar is put in Petri dish labeled B
formed during the bare metal surface exposure which will A solution of 30mls made of 2g of salt and distilled water
reduce the reaction rate of the corrosion by several orders of are put in Petri dish labeled C
magnitude Electrochemistry of Corrosion A solution of 30mls made of 2g of bleach and vinegar
The discussion of the electrochemistry of corrosion below are put in Petri dish labeled D
has been summarized from the literature found in (Hinds). In A solution of 30mls made of 2g of bleach,2g of salt and
the case where an oxide film has dissolved entirely with the water are put in Petri dish labeled E
metal surface exposed to the oxidizing solution, the positively A solution of 30 mls made of 2g of salt and Vinegar are
charged metal ions will transfer from the metal into the put in petri dish labeled F
solution, leaving electrons behind on the metal i.e. A solution of 30 mls made of 2g of bleach,2g of salt and
The left over electrons in the metal lead to an increase in Vinegar are put in petri dish labeled G
negative charge resulting in an electrode potential between the Then 30mls of distilled water is put in petri dish labeled
metal and solution, which in turn becomes further negative. As H
the electrode potential changes the reaction that was taking 16 nails are well cleaned with the help of sand paper
place above is slowed down until it is reversed with the A pairs of nails is carefully measured and the data is
deposition of dissolved metals ions from the solution on the recorded.
metal surface now being encouraged i.e. A stable potential A measured pair of nails is put in each petri dish from A
also known as the reversible potential (Er) is achieved when to H and left for 24 hours
the rate of dissolution of metal ions becomes equal to the rate
The mass of each pair of nails is measured after cleaning C. INTERPRETATION AND DISCUSSION
[removing rust] for every after 24 hours and the data is
recorded Consider petri dish ‘A’ which contains nails that are
partially immersed in 30mls bleach solution of 66.66
g/dm3 concentration and petri dish ‘H’ which contain nails
that are partially immersed in distilled water. Rate of
rusting in petri dish ‘A’ is higher than the rate of rusting
in petri dish ‘H’. This can be explained by the fact that,
active ingredient in bleach is a chemical compound called
sodium hypochlorite. It acts as an oxidizing agent,
ionizing other materials by removing electrons from
them; this is why it removes stains from clothes and kills
germs. The oxidizing properties of bleach accelerate
rusting; iron loses electrons more readily in the presence
of bleach than in plain water.
Day 1 Day2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Petri 1.416 1.864 2.088 2.311 2.460 2.61 3.803
dish ‘A’ 9 3 7 9 1
Petri 0.076 0.152 0.380 0.456 0.532 0.608 0.684
dish ‘H’ 1 2 3 3 4 4
Table 4.3: Mass change in percentage of petri dish A and H in
Figure 3.1: Petri dishes containing nails in solutions on the seven days
first day
Consider petri dish ‘F’ which contains nails that are Day 1 Day2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
partially immersed in 30mls of five percent vinegar Petri dish 0.762 1.1433 1.4482 1.753 2.0579 2.5152 2.7439
solution dissolves 2g of salt (common salt) and petri dish Petri dish 0.076 0.1521 0.3802 0.4563 0.5323 0.6084 0.6844
‘H’ which contain nails that are partially immersed in ‘H’
distilled water. Rate of rusting in petri dish ‘F’ is higher Table 4.8: showing mass change in percentage between petri
than the rate of rusting in petri dish ‘H’. This can be dish G and H in seven days
explained by the fact that, salt accelerates the rusting
process by lowering the electrical resistance of water.
Rust happens through a chemical process called oxidation
in which metal atoms lose electrons, forming ions. The
more easily the electrons flow from iron to oxygen, the
quicker the metal rusts. Vinegar in water conducts
electricity better than water alone, facilitating the
movement of electrons and ions during the rusting
process. Also because it contains a dilute form of acetic
acid; positive hydrogen ions in the acid remove electrons
from iron, ionizing it and making it susceptible to rust
Day 1 Day2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Figure 4.7 Percentage mass change of nails in petri dish G
Petri 0.224 0.4481 0.6721 0.8962 1.1202 1.3443 1.5683 and H against Days
dish ‘F’ Petri Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Petri 0.076 0.1521 0.3802 0.4563 0.5323 0.6084 0.6844 Dish
dish A 1.4169 1.8643 2.088 2.3117 2.4609 2.61 3.8031
‘H’ B 0.0758 0.3033 0.3791 0.6823 0.9098 0.9856 1.0614
Table 4.8: Mass change in percentage between petri dish F C 0.2288 0.6102 1.2204 1.373 1.5256 2.441 2.6697
and H in seven days D 1.753 2.2104 2.439 2.6677 2.9726 3.2774 4.8018
E 0.9931 1.1459 1.3751 1.5278 1.6807 1.8335 2.0626
F 0.224 0.4481 0.6721 0.8962 1.1202 1.3443 1.5683
G 0.7622 1.1433 1.4482 1.753 2.0579 2.5152 2.7439
H 0.076 0.1521 0.3802 0.4563 0.5323 0.6084 0.6844
Table 4.9: Percentage mass change of nails
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