Unit 2 Test: Listening
Unit 2 Test: Listening
Unit 2 Test: Listening
country. ________________________________
5 Join the sentences with a relative pronoun.
10 The speaker writes four ideas on the board. (6 marks)
____________________________________________ Madrid is a city. We met there.
Madrid is the city where we met.
Vocabulary 1 Jill is a teacher. She works in my school.
2 Complete the collocations. (10 marks) ____________________________________________
a jar of coffee 2 The butcher’s is a shop. We buy our meat there.
1 a _______________ of chocolate
3 Twilight is a book. It’s by Stephanie Meyer.
2 a _______________ of toothpaste ____________________________________________
3 a _______________ of fizzy drink
6 Complete the definitions. Use a relative
4 a _______________ of washing powder
pronoun and your own ideas. (8 marks)
5 a _______________ of toilet paper
A hotel is a place where you stay on holiday.
3 Complete the sentences using environment 1 An artist is a person ______________________
verbs. (10 marks) _________________________________________
1 The council _______________ all our rubbish in 2 A school is a place _______________________
Unit 2 test
7 Write sentences. Use one of the expressions in d Fewer plastic bags and containers ___
brackets. (10 marks)
e Cleaning up your area ___
1 we / not have / time (enough / too / too many)
f Using less electricity at home ___
2 I / eat / chocolate (too many / too much / not g Environmentally-friendly travel ___
enough) _______________________________
9 Answer the questions. Use full sentences.
3 they / lazy / to recycle (enough / too / too much) (4 marks)
4 Cities are noisy. there / cars (too / not enough / 1 What is the text mainly about?
too many)
5 she / sings / well / to be a professional (too many 2 What ideas do you do already?
/ enough / too) ____________________________________________
(1) ________________________________________
We all want to reduce our impact on the environment, but we don’t
want to make extreme changes to everyday life. What can we do to
10 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
make a difference? Here are some ideas which everyone can try:
(2) ________________________________________ A I’m looking forward to the party, Joana. Do you
● Recycle! We throw away a lot of items which we can use again. Did (1) ___________ me to help you with anything?
you know that recycling one tin can save enough energy to power a B I’d really (2) ____________ it if you don’t mind.
television for three hours?
A (3) ____________ I bring some music?
(3) ________________________________________
B (4) _____________you mind?
● We throw away a third of everything we buy at the supermarket. But
read the label carefully – some of the items which we throw away are
A No, that’s fine. If you (5) ____________, I could
still fresh and tasty! bring some food, too.
(4) ________________________________________
● Buy things which don’t have much packaging. Governments are Writing
trying to make supermarkets reduce their use of packaging, but progress
is very slow. 11 Imagine you saw lots of rubbish in your local
(5) ________________________________________ park. Write an email to a newspaper editor about
● Rubbish in the streets looks horrible, but it is also an environmental
the problem. Suggest possible causes and
problem. Rubbish can pollute the water we drink and the ground we solutions. Include at least one example of so
grow plants in. Always put rubbish in the bin! and because. (10 marks)
(6) ________________________________________
● Cars, motorcycles and planes all cause a lot of pollution. Try to
walk or cycle. If your journey is longer, use public transport, such as
buses or trains.
If we all act now, we can make a difference!
8 Read the text. Then match paragraphs 1–6 with
headings a–g. There is one heading you don’t
need. (6 marks)
a Reducing food waste ___
b Introduction ___
c Reusing rubbish ___
Total marks:
Total marks:
Listening _______
_______ / 10 / 10
_______ / 20 / 20Language focus
Language focus_______
_______ / 40 / 40
Reading Reading
_______ /_______
10 Communication
/ 10 Communication
_______ /_______
10 Writing
/ 10 _______ /
Writing_______ /
10 TOTAL_______
_______ / 100 / 100