Zxur 9000 GSM: Test Management Operation Guide

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Base Station Controller

Test Management Operation Guide


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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2013–01–15 First Edition

Serial Number: SJ-20121227135800-021

Publishing Date: 2013-01-15(R1.0)

SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Overview .................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 What Is Test Management .................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Test Management Principle ................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Test Management Types..................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Test Types ......................................................................................................... 1-2

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation .................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Instant Test Management Overview .................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Opening the Test Management Tab ..................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Testing the Rack ................................................................................................ 2-2
2.4 Testing Boards ................................................................................................... 2-4
2.5 Testing the Control Stream.................................................................................. 2-6
2.6 Testing the Insertion or Getting of Alarm Codes and Error Codes .......................... 2-9
2.7 Testing the Getting of Alarm Status ................................................................... 2-10
2.8 Testing the Getting of SDH Configurations ......................................................... 2-12
2.9 Testing Loop Query .......................................................................................... 2-14
2.10 Testing Loop Settings ..................................................................................... 2-16
2.11 Testing SSCOP PING ..................................................................................... 2-18
2.12 Testing PRBS Bit Error Rate............................................................................ 2-20
2.13 Testing the RAW Channel ............................................................................... 2-22
2.14 Testing the Media Stream ............................................................................... 2-25
2.15 Cancelling the Test Task Management ............................................................. 2-27
2.16 Testing Trunk Loop Delay................................................................................ 2-28
2.17 Testing PVC Loop........................................................................................... 2-31
2.18 Testing IP Path Detection ............................................................................... 2-32
2.19 Cancelling the Test on IP Path Detection ......................................................... 2-35
2.20 Testing 802.1 AG/Y.1731 Function ................................................................... 2-37
2.21 Cancelling the Test on 802.1 AG/Y.1731 .......................................................... 2-38
2.22 Testing 802.1 AG/Y.1731 Query ...................................................................... 2-40
2.23 Testing Sensor Query ..................................................................................... 2-42

Chapter 3 Test Task Management............................................................. 3-1

3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Creating a Test Task ........................................................................................... 3-1

SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.3 Viewing a Test Task ............................................................................................ 3-4
3.4 Modifying a Test Task ......................................................................................... 3-4
3.5 Activating a Test Task ......................................................................................... 3-5
3.6 Suspending a Test Task ...................................................................................... 3-6
3.7 Exporting a Test Task ......................................................................................... 3-6
3.8 Printing Test Tasks ............................................................................................. 3-7
3.9 Deleting a Test Task ........................................................................................... 3-8

Chapter 4 Test Result Management.......................................................... 4-1

4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Querying Test Results......................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Viewing a Test Result ......................................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Clearing Test Results.......................................................................................... 4-4
4.5 Exporting Test Results ........................................................................................ 4-4
4.6 Printing Test Results........................................................................................... 4-5

Tables .............................................................................................................. I
Figures........................................................................................................... III
Glossary .........................................................................................................V


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual
This manual describes how to use test management functions, including instant test
management, test task management, and test result management.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:
l Network planning engineers
l Installation engineers
l Maintenance engineers

What is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

1, Overview Defines test management and describes the

principle, types, and items of test management.

2, Test Task Creation Describes how to manage instant tests,

including testing boards, testing trunk loop delay,
testing PVC loop, testing the getting of SDH
configurations, testing the getting of alarm status,
testing loop settings, testing loop query, testing
PRBS bit error rate, testing SSCOP PING, testing
the insertion or getting of alarm codes and error
codes, testing the media stream, testing the RAW
channel, testing the control stream, testing on the
detection of IP path, and cancelling the test on
the detection of IP path.

3, Test Task Management Describes how to manage test tasks, including

creating, deleting, viewing, modifying, activating,
suspending, exporting, and printing test tasks.

4, Test Result Management Describes how to manage test results, including

querying, viewing, clearing, exporting, and
printing test results.

SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential


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Chapter 1
Table of Contents
What Is Test Management..........................................................................................1-1
Test Management Principle ........................................................................................1-1
Test Management Types ............................................................................................1-2
Test Types..................................................................................................................1-2

1.1 What Is Test Management

Test management refers to testing the specified objects in the network element system to
ensure normal and stable system operations.
1. In routine maintenance
Users can check physical devices and communication links by setting test tasks.
If test results indicate signs of faults, users should take precautions to avoid such
2. When a failure occurs
Users can do instant tests to find out probable causes and solve the problem as soon
as possible.
3. After a failure is eliminated
Users can also use testing tools to check whether the equipment is back to normal
and whether the entire system operates properly.

1.2 Test Management Principle

Figure 1-1 illustrates the principle of test management.

Figure 1-1 Test Management Principle

In this figure, test management involves the NMS and NE.

Users can create test management tasks on the NMS. The system will generate test
management commands according to the set parameters.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

When it is the time to carry out a task, the system will send the corresponding test
commands to the NE.
l NE
The NE executes the test commands, and generates test results that are fed back to
the NMS for future query.

1.3 Test Management Types

Test management falls into two types: instant test management and test task management.
1. Instant test management
Instant test management allows users to immediately test the objects selected at a
client end and check the test results.
2. Test task management
Test task management allows users to select the test objects and items, and preset
test time. When the test time comes, the test system sends a test command from the
EMS to network elements where the preset test objects and items are tested. The
test system saves the test results on the network management server automatically
for future query. This method is suitable for the case where nobody is on site or at
night when traffic volume is low.
The system saves test results automatically for both instant test management and test task
management. Users can query the test results as required at any time.
In routine maintenance, users can test physical devices and communication links through
routine tests. If the test result is very close to the abnormal condition, pay attention to the
condition and try to find possible problems before any failure occurs. Actions should be
taken as required to avoid failure.
If a failure occurs in the system, an instant test can help users to find and eliminate the
failure as soon as possible.
After the failure is eliminated, users can also use the test management to check whether
the device is back to normal and whether the entire system operates properly.

1.4 Test Types

By test object, there are 21 types of diagnostic tests:
1. Rack test
The rack test is done to check whether modules in the rack operates properly.
2. Board test
The board test is done to check whether the board is in position and check the board
startup time, Ethernet link, board HW link, RS-485 link, chip, port, and active/standby
3. SDH insert alarm test


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Chapter 1 Overview

The SDH insert alarm test is done to check whether the board alarm codes and alarm
error codes are inserted or got correctly.
4. SDH get alarm test
The SDH get alarm test is done to check the board alarm state.
5. SDH get config test
The SDH get config test is done to check whether the SDH configuration value is got
6. Query loop test
The query loop test is done to check whether the loop query function at each interface
of a board can be enabled properly.
7. Set loop test
The set loop test is done to check whether the loop setting at each interface of a board
is correct.
8. SSCOP PING test
9. PRBS loop test
The PRBS loop test is done to check the bit error rate of PRBS of a board.
10. Test cancel
The test cancel is done to cancel test management tasks.
11. Media communication test
The media communication test is done to check whether the media stream
communication between two boards within an NE is proper.
12. RAW channel communication test
The RAW channel communication test is done to check whether the communication
of RAW channel between boards is proper.
13. Control communication test
The control communication test is a link test between the OMM and peripheral boards,
between two peripheral boards, or between the active board and the standby board.
14. Check trunk loop test
The check trunk loop test is done to check the trunk loop delay of the E1 electrical
interface, E1 optical interface, T1 electrical interface, and T1 optical interface of the
target board.
15. PVC loop test
16. PD detection test
The PD detection test is done to check whether the IP path is proper.
17. PD test cancel
The PD test cancel is done to cancel the IP path test.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

18. 802.1AG/Y.1731 test

The 802.1AG/Y.1731 test is done to check whether the function of 802.1AG/Y.1731 is
19. 802.1AG/Y.1731 test cancel
The 802.1AG/Y.1731 test cancel is done to cancel tasks of 802.1AG/Y.1731.
20. 802.1AG/Y.1731 query test
The 802.1AG/Y.1731 query test is done to query the 802.1AG/Y.1731 test.
21. Sensor query test
The sensor query test is done to check whether the fan module and other modules in
a shelf operate properly, whether the temperature, voltage, and power of each board
is proper, and whether the batteries are proper.


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Chapter 2
Test Task Creation
Table of Contents
Instant Test Management Overview ...........................................................................2-1
Opening the Test Management Tab ............................................................................2-2
Testing the Rack.........................................................................................................2-2
Testing Boards ...........................................................................................................2-4
Testing the Control Stream .........................................................................................2-6
Testing the Insertion or Getting of Alarm Codes and Error Codes ...............................2-9
Testing the Getting of Alarm Status .........................................................................2-10
Testing the Getting of SDH Configurations................................................................2-12
Testing Loop Query ..................................................................................................2-14
Testing Loop Settings ...............................................................................................2-16
Testing SSCOP PING...............................................................................................2-18
Testing PRBS Bit Error Rate.....................................................................................2-20
Testing the RAW Channel.........................................................................................2-22
Testing the Media Stream.........................................................................................2-25
Cancelling the Test Task Management .....................................................................2-27
Testing Trunk Loop Delay .........................................................................................2-28
Testing PVC Loop ....................................................................................................2-31
Testing IP Path Detection ........................................................................................2-32
Cancelling the Test on IP Path Detection .................................................................2-35
Testing 802.1 AG/Y.1731 Function............................................................................2-37
Cancelling the Test on 802.1 AG/Y.1731...................................................................2-38
Testing 802.1 AG/Y.1731 Query ...............................................................................2-40
Testing Sensor Query...............................................................................................2-42

2.1 Instant Test Management Overview

This chapter describes how to do instant tests and explains the related parameters.

An instant test is a test that users can start at any time.

During the test, users can test any object on the object tree in the left pane. The test object
must be locked to the CPU node under a specific board in an NE.

After the test completes, the system immediately displays the results. Users can also
query the test results after defining query conditions.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

2.2 Opening the Test Management Tab

During the test, users can test any object in the object tree in the left pane. The test object
must be locked to a specific board in an NE.
After the test completes, the system immediately displays the results. Users can also
query the test results after defining query conditions.

The system operates properly.

1. On the main menu bar, select View > Test Management. The Test Management tab
is displayed, see Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Test Management

– End of Steps –

2.3 Testing the Rack

This test is performed to check whether the 485 link of the rack is proper. It can be
performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


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Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork
ID > NE ID, right-click Rack ID under NE ID, and select Create Test Task > Board
Test > Rack from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed,
see Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-3.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-3 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Click OK.

6. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.

– End of Steps –

2.4 Testing Boards

This test is performed to check whether the board is in position, and to check the Ethernet
link, board HW link, chip, port, active/standby status, environment, and clock.

This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


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Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork
ID > NE ID > Rack ID > ETCA Shelf ID, right-click Board ID under ETCA Shelf ID,
and select Create Test Task > Board Test > Board from the shortcut menus. The
Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.
a. Set the task description in Task Desc.
b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-5.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-5 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.

c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.5 Testing the Control Stream

This test is performed to test the links between two boards, for example, the links between
OMM and peripheral boards and between the active and standby boards. Therefore, users
must select a source board and a target board before the test.
Testing packets are generated automatically during the test. The target board receives
testing packets and returns packets back to the source board.

This test can be performed on all boards


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Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID,
Rack ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > Control
Communication Test from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is
displayed, see Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-7.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-7 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, and check the test parameters in Test Parameter.

Test rate: It indicates the number of packets sent at one control stream test. One test
task is sent in several control streams.
Test times: It indicates times of control stream tests with an interval of 100 ms.

Size of data area: It indicates the size of packets received.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.

– End of Steps –


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

2.6 Testing the Insertion or Getting of Alarm Codes

and Error Codes
This test is performed to check whether the insertion or getting of alarm codes and error
codes is proper.
This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork ID
> NE ID > Rack ID, right-click Shelf ID under Rack ID, and select Create Test Task
> SDH Insert Alarm Test > E1 Optical Trunk ( or T1 Optical Trunk, Segment Port,
Advanced Port, and Lower-Class Port) from the shortcut menus. The Create Test
Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.
a. Set the task description in Task Desc.
b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.

c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.

5. Check the information in Test Info and Test Parameter.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.

– End of Steps –

2.7 Testing the Getting of Alarm Status

This test is performed to check whether the getting of alarm status is proper.

This test can be performed on all boards.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork
ID > NE ID > Rack ID, right-click Shelf ID under Rack ID, and select Create Test
Task > SDH Get Alarm Test > E1 Optical Trunk ( or T1 Optical Trunk, Segment
Port, Advanced Port, Lower-Class Port, and ATM Optical Port) from the shortcut
menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-11.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-11 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.8 Testing the Getting of SDH Configurations

This test is performed to check whether the getting of SDH configurations is proper.

This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork
ID > NE ID > Rack ID, right-click Shelf ID under Rack ID, and select Create Test
Task > SDH Get Alarm Test > E1 Optical Trunk ( or T1 Optical Trunk, Segment
Port, Advanced Port, Lower-Class Port, and ATM Optical Port) from the shortcut
menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.

3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-13.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-13 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.

c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.9 Testing Loop Query

This test is performed to check whether the loop query function at each interface of a board
can be enabled properly.

This test can only be performed on the board configured with an E1 interface.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


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Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork
ID > NE ID > Rack ID, right-click Shelf ID under Rack ID, and select Create Test
Task > Query LoopTest from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box
is displayed, see Figure 2-14.

Figure 2-14 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.

3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.
b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-15.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-15 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.10 Testing Loop Settings

This test is performed to check whether the loop settings at each interface of a board are
This test can only be performed on the board configured with an E1 interface.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork ID
> NE ID > Rack ID, right-click Shelf ID under Rack ID, and select Create Test Task
> Set Loop Test > E1 Electric Trunk ( or T1 Electric Trunk, E1 Optical Trunk, T1


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

Optical Trunk, CSU Trunk, SDH Optical Port, IMA Link Group, and IMA TC Link)
from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure

Figure 2-16 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.
a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-17.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-17 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

local loopback, load loopback, remore loopback, and cancel loopback are
available to Loop Type in Test Parameter.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.11 Testing SSCOP PING

This test is performed to check whether the signalling link can be used properly.


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Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID under
SubnetWork ID, and select Create Test Task > SSCOP Ping Test from the shortcut
menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 2-18.

Figure 2-18 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.
a. Set the task description in Task Desc.
b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-19.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-19 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.

c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.

5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.12 Testing PRBS Bit Error Rate

This test is performed to check whether the PRBS bit error rate of a board is within the
normal range.
This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork ID
> NE ID > Rack ID, right-click Shelf ID under Rack ID, and select Create Test Task
> PRBS Loop Test > E1 Electric Trunk (or T1 Electric Trunk, E1 Optical Trunk,
and T1 Optical Trunk) from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is
displayed, see Figure 2-20.

Figure 2-20 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-21.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-21 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.13 Testing the RAW Channel

This test is performed to check whether the communication of the RAW channel between
boards is proper.
This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.
l At least two test objects are selected.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID, Rack
ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > RAW Channel
Communication Test from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is
displayed, see Figure 2-22.

Figure 2-22 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.
a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-23.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-23 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.

c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

Number of Packet Send in Test Parameter indicates the number of packers sent for
each test.

6. Click OK.

7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.

– End of Steps –


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

2.14 Testing the Media Stream

This test is performed to check the media stream between any two boards with the RLC
system, and check the communication of the Ethernet Link.
This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.
l At least two test objects are selected.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID,
Rack ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > Media
Communication Test from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is
displayed, see Figure 2-24.

Figure 2-24 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.
a. Set the task description in Task Desc.
b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-25.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-25 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.

c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.


Number of Packet Send in Test Parameter indicates the number of packers sent for
each test.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.

– End of Steps –


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

2.15 Cancelling the Test Task Management

This test is performed to check whether the board is in position, and check the Ethernet
link, board HW link, 485 link, chip, port, active/standby status, environment, and clock.
This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork ID
> NE ID > Rack ID, right-click Shelf ID under Rack ID, and select Create Test Task >
Test Cancel from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed,
see Figure 2-26.

Figure 2-26 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.

3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-27.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-27 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.16 Testing Trunk Loop Delay

This test is performed to query the trunk loop delay of the E1 electrical interface, E1 optical
interface, T1 electrical interface, and T1 optical interface of the target board.
This test can only be performed on the board configured with an E1 interface.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork ID
> NE ID > Rack ID, right-click Shelf ID under Rack ID, and select Create Test Task
> Check Trunk Loop Test > E1 Electric Trunk (or T1 Electric Trunk, E1 Optical
Trunk, and T1 Optical Trunk) from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog
box is displayed, see Figure 2-28.

Figure 2-28 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-29.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-29 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.

c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.

5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

The TS No. in Test Parameter indicates the No. of the timeslot to be tested. One E1
link consists of 32 timeslots numbered from 0 to 31.

This test can only be performed to check the delay of one timeslot out of these 32

6. Click OK.

7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.

– End of Steps –


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

2.17 Testing PVC Loop

This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.
l At least two test objects are selected.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID, Rack
ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > PVC Loop Test
from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure

Figure 2-30 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.

3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-31.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-31 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the drop-down list of Task Status

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.

5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.18 Testing IP Path Detection

This test is performed to check whether the IP path detection can be performed properly.

This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID, Rack
ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > PD Detect Test
> Interface Board Logic CPU (or Non-Interface Board Logic CPU) from the shortcut
menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 2-32.

Figure 2-32 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-33.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-33 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

DSCP in Test Parameter: It indicates the higher 6 bytes of the TOS field, and is used
to define the priority of packets.

Upper user ID in Test Parameter: It is used to identify different users that initiate IP

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.

– End of Steps –


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

2.19 Cancelling the Test on IP Path Detection

This test is performed to cancel the test on IP path detection.
This test can be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID, Rack
ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > PD Test Cancel
from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure

Figure 2-34 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.
a. Set the task description in Task Desc.
b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-35.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-35 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

Request Type in Test Parameter: It indicates the request for cancelling the test
Upper user ID in Test Parameter: It is used to identify different users that initiate IP
PD Serial in Test Parameter: It is used to identify different PD numbers.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

2.20 Testing 802.1 AG/Y.1731 Function

This test is performed to check the function of 802.1 AG/Y.1731.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID, Rack
ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > 802.1 AG/Y.1731
Test from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see
Figure 2-36.

Figure 2-36 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-37.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-37 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.
d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.21 Cancelling the Test on 802.1 AG/Y.1731

This test is performed to cancel the test on 802.1 AG/Y.1731.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID,
Rack ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > 802.1
AG/Y.1731 Test Cancel from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box
is displayed, see Figure 2-38.

Figure 2-38 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.
4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-39.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-39 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.22 Testing 802.1 AG/Y.1731 Query

This test is performed to test 802.1 AG/Y.1731 query.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, right-click NE ID,
Rack ID, or Shelf ID under SubNetwork ID, and select Create Test Task > 802.1
AG/Y.1731 Query Test from the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is
displayed, see Figure 2-40.

Figure 2-40 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.
a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-41.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-41 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.

c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.

6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –

2.23 Testing Sensor Query

This test is performed to check whether the fan module and shelf modules operate properly,
and whether the temperature, voltage, power, and batteries of each board are proper.

This test can only be performed on all boards.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Test Task Creation

1. In the object tree in the left pane on the Test Management tab, select SubNetwork
ID > NE ID, right-click Rack ID, or Shelf ID under NE ID, and select Create Test Task
> Sensor Query Test > Shelf (or Board, CMM MODULE, and FAN MODULE) from
the shortcut menus. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 2-42.

Figure 2-42 Create Test Task (1)

2. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
3. Select Instanct from the Task Mode list.

a. Set the task description in Task Desc.

b. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

c. Set the clear time in Clear Time.

4. (Optional) Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 2-43.


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-43 Create Test Task (2)

a. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

b. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test
period in Task Interval.
c. Set the task description in Task Desc.

d. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.

e. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear
Time. Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time,
and Clear Time.
5. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.

– End of Steps –


SJ-20121227135800-021|2013-01-15(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3
Test Task Management
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................3-1
Creating a Test Task...................................................................................................3-1
Viewing a Test Task....................................................................................................3-4
Modifying a Test Task .................................................................................................3-4
Activating a Test Task.................................................................................................3-5
Suspending a Test Task..............................................................................................3-6
Exporting a Test Task .................................................................................................3-6
Printing Test Tasks .....................................................................................................3-7
Deleting a Test Task ...................................................................................................3-8

3.1 Overview
Test tasks are the tasks carried out automatically and periodically according to the
user-specified test items and period. Such tests are designed for routine maintenance to
reduce the workload without the need of one-by-one tests.
In a test task, the result is not displayed immediately after the test completes. Instead, the
test results are saved in the database. You can query the results as needed.

Do not carry out a test task in busy hours because this can overload the NE. High loads
will reduce system reliability and service success rate.

3.2 Creating a Test Task

This section describes how to create a test task.
After a test task is created, the system will carry out the test task automatically according
to the set period and test items.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

1. On the main menu bar, select Test Management > Task Management, or click .
The Task Management tab is displayed, see Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Task Management

2. Click on the Task Management tab. The Create Test Task dialog box is displayed,
see Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 Create Test Task (1)


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Chapter 3 Test Task Management

3. Select Auto to automatically set the task name or manually enter the task name in
Task Name.
4. Select Routine from the Task Mode list, see Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3 Create Test Task (2)

5. Select Active or Suspend from the Task Status list.

Test tasks in Active status rather than Suspend status will be started automatically by
the system according to the set period and test items, and the results will be recorded.

6. Click at the right side of Task Interval to set the test period, or enter the test period
in Task Interval.
7. Set the task description in Task Desc.
8. Set the filtering condition in Filter as required, and select the test object that meets
the filtering condition in Test Object.
9. Respectively click Default at the right side of Start Time, Stop Time, and Clear Time.
Or, respectively select the time from the Start Time calendar, Stop Time, and Clear
10. Check the information in Test Info, Test Parameter, and Test Object.
11. Click OK.
12. Click OK from the pop-up dialog box.
– End of Steps –


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

3.3 Viewing a Test Task

This section describes how to view the details of a test task.

l The system operates properly.
l The Task Management tab is open.
l The test task to be viewed is available.

1. On the Task Management tab, select a target test task, and then click .
2. (Optional) Right-click a target test task, and select View from the shortcut menu.

3. The details of the test task are displayed in the pop-up View Task dialog box.
– End of Steps –

3.4 Modifying a Test Task

This section describes how to modify the details of a test task.

l The system operates properly.
l The Task Management tab is open.
l The test task to be modified is in Suspend status and is available.

1. On the Task Management tab, select the test task to be modified, and then click .
2. (Optional) Right-click the test task to be modified, and select Modify from the shortcut
menu. The Modify Test Task dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-4.


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Chapter 3 Test Task Management

Figure 3-4 Modify Test Task

3. Modify the settings as required, and click OK.

– End of Steps –

3.5 Activating a Test Task

This section describes how to change the status of a test task to Active status.
A created test task will not take effect unless it is in Active status. Test tasks in Suspend
status do not take effect.
When creating a test task, users can set its initial status.

l The system operates properly.
l The Task Management tab is open.
l The test task to be activated is in Suspend status and is available.

1. On the Task Management tab, select the target test task, and then click .
2. (Optional) On the Task Management tab, right-click the target test task, and select
Active from the shortcut menu.

3. Click OK from the pop-up Confirm dialog box.

4. The Task Status column of the test task becomes Active.

– End of Steps –


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

3.6 Suspending a Test Task

This section describes how to change the status of a test task that is not in use temporarily
to Suspend status.
Tasks in Suspend status do not take effect.

l The system operates properly.
l The Task Management tab is open.
l The test task to be suspended is in Active status and is available.

1. On the Task Management tab, select the target test task, and then click .
2. (Optional) On the Task Management tab, right-click the target test task, and select
Suspend from the shortcut menu.
3. Click OK from the pop-up Confirm dialog box.

4. The Task Status column of the test task becomes Suspend.

– End of Steps –

3.7 Exporting a Test Task

This section describes how to export an existing test task to use it as an origin for new test
tasks. By doing so, users can avoid setting the same parameters repeatedly when users
recreate a test task with many parameters.

l The system operates properly.
l The Task Management tab is open.
l The test task to be exported is available.

1. On the Task Management tab, select the target test task, and then click .

2. (Optional) On the Task Management tab, right-click the target test task, and select
Export from the shortcut menu.
3. The Save dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-5.


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Chapter 3 Test Task Management

Figure 3-5 Save

4. Set the path for saving the test task in Save In, and enter the file name in File Name.

The system enters the file type in Files of Type automatically. That is, the system
saves the test task as the .csv format by default.

5. Click Save.

6. Click OK from the pop-up Confirm dialog box.

– End of Steps –

3.8 Printing Test Tasks

This section describes how to print the information of all test tasks in the system.

l The system operates properly.
l The Task Management tab is open.
l The test task to be printed is available.

1. On the Task Management tab, select the target test task, and then click .
2. (Optional) On the Task Management tab, right-click the target test task, and select
Print from the shortcut menu.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

3. The Print Setup dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6 Print Setup

4. Set parameters on the General, Page Setup, and Advance tabs.

5. Click Print.
– End of Steps –

3.9 Deleting a Test Task

This section describes how to delete a test task.
A test task that is not in use can be deleted. The test task cannot be deleted if it is in
Active status.

l The system operates properly.
l The Task Management tab is open.
l The test task to be deleted is available.

1. On the Task Management tab, select a target test task, and then click .
2. (Optional) Right-click a target test task, and select Delete from the shortcut menu.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 4
Test Result Management
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................4-1
Querying Test Results ................................................................................................4-1
Viewing a Test Result .................................................................................................4-3
Clearing Test Results .................................................................................................4-4
Exporting Test Results................................................................................................4-4
Printing Test Results...................................................................................................4-5

4.1 Overview
The results of instant tests and test tasks are all saved automatically in the system.
Through the test result management function, users can view, query, clear, export, and
print the selected test results.

4.2 Querying Test Results

This section describes how to query the results of instant tests and test tasks.
Before a query, users need to set the query conditions to define the range.

l The system operates properly.
l The Test Management tab is open.

1. On the main menu, select Test Management > Result Management, or click on
the main tool bar. The Result Management tab is displayed, see Figure 4-1.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 4-1 Result Management

2. Click on the Result Management tab. The Query Test Result dialog box
displayed, see Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2 Query Test Result

3. Select Filter My Test Task Result, Filter by Test Type, or Filter by Test Device, and
then click OK.


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Chapter 4 Test Result Management

4. Click OK from the pop-up message box.

5. The system displays the test result that meets the query conditions on the Result
Management tab, see Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Query Result

– End of Steps –

4.3 Viewing a Test Result

This section describes how to view the information of a test result.

l The system operates properly.
l The Result Management tab is open.

1. Select a test result on the Result Management tab, and then click . Or, right-click a
test result on the Result Management tab, and select Detail from the shortcut menu.

2. The system automatically synchronizes the latest test result from the network
management server, and displays it on the Test Result tab, see Figure 4-4.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 4-4 Test Result Details


The test result saved at the server is consistent with that displayed at the client.

– End of Steps –

4.4 Clearing Test Results

This section describes how to delete test results in batches.

l The system operates properly.
l The Result Management tab is open.

1. Select the target test result on the Result Management tab, and then click . Or,
right-click the target test result on the Result Management tab, and select Clear from
the shortcut menu.

2. Click OK from the pop-up Confirm dialog box.

– End of Steps –

4.5 Exporting Test Results

This section describes how to export the test results and save them under a specified path.


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Chapter 4 Test Result Management

The test results can be exported in the format of TTXT, HTML, PDF, CSV, and EXCEL.

l The system operates properly.
l The Result Management tab is open.

1. On the Result Management tab, select the target test result, and then click on the
toolbar. Or, right-click the target test result, and select Export from the shortcut menu.
2. The Save dialog box is displayed, see Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5 Save

3. Select a path in Save In to save the test result, and select a file type to be saved in
Files of Type, and click Save.
– End of Steps –

4.6 Printing Test Results

This section describes how to print all the existing test results in the system.

l The system operates properly.
l The Result Management tab is open.
l The test query results are displayed on the Result Management tab.


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

1. On the Result Management tab, select the target test result, and then click . Or,
right-click the target test result, and select Print from the shortcut menu.
2. The Print Setup dialog box is displayed, see Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6 Print Setup

3. Set parameters on the tabs.

4. Click Print.
– End of Steps –


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Figure 1-1 Test Management Principle ..................................................................... 1-1
Figure 2-1 Test Management .................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-2 Create Test Task (1)................................................................................. 2-3
Figure 2-3 Create Test Task (2)................................................................................. 2-4
Figure 2-4 Create Test Task (1)................................................................................. 2-5
Figure 2-5 Create Test Task (2)................................................................................. 2-6
Figure 2-6 Create Test Task (1)................................................................................. 2-7
Figure 2-7 Create Test Task (2)................................................................................. 2-8
Figure 2-8 Create Test Task (1)................................................................................. 2-9
Figure 2-9 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................... 2-10
Figure 2-10 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-11
Figure 2-11 Create Test Task (2) ............................................................................. 2-12
Figure 2-12 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-13
Figure 2-13 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-14
Figure 2-14 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-15
Figure 2-15 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-16
Figure 2-16 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-17
Figure 2-17 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-18
Figure 2-18 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-19
Figure 2-19 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-20
Figure 2-20 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-21
Figure 2-21 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-22
Figure 2-22 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-23
Figure 2-23 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-24
Figure 2-24 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-25
Figure 2-25 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-26
Figure 2-26 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-27
Figure 2-27 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-28
Figure 2-28 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-29
Figure 2-29 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-30
Figure 2-30 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-31
Figure 2-31 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-32


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ZXUR 9000 GSM Test Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-32 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-33

Figure 2-33 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-34
Figure 2-34 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-35
Figure 2-35 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-36
Figure 2-36 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-37
Figure 2-37 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-38
Figure 2-38 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-39
Figure 2-39 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-40
Figure 2-40 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-41
Figure 2-41 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-42
Figure 2-42 Create Test Task (1)............................................................................. 2-43
Figure 2-43 Create Test Task (2)............................................................................. 2-44
Figure 3-1 Task Management ................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2 Create Test Task (1)................................................................................. 3-2
Figure 3-3 Create Test Task (2)................................................................................. 3-3
Figure 3-4 Modify Test Task ...................................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-5 Save ........................................................................................................ 3-7
Figure 3-6 Print Setup............................................................................................... 3-8
Figure 4-1 Result Management................................................................................. 4-2
Figure 4-2 Query Test Result .................................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-3 Query Result............................................................................................ 4-3
Figure 4-4 Test Result Details ................................................................................... 4-4
Figure 4-5 Save ........................................................................................................ 4-5
Figure 4-6 Print Setup............................................................................................... 4-6


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- Element Management System
- HyperTextMarkup Language
- High speed data Way
- Internet Protocol
- Network Element
- Network Management System
- Portable Document Format

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