DVT N, DVR N - Operating Instructions (Rev.1.1 - Feb. .2010)

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Betriebsanleitung 403 - DVT N, DVR N E2111403 DVT N, DVR N 1.

Pos: 1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 00 - Impressum und Inhalt/Deckblatt allgemein @ 17\mod_1262857649793_0.doc @ 262363 @


Operating Instructions
Pos: 1.2 /Module Mech./·························· Seitenumbruch ································ @ 7\mod_1164793756263_0.doc @ 106440 @

Original operating instructions

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N

Pos: 1.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 00 - Impressum und Inhalt/Impressum Betriebsanleitung @ 15\mod_1251273530234_2.doc @ 243590 @ 1


Document status: Original operating instructions

Type of document: Operating Instructions
Document ID: E2111403
Revision: 1.1
Date: 10-02-16

Editor: Brabender-Technologie KG
Copyright: © 2010, Brabender-Technologie KG

The contents of this document must not be copied – neither completely nor in
extracts – without prior written approval of Brabender Technologie KG and/or
transmitted to any third party. All technical documentations, drawings etc ...
fall under the copyright law: copyright reserved according to DIN 34.
Pos: 1.4 /Module Mech./·························· Seitenumbruch ································ @ 7\mod_1164793756263_0.doc @ 106440 @

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Table of contents

Pos: 1.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 00 - Impressum und Inhalt/Inhaltsverzeichnis @ 8\mod_1172133710285_3.doc @ 123025 @ 1

Table of contents

Imprint..................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ................................................................................................................... 3
1 Intended purpose ......................................................................................................... 5
Intended purpose ........................................................................................................... 6
Manifest abuse ............................................................................................................... 7
Obligations of the user ................................................................................................... 8
Content of the EC declaration of conformity................................................................... 9
Content of the declaration of incorporation .................................................................. 10
2 Description of the device........................................................................................... 11
The feeding device DVT, DVR ..................................................................................... 12
The weighed execution ................................................................................................ 14
3 Description of the component groups of the device .............................................. 16
The hopper ................................................................................................................... 17
The product supply into the vibrating tray .................................................................... 21
The feeding organ ........................................................................................................ 23
The feed drive .............................................................................................................. 25
Operation...................................................................................................................... 27
4 Optional component groups of the device .............................................................. 28
DE-STA-CO locks ........................................................................................................ 29
The hopper agitator ...................................................................................................... 30
The movable execution ................................................................................................ 31
The rotatable execution................................................................................................ 32
5 Safety instructions ..................................................................................................... 33
Marking of hazard notes............................................................................................... 34
Hazard notes ................................................................................................................ 35
Residual risks caused by the device ............................................................................ 38
Protective equipment.................................................................................................... 40
Safety instructions for weighing.................................................................................... 42
Marking of the device ................................................................................................... 43
6 Mounting of the device .............................................................................................. 44
Instructions for mounting .............................................................................................. 45
Instructions for electrical mounting............................................................................... 46
Place of the installation, auxiliaries .............................................................................. 47
Transport of the device................................................................................................. 48
General mounting work ................................................................................................ 49
Electrical mounting ....................................................................................................... 51
Connection to a feeding controller................................................................................ 53
7 Commissioning of the device ................................................................................... 54
Instructions for commissioning ..................................................................................... 55
Rundown of commissioning ......................................................................................... 57
Commissioning of the feeding device........................................................................... 58
Commissioning hopper agitator.................................................................................... 59
Commissioning of the weighing system ....................................................................... 60
Determination of the discharge rate/feed rate .............................................................. 63

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Table of contents

8 The operation of the device ....................................................................................... 64

The operation of a volumetric execution....................................................................... 65
The operation of a gravimetric execution...................................................................... 66
9 Decommissioning of the device................................................................................ 67
Switch-off with untroubled operation............................................................................. 68
Alarm cut-outs............................................................................................................... 69
10 Malfunctions of the device......................................................................................... 70
Malfunction and remedy ............................................................................................... 71
11 Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 74
Maintenance instructions .............................................................................................. 75
Maintenance jobs.......................................................................................................... 76
Cleaning of the device .................................................................................................. 77
12 Setting-up and exchange ........................................................................................... 78
Safety and preparatory work......................................................................................... 79
Work on the vibrating tray............................................................................................. 80
Work on the hopper ...................................................................................................... 81
Work on optional hopper agitator.................................................................................. 82
13 Storage and close-down ............................................................................................ 83
Instructions for storage/disposal ................................................................................... 84
Storage ......................................................................................................................... 85
Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 86
14 Spare parts lists.......................................................................................................... 87
15 Technical data............................................................................................................. 88
General data ................................................................................................................. 89
Product data ................................................................................................................. 90
Identification key, nameplate ........................................................................................ 91
16 Appendix A: Wiring plans .......................................................................................... 92
Connection to a Congrav® CB ..................................................................................... 93
Connection of ISC execution ........................................................................................ 95
Connection of a volumetric feeding device ................................................................... 96
Terminal function junction box -JBn (n=2, 3,…) ........................................................... 97
17 Annex B Indications concerning the manual......................................................... 100
Marking ....................................................................................................................... 101
Revisions .................................................................................................................... 102
18 Annex C Forms ......................................................................................................... 103
Certificate of nonobjection .......................................................................................... 104
Spare parts order........................................................................................................ 105
19 Annex D Addresses and index ................................................................................ 106
Addresses................................................................................................................... 107
Index ........................................................................................................................... 109
Pos: 2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch @ 8\mod_1170757514192_3.doc @ 113602 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Intended purpose

1 Intended purpose

Pos: 2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Einleitung (BestVerw.) @ 8\mod_1170757653725_3.doc @ 113621 @ 3

Introduction This chapter deals with the “intended purpose” and the “manifest
abuse“ of the device.

Pos: 2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Hinweis Betriebserlaubnis @ 10\mod_1205334666079_2.doc @ 161810 @ 3

Prerequisite for Prerequisite for the type approuval of the device:

type-approval • the use has to comply with the intended purpose

Any disrespect of the intended purpose has the following effect:

• the type-approval immediately ceases to be effective

Pos: 2.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Inhalt (MRL2006) @ 17\mod_1263294800809_2.doc @ 262726 @

Content of the The chapter is divided into 5 parts.

Subject Page
Intended use 6
Manifest abuse 7
Obligations of the operating company 8
Content of the EC declaration of conformity 9
Content of the declaration of incorporation 10

Pos: 2.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung @ 8\mod_1170758716600_3.doc @ 113716 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Intended purpose

Intended purpose

Pos: 2.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Dosierung von Schüttgüter/ BestVW - Die Verwendung des Gerätes @ 11\mod_1206536497144_2.doc @ 163943 @ 3

The use The feeding device is employed for the feeding of bulk solids. If the
of the device use of the device complies with its intended purpose
• the device does not cause any danger for the operating staff, the
machine and the environment.
• the device is
- in a flawless condition as far as safety is concerned
- fully functional
• only appropriate products are fed.
• the application conditions for the dimensioning of the device are
complied with.
• the specifications of the documentation are complied with.

Pos: 2.5.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ BestVerw - Geeignete Produkte @ 11\mod_1208937379055_2.doc @ 171156 @ 3

Appropriate Products that are appropriate for being discharged/fed by means of

products the device have the following product characteristics:
• Not ignitable due to friction or strokes
• No explosive characteristics
• Appropriate flowability
• No change of the product characteristics due to the transport
• No inadmissibly high wear of the device
• No impediment or endangerment of the safety of operations
• Free from contaminations, foreign bodies etc.
Pos: 2.5.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ BestVerw - Auslegung des Gerätes @ 15\mod_1252491665551_2.doc @ 247512 @ 3

Dimensioning of The device is dimensioned according to the known operating

the device conditions. They result from the customer’s indications concerning
• the products employed and their characteristics,
• the environmental and operating conditions.

After any modification of the operating conditions a renewed

release for the operation of the device by the manufacturer is
Pos: 2.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Nahe liegender Mißbrauch @ 8\mod_1170759565538_3.doc @ 113831 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Intended purpose

Manifest abuse

Pos: 2.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Missbrauch - Definition Nahe liegender Missbrauch @ 8\mod_1170759642225_3.doc @ 113850 @ 3

Definition “Manifest abuse” means that the device is used for applications that
are “manifest” due to the possibilities and executions of the device
but that are inappropriate and thus not allowed.

Pos: 2.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Missbrauch - Auswirkungen @ 8\mod_1170760777757_3.doc @ 113888 @ 3

Effects Any abuse of the device

• endangers the operating staff and the machine
• the type approval of the device ceases to be effective
• has an effect on the manufacturer’s liability.

Pos: 2.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 (alt) - Verpflichtungen, Haftung/MapÜberschrift - Verpflichtungen des Betreibers @ 8\mod_1170415003629_3.doc @ 112286 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Intended purpose

Obligations of the user

Pos: 2.7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Verpflichtungen - Die gesetzlichen Vorschriften @ 8\mod_1170415202436_3.doc @ 112305 @ 3

Statutory During the operation the following national and international

provisions regulations/guidelines concerning:
• the protection of persons
• the safety of persons
• the EMC directive
• the state of the art
• the acknowledged engineering rules
have to be observed.

Pos: 2.7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Verpflichtungen - Einsatz des Gerätes @ 10\mod_1205313794722_2.doc @ 161323 @ 3

The use Be sure to observe the following points for the use of the device:
of the device
• the intended purpose
• the indications given in the manual
• the safe state of the device
• the prescriptions concerning an untroubled operation
• trouble and damage has to be eliminated immediately

Pos: 2.7.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Verpflichtungen - Qualifikation des Personals @ 8\mod_1170416750895_3.doc @ 112343 @ 3

Qualification of Required qualification of the operating staff:

the operating staff
• Trained on the device and its operation
• Authorised to carry out the required operations.
• Knowledge of the regulations concerning the operator protection.
• Knowledge of the actual operating conditions as far as the device
and its environment are concerned

Pos: 2.7.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Verpflichtungen - Qualifikationsanforderungen @ 15\mod_1251269809332_2.doc @ 243523 @

Simple cleaning and maintenance work:

• The work can be carried through by well-trained operators.
Extensive mounting and repair work:
• A specialist with necessary technical knowledge is required for
this work.
Pos: 2.8.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Inhalt der EG-Konformitätserklärung @ 15\mod_1252419482353_2.doc @ 247036 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Intended purpose

Content of the EC declaration of conformity

Pos: 2.8.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Konformitätserklärung - Einleitung @ 15\mod_1252412209721_2.doc @ 246925 @ 3

Introduction If the execution of the device corresponds to the terms of

MRL2006/42/EG an EC declaration of conformity for a machine will
be enclosed. Here the manufacturer declares that
• the machine is corresponding to all relevant provisions of this
• that the machine complies moreover with the mentioned
directives and/or relevant provisions.

Moreover this declaration includes further indications concerning the

manufacturer and the machine.

Pos: 2.8.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Konformitätserklärung - Angaben des Herstellers @ 15\mod_1252413219881_2.doc @ 246947 @ 3

Data provided by The declaration includes the following information:

the manufacturer
• Name and address of the manufacturer
• Indication of the duly authorised person responsible for compiling
the technical file
• Name and signature of the duly authorised person responsible for
issuing the declaration.
• Indication of place and date of issue

Pos: 2.8.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Konformitätserklärung - Identifizierung @ 15\mod_1252415139924_2.doc @ 246969 @ 3

Designation Indications given in the declaration that serve to designate the

• General designation of the machine
General designation of the machine
• Type of machine
Type/execution of the machine.
The type designation code is explained in the chapter "Technical data".
• Year of construction
The year of construction of the machine
• Serial number
The unique serial number of the machine
Pos: 2.9.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Inhalt der Einbauerklärung @ 15\mod_1252486780254_2.doc @ 247175 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Intended purpose

Content of the declaration of incorporation

Pos: 2.9.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Einbauerklärung - Einleitung @ 15\mod_1252482538797_2.doc @ 247083 @ 3

Introduction If the device is executed as a partly completed machine in the terms

of MRL2006/42/EG an EC declaration for the mounting of a partly
completed machine will be enclosed. Here the manufacturer declares:
• which basic requirements of the directive are applied and are
complied with.
• that the technical documentation has been established and can
be submitted in response to a justified request of a national
• the other directives the partly completed machine complies with.
• that the partly completed machine must only be commissioned
after incorporation into a machine that complies with the
requirement of directive MRL2006/42/EG.
Moreover this declaration includes further indications concerning the
manufacturer and the machine.

Pos: 2.9.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Konformitätserklärung - Angaben des Herstellers @ 15\mod_1252413219881_2.doc @ 246947 @ 3

Data provided by The declaration includes the following information:

the manufacturer
• Name and address of the manufacturer
• Indication of the duly authorised person responsible for compiling
the technical file
• Name and signature of the duly authorised person responsible for
issuing the declaration.
• Indication of place and date of issue

Pos: 2.9.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 01 - Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch/Allgemeine Module/ Einbauerklärung - Identifizierung @ 15\mod_1252494457684_2.doc @ 247557 @ 3

Designation Designation of the partly completed machine:

• Designation of the partly completed machine
General designation of the partly completed machine
• Type of machine
Type/execution of the partly completed machine.
The type designation code is explained in the chapter "Technical data".
• Year of construction
The year of construction of the partly completed machine
• Serial number
The unique serial number of the partly completed machine
Pos: 3.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/Kapitelüberschrift - Beschreibung des Gerätes @ 8\mod_1170661667393_3.doc @ 112848 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the device

2 Description of the device

Pos: 3.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/FWplus N/ 1. Seite - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1185284184714_2.doc @ 139793 @ 3

Introduction This chapter describes the construction of the different executions of

the feeding device.
In general, the description is limited to the construction of the
complete device. This chapter does not describe individual
component groups. Please refer to the next chapter for these

Pos: 3.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ 1. Seite - Inhalt @ 12\mod_1218012881908_2.doc @ 194815 @

Content of the The chapter is divided into 2 parts.

Subject Page
Feeding device DVT and DVR 12
The weighed execution 14

Pos: 3.4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/MapÜberschrift - Das Dosiergerät DVT, DVR @ 12\mod_1213780343438_2.doc @ 179333 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the device

The feeding device DVT, DVR

Pos: 3.4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosiergerät - Die Funktion @ 12\mod_1213780851763_2.doc @ 179353 @ 3

Function The feeder permits to feed bulk solids by means of a vibrating tray as
a feeding organ.

Pos: 3.4.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosiergerät - Das Prinzip der Produktförderung @ 12\mod_1213783693138_2.doc @ 179374 @ 3

The principle of The vibrating tray is mounted on a vibrating conveyor that transmits a
product transport directed vibration to the vibrating tray. Due to this directed vibration
the product in the direction of the tray outlet and there it drops into the
downstream equipment.
The output (= feed rate) can be varied by means of the vibration
amplitude setting.

Advantages of this feeding method:

• very gentle
• homogeneous dispense behaviour

Advantages of this feeding method:

• only suitable for products with appropriate flow properties
• separation of product particles with so-called merge products that
have different particle sizes (this must possibly be observed for
the downstream processes!)

Pos: 3.4.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosiergerät - Der Aufbau @ 12\mod_1218010591448_2.doc @ 194723 @ 3

Construction The construction of the feeder is determined by the main sub-

assemblies and their function.
Sub-assembly Function
Hopper • Product supply into the feeder is provided on site
• Product storage
Feeding organ • Vibrating tube
- DVT: Tray
- DVR: Tube
• Product transport from the hopper to the outlet
Feeding drive • Vibrating conveyor

The size, shape and execution of the individual sub-assemblies are a

function of the construction size and the application conditions of the
feeding device.
Pos: 3.4.5 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the device

The feeding device DVT, DVR, continuation

Pos: 3.4.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosiergerät - Abbildung DVT @ 12\mod_1218011175726_2.doc @ 194793 @

The illustration shows the

construction of a DVT

Part Meaning
1 Hopper cover
a Inlet pipe
b Vent pipe
2 Add-on hopper
3 Hopper
4 Hopper support
5 Flexible bellow
6 Tray with cover
7 Flexible bellow
8 Discharge connection pipe
9 Base plate
10 Load cell
11 Junction boxes
12 Vibrating conveyor

Note concerning the load cell (10):

Only available, if the feeder is equipped

with a weighing system.

Difference concerning DVR:

The tray (6) is replaced by a tube.

Pos: 3.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/MapÜberschrift - Die Verwiegung des Gerätes @ 9\mod_1185341854197_2.doc @ 140053 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the device

The weighed execution

Pos: 3.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Verwiegung - Definition Verwiegung (allgemein) @ 9\mod_1185341934145_2.doc @ 140073 @ 3

Definition: The technical term “weighing” designates the computation of the

weighing product weight by measuring the hopper weight by means of one or
several load cell(s).
Application examples for weighing:
• Loss-in-weight feeder (DDW)
• Monitoring of hopper filling level (MS-…)

Pos: 3.5.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Verwiegung - Aufbau der Verwiegung @ 11\mod_1207135903410_2.doc @ 165060 @ 3

Construction For this purpose, the feeding device is mounted on a weighing

of the system. For this purpose, three weighing systems are available:
weighing system
Weighing system Description
H3x Hybrid weighing frame system with 1 load cell
load cell: digital or analogue
MDx Platform weighing system with 1 load cell
load cell: digital
MSx Platform weighing system with 1 or 3 load cell(s)
load cell: analogue
x = Identification number for the construction size and the max. weighing range

Pos: 3.5.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Verwiegung - Wägezellentypen @ 11\mod_1207143569069_2.doc @ 165233 @ 3

Load cell types As a function of the signal transmission 2 different load cell types are
Signal type Features
digital • serial weight signal
analogue • analogue mV-signal
• load cell functions according to the “EMS“ principle1.

Pos: 3.5.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Verwiegung - Zusätzliche Baugruppen @ 12\mod_1221052929788_2.doc @ 198843 @ 3

Additional The weighing requires additional electrical component groups:

groups Level monitoring Loss-in-weight feeder
Suitable evaluation unit Congrav® with weighing module 2
Pos: 3.5.6 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

EMS = elongation measuring strip
Congrav® = feeding controller;
Weighing module (is a function of the load cell type) = weight signal transmission to Congrav®
Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the device

The weighed execution, continuation

Pos: 3.5.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Verwiegung - Wägesystem H3x @ 11\mod_1207136810081_2.doc @ 165104 @ 3

Weighing system The weighing system DDW-H3x:

No Description
1 Transport eyelets
2 Weighing frame
3 Base frame
4 Junction box
5 Mounting surface feeding device
6 Transport catch
7 Load cell
8 Vibration isolation mounting pads

Pos: 3.5.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Verwiegung - Wägesystem MDx @ 11\mod_1207137789212_2.doc @ 165147 @ 3

Weighing system The weighing system DDW-MDx:

No Description
1 Platform weighing system MDx
2 Transport catch
3 Base plate
4 Vibration isolation mounting pads
5 Junction box

Pos: 3.5.9 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Verwiegung - Wägesystem MSx (1 Wägezelle) @ 11\mod_1207142179187_2.doc @ 165188 @ 3

Weighing system The weighing system DDW-MSx:

No Description
(1 load cell)
1 Mounting plate
2 Cover
3 EMS load cell
4 Transport catch
5 Base plate
6 Vibration isolation mounting pads

Pos: 3.5.10 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 02 - Beschreibung des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Verwiegung - Wägesystem MSx (4 Wägezellen) @ 13\mod_1227595690007_2.doc @ 211691 @ 3

Weighing system The weighing system DDW-MSx:

(4 load cells)
1 Load cell
2 Overload protection screw
3 Transport eyelets
4 Vibration isolation mounting pads (mounting of the
feeding device)
5 Mounting plate
6 Vibration isolation mounting pads (ground
Pos: 4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes @ 9\mod_1178617571073_2.doc @ 131504 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

3 Description of the component groups of the device

Pos: 4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ 1. Seite - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1185429167830_2.doc @ 140214 @ 3

Introduction This chapter describes the component groups of the device.

• Description of the construction and function
• Description is not a function of the execution
• Marking of a specific modification: indication of the execution of
the device.

Pos: 4.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ 1. Seite - Inhalt des Kapitels @ 12\mod_1218109626363_2.doc @ 195182 @

Content of the The chapter is divided into 5 parts.

Subject Page
The hopper 17
The product supply 21
The feeding organ 23
The feed drive 25
The manipulation 27

Pos: 4.4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Der Behälter @ 9\mod_1185431289789_2.doc @ 140274 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The hopper

Pos: 4.4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Behälter - Einleitung @ 12\mod_1218016071968_2.doc @ 194860 @ 3

Introduction The hopper permits to store the product to be fed and to feed it into
the feeding device via the outlet.

Pos: 4.4.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Behälter - Aufbau @ 12\mod_1218016314896_2.doc @ 194882 @ 3

Construction The hopper is

• funnel-shaped,
• stuck together with the hopper support,
• screwed to the base plate via the hopper support,
• closed by a cover.

Hopper volume:
Optionally, it is possible to scale up the hopper volume by means of
cylindrical add-on hoppers.

Pos: 4.4.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - Behälterdeckel @ 9\mod_1185432214190_2.doc @ 140316 @ 3

Hopper cover Execution of the hopper cover for refilling

Automatic filling Manual filling
• Screwed tight • Removable or foldable
• Inlet pipe • Safety grid in the hopper
• Vent pipe

Pos: 4.4.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - manuelle Befüllung @ 9\mod_1185443026124_2.doc @ 140358 @ 3

Manual filling With manual filling

• the cover has to be opened or removed.
• the product has to be filled in by the operating staff.

Protective measures are required:

• Before a dust contamination of the environment
• Before the introduction of foreign bodies
Pos: 4.4.6 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The hopper, continuation

Pos: 4.4.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - Automatische Befüllung @ 11\mod_1208786222958_2.doc @ 170016 @ 3

Automatic The automatic filling requires:

• A feeding controller with the following minimum functions:
- Monitoring of the hopper filling level
- Operation of the refill device
• A refill device with the following minimum features:
- Hopper volume for a sufficient product quantity
- Shut-off device between the outlet and the feeding device
that can be operated by the feeding controller.

Be sure to observe the following points for automatic refilling:

• The feeder and the refill device form a closed system.
• The system has to be aerated/vented sufficiently.
• Protective measures have to be installed to the refill
device before the introduction of foreign bodies, smoulder
spots etc.
Pos: 4.4.8 /Information Mapping/¶ @ 7\mod_1164700524126_0.doc @ 105609 @

Pos: 4.4.9 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - Füllstände überwachen Teil1 @ 15\mod_1252935806401_2.doc @ 249174 @ 3

Monitoring of the With automatic refilling the filling levels are monitored by the feeding
filling levels controller (Congrav®). I.e.,
• upon reaching the minimum filling level the feeding controller will
start the refill operation.
• upon reaching the maximum filling level the feeding controller will
stop the refill operation.
Pos: 4.4.10 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - Füllstände überwachen Teil2 @ 15\mod_1252939409964_2.doc @ 249403 @ 3

With manual refilling the operator has to monitor the filling levels and
execute the refill operation.

The optional filling level monitoring permits:

• "optical aids" (signal lamp, etc.)
• integration into the on-site process control system

Pos: 4.4.11 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The hopper, continuation

Pos: 4.4.12 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - Entlüftung, Belüftung @ 9\mod_1185445286810_2.doc @ 140378 @ 3

Aeration, If the hopper cover is closed tightly an aeration/venting system is

venting required for the pressure compensation of the hopper.

Attention! Pressure variations in the hopper

» Operational disturbances appear
• Installation of a aeration/venting system that is suitable for
- displaced air volume
- environmental conditions
- product characteristics
• The feeding operation is not troubled by the aeration/venting
Pos: 4.4.13 /Information Mapping/¶ @ 7\mod_1164700524126_0.doc @ 105609 @

Pos: 4.4.14 /Information Mapping/¶ @ 7\mod_1164700524126_0.doc @ 105609 @

Pos: 4.4.15 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - Ausführung Be-/Entlüftung @ 9\mod_1185449501727_2.doc @ 140398 @ 3

Executions Examples for aeration methods:

Figure Method
Filter bag
• Filtering by means of the bag cloth
• Regular cleaning intervals are required
• Use is not recommended if the contamination is
too big

Filter pipe
• Filtering by means of Vyon foam tissue
• Regular cleaning intervals are required
• Not suitable for very dusty products
• Be sure to observe the operating instructions
Vacuum system (varying executions)
• The setting of the vacuum system must not be
stronger than required
• Regular cleaning of the suction line

Pos: 4.4.16 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - Achtung Filtersack keine dichte Filterungsmethode @ 9\mod_1190206466079_2.doc @ 147860 @

Attention! Filter bag/pipe are no "tight" filter methods

» Danger for the operating staff and the machine due to fine
product dusts/gases is a function of the product characteristics
• Use a closed system

Pos: 4.4.17 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The hopper, continuation

Pos: 4.4.18 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierer/ Behälter - Schutzgas-Überlagerung @ 12\mod_1221054451245_2.doc @ 198958 @ 3

Inertising If a protective atmosphere is required (e.g. N2) due to the product

characteristics, the device has to be inertised during the feeding
process. The supply of the protective gas:
• is provided on site
• has a max. allowed operating pressure of 20 mbar
• permits a pressure compensation (de/aeration)
- by the control of the inertising or
- of an equal pressure compensation

Protective gas systems are closed systems:

The pressure compensation is a requirement for the
operation, as a traditional de/aeration.
Pos: 4.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/MapÜberschrift - Die Produktaufgabe in die Förderrinne @ 12\mod_1218017227980_2.doc @ 194904 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The product supply into the vibrating tray

Pos: 4.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Produktaufgabe - Produktaufgabe @ 12\mod_1218088369318_2.doc @ 195046 @ 3

Product supply The product is supplied from the hopper via the hopper outlet into the
vibrating tray. The hopper outlet
• protrudes into the vibrating tray
• the end is chamfered

The product
• arrives in the vibrating tray by means of the free product flow from
the hopper.
• is supplied in transport direction of the vibrating tray due to the
special shape of the hopper outlet.
• is transported away from the hopper outlet due to the directed
vibration of the tray.
• flows continuously out of the hopper so that the hopper is
completely discharged (precondition: untroubled operation).

Left-hand figure: front view

Right-hand figure: side view

Nr Description
1 Flexible bellow
2 Hopper outlet
3 Vibrating tray (shape: tray or tube)
4 Direction of product flow and product transport

Pos: 4.5.3 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The product supply into the vibrating tray, continuation

Pos: 4.5.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Produktaufgabe - Entlastungskegel @ 12\mod_1218098603397_2.doc @ 195115 @ 3

Discharge cone If the static product pressure in the hopper is too high, this might lead
to a product jam at the hopper outlet and thus trouble or prevent the
free product flow required for the product supply into the vibrating
tray. In this case the hopper is equipped with a discharge cone for the
pressure relief.
The following illustration shows the schematic principle.

Nr Description
1 Hopper
2 Discharge cone
3 Product flow
h Mounting height
d Gap width

Pos: 4.5.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Produktaufgabe - Einstellung Entlastungskegel @ 12\mod_1218103099284_2.doc @ 195137 @ 3

Setting of the The mounting height of the discharge cone determined the gap width
discharge cone d. The gap width is adjusted in such a manner that an appropriate
pressure relief at the hopper outlet and a reliable product supply onto
the vibrating tray can be obtained taking into account the product

Principle for the mounting height of the discharge cone:

"As low as required and as high as possible!"

Pos: 4.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Das Dosierorgan @ 9\mod_1185774645345_2.doc @ 141003 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The feeding organ

Pos: 4.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierorgan - Dosier-Vibrationsrinne @ 12\mod_1218110716229_2.doc @ 195204 @ 3

Vibrating tray The feeding organ is a vibrating tray. As a function of the type of
device two different designs are employed.
Designation of the Tray design
DVT xx Tray (rectangular section)
DVR xx Tube (round section)

Pos: 4.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierorgan - Baugröße @ 12\mod_1218112824064_2.doc @ 195226 @ 3

Construction size The indication "xx" in the device designation indicates the
construction size of the vibrating tray.
Tray type Meaning of construction size "xx"
DVT xx Width of tray in [mm]
DVR xx Diameter of tube in [mm]

Pos: 4.6.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierorgan - Anbindung Dosier-Vibrationsrinne @ 12\mod_1218113067318_2.doc @ 195294 @ 3

Connection The connection of the vibrating tray at the inlet and outlet to other
vibrating tray sub-assemblies must not affect the free vibration of the tray. For this
reason the connections are carried out with a flexible bellow.

The figure shows the components for

the connection at the inlet and at the
Nr Description
1 Inlet bellow
2 Cover (only tray)
3 Tray
4 Vibrating conveyor
5 Outlet bellow
6 Discharge connection pipe

The bellows are fastened by means of

tightening straps. The latter are not

The connection on site is made by means of a flexible sleeve at the

discharge connection pipe (6), which is normally mounted to the base
plate of the feeding device.
Pos: 4.6.5 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The feeding organ, continuation

Pos: 4.6.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierorgan - Trogrinne: Abdeckung @ 12\mod_1218176449271_2.doc @ 195528 @ 3

Tray: Opposite to a tube a tray consists of

cover 2 parts, a feeding tray and a cover.
Nr Description
1 Cover
2 Tightening strap
3 Tray
4 Positioning pivots

Pos: 4.6.7 /Information Mapping/¶ @ 7\mod_1164700524126_0.doc @ 105609 @

Pos: 4.6.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierorgan - Trogrinne: Abdeckung Hinweis @ 12\mod_1222755627166_2.doc @ 204645 @

A mounted cover
• protects the product area against the penetration of
foreign objects.
• is part of a completely mounted device.
• is a requirement for the operation.

Pos: 4.6.9 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierorgan - Trogrinne: Ausführungen der Abdeckung @ 12\mod_1218179959135_2.doc @ 195550 @ 3

Tray: The requirements of the corresponding application determine the

Executions of the execution of the cover. Examples for possible modifications:
Cover Possible modification
Fixing • Tightening straps
• Screw connection
Material • Plastic material
• Metal
• Other materials

Pos: 4.6.10 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierorgan - Trogrinne: "V-Rinne" @ 12\mod_1218180413332_2.doc @ 195572 @ 3

Tray: The so-called "V-shaped tray" is a special construction of the feeding

"V-shaped tray" tray. It has the following features:
• V-shaped section
• Use for special feeding requirements
e.g.: ultra low feed rate for granules
Pos: 4.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/MapÜberschrift - Der Dosierantrieb @ 12\mod_1218173303758_2.doc @ 195343 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The feed drive

Pos: 4.7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierantrieb - Der Schwingförderer @ 12\mod_1218174420869_2.doc @ 195411 @ 3

The figure shows a vibrating

conveyor with a mounted tray.
Nr Description
1 Vibrating magnet
2 Tray fixing
3 Spring elements
4 Tachometer (if available)
With larger construction sizes, 2
vibrating conveyors are mounted
side by side below the tray.
Pos: 4.7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierantrieb - Funktion @ 12\mod_1218181585025_2.doc @ 195594 @ 3

Function The horizontal vibrations of the

vibrating magnet are transmitted
from the spring elements to the
mounted tray. Thus a directed
horizontal vibration is generated
that transports the product from the
inlet towards the outlet.

Pos: 4.7.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierantrieb - Achtung unsachgemäße Modifikation an Rinne oder Schwingförderer @ 12\mod_1218175615682_2.doc @ 195433 @

Attention Arbitrary modifications of the tray or the vibrating conveyor

» Malfunction of the device or operation impossible
• Tray and vibrating conveyor are adjusted to one another. The
combination tray-vibrating conveyor must not be modified without
a release by the manufacturer.

Pos: 4.7.5 /Information Mapping/¶ @ 7\mod_1164700524126_0.doc @ 105609 @

Pos: 4.7.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierantrieb - Ansteuerung @ 12\mod_1218186167923_2.doc @ 195616 @ 3

Control The vibrating conveyor is controlled by a "vibration amplitude

controller". The latter generates an alternating voltage for the
vibrating conveyor with default vibration amplitude. The specified
vibration amplitude determines the operating range (feed rate).
Depending on the execution of the vibration amplitude controller the
vibration amplitude is set via
• a potentiometer,
• a control signal (analogue or serial).
Pos: 4.7.7 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device

The feed drive, continuation

Pos: 4.7.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierantrieb - Tacho: Aufbau @ 12\mod_1218186909475_2.doc @ 195638 @ 3

Tachometer: A tachometer is mounted for

construction measuring the vibration amplitude.
The tachometer consists of a coil
and a permanent magnet that are
mounted with a distance of d =
4mm. A step bellow protects the air
gap against contamination.
Pos: 4.7.9 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosierantrieb - Tacho: Funktion und Einsatz @ 12\mod_1218197443347_2.doc @ 195752 @ 3

Tachometer: Due to the vibrations the permanent magnet induces an alternating

Function and use voltage into the coil that is proportional to the vibration amplitude.
The induced alternating voltage is read in as actual value (= actual
vibration amplitude) by the vibration amplitude controller and
processed for the regulation of the vibration amplitude in the control
circuit. The control permits to adapt the actual vibration amplitude to
the default value.

Pos: 4.8.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Die Bedienung @ 8\mod_1170693701998_3.doc @ 113521 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Description of the component groups of the device


Pos: 4.8.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Bedienung - Definition Bedienung @ 8\mod_1170694592330_3.doc @ 113540 @ 3

Definition: Component groups for

• the command of the device operation and/or
• the visualisation of the device status.

• Signal lamps
• Start/stop switches
• Emergency switch
• Complex feeding controller (Congrav®)

Pos: 4.8.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Bedienung - Ausführung Bedienung @ 8\mod_1170752927876_3.doc @ 113583 @ 3

Executions The execution depends on 2 factors:

(grav. or vol.)
• On-site requirements, for instance:
- signal lamp
- signals for processing systems
- emergency cut-out systems
• The execution of the DualTray determines the type of feeding

Execution Feeding control employed

gravimetric Congrav®, ISC-system
volumetric Drive controller + potentiometer

Pos: 4.8.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03a - Beschreibung der Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Bedienung - Vergleich Dosiersteuerung @ 8\mod_1170695031692_3.doc @ 113559 @ 3

Comparison: The feeding controllers for a volumetric or a gravimetric execution

feeding controllers differ as far as the design and especially as far as the functions are
Function volumetric gravimetric
Adjustment of the feed rate Potentiometer Input
0 – 100% setpoint [kg/h]
Acquisition of the feed rate No Yes
Control of the feed rate No Yes
Level monitoring No 3 Yes

Pos: 5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes @ 9\mod_1189763097205_2.doc @ 146929 @ 1

Requires an optional weighing system with an external evaluation unit

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Optional component groups of the device

4 Optional component groups of the device

Pos: 5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierung/ 1. Seite - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1189763267498_2.doc @ 146989 @ 3

Introduction This chapter describes optional component groups of the device.

These component groups
• modify the construction and the functions of the device
• are adjusted to the corresponding execution of the device

Pos: 5.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierung/ 1. Seite - Wertigkeit der Beschreibung @ 9\mod_1189764368998_2.doc @ 147009 @ 3

Quality rating of As already included in the designation "optional", this chapter

the descriptions describes component groups that are not included in the standard
execution of the device. Therefore, the following applies to the quality
rating of the description in this chapter:
If the component group Then the description
is available has to be observed (requirement)
is not available can be read through (information)

Pos: 5.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schwingförderer/ 1. Seite - Inhalt des Kapitels @ 12\mod_1218198915513_2.doc @ 195798 @

Content of the This chapter is divided into 4 parts, in which sub-assemblies for the
chapter optional equipment of the device are described.

Subject Page
DE-STA-CO clamp locks 29
The hopper agitator 30
The mobile execution 31
The rotating execution 32
Pos: 5.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - DE-STA-CO Spannverschlüsse @ 10\mod_1196686436182_2.doc @ 156353 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Optional component groups of the device

DE-STA-CO locks

Pos: 5.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ DE-STA-CO - Aufbau @ 10\mod_1196686523935_2.doc @ 156373 @ 3

Construction The illustration shows the construction

of a DE-STA-CO lock:
No Description
1 Clamping lever
2 Locking protection
3 Bracket

Pos: 5.5.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ DE-STA-CO - Einsatz @ 10\mod_1196687080926_2.doc @ 156393 @ 3

Application If required, the DE-STA-CO locks are employed optionally. Possible

selection criteria, e.g.:
• higher sealing force
• patented one-hand operation
(when opening the clamping lever (1) the thumb pushes the
locking protection (2) downwards).

Pos: 5.5.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ DE-STA-CO - Sicherheit @ 10\mod_1196687667464_2.doc @ 156413 @ 3

Safety DE-STA-CO locks:

• Opening without additional tool
• Risk potential with security
relevant components

Additional protection:
• Screwing (S)
• Contact switch that is integrated
into the interlocking chain for the
operating release of the device.

Attention! No additional protection according to customer’s requirements

» Disassembly of security relevant components during the
• Install security/protection measures on site
• User’s manual for the safe handling of the device

Pos: 5.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Das Behätlerrührwerk @ 10\mod_1196778750838_2.doc @ 156754 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Optional component groups of the device

The hopper agitator

Pos: 5.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierung/DDSR, DS(R)/ Behälterrührwerk - Abbildung Behälterrührwerk (horizontal) @ 11\mod_1207293014896_2.doc @ 166025 @ 3

Illustration The illustration shows the

hopper agitator construction of a hopper
agitator that is revolving in
horizontal direction.
No Meaning
1 Drive motor
2 Hinged cover
3 Contact switch
4 Clamping lock
5 Agitator

If required by the hopper design a
vertically rotating agitator is employed.

Pos: 5.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierung/DDSR, DS(R)/ Beschreibung - Aufbau Behälterrührwerk DDSR @ 11\mod_1207294197306_2.doc @ 166091 @ 3

Construction The hopper agitator

• is a rotatable shaft with offset "agitator blades".
• is driven by a separate drive motor.
• is adapted to the execution of the hopper.

Pos: 5.6.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierung/DDSR, DS(R)/ Behälterrührwerk - Funktion DDSR @ 11\mod_1207294414527_2.doc @ 166112 @ 3

Function The agitator blades rotate in the product, they are driven by the drive
motor. Effects of the agitator operation:
• Homogenizing of the product in the hopper
• Improved flowability of the product
• Homogeneous filling ratio of the feeding screw

Pos: 5.6.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierung/DDSR, DS(R)/ Behälterrührwerk - Schutzeinrichtung @ 11\mod_1207295336455_2.doc @ 166133 @ 3

Protective It prevents the operating personnel from reaching into the rotating
equipment agitator:
• hopper cover fixed by screws or
• electric contact switch monitors cover lock. Integration of the
contact switch into the operating release:
If cover Then
is open a start of agitator is not possible or immediate
stop of the agitator
Pos: 5.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Die verfahrbare Ausführung @ 9\mod_1190015561079_2.doc @ 147113 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Optional component groups of the device

The movable execution

Pos: 5.7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Verfahrbar - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1190015793670_2.doc @ 147133 @ 3

Introduction With a movable execution the feeding device is mounted on a base

with rolls.

Pos: 5.7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Verfahrbar - Verfahrbares Dosiergerät @ 9\mod_1190018346441_2.doc @ 147153 @ 3

Movable feeding The illustration shows a possible

device execution for a movable feeding
device The use on site
• the construction and
• the equipment of the
movable base.

Examples for modifications:

• Steerable rolls
• Rail rolls
• Complete unit with a control
cabinet for the feeding

Pos: 5.7.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Verfahrbar - Vorgaben verfahrbare Ausführung @ 9\mod_1190024432234_2.doc @ 147173 @ 3

Requirements Additional requirements for a movable execution:

movable execution
Area Requirements
Cabling • Pluggable supply lines
• Safe and admissible plug connections
Operation and • Connect the earth connection line.
activities • Locked and safe base position
• Work (maintenance etc.) on the device is
only allowed if it is locked.
Before moving the • Lock the transport catches.
device • Loosen the supply lines.
• Loosen the connection of the inlet.
• Loosen the connection of the outlet.
• Finally loosen the earth connection.
Moving the device • Guided by the operator.
• Use guiding possibilities.

Pos: 5.8.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Schneckendosierung/MapÜberschrift - Die drehbare Ausführung @ 9\mod_1189767060058_2.doc @ 147029 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Optional component groups of the device

The rotatable execution

Pos: 5.8.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Drehteller - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1190013714963_2.doc @ 147073 @ 3

Introduction With a rotatable execution the feeding device is mounted on a


Pos: 5.8.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Drehteller - Dosiergerät mit Drehteller @ 9\mod_1190011919107_2.doc @ 147053 @ 3

Feeding device The illustration shows a typical

with turntable application for the rotatable
execution of a feeding device:
A feeding device can have 2
different feeding positions.
No Description
1 Locking bolt
2a Locking position 1
2b Locking position 2
3 Turntable
4a Feeding position 1
4b Feeding position 2

Pos: 5.8.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 03b - Optionale Baugruppen des Gerätes/Allgemeine Module/ Drehteller - Vorgaben drehbare Ausführung @ 9\mod_1190014116391_2.doc @ 147093 @ 3

Requirements Additional requirements for a rotatable execution:

execution Area Requirements
Cabling • Appropriate for the rotation
• Protected against ripping off or entangling
• No risk for the operator
Operation and • Only locked operating positions
activities • Work (maintenance etc.) on the device is
only allowed if it is locked.
Before a rotation of • Lock the transport catches.
the device • Loosen the connection of the outlet.
• Loosen the connection of the inlet.
Rotation of the • Rotation guided by the operator
device • Guiding at a downstream connection point
of the device (e.g. base plate, base frame

Pos: 6.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Sicherheitshinweise @ 8\mod_1170762242816_3.doc @ 113927 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

5 Safety instructions

Pos: 6.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Einleitung @ 8\mod_1176296478946_2.doc @ 128935 @ 3

Introduction This chapter indicates safety instructions concerning possible

hazards or for a safe operation of the DualTray.

Pos: 6.1.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Gültigkeit Sicherheitshinweise @ 8\mod_1170762789707_3.doc @ 114022 @ 3

Validity The safety instructions are to be observed for the operation of the
device and for any work on the device, even if they are not mentioned
explicitly in the description of the steps to be taken.

Pos: 6.1.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Definition Freischalten @ 8\mod_1170763378004_3.doc @ 114117 @ 3

Definition: The term “disconnection” is employed for the following hazard notes
Disconnection and in the rest of this manual. “Disconnection” means:
• Disconnect the device from all supply media.
• Protect it against unauthorised reconnection.
• Discharge all kinds of energy stocks (manually or due to sufficient
dwell times)

Pos: 6.1.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Inhalt (mit Map "Restgefahren") @ 9\mod_1185260676968_2.doc @ 139229 @

Content of the The chapter is divided in 4 parts.

Subject Page
Hazard notes 35
Residual danger 38
Protective design measures 40
Safety instructions for weighing 42

Pos: 6.2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Kennzeichnung der Gefahrenhinweise @ 10\mod_1196406273624_2.doc @ 156153 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Marking of hazard notes

Pos: 6.2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Kennzeichnung Gefahrenhinweise - Einleitung @ 10\mod_1196406388709_2.doc @ 156173 @ 3

Introduction In this chapter and in the following ones hazard notes mark situations
that are dangerous for the operating staff and/or the machine. The
composition of the hazard notes follows a determined structure and
quality rating. This chapter describes both, structure and quality

Pos: 6.2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Kennzeichnung Gefahrenhinweise - Struktur der Gefahrenhinweise @ 10\mod_1196406912623_2.doc @ 156193 @ 3

Structure of the The scheme shows the composition of a hazard note:

hazard notes
Signal word Reason of danger
» Effect of danger
• Countermeasure

Additional explanation:
Element Meaning
Signal word Marks the quality rating and is described
Symbol General: Attention symbol
Special: Electricity symbol etc.
Effect, Listings, several elements possible

Pos: 6.2.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Kennzeichnung Gefahrenhinweise - Wertigkeit der Gefahrenhinweise @ 10\mod_1196407876510_2.doc @ 156213 @ 3

Quality rating The meaning of the signal word:

of the
hazard notes Signal word Meaning
Danger Imminent danger that may cause severe injuries or
Warning Possibly dangerous situation that may cause severe
injuries or death.
Caution either
possibly dangerous situation that may cause
slight injuries
dangerous situations the potential hazard of
which is a function of unknown parameters e.g.
”product characteristics”.
Attention! Possibly dangerous situation that might cause
material damage to other equipment.

Pos: 6.3.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Gefahrenhinweise @ 8\mod_1170763300582_3.doc @ 114098 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Hazard notes

Pos: 6.3.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Fehlverhalten @ 8\mod_1170763494082_3.doc @ 114136 @

Danger Malpractice
Considerable hazard potential for the operating staff and the machine
• Be sure to comply with the intended purpose.
• Be sure to observe the instructions for mounting, operation and
• Be sure to observe the instructions for the execution of the
corresponding work.
• Do not carry out any arbitrary modification.

Pos: 6.3.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Berührungsgefährliche Spannungen @ 8\mod_1170763646316_3.doc @ 114155 @

Danger Voltages that are hazardous upon contact

» Electric stroke during work on electric component groups

Work on the device:

• Disconnect the device before the start of the work.
• To be carried out by a qualified electrician
• Please observe:
- the valid standards and regulations,
- the state of the art
- the acknowledged engineering rules
Maintenance of the device:
• Check electric component groups/installation.
• In case of damage:
- the device has to be stopped immediately.
- disconnect the device.
- eliminate the damage or exchange component groups.

Pos: 6.3.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Erdung @ 8\mod_1170764295270_3.doc @ 114174 @

Warning No earthing or inappropriate earthing

» Discharge of static loads
• Connect the marked main earth connection point of the device to
the on-site equipotential bonding.
• Earth connections between the device and the mounted
component groups must not be interrupted or removed.
• Connections to earth have to be checked regularly and renewed
if required.

Pos: 6.3.5 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Hazard notes, continuation

Pos: 6.3.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Restenergiespeicher @ 8\mod_1170764595066_3.doc @ 114193 @

Warning Residual energy storage

» Electric stroke, contusions, burns and other
• Disconnect the device.
• Sufficient waiting time before the start of work:
- Discharge of electric energy stocks
- Cooling of hot surfaces (thermic)
- Aeration of compressed-air lines (pneumatic)
• If available:
Positioning into the final position, so that the formation of elastic
or torsional forces can be prevented.

Examples for energy stocks:

Type Example
Electric Charged capacitors, coils
Mechanic Tensioned springs
Pneumatic Filled compressed-air storage
Thermic Hot surfaces, dissipators

Pos: 6.3.7 /Information Mapping/¶ @ 7\mod_1164700524126_0.doc @ 105609 @

Pos: 6.3.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Undichtigkeit am Gerät @ 8\mod_1170766533093_3.doc @ 114212 @

Caution Leakages
» As a function of the product characteristics leakages present are
hazardous for the operating staff and the machine
Immediate measures:
• Stop the device.
• Disconnect the device.
• Safety measures for the protection of the operating staff and the
machine have to be taken.

Elimination of the damage:

• Eliminate the leakage and its cause.
• Eliminate damage of the device.
• Clean the device and the environment.
• Correct disposal of residual product.

Pos: 6.3.9 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Hazard notes, continuation

Pos: 6.3.10 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Produktreste im Gerät @ 15\mod_1251277864979_2.doc @ 243681 @

Caution Residual product in the device

» Endangers persons because of hazardous product characteristics
» Contamination of the environment during the disassembly
» Product blending during product change
• Safety measures for the protection of the operating staff and the
machine have to be taken.
• Correct disposal of residual product, contaminations.
• Thorough cleaning before a product change.

Pos: 6.3.11 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Unzulässige Produkttemperatur @ 8\mod_1170767181281_3.doc @ 114231 @

Caution Inadmissible product temperatures

» Danger for the operating staff and the environment
» Drastic reduction of the average lifetime of the device
» “Hidden” damages the effects of which can only be seen later
• Be sure to respect the allowed range of product temperatures
• Mark hot surfaces

Pos: 6.3.12 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Fremdkörper am Gerät, im Produktbereich @ 9\mod_1188891050632_2.doc @ 146093 @

Attention! Foreign bodies on the device, in the product zone

» Damage of the device
» Damage of on-site equipment
» Operational failures
• Foreign bodies have to be removed before commissioning
• Closed product zone
• Protective measures have to be installed

Pos: 6.3.13 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Gefahrenhinweise - Unsachgemäßer Transport @ 15\mod_1251279858469_2.doc @ 243842 @

Attention! Improper transport of the device

» Damage of the device
» Endangering operating staff and the environment
• Prepare the device for the transport
• Employ suitable lifting equipment or similar
• Use transport equipment (transport eyelets etc.) that is mounted
to the device.
• Do not tie transport straps or similar to the component groups.

Pos: 6.4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Restgefahren am Gerät @ 9\mod_1185260943328_2.doc @ 139271 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Residual risks caused by the device

Pos: 6.4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Restgefahren - Einleitung @ 8\mod_1170762341176_3.doc @ 113946 @ 3

Introduction The device has been manufactured according to the state of the art
and under respect of the valid standards and regulations. However,
there are “residual dangers”.

Pos: 6.4.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Restgefahren - Vorsicht Tätigkeiten oder Betriebssituationen ruft Restgefahr hervor @ 9\mod_1185264606046_2.doc @ 139456 @

Caution Activity or operating situation causing the residual risk

» Danger for the operating staff and the environment
• Activities:
- Be sure to observe the specifications.
- Take protective measures before carrying out the operations.
• Operating situations:
- Comply with the allowed working/operating range.
- Immediate cut-out in case of dangerous operating situations.

Pos: 6.4.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Restgefahr - Produktstau @ 15\mod_1251281688374_2.doc @ 244003 @ 3

Residual risk Source of Product jam

product jam danger:
• in the inlet/outlet of the device
• in the upstream/downstream equipment
Effect: • Operational failures
• Damage of the device
Measures: • The free product flow into the device and out of the
device has to be guaranteed.
• With upstream/downstream devices that stop the
operation of the device (interlocking chain).

Pos: 6.4.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Restgefahr - Be-/Entlüftung (Über-/Unterdruck) @ 15\mod_1251282099742_2.doc @ 244348 @ 3

Residual risk Source of Missing pressure compensation because of

ventilation/deaerat danger:
ion • missing ventilation 4
• inappropriate execution of the ventilation.
• external pressurisation.
Effect: • Operational failures
• Damage of the device
• Endangering the operating staff and the environment
Measures: • The device has to be aerated/vented sufficiently.
• Avoid pressurisation with overpressure/low pressure
caused by connected equipment.
Pos: 6.4.6 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Ventilation = ventilation or deaeration of the device

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Residual risks caused by the device, continuation

Pos: 6.4.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Restgefahr - Mischprodukte @ 15\mod_1251382675875_2.doc @ 245467 @ 3

Residual risk Source of Product blend with different particle sizes

blended products danger:
Effect: • Separation of particles caused by vibrations
• Problems in the downstream process
Measures: • Employ homogeneous product.

Pos: 6.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Schutzeinrichtungen @ 8\mod_1170767469953_3.doc @ 114269 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Protective equipment

Pos: 6.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Schutzeinrichtungen - Einleitung @ 8\mod_1176302759275_2.doc @ 128983 @ 3

Introduction The device is equipped with protective equipment to protect the

operating staff and the machine. Please find below a description of
the protective equipment.

Pos: 6.5.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Schutzeinrichtungen - Bauteile mit Schutzfunktion @ 15\mod_1252327410386_2.doc @ 246343 @ 3

In general, the type-approval of the device ceases to be

effective, if one protective measure has been mounted
correctly or has been deactivated.

Components with Different types of protective equipment may be mounted to a device.

protective The protective equipment may have different functions.
1. Components with a pure protective function
These components (e.g. covers) have only been mounted due to their
protective function. As a rule, they have no effect on the function of
the device. But:
An operation of the device is only allowed with a properly
mounted protective equipment.

2. Components with combined functions

These components have an operative function and a protective
function. For instance:
• The hopper has the function to store product.
• The construction size of the hopper prevents the operating staff
from reaching into the rotating components.

3. Components with monitoring functions

These components are switches or detectors that monitor the closing,
the position or the status of a component. As a rule, they deliver an
electrical signal that is integrated into an interlocking chain. If one or
several monitoring devices report an error, an interlocking chain will
block the operational release of the device. I.e. it
• will prevent the start of a stopped device
• will cause an immediate stop of a started device
Pos: 6.5.4 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Protective equipment, continuation

Pos: 6.5.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Schutzeinrichtungen - Versiegelungen @ 8\mod_1170767752359_3.doc @ 114307 @ 3

Sealings Set screws or similar are adjusted and fixed in position in our works
by lacquer or a seal. The sealings must not be damaged. Otherwise
the type-approval of the device and the manufacturer’s liability cease
to be effective.

Pos: 6.5.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Schutzeinrichtungen - Sicherheits-Verschraubungen @ 15\mod_1252392240356_2.doc @ 246373 @ 3

Safety screwing As a rule, the protective equipment is tightly screwed, i.e. a tool is
required for disassembly and accidental loosening is thus prevented.
If components with protective functions are fixed by means of "quick
release" connections, at least one "quick release" connection is
protected by means of an additional safety screwing against
unintentional operation.

Safety screwing is a protective equipment. As an alternative

the component can also be monitored by means of the "quick
release" connection (switch, sensors).

Pos: 6.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Sicherheitshinweise Verwiegung @ 8\mod_1170767948843_3.doc @ 114345 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Safety instructions for weighing

Pos: 6.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Einleitung @ 15\mod_1252397377579_2.doc @ 246511 @ 3

Introduction For feeders with a weighing system (level monitoring or gravimetric

feeding) further safety instructions have to be observed due to the
construction and due to the weight reading.

Pos: 6.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Montage, Aufstellungsort @ 8\mod_1170768119125_3.doc @ 114383 @ 3

Mounting, The mounting and the place of the installation have to comply with the
place of the high requirements concerning the protection against external
perturbations (vibrations, chocks, vibrations etc.) for a safe weighing.

Pos: 6.6.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Zulässiger Betriebsbereich @ 9\mod_1180604779254_2.doc @ 134911 @ 3

Allowed The allowed operating range of a weighed device is a function of the

operating range operating data:
• the load cell(s)
• the evaluation unit or the controller
• the feeding device (hopper contents, drive etc.) and
• the product employed (bulk density)

The allowed operating range takes into account all these

operating data and does not violate the limits.

Pos: 6.6.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Betrieb @ 10\mod_1205327896134_2.doc @ 161453 @ 3

Operation During the weighing process the weight signal is evaluated via a
suitable evaluation unit (level monitoring) or a feeding controller
(gravimetric feeding).

Requirement for the an accurate operation:

Qualified specialist personnel adjusts the evaluation unit/the
feeding controller to the operating data of the load cell.

Pos: 6.6.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Achtung Transport oder Arbeiten am Gerät @ 9\mod_1182512810703_2.doc @ 138425 @

Attention! Transport or work on the device

Damage of the weighing system
Before the start of the work/transport:
The transport catch(es) have to be mounted completely and properly.

Pos: 6.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Kennzeichnungen am Gerät @ 9\mod_1189688311724_2.doc @ 146753 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Safety instructions

Marking of the device

Pos: 6.7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Kennzeichnungen am Gerät - Warnhinweise @ 9\mod_1189688370389_2.doc @ 146773 @ 3

Warning labels Beware of dangerous electric voltages.

on the device Any work on the device/the component group required
• a qualified electrician
• and a secure, zero-potential state

Beware of high surface temperatures.

Any work on the device/the component group required
• protective equipment (gloves etc…)
• sufficient cooling down before the start

Beware of danger of bruising.

Any work on the device/the component group required
• appropriate protective equipment

Pos: 6.7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Kennzeichnungen am Gerät - Gebotshinweise am Gerät @ 9\mod_1189690454838_2.doc @ 146793 @ 3

Instructions Disconnect the device from the power supply.

on the device Before the start of any work on the device
• it has to be disconnected from the power supply
• protect it against unauthorised reconnection

Connect the earth connection line.

Marked earth connection points
• have to be connected correctly to protective earth

Be sure to observe the specified direction of rotation.

During the commissioning
• check the direction of rotation of the drive motor
• change the wrong direction of rotation

Pos: 6.7.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Kennzeichnungen am Gerät - Verbotshinweise am Gerät @ 9\mod_1189691606556_2.doc @ 146813 @ 3

Prohibitions Sharp-edged agitator

on the device Considerable risk of injuries, therefore:
• Never put hands or arms into a rotating agitator.
• Put on long gloves during the work.
Pos: 6.7.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 04 - Sicherheitshinweise/Allgemeine Module/ Kennzeichnungen am Gerät - Ausführung des Gerätes @ 9\mod_1190107592744_2.doc @ 147254 @ 3

Execution ATEX execution

of the device Danger for operating staff and machine, therefore:
• be sure to observe and to comply with the category of
the device.
Pos: 7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/Kapitelüberschrift @ 8\mod_1170770224134_3.doc @ 114441 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

6 Mounting of the device

Pos: 7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Das Ziel der Montage @ 8\mod_1170771429821_3.doc @ 114593 @

The aim The aim of mounting is to put the device in a state where it is ready
of mounting for the start of the operation.

Pos: 7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ 1. Seite - Inhalt des Kapitels @ 12\mod_1218468869726_2.doc @ 196217 @

Content of the The chapter is divided into 7 parts.

Subject Page
Specifications for mounting 45
Notes for electrical mounting 46
Place of the installation, auxiliaries 47
Transport of the device 48
General mounting work 49
Electrical mounting 51
Connection of the feeding controller (for DDW-…) 53
Pos: 7.4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Vorgaben Montage @ 8\mod_1171893637207_3.doc @ 122993 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

Instructions for mounting

Pos: 7.4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Montagedurchführung @ 10\mod_1205405494885_2.doc @ 162427 @ 3

Mounting Prescriptions for appropriate mounting:

• The mounting has to be carried out by specialist personnel.
• Be sure to comply with the statutory provisions.
• Eliminate sources of danger for the operating staff and the
• Disconnect the device.
• Do not damage the device.
• Avoid disturbances of the mounting work.

Pos: 7.4.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Hinweis für die Inbetriebnahme @ 10\mod_1205406417618_2.doc @ 162553 @ 3

Instruction for Preliminary mounting work for sample measurements that permit to
commissioning determine/check the feed rate of the device:
• A collecting receptacle that is suitable for the product quantity has
to be available.
• If necessary, a bypass line to the collecting receptacle has to be

Pos: 7.4.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Montageunterbrechung @ 8\mod_1170770743946_3.doc @ 114517 @ 3

Interruption of To be observed in case of an interruption of mounting:

• Protect the device against foreign bodies.
• Mark that the device is partly mounted and
• protect it against an unauthorised commissioning.

Pos: 7.4.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Beendigung der Montage @ 8\mod_1170770489868_3.doc @ 114498 @ 3

Completing the Mounting ends with if the device is ready for operation. This includes:
mounting work
• Correct and complete mounting of the device.
• “Final cleaning” of the environment, remove all foreign bodies.

Pos: 7.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Hinweise für die elektrische Montage @ 9\mod_1178865558048_2.doc @ 132403 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

Instructions for electrical mounting

Pos: 7.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben E-Montage - Warnhinweis Berührungsgefährliche Spannungen @ 10\mod_1205410726243_2.doc @ 162868 @

Danger Working with voltages that are hazardous upon contact

» Electric stroke during work on electric component groups
• Be sure to comply with the statutory provisions.
• Have the work done by a trained and authorised electrician.
• Disconnect the device (please see the page 33).

Pos: 7.5.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben E-Montage - Anschluss Erdung @ 10\mod_1205411147282_2.doc @ 162952 @ 3

Connection Prerequisite for the type approval of the device:

Provide an appropriate earth connection. This means:
• The earthing has to be carried out according to the standards.
• The mains earth connection point has to be connected to the
equipotential bonding on site.
• Continuous earthing
- of the complete device
- of the connections on site

Pos: 7.5.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben E-Montage - Verkabelung @ 10\mod_1205411784763_2.doc @ 163099 @ 3

Cabling Cabling work has to be carried out appropriately. This means:

• Only employ the allowed cable types
• Do not exceed the max. allowed cable length
• Separate laying of high-voltage current and signal/control lines
• Implementation of all protective measures against
electromagnetic interfering fields

Danger Inappropriate cabling

» Danger for the operating personnel and the environment
» Operational disturbances and malfunctions
• Cabling work has to be carried out appropriately
• For off-size cable types/length you have to demand the approval
of the manufacturer

Pos: 7.5.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben E-Montage - Kabelverschraubungen @ 8\mod_1170855636096_3.doc @ 115066 @ 3

Screwed cable The screenings are a function of the available screwed cable glands
glands, screening and they are connected as follows:

For What to do: provide screening

Metal acc. to the illustration
Plastic PE terminal, junction box

Pos: 7.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift "Aufstellungsort, Hilfsmittel" @ 8\mod_1170771351618_3.doc @ 114574 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

Place of the installation, auxiliaries

Pos: 7.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Aufstellungsort - Der Aufstellungsort @ 8\mod_1170771644759_3.doc @ 114612 @ 3

Place of the The place of the installation has to comply with the following
installation specifications:
General specifications:
• according to standards (ArbStättV, GefStoffV etc.).
• stable, dry, at level, free from vibrations
• suitable for the load/loading to be expected
• protected against the impact of climate
• allowed environmental temperature
• free from oils, fats, gases, vapours etc.
• no explosive atmosphere.
Instructions for the equipment:
• sufficient illumination
• sufficient dimensioning, so that a possible access to the device or
components that are mounted to the device are not blocked
• connections for necessary supply media (evacuation, supply
voltages, compressed-air, etc.) are available.

Pos: 7.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Aufstellungsort - Montagehilfsmittel @ 10\mod_1205412748453_2.doc @ 163183 @ 3

Mounting tools Required for mounting:

• General locksmith’s tools
• General electrician's tools
• level
Auxiliary equipment
• Lining plates for the horizontal alignment
• Cover tarpaulin
• Cleaning rags, cleaning agent
Before use make sure to observe the “Cleaning of the
Pos: 7.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Transport des Gerätes @ 9\mod_1185860030169_2.doc @ 141463 @ 2
device” (page 77).

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

Transport of the device

Pos: 7.7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Transport - Achtung unsachgemäßer Transport @ 9\mod_1185859751835_2.doc @ 141423 @

Caution Inappropriate transport

» Risk of injury
» Damage of the device or the equipment
• Use suitable transport equipment
• Do not fasten transport equipment to mounted component groups
• Use mounted transport equipment (transport eyelets etc.)

Pos: 7.7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Transport - Transport zum Aufstellungsort @ 10\mod_1205413143599_2.doc @ 163288 @ 3

Transport to the Suitable lifting equipment (fork lift truck, crane, etc.) permits to
place of the transport the following items to the place of the installation:
• the device
• loosely supplied parts

Pos: 7.7.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Transport - Transportösen DVT/DVR @ 12\mod_1218456918829_2.doc @ 195846 @ 3

Transport eyelets The figure shows the construction of

a transport catch/eyelet for a feeding
device with a weighing system (4
pieces in total).

Nr Description
1 Fixing for base plate
2 Fixing for load cell hood
3 Transport eyelet

The bores (1) and (2) permit to screw the transport catches to the
device. The transport eyelets are used for the fixing of the transport
auxiliaries (ropes, chains or similar).

The transport eyelets can only be employed for the transport

of an empty device.

Caution Tilting danger

» Risk of injuries for the operating staff
» Damage of the device
• Be sure to observe the centre of gravity.
• Employ a suitable and allowed tilting protection.
Pos: 7.8.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Allgemeine Montagearbeiten @ 9\mod_1178797072833_2.doc @ 132194 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

General mounting work

Pos: 7.8.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Allgemeine Montagearbeiten - Vorgaben für die Ausführung @ 9\mod_1185862421120_2.doc @ 141585 @ 3

Instructions for Make sure to observe the following points for mounting:
the execution
• Horizontal alignment
• Max. 2mm offset
for the connection of the device to the equipment on site
• Flexible connections to the product lines on site

Pos: 7.8.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Allgemeine Montagearbeiten - Aufstellung @ 11\mod_1205413979960_2.doc @ 163435 @ 3

Installation Persons, tools

• 1-2 persons (lifting equipment, mounting)
• Lifting equipment (crane, fork lift truck etc.)
• General locksmith’s tools
• Lining sheets for horizontal alignment
Step What to do
1 If required, carrying straps or similar have to be fastened
without causing damage to the device
2 Transport the device to the place of the installation
3 Align the device at the place of the installation
4 Align the device horizontally (lining sheets)
5 Screw the base frame to the floor construction

Pos: 7.8.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Allgemeine Montagearbeiten - Anschluss Ein-/Auslauf @ 12\mod_1218458795858_2.doc @ 195938 @ 3

Connection Connection of the device with the product line on site:

On site Connection point feeding device
Product supply Inlet pipe hopper cover
Product discharge Outlet fixed point/feeding device*
*depending on the execution of the device

The connections are carried out in a flexible manner with a sleeve or

a flexible sleeve that is supplied loosely with the device.
If the Ø of the product lines Required connection
is equal Sleeve
differs Flexible sleeve
Pos: 7.8.5 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

General mounting work, continuation

Pos: 7.8.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Allgemeine Montagearbeiten - Beispiel flexible Anbindung @ 12\mod_1218465438706_2.doc @ 196008 @ 3

Example The figure shows the flexible

flexible connection with a flexible sleeve as an

Nr Description
1 Upper tightening strap
2 Sleeve/flexible sleeve
3 Lower tightening strap
4 Direction of product flow

Pos: 7.8.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Allgemeine Montagearbeiten - Änderung des Leitungsquerschnitts @ 12\mod_1218465444502_2.doc @ 196031 @ 3

Changing the line Changing the line section:

It is only allowed to change the line section, if the line section
increases in the direction of the product flow.

Pos: 7.8.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Allgemeine Montagearbeiten - Anschluss Entlüftung @ 9\mod_1185861393459_2.doc @ 141565 @ 3

Connection Standard execution of the venting system:

of venting
• Filter bag/pipe loosely supplied

Mounting of the venting system:

Venting Mounting work
Filter bag • Connection to the venting nozzles
• Suspend the filter bag in the retainer
Filter pipe • Connection to the venting nozzle
JetFilter • Be sure to observe the operating instructions
Suction • Downstream connection point provided on site
• Flexible connection to the venting nozzle or by
means of an annular gap ("china hat")
Pos: 7.9.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Elektrische Montage @ 9\mod_1178879358725_2.doc @ 132465 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

Electrical mounting

Pos: 7.9.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ E-Montage - Hinweis für die elektrische Montage @ 10\mod_1205410306142_2.doc @ 162658 @ 3

Information on Two different types of information are employed for the description of
electrical the electrical mounting: wiring plans and task descriptions. Both types
of information are to be found in different chapters of this manual.
Type of information Chapter
Task descriptions in this chapter
Wiring plans in appendix A

Pos: 7.9.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ E-Montage - Rangfolge Anschlusspläne @ 9\mod_1178880733639_2.doc @ 132505 @ 3

Order of the Due to the special application and the component groups employed 3
wiring plans different types of wiring plans may be included in the documentation
folder. The following order of rank has been defined for the wiring

Orde Wiring plan

1 Wiring plans that have been made specially for the order
• Take into account the special design of the application
• Independent documents in the documentation folder
2 Standard wiring plans
• Take into account the standard design of the device
• Included in appendix A
3 Documentation of component suppliers:
• Only for the standard design of the manufacturer
• Independent documents in the documentation folder

Feedback, enquiry
If the different wiring plans are contradictious, for instance
interchanged poles of a component group:
• contact the service department of the manufacturer
• solve the problem.

Pos: 7.9.4 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

Electrical mounting, continuation

Pos: 7.9.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Elektr. Anschluss - Klemmenkästen @ 9\mod_1178887940443_2.doc @ 132545 @ 3

Junction boxes As a rule, the electrical connections of the individual component groups of
the device are cabled in junction boxes that are mounted to the base
frame of the device. The cabling is already provided in our works.
Listing of the terminal functions in the junction boxes:
• Wiring plans
• Terminal connections junction box -JBn (annex A)
The connections to the terminals of the junction boxes have to be
provided on site.

Pos: 7.9.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/ Elektr. Anschluss - Anschluss Wägezelle @ 9\mod_1178867859078_2.doc @ 132423 @ 3

Connection The following information only applies to weighed devices:

of the load cell
The connection of the load cell(s) and the evaluation of the signal is
made by means of an evaluation unit that is mounted to the device or
in a separate control cabinet. It has to comply with the following
• supply voltage for the load cell(s)
• reading of the weight signal / the weight signals
• processing of the weight signal / the weight signals
• visualisation and/or signal relaying to an external visu-
alisation/processing (e.g.: Congrav®).

Be sure to observe the documentation of the manufacturer!

Pos: 7.9.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Elektr. Anschluss - Anschluss Antrieb @ 12\mod_1218466220458_2.doc @ 196077 @ 3

Connection of the The feed drive is connected to a vibration amplitude controller (with
drive tachometer) or vibration amplitude actuator (without tachometer).

Pos: 7.9.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Elektr. Anschluss - Anschluss optionales Behälterrührwerk @ 12\mod_1218466604447_2.doc @ 196100 @ 3

Connection The drive (ac motor) of the optional hopper agitator is connected to
optional hopper the mains.
• Control of the agitator motor:
If Then
the feeding starts the agitator starts
the feeding stops the agitator stops
• Recommendation:
Install a separate circuit breaker for the agitator motor.
Pos: 7.10.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Anschluss an eine Dosiersteuerung @ 9\mod_1185871266683_2.doc @ 141678 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Mounting of the device

Connection to a feeding controller

Pos: 7.10.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schneckendosierer/ Dosiersteuerung - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1185871439579_2.doc @ 141718 @ 3

Introduction A feeding controller is required for the operation of a loss-in-weight

feeder (DDW-…). The manufacturer offers 2 systems, namely
Congrav® or ISC-system.

Pos: 7.10.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosiersteuerung - Congrav(®) mit DVT @ 12\mod_1218467265848_2.doc @ 196146 @ 3

Congrav® With a Congrav® system

• the operating and control unit are one device.
• the electrical sub-assemblies of the feeding device are connected
to the Congrav®.

The figure shows of schema of a Congrav® system.

Part Meaning
BF Refill valve
DA3 Refill requirement
M Feeding drive
DRS2 Vibration amplitude controller
DA1 Operating release for DRS2
Default value for vibration amplitude
T Tachometer feedback
W Weight signal
WS Weight signal reading
S Interlocking chain protective switch
DE1 Digital input "interlocking"

Pos: 7.10.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 05 - Montage/Schneckendosierer/ Dosiersteuerung - ISC-System @ 9\mod_1185875684920_2.doc @ 141758 @ 3

ISC-system An ISC-system has the following features:

• the operating and the control unit has interconnected via the ISC
field bus
• controller and drive regulator are mounted to the device

The illustration shows a

schematic ISC structure
Part Meaning
IDx Feeding device with ID number x
x= 1 … 16
A Display-/operating unit
here: Congrav® RC4
Pos: 8.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Inbetriebnahme des Gerätes @ 8\mod_1170927370248_3.doc @ 115113 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

7 Commissioning of the device

Pos: 8.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Ziel der Inbetriebnahme @ 8\mod_1172150004151_3.doc @ 123133 @ 3

Aim of The commissioning has the following aim:

• The check of the correct functioning and
• The computation of the operating parameters

Pos: 8.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ 1. Seite - Kundenseitige Vorbereitung @ 9\mod_1179466357754_2.doc @ 132763 @ 3

To be prepared Instruction for the preparation on site (bypass):

on site
During the commissioning of a feeding station the discharge/feed rate
has to be computed. For this purpose, a complete feeding operation
is required. If the downstream equipment is not appropriate, it is
required to install a bypass line in a collecting receptacle.

Pos: 8.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ 1.Seite - Inhalt @ 12\mod_1218527385434_2.doc @ 196243 @

Content of the This chapter describes the commissioning of the device. The chapter
chapter is divided into 6 parts.

Subject Page
Specifications for commissioning 55
Commissioning procedure 57
Commissioning of the feeding device 58
Commissioning of an optional hopper agitator 59
Commissioning of the weighing system 60
Determination of the discharge/feed rate 63
Pos: 8.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Vorgaben Inbetriebnahme @ 8\mod_1172149020736_3.doc @ 123113 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Instructions for commissioning

Pos: 8.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Vorgaben - extern Baugruppen @ 12\mod_1218533529061_2.doc @ 196266 @ 3

External sub- A commissioning of the feeding device also means a commissioning

assemblies of connected sub-assemblies with
• an operating function and/or
• a control function

As far as the feeder is concerned, these sub-assemblies are

external equipment with separate documentation.
The following applies to the documentation:
• Be sure to read it before the commissioning of the
feeding device
• Be sure to observe the specifications for commissioning.

Pos: 8.5.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Freier Produktfluss @ 8\mod_1176445618678_2.doc @ 129393 @ 3

Free During commissioning the product feeding is started for the

product flow computation of the feed rate. For this purpose, the following
conditions have to be complied with:
• Sufficient product quantity available
• Free product flow into/out of the device
• Collect or process the product quantity that has been fed:
- Feeding into a collecting receptacle
- Feeding into downstream parts of the installation
• A bypass line to the collecting receptacle may possibly be required.

Pos: 8.5.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Warnhinweis Ersatzprodukt bei gefährlichen Produkten @ 8\mod_1170927490709_3.doc @ 115132 @

Danger Commissioning with dangerous products

Danger for the operating staff and the environment due to leakages or
functional failures of the device
• Employ a product substitute:
If you employ Then you have to observe
Product substitute Harmless but otherwise identical
product characteristics
No product substitute You have to take all necessary
measures for the protection of the
operating staff and the environment.

Pos: 8.5.5 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Instructions for commissioning, continuation

Pos: 8.5.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Vorbereitung Inbetriebnahme @ 8\mod_1170937852346_3.doc @ 115189 @ 3

How to prepare For commissioning

with bypass line: without bypass line:
• Connect the bypass line • Prepare the downstream
• Provide a collecting receptacle parts of the installation.

Pos: 8.5.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Unterbrechung Inbetriebnahme @ 9\mod_1180623089822_2.doc @ 135141 @ 3

Interruption of the The commissioning has to be interrupted, if:

• there are problems during commissioning.
• the mounting of the device has to be corrected.

Before the start of corrections on electrical assemblies:

Pos: 8.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Ablauf der Inbetriebnahme @ 8\mod_1170940559671_3.doc @ 115246 @ 2
• disconnect the device 5.

Definition Disconnection see page 33

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Rundown of commissioning

Pos: 8.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Ablauf - Vorab-Checkliste @ 8\mod_1170939272518_3.doc @ 115227 @ 3

Preliminary Points to check with the device:

check list
No Points to check Status
1 Has all mounting work been finished correctly.
2 Have the supply media been connected.
3 Has the device been cleaned from foreign bodies,
4 Have all prescribed safety measures for the reliability
of operation been executed.

Points to check with the user:

No Points to check Status
1 All other parts of the installation are ready for operation.
2 Supply media are available.
3 Sufficient product quantities are available.
4 Sample measurements can be carried through.

Pos: 8.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schneckendosierer/FWplus, FWxxN/ Ablauf - Ablauf der Inbetriebnahme @ 9\mod_1185889015263_2.doc @ 141982 @ 3

Commissioning The commissioning runs down as follows:

Step What to do
1 Connect all supply media
2 Warming-up of the electronics (approx. 30 min.)
3 Commissioning of the feeding device (page 58)
4 Commissioning of the weighing system (page 60)
5 Determination of the feed rate/discharge rate (see page 63)

Pos: 8.6.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Ablauf - Beendigung der Inbetriebnahme @ 8\mod_1170941376175_3.doc @ 115303 @ 3

Termination of The commissioning ends with the determination of the feed

commissioning rate/discharge rate, then the device is ready for operation.
Examples for possibly required work:

actual status necessary work

Bypass installed Disassemble bypass
Collecting receptacle has been Remove collecting receptacle
Employ a product substitute Discharge the device completely
Cleaning is necessary Clean the device
Pos: 8.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Inbetriebnahme Dosiergerät @ 9\mod_1179467166024_2.doc @ 132823 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Commissioning of the feeding device

Pos: 8.7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosiergerät - Überprüfung Vibrationsrinne @ 12\mod_1218550685126_2.doc @ 196339 @ 3

Inspection Functional testing of the vibrating tray:

vibrating tray
Step Action
1 Adjust the average default value for the vibration amplitude
(potentiometer, control signal)
2 Start the operation
3 Inspection of the vibrating tray:
Points to check OK
A Tray vibrates with average vibration amplitude
B Tray vibrates without contacting other sub-
C Connections of the tray are sufficiently flexible

4 Stop the operation

In case of an operation with a Congrav® use the "discharge"

mode (setpoint ~ 30%)

Pos: 8.7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Dosiergerät - Störursachen Funktionsprüfung @ 12\mod_1218554757893_2.doc @ 196361 @ 3

Causes for faults: Possible causes for faults found for the individual points to check
functional testing during functional testing:
If Then
Tray does not vibrate Check
- the electrical cabling
- the vibration amplitude controller
- the Congrav®
Tray vibrates with the max. Check
vibration amplitude - the polarity of the tachometer
Tray contacts the sub- Make sure that there is no contact
Insufficient flexibility of Increase the flexibility e.g. by
connections - Untightening of the flexible
connection (e.g. step bellows).
- Use softer material.

Pos: 8.8.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/MapÜberschrift - Inbetriebnahme optionales Behälterrührwerk @ 12\mod_1218556082526_2.doc @ 196433 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Commissioning hopper agitator

Pos: 8.8.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Dosiergerät - Überprüfung Drehrichtung @ 9\mod_1179467532415_2.doc @ 132863 @ 3

Checking An arrow marks the direction of rotation of the motor ( ). For

the direction the check you have to start the feeder for a short period and examine
of rotation
the direction of rotation. If the direction of rotation is incorrect:
Step What to do
1 Switch off the power supply.
2 Protect it against unauthorised reconnection.
3 Change the direction of rotation.
Motor type Then you have to observe
Threephase current Exchange two (e.g. U, V) of the three
drive connection lines (U,V,W).
dc drive Exchange the “armature” connections.

4 Reconnect the power supply.

This check has to be carried out for all drives of the feeding

Pos: 8.8.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Dosiergerät - Entlüftungsschraube Getriebe @ 9\mod_1179468760555_2.doc @ 132883 @ 3

Vent screw Depending on the design of the device the gears are equipped with or
Gear without vent screw.
Gear Then you have to observe
With vent screw 1 Vent screw is closed upon delivery.
2 Open the vent screw

Operational requirement for the device:

The vent screws of all gears have to be opened.

Pos: 8.8.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Behälterrührwerk - Testen Sicherheitseinrichtungen @ 12\mod_1218612190898_2.doc @ 196463 @ 3

Testing the safety Functional testing of mounted safety equipment (protective switch,
equipment locks etc.). The correct functioning of the complete safety equipment
is an operating requirement.
Examples for safety equipment:
• Protective switches that disconnect the hopper agitator
automatically if they are released.
• Safety screw connections that prevent opening without a tool.
Pos: 8.9.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Inbetriebnahme Verwiegung @ 9\mod_1179466982518_2.doc @ 132783 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Commissioning of the weighing system

Pos: 8.9.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1185887746431_2.doc @ 141920 @ 3

Introduction The following operations are only required, if the device is equipped
with a weighing system. Feeder types
• DDW-… (Loss-in-weight feeder)
• MS-… (Feeder with level monitoring)

Pos: 8.9.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schneckendosierer/DDSR/ Verwiegung - Transportsicherung DDW-H3 @ 11\mod_1207312775497_2.doc @ 166388 @ 3

Transport catches Transport catches of the weighing

DDW-H3 system DDW-H3
No Description
A Locked transport catch
B Unlocked transport catch
1 Base frame
2 Red sheet
3 Adjusting screw
4 Weighing frame

Unlock the transport catch before commissioning:

Step What to do
1 Loosen the locknut from the adjusting screw.
2 Loosen the red sheet and screw it tight as illustrated (B).
3 Loosen the adjusting screws until there is an air gap of 3-5
4 Lock the adjusting screw by means of the locknut.

In case of an interruptions lock the transport catch:

Step What to do
1 Loosen the locknut from the adjusting screw.
2 Loosen the adjusting screws until there is an air gap of ~1
cm on the load cell.
3 Screw tight the red sheet as illustrated (A).
4 Lock the adjusting screw by means of the locknut.

Pos: 8.9.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schneckendosierer/DDSR/ Verwiegung - Transportsicherungen MDx, MSx @ 11\mod_1207311827907_2.doc @ 166368 @ 3

Transport catches Weighing systems DDW-MD, DDW-MS or MS-:

MDx, MSx
Loosen the screwing of the red metal sheets or angles and store the
detached transport catches for the next use.
Pos: 8.9.5 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Commissioning of the weighing system, continuation

Pos: 8.9.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Schneckendosierer/DDSR/ Verwiegung - DDW-MSx Kontrolle Überlastschutzschraube @ 11\mod_1207379865646_2.doc @ 166501 @ 3

Check of overload
protection screw

After having loosened the transport catch you have to make a visual
inspection to check whether the distance d between the overload
protection screw(s) (3) and load cell(s) (2) is appropriate.
Number load cells Number overload Clearance
protection screws
1 1 (fig. A) d ~ 0,5 mm
3 2 (fig. B) d ~ 1 mm

Pos: 8.9.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Hebelfaktor @ 8\mod_1170943521576_3.doc @ 115360 @ 3

Load cell: The lever factor (LF) is a parameter for the adaptation of the weight
Lever factor reading carried out by the evaluation unit.
Step What to do
1 Reset memorised tare values 6
2 Note the actual weight value (W0)
3 Place on a test known weight (WT). The load has to
act to the centre of the load cell(s).
4 Read the new weight value (W1).
5 Compute the difference (W1 - W0).
6 Check the lever factor
If Then you have to observe
(W01 - W0) = (WT) Lever factor correct
(W01 - W0) ≠ (WT) Correct the lever factor
LFnew= LFold x (WT/(W01 - W0))

Pos: 8.9.8 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Tare: a function of the evaluation unit,
the empty weight of the hopper is not taken into consideration by the actual weight display
Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Commissioning of the weighing system, continuation

Pos: 8.9.9 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Freigängigkeit @ 8\mod_1170946273771_3.doc @ 115379 @ 3

Load cell: Check the free motion:

Free motion
Step What to do
1 Read the actual weight value
2 Place on a test weight
3 Take off the test weight
4 Same weight value as for step 1?

Yes No
ready Find the reasons why the load cell cannot move freely:
• Has the transport catch been loosened correctly?
• Is the connection to the inlet flexible enough?
• Is the connection to the outlet flexible enough?
• Obstruction caused by foreign bodies, contamination?
• Has the overload protection screw been set correctly?
• Mechanical structures defective?

Pos: 8.9.10 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Verwiegung - Funktionskontrolle @ 8\mod_1170950060703_3.doc @ 115398 @ 3

Load cell: The function of the load cell has to be tested by means of several
Function load measurements over the complete weighing range.
Step What to do
1 Test1: Test weight ~10% of weighing range
2 Test2: Test weight ~50% of weighing range
3 Test3: Test weight ~90% of weighing range

These tests are idealised and thus cannot always be carried

through. If this is the case, the tests have to be possibly
carried out in such a manner that the functions of the device
are still available. Practical limits are due to :
• big weighing ranges
• the selection of the available test weights

Pos: 8.10.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Bestimmung Austrags-/Dosierleistung @ 9\mod_1179478417513_2.doc @ 133063 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Commissioning of the device

Determination of the discharge rate/feed rate

Pos: 8.10.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Bestimmung Austragsleistung - Bestimmungsarten @ 9\mod_1179481224181_2.doc @ 133123 @ 3

Determination Determination of the discharge rate (= product/time unit):

of the
discharge rate Method Description
Gauging 7 The gauging method is employed for volumetric
or gravimetric feeding.
Type of feeding Function “Gauging”
Volumetric Computation of a feed rate curve for
different working points.
Gravimetric Checking of the feeding accuracy
With big differences between the
“sampling quantity” and the gauging it
is recommended to check/correct the
“lever factor“.

Sampling quantity The feeding controller Congrav® permits to

(gravimetric) control the sampling quantity and thus the
feeding accuracy.

Pos: 8.10.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Bestimmung Austragsleistung - Einstellung nach Bedarf @ 9\mod_1179479151205_2.doc @ 133103 @ 3

Adjustment Adjustment as required:

as required
• Start the device.
• Change the working point of the drive until the required discharge
rate is reached.

Pos: 8.10.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Austragen/BagDumper/ Bestimmung Austragsleistung - Auslitern @ 9\mod_1179487384628_2.doc @ 133143 @ 3

Rundown How to determine the feed rate by gauging:

of gauging
Step What to do
1 Refill the device.
2 Place the collecting receptacle below the device.
3 Adjust the setpoint (working point).
4 Start the feeding operation for a certain period (e.g. 2 min.)
5 Stop the feeding operation after this period has run down.
6 Weigh the product quantity that has been discharged.
7 Compute the discharge rate (kg/h).

Pos: 8.10.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 06 - Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Bestimmung Austragsleistung - Gravimetrische Austragsleistung @ 9\mod_1179487816305_2.doc @ 133163 @ 3

Gravimetric Feeding controller of the Congrav® series

discharge rate
Carry out the “Checking of the max. output”.

Pos: 9.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Der Betrieb des Gerätes @ 8\mod_1171006539208_2.doc @ 120380 @ 1
Please refer to the software manual of the feeding controller!

Gauging = feeding into a collecting receptacle for a subsequent test weighing

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
The operation of the device

8 The operation of the device

Pos: 9.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Schneckendosierer/ 1. Seite - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1185978002875_2.doc @ 142205 @ 3

Introduction The chapter describes the “feeding operation” of the device.

Depending on the execution of the device there are 2 types:
Execution Feeding operation
Feeding device of a volumetric execution
Loss-in-weight feeder of a gravimetric execution

Both types differ as far as the

• functions and
• the required feeding controller are concerned

Both types are described in separate sections, so that the

section that is not applicable can be left out.

Pos: 9.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ 1. Seite - Ergänzende Dokumentationen @ 8\mod_1176712657000_2.doc @ 129453 @ 3

Supplementary Be sure to observe the documentation of the feeding controller

documentation employed:
• Operating/monitoring functions for the feeding operation
• The manufacturer offers different systems

Pos: 9.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ 1. Seite - Hinweis Dosiersteuerung @ 9\mod_1179652558953_2.doc @ 133264 @ 3

Note: This chapter only takes into account the feeding controller of the
Feeding controller Congrav® series. If you use other systems:
• other systems have to be authorised by the manufacturer
• adjust the descriptions accordingly.

Pos: 9.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Schneckendosierer/ 1. Seite - Inhalt @ 9\mod_1185978516312_2.doc @ 142225 @

Content of the The chapter is divided in 2 parts.

Subject Side
The operation of a volumetric execution 65
The operation of a gravimetric execution 66

Pos: 9.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Der Betrieb einer volumetrischen Ausführung @ 8\mod_1176713510651_2.doc @ 129493 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
The operation of the device

The operation of a volumetric execution

Pos: 9.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ Betrieb volumetrisch - Die Aufgabe @ 9\mod_1187950227979_2.doc @ 145643 @ 3

The task The device has the task to discharge product with a defined working
point of the feeding device. The discharge rate (= feed rate) is neither
sensed nor controlled.

Pos: 9.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ Betrieb volumetrisch - Funktionen Dosiersteuerung @ 9\mod_1179653942812_2.doc @ 133324 @ 3

Functions of the The feeding controller for volumetric operation offers at the following
feeding controller functions:
• Starting/stopping of the discharge
As a rule the start/stop function is made by means of a switch
that permits to commute the operating release of the drive
• Command of the feed drive by means of a suitable drive
• Default value for the discharge rate (= setpoint)
Normally this is a rotary potentiometer or master signal.

The component groups of the feeding control must not

necessarily be integrated in a housing as “device”. They can
for instance also be integrated in a control cabinet.

Pos: 9.6.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ Betrieb volumetrisch - Ablaufbeschreibung @ 9\mod_1179654416718_2.doc @ 133344 @ 3

Description As a rule, the volumetric operation runs down as follows:

of the sequence
of operations Step Action
1 Adjust the working point (e.g. for a potentiometer = 50%)
2 Start the feeding operation (product discharge starts)
3 Adjust the discharge rate if required (reduce or increase the
potentiometer setting)
4 If the product quantity has been reached, stop the feeding

Pos: 9.6.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ Betrieb volumetrisch - Typischer Anwendungsfall @ 8\mod_1176721983356_2.doc @ 129694 @ 3

Typical The filling of a weigh-feeder

application The feeding controller of the weigh-feeder permits to start/stop the
product discharge via the “refill signal” (relay contact or similar):
If the filling level of the hopper Then the refill contact has to be
is inferior /equal to minimum set (product discharge starts)
is superior/equal to maximum reset (product discharge stops)

Pos: 9.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Der Betrieb einer gravimetrischen Ausführung @ 8\mod_1176713616119_2.doc @ 129513 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
The operation of the device

The operation of a gravimetric execution

Pos: 9.7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ Betrieb gravimetrisch - Die Aufgabe @ 9\mod_1179651960718_2.doc @ 133244 @ 3

The task With gravimetric product discharge, also designated as gravimetric

feeding, the product is discharged with a fixed feed rate 8. For this
purpose the system measures the feed rate and controls it as a
function of the setpoint. Components employed:
• a feeding device with weighing system
• a feeding controller type Congrav®

Pos: 9.7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ Betrieb gravimetrisch - Funktionen Dosiersteuerung Congrav® @ 8\mod_1176724772817_2.doc @ 129754 @ 3

Functions of the A Congrav®-type feeding controller has the following main functions:
feeding controller
Congrav® • Reading in and processing of the weight value
• Computation of the actual feed rate
• Control algorithm for the difference between setpoint and actual
• Monitoring of the hopper filling level
• Monitoring of further feeding parameters
• Visualisation and operating functions

Pos: 9.7.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 07 - Betrieb/Allgemeine Module/ Betrieb gravimetrisch - Ablauf gravimetrische Dosierung @ 9\mod_1180625722387_2.doc @ 135303 @ 3

Description Gravimetric feeding runs down as follows:

of the sequence
of operations No Action
1 Set the desired feed rate as setpoint in [kg/h].
2 Start the feeding operation with this setpoint and start the
feeding controller (= gravimetric feeding).
3 The Congrav® computes the loss in weight during one cycle
from the weight signal of the weighing system.
4 The actual feed rate (= act) is computed from the loss in weight.
5 The difference (set – act) is entered into the control algorithm.
6 The setpoint for the drive controller is changed as a function of
the result of the control algorithm.

Pos: 10.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Die Außerbetriebnahme des Gerätes @ 8\mod_1171007428758_3.doc @ 120420 @ 1

Feed rate = product quantity per time unit (e.g. 1000 kg/h)

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Decommissioning of the device

9 Decommissioning of the device

Pos: 10.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Einleitung @ 8\mod_1171007473420_3.doc @ 120440 @ 3

Introduction This chapter describes the different switch-off modes of the device.
The device can be switched off
• manually by the operator or
• automatically by the controller of the device/installation.

Pos: 10.1.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Einschränkungen @ 8\mod_1171007839550_3.doc @ 120460 @ 3

Limitation The description in this chapter does not take into account any
product-specific influences on the switch-off.

If additional jobs result from the corresponding product

characteristics, they have to be integrated into the process, if

With a product that is not allowed to remain in the feeder due
to its characteristics, e.g. precipitation hardening, the feeder
• has to be discharged completely before switch-off.
• has to be cleaned completely and thoroughly after the

Pos: 10.1.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Inhalt @ 8\mod_1171008501747_3.doc @ 120480 @

Content This chapter is divided into 2 switch-off groups, that are described
of the chapter separately.

Subject Page
Switch-off with untroubled operation 68
Alarm cut-outs 69
Pos: 10.2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Abschaltung im ungestörten Betrieb @ 8\mod_1171009039097_3.doc @ 120520 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Decommissioning of the device

Switch-off with untroubled operation

Pos: 10.2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Abschaltung - Kurzzeitige Abschaltung @ 8\mod_1171010190436_3.doc @ 120540 @ 3

Short-term Occurs, if the device has to be stopped for a short period due to
switch-off operational requirements
Execution How to continue the operation
Stop command Start command

Pos: 10.2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Abschaltung - Wartung/Reparatur @ 8\mod_1171010754396_3.doc @ 120560 @ 3

Maintenance, Switch off the device before maintenance/repair work

Step What to do
1 Discharge the device
2 Stop the feeding operation
3 Disconnect the device (see page 33)
4 Protect the device against unauthorised switching on
5 The work has to be carried out correctly

How to continue the operation

If Then you have to observe
No modification of the device 1 Connect the supply media
2 Check of functions
3 Start the operation
Modification of the device 1 Commissioning

Pos: 10.2.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Abschaltung - Stilllegung @ 8\mod_1171014207604_3.doc @ 120580 @ 3

Decommissioning For a decommissioning or storage of the device a complete switch-off

has to be carried out
Step What to do
1 Switch-off as described in the chapter “Maintenance/repair“
2 Electrical disconnection of the device
3 Disconnect the device from all supply media
4 Disassemble the device
5 Storage or disposal according to the specifications

How to continue the operation

Step What to do
1 Assemble the device
2 Mounting of the device
3 Commissioning of the device
Pos: 10.3.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Störabschaltungen @ 8\mod_1171014732567_3.doc @ 120620 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Decommissioning of the device

Alarm cut-outs

Pos: 10.3.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Störabschaltungen - Beschreibung @ 8\mod_1171015761278_3.doc @ 120640 @ 3

Description An alarm cut-out differs from a normal switch-off. Alarm cut-outs are
caused by operating conditions that prevent a further operation of the

Pos: 10.3.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Störabschaltungen - Auslöser Störabschaltung @ 8\mod_1171016054896_3.doc @ 120660 @ 3

Reasons for Alarm cut-outs are caused by

alarm cut-outs
• an emergency cut-out by the operator due to a hazardous
situation during the operation.
• monitoring equipment, if the monitored operating parameter is no
longer within the allowed limits.
• a cut-out due to a malfunction of the upstream/downstream parts
of the installation.

Pos: 10.3.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Störabschaltungen - Aufhebung Störabschaltung @ 8\mod_1171016703453_3.doc @ 120680 @ 3

How to continue Before the device is once again ready for operation it is required to
the operation eliminate the reasons for the alarm cut-out.
after an
alarm cut-out Step What to do
1 Find the causes for the malfunction
2 Eliminate the causes for the malfunction
3 Make sure that the device is ready for operation.

Pos: 10.3.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Störabschaltungen - Ursachen Störabschaltungen @ 8\mod_1171018163772_3.doc @ 120700 @ 3

Reasons for Malfunctions, their reasons and remedies are described in the
alarm cut-outs chapter “Malfunctions” (page 70).

Pos: 10.3.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 08 - Außerbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Module/ Störabschaltungen - Betriebsbereitschaft @ 8\mod_1171018515241_3.doc @ 120720 @ 3

Ready for It is not possible to determine precisely what is required to make the
operation device ready for operation, as this is a function of the effects of
functions failures (e.g. damage of the device).

With an alarm cut-out the device is stopped immediately

without taking into account the sequence of operations. The
resulting effects on the device and the other parts of the
installation have to be taken into account for the readiness for
Pos: 11.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Störungen am Gerät @ 8\mod_1171019721897_3.doc @ 120781 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Malfunctions of the device

10 Malfunctions of the device

Pos: 11.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Warnhinweise Betriebsstörung @ 8\mod_1171019815644_3.doc @ 120801 @

Attention! Malfunction of the device

» Possible danger for the operating staff and the machine
• Switch off the device
• Eliminate the malfunction and its effects.
• Find and eliminate the cause.

Pos: 11.1.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Kontaktaufnahme Service @ 8\mod_1171020172777_3.doc @ 120821 @ 3

Contacting In case of difficulties that cannot be eliminated by the user of the

the service plant, it is required to contact the service department of the
The address, phone and fax number of the manufacturer are included
in the appendix D.

Pos: 11.1.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Inhalt @ 8\mod_1171020472055_3.doc @ 120861 @

Content Subject Page

of the chapter Malfunctions and remedies 71
Pos: 11.2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Störungen und Abhilfe @ 8\mod_1171021027749_3.doc @ 120901 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Malfunctions of the device

Malfunction and remedy

Pos: 11.2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Störungen - Austragung startet nicht (DVT) @ 12\mod_1218614411611_2.doc @ 196531 @ 3

Discharge The device is switched on but does not start.

does not start
Check Result Action
Voltage supply Missing Connect
Available Go on
Connection lines Interrupted Connect
Wrong cable type Correct
Okay Go on
Vibration amplitude Damaged Exchange
controller Fuse damaged Exchange
Failure Eliminate failure/reason
Okay Go on
Interlocking chains for the
Available Meet release conditions
operating release

Pos: 11.2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Störungen - keine Produktdosierung @ 12\mod_1218614856883_2.doc @ 196554 @ 3

No product No product is fed on the vibrating tray.

Check Result Action
Check vibrating conveyor.
Vibrating tray Does not vibrate Check vibration amplitude controller.
Check flexible connection.
Refill the hopper
No product
Eliminate product jam.
Okay Go on
Product jam Product lumps Use lump-free product
Discharge cone Correct the setting
No jam Go on
Product movement Not enough Increase the vibration amplitude
Check flexible connection.

Pos: 11.2.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Störungen - keine oder unregelmäßige Schwingweitenregelung @ 12\mod_1218616276423_2.doc @ 196577 @ 3

No vibration The feeding quality deteriorates.

amplitude control
or Check Result Action
irregular vibration Feeding controller Incorrect control parameters Correct the controller setting
amplitude control Okay Go on
Vibration amplitude Tachometer connection
Change the connections
controller reverse poled
Okay Go on
Tachometer Air gap too big/small Set air gap = 4 mm
Clean away contaminations
Flexible cover damaged Exchange
Okay Go on
Vibrating conveyor Vibrating elements damaged Exchange
Rigid connection of the tray Increase the flexibility:
(sleeve/flexible sleeve) • reduce the tightening
• softer material
Pos: 11.2.5 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Malfunctions of the device

Malfunction and remedy, continuation

Pos: 11.2.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Störungen - Dosierleistung @ 12\mod_1218617999637_2.doc @ 196600 @ 3

Feed rate The feeding quality deteriorates.

Check Result Action
Adaptation of feeding
Product characteristics Changed
Okay Go on
Vibration amplitude
Setting changed Use old settings
Adjust the feeding controller

The setting of the feeding controller determines the operating

range of the feeding device. If the feeding device is operated
with a feeding controller, the setting of the feeding controller
has to be adjusted if the setting of the vibration amplitude
controller has been changed
(Congrav®: "Checking of max. output")

Pos: 11.2.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Schneckendosierer/ Störungen - Dosierregelung @ 9\mod_1185987204124_2.doc @ 142388 @ 3

Feeding control The feeding controller does not function in a stable manner, A possible
reason might be the parameterisation of the feeding controller.
Points to check Result What to do
Filter limits Frequent violation 1 Eliminate external perturbation
Available 2 Adjust the setting
Control Too slow Adjust the parameter
Too aggressive
Manipulated variable
Wrong value Determine the "max. output" once again
of the start
Pos: 11.2.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Schneckendosierer/ Störungen - Gewichtswerte @ 9\mod_1185987797749_2.doc @ 142408 @ 3

Weight values The weight values fluctuate strongly.

Points to check Result What to do
Foreign bodies Available Remove
Not available Go on
Transport catches Not loosened Loosen completely
Okay Go on
Flexible connections Tensile stress Unstrained mounting
Offset too big Max. 2mm offset
Okay Go on
Operating environment External perturbations Eliminate the reasons

Pos: 11.2.9 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Malfunctions of the device

Malfunction and remedy, continuation

Pos: 11.2.10 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 09 - Störungen/Schneckendosierer/ Störungen - Automatische Befüllung @ 9\mod_1185988174170_2.doc @ 142428 @ 3

Automatic refilling The automatic refilling does not work.

Points to check Result What to do
Product storage Empty Refill
Available Go on
Shut-off device Does not open Eliminate the cause
Okay Go on
Product flow Jammed Eliminate the cause
Okay Go on
Flow rate Too small 1 Check the product line
2 Check the venting
3 Increase the flow rate

Pos: 12.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Wartung @ 8\mod_1171264973487_3.doc @ 121004 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N

11 Maintenance

Pos: 12.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Einleitung @ 8\mod_1171265677722_3.doc @ 121024 @ 3

Introduction Maintenance means the regular inspection and cleaning. It is

necessary in order to maintain the device and to guarantee the safety
of operations.

Pos: 12.1.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Inhalt @ 8\mod_1171272221861_3.doc @ 121124 @

Content The chapter is divided in 3 parts.

of the chapter
Subject Page
Specifications 75
Maintenance jobs 76
Cleaning 77
Pos: 12.2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Vorgaben für die Wartung @ 8\mod_1172157427333_3.doc @ 123273 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N

Maintenance instructions

Pos: 12.2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Warnhinweis Produktreste im/am Gerät @ 8\mod_1176456157496_2.doc @ 129413 @

Warning Residual product in/on the device

» Product with hazardous characteristics
• Please observe the product data sheet
• Take safety precautions for the operating staff and the equipment.

Pos: 12.2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Vor dem Beginn @ 9\mod_1180626679882_2.doc @ 135366 @ 3

Before the start Measures for the protection of the operating staff and the
If Then you have to observe
Start of maintenance 1 Disconnect the device 9
Dangerous product characterisitcs 1 Protect the operating staff as prescribed
2 Dispose product rests as prescribed

Pos: 12.2.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Bei der Durchführung @ 8\mod_1171270191279_3.doc @ 121084 @ 3

During the Make sure to observe the following points during the maintenance:
• Safety instructions
• Do not damage the device
Damaged components:
If Then you have to observe
Expert repair is not possible Exchange
Pos: 12.2.5 /Information Mapping/¶ @ 7\mod_1164700524126_0.doc @ 105609 @

Pos: 12.2.6 /Information Mapping/¶ @ 7\mod_1164700524126_0.doc @ 105609 @

Pos: 12.2.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/ Vorgaben - Abschluss der Arbeiten @ 8\mod_1171271896689_3.doc @ 121104 @ 3

Termination of Termination of maintenance:

• All foreign bodies inside and outside of the device have be
• Put the device in its correct state of operation:
- Completeness
- Safety status
• Test the safety equipment.
• Carry out a new commissioning.

Pos: 12.3.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Wartungsarbeiten @ 8\mod_1171272453979_3.doc @ 121144 @ 2

For definition Disconnection see page 33

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N

Maintenance jobs

Pos: 12.3.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/ Wartungsarbeiten - Kennzeichnung Zeitintervalle @ 8\mod_1171272555430_3.doc @ 121184 @ 3

Intervals Marking of the intervals:

Abbr. Interval
W Weekly maintenance
2W Fortnightly maintenance
M Monthly maintenance
3M Maintenance every 3 month
H Maintenance twice a year
Y Maintenance once a year
Please refer to the indications in the documentation of the
-- manufacturer

The intervals indicated are based on experience, they are

no standard values. They are influenced by
• Operating conditions/Environment of the device
• Product characteristics

Pos: 12.3.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Wartungsarbeiten - Wartungsarbeiten DVT @ 12\mod_1218620043626_2.doc @ 196646 @ 3

Maintenance work Maintenance jobs to be carried out:

Interval What to do
W Check whether flexible sleeves show damage, wear or ruptures. Replace
damaged parts.
W Check the fastenings of the step bellows, sleeves, flexible sleeves.
Tighten loose fastenings or replace if necessary.
2W Clean the device.
W Clean the filter bag/the aeration equipment.
2W Check all mobile parts and clean them if necessary.
2W Tightness of the sealings (drive shafts, covers etc.).
Replace damaged sealings.
2W Check the clamping connection.
2W Static inspection of the weighing system (s. commissioning)
M Check and renew, if required, all electrical connections including the earth
M Check whether all electrical screw connections are fastened.
- Examine and maintain the vibrating conveyor and other drives..

Pos: 12.4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/Map 4 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171274626809_3.doc @ 121244 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N

Cleaning of the device

Pos: 12.4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/Map 4 - Verstaubungen, Verunreinigungen @ 8\mod_1171274746135_3.doc @ 121264 @ 3

Dust, Remove dust and contaminations:

If Then you have to observe
Dust Industrial vacuum cleaner
Loose contaminations Industrial vacuum cleaner
Solid contaminations (Damp) cloth

Warning Discharge of static loads

» Danger for the operating staff and the environment
• Synthetic materials must only be cleaned by means
of a damp cloth.
• Use an earthed industrial vacuum cleaner.

Attention! Disposal of product rests

» Contamination of the environment
• Please observe the product data sheet.
• Please observe the legal regulations.

Pos: 12.4.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/Map 4 - Reinigungsmittel @ 8\mod_1171275172190_3.doc @ 121284 @ 3

Cleaning agent Please observe the following points:

(wet cleaning)
• Do not employ combustible, aggressive or chlorous cleaning
agents or cleaning agents that contain solvents.
• The cleaning agent has to be authorised by the manufacturer.
• No wet cleaning of bearings and electrical component groups (if
required, component groups have to be protected!)
• Avoid any disturbance of the functioning due to the wet cleaning,
e.g. with mobile component groups.

Pos: 12.4.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 10 - Wartung/Allgemeine Module/Map 4 - Nach der feuchten Reinigung @ 8\mod_1171275334171_3.doc @ 121304 @ 3

After the To be observed after the wet cleaning:

wet cleaning
• Dry the device in order to avoid effects of corrosion, degreasing
• Spilt cleaning liquid around the feeder has to be wiped away.
Stationary humidity around the feeder is not allowed during the
• Component groups that have been degreased despite all caution
have to be greased again.
Pos: 13.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Kapitelüberschrift - Rüsten und Austausch @ 8\mod_1171462424445_3.doc @ 122143 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Setting-up and exchange

12 Setting-up and exchange

Pos: 13.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/ 1.Seite - Einleitung @ 12\mod_1213352095758_2.doc @ 178633 @ 3

Introduction This chapter describes work cycles that are required for the setting-
up of the device and for the exchange of component groups.
Technical term Meaning
Setting-up Modifications of the device that permit to adapt the
device to the operating area.
Exchange Modifications of the device that permit to exchange
a damaged component group.

Pos: 13.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ 1. Seite - Inhalt @ 12\mod_1218629360292_2.doc @ 196891 @

Content of the The chapter is divided into 4 parts.

Subject Page
Safety and specifications 79
Work on the vibrating tray 80
Work on the hopper 81
Work on the optional hopper agitator 82

Pos: 13.4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/MapÜberschrift - Sicherheit und Vorarbeiten @ 10\mod_1200912598597_2.doc @ 157675 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Setting-up and exchange

Safety and preparatory work

Pos: 13.4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/ Sicherheit und Vorarbeiten - Achtung Montagearbeiten @ 10\mod_1200912705476_2.doc @ 157695 @

Attention! Mounting work

» Risk of injury
» Damage of the device
• Be sure to observe the instructions for the mounting work (page 45).

Pos: 13.4.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/ 1.Seite - Vorsicht Demontage des Gerätes/einzelner Baugruppen @ 14\mod_1238574891643_2.doc @ 225003 @

Caution Disassembly of the device /individual assembly groups

» product in the device
» supply media connected
• Discharge the device
• Disconnect the device 10
• Take safety measures for a product contact, if required by the
product characteristics.
• Before commissioning be sure make sure that the device is safe
to operate.

Pos: 13.4.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schneckendosierer/ Sicherheit und Vorarbeiten - Gewicht der einzelnen Baugruppen beachten @ 11\mod_1207561062283_2.doc @ 167178 @

Attention! Weight of the individual subassemblies

» Risk of injury
» Damage of the machine or peripheral equipment
• If required, employ a suitable lifting equipment.

Pos: 13.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/MapÜberschrift - Arbeiten an der Vibrationsrinne @ 12\mod_1218621785389_2.doc @ 196713 @ 2
The manual does not include the use of lifting equipment.

Definition of enable please see page 33

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Setting-up and exchange

Work on the vibrating tray

Pos: 13.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Vibrationsrinne - Demontage Abdeckung @ 12\mod_1218621870048_2.doc @ 196735 @ 3

Disassembly of Disassembly of the cover of a tray:

the cover
Step Action
1 Loosen the step bellow at the inlet.
2 Loosen the fastening of the cover (screws or tightening
3 Take off the cover (2 parts).

Pos: 13.5.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Vibrationsrinne - Demontage Vibrationsrinne @ 12\mod_1218622317209_2.doc @ 196757 @ 3

Disassembly of How to demount the vibrating tray from the vibrating conveyor:
the vibrating tray
Step Action
1 Tray: demount the cover.
2 Demount the hopper.
3 Demount the step bellow from the outlet.
4 Loosen the fastening screws (4 pieces) from the vibrating
5 Tachometer: Rermove the step bellow on one side.
6 If the vibrating tray is additionnally earthed, the earth
connection gas to be removed at the vibrating tray.
7 Take off the vibrating tray.

Pos: 13.5.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Vibrationsrinne - Montage Vibrationsrinne @ 12\mod_1218622874585_2.doc @ 196779 @ 3

Mounting of the Mounting of the vibrating tray on the vibrating conveyor:

vibrating tray
Step Action
1 Attach the vibrating tray loosely on the vibrating conveyor.
2 Tachometer: alignment of the permanent magnet and the
3 Tachometer: air gap = 4mm
4 Tighten the fastening of the vibrating tray.
5 Mount the hopper.
6 Tray: mount the cover.
7 Mount the step bellow to the inlet.
8 Mount the step bellow to the outlet.

Pos: 13.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/MapÜberschrift - Arbeiten am Behälter @ 12\mod_1218626293565_2.doc @ 196803 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Setting-up and exchange

Work on the hopper

Pos: 13.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Behälter - Demontage Behälter @ 12\mod_1218626417565_2.doc @ 196825 @ 3

Demounting of the Please observe the weight of the individual sub-assemblies

hopper • A suitable lifting tool as a function of the construction size
is required for demounting the individual sub-assemblies
(cover, hopper etc.).
• Hopper cone and base plate of the hopper support are
bonded to one another.
• Before carrying out step (8) the hopper has to be
supported by means of a lifting tool.

Demounting of the hopper:

Step Action
1 Loosen the inlet sleeve of the product supply.
2 if: aeration line: then: loosen the flexible sleeve.
3 Loosen the fastening of the cover.
4 Take off the cover.
5 if: add-on hopper: then: loosen fastening.
6 if: add-on hopper: then: take off add-on hopper.
7 Loosen the step bellow at the hopper outlet.
8 Loosen the lower fastenings of the hopper support.
9 Take off the hopper cone and the hopper support.
10 Carefully place down the hopper cone and the hopper

Pos: 13.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Behälter - Montage des Behälters @ 12\mod_1218628545042_2.doc @ 196847 @ 3

Mounting Mounting of the hopper:

Step Action
1 Place the hopper cone and the hopper support on the base
2 Fix the hopper support.
3 Fix the step bellow at the hopper outlet.
4 If available, mount the add-on hopper.
5 Attach and fix the cover.
6 Connect the inlet sleeve of the product supply.
7 If available, connect the aeration line.

Pos: 13.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Schneckendosierer/MapÜberschrift - Arbeiten am optionalen Behälterrührwerk @ 10\mod_1196781140402_2.doc @ 156814 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Setting-up and exchange

Work on optional hopper agitator

Pos: 13.7.2 /Information Mapping/Ergänzungen/Behälterrührwerk FW, FWplus/ Wartung - Aufbau der Wellenabdichtung @ 10\mod_1194441913485_2.doc @ 151927 @ 3

Construction of Construction of the shaft sealing:

the shaft sealing
No Description
1 Stuffing box sealing
2 Clamping element
3 Clamping nut (3 pieces)

Pos: 13.7.3 /Information Mapping/Ergänzungen/Behälterrührwerk FW, FWplus/ Wartung - Spannen Stoffbuchsenpackungen @ 10\mod_1194442090136_2.doc @ 151947 @ 3

How to tighten If product leaks out of the shaft feedthrough, the stuffing box sealings
the stuffing have to be tightened.
box sealing
Step What to do
1 The clamping element has to be tightened in an even
manner (clamping nuts).

The clamping element must only be tightened until the

sealing effect is reached. Frictional heat between the packing
and the shaft has to be avoided.

Pos: 13.7.4 /Information Mapping/Ergänzungen/Behälterrührwerk FW, FWplus/ Wartung - Stoffbuchsenpackung erneuern @ 10\mod_1194442436562_2.doc @ 151967 @ 3

Exchange If it is not possible to obtain a sealing effect by tightening, it is

of stuffing required to exchange the stuffing box sealings.
box sealings
Step What to do
1 Remove the clamping nuts.
2 Remove the clamping element.
3 Remove the old stuffing box sealing.
4 Clean the seat of the stuffing box.
5 Insert the new stuffing box.
6 Tension the stuffing box sealing.

Pos: 13.7.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 11 - Rüsten und Austausch/Allgemeine Module/ opt. Behälterrührwerk - Hinweis Wellendichtringe statt Stoffbuchsenpackungen @ 12\mod_1221114907465_2.doc @ 199235 @

Depending on the execution of the hopper agitator radial

packing rings instead of packings are employed for the
sealing of the agitator shaft.
If the radial packing rings are leaky they have to be
Pos: 14.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 1 - KapitelÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171276025736_3.doc @ 121364 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Storage and close-down

13 Storage and close-down

Pos: 14.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 1 - Einleitung @ 8\mod_1172161708645_3.doc @ 123353 @ 3

Introduction This chapter gives the instructions for the storage of the device or its
waste disposal.

Pos: 14.1.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 1 - Inhalt @ 8\mod_1171278885650_3.doc @ 121444 @

Content The chapter is divided in 3 parts.

of the chapter
Subject Page
Specifications 84
Storage 85
Disposal 86
Pos: 14.2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 2 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1172161935803_3.doc @ 123393 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Storage and close-down

Instructions for storage/disposal

Pos: 14.2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 2 - Vor der Einlagerung @ 8\mod_1171276110640_3.doc @ 121384 @ 3

Before the Storage or disposal of the device:

storage, disposal
• The device has to be discharged completely.
• Clean the device.
• Electrical, electronic and electromechanical component groups
have to be disassembled.
• Check the protective coating of the painted parts and, if
necessary, touch up or renew the painting.

Pos: 14.2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 2 - Lagerort @ 8\mod_1171278452939_3.doc @ 121404 @ 3

Storage place Specifications for the storage place:

• weather resistant
• protected against intruding of unauthorised persons
• paved
• with water drain
• free from vibration
• suitable for transport and lifting equipment

Pos: 14.2.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 2 - Lagerraum @ 8\mod_1171278772292_3.doc @ 121424 @ 3

Storage room Specifications for the storage room:

• suitably ventilated
• dry
• possibly free from dust
• free from ozone
• no storage room for solvents, lubricants and chemicals
• humidity of the air max. 40% to 70%
• temperature -20°C to +50°C

Pos: 14.3.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 3 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171279359984_3.doc @ 121484 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Storage and close-down


Pos: 14.3.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 3 - Warnung unsachgemäße Lagerung @ 8\mod_1171283516847_3.doc @ 121513 @

Attention! Improper storage or handling

Device/component can no longer be used
• Be sure to observe the storage conditions
• Be sure to observe the conditions for the storage place/room

Pos: 14.3.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 3 - Einlagerung Gerät @ 8\mod_1171283894525_3.doc @ 121533 @ 3

Storage of Storage of the complete device, for instance due to mounting delays.
the device
Step What to do
1 Pack the device in a packaging box.
2 Position spacers under the cover of the packaging box to
permit circulation of the air.
3 However, it is also possible to stock the device outside under
a roofing.

For other packagings you have to proceed in the same way.

Permit air circulation in the packaging box.

Pos: 14.3.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 3 - Einlagerung von Bauteilen @ 8\mod_1171284490389_3.doc @ 121553 @ 3

Storage of Instead of storing the complete device, it is possible to store the

individual individual component groups after disassembly. The components
have to be stored in suitable storage rooms. Please refer to the table
for complementary storage conditions or limitations for special
component groups.
Components groups Storage conditions
Electrical, electronic • dry
equipment • clean
• +10°C to +40°C
• as per manufacturer’s indications
Sleeves, compensators, • dry
sealings • clean
• protected against incident light
• free from ozone
• pressure-relieved
Pos: 14.4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 4 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171287976720_3.doc @ 121593 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Storage and close-down


Pos: 14.4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 4 - Warnung Produktentsorgung @ 8\mod_1171288038803_3.doc @ 121613 @

Attention! Disposal of product rests

Contamination of the environment
• Please observe the product data sheet.
• Please observe the legal regulations.
• If necessary:
Components in contact with the product have to be disposed

Pos: 14.4.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 4 - Vor der Entsorgung @ 8\mod_1171288185171_3.doc @ 121633 @ 3

Before To be observed before the disposal:

the disposal
Step What to do
1 Disconnect the device (see page 33)
2 Disassemble all connections from the device
3 The device has to be disassembled completely.
4 The component groups have to be cleaned from product

Pos: 14.4.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 12 - Lagerung/Allgemeine Module/Map 4 - Entsorgung @ 9\mod_1180627386650_2.doc @ 135408 @ 3

Disposal The individual component groups of the device have to be disposed

Component group Disposal
Drive, gear See manufacturer's indications
Electrical cables Cable scrap
Sleeves, compensator etc. PU, EPDM, silicone or similar
Hopper, pipes, sheets Metal scrap
Insulations According to material specifications

Electronical component group Disposal

Boards Special waste
Accumulators, batteries Special waste
Housing, synthetic materials Disposal of plastics
Pos: 15.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 13 - Ersatzteilliste/Allgemeine Module/Map 1 - Kapitelüberschrift @ 8\mod_1171293258958_3.doc @ 121693 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Spare parts lists

14 Spare parts lists

Pos: 15.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 13 - Ersatzteilliste/Allgemeine Module/Map 1 - externe Dokumente @ 8\mod_1171293592632_3.doc @ 121713 @ 3

External Spare parts lists and drawings are made specially for each order and
documents are to be found in the documentation folder of the feeder. In the spare
parts list of the device the spare parts are marked by item numbers.
They permit to identify the spare parts in the spare parts lists.

Pos: 16.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/KapitelÜberschrift - Technische Daten @ 8\mod_1171294316839_3.doc @ 121753 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Technical data

15 Technical data

Pos: 16.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ 1. Seite - Einleitung @ 8\mod_1171295242075_3.doc @ 121813 @ 3

Introduction This chapter lists the technical data of the device.

In general, the listing gives the data for the standard

execution. Dimensionings that are not standard are marked
specially on the device.

Pos: 16.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ 1. Seite - Inhalt @ 8\mod_1171296042103_3.doc @ 121853 @

Content In this chapter the further technical data are divided into 3 parts.
of the chapter
Subject Page
General data 89
Product data 90
Identification key, nameplate 91
Pos: 16.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Allgemeine Daten @ 8\mod_1172162331984_3.doc @ 123433 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Technical data

General data

Pos: 16.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ Allgemeine Daten - allgemeine technische Daten @ 8\mod_1171294403482_3.doc @ 121773 @ 3

General General technical data

Data Indication
Dimensions Indicated on the device drawings
Voltage supply Standard: 230/400 VAC, 24VDC (control voltage)
Sound pressure level < 70dB (as per DIN 45635)

Pos: 16.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ Allgemeine Daten - 24VDC-Steuerspannung @ 8\mod_1171295704194_3.doc @ 121833 @ 3

Control voltage The 24Vdc control voltage has the following data:
Data Indication
Voltage range: 20 – 32 Vdc
Residual ripple: < 200 mVss
Voltage peaks: < 300 mVss

Pos: 16.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ Allgemeine Daten - Betriebsumgebung @ 8\mod_1171294761759_3.doc @ 121793 @ 3

Environment To be observed for the environment of the device:

of the device
Data Indication
Temperature: -20°C to +45°C
Humidity 40% to 70%. No stationary humidity
Medium Air or inert gas

Pos: 16.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Allgemeine Daten - Dosiergerät @ 12\mod_1218630895308_2.doc @ 196913 @ 3

Feeding device The following applies to the feeding device:

Data Indication
Feeding organ Vibrating tray
Drive Vibrating conveyor
Drive for optional hopper agitator Threephase current drive
Drive controller vibrating tray Vibration amplitude controller
Drive controller for optional hopper agitator - (mains operation)

Pos: 16.9 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Produktdaten @ 8\mod_1171296747679_3.doc @ 121893 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Technical data

Product data

Pos: 16.10 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ Produktdaten - Einleitung @ 8\mod_1171296806395_3.doc @ 121913 @ 3

Introduction This map lists the data of products that

• are allowed to be employed in the device (= appropriate).
• are not allowed to be employed in the device (= inappropriate).

Pos: 16.11 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Produktdaten - Produktliste @ 12\mod_1218631034324_2.doc @ 196959 @ 3

Product list Appropriate/inappropriate products for the feeding device:

Appropriate Inappropriate
• Granules • Compacting bulk solids
• Fibres • Product mixtures that are separated due to
• Powder the vibrations
• Liquids

Appropriate product temperature range:

Appropriate temperature Inappropriate temperature
-20°C to +60°C Beyond the range

Pos: 16.12 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ Produktdaten - gefährliche Produkte @ 8\mod_1171297293757_3.doc @ 121953 @ 3

Hazardous Products with hazardous characteristics are inappropriate:

• explosive materials,
• shock-sensitive materials,
• materials that are sensitive to friction,
• disintegrating materials

Pos: 16.13.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Typenschlüssel, -schild @ 8\mod_1171298087633_3.doc @ 122014 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Technical data

Identification key, nameplate

Pos: 16.13.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ Typenschlüssel - Definition Typenschlüssel @ 8\mod_1171298148614_3.doc @ 122034 @

Definition The identification key identifies the device on the nameplate.

identification key

Pos: 16.13.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Schneckendosierer/FWplus/ Typenschlüssel - Kennzeichnung @ 9\mod_1185992936545_2.doc @ 142657 @ 3

Identification DDW - WS DG/L - B - ISC - ATEX

Pos: 16.13.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Schwingförderer/DVT, DVR/ Typenschlüssel - Erläuterung Typenschlüssel @ 12\mod_1218630911355_2.doc @ 196936 @ 3

Explanation The meaning of the abbreviations in the identification key:

identification key
Id. Meaning
DDW Loss-in-weight feeder
WS Weighing system (DDW or level monitoring)
DG Type and construction size
DVT xx: Vibrating feeding trough, construction size xx
DVR xx: Vibrating feeding tube, construction size xx
/L -
B Hopper volume in litres
"R" behind the hopper volume: with hopper agitator

ISC ISC-execution
ATEX ATEX-execution

Pos: 16.13.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Kap 14 - Technische Daten/Allgemeine Module/ Typenschlüssel - Typenschild @ 8\mod_1171298893568_3.doc @ 122094 @ 3

Nameplate A nameplate that identifies the feeder it is mounted to. The nameplate
indicates the feeder type, the feed rate range the feeder has been
designed for, the machine number and the year of construction. To
permit an easy assignment, the machine number is indicated in the
documentation, for instance in the spare parts lists.
Pos: 17.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/Kapitelüberschrift - Anhang A: Anschlusspläne @ 9\mod_1181037796046_2.doc @ 135754 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Appendix A: Wiring plans

16 Appendix A: Wiring plans

Pos: 17.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1186121261710_2.doc @ 143426 @ 3

Introduction The annex includes examplary wiring plans for various executions of
the device.
Execution Wiring plan
Loss-in-weight feeder Congrav® CB
Loss-in-weight feeder ISC ISC-system
Volumetric feeder Drive controller

Be sure to observe the following:

• The wiring plans show the standard connection.
Variations are possible.
• As a function of the execution of the feeding device
different electric component groups (drive controller, etc.)
are required.

Pos: 17.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/ 1.Seite - Inhalt @ 9\mod_1186121078967_2.doc @ 143406 @

Content of the The chapter is divided in 4 parts.

Subject Page
Connection to a Congrav® CB 93
Connection to an ISC-system 95
Terminal functions -JB2 97

Pos: 17.4.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Anschluss an einen Congrav® CB @ 9\mod_1179927203225_2.doc @ 133923 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Appendix A: Wiring plans

Connection to a Congrav® CB

Pos: 17.4.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Schwingförderer/ Anschluss CB - Anschlussplan CB mit DDW-DVT @ 18\mod_1264678120397_2.doc @ 271982 @ 3

Wiring plan
CB with DDW

Pos: 17.4.3 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Appendix A: Wiring plans

Connection to a Congrav® CB, continuation

Pos: 17.4.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Schwingförderer/ Anschluss CB - Legende CB mit DDW @ 12\mod_1221121809751_2.doc @ 199441 @ 3

Legend Explanation of the marking of the component in the wiring plan

CB with DDW
Id. Description
A1 1 Connection of host computer (RS422) or
2 Connection of ISC field bus (RS485)
A2 Connection of operating unit OP1
A3 Congrav® CB
N1 Vibration amplitude controller DRS2
JB1 Junction box “Weighing” on the device
JB2 Junction box “Sub-assemblies” on the device
K1-4 Relay Congrav® CB
M Vibrating conveyor
T Tachometer
F Fuse
12K1 Relay “Operation”:
Release of the vibration amplitude controller
shaded gray = sub-assemblies mounted to the device

Be sure to observe the Technical Manual DRS2!

For the serial connection (RS422) on the Congrav® the DIP
switch has to be set to "S2 = on".

Pos: 17.4.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/ Anschluss CB - Klemmenkasten JB1 @ 9\mod_1180946587645_2.doc @ 135663 @ 3

Junction box Connection of the weighing system of DDW

DDW type Load cell + electronics Signal VCC
DDW-H3x 11 IDL/F + BT1094 RS422 230Vac
DDW-MSx EMS + AED RS422 24Vdc
DDW-MDx MD + BR200; MD + BR202 RS422 24Vdc

Pos: 17.4.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Schwingförderer/ Anschluss CB - Schwingweitenregler @ 12\mod_1221121811251_2.doc @ 199464 @ 3

Vibration The wiring plan shows the connection of the vibration amplitude
amplitude controller DRS2 that is offered by the manufacturer.

Vibration amplitude controllers of other manufacturers are

connected via analogue control signals and require at least
Pos: 17.5.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Anschluss ISC-Ausführung @ 9\mod_1179826490954_2.doc @ 133873 @ 2
one optional extension module “analogue”.

x = figure for the identification of the size

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Appendix A: Wiring plans

Connection of ISC execution

Pos: 17.5.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/ Anschluss ISC - Anschlussplan ISC @ 9\mod_1180962146188_2.doc @ 135704 @ 33

Wiring plan With an ISC execution the connection of the devices to the ISC field
ISC field bus bus is provided via the feeding controller ISC-CM. The wiring plan
gives an exemplary illustration for 3 feeding devices (W01 – W03)

Legend Explanation of the marking of the components in the wiring plan:

wiring plan
Marking Description
A1.x Feeding controller ISC-CM (mounted to the device)
A2.x Drive controller ISC-FC or ISC-VC (mounted to the
A3 Operating unit Congrav® RC4
D2 DIP switch setting (ISC-CM) for the termination
F1 Mains protection to be provided on site
Pos: 17.6.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Schneckendosierer/DDW/MapÜberschrift - Anschluss eines volumetrischen Dosiergerät @ 9\mod_1186123012984_2.doc @ 143466 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Appendix A: Wiring plans

Connection of a volumetric feeding device

Pos: 17.6.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Schneckendosierer/DDW/ volumetrisches Dosiergerät - Einleitung @ 9\mod_1186123093056_2.doc @ 143486 @ 3

Introduction Connection of a volumetric feeding device:

• Connection of drive controller
• Setting of working point 12 via potentiometer or control signal

Pos: 17.6.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Schwingförderer/ volumetrisches Dosiergerät - Elektrische Baugruppen @ 12\mod_1221122626964_2.doc @ 199602 @ 3

Electrical sub- Depending on the order the electrical sub-assemblies

• are supplied loosely for on-site integration into a control cabinet.
• is already mounted in a control cabinet in our works, the control
cabinet is supplied with the device.

Pos: 17.6.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Schwingförderer/ volumetrisches Dosiergerät - Anschluss DRS2 @ 12\mod_1221122628432_2.doc @ 199625 @ 3

Connection Connection example DRS2:

Id. Description
Vss Mains supply
Q1 Maintenance switch
V1 Variant 1:
Analogue control signal
V2 Variant 2:
Potentiometer (1K)
F1 Fuse on site
A1 Vibration amplitude controller
M Vibrating conveyor
F Fuse for (M)
T Tachometer

Setting of DIP switch: S2 = off

Pos: 17.7.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/MapÜberschrift - Klemmenbelegung Klemmenkasten -JB2 @ 10\mod_1196767580662_2.doc @ 156553 @ 2

Setting of working point = default setting for speed or vibration amplitude (depending on the type of
Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Appendix A: Wiring plans

Terminal function junction box -JBn (n=2, 3,…)

Pos: 17.7.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/ Klemmenbelegung - Einleitung @ 10\mod_1196767329599_2.doc @ 156513 @ 3

Introduction Junction boxes mounted to the device (no ISC execution):

Marking Description
-JB1 Junction box for the connection of the load cell
-JBn Junction box for the connection of the other electrical
n=2, 3… component groups of the device

The junction boxes -JBn:

• Number of terminals as required
• Fixed assignment of terminal no<->group of electrical components
• With an ISC execution only if required due to additional electrical
component groups.
Pos: 17.7.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/ Klemmenbelegung - Klemmen 01-19 @ 10\mod_1196763021625_2.doc @ 156493 @ 3

Terminals 01 - 19 Terminal functions for terminals (Kl) 01 - 19:

Te Connected devices B1 B2 Note
1 1. Feed drive U A B1= ac drive
2 2. Swivel drive MB V B B2= dc drive
3 W I
4 K
PE Protective earth
S Screening
5 1. Paddle drive U L B1= ac drive
6 2. Agitator drive V N B2 = separate fan
7 3. Separate fan W
8 1. MM 13 feed drive + +Ub B1 = 2 wire
9 2. MM idle roller DBW GND B2 = 3 wire
10 Out Out
11 1. ac 230V L For weighing amplifier (-JB1)
12 2. dc 24N N
13 1. Tachometer feed drive + +Ub B1 = analogue T-signal
14 2. Speed monitoring DBW - GND digital T-signal
15 Out
16 1. PTC resistor feed drive 1 Numbered cable
17 2
18 1. PTC resistor paddle drive 1
19 2. PTC resistor agitator 2
Pos: 17.7.4 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

MM = motion monitoring

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Appendix A: Wiring plans

Terminal function junction box -JBn (n=2, 3,…), continuation

Pos: 17.7.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/ Klemmenbelegung - Klemmen 20 - 49 @ 10\mod_1196783360913_2.doc @ 156834 @ 3

Terminals 20 - 49 Terminal functions for terminals (Te) 20 - 49:

Te Connected devices B1 B2 Note
20 1. Mech. safety switch 1 Diaphragm breakage etc.
21 2. Magnet. safety switch 2
22 1. Mech. safety switch 1 Pressure switch etc.
23 2. Magnet. safety switch 2
24 1. Position switch outlet OPEN + +Ub B1 = 2 wire
25 GND B2 = 3 wire
26 Out Out
27 1. Position switch outlet CLOSED + +Ub
28 GND
29 Out Out
30 1. Position switch inlet OPEN + +Ub
31 GND
32 Out Out
33 1. Position switch inlet CLOSED + +Ub
34 GND
35 Out Out
36 Solenoid valve outlet + L B1 = dc 24V
37 - N B2 = ac 230V
38 Solenoid valve inlet + L
39 - N
40 1. Feed drive pre-feeder U A B1= ac drive
41 V B B2= dc drive
42 W I
43 K
44 1. Paddle drive pre-feeder U
45 2. Agitator pre-feeder V
46 3. Agitator feeding device (2.agi) W
47 1. MM 14 pre-feeder + +Ub B1 = 2 wire
48 GND B2 = 3 wire
49 Out Out

PE == protective earth; S == screening

Pos: 17.7.6 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

StÜW = Stillstandsüberwachung

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Appendix A: Wiring plans

Terminal function junction box -JBn (n=2, 3,…), continuation

Pos: 17.7.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang A - Anschlusspläne/Allgemeine Module/ Klemmenbelegung - Klemmen 50 - 85 @ 11\mod_1212990481090_2.doc @ 177583 @ 3

Terminals 50 - 85 Terminal functions for terminals (Te) 50 -79:

Te Connected devices B1 B2 Note
50 1. Tachometer pre-feeder + +Ub B1 = 2 wire
51 GND B2 = 3 wire
52 Out Out
53 1. PTC resistor drive pre-feeder 1 Numbered cable
54 2
55 1. PTC resistor paddle pre-feeder 1
56 2. PTC resistor agitator pre-feeder 2
S 3. PTC resistor agitator feeder
57 1. Safety switch pre-feeder 1
58 2
59 1. Safety switch pre-feeder 3
60 4
61 1. Speed drive roller DBW + +Ub B1 = 2 wire
62 GND B2 = 3 wire
63 Out Out
64 1. Position switch MB + +Ub
65 GND
66 Out Out
67 1. Temperature sensor product
69 1. Auxiliary switch
70 2. Repair switch
71 1. Fan 1+2 (FW../2) L
72 N
73 1. Safety switches + +Ub B1 = 2 wire
74 GND B2 = 3 wire
75 Out Out
76 1. Solenoid valve JetFilter + L B1 = dc 24V
77 - N B2 = ac 230V
78 Safety switch trough - hopper +
79 -
80 Safety switch trough - hopper +
81 -
82 Safety switch hopper cover +
83 -
84 Safety switch hopper cover +
85 -

PE == protective earth; S == screening

Pos: 18.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 1 - Kapitelüberschrift @ 8\mod_1170658530048_3.doc @ 112544 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex B Indications concerning the manual

17 Annex BIndications concerning the manual

Pos: 18.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 1 - Ergänzende Dokumente @ 8\mod_1170658901230_3.doc @ 112582 @ 3

Supplementary The operating instructions are supplemented by the following

documentation documents:
• Supplementary descriptions of mounted component groups,
special executions etc.
• Documentations of suppliers
• Spare parts drawings and lists
• Certificates, written confirmations etc.

Pos: 18.1.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 1 - Gerätedokumentation @ 8\mod_1170659101552_3.doc @ 112601 @ 3

Documentation Together, all documents form the documentation of the device

of the device
• It is a part of the device.
• It has to be made available to the operating staff that operates
the device.
• It has to be kept in stock for the lifetime of the device.

Pos: 18.1.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 1 - Kapitelinhalt @ 9\mod_1180675627457_2.doc @ 135473 @

Further indications Further indications concerning the designations and the revisions are
described in the following chapters.

Subject Page
Marking in the operating instructions 101
Documentation revisions 102
Pos: 18.2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 2 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1170689130801_3.doc @ 113483 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex B Indications concerning the manual


Pos: 18.2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 2 - Sicherheitshinweise @ 8\mod_1170661167638_3.doc @ 112772 @ 3

Safety instructions Danger The safety instruction designates an immediate danger

that might lead to severe injuries or even to death.

Danger The safety instruction designates an immediate danger

caused by an electrical equipment that might lead to
severe injuries or even to death.

Warning The safety instruction designates a situation that might

be hazardous and that would lead to severe injuries or
even to death.

Caution The safety instruction designates a situation that might

be hazardous and that might lead to slight injuries.
Moreover this sign marks dangerous situations the risk
of which is a function of unknown parameters such as
“product characteristics”.

Attention! The safety instruction designates a situation that might

be hazardous and that might cause material damage to
other equipment.

Pos: 18.2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 2 - Allgemeine Hinweise @ 8\mod_1170661309855_3.doc @ 112791 @ 3

General Pictogram for pointing out important notes.


Pos: 18.3.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 3 - Maptitel @ 8\mod_1170660053963_3.doc @ 112639 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex B Indications concerning the manual


Pos: 18.3.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 3 - Während des Projektablaufs @ 8\mod_1170660118031_3.doc @ 112658 @ 3

During During the project phase some documents might possibly be revised.
the project phase If the documentation has already been delivered, the revised
documents will be sent to the customer, as he will have to update his

Pos: 18.3.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 3 - Nach Abschluss des Projekts @ 8\mod_1170660231726_3.doc @ 112677 @ 3

After the Documentations, especially operating manuals have to be revised

termination continuously. After the termination of the project the customer is not
of the project
entitled to automatic updates of the documentation due to the current

Pos: 18.3.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 3 - Revisionsindex @ 8\mod_1170660355119_3.doc @ 112696 @ 3

Revision index The revision index of the device documentation and the operating
instructions is marked on the corresponding cover sheet.

Pos: 18.3.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang B - Angaben zur Dokumentation/Map 3 - Unterschiedliche Revisionen beim Betreiber @ 8\mod_1170660450480_3.doc @ 112715 @ 3

The user has The user might have different revisions of the operating instructions.
different revisions
• If different revisions of the documentation exist for a device
delivered, the documentation with the highest revision index is
the actual version and substitutes all previous revisions.
• If different revisions of the documentation exist for the same
device out of different deliveries, the documentations of the
corresponding delivery remain valid. As due to a possible
modification of the machine or device, both documentations are
required for the description of the corresponding execution of the

It is generally recommended to observe the instructions given

in the latest revision for work on the older device, if they are
aimed at increasing the safety for the operating staff and the
safety of operations.

Pos: 19.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 1 - KapitelÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1172151758773_3.doc @ 123153 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex C Forms

18 Annex CForms

Pos: 19.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 1 - Reparatur-/Inspektionsauftrag @ 9\mod_1180675864610_2.doc @ 135515 @ 3

Certificate of In a feeding device you will always find residual product, with which
Nonobjection the persons that carry out maintenance or inspection might get in
contact. To be able to protect his staff the manufacturer requires the
Certificate of Nonobjection as specified below:
• Filled in completely by a qualified, authorised specialist staff.
• If available, it has to be complemented by a product data sheet of
the product supplier.
• It has to be handed in with the repair order.

Pos: 19.1.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 1 - Inhalt @ 8\mod_1172152485886_3.doc @ 123213 @

Content Appendix C includes the following forms:

appendix C
Subject Page
Certificate of Nonobjection 104
Spare parts order 105

Pos: 19.2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 2 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171552739561_3.doc @ 122693 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex C Forms

Certificate of nonobjection

Pos: 19.2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 2 - Die Maschinendaten @ 8\mod_1171552848183_3.doc @ 122713 @ 3

Machine data The machine data of the device:

Machine no.:
Date of delivery:
Shipping note no.:

Pos: 19.2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 2 - Angaben zum Gerät @ 8\mod_1171553312285_3.doc @ 122733 @ 3

Indications Please answer the following questions:

on the
DualTray Question Yes No
Has the device been completely discharged before
shipment/preparation and cleaned on the outside and
Do we have to observe special safety precautions
regarding products that are damaging to health or
causing water pollution for further manipulation?
Did the device get in contact with:
• Hazardous materials?
• Pollutants?
• Other pollution loads or materials with obligation
to label.
If you answer the last question by “yes”, be sure to enclose a
product data sheet.
Pos: 19.2.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 2 - weitere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen @ 8\mod_1171554062676_3.doc @ 122753 @ 3

Further safety Concerning flushing media, residual liquid ingredients and disposal

Pos: 19.2.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 2 - Erklärung @ 8\mod_1171554304902_3.doc @ 122773 @ 3

Statement We herewith confirm that the indications above are correct and
complete. The shipment is executed according to the legal
Date, signature:
Pos: 19.3.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 3 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171555465923_3.doc @ 122813 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex C Forms

Spare parts order

Pos: 19.3.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 3 - Versand-, Rechnungsanschrift @ 8\mod_1171555631768_3.doc @ 122833 @ 33

for shipment

Address Please fill in if this address differs from the address for shipment
for account

Pos: 19.3.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 3 - Gerätedaten @ 8\mod_1171555854988_3.doc @ 122853 @ 3

Technical data Indications on the device in the spare parts order:

Machine number:
Designation of the device:

Pos: 19.3.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 3 - Bestellung @ 8\mod_1171556085537_3.doc @ 122873 @ 3

Order Binding purchase order for the following spare parts:

Part no.: Designation Number

Pos: 19.3.5 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang C - Formulare/Map 3 - Bestätigung @ 8\mod_1171556281086_3.doc @ 122893 @ 3

Confirmation Confirmation of the order:

Date: Signature:

Pos: 20.1.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 1 - KapitelÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171549688551_3.doc @ 122493 @ 1

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex D Addresses and index

19 Annex DAddresses and index

Pos: 20.1.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 1 - Inhalt @ 8\mod_1171549789794_3.doc @ 122513 @

Content Appendix D contains the address and index directory.

appendix D
Subject Page
Addresses 107
Index directory 109

Pos: 20.2.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 2 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171550326577_3.doc @ 122553 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex D Addresses and index


Pos: 20.2.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 2 - Deutschland und International @ 8\mod_1171550372826_3.doc @ 122573 @ 3

Germany and Head office Service

international Brabender-Technologie KG Brabender-Technologie KG
Kulturstrasse 55-73 Kulturstrasse 55-73
D-47055 Duisburg D-47055 Duisburg
PO box:
Postfach 350138 D-47032 Duisburg

Tel.: ++49-(0)203-9984-0 Tel.: ++49-(0)203-9984-299

FAX: ++49-(0)203-9984-155 FAX: ++49-(0)203-9984-166
[email protected] [email protected]

Pos: 20.2.3 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 2 - Nordamerika @ 8\mod_1171551129217_3.doc @ 122593 @ 3

North America Head office Service

Brabender-Technologie Inc Brabender-Technologie Inc
6500 Kestrel Road 6500 Kestrel Road
Mississauga, Ontario Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L5T 1Z6 Canada L5T 1Z6

Tel.: (905)-670-2933 Tel.: (905)-670-2933

FAX: (905)-670-2557 FAX: (905)-670-2557
TOLL: (888)-284-4574
[email protected] [email protected]

Pos: 20.2.4 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 2 - Großbritannien @ 9\mod_1186120058493_2.doc @ 143343 @ 3

Great Britain Sales, Service

Genesis Process Solutions
Unit 5 Springvale Business Centre
Millbuck Way
CW11 3HY

Tel.: ++44-(0)1270 766300

FAX: ++44-(0)1270 766302
[email protected]

Pos: 20.2.5 /Information Mapping/ ------ MapFortsetzung -----> @ 8\mod_1170666972336_3.doc @ 112981 @

------------ Continuation: next page ---->

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex D Addresses and index

Addresses, continuation

Pos: 20.2.6 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 2 - China @ 17\mod_1264077493919_2.doc @ 266931 @ 3

China Sales, service

Brabender Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
3rd F, B Section, No.3 Workshop,
2nd project of Guanglian Industrial Park,
No.2. Kechuang East 5th Rd., Opto-Mechatronics Industrial Park,
Tongzhou, Beijing # P.C:101111
Tel.: 0086-10-81504121,81504087
Fax: 0086-10-81504301

Email: [email protected]

Pos: 20.2.7 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 2 - Russland @ 8\mod_1171551938177_3.doc @ 122633 @ 3

Russia Sales, service

Brabender Moscow
1-j Schipkovsky per. 20
Office 711
115093 Moscow

Tel.: ++7-495-235-73-95
FAX: ++7-495-959-74-16
[email protected]

Pos: 20.2.8 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 2 - Mittlerer Osten @ 8\mod_1171552160200_3.doc @ 122653 @ 3

Middle East Sales, service

Brabender Technologie Middle East
PO Box 18139

Tel.: ++971-(0)4-288 7835

FAX: ++971-(0)-4-288 1035
[email protected]

Pos: 20.3.1 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 3 - MapÜberschrift @ 8\mod_1171556944450_3.doc @ 122913 @ 2

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex D Addresses and index


Pos: 20.3.2 /Information Mapping/Betriebsanleitungen/Anhang D - Adressen, Index/Map 3 - Index @ 8\mod_1171557034888_0.doc @ 122953 @

Connection of the drive .............................................52

A Connection optional hopper agitator........................52
Additional component groups...................................14
Connection to a Congrav® CB ................................93
Address for account............................................... 105
Connection to a feeding controller ...........................53
Address for shipment............................................. 105
Connection vibrating tray ....................................23, 24
Addresses ................................................................ 107
Construction.............................................12, 17, 29, 30
Aeration, venting.........................................................19
Construction of the weighing system.....................14
After the termination of the project........................ 102
Construction of the shaft sealing.............................82
After the wet cleaning.................................................77
Construction size........................................................23
Aim of commissioning................................................54
Contacting the service..............................................70
Alarm cut-outs.............................................................69
Content of the declaration of incorporation.............10
Allowed operating range...........................................42
Content of the EC declaration of conformity............. 9
Annex B Indications concerning the manual ....... 100
Annex C Forms ....................................................... 103
Control voltage ...........................................................89
Annex D Addresses and index.............................. 106
Appendix A D
Wiring plans............................................................92 Data provided by the manufacturer.....................9, 10
Application...................................................................29 DDW-MSx
Appropriate products....................................................6 Check of overload protection screw ...................61
Automatic refilling.......................................................18 Decommissioning ......................................................68
Automatic refilling........................................................73 Decommissioning of the device...............................67
Definition........................................................................ 7
B Disconnection........................................................33
Before the disposal....................................................86
Before the storage, disposal ....................................84
weighing .................................................................14
Before the start............................................................75
Demounting of the hopper........................................81
C Description..................................................................69
Cabling.........................................................................46 Description of the sequence of operations .....65, 66
Causes for faults Description of the component groups of the device
functional testing ....................................................58 ......................................................................................16
Certificate of nonobjection...................................... 104 Description of the device...........................................11
Certificate of Nonobjection ..................................... 103 Designation.............................................................9, 10
Changing the line section..........................................50 DE-STA-CO locks......................................................29
Checking the direction of rotation...........................59 Determination of the discharge rate/feed rate........63
China......................................................................... 108 Dimensioning of the device......................................... 6
Cleaning agent (wet cleaning)..................................77 Disassembly of the cover..........................................80
Cleaning of the device ...............................................77 Disassembly of the vibrating tray .............................80
Commissioning...........................................................57 Discharge does not start ..........................................71
Commissioning hopper agitator ...............................59 Discharge cone ..........................................................22
Commissioning of the device....................................54 Disconnection.............................................................33
Commissioning of the feeding device......................58 Disposal.......................................................................86
Commissioning of the weighing system..................60 Documentation of the device.................................100
Comparison During the project phase........................................102
feeding controllers .................................................27 During the maintenance............................................75
Completing the mounting work.................................45 Dust, contamination..................................................77
Components with protective functions.....................40
Confirmation............................................................. 105
Effects............................................................................ 7
Electrical mounting.....................................................51
Connection inlet/outlet...............................................49
Electrical sub-assemblies .........................................96
Connection of the load cell.......................................52
Environment of the device .......................................89
Connection of venting...............................................50
Example flexible connection....................................50
Connection earthing...................................................46
Exchange of stuffing box sealings .........................82
Connection of a volumetric feeding device .............96
Execution of the device ......................................43, 44
Connection of ISC execution ....................................95

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex D Addresses and index

Executions (grav. or vol.).......................................... 27 Junction boxes............................................................52

Executions aeration/venting ..................................... 19
Explanation identification key ................................... 91
Legend CB with DDW ...............................................94
External documents.................................................. 87
Legend wiring plan.....................................................95
External sub-assemblies........................................... 55
Load cell
F Free motion ............................................................62
Feed rate..................................................................... 72 Function ..................................................................62
Feeding control .......................................................... 72 Lever factor.............................................................61
Feeding device........................................................... 89 Load cell types............................................................14
Feeding device with turntable.................................. 32
Free product flow ...................................................... 55
Machine data ........................................................... 104
Function ......................................................... 12, 25, 30
Maintenance ...............................................................74
Functions of the feeding controller........................... 65
Maintenance instructions...........................................75
Functions of the feeding controller Congrav®........ 66
Maintenance jobs .......................................................76
Further safety measures.........................................104
Maintenance work......................................................76
G Maintenance, repair ..................................................68
Gauging ...................................................................... 63 Malfunction and remedy............................................71
General ....................................................................... 89 Malfunctions of the device.........................................70
General data............................................................... 89 Manifest abuse .............................................................7
General instructions.................................................101 Manual filling................................................................17
General mounting work............................................. 49 Marking..................................................................... 101
Germany and international.....................................107 Marking of hazard notes............................................34
Gravimetric discharge rate........................................ 63 Marking of the device.................................................43
Great Britain..............................................................107 Middle East............................................................... 108
Monitoring of the filling levels.....................................18
H Mounting......................................................................45
Hazard notes.............................................................. 35
Mounting hopper .......................................................81
Hazardous products...........................................90, 91
Mounting of the device...............................................44
Hopper cover.............................................................. 17
Mounting of the vibrating tray....................................80
How to continue the operation after an alarm cut-
Mounting tools.............................................................47
out................................................................................ 69
Mounting, place of the installation ...........................42
How to prepare commissioning............................... 56
Movable feeding device.............................................31
How to tighten the stuffing box sealing.................. 82
I Nameplate...................................................................91
Identification key, nameplate.................................... 91
No vibration amplitude control or irregular vibration
Illustration hopper agitator......................................... 30
amplitude control ........................................................71
North America.......................................................... 107
Indications on the DualTray..................................104
Inertising...................................................................... 20
Feeding controller..................................................64
Information on electrical mounting.......................... 51
Inspection vibrating tray............................................. 58 O
Installation ................................................................... 49 Obligations of the user.................................................8
Instruction for commissioning................................... 45 Operation..............................................................27, 42
Instructions for commissioning................................. 55 Optional component groups of the device ..............28
Instructions for electrical mounting........................... 46 Order......................................................................... 105
Instructions for mounting........................................... 45 Order of the wiring plans...........................................51
Instructions for storage/disposal .............................. 84
Instructions for the execution.................................... 49
Place of the installation ..............................................47
Instructions on the device ......................................... 43
Place of the installation, auxiliaries...........................47
Intended purpose..................................................... 5, 6
Preliminary check list.................................................57
Interruption of mounting ............................................ 45
Prerequisite for the type-approval ..............................5
Interruption of the commissioning............................ 56
Product data................................................................90
Intervals....................................................................... 76
Product supply............................................................21
Introduction .............................................................5, 40
Prohibitions on the device ........................................43
ISC-system................................................................. 53
Protective equipment ..........................................30, 40
Junction box JB1........................................................ 94

Operating Instructions DVT N, DVR N
Annex D Addresses and index

Q Terminals 01 - 19 .......................................................97
Qualification of the operating staff ..............................8 Terminals 20 - 49 .......................................................98
Quality rating of the hazard notes...........................34 Terminals 50 - 85 .......................................................99
Quality rating of the descriptions..............................28 Termination of commissioning .................................57
Termination of maintenance.....................................75
R Testing the safety equipment ...................................59
Ready for operation...................................................69 The feed drive.............................................................25
Reasons for alarm cut-outs......................................69 The feeding device DVT, DVR.................................12
Requirements movable execution ...........................31 The feeding organ......................................................23
Requirements rotatable execution ...........................32 The hopper .................................................................17
Residual risk blended products ...............................39 The hopper agitator ...................................................30
Residual risk product jam..........................................38 The movable execution.............................................31
Residual risk ventilation/deaeration..........................38 The operation of a gravimetric execution................66
Residual risks caused by the device........................38 The operation of a volumetric execution.................65
Revision index.......................................................... 102 The operation of the device ......................................64
Revisions.................................................................. 102 The principle of product transport ............................12
Rundown of gauging.................................................63 The product supply into the vibrating tray ...............21
Rundown of commissioning .....................................57 The rotatable execution.............................................32
Russia....................................................................... 108 The task.................................................................65, 66
S The use of the device .............................................6, 8
Safety...........................................................................29 The user has different revisions .............................102
Safety and preparatory work.....................................79 The weighed execution.............................................14
Safety instructions .............................................33, 101 Transport catches DDW-H3.....................................60
Safety instructions for weighing................................42 Transport catches MDx, MSx...................................60
Safety screwing ..........................................................41 Transport eyelets .......................................................48
Screwed cable glands, screening............................46 Transport of the device..............................................48
Sealings.......................................................................41 Transport to the place of the installation..................48
Setting of the discharge cone ...................................22 Tray
Setting-up and exchange ..........................................78 "V-shaped tray"................................................24, 25
Short-term switch-off.................................................68 Executions of the cover ........................................24
Spare parts lists ..........................................................87 Typical application.....................................................65
Spare parts order..................................................... 105 V
Statement................................................................. 104 Validity .........................................................................33
Statutory provisions.....................................................8 Vent screw Gear .......................................................59
Storage ........................................................................85 Vibrating tray...............................................................23
Storage and close-down ...........................................83 Vibration amplitude controller ...................................94
Storage of individual components...........................85
Storage of the device................................................85 W
Storage place..............................................................84 Warning labels on the device ..................................43
Storage room..............................................................84 Weighing system H3x ...............................................15
Structure of the hazard notes....................................34 Weighing system MDx..............................................15
Supplementary documentation .......................64, 100 Weighing system MSx (1 load cell) .........................15
Switch-off with untroubled operation........................68 Weighing system MSx (4 load cells) .......................15
Weight values.............................................................72
T Wiring plan CB with DDW.........................................93
Tachometer Wiring plan ISC field bus...........................................95
construction ............................................................26 Work on optional hopper agitator.............................82
Function and use...................................................26 Work on the hopper...................................................81
Technical data....................................................88, 105 Work on the vibrating tray .........................................80
Terminal function junction box -JBn (n=2, 3,…).....97
=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke Inhalt ===


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