Blank Answer SheetsFCE

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Sample answer sheet: Reading and Use of English BS CAMBRID( GE ENGLISH, Centre No. ‘Candidate Signature Candidate No. Examination Title Examination Detaits Centre ‘Supervisor: ‘om cndsins ABSENT sch WITHDRAW ots co Rr eer CRs Ams lcd { Instructions Use 2 PENCH. @ertay Rub out any answer you wish to change using an eraser. | | | | Parts 1, 5, 6 and 7: ‘Mark ONE letter for each question, For nar, ye tek Borah { Write your answer clearly fn CAPITAL LETTERS, For Pars 2 at wets oer Sample answer sheet: Reading and Use of English 4 5 3 168 j | | | i | | | | | | | | Sample answer sheet: Listening CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH Cenguage Assessment SAMPLE ‘Candidate Name entre No. Candidate Signature Candidate No. | Examination Title Examination | pe | Contre Supervisor: te corde ABSENT ort WITHDRAWN tts bre instructions ‘Use @ PENCIL (@ or He), Rub out any answer you wish to change using an eraser. Parts 4, 3 and 4: Part 2: Mark ONE letter for each question. Write your answer clearly in CAPITAL LETTERS. For example, if you think B is tho Write one letter or number in each box. right answer to the question, mark if the answer has more than one word, leave one your answer shoot lke this box empty belween words. For ample Gialny Teal 1) Turn this sheet over to start. SEES EE Ce et eee Seer eer = OUCLES 2016 EES 169 Sample answer sheet: Listening CUCLES 2014 EXIST 170

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