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®  o 
2010 MaxxFor
Max xForce
ce  11 and 13L r 
Diagnostics  a 

Study Guide D 
130  g 



©2011 Navistar,
Navis tar, Inc.
4201 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555.

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without the express written permission of
Navistar, Inc.
©2011 Navistar,
Navis tar, Inc.
4201 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555.

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be duplicated

or stored in an information retrieval system
without the express written permission of
Navistar, Inc.
 Table of Contents
Content s
INTRODUCTION ................................................................

MODULE 1: Required
Required Tests ............................................3
Section 1: Overview .............................................................3
Section 2 : Starting Issues
Is sues ..................................................3
Part 1: Overview ............................................................
Part 2: Visual Inspection .............................................4
Part 3:
3 : DTC’s and Sensor Comparison......................5
Part 4: Engine
Engine Cranking
Cranking ...............................................
Section 3: Performance
Performance Issues .........................................7
Part 1: Overview ............................................................
Part 2: Visual Inspection/ DTC’s and Sensor
Comparison ......................................................8
Part 3 : Engine Low Idle to High Idle ..........................8
Part 4:
4 : High-Pressure Pump Test Test.............................11
Part 5: Key On Engine Running Air Management
Test ...................................................................
................................................................... 11
Part 6: Road Test .........................................................12

MODULE 2: Special Tests for the Fuel Supply

Section 1: Overview ...........................................................1
Section 2 : System Priming
Section 3: Delivery Pressure ...........................................1
Section 4: Low-Pressure Pump Dead Head Test .........17
Section 5: Aeration and Restriction ...............................18
Part 1: Overview ..........................................................18
Part 2: Aeration Test ...................................................
Part 3:
3 : Restriction
Rest riction Test ..............................................19

3 : Special Tests
Tests for the High-Pressure
Fuel System............................................................
 Table of Contents
Content s
Section 1: Overview ..........................................................
.......................................................... 23
Section 2 : FRP Sensor.....................................................
..................................................... 23
Section 3:
3 : Pump
Pump Inlet Pressure
Pressure .....................................
..................................... 24
Section 4 : Injector Fuel Return ......................................
...................................... 25
Section 5:
5 : Pressure Relief
Relief Valve
Valve ................................... 26
Section 6 : Rail Pressure Leak Isolation
Isolation ....................... 27
Section 7: Pump Return
Return Pressure ................................. 28
Section 8 : ServiceMaxx™
ServiceMaxx™ : Relative
Relative Compression
Compression ......
...... 29
Section 9:
9 : ServiceMaxx™: Cylinder
Cylinder Cut-Out
Cut-Out ..........
..... 30
Section 10: ServiceMaxx™:
ServiceMax x™: Injector Replacement ......31

4 : Special Tests Tests for the Cold Start Assist
Section 1: Overview ..........................................................
.......................................................... 35
Section 2:
2 : System Test
Test ....................................................
.................................................... 35
Section 3:
3 : Igniter Current
Current Draw .....................................
..................................... 36
Section 4:
4 : Solenoid
Solenoid Fuel Supply
Supply ...................................
................................... 37
Section 5 : Igniter Fuel Supply
Supply ........................................
........................................ 38

MODULE 5: Special Tests for the Air Management

Section 1: Overview ...........................................................4
Section 2 : Air Control Valve
Section 3:
3 : Centrifugal
Centrifugal Oil Separator
Separator ............................ 42
Section 4:
4 : Crankcase
Crankcase Pressure ......................................
...................................... 44
Section 5: ServiceMaxx™
ServiceMaxx™ : O2 Sensor Calibrat
ion ..... 45

CONCLUSION ................................................................
Introduction 1

Introduction Objectives

Upon completion of this

Welcome to this engine training course, you will be able to:
course, 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and • Identify the steps and
13 Diagnostics for Technicians. This procedures used to diagnose
 starting and performance
course will introduce technicians to the issues.
diagnostic procedures used to solve
•Use ServiceMaxx™ to
starting and performance problems. perform various engine
engine tests.
tests .

This program consists of this

introduction and the following five ! WARNING
modules : Required Tests, Special
To prevent personal
Tests for the Fuel Supply System,
injury or death,
Special Tests for the High-Pressure the engine must
Fuel System, Special Tests for the Cold be stationary for
Start Assist System, and Special Tests at least 5 minutes
before performing
for the Air Management System. any work on the high-
pressure fuel system
Upon completion of this course, you to allow for system
will be able to identify the steps and depressurization. Use
procedures used to diagnose both the Electronic Service
Tool to monitor fuel
starting and engine performance rail pressure and cycle
issues, and use ServiceMaxx™ to the ignition switch to
perform various engine tests. the OFF position. Turn
the key-on with the
engine off to verify
that rail pressure is
within a safe range
before opening any
high-pressure fuel line
2 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Module 1: Required Tests 3

Required Tests Module 1

The diagnostic manual on ISIS ® “This module
includes both Hard-Start No-Start and will cover the
Performance Diagnostic procedures. required tests
Each of these sections is divided into
used to diagnose
required tests and special tests. This
module will cover the required tests  both starting
used to diagnose both starting and and performance
performance issues. issues.” 

Refer to the electronic control system

and performance specifications
sections in the diagnostic manual when
performing engine tests.

Starting Issues
There are several tests used to identify
the cause of a starting issue. These
tests are divided into required tests and
special system tests.

Always perform the required tests in “Always perform

sequence, and perform the special the required tests
tests only when directed by the results in sequence.” 
of a required test.

If the cause of the problem is found

when performing a required test, repair
the fault and retest. If the problem
was corrected, do not complete any
remaining required tests. In addition,
always use the latest service literature
when servicing an engine.
4 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

First, we’ll explain the required tests for

starting issues.

There are three required tests for

starting issues. They are:
• Visual Inspection
• DTCs and Sensor Comparison
• Engine Cranking Test

Visual Inspection
“The first required The first required test for starting issues
test for starting is a visual inspection of the engine and
issues is a visual its subsystems.
inspection.”  Start by checking the engine oil and
quality. Is the oil the correct weight? Is
the oil diluted or its viscosity changed
from fuel or coolant contamination?

Check the coolant level and quality.

Is the coolant level low or are there
traces of oil mixed in with the coolant?
Problems in these systems may indicate
a mechanical issue with the engine.

Check the fuel level in the tank and

take a fuel sample from the primary
filter. Check for:
• poor fuel quality
• water
• sediment
• clouding
• ice crystals in the fuel
Module 1: Required Tests 5

Check the entire air management “Look for loose

system from the air filter housing to connections that
the intake manifold. Look for loose will allow dirt
connections that will allow dirt and
and dust to enter
dust to enter the system. The presence
of either will quickly wear the liners to the system.” 
the point of low compression and hard

Check the Electrical System for chaffed

wiring or broken connections.

Check the exhaust system. Leaks

around the Exhaust Aftertreatment
Assembly or dented pipes could be
a sign of a high restriction that could
prevent the engine from starting.

Any issues found during the visual “Any issues found

inspection should be repaired before during the visual
continuing. inspection should
DTC’s and Sensor Comparison  be repaired before
The second required test for starting continuing.” 
issues is to check for DTC’s and
compare sensor values. Start by turning
the ignition key to the ON position.

Connect the Electronic Service Tool, or

EST, and record the sensor values and
any active, pending, previously active,
or healing Diagnostic Trouble Codes.
Evaluate previously active and healing
codes, which have a high number of
6 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

If an active or pending code exists,

refer to the Diagnostic Trouble Codes
section of the diagnostic manual.

“If any sensor If any sensor values are suspect,

values are suspect, compare the data collected with the
compare the signal values section of the manual.
data collected Engine Cranking
with the signal The last required test for starting issues
values section is the Engine Cranking test. This test
of the manual.”  allows you to analyze the engine’s
systems by monitoring specific sensor
values while cranking.

Start by opening the Hard-Start No-

Start session in ServiceMaxx™.

Begin recording and crank the engine

for 10 to 20 seconds.

“Compare Compare the recorded session values

the recorded to the cranking specifications.
 session values If no rpm signal is present, see CKP
to the cranking Sensor and CMP Sensor in Electronic
 specifications.”  Control Systems Diagnostics.

If either Engine Speed or Switched

Battery was less than the
specifications, check the starting and
charging system.

If the Turbocharger 1 Turbine Outlet

Pressure, or TC1TOP, was greater
than the specification, excessive
backpressure may be causing the no-
start condition. Check this by opening
Module 1: Required Tests 7

the exhaust before the pre-DOC and

then retest.

If the Diesel Particulate Filter “If the Diesel

Differential Pressure, or DPFDP, was Particulate Filter
greater than the specification, excessive Differential
backpressure created by the filter may
Pressure, or
be causing the no-start condition.
Refer to Electronic Control Systems DPFDP, was
Diagnostics for further procedures.  greater than the
If the Fuel Delivery Pressure, or FDP, refer to Electronic
was less than the specification, go to
Control Systems
the Special Tests for the Fuel Supply
System. Diagnostics
for further
If the FDP was within specification and  procedures.” 
Fuel Rail Pressure, or FRP, was less
than specification, go to the Special
Tests for the High-Pressure Fuel

If all values are within specification, and

the engine is subjected to temperatures
below 50˚F or 10˚C during normal
operation, go to the Special Tests for
the Cold Start Assist System.

This concludes the required tests for

starting issues.

Performance Issues
There is also a series of tests used to
determine the cause of a performance
concern. These tests are divided into
required tests and special system tests.
8 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

“There are six There are six required tests for

required tests performance issues. They are:
for performance Visual Inspection

issues.”  DTCs and Sensor Comparison

• Engine Low Idle to High Idle

• High-Pressure Pump Test
• KOER Air Management Test
• Road Test

Visual Inspection / DTC’s and

Sensor Comparison
The first two required tests for
performance issues are:
• Visual Inspection
• DTC’s and Sensor Comparison

Each of these has already been

described in the Required Tests for
Starting Issues.

Engine Low Idle to High Idle Engine

Low Idle to High Idle
“The Engine Low The third required test for performance
Idle to High Idle issues is the Engine Low Idle to High
Test is used to Idle Test. This test is used to check
sensor values with the engine running
check sensor
at high idle.
values with the
engine running Start by turning the ignition key to the
at high idle.”  ON position.

Then, open the Performance session in

ServiceMaxx™ and begin recording.
Module 1: Required Tests 9

Now check the Accelerator Pedal

Position, or APP, sensor signal.

The APP signal should be 0% at rest “The APP signal

and 99.6% when the accelerator pedal  should be 0%
is fully depressed to the floor. at rest and
Refer to the Accelerator Pedal Position 99.6% when the
section in Electronic Control Systems accelerator pedal
Diagnostics if the APP signal does not is fully depressed
meet specifications. to the floor.” 
If the APP signal is within specification,
continue to the next step.

Start the engine and run at idle for five

seconds. Push the accelerator pedal
until it is fully depressed to the floor and
APP reads 99.6%. Hold the pedal for
ten seconds and then let the engine
return to idle.

Compare the recorded sensor values to

the high idle specifications.

If the Fuel Delivery Pressure is less “If the Fuel Delivery

than the minimum specification, go to Pressure is less
the Special Tests for the Fuel Supply than the minimum
 specification, go
If the Fuel Delivery Pressure is within to the Special
specification, but Fuel Rail Pressure is Tests for the Fuel
less than the specification, go to the  Supply System.” 
Special Tests for the High-Pressure
Fuel System.

If the Turbocharger 1 Turbine

Outlet Pressure is greater than the
10 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

specification, open the exhaust before

the pre-DOC and retest.

“The Diesel The Diesel Particulate Filter may be

Particulate Filter restricted if DPF Differential Pressure is
may be restricted greater than the specification. Refer to
Electronic Control Systems Diagnostics
if DPF Differential
for further procedures.
Pressure is
 greater than the If the Intake Manifold Pressure, or IMP,
 specification.”  is less than the specification, inspect
the air management system for the
following conditions:
• Charge-Air-Cooler and Tubing
• Intake Restriction
• Wastegate Malfunction
• Excessive Back Pressure
• Low Compression
• and Turbocharger Damage

If the Intake Manifold Pressure is within

specification perform the Crankcase
Pressure Test.

“If the engine does If the engine does not accelerate

not accelerate smoothly, check for aeration and
 smoothly, check restriction in the fuel supply system.
for aeration and If there is no aeration or restriction,
restriction in perform the cylinder cut-out and relative
the fuel supply compression tests to isolate the weak
 system.”  cylinder.
Module 1: Required Tests 11

High-Pressure Pump Test

The fourth required test for
performance issues is the High-
Pressure Pump Test. This test checks
the condition of the high-pressure fuel

During this test the Fuel Pressure “During the

Control Valve will be commanded to High-Pressure
produce several different pressures. Pump Test the
The ECM then determines if the high- Fuel Pressure
pressure pump is able to react quickly Control Valve will
based on the test results.  be commanded
to produce
Start with the engine running and
select the High-Pressure Pump Test in  several different
ServiceMaxx™. The test will begin once  pressures.” 
it is opened.

If any of the test results displayed a

slow response time, go to the Special
Tests for the High-Pressure Fuel

If the High-Pressure Pump was able to

produce the commanded pressures,
perform the Key-On Engine-Running Air
Management Test.

Key-On Engine-Running Air

Management Test
The fifth required test for performance
issues is the Key-On Engine-Running
Air Management Test. This test is
used to verify that all air management
actuators are working correctly.
12 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

“Before beginning, Before beginning, there must be a

there must be a minimum of 90 psi in the vehicle’s air
minimum of 90 psi tanks.
in the vehicle’s Start by selecting the KOER Air
air tanks.”  Management Test in ServiceMaxx™.

During this test the ECM cycles the

air management actuators. While the
test is running monitor the effect that
each actuator has on Intake Manifold

If a problem is found with the EGR

Valve or the Engine Throttle Valve,
go to Electronic Control Systems

If a problem is found with any other air

management actuator, perform the Air
Control Valve Tests.

Road Test
NOTE The last required test for performance
If the truck has
issues is the Road Test. This test is
progressive shift or used to check for unacceptable engine
gear down protection performance at full load and rated
enabled, disable speed.
these features prior to
performing the Road
With the engine running, open the
Performance Session in ServiceMaxx™
and begin recording the session.

When conditions are safe, select a

suitable gear and accelerate until rated
RPM is reached at 100% load. At that
point, the road test is complete.
Module 1: Required Tests 13

Stop recording and review the session

once the vehicle is parked.

Compare the values at 100% load and

rated speed to the specifications.

If the Fuel Delivery Pressure was less

than the specification, go to the Special
Tests for the Fuel Supply System.

If the Fuel Delivery Pressure was within

specification but Fuel Rail Pressure
was less than specification, go to the
Special Tests for the High-Pressure
Fuel System.

If the Turbocharger 1 Turbine Outlet “Check for an

Pressure was greater than the exhaust system
specification, check for proper exhaust restriction if the
back pressure valve operation. Check
valve operated
for an exhaust system restriction if the
valve operated correctly. correctly.” 

If Intake Manifold Pressure was less

than the specification, check for leaks
at the charge-air connections.

If all recorded values were within

specifications, perform the Crankcase
Pressure Test.

Finally, if the engine did not accelerate

smoothly or felt like it was not running
on all cylinders, perform the Aeration
and Restriction, Relative Compression,
and the Cylinder Cutout Tests.
14 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Module 2: Special Tests for the Fuel Supply System 15

Special Tests for the Fuel Module 2

Supply System
The next four modules will explain the
additional steps and procedures used
for diagnosing issues with fuel supply,
high-pressure fuel, cold start assist,
and air management.

This module will describe the four

special tests used when diagnosing the
Fuel Supply System. They are:
• System Priming
• Delivery Pressure
• Low-Pressure Pump Dead Head
• Aeration and Restriction

All four of the special tests are used “All four of the
when diagnosing starting issues. Only  special tests
three tests are used when diagnosing are used when
performance issues.
System Priming  starting issues.” 
The first test is System Priming. This
test is only used when diagnosing a
starting issue. The fuel system must be
primed to ensure there is no air in the
low-pressure fuel lines and filters.

If fuel does not pull from the fuel tank

when priming the system, either the
supply line has a restriction or an air
16 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

leak; or the fuel primer pump assembly

is faulty.

“Fuel lines may Fuel lines may be removed when

 be removed performing various tests. Be sure to
when performing prime the fuel system anytime a fuel line
connection is broken.
various tests.” 
Delivery Pressure
The second test is the Delivery
Pressure Test. This test is used
when diagnosing both starting and
performance issues.

First, make sure the fuel line

connections are clean.

Now, disconnect the inlet connection

from the low-pressure pump. Connect
the supply line from the Clean Fuel Tank
directly to the fuel pump inlet.

“Fill the system Fill the system with fuel by squeezing

with fuel by the primer on the tool’s supply line.
 squeezing the Crank the engine and monitor fuel
 primer on the tool’s delivery pressure.
 supply line.” 
When diagnosing a performance issue,
run the engine at high idle and record
the fuel delivery pressure.

If the fuel delivery pressure is now

within specification, perform the
Aeration and Restriction Test.
Module 2: Special Tests for the Fuel Supply System 17

If the fuel delivery pressure is below

specification, perform the Low-
Pressure Pump Dead Head Test.

Low-Pressure Pump Dead

The third test is the Low-Pressure “The Low-Pressure
Pump Dead Head Test. This test is Pump Dead Head
used when diagnosing both starting Test is used
and performance issues.
when diagnosing
This test will help determine which  both starting
component is causing the low fuel and performance
delivery pressure reading. issues.” 
Start with the Clean Fuel Tank still
connected and disconnect the fuel
pump outlet line. Connect the fuel
inlet restriction/aeration tool to the fuel
pump outlet port.

Next, connect the fuel block off tool as

well as a fuel pressure gauge to the
compucheck fitting.

Squeeze the primer on the Clean Fuel “Squeeze the

Tank supply line to remove any air in the  primer on the Clean
lines. Fuel Tank supply
Crank the engine and monitor the line to remove any
gauge pressure. air in the lines.” 

If the pressure is below specification,

the low-pressure pump is defective and
must be replaced.

If the fuel pressure meets specification,

there is a component downstream
18 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

from the pump causing low delivery


Inspect the engine mounted fuel filter

assembly for:
• a cracked stand pipe
• a damaged stand pipe o-ring
• a damaged filter o-ring
• a porous filter housing

“If all of these If all of these components are in

components working order, there may be a leak in
are in working the high-pressure fuel system. Go to
the Special Tests for the High-Pressure
order, there may
Fuel System.
 be a leak in the
high-pressure  Aeration and Restriction
fuel system.”  Overview
The fourth test is the Aeration and
Restriction Test. This test is used
when diagnosing both starting and
performance issues.

Aeration and Restriction consists of two

separate tests; the Aeration Test and
the Restriction Test. Always perform
these tests in sequence beginning with
the Aeration Test.

Aeration Test
Start by disconnecting the fuel pump
outlet line.

Connect the Fuel Inlet Restriction/

Aeration Tool to the fuel pump outlet
Module 2: Special Tests for the Fuel Supply System 19

port. Use the fuel line coupler to

connect the aeration tool to the fuel
pump outlet line.

Prime the fuel system to remove any air

in the fuel lines.

Crank or run the engine and use a

flashlight to look for fuel aeration in the
Restriction/Aeration Tool.

If the fuel is not aerated, go to the “If the fuel is not

Restriction Test. aerated, go to the
If the fuel is aerated, connect the Clean Restriction Test.” 
Fuel Tank to the primer pump inlet and
prime the system to remove air from the
fuel lines.

Crank or run the engine and look for

fuel aeration.

If the fuel is not aerated with the Clean

Fuel Tank connected, repair the lines or
components between the vehicle fuel
tank and primer pump.

If the fuel is still aerated with the Clean

“If the fuel is
Fuel Tank connected, the cause of the  still aerated with
aeration is either the primer pump or the Clean Fuel
the fuel pump supply line. Repair as
Tank connected,
the cause of the
Restriction Test aeration is either
Start by removing the Restriction/ the primer pump
Aeration Tool from the previous test and or the fuel pump
re-install the original fuel line.  supply line.” 
20 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Use the fuel line coupler to connect the

Restriction/Aeration Tool between the
pump inlet port and the pump supply

Connect a vacuum gauge to the

compucheck fitting on the Restriction /
Aeration Tool.

Prime the system.

Crank or run the engine while

monitoring the vacuum gauge.

“If the supply If the supply restriction is within

restriction is within specification, verify the Fuel Delivery
 specification, Pressure sensor reading is accurate. If
it is ok, go to the Special Tests for the
verify the Fuel
High-Pressure Fuel System.
Delivery Pressure
 sensor reading If the supply restriction is above
is accurate.”  specification, connect the Clean Fuel
Tank to the primer pump inlet.

Prime the system.

Crank or run the engine while

monitoring the vacuum gauge.

If supply restriction is above

specification with the Clean Fuel Tank
connected, the strainer/primer pump
or pump supply line is restricted. Clean
the strainer and check the fuel line.

If the supply restriction is within

specification, connect the Clean Fuel
Tank to the primary fuel filter inlet.
Module 2: Special Tests for the Fuel Supply System 21

Prime the system.

Crank or run the engine while

monitoring the vacuum gauge.

If the supply restriction is above

specification with the Clean Fuel Tank
connected to the primary fuel filter inlet,
the primary filter or the fuel supply line
to the primer pump is restricted.

Replace the primary filter, clean the fuel

strainer and check the fuel lines.

If the supply restriction is now within “If the supply

specification, the fuel line from the tank restriction is
is restricted. now within
This concludes the Special Tests for  specification, the
the Fuel Supply System. fuel line from the
tank is restricted.” 
22 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Module 3: Special Tests for the High-Pressure Fuel System 23

Special Tests for the High- Module 3

Pressure Fuel System
This module will describe the six
special tests used when diagnosing
the High-Pressure Fuel System. These
six tests will check the FRP sensor,
pump inlet pressure, injector fuel return,
pressure relief valve, injector leakage,
and pump return pressure. In addition,
we will explain three ServiceMaxx™
procedures related to performance

All six of the special tests are used “All six of the
when diagnosing starting issues. Only  special tests
five tests are used when diagnosing are used when
performance issues.
FRP Sensor  starting issues.” 
The first test is the FRP sensor test.
This test is only used when diagnosing
a starting issue. The FRP Sensor test
will determine if the sensor is sending a
false reading to the ECM. A biased low
Fuel Rail Pressure sensor can cause a
no-start condition by keeping the ECM
from firing the injectors.

Start by unplugging the Fuel Rail

Pressure sensor harness connector.

Attempt to start the engine.

24 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

If the engine starts, there is a fault in

either the Fuel Rail Pressure sensor
or circuit. Go to Electronic Control
Systems Diagnostics for further test

If the engine does not start, reconnect

the sensor harness and perform the
High-Pressure Pump Inlet Pressure

Pump Inlet Pressure

“The Pump Inlet The second test is the Pump Inlet
Pressure Test Pressure Test. This test is used
is used when when diagnosing both starting and
performance issues.
diagnosing both
 starting and The High-Pressure Pump requires
 performance sufficient fuel from the low-pressure
issues.”  fuel system to operate correctly. With
the Fuel Delivery Pressure sensor on
the non-filtered side of the system,
an in-spec sensor reading does not
guarantee the High-Pressure Pump
is receiving fuel. A restriction in the
secondary filter could prevent fuel from
reaching the High-Pressure Pump.

Start by disconnecting the Down-

Stream-Injection Metering Unit
fuel supply hose. Now connect the
Restriction/Aeration Tool to the supply
hose and install the fuel block off fitting.
Connect the fuel pressure gauge and
crank or start the engine.
Module 3: Special Tests for the High-Pressure Fuel System 25

Monitor the gauge pressure to

determine if the engine mounted fuel
filter is restricting fuel delivery.

If the gauge pressure is below “If the gauge

specification, the secondary fuel filter is  pressure is below
restricted.  specification, the
If the gauge pressure is within  secondary fuel
specification, the fuel supply to the filter is restricted.” 
High-Pressure Pump is sufficient.
Perform the Injector Fuel Return Test.

Injector Fuel Return

The third test is the Injector Fuel Return
Test. This test is used when diagnosing
both starting and performance issues.

This test will check for high-pressure

fuel system leaks caused by faulty
injectors or pipe connections.

Start by removing the banjo bolt at the

injector fuel return port on the cylinder
head. Replace the banjo bolt with the
return line test fitting. Attach the test
hose and route the free end into a fuel
container. Crank or run the engine and
monitor fuel flowing from the test hose.

If diagnosing a starting issue there “If diagnosing

should be no fuel returned while a starting issue
cranking. there should be
If fuel is flowing from the test hose, no fuel returned
perform the Rail Pressure Leak Isolation while cranking.” 
26 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

If fuel is not flowing, re-install the fuel

return line to the cylinder head and
perform the Pressure Relief Valve Test.

“If diagnosing a If diagnosing a performance issue there

 performance issue should be approximately 27ml of fuel
there should be returned in one minute.
approximately 27ml If the amount of fuel returned is greater
of fuel returned than the specification, perform the Rail
in one minute.”  Pressure Leak Isolation Test.

If the amount of fuel returned is equal to

or less than the specification, perform
the Pressure Relief Valve Test.

Pressure Relief Valve

The fourth test is the Pressure
Relief Valve Test. This test is used
when diagnosing both starting and
performance issues.

Start by removing the rail return line

banjo bolt, and replace it with the return
line test fitting.

Connect the test hose to the fitting and

place the free end into a fuel container.

Now, crank or run the engine and

monitor fuel flow from the hose.

“If fuel flows from If fuel flows from the hose, the Fuel
the hose, the Fuel Rail Pressure Relief Valve is leaking.
Rail Pressure Relief Replace the relief valve and retest.
Valve is leaking.”  If fuel does not flow from the hose, the
High-Pressure Pump has failed.
Module 3: Special Tests for the High-Pressure Fuel System 27

If you have completed all of the

diagnostic steps and the Fuel Rail
Pressure sensor is not biased, pump
inlet pressure meets specifications,
high-pressure pipe to injector
connections are not leaking, and fuel
does not flow from the pressure relief
valve; the fuel pump needs to be

Rail Pressure Leak Isolation

The fifth test is the Rail Pressure
Leak Isolation Test. This test is used
when diagnosing both starting and
performance issues.

Start with the return line tester “Remove the

connected to the injector fuel return number six injector
port. Remove the number six injector fuel line and cap off
fuel line and cap off the rail with a high-
the rail with a high-
pressure rail plug.
 pressure rail plug.” 
Crank or run the engine while
monitoring both Fuel Rail Pressure and
fuel flowing from the test hose.

If you are performing this test to

diagnose a starting issue, watch for an
increase in fuel rail pressure and fuel
flow from the test hose. If rail pressure
increases to the minimum starting
pressure and fuel stops flowing, replace
the number six injector tube and pipe.

If the Fuel Rail Pressure does not

increase to starting pressure, and fuel
28 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

is still leaking, continue capping off the

fuel rail ports until the leak is isolated.

If you are performing this test to

diagnose a performance issue
the amount of fuel returned must
be measured and compared to

“If the amount If the amount of fuel returned is greater

of fuel returned than the specification, continue capping
is greater than off one rail port at a time, until the leak
is isolated.
the specification,
continue capping If the amount of fuel returned is equal to
off one rail port or less than the specification, replace
at a time, until the the number six injector tube and pipe.
leak is isolated.”  After replacing an injector tube and
pipe, retest with all of the injectors
connected to ensure that there are no
other leaks in the system.

Pump Return Pressure

The sixth test is the Pump Return
Pressure Test. This test is required for
both starting and performance issues
and must be performed whenever the
fuel pump has been replaced.

Start by disconnecting the pump return


Using the fuel line coupler, connect the

Restriction/Aeration Tool between the
pump return port and the pump return
Module 3: Special Tests for the High-Pressure Fuel System 29

Connect a fuel pressure gauge to the

compucheck fitting on the Restriction/
Aeration Tool.

Start and run the engine at high idle “Start and run
while monitoring the fuel pressure the engine at
gauge. high idle while
If the gauge reading is above monitoring the fuel
specification, inspect the fuel return line  pressure gauge.” 
between the High-Pressure Pump and
the fuel tank for a restriction.

If the gauge reading is within

specification, no further action is

ServiceMaxx™: Relative
The Relative Compression Test is used
in conjunction with the Cylinder Cutout NOTE
Test to determine if the cause of an
It is important to
engine misfire is mechanical or fuel ensure that the
related. This test is used to determine vehicle’s batteries are
if each cylinder is in good mechanical fully charged before
condition. beginning this test.

During this test the ECM looks at the

speed of each piston’s approach to
top-dead-center compression and then
the speed of each piston’s down-stroke
after passing top-dead-center. The
ECM compares the two speeds and
calculates the difference.

Start by opening the Relative

Compression Test in ServiceMaxx™.
30 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

A window will appear to guide you

through the test procedure.

The test will begin and you’ll be

instructed to crank the engine. After
several seconds, the on-screen
instructions will tell you to stop
cranking. ServiceMaxx™ will now
gather the information from the test and
tell you to review the results.

“A cylinder with A graph of the results will appear once

low compression the test is complete. A cylinder with
is represented low compression is represented by a
shorter bar on the graph. In this case,
 by a shorter bar
the speeds of the piston’s approach
on the graph.”  and down-stroke have little difference.
Repeat this test a total of three times
and compare the results from each test.

ServiceMaxx™: Cylinder
The Cylinder Cutout Test allows you
to disable each injector. This test is
used to determine each cylinder’s
contribution to engine performance.

Start by opening the Cylinder Cutout

NOTE test session and start the engine.
Run the engine at idle for 10 seconds
Before beginning this
test, verify that fuel
and verify that the engine coolant
pressures are within temperature is at least 160° Fahrenheit,
 specification and or 71° Celsius.
relative compression
results are Now, disable an injector and monitor
 satisfactory. the engine load and fuel rate while
listening for engine tone changes.
Module 3: Special Tests for the High-Pressure Fuel System 31

Repeat this process for each injector. “If the engine

Compare the results for a disabled load and fuel rate
injector to the baseline values for did not increase
engine fuel rate and engine load. If
when an injector
the engine load and fuel rate did not
increase when an injector was disabled, was disabled,
that cylinder is not contributing to that cylinder is
engine performance. not contributing
to engine
If the engine load and fuel rate did
increase when an injector was disabled,
that cylinder is contributing to engine
performance. No action is required.

If the Cylinder Cutout Test identified

a low-contributing cylinder and the
Relative Compression Test did not,
replace the failed injector.

If the Cylinder Cutout Test and the

Relative Compression Test identify the
same cylinder, determine the cause of
the mechanical issue and then retest.

ServiceMaxx™: Injector
An injector replacement procedure “An injector
is used to program the ECM after replacement
replacing one or more injectors.  procedure is
There is a ten digit Injector Quantity
used to program
Adjustment, or IQA code, marked
on each injector. This code and the the ECM after
cylinder number where the injector is replacing one or
being installed must be programmed more injectors.” 
into the ECM.
32 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

This procedure allows the ECM to

precisely control the injection of fuel
into the combustion chamber.

Start by opening the Injector Quantity

Adjustment session in ServiceMaxx™.

Enter the codes of the new injectors

into the appropriate fields in the

“Once the code Once the code has been entered,

has been entered, click “Program Engine” to save the
click “Program information in the ECM.
Engine” to save This concludes the Special Tests for
the information the High-Pressure Fuel System.
in the ECM.” 
Module 3: Special Tests for the High-Pressure Fuel System 33

34 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Module 4: Special Tests for the Cold Start Assist System 35

Special Tests for the Cold Module 4

Start Assist System
This module will describe the four
special tests used when diagnosing the
Cold Start Assist System. These four
tests will check overall operation, igniter
current draw, solenoid fuel supply, and
igniter fuel supply.

All four of the special tests are used

when diagnosing starting issues and
will not be used when diagnosing a
performance issue.

System Test
The first test is the System Test. This
test will determine if the cold start
assist system is operating correctly.

The Cold Start Assist System is

supported by two other engine
systems: the electronic control system
and the fuel supply system. Any issues NOTE
with either of these systems may cause
ineffective cold start assist operation. This test can only
be performed if
Start by turning the ignition key to the Engine Coolant
Temperature 1 is
ON position. below 50° Fahrenheit
or 10° Celsius. If
Select the Hard-Start No-Start Session the temperature is
from the Sessions drop down menu. above that value, use
ServiceMaxx™ to run
Record the Intake Manifold the Cold Start Assist
Temperature, or IMT, Engine Coolant Test.
36 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Temperature, or ECT1, and Fuel

Delivery Pressure, or FDP, values.

Cycle the ignition switch.

Crank the engine when the wait-to-start

lamp begins flashing. During cranking,
monitor the IMT and FDP sensor

“If FDP is below If FDP is below specification, go to

 specification, go the Special Tests for the Fuel Supply
to the Special System.
Tests for the Fuel If Intake Manifold Temperature does not
 Supply System.”  increase approximately 10° Fahrenheit
or 3.8° Celsius during engine cranking,
the Cold Start Assist System is not
functioning correctly. Perform the
Igniter Current Draw Test.

If Intake Manifold Temperature does

increase, the Cold Start Assist System
is working correctly.

Igniter Current Draw

The second test is the Igniter Current
Draw Test. This test is used to verify
that the igniter is reaching the proper

Start by connecting a current clamp

around the igniter power circuit and
zeroing the meter.

Open the Actuator Test in

ServiceMaxx™ and select Cold Start
Fuel Igniter.
Module 4: Special Tests for the Cold Start Assist System 37

With the duty cycle set at 95% , click

start test.

Monitor the current draw using the “Monitor the

electronic tester. The current draw current draw using
should stabilize within a few seconds. the electronic
If the current draw is less than 20 tester.” 
amps, there is a problem with the
igniter, fusible link, wiring, or relay.

Go to Electronic Control Systems

Diagnostics to diagnose low current

If the current draw is at or above 20

amps, the igniter is working correctly.
Perform the Solenoid Fuel Supply Test.

Solenoid Fuel Supply

The third test is the Solenoid Fuel “There should be
Supply Test. This test is used to approximately
verify fuel pressure at the Cold Start 10 psi of fuel
Fuel Solenoid. There should be
 pressure under
approximately 10 psi of pressure under
normal operation. normal operation.” 

Start by disconnecting the fuel supply

line from the solenoid. Connect the fuel
pressure gauge to the line.

Crank the engine while monitoring fuel


If the fuel pressure is below

specification, the fuel line or pressure
regulator in the filter housing is faulty.
Repair as necessary.
38 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

If the fuel pressure is within

specification, perform the Igniter Fuel
Supply Test.

Igniter Fuel Supply

The fourth test is the Igniter Fuel Supply
Test. This test is used to verify fuel
pressure at the Cold Start Fuel Igniter.

Start by disconnecting the fuel supply

NOTE line at the igniter. Now, connect a fuel
pressure gauge to the supply line.
This test can only
be performed if Turn the ignition key to the ON position.
Engine Coolant
Temperature 1 is When the wait-to-start lamp begins
below 50° Fahrenheit flashing, crank the engine and monitor
or 10° Celsius. If the gauge reading.
the temperature is
above that value, use If the fuel pressure is below
ServiceMaxx™ to run
the Cold Start Assist specification, fuel is not passing
Test. through the solenoid. Go to Electronic
Control Systems Diagnostics, Cold
Start Fuel Solenoid.

If the fuel pressure is within

specification, the igniter draws the
correct current, and the solenoid is
functioning but the Intake Manifold
Temperature does not rise; fuel flow
through the igniter may be restricted.
Repair or replace the igniter.

This concludes the Special Tests for

the Cold Start Assist System.
Module 4: Special Tests for the Cold Start Assist System 39

40 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Module 5: Special Tests for the Air Management System 41

Special Tests for the Air Module 5

Management System
This module will describe the three
special tests used when diagnosing
the Air Management System. These
three tests will check the Air Control
Valve and actuators, Centrifugal
Crankcase oil separator, and crankcase
pressure. In addition, we will explain
a ServiceMaxx™ procedure that is
needed for proper EGR operation.

All three of the special tests are used “All three of the
when diagnosing performance issues  special tests
and will not be used when diagnosing a are used when
starting issue.
 Air Control Valve  performance
The first test is the Air Control Valve issues.” 
Test. This test is used to check two
devices: the Exhaust Back Pressure
Valve, and the Turbocharger 2
Wastegate actuator.

Current ECM calibrations may affect

the turbocharger 2 wastegate actuator
position. With the key ON, the ECM
may send a 100% duty cycle to the
turbocharger 2 wastegate actuator
to open the wastegate. To see
actuator movement during this test,
it may be necessary to command the
42 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Turbocharger 2 Wastegate Control to

5% duty cycle.

Start by opening the Actuator Test in

NOTE ServiceMaxx™.
There must be a Select one of the two Air Control Valve
minimum of 90 psi in actuators from the drop down menu.
the vehicle’s air tanks
before beginning this
Set the duty cycle to 95% and start the

Air pressure will be supplied to the

actuator for five seconds.

The actuator is operating correctly if

the actuator rod moves through its full

“If the actuator rod If the actuator rod does not move,
does not move, remove the air supply line from the
remove the air actuator and repeat the test.
 supply line from If air cannot be heard leaving the open
the actuator and air supply line when running the test,
repeat the test.”  go to Electronic Control Systems
Diagnostics for the actuator being

If air can be heard leaving the open air

supply line, check for a faulty actuator
or sticking valve.

Centrifugal Crankcase Oil

The second test is the Centrifugal
Crankcase Oil Separator Test. This
test is used to verify that the separator
Module 5: Special Tests for the Air Management System 43

is spinning. During normal operation,

the separator will spin at very high
speeds to remove oil contaminants from
crankcase gasses.

Before beginning this test, ensure “Before beginning

that the engine is at normal operating this test, ensure
temperature and that the oil level and that the engine is
temperature are within specification.
at normal operating
The Crankcase Oil Separator Speed temperature and
sensor is mounted on top of the that the oil level
breather housing and detects separator and temperature
rotation. are within
Start by monitoring the sensor signal in  specification.” 
ServiceMaxx™ with the engine running.

If the sensor is displaying an rpm signal,

the crankcase breather is operating

If the sensor is displaying zero rpm,

continue to the next step.

To diagnose a faulty speed sensor,

place an ultrasonic ear next to the
breather housing and verify breather
element rotation.

Turn the engine OFF and listen for

centrifugal noise.

If centrifugal noise is not heard, refer

to the Engine Service Manual for
centrifugal crankcase oil separator
removal and replacement procedures.
44 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

If centrifugal noise can be heard,

see Crankcase Oil Separator Speed
sensor in Electronic Control Systems

Crankcase Pressure
The third test is the Crankcase
Pressure Test. This test is used
to determine if there is excessive
crankcase pressure being caused by
a faulty internal, or external engine

Start by connecting the Blow-by Test

NOTE tool and manometer to the breather
outlet elbow. Start the engine and run
 Verify that the
at high idle until the manometer reading
centrifugal crankcase
oil separator is stabilizes.
functioning correctly
before performing this If crankcase pressure is within
test. specification, no repair is required.

If crankcase pressure is above

specification, continue to the next step.

Bleed the air from the vehicle’s air tanks

and remove and cap off the air line from
the remote mounted centrifugal oil filter.

“Start the engine Start the engine and run at high idle
and run at high idle while monitoring the manometer
while monitoring reading.
the manometer If pressure is within specification,
reading.”  repair or replace the remote mounted
centrifugal oil filter.
Module 5: Special Tests for the Air Management System 45

If pressure is still above specification,

continue to the next step.

If the engine has an air compressor,

disconnect the air discharge line and
re-run the test.

If crankcase pressure is at or below

specification, compressed air was
leaking into the crankcase. Repair or
replace the air compressor.

If crankcase pressure is still above “If crankcase

specification, one or more cylinders  pressure is
are leaking compression into the  still above
crankcase. Perform the Relative
 specification, one
Compression Test to pinpoint the
suspect cylinder. or more cylinders
are leaking
ServiceMaxx™: O2 Sensor compression into
Calibration the crankcase.” 
The O2 Sensor Calibration procedure
must be performed to reprogram the
ECM whenever the oxygen sensor
is replaced. This sensor’s signal is a
critical ECM input for EGR system

Start by connecting the new sensor to

the engine harness connector and leave
the sensor body outside of the exhaust
during programming.

Open the O2 Sensor Calibration

session under the Procedures tab.
46 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

ServiceMaxx™ will begin to calibrate the

oxygen sensor once the session opens.

“A window will A window will appear indicating

appear indicating whether the calibration was completed
whether the successfully or if a problem occurred
during calibration.
was completed This concludes the Special Tests for
 successfully or if a the Air Management System.
 problem occurred
during calibration.” 
Module 5: Special Tests for the Air Management System 47

48 2010 MaxxForce ® 11 and 13L Diagnostics

Conclusion 49

This concludes the 2010 MaxxForce ®
11 and 13 Engine Diagnostics training
course for technicians.

Thanks for your participation.

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