Fusion 3 - Tests - Cumu 2 - 3 Star
Fusion 3 - Tests - Cumu 2 - 3 Star
Fusion 3 - Tests - Cumu 2 - 3 Star
3 The police tried to t____________ the thief by
1 Listen to the conversation. Describe the sharing pictures of expensive jewelry and the
criminal. (2 points) address on social media, but it didn’t work.
_________________________________________ 4 Paul sometimes finds it difficult to
e____________ his feelings in words, so he
2 Listen again. Answer the questions. Write uses music.
complete sentences. (8 points) 5 The drums were used to w____________ the
1 What happened to Julie in the park? What was tribe of incoming danger.
she doing at the time?
______________________________________ 5 Complete the text. (10 points)
Hi Sarah,
2 What does the police officer advise Julie to do:
a) in the street, and b) when she leaves her Here is my tablet that you wanted to borrow. Please
house? take care of it, of course. You may need to
______________________________________ (1) ____________ the battery, since I think it is
______________________________________ quite low. Anyway, you can (2) ____________ it in
3 What happened to Julie’s friend? What was the near the window and use it on the table. (The cable
consequence of the crime? is under this note.) When you (3) ____________ the
______________________________________ tablet on, you will see the main menu. Scroll down
______________________________________ until you see the movie-viewer icon on the right.
4 How does Julie feel about crime in her city? (4) ____________ the icon, and the program will
What is she doing about it? open. If you aren’t sure which movie you want to
___________________________ watch, you can have a look first –
___________________________ (5) ____________ the options in the “Movies to
stream” section.
Vocabulary Call me if you have any problems. Enjoy the movie!
Cumulative test 2
10 Write questions using the prompts. Use the
simple present or simple past active or passive.
7 Complete the sentences with the correct -ing or (10 points)
to form of the verbs. (5 points)
1 When / the television / invent ?
do eat know ride watch
1 I enjoy ____________ TV in the evenings. ______________________________________
2 Jason promised ____________ the dishes 2 How many / cars / buy / last year ?
tonight. ______________________________________
3 The man appeared ____________ Jessica, but ______________________________________
she said she had never met him. 3 How many / people / go / the concert last week ?
4 Lily learned ____________ a bike when she ______________________________________
was 6. ______________________________________
5 I don’t mind ____________ fish. 4 What language / speak / in Brazil ?
8 Join and rewrite the sentences with a relative
pronoun. (10 points)
5 When / Tim Berners-Lee / invent / World Wide
1 This is the woman. She rescued my cat.
Web ?
2 Theft is a crime. It involves illegally entering
someone’s home.
11 Complete the second sentence so that it has the
3 This is the house. I grew up here. same meaning as the first. Use the correct form
______________________________________ of the word in parentheses. (10 points)
______________________________________ 1 They have lived here for two years now. (ago)
4 That’s the park. I think I lost my phone there. They moved __________________ .
______________________________________ 2 Clarissa has spent two weeks in Argentina. She
______________________________________ is coming back next week (yet)
5 David is the boy. His father scored the winning Clarissa _____________________ back
goal. _________.
______________________________________ 3 Daniel created this website. (by)
______________________________________ This website ______________________ .
4 The noise below our hotel room was very
9 Correct the mistake in each sentence. (5 points)
irritating. (irritate)
1 Josie has been to the beach yesterday.
We ________________________ the noise
below our hotel room.
2 We already saw this movie twice.
5 The police caught a man trying to smuggle
stolen jewels ten minutes ago. (arrest)
3 She has lived in the city for last year.
The police _____________________ a jewel
4 I visited my cousins in Mexico a year since.
5 I’ve been at this school since five years now.
Cumulative test 2
13 Read the text again and answer the questions.
Reading Write complete sentences. (8 points)
1 Why is plastic dangerous?
12 Read the text. What is the Great Pacific Garbage ______________________________________
Patch composed of? (2 points)
_________________________________________ 2 How can the Garbage Patch affect tourism in
beach resorts?
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Did you know that in the northern Pacific Ocean, ______________________________________
there is a huge area filled with millions of tons of 3 Name three ways we can help to reduce the
trash? It is actually made up of two patches, the amount of trash in the Garbage Patches.
Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch and the Western ______________________________________
Pacific Garbage Patch. The Eastern Patch floats ______________________________________
around between Hawaii and California in the U.S. 4 Give two reasons why it is impossible to clean
Some scientists believe it is twice the size of the up the Garbage Patch.
U.S. state of Texas. The Western Garbage Patch is ______________________________________
closer to the eastern coast of Japan and the ______________________________________
western part of Hawaii. The trash is constantly
moving and collecting more. About 70 percent of it Writing
is made up of plastic, including billions of plastic
bottles. Plastic is dangerous to creatures living in 14 Write a review for a gadget or appliance. Use the
the ocean, because it does not break down, or ideas in the box to help you. Write about
disappear, naturally. It can break up into small 150 words. (10 points)
pieces, but this is actually more dangerous, laptop MP3 player smartphone tablet TV
because animals eat these pieces and can be
poisoned or even killed by the damage caused. Sea Paragraph 1
birds which eat fish from the ocean are also affected Describe the gadget / appliance.
by this.
Paragraph 2
Apart from killing and harming wildlife, the plastic
Describe its main uses.
from the Garbage Patches can destroy boats,
pollute beaches, and make swimming and fishing Paragraph 3
dangerous for humans. Some of the trash is thrown
Give your opinion.
out of the garbage patch by the movement of the
water, and ends up on nearby islands, where there
are beaches which are covered with trash.
Governments and communities are now trying to
make changes to prevent trash ending up in the
Garbage Patches. Reducing, reusing, and recycling
plastic is the first step. Some communities in Hawaii
have even stopped using plastic bags entirely, and
instead use bags made of environmentally friendly
materials. In Hawaii, there are regular clean-up
projects run by volunteers, to help clear the
beaches. It is impossible to clean up the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch: the area occupied by the
trash is far too great and moves around too much. Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20
Anyway, where could we put it all? However, we Practical English _____ / 10 Grammar _____ / 30
can change the way we deal with waste. We should Consolidation _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10
all work together to recycle and reduce waste. Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100