Grammar Unit 6
Grammar Unit 6
Grammar Unit 6
1 Complete the sentences with a reflexive 3 Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each
pronoun or each other and an indefinite gap.
Luke What did you do at the weekend?
Did you buy yourself anything nice at the Anna We went to a shop (1) ______________
market? sells really cool clothes. I bought
1 Jack has hurt ______________ on (2)______________ a T-shirt and the boys
______________ sharp in the kitchen. bought (3)______________ some jeans.
2 Those girls spend hours looking at Then we went to the new café on the High
______________ in the mirror. They don’t do Street.
______________ else! Luke What’s it like?
3 ‘Don’t worry,’ she told ______________. Anna It’s great – it’s a place (4)______________
‘______________ saw me when I dropped my young people can hang out. We really
lunch on the floor.’ enjoyed (5)______________.
4 There’s ______________ healthy to eat in your Luke It sounds good – this town needs
kitchen! You two boys don’t look after (6)______________ like that.
______________. Anna I know! Before the café opened, teenagers
5 I can’t see any cafés ______________. We’ll have had (7)______________ to go – only the
to make ______________ some food at home. shopping centre or the park! But perhaps
6 Fiona and Mark have ______________ in the best thing is that all our friends go there,
common. In fact, they don’t like ______________. so you’ll always meet (8)______________
Vocabulary unit 6
1 Write the body decoration for each picture. 3 Complete the table with verbs and adjectives.
Use six of the words in the box.
verb -ed adjective -ing adjective
bracelet earrings extensions eyeliner
highlights nail varnish necklace tattoo (1) _________ ____________ annoying