PH.D - Sociology - 2019

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Entrance Examinations - 2019

Ph.D. Sociology

Maximum Marks 70 Time 2 Hours

Hall Ticket No.

, General Instructions

1. Write your Hall Ticket Number in the OMR Answer Sheet and a separate answer book
given to you. Also write the Hall Ticket Number in the space provided above.

2. This question paper consists of Two Parts - Part 'A' and Part 'B'. Part-A of the
question paper consists of 35 objective type questions of one mark each for a total of 35
marks. Part B has two Sections: Section I consisting of a long answer (15 marks) and
Section II consisting of 4 short notes of 5 marks each (20 marks).

3. Answers for Part-A must be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions
provided thereupon.

4. Part-B consists of descriptive type questions for 35 marks and to be answered in a

separate answer book provided.

5. Hand over the OMR answer sheet and the Answer Book of Part 'B' at the end of the
examination to the Invigilator.

6. Each correct answer in Part A carries 1 mark. Marks obtained in Part A will detennine
the merit rank in case of tie in the total number'ofmarks obtained

7. No additional sheets will be provided. Rough work can be done in the question paper

**There is no negative marking. **


Objective Questions
(35 Marks)
The (ollowing questions are to be answered in the OMR sheet provided.
1. Match the following
Column B
i. Development Dictionary
A. Amit Bhaduri
Development with Dignity
iii. B. Jonathan Crush
Power of Development
C. W. M. Adams
Green Development
D. Wolfgang Sachs

A. i:C ii: D iii: B iv; A

B. i:D ii:A iii: B iv: C
C. i:A ii: D iii: A iv: C
D. i: D ii: A iii: C iv: B

2. Who among the following is the author of "A Theory of Justice"?

A: Karl Marx
B. Adam Smith
C. Amartya Sen
D. John Rawls

3. Which of the following most appropriately explains the relationship between poverty and
A. Poverty and inequality are two sides of the same coin, an increase in one leads
to increase in other
B. Poverty and inequality do not change in the same place, an increase in one
leads to decrease in the other
C. The relationship between poverty and inequality is neither clear nor direct,
they vary independent of one another
D. All of the above

4. Which of the following statements is true about post-development paradigm?

A. emerged as a critique to post modernisation perspective
B. emphasises quality of life issues and environmental concerns
C. emphasises on super-industrialisation to solve environmental problems
D. considers the notion of underdevelopment, as created for the justification of
structural reforms and making development inevitable

5. Who among the following is associated with strategic gender and practical gender needs?
A. Judith Pamela Butler
B. Vandana Shiva
C. Carol Miller
D. Caroline Moser
6, Which of the following statement of Althusser is correct:

A. All the state apparatuses function by Ideology only

B. All the state apparatuses function by repression only
C. All the state apparatuses function both by Ideology and repression
D. All the above

7. Weber argued that Marx's exclusive concern with the productive sphere led him to overlook
the possibility that the expropriation of

A. the workers from the means of production was only a special case ofa more general
phenomenon in modem society.
B. the capitalists from the means of production was only a general case of a more specific
phenomenon in both traditional and modem society.
C. the capitalists and workers from the means of production was only a general case of a more
specific phenomenon in traditional society.
D. All the above.

8. The tenn "hybridity" is an important concept in

A. Post - colonial Theory
B. Pre - colonial Theory
C. Subaltern Theory
D. All the above

9. Which of the following authors argued about regimes of dispossession in the context of land
grabs in India?

A. A.R Desai
B. Manuel Castells
C. Michael Levien
D. Amit Bhaduri

10. 'Legitimation Crisis' ofHabennas happens when:

A. Democratic state turns Totalitarian

B. State fails to be techno-manager in capitalist society
C. When there is an usurpation of state power
D. None of the above

II. Which of the following authors is associated with this statement:

''The dialectical understanding of historical development of Indian society is not just a plain
and simple exercise in the 'so-called' value - neutral science. The special feature ofIndian
history ~ progressive explanation of the worker under a dual burden of caste and class -
cannot be couched under Indian culture and philosophy".
A. Andre Beteille
B. T.NMadan
C. D.O. Kosambi
D. M,N. Srinivas
12. Who defined "caste is superimposition of endogamy over exogamy"?
A. Louis Dumont
B. . G. S Ghurye
C. M. N Srinivas
D. B. R Ambedkar

13. Which of the following statement was conceived by Judith Butler with regard to sex?

A. Sex is a pre-discursive and gender is the cultural/social construction of the

biological difference.
S. Sex is biological and gender is the social construction of the biological difference.
C. Sex is not pre-discursive but sex act operates within the discursive order as the
stable point of reference on which, or in relation to which, the cultural
construction of gender proceeds.
D. Sex is not socially constructed whereas gender is sOCially constructed.

14. Consider the following

a. Nominal data 1. Spearman's Rho

h. Ordinal data 2. Pearson's-r

c. Interval data 3.Test of Independence

d. Chi-square test 4. Lambda


Find the correct answer from below

A. a-I, b-2, c-3, d-4

B. a-4, b-I, c-2, d-3
C. a-4, b-2, c-I, d-3
D. a-I, b-3, c-2, d-4

15. focuses broadly on how 'nature' correlates with that of women and other
marginalised groups.

A. Liberal feminist theory

B. Ecofeminist theory
C. Post Colonial feminist theory
D. Radical feminist theory

16. Donna Haraway in her critique of 'objectivity' within mainstream research methodology
proposed the concept of

A. Critical knowledge
B. Feminist objectivity
C. Situated knowledges
D. Critical objectivity

17. Choose the incorrect statement from the following

A. Increase in sample size can decrease the sampling error

B. Systematic sampling is one ofthe techniques of probability sampling
C. Increase in sample size can decrease the sampling bias
D. In probability sampling every nit in the population has an equal, non-zero and known
probability of being selected for the sample.

18. According to Parsons, the family is most efficient when it operated with a clear sexual
division of labour, with women performing the role, and men performing the
_ _ _---,- role
A. Instrumental; expressive
B. Expressive; instrumental
C. Sex; gender
D. Gender: Sex

19. Feminism draws upon the theoretical positions of

A, Functionalism
B. Marxism and Phenomenology
C. Biological essentialism
D. Structuralism and Rationality

20. The idea of 'Practical Kinship' is associated with

A. Pierre Bourdieu
B. Levi Strauss
C. T.NMadan
D. Pauline Kolenda

21. While highlighting the inadequacies of Marxian framework, who among the following
insisted that the post industrial societies are best known for (i) decomposition of Capital and (ii)
decomposition of labor

A. Louis Althusser
B. Ralph Dahrendorf
C. I:Ierbert Marcuse
D. Robert Merton

22. The 'movement and counterMmovement' perspective in the study of social movements is the
contribution of

A. Alain Touraine
B. Antony Smith
C. Antony Giddens
D. C. Wright Mills

23. Arjun Appadurai's concept of'ethnoscapes' means

A. Migration of people from across cultures and borders

B. The emergence of new media networks
C. The emergence of tradition knowledge based capi1illism
D. The growing influence of developing societies in global politics.

24. Who among the following understood tribe as segmentary while caste as organic?
A. G.S, Ghurye
B. Dipankar Gupta
C. F.G. Bailey
D. Ninnal Kumar Bose

25. Who among the feminist social anthropologists used the 'seed and earth' metaphor to
understand gendered power

A. Kamala Ganesh
B. Leela Dube
C. Patriea Uberoi
D. lrawati Karve

26. Match the following scholars on kinship with their respective concepts

I. David Schneider a) Exchange of women

II. Janet Carsten b) Gay and lesbian kinship
iii. Levi Strauss c) Code and substance
iv. Kath Weston d) Relatedness

A. i-a; ii-b; iii-c; iv-d

B. i-b; ii-d; iii-c; iv-b
C. i-c~ ii-d; iii-a; iv-b
D. i-d; ii-a; iii-b; iv-a

27. "Scientific claims should be evaluated by suspending judgement and scrutinizing claims in
terms of empirical and logical considerations alone". This statement refers to

A. Universalism
B. Disinterestedness
C. Communism
D. Organized Scepticism

28. Whose name is associated with concept of 'average man'?

A. Adolphe Quetelet
B. Aristotle
C. Auguste Comte
D. Anthony Giddens

29. Which theoretical approach uses the analogy of the human body in assessing the role of each
part of society in the continuation of society as a whole?
A. Marxism
B. Functionalism
C. Symbolic Interactionism
D. Feminism

30. The codification of sociological theorizing in tenns of an analytical distinction between

'subjective motive' and 'objective function' was fonnulated by

A, Emile Durkheim
B. Robert Merton
C. TaJcott Parsons
D. Neil Smelser

31. The following assumption or theme is Dot central to standpoinl theory/epistemology:

A. The structuring of societies has epistemological consequences

B. The understanding available to the dominant group tends to be perverse
C. The understanding available to the dominated tend to be more comprehensive
D. Standpoint is an ascription, not an achievement

32. The tenn 'epistemic fallacy' refers to

A. the investigation of the world

B. the knowledge claims about the world
C. reducing the investigation of the world to knowledge claims about it
D. None of the above

33. Which among the following is!!Q! a feature of the hermeneutical model of social sciences?

A. The emphasis on prediction

B. The critique of positivism
C. 1ne focus on human actions
D. Privileging the role of language and meaning

34. Which of the following social anthropologists made use of the concept of the sacred and
profane? •

A. Emile Durkheim
B. Robert Hertz
C. Arnold Van Gennep
D. All of the above

35. The argument of reason and enlightenment turning into their opposite trans" . h
ro· d b h·1
P mise to e ve Ie es of truth and liberation into tools of d . at· '
. k h
in amm Ion 15 s etc ed out in detail

A. Communist Manifesto
B. Negative Dialectics
C. Dialectic of Enlightenment
D. Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere

Section I (15 Marks)

Attempt any One of the following questions. The answer must not exceed 500 words.

1, Critically review the discussion on the concepts of Structure and Agency in sociological
2. Discuss the sociological questions underlying the issues of citizenship and religious
minorities in contemporary India.
3. Facts and values are mutually exclusive and belong to different domains. Critically
evaluate this statement.

Section II (20 Marks)

Attempt a short note on any Four of the following questions. Each short note carries Five
marks and must not exceed 200 words.

I. Standpoint Theory
2. Instrumental Reason
3. AGILModel
4. Reification
5. Bio-capitalism
6. Intersectionality
7. Dalit Sociology
8. Queer Theory
University of Hyderabad

Entrance Examinations - 2019

School/Department/Centre :SOCIOLOGY

course/subject I Ph.D

Q.No, Q.No. Q.No. Q.No

1 B 26 c 51 76

2 D 27 D 77

3 c 28 53 7a

4 D B 54 79

5 D 30 B 55 80

6 c D 56 81

7 32 c 57 a2

8 33 58 83

I c 34 D 59 84

10 B 35 c 60 85

L7 c 36 61 a6

72 D 37 62 87

13 c 53 88

14 B 39 64 89

15 B 40 65 90

16 c 47 66 91

77 c 42 6'I 92

18 B 43 68 93

19 B 44 69 94

20 45 70 95

2l B 46 71 96

47 '12 97

23 48 73 98

24 c 49 74 99

B 50 75 100

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