The President Office Regional Administration and Local Government Ndanto Secondary School Weekend Test
The President Office Regional Administration and Local Government Ndanto Secondary School Weekend Test
The President Office Regional Administration and Local Government Ndanto Secondary School Weekend Test
For each of the following Items (i-x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and
write its letter besides the item number.
i). A scries of political meetings designed to win voters for a certain candidate or political part is
D. Free and fair election E. Election Manifesto
NDANTO SECONDARY SCHOOL ii). The inability to know that there are different gender roles, gender responsibilities and gender
WEEKEND TEST based hierarchy in the society is known as:-
A. Gender blindness B. Gender mainstreaming C. Gender issues
D. Gender analysis • • ■ * » E.’Gender stereotyping " • ■ ,i *■ ■•» ••
iii). Among the reasons of establishing the local government is to give more power to the people
Oil CIVICS in the localities. The two categories of local government authorities are:-
A. Rural and Town authorities
B. District and Regional authorities
C. Rural and Regional authorities
TIME: 3 HOURS D. Town and city authorities
E. Village and rural authorities
INSTRUCTIONS iv). A member of parliament who enters the house by virtue is called:-
A. Chief Justice B. The president C. Attorney general
D. The speaker E. Prime minister
• This paper consists of sections A, B, and C v) . The organ of the state which enforce laws is commonly known as:-
A. Executive B. Parliament C. Judiciary
• Answer all questions in section A, B and three questions from section C D. Police E. School Board
vi) . The place where currencies of different countries exchanging is called:-
• Section A carry 15 marks, B carry 40 marks and section C carry 45 marks A. SACCOS. B. MUCOB A development bank C. Bank of Tanzania
. D. FAIDIKA * £ . Bureaude.change . ................................. . . . ... ■
• Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room
vii). After staying for 24 years in the state house Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere stepped down as
• Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheets president in
A. 1995 B . 1980 C . 1985 D .1999 E. 1967.
• Remove this page and attach it to the answer sheets. viii). The improvement of the welfare of the people is direct proportional to:-
A. Marketing development B. Position development C. Level of development
D. Economic development E. Social development
ix). Beliefs, Values and practices of the society development which are changeable are called:-
A. Traditions B. Norms C. Customs D. Ethics E. Moral values
x) . The last UN general Secretary from Africa was called:
A. Ban ki moon B. Asha Rose Migiro C. Koffie Annan
D. Salim Ahmed Salimu E. Antonio Guterres
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2. Match the items in List A with the correct answer in list B by writing the letter of the corresponding 4. By using a knowledge do you have obtained in civics explain the coins of civics subject to the
response beside the item number in the answer sheets.
society by giving five (5) points.
I. The amendment introduced the vice president as the presidents A. 1965 5. Explain five (5) socio-economic impact of COVID 19 in Tanzania
running mate in the B. 1977 6. President Magufuli always urges his people to work, in five (5) points explain why people
II. Introduction of bill of right in the constitution C. 1984
(Tanzanians) are asked to work.
III. The republican constitution D. 1961
IV. The interim constitution of Tanzania E. 1962 7. Banks are public or private organizations responsible for issuing keeping or dealing with money.
V. The constitution of the united Republic of Tanzania F. 1995 Explain five roles of different financial institutions in socio-economic development.
G. 1964
8. By using vivid examples examine five advantages of the formal sector in economic development
H. 1963
I. 1918 9. In most Africans countries e.g. Tanzania, women are not given chances to passue their goal”
J. 2015 explain by using five strategics for women empowerment.
10. African people e.g. Tanzanians were not prepared enough to join global village. Explain five
challenges of globalization in Tanzania. - -
3. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
Representative democracy is a type of democracy where by different groups in the community elect
persons to represent them and give them full mandate to decide on their behalf in various organs of SECTION C: (45 MARKS)
governance. In this regard, citizens see themselves as ruling through their representative. For | Answer three questions from this section ^
example when a member of parliament participates in passing or rejecting a bill in parliament,
ill. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is among of the customs which lead to the spread of
theoretically he is obliged to do so having in mind the interest of his constituency. These electing
members of parliament or a leader is serious business. H1V/AIDS. Explain six customs that lead to gender discrimination.
12. Accident has negative effects on people and property. Explain six consequences of road accidents
In representative democracy systems, such as the one we have in Tanzania once in a while all
people who quality may participate directly in making decisions on certain issues. For example, in Tanzania.
citizens participate directly, by voting in electing their district councilors, members of parliament 13. Unemployment is still rampant among the poor countries in Africa like Tanzania especially among
and the president. the youths in towns. Explain six Causes of poverty in Tanzania.
In many countries, citizens who qualify may participate directly in making decisions over issues of 14. Protection of human rights means ensuring that human rights are not abused. Illustrate six ways
great national importance. The commonly used method is the referendum. Examples of issues of which used to combat abuse of human rights.
great national importance include approving the national constitution, issues of union or federation
with other nations and so on. 1
(a) Suggest a suitable title for the passage
(b) What is a bill?
(c) State two conditions under which citizens participate directly in making decisions
(d) In which situation a referendum is used to make a decision?
(e) What do you understand by the statement that “electing members of parliament or leaders is a
serious business?
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