Media and Information Literacy Activity Sheet: Learning Module 05: Types of Media
Media and Information Literacy Activity Sheet: Learning Module 05: Types of Media
Media and Information Literacy Activity Sheet: Learning Module 05: Types of Media
Grade & Section:__________________________________Score:________________
Learning Competency
At the end of the lesson, the students shall have been able to:
Let’s Recall
Try to fill the boxes below to complete the word being asked in each number.
Random clues are given below the puzzle.
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Let’s Understand
In a democratic society such as the Philippines, the media has a very important role
and function as a great equalizer. Media monitors events, educates the audience,
provides a venue for debate, acts as a “watchdog,” and serves as a channel for active
participation in political affairs. These media activities can be presented into
different types of media forms.
Media is the most efficient way to communicate and relay messages to a large
audience across cultures and distances. It transcends the boundaries and cultures.
Media may be utilized to address the needs of an individual and society to become
better members of the community. The variety of media forms provides a menu of
choices for where and when you can access the information.
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Synergy and convergences are what describes the media today. According to, synergy is an “interaction of two or more agents or forces so that
their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects”’
Convergence, on the other hand, means the combination of various elements to
create a new whole. It is a trend that cannot be done away with because the
audience are getting more fragmented. Also, audiences are no longer biased over
one form of media to access content. Smartphones these days have radio and
television applications, which is a clear example of convergence.
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Media Convergence
Media Effects are the intended or unintended consequences of what the mass media
does (Denis McQuail, 2010). For example, we change our clothes and our plans
because we watch the forecast on the Weather Channel, look up information about
a band and sample their music after we see them perform on a television show, or
stop eating melons after we hear about a salmonella outbreak. Other effects are
more difficult to study and more difficult for people to accept because they are long
term and/or more personal. For example, media may influence our personal sense
of style, views on sex, perceptions of other races, or values just as our own free will,
parents, or friends do.
1. Third-party theory – people think they are more immune to media influence than
others. This is a perceptual hypothesis that predicts that individuals will perceive
media messages to have greater effects on other people than on themselves. A
behavioral hypothesis predicts that third-person perception (i.e., seeing others as
more influenced) will lead to support for restrictions on media messages. Observe
the picture below.
5. Agenda-setting Theory
(Lippmann/McCombs and Shaw) -
the process whereby the mass media
determine what we think and worry
about. Walter Lippmann, a
journalist, first observed this
function, in the 1920’s. Lippmann
then pointed out that the media
dominates over the creation of
pictures in our head, he believed that
the public reacts not to actual events
but to the pictures in our head.
Therefore the agenda setting process
is used to remodel all the events
occurring in our environment, into a simpler model before we deal with it.
Researchers Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw have then followed this concept.
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Propaganda are ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are
spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc. like the picture
shown below.
Let’s Apply.
Let’s Analyze
Let’s Evaluate
DIRECTIONS: Analyze the following infographics by answering the
guide questions for each.
Guide Questions:
1. What symbolisms are used in this cartoon?
2. What is the message of this cartoon?
3. Do you agree with the message? Why or why not?
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Let’s Create
Goal- You have been asked by your editor-in-chief to think of ways to converge the
contents of your tabloid or radio with the internet.
Role- You are the head of the media and communication department of a tabloid
company with a radio broadcast outlet.
Audience- Your colleague
Situation- After planning, present to the company a prototype of your design
Performance- Together with your team of journalists and media practitioners, plan
your media convergence project by thinking of creative ways to combine print and
radio content with the internet.
Standard- You are expected to justify your project.
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