Geography Question Bank

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Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Geography UPSC Previous Year Questions

No. of Page No.
SL.No. Topic
Qns From To
I. World Geography
01. Astronomy 21 1 9
02. Geomorphology 22 9 18
03. Oceanography 12 19 24
04. Climatology 50 25 48
05. World Physical Features 66 48 71
II. Indian Geography
01. Indian Physiography 50 73 93
02. Rivers 32 93 107
03. Indian Climate 10 107 112
04. Soil 8 112 115
05. Minerals 20 115 124
06. Energy 13 124 129
07. Forest 27 130 142
08. Agriculture 36 142 159
09. Industry 11 161 166
10. Transport 18 166 172
01. World Demography 9 173 176
02. Language 6 176 178
03. Population 31 178 190
04. Tribes 12 190 194








Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

4. In order of their distances from the Sun,

I. World Geography
which of the following planets lie
1. Astronomy between Mars & Uranus?
(a) Earth and Jupiter
1. On 21st June, the Sun
(b) Jupiter and Saturn
(a) Does not set below the horizon at the Arctic
(c) Saturn and Earth
(d) Saturn and Neptune
(b) Does not set below the horizon at Antarctic
Circle 5. What is the average distance

(c) Shines vertically overhead at noon on the (approximate) between the Sun & the

Equator Earth?

(d) Shines vertically overhead at the Tropic of (a) 70 x 105 km

Capricorn (b) 100 x 105

(c) 110 x 106 km
2. What is the difference between asteroids
(d) 150 x 106 km
and comets?
1) Asteroids are small rocky planetoids, while 6. (Assertion): To orbit around the Sun, the
comets are formed of frozen gases held planet Mars takes lesser time than the time
together by rocky and metallic material taken by the Earth
2) Asteroids are found mostly between the (Reason): The diameter of the planet Mars
orbits of Jupiter and Mars, while comets are is less than that of the Earth
found mostly between Venus & Mercury (a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
3) Comets show a perceptible glowing tail, explanation of A
while asteroids do not (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
Which of the statements given above is/are explanation of A
correct? (c) A is true but R is false
(a) 1 and 2 only (d) A is false but R is true
(b) 1 and 3 only 7. (Assertion): The same face of the Moon is
(c) 3 only always presented to the Earth
(d) 1,2 and 3 only (Reason): The Moon rotates about its own
3. Which one of the following planets has axis in 231/2 days which is about the same
largest number of natural satellites or time that it takes to orbit the Earth
moons? (a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
(a) Jupiter explanation of A
(b) Mars (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
(c) Saturn explanation of A
(d) Venus (c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true Page No. 1

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

8. (Assertion): Existence of human life on 12. A “Black Hole “is a body in space which
Venus is highly improbable does not allow any radiation to come out.
(Reason): Venus has extremely high level of This property is due to its
carbon di oxide in its atmosphere (a) Very small size
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct (b) Very large size
explanation of A (c) Very high density
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct (d) Very low density
explanation of A
13. At which one of the following positions
(c) A is true but R is false
shown in the diagram will the height of
(d) A is false but R is true
the ocean tide be maximum?
9. Among the following which planet takes
maximum time for one revolution around
the Sun?
(a) Earth
(b) Jupiter
(c) Mars
(d) Venus

10. Which one of the following statements is

(a) M1
correct with reference to our solar
(b) M2
(c) M3
(a) The Earth is the densest of all the planets in
(d) M4
our solar system
(b) The predominant element in the 14. One Astronomical Unit is the average
composition of Earth is silicon distance between
(c) The Sun contains 75 percent of the mass of (a) Earth and the Sun
the solar system (b) Earth and the Moon
(d) The diameter of the Sun is 190 times that of (c) Jupiter and the Sun
the Earth (d) Pluto and the Sun

11. If the stars are seen to rise perpendicular 15. Consider the following statements
to the horizon by an observer, he is regarding asteroids:
located on the 1) Asteroids are rocky debris of varying sizes
(a) Equator orbiting the Sun
(b) Tropic of Cancer 2) Most of the Asteroids are small but some
(c) South Pole have diameter as large as 1000 km
(d) North Pole Page No. 2

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

3) The orbit of asteroids lies between the orbits 18. A person stood alone in a desert on a
of Jupiter & Saturn dark night and wanted to reach his
Which of the statements given above is/are village which was situated 5 km east of
correct? the point where he was standing. He had
(a) 1,2 and 3 are correct no instruments to find the direction but
(b) 2 and 3 are correct he located the polestar. The most
(c) 1 and 2 are correct convenient way now to reach his village
(d) 1 and 3 are correct is to walk in the
(a) direction facing the polestar
16. Match List-I with List II and select the
(b) direction opposite to the polestar
correct answer using the codes given
(c) direction keeping the polestar to his left
below the lists:
(d) direction keeping the polestar to his right
List-I (Special List-II (Name
Characteristics) of the Planet) 19. What is the approximate mean velocity
A. Smallest planet of the 1. Mercury with which the Earth moves round the
Solar System Sun in its orbit?
B. Largest planet of the 2. Venus (a) 20km/s
Solar System (b) 30km/s
C. Planet second from the 3. Jupiter (c) 40km/s
Sun in the solar system (d) 50km/s
D. Planet nearest to the Sun 4. Pluto 20. Which one of the following scholars
5. Saturn suggests the earth's origin is from gases
Codes: and dust particles?
(a) A-2; B-3; C-5; D-1 (a) James Jeans
(b) A-3; B-5; C-1; D-2 (b) H Alfven
(c) A-4; B-1; C-2; D-3 (c) F Hoyle
(d) A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1 (d) O Schmidit
17. The terms 'Event Horizon', 'Singularity', 21. Sun's halo is produced by the refraction
'String Theory and Standard Model' are of light in
sometimes seen in the news in the (a) Water vapour in Stratus clouds
context of (b) Ice crystals in Cirro-Cumulus clouds
(a) Observation and understanding of the (c) Ice crystals in Cirrus clouds
Universe (d) Dust particles in Stratus clouds
(b) Study of the solar and the 1lunar eclipses
(c) Placing satellites in the orbit of the Earth
(d) Origin and evolution of living organisms on
the Earth Page No. 3

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

The new asteroids are being discovered

1. Key and Explanation
1. Key: A Comets: Comets are the most exciting heavenly
bodies and have ever been the objects of man’s
Explanation: The day 21 June is known as
summer solstice. The rays of the sun fall curiosity as well as fear. The word Comet is
vertically at the tropic of cancer (23½º N). The derived from the Greek word Aster Kometes
North Pole is inclined or tilted towards the sun. meaning ‘Long Haired Star’. They are made up
It, therefore, experiences complete light for 24 of small ice particles and meteoric fragments.
hours. The South Pole is tilted away from the They revolve around the Sun. But their orbits
sun so it is in complete darkness for 24 hours. It are irregular. Sometimes they get very close
(Perihelion) to the sun and in other times they go
is summer in the northern hemisphere and
winter in the southern hemisphere. In the far away (Aphelion) from the sun.
Northern hemisphere, the days are longer than Educational Objective: Understanding
the nights. Asteroids and Comets.
Position of the earth on 22 December- the South 3. Key: A
Pole is inclined towards the sun and the North Explanation: Jupiter has large number of
Pole is away from it. The rays of the sun fall natural satellites, which has 67 natural
vertically at the tropic of Capricorn (23½º S). The satellites. Mars has 2 natural satellites. Saturn
greater part of the southern hemisphere gets the has 53 natural satellites. Venus and Mercury
direct rays of the sun so the days are long and don’t have any natural satellite.
the nights are short here. In the northern Educational Objective: Understanding our
hemisphere the nights are longer than the days solar system.
at this time. The southern hemisphere has
4. Key: B
summer. The northern hemisphere has winter.
Explanation: Saturn and Jupiter planets are
This day (22 December), when the sun’s rays fall
placed between Mars and Uranus. Jupiter and
vertically on the Tropic of Capricorn, is known
Saturn are 778.6 million kilometer (mkm),
as winter solstice.
1433.5mkm from Sun respectively.
Educational Objective: Understanding solstices
and equinoxes Mer- Ven- Ear Jup Sat Ura Nep
Planet Mars
Cury us th iter urn nus tune
2. Key: B
Explanation: Asteroids: Asteroids are a small distanc
rocky celestial body that revolves around the e 57.9 108.2 149.6 227.9 778.6 1433.5 2872.5 4495.1
Sun, like other planets. They are also called the sun
‘Minor Planets’ or planetoids. There are lots of
asteroids in the solar system. These are found in Mer- Ven- Ear Jup Sat Ura Nep
Planet Mars
Cury us th iter urn nus tune
between the planets Mars and Jupiter. This belt
is known as ‘Asteroid belt’. The diameter of the Satellit 0 0 1 2 67 53 27 13
asteroids varies from100 km to a size of a pebble. e
The asteroids may be the fragments of a planet
exploded in the past or some parts of comets. Page No. 4

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

The Jupiter: Jupiter is the largest planet in the one rotation on its own axis. The Earth takes
solar System. It is made primarily of gases and 365.25 days to complete one revolution around
is therefore known as ‘Giant Gas planet’. It the Sun. Earth’s surface temperature varies
takes 9 hours 55 minutes to complete one from – 88q to 58qC and it is the densest planet
rotation on its axis and it takes 11.86 years to in the solar system. The Earth is a unique planet
complete one revolution. Jupiter has the because of its distance from the sun, its motions,
shortest day in the solar system. Jupiter has a atmosphere with oxygen, presence of water and
faint ring system around it. They are mostly moderate temperature. The earth is neither too
comprised of dust particles. Jupiter has 67 close nor too far from the sun. It is the only
confirmed satellites orbiting the planet. known planet to support life. It is also known as
Ganymede, the satellite of Jupiter, is the largest the ‘Blue Planet’ because of the presence of
natural satellite in the solar system (even bigger water. Earth has only one natural satellite called
than the planet Mercury). the Moon. The sun light takes about 8.3 minutes
to reach the earth.
The Saturn: Saturn is the sixth planet from the
Educational Objective: Understanding our
sun and the second largest planet in the solar
Solar system
system. Saturn is called as the Ringed Planet. It
is because of large, beautiful and extensive ring 6. Key: D
systems that encircles the planet. These rings Explanation: To orbit around the Sun, the
are mostly made from the chunks of ice and Planet Mars takes 687 days but earth takes
carbonaceous dust. Saturn is the only planet in 365.25 days. The diameter of planet earth is
our solar system whose average density is less 6794km. Earth diameter is 12756km.
than water. The Saturn has 30 rings and Mer
Planets Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
53confirmed natural satellites. The Saturn takes cury
10 hours 34 minutes to complete one rotation
Dia 4879 12,104 12,756 6,794 1,42,984 1,20,536 51,118 49,528
on its axis and it takes 29.4 years to complete meter(km)
one revolution around the sun Educational Objective: Understanding Solar
Educational Objective: Understanding our System
Solar system
7. Key: C
5. Key: D Explanation: The moon is located at a distance
Explanation: The average distance between of 8,84,401 km from the earth the moon revolves
Earth and Sun is 150 million kilometre around the earth. The moon takes 27 days and 7
The Earth: Earth is the third nearest planet to hours and 43 minutes for both its rotation and
the sun. It is the fifth largest planet in the solar revolution around the earth. Hence, the
system. The Earth’s orbit lies between the orbits observers on the earth can see only one side of
of Venus and Mars. It takes 23 hours 56 the moon. The moon is the fifth largest natural
minutes and 4 seconds for the earth to complete satellite in the solar system. The moon was likely Page No. 5

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

to be formed after a Mars sized body collided Mars, Venus takes 365.25 days, 4331days,
with Earth. There are many craters, high and 224.7days respectively.
steep mountains of different sizes which cast Educational Objective: Understanding solar
shadows on the Moon’s surface. The light which system
is reflected by the Moon will reach the Earth in
10. Key: A
just one and a quarter seconds. Since the moon
is smaller than the earth, it has 1/6 of the
Merc Ve Ear Mar Jupite Satur Uranu Neptu
gravitational pull of the earth. So, man weighs 6 Planets
ury nus th s r n s ne
times less on the moon than the earth.
Educational Objective: Understanding Earths Orbital
period in 88 224 365 687 4,331 10747 30,589 59,800
natural satellite-moon.
8. Key: A
The Sun: The Sun is at the centre of our solar
Explanation: The Venus: ‘Venus’ is the second
system. It is a yellow dwarf star, with a hot ball
nearest planet to the sun. It is also called as
of glowing gases. Its gravity holds the solar
‘Earth’s Sister’ planet due to its similar size
system together and it keeps everything from the
and mass as that of our Earth.
biggest planets to the smallest particles of debris
Its atmosphere mainly consists of carbon dioxide
in its orbit. Electric currents in the Sun generate
with clouds of sulphuric acid, and only traces
a magnetic field that is carried out through the
amounts of water. The atmosphere is heavier
solar system by the solar wind.
than that of any other planet, leading to a
surface pressure that's over 90 times that of Structure of the Sun: By mass, the Sun is
Earth — similar to the pressure that exists made up of about 70.6% hydrogen and 27.4%
helium. The Sun's enormous mass is held
3,300 feet (1,000 meters) deep in the ocean. It is
together the lower region of the solaratmosphere
also the hottest planet in the solar system and is called the chromospheres. Its name is derived
experiences a mean surface temperature of from the Greek word chroma (meaning colour),
462’C due to green house effect. for it appears bright red when viewed during a
solar eclipse. A thintransition region,
It is popularly known as “Morning star and wheretemperature risessharply, separates the
Evening star” It is seen in the east sky before chromospheres fromthe vast corona above. The
sunrise (dawn) in the morning and in the west upper mostportion of the Sun's atmosphere is
calledthe corona, and is surprisingly much
sky after the sunset (twilight).It rotates clockwise
hotterthan the Sun's surface (photosphere)
i.e. east to west direction on its own axis. theupper corona gradually turns into the
Educational objective: Understanding solar solarwind. Solar wind is a flow of plasma
thatmoves outward through our solar
systeminto interstellar space.
9. Key: B
The Earth: Earth is the third nearest planet to
Explanation: Jupiter takes 10,747 days to
the sun. It is the fifth largest planet in the solar
complete one revolution around sun. Earth,
system. The Earth’s orbit lies between the orbits Page No. 6

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

of Venus and Mars. It takes 23 hours 56 north celestial pole moves closer to the zenith as
minutes and 4 seconds for the earth to complete the observer moves towards the North and the
one rotation on its own axis. The Earth takes two coincide at the North Pole. Similarly as the
365.25 daysto complete one revolution around observer moves south, the south celestial pole
the Sun. Earth’s surface temperature varies moves closer to the zenith and the two coincide
from – 88 to 58 C and it is the densest planet
0 0
at the South Pole.
in the solar system. The Earth is a unique Educational Objective: Understanding
planet because of its distance from the sun, its positions of stars with respect to earth.
motions, atmosphere with oxygen, presence of
12. Key: C
water and moderate temperature. The earth is
Explanation: A black hole is an object in space
neither too close nor too far from the sun. It is
that is so dense and has such strong gravity
the only known planet to support life. It is also
that no matter or light can escape its pull.
known as the ‘BluePlanet’ because of the
Because no light can escape, it is black and
presence of water. Earth has only one natural
invisible. There’s a boundary at the edge of a
satellite called the Moon. The sun light takes
black hole called the event horizon, which is the
about 8.3minutes to reach the earth.
point of no return — any light or matter that
Educational objective: understanding Earth
crosses that boundary is sucked into the black
and Sun
hole. It would need to travel faster than the
11. Key: A speed of light to escape, which is impossible.
Explanation: The celestial equator is an Anything that crosses the event horizon is
imaginary circle that goes around the sky destined to fall to the very centre of the black
directly above the equator. All the stars rotate in hole and be squished into a single point with
a path parallel to the equator that is always 90 infinite density, called the singularity.
degrees from the North and South Poles. In Educational Objective: to understand Black
astronomy the celestial sphere refers to an holes
imaginary sphere with the Earth at the center of 13. Key: D
the sphere. Though the sky extends infinitely in Explanation: Tide is caused by the rotation of
all directions stars are assumed to lie on the the earth apart from the gravitational pull of the
surface of the celestial sphere from different sun and the moon. The rhythmic rise and fall of
locations on the surface of the Earth the the sea water due to gravitational pull of the
visibility of stars changes. The zenith refers to a moon and the sun is called a Tide. Isaac Newton
point directly above the observer, which is (1642–1727) was the first person to explain tides
defined by the line from the center of the Earth, scientifically. The rise of seawater towards the
and perpendicular to the horizon. land is known as High tide or flow tide. The fall
If the observer is at the Earth's equator, the of seawater more towards sea is known as ‘Low
celestial equator passes though the zenith. The tide water’ or ebb tide. On any day there will be Page No. 7

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

two high tides and two low tides. The highest Educational Objective: Solar system.
high tide occurs on full moon day and new moon
17. Key: A
day. It is known as spring tide Spring tide
Explanation: In astrophysics, an event
happens when the sun, earth and moon aligned
horizon is a boundary beyond which events
in straight line. The lowest low tide is known as
cannot affect an observer. The initial
neap tide. It happens when the sun, earth and
singularity is a gravitational
moon are positioned at right angles.
singularity predicted by general relativity to have
Educational Objective: Tides and types of tides
existed before the Big Bang and thought to have
14. Key: A contained all the mass and space-time of
Explanation: One astronomical Unit (AU) is the the Universe. string theory is a theoretical
average distance from the Sun to Earth, or framework in which the point-like
about 150 million kilometres. particles of particle physics are replaced by one-
Educational Objective: Understanding dimensional objects called strings. It describes
Astronomy how these strings propagate through space and
interact with each other. On distance scales
15. Key: C
larger than the string scale, a string looks just
Explanation: Asteroids: Asteroids are small
like an ordinary particle, with its mass, charge,
rocky celestial bodies.That revolves around the
and other properties determined by
Sun, like other planets. They are also called
the vibrational state of the string The Standard
‘Minor Planets’. There are lots of asteroids in the
Model of particle physics is the theory
solar system. Larger asteroids are called
describing three of the four known fundamental
Planetoids. These are found in between the
forces (the electromagnetic, weak,
planets Mars and Jupiter. This belt is known as
and strong interactions, and not including
‘Asteroid belt’. The diameter of the asteroids
the gravitational force) in the universe, as well
varies from100 km to a size of a pebble. The
as classifying all known elementary particles
asteroids may be the fragments of a planet
Educational Objective: Current Astronomy
exploded in the past or some parts of comets.
The new asteroids are being discovered 18. Key: C
continuously. Explanation: The pole star or Polaris is the
Educational Objective: Asteroids brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Minor
which is located in the North direction always.
16. Key: D
Explanation: Smallest planet of the solar
system is Pluto.
Largest planet of the solar system is Saturn.
Planet second from the Sun in the solar system
is Venus.
Planet nearest to the Sun is Mercury. Page No. 8

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

 As pole star is to the north and he has to

2. Geomorphology
move to east to reach his village pole star
will lay on his left as he moves providing 1. Consider the following statements:
him correct direction to reach there. 1) The Earth's magnetic field has reversed
Educational Objective: To know about location every few hundred thousand years.
of important objects in space and their 2) When the Earth was created more than
importance for navigation and various other 4000 million years ago, there was 54%
purposes. oxygen and no carbon dioxide.
3) When living organisms originated, they
19. Key: B
modified the early atmosphere of the Earth.
Explanation: The mean velocity of earth which
Which of the statements given above is/are
moves around the sun is calculated by
Speed of Revolution = Distance/Time =
(a) 1 only
942,000,000 km / 8766 hr = 107,000 km/hr =
(b) 2 and 3 only
30 km/sec.
(c) 1 and 3 only
Educational Objective: Planetary physics
(d) 1,2 and 3
20. Key: D
2. Which of the following phenomena might
Explanation: Schmidt suggests that the earth's
have influenced the evolution of
origin is from gases and dust particles. O.
Schmidt in 1943 gave Inter-Stellar Dust
1) Continental drift
Hypothesis for the origin of the earth and solar
2) Glacial cycles
Select the correct answer using the code
Educational Objective: formation of earth
given below.
21. Key: C (a) 1 only
Explanation: Sun’s halo is also known is also (b) 2 and 3 only
known as 22 degree halo. It is produced by the (c) Both 1 and 2
refraction of light in ice crystals in Circus clouds (d) 1, 2 and 3
within the Earth’s Atmosphere. A halo ring is a
3. On the planet earth, most of the
ring or light that forms around the Sun or Moon
freshwater exists as ice caps and glaciers.
as the Sun’s or Moon’s light refracts off the ice
Out of the remaining freshwater, the
crystals present in a thin veil of cirrus clouds.
largest proportion
Educational Objective: Understanding Sun and
(a) Is found in atmosphere as moisture and
the concept of halo formation.
(b) Is found in freshwater lakes and rivers
(c) Exists as groundwater
(d) Exists as soil moisture Page No. 9

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

4. Consider the following: Which of the statements given above is/ are
1. Electromagnetic radiation correct?
2. Geothermal energy (a) 1 only
3. Gravitational force (b) 2 only
4. Plate movements (c) Both 1 and 2
5. Rotation of the earth (d) Neither 1 nor 2
6. Revolution of the earth 7. In the structure of planet Earth, below
Which of the above are responsible for the mantle, the core is mainly made up
bringing dynamic changes on the surface of of which one of the following?
the earth? (a) Aluminium
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only (b) Chromium
(b) 1, 3, 5 and 6 only (c) Iron
(c) 2, 4, 5 and 6 only (d) Silicon
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 only
8. Match List I with List II and select the
5. The Brahmaputra, Irrawady and Mekong correct answer using the code given
rivers originate in Tibet and flow through below the lists:
narrow and parallel mountain ranges in List-I (Geographic List-II (Country)
their upper reaches. Of these rivers,
Brahmaputra makes a "U" turn in its
A. Great Victoria Desert 1. Australia
course to flow into India. This "U" turn is
B. Grand Canyon 2. Canada
due to
C. Lake Winnipeg 3. New Zealand
(a) Uplift of folded Himalayan series
D. Southern Alps 4. USA
(b) Syntaxial bending of geologically young
(a) A-1; B-2; C-4; D-3
(c) Geo-tectonic disturbance in the tertiary
(b) A-1; B-4; C-2; D-3
folded mountain chains
(c) A-3; B-2; C-4; D-1
(d) Both (a) and (b) above
(d) A-3; B-4; C-2; D-1
6. Consider the following statements:
9. Consider the following statements:
1) On the planet Earth, the fresh water
1) The Richter scale is a logarithmic scale and
available for use amounts to about less than
so an increase of 1 magnitude unit
1 % of the total water found.
represents a factor of 10 times in amplitude.
2) Of the total fresh water found on the planet
2) Each integer reading of the Richter scale
Earth 95% is bound up in polar ice caps
has energy 100 times that of the previous
and glaciers
integer reading. Page No. 10

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Which of the statements given above is/are 2) The formation of sedimentary rocks involves
correct? the weathering of pre-existing rocks
(a) 1 only 3) Sedimentary rocks contain fossils
(b) 2 only 4) Sedimentary rocks typically occur in layers
(c) Both 1 and 2 Which of these statements are correct?
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) 1 and 2
(b) 1 and 4
10. Consider the following geological
(c) 2,3 and 4
1) Development of a fault (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

2) Movement along a fault 13. Quartzite is metamorphosed from

3) Impact produced by a volcanic eruption (a) Limestone
4) Folding of rocks (b) Obsidian
Which of the above cause earthquakes? (c) Sandstone
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Shale
(b) 2 and 4
14. Which one of the following pairs is
(c) 1, 3 and 4
correctly matched?
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Geographical Feature Region
11. Consider the following statements: (a) Abyssinian Plateau Arabia
1) Most magmas are a combination of liquid, (b) Atlas Mountains North-Western
solid and gas Africa
2) Water vapour and carbon dioxide are the (c) Guiana Highlands South-Western
principal gases dissolved in a magma
3) Basaltic magma is hotter than the silicic
magma (d) Okavango Basin Patagonia
4) The magma solidified between sedimentary
15. Where is the volcanic mountain, Mount
rocks in a horizontal position is known as
St Helens located?
Which of these statements are correct? (a) Chile
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) Japan
(b) 1 and 4 (c) Philippines
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) United States of America
(d) 1, 2 and 4 16. Volcanic eruptions do not occur in the
12. Consider the following statements made (a) Baltic Sea
about the sedimentary rocks: (b) Black Sea
1) Sedimentary rocks are formed at earth's (c) Caribbean Sea
surface by the hydrological system (d) Caspian Sea Page No. 11

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

17. Match List-I with List-II and select the 3. Maximum percentage of Earth's water is in
correct answer using the codes given the Pacific Ocean.
below the lists: Which of the statements given above is/are
List-I List II (Country) correct?
(Volcanic Mountain) (a) 1 and 2
A. Mt. Rainier 1. Italy (b) 2 and 3
B. Etna 2. Mexico (c) 1 only
C. Paricutin 3. Philippines (d) 3 only
D. Taal 4. USA 20. Consider the following statements:
Codes: 1. The axis of the earth's magnetic field is
a. A-4; B-2; C-1; D-3 inclined at 23 to the geographic axis of the
b. A-4; B-1; C-2; D-3 earth.
c. A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3 2 The earth's magnetic pole in the northern
hemisphere is located on a peninsula in
d. A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1
northern Canada
18.Consider the following statements 3. Earth's magnetic equator passes through
regarding the earthquakes: Thumba in South India.
1) The intensity of earthquake is measured on Which of the statements given above is/are

Mercalli Scale correct?

2) The magnitude of an earthquake is a (a) 1,2 and 3

measure of energy release (b) 2 and 3

3) Earthquake magnitudes are based on direct (c) 2 only

measurements of the amplitude of seismic (d) 3 only

waves 21. Assertion: The weight of a body decreases

4) In the Richter Scale, each whole number with the increase latitude on earth.
demonstrates a hundred fold increase in the Reason: The earth is not a perfect sphere.
amount of energy released (a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
Which of these statements are correct? explanation of A
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
(b) 2, 3 and 4 explanation of A
(c) l and 4 (c) A is true but R is false
(d) 1 and 3 (d) A is false but R is true

19. Consider the following statements: 22. Assertion: The amount of moisture in the
1. Total land area of Earth is approximately atmosphere is related to latitude.
1475 lakh square kilometres. Reason: The capacity to hold moisture in
2. Ratio of land area to water area of Earth is the form of water vapour is related to
approximately 1:4 temperature. Page No. 12

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct may easily bring about new ones or makes some
explanation of A species go into extinction.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct Since Environmental changes act as the motor
explanation of A of evolution Glacial cycles also have influenced
(c) A is true but R is false the evolution of organisms.
(d) A is false but R is true Educational Objective: To study about the
different stages of evolution of earth and the
2. Key and Explanation
factors that were responsible for the evolution
1. Key: C 3. Key: C
Explanation: According to Scientist the Earth's Explanation: Distribution of the water on Earth
magnetic field has reversed every few hundred is as follows:
thousand years, but there is no apparent Ocean water : 97.2 percent
periodicity to the occurrence. The reversal of Glaciers and other ice : 2.15 percent
polarity is a random event. Groundwater : 0.61 percent
At the time when earth was created there was no Fresh water lakes : 0.009 percent
atmosphere. Thus statement 2 is wrong. Inland seas : 0.008 percent
Initially life might have started anaerobic Soil Moisture : 0.005 percent
respiration. later on the process of Atmosphere : 0.001 percent
photosynthesis and other process slowly Rivers : 0.0001 percent
modified the early atmosphere of the Earth. From this we can tell that among the given
Thus statement 3 is correct. options, groundwater has most of the earth’s
Educational Objective: To learn about the fresh water
interior of the earth and the processes that are Educational Objective: To learn about the
undergoing. Also have knowledge about the water table and it’s distribution on the Earth
evolution of the earth
4. Key: D
2. Key: C Explanation: Among the given forces, we know
Explanation: According to the theory of plate that plate movements obviously cause dynamic
tectonics, the tectonic plates drift around the changes as explained in Plate Tectonics
globe, either toward or away from each other. In Theory.
this process, the continents seem to "drift" Rotation and Revolution of the earth causes
around Earth from one climatic region to variation in day and night and seasons
another, over a span of millions of years. respectively.
The Continental drift has a major impact on Hence, they too change the surface of earth as
evolution of life, because of climate change that variation in seasons can cause floods or
occurs during continental drift. This process droughts. Page No. 13

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Previous Year Questions

Gravitational force causes tides which affects glaciers, and just over 30 percent is found in
coastal areas. Geothermal energy leads to hot ground water.
springs that would also change the surface of Due to climate change and increase in global
earth. Hence, option D is correct warming, the glaciers and the ice caps are
Educational Objective: To have knowledge melting at very high rate.
about the different forces existing in the interior Educational Objective: To know about the
of the earth and also exterior of the Earth. Also percentage of water on the earth. Also about the
have to learn their effects on the surface of the fresh water percentage and ocean water.And
earth also about the forms that the water takes like
river water, ocean water, glaciers, water vapor
5. Key: D
Explanation: The Indian lithospheric plate
started drifting toward the present location 200 7. Key: C
million years ago , The collision of Indian plate Explanation: Earth is divided in to multiple
with Eurasian plate resulted in series of folding, layers such as crust, Mantle and Core.
faults and upliftments, which resulted in The Earth's crust is made up of several elements
upliftment of Himalayan ranges. like oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, sodium,
The Syntaxial bent was created along the potassium, and magnesium.
Himalaya due to the impact of collision. as result Whereas the mantle under the crust is
of this bent the Brahmaputra river takes a U composed mostly of silicate rocks rich in
turn on reaching the Namcha Barwa peak and magnesium and iron.
enters India in Arunachal Pradesh through a The centre of the Earth is the core , both inner
gorge. and outer core combined accounts for one third
Educational Objective: To know about the of earth mass, It is mainly composed of a nickel-
important rivers in India and their pattern of iron (85% of mixture is iron) alloy . Thus
flow. And also the physical features that they statement 3 is correct.
form while flowing. Educational Objective: To have knowledge
6. Key: A about the structure of the interior of the earth.
Explanation: Even though 71 percent of the And also about various layers and their
Earth's surface is covered by water. More than composition.
99 percent of it (Earth's water) is unusable by 8. Key: B
humans and many other living things . Only Explanation: The Great Victoria Desert is found
about 0.3 percent of our fresh water is found in in the south western region of the Australia.
the surface water of lakes, rivers and swamps The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon
are useable. carved by the Colorado River in the state of
Over 68 percent of the fresh water available on Arizona, United States of America.
the Earth surface is found in icecaps and Page No. 14

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Lake Winnipeg is a large and shallow fresh water on the surface of the Earth directly above a
lake located in the province of Manitoba, Canada. hypocentre or focus.
The Southern Alps are the mountain range Earthquakes are mainly caused by rupture of
found in New Zealand. The Southern Alps run geological faults but also by other events such
approximately 500 km in northeast to southwest as Impact produced by a volcanic activity,
direction. The tallest peak in Southern Alps is landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear tests.
Aoraki / Mount Cook, which is also the highest When the epicentre of an earthquake is located
point in New Zealand. offshore, the displacement of seabed may result
Educational Objective: To have knowledge in a tsunami.
about the salient geographical features across Educational Objective: To know about the
the world and also in India causes and effects of the earth quake

9. Key: C 11. Key: A

Explanation: Richter scale is used in Explanation: Magma is extremely hot liquid and
quantitative measure of an earthquake’s semi-liquid rock located under Earth’s surface.
magnitude. The earthquake’s magnitude is The magma that erupts onto the Earth's surface
determined using the logarithm of the amplitude is known as lava. Like solid rock magma is also
of the largest seismic wave calibrated to a scale a mixture of many minerals.
by a seismograph. The magma also contains small amounts of
The each increase of 1 unit on the scale dissolved gases such as water vapor, carbon
represents a 10-fold increase in the magnitude dioxide, and sulphur.
of an earthquake. That is each integer reading of Basaltic magma is hotter than the silicic magma.
the Richter scale has an energy 100 times that Basaltic magma is rich in iron, magnesium, and
of the previous integer reading. calcium but has very low percentage of
Each increase of one unit also represents the potassium and sodium. The temperature of
release of about 31 times more energy Basaltic magma ranges from about 1000oC to
Educational Objective: To know about the 1200 C.
earthquakes and the scales used to measure the Dikes are the volcanic landforms, When the
earth quake magnitude. And also the difference magma is injected vertically as narrow walls of
between Richter scale and mercalli scale igneous rocks within the sedimentary layer are
termed as dykes.
10. Key: D
Educational Objective: To know about the
Explanation: An earthquake is the
formation of Magma and their chemical
vibration/shaking experienced on surface of the
Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy
in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic 12. Key: D
waves. In seismology the epicentre is the point Explanation: Sedimentary rocks are created
from the sediments accumulated over a long Page No. 15

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

period of time at earth's surface by the Atlas Mountains are the series of mountain
hydrological system. ranges in northwestern Africa, running generally
The sedimentary rocks are usually formed in southwest to northeast these mountain ranges
layer and are often termed as stratified rocks separates the Mediterranean and Atlantic
and these strata may vary from few centimetres coastlines from the Sahara Desert.
to many feets. Guiana Highlands or plateau is a region in
The formation of sedimentary rocks involves the South America located north of the Amazon river
weathering of pre-existing rocks. and south of the Orinoco River.
The Sedimentary rocks can in any form, fine The Okavango Basin is found in southwestern
grained, coarse, hard or soft. Sedimentary rocks Africa, River Okavango is the chief stream in the
often contain fossils of plants, Animals and basin, The basin extends across portions of
micro organisms. Angola, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe.
Educational Objective: To know about the Educational Objective: To have knowledge
various types of rocks and their formation. Also about the salient geographical features across
about the chemical composition of sedimentary the world and also in India
rocks, igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks

13. Key: C 15. Key: D

Explanation: Under the great temperature and Explanation: On Earth surface, A volcano is a
pressure any rock can undergo change, such vent or fissure in the earth's crust through
rock are known as metamorphic rock. The which hot molten lava, ash and gases erupt. A
character and the appearance of the volcanic mountain is formed by the
metamorphosed rock is greatly different from the accumulation of this eruptive pyroclastic
parent rock. material over the years.
Ex: Clay can be metamorphosed in to Slate Mount St. Helens is an active stratovolcano, it is
Sandstone can be metamorphosed in to in located in Skamania County, Washington, in the
Quartzite. Pacific Northwest region of the United States of
Lime stone can be metamorphosed in to Marble. America.
Shale can be metamorphosed in to Schist. A Stratovolcanoes is also called as composite
Educational Objective: To know about the volcanoes, because they are built of layers of
various types of rocks and their formation. Also alternating lava flow, ash and sometimes blocks
about the chemical composition of sedimentary of unmelted stone.
rocks, igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks Educational Objective: To know about the
various hotspots of volcano on the earth crust.
14. Key: B
Also the locations of various volcanic mountains
Explanation: Abyssinian Plateau is a plateau in
and the type of volcano
Ethiopia It is located at an elevation of 1,388
meters above sea level. Page No. 16

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

16. Key: A Educational Objective: To know about the

Explanation: According to the theory of plate various hotspots of volcano on the earth crust.
tectonics, the earth's lithosphere is broken in to Also the locations of various volcanic mountains
major and minor plates. These tectonic plates and the type of volcano
drift around the globe, either toward or away 18. Key: A
from each other. Explanation: An earthquake is the
Volcanos usually occur at the edge of these plate vibration/shaking experienced on surface of the
boundaries. But in case of Baltic sea, the Baltic Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy
sea does not lie at the edge of these tectonic in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic
plates but instead the basaltic rocks which waves.
found in Baltic sea is transported by glacier. The intensity of earthquake is measured on
Thus the possibility of volcanos in the Baltic Sea Mercalli Scale where as the magnitude of an
is very less. earthquake is a measured on Richter Scale.
Educational Objective: To know about the The earthquake’s magnitude is determined using
locations where volcanic eruptions occur and the the logarithm of the amplitude of the largest
oceans or seas they are bordering with. seismic wave calibrated to a scale by a
17. Key: B seismograph.
Explanation: On Earth surface, A volcano is a The each increase of 1 unit on the scale
vent or fissure in the earth's crust through represents a 10-fold increase in the magnitude
which hot molten lava, ash and gases erupt. A of an earthquake. That is each integer reading of
volcanic mountain is formed by the the Richter scale has an energy 100 times that
accumulation of this eruptive pyroclastic of the previous integer reading.
material over the years. Educational Objective: To know about the
Mount Rainier is a large active stratovolcano and earthquakes and the scales used to measure the
It is the tallest mountain in Washington and the earth quake magnitude. And also the difference
Cascade, in Mount Rainier National Park, USA. between Richter scale and mercalli scale
(A Stratovolcanoes is also called as composite 19. Key: D
volcanoes, because they are built of layers of Explanation: Total land area of earth is around
alternating lava flow, ash and sometimes blocks 500 million square kilometres. Statement 1 is
of unmelted stone) incorrect.
Ema Volcano in Italy is a active volcano. Ratio of land to water of Earth is 1 : 2 and not
Whereas the Paricutin is a cinder cone volcano 1: 4. Statement 2 is also incorrect.
located in the Mexico. We know that world's largest ocean is Pacific
Taal Volcano is a large caldera filled by water and hence maximum percentage of water will be
forming Taal Lake on the Luzon Island in the in Pacific Ocean. Statement 3 is correct.
Philippines Page No. 17

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To have knowledge Explanation: Weight of a body is the force

about the area of the land and water on earth. experienced by the body due to gravity.
W =mg
20. Key: D
The weight of a body decreases with increase
Explanation: Magnetic dip, dip angle, or
in distance from the earth's surface because
magnetic inclination is the angle made with
weight is inversely proportional to the distance
the horizontal by the Earth’s magnetic field
of body from the surface of earth. The decrease
lines.Magnetic dip at the magnetic equator is 0,
is not with respect to latitude. Hence, assertion
and at the magnetic poles, it is 90.Hence,
is false
statement 1 is wrong
The earth is not a perfect sphere. We know that,
the shape of the earth is Geoid. It is bulge at
equator and flat at poles. Hence, reason is true
Educational Objective: To learn about the
variation of weight with respect to latitude and
longitude. Also have basic knowledge about the
Earth's shape, structure etc.
22. Key: A
Explanation: The amount of moisture (humidity)
in the atmosphere decreases as we move from
equator to poles. This is because of the
temperature starts decreasing. Hence,
Statement is correct and reason is the correct
explanation of statement
The North Magnetic Pole (86 N, 172 W) lie to the
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
north of Ellesmere
about the interrelationship between the
Island in northern Canada and is rapidly
temperature, latitude, humidity etc.
drifting towards Siberia. It is not in the
peninsula of Canada. Hence, statement 2 is
Earth’s magnetic equator passes through
Thumba is correct.
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
about the Earth’s magnetic field and related
information like the magnetic inclination,
declination, current location etc.,
21. Key: D Page No. 18

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

3) The survival of some animals that have

3. Oceanography
phoplanktonic larvae will be adversely
1. Consider the following statements: affected.
1) Most of the world's coral reefs are in tropical 4) The cloud seeding and formation of clouds
waters. will be adversely affected.
2) More than one-third of the world's coral Which of the statements given above is/are
reefs are located in the territories of correct?
Australia, Indonesia and Philippines. (a) 1,2 and 3 only
3) Coral reefs host far more number of animal (b) 2 only
phyla than those hosted by tropical (c) 1 and 3 only
rainforests. (d) 1,2,3 and 4
Which of the statements given above is/are
4. The 2004 Tsunami made people realize
that mangroves can serve as a reliable
(a) 1 and 2 only
safety hedge against coastal calamities.
(b) 3 only
How do mangroves function as a safety
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1,2 and 3
(a) The mangrove swamps separate the human
2. Tides occur in the oceans and seas due to settlements from the sea by a wide zone in
which among the following? which people neither live nor venture out
(b) The mangroves provide both food and
1) Gravitational force of the Sun
medicines which people are in need of after
2) Gravitational force of the Moon any natural disaster
3) Centrifugal force of the Earth (c) The mangrove, trees are tall with dense
Select the correct answer using the code canopies and serve as an excellent shelter
given below. during a cyclone or tsunami
(d) The mangrove trees do not get uprooted by
(a) 1 only
storms and tides because of their extensive
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
5. Consider the following statements:
(d) 1, 2 and 3
1) Ocean currents are the slow-surface
3. The acidification of oceans is increasing. movement of water in the ocean
Why is this phenomenon a cause of 2) Ocean currents assist in maintaining the
concern? Earth's heat balance
1) The growth and survival of calcareous 3) Ocean current are set in motion primarily
phytoplankton will be adversely affected. by prevailing winds
2) The growth and survival of coral reefs will 4) Ocean current are affected by the
be adversely affected. configuration of the ocean Page No. 19

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Which of these statements are correct? (d) Neither 1 nor 2

(a) 1 & 2
9. The largest coral reef in the world is
(b) 2,3 &4 found near the coast of which one of the
(c) 1,3 & 4 following countries?
(d) 1,2,3 & 4 (a) Australia
6. Assertion: During the Neap Tides, the high (b) Cuba
tide is lower and the low tide is higher than (c) Ghana
usual. (d) Philippines
Reason: The Neap Tide, unlike the Spring
Tide, occurs on the New Moon instead of on 10. In which one of the following oceans is
the Full Moon. Diamantina Trench situated?
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct (a) Pacific Ocean
explanation of A (b) Atlantic Ocean
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct (c) Indian Ocean
explanation of A (d) Arctic Ocean
(c) A is true but R is false
11. Match the following and select the
(d) A is false but R is true
correct answer using the codes given
7. The most important fishing grounds of below:
the world are found in the regions where Oceanic Trench Location
(a) Warm and cold atmospheric currents meet A. Aleutian 1. Indian Ocean
(b) Rivers drain out large amounts of B. Kermadec 2.North Pacific Ocean
freshwater into the sea C. Sunda 3.South Pacific Ocean
(c) Warm and cold oceanic currents meet D. S Sandwich 4.SouthAtlanticOcean
(d) Continental shelf is undulating Codes:
8. Between India and East Asia, the (a) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3
navigation-time and distance can be (b) A-2; B-3; C-1; D-4
greatly reduced by which of the following? (c) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4
1) Deepening the Malacca straits between (d) A-1; B-4; C-2; D-3
Malaysia and Indonesia.
2) Opening a new canal across the Kra 12. In the given map, which one of the
isthmus between the Gulf of Siam and following pairs of ocean currents is
Andaman Sea. shown?
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 Page No. 20

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

(a) Benguela and Falkland  The moon’s gravitational pull to a great

(b) Canary and Humboldt extent and to a lesser extent the sun’s
(c) Agulhas and Guinea gravitational pull, are the major causes for
(d) Benguela and Guinea the occurrence of tides.
 Another factor is centrifugal force which
3. Key and Explanation
acts opposite to gravitational pull of earth.
1. Key: D  Together, the gravitational pull and the
Explanation: Corals are living animals, and are centrifugal force are responsible for creating
in a symbiotic relation with microscopic algae the two major tidal bulges on the earth.
called Zooxanthellae. Hence all the three options are correct.
There are two types of corals, hard coral and soft
coral. Only hard coral build the reefs.
Most of the world's coral reefs are found in
tropical waters, Where the water is warm and
clear. Coral reef are highly sensitive to
temperature change and live within a relatively
narrow temperature range (20 to 25 degree).
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
Coral reefs are one of the most productive about how tides are formed the factors that help
coastal ecosystem in the world with very high in formation of tides and also about neap tide
biological activity. Thy host reefs host far more
and spring tide conditions.
number of animal phyla than those hosted by
3. Key: D
tropical rainforests.
Explanation: Ocean acidification is the ongoing
Some of the major reasons for coral bleaching
decrease in the pH of the Earth’s oceans, caused
are- Temperature change, Solar Irradiance,
by the uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the
Sedimentation, Variation in salinity, Subareial
exposure and Anthrogenic causes etc
Educational Objective: To have comprehensive
 Increasing acidity depresses metabolic rates
knowledge about the corals as they are in
and immune responses in some organisms.
critically endangered category in the IUCN list
 Seawater absorbs CO2 to produce carbonic
2. Key: D acid, bicarbonate and carbonate ions.
Explanation: The periodical rise and fall of the
 The decrease in the amount of carbonate
sea level, once or twice a day, mainly due to the
ions available makes it more difficult for
attraction of the sun and the moon, is called a
marine calcifying organisms, such as coral
(calcareous corals) and some plankton
(calcareous plankton), to form biogenic Page No. 21

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Previous Year Questions

calcium carbonate. Hence option 1,2,3 are Explanation: Ocean current is a continuous,
correct directed movement of sea water generated by a
 Ocean acidification affects the formation of number of forces acting upon the water. Only
dimethyl sulfide (DMS) produced by surface water is displaced and hence, statement
phytoplankton. 1 is correct.
This DMS enters the atmosphere to form Ocean currents deflect back the uneven solar
aerosols which in turn help in the cloud radiation from the sun and hence, help in heat
formation. Hence it is also adversely affected. balance. Hence, statement 2 is correct
Hence option 4 is also correct The winds pull surface water with them,
Educational Objective: To have knowledge creating currents. Hence, statement 3 is
about various environmental issues like ocean correct.
acidification, ozone depletion etc and also about The factors that can modify the currents are
their effects on living beings. direction and shape of coastlines. Hence,
statement 4 is also correct
4. Key: D
Educational Objective: To have complete
Explanation: Mangroves reduce the height
knowledge about the ocean currents, factors
and energy of wind and swell waves passing
responsible for its origin and their influence on
through them, reducing their ability to erode
the Earth.
sediments and to cause damage to structures
such as dikes and sea walls. This is because of 6. Key: C
their strong and intertwined roots. The roots of Explanation: There is a seven day
mangroves are called as Stilt or prop roots. interval between the spring tides and neap
Hence, option D is correct tides. Sun and moon are at right angles to
Option A is incorrect for the reason that each other and the forces of the sun and
mangroves don’t separate any zone. They are the moon tend to counteract one another. Hence,
transition between aquatic and land ecosystem high tide is lower and low tide is higher than
Option B says that mangroves provide food and usual. Hence, assertion is correct
medicine after natural disaster which is Spring tides occur twice a month, one on full
incorrect as mangroves always provide them. moon period and another during new moon
Not only after disaster period. This makes the reason false.
Mangroves are not tall trees. Hence, Option C
is incorrect
Educational Objective: To have thorough
knowledge about the mangroves. Also know its
utilities to mankind.

5. Key: D Page No. 22

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To learn about the tides,

their formation, factors responsible for their
formation and the effects.

7. Key: C
Educational Objective: To have thorough
Explanation: World’s best fishing grounds are
knowledge about the various straits in news.
found where the warm and cold oceanic currents
meet. This is for the reason that the region Also have complete knowledge about the South
provides optimal conditions for the growth of East Asian region
planktons. Fishes that rely on these planktons 9. Key: A
breed in the region. Hence, option C is correct
Explanation: The builders of coral reefs are tiny
Warm and cold atmospheric currents have
marine animals called Polyps. Only hard coral
influence on the landform and has nothing to do
with oceans. Hence, option A is wrong. build the reefs. These corals by them self are not
If rivers drain out large amount of freshwater, a colourful, instead they are white these corals
the water body reduces it’s salinity and doesn’t are in a symbiotic relation with microscopic
influence the breeding of fishes. Hence, option algae called Zooxanthellae, by which these
B is incorrect
corals gets coloration.
The undulating continental shelf is not suitable
The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is the world's
for planktons as they rise and fall. Hence, not a
good place for fish breeding. Hence, option D is largest coral reef system. And it is composed of
incorrect. over 2,900 individual reefs.
Educational Objective: To study about the The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is also the
ocean currents, their meeting points and their world's biggest single structure made by living
effects on the adjoining areas
organisms and was selected as a World Heritage
8. Key: B Site in 1981.
Explanation: Malacca Strait, between Increase in Golbal warming has resulted in
Indonesia and Malaysia reduces the travel time increase in ocean water temperature which in
to East Asia from India. See figure.
turn increased the coral bleaching. The coral
Kra canal is proposed to be built near isthmus
bleaching in northern parts of the Great Barrier
of kra. It is near Thailand. Once this canal
becomes operative, it connects Gulf of Thailand Reef of Australia is more widespread.
with Andaman Sea Educational Objective: To know about the
coral reefs, their locations, conditions required
for the growth coral reefs Page No. 23

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

10. Key: C South Atlantic Ocean to the east of the South

Explanation: Deep-sea trench, also called Sandwich Islands.
oceanic trench are the deepest parts of the Educational Objective: To know about the
ocean floor, relatively narrow in width, but very various oceanic features like trenches, ridges etc
long. and their locations.
Oceanic trenches are a distinctive feature of 12. Key: D
convergent plate boundaries, where two tectonic Explanation: Guinea Current: The Guinea
plate move towards each other and one tectonic Current is a warm water slow moving current
plate subducts under another (Except that flows to the east along the Guinea coast of
continental-continental plate convergent). West Africa. The Guinea current similar to the
Diamantina Trench is situated in south-eastern Equatorial Counter Current in the Indian and
Indian Ocean seafloor and it’s a part of The Pacific Oceans.
Diamantina Fracture Zone. Benguela Current: The Benguela Current is
Educational Objective: To know about the cold ocean current flowing from roughly Cape
trenches and the ocean that they are in. Point in the south to the Angola-Benguela.
11. Key: B Falkland Current: Falkland Current is a cold
Explanation: Aleutian Trench: The Aleutian water current and it is a branch of the Antarctic
Trench also known as Aleutian Trough is an Circumpolar Current in the Southern
deep oceanic trench in the North Pacific Ocean, Hemisphere.
along a convergent plate boundary which runs It flows northward in the South Atlantic Ocean
along the southern coastline of Alaska and the along the east coast of Argentina where it meet
Aleutian islands. the southward-flowing Brazil Current and get
Kermadec Trench: The Kermadec trench deflected eastward.
located in South Pacific Ocean,, it runs parallel Canary Current: The Canary Current is a wind-
with and to the east of the Kermadec Ridge and driven, south flowing cold water current along
island arc. the North West Africa and it is part of the North
It is one of the deepest oceanic trenche of the Atlantic Gyre.
Earth, reaching a depth of 10,047 metres. It is Agulhas Current: The Agulhas Current is the
formed by the subduction of the Pacific Plate warm water carrying western boundary current
under the Indo-Australian Plate of the southwest Indian Ocean. Along the
Sunda Trench: The Sunda Trench, also known southeast coast of Mozambique and the coast of
as the Java Trench is an oceanic trench located South Africa before turning eastward to join the
in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra flow towards Australia.
South Sandwich Trench: The South Sandwich Educational Objective: To know about all the
Trench is a deep oceanic trench located in the ocean currents and their locations/ place of
origin on map. Page No. 24

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

(d) Occurrence of the belt of calm near the

4. Climatology
1. Why are dewdrops not formed on a
5. The seasonal reversal of winds is the
cloudy night?
typical characteristic of
(a) the Earth's surface.
(a) Equatorial climate
(b) Clouds reflect back the Earth's radiation.
(b) Mediterranean climate
(c) The Earth's surface would have low
(c) Monsoon climate
temperature on cloudy nights.
(d) All of the above climates
(d) Clouds deflect the blowing wind to ground
level. 6. Variations in the length of daytime and
night-time from season to season are due
2. Each day is more or less the same, the
morning is clear and bright with a sea
breeze; as the Sun climbs high in the sky, (a) The earth's rotation on its axis
heat mounts up, dark clouds form, then (b) The earth's revolution round the sun in an
rain comes with thunder and lightning. elliptical manner
But rain is soon over." Which of the (c) Latitudinal position of the place
following regions is described in the
(d) Revolution of the earth on a tilted axis
above passage?
(a) Savannah 7. The annual range of temperature in the
(b) Equatorial interior of the continents is high as
(c) Monsoon compared to coastal areas. What is/are
(d) Mediterranean the reason/reasons?
1) Thermal difference between land and water
3. In the South Atlantic and South-Eastern
2) Variation in altitude between continents and
Pacific regions in tropical latitudes,
cyclone does not originate. What is the
3) Presence of strong winds in the interior
4) Heavy rains in the interior as compared to
(a) Sea surface temperatures are low
(b) Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone seldom
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below.
(c) Coriolis force is too weak
(a) 1 only
(d) Absence of land in those regions
(b) 1 and 2 only
4. What explains the eastward flow of the
(c) 2 and 3 only
equatorial counter-current?
(d) 1,2, 3 and 4
(a) The Earth's rotation on its axis
8. During the thunderstorm, the thunder in
(b) Convergence of the two equatorial currents
the skies is produced by the
(c) Difference in salinity of water
1) Meeting of cumulonimbus clouds in the sky Page No. 25

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

2) Lightning that separates the nimbus clouds 11. Which one of the following is the
3) Violent upward movement of air and water characteristic climate of the Tropical
particles Savannah Region?
Select the correct answer using the codes (a) Rainfall throughout the year
given below. (b) Rainfall in winter, only
(a) 1 only (c) An extremely short dry season
(d) A definite dry and wet season
(b) 2 and 3
12. La Nina is suspected to have caused
(c) 1 and 3
recent floods in Australia. How is La Nina
(d) None of the above produces the thunder
different from EI Nino?
9. Consider the following factors: 1) La Nina is characterised by unusually cold
1) Rotation of the Earth ocean temperature in equatorial Indian
2) Air pressure and wind Ocean whereas EI Nino is characterised by
3) Density of ocean water unusually warm ocean temperature in the
equatorial Pacific Ocean.
4) Revolution of the Earth
2) EI Nino has adverse effect on south-west
Which of the above factors influence the
monsoon of India, but La Nina has no effect
ocean current on monsoon climate.
(a) 1 and 2 only Which of the statements given above is/are
(b) 1,2 and 3 correct?
(c) 1 and 4 (a) 1 only
(d) 2,3 and 4 (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
10. Normally, the temperature decreases with
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
the increase in height from the Earth's
13. Westerlies in southern hemisphere are
surface, because
stronger persistent than in northern
1) The atmosphere can be heated upwards
hemisphere. Why?
only from the Earth’s surface.
1) Southern hemisphere has less landmass as
2) There is more moisture in the upper
compared to northern hemisphere.
2) Coriolis force is higher in southern
3) The air is less dense in the upper
hemisphere as compared to northern
Select the correct answer using the codes
Which of the statements given above is/are
given below
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only (a) 1 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 only
(d) 1,2 and 3 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Page No. 26

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

14. A layer in the Earth's atmosphere called (c) Both 1 and 2

ionosphere facilitates radio (d) Neither 1 nor 2
communication Why?
17. A new type of El Nino called El Nino
1) The presence of ozone causes the reflection
Modoki appeared in the news. In this
of radio waves to Earth,
context, consider the following
2) Radio waves have a very long wavelength.
Which of the statements given above is/ are
1) Normal El Nino forms in the Central Pacific
ocean whereas El Nino Modoki forms in
(a) 1 only
Eastern Pacific ocean
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 2) Normal EI Nino results in diminished

(d) Neither 1 nor 2 hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean but El

Nino Modoki results in a greater number of
15. What could be the main reason /reasons
hurricanes with greater frequency
for the formation of African and Eurasian
Which of the statements given above is/are
desert belt?
1) It is located in the sub-tropical high
(a) I only
pressure cells.
(b) 2 only
2) It is under the influence of warm ocean
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Which of the statements given above is / are
correct in this context? 18. A geographic area with an altitude of 400
(a) 1 only meters has following characteristics
(b) 2 only Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
(c) Both 1 and 2 Average
Maximum 31 31 31 31 30 30 29 28 29 29 30 31
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Temp.C
16. The jet aircrafts fly very easily and Average
Minimum 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20
smoothly in the lower stratosphere. What Temp.C

could be the appropriate explanation? Rainfall

51 85 188 158 139 121 134 168 185 221 198 86
1) There are no clouds or water vapour in the
If this geographic area were to have a natural
lower stratosphere.
forest, which one of the following would it
2) There are no vertical winds in the lower
most likely be?
(a) Moist temperate Coniferous forest
Which of the statements given above is/ are
(b) Montane sub-tropical forest
correct in this context?
(c) Temperate forest
(a) 1 only
(d) Tropical rain forest
(b) 2 only Page No. 27

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

19. A geographic region has the following Which of the statements given above is/are
distinct characteristics: correct?
1) Warm and dry climate (a) 1 only
2) Mild and wet winter (b) 2 only
3) Evergreen oak trees (c) Both 1 and 2
The above features are the distinct (d) Neither 1 nor 2
characteristics of which one of the following
23. Consider the following statements:
1) The albedo of an object determines its visual
(a) Mediterranean
brightness when viewed with reflected light.
(b) Eastern China
2) The albedo of Mercury is much greater than
(c) Central Asia
the albedo of the Earth.
(d) Atlantic coast of North America
Which of the statements given above is/are
20. What causes wind to deflect toward left correct
in the Southern hemisphere? (a) 1 only
(a) Temperature (b) 2 only
(b) Magnetic field (c) Both I and 2
(c) Rotation of the earth (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) Pressure
24. Consider the following statements:
21. Consider the following which can be 1) Either of the two belts over the oceans at
found in the ambient atmosphere: about 30° N to 35° N and S Latitudes is
1) Soot known as Horse Latitude
2) Sulphur hexafluoride 2) Horse latitudes are low pressure belts.
3) Water vapour Which of the statements given above is/are
Which of the above contribute to the correct?
warming up of the atmosphere? (a) 1 only
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only
(b) 3 only (c) Both 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) 1 , 2 and 3 25. Consider the following statements:
22. Consider the following statements: 1) The annual range of temperature is greater
1) In the world, the tropical deserts occur in the Pacific Ocean than that in the
along the western margins of continents Atlantic Ocean
within the trade wind belt. 2) The annual range of temperature is greater
2) In India, the East Himalayan region gets in the Northern Hemisphere than that in
high rainfall from north-east winds. the Southern Page No. 28

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Which of the statements given above is/are (c) A is true but R is false
correct? (d) A is false but R is true
(a) 1 only
29. Assertion: Areas lying within five to eight
(b) 2 only
degrees latitude on either side of the
(c) Both 1 and 2 equator receive rainfall throughout the year.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Reason: High temperature and high
26. Assertion: Wind patterns are clockwise in humidity cause convectional rain to fall
the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise mostly in the afternoons near the equator
in the southern hemisphere. (a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
Reasons: The directions of wind patterns in explanation of A
the northern and the southern hemisphere (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
are governed by the Coriolis effect. explanation of A
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct (c) A is true but R is false
explanation of A (d) A is false but R is true
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
30. Consider the following statements:
explanation of A
1) In equatorial regions, the year is divided
(c) A is true but R is false
into four main seasons
(d) A is false but R is true
2) In Mediterranean region, summer receives
27. Which one of the following statements is more rain
3) In China type climate, rainfall occurs
(a) Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals throughout the year
(b) Cirrus clouds exhibit a flat base and have 4) Tropical highlands exhibit vertical zonation
the appearance of rising domes of different climates
(c) Cumulus clouds are white and thin, and Which of these statements are correct?
form delicate patches and give a fibrous and
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
feathery appearance
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(d) Cumulus clouds are classified as high
(c) 1, 2 and 4
(d) 3 and 4
28. Assertion: The thickness of the atmosphere
31. Assertion: 60°-65° latitudes in both the
is maximum over the Equator.
hemispheres have a low pressure belt
Reason: High insolation and strong
instead of high pressure.
convection currents occur over the Equator.
Reason: The low pressure areas are
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
permanent over oceans rather than on land.
explanation of A
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
explanation of A
explanation of A Page No. 29

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct (a) 1 and 2
explanation of A (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) A is true but R is false (c) 1,2 and 4
(d) A is false but R is true (d) 1,2, 3 and 4

32. Assertion: The surface winds spiral inwards 35. For short-term climatic predictions,
upon the centre of the cyclone which one of the following events, detected
Reason: Air descends in the centre of the in the last decade, is associated with
cyclone occasional weak monsoon rains in the Indian
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct sub-continent?
explanation of A (a) La Nina
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct (b) Movement of Jet Streams
explanation of A (c) El Nino and Southern Oscillations
(c) A is true but R is false (d) Greenhouse effect on global level
(d) A is false but R is true
36. Match List-I with List-II and select the
33. Which one of the areas marked as A, B, C
correct answer using the codes given
and D in the given figure of the cyclone,
below the lists.
witnesses heavy torrential short duration
List-I (Local Wind) List-II (Region)
rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms?
A. Fohn 1. Argentina
B. Samun 2. Kurdistan
C. Santa Ana 3. California
D. Zonda 4. Alps
(a) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3
(a) A
(b) A-4; B-2; C-3; D-1
(b) B
(c) A-2; B-4; C-3; D-1
(c) C
(d) A-4; B-2; C-1; D-3
(d) D
37. Cloudy nights are warmer compared to
34. Consider the following climatic and
clear cloudless nights, because clouds
geographical phenomena
(a) Prevent cold waves from the sky from
1) Condensation
2) High temperature and humidity
(b) Reflect back the heat given off by earth
3) Orography
(c) Produce heat and radiate it towards earth
4) Vertical wind
(d) Absorb heat from the atmosphere and send
Thunder Cloud development is due to which
it towards earth
of these phenomena? Page No. 30

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

38. Which one of the following weather (a) China type

conditions is indicated by a sudden fall (b) Equatorial type
in barometer reading? (c) Hot desert type
(a) Stormy weather (d) Monsoon type
(b) Calm weather
41. Consider the following temperature and
(c) Cold and dry weather
rainfall data:
(d) Hot and sunny weather
Month Temp C
39. The temperature and rainfall of a cm
meteorological station are given below: Jan 6.7 14.0
Average temperature: 12.8° C Feb 6.7 13.2
Average Rainfall: 54.9 cm per annum Mar 7.2 11.4
Identify the region having the above climatic Apr 8.9 9.4
pattern from amongst the following May 11.1 8.1
(a) Mediterranean region
Jun 13.9 8.1
(b) Monsoon region
Jul 15.0 9.6
(c) Steppe region
Aug 15.0 12.2
(d) N.W. European region
Sep 13.9 10.4
40. Consider the following climatic Oct 11.1 14.4
conditions (Northern Hemisphere): Nov 8.9 14.0
Temperature Rainfall Dec 7.8 16.8
C Cm The climate to which this data pertains is.
Jan 3.9 4.7 (a) St Lawrence type
Feb 4.4 5.7 (b) China type
Mar 8.3 8.2 (c) West European type
Apr 14.4 9.2 (d) Mediterranean type
May 20.0 9.2 42. "Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty
Jun 23.3 17.7 and the people used to be nomadic
Jul 27.8 14.5 herders."
Aug 27.8 14.0 The above statements best describes which
Sep 22.3 12.7 of the following regions?
Oct 18.3 7.0 (a) African Savannah
Nov 12.2 5.0 (b) Central Asian Steppe

Dec 6.7 3.5 (c) North American Prairie

(d) Siberian Tundra
These are most likely to be found in the
natural regions of Page No. 31

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

43. Consider the following statements about 47. A ship sailing from the eastern extremity
the 'Roaring Forties': of the Aleutian Islands to Dutch harbour
1) They blow uninterrupted in the Northern crosses 1800 meridian at 23:30 hrs on
and Southern Hemispheres January 1, 1999, What time and date will
2) They blow with great strength and be recorded by the captain of the ship in
constancy his diary after one-hour journey from the
3) Their direction is generally from North West point of crossing of the meridian?
to East in the Southern Hemisphere (a) January 1,00:30 hrs
4) Overcast skies, rain and raw weather are (b) January 2,00:30 hrs
generally associated with them (c) January 3,00:30 hrs
Which of these statements are correct? (d) January 4,00:30 hrs
(a) 1,2 and 3
(b) 2,3 and 4 48. Which one of the following straits is
(c) 1,3 and 4 nearest to the International Date Line?
(d) 1,2 and 4 a. Malacca Strait
44. Along which one of the following b. Bering Strait
meridians did India experience the first c. Strait of Florida
light of the sunrise of the new d. Strait of Gibraltar
49. When there is noon at I.S.T meridian
(a) 200 300W
people at another place of the earth are
(b) 820 300E
taking their 6 O' clock morning tea. The
(c) 920 300W
longitude of the place is:
(d) 920 300E
a. 17° 30'E
45. Most of the explosions in mines occur b. 7°30’ W
due to the mixing of c. 172°39’E
(a) Hydrogen with oxygen d. 90°W
(b) Oxygen with acetylene
50. What are the possible limitations of
(c) Methane with air
India in mitigating the global warming at
(d) Carbon dioxide with ethane
present and in the immediate future?
46. Which one of the following reflects back 1) Appropriate alternate technologies are not
more sunlight as compared to other three? sufficiently available
(a) Sand desert 2) India cannot invest huge funds in research
(b) Paddy crop land and development
(c) Land covered with fresh snow 3) Many developed countries have already set
(d) Prairie land up their polluting industries in India Page No. 32

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Which of the statements given above is/ are 2. Key: B

correct? Explanation: The given description is about the
a. 1 and 2 only. equatorial region and Hence option B is
b. 2 only correct. In this region as the coriolis force is
c. 1 and 3 only nil or near zero, the atmospheric oscillations are
d. 1, 2 and 3 low and hence great uniformity in Temperature
is seen. The rainfall that occurs is because of
4. Key and Explanation convection and this related to position of ITCZ.

1. Key: B Option A is incorrect as Savannah region is

Explanation: Dew is formed when objects region with alternate dry and wet seasons. Rain

radiate heat thoroughly, so that the moist air occurs only in summer. It has considerably less

coming into contact with them may be annual rainfall. Days are hot and nights are cold.

sufficiently cooled and the water vapour is Option C is incorrect for the reason that the

condensed into water. Clouds act as a blanket monsoon climate depends on the position of the

for the surface of the earth. They check the ITCZ along with other factors like the

radiation so that the it does not radiate the heat Temperature. Annual Temperature is very low

thoroughly. Hence, dew is not formed on cloudy and annual rainfall is high. The rainfall is not

nights. Hence, option B is correct. uniform throughout the year. It occurs only in a
particular season.
Option D is incorrect as Mediterranean climate
receives rainfall only in winter which is unique
to this. The climate is favourable for viticulture.
Educational objective: To know about all the
climatic conditions along with their features,
Option A is not correct since it is given that
flora and fauna.
the cloud absorbs radiation from Earth’s surface.
When clouds absorb radiation, the condition 3. Key: B
favours the dew formation. Explanation: The south Atlantic and South-
Option C and D is incorrect due to the fact Eastern Pacific region in Tropical latitudesgets
that on cloudy night, the temperature is a little few tropical cyclones are that the tropospheric
higher than the clear nights, as the radiations vertical wind shear is strong and there is
from the earth is reflected back. Hence, the typically no ITCZ over the ocean Without ITCZ
chances of wind formation is low. to provide synoptic vorticity and convergence
Educational Objective: To learn about the having strong shear, it is difficult to have genesis
clouds, their formation and the weather of tropical cyclones. Hence option B is correct.
conditions favourable for the formation of dew,
frost etc., Page No. 33

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Though these regions have low surface know about their location, type(warm or cold)
temperature, the main reason is because of the and the reason for their formation.
high wind shear. Hence option A is incorrect. 5. Key: C
Explanation: Monsoon climate is the only
climate that has seasonal reversal of winds.
Hence option C is correct.

Option C is in correct as Coriolis force is not

weak in the region
Equatorial climate has no seasonal reversal of
Option D is not correct for the reason that the
wind. Hence option A and D are incorrect
region has sufficient landmass
Mediterranean climate doesn’t experience
Educational objective: To study about the
seasonal reversal of winds and this makes
cyclones, their formation, favourable factors for
option B incorrect.
the formation etc.,
Educational Objective: To learn about the
4. Key: B
world climates and their features.
Explanation: There are two equatorial currents
6. Key: D
flowing from east towards west. In-between
these there flows the counter equatorial current Explanation: Rotation of Earth results in day

from West towards east. The piling up of waters and night and not the length of day and night.

in the area near Brazil due to the convergence Hence option A in incorrect.

of the two equatorial currents creates the Revolution of the earth around the sun results

counter current. Hence option B is correct. in seasons and not day and night. This makes

Although the rotation of Earth has a role in the option B as incorrect.

flow of counter equatorial current, the main

reason for it is the convergence of 2 equatorial
currents.Hence option A is incorrect.
Option C is not correct because the salinity
has no role to play, as the counter current is
formed as a result of piling up of water.
Option D is incorrect
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
about the currents all over the earth. Also to Page No. 34

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Option C is incorrect as latitudinal position of Educational Objective: To have knowledge

place has role in the intensity of the sunlight about the effects of various factors like
received. And has no role in the variation of temperature, pressure, rainfall etc., in different
length of day and night from season to season. regions.
The correct answer is option D as the tilt of the
8. Key: D
earth on its own axis causes the variation in the
Explanation: Thunder is the sound caused by a
intensity of sun's rays falling at a place over the
lightning discharge. Lightning heats the air in its
span of a year leading to variation in day and
path and causes a large over-pressure of the air
within its channel. The channel expands
Educational objective: To learn about the earth
supersonically into the surrounding air as a
movements and it’s effects
shock wave and creates an acoustic signal that
is heard as thunder. Hence option D is correct.
7. Key: A Educational objective: To have knowledge
Explanation: The temperature in the interiors of about the events occurring in the different
Continents is high when compared to the coastal spheres of Earth like atmosphere, lithosphere
areas. This is for the reason that Water etc.,
Maintains Temperature. Interiors of the
9. Key: B
continent being away from the sea are out of
Explanation: Ocean currents are like river flow
reach of its influence. On the other hand, the
in oceans. They have definite path and direction.
coastal areas being closer to water bodies are
Factors influencing the ocean currents are;
much influenced by them and the temperature
 Winds – winds on the surface pushes the
fluctuations are less. Hence statement A is
water to move. And these winds are
permanent winds that blow from one
Altitude has little role to play in annual range of
pressure belt to the other.
temperature in interiors and coastal areas.
 Temperature - The differential heating of
Oceans in the higher latitude are warmer than
the Sun at the equator and the poles causes
the continents. The interiors too experience
a difference in the temperature of ocean
much lower temperature leading to low annual
water. Thereby giving rise to ocean currents.
range of temperature. Hence statement 2
 Earth's rotation - According to Ferrel’s
law- Coriolis forces deflect winds and freely
By elimination we can arrive at the answer.
moving objects to the right in the northern
Statement 3 is incorrect because winds in the
hemisphere and to the left in the southern
interior reduces the temperature which in turn
hemisphere. Therefore, the movement of
leads to reduction in annual range of
ocean currents in the northern hemisphere
is in the clockwise and in the southern
Heavy rain also reduces the temperature. Hence
statement 4 is also incorrect Page No. 35

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

hemisphere it is in the anti-clockwise Educational Objective: To study the heat

direction. budget and its effect. Also learn about the
 Other factors are salinity, density, pressure temperature variations.
gradient and melting of ice, precipitation. 11. Key: D
From the above information it is clear that Explanation: These places are located near the
revolution of the earth does not have my equator, and they lie between the Southern and
effect on ocean currents. the Northern Tropics. Climate has alternate wet
Hence B is correct. and dry seasons similar to monsoon climate but
Educational Objective: To learn about the has considerably less annual rainfall. Also,
ocean currents and related details. there is no distinct rainy season like in
monsoon climate.
10. Key: C Hence option D is correct
Explanation: The temperature of the earth Educational Objective: To have thorough
depends on the amount of insolation received knowledge of all the climatic conditions, their
and the albedo of the earth. This is called the features, flora, fauna and related information.
heat budget.
12. Key: D
The atmosphere is heated by infrared radiation
Explanation: El Nino and LaNina are opposite of
emitted by earth not by the ultraviolet radiation
each other. Warm current in El Nino, cold
of sun. Hence statement 1 is correct. As we
current in LaNina but both happen in Pacific.
move upwards the temperature reduces at a rate
Hence statement 1 is incorrect
of 6degree per km. This is known as normal
As they are opposite if ElNino affects monsoons
lapse rate.
adversely, LaNina would affect monsoon
positively. Both depends on Indian Ocean dipole.
Hence statement 2 is incorrect.
Therefore the answer is D
Educational Objective: To learn about
monsoons, factors affecting monsoon, El Nino,
La Nina, Indian Ocean dipole and their effects.

13. Key: A
Explanation: The southern hemisphere has less
Statement 2 is incorrect as the moisture
landmass and this helps in stronger westerlies
content in more in lower atmosphere because of
as there is less friction. Hence statement 1 is
the warmer temperature.
Statement 3 is correct as the air is less dense,
Statement 2 is incorrect as Coriolis force
it can hold less heat and hence temperature is
depends on the latitude and not on
hemisphere. Page No. 36

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Therefore the answer is option A 15. Key: A

Educational objective: To have knowledge a Explanation: Both the regions are under the
out the wind patterns and factors affecting them. influence of cold current and not warm
Also learn about the Coriolis force and its effects currents. Hence statement 2 is incorrect.
in different latitudes The factors facilitating desert formation are cold
currents, temperature, precipitation among
14. Key: B
others. Sub tropical region has sufficient high
Explanation: Earth's atmosphere has 4 layers
temperature. Desserts are formed in regions of
and all of them has unique properties helping
permanent high pressure areas. Hence
the organisms on earth.
statement 1 is correct.
Ionosphere is a sub layer in the thermosphere
Therefore answer is option A.
that contains charged particles due to which
Educational Objective: To learn about the
electromagnetic radio waves gets reflected and
various deserts in different latitudes. Also have
communication becomes possible. It is not due
knowledge about the factors influencing their
to ozone as it present in Stratosphere. Hence
statement 1 is wrong
Radio waves lie in the extreme of the spectrum 16. Key: C
as shown in the figure. Hence it has long Explanation: The jet aircrafts need no
wavelength. Statement 2 is correct for this disturbance in their flying that could create
reason. turbulence. Lower stratosphere has less air
Therefore answer is option B turbulence and hence suitable for flying of jet
aircrafts. Hence statement 1 is correct.
The temperature in lower stratosphere has a
temperature similar to troposphere. Though the
temperature increases in stratosphere, it is
largely constant. This makes the little convection
or the vertical wind. Hence statement 2 is also
Therefore answer is option C
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
about the layers of atmosphere, their
characteristics and functions.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
17. Key: B
different layers of atmosphere and their
Explanation: El Nino is formed in South-
characteristics. Also learn about the
Eastern Pacific Ocean, next to South America.
electromagnetic waves that are present or has
Here the cold Humboldt current is replaced by
effect on these layers.
the warm current sourced from Australia. Page No. 37

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Whereas, El Nino Modoki is formed in Central Eastern China climate is characterised by warm
Pacific Ocean. Hence statement 1 is incorrect. moist summer and a cool, dry winter. Hence
Statement 2 is correct as the El Nino Modoki option B is incorrect.
formed in Central Pacific causes greater number Central Asia climate is dry and continental,
of hurricanes. with hot summers and cool to cold winters,
Hence the answer is option B with occasional snowfall. Hence option C is
Educational Objective: To study about the wrong
different phenomena like El Nino, La Nina, El Atlantic coast of North America - mild
Nino Modoki and their effects. and moderate climate because ocean water has
a balancing effect on temperatures. Hence
18. Key: D
option D is incorrect
Explanation: From the table, it can be observed
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
that the average temperature is above 20 degree
about the world Climates and their features.
Celsius and the average rainfall is around
150cm. This is the characteristic feature of rain
forest. Hence option D is correct. 20. Key: C

Moist Temperate Coniferous forest will have Explanation: Earth's rotation produces a force
average temperature of -40 to 20 degree Celsius. on all bodies moving relative to the Earth. Due
Hence option A is incorrect to Earth's approximately spherical shape, this

Montane sub tropical forest – average force is greatest at the poles and least at the

temperature of 17-21 degree Celsius and average Equator. The force, called the "Coriolis effect,"
rainfall of 125cm.Hence option B is incorrect causes the direction of winds and ocean

Temperate forest – average temperature is 10 currents to be deflected. In the Northern

degree Celsius and average rainfall is 75-150cm. Hemisphere, wind and currents are deflected

Hence option C is incorrect. toward the right, in the Southern Hemisphere

Educational Objective: To have knowledge they are deflected to the left.Hence option C is

about the different climatic conditions and their correct.


19. Key: A
Explanation: From statement 2 it is clear that
the given climate is Mediterranean as wet
winters are characteristic feature of this climate.
Evergreen oak trees are found here. This climate
is found on the western margins of the
countries in sub tropical region. Hence the
answer is option A. Page No. 38

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Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To have knowledge become devoid of moisture, deserts are formed.
about the wind systems of the world. Hence statement 1 is correct.
Eastern Himalayas receive rain from north east
21. Key: D
monsoon predominantly and not North east
Explanation: Soot is a mass of
winds. Hence statement 2 is incorrect.
impure carbon particles resulting from the
Therefore the answer is option A
incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. It
increases air Pollution and leads to global Educational Objective: To have complete
knowledge about the monsoon pattern. Also the
warming. It causes cancer.
pattern of all types of winds and their effects are
Sulphur hexafluoride is an inorganic, colorless,
to be studied.
odorless, non-flammable, non-toxic but
extremely potent greenhouse gas, and an
excellent electrical insulator. 23. Key: A
Water vapor is transparent, like most Explanation: Albedo is the fraction of the
constituents of the atmosphere. It is less dense incident sunlight that is reflected. When an
than most of the other constituents of air and object reflects most of the light that hits it
triggers convection currents that can lead to and looks bright then it has high albedo. Hence,
clouds. Water vapor is the most statement 1 is correct.
potent greenhouse gas owing to the presence of The lower an object's albedo is, the better it is at
the hydroxyl bond which strongly absorbs in absorbing light, which means the higher
the infra-red region of the light spectrum. the albedo, the less sunlight actually gets
Hence the answer is option D. absorbed. Mercury being the hottest planet in
Educational Objective: To learn about the the solar system has lower albedo than other
types of pollution, Pollutants, their sources and planets and turns out to be similar to the Moon
effects. at 0.119. This means that earth has higher
albedo than Mercury. Hence statement 2 is
22. Key: A
Explanation: Most of the deserts are on the
Educational Objective: To study about the
western sides of the continents in the subtropics
solar system, planets and the albedo of planets
because of the prevailing easterly winds of the
with respect to earth.
tropics, which are the trade winds. The trade
winds prevail in the lower portion of the earth’s 24. Key: A
atmosphere, in the lower section of the Explanation: The pressure belts of the earth are
troposphere. as shown in the figure. The latitudes from 30° to
These winds become dry when they reach the 35° in both the hemispheres are called horse
western sides of the continents, and hence latitudes.
don’t bring any rain with them. As these regions These latitudes have diverging winds are the
result of an area of high pressure, which is Page No. 39

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Previous Year Questions

characterized by calm winds, sunny skies, and Hemisphere the deflection of the air is to the
little or no precipitation. Hence statement 1 left of the direction of air movement. This is
is correct. called the Coriolis effect.

Therefore, the winds in the northern hemisphere

Statement 2 is incorrect as it seen from the
has clockwise direction whereas winds in the
figure that it is a high pressure region.
southern hemisphere is anti clockwise.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
Hence, the reason is the correct explanation
wind systems and the pressure belts of Earth
of the assertion.
along with the prevailing weather conditions.
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
25. Key: B about the forces generated due to earth's
Explanation: Bigger the size of Ocean lesser is rotation and their effects.
the annual range of temperature, as water
27. Key: A
maintains temperature. That’s why, Atlantic
Explanation: The characteristics of cirrus
Ocean records higher annual range of
clouds are;
temperature than the Pacific Ocean because the
Cirrus clouds are formed at high altitudes of
size of Atlantic is smaller than that of Pacific.
8,000 – 12,000m. Hence, they are high
Hence statement 1 is incorrect.
altitudinal clouds. This makes Option D
Statement 2 correct because northern
hemisphere has more landmass. As the land
Cirrus clouds are detached thin clouds. They
heats up fast and takes longer time to cool, the
have a feathery appearance. They are always
annual range of temperature will be greater.
white in colour.This makes option C incorrect.
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
Cirrus clouds have doesn’t have proper flat base
about the pattern of temperature around world
and their appearance is feathery. Hence option
over Oceans and Continents. A comparative
B is incorrect. (cumulusclouds have flat base
study is needed in the subject.
with rising dome structure)
26. Key: A
Explanation: Due to the earth’s rotation, the air
mass curves relative to the earth’s surface. In
the Northern Hemisphere this effect causes the
air to deflect to the right of the direction of
the air movement and in the Southern Page No. 40

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Option A is correct as cirrus clouds are formed everyday. This rain is known as 4’o’ clock
of ice crystals that originate from the freezing of shower. Therefore it can be said that the
super cooled water droplets. reason explains the given statement.
Educational Objective: To have thorough
Educational Objective: To know about the
knowledge of the equatorial region and the
different types of clouds and their characteristics
processes occurring in the region.

28. Key: A 30. Key: D

Explanation: The atmosphere has different Explanation: The equatorial region
layers troposphere being the inner most. experiences high sun position throughout the
Troposphere has different thickness at the year and hence receives almost same amount of
insolation. Season cycle is because of the tilt of
Equator and the poles. This is because of the
the axis and the direction and amount of
strong rising convection near the equator which
sunlight received. As the sun is always high,
pushes the troposphere upwards. there is no season cycle in the region. Hence
The strong convection over the equator is statement 1 is wrong.
because of the high insolation the region Mediterranean region is well known for its
receives. winter rain, a unique characteristic of it. The
Hence reason given is the correct region is dry in summer. The reason for it is the
explanation of the statement. direction of the westerlies. Statement 2 also
stands incorrect.
By elimination we can arrive at the answer as D

Educational Objective: To study thoroughly the

layers of atmosphere and their characteristics.
Also to study about the causes and effects and China type of climate - Rainfall is more than
conduction, convection and radiation in the moderate, anything from 25 inches to 60 inches.
atmosphere. Important feature is the fairly uniform
29. Key: A distribution of rainfall throughout the year.
Explanation: Equatorial region lies between 5° There is rain every month, except in the
to 10° on either side of the equator. This region interior of central China, where there is a
has strong rising convection because of high
distinct dry season. Rain comes either from
insolation. This high insolation leads to hot and
convectional sources or as orographic rain in
humid climate. Hence, it receives rain almost Page No. 41

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

summer, or from depressions in prolonged The winds of the cyclone blow in a circular
showers in winter. Statement 3 is correct. manner and the flow of air is convergent.
Statement 4 is correct and can be explained Consequently, the air rises in the central part
through the figure shown. and it results in heavy rain. Hence, reason
Hence correct answer is option D statement is wrong
Educational Objective: To study about all the Therefore, the answer is assertion is true but
climatic conditions of the world along with their the reason is false
unique features. Educational Objective: To study the origin,

31. Key: B formation and structure of cyclones thoroughly.

Explanation: We know that the earth is divided 33. Key: B

into different pressure zones. The latitudes from Explanation: Cyclones have strong winds.
60°-65° in both the hemispheres are known as Accompanying these strong winds are torrential
Circum-Polar Low Pressure Belts. Low rains and a devastating phenomenon known as
pressure is produced in this area because the the storm surge, an elevation of the sea surface
surface air spreads outward from this zone due that can reach 6 metres (20 feet) above normal
to rotation of the earth. Hence, assertion levels.
stands right. Reason is not the correct
explanation for it.
The statement in reason is correct as the water
maintains temperature, the pressure developed
also lasts long which can be said to be
permanent. On the other hand on the land the
temperature keeps fluctuating and the pressure
too varies.
Therefore, both the statements are correct In the given figure point B lies between two
independently. But, reason is not the correct cyclones A and D. hence point B would be
explanation for the assertion. accompanied by heavy torrential short duration

Educational Objective: To learn about the rain.

various pressure belts and their characteristics Educational Objective: to have complete
including their origin. knowledge about the cyclones including their
structure, origin, formation and effects.
32. Key: C
Explanation: The cyclones are formed when the 34. Key: D

surface winds spiral inwards upon the centre Explanation: Thunder clouds are formed from
creating a low pressure. Hence assertion is the cumulus clouds. As the cumulus clouds
correct. grows it gives rise to Thunder clouds. The
growing of cumulus cloud is facilitated by the Page No. 42

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

upward draft. Sometimes air is forced up the El Nino is also a condition where the Indian
side of a mountain. Air is also forced upward at Ocean develops high pressure as the Pacific
weather fronts, where warm and cool air masses Ocean becomes warmer and low pressure region.
collide. Hence, orography is also important As wind blows from high pressure region to low
factor for the air is to rise. pressure region, there is weak monsoon in India.
The water droplets inside the cumulus cloud Hence, option C stands right.
starts growing. The growing droplets that make La Nina is a phenomenon where the Indian
up the cloud become heavy. Raindrops start to Ocean will have low pressure and hence the
fall through the cloud when the rising air can no wind is sourced towards India leading to
longer hold them up. Meanwhile, cool dry air stronger monsoon. Option A is incorrect.
flows downward in the cloud, called a downdraft, Movement of Jetstream affects only
pulling water downward as rain. This means northwestern part of India. And it has no effect
condensation. Hence statement 1 is correct. on the mosoon rains. This checks the frost in
Therefore, the answer is D winter. It facilitates winter precipitation in the
Educational Objective: To have knowledge region. Hence, option B is incorrect
about the clouds, their formation and lifecycle Greenhouse effect and global warming affects
along with features. monsoons indirectly by causing excess rains,
floods or drought. Hence, option D stands
35. Key: C
Explanation: Southern Oscillation
Educational Objective: To study about the
(SO): Normally when the tropical eastern south
different phenomena and their effect on Indian
Pacific Ocean experiences high pressure, the
sub continent.
tropical eastern Indian Ocean experiences low
pressure. But in certain years, there is a reversal 36. Key: B
in the pressure conditions and the eastern Explanation: Foehn is a local wind in Europe
Pacific has lower pressure in comparison to near the Alps Mountains. This is favourable
the eastern Indian Ocean. This periodic change wind. By this, option A and C is eliminated.
in pressure conditions is known as the SO. Santa Ana is a descending wind in California. It
is unfavourable for the region as it makes the
region more dry.In the given options C is to be
matched with 3. Hence, option B is correct.
Samunis a local wind in Kurdistan. It so also
called as simoom. This blows in Egypt and
adjoining parts of west asia. It has no moisture
and makes the place of destination drier. Page No. 43

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Previous Year Questions

Zonda is wind in Argentina. The name is the Calm weather will have a slowly rising
regional term for Foehn. It descends from slopes movement. This makes Option B incorrect.
of Andes. It is a dry wind. Cold and dry weather means barometer
Educational Objective: To study the different indicates a high pressure i.e., rise in the reading
types of local winds, their source and and not fall. Therefore, option C is incorrect.
destination regionand their effects on the region Option D is also incorrect for the fact that the
hot and sunny weather will not have a low
37. Key: B
pressure and the barometer doesn’t fall
Explanation: Clouds being made up of water
vapouract as large blankets over the Earth's
Educational Objective: To learn about the
surface which keep the heat trapped inside
devices that are used for measuring atmospheric
and let very little out. This is what keeps the
temperature warmer when compare to clear
nights. They check the radiation so that the it 39. Key: A

does not radiate the heat thoroughly. Hence, Explanation:

option B is correct as clouds reflect back the Average AverageRai

heat radiated by earth. Temp nfall

A cloud does not produce any heat. They reflect Monsoon 27°C 125cm
back the radiated heat of Earth. Hence, option Steppe 21°C-23°C 25-50cm
C is incorrect. North West
10°C-21°C 50-75cm
Option D is incorrect because if clouds absorb
Mediterranean 18° C 50-55cm
heat, dew drops should form which lowers the
From the table it is clear that option A is
temperature making the nights cooler. But this
does not happen.
Educational Objective: To know about the
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
different climatic conditions and their features
about the effects of radiation, convection and
like temperature, rainfall, flora and fauna.
conduction. Also learn how the formation of
clouds influences the atmospheric conditions. 40. Key: A
Explanation: Equatorial region has no season.
38. Key: A
It is hot and humid. The annual range of
Explanation: Barometer is a device that
temperature is low as the rainfall is well
measures atmospheric pressure. A slow downfall
distributed throughout the region. The rainfall is
in this indicates a low pressure region nearby. A
around 200 cm per year. In the given table,
small amount of rain may occur.
rainfall and temperature both are low and hence,
A sudden fall in it indicates a storm. This is
option B is incorrect.
because, as the storm rises, the temperature
and hence pressure reduces suddenly. Hence
option A is correct. Page No. 44

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Previous Year Questions

Option C is also wrong as hot desert will have less than 180C but greater than –30C. By this
high range of temperature around 45°C. But, the information option D is incorrect.
table shows the temperature around 25°C West European type of climate - This climate is
Monsoon type of climate though has characterized by cool summer and mild winters.
temperature range of about 25° - 27° C, the Average temperature during summer season
rainfall is around 125cm per year. Hence, ranges between 15°C and 21°C. The regional
option D is ruled out. distribution of precipitation is highly controlled
China type of climate - average January by topographic factor. Hence, option C is
temperature is below -10 °C (14 °F), and even correct.
below -20 °C (-4 °F) in the northern part. Cold Educational Objective: To know about the
records are around -40 °C (-40 °F). The different climatic conditions and their features
temperature is around 25°C in July. Hence, like temperature, rainfall, flora and fauna.
option A is correct.
42. Key: B
Educational Objective: To know about the
Explanation: African Savannah –extended
different climatic conditions and their features
periods of wet and dry climate. The savanna
like temperature, rainfall, flora and fauna.
climate has a temperature range of 18° – 30° C.
41. Key: C Rainfall is around 100cm. As rainfall is not
Explanation: St. Lawrence type of climate - The scanty and the climate is not extreme, option
Cool Temperate Eastern Margin climate is also A is not the answer.
known as the Laurentian climate. It is the Central Asian steppe - The summers are hot and
intermediate between the British and Siberian the winters are cold. Temperatures vary
type of climates. The climate of this type has greatly in summer and winter making the
cold, dry winters and warm, wet summers. climate extreme. The average rainfall may be
Summers are as warm as the tropics (~25 °C). taken as about 45 cm which is scanty. Because
Rainfall is around 125cm Option A is incorrect of such extreme climate people followed
based on these details nomadic herding and are known as Kirgiz.
China type - average January temperature is Hence, option B is correct.
below -10 °C (14 °F), and even below -20 °C (-4 North American prairie – they are also temperate
°F) in the northern part. Cold records are around grassland like the steppes. Thought the
-40 °C (-40 °F). The temperature is around 25°C temperature and rainfall is nearly same,
in July. Hence, Option B is incorrect. nomadic herding is not practices here. People
Mediterranean region has wet winters. Mean here practice mechanised farming. Hence,
annual precipitation ranges from 35 – 90 cm. Option C is incorrect
Temperature of warmest month greater than or Siberian Tundra –is a polar type of climate.
equal to 10⁰ C. Temperature of coldest month is very low mean annual temperature. In mid-
winter temperatures are as low as 40 – 50 °C Page No. 45

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Previous Year Questions

below freezing. Summers are relatively warmer. Educational Objective: To have knowledge
Precipitation is mainly in the form of snow and about the wind systems and their region of
sleet. Human activities of the tundra are largely effectivity along with their characteristics.
confined to the coast. People live a semi-
44. Key: D
nomadic life. Hence, option D is incorrect.
Explanation: The common known phenomenon
Educational Objective: To know about the
is that the sun rises is the east and set’s in the
different climatic conditions and their features
west but actually it’s is the earth’s rotation on
like temperature, rainfall, flora and fauna.
it’s own axis which is responsible for day and
43. Key: B night on the earth. Earth rotates from west to
Explanation: Westerlies has different names as east that places on the east receive the first of
it crosses different latitudes. It is roaring forties sun i.e., countries to the west of 180 degree
in 40° latitudes, furious fifties in 50° and meridian receive the first sunlight. Thus the
shrieking sixties in 60° latitude. 92’30’ E Meridian which lies nearer to the west
Westerlies blow from the sub-tropical high- of 180 degree receives the first sun light.
pressure regions to the sub-polar low-pressure Educational objective: to know about rotation
regions in both the hemispheres. They and revolution and understand how they are
interrupted in between by the trade winds. responsible for day and night and seasons.
Hence, statement 1 is incorrect.
45. Key: C
By elimination, the answer is B.
Explanation: Methane explosions occur in
In the northern hemisphere, land masses cause mines when a build up of methane gas, a by
a lot of disruption and so the winds become product of coal, comes into contact with a heat
weak. In the southern hemisphere, between the
source, and there is not enough air to dilute
latitudes 40° S and 60° S there is a continuous the gas to levels below its explosion point.
expanse of ocean and the Westerlies gain Hence, option C is correct.
considerable strength and persistence. Hence,
Hydrogen and oxygen when combined forms
Statement 2 is correct.
water which is not explosive. Hence, option A is
In the northern hemisphere they blow from the incorrect.
south-west to the north-east and in the
Oxygen with acetylene is usually used in welding
southern hemisphere they blow from the
of metals. Therefore option B rules out.
north-west to the south-east. Hence,
Carbon di oxide with ethane leads to
statement 3 is correct.
dehydrogenation of ethane forming ethylene.
They bring plenty of rain most of the year
Hence option D is also incorrect.
because having originated in the warmer regions
Educational Objective: To learn about basic
these winds bears plenty of moisture. Hence,
chemical reactions occurring in atmosphere.
statement 4 is also correct. Page No. 46

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

46. Key: C 48. Key: B

Explanation: Land covered with fresh snow Explanation: The International Date Line,
reflects back more sunlight as compared to other established in 1884, passes through the mid-
Pacific Ocean and roughly follows a 180 degrees
three. Fresh snow and ice reflect 80 - 85% of
longitude north-south line on the Earth.
the sunlight. Therefore, the skin of skiers is Straits of Malacca is a narrowstretch of water
irradiated by sunlight from all sides, since the between the Malay Peninsula and the
snow does not take up the light but reflects it Indonesian island of Sumatra.
and remains cold. Hence, option C is correct. The Bering Strait is a strait of the Pacific, which
Sand deserts absorb the sunlight and hence are separates Russia and the United States (Alaska)
slightly south of the Arctic Circle. International
very hot. Hence, option A is incorrect.
Date Line passes through it. Hence B option is
Paddy crop land and Prairies have plants over the correct answer.
them and plants absorb some sunlight for Florida Strait is a strait located south-southeast
photosynthesis. Hence, option B and D are of the North American mainland, between the
incorrect. Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.
Educational Objective: To know about the Educational Objective: To know the Location of
albedo of the earth at different places. International date Line and straits all over the
47. Key: C world.
Explanation: The earth is divided into 24 time 49. Key:D
zone based on the longitudes with 15 degree Explanation: The IST is the Green which
longitude at every 1 hour. And as one moves meridian near London which represent 0 degree
from 0 degree longitude one loose time as he longitude and Places east of it are advance in
moves left and gains time as the moves right time by 1 hour for every fifteen degree and
respectively of 1 hour for every . At 180 degree similarly places west of it are back ward in time
longitude or International Date Line there is by 1 hour for every 15 degree. Thus when it is
total difference of 24 hours. 12 pm at 0 degree meridian midway between o
Thus when one moves from west to east of degree and 180 w is the place where it will be
International date line one gains 24 hours and if morning 6 am .
he crosses it from east to west he looses 24 Thus option D is the correct answer
hours. Educational Objective: To understand concept
Aleutian islands is situated to west of IDL and of International Date line and how it’s
Dutch to east thus there is movement from west responsible for date changes confusingly.
to east and hence 24 hours are added and hence
as he is seeing time after 1 hour the current 50. Key: A
answer is option C 0:30 HOURS Jan 3 Explanation: Global warming is the increase in
Educational Objective: To understand concept the average temperature of Earth's near-surface
of International Date Line and how it’s
air and oceans by increasing concentrations of
responsible for date changes confusingly.
greenhouse gases, which result from human Page No. 47

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

activity such as the burning of fossil fuel and Select the correct answer using the code
deforestation. Climate change mitigation is the given below:
action to decrease the potential effects of global (a) 1 only
warming. At the present time, rate of mitigation (b) 2 & 3
is less in India because appropriate technologies (c) 2 only
are limited and costly. Moreover India doesn’t (d) 1 & 3
have huge funds required for research and
3. Consider the following pairs:
development in that area. So, Statement 1 and 2
Town sometimes Country
are correct.
mentioned in news
Statement 3 is wrong as setting up of polluting
1) Aleppo Syria
industries in India by developed countries
2) Kirkuk Yemen
cannot be considered as a limitation of India in
3) Mosul Palestine
mitigating the global warming challenge.
4) Mazar- i- Sharif Afghanistan
Educational Objective: Learning about global
Which of the pairs given above are correctly
warming and India’s planning to tackle it.
(a) 1 & 2
5. World Physical Features
(b) 1 & 4
1. Consider the following pairs: (c) 2&3
Sea Bordering country (d) 3 & 4
1) Adriatic Sea Albania
4. Consider the following pairs:
2) Black Sea Croatia
Regions sometimes Country
3) Caspian Sea Kazakhstan
mentioned in news
4) Mediterranean Sea Morocco
1) Catalonia Spain
5) Red Sea Syria
2) Crimea Hungary
Which of the pairs given above are correctly
3) Mindanao Philippines
4) Oromia Nigeria
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only
Which of the pairs given above are correctly
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only
(c) 2 and 5 only
(a) 1, 2 &3
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
(b) 3 &4 only
2. Which of the following has/have shrunk (c) 1 & 3 only
immensely/dried up in the recent past (d) 2 & 4 only
due to human activities?
1) Aral Sea
2) Black Sea
3) Lake Baikal Page No. 48

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

5. Mediterranean Sea is a border of which of

9. What is the correct sequence of
the following countries?
occurrence of the following cities in
1) Jordan South-East Asia as one proceeds from
2) Iraq south to north?
3) Lebanon 1) Bangkok
4) Syria 2) Hanoi
Select the correct answer using the code 3) Jakarta
given below: 4) Singapore
(a) 1, 2 & 3 only Select the correct answer using the code
(b) 2 & 3 only given below
(c) 3 & 4 only (a) 4-2-1-3
(d) 1 ,3 & 4 only (b) 3-2-4-1
6. Consider the following pairs: (c) 3-4-1-2
Community In the affairs of (d) 4-3-2-1
sometimes mentioned in the news
1) Kurd Bangladesh 10. Which one of the following can one
2) Madhesi Nepal comes across if one travels through the

3) Rohingya Myanmar Strait of Malacca?

Which of the pairs given above is/are (a) Bali

correctly matched? (b) Brunei

(a) 1 and 2 (c) Java

(b) 2 only (d) Singapore

(c) 2 and 3 11. Consider the following regions:
(d) 3 only 1) Eastern Himalayas

7. The area known as 'Golan Heights' 2) Eastern Mediterranean region

sometimes appears in the news in the 3) North-western Australia

context of the events related to Which of the above is/are Biodiversity
(a) Central Asia Hotspot(s)?
(b) Middle East (a) 1 only
(c) South-East Asia (b) 1 and 2 only
(d) Central Africa (c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
8. Turkey is located between
(a) Black Sea and Caspian Sea 12. Consider the following pairs:
(b) Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea Famous Place Country
(c) Gulf of Suez and Mediterranean Sea 1) Cannes France
(d) Gulf of Aqaba and Dead Sea 2) Davos Denmark Page No. 49

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

3) Roland Garros The Netherlands (b) London Thames

Which of the pairs given above is/are (c) New York Hudson
correctly matched? (d) Vienna Danube
(a) 1 only
17. Cape Canaveral, the site from which
(b) 1 and 2 only space shuttles are launched is located on
(c) 2 and 3 only the coast of
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (a) Florida
(b) Virginia
13. Which one of the following is the
(c) North Carolina
country's administrative capital/new
(d) South Carolina
federal administrative centre of Malaysia?
(a) Kota Bharu 18. In which one of the following is Malta
(b) Kuala Terengganu located?
(a) Baltic Sea
(c) Putrajaya
(b) Mediterranean Sea
(d) Taiping
(c) Black Sea
14. Elephant pass, which is frequently in the (d) North Sea
news, is mentioned in the context of the
affairs of which one of the following? 19. Which of the following cities is nearest to
(a) Bangladesh the equator?
(b) India (a) Colombo
(c) Nepal (b) Jakarta
(d) Sri Lanka (c) Manila
(d) Singapore
15. Consider the following countries:
1) Australia 20. Which of the following countries share
2) Namibia borders with Moldova?
3) Brazil 1) Ukraine
4) Chile 2) Romania
Through which of the above does the Tropic 3) Belarus
of Capricorn pass? Select the correct answer using the code
(a) 1 only given below:
(b) 2, 3 and 4 Codes:
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (a) 1 & 2 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2 & 3 only
16. Which one of the following pairs is not (c) 1 & 3 only
correctly matched? (d) 1, 2 & 3
City River 21. Consider the following statements:
(a) Berlin Rhine Page No. 50

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

1) Ajman is one of the seven Emirates of the (c) Strait of Dover

UAE. (d) Strait of Gibraltar
2) Ras al-Khaimah was the last Sheikhdom to
25. Other than India and China, which of the
join the UAE
following groups of countries border
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam
(a) 1 only
(b) Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia
(b) 2 only
(c) Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Thailand, Laos and Bangladesh
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
26. Through which one of the following
22. Where is Copacabana Beach located?
groups of countries does the Equator
(a) Buenos Aires
(b) Hawaiian Islands
(a) Brazil, Zambia and Malaysia
(c) Rio de Janeiro
(b) Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia
(d) Valletta
(c) Brazil, Sudan and Malaysia
23. Match List I with List II and select the (d) Venezuela, Ethiopia and Indonesia
correct answer using the code given 27. Consider the following statements:
below the list: 1) Length of a terrestrial mile is lesser than
List-I (City) List-II (River) that of a nautical mile.
2) Harmattan is a dusty land-wind of the East
A. Bangkok 1. Irrawaddy
African Coast
B. Phnom-Penh 2. Mekong
3) Greece and Albania form a part of the
C. Hanoi 3. Menam (Chao Iberian Peninsula
Phraya) Which of the statements given above is/are
D. Yangon 4. Red River correct?
Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 3
(a) A-3; B-2; C-4; D-1 (b) 2 and 3 only
(b) A-4; B-1; C-3; D-2 (c) 3 only
(c) A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2 (d) 1 only
(d) A-4; B-2; C-3; D-1

28. Claims to the historical Macedonian

24. Through which one of the following
territory have been a bone of contention
Straits, does a tunnel connect the United between which of the following countries?
Kingdom and France? (a) Portugal and Spain
(a) Davis Strait (b) Bulgaria and Greece
(b) Denmark Strait (c) Romania and Bulgaria Page No. 51

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(d) Portugal and Greece (c) Peshawar-Islamabad-Gujranwala-Multan

29. Huangpu River flows through which one (d) Islamabad-Multan-Peshawar-Gujranwala

of the following cities? 34. Which one of the following pairs is not
(a) Beijing correctly matched?
(b) Ho Chi Minh City (a) Bahamas Nassau
(c) Shanghai (b) Costa Rica San Jose
(d) Manila (c) Nicaragua Belmopan

30. Bermuda triangle extends up to which of (d) Dominican Republic Santo Domingo

the following places? 35. Match List-I (City) with List II (River) and
1) Southern Florida select the correct answer using the code
2) Puerto Rico given below the lists:
3) Hawaii Islands List-I (City) List-II (River)
Select the correct answer using the code A. Washington D C 1. River Manzanares
given below: B. Berlin 2. River Seine
(a) 1,2 & 3 C. Paris 3. River Spree
(b) 1 & 2 only D. Madrid 4. River Potomac
(c) 2 & 3 only Codes:
(d) 1 & 3 only (a) A-2; B-3; C-4; D-1

31. Which one of the following countries (b) A-4; B-1; C-2; D-3

does not border Lithuania? (c) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3

(a) Poland (d) A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1

(b) Ukraine 36. Which one of the following is the correct

(c) Belarus sequence of the given Continents in the
(d) Latvia decreasing order of their percentage of

32. Where are the Balearic Islands located? Earth's land?

(a) Mediterranean Sea (a) NorthAmerica-Africa-South America-Europe

(b) Black Sea (b) Africa-North-America-South-America-

(c) Baltic Sea Europe

(d) North Sea (c) North America-Africa-Europe-South

33. Which one of the following is the correct
(d) Africa-North America-Europe-South
sequence of the given towns of Pakistan
while moving from the North towards the
South? 37. For which one of the following countries,

(a) Islamabad Gujranwala-Peshawar-Multan is Spanish not an official language?

(b) Peshawar-Gujranwala-Multan-Islamabad (a) Chile Page No. 52

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(b) Colombia 2) England covers less than 60% of the total

(c) Republic of Congo area of the United Kingdom
(d) Cuba Which of the statements given above is/are
38. Which one of the following pairs is not (a) 1 only
correctly matched? (b) 2 only
(a) Seikan Rail Tunnel: China (c) Both 1 and2
(b) Petronas Towers: Malaysia (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Appalachian Trail: United States of America
43. The great Asian river Mekong does not
(d) Rogun Dam: Tajikistan
run through
39. Which one of the following cities is not a (a) China
former capital of the given country (b) Malaysia
(Country given in the brackets)? (c) Cambodia
(a) Karachi (Pakistan) (d) Laos
(b) Auckland (New Zealand)
44. Latvia does not share its borders with
(c) Kyoto (Japan) which one of the following countries?
(d) Brisbane (Australia) (a) Russia

40. Itaipu Dam built on the River Parana is (b) Estonia

one of the largest dams in the world. (c) Lithuania

Which of the following two countries (d) Poland

have this as a joint project? 45. Match List-I (State/Province/Overseas

(a) Brazil and Peru Territory) with List-II (Country) and
(b) Paraguay and Ecuador select the correct answer using the codes
(c) Brazil and Paraguay given below the lists:
(d) Colombia and Paraguay List-I List-II
A. British Colombia 1. USA
41. Which one of the following pairs is not
B. Bavaria 2. UK
correctly matched?
C. Gibraltar 3. Canada
Current name Old Name
D. Rhode Island 4. Germany
(a) Harare Salisbury
(b) Ethiopia Abyssinia
(c) Ghana Dutch Guiana
(a) A-1; B-2; C-5; D-3
(d) Kinshasa Leopoldville
(b) A-3; B-4; C-2; D-1
42. Consider the following statements:
(c) A-1; B-4; C-2; D-3
1) Great Britain comprises England, Wales,
(d) A-3; B-2; C-5; D-1
Scotland and Northern Ireland. Page No. 53

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46. Match List-I (Sea) with List-II (Country) (d) Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Yemen
and select the correct answer using the
51. Which one of the following countries is
codes given below the Lists:
List-I List-II
(a) Bolivia
A. Black Sea 1. Bulgaria
(b) Peru
B. Red Sea 2. China
(c) Surinam
C. Yellow Sea 3. Eritrea
(d) Uruguay
D. Caspian Sea 4. Kazakhstan
52. In the map given below four islands of
Indian Ocean region i.e., (A) Seychelles,
(a) A-1; B-4; C-2; D-3
(B) Chagos, (C) Mauritius and (D) Socotra
(b) A-2; B-3; C-1; D-4
are marked as 1, 2, 3 and 4.
(c) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4
(d) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3 Match them and select the correct answer
from the codes given below:
47. Which one of the following does not
border Panama?
(a) Costa Rica
(b) Pacific Ocean
(c) Colombia
(d) Venezuela
48. The waterfall 'Victoria' is associated with Codes:
the river (a) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2
(a) Amazon (b) A-3; B-1; C-2; D-4
(b) Missouri (c) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4
(c) St. Lawrence (d) A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2
(d) Zambeji

53. Consider the following countries:

49. Which one of the following countries 1) Albania
does NOT border the Caspian Sea? 2) Bosnia Herzegovina
(a) Armenia 3) Croatia
(b) Azerbaijan 4) Macedonia
(c) Kazakhstan Which of these countries has/have Adriatic
(d) Turkmenistan Sea as a boundary?
50. Israel has common borders with: (a) 1 and 2
(a) Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt (b) 1, 2 and 3
(b) Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Jordan (c) 4 only
(c) Cyprus, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt (d) 3 and 4 Page No. 54

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(b) Santos
54. The given map shows four towns of
(c) Rio de Janerio
Central Asian region marked as 1, 2, 3
(d) Buenos Aires
and 4. Identify these from the following
list and select the correct answer using 57. Which one of the following lakes forms as
the codes given below: international boundary between Tanzania
A. Bishkek and Uganda.
B. Ashkhabad (a) Chad
C. Tashkent (b) Malawi
D. Dushanbe (c) Victoria
(d) Zambezi

58. Assertion: In Australia, Cattle rearing is

done more for meat than for milk.
Reason: Australians are traditionally non-
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
(a) A-3; B-1; C-2; D-4
explanation of A
(b) A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
(c) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4
explanation of A
(d) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2
(c) A is true but R is false
55. At which one of the cities labelled as A, B, (d) A is false but R is true
C and D on the given map of Europe was 59. Match the drainage basins labelled as A,
the historic treaty between NATO and B, C and D with the names listed below
Warsaw Pact countries signed in 1998? and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the names of the
drainage basins.
1. Ganga-Brahmaputra
2. Indus
3. Parana
4. Zambezi
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D

56. Which one of the following is known as

the 'Coffee Port’ of the world?
(a) Sao Paulo Page No. 55

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Codes: 5. Singapore
(a) A-3; B-1;C-2; D-4 Codes:
(b) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2 (a) A-1; B-2; C-4; D-3
(c) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4 (b) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3
(d) A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2 (c) A-1;B-4; C-5; D-2
(d) A-4; B-3; C-5; D-2
60. Which one of the following port cities in
Venezuela been developed as an oil port? 63. Match List-I with List-II and select the
(a) Caracas correct answer using the codes given
below the lists:
(b) Maracaibo
List-I (Timber) List-II (Country)
(c) Maracay
A. Cedar 1. Myanmar
(d) Carupano
B. Douglas Fir 2. Canada
61. Assertion: Chile continues to be an C. Mahogany 3. Mexico
important producer of copper in the world. D. Teak 4. Honduras
Reason: Chile is endowed with the world's Codes:
largest deposit of porphyry copper. (a) A-3; B-2; C-1; D-4
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct (b) A-3; B-2; C-4; D-1
explanation of A (c) A-2; B-3; C-4; D-1
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct (d) A-2; B-3; C-1; D-4
explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false 64. The physical regions marked as 1, 2, 3
(d) A is false but R is true and 4 on the given map are respectively

62. Match the cities labelled as A, B, C and D

in the given map with the names of cities
and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the names of cities

(a) Andes, Brazilian Shield, Guyana Highlands

and Amazon Basin
(b) Andes, Guyana Highlands, Brazilian Shield
Names of Cities
and Amazon Basin
1. Darwin
(c) Amazon Basin, Guyana Highlands, Brazilian
2. Kuala Lumpur
Shield and Andes
3. Lagos
(d) Guyana Highlands, Brazilian Shield, Andes
4. Nairobi
and Amazon Basin Page No. 56

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65. Which one of the following pairs is not  Black sea is bordered by Ukraine to the

correctly matched? north, Russia to the northeast, Georgia to

(a) Solvenia Bratislava the east, Turkey to the south,

(b) Seychelles Victoria and Bulgaria and Romania to the west.

(c) Sierra Leone Freetown Educational Objective:To know about the

important places, around the world which
(d) Uzbekistan Tashkent
are in news due to clashes between
66. Which one of the following countries of
countries, conflict, etc
South-West Asia does not open out to the
2. Key: D
Mediterranean Sea?
Explanation: The Aral sea in central Asia used
(a) Syria
to be the fourth largest lake in the world after
(b) Jordan
the Caspian sea, and Superior and Victoria. Now
(c) Lebanon
barely 10% of it is left. While Lake Baikal has
(d) Israel
been crippled by a series of phenomenon like
5. Key and Explanation rapid growth of putrid algae and the death of
endemic species of sponges across its vast 3.2
1. Key: B
ml hectare area.
Explanation: The capsian Sea is a landlocked
Shrinking in various lakes of world: Lake
body of water between Europe and Asia i.e., Five
Poopó – Bolivia: Lake Poopó was a large saline
Countries Russia, Kazakhistan, Turkmenistan,
lake located in the Altiplano in Bolivia. Glacial
Iran, and Azerbaijan. Thus 3 is correctly
melting and the diversion of the lake’s
tributaries contributed to its decline and now
 The countries with coasts on the Adriatic the lake is almost dry.
are Albania, Bosnia
Dead Sea – Jordan, Israel, Palestine: The Dead
&Herzegovina,Croatia, Italy, Montenegro a
Sea, the lowest point on Earth, has been
ndSlovenia. The southern boundary of the
shrinking at a rate of around one metre each
sea ends in the Strait of Otranto
year, for the last 50 years. One of the main
betweenAlbaniaandItaly'sSalento Peninsula,
reasons behind this depletion is that some of the
thus 1 is correctly matched. So option b
water sources it relied on were diverted in the
is right.
 The countries surrounding Aral Sea – Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: The Aral
the Mediterranean in clockwise order are Sea has been shrinking steadily since the 1960s
Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, after its tributaries were diverted by Soviet
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, irrigation projects. By 2007, the lake had
Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, declined to 10% of its original size and had split
Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, into four separate lakes. The eastern basin of
Algeria, and Morocco Page No. 57

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the former South Aral Sea has now completely Kirkuk is in Iraq, which was in news due to ISIS
dried up and is called the Aralkum Desert. controlled territory.
Poyang Lake – China: China’s largest freshwater Thus option B is right.
lake has been shrinking dramatically since the Some of important places in Syria
start of the century. At one point, the lake
covered 4,500 square kilometres but its surface
has been recently recorded as low as 200 square
kilometres. The main reasons for this dramatic
decrease are diversions from the Yangtze River, a
prolonged dry season, and industrial activities.
Hulun Lake – Mongolian Plateau: The Mongolian
Plateau has seen dramatic shrinkage of its lakes Educational Objective:To know about the
over the last few decades, mainly due to important places, around the world which are in
intensive human activities and climate change. news due to clashes between countries, conflict,
One of the biggest lakes on the plateau, Hulun, etc
has lost 291 square kilometres of surface area.
4. Key: C
The smaller lake of Xinkai to the east of Hulun
Explanation: Referendum was held in October
Lake had dried out completely by 2010.
2017 in which 90% of Catalonian voted for
Lake Chad – Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon:
independence but the voter turnout was only
Once one of Africa’s largest bodies of fresh water,
43%.It was alleged that Spanish National Police
Lake Chad is now a ghost of its former self.
tried to stop people from voting which led to
According to a study by University of Wisconsin-
widespread violence. However, the referendum
Madison researchers, the lake is now one 20th
was declared illegal by Spain’s central
of the size it was 35 years ago. Massive irrigation
government as it was marred by wide scale
projects, an increasingly dry climate, and
violence. The referendum has thrown the
declining rainfall have all contributed to its
country into its worst constitutional crisis.
 Ukraine was one of the republics within the
Educational Objective:To know about the
USSR during the cold war days, and has
important places sea which are in news due to
remained a strong ally of Russia ever since,
ecological importance.
till 2013. While it was planning to sing an
3. Key: B association agreement with the European
Explanation: Aleppo is in Syria, it was in news Union in 2013, Russia sternly objected to it,
due to Syrian conflict, Mazar-i-Sharif is in leading to tensions. Russia subsequently
Afganistan where 140 soldiers were killed in annexed “Crimea” (Russian speaking
terror attack, our Prime minister condemned province in Ukraine) by force and declared
this act. Page No. 58

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its sovereignty over it with people’s known as Kurdistan, which spans southeastern
support. Turkey, northwestern Iran, northern Iraq, and
 Marawi City, is the capital and the largest northern Syria. There are also exclaves
city of the province of Lanao del Sur on the of Kurds in central Anatolia and Khorasan.
island of Mindanao in the Philippines.
Marawi siege started in May 2017 when
Philippine government security forces began
to take on heavily armed militants linked to
the Islamic State.
Educational Objective: to know about the
important places, around the world which
are in news due to clashes between
The Madhesi are an ethnic group of Nepal.
countries, conflict, etc
Rohingya people are Muslims from the Rakhine
5. Key: C
state of Mynmar.
Explanation: The countries surrounding
Educational Objective:To know about the
the Mediterranean in clockwise order are
important places, around the world which are in
Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia,
news due to clashes between countries, conflict,
Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria,
Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, 7. Key: B
Algeria, and Morocco; Malta and Cyprus are Explanation: The Golan Heights is a rocky
island countries in the sea. plateau with an area of 1,800km² on the border
between Israel and Syria in south-western Syria.
Dispute Israel occupied the Golan Heights, West
Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip in the
1967 Six-Day War. An armistice line was
established and the region came under Israeli
military control.
Syria tried to retake the Golan Heights during
the 1973 Middle East war. Syria was defeated in
Educational Objective:To know about the its attempt. Both countries signed an armistice
countries around the sea, bordering in 1974 and a UN observer force has been in
countries, landlocked countries etc place on the ceasefire line since 1974.

6. Key: C In 1981, Israel permanently acquired the

Explanation: The Kurds are an ethnic group territory of the Golan Heights and East

native to a mountainous region of Western Asia Jerusalem in moves never recognized by most Page No. 59

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countries. The international community regards

as disputed territory occupied by Israel whose
status should be determined by negotiations
between Israel and Syria. Attempts by the
international community to bring Israel and
Syria for negotiations have failed.

Educational Objective: to know about the

important places and their direction with respect
north and south.

10. Key: D
Educational Objective: To know about the
important places, around the world which are in
news due to clashes between countries, conflict,

8. Key: B
Explanation: Turkey is located between Black
Sea and Mediterranean Sea.
Educational Objective: To know about the
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc

11. Key: A
Explanation: Eastern Himalayas and Eastern
Mediterranean region are Biodiversity hotspots.
Educational Objective: To know about the
South west part of Australia has hotspots.
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
 A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic
landlocked countries etc region that is both a significant reservoir
9. Key: C of biodiversity and is threatened with
destruction. The term biodiversity
hotspot specifically refers to 25 biologically Page No. 60

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

rich areas around the world that have lost Educational Objective: To know about the
at least 70 percent of their original habitat. important places, around the world which are in
 India shares its territories into news due to clashes between countries, conflict,
three biodiversity hotspots viz. Eastern
Himalaya, Western Ghats and Indo-
Burma. Biodiversity Hotspots also work as 15. Key: D
funding regions for Conservation Explanation: The Tropic of Capricorn passes
International for its Critical Ecosystem through a number of countries including
Partnership Fund (CEPF)
Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Chile,
Educational Objective: to know about the
Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, and
important places sea which are in news due to
Paraguay. If you consider its starting place to be
ecological importance.
the Prime Meridian, it first makes landfall on the
12. Key: A coast of Namibia.
Explanation: Davos is in Switzerland and
Roland Garros is in England.
Educational Objective:To know about the
important places, around the world which are in
news due to clashes between countries, conflict,

13. Key: C
Explanation: The 3 federal territories were
formed for different purposes: Kuala Lumpur is
the national capital, Putrajaya is
Educational Objective:To know about the
the administrative centre of
important places and their direction with respect
the federal government, and Labuan serves as
north and south. And countries which are in the
an offshore financial centre.
places where important latitudes passes.
Educational Objective:To know about the
important places and their direction with respect 16. Key: A
north and south. Explanation: Berlin is located in north eastern
Germany on the banks of the rivers spree and
14. Key: D
Explanation: Elephant Pass, Northern Province,
Educational Objective: To know about the
Sri Lanka is located in the gateway of Jaffna
important places and their direction with respect
Peninsula. There are about 340km north from
north and south cities located on the banks of
capital to here. It has an important military base
the rivers. The countries which are in the places
and used to be the island's largest salt field. It
where important latitudes passes through.
has regularly been the site of battles during the
civil war. Page No. 61

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17. Key: A 20. Key: A

Explanation: Launch operations for the Apollo, Explanation: Located in Eastern Europe,
Skylab and Space Shuttle programs were Moldova is bordered on the west and southwest
carried out from by Romania and on the north, south, and east
Kennedy Space Centre Launch Complex 39 and by Ukraine.
managed by KSC. Located on the east coast of Educational Objective: To know about the
Florida, KSC is adjacent to Cape Canaveral Air countries around the sea, bordering countries,
Force Station (CCAFS). landlocked countries and important cannels,
Educational Objective:To know about the straits etc
important places and their direction with respect
21. Key: C
north and south cities located on the banks of
Explanation: Ajman is one of the seven emirates
the rivers. The countries which are in the places
constituting the United Arab Emirates with an
where important latitudes passes through.
area of 260 sq kilometer. Ras al-Khaimah was
the 7th and last Sheikhdom to join UAE in 1972.
18. Key: B
Educational Objective: To know about the
Explanation: The island-state of Malta
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
is located in the Mediterranean Sea, south of
landlocked countries and important cannels,
Sicily (Italy), it consists of three islands: Malta,
straits etc
Gozo, and Comino, of which Malta is the largest
22. Key: C
island. In its history, the Maltese archipelago
Explanation: Copacabana located in the South
was always strategically significant for the
Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is
domination of the Mediterranean.
known for its 4 km (2.5 miles) balneario beach,
Educational Objective: To know about the
which is one of the most famous in the world.
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
Educational Objective: To know about the
landlocked countries and important cannels,
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
straits etc
landlocked countries and important cannels,
19. Key: D
straits etc
Explanation: Some of the cities that
23. Key: A
are near the equator include Bogota, Singapore,
and Nairobi.
Bangkok - Menam (Chao Phraya)
Educational Objective: To know about the
Phnom - Penh -Mekong
important places and their direction with respect
Hanoi - Red River
north and south cities located on the banks of
Yangon - Irrawaddy
the rivers. The important countries, places
Educational Objective: To know about the
where important latitudes passes through.
important places and their direction with respect
north and south cities located on the banks of Page No. 62

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the rivers. The important countries, places Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives,
where important latitudes passes through. Indonesia and Kiribati.

24. Key: C
Explanation: The Channel Tunnel or Chunnel
is a 50km-long undersea rail tunnel below the
Strait of Dover in the English Channel. It
is one of the longest underwater tunnels in the
world and connects Folkestone in Kent, UK,
with Coquelles in Pas-de-Calais, France
Educational Objective: To know about the
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels, Educational Objective: To know about the

straits etc important places and their direction with respect

north and south. Cities located on the banks of
25. Key: D
the rivers. The important countries, places
Explanation: Other than India and China
where important latitudes passes through.
Thailand, Laos and Bangladesh are countries
27. Key: D
bordering Myanmar.
Explanation: In statement 1st one nautical mile
is 1852 mtrs and one terrestrial mile is 1609
metres. So, statement '1' is correct. In statement
2nd Harmattan is a dry and dusty wind of West
Africa. So, statement '2' is wrong. In statement
'3' Iberian peninsula includes Portugal, Spain,
Andorra and Gibraltar. Greece and Albania are
not a part of Peninsula. So, statement '3' is
Educational Objective: To know about the
Educational Objective: To know about the
important places and their direction with respect
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
north and south. cities located on the banks of
landlocked countries and important cannels,
the rivers. The important countries, places
straits etc
where important latitudes passes through.
26. Key: B
28. Key: B
Explanation: The equator passes
Explanation: Macedonian territory is disputed
through 13 countries: Ecuador, Colombia,
between Bulgaria & Greece.
Brazil, Sao Tome & Principe, Gabon, Republic of
Educational Objective: To know about the
the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
important places, around the world which are in Page No. 63

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

news due to clashes between countries, conflict, Educational Objective: To know about the
etc important places and their direction with respect
north and south cities located on the banks of
29. Key: C
the rivers. The important countries, places
Explanation: The Huangpu river is the largest
where important latitudes passes through.
river in Shanghai in China. It is 113.07 km long
400 metres wide and 9 metres deep. Shanghai
gets most of its drinking water from Huangpu.
31. Key: B
Explanation: Lithuania is situated on the
eastern shore of the Baltic Sea and
borders Latvia on the north, Belarus on the
east and south, and Poland and the Kaliningrad
region of Russia on the southwest.

Educational Objective: To know about the

important places and their direction with respect
north and south. cities located on the banks of
the rivers. The important countries, places
where important latitudes passes through.

30. Key: B
Explanation: Bermuda Triangle is a strange and
mysterious place in the southern Atlantic Ocean.
It is roughly the shape of a triangle. The triangle
Educational Objective: To know about the
extends upto south Florida, Pruto Rico and
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
Bermuda Island.
landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc

32. Key: A
Explanation: Balearic Islands are located in
Mediterrian sea. It is an autonomous division of
Spain and the North African Coast.
Educational Objective: To know about the
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc Page No. 64

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

landlocked countries and important cannels,

33. Key: C
straits etc
Explanation: While moving from the north to
south the correct sequence of the towns is
36. Key: B
Peshawar, Islamabad, Gujranwala, and Multan. Explanation:
Percent of
Area in Square Miles Total Land
(Square Km) Area on
57,308,738 Sq. Miles
The World 100%
(148,429,000 Sq. Km)
Asia (including 17,212,000 Sq. Miles
the Middle East) (44,579,000 Sq. Km)
11,608,000 Sq. Miles
Africa 20.3%
(30,065,000 Sq. Km)
9,365,000 Sq. Miles
North America 16.3%
(24,256,000 Sq. Km)
6,880,000 Sq. Miles
Educational Objective: To know about the South America
(17,819,000 Sq. Km)
important places and their direction with respect 5,100,000 Sq. Miles
Antarctica 8.9%
north and south. cities located on the banks of (13,209,000 Sq. Km)
the rivers. The important countries, places 3,837,000 Sq. Miles
Europe 6.7%
(9,938,000 Sq. Km)
where important latitudes passes through.
Australia (plus 2,968,000 Sq. Miles
34. Key: C Oceania) (7,687,000 Sq. Km)
Explanation: Managua is the capital of 37. Key: C
Nicaragua, not Balmopan. Balmopan is the Explanation: The official language of the
capital city of Balize. Republic of Congo is French. Other languages
Educational Objective: To know about the are mainly Bantu languages, and the two
countries around the sea, bordering countries, national languages in the country
landlocked countries and important cannels, are Kituba and Lingala (13%).
straits etc Educational Objective: To know about
35. Key: D languages of the world.
Explanation: 38. Key: A
A. Washington D C 1. River Potomac Explanation: Seikan Rail Tunnel is world's
B. Berlin 2. River Spree longest tunnel with length of 34 miles is located
C. Paris 3. River Seine in Japan. Seikan railway tunnel is Japan's
D. Madrid 4. River Manzanares 53.85 km long tunnel beneath the Tsugaru
Educational Objective: To know about the Strait and connects the Aomori Prefecture on
countries around the sea, bordering countries, Honshu Island and the Hokkaido Island. With Page No. 65

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

its track located 140m below the seabed, the Cambodia Kampuchea
Seikan tunnel is the world's deepest and longest
Ethiopia Abyssinia
railway tunnel.
Ghana Gold Coast
Educational Objective: To know about the
Harare Salisbury
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels, Indonesia Dutch East Indies
straits etc Iran Persia/Mesopotamia

39. Key: D Istanbul Constantinople/Byzaiu

Explanation: Karachi was the capital of Jakarta Batavia
Pakistan from 1947 – 1959. Kyoto was the Japan Nippon
capital of Japan before Tokyo. Brisbane was the
Malaysia Malaya
capital of Australia before Cannbera in 1842 –
Myanmar Burma
Educational Objective: To know about the Sri Lanka Ceylon

countries around the sea, bordering countries, St Petersburg Leningrad

landlocked countries and important cannels, Taiwan Formosa
straits etc
Thailand Siam
40. Key: C Togo Togoland
Explanation: The project is located on
United Arab Republic Egypt
the Parana River, at the border between Brazil
Zaire Congo
and Paraguay. Itaipu dam with an installed
capacity of 14,000MW ranks as Zambia Northern Rhodesia

the world's second largest hydropower plant. Zimbabwe Southern Rhodesia

Educational Objective: To know about the Educational Objective: To know about the
countries around the sea, bordering countries, countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels, landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc straits etc
41. Key: C
42. Key: B
Explanation: Ghana and Dutch Guiana are
Explanation: The total area of United Kingdom
is 94, 226 sq miles (244, 044 sq km), where
Some of the country’s names and their earlier
England covers 50, 344 sq miles (130, 365 sq
km) i.e. less than 60 % of total land area of
New Names Old Names United Kingdom. Great Britain donot comprise
Bangladesh East Pakistan of Northern Ireland.
Beijing Peking Page No. 66

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To know about the UK and Rhoda Island is the smallest state in
countries around the sea, bordering countries, USA.
andlocked countries and important cannels, Educational Objective: To know about the
straits etc countries around the sea, bordering countries,
43. Key: B landlocked countries and important cannels,
Explanation: It runs through Yunan province, straits etc
China, forms the border between Myanmar and
46. Key: C
Laos and most of the border between Laos and
Thailand and flows across Cambodia and
A. Black Sea 1. Bulgaria
Southern Vietnam before emptying to South
B. Red Sea 2. Eritrea
C. Yellow Sea 3. China
Educational Objective: To know about the
D. Caspian Sea 4. Kazakhstan
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
Educational Objective: To know about the
landlocked countries and important cannels,
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
straits etc
landlocked countries and important cannels,
44. Key: D straits etc
Explanation: Latvia does not share its
47. Key: D
border with Poland because it is located
Explanation: Panama shares its land
between Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania,
boundaries with two nations of Costa
Gulf of Riga and Baltic Sea.
Rica and Colombia. Eastern side Caribean sea
and west side Pacific ocean

Educational Objective: To know about the

Educational Objective: To know about the
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels,
landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc
straits etc
45. Key: B
48. Key: D
Explanation: British Columbia is western most
Explanation: The waterfall 'Victoria' is
provinces of Canada, Bavaria is a state of
associated with the river Zambeji. Victoria
Germany. Gibralter is the overseas territory of
Falls, spectacular waterfall located about Page No. 67

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

midway along the course of the Zambezi River, Educational Objective: To know about the
at the border between Zambia to the north and countries around the sea, bordering countries,
Zimbabwe to the south. landlocked countries and important cannels,
Educational Objective: To know about the straits etc
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
51. Key: A
landlocked countries and important cannels,
Explanation: Bolivia is a land locked country, in
straits etc
South America the surrounding countries are
49. Key: A Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brezil, and Paruguay
Explanation: The Caspian Sea is a landlocked
body of water between Europe and Asia. Five
Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and
Azerbaijan border the inland sea

Educational Objective: To know about the

countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc

50. Key: A Educational Objective: To know about the

Explanation: Israel has borders with four countries around the sea, bordering countries,
neighbouring countries: Lebanon on the landlocked countries and important cannels,
north, Syria and Jordan on the east side, straits etc
and Egypt on the South side.
52. Key: D
Explanation: In the given figure, four islands of
Indian ocean region are Chagos, Socotra,
Sechyells and Mouritus.
Educational Objective: To know about islands
of Indian ocean. Page No. 68

Geography UPSC
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53. Key: B and Uganda. It is the largest lake in Africa and

Explanation: Bosnia, Hercegovina, Albania, second widest fresh water body in the
Croatia have Adriatic sea as a boundary. world. Lake Victoria is one of the African
Macedonia is far from Adriatic sea. Great Lakes.
Educational Objective: To know about the Educational Objective: To know about the
countries around the sea, bordering countries, countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels, landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc straits etc

54. Key: A 58. Key: B

Explanation: Explanation: Assertion is correct, but reason is
1. Ashkhabad not the correct explanation of assertion but the
2. Tashkent statement is true. In Australia farmers rear
3. Bishkek cattle for meat export, and most of the
4. Dushanbe Australian people are non-vegetarian.
Educational Objective: To know about the Educational Objective: To know about the
countries around the sea, bordering countries, countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels, landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc straits etc

55. Key: C 59. Key: D

Explanation: In the given figure of Europe the C Explanation:
marked city is Brussels, where historic treaty The Ganges basin is a part of the Ganges-
between NATO and warsaw pact countries was Brahmaputra basin draining 1,086,000 square
signed in 1998. kilometres in Tibet, Nepal, India and Bangladesh.
Educational Objective: To know about Brussels. To the north, the Himalaya or lower parallel
ranges beyond form the Ganges-Brahmaputra
56. Key: B
divide. On the west the Ganges Basin borders
Explanation: The Port of Santos is located in
the Indus basin and then the Aravalli ridge.
the city of Santos, state of São Paulo, Brazil. It
The Indus River Basin is one of the most
is the busiest container port in Latin America.
important water systems in the world. From its
Educational Objective: To know about the
headwaters on the Tibetan Plateau, the Indus
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
River flows for 3,200 km across northern India
landlocked countries and important cannels,
and the length of Pakistan before emptying into
straits etc
the Arabian Sea.The second largest river in
57. Key: C South America, the Parana River, originates at
Explanation: Lake Victoria acts as the confluence of the Grande and Paranaiba
the international boundary between Tanzania rivers in South Eastern Brazil. Page No. 69

Geography UPSC
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The Zambezi River rises in the Kalene hills in

63. Key: B
north-western Zambia and flows northwards for
Explanation: Pseudotsuga menziesii is an
about 30 km. It then turns west and south to
evergreen conifer species in the pine family,
run over about 280 km through Angola and
Pinaceae. It is native to western North America
reenters Zambia with an annual discharge of
and is known as Douglas fir
nearly 18 km3. It then flows southwards
Mahogany is a straight-grained, reddish-brown
through marshy plains.
timber of three tropical hardwood species of the
Educational Objective: To learn about the
genus Swietenia, indigenous to the Americas
drainage basins of the rivers.
Teak is a tropical hardwood tree species placed
60. Key: B in the flowering plant family Lamiaceae. Some
Explanation: Maracaibo is the oil-port of forms of teak are known as Burmese teak,
Venezuela. Maracaibo is a city in northwestern Central Province teak as well as Nagpur teak.
Venezuela and the capital of Zulia state, known Educational Objective: To learn about the type
as the center of Venezuela’s oil industry. Its old of timber and the country to which timber
town is marked by colonial buildings, including belongs to.
the colorful houses lining Calle Carabobo.
64. Key: A
Educational Objective: To learn about the oil
Explanation: Andes: The Andes Mountain
port and their locations.
ranges South America are the longest
61. Key: A continental mountain range in the world. They
Explanation: Assertion and reason both are form a continuous highland along the western
correct and reason is correct explanation of edge of South America.
assertion. Chile is the largest copper producer in Brazilian Shield: Brazilian Shield is a part of
the world. 35% of total global production is Amazonian Craton, and it is found in north
produced by Chile and the major deposit is western part of South America.
poryphyry copper. Guyana Highlands: Guiana Highlands or
Educational Objective: To learn about the plateau is a region in South America located
largest copper producer Chile and its major north of the Amazon river and south of the
deposit. Orinoco River.

62. Key: A Amazon Basin: The Amazon basin is drained by

the Amazon River and its tributaries. It'sdrinage
Explanation: ‘A’ marked city in map is Darwin
basin is located in the countries of Bolivia, Brazil,
in Australia. ‘B’ marked city in the given map is
Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname
Kualalumpur in Malayasia. ‘C’ marked city in
and Venezuela. The basin is covered by the
map is Nairobi in Kenya. The city marked ‘D’ in
evergreen rainforest called Amazon Rainforest,
the map is Lagos in Nigeria.
also known as Amazonia.
Educational Objective: To learn about the map
location of major cities in the world. Page No. 70

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Educational Objective: To learn about the map Educational Objective: To learn about
locations of mountains, basin and highlands. countries bordering Mediterranean sea.

65. Answer: A
Explanation: Bratislava is the capital of
Slovakia hence, (a) is not correctly matched. The
capital of Slovenia is Ljublijana.
Educational Objective: To know about the
countries around the sea, bordering countries,
landlocked countries and important cannels,
straits etc.
66. Key: B
Explanation: The following countries have a
coastline on the Mediterranean Sea: Northern
shore (from west to east): Spain, France, Monaco,
Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Montenegro, Albania, Greece and Turkey.
Eastern shore (from north to south): Turkey,
Syria, Lebanon, Israel. Southern shore (from
west to east): Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya,
Egypt. Island nations: Malta, Cyprus. Page No. 71

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Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

II. Indian Geography (a) Bhavnagar

(b) Bheemunipatnam
1. Indian Physiography (c) Chandipur

1. Consider the following statements: (d) Nagapattinam

1) The Barren Island volcano is an active 4. Consider the following pairs:

volcano located in the Indian territory. Famous Place Region
2) Barren Island lies about 140 km east of 1) Bodhgaya Baghelkhand
Great Nicobar. 2) Khajuraho Bundelkhand
3) The last time the Barren Island volcano 3) Shirdi Vidarbha
erupted was in 1991 and it has remained 4) Nasik (Nashik) Malwa
inactive since then. 5) Tirupati Rayalaseema
Which of the statements given above is/are Which of the pairs given above are correctly
correct? matched?
(a) 1 only (a) 1,2& 4
(b) 2 & 3 (b) 2,3,4& 5
(c) 3 only (c) 2 & 5 only
(d) 1 & 3 (d) 1,3,4& 5
2. Consider the following statements: 5. Consider the following pairs:
1) In India, the Himalayas are spread over five Place of Pilgrimage Location
States only 1) Srisailam Nallamala Hills
2) Western Ghats are spread over five States
2) Omkareshwar Satmala Hills
3) Pushkar Mahadeo Hills
3) Pulicat Lake is spread over two States only.
Which of the above pairs is/are correctly
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(a) 1 & 2 only
(b) 2 & 3 only
(b) 3 only
(c) 1 & 3 only
(c) 2 & 3 only
(d) 1,2& 3
(d) 1 & 3 only
6. Which one of the following pairs of
3. At one of the places in India, if you stand
Islands is separated from each other by
on the seashore and watch the sea, you
the “Ten degree channel”?
will find that the sea water recedes from
(a) Andaman & Nicobar
the shore line a few kilometres and
(b) Nicobar & Sumatra
comes back to the shore, twice a day,
(c) Maldives & Lakshadweep
and you can actually walk on the sea
(d) Sumatra & Java
floor when the water recedes. This
unique phenomenon is seen at Page No. 73

Geography UPSC
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7. Consider the following pairs: (a) 1 only

Hills Region (b) 1 & 3 only
1) Cardamom Hills Coromandel Coast (c) 2 & 3 only
2) Kaimur Hills Konkan Coast (d) 1,2& 3
3) Mahadeo Hills Central India 10. The latitudes that pas through Sikkim
4) Mikir Hills North-East India also pass through
Which of the above pairs are correctly (a) Rajasthan
matched? (b) Punjab
(a) 1 & 2 (c) Himachal Pradesh
(b) 2 & 3 (d) Jammu & Kashmir
(c) 3&4
11. In India which one of the following states
(d) 2 & 4
has the largest inland saline wetland?
8. A state in India has the following (a) Gujarat
characteristics: (b) Haryana
1) Its northern part is arid and semi-arid. (c) Madhya Pradesh
2) Its central part produces cotton. (d) Rajasthan
3) Cultivation of cash crops is predominant
12. Which of the following Hills are found
over food crops
where the Eastern Ghats & the Western
Which one of the following states has all of Ghats meet?
the above characteristics? (a) Anaimalai Hills
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Cardamom Hills
(b) Gujarat (c) Nilgiri Hills
(c) Karnataka (d) Shevoroy Hills
(d) Tamil Nadu
13. Which of the following pairs are correctly
9. If there were no Himalayan ranges, what matched?
would have been the most likely Waterfalls River
geographical impact on India? 1) Kapildhara Falls Godavari
1) Much of the country would experience the 2) Jog Falls Sharavati
cold waves from Siberia 3) Sivasamudram Falls Cauvery
2) Indo-gangetic plain would be devoid of such Select the correct answer using the code
extensive alluvial soils given below
3) The pattern of monsoon would be different Codes:
from what it is at present (a) 1 & 2 only
Which of the statements given above is/ are (b) 2 & 3 only
correct? (c) 1 & 3 only
(d) 1,2& 3 Page No. 74

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Nallamalai Hills
14. In India, how many states share the
coast line? (c) Nallamalai Hills-Javadi Hills- Nilgiri Hills
(a) 7 Anaimalai Hills
(b) 8 (d) Anaimalai Hills - Nilgiri Hills - Javadi Hills
(c) 9 Nallamalai Hills
(d) 10 19. Which one of the following statement is

15. Where are Shevaroy Hills located? not correct?

(a) Andhra Pradesh (a) The Western Ghats are relatively higher in
their northern region
(b) Karnataka
(b) The Anai Mudi is the highest peak in the
(c) Kerala
Western Ghats
(d) Tamil Nadu (c) Tapi river lies to the south of Satpura
16. In which State is the Guru Shikhar Peak (d) The Narmada & the Tapi river valleys are

located? said to be old rift valleys.

(a) Rajasthan 20. Consider the following:

(b) Gujarat 1) Mahadeo Hills
(c) Madhya Pradesh 2) Sahyadri Parvat
(d) Maharashtra 3) Satpura Range
What is the correct sequence of the above
17. Match List-I (Valley) with List-II (State)
from the north to the south?
and select the correct answer using the
(a) 1-2-3
code given below the lists:
(b) 2-1-3
List-I List-II (State)
(c) 1-3-2
A. Markha Valley 1. Sikkim
B. Dzukou Valley 2. Himachal Pradesh (d) 2-3-1
C. Sangla Valley 3. Jammu & Kashmir 21. Which one of the following statements is
D. Yumthang Valley 4. Nagaland
not correct?
(a) Gulf with narrow fronts and wider rears
(a) A-2; B-4; C-3; D-1
experience high tides
(b) A-3; B-1; C-2; D-4
(b) Tidal currents take place when a gulf is
(c) A-2; B-1; C-3; D-4
connected with the open sea by a narrow
(d) A-3; B-4; C-2; D-1
18. Which one of the following is the correct (c) Tidal bore occurs when a tide enters the
sequence of the given hills starting from
narrow and shallow estuary of a river
the north and going towards the south?
(d) The tidal nature of the mouth of the river
(a) Nallamalai Hills- Nilgiri Hills-Javadi Hills
Hooghly is of crucial importance to Kolkata
Anaimalai Hills
as port
(b) Anaimalai Hills- Javadi Hills- Nilgiri Hills Page No. 75

Geography UPSC
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22. Match List-I (Beaches in India) with List- 26. The approximate age of the Aravallis
II (States) and select the correct answer range is
using the codes given below the Lists: (a) 370 million years
List-I List-II (b) 470 million years
A. Gopnath Beach 1.Andhra Pradesh (c) 570 million years
B. Lawsons Bay Beach 2.Kerala (d) 670 million years
C. Devbagh Beach 3.Gujarat 27. Assertion: Ganga Plain is in the most
D. Sinquerim Beach 4.Goa densely populated part of India
5.Karnataka Reasoning: Ganga is the most harnessed
Codes: river of India.
(a) A-5; B-4; C-2; D-1 (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
(b) A-3; B-1; C-5; D-4 explanation of A.
(c) A-5; B-1; C-2; D-4 (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
(d) A-3; B-4; C-5; D-1 correct explanation of A.
23. Nanda Devi peak forms a part of (c) A is true but R is false.
(a) Assam Himalayas (d) A is false but R is true.
(b) Kumaon Himalayas
28. Assertion: The frequency of floods in North
(c) Nepal Himalayas
India plains has increased during the last
(d) Punjab Himalayas
couple of decades.
24. The sea coast of which one of the Reason: There has been reduction in the
following states has become as a nesting depth of river valleys due to deposition of
place for the giant Olive Ridley turtles silt.
from South America? (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
(a) Goa explanation of A.
(b) Gujarat (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
(c) Orissa correct explanation of A.
(d) Tamil Nadu (c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
25. Which one of the following is not a
29. Some people in Manipur live in houses
(a) Ashtamudi Lake built on floating islands of weeds and
(b) Chilka Lake
decaying vegetation held together by
(c) Periyar Lake
suspended slit. These islands are called:
(d) Pulicat Lake
(a) Tipis
(b) Barkhans
(c) Phumdi
(d) Izba Page No. 76

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

30. Among the following cities, which one Which one among the following States has all
lies on a longitude closest to that of the above characteristics?
Delhi? (a) Arunachal Pradesh
(a) Bengaluru (b) Assam
(b) Hyderabad
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Nagpur
(d) Uttarakhand
(d) Pune
35. The Stilwell Road, built in 1940s, which
31. Which of the following is geographically
was recently in news, connects which of
closest to Great Nicobar?
the following?
(a) Sumatra
(b) Borneo (a) Agartala in India and Yangon in Myanmar
(c) Java via Bangladesh
(d) Sri Lanka (b) Ledo in India and Kunming in China via

32. If you travel by road from Kohima to Myanmar

Kottayam, what is the minimum number (c) Kalimpong in India and Lhasa in Tibet via

of States within India through which you Bhutan

can travel, including the origin & the (d) Imphal in India and Bangkok in Thailand

destination? via Myanmar

(a) 6 36. Out of the four southern States: Andhra

(b) 7 Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil
(c) 8 Nadu, which shares boundaries with the
(d) 9 maximum number of Indian States? (this

33. Which one of the following pairs of States question was asked before the formation

of India indicates the easternmost & of telangana. Hence answer has been

westernmost State? changed to Karnataka only)

(a) Assam and Rajasthan (a) Andhra Pradesh only

(b) Arunachal Pradesh and Rajasthan (b) Karnataka only

(c) Assam and Gujarat (c) Each of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka

(d) Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat (d) Each of Tamil Nadu and Kerala

34. A particular State in India has the 37. Consider the following statements:
following characteristics: 1) Sikkim has the minimum area among the
1) It is located on the same latitude which 28 Indian States (Delhi and Pondicherry not
passes through northern Rajasthan. included)
2) It has over 80% of its area under forest 2) Chandigarh has the highest literacy rate
cover. among Pondicherry, NCT of Delhi and other
3) Over 12% of forest cover constituted
Protected Area Network in this State.
3) Maharashtra has the highest population Page No. 77

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

after Uttar Pradesh among the 28 Indian (a) Bangalore

States (Delhi and Pondicherry not included). (b) Delhi
Which of the statements given above is/are (c) Jodhpur
correct? (d) Nagpur
(a) 1 &2 41. Consider the following statements:
(b) 2 &3 1) Longitude of Jabalpur's location is between
(c) 1 only those of Indore and Bhopal
(d) 3 only 2) Latitude of Aurangabad's location is
between those of Vadodara and Pune
38. Consider the following statements:
3) Bangalore is situated more southward than
1) Assam shares a border with Bhutan and Chennai
Bangladesh. Which of these statements is/are correct?
2) West Bengal shares a border with Bhutan (a) 1 & 3
and Nepal. (b) 2 only
3) Mizoram shares a border with Bangladesh (c) 2&3
and Myanmar. (d) 1,2& 3
Which of the statements given above are
42. Which one among the following states is
smallest in area?
(a) 1,2 and 3
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) 2 and 3
(b) Gujarat
(c) 2 and 3 only
(c) Karnataka
(d) 3 only
(d) Tamil Nadu
39. Which of the following States border
43. Among the following cities, which one is
Uttar Pradesh?
nearest to the Tropic of Cancer?
1) Punjab
(a) Delhi
2) Rajasthan
(b) Kolkata
3) Chhattisgarh
(c) Jodhpur
4) Jharkhand
(d) Nagpur
Select the correct answer using the code
44. Match List I with List II and select the
given below:
correct answer using the codes given
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
below the lists:
(b) 2, 3 and 4
List-I (Resorts) List-II (States)
(c) 1 and 4
A. Chakrata 1. Assam
(d) 1 and 3
B. Haflong 2. West Bengal
40. Among the following cities, which one is C. Kalimpong 3. Uttar Pradesh
at the highest altitude above mean sea D. Kufri 4. Himachal Pradesh
level? Page No. 78

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Codes: (c) Lucknow

(a) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4 (d) Bengaluru (Bangalore)
(b) A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2
48. For which one of the following items, is
(c) A-3; B-1; C-2; D-4
Tirupur well-known as a huge exporter to
(d) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2
many parts of the world.
45. In the rough outline map of a part of (a) Gems and Jewellery
Jammu and Kashmir shown in the figure, (b) Leather goods
places marked, A, B, C and D represent (c) Knitted garments
respectively. (d) Handicrafts

49. Which one of the following cities does

not have the same clock time as that of
the other three cities at any given instant?
(a) London (UK)
(b) Lisbon (Portugal)
(c) Accra (Ghana)
(d) Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
(a) Anantnag, Baramula, Srinagar & Kargil
50. Which two countries follow China and
(b) Baramula, Srinagar, Kargil & Anantnag India in the decreasing order of their
(c) Baramula, Srinagar, Anantnag & Kargil populations?
(d) Srinagar, Baramula, Kargil & Anantnag (a) Brazil and USA
(b) USA and Indonesia
46. The above map is the Union territory of
(c) Canada and Malaysia
(d) Russia and Nigeria

1. Key and Explanation

1. Key: A
Explanation: Barren Island is an island located
(a) Chandigarh in the Andaman Sea. This volcanic island stands
(b) Daman and Diu in the midst of a volcanic belt on the edge of the
(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli Indian and Burmese tectonic plates.
(d) Pondicherry It is the only confirmed active volcano in South
Asia and the only active volcano along a chain of
47. Which one among the following major
volcanoes from Sumatra to Myanmar. Thus
Indian cities is most eastward located?
statement 1 is correct.
(a) Hyderabad
(b) Bhopal Page No. 79

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

It is a part of the Indian Union Territory of Educational Objective: To learn about the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and lies about geography of India and spread of important
138 km northeast of the territory's capital, Port features like mountains, lakes and ghats.
Blair. Thus statement 2 is incorrect.
3. Key: C
The first recorded eruption of the volcano dates
Explanation: Chandipur, is a beach in Baleswar
back to 1787.After nearly one and half centuries
District, Odisha, India. The beach is located on
of dormancy, the island had another eruption in
the shore of Bay of Bengal
1991 that lasted six months and caused
The beach is unique in a way that the water
considerable damage.
recedes up to 5 kilometers during the ebb tide.
The 1991 eruption was particularly harmful to
Due to its unique circumstances, the beach
the island's fauna. A team from the Geological
supports biodiversity.
Survey of India visited Barren Island on April
Chandipur is also the location of the Indian
1993 to assess the impact of the eruption on the
Strategic Forces Command's Integrated Test
distribution, habit, and abundance of animal
Range (ITR) at Abdul Kalam Island, formerly
species. A team from the National Institute of
known as Wheeler Island.
Oceanography spotted the volcano erupting on
Educational Objective: To learn about the
23 January 2017
important unique feature of Chandipur beach
Educational Objective: To learn about the
and its location.
Barren island volcano and its location.
4. Key: C
2. Key: B
Explanation: Bodh Gaya is a religious site and
Explanation: The Indian Himalayan Region is
place of pilgrimage associated with the
spread over 10 states namely, Jammu &
Mahabodhi Temple Complex in Gaya district in
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
the Indian state of Bihar. It is famous as it is
Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya,
the place where Gautama Buddha is said to
Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, and Tripura. Thus
have attained Enlightenment (Pali: bodhi) under
statement 1 is incorrect.
what became known as the Bodhi Tree.
The Western Ghats in the Indian peninsula is
Mahabodhi Temple, located in Bodh Gaya is a
one of the eight hotspots of biological diversity in
UNESCO World Heritage Site. Bodhgaya does
the world and is spread across six states Gujarat,
not come under Baghelkhand region. Hence 1 is
Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and
wrongly matched.
Kerala. Thus statement 2 is incorrect.
The Khajuraho Group of Monuments is a group
Pulicat lake spread over two states, Andhra
of Hindu temples and Jain temples in
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Thus statement 3 is
Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh, India.
It is part of Bundelkhand Region. Hence option
2 is correct. They are a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. The temples are famous for their Page No. 80

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Previous Year Questions

nagara-style architectural symbolism and their

erotic sculptures.
From the below maps it is clear that Shirdi is
not part of vidarbha plateau

While the fifth pair Tirupathi and Rayalaseema

are correct
Educational Objective: To know the
geographical locations of famous pilgrimage
centres in India.

5. Key: A
Explanation: Srisailam is a census town in
Kurnool district of the Indian state of Andhra
Pradesh. The town is famous for Mallikarjuna
Jyotirlinga Temple and is one of the holy
pilgrimage site for Saivism and Shaktism sects
of Hinduism. The town is classified as both
Jyotirlinga and Shakti Peetha. It is located in the
From the below two maps it is clear that nasik is
Nallamala hills of Andra Pradesh. Hence option
not part of malwa plateau.
1 is correct.
Omkareshwar is a Hindu temple dedicated to
God Shiva. It is one of the 12 revered Jyotirlinga
shrines of Shiva. It is on an island called
Mandhata or Shivapuri in the Narmada river,
Madhya Pradesh. Hence it is not located on
any hills. Option 2 is wrong.
Pushkar is a city in the Ajmer district in the
Indian state of Rajasthan. It is a pilgrimage site
for Hindus and Sikhs. Pushkar has many
temples. Most of the temples and ghats in
Pushkar are from the 18th century and later, Page No. 81

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because many temples were destroyed during India. They are part Western ghats. Hence 1st
Muslim conquests in the area. Pushkar is in pair is incorrect.
centre-east part of Rajasthan, on the western Kaimur Range is the eastern portion of the
side of Aravalli Mountains. Hence option 3 is Vindhya Range, extending from around Katangi
wrong. in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh to
Educational Objective: To know the famous around Sasaram in Rohtas district of Bihar.
temples like 12 jyotirlingas and their Hence 2ndpair is incorrect. Western coast
geographical importance along Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra is
known as Konkan coast.
6. Key: A
The Mahadeo Hills are a range of hills in
Madhya Pradesh state of central India. The
hills are situated in the northern section of the
Satpura Range
Mikir Hills are a group of hills located to the
south of the Kaziranga National Park, Assam.
It is part of the Karbi Anglong Plateau.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
major hills and mountains along with their

8. Key: B
The Ten Degree Channel is a channel that
Explanation: No effective barrier is there to
separates the Andaman Islands and Nicobar
block Southwest (SW) monsoon wind. SW
Islands from each other in the Bay of Bengal.
monsoon wind flows parallel to Aravalli range.
This channel is 150 kilometres (93 mi) wide from
So Northern part of Gujarat is arid and semi-
north to south, and approximately 10 kilometres arid.
(6.2 mi) long from east to west. It is so named as
Large part of northwest plateau covered with
it lies on the 10-degree line of latitude, north of
black lava soil which is very suitable for growing
the equator.
cotton. Central and south part of Gujarat
Educational Objective: To know about the
covered with this black soil. Gujarat is the top
important islands in the territory of India and
producer of groundnut and castor. More than
their geographical importance.
30% of total cotton produced from India is
7. Key: C Gujarat. Gujarat plains lie east of Kachchh and
Explanation: Cardamom hills are mountain Kathiawar. This plain is enough to support
range of southern India and part of the southern agriculture.
Western Ghats located in southeast Kerala Educational Objective: Gujarat state location,
(Malabar coast) and southwest Tamil Nadu in physical geography, Economic geography Page No. 82

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9. Key: D From the figure it is visible that the latitude that

Explanation: The Himalayas is the highest passes through Sikkim also passes through
mountain range in the world, and has 9 out of Indian states of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
10 of the world’s highest peaks, including Mount Educational Objective: Learn about the
Everest. These mountains, referred to as the latitudes and longitudes passing through the
Third Pole, are the source of some of Asia’s important cities.
major rivers and also help to regulate our
11. Key: D
planet’s climate.They save us from cold waves
Explanation: North of Luni River in Rajasthan
from Siberia.
there is inland drainage having several saline
The most characteristic features of the
lakes which is source of common salt. Some of
Himalayas are their soaring heights, steep-sided
them are Sambhar, Didhwana, Degana,
jagged peaks, river valley and alpine glaciers.
The topography of Himalayas are deeply cut by
The largest is Sambhar Lake which is near to
erosion, resulting in deep river gorges and
Jaipur city.
deposition of such sediments in plains, Indo-
Educational Objective: Rajasthan state location,
gangetic plain would be devoid of such extensive
physical geography
alluvial soils without such erosion in upper
region of Himalayas . 12. Key: C

Complex geologic structure, and series of Explanation: The Nilgiri Mountains form part of

elevational belts,compression and faults due to the Western Ghats in western Tamil Nadu of

collision of Indian plate with Eurasian plate Southern India. It is the meeting point of

resulted in mighty parallel mountain ranges Eastern and Western ghats. It is famous for
which highly influences the monsoonal pattern. Nilikurinjiflower that blooms once in 12 years.
Nilgiri hills is home for Today tribes.
10. Key: A
Three national parks border portions of the
Nilgiri mountains. Mudumalai National Park
Lies in the northern part of the range where
Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu meet.
MukurthiNational Park lies in the southwest
part of the range, in Kerala, which includes
intact sholagrassland mosaic, habitat for the
Nilgiritahr. Silent Valley National Park lies
just to the south and contiguous with those two
Educational Objective: To learn about the
Major hills ranges, their location, national parks
and tribes associated with it. Page No. 83

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13. Key: B 16. Key: A

Explanation: Kapil Dhara Waterfall: River Explanation: Guru Shikhar Peak is located in
Narmada plunge from a height of about 100 feet Rajasthan--- Aravalli range, which is the oldest
to form Kapil Dhara Waterfalls. It is located in fold mountain in India. They are aligned in
the Amarkantak district of Madhya Pradesh. the northeast to southwest direction. At that
Waterfall gets its name from the famous sage southwest extreme the range rises to over
Kapil. 1000m. Here mount Abu small hilly block is
Jog Falls: Jog Falls is located in Siddapur in separated from the main range by the valley of
Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka is created flowers.
by the Sharavathi River. It is also known as Educational Objective: Places and location
Gerusoppe falls. River Sharavathi, rises at
17. Key: D
Ambutirtha in the Thirthahalli taluk shivamogga.
Explanation: Markha Valley is in Ladakh Union
Shivanasamudra Falls: Shivanasamudra Falls
Territory. The Markha River, which flows
is located in the Chamarajanagar District in the
through the markha Valley, is a river in Ladakh,
state of Karnataka the falls is on the river Kaver.
India. It is a tributary of the Zanskar River.
Shivanasamudra Falls is one of the first hydro-
Dzukou Valley is a valley located in borders of
electric power stations in Asia
the state of Nagaland and Manipur in northeast
Educational Objective : To learn about the
India. This valley is well known for its natural
rivers and its waterfalls.
environment, seasonal flowers and flora and
14. Key: C fauna.
Explanation: In india 9 states and 4 union Sangla is a town in the Baspa Valley, also
territories share the coastal line. India has coast referred to as the Sangla valley, in the Kinnaur
line of 7516km. (6100km of mainland and District of Himachal Pradesh, India, close to the
1197km of island) Tibetan border.
Maharashtra and Goa Konkan coast Yumthang Valley or Sikkim Valley of Flowers
Kerala and Karnataka Malabar coast sanctuary, is a nature sanctuary with river, hot
Tamilnadu Coromondal coast springs, yaks and grazing pasture on rolling
Educational Objective: Places and location meadows surrounded by the Himalayan
mountains in the North Sikkim district of
15. Key: D
Sikkim state in India.
Explanation: Shevaroy Hills, are a towering
Educational Objective: Places and location
mountain range (1620 m) near the city of Salem,
in Tamil Nadu state, southern India. 18. Key: C
Refer question no. 11 for map Explanation: Nallamala hills situated in
Educational Objective: To learn about the Andhra Pradeshare a section of the Eastern
major hills ranges, their location, national parks Ghats. They run in a nearly north-south
and tribes associated with it. alignment, parallel to the Coromandel Coast for Page No. 84

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close to 430 km between the rivers, Krishna and is spread across six states Gujarat, Maharashtra,
Pennar. Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
The Javadhu Hills ( Rainfall clouds producing The Western Ghats are relatively lower in their
Hills For North Tamilnadu) ( Ooty of Vellore ) are northern region. The site’s high montane forest
an extension of the Eastern Ghats spread ecosystems influence the Indian monsoon
across parts of Vellore and Tiruvannamalai weather pattern. Moderating the tropical climate
districts in the northern part of the state of of the region, the site presents one of the best
Tamil Nadu in southeastern India. examples of the monsoon system on the planet.
The Anai Mudi is the highest peak in the
Western Ghats
Narmada River: The Narmada River, also called
by the name Rewa rises from Amarkantak
Plateau. The river is known as "Life Line of
Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat".
Narmada is one of the only three major rivers in
peninsular India that run from east to west. It is
one of the rivers in India that flows in a rift
valley (between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges).
Geologically the Narmada Valley is a graben. It
occupies a linear rift valley sloping towards west.
Tapti: Tapti is another west flowing river of
The Nilgiri Mountains form part of the Western
Madhya Pradesh. The Ukai Dam also known as
Ghats in western Tamil Nadu of Southern India.
Vallabh Sagar is constructed across the Tapi
The Anaimalai or Anamala Hills, also known as
River is the second largest reservoir in Gujarat
the Elephant Mountains, are the range of
after the Sardar Sarovar.
mountains that form the southern portion of
Educational Objective: To learn about the
the Western Ghats and span the border of
Western Ghats and its highest peak. Also to
Tamil Nadu and Kerala in Southern India.
know about west flowing rivers.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
major hills ranges, their location, national parks 20. Key: C

and tribes associated with it. The north- south Explanation: The Mahadeo Hills are a range of

order and the east- west order of such hills in Madhya Pradesh state of central India.

mountains are also important. The hills are situated in the northern section of
the Satpura Range.
19. Key: A
Satpura ranges are towards the south of
Explanation: Western Ghat: The Western
Mahadeo hills
Ghats in the Indian peninsula is one of the eight
hotspots of biological diversity in the world and Page No. 85

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zones and breeding grounds of several forms of

Educational Objective: To learn about the tides
and its tidal nature.

22. Key: B
Explanation: Gopnath Beach is a beach
situated in the Bhavnagar district of Gujarat
state of India. It is located on the coast of the
Gulf of Kambhat.
Sahyadris is the other name for Western ghats,
Lawsons Bay Beach is located in the city of
that runs through6 states; Gujarat,
Visakhapatnam state of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil
Devbagh Beach is in Karwar (formerly Carwar)
which is a city in Uttara Kannada district in the
Educational Objective: To learn about the
Indian state of Karnataka.
major hills ranges, their location, national parks
Sinquerim Beach is located near Panaji in Goa.
and tribes associated with it. The north- south
Educational Objective: Places and location
order and the east- west order of such
mountains are also important. 23. Key: B
Explanation: Nanda Devi is the second highest
21. Key: A
mountain in India after Kangchenjunga and the
Explanation: Tides are the rise and fall of sea
highest located entirely within the country.The
levels caused by the combined effects of the
peak forms a part of Kumaon Himalayas.
gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the
TheNanda Devi National Park is established in
Sun, and the rotation of the Earth. Gulfs with
1982. It is situated around the peak of Nanda
narrow fronts and wider rears would experience
Devi (7816 m) in the state of Uttarakhand in
highest tides. (Example - Gulf of Mexico) Thus
northern India. It was tagged as a World
statement 1 is correct.
Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988.
A tidal bore is a tidal phenomenon in which the
leading edge of the incoming tide forms a wave
(or waves) of water that travels up a river or
narrow bay against the direction of the river or
bay's current. Tidal bore occurs when a tide
enters the narrow and shallow estuary of a river
Bores occur in relatively few locations worldwide,
usually in areas with a large tidal range. Tidal
bores can be dangerous. On the other hand,
tidal bore-affected estuaries are rich feeding Page No. 86

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Educational Objective: To know about the Bengal. It has been listed as a UNESCO World
important peaks and the mountain ranges in Heritage site.
which they are situated. Chilika Lake is known for migratory birds on the
Indian sub-continent. In 1981, it was designated
24. Key: C
as the first Indian wetland of international
Explanation: The olive ridley sea turtle also
importance under the Ramsar Convention.
known commonly as the Pacific ridley sea turtle,
Periyar Lake: Periyar Lake is located in
is a species of turtle
Thekkady, Kerala. The Periyar Lake was formed
The species is the second smallest and most
during the construction of the dam across the
abundant of all sea turtles found in the world.
Mullaperiyar river in the year 1895. The lake is
The olive ridley turtle has a circumtropical
the part of the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary in
distribution, living in tropical and warm waters
Kerala. It is fed by river.
of the Pacific and Indian OceansIn the Indian
Pulicat Lake: Pulicat Lagoon is the second
Ocean, the majority of olive ridleys nest in two or
largest brackish water lagoon in India, after
three large groups near Gahirmatha in Odisha.
Chilika Lake. The two rivers which feed the
Olive-ridleys face serious threats across their
lagoon are the Arani River at the southern tip
migratory route, habitat and nesting beaches,
and the Kalangi River from the northwest. The
due to human activities such as turtle
lake and its river basins are spread across the
unfriendly fishing practices, development and
Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states. The
exploitation of nesting beaches for ports, and
lake also includes the Pulicat Lake Bird
tourist centres.
Sanctuary. The Buckingham Canal, a navigation
Educational Objective: To learn about the olive
channel, is part of the.
ridley turtles and its nesting locations.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
25. Key: C lagoons and their locations.
Explanation: Ashtamudi Lake: Ashtamudi
26. Key: D
Lake is located in the Kollam District in the state
Explanation: Aravalli Range is an eroded stub of
of Kerala. For the conservation and sustainable
ancient mountains, is the oldest range of Fold
utilization of wetlands the Ashtamudi Wetland
Mountains in northern India (670 million years),
was included in the Ramsar Convention. Kallada
running northeasterly for 350 miles (560 km)
River is a major river discharging into the
through Rajasthan state.
Ashtamudi Lake.
The Aravalli Range starts near Delhi, passing
Chilika Lake: Chilika Lake is a brackish water
through southern Haryana and Rajasthan, and
lagoon, It is the largest coastal lagoon in India
ending in Gujarat.
and the second largest brackish water lagoon in
Mount Guru Shikhar, the highest peak in the
the world situated in Odisha. The lake is at the
Aravalli Range.
mouth of the Daya River, flowing into the Bay of Page No. 87

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Educational Objective: To learn about the fresh water in Northeast India and it is famous
Aravalli range and its spread. for phumdis floating over it. Keibul lamjao
National park is the only floating national park
27. Key: C
in the world. The park is famous for endangered
Explanation: The Ganga Plain of northern India
Sangai— Manipur state animal. It plays an
region is drained by Ganga and many other
important role for Manipur economy by
prominent rivers. Which has mainly made of
generating hydropower, irrigation, drinking
fertile alluvial soil which has resulted in
water supply, and fishing. This lake is
increased agricultural activities.
designated as wetland of international
The fertile soil, presence of many rivers,
importance under Ramsar Convention and
favourable climate and the availability of flat
Montreux record.
terrain have made this region one of the most
Educational Objective: Manipur location and
densely populated areas of the world. Thus
economic geography of India and plant
statement 1 is correct.
The river Kaveri in southern India is the most
harnessed river in India not the river Ganga 30. Key: A
thus statement 2 is incorrect. Explanation: From the map it is clear that the
Educational Objective: To learn about the city that lies on a longitude closest to that of
Ganga river and the reasons why Ganga region Delhi is Bangalore.
has got densely population. Delhi – 77.08” E longitude

28. Key: A
Explanation: In The north Indian rivers systems
such as Indus and Ganga, the rivers carry huge
volume of water for a very long distance. Due to
the excessive siltation in the river course there
has been reduction in the depth of river valleys.
As result of shallow river flood plains the north
Indian rivers are very prone to flash floods.
Especially in the year of excessive rainfall these
rivers overflow above their banks and creat huge
economic loss. Bangalore – 77.56” E longitude
Educational Objective: To understand why Hyderabad – 78.27” E longitude
north Indian rivers are very prone to flash floods. Nagpur – 79.10” E longitude

29. Key: C Pune – 73.86” E longitude

Explanation: Phumdi—Heterogeneous mass of Educational Objective: Learn about the

vegetation, soil, and organic matter at various latitudes and longitudes passing through the

stages of decomposition. Loktak lake largest important cities. Page No. 88

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33. Key: D
31. Key: A
Explanation: Vijaynagar in Changlang district of
Explanation: Sumatra is the western most
Arunachal Pradesh is the eastern-most
island among the Indonesian islands. It is the
inhabited locality of the country. The famous
largest island that is entirely governed by
Namdapha National Park lies at the
Indonesia and the sixth-largest island in the
international border between India and
world. It is nearest to the Great Nicobar.
Myanmar in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
The westernmost point of India is the small
inhabited village of Ghuar Moti, located in the
Kutch District of Gujarat
Thus Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat are the
eastern most and western most states of the
county respectively.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
states and its locations in Indian map.
Educational Objective: To know about the
neighbouring countries of India along with their 34. Key: A
location. Explanation: Arunachal pradesh is located on
the same latitude which passes through
32. Key: B
northern Rajasthan. It has over 80% of its area
Explanation: To travel by road from Kohima to
under forest cover.
Kottayam one needs to cross Nagaland (origin),
The state has also got vast network of Protected
Assam, WB, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and then
either through Tamilnadu to Kerala (Kottayam),
Educational Objective: States and location.
or through AP to Karnataka to Kerala. In either
way a person needs to travel through 7 states. 35. Key: B
Educational Objective: To learn about the Explanation: Stilwell Road, original name Ledo
states and its locations in Indian map. Road, highway 478 mi (769 km) long that links
northeastern India with the Burma Road , which
runs from Burma to China (Ledo in India and
Kunming in China via Myanmar).
During World War II the Stilwell Road was a
strategic military route. U.S. Army engineers
began construction of the highway in December
1942 to link the railheads of Ledo (Assam, now
in Arunachal Pradesh, India) and Mogaung
(Burma), and Chinese troops later aided in the
project. Page No. 89

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Initially called the Ledo Road, it was named after Uttar Pradesh — 19.09crore
the American general Joseph Stilwell who Maharashtra — 11.2crore
oversaw its construction.
Bihar — 10.4crore
Educational Objective: To learn about the
West Bengal — 9.10crore
Stilwell road and its strategic importance.
Educational Objective: Economic geography of
36. Key: B India.
38. Key: A
Explanation: Assam has land frontier with
Bhutan and Bangladesh

Kerala being the southernmost state, shares

borders with only Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Tamil Nadu shares borders with Karnataka, West Bengal bordered with Bangladesh and
Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. Nepal.
Andhra Pradesh is bordered by Tamil Nadu, Mizoram has border with Bangladesh and
Karnataka, Telangana and Odisha. Myanmar.
Karnataka shares borders with Tamil Nadu, Other Northeastern states that shares border
Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, with foreign countries are; Arunachal Pradesh –
Maharashtra and Goa. with China, Bhutan and Myanmar. Nagaland
Educational Objective: To know about the and Manipur– with Myanmar. Tripura – with
states and their bordering states. Bangladesh and Myanmar.

37. Key: D Educational Objective: To learn about the

international frontiers of India and the states
that shares border with them.
Goa area — 3702sqkm
Sikkim — 7096sqkm 39. Key: B
Tripura — 10,486sqkm Explanation: Punjab lies on northwestern part
Nagaland — 16,579sqkm of India. Uttar Pradesh is situated in North
According to census 2011, Kerala has highest Central India. Hence, only Rajasthan,
literacy rate 93.91%. Chattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Jharkhand,
Literacy rate Puducherry>>Chandigarh>>Delhi. Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar
Population According to census 2011 report: shares borders with UP. Page No. 90

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Educational Objective: To know about the

important cities, their longitude and the
surrounding cities.

42. Key: D
Gujarat - 196,024sqkm
Karnataka - 191,791sqkm

Educational Objective: To learn about the Andhra Pradesh - 162,970sqkm

borders of each state. Tamil nadu - 130,058sqkm

Educational Objective: Physical Geography of
40. Key: A
Explanation: Bangalore lies in the Deccan
plateau area and hence among the given options, 43. Key: B
Bangalore is correct. 921m above sea level. Explanation: From the map it is visible that
Delhi-216m above sea level; Jodhpur –395m among the given options, Kolkata is nearest to
above sea level; Nagpur –310.5m above sea level. Tropic of Cancer.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
important feature of Indian cities.

41. Key: C
Explanation: From the below map it is clear
that the Jabalpur's longitude is not between the
Bhopal and Indore. Hence statement 1 is
From the below two maps it is clear that
Aurangabad is between Pune and Vadodara.
Hence 2 is correct.
Educational Objective: To know in detail about
And also the option 3 is correct, as Bengaluru is
the Tropic of cancer and it’s relation with the
more southward than Chennai
important cities.

44. Key: C
Explanation: The places mentioned are all
famous hill stations
Chakrata is a cantonment town in Dehradun
district in the state of Uttarakhand, India. It is
between the Tons and Yamuna rivers, at an
elevation of 2118 m. Page No. 91

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Haflong is a town and headquarters of Dima

Hasao district in the state of Assam in India. It
is the only hill station in Assam. Haflong is a
Dimasa word meaning ant hill.
Kalimpong is an east Indian hill town in the
Himalayan foothills of West Bengal. Perched on
a ridge above the Teesta River, it’s home to
colonial-era buildings.
Kufri is a small hill station in Shimla district of
Educational Objective: To learn about the
Himachal Pradesh state in India. union territories, as new union territories have
Educational Objective: Places and location been formed.

45. Key: C
47. Key: C
Explanation: From the below map it is clear
Explanation: Lucknow is the most eastward city
that, point A is Baramula, point B is Srinagar,
among Hyderabad, Bhopal, Lucknow and
point C is Anantnag and Point D is Kargil.

Educational Objective: To have idea about

geographical locations of major cities in India. Educational Objective: To know about major
46. Key: C Indian cities and their locations
Explanation: Dadra and Nagar Haveliis 48. Key: C
composed of two separate geographical entities: Explanation: Tirupur located in Tamil Nadu is
Nagar Haveli, wedged between Maharashtra and the garment hub that makes exports worth Rs
Gujarat. The union territory was merged with, 26,000 crore annually of knitted wear products.
Daman and Diu to form new union territory of Educational Objective: To know about Tirupur,
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu on Global exporter of knitted garments.
26 January 2020. Page No. 92

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Previous Year Questions

49. Key: D c. 1 and 3 only

Explanation: The clock time of any location on d. 1, 2 and 3
the earth depends on the location of the place of
3. Consider the following pairs:
longitude i.e., places located on same longitude
Glacier River
have same time and thus London, Lisbon and
1. Bandarpunch Yamuna
Accra have a same longitude passing through
2. Bara Shigri Chenab
them i.e., 51.5 N AND 0.1278 W. Thus they
3. Milam Mandakini
have same clock time and not local time which
4. Siachen Nubra
depends on country’s standard time.
5. Zemu Manas
Educational Objective: To study latitudes and
Which of the pairs given above are correctly
longitudes and understand their importance in
finding the exact location of a place on earth.
a. 1,2 and 4
50. Key: B b. 1,3 and 4
Explanation: USA(28,23,38,631) and c. 2 and 5
Indonesia(21,38,29,469) are the two countries d. 3 and 5
that follow China and India in the decreasing 4. What is common to the places known as
order of their populations. Aliya, Isapur and Kangsabati?
Educational Objective: The top ten countries a. Recently discovered uranium deposits
with the highest population. b. Tropical rain forests
c. Underground cave systems
2. Rivers d. Water reservoirs

1. Which one among the following rivers is 5. Which one of the following is an artificial
the longest lake?
a. Amazon a. Kodaikanal (Tamil Nadu)
b. Amur b. Kolleru (Andhra Pradesh)
c. Congo c. Nainital (Uttarakhand)
d. Lena d. Renuka (Himachal Pradesh)

2. Consider the following pairs: 6. With reference to river Teesta, consider

Famous Place River the following statements:
1. Pandharpur Chandrabhaga 1. The source of river Teesta is the same as
2. Tiruchirappalli Cauvery that of Brahmaputra but it flows through
3. Hampi Malaprabha
2. River Rangeet originates in Sikkim and it is
Which of the pairs given above are correctly a tributary of river Teesta.
matched? 3. River Teesta flows into Bay of Bengal on the
a. 1 and 2 only border of India and Bangladesh.
b. 2 and 3 only Page No. 93

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Which of the following statements given Select the correct answer using the codes
above is / are correct? given below.
a. 1 & 3 only a. 1 only
b. 2 only b. 2& 3
c. 2 & 3 only c. 1&3
d. 1,2 & 3 d. None

7. Which of the following is/are tributary/ 10. When you travel in Himalayas, you will
tributaries of Brahmaputra? see the following
1. Dibang 1. Deep gorges
2. Kameng 2. U-turn river courses
3. Lohit 3. Parallel mountain ranges
Select the correct answer using the code 4. Steep gradients causing land-sliding
given below: Which of the above can be said to be the
a. 1 only evidences for Himalayas being young fold
b. 2 & 3 only mountains?
c. 1 & 3 only a. 1 & 2 only
d. 1,2 & 3 b. 1, 2 & 4 only
c. 3 & 4 only
8. Consider the following rivers:
d. 1,2,3 & 4
1. Vamsadhara
2. Indravati 11. Two important rivers one with its source
3. Pranahita in Jharkhand (and known by a different
4. Pennar name in Odisha), and another, with its
source in Odisha -merge at a place only a
Which of the above are tributaries of
short distance from the coast of Bay of
Bengal before flow into the sea. This is
a. 1,2 & 3 an important site of wildlife and
b. 2,3 & 4 biodiversity and a protected area. Which
c. 1,2 & 4 one of following could be this?
d. 2 & 3 only a. Bhitarkanika
b. Chandipur-on-sea
9. The Narmada river flows to the west,
c. Gopalpur-on-sea
while most other large peninsular rivers
d. Simlipal
flow to the east. Why?
1. It occupies a linear rift valley. 12. Rivers that pass through Himachal
2. It flows between the Vindhyas and the Pradesh are
Satpuras. a. Beas & Chenab only
3. The land slopes to the west from Central
b. Beas &Ravi only
c. Chenab, Ravi & Satluj only Page No. 94

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d. Beas, Chenab, Ravi , Satluj & Yamuna 2. There are no west flowing rivers in Madhya
13. With reference to the river Luni, which
Which of the statements given above is/are
one of the following statements is correct?
a. It flows into Gulf of Khambhat
a. 1 only
b. It flows into Gulf of Kuchchh
b. 2 only
c. It flows into Pakistan & merges with a
c. Both 1 & 2
tributary of Indus
d. Neither 1 nor 2
d. It is lost in the marshy land of the Rann of
Kuchchh 18. Consider the following pairs:

14. Which one of the following pairs is not Tributary River Main River

correctly matched? 1. Chambal Narmada

Dam/Lake River 2. Sone Yamuna

a. Govind Sagar Satluj 3. Manas Brahmaputra

b. Kolleru Lake Krishna Which of the pairs given is/are correctly

c. Ukaireservoir Tapi matched?

d. Wular Lake Jhelum a. 1,2 & 3

b. 1 & 2 only
c. 2 & 3 only
15. Which one of the following rivers does d. 3 only
not originate in India?
19. Which of the following pairs are correctly
a. Beas
b. Chenab
Irrigation Project State
c. Ravi
1. Damanganga Gujarat
d. Sutlej
2. Gima Maharashtra
16. At which one of the following places do 3. Pamba Kerala
two important rivers of India originate;
Select the correct answer using the code
while one of them flows towards north
and merges with another important given below
rivers flowing towards Bay of Bengal, the Codes:
other one flows towards Arabian Sea? a. 1 & 2 only
a. Amarkantak b. 2 & 3 only
b. Badrinath c. 1 & 3 only
c. Mahabaleshwar d. 1,2 & 3
d. Nasik
20. Assertion: River Kalinadi is an east-flowing
17. Consider the following statements: river in the southern part of India.
1. There are no east flowing rivers in Kerala. Page No. 95

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Reason: The Deccan Plateau is higher along 24. Which one of the following statements is
its western edge and gently slopes towards not correct
the Bay of Bengal in the east. a. Mahanadi River rises in Chattisgarh
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct b. Godavari River rises in Maharashtra
explanation of A. c. Cauvery River rises in Andhra Pradesh
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the d. Tapti River rises in Madhya Pradesh
correct explanation of A.
25. What is the correct sequence of the
c. A is true but R is false.
rivers Godavari, Mahanadi, Narmada and
d. A is false but R is true.
Tapi in the descending or their lengths?
21. Which one of the following rivers a. Godavari-Mahanadi-Narmada-Tapi
originates at Amarkantak? b. Godavari-Narmada-Mahanadi-Tapi
a. Damador c. Narmada-Godavari-Tapi-Mahanadi
b. Mahanadi d. Narmada-Tapi-Godavari-Mahanadi
c. Narmada
26. Assertion: West-flowing rivers of Peninsular
d. Tapi
India have no deltas.
22. Match List I with List II and select the Reason: These rivers do not carry any
correct answer using the code alluvial sediments.
List-I (Town) List-II (River Nearer to it) a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct
A. Betul 1. Indravati explanation of A.
B. Jagdalpur 2. Narmada b. Both A and R are true but R is not the
C. Jabalpur 3. Shipra correct explanation of A.
D. Ujjain 4. Tapti c. A is true but R is false.
Codes: d. A is false but R is true.
a. A-1; B-4; C-2; D-3
27. The correct sequence of the eastward
b. A-4; B-1; C-2;D-3 flowing rivers of the penisular India from
c. A-4; B-1; C-3; D-2 north to south is
d. A-1; B-4; C-3; D-2 a. Subarnarekha, Mahanadi, Godavari,
23. From north towards south, which one of Krishna, Pennar, Cauvery and Vaigai
the following is the correct sequence of b. Subarnarekha, Mahanadi, Krishna,
the given rivers in India? Godavari, Cauvery, Vaigai and Pennar
a. Shyok -Spiti-Zaskar-Satluj c. Mahanadi, Subarnarekha, Godavari,
b. Shyok-Zaskar--Spiti-Satluj Krishna,Cauvery, Pennar and Vaigai
c. Zaskar-Shyok-Satluj-Spiti d. Mahanadi, Subarnarekha, Krishna,
d. Zaskar-Satluj-Shyok-Spiti Godavari, Cauvery, Vaigai and Pennar Page No. 96

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28. Which one of the following statements is 32. Match List I with List II and select the
not true? correct answer using the codes given
a. Ghaggar's water is utilized in the Indira below the lists:
Gandhi Canal List-I (Rivers) List-II (Dams)
b. Narmada raised from Amarkantak region A. Cauvery 1. Alamatti
c. Nizam Sagar is situated on the Manjra river B. Krishna 2. Mettur
d. Penganga is a tributary of the Godavari C. Narmada 3. Gandhi Sagar
D. Chambal 4. Sardar Sarovar
29. Which one of the following east flowing
rivers of India has rift valley due to down Codes:

warping a. A-1; B-4; C-2; D-3

a. Damodar b. A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3

b. Mahanadi c. A-2; B-1; C-3; D-4

c. Sone d. A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2

d. Yamuna

30. Lake Sambhar is nearest to which one of 2. Key and Explanation

the following cities of Rajasthan? 1. Key: A
a. Bharatpur Explanation: The Amazon River in South
b. Jaipur America is the largest river by discharge volume
c. Jodhpur of water in the world, covers about 40% of South
d. Udaipur Americaand it is the second longest river in the
world, after the Nile River.The Amazon basin is
31. In the given figure, the site of the Tehri the largest drainage basin in the world, with an
dam has been labelled as area of approximately 7,050,000 square
kilometers. It finally discharges into the Atlantic
Ocean.It drains from west to east, from Iquitos
in Peru, across Brazil to the Atlantic.The Atlantic
has sufficient wave and tidal energy to carry
most of the Amazon's sediments out to sea, thus
the Amazon does not form a true delta.
Morethan one-third of all known species in the
world live in the Amazon rainforest
a. A Educational Objective: To learn about the
b. B Amazon river and its basin.
c. C
d. D Page No. 97

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2. Key: B It is located just northeast of the point NJ9842

Explanation: Pandharpu: Pandharpur in where the LOC (Line of Control) between India
Solapur district of Maharashtra is a well known and Pakistan ends. The melting waters of
pilgrimage town on the banks of River Bhima Siachen glacier's are the main source of the
(Chandrabhaga). The principal deity is lord Nubra River.
Vithoba temple. Zemu: Zemu Glacier is one of the largest glacier
Tiruchirappalli: Tiruchirappalli also called in the Eastern Himalaya. The glacier is the
Trichy (City of heaven), is a major city in the source of water for the Teesta River.
state of Tamil Nadu, on the bank of river Educational Objective: To learn about the
Cauvery. The Cauvery Delta begins west of the glaciers and rivers.
city where the Kaveri river splits into two,
4. Key: D
forming the island of Srirangam.
Explanation: Aliyar Reservoir: Aliyar Reservoir
Hampi: Hampi is a small town in Ballari district,
across the Aliyar river, located in Aliyar village
Karnataka, on the banks of the Tungabhadra
near Pollachi town in Coimbatore District of
River. It was the capital of Vijayanagara Empire
Tamil Nadu. The dam was constructed mainly
in the 14th century. The Group of Monuments at
for irrigation purposes.
Hampi is recognised as UNESCO World Heritage
Isapur Dam is an earthfill dam near Kalamnuri
in the state of Maharashtra. built across the
Educational Objective: Famous places and
River Penganga.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
3. Key: A water reservoirs and their locations.
Explanation: Bandarpunch: Bandarpunch
5. Key: A
Glacier is located in the Garhwal division of the
Explanation: Kodaikanal Lake: Kodai Lake,
Himalayas, in the state of Uttarakhand. The
also known as Kodaikanal Lake is one of the
Bandarpunch glacier acts as major watershed
manmade (Artifical) lake located in the
for the headwaters of the Yamuna River, whose
Kodaikanal city in Dindigul district in the state
source lies above Yamnotri.
of Tamil Nadu.The Palani Hills range to
Bara Shigri: Bara Shigri located in the state of
northwest of lake, is the main watershed for the
Himachal Pradesh is one of the largest glacier in
Himalayas. The glacier feeds the River Chenab.
Kolleru: Kolleru Lake is one of the largest
Milam: Milam Glacier is one of the major glacier
freshwater natural lakes in India located in state
of the Kumaon Himalaya, in the Pithoragarh
of Andhra Pradesh and it is also the largest
district of Uttarakhand. The glacier is the source
shallow freshwater lake in Asia it is located
of the River Goriganga.
between Krishna and Godavari deltas.
Siachen: The Siachen Glacier is the longest
Nainital: Nainital Lake is one of the natural
glacier in the Karakoram range in the Himalayas.
freshwater lake, located in the township of Page No. 98

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Nainital in Uttarakhand, The lake istectonic in Meghna. It flows as Meghna river before
origin. emptying into the Bay of Bengal.
Renuka: Renuka lake is located in the Sirmaur The River Brahmaputra is a classic example of a
district of Himachal. It is the largest lake in braided river channel.
Himachal Pradesh. And It is designated as Majuli is a river island created by the
Ramsar site since November 2005. Brahmaputra River in Assam and it became the
Educational Objective: To learn about the first island to be made a district in India in 2016.
artificial and natural lakes. Dibang, Kameng, Lohit, Manas River, Subansiri
River, Teesta River and Kopili River are the
6. Key: B
tributaries of Brahmaputra.
Explanation: The Teesta River originates from
Educational Objective: To learn about the river
the Pahunri (or Teesta Kangse) glacier in
Brahmaputra and its important tributaries.
Himalaya's. It is one of the longest river that
rises in the eastern Himalayas. 8. Key: D
It flows through the Indian states of Sikkim and Explanation: The Godavari is east flowing
West Bengal, and it forms the border between peninsular river originates in the Western Ghats
these two states for some distance. at Triambakeshwar in Maharashtra. It is India's
It joins the Jamuna River at Fulchhari in second longest river after the Ganga.
Bangladesh and enters in to the Bay of Bengal. It has its drainage basin in the states of
The Teesta River is known for changing its Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh,
course. And the river has remained a subject of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, ultimately emptying into
conflict for almost 35 years between India and the Bay of Bengal.
Bangladesh, over the appropriate allocation of The Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal governs
its water resource and development on the river. the water allocation from the river among the
Educational Objective: To learn about the riparian states the Purna, Pranhita, Indravati
Teesta river and its origin along with its course and Sabari River are the left bank tributaries
of flow. whereas the Pravara, Manjira, Manair are the
right bank tributaries.
7. Key: D
Polavaram Project: in Andhra Pradesh a multi-
purpose National project on the Godavari River
Explanation: The River Brahmaputra has its
is under construction in the name of Polavaram
origin in the Manasarovar Lake. It is a trans-
Project in the West Godavari District and East
boundary river which flows through China, India
Godavari Districts.
and Bangladesh. It is called Yarlung Tsangpo in
Educational Objective: To learn about the river
Tibet and Dihang River in Arunachal Pradesh.
Godavari and its important tributaries.
It merges with the Padma (River Ganges is
popularly known by the name Padma in 9. Key: A
Bangladesh) and from here it is called as Page No. 99

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Explanation: The Narmada River, also called by Explanation: The Brahmani is a major seasonal
the name Rewa rises from Amarkantak Plateau. river in the state of Odisha. The Brahmani is
The river is known as "Life Line of Madhya formed by the confluence of the rivers South
Pradesh and Gujarat". Koel and Sankh near the major industrial town
Narmada is one of the only three major rivers in of Rourkela. Whereas the Baitarani is one of six
peninsular India that run from east to west. It is major rivers of Odisha.
one of the rivers in India that flows in a rift Together with the river Baitarani, river
valley (between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges). Brahmani forms a large delta before emptying
Geologically the Narmada Valley is a graben. It into the Bay of Bengal at Dhamra.
occupies a linear rift valley sloping towards west. Bhitarkanika National Park is a large national
Sardar Sarovar Dam: The Sardar Sarovar Dam park in northeast Kendrapara district in Odisha.
is a gravity dam built across Narmada river near The Bhitarkanika National Park is home to
Navagam in Gujarat. Saltwater crocodile.
Educational Objective: To learn about the The Bhitarkanika Mangroves is a mangrove
Narmada river and understand its course of flow. wetland in Odisha, India, covering an area of
650 km in the Brahmani and Baitarani river
10. Key: D
deltasIt was designated as Ramsar site.
Explanation: The Himalayas is the highest
Educational Objective: To learn about the
mountain range in the world, and has 9 out of
presence of river flow in the important sites such
10 of the world’s highest peaks, including Mount
as National parks/wildlife sanctuaries.
Everest. These mountains, referred to as the
Third Pole, are the source of some of Asia’s 12. Key: D
major rivers and also help to regulate our Explanation: Beas, Chenab, Ravi and Satluj
planet’s climate. rivers are the tributaries of Indus river where as
The most characteristic features of the the Yamuna is the tributary of Ganga.
Himalayas are their soaring heights, steep-sided Beas River rises in the Himalayan ranges, in the
jagged peaks, river valley and alpine glaciers. state Himachal Pradesh and merges to the Sutlej
The topography of Himalayas are deeply cut by River in Punjab. Beas river is home to some
erosion, resulting in deep river gorges, complex isolated population of the Indus dolphin
geologic structure, and series of elevation belts, Chenab River is one of the major transboundary
compression and faults due to collision of Indian river that flows between India and Pakistan. The
plate with Eurasian plate resulted in parallel river is formed by the confluence of two rivers,
mountain ranges Chandra and BhagaIt rises in the upper
Educational Objective: To learn about the Himalayas in the Lahaul and Spiti district of
important characteristic features of young fold Himachal Pradesh.
mountains. The Ravi is one of the major transboundary river
that flows between India and Pakistan, under
11. Key: A Page No. 100

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the Indus Water Treaty the waters of the Ravi Reservoir is formed by the Bhakra Dam on the
are allocated to India River Sutlej. It is one of the world's highest
The Sutlej River is one of the longest tributary of gravity
Indus. The source of the Sutlej is west of Kolleru lake: Kolleru Lake is one of the largest
catchment area of the Lake Rakshastal in Tibet. freshwater natural lakes in India located in state
It enters Indian state of Himachal Pradesh of Andhra Pradesh and it is also the largest
through the Shipki La pass under the Indus shallow freshwater lake in is located
Waters Treaty between India and Pakistan the between Krishna and Godavari deltas.
waters of the Sutlej are allocated to India. Some The lake is fed directly by water from the
of the major hydroelectric projects on the Sutlej, seasonal Budameru and Tammileru rivers, and
including Bhakra Dam, Karcham Wangtoo it is also connected to the Krishna and Godavari
Hydroelectric Plant, Ropar barrage, Nathpa irrigation systems by over 67 major and minor
Jhakri Dam. irrigation canals.
The Yamuna is the second largest tributary river Ukai Dam: The Ukai Dam also known as
of the Ganges, Originating from the Yamunotri Vallabh Sagar is constructed across the Tapi
Glacier River is the second largest reservoir in Gujarat
Educational Objective: To learn about the after the Sardar Sarovar.
rivers that passes through Himachal Pradesh. Wular Lake: Wular Lake in Bandipora district in
Jammu and Kashmir is one of the largest fresh
13. Key: D
water lakes in Asia. The lake basin was formed
Explanation: Luni River originates in the
as a result of tectonic activity and is fed by the
Pushkar valley of the Aravalli Range, near Ajmer,
River Jhelum, which is a tributary of Indus.
Rajasthan. Luni is largest river which flows
Educational Objective: To learn about the river
through the Thar Desert.
and its dams.
Its major tributaries are the Sukri, Mithri River,
Bandi, Khari, Jawai, Guhiya and Sagi from the 15. Key: D
left, and the Jojari from the right. Explanation: Beas, Chenab, Ravi and Satluj
The river flows in the southwest direction rivers are the tributaries of Indus River.
through the hills and plains of the Marwar and Beas River: Beas River rises in the Himalayan
enters the Thar Desert before dissipating into ranges, in the state Himachal Pradesh and
the Rann of Kutch. merges to the Sutlej River in Punjab. Beas river
Educational Objective: To learn about the river is home to some isolated population of the Indus
Luni and its origin and flow. dolphin
Chenab River: Chenab River is one of the major
14. Key: B
transboundary river that flows between India
Explanation: Gobind Sagar Lake: Gobind Sagar
and Pakistan. The river is formed by the
Lake is a Reservoir located in the Una and
confluence of two rivers, Chandra and Bhaga. It
Bilaspur Districts of Himachal Pradesh. The Page No. 101

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rises in the upper Himalayas in the Lahaul and Educational Objective: To know about the
Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh. rivers and their origin points along with the
Ravi River: The Ravi is one of the major states they flow.
transboundary rivers that flows between India
17. Key: D
and Pakistan, under the Indus Water Treaty the
Explanation: Narmada is one of the only three
waters of the Ravi are allocated to India
major rivers in peninsular India that run from
Sutlej River: The Sutlej River is one of the
east to west. The river is known as "Life Line of
longest tributary of Indus. The source of the
Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat".
Sutlej is west of catchment area of the Lake
Tapti is another west flowing river of Madhya
Rakshastal in Tibet. It enters Indian state of
Pradesh. The Ukai Dam also known as Vallabh
Himachal Pradesh through the Shipki La pass.
Sagar is constructed across the Tapi River is the
Educational Objective: To learn about the
second largest reservoir in Gujarat after the
source/origination of rivers.
Sardar Sarovar.
16. Key: A In Kerala there are more than 44 major rivers of
Explanation: Amarkantak is a pilgrim which 3 are east flowing. Kabani, Paampar and
town in Madhya Pradesh, India. The Bhavani are the east flowing rivers. Periyar is
Amarkantak region is a unique natural the longest west flowing river in Kerala followed
heritage area and is the meeting point of by Bharathapuzha and Pampa.
the Vindhya and the Satpura Ranges, with Educational Objective: To learn about the east
the Maikal Hills being the fulcrum. This is where and west flowing rivers.
the Narmada River, the Son River and Johila
18. Key: D
River emerge.
Explanation: The River Chambal is a tributary
of River Yamuna and thus forms part of
Gangetic drainage system. The Chambal
originates at janapav, south of Mhow town, near
Indore. Gandhisagar Dam, the Rana Pratap
Sagar Dam, the Jawahar Sagar Dam, Kota
Barrage are some of the major projects on
Chambal River.
The Son River originates near Amarkantak in
Anuppur district of Madhya PradeshSon River of
central India is the second largest tributary of
the Ganges' southern tributaries after Yamuna
Manas River is a transboundary river between
Bhutan and India. Manas River passes through Page No. 102

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Manas National Park, a UNESCO Natural World extremity is the Vindhya Range. The average
Heritage site, a Project Tiger reserve, an elephant elevation of Deccan plateau is about 2,000 feet
reserve and a biosphere reserve in Assam, India. sloping gentally eastward.
Educational Objective: To learn about the river The Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri are the
and its tributaries. principal rivers which flows from the Western
Ghats toward the Bay of Benga. Tiruvannamalai
19. Key: D
in Tamil Nadu is often regarded as the Southern
Explanation: Damanganga-Pinjal river linking
gateway of Deccan plateau.
project proposes to divert excess water from
Educational Objective: To learn about the Kali
reservoirs in the Damanganga basin to Mumbai
river and Deccan plateu.
through the Pinjal dam, built on the Pinjal river
in Vaitarna basin. Daman Ganga also called 21. Key: C
Dawan River is a river in western India. The Explanation: Amarkantak (Amarkantak Plateau)
river's headwaters are on the western slope of in Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh is a major pilgrim
the Western Ghats range, and it flows west into town and place of origin of two important rivers
the Arabian Sea. The river flows through Narmada & the Son River.
Maharashtra and Gujarat states. The Narmada River, also called by the name
Gima irrigation project in Maharashtra. Rewa rises from Amarkantak Plateau. The river
Pamba Irrigation scheme in Pattanamthitta is known as "Life Line of Madhya Pradesh and
district aims at the utilization of the tail race Gujarat".
water of Sabarigiri Hydro Electric project for Narmada is one of the only three major rivers in
irrigation purpose. The tail race water is let into peninsular India that run from east to west.It is
the river Kakkad and is picked up at Maniyar by one of the rivers in India that flows in a rift
a barrage. The water thus collected is diverted valley (between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges).
through a canal on the left bank of the river. Educational Objective: To learn about the
Educational Objective: Places and location rivers which originate at Amarkantak.

20. Key: D 22. Key: B

Explanation: Kali River: The Kali River flows Explanation: Betul: Betul is a district in the
through Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka state of Madhya Pradesh. the city is located on
The Kali River has its origin in the Western the bank of river Tapti.
Ghats and flows eastwards into the Supa Dam Jagdalpur: Jagdalpur is a city in Bastar district
Reservoir. The river flows entirely through the in the state of Chhattisgarh. The city is located
district of Uttara Kannada and finally joins the on the bank of river Indravati. Nagarnar Steel
Arabian Sea near the town of Karwar. Plant, being set up at its outskirts of the city.
Deccan Plateau: The Deccan Plateau is a large Jabalpur: Jabalpur city in the state of Madhya
plateau located in between the Western Ghats Pradesh is located on the bank of river Narmada.
and the Eastern Ghats, while its northern Page No. 103

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Jabalpur is also known for the Dhuandhar Falls 24. Key: C

and the white Marble Rocks at Bhedaghat. Explanation: Mahanadi: Mahanadi rises as a
Ujjain: Ujjain district in the state of Madhya combination of many mountain streams however
Pradesh is a famous Hindu pilgrimage centre. its farthest headwaters lie from Sihawa in
The Kumbh Mela is held in Ujjain every 12 years. Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh. River Seonath,
As an ancient city it is situated on the eastern Jonk and Hasdeo are the major tributaries of
bank of the Kshipra River. Historically It was the Mahanadi. The largest earthen dam in the world,
capital of the ancient Avanti kingdom, one of the the Hirakud Dam is built across the river
sixteen Mahajanapadas. Mahanadi.
Educational Objective: To learn about the Kaveri: River Kaveri originates in a place called
rivers and towns nearer to it. Talakaveri. In the Brahmagiri hills in Kodagu,
flowing through the states of Karnataka and
23. Key: B
Tamil Nadu. It is the third largest river in
Explanation: Shyok River: The Shyok River
peninsular India after Godavari and Krishna.
Shyok River originates at the Rimo Glacier, one
The Kaveri is also one of the seven holy rivers of
of the tongues of Siachen Glacier.It is a tributary
India. Harangi, Hemavati, Shimsha and
of the Indus River that flows through northern
Arkavathy are its left bank tributaries where as
Ladakh in India,the river joins the Indus at Keris.
Lakshmana Tirtha, Kabini, Bhavani, Noyyal,
Zanskar River: The Zanskar River is a north-
Amaravati and Moyar are its right bank
flowing one of the major tributaries of the Indus
river. Zanskar River is formed by the confluence
River Kaveri forms two islands in Mandya
of Doda River and Lungnak River the Zanskar
district's Srirangapatna and Shivanasamudra.
river meets Indus river at Nimmu village in
Godavari: The Godavari is east flowing
Ladakh, and the place is popularly known as
peninsular river originates in the Western Ghats
at Triambakeshwar in Maharashtra. It is India's
Spiti River: Spiti River is a tributary of Sutlej
second longest river after the Ganga.
river.It originates from the Kunzum Range of the
It has its drainage basin in the states of
Himalayas. The Spiti River flows through the
Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh,
valleys of Lahaul-Spiti district of Himachal
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, ultimately emptying into
the Bay of Bengal.
Sutlej River: The Sutlej River is one of the
The Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal governs
longest tributary of Indus. The source of the
the water allocation from the river among the
Sutlej is west of catchment area of the Lake
riparian states.
Rakshastal in Tibet. It enters Indian state of
Himachal Pradesh through the Shipki La pass Tapti: Tapti is a west flowing river of Madhya
Pradesh. The Ukai Dam also known as Vallabh
Educational Objective: To learn about the map
Sagar is constructed across the Tapi River, is the
locations of rivers. Page No. 104

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

second largest reservoir in Gujarat after the second largest reservoir in Gujarat after the
Sardar Sarovar. Sardar Sarovar.
Educational Objective: To learn about the river Educational Objective: To learn about the
and location of its origin. length of the rivers in order.

25. Key: B 26. Key: C

Explanation: Godavari: The Godavari is east Explanation: West-flowing rivers of Peninsular
flowing peninsular river originates in the India have no large deltas because most of the
Western Ghats at Triambakeshwar in Western flowing rivers originate in Western ghat
Maharashtra. it is India's second longest river so the rivers flow from very high gradient and
after the Ganga. the rivers travel for very short distance to carry
It has its drainage basin in the states of any large amount of sediments.
Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, The most active South-west monsoons create a
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, ultimately emptying into very high waves which carry or wash away the
the Bay of Bengal. whatever little sediments brought by the rivers.
The Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal governs Educational Objective: To learn about the west
the water allocation from the river among the flowing rivers of peninsular India.
riparian states.
27. Key: A
Narmada: The Narmada River, also called by the
Explanation: Subarnarekha: The River
name Rewa rises from Amarkantak Plateau. The
Subarnarekha originates at a village named
river is known as "Life Line of Madhya Pradesh
piska near Ranchi in Chota Nagpur Plateau. And
and Gujarat".
it flows through the states of Jharkhand, West
Narmada is one of the only three major rivers in
Bengal and Odisha. It is majorly a rain-fed river
peninsular India that run from east to west.It is
Mahanadi: Mahanadi rises as a combination of
one of the rivers in India that flows in a rift
many mountain streams. However its farthest
valley (between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges).
headwaters lie from Sihawa in Dhamtari district
Mahanadi: Mahanadi rises as a combination of
of Chhattisgarh. River Seonath, Jonk and
many mountain streams However its farthest
Hasdeo are the major tributaries of Mahanadi.
headwaters lie from Sihawa in Dhamtari district
The largest earthen dam in the world, the
of Chhattisgarh River Seonath, Jonk and Hasdeo
Hirakud Dam is built across the river Mahanadi.
are the major tributaries of Mahanadi. The
Krishna River: The River Krishna originates in
largest earthen dam in the world, the Hirakud
the Western Ghats near Mahabaleshwar, in the
Dam is built across the river Mahanadi.
state of Maharashtra. It is the fourth-biggest
Tapti: Tapti is a west flowing river of Madhya
river in terms of water inflows and river basin
Pradesh. The Ukai Dam also known as Vallabh
area in India. Its basin spread across
Sagar is constructed across the Tapi River is the
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra
Pradesh.The largest tributary of the Krishna Page No. 105

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

River is the Tungabhadra River where as the the canal terminates in the Thar Desert in
longest tributary is the Bhima River the north west of Rajasthan state.
Godavari: The Godavari is east flowing Narmada: The Narmada River, also called by the
peninsular river originates in the Western Ghats name Rewa rises from Amarkantak Plateau. The
at Triambakeshwar in Maharashtra. it is India's river is known as "Life Line of Madhya Pradesh
second longest river after the Ganga. and Gujarat".
It has its drainage basin in the states of Nizam Sagar Dam: Nizam Sagar Dam located in
Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Telanganais a reservoir constructed across the
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, ultimately emptying into Manjira River. Manjira River is a tributary of the
the Bay of Bengal. Godavari River.
The Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal governs Educational Objective: To learn important facts
the water allocation from the river among the about rivers.
riparian states.
29. Key: A
Kaveri: River Kaveri originates in a place called
Explanation: Damodar River: Damodar River
Talakaveri. In the Brahmagiri hills in Kodagu,
originates at Chota Nagpur Plateau in
flowing through the state of Karnataka and flows across the Indian states of
Tamil Nadu. It is the third largest river in
Jharkhand and West Bengal. Damodar is a rift
peninsular India after Godavari and Krishna.
valley river.
The Kaveri is also one of the seven holy rivers of
Earlier the river is known as the Sorrow of
India. Harangi, Hemavati, Shimsha and
Bengal because of its ravaging floods in the
Arkavathy are its left bank tributaries where as
plains of West Bengal. Barakar, Konar, Bokaro,
Lakshmana Tirtha, Kabini, Bhavani, Noyyal,
are major tributaries a of Damodar river
Amaravati and Moyar are its right bank
The Damodar valley is rich in coal. And it is
considered as the prime centre of coking coal in
River Kaveri forms two islands in Mandya
the country. The Damodar Valley is one of the
district's Srirangapatna and Shivanasamudra.
most industrialised parts of India. Thus it is
Educational Objective: To learn about the map
called as “the Ruhr of India”.
locations/sequence of the eastward flowing
Other rift valley rivers india are Narmada,Tapi
and Mahi.
28. Key: A Educational Objective: To learn about the east
Explanation: Indira Gandhi Canal: The Indira flowing rivers and rift valleys.
Gandhi Canal is the longest canal of India. 30. Key: B
It starts from the Harike Barrage at Harike, Explanation: The Sambhar Salt Lake, India's
Punjab a few kilometers below the largest inland salt lake, is located 80 km
confluence of the Satluj and Beas rivers and (50 mi) southwest of the city of Jaipur and
64 km (40 mi)northeast of Ajmer, Rajasthan. Page No. 106

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Previous Year Questions

Explanation: Chambal: The River Chambal is a

tributary of River Yamuna and thus forms part
of Gangetic drainage system. The Chambal
originates at janapav, south of Mhow town, near
Indore. Gandhisagar Dam, the Rana Pratap
Sagar Dam, the Jawahar Sagar Dam, Kota
Barrage are some of the major projects on
Chambal River.
Krishna River: The River Krishna originates in
the Western Ghats near Mahabaleshwar, in the
state of Maharashtra. It is the fourth-biggest
river in terms of water inflows and river basin
Educational Objective: To learn about the
area in India. Its basin spread across
major lakes and the cities around them.
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra
31. Key: C Pradesh. Alamatti dam is located on the krishna
Explanation: The Tehri Dam is the highest river in Karnataka.
dam in India and one of the highest in the world. Narmada: The Narmada River, also called by the
It is a multi-purpose rock and earth- name Rewa rises from Amarkantak Plateau. The
fill embankment dam on the BhagirathiRiver river is known as "Life Line of Madhya Pradesh
near Tehri in Uttarakhand, India. From the and Gujarat". Sardar Sarovar Dam is the larges
below map it is clear that point C is Theri Dam. dam in India built on Narmada.
Kaveri: River Kaveri originates in a place called
Talakaveri. In the Brahmagiri hills in Kodagu,
flowing through the states of Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu. It is the third largest river in
peninsular India after Godavari and Krishna.
KRS and Mettur Reservoirs are built on this
Educational Objective: To learn about the river
3. Indian Climate and its dams.

1. With reference to 'Indian Ocean Dipole

Educational Objective: To have idea about the
(IOD)' sometimes mentioned in the news
important dams built in India, the rivers that
while forecasting Indian monsoon, which
they are built on and their geographical
of the following statements is/are correct?
1) IOD phenomenon is characterised by a
32. Key: B
difference in sea surface temperature Page No. 107

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

between tropical Western Indian Ocean and 4. Which one of the following is the correct
tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean. sequence of the given Indian cities in the
2) An IOD phenomenon can influence an El decreasing order of their normal annual
Nino's impact on the monsoon’ rainfall?
Select the correct answer using the code (a) Kochi-Kolkata-Delhi-Patna
given below: (b) Kolkata-Kochi-Patna-Delhi
(a) 1 only (c) Kochi-Kolkata-Patna-Delhi
(b) 2 only (d) Kolkata-Kochi-Delhi-Patna
(c) Both 1 & 2
5. Assertion: Bangalore receives much higher
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 average annual rainfall than that of
2. Consider the following statements: Mangalore.
1. The winds which blow between 30°N and Reason: Bangalore has the benefit of
60°S latitudes throughout the year are receiving rainfall both from south-west and
known as westerlies north-east monsoons.
2. The moist air masses that cause winter
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
rains in North-Western region of India are
explanation of A.
part of westerlies.
Which of the statements given above is / are (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct? correct explanation of A.
(a) 1 only (c) A is true but R is false.
(b) 2 only (d) A is false but R is true.
(c) Both 1 & 2 6. The average annual temperature of a
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 meteorological station is 26 C, its
3. Consider the following statements: average annual rainfall is 63cm and the
1. The duration of the monsoon decreases annual range of temperature is 9°C. The
from Southern India to Northern India. station in question is
2. The amount of annual rainfall in the (a) Allahabad
Northern plains of India decreases from east (b) Chennai
to west. (c) Cherrapunji
Which of the statements given above is/are (d) Kolkata
correct? 7. With reference to India, which one of the
(a) 1 only following statements is not correct?
(b) 2 only (a) About one-third of the area of the country
(c) Both 1 & 2 records more than 750 millimetres of
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 annual rainfall
(b) The dominant source of irrigation in the
country is wells Page No. 108








Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

(c) Alluvial soil is the predominant type of soil 10. Consider the following statements
in the northern plains of the country regarding environmental issues of India:
(d) The mountain areas account for about 1. Gulf of Mannar is one of the biosphere
thirty percent of the surface area of the reserves
country 2. The Gangs Action Plan, phase II has been
merged with the National River
8. In the shaded area of the map given
Conservation Plan.
below the mean temperature for the
3. At New Delhi imparts non-formal education
month of July varies between
in environment and conservation
4. Environmental Information System (ENVIS)
acts as a decentralized information network
for environmental information
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 & 4
(b) 1,2,3 &4
(c) 2&3
(d) 1, 3 & 4

(a) 22.5°C-25.0C 3. Key and Explanation

(b) 25.0°C-27.5"C 1. Key: B
(c) 27.5 C-30.0'C Explanation: The Indian Ocean Dipole is
(d) 30.0°C-32.5 C characterised by a difference in sea surface
9. Assertion: Anti cyclonic conditions are temperature between tropical western Indian
formed in winter season when atmospheric ocean and tropical eastern Indian ocean. Hence,
pressure is high and air temperatures are statement 1 is wrong. A positive IOD occurs
low. when sea surface temperature is higher than
Reason: Winter rainfall in Northern India normal in the Arabian Sea and less than normal
cause development of anti cyclonic in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. The
conditions. opposite is true in case of a negative IOD.

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct An IOD can either aggravate or weaken the

explanation of A. impact of El Nino on Indian monsoon. If there is

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the a positive IOD, it can bring good rains to India

correct explanation of A. despite of an El Nino year. Similarly, During a

(c) A is true but R is false. negative IOD and El Nino can cooperatively

(d) A is false but R is true. produced efficient rainfall. Hence, statement 2 is

correct. Page No. 109

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To learn about Indian owing to the progressive decrease in humidity of
Ocean Dipole and its impact on Indian monsoon. the winds.
Educational Objective: To learn about Indian
2. Key: B
monsoons and retreat of monsoons.
Explanation: The winds are described as
Westerlies or Easterlies based on the direction 4. Key: C
from which they are moving. Explanation: The rain bearing monsoonal
The winds which blow between 30°N and 60°N clouds come in two main branches the Arabian
latitudes and between 30°S and 60°S are known sea branch and Bay of Bengal branch.
as westerlies, Thus statement 1 is wrong. The Arabian sea branch hits the Kerala coast
A extratropical cyclones/storm originating in the (Kochi) by the early first week of June with
Mediterranean region move towards east under maximum intensity.
the influence of westerlies and brings sudden The Bay of Bengal branch reaches the north
winter rain to the north western parts of the eastern India including West Bengal (Kolkata) by
Indian. They are also known as Western the end of first week of June and the amount of
Disturbance. Thus statement 2 is correct. rainfall in Kolkata is less compared to Kochin.
Educational Objective: To know about the The amount of rainfall decreases from east to
difference between easterlies and westerlies, west owing to the progressive decrease in
their direction of movements and understand humidity of the winds in the Patna and Delhi
about western disturbances. experience even less rainfall.

3. Key: C Educational Objective: To learn about Indian

monsoons and important/main branches of
Explanation: The rain bearing monsoonal
clouds come in two main branches the Arabian
sea branch and Bay of Bengal branch. The 5. Key: D
Arabian sea branch hits the Kerala coast by the Explanation: Mangalore being located in the
first week of June, where as the it reaches the coastal Karnataka and to the west of Western
north Indian plains at the end of second week, Ghats it gets rainfall from the Arabian sea
and covers whole north India by the first of July. branch monsoonal winds with full intensity.
But the retreat of monsoon begins in the north Whereas the Bangalore is located in the rain
India by the second week of September and by shadow region of Western Ghats it get very less
the December it retreaths from whole Indian rainfall compared to Mangalore. Thus statement
subcontinent thus the duration of the monsoon 1 is wrong
decreases from Southern India to Northern India Bangalore has the benefit of receiving rainfall
The rain bearing monsoonal clouds with high both from south-west monsoon and north-
humidity hits southern part of India first. The eastern or retreating monsoons. thus Statement
amount of rainfall decreases from east to west 2 is correct. Page No. 110

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To learn about Indian wells irrigation, tanks irrigation, canals,
monsoons and understand retreating monsoons. perennial canal, multi-purpose river valley
projects. But the dominant source of irrigation
6. Key: A
in the country is wells. The predominant type of
Explanation: Allahabad is a city in the Indian
soil in the northern plains of India is Alluvial soil.
state of Uttar Pradesh. Allahabad has a humid
Near thirty percent of the geographical area of
subtropical climate with the annual mean
country is covered by mountains
temperature is 26.1 °C with maximum
Educational Objective: To learn about Indian
temperature experienced in summer the annual
monsoons and types of irrigation systems which
range of temperature is 90C its average annual
are practised in india.
rainfall is 63 cm.
Chennai being a coastal city in Tamil Nadu has 8. Key: B
very less annual temperature range. And it gets Explanation: The Inflow of the south westerly
its maximum rainfall from North Eastern monsoons in to India brings about total change
Monsoon rather than south western monsoon. in the weather condition. The very hot
Cherrapunji in the state Meghalaya experience temperature experienced in summer due to
heavy rainfall during monsoonal season from the intense heating of land suddenly drops by the
Bay of Bengal branch of south west mansoonal inflow of the south westerly monsoons. But the
winds. The funal shape of the Kasi hills lock the humidity of the also increases due to the inflow
rain bearing clouds from moving out which south westerly monsoons.
results in excessive rainfall. Educational Objective: To learn about the
The Bay of Bengal branch of south west changes in weather condition after the inflow of
monsoon reaches the north eastern India the south western monsoons.
including West Bengal (Kolkata) by the end of 9. Key: B
first week of June and the amount of rainfall in Explanation: In the winter seasons due to low
Kolkata is less compared to Kochin. temperature subsidence of air takes place thus
Educational Objective: To understand the create a high pressure condition or a Anti
raining patterns in some of the important cities cyclonic condition.
in India. Where as in the summer due to to the excessive
7. Key: A heating of land a low pressure is created
Explanation: Average annual rainfall in India is (upliftment of air takes place) thus create
650 millimetres. One-third of the area of the cyclonic conditions. Thus statement 1 is correct.
country does not records more than 750 Winter rainfall in Northern India does not create
millimetres of annual rainfall. Thus statement 1 anti cyclonic condition. Thus statement 2 is
is wrong. wrong.
In India various types of irrigation systems are
practiced in different parts of India. Such as Page No. 111

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To learn about the 3) Tropical climate

differences between the cyclonic and anti- Select the correct answer using the code
cyclonic conditions. given below.

10. Key: B (a) 1 and 2 only

Explanation: In Gulf of Mannar is a Biosphere (b) 2 only

reserve and is one of the eighteen biosphere (c) 1 and 3 only
reserves in India under the UNESCO’s Man and (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Biosphere (MAB) Programme. It is located
2. Identify the correct order of the
between Indian part of Gulf of Mannar between
(Tamil Nadu) India and Sri Lanka. Hence, processes of soil-erosion from the
statement 1 is correct. following
The Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Phase – I was (a) Splash erosion, Sheet erosion, Rill erosion,
aimed at preventing the pollution of river Ganga Gully erosion
was started in 1985.Ganga Action Plan Phase –
(b) Sheet erosion, Splash erosion, Gully erosion,
II was launched in 1993 to include Yamuna and
Rill erosion
Gomati rivers.
National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) was (c) Rill erosion, Gully erosion, Sheet erosion,
launched in 1995 to reduce the pollution in Splash erosion
rivers improving and improve water quality. (d) Gully erosion, Rill erosion, Sheet erosion,
After launching of NRCP in 1995, it was decided Splash erosion
to merge GAP II with NRCP. Hence, statement 2
is correct. 3. Contour bunding is a method of soil
Statement-3: Environment Information System conservation used in
(ENVIS) is central sector Scheme of the (a) Desert margins, liable to strong wind action
MOEFCC implemented since 1982. It acts as (b) Low flat plains, close to stream courses,
Decentralized information network for liable to flooding
environmental information collection, storage, (c) Scrublands, liable to spread of weed growth
collation, retrieval and dissemination. Hence, (d) None of the above
statement 4 is correct.
Educational Objective: To know about Gulf of 4. With reference to soil conservation,

Mannar Biosphere reserve, National River consider the following practices:

Conservation Plan, Ganga action plan phase II 1) Crop rotation

and ENVIS - Environment Information System. 2) Sand fences

3) Terracing
4) Wind breaks
4. Soil Which of the above are considered
appropriate methods for soil conservation in
1. In India, the problem of soil erosion is
associated with which of the following?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
1) Terrace cultivation
(b) 2 and 4 only
2) Deforestation Page No. 112

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

(c) 1, 3 and 4 only Select the correct answer using the codes
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 given below.
(a) 1, 2 and 3
5. With reference to agricultural soils,
(b) 2, 3 and 4
consider the following statements:
(c) 1 and 4
1. A high content of organic matter in soil
(d) 2 and 3 only.
drastically reduces its water holding
capacity. 8. Which one of the following is the
2. Soil does not play any role in the sulphur appropriate reason for considering the
cycle. Gondwana rocks as most important of
3. Irrigation over a period of time can rock systems of India?
contribute to the salinization of some (a) More than 90% of limestone reserves of
agricultural lands. India are found in them
Which of the statements given above is/are (b) More than 90% of India's coal reserves are
correct? found in them
(a) 1 & 2 only (c) More than 90% of fertile black cotton soils
(b) 3 only are spread over them
(c) 1 & 3 only (d) None of the reasons given above is
(d) 1,2 & 3 appropriate in this context

4. Key and Explanation 1. Key: B

6. When you travel in certain parts of India, Explanation: The Roots of trees and plants in a
you will notice red soil. What is the main area bind the soil particles and regulate the flow
reason for this colour? of water, thus saving soil from erosion.
(a) Abundance of magnesium Deforestation (Removal of trees) makes soil
(b) Accumulated humus vulnerable to wind and water erosion. Hence, 2nd
(c) Presence of ferric oxides option is correct.
(d) Abundance of phosphates In terrace cultivation, a number of terraces are
cut along the hill slope. These are made on the
7. Which of the following statements
steep slopes so that flat surfaces are available to
regarding laterite soils of India are
grow crops. They can reduce surface run-off and
soil erosion. Hence, 1st option is wrong
1) They are generally red in colour
The type of climate doesn’t really affect the rate
2) They are rich in nitrogen and potash.
of erosion as much the other factors like rainfall.
3) They are well-developed in Rajasthan and
Hence, 3rd option is wrong.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
4) Tapioca and cashew nuts grow well on these
problems/causes of soil erosion
soils. Page No. 113

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

2. Key: A 4. Key: D
Explanation: Splash Erosion: The erosion due Explanation: Crop rotation is a practice in
to the impact of falling raindrops on soil surface which different crops are grown every year, on
leading to the destruction of the crumb the basis of rotation. This helps to conserve soil
structure is known as the raindrop or splash fertility as different crops require different
erosion. It is also called Rain drop erosion. nutrients from the soil. Crop rotation will
Sheet Erosion: The detachment and provide enough time to restore lost nutrients.
transportation of soil particles by flowing Sand fences are barriers made of small, evenly
rainwater is called sheet or wash off erosion. spaced wooden slats or fabric. They are erected
Rill erosion: It occurs mostly during heavy rain. to reduce wind velocity and to trap blowing sand.
In rill erosion finger like rills appear on the Sand fences can be used as perimeter controls
cultivated land after it has undergone sheet around open construction sites to keep
erosion. When rills increase in size, they are sediments from being blown offsite by the wind.
called gullies. Terracing: On hilly slopes, terraces act as
Gully Erosion refers to the cutting of narrow bunds and prevent the soil from being washed
channels called gullies. It cuts deep and removes away. Farming is done on a unique step like
the surface soil as well as deeper soil that may structure and the force of water running off is
still have substantial amounts of total nutrients slowed down
but less compared to the surface soil. Windbreaks are the rows of trees planted to
Hence, the correct order is Splash erosion, Sheet check the wind movement to protect soil cover.
erosion, Rill erosion, Gully erosion (1st option) They are generally found in coastal and dry
Educational Objective: To learn about the regions.
process /stages of soil erosion Educational Objective: To learn about various
soil conservation methods
3. Key: D
Explanation: In Contour Bunding, a series of 5. Key: B
checks are put in place across the slope of a Explanation: Organic matter acts like a sponge,
hilly surface. with the ability to absorb and hold up to 90
The bunds divide the entire slope into numerous percent of its weight in water. It therefore
smaller segments which help in reducing the increases Water-Holding Capacity of the soil.
runoff along the slopes, ensure greater Hence, statement 1 is wrong
absorption of rainwater on the slopes thus The sulphur reservoir is in the soil and
controlling soil erosion. sediments where it is locked in organic (coal, oil
Sometimes, the bunds can be in the form of and peat) and inorganic deposits (pyrite rock
retaining walls. and sulphur rock) in the form of sulphates,
Educational Objective: To learn about contour sulphides and organic sulphur.
bounding method of soil conservation Page No. 114

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

It is released by weathering of rocks, erosional Distribution: They are well developed in south
runoff and decomposition of organic matter and Maharashtra, parts of Karnataka etc. and are
is carried to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems widely scattered in other regions. UP has alluvial
in salt solution. Hence, statement 2 is wrong. soils where as Rajasthan has desert soil, Hence,
Salinity from irrigation can occur over time statement 3 is wrong.
wherever irrigation occurs, since water contains Laterite soils lack fertility due to intensive
some dissolved salts. When the plants use the leaching, so are not fit for agricultural crops.
water, the salts are left behind in the soil and Plantation crops like tea, coffee, rubber,
eventually begin to accumulate leading to cinchona, coconut, arecanut, etc. Can be grown.
salinization of Agricultural lands. Hence, Hence, statement 4 is correct.
statement 3 is correct Educational Objectives: To learn the
Educational Objective: To know about impact characteristics of laterite soils
of organic matter, sulphur cycle, Irrigation on
8. Key: B
Explanation: Gondwana rock system is named after the
6. Key: C huge carbon deposits contained within them. They
Explanation: Red soils are red in colour due to contain up to 98 percent of our coal deposits, Hence, are
presence offerric oxides. The lower layer is the largest source of coal in India,
reddish yellow or yellow. They are mainly found in Ranigunj, Jharia regions of
These soils mostly occur in the regions of low Jharkhand, Damodar valley, Pench valley in Chhattisgarh
rainfall. They occupy about 3.5 lakh sq km (10.6 and Madhya Pradesh, Godavari valley in Telangana and
per cent) of the total area of the country. They the Rajmahal hills of West Bengal.
are poor in lime, magnesia, phosphates, nitrogen They are named after the Gond tribe (indigenous people
and humus. They are rich in potash and mainly found in the Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
potassium. regions). These are sedimentary deposits which were
Educational Objective: To know about accumulated in the synclinal troughs on an older plateau
characteristics of red soil surface.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
Gondwana rock system.

7. Key: C
Explanation: Laterite soil occurs in the areas of 5. Minerals
high temperature and high rainfall. They are
formed as a result of high leaching and Red 1. Which among the following has the

colour due to iron oxide.Hence, statement 1 is world's largest reserves of Uranium?

correct. (a) Australia

They are very poor in lime, magnesia, potash (b) Canada

and nitrogen. Hence, statement 2 is wrong (c) Russian Federation Page No. 115

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

(d) USA 1. In India, State Governments do not have the

power to auction non- coal mines.
2. Which one of the following countries is
2. Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand do not
the leading producer of uranium? have gold mines.
(a) United States of America 3. Rajasthan has iron ore mines.
(b) Canada Which of the statements given above is/are
(c) Germany correct?
(d) Zambia (a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 only
3. Match List-I (Minerals) with List-II (Major
(c) 1 and 3
producer) and Select the correct answer
(d) 3 only
using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II 6. Which of the following is/are the
(a) Mineral Oil 1. Zambia characteristic/ characteristics of Indian
(b) Copper 2. Guyana coal?
(c) Manganese 3. Venezuela 1. High ash content
(d) Bauxite 4. Gabon 2. Low sulphur content
Codes: 3. Low ash fusion temperature
(a) A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2 Select the correct answer using the codes
(b) A-3; B-1; C-2; D-4 given below.
(c) A-1; B-3;C-2; D-4 (a) 1 & 2 only
(d) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2 (b) 2 only
(c) 1 & 3 only
4. Which of the following substances are
(d) 1, 2 & 3
found in the beach sands of many parts
of Kerala? 7. Consider the following statements:
1. Ilmenite 1. Natural gas occurs in the Gondwana beds.
2. Mica occurs in abundance in Kodarma.
2. Zircon
3. Dharwars are famous for petroleum.
3. Sillimanite
Which of the statements given above is/are
4. Tungsten
Select the correct answer using the code
(a) 1 & 2
given below:
(b) 2 only
(a) 1,2,3 &4
(c) 2&3
(b) 1,2 & 3 only
(d) None
(c) 3 & 4 only
(d) 1 & 2 only 8. With reference to the mineral resources
of India, consider the following pairs:
5. Consider the following statements:
Mineral 90% Natural sources in
(a) Copper Jharkhand Page No. 116

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Previous Year Questions

(b) Nickel Orissa 12. Consider the following statements:

(c) Tungsten Kerala 1. Balaghat is known for its diamond mines.
Which of the pairs given above is/are 2. Majhgawan is known for its manganese
correctly matched? deposits
(a) 1 and 2 only Which of the statements given above is/are
(b) 2 only correct
(c) 1 and 3 only (a) 1 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
9. In which of the following states are
Namchik – Namphuk Coalfields located (d) Neither 1 nor 2

(a) Arunachal Pradesh 13. Shahgarh area in Jaisalmer district of

(b) Meghalaya Rajasthan was in news in the year 2006
(c) Manipur because of which one of the following?
(d) Mizoram (a) Finding high quality gas reserves
(b) Finding uranium deposits
10. Which of the following minerals found in
(c) Finding zinc deposits
a natural way in the state of
(d) Installation of wind power units
1) Bauxite 14. Match List-I (Minerals) with List-II
2) Dolomite (Location) and select the correct answer
3) Iron ore using the codes given below the Lists:
4) Tin List-I (Minerals) List-II (Location)
Select the correct answer using code given A. Coal 1. Giridih
below codes B. Copper 2. Jayankondam
(a) 1,2 and 3 only C. Manganese 3. Alwar
(b) 1 and 3 only. D. Lignite 4. Dharwar
(c) 2 and 4 only Codes:
(d) 1,2 3 and 4 (a) A-1; B-4; C-3; D-2
(b) A-2; B-3; C-4; D-1
11. In which one of the following districts,
(c) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2
have large reserves of diamond-bearing
(d) A-2; B-4; C-3; D-1
kimberlite been discovered in the recent
past? 15. HINDALCO, an aluminium factory located
(a) Hoshangabad at Renukut owes its site basically to
(b) Raipur (a) Proximity of raw materials
(c) Sambalpur (b) Abundant supply of power
(d) Warangal (c) Proximity to the network Page No. 117

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(d) Proximity to the market C. Nhava Sheva 3.Petro-chemical

16. In the map black marks show the
D. Ratnagiri 4. Port
distributions of
(a) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4
(b) A-2; B-3; C-4; D-1
(c) A-3; B-4; C-2; D-1
(d) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3

19. Commercial production of mineral oil has

started recently in which one of the
areas of India, labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4 in
the rough map given below:
(a) Asbestos (a) 1
(b) Gypsum (b) 2
(c) Limestone (c) 3
(d) Mica (d) 4

17. Match List-I with List-II and select the

correct answer using the codes given
below the list
Lists-I (Minerals) List-II (Mining area)
A. Graphite 1. Bellary
B. Lead 2. Didwana
C. Salt 3. Rampa 20. Which of the following is/are the
D. Silver 4. Zawar possible consequences of heavy sand
Codes: mining in riverbeds?
(a) A-3; B-4; C-1; D-2 1. Decreased salinity in the river
(b) A-1; B-4; C-2; D-3 2. Pollution of groundwater
(c) A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2 3. Lowering of the water-table
(d) A-2; B-3; C-1; D-4 Select the correct answer using the code
18. In the vicinity of Mumbai, a number of given below:
specialised towns have been developed. a. 1 only
Match the lists and select the correct b. 2 & 3 only
answer using the codes c. 1 & 3 only
List-I (Towns) List-II (Specialisation) d. 1,2 & 3
A. Alibag 1. Fishing centre
B. Balapur 2. Holiday resort Page No. 118

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forms such as uraninite, brannerite and

5. Key and Explanation
carnotite. It is also found in phosphate rock and
1. Key: A monazite sands.
Explanation: Uranium is radioactive metal  Canada has the fourth largest reserve of
(silvery-gray metal) used as nuclear fuel to Uranium in the world. And it is the world's
generate electricity in nuclear power stations. second largest producer of uranium, with
 Uranium occurs naturally in several mineral approximately 15% of global production
forms such as uraninite, brannerite and (2017).
carnotite. It is also found in phosphate rock  In Canada uranium is currently mined from
and monazite sands. the McArthur River, Cigar Lake and Rabbit
 The purified oxide of uranium is also known Lake (Eagle Point) mines in northern
as yellow-cake. Saskatchewan.
 Australia has the world's largest reserve of  The world’s largest and Canada’s only
Uranium. it possesses around 30% of the uranium refinery is located at Blind River,
world's known recoverable uranium reserves. Ontario. And approximately 85 percent of
 Australia is followed by Kazakhstan. It Canada’s uranium production is exported.
contains about 13% of the world's  Even though the uranium deposits are also
recoverable uranium reserve. found in the United States of America and
 Russia, with about 9% of the world's Germany, But their production rate is not
uranium possesses the third largest much.
uranium reserve in the world. While Canada Educational Objective: To learn about the
has the fourth largest reserve of Uranium. uranium producing countries.
 Uranium deposits in India can be found in
3. Key: A
Singhbhum and Hazaribagh districts of
Explanation: Mineral Oil: Venezuela- The
Jharkhand, Gaya district of Bihar, and in
proven oil reserves in Venezuela are recognized
Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh (In the
as the largest in the world.
sedimentary rock). While the largest
Copper: Zambia- the Republic of Zambia is a
concentration of monazite sand is found on
landlocked country in Southern-Central Africa,
the Kerala coast (Malabar Coast).
The Zambian economy has historically been
Educational Objective: To learn about the
based on the copper mining industry. In India
reserves of uranium.
Rajasthan (50%)
2. Key: B Madhya Pradesh (24%)
Explanation: Uranium is radioactive metal Jharkhand (19%)
(silvery-gray metal) used as nuclear fuel to Are the leading producers of Copper.
generate electricity in nuclear power stations. Manganese: Gabon- Gabon is a world leader in
Uranium occurs naturally in several mineral manganese. It has high-grade manganese Page No. 119

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Previous Year Questions

deposits. Reserves were estimated at 250 million Amendment Act, 2015. The non-coal mines have
tons with a metal content of 48%–52%. to be auctioned by the respective state
In India, Odisha, Karnataka and Madhya governments. Thus statement 1 is incorrect.
Pradesh are the leading producers of manganese. ● Gold in its purest form is a bright, slightly
Bauxite: Guyana- Guyana was known to have a reddish yellow, dense, soft malleable and
350-million-ton bauxite reserve, one of the ductile metal. In India both Andhra
world's highest concentrations. Bauxite mining Pradesh and Jharkhand have gold mines
was concentrated in northeast Guyana. [Andhra Pradesh (3%), Jharkhand (2 %)].
In India, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat are Other States with gold reserves are Bihar
the leading producers of bauxite ore. Odisha (44%) followed by Rajasthan (25%),
alone accounts for 52 per cent. Karnataka (21%), West Bengal (3%). But In
Educational Objective: To learn about the terms of metal content, Karnataka remained
minerals and its major producers. on top followed by Rajasthan, Andhra
Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, etc. Thus
4. Key: B
statement 2 is incorrect.
Explanation: Heavy-mineral concentrates
● Rajasthan has iron ore deposits in Jaipur,
known as “Black sands” occur in layers and
Bhilwara, Udaipur, Sikar and Dausa.
patches all along the Kerala beaches.
Educational Objective: To learn about the coal,
 The Heavy Mineral Sand deposits in Kerala
non-coal and iron ore mines.
contain an assemblage of Ilmenite, Rutile,
Leucoxene, Monazite, Zircon and Sillimanite. 6. Key: A
 The State possesses one of the world class Explanation: The Coal resources of India are
deposits of mineral sands in the coastal available in older Gondwana Formations of
tracts. peninsular India and younger Tertiary
 These deposits are commonly known as the formations of north-eastern region.
Chavara deposit, The Chavara barrier beach  Jharkhand accounts for largest reserve of
portion contains concentration of heavy coal deposits in India followed by Odisha,
minerals above 60%. Chhattisgarh and West Bengal.
 The Kerala state also owns mineral deposits  Hard coal deposits spread over 27 major
like placers, china clay (kaolin), limestone, coalfields, are mainly confined to eastern
lime shell, silica sand, bauxite, graphite, and south central parts of the country.
iron ore, granite etc.  The lignite reserves stand at a level around
Educational Objective: To learn about the 36 billion tonnes, of which 90 % occur in
heavy mineral sands and its deposits. the southern State of Tamil Nadu.

5. Key: D  Most of the Indian coals contain a higher

Explanation: As per the new Mines and percentage of inorganic impurities.

Minerals (Development and Regulation) Page No. 120

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Previous Year Questions

 Indian coals like any other gondwana coals district of West Bengal and Degana near Rawat
are of high ash content. Hills in Rajasthan.
 Indian coals also has very low sulphur Educational Objective: To learn about the
content minerals and its natural sources/locations.
Educational Objective: To learn about the 9. Key: A
characteristics of Indian coal.  Explanation: Namchik-Namphuk coalfields
7. Key: B are located in the state of Arunachal
Explanation: The Coal resources are found in Pradesh. The mining rights of Namchik -
Gondwana Formations not Natural gas. Thus Namphuk coalfield has been given to the
statement 1 is incorrect. Arunachal Pradesh Mineral Development
Koderma district in Jharkhand is rich in and Trading Corporation Ltd (APMDTCL).
minerals. The Koderma district and the Lokai-  The Coal resources of India are available in
Indarwa area covers the southern part of the older Gondwana Formations of peninsular
Great Mica-Belt of Jharkhand and Bihar India. India and younger Tertiary formations of
Thus statement 2 is correct. north-eastern region.
Dharwars formation are famous for Iron ore  Jharkhand accounts for the largest reserve
deposits and not for petroleum. Thus statement of coal deposits in India followed by Odisha,
3 is incorrect. Chhattisgarh and West Bengal.
Educational Objective: To learn about the  Hard coal deposits spread over 27 major
resources and its place of occurrence. coalfields, are mainly confined to eastern
and south central parts of the country.
 The lignite reserves stand at a level around
36 billion tonnes, of which 90 % occur in
8. Key: B the southern State of Tamil Nadu.
Explanation: In India Rajasthan (50%), Madhya Educational Objective: To learn about the
Pradesh (24%), Jharkhand (19%) are the leading Coal fields and its locations.
producers of Copper.
10. Key: D
Nickel is a lustrous, silvery-white metal having a
Explanation: Chhattisgarh is one of the
high melting point of 1455oC. It exhibits high
foremost mineral rich States in the country.
resistance to corrosion and oxidation, excellent
Twenty-Eight known varieties of minerals are
strength and toughness. Nickel occurs
found in the State including precious stones &
principally as oxides, sulphides and silicates in
diamonds, iron ore, coal, limestone, dolomite, tin
India. Orissa has the highest amount of Nickel
ore, bauxite and gold.
Ore resources.
 Chhattisgarh possesses India’s only active
The deposits of wolfram, the chief ore of
tin mine (in Bastar district), and one of
Tungsten, are found in Chendpathar in Bankura
world’s best quality of iron ore deposits in Page No. 121

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Previous Year Questions

the world (at Bailadila in Dantewada diamond mines. NMDC is the only organised
district). producer of diamonds in India from its
 The State has high potential for mining good Majhgawan mine at Panna, Madhya
quality of diamonds. Pradesh.
Educational Objective: To learn about the Educational Objective: To learn about the
minerals found naturally in Chattisgarh. locations of diamond and manganese mines.

11. Key: B 13. Key: A

Explanation: Chhattisgarh has one of the Explanation: Natural gas consists primarily of
biggest diamond mines in the country. methane. Natural gas is often found dissolved in
Chhattisgarh's diamond reserve are found at oil or as a gas cap above the oil reserves.
Raipur and Devbhog region of Maoist-hit  Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuels
Gariyaband district. among the available fossil fuels.
● Chhattisgarh has an estimated 13 lakh  KG basin, Assam, Gulf of Khambhat,
carat diamonds in its reserves which is Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu, Barmer in
28.26 percent of total 46 lakh carat Rajasthan are the major natural gas fields
diamond reserves in India. in India.
● The diamond mine is located about 130  Shahgarh area in Jaisalmer new gas
kilometres from Gariyaband headquarter reserves had found.
towards the border of Odisha  According to officials. The gas reserve was
● Hoshangabad is one of the diamond mines discovered at 3,465 metres depth and is
in the country. A total reserve of 976.05 stretched up to five km area. Study and
thousand carats has been estimated in the experiment has started to ascertain exact
Panna district. quantity oil in those wells.
Educational Objective: To learn about the Educational Objective: To learn about the
reserves of diamond in India. natural gas reserves in India.
12. Key: D 14. Key: C
Explanation: Balaghat of Madhya Pradesh is Explanation: Giridih Coalfield is located in
known for its manganese mines. State is Giridih district in the Indian state of Jharkhand.
enriched with good deposits of manganese ore The Coal resources of India are available in older
mainly spread over in the Balaghat, Chhindwara Gondwana Formations of peninsular India and
and Jhabua districts. younger Tertiary formations of north-eastern
 The "Bharveli manganese mine" in Balaghat region.
district is the largest underground mine  Copper mineralization from the Alwar basin
operating in Asian subcontinent. in Rajasthan (of the north Delhi fold belt)
 Majhgawan is a town located in Satna found. The tentative resource of copper is
District, Madhya Pradesh is famous for its about 11 million tones. Page No. 122

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Previous Year Questions

 Dharwar rocks have been formed as a result  Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh are the only
of the erosion and sedimentation of the states that produce most of the Asbestos.
rocks of the Archaean system. The Hence option A is wrong.
prominent metallic minerals found in these  Distribution of limestone in India Madhya
rocks are iron, gold, manganese etc. Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh,
 Lignite is found in Jayankondam in Gujarat, and Chhattisgarh Option C relates
Tamilnadu. to the above Map. Hence option C is correct.
Educational Objective: To learn about the Educational Objective: To learn about the
minerals and its sources/locations. distribution of mica, gypsum, limestone and

15. Key: B asbestos in India.

Explanation: HINDALCO is the world’s largest 17. Key: B

aluminium rolling company and one of Asia’s Explanation: Zawar is a settlement located in
biggest producers of primary aluminium. Udaipur district, Rajasthan, is known for lead
 HINDALCO, an aluminium factory located at mining. Zawar is a township created by mining
Renukut owes its site basically to Abundant company Hindustan Zinc Limited, for extraction
supply of power from nearby thermal Power of zinc and lead.
Stations (National Thermal Power Station,  Didwana is a town in Nagaur district of
Rihand). Rajasthan in India, in the Thar
 Rihand Super Thermal Power Project is known for salt pans.
located at Renukut, Sonebhadra in  Rampa (Rampachodavaram) is a census
Sonbhadra district in Indian state of Uttar town in East Godavari district of the Indian
Pradesh. The power plant is one of the coal state of Andhra Pradesh.
based power plants of NTPC Limited. Educational Objective: To learn about the
 Thus statement 2 is correct. minerals and its mining areas.
Educational Objective: To learn about the 18. Key: B
location of aluminium factories in India.
Explanation: Alibag is a coastal town and a
16. Key: C municipal council in Raigad District of
Explanation: Distribution of MICA in India Maharashtra, India. It is the headquarters
Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand. Hence of the Raigad district and is south of the city
the above map does not relate to Mica of Mumbai. Alibag is part of Mumbai
Distribution. Option D is wrong. Metropolitan Region and is situated at a
 Gypsum is mainly produced majorly in distance of about 96km from Mumbai and it
Rajasthan (nearly 99% of the production) is known for Holiday resorts.
hence option B is wrong.  The Thane – Belapur region is one of the
largest industrial regions in India. Belapur
is known for its Petro-chemical complex. Page No. 123

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 Jawaharlal Nehru Port, also known as Explanation: Depletion of sand in the

Nhava Sheva, is the largest container port in streambed and along coastal areas causes the
India. Located east of Mumbai (previously deepening of rivers and estuaries, and the
known as 'Bombay') in Navi Mumbai, enlargement of river mouths and coastal inlets.
Maharashtra. It may also lead to saline-water intrusion from
 Ratnagiri is a port city on the Arabian Sea the nearby sea. Thus there will be increased
coast in Ratnagiri District in the salinity in the river. Hence statement 1 is
southwestern part of Maharashtra, India. wrong.
Fishing is done throughout all the coasts of Sand mining transforms the riverbeds into large
Ratnagiri. and deep pits; as a result, the groundwater
Educational Objective: To learn about the table drops leaving the drinking water wells on
important towns in Maharashtra and its the embankments of these rivers dry.
specialisation areas. Bed degradation from in-stream mining lowers
the elevation of stream flow and the floodplain
19. Key: C
water table which in turn can eliminate water
Explanation: In Cauvery on-shore basin in
table-dependent woody vegetation in riparian
Tamil Nadu the commercial production of
areas, and decrease wetted periods in riparian
mineral oil has started.
wetlands. Hence statement 2 and 3 are
 Petroleum or Mineral oil is obtained from
sedimentary rocks of the earth
Educational Objective: To learn about the
 India has 26 sedimentary basins covering
possible consequences of heavy sand mining
an area of 3.14 million square kilometres.
in riverbeds.
The sedimentary basins of India, on land
and offshore up to the 400m isobath, have 6. Energy
an aerial extent of about 1.84 million sq. km.
1. The dulhasti power station is based on
 The on-shore Oil Production In India
which one of the following rivers?
(a) Beas
 Cauvery on-shore basin in Tamil Nadu.
(b) Chenab
 Gujarat coast in western India.
(c) Ravi
 Brahmaputra valley of north-east India.
(d) Sutlej
 Barmer area of Rajasthan.
2. Consider the following statements
 Andhra Pradesh has both on-shore and
1) India does not have any deposits of
offshore oil reserves.
thorium (2.009)
Educational Objective: To learn about the
2) Kerala's monazite sands contain Uranium
locations of mineral oil production.
Which of the statements given above is/are
20. Key: B correct? Page No. 124

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(a) 1 only Select the correct answer using the code

(b) 2 only given below.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) 1 & 2 only
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) 3 only
(c) 2 & 3 only
3. Which of the following pairs in respect of
(d) 1, 2 & 3
current power generation in India is/are
correctly matched? (Rounded Figure) 7. On which one of the following rivers is
1) Installed electricity 100000 MW Generation the Tehri Hydropower Complex located?
capacity (a) Alaknanda
2) Electricity generation 660 billion kWh (b) Bhagirathi
Select the correct answer using the code (c) Dhauliganga
given below: (d) Mandakini
8. Where are Tapovan and Vishnugarh
(a) 1 only
Hydroelectric Project located?
(b) 2 only
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Both 1 and 2
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Uttarakhand
4. With which one of the following rivers is (d) Rajasthan
the Omkareshwar Project associated?
9. For which one of the following, is Satara
(a) Chambal
(b) Narmada
(a) Thermal power plant
(c) Tapi
(b) Wind energy plant
(d) Bhima
(c) Hydro-electric plant
5. The thermal power plant of Bokaro is (d) Nuclear power plant
located in:
10. Match List I (Atomic Power Plants/Heavy
(a) Bihar
Water Plants) with List II (State) and
(b) Chhattisgarh select the correct answer using the code
(c) Jharkhand given below the lists:
(d) Orissa List-I (Atomic Power Plants/ Heavy Water
6. In which of the following regions of India Plants) List-II (State)
are shale gas resources found? A. Thal 1. Andhra Pradesh
1) Cambay Basin B. Manuguru 2. Gujarat
2) Cauvery Basin C. Kakrapar 3. Maharashtra
3) Krishna-Godavari Basin D. Kaiga 4. Rajasthan
5. Karnataka Page No. 125

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Previous Year Questions

Codes: (a) A
(a) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-5 (b) B
(b) A-3; B-5; C-2; D-1 (c) C
(c) A-2; B-5; C-4; D-1 (d) D
(d) A-3; B-1; C-2; D-5

11. Match items in the List I (Power Station) 6. Key and Explanation
with those in the List II (State) and select
1. Key: B
the correct answer using the code given
Explanation: DulHasti is a 390 MW
below the lists:
hydroelectric power plant in Kishtwar district of
List-I List-II (State)
Jammu and Kashmir, India built by NHPC.
(Power Station)
The power plant is a run-of-the-river type on
A. Kothagudem 1. Andhra Pradesh
Chandra River, a tributary of Chenab River, in
B. Raichur 2. Gujarat
the Kishtwar region, a rugged, mountainous
C. Mettur 3. Karnataka
section of the Himalayas, and several hundred
D. Wanakbori 4. Tamil Nadu
kilometers from larger cities
(a) A-4; B-2; C-1; D-3
(b) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2
(c) A-4; B-3; C-1; D-2
(d) A-1; B-2; C-4; D-3

12. Gandhi Sagar Dam is a part of which one

of the following?
(a) Chambal Project The Chenab river has rich power generation

(b) Kosi Project potential in India. Following are the power

(c) Damodar Valley Project projects related to Chenab river.

(d) Bhakra Nangal Project ● Salal Dam

● Tarbela Dam
13. In the given figure shows a portion of
● DulHasti Hydroelectric Plant
Southern India. The proposed site
● Pakal Dul DamRatle Hydroelectric Plant
(Koodankulam) for the construction of
● Kiru Hydroelectric Power Project
two 1000 MW nuclear power plants has
● Kwar Hydroelectric Power Project
been labelled in the map as
Educational Objective: To know about run of
river project.

2. Key: D
Explanation: There are two sets of estimates
that define world thorium reserves, one set by Page No. 126

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Previous Year Questions

the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and (utilities and non utilities) in the country was
the other supported by reports from the OECD 1,547 TWh.
and the International Atomic Energy Agency (the Hence statement 2 is wrong.
IAEA). Under the USGS estimate, India, the The gross electricity consumption in 2018-19
United States, and Australia have particularly was 1,181 kWh per capita.In 2015-16, electric
large reserves of thorium. India and Australia energy consumption in agriculture was recorded
are believed to possess about 300,000 tonnes as being the highest (17.89%) worldwide.
each; i.e. each has 25% of the world's thorium Educational Objective: To know about energy
reserves. Hence statement 1 is wrong. consumption.
The minerals found in the Monazite sands of
4. Key: B
Kerala is Thorium. Hence statement 2 is also
Explanation: The Omkareshwar Dam is a
gravity dam on the Narmada River just
Thorium: Thorium is several times more
upstream of Mandhata in Khandwa district,
abundant in Earth’s crust than all isotopes of
Madhya Pradesh, India. It is named after the
uranium combined and thorium-232 is several
Omkareshwar temple located just downstream.
hundred times more abundant than uranium-
The dam was constructed between 2003 and
2007 with the purpose of providing water for
Monazite – Rare Earth Metals: Monazite is a
irrigation of 132,500 ha (327,000 acres). An
reddish-brown phosphate mineral containing
associated hydroelectric power station located at
rare earth metals. Rare earths are a series of
the base of the dam has an installed capacity of
chemical elements found in the Earth’s crust
520 MW.
that are vital to many modern technologies.
Total Catchment Area at the Dam site is 64880
Educational Objective: To know about Generation of power at Omkareshwar
thorium reserves
Project is directly related to the regulated release
3. Key: D of water from Indira Sagar Project, hence it is
Explanation: India is the world's third largest one of the beneficiary project of Indira Sagar
producer and third largest consumer of Project.
electricity. The national electric grid in India has Educational Objective: To know about hydro
an installed capacity of 368.79 GW as of 31 electric project.
December 2019. Renewable power plants, which
5. Key: C
also include large hydroelectric plants,
Explanation: Bokaro Thermal Power Station is
constitute 34.86% of India's total installed located at Bokaro district in Jharkhand.
capacity. Hence statement 1 is wrong. Thermal Power Plants in India
During the 2018-19 fiscal year, the gross
electricity generated by utilities in India was
1,372 TWh and the total electricity generation Page No. 127

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Previous Year Questions

on the Bhagirathi River near Tehri

in Uttarakhand, India. It is the primary dam of
the THDC India Ltd. and the Tehri hydroelectric

The BTPS has achieved a reputation of being the

first and the largest thermal power station in
Asia after its inauguration in 1953.
Educational Objective: It is important to have a
Educational Objective: To know about thermal
power plants of India. glance at new hydro-electricity projects in news.

6. Key: D 8. Key: C
Explanation: Explanation: The Tapovan-Vishnugad
Hydropower Plant is a 520 MW run-of-river
hydroelectric project being constructed
on Dhauliganga River in Chamoli District of
Uttarakhand, India. The plant is expected to
generate over 2.5k GWh of electricity annually.
Educational Objective: It is important to have a

To strengthen its hydrocarbon resource base, glance at new hydro-electricity projects in news
India has identified six basins as areas for shale
9. Key: B
gas exploration: Cambay (Gujarat), Assam-
Explanation: Satara well-known for Thermal
Arakan (North East), Gondwana (Central India),
power plant Hussain Sagar Thermal Power
Krishna Godavari onshore (East Coast), Cauvery
Station is the historic thermal power plant that
onshore, and Indo-Gangetic basins.
was located in Hyderabad, Telangana on the
Shale gas is an unconventional source of energy
banks of Hussain Sagar. It was India's first
found in non-porous rocks. It has become an
thermal power station, opened in 1920 by the
important source of natural gas in the US.
erstwhile seventh Nizam of Hyderabad.
Educational Objective: To know about hydro
Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station in the
carbon resources.
Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh, with an
7. Key: B installed capacity of 4,760MW, is currently the
Explanation: Tehri Hydropower is a multi- biggest thermal power plant in India. It is a coal-
purpose rock and earth-fill embankment dam based power plant owned and operated by NTPC. Page No. 128

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Hussain Sagar Thermal Power Station, Gangetic drainage system. The Chambal
Telangana was India's first thermal power originates at janapav, south of Mhow town, near
station. Indore. Gandhisagar Dam, the Rana
Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station, Madhya PratapSagar Dam, the Jawahar Sagar Dam,
Pradesh is currently the biggest. Kota Barrage are some of the major projects on
Educational Objective: To know about thermal Chambal river.
power project. Damodar Valley Project is on river Damodar.
Damodar River originates at Chota Nagpur
Plateau in flows across the Indian
10. Key: D
states of Jharkhand and West Bengal.Damodar
is a rift valley river
Bhakra and Nangal Project is on the river Satluj.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
important river tributaries, geography of rivers
and riverine dam projects.

13. Key: B
Explanation: Point B in the map is kudankulam,
As of March 2018,India has 22 nuclear Tamil Nadu. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant
reactors in operation in 7 nuclear power plants, is the largest nuclear power station in India,
with a total installed capacity of 6,780 MW. situated in Koodankulam in the Tirunelveli
Educational Objective: To know about nuclear district of the southern Indian state of Tamil
power plant. Nadu. Construction on the plant began on 31
11. Key: B March 2002. It is built in collaboration with
Explanation: Kothagudem power station is Russia.s
located in Andhra Pradesh.
 Raichur power station is a coal based power
plant, which is in karnataka.
 Mettur power station is located in Salem
district of Tamilnadu.
 Wanakbori power plant is in Gujarat, which
is on the bank of Mahi River.
Educational Objective: power station location
and economic geography of India Educational Objective: To know the various
12. Key: A nuclear and atomic plants in India and their
Explanation: The River Chambal is a tributary locations.
of River Yamuna and thus forms part of Page No. 129

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(d) Exotic species invade the fertile soil of rain

7. Forest
1. Which of the following is/are unique
4. Consider the following statements:
characteristic/ characteristics of
equatorial forests? 1) Biodiversity is normally greater in the lower
1) Presence of tall closely set trees with crowns latitudes as compared to the higher
forming a continuous canopy latitudes.
2) Coexistence of a large number of species 2) Along the mountain gradients, biodiversity
3) Presence of numerous varieties of epiphytes is normally greater in the lower altitudes as
Select the correct answer using the codes compared to the higher altitudes.
given below. Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only correct?
(b) 2 and 3 only (a) 1 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 only
(d) 1,2 and 3 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. What is the difference between the
5. In India, which type of forest among the
antelopes Oryx and Chiru?
following occupies the largest area?
(a) Oryx is adapted to live in hot and arid areas
(a) Montane Wet Temperate Forest
whereas Chiru is adapted to live in steppes
(b) Sub-tropical Dry Evergreen Forest
and semi-desert areas of cold high
(c) Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest
(d) Tropical Wet Evergreen Forest
(b) Oryx is poached for its antlers whereas
Chiru is poached for its musk 6. From the point of view of evolution of
(c) Oryx exists in western India only whereas living organisms, which one of the
Chiru exists in north-east India only following is the correct sequence of
(d) None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given evolution?
above is correct (a) Otter –Tortoise- Shark
(b) Shark –Tortoise- Otter
3. If a tropical rain forest is removed, it
(c) Tortoise – Shark- Otter
does not regenerate quickly as compared
(d) Shark -Otter - Tortoise
to a tropical deciduous forest. This is
because 7. Assertion: Unlike temperate forests, the
(a) The soil of rain forest is deficient in tropical rain forests, if cleared, can yield
nutrients productive farmland that can support
(b) Propagules of the trees in a min forest have intensive agriculture for several years even
poor viability without chemical fertilizers.
(c) The rain forest species are slow growing Page No. 130

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Reason: The primary productivity of the (b) 2-3-4-1

tropical rain forest is very high when (c) 3-2-4-1
compared to that of temperate forests (d) 3-2-1-4
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
11. With reference to 'Red Sanders',
explanation of A
sometimes seen in the news, consider
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
the following statements:
explanation of A
1) It is a tree species found in a part of South
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
2) It is one of the most important trees in the
8. Consider the following eco systems: tropical rain forest areas of South India
1) Taiga Which of the statements given above is/are
2) Tropical evergreen correct?
3) Tropical deciduous (a) 1 only
4) Tundra (b) 2 only
The correct sequence in decreasing order of (c) Both 1 & 2
the albedo values of these ecosystems is (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) 1, 4, 3, 2
12. Which one of the following is not
(b) 2, 3 and 4 essentially a species of the Himalayan
(c) 4, 1,3, 2 vegetation?
(d) 1,2,3 and 4 (a) Juniper
9. Which one among the following covers (b) Mahogany
the highest percentage of forest area in (c) Silver fir
the world? (d) Spruce
(a) Temperate coniferous forest
13. Which one of the following regions of
(b) Temperate deciduous forests India has a combination of mangrove
(c) Tropical monsoon forests forest, evergreen forest and deciduous
(d) Tropical rain forests forest?
10. Consider the following States: (a) North Coastal Andhra Pradesh
1) Chhattisgarh (b) South-West Bengal
2) Madhya Pradesh (c) Southern Saurashtra
3) Maharashtra (d) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
4) Odisha 14. Consider the following States:
With reference to the States mentioned 1) Arunachal Pradesh
above, in terms of percentage of forest cover
to the total area of State, which one of the 2) Himachal Pradesh
following is the correct ascending order? 3) Mizoram
(a) 2-3-1-4 Page No. 131

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In which of the above States do Tropical Wet (d) It has less human interference
Evergreen forest occur?
18. The approximate representation of land
(a) 1 only
use classification in India is
(b) 2 & 3 only
(a) Net area soon 25 %; forests 33%; other
(c) 1 & 3 only areas 42%
(d) 1,2 & 3 (b) Net area soon 58 %; forests 17%; other
15. In India, in which one of the following areas 25%
types of forests is teak a dominant tree (c) Net area soon 43 %; forests 29%; other
species? areas 28%
(a) Tropical moist deciduous forest (d) Net area soon 47 %; forests 23%; other
(b) Tropical rain forest areas 30%
(c) Tropical thorn scrub forest 19. Consider the following statements:
(d) Temperate forest with grasslands 1) In India, Red Panda is naturally found in
16. If you travel through the Himalayas, you the Western Himalayas only.
are likely to see which of the following 2) In India, Slow Loris lives in the dense
plants naturally growing there? forests of the North East.
1) 1. Oak Which of the statements given above is/are
2) 2. Rhododendron correct?
3) 3. Sandalwood (a) 1 only
Select the correct answer using the code (b) 2 only
given below. (c) Both 1 & 2
(a) 1 & 2 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(b) 3 only 20. Amongst the following Indian States
(c) 1 & 3 only which one has the minimum total forest
(d) 1,2 & 3 cover?
17. The Himalayan Range is very rich in (a) Sikkim
species diversity. Which one among the (b) Goa
following is the most appropriate reason (c) Haryana
for this phenomenon? (d) Kerala
(a) It has a high rainfall that supports 21. Open stunted forests with bushes and
luxuriant vegetative growth having long roots and sharp thorns or
(b) It is a confluence of different spines are commonly found in
biogeographical zones (a) Eastern Orissa
(c) Exotic and invasive species have not been (b) North-Eastern Tamil Nadu
introduced in this region
(c) Siwaliks and Terai regions Page No. 132

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(d) Western Andhra Pradesh they are seen in North Bengal, Assam and
a few other states." The animal 'X'
22. Match List-I (Mangrove) with List-II (State)
referred to in this quotation is
and select the correct answer:
(a) Lion
List-I List-II
(b) Elephant
1) Achra Ratnagiri Karnataka
(c) Tiger
2) Coondapur Kerala
(d) One-horned rhinoceros
3) Pichavaram Andhra Pradesh
4) Vembanad Maharashtra 25. Consider the following statements:
5) Tamil Nadu 1) The forest cover in India constitutes around
Codes: 20% of its geographical area. Out of the total
(a) A-2; B-1; C-5; D-4 forest cover, dense forest constitutes around
(b) A-4; B-5; C-3; D-2 40%.
(c) A-2; B-5; C-3; D-4 2) The National Forestry Action Programme
(d) A-4; B-1; C-5; D-2 aims at bringing one-third of the area of
India under tree forest cover.
23. The minimum land area recommended
Which of the statements given above is/are
for forest cover to maintain proper
ecological balance in India is
(a) 1 only
(a) 25%
(b) 2 only
(b) 33%
(c) Both 1 and 2
(c) 43%
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) 53%
26. Forest areas have been labelled as 1, 2, 3
24. "India has the largest population of the
and 4 in the rough outline map given:
Asian X. Today, there are just about
20,000 to 25,000 X in their natural
habitat spreading across the evergreen
forests, dry thorn forests, swamps and
grasslands. Their prime habitats are,
however, the moist deciduous forests.
The X population in India ranges from
North-West India where they are found in
the forest divisions of Dehradun, Bijnor
and Nainital districts of UP to the Among these, those which were threatened in
Western Ghats in the states of Karnataka 1997 by a serious epidemic include
and Kerala and in Tamil Nadu. In Central (a) Teak forests of 3 and 4
India, their population is distributed in (b) Oak forests of 1 and Sal forests of 2
southern Bihar and Orissa. In the East, Page No. 133

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(c) Sal forests of 3 They do not harm the trees and they do not get
(d) Sandalwood forests of 4 their nutrients from them. They only use the
27. Consider the following rivers : trees for physical support. Hence, statement 3 is
1) Barak correct
2) Lohit Educational Objective: To know about the
3) Subansiri
vegetation of Equatorial forest.
Which of the above flows / flow through
Arunachal Pradesh? 2. Key: A

(a) 1 only Explanation: Chiru

(b) 2 & 3 only Is also called as Tibetan goat, whose underfur is
(c) 1 & 3 only used for making the famous Shahtoosh shawls.
(d) 1,2 & 3 It is placed under ‘Near Threatened’ by the
International Union for Conservation of Nature
7. Key and Explanation
and is Endemic to the Tibetan Plateau, the
1. Key: D
Tibetan antelope inhabits open alpine and cold
Explanation: Large number of species of trees
steppe environments between 3,250 and 5,500
occurs in a particular area (trees do not occur in
m (10,660 and 18,040 ft) elevation. From
homogenous stands or pure stands). That is why,
Ladakh, the chiru's distribution extends 1600
countries in equatorial region import timber
km (990 mi) eastward across Tibet.
despite having dense forests. Hence, statement 2
Oryx: Oryx species prefer near-desert conditions
is correct
and can survive without water for long periods.
The uppermost layer of rainforest is made up of
The horns are narrow, and straight mostly,
the crowns of the tallest trees with average
poaching is leading to their extinction. Hence,
height 45 – 60 meters are known as emergent,
statement 1 is correct
with their crowns exposed to the direct sunlight.
Educational Objective: To know about
The next layer is known as the canopy with an
antelopes – Oryx and Chiru.
average height of about 20 to 40 meters.The
3. Key: A
crowns of the trees in this layer are tightly
Explanation: In the tropical rain forests,
packed together forming a nearly unbroken
Torrential downpours wash out most of the top
cover for the forest floor. Hence, statement 1 is
soil nutrients and the fertility of top soil in
rainforest regions is very poor. It takes decades
Some plants, known as epiphytes, grow on trees
to replenish the soil of lost nutrients. The
(their roots are not in the soil) for sunlight. Page No. 134

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development of plant is also hindered due to Educational Objective: To learn about spread
little availability of sunlight. of various forests in India
Where as in tropical deciduous forests rainfall is 6. Key: B
comparatively lower and enough light reaches Self Explanatory
the ground to permit the growth of grass and
7. Key: D
Explanation: The fertility of top soil in rainforest
Educational Objective: To learn about the
regions is very poor. Torrential downpours wash
tropical rain forests.
out most of the top soil nutrients. The soil
4. Key: C
deteriorates rapidly with subsequent soil erosion
Explanation: Biodiversity means number and
and soil impoverishment. It takes decades to
variety of plants and animals. As you move from
replenish the soil of lost nutrients. Hence,
equator towards the poles, biodiversity decreases.
Assertion is wrong.
Biodiversity is normally greater in the lower
In terrestrial ecosystems the order of
latitudes as compared to the higher latitudes.
productivity in decreasing order is 1. Swamps,
Hence, statement 1 is correct
marshes, tropical rain forests (most productive),
Biodiversity is normally greater in the lower
2.Temperate forest, 3.Northern coniferous forest
altitudes as compared to the higher altitudes.
(taiga), 4. Savanna, 5.Agricultural land,
The higher the altitude, colder is the atmosphere
6.Woodland and shrub land, 7.Temperate
and resultant less biodiversity. Hence, statement
grassland, 8.Tundra (arctic and alpine), 9.Desert
2 is correct.
scrub, 10. Extreme desert (least productive).
Educational Objective: To know about
Hence, Reason is correct
biodiversity and its features
Educational Objective: To learn about the
5. Key: C productivity of Tropical rain forests and
Explanation: Forest Type in India. % of Total Temperate forests
8. Key: C
Tropical Moist Deciduous 37
Explanation: Albedo is the portion of solar
Tropical Dry Deciduous 28
energy reflected from the surface of the Earth
Tropical Wet Evergreen. 8
back into space. It is a reflection coefficient and
Sub-Tropical Moist Hill. 6
has a value of less than one.
Tropical Semi-Evergreen 4
Rest below 4 %
Hence, statement 3 is correct. Page No. 135

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Table-1: Reflectivity Values of Various

9. Key: A
Explanation: Temperate Coniferous forests
Surface Details Albedo
cover the highest percentage of forest rate in the
Dark and Wet 0.05 world. Temperate coniferous forest is a
Light and dry 0.40 terrestrial biome found in temperate regions of
the world with warm summers and cool winters
Sand 0.15 – 0.45
and adequate rainfall to sustain a forest.
Long 0.16
Coniferous forests are of moderate density and
Short 0.26 are more uniform. The trees in coniferous forests

Crops 0.18 – 0.25 grow straight and tall. Almost all conifers are
evergreen. There is no annual replacement of
Tundra 0.18 – 0.25
new leaves as in deciduous trees.
Deciduous 0.15 – 0.20
Educational Objective: To know about
Coniferous 0.05 – 0.15 distribution of Forest types in the world.

Small zenith 10. Key: C

0.03 – 0.10
angle Explanation: Forest area refers to land area
Large zenith covered by forests or forest canopy or open
0.10 – 1.0
angle woodland.
Among the given state Maharashtra has lowest
Old 0.40
Snow forest cover due to it’s urbanization and dry
Fresh 0.95
weather conditions which cannot support
Sea 0.30 – 0.45 luxuriant vegetation.
Glacier 0.20 – 0.40 Chhattisgarh and Odisha once supported
diverse vegetation but most of forests have been
Thick 0.60 – 0.90
Clouds cleared for mining as forest there represent rich
Think 0.30 – 0.50
source of coal and iron.
When the solar radiation passes through the
Madhya Pradesh has preserved its forests due to
atmosphere, a certain amount of it is scattered,
large tribal population and thus Madhya
reflected and absorbed. The reflected sum of
Pradesh has largest forest area under forests in
radiation is called the albedo of the earth.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
albedo values of the ecosystem. Page No. 136

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State/Union Geographi Very Moderatel Open % change since
Forest %
Territory cal Area Dense y Dense Forest 2015
Andaman & Nicobar
8,249 5,678 684 380 6,742 81.73 -0.11%
Andhra Pradesh 162,968 1,957 14,051 12,139 28,147 17.27 +1.31%
Arunachal Pradesh 83,743 20,721 30,955 15,288 66,964 79.96 -0.23%
Assam 78,438 2,797 10,192 15,116 28,105 35.83 +0.72%
Bihar 94,163 332 3,260 3,707 7,299 7.75 +0.05%
Chandigarh 114 1 14 6 22 18.91 -0.09%
Chhattisgarh 135,192 7,064 32,215 16,268 55,547 41.09 -0.01%
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 491 0 80 127 207 42.16 +0.20%
Daman & Diu 111 1 6 13 20 18.46 +0.79%
Delhi 1,483 7 56 129 192 12.97 +0.25%
Goa 3,702 538 576 1,115 2,229 60.21 +0.51%
Gujarat 196,244 378 5,200 9,179 14,757 7.52 +0.02%
Haryana 44,212 28 452 1,108 1,588 3.59 +0.02%
Himachal Pradesh 55,673 3,110 6,705 5,285 15,100 27.12 +0.71%
Jammu & Kashmir 222,236 4,075 8,579 10,587 23,241 10.46 +0.11%
Jharkhand 79,716 2,598 9,686 11,269 23,553 29.55 +0.04%
Karnataka 191791 4,502 20,444 12,604 37,550 19.58 +0.57%
Kerala 38,852 1,663 9,407 8,251 20,321 52.30 +2.68%
Lakshadweep 30 0 17 10 27 90.33 0.13%
Madhya Pradesh 308,252 6,563 34,571 36,280 77,414 25.11 -0.00%
Maharashtra 307,713 8,736 20,652 21,294 50,682 16.47 -0.01%
Manipur 22,327 908 6,510 9,928 17,346 77.69 +1.18%
Meghalaya 22,429 453 9,386 7,307 17,146 76.76 -0.52%
Mizoram 21,081 131 5,861 12,194 18,186 86.27 -2.52%
Nagaland 16,579 1,279 4,587 6,623 12,489 75.33 -2.71%
Odisha 155,707 6,967 21,370 23,008 51,345 32.98 +0.57%
Puducherry 490 0 18 36 54 10.95 -0.67%
Punjab 50,362 8 806 1,023 1,837 3.65 +0.13%
Rajasthan 342,239 78 4,340 12,154 16,572 4.84 +0.14%
Sikkim 7,096 1,081 1,575 688 3,344 47.13 -0.13
Tamil Nadu 130,060 3,672 10,979 11,630 26,281 20.21 +0.06%
Telangana 112,077 1,596 8,738 10,085 20,419 18.22 +0.50%
Tripura 10,486 656 5,246 1,824 7,726 73.68 -1.56%
Uttar Pradesh 240,928 2,617 4,069 7,993 14,679 6.09 +0.12%
Uttarakhand 53,483 4,969 12,884 6,442 24,295 45.43 +0.04%
West Bengal 88,752 2,994 4,147 9,706 16,847 18.98 +0.02%
Total 3,287,469 98,158 308,318 301,797 708,273 21.54 +0.21% Page No. 137

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Educational Objective: To know the South west Bengal also supports only deciduous
distribution of different forest and their location and mangrove forest and not ever green as it
and to achieve sustainable forest cover of 33% in also lacks moisture required for it sustainance.
all states Southern saurashtra is one of the driest parts of
peninsula which supports only scrub type of
11. Key: A
vegetation and few deciduous trees.
Explanation: Red sanders also called Rakth
Andaman and Nicobar Islands with it’s location
chandan is the tropical deciduous tree of south
near the equator provides the ideal conditions
Indian specillay known for it’s wood and
for all the three types of forest thus providing for
medicinal importance.
increase diversity of species.
Distribution: Seshachalam forest, palkonda rage
Hence D is the only correct option
and various range of eastern ghats.
Educational Objective: To study different
It is used as a herbal medicine for antipyretic,
geographical regions of India and their flora and
inflammatory, tonic, haemorrage, dysentery,
aphrodisiac and diaphoretic porposes.
Hence only statement 1 is correct as Red 14. Key: C
sanders is endemic to deciduous forest of south Explanation: Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram
India being located in the north east of India provide
Educational Objective: To known about the ideal condition for the development of moist
endemic plants species of different regions in evergreen forest due to ready availability of
India. moisture all around the year.
Some trees of wet evergreen forests are:
12. Key: B
Rhododendron, magnolia, cinnamomum etc
Explanation: Himalayan vegetation is mainly
Himachal Pradesh even though being located in
composed of coniferous species. They Occur in
the Himalayas cannot support wet ever green
the temperate zone of the Himalayas between
forests due to average moisture because of it’s
1500 and 3300 metres.Trees are 30 to 50 m
distance from the sea.
high. Eg.Pines, juniper, cedars, silver firs,
spruce, etc. are most important trees. Some dry evergreen trees of western Himalayas:
oaks, Quercus etc
Mahogany species is found in Indian Tropical
forests Hence option c is correct answer

Educational Objective: To know about the Educational Objective: To study different

geographical regions of India and their flora and
Himalayan vegetation.
13. Key: D
15. Key: A
Explanation: North coastal Andhra Pradesh
have only mangrove and deciduous forest and Explanation: Teak is one of the important

cannot support evergreen due to not enough species of moist deciduous forest of south India

moisture. Page No. 138

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in the state of Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu and deciduous forests. It provides diverse habitats
Karnataka. for a range of species including endangered ones
It has leather like smell when freshly milled and such as Hangul and Musk Deer. The
is valued for it’s durability and water resistance. transHimalaya zone includes high altitude cold
It is the commonly used wood for furniture and and arid mountain areas, including cold
Burma is largest producer of it. deserts.Thus, statement 2 is the most
Tropical rain forest do not support teak due to appropriate answer.
its heavy rainfall which is not feasible for it’s Educational Objective: To know about the
growth. diversity of Himalayan range and reason for it.
Tropical thorn and grasslands cannot support 18. Key: D
large trees like teak which can grow upto 70 feet Explanation: Net Sown Area is 47% of the total
due to their dry and scrub vegetation. geographic area because of extensive availability
Hence option a is the most feasible answer of flat terrain in India.
Educational Objective: To study different forest About 23% area of the country is under forest
types of India and the species that is supported cover.
by them. Barren and un-culturable waste land amounts
16. Key: A to about 8.5%.
Explanation: Himalayan region is known for its About 5.5% is under non-agricultural uses like
diverse landscape and beauty. Due to this houses, industries etc.
diverse it supports diversity of forests from Rest of the area is under tree crops, grooves,
tropical to Tundra vegetation as we scale the permanent pastures and grazing lands etc.
mountains until permanent snowline appears.
Rhododendron is one of the most important tree
of evergreen forests of Himalayas and oak is
distributed both as evergreen and deciduous
forests of Himalayas.
Sandal wood tree is completely absent in
Himalayas as it represent the tropical deciduous
forests of central India.
Educational Objective: To learn about the land
Educational Objective: To study different forest
use classification in India
types of India and the species that is supported
by them. 19. Key: B
Explanation: Red Panda
17. Key: B
The red panda is a small reddish-brown arboreal
Explanation: Himalayan range covers 6.4 % of
the total geographical area and has alpine and
sub-alpine forests, grassy meadows and moist Page No. 139

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It is also the state animal of Sikkim and listed as

21. Key: D
Endangered in the IUCN red list of Threatened
Explanation: The western Andhra Pradesh
Species and under Schedule I of the Indian
region lies in the rain shadow region of both
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats. As a result,
It is found in the forests of India, Nepal, Bhutan
the Districts of Anantapur, kurnoolare
and the northern mountains of Myanmar and
characterized by tropical thorn forests.
southern China.
Characteristics of Tropical thorn forests
It thrives best at 2,200-4,800m, in mixed
Annual rainfall is less than 75 cm.
deciduous and conifer forests and present in
Humidity is less than 50 per cent.
Sikkim, western Arunachal Pradesh, Darjeeling
Mean temperature is 25°-30°C.
district of West Bengal and parts of Meghalaya.
The trees are low (6 to 10 metres maximum) and
Slow Lorises: Slow lorises are found in South
widely scattered. Mostly, open stunted forests
and Southeast Asia. Their collective range
with bushes and having long roots and sharp
stretches from Northeast India through
thorns or spines are commonly found.
Indochina, east to the Sulu Archipelago (the
Educational Objective: To know about Tropical
small, southern islands of the Philippines), and
thorn forests and their distribution.
south to the island of Java (including Borneo,
Sumatra, and many small nearby islands). 22. Key: D

Educational Objective: To learn about the Explanation:

habitats of Red panda and slow loris. List-I (Mangroves) List-II (States)
A. Achra Ratnagiri Maharashtra
20. Key: C
B. Coondapur Karnataka
Explanation: According to Indian state of Forest
C. Pichavaram Tamil Nadu
report, 2019
D. Vembanad Kerala
Haryana has Total forest cover is very low at
Mangroves— Tolerant to salt water and
anaerobic condition. Littoral plants and
Total Forest cover of Goa is 60.44%
subtropical coastlines grow on tidal flats, deltas,
Total Forest cover of kerala is 54.42%
estuaries, bays, creeks and Barrier Island. It
Total forest cover of Sikkim 47.11%
produces pneumatophores to overcome
Largest forest cover in India: Madhya Pradesh >
respiration problem in the anaerobic soil
Arunachal Pradesh > Chhattisgarh > Odisha >
condition. It can absorb freshwater from saline
and brackish water. Mangroves exhibit viviparity
Forest cover as percentage of total geographical
modes of reproduction. Mangroves secrete salts
area: Mizoram (85.41%) > Arunachal Pradesh
through their leaves. In India all coastal states
(79.63%) > Meghalaya (76.33%) > Manipur
has mangroves.
(75.46%) > Nagaland (75.31%).
Educational Objective: Geography of India and
Educational Objective: Forest cover of India.
plant vegetation Page No. 140

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Appendix I of the Convention on International

23. Key: B
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Explanation: Ecological balance is a term used
Flora (CITES) and Schedule I of the Wildlife
to describe the equilibrium between living
(Protection) Act, 1972.
organisms such as human being, plants, and
Educational Objective: To know about the
animals as well as their environment.
distribution of Asian Elephant.
At least 33% of the land area of a country should
be under the forest. This is the ideal balance for 25. Key: B
maintaining ecological balance in the Explanation: The total forest cover of the
environment. country is 7,12,249 sq km which is 21.67% of
If the balance is not maintained there is high the geographical area of the country. The Tree
chance of suffering from natural calamities like cover is 2.89% of the geographical area of the
irregular rain, drought, flood, and loss of flora country.
and fauna etc., All lands with tree canopy density of 70% and
Educational Objective: To know about the above are considered as Very Dense Forest. Out
concept of ecological balance of the total forest cover, dense forest constitutes
around 3.02%. Hence, statement 1 is wrong.
24. Key: B
National Forestry Action Programme (NFAP) is a
Explanation: The X referred in the question is
comprehensive workplan for sustainable
Asian Elephant
development of forests in the country .to achieve
India is the natural home of the largest
the national goal of 33% geographic area of the
population of Asian elephants. It is also found in
country under the forest and tree cover as
Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar.
enshrined in the National Forest Policy, 1988.
It usually resides in shrublands,
Hence, statement 2 is correct.
artificial/terrestrial forests and grasslands.
Educational Objective: To learn about forest
cover, percentage of very dense forest and
National Forestry Action Programme.

26. Key: C
Explanation: In 1997 Sal forest were badly
affected by the insects which cause destruction
of Sal forest by turning the trees dry. Sal borer
attack began in 1995 and by 1997 it turned into
a serious epidemic affecting the Sal forests. This
majorly occurred in Madhya Pradesh.

It is listed as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List

of threatened species. It is also listed in Page No. 141

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8. Agriculture
1. Consider the following pairs:
Region Well-known for the
production of
1) Kinnaur A. Areca nut
2) Mewat B. Mango
3) Coromandel C. Soya bean
Which of the above pairs is/are correctly
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) None
The map shows the Sal forest distribution in
2. Assertion: There are no tea plantations in
any African country.
Educational Objective: To be aware of serious
Reason: Tea plants need fertile soil with
environmental degradation issues, especially
high humus.
forests and water bodies in India and across the
(a) Both A are R are true R is the correct
explanation of A
27. Key: B (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
Explanation: Barak, Lohit and Subansiri are explanation of A
the tributaries of Brahmaputra river. Only Lohit (c) A is true but R is false
and Subansiri flows through the state of (d) A is false but R is true
Arunachal Pradesh.
3. Though coffee and tea both are cultivated
Whereas the Barak River flows through the
on hill slopes, there is some difference
states of Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram and
between them regarding their cultivation.
Assam in India and into the Bay of Bengal via
In this context, consider the following
Dibang, Kameng, Lohit, Manas River, Subansiri
1) Coffee plant requires a hot and humid
River, Teesta River and Kopili River are the other
climate of tropical areas whereas tea can be
tributaries of Brahmaputra.
cultivated in both tropical and subtropical
Educational Objective: To learn about the
tributaries of Brahmaputra river and its flow in
2) Coffee is propagated by seeds but tea is
Arunachal Pradesh.
propagated by stem cuttings only. Page No. 142

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Which of the statements given above is/are Select the correct answer using the code
correct? given below
(a) 1 only (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 only (b) 3 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) 1,2 and 3

4. Consider the following statements: 7. Why does the Government of India

1) Chikmagalur is well-known for sugar promote the use of “Neem- coated Urea”
production. in agriculture?
2) Mandya is well- known as a coffee (a) Release of Neem Oil in the soil increases
producing region. nitrogen fixation by the soil microorganisms.
Which of the statements given above is/are (b) Neem coating slows down the rate of
correct? dissolution of urea in the soil.
(a) 1 only (c) Nitrous oxide, which is a greenhouse gas, is
(b) 2 only not at all released into atmosphere by crop
(c) Both 1 and 2 fields.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) It is a combination of a weedicide and a
fertilizer for particular crops.
5. Match List- I with –II and select the
correct answer using the code given 8. Which of the following is/ are the
below the lists: advantage/ advantages of practising drip
List-I (Board) List-II (Headquarters) irrigation?
A. Coffee Board 1. Bengaluru 1) Reduction in weed
B. Rubber Board 2. Guntur 2) Reduction in soil salinity
C. Tea Board 3. Kottayam 3) Reduction in soil erosion
D. Tobacco Board 4. Kolkata Select the correct answer using the code
Codes: given below
(a) A-2; B-4; C-3; D-1 (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2 (b) 3 only
(c) A-2; B-3; C-4; D-1 (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) A-1; B-4; C-3; D-2 (d) None of the above is an advantage of
practising drip irrigation
6. Which of the following practices can help
in water conservation in agriculture? 9. Consider the following statements:
1) Reduced or zero tillage of the land 1) Maize can be used for the production of
2) Applying gypsum before irrigating the field starch
3) Allowing crop residue to remain in the field Page No. 143

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2) Oil extracted from maize can be feedstock (c) 1,2, and 3

for biodiesel (d) 2, 3 and 4
3) Alcoholic beverages can be produced by
12. Which of the following is the chief
using maize
characteristic of “mixed farming”?
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) Cultivation of both cash crops & food crops
(b) Cultivation of two or more crops in the same
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) Rearing of animals & cultivation of crops
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1,2 and 3
(d) None of the above
10. What are the significances of a practical
13. Consider the following crops of India.
approach to sugarcane production known
1) Groundnut.
as “Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative”?
2) Sesamum
1) Seed cost is very low in this compared to the
3) Pearl Millet
conventional method of cultivation
Which of the above is/ are predominantly
2) Drip irrigation can be practiced very
rainfed crop/crops?
effectively in this
(a) 1 and 2 only
3) There is no application of
(b) 2 and 3 only
chemical/inorganic fertilizers at all in this
(c) 3 only
4) The scope for intercropping is more in this
(d) 1,2 and 3
compared to the conventional method of
14. With reference to micro- irrigation,
which of the following statements is / are
Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
1) Fertilizer/Nutrient loss can be reduced
(a) 1 and 3 only
2) It is only means of irrigation in dry land
(b) 1, 2 and 4 only
(c) 2,3 and 4 only 3) In some areas of farming, receding of
(d) 1,2,3 and 4 ground water table can be checked
Select the correct answer using the codes
11. Consider the following crops:
given below:
1) Cotton
(a) 1 only
2) Groundnut
(b) 2 and 3 only
3) Rice
(c) 1 and 3 only
4) Wheat
(d) 1,2 and 3
Which of these are Kharif crops?
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 2 and 3 only Page No. 144

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15. Salinization occurs when the irrigation (d) A is false but R is true
water accumulated in the soil evaporates,
19. Consider the following crops:
leaving behind salts & minerals. What are
the effects of salinization on the 1) Cotton
irrigated land? 2) Groundnut
(a) It greatly increases the crop production 3) Maize
(b) It makes some soils impermeable 4) Mustard
(c) It raises the water table Which of the above are Kharif crops?
(d) It fills the air spaces in the soil with water (a) 1 and 2

16. In India, during the last decade the total (b) 1, 2 and 3

cultivated land for which one of the (c) 3 and 4

following crops has remained more or less (d) 1.2.3 and 4

stagnant? 20. Assertion: India does not export natural

(a) Rice rubber.
(b) Oil Seeds Reason: About 97% of India’s demand for
(c) Pulses natural rubber is met from domestic
(d) Sugarcane production
Choose the correct answer
17. Which one of the following is the correct
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is correct
sequence in the decreasing order of
explanation for A
production (in million tones) of the given
(b) Both A and R are correct and R is not
food grains in India?
correct explanation for A
(a) Wheat- Rice- Pulses- Coarse Cereals
(c) A is true but R is false
(b) Rice- Wheat- Pulses- Coarse Cereals
(d) A is false but R is true
(c) Wheat- Rice- Coarse Cereals-Pulses
(d) Rice- Wheat- Coarse Cereals- Pulses 21. Assertion: The Eastern Coast of India
produces more rice than the Western Coast.
18. Assertion (A): The percentage of net sown
Reason: The Eastern Coast receives more
area in the total area of Andhra Pradesh is
rainfall than the Western Coast.
less as compared to that of West Bengal.
Choose the correct answer
Reason(R): The soil of most of Andhra
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is correct
Pradesh is laterite.
explanation for A
Choose the correct answer
(b) Both A and R are correct and R is not
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is correct
correct explanation for A
explanation for A
(c) A is true but R is false
(b) Both A and R are correct and R is not
(d) A is false but R is true
correct explanation for A
(c) A is true but R is false Page No. 145

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22. Consider the following statements. (a) Maharashtra, U.P, Tamil Nadu, Andhra
1) India is the original home of the cotton plant Pradesh
2) India is the first country in the world to (b) U.P, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu. Andhra
develop hybrid cotton variety leading to Pradesh
increased production (c) Maharashtra, U.P, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil
Which of these statements is/ are correct? Nadu
(a) Only 1 (d) U.P, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil
(b) Only 2 Nadu
(c) Both 1 and 2 26. Consider the following statements:
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 1) Maharashtra has the highest acreage under
23. Consider the following high yielding Jawar in India
varieties of crops in India 2) Gujarat is the largest producer of groundnut
1) Arjun in India.
2) Jaya 3) Rajasthan has the largest area of the
3) Padma cultivable waste lands in India
4) Sonalika 4) Andhra Pradesh has the highest per hectare
Which of these are Wheat? yield of maize in India
(a) 1 and 2 Which of these statements are correct?
(b) 2 and 3 (a) 1 and 4
(c) 1 and 4 (b) 2 and 3
(d) 3 and 4 (c) 1 and 3

24. With reference to Indian agriculture, (d) 2 and 4

which one of the following statements is 27. Match List I with List II and select the
correct? correct answer using the codes given
(a) About 90% of the area under pulses in India below the lists:
is rainfed List-I List-II
(b) The share of pulses in the gross cropped A. Cotton 1. Rainfall 1000-1500mm:
area at the National level has doubled in the Temp.40 _60 C
last 2 decades B. Flax 2. Rainfall 1500-2000mm:
(c) India accounts for about 15 percent of the Temp, 25_35C
total area are under rice in the world C. Sugarbeet 3. Rainfall 600-800mm:
(d) Rice occupies about 34 percent of the gross Temp 5_ 18 C
cropped area in India. D. Jute 4. Rainfall 500-1000mm:

25. The correct sequence in decreasing Temp 18_22 C

order of the four sugarcane producing 5. Rainfall 500-600mm:

states in India is. Temp 18 _ 22 C Page No. 146

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Codes: 31. The lower Gangetic plain is characterised

(a) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2 by humid climate with high temperature
(b) A-2; B-3; C-5; D-4 throughout the year. Which one among
(c) A-4; B-5; C-2; D-1 the following pairs of crops is most
(d) A-4; B-3; C-5; D-2 suitable for this region?
(a) Paddy and Cotton
28. Which one of the following agricultural
(b) Wheat and Jute
practices is eco-friendly?
(c) Paddy and Jute
(a) Organic farming
(d) Wheat and cotton
(b) Shifting cultivation
(c) Cultivation of high yielding varieties 32. Consider the following statements:

(d) Growing plants in glass- houses 1) India is the only country in the world
producing all the five known commercial
29. Match List I with List II and select the
varieties of silk
correct answer using the codes given
2) India is the largest producer of sugar in the
below the lists:
List-I List-II
Which of the statements given above is/are
A. Cotton 1. Madhya Pradesh
B. Gram 2. Gujarat
(a) 1 only
C. Black Pepper 3. West Bengal
(b) 2 only
D. Pineapple 4. Kerala
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3
33. Among the following States, which one
(b) A-2; B-1; C-3; D-4
has the most suitable climatic conditions
(c) A-1; B-2; C-4; D-3
for the cultivation of a large variety of
(d) A-1; B-2; C-3; D-4 orchids with minimum cost of production,
30. Consider the following crops of India: and can develop an export oriented
industry in this field?
1) Cowpea
(a) Andhra Pradesh
2) Green gram
(b) Arunachal Pradesh
3) Pigeon pea
(c) Madhya Pradesh
Which of the above 1s/are used as pulse,
(d) Uttar Pradesh
fodder green manure?
(a) 1 &2 only 34. Dalbergia species is associated with
(b) 2 only which one of the following?
(c) 1 & 3 only (a) Cashew nut
(d) 1,2 &3 (b) Coffee
(c) Tea
(d) Rosewood Page No. 147

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Mango:The main mango producing states in

35. Following are the characteristics of an
India are Uttar Pradesh (23.86%), Andhra
area in India:
Pradesh (22.14%), Karnataka, Bihar etc., not
1) Hot and humid climate
Mewat – Haryana. Hence, statement 2 is wrong.
2) Annual rainfall 200 cm
Soyabean:Top two producers of soyabean are
3) Hill slopes up to an altitude of 1100 metres
Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra not
4) Annual range of temperature 15°C to 30°C
Coromandel (Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu).
Which one among the following crops are you
Hence, statement 3 is wrong.
most likely to find in the area described
Educational Objective: To know about the well-
known agricultural production areas of India
(a) Mustard
region wise.
(b) Cotton
(c) Pepper 2. Key: D
(d) Virginia tobacco Explanation: There are Tea Plantations in many
African countries such as Rwanda, South Africa,
36. What are the benefits of implementing
Uganda, Tanzania etc., Hence, Assessment is
the 'Integrated Watershed Development
Required Conditions for Tea Growth:
1) Prevention of soil runoff
Climate: Tea is a tropical and sub-tropical plant
2) Linking the country's perennial rivers with
and grows well in hot and humid climate.
seasonal rivers
Soil: The most suitable soil for tea cultivation is
3) Rainwater harvesting and recharge of
slightly acidic soil (without Calcium) with porous
groundwater table
sub-soil which permits a free percolation of
4) Regeneration of natural vegetation
water with high fertility and humus content.
Select the correct answer using the code
Hence, Reasonis correct.
given below.
Temperature: The ideal temperature for its
(a) 1 & 2 only
growth is 20°-30°C and temperatures above
(b) 2, 3 & 4 only
35°C and below 10°C are harmful for the bush.
(c) 1, 3 & 4 only
Rainfall: It requires 150-300 cm annual rainfall
(d) 1,2,3 & 4
which should be well distributed throughout the
8. Key and Explanation Educational Objective: To know about tea
cultivation conditions and its distribution in the
1. Key: D
Explanation: Arcea nut:
Areca nut Production is mostly confined to 3. Key: A
Karnataka, Kerala and Assam. Whereas Kinnaur Explanation: Coffee and tea are the most
Himachal Pradesh. Hence, statement 1 is wrong. important beverage crops and also commercial Page No. 148

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crops which have huge demand in the world and also has one of the largest sugarcane mills
market. In India both crops are grown with in Karnataka.
Karnataka accounting for 70% of coffee Hence both the statements are incorrect
production and Assam accounting for 52% of Educational Objective: to know about different
total tea produced in India. crops cultivated in India and the important
Even though both are grown on hilly slopes are places associated with their cultivation.
is certain difference in distribution in India.
5. Key: B
Coffee is mostly concentrated in the southern
Explanation: The Coffee Board of India is an
states of Karnataka, TamilNadu and Kerala as it
organisation managed by the Ministry of
requires ample sunlight and also frequent
Commerce and Industry of the government of
rainfall with out any stagnation which is mostly
India to promote coffee production in India.
available in tropical areas.
Head Office is in Bangalore. Its tradition duties
Tea on other hand is cultivated both in tropical
included the promotion of the sale and
and sub-tropical areas due to it’s ability to with
consumption of coffee in India and abroad,
strand more low temperature as compared to
conducting coffee research, financial assistance
coffee. And aslo it requires heavy rainfall of 150
to establish small coffee growers, safeguarding
cm which is available in subtropical climates.
working conditions for labourers, and managing
Distribution: Karnataka, Assam, West Bengal.
the surplus pool of unsold coffee.
Hence statement 1 is correct
The Tea Board of India is a state agency of
Coffee is propagated by seed while tea can be the Government of India established to promote
propagated from both seed and stem cuttings. the cultivation, processing, and domestic trade
Hence statement 2 is incorrect. as well as export of tea from India. It was
Educational Objective: to know about various established by the enactment of the Tea Act in
commercial crops and their distribution and 1953 with its headquarters in Kolkata (formerly
their contribution to Indian agri exports. Calcutta). The Tea Board India is responsible for
4. Key: D the assignment of certification numbers to
Explanation: Chikmagalur one of the famous exports of certain tea merchants. This
hill station towns in Karnataka is known as land certification is intended to ensure the teas’ origin,
of coffee as it accounts for major production and which in turn would reduce the amount of
also coffee was first introduced here in the fraudulent labelling on rare teas such as ones
Bababudangiri hills. Being located along the harvested in Darjeeling.
westernghats it provides ideal conditions for The Rubber Board is a statutory body
coffee production. constituted by the Government of India, under
Mandya known as sakkare nadu is one of the the Rubber Act 1947, for the overall
towns in southern Karnataka which is famous development of the rubber industry in the
for sugarcane cultivation and sugar industry country. Head Office is in Kottayam, Kerala. Page No. 149

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To promote by such measures as it thinks fit the  The Tobbacco board is headquartered in
development of the rubber industry. Guntur Andhra with aim to strive for the
Without prejudice to the generality of the overall development of tobacco growers and
foregoing provision the measures referred to the Indian Tobacco Industry.
therein may provide for: Hence option B is right choice
1. Undertaking, assisting or encouraging Educational Objective: to know about different
scientific, technological or economic organizations and their importance in promoting
research. agri exports of commercial crops.
2. Training students in improved methods of
6. Key: D
planting, cultivation, manuring and spraying.
Explanation: Zero tillage is a condition in which
3. The supply of technical advice to rubber
soil is not tilled before cultivated other crop after
harvesting. Thus the soil is not disturbed and
4. Improving the marketing of rubber.
also the residue prevents erosion and helps in
5. The collection of statistics from owners of
water conservation.
estates, dealers and manufacturers.
Gypsum added to the soil decrease acidity of soil
6. Securing better working conditions and the
and also changes the structure of soil by
provision and improvement of amenities and
breaking it increasing its water retention
incentives to workers.
capacity and inturn promoting water saving.
7. Carrying out any other duties which may be
Crop residue on the soil decrease run-off and
vested with the Board as per rules made
also prevents evaporation and also provides
under this Act.
shade help in reducing the water needed.
It shall also be the duty of the Board:
Hence all the statements are correct
8. To advise the Central Government on all
Educational Objective: to study and
matters relating to the development of the
understand on how to increase irrigation
rubber industry, including the import and
efficiency in India and save the water as in India
export of rubber.
Agriculture accounts for more than 80% of water
9. To advise the Central Government with
regard to participation in any international
7. Key: B
conference or scheme relating to rubber.
Explanation: Urea is one of the most used
10. To submit to the Central Government and
fertilizers in India and due to its high subsidy
such other authorities as may be prescribed,
and cheapness it is used more than needed
half yearly reports on its activities and the
altering the standard natural nutrient
working of this Act, and
distribution of soil making the soil unfit for
11. To prepare and furnish such other reports
relating to the rubber industry as may be
To address this issue government introduced
required by the Central Government from
neem coated urea which reduces the dissolution
time to time. Page No. 150

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of urea in the soil and also prevents frequent Maize is also used for production of alcohol due
usage of it by farmers and also prevents water it’s rich starch content and also ready and easy
pollution due to excessive leaching of urea. fermentation process.
Hence B is right choice Ex: Corn whiskey of USA
Educational Objective: to understand various Hence all statements are correct answers
steps taken by the government to promote Educational Objective: To understand the
sustainable agriculture. importance of food grains in agriculture and
their diversified uses.
8. Key: C
Explanation: Drip irrigation reduces the 10. Key: B
appearance of weeds due to its limited water Explanation: Sustainable Sugarcane
availability and also localized irrigation which Initiative is a method of sugarcane production
helps in growth of only the cultivated crop and which involves using less seeds, less water and
limiting the water for weed plants. optimum utilization of fertilizers and land to
Drip irrigation has no direct affect on salinity achieve more yields. Driven by farmers, SSI is an
reduction it helps in growing the crops in saline alternate to conventional seed, water and space
soil by creating localized saline free zones near intensive Sugarcane cultivation.
the crop area. The major principles include the following:
One of the most important benefits of drip Raising nursery using single budded chips In
irrigation is to control soil erosion which is the conventional method, 2-3 budded sugarcane
common phenomenon in traditional irrigation. setts are used for planting. However, in SSI, they
Due to drop by drop water from drip irrigation is use single budded chips from a healthy mother
reduces the leaching of top soil due to its low cane. This would give high percentage of
intensity and thus reduce soil erosion. germination depending.
Hence only 1 and 3 are correct statements Water management is the key issue in SSI. It
Educational Objective: To study about drip emphasizes that sufficient moisture is provided
irrigation it’s potential and benefits associated rather than inundating the field with water
with it. because flooded condition will actually hinder
the growth of the plant. SSI methods use furrow
9. Key: D
/ alternate furrow / drip irrigation so that only
Explanation: Maize is one of the staple food
required quantity of water is given. Overall, SSI
grains which is mainly used as animal food but
saves around 40% of water.
it can be used as replacement for wheat flour to
Although SSI does not put an end to use of
make corn breads and various baked products
chemical fertilizers; yet it discourages high
which are rich source of starch.
application of chemical fertilizers and use of
Maize also forms important raw material for
pesticides and eedicides. It promotes more use of
biodiesel production due to it’s high starch
organic manures, bio-fertilizers and follow
content and ease of conversion to ethanol. Page No. 151

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

biocontrol measures. However, it does not ask farming due to its diversity and increased
for a sudden switch to organic cultivation. productivity.
SI promotes intercropping in sugarcane with Advantages of mixed farming
crops like wheat, potato, cowpea, French bean, Farmers can keep their fields under continuous
Chickpea, water melon, brinjal etc. In addition production.
to effective utilization of land, this practice will It enhances the productivity of the farm land.
reduce the weed growth up to 60% and give It increases the per capita profitability.
extra income to farmers. Both farmings compliment each other.
Thus only 1, 2 and 4 are correct It enhances the productivity of the farmer also.
Educational Objective: to learn and Reduce dependency on external inputs and costs.
understand different methods of sustainable Hence option C is most rational choice
farming. Educational Objective: to study different types

11. Key: C of farming and their benefits and issues.

Explanation: On the basis of cultivation crops 13. Key: D

can be divide into Explanation: Rainfed crops are those crops
Kharif crops: cultivated during the rainy season which depend mainly on rain water for their
Ex: Rice, cotton, groundnut, jowar etc production and it provides most of the food
Rabi crops: cultivated during post-monsoon consumed by the poor people.
seson and harvested in early spring The main rainfed crops are the millets which are
Ex: Wheat, mustard important source of various nutrients like finger
Zabi crops: short summer seasons crops millet, pearl millet etc
Ex: watermelon, cucumber etc In India most of the oil seeds like ground nut,
Thus on 1, 2 and 3 are correct mustard and sesamum are also rainfed which
Educational Objective: to have knowledge depend mainly on monsoon for their production.
about the seasonality of crops in India and This is why India unable to meet its oil demands.
necessary conditions for different crops. Hence all crops are rainfed crops

12. Key: C Educational Objective: to study about different

crops in India and season of their cultivation
Explanation: Cultivation of two or more crops
and their source of irrigation.
on the same field is called as mixed cropping
which is done to better utilize the potential of
land also as security in case of price crash of 14. Key: C
any one. Explanation: Micro irrigation is defined as the
While mixed farming on the other hand involves frequent application of small quantities of water
rearing of plants and animals on same land so directly above and below the soil surface;
usually as discrete drops, continuous drops or
that the mutual benefits of both of them are
tiny streams through emitters placed along a
harnessed. It is one of the most familiar form of
water delivery line. Page No. 152

Geography UPSC
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Due to low intensity of water in micro irrigation table and also hydraulic capacity of water to
the loss of nutrients as well as soil erosion is through the soil. Thus 3 and 4 are incorrect.
prevented. Hence statement 1 is correct. Educational Objective: to study about salinity
Dryland farming is one in which crops mostly
and its role in soil degradation and various other
depend on rainwater with some water irrigation
in case of stress. But micro irrigation is not the effects.
only method as other like sprinkler, drip can be 16. Key: A
used. Hence statement 2 is incorrect.
Explanation: Pulses are edible seeds of plants
Due to slow application of water drop by drop
belonging to legume family which are most
near the crop itself micro irrigation reduces important source of protein to people. But due to
water requirement and is seen as solution to being rainfed crop and skewed MSP policy the
address decreasing water table in India. Hence production of pulses has remained more or less
statement 3 is correct. constant making people depend on food grains
thus ultimately leading to protein deficiency.
Educational Objective: To study different
Para TE 1973 (Period- TE 2008 (Period-
irrigation methods and verify their benefits and met Year I II)
to adopt best so that irrigation efficiency can be er Orissa India Orissa India

increased. Area 6.6 125.8 6.7 122.6

mha (0.89) (0.15) (-0.34) (-0.13)
15. Key: B Food
Producti 5.6 129.0 7.4 196.6
on (mt) (2.46) (2.64) (0.69) (1.27)
Explanation: Salinity becomes a problem when Yield 847 1024 1089 1603
enough salts accumulate in the root zone to (kg/ha) (1.57) (2.49) (1.02) (1.40)
negatively affect plant growth. Excess salts in Area 4.4 (- 39.6 4.5 (- 43.3
mha 0.42) (0.54) 0.05) (0.13)
the root zone hinder plant roots from Padd Producti 4.2 52.3 6.0 83.6
withdrawing water from surrounding soil. This y on (mt) (1.50) (2.83) (0.78) (1.26)
lowers the amount of water available to the plant, Yield 964 1312 1335 1940
(kg/ha) (1.92) (2.29) (0.82) (1.16)
regardless of the amount of water actually in the
Area 1.6 22.9 1.8 (- 22.5 (-
root zone. For example, when plant growth is mha (4.92) (0.16) 0.69) 0.10)
compared in two identical soils with the same Puls Producti 0.8 11.6 0.8 (- 13.3
es on (mt) (6.02) (0.92) 2.14) (0.25)
moisture levels, one soil receiving salty water
Yield 503 504 441. (- 592
and the other receiving salt-free water, plants (kg/ha) (1.10) (0.76) 1.45) (0.36)
are able to use more water from the soil Area 0.7 18.2 0.9 (- 25.3
receiving salt-free water. Although the water is mha (7.10) (1.37) 2.67) (0.04)
Oilse Producti 0.5 10.9 0.6 (- 22.2
not held tighter to the soil in saline ed on (mt) (8.09) (3.05) 3.38) (1.54)
environments, the presence of salt in the water Yield 683 595 669 (- 873
(kg/ha) (0.99) (1.68) 0.72) (1.49)
causes plants to exert more energy extracting
water from the soil. The main point is that Note: Figures in Parentheses are Annual
excess salinity in soil water can decrease Compound Growth rate (%) in Period-I and
plant available water and cause plant stress.
Hence statement 1 is in correct and 2 is
correct. Educational Objective: To study the trends and
Due to formation of impermeable layer it cultivation of crops in India with time.
prevents the infiltration of water reducing water Page No. 153

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

17. Key: D Educational Objective: To study the trends and

Explanation: Rice is one of the most edible cultivation of crops in India with time.
crops which occupies largest area under food
18. Key: C
grains in India accounting for more than 140
Explanation: The percentage net sown area of
metric tons. Second largest in world after China.
Andhra Pradesh is 40% where as net sown area
Wheat is second largest produced food grain in
of West Bengal is 60%. Hence statement 1 is
India accounting for more than 100mt also
second in world after China.
The major soil of the Andhra Pradesh is laterite
Coarse cereals occupy third place in production
soil but it is not the sole reason for low net sown
due to rainfed nature and also displacement of it
area. Because net sown area depends on various
by rice and wheat by green revolution reducing
factors like urbanization, availability of irrigation,
area for coarse cereals.
weather situation etc. Hence statement 2 is
Pulses comes last as area under pulses
correct but not reason for statement 1.
remained stagnant since last decade due to
Hence option B is right choice
skewed MSP policy which leads to preference of
Educational Objective: To understand the
rice and wheat over pulses.
diversity of crops cultivated and various factors
Hence D is the correct choice.
affecting the net sown area in different parts of
the country.

19. Key: B
Explanation: On the basis of cultivation crops
can be divide into
Kharif crops: cultivated during the rainy season
Ex: Rice, cotton, groundnut, jowar, maize etc
Rabi crops: cultivated during post-monsoon
seson and harvested in early spring
Ex: Wheat, mustard
Zabi crops: short summer seasons crops
Ex: watermelon, cucumber etc
Thus on 1, 2 and 3 are correct
Educational Objective: To have knowledge
about the seasonality of crops in India and
necessary conditions for different crops.

20. Key: D
Explanation: The natural rubber production in
India during 2019 was 7,30,000 tonnes but
consumption was 12 lakh tonnes. Thus because Page No. 154

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

of it huge domestic consumption India even Explanation: Indian subcontinent is the home
though produces rubber in sufficient quantity for origin of cotton plant which can be seen from
and is 6th largest producer of rubber. But due to the Indus valley civilization. The Greeks called
its enormous domestic demand it is net importer Indus as Sindon which means cotton.
of natural rubber. India was the first country to develop hybrid
Thus statement 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect. cotton way back in 1970s called H-4 variety and
also it has the highest area 1/3rd under hybrid
Educational Objective: To study about cotton
and it’s varieties

23. Key: C
Explanation: Jaya and Padma are important
varieties of hybrid rice crops cultivated in India
which greatly increased the rice production in
the country.
Arjun and Sonalika are the hybrid varieties of
wheat developed by ICAR to increase resistant to
Educational Objective: To study about different rust bowl and also to promote early maturity so
commercial crops and their contribution to that it could be harvested early.
Indian exports. Hence C is correct option
21. Key: C Educational Objective: To study about different
Explanation: East coast of India produces more types and hybrids of crops cultivated and their
rice than west coast due to presence of various advantages over traditional variety.
deltas on the west coast like sunderbans, 24. Key: A
Mahanadi and Godavari deltas which are the Explanation: More than 90% area under pulses
rice bowls of the country which provide ideal is under rainfed conditions which has made
condition for rice cultivation due to their wetland India net importer of pulses to meet its growing
nature. demand from the raising middle class.
West coast of India receives more rain than east The share of pulses under cultivation has
due to influence of western ghats and also remained stagnant since last decade due to
coromandel coast on east coast remains dry skewed nature of MSP increasing attraction
during southwest monsoons. towards rice and wheat.
Educational Objective: To understand the rice India accounts for more than 25% of rice area in
cultivation trends in India and also the area of the world and is second largest producer of rice
largest production. after China.Rice occupies more than 25% of
22. Key: C gross cropped area under cultivation. Page No. 155

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Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To understand the

trends of sugar cultivation in India and various
issues associated with sugar Industry in India.

26. Key: B
Explanation: Maharashtra accounts for 52% of
production and 50% of area under Jowar
cultivation in India.
Gujarat is the largest producer of groundnut in
India followed by Andhrapradesh and India
second largest after China.

Educational Objective: To analyse the cropping

trends in Indian agriculture and various factors
affecting production of different crops.

25. Key: B
Explanation: Sugarcane is one of the most
important commercial crops in India after cotton
providing important raw material for sugar Rajasthan has the largest area under cultural
industry and providing employment for lakhs wasteland due to large area of state under desert.
indirectly. Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka are largest
Uttarpradesh is the largest producer of producers of maize in India but Andhra has the
sugarcane in India followed by Maharasthra highest yield among all states.
where as Maharashtra is largest producer of

Educational Objective: To analyse the cropping

trends in Indian agriculture and various factors
affecting production of different crops. Page No. 156

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Previous Year Questions

27. Key: D Educational Objective: to study the different

Explanation: Successful cultivation of cotton climatic requirements for different crops and
requires a long frost-free period, plenty of their distribution.
sunshine, and a moderate rainfall, usually from
28. Key: A
60 to 120 cm (24 to 47 in). Soils usually need to
Explanation: Organic agriculture can be
be fairly heavy, although the level
defined as: an integrated farming system that
of nutrients does not need to be exceptional. In
strives for sustainability, the enhancement of
general, these conditions are met within the
soil fertility and biological diversity while, with
seasonally dry tropics and subtropics in the
rare exceptions, prohibiting synthetic pesticides,
Northern and Southern hemispheres, but a large
antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, genetically
proportion of the cotton grown today is
modified organisms, and growth hormones.
cultivated in areas with less rainfall that obtain
Shifting cultivation is the practice of clearing
the water from irrigation.
forests and cultivating crops until fertility is
The soils most suitable for flax, besides
exhausted and moving to other allowing that to
the alluvial kind, are deep loamscontaining a
regain fertility. It is on of the main reasons for
large proportion of organic matter. Flax is often
soil erosion in India.
found growing just above the waterline
Cultivation of high yielding varities requires
in cranberry bogs. Heavy clays are unsuitable,
large use of pesticides and insecticides for pest
as are soils of a gravelly or dry sandy nature.
control hence is not eco-friendly.
Farming flax requires few fertilizers or pesticides.
Growing plants in green houses also requires
Within eight weeks of sowing, the plant can
large investment in pesticides and insecticides
reach 10–15 cm (3.9–5.9 in) in height, reaching
hence also not friendly
70–80 cm (28–31 in) within 50 days.
Hence organic farming is the most eco-friendly
Sugar beet is a native of temperate climatic
of all the four.
regions with moist and mild winters and
Educational Objective: To study different
moderate summer temperature and thus, in
agricultural practices and adopt the best one for
wide contrast to sugarcane it grows in mid-
sustainable development.
latitude regions. It is very sensitive to annual
ranges of rainfall which should necessarily be 29. Key: A

around 60 to 65 cm. Explanation: Gujarat is one of the largest cotton

Jute crop requires humid climate with producers due to ideal environment condition

temperature fluctuating between 24 degree and also presence of black cotton soil.

Celsius and 38 degree Celsius. Minimum rainfall Madhya Pradesh due it’s rainfed agriculture is
required for jute cultivation is 1000 mm. New most suitable for cultivation of various pulses as
grey alluvial soil of good depth receiving silt it can withstrand some water stress.
from annual floods is most suitable
forjutegrowth. Page No. 157

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Kerala due to it monsoon climate and hilly Even though wheat is grown here it is mostly in
terrain is suitable for production of various the western side where temperature is in range
spices like pepper, turmeric, cardamom etc of 20-25 degree and rainfall is 80-100 cm. wheat
Pineapple is mostly grown in warm and humid being temperate crop cannot with strand cannot
climate with temperature between 15-30 degrees. high temperatures of lower gangetic plains.
Hence best suitable location is north-east and Cotton is a tropical crop grown mostly grown in
West Bengal. Maharashtra, Karnataka and Gujarat. It
Hence the correct order is the option A requires 6 to 8 months of frost free season which
Educational Objective: To study the different is not available in middle gangetic plains.
climatic requirements for different crops and Hence option C is the better choice.
their distribution. Educational Objective: To study about different
agro-climatic zones and their major crops.
30. Key: D
Explanation: Pulses are the edible seeds which 32. Key: A
are rich source of protein to the human beings. Explanation: India is known for it uniquess of
The various pulses are gram, tur, pegion pea etc being the only country producing all the five
And also belonging to the legume family they varities of silk in world.
have the ability to absorb nitrogen directly from  Eri
the environment and thus help in mainting  Muga
nitrogen ratio of soil and prevents excessive use  Tasar
of urea. Thus these are used as green manure in  Mulberry
different parts of country before sowing the  Oak tasar
crops to enrich nitrogen naturally. India is the second largest producer of
Hence all being leguminous crops are used both sugarcane and Brazil is the largest producer.
as pulses and green manure.
Educational Objective: To study about different
legumes and their role in improving soil fertility.

31. Key: C
Explanation: Lower gangetic region occupying
the ganga Yamuna doab is one of the fertile
regions of the country due to ready availability of
water for irrigation and temperature of above 30
The best suitable crops are paddy and jute
which require temperature of 30-35 degree and
rainfall of 100-150cm which is readily available
in lower gangetic plains. Page No. 158

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Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To study about different

35. Key: C
varieties of various crops grown in India and
Explanation: The above are the climate
place of India in world in their production.
requirements of pepper crop. It grows well in
33. Key: B well in drained soil, It needs high rainfall of
Explanation: Orchids is beautiful plant species more than 200cm and temperature range of
which is divided into two types 15°C to 30°C.It grows in up to a height of 1500
1. Epiphytic Orchids—Plant growing in another meters above sea level. In June – December
plant, which is found in tropical evergreen season, high quality pepper crop is cultivated in
forest. rainfed areas.
2. Terestial Orchids—Plant growing directly on Educational Objective: To know about the
soil, which is found in temperate and alpine climate requirements of pepper crop.
vegetation 36. Key: C
Arunachal Pradesh state has tropical evergreen
Explanation: Integrated Watershed
and semi evergreen and alpine vegetation, development Programme (IWDP) is
suitable for growing orchids. So Arunachal implemented by Department of Land Resources
Pradesh is called Orchid state of India of Ministry of Rural Development. The main
Educational Objective: Arunachal Pradesh objective of IWMP is to restore ecological balance
location and economic geography of India and by harnessing, conserving and developing
plant vegetation degraded natural resources such as soil,
34. Key: D vegetative cover and water.
Explanation: Dalbergia species is commonly Benefits of IWDP
known Rosewood, Shisham and is a medium to
large deciduous tree, native to India, with a
slight crown. It is found in Himalayan foothills.
It is used as firewood, timber, poles, posts,
tool handles, fodder, erosion control and as a
windbreak. Oil is extracted from the seed and
tannin from the bark. IWDP has no link with the inter-linking of rivers.
Current Status: India, with the help of Hence only 1, 3 and 4 are correct.
Bangladesh and Nepal, is trying to de-list Educational Objective: To study different
‘Dalbergia sissoo’, from the list of threatened programmes by government to revitalize Indian
varieties (Appendix II of CITES) in order to Agriculture and also make farming a
protect the livelihood of handicraft remunerative and sustainable activity.
manufacturers and farmers in the Sub-continent.
Educational Objective: To know about
Dalbergia species Page No. 159

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Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

2) Merger of IISCO with SAIL has been

9. Industry Which of the statements given above is/are
1. In India, the steel production industry correct
requires the import of (a) 1 only
(a) Saltpetre (b) 2 only
(b) Rock phosphate (c) Both 1 and 2
(c) coking coal (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) All of the above 5. Match List I with List II and select the
2. Which one among the following industries correct answer using the code given
is the maximum consumer of water in below the Lists:
India? List-I (Aluminium List-II(Location)
(a) Engineering Company)
(b) Paper and pulp A. BALCO 1. Hirakud
(c) Textiles B. HINDALCO 2. Korba
(d) Thermal power C. Indian Aluminium 3. Koraput
3. Tamil Nadu is a leading producer of mill-
D. NALCO 4. Renukoot
made cotton yarn in the country. What
could be the reason?
(a) A-3; B-1; C-4; D-2
1) Black cotton soil is the predominant type of
(b) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3
soil in the State
(c) A-; B-4; C-1; D-2
2) Rich pool of skilled labour is available
(d) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3

Which of the above is/ are the correct 6. Match List I with List II and select the
reasons? correct answer using the codes given
(a) 1 only below the lists:
(b) 2 only List-I List-II
(c) Both 1 and 2 (Industries) (Industrial Centres)
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 A. Pearl fishing 1. Pune
B. Automobiles 2. Tuticorin
4. With reference to the steel industry in
C. Ship building 3. Pinjore
India in the recent times, consider the
D. Engineering goods 4. Marmagao
following statements:
1) Vizag Steel Plant (RINL) has been declared
(a) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3
Mini Ratna.
(b) A-2; B-1; C-3; D-4
(c) A-1; B-2; C-4; D-3 Page No. 161

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

(d) A-1; B-2; C-3; D-4 10. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer using the codes given
7. Which of the following places are known
below the lists:
for paper manufacturing industry?
List-I (Places) List-II (Industries)
1) Yamunanagar
A. Jamnagar 1. Aluminium
2) Guwahati
B. Hospet 2. Woolen Textile
3) Punjab
C. Korba 3. Fertilizers
4) Ballarpur
D. Haldia 4. Cement
Choose the correct answer using the codes
5. Iron and Steel
given below
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(a) A-4; B-3; C-1; D-2
(b) 1, 2 and 4
(b) A-2; B-5; C-1; D-3
(c) 1,3 and 4
(c) A-4; B-5; C-2; D-1
(d) 2, 3 and 4
(d) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3
8. With reference to the usefulness of the
by-products of sugar industry, which of 11. The rough outline map given shows

the following statements is/are correct? centres of cement Industry labelled 1, 2,

3 and 4. Match these centres with the
1) Bagasse can be used as biomass fuel for
following sets of names:
the generation of energy.
2) Molasses can be used as one of the
feedstocks for the production of synthetic
chemical fertilizers.
3) Molasses can be used for the production of
Select the correct answer using the codes
(a) Katni
given below.
(b) Tirunelveli
(a) 1 only
(c) Sikka
(b) 2 & 3 only
(d) Churk
(c) 1 & 3 only
Select the correct answer using the codes
(d) 1,2 & 3
given below:
9. Rawa offshore block with great potential Codes:
of oil is located on (a) A-3; B-4; C-2; D-1
(a) Krishna - Godavari basin (b) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3
(b) Cauvery basin (c) A-1; B-2; C-4; D-3
(c) Mahanadi basin (d) A-2; B-3; C-1; D-4
(d) Palar - Pennar basin Page No. 162

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Thermal power plants in India use water for

9. Key and Explanation
cooling purposes and the disposal of fly ash, a
1. Key: C byproduct in combustion processes. This
Explanation: The coal found in India is mainly excessive water use creates two interlinked
of non-coking quality and hence coking coal has problems: Thermal power plants affect water
to be imported. 70% of the steel produced security and are, in turn, affected by the non-
today uses coal. Coking coal is a vital availability of water.
ingredient in the steel making process. And according to the Central Electricity
India now ranks as the second-largest producer Authority, thermal power plants are already
of crude steel after China. India's crude steel facing difficulties due to non-availability of water,
production in 2018 was at 109.3 million tonnes, particularly in coal-bearing states like Odisha,
up by 7.7 percent from 101.5 million tonnes in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.
2017. This moved up to 111.2 million tonnes in Educational Objective: To know about Thermal
2019 power plants.
Process of Steel Manufacturing
3. Key: B
Transport of raw material to plant
Explanation: Red soil is predominant in Tamil
Blast Furnace: Iron ore is melted. Lime stone is
Nadu. Hence statement 1 is wrong. Rich pool of
fluxing material which is added. Slag is removed.
skilled labour is available in Tamil Nadu and
Coke is burnt to heat the ore.
this labor force will help in producing mill made
Pig Iron: Molten matter is poured into moulds
cotton yarn in our country. Hence statement 2 is
called pigs.
Shaping Metal: Rolling, pressing, casting and
Steel Making: Pig iron is further purified and
oxidises the impurities. Manganese, nickel,
chromium added.
Educational Objective: To know about coking
India is known worldwide for its production of
2. Key: D
textiles in general, and cotton in particular, both
Explanation: As of August 30, 2019, there were
being major industries for the country. Indian
269 thermal power plants in India, according to
textile industry is the mother of all industries
the Central Electricity Authority. Taken together,
and is among the world’s top producers of yarns
these plants consume 87.8% of the total
and fabrics.
amount of water consumed by the industrial
Educational Objective: To know about textile
sector, according to a study conducted by The
Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).
4. Key: B Page No. 163

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Explanation: RashtriyaIspat Nigam Ltd, The Hindustan Aluminum Corporation

(abbreviated as RINL), also known as Vizag Steel, Limited was established in 1958 by the Aditya
is a Public steel producer based in Birla Group. In 1962 the company began
Visakhapatnam, India.RashtriyaIspat Nigam production inRenukoot in Uttar Pradesh
Limited (RINL) is the corporate entity of making 20 thousand metric tons per year of
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP), India's first aluminium metal and 40 thousand metric tons
shore-based integrated Steel Plant built with per year of alumina. In 1989 the company was
state-of-the-art technology. restructured and renamed Hindalco.
RINL was wholly owned by the Government of The Indian Aluminium Company Ltd. (INDAL),
India. In November 2010, the company was Hirakud: It started production in 1938 as a
granted the Navratna status by the Government private company and was converted into a
of India. Hence statement 1 is wrong. public company in 1944. It is an integrated
The Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO), a plant having three units at five different places
100% subsidiary of Steel Authority of India for the pro-duction of alumina and aluminium
Limited (SAIL) has been amalgamated with the sheets.
parent company with effect from 16 February The National Aluminium Company Ltd.
2006. The Ministry of Company Affairs (MoCA) (NALCO), Koraput: It is the largest aluminium
issued the final order on 15 February 2006 plant of the country, located at Koraput. It
approving the scheme of IISCO’s amalgamation obtains bauxite from the bauxite mines at
with SAIL. Hence statement 2 is correct. Panchpatmali (District Koraput). It has an
Miniratna, Navratna and Maharatna Status are installed capacity of 1.6 million tonnes of ingots
given to PSUs depending on their success. per year.
The Department of Public Enterprises under the Educational Objective: To know about
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public aluminium industry.
Enterprises grants these statuses.
6. Key: A
Educational Objective: To know about steel
based PSU.

5. Key: B
Explanation: Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd.
(BALCO) is an Indian aluminium company.
BALCO was incorporated in 1965 as a Public
Sector Undertaking (PSU) and it was the Public
The Pearl Fishery Coast refers to a coastal area
sector until 2001 and has its corporate office in
of southern India, extending along the
New Delhi. Its main plant and facilities are
Coromandel Coast from Tuticorin to Comorin
situated in Korba, Chhattisgarh.
ruled by Paravars. Page No. 164

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Mormugao is a seaport situated in the  As feed

eponymous taluka of the district of South Goa,  Boiler fuel to produce steam and power
Goa state, India. It has a deep natural harbour  With tar it is used as leak proof material
and is Goa's chief port.  Molasses
Educational Objective: To know about harbour.  In fermentation industry

7. Key: B  To produced denatured power alcohol and

Explanation: Ballarpur Industries Ltd was potable alcohol

founded in 1945. The leading paper mill is  Industry and automobile fuel

headquartered in Gurgaon, India. It is a leading  Filter cake- used as fertilizer

manufacturer of writing and printing paper. It Hence all the statements are correct.
has manufacturing units in different locations Educational Objective: To study about sugar
including, industry and it’s situation in India and crisis
1. Ashti, Gadchiroli, Maharashtra associated with it.

2. Bhigwan, Pune District, Maharashtra 9. Key: A

3. Sewa, Jeypore, Orissa Explanation: It was developed in partnership
4. Ballarpur or Ballarshah, Chandrapur with Cairn India, ONGC, Videocon and Ravva Oil
District, Maharashtra Singapore Private Limited, under a 25-year
5. Yamuna Nagar, Yamuna Nagar District, production sharing contract (PSC) that expires
Haryana in 2019
6. Kamalapuram, Warangal District, Telangana
Educational Objective: To learn about the
locations of paper manufacturing industries in

8. Key: D
Explanation: Sugar industry is one of the
important agro-based industries in India
providing employment to large number of people
in India. It is a seasonal industry due to
seasonal availability of raw material and has to
be located close to the source of raw material
Educational Objective: To have idea about
due to its weight loosing nature.
various oil producing blocks in India and their
The various by products of sugar industry and
it’s uses
 Bagasse- solid fibrous material containing 10. Key: D
cellouse Explanation: Jamnagar is a city located on the
 Used in paper and pulp industry western coast of India in the state Page No. 165

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

of Gujarat in Saurashtra region. It is famous for Which of the above pairs is/are correctly
woolen textiles. Hence is matched with 2. matched?
Option A and C are eliminated. (a) 1 and 2 only
Hosapete, also known as Hospet, is a city (b) 3 only
in Ballari District in central Karnataka, India. It (c) 1,2 and 3
is located on the Tungabhadra River, 12 km (d) None
from Hampi. It is noted for noted for its iron ore
2. Which one of the following National
mining and steel plants. Hence option b is Highways passes through Maharashtra,
correct. Chattisgarh and Orissa?
Korba is famous for aluminium industries and (a) NH4
Haldia for cement Industries. (b) NH5
Educational Objective: To know about the (c) NH6
major industrial cities and their prominent (d) NH7
industry types 3. Consider the following statements:
11. Key: B Among the Indian States
Explanation: Katni is a town on the banks of 1) Andhra Pradesh has the longest coastline
the Katni River in Madhya Pradesh, India. 2) Gujarat has the highest number of airports
Hence point 2 is Katni. Which of the statements given above is/are
Tirunelveli/ Tinnevelly, is a major city in the correct?
Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Point 4 is (a) 1 only
Tirunelveli. Sikka is a census town in (b) 2 only
Jamnagar district in the Indian state of Gujarat. (c) Both 1 and 2
Point 1 is Sikka. Churk Ghurma is a town and (d) Neither 1 nor 2
a nagar panchayat in Sonbhadra district in the
4. Which among the following National
state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Point 3 is Churk. Highway routes is the longest?
Option B matches with the above points (a) Agra-Mumbai
Educational Objective: to have knowledge (b) Chennai-Thane
about various major industrial cities in India like (c) Kolkata-Hajira
cement Industry, steel and iron factory etc. (d) Pune-Machilipatnam
5. What is the correct sequence of the
10. Transport following Indian states in descending
1. Consider the following pairs: order of their length of surface roads per
National Highway Cities connected 100 km2 of their area?
1) NH4 Chennai& Hyderabad 1) Haryana
2) NH6 Mumbai & Kolkata 2) Maharashtra
3) NH 15 Ahmedabad& Jodhpur 3) Punjab Page No. 166

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4) Tamil Nadu (c) 2 and 3

Select the correct answer using the codes (d) 2 and 4
given below:
8. Which one of the following statements is
not true of the Konkan Railway?
(a) A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1
(a) The total length is about 760 km
(b) A-4; B-3; C-1; D-2
(b) It runs through the states of Karnataka,
(c) A-3; B-4; C-1; D-2 Goa, Maharashtra and Kerala
(d) A-3; B-4; C-2; D-1
(c) It is the only rail route that cuts across the
6. What is the correct sequence of the Western Ghats
following Indian states in descending (d) The Konkan Railway Construction Company
order of their length of surface roads per which came into being, raised money
100 km of their area? through Public Issues;
1) Haryana
9. The four railway junction shown by
2) Maharashtra 1,2,3,4 on the rough outline map of
3) Punjab Gujrat are respectively
4) Tamil Nadu
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below:
(a) 4,3,2,1
(b) 4,3,1,2
(c) 3,4,1,2
(d) 3,4,2,1
(a) Palanpur,Mahesana,Ahmedabad &
7. With reference to Indian transport Vadodara
systems, consider the following (b) Mahesana, Surendranagar, Rajkot
statements: &Junagarh
1) Indian railway system is the largest in the (c) Palanpur, Kanda, Bhuj and Okla
world (d) Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Bhavnagar& Broach
2) National Highways cater to 45 percent of 10. Which one of the following sets of states
the total road transport demand stands to benefit the most from the
3) Among the states, Kerala has the highest Konkan Railway?
density of surface road (a) Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala
4) National Highway No.7 is the longest in the (b) Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu,
country Kerala
Which of these statements are correct? (c) Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa, Maharashtra
(a) 1 and 2 (d) Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Tamil Nadu
(b) 1 and 3 Page No. 167

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

11. The canal-carrying capacity of Farakka is: 14. Which one among the following has the
(a) 75,000 Cusecs largest shipyard in India?
(b) 70,000 Cusecs (a) Kolkata
(c) 40,000 Cusecs (b) Kochi
(d) 35,000 Cusecs (c) Mumbai

12. Match the different ports of Union (d) Visakhapatnam

Territory of Pondicherry labelled as A, B, 15. Which one of the following ports of India
C and D in the given map with the handles the highest tonnage of import
respective names and select the correct cargo?
answer using the codes given below the (a) Calcutta
list of ports. (b) Kandla
(c) Mumbai
(d) Visakhapatnam

16. Match the locations of ports labelled as A,

B, C and D in the given map with the
names of those ports and select the
correct answer using the codes given
List (Ports of Pondicherry) below the names of the ports:
1) Karaikal
2) Mahe
3) Pondicherry
4) Yanam
(a) A-2; B-1; C-3; D-4
(b) A-1; B-2; C-3; D-4 Names of Ports:
(c) A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3 1) Kakinada
(d) A-1; B-2; C-4; D-3 2) Karwar
13. In India, the ports are categorized as 3) Managalore
major and non major ports. Which one of 4) Tuticorin
the following is a non major port? 5) Veraval
(a) Kochi(Cochin) Codes:
(b) Dahej (a) A-4; B-2; C-3; D-5
(c) Paradip (b) A-5; B-2; C-4; D-1
(d) New Mangalore (c) A-1; B-3; C-4; D-2
(d) A-5; B-3; C-2; D-1 Page No. 168

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

17. Consider the following statements: Odisha, Jharkhand and West Bengal states in
1) Tides are of great help in navigation and India. It connects Surat with Kolkata.
fishing Statement 3 is also wrongly matched as NH 15
2) High tide enables big ships to enter or leave is a major National Highway in the Western and
the harbour safely North-Western India. NH 15 connects
3) Tide prevents siltation in the harbours Samakhiali in Gujarat with Pathankot in Punjab.
4) Kandla and Diamond Harbour are tidal Education Objective: Understanding the
ports spread of Major National Highways in India.
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1,2 and 3 2. Key: C
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Explanation: NH 6 passes through Gujarat,
18. Which one of the following posts shown Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Jharkhand
on the rough outline map of India is a and West Bengal. This road is 1,949 km long.
riverine port? Education Objective: Understanding the
spread of Major National Highways in India.

3. Key: B
Explanation: Gujarat has the largest coastline
in India (1915km), followed by Andhra Pradesh
(1037km). Maharashtra has the highest number
of airports in India. Maharashtra has the highest
number of ports followed by Gujarat.
(a) 1 Educational objective: Airports location and
(b) 2 economic geography of India
(c) 3
4. Key: C
(d) 4
Explanation: Length of Agra-Mumbai NH – 1161
10. Key and Explanation
Length of Chennai-Thane NH – 1235 km
1. Key: D Length of Kolkata-Hajira NH – 1946 km
Explanation: Statement 1 is wrongly matched Length of Pune-Machilipatnam NH – 841 km
as NH 4 is a major National Highway in the So, among the given options, the length of
Western and Southern India. It connects Kolkata-Hajira NH, also known as NH 6 earlier,
Mumbai with Chennai. is the longest route.
Statement 2 is also wrong as NH 6 runs Education Objective: Understanding the
through Gujarat, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, spread of Major National Highways in India. Page No. 169

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Explanation: Konkan Railway was the missing

5. Key: D
link between India’s commercial capital Mumbai
Explanation: Arrangement of states in
and Mangalore. This railway line connects
descending order of the surface roads per 100 sq.
Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka State. It’s
km of their area is as follows:
length is about 760 km. 49% equity is from four
Tamil Nadu has 158.78 km, Punjab has 127.78
states governments of Goa, Maharashtra, Kerala
km, Maharashtra has 117.61 km and Haryana
and Karnataka and 51% of equity of Konkan
has 63.70 km.
Railway Corporation. So, option D which says
Educational Objective: Understanding the
that the money was raised through Public issues
network of roads in India
is wrong.
Educational Objective: Understanding about
6. Key: D Konkan Railway and its history.
Explanation: Arrangement of states in
9. Key: B
descending order of the surface roads per 100 sq.
Explanation: The four railway junctions shown
km of their area is as follows:
by 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the map of Gujarat are
Tamil Nadu has 158.78 km, Punjab has 127.78
Mahesana, Surendranagar, Rajkot and
km, Maharashtra has 117.61 km and Haryana
Junagarh respectively.
has 63.70 km.
Educational Objective: Learning about Gujarat
Educational Objective: Understanding the
Railway Map
network of roads in India
10. Key: A
7. Key: D
Explanation: Konkan Railway was the missing
Explanation: Statement 1 is incorrect as
link between India’s commercial capital Mumbai
Indian Railway System is the 4th largest railway
and Mangalore. This railway line connects
in the world after USA, Russia and China.
Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka State. Its
Statement 2 is correct as National Highway is
length is about 760 km. 49% equity is from four
nearly 2% (1.96%) of total roads, but it carries
states governments of Goa, Maharashtra, Kerala
nearly 40 – 45% of road traffic of India.
and Karnataka and 51% of equity of Konkan
Statement 3 is incorrect Maharashtra has the
Railway Corporation. So, option A is correct.
highest density of the surface roads, not Kerala.
Educational Objective: Understanding about
Statement 4 is correct as National Highway No.
Konkan Railway and its history.
7 is the longest in the country which joins
11. Key: A
Varanasi to Kanyakumari.
Explanation: The canal carrying capacity of
Educational Objective: Understanding Indian
Farakka barrage is 75,000 cusecs. Farakka
Railways Network
barrage is a 2245 metre long barrage across the
8. Key: D river Ganga. Page No. 170

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: Understanding the Tamil Nadu and ‘D’ marked port is Kakinada of
Farakka Barrage. Andhra Pradesh.
Educational Objective: Learning about major and minor
12. Key: A
ports of India.
Explanation: The ports of Union Territory of
Pondicherry as given in the figure are as follows: 17. Key: D
A – Mahe Explanation: Tides and Fishing
B – Karaikal Tides move water, bringing water in and taking
C – Podicherry water out. Understanding the cycles and effects
D – Yanam of tides on fish helps in better fishing. The full
Educational Objective: Understanding the map and new moons normally create better fishing
and geography of Pondicherry. conditions because of the spring tides. The
reason behind this is that fish are easier to
13. Key: B
catch when they are feeding and it’s the tide and
Explanation: Dahej is a not a major port of India. Kochi
currents that dictate this. When the water
(Cochin), Paradip and New Mangalore are considered as
begins to move, smaller fishes are at the mercy
major ports.
of the current and get confused in the turbulent
Educational Objective: Learning about major and minor
water. Larger fishes have an advantage because
ports of India.
they are equipped to feed in this turbulent water.
14. Key: B These larger fishes get more easily trapped when
Explanation: Kochi shipyard is the largest shipyard in there are tides.
India. Tidal Ports: During high tides, water rushes
Educational Objective: Learning about the various into harbours (Tidal Bore). This helps ships
shipyards of India. enter and exit harbours safely. High tides make
15. Key: B ocean/sea water rush into the mouths of rivers.
Explanation: As per the figures, Kandla port This helps ships to enter port towns like New
handled the highest traffic volume at 115.40 MT York, London, Rotterdam, and Hamburg. This is
during 2018-19, followed by Paradip (109.27 perfectly advantageous for some ports in India
MT), JNPT (70.70 MT), Visakhapatnam (65.30 such as Kandla, Mangalore and Kolkata’s
MT), Kolkata with Haldia (63.71 MT) and diamond harbour.
Mumbai (60.58 MT). Tides and Siltation: Tides take away the
Educational Objective: Understanding about terrigenous material brought by the rivers at the
the traffic volume of various ports of India. river harbours and thus help in the prevention
of siltation.
16. Key: B
Tides and Prevention of Rivers from Freezing:
Explanation: In the given map ‘A’ marked ports
The temperature at which sea water freezes is
is Veraval of Gujarat, ‘B’ marked port is Karwar
much lower than that of river water. In cities like
of Karnataka, ‘C’ marked port is Tuticorin of Page No. 171

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

London, due to the high tide, the sea water

enters the river and prevents it from freezing
Educational Objective: Understanding the
various roles of Tides and Tidal Ports of India.

18. Key: D
Explanation: Hoogly in West Bengal is a major
riverine port.
Educational Objective: Knowledge about
various ports of India and riverine ports as well. Page No. 172

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

III. Demography (a) 1 only

(b) 2 only
1. World Demography (c) Both 1 and 2

1. As per the UN-Habitat's Global Report on (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Human Settlements 2009, which one 5. For India, China, the UK and the USA,
among the following regions has shown
which one of the following is the correct
the fastest growth rate of urbanization in
sequence of the median age of their
the last three decades?
(a) Asia populations?
(b) Europe (a) China<India<UK<USA
(c) Latin America and Caribbean (b) India< China<USA<UK
(d) North America (c) China<India<USA<UK
(d) India< China <UK<USA
2. India is regarded as a country with
“Demographic Dividend”. This is due to 6. What is the approximate percentage of
(a) Its high population in the age group below persons above 65 years of age in India’s
15 years current population?
(b) Its high population in the age group of 15- (a) 14-15%
64 years (b) 11-12%
(c) Its high population in the age group above (c) 8-9%
65 years (d) 5-6%
(d) Its high total population 7. Sustainable development is described as
3. Which one among the following South the development that meets the needs of
Asian countries has the highest the present without 1SE compromising
population density? the ability of future generations to meet
(a) India their own needs. In this perspective,
(b) Nepal inherently the concept of sustainable
(c) Pakistan development is intertwined with which of
(d) Sri Lanka the following concepts?
(a) Social justice and empowerment
4. Consider the following statements:
(b) Inclusive Growth
1) Infant mortality rate takes into account the
(c) Globalization
death of infants within a month after birth.
(d) Carrying capacity
2) Infant mortality rate is the number of
infant deaths in a particular year per 100 8. Consider the following statements:
live births during that year. 1) The first telegraph line in India was laid
Which of the above statements is/are correct? between Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) and
Diamond Harbour. Page No. 173

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

2) The first Export Processing Zone in India today 55% of the world’s population lives in
was set up in Kandla. urban areas, a proportion that is expected to
Which of the statements given above is/are increase to 68% by 2050.
(a) 1 only Projections show that urbanization, the gradual
(b) 2 only shift in residence of the human population from
(c) Both 1 and 2 rural to urban areas, combined with the overall
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 growth of the world’s population could add
another 2.5 billion people to urban areas by
9. Consider the following pairs:
2050, with close to 90% of this increase taking
Programme/Project Ministry
place in Asia and Africa.
1) Drought-Prone Ministry of
Educational Objective: To learn about the UN-
Habitat's Global Report on Human Settlements,
Area Programme
2) Desert Development Ministry of
Environment and 2. Key: B
Forests Programme Explanation: The demographic dividend is a rise
3) National Watershed Ministry of Rural in the rateof economic growth due to a rising
Developmentfor share ofworking age people in a population. This
RainfedAreas usuallyoccurs late in the demographic transition
Development project whenthe fertility rate falls and the youth
Which of the above pairs is/are correctly dependencyrate declines.
matched? To reap the benefits of demographic dividend,
(a) 1 and 2 only skills have to be developed because a relatively
(b) 3 only largerportion of population fall under the
(c) 1, 2 and 3 category of
(d) None Productive labour force when there is a
1. Key and Explanation Educational Objective: A decline in fertility and
mortality rates boosts working population
1. Key: A productivity, which leads to a demographic
Explanation: According to UN-Habitat's Global dividend.
Report on Human Settlements, 2009 Asiaian
3. Key: A
continent is registering fastest growth rate of
Explanation: Overall population density of India
urbanization in the last three decades is 324. Nepalis 102, Pakistan is 146, Sri Lanka
According to a new United Nations-Department is 280 person persquare kilometres.
of Economic and Social Affairs (2018 report), Many of the world’s small island or isolated
states have large populations for their size. Page No. 174

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Macao, Monaco, Singapore, Hong Kong and

Gibraltar are the five most densely populated.
Of the larger countries, Bangladesh is the most
densely-populated with 1,252 people per square
kilometre; this is almost three times as dense as
its neighbour, India.
Educational Objective: To know about
population density.
4. Key: D
Explanation: Infant mortality rate indicates the
number of infant death under one years of age
per 1000 live birthunderone year of age.
Neo-Natal Mortality Rate (<29 days) and Post
Neo-Natal Mortality Rate (1 month to 11 months).
Every 6th death in the country pertains to an
Educational Objective: Worldwide Median age
IMR in India has registered a 3 points decline to
population is Japan > Italy > Germany > France
50 from 53 in 2008.
Maximum IMR in Madhya Pradesh (67) and 6. Key: D
minimum IMR in Kerala Explanation: Population ages 65 and above (%
(12) of total) in India was reported at 6.18 % in 2018,
according to the World Bank collection of
development indicators, compiled from officially
recognized sources. India - Population ages 65
and above (% of total) - actual values, historical
data, forecasts and projections were sourced
from the World Bank on March of 2020.

Educational Objective: To know about

mortality rate.

5. Key: B
Educational Objective: To know about
Explanation: For India, China, UK and USA, the
correct sequence ofthe Median age of their population ages.

population isIndia < China < USA < UK 7. Key: D

Explanation: In 1987, the Brundtland
Commission published its report, Our Common Page No. 175

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Future, in an effort to link the issues of water and human resources ultimately leading
economic development and environmental to drought proofing of the affected areas.
stability. In doing so, this report provided the The programme also aims to promote overall
oft-cited definition of sustainable development economic development and improving the socio-
as “development that meets the needs of the economic conditions of the resource poor and
present without compromising the ability of disadvantaged sections inhabiting the
future generations to meet their own needs”. programme areas.
This concept of sustainable development aims to Desert Development Programme (DDP): The
maintain economic advancement and progress main aim of the programme is to minimise the
while protecting the long-term value of the adverse effect of drought and control
environment; it “provides a framework for the desertification through rejuvenation of the
integration of environment policies and natural resource base of the identified desert
development strategies” areas. The programme strives to achieve
Educational Objective: To learn about the ecological balance in the long run.
sustainable development and its main objectives. Ministry of Agriculture: National Watershed

8. Key: C Development Project for Rainfed Areas:

Rainfed areas constitute about 57% of the total
Explanation: Telegraph services in India date
140.30 million hectares cultivated in the country.
back to 1850, when the first experimental
Rainfed agriculture is characterised by low levels
telegraph line was established between Calcutta
of productivity and low input usage.
and Diamond Harbour.
The main objective of the scheme are:
The British East India Company started using
the telegraph a year later, and by 1854. when 1. Conservation, development and sustainable

the system opened to the public, telegraph lines management of natural resources.

had been laid across the country. 2. Enhancement of agricultural production

The Kandla Free Trade Zone - India's first Export and productivity in a sustainable manner.

Processing Zone - was set up in 1965. Educational Objective: To learn about the

Subsequently, six more EPZs were set up. projects and its respective ministries.

Thus both the statements are correct.

2. Language
Educational Objective: To learn about the
telegraph services and export processing zones. 1. The language spoken by the largest
number of people in the world is
9. Key: D
(a) Hindi
Explanation:Ministry of Rural Development-
(b) English
Drought Prone Areas Programme (DPAP): The
(c) Mandarin
basic objective of the programme is to minimise
(d) Spanish
the adverse effects of drought on production of
crops and livestock and productivity of land, Page No. 176

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

2. Which one of the following languages

2. Key and Explanation
belongs to the Austric group?
(a) Marathi 1. Key: C
(b) Ladakhi Explanation: Mandarin is spoken in people’s
(c) Khasi Republic of China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malayasia,
(d) Tamil some part of UnitedStates. This language covers

3. Consider the following international 885 million people.English is spoken by 500

languages: million people.

1) Arabic Educational Objective: Five most languages

2) French spoken in the world

3) Spanish Mandarin > Hindi > Spanish > English > Arabic

The correct sequence of the languages given 2. Key: C

above in the decreasing order of the number
Explanation: Austric group (Nishada) spoken by
of their speakers is.
(a) 3-1-2 1.38% of totalIndian population, this group
(b) 1-3-2 includes mainly triballanguages and dialects of
(c) 3-2-1 the central tribal belt, Khasiand Jaintia hills of
(d) 1-2-3 Meghalaya and Nicobar island.

4. Which one among the following languages

has largest number of speakers in the
(a) Bengali
(b) French
(c) Japanese
(d) Portuguese
5. Berber speaking community, frequently
in the news, lives in
(a) Afghanistan
(b) Algeria
(c) Argentina
(d) Australia Indian languages have evolved from different
6. In which one of the following countries, stocks and are closely associated with the
is Tamil a major language? different ethnic groups of India. Broadly the
(a) Myanmar Indian languages can be put into six groups:
(b) Indonesia 1) Indo-Aryan, 2) Dravidian, 3) Sino-Tibetan,
(c) Mauritius 4) Negroid, 5) Austric and 6) Others.
(d) Singapore Page No. 177

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Educational Objective: To know about tribal of latitude north of the equator, and is situated
languages. off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula.
As a result of historical migration and settlement
3 . Key: A
patterns, Indian Singaporeans came to the
Explanation: Total speaker of Spanish in world
island from various parts of South Asia speaking
is 329 million, Arabic speakers are 220 million
a variety of South Asian languages, mostly Tamil.
and French speakers are 200 million. So, the
According to the population census in 2010,
correct sequences in decreasing order of the
about 9.2 percent of the Singaporean population
number of speakers are Spanish, Arabic and
were Indians, It was also found out that
approximately 76.7 percent of these Indians
Educational Objective: To know about
spoke Tamil as their native language.
Language and population distribution.
Educational Objective: To learn about the
4. Key : A usage of Indian language in other countries.
Explanation: According to 2005 edition of the
National encyclopaedia, the largest numbers of 3. Population
speakers in the world are, Portuguese (213
1. With reference to the role of UN-Habitat
millikon speakers); Bengali (215 million
in the United Nations programme working
speakers); Japanese; (127 million speakers);
towards a better urban future, which of
French (130 million speakers).
the statements is/are correct?
Educational Objective: To know about
1) UN-Habitat has been mandated by the
language distribution across world.
United Nations General Assembly to
5. Key : B promote socially and environmentally
Explanation: Berber speaking community lives sustainable towns and cities to provide
in Algeria, Morocco, Libiya, Tunisia, Mali and adequate shelter for all.
Egypt. 2) Its partners are either governments or local
The Berber languages, also known as Berber or urban authorities only.
the Amazigh languages, are a branch of 3) UN-Habitat contributes to the overall
the Afroasiatic language family. They comprise objective of the United Nations system to
a group of closely related languages spoken by reduce poverty and to promote access to
the Berbers, who are indigenous to North Africa. safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
Educational Objective: To know about berber Select the correct answer using the code
community. given below:

6. Key: D (a) 1,2 and 3

Explanation: Singapore is a sovereign city-state (b) 1 and 3 only
and island country located in maritime (c) 2 and 3 only
Southeast Asia. Singapore lies about one degree (d) 1 only Page No. 178

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

2. Amongst the following States, which one rates among the 28 states of India (Delhi &
has the highest percentage of rural Pondicherry are not included)
population to its total population (on the 2) According to the Census 2001, Rajasthan
basis of the Census, 2001)?
has literacy rate above the national average
(a) Himachal Pradesh
literacy rate.
(b) Bihar
Which of the statements given above is/are
(c) Orissa
(d) Uttar Pradesh
(a) 1 only
3. Which of the following are among the (b) 2 only
million- plus cities in India on the basis
(c) Both 1 and 2
of data of the Census, 2001?
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
1) Ludhiana
2) Kochi 7. According to the Census-2001, which one
3) Surat of the following Indian States has the
4) Nagpur maximum population in India after Uttar
Codes: Pradesh?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (a) West Bengal
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only (b) Maharashtra
(c) 1 and 4 only (c) Bihar
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) Tamil Nadu

4. Among the following, which one has the 8. Which one of the following is the correct
minimum population on the basis of data statement on the basis of Census-2001?
of Census of India, 2001? (a) Bihar has the highest percentage of the
(a) Chandigarh
Scheduled Castes of its population
(b) Mizoram
(b) The Decadal growth of population of India
(c) Puducherry
(1991-2001) has been below 20%
(d) Sikkim
(c) Mizoram is the Indian state with the least
5. Which one among the following States of population
India has the lowest density of population? (d) Pondicherry has the highest sex ratio among
(a) Himachal Pradesh the Union Territories
(b) Meghalaya
9. Consider the following statements:
(c) Arunachal Pradesh
1) Area wise, Chhattisgarh is the larger than
(d) Sikkim
West Bengal
6. Consider the following statements: 2) According to the population 2001 Census,
1) According to the Census 2001, Kerala has population of West Bengal is larger than that
the smallest gap in male & female literacy of Chhattisgarh Page No. 179

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Which of the statements given above is/are D. 1981-2001 4. High growth with
correct? definite signs of
(a) 1 only slowdown
(b) 2 only Codes:
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) A-3; B-; C-4; D-2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4
(c) A-3; B-1; C-2; D-4
10. Consider the following statements: As
(d) A-1;B-3;l C-4; D-2
per 2001 Census
1) The two states with the lowest sex ratio are 13. Which one among the following States
Haryana & Punjab has the highest female literacy rate as
2) The two states with the lowest population per the Census 2001:
per sq. km of area are Meghalaya & Mizoram (a) Chhattisgarh
3) Kerala has both the highest literacy rate and (b) Madhya Pradesh
sex ratio. (c) Orissa
Which of the statements given is/are correct? (d) Rajasthan
(a) 3 only
14. Which amongst the following States has
(b) 2 and 3
the highest population density as per
(c) 1 and 2
(d) 1 and 3
(a) Kerala
11. Which among the following countries (b) Madhya Pradesh
has the largest population? (c) Uttar Pradesh
(a) Indonesia (d) West Bengal
(b) Japan
15. Consider the following countries
(c) Pakistan
1) Brazil
(d) Sudan
2) Indonesia
12. India’s population growth during the
20th century can be classified into four 3) Japan
distinct phases. 4) Russia
Match List-I(Period) with List-II(Phase) and select What is the descending order of the size of
the correct answer using the codes given below the following countries population wise?
the list: (a) 1, 2 ,4 , 3
List-I (Period) List-II(Phase) (b) 2, 3, 1 , 4
A. 1901-1921 1. Steady growth (c) 2, 1, 4 ,3
B. 1921-1951 2. Rapid high growth (d) 1, 2, 3, 4
C. 1951-1981 3. Stagnant growth
16. Consider the following countries of South
Asia. Page No. 180

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1) Bangladesh (d) Uttar Pradesh

2) India
20. Consider the following statements about
3) Pakistan the megacities of India.
4) Srilanka 1) Population of each mega city is more than
The descending order of literacy status of 5 million
these countries. 2) All the megacities are important sea ports.
(a) 4, 2, 1, 3 3) Mega cities are either National / State
(b) 2, 4, 3 ,1 Capitals.
(c) 4, 2, 3, 1 Which of these statements are correct?
(d) 2, 4, 1, 3 (a) 1, 2 and 3
17. The high density of population in Nile (b) 1 and 2
Valley and Island of Java is primarily due (c) 2 and 3
to (d) 1 and 3
(a) Intensive agriculture
21. Which one of the following statements is
(b) Industrialisation true according to 1991 Census data?
(c) Urbanisation (a) UP has the highest density of population in
(d) Topographic constraints India
18. Consider the Decadal Census data given (b) Himachal Pradesh has the highest female to
below: male sex ratio in India
Decadal population (in millions) (c) West Bengal has the highest growth rate of
Year Population population in India
1961 10.7 (d) Bihar has the lowest literacy rate in India
1971 14.3
1981 16.2 The next two questions are based on the
1991 18.9 following table. Study the same and attempt
The above data refer to which one of the the two items
population by religion groups? Table
(a) Sikhs
Indicators of Development for some
(b) Jains
Asian Countries
(c) Christians
Infant Adult
(d) Buddhist Life
Mortality Literac
19. The largest number of Buddhists is found in Rate(Per y
Countries at
(a) Bihar 1000 live Rate(Pe
(b) Karnataka births) rcent
(c) Maharashtra 1996 1995) Page No. 181

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62.4 72 52 1) Buddhists
69.2 38 82 2) Christians
64.0 47 84 3) Jains
71.4 11 84 4) Muslims
69.5 31 94 5) Sikhs
71.7 6 98 Codes:
67.4 32 95 (a) A-5; B-1; C-3; D-2
(b) A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1
(c) A-5; B-3; C-1; D-2
22. Which of the following statement is false?
(d) A-4; B-2; C-1; D-3
(a) All countries other than India have over
80% literacy rate 25. The population growth rate in Kerala is

(b) Malaysia & Korea have life expectancy the lowest among major Indian states.

higher than all other countries Which one of the following is the most

(c) Higher the adult literacy, lower is the infant widely accepted reason for this?

mortality (a) Kerala had made the highest investment in

(d) The life expectancy at birth in India is family planning

almost the same at that of Indonesia (b) Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India
(c) Kerala has invested heavily in promoting
23. The best performance with regard to
literacy & public health & placed high
human development among the countries
priority on social policies
(d) The population pyramid in Kerala has
(a) China
relatively fewer women in the reproductive
(b) Malaysia
age group
(c) Korea
(d) Philippines 26. Among which of the following sets of
social/religious groups is the extent of
24. Match the areas shown as A, B, C and D
poverty highest as per Government
on the given map showing with the
statistics for the 90s.
largest religious minorities. Select the
(a) Muslims in Kerala, Gujarat & Andhra
correct answer using the codes given
below the list:
(b) Tribals in Bihar, MP & Maharashtra
(c) SCs in Punjab, Western UP, North
Rajasthan & Tamil Nadu
(d) Christians in Gujarat, Maharashtra &
Assam Page No. 182

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27. As per 1991 Census, which one of the (d) 2055

following groups of Union Territories had
31. Consider the following statements.
the highest literacy rate?
1) India is the second country in the world to
(a) Chandigarh & Dadra Nagar Haveli
adopt a National Family Planning Program.
(b) Delhi & Andaman Nicobar Islands
2) The National Population Policy of India 2000
(c) Andaman Nicobar Islands & Pondicherry
seeks to achieve replacement level of fertility
(d) Pondicherry & Delhi by 2010 with a population of 111 crores.
28. Southeast Asia has captivated the 3) Kerala is the first state in India to achieve
attention of the global community over replacement level of fertility.
space and time as a geostrategically
Which of the statements given above is/are
significant region. Which among the
following is most convincing explanation
(a) 1 only
for this global perspective
(b) 1 and 2
(a) It was the hot theatre during the Second
(c) 2 and 3
World War
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) Its location between the Asian powers of
China and India 3. Key and Explanation
(c) It was the arena of superpower a.

1. Key: B
confrontation during the Cold War period
Explanation: Statement 1 is correct. UN-Habitat
(d) Its location between the Pacific and Indian is a Unites Nation’s programme working towards
oceans and its preeminent maritime a better urban future. Its mission is to promote
character socially and environmentally sustainable human
settlements development and the achievement of
29. Which one amongst the following has
adequate shelter for all. It is the first statement
the largest livestock population in the on their about us page.
world? Statement 2 is wrong, as UN-Habitat also
(a) Brazil partners with private organisations and civil
(b) China society. Also, the statement contains ‘extreme’
word ONLY.
(c) India
Statement 3 is correct.Cities are facing
(d) USA
unprecedented demographic, environmental,
30. As per India’s National Population Policy, economic, social and spatial challenges. There
2000, by which one of the following years has been a phenomenal shift towards
urbanization. In many places around the world,
is it our long-term objective to achieve
the effects can already be felt: lack of proper
population stabilization?
housing and growth of slums, inadequate and
(a) 2025 out-dated infrastructure – be it roads, public
(b) 2035 transport, water, sanitation, or electricity –
(c) 2045 escalating poverty and unemployment, safety Page No. 183

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and crime problems, pollution and health issues,

as well as poorly managed natural or man-made
disasters and other catastrophes due to the
effects of climate change. Mindsets, policies, and
approaches towards urbanization need to
change in order for the growth of cities and
urban areas to be turned into opportunities that
will leave nobody behind. UN-Habitat, the United
Nations programme for human settlements, is at
the helm of that change, assuming a natural
leadership and catalytic role in urban matters.
Educational Objective: Understanding about
UN-Habitat and its functions. According to the 2011 census, there were 46
2. Key: A million-plus cities in India, with Mumbai, Delhi
Explanation: On the basis of 2001 census, 9.8% and Kolkata having populations over 10 million.
of population Himachal Pradesh, 10.5% of Educational Objective: To know about 2011
population of Bihar, 15% of population of Orissa facts.
& 20.8% of population of Uttar Pradesh live in 4. Key: D
rural areas. Explanation: Population of Sikkim is 540,851.
According to 2001 Census Out of 1027 million Population of Chandigarh is 901,000, Population
(or 102.7 crore) population of India, as per of Pondicherry is 974000 and population of
Census 2001, 742 million live in rural areas and Mizoram is 889,000.
285 million in urban areas comprising of 72.2% Educational Objective: To know about
and 27.8% of the population respectively. The Population statistics.
highest percentage of urban population is in
5. Key: C
Delhi (93.0%) and the lowest in Himachal
Explanation: As per Census, 2001Population
Pradesh (9.8%).
density of Arunachal Pradesh is 13, Himachal
Educational Objective: To know about census
Pradesh is 109, Meghalaya is 103, and Sikkim is
related facts.
3. Key: D Educational Objective: To know about
Explanation: According to the Census of 2001 Population statistics.
of India, the population of Ludhiana is
6. Key: D
1,398,467, Surat is 2,433,835 and Nagpur is
Explanation: Mizoram is the state where male
literacy is 90.7% and female literacy is 86.7%.
There were total of 35 million- plus cities in
So, Mizoram is the state of smallest gap in male
India on the basis of data of the Census, 2001
and female literacy, where Kerala has 94.2% in
male and 87.7% in female. Page No. 184

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In statement-2 literacy of Rajasthan is 60.4%, State with

where national literacy is 65.38%. Highest West Bengal 903
Educational Objective: To know about Literacy Density
rate. State with
Lowest Arunachal
7. Key: B Population Pradesh
Explanation: According to 2001 census,
UT with Highest
Maharashtra had the maximum population in Population Delhi 9.340
India after Uttar Pradesh. The total population Density
UT with Lowest Andaman &
in Maharashtra is 193,977,000. 43
Nicobar Islands
The combined population of UP and Density
Maharashtra (the second most populous state) District with
Highest North East
at 312 million , is substantially greater than that 29,468
Population (Delhi)
of USA, the third most populous country of the Density

world District with Lahul & Spiti

Lowest 2
Educational Objective: To know about (Himachal
Population statistics. Density Pradesh)

8. Key: D 10. Key: D

Explanation: Pondicherry, a Union Territory, Explanation: As per census 2001, child sex
has the sex ratio of 1001. Chandigarh has 777,
ratio in Haryana was 861, in Punjab 876. Hence,
Delhi has 861, Daman and Diu has 710, Dadra
and Nagar Haveli has 812. Haryana and Punjab were the two states with
Improvement in the sex ratio during 1991 to lowest sex ratios.
2001, which has marginally improved to 933
females per thousand males from 927 per The population per sq. km. of area in Arunachal
thousand in 1991, an increase of six points. Pradesh was 13, in Meghalaya was 103 and in
Educational Objective: To know about sex
Mizoram was 42. Hence, the two states with the
lowest population per sq. km of area are
9. Key: C Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram.
Explanation: Area of Chhattisgarh is Kerala has both the highest literacy rate and sex
1,36,03489 km and Area of West Bengal is ratio. Kerala has 94.2% in male literacy rate and
88,572 sq km but the population density in
Chhattigarh is 154, whereas the population 87.7% in female literacy rate.
density in West Bengal is 904. The sex ratio of Kerala is-1058 females per 1000
Educational Objective: To know about
males according to 2001 census
Population density.
Educational Objective: To know about
Population Density
development aspects.
11. Key: A
Explanation: Indonesia has the largest
India 325
population in the given countries. Page No. 185

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Educational Objective: To know about 15. Key: C

countries with highest population. Explanation: The descending order of the size of
the following countries population wiseare
12. Key: C
Indonesia(21,38,29,469) > Brazil(17,63,19,621)
> Russia(14,67,09,971) > Japan(12,67,29,223)
Educational Objective: The top ten countries
with the highest population

16. Key: C
Explanation: According to UNESCO; 2015, the
Educational Objective: To know about stages of literacy rate of given countries are –
demographic transition. Paskistan - 56.4%
13. Key: A India - 72.1%
Explanation: As per the census of 2001, Bangladesh - 72.8%
Chhattisgarh has the highest female literacy Srilanka - 92.6%
of 51.85, Orissa has 50.51%, Madhya The figures represented are almost entirely
Pradesh - 50.29 and Rajasthan has 43.85%. collected by the UNESCO Institute for
Educational Objective: To know about Literacy Statistics (UIS) on behalf of UNESCO with 2015
estimates based on people aged 15 or over who
14. Key: D
can read and write. Where data is taken from a
Explanation: Population density in West Bengal
different source, notes are provided
is 904.
The global literacy rate for all people aged 15
In 2001, density of Uttar Pradesh was 690
and above is 86.3%. The global literacy rate for
persons per sq km, while nation average
all males is 90.0% and the rate for all females is
in 2001 was 324 per sq km.
82.7%. The rate varies throughout the world
That of Madhya Pradesh was 196 persons per sq
with developed nations having a rate of 99.2%
(2013);Oceania having 71.3%; South and West
Kerala was 859 person per sq km its land is
Asia having 70.2% (2015) and sub-Saharan
three times as densely settled as the rest of India.
Africa at 64.0% (2015).
Educational Objective: To know about density
Educational Objective: To know about literacy
of population.

17. Key: A
Explanation: Due to availability of fertile alluvial
soil intensive agricultural practices was possible
in the Nile River and islands of Java. So, in
these regions high density of population is found. Page No. 186

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Many of the world’s small island or isolated community in India. Most Buddhist Marathi
states have large populations for their size. people belong to the former Mahar community
Macao, Monaco, Singapore, Hong Kong and Educational Objective: To know about
Gibraltar are the five most densely populated. Population distribution across states.
Educational Objective: To know about
20. Key: D
population and economic activity.
Explanation: Megacities of India have more
18. Key: C than 5 million populations.
Explanation: Decadal population growth rate of But not all the major megacities are located on
religious groups: Hindus: 16.8%; Muslim: 24.6%; the sea coast or are sea ports. Delhi, which is
Christian: 15.5%; Sikh: 8.4%; Buddhist: 6.1% the national capital, is not a sea port.
and Jain: 5.4%. To qualify as a megacity under the UN definition,
Among the given options Christians Decadal an urban area must have a population of 10
population growth slightly matches the data million people. The UN takes into account
given in the above table. urban sprawl and measures populations beyond
Census-2011 official city limits. On these criteria, India
Out of total population: Hindu (79.8%) currently has five megacities.
>Muslim(14.2%) > Christian(2.3%) > Sikh (1.7%) 1. New Delhi: The capital city has a population
> Buddhist (0.7%) > Jain(0.4%) >Parsis (0.06%) of 26.5 million people
> Animist & others (0.72%) 2. Mumbai: India’s financial hub has a
Educational Objective: To know about population of 21.4 million people
population distribution. 3. Kolkata: An important trading hub, with 15
million people living
19. Key: C
Explanation: Maharashtra has the highest 4. Bengaluru: The ‘Silicon Valley’ of India; 10.5

number of Buddhists in India, with 5.81% of the million people call it home

total population. 5. Chennai: Home of the Indian motor industry,

The Buddhist percentage has decreased from with 10.2 million people

0.74% in 1961 to 0.70% in 2011. Between 2001 Educational Objective: To know about

and 2011, Buddhist population declined in Uttar Mega cities.

Pradesh, Karnataka, and Punjab. 21. Key: D

According to the 2011 Census of India there are Explanation: According to 1991 census data,
8.4 million Buddhists in India. Maharashtra has Bihar had the lowest rate of literacy at 47.53%.
the highest number of Buddhists in India, with As of 2011 Census India's literacy rate is at
5.81% of the total population. Almost 90 per 74.04%. Kerala has achieved a literacy rate of
cent of Navayana or Neo-Buddhists live in the 93.91%. Bihar is the least literate state in India,
state. Marathi Buddhists, who live in with a literacy of 63.82%.
Maharashtra, are the largest Buddhist Page No. 187

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

India’s density of population is 382 per square the state is all set to achieve “Zero population
kilometre. Bihar is the most thickly populated growth” in the coming years
state (1106 persons/sq km.) followed by west While the national rate of growth of population
bengal-1028 and Kerala 860. in the last 10 years is 17.6 per cent, the growth
Educational Objective: To Know about the rate of state population during the period is 4.9
Literacy Rate. per cent, the lowest rate among Indian states,
according to the latest Economic Review by the
22. Key: D
state planning Board.
Explanation: Self explanatory from the above
India's literacy rate is at 74.04%. Kerala has
achieved a literacy rate of 93.91%.
23. Key: C
Kerala ranks highest in India with respect to
Explanation: Human development in a country
social development indices such as elimination
depends on life expectancy of the individual and
of poverty, primary education and healthcare.
standard of living of the population. Among
This resulted from significant efforts begun in
Asian countries Korea is the best performer in
1911 by the erstwhile Princely states of
human development index. Its infant mortality
Cochin and Travancore to boost healthcare and
rate is 6 and literacy rate is 98%.
education among the people
Educational Objective: To know about human
Educational Objective: To know about human
24. Key: C
26. Key: B
Explanation: ‘A’ marked area in the given map
Explanation: According to the recent data
is Punjab and Haryana, where Sikhs as the
made available by Central Statistical
largest religious minorities.
Organisation, the incidence of poverty is highest
‘B’ marked area denoted part of Rajasthan and
in tribes of Bihar, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.
Gujarat, where Jains are the largest religious
India has halved its poverty rate since the 1990s
and achieved a seven plus growth rate over the
‘C’ marked area denoted Sanchi area of Madhya
last 15 years, said the World Bank.
Pradesh, where Buddhists are the religious
Educational Objective: To know about Poverty
‘D’ refers the part of Andhra Pradesh where 27. Key: B

Christians are religious minority. Explanation: As per 1991 census, Pondicherry

and Delhi had the literacy rates of 75.3 and 74.7
Educational Objective: To know about minority
population distribution. As of 2011 Census, literacy rate of Union
25. Key: C territories of India
Lakshadweep (92.28%) > Daman &Diu (87.07%)
Explanation: With Kerala registering the lowest
> Puducherry (86.55%) > Chandigarh (86.43%) >
growth rate of population in the last one decade,
NCT of Delhi (86.34%) > Andaman & Page No. 188

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Nicobar(86.27%) > Dadra & Nagar Haveli raised in an agricultural setting to produce labor
(77.65%). and commodities such as meat, eggs, milk, fur,
Educational Objective: To know about Literacy leather, and wool.
Rate. Educational Objective: To know about
Livestocks of India.
28. Key: D
Explanation: Southeast Asia occupies a 30. Key: C
strategic position for traffic linking the Pacific Explanation: As per India’s National Population
and the Indian Oceans, such as the Straits of Policy - 2000, by 2045 India will achieve
Malacca, the South China Sea. Hence statement population stability whichmeans that the size of
d is the correct answer. population will not go up.
The countries in Southeast Asia are making In 1952, India was the first country in the world
efforts to achieve political stability and steady to launch a national programme, emphasizing
economic growth, and lately have realized overall family planning to the extent necessary for
economic development to varying degrees. Such reducing birth rates "to stabilize the population
economic development has deepened at a level consistent with the requirement of
interdependence within and outside the region. national economy".
Educational Objective: To know about south Educational Objective: To know about national
east Asian region. population policy.
29. Key: C 31. Key: C
Explanation: India is- Explanation: India was the first country in the
● World’s highest livestock owner at about world to launch a national programme. Family
535.78 million. Planning programme was started in 1952 by
● First in the total buffalo population in the Government of India.
world – 109.85 million buffaloes. Kerala is the first state inIndia to achieve
● Second in the population of goats – 148.88 replacement level of fertility.
million goats The National Population Policy, 2000 (NPP 2000)
● Second largest poultry market in the world. affirms the commitment of government towards
● The second-largest producer of fish and also voluntary and informed choice and consent of
the second-largest aquaculture nation in the citizens while availing of reproductive health
world. care services, and continuation of the target free
● Third in the population of sheep (74.26 approach in administering family planning
million). services. The NPP 2000 provides a policy
● Fifth in the population of ducks and chicken framework for advancing goals and prioritizing
(851.81 million). strategies during the next decade, to meet the
reproductive and child health needs of the
● Tenth in camel population in the world – 2.5
people of India, and to achieve net replacement
levels (TFR) by 2010.
Livestock is defined as the farm animals raised In 1952, India was the first country in the world
especially in a farm for the use of humankind. to launch a national programme, emphasizing
Livestock is commonly domesticatedanimals family planning to the extent necessary for Page No. 189

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reducing birth rates "to stabilize the population 3) They are kept in the category of Scheduled
at a level consistent with the requirement of Tribes
national economy". Which of the statements given above is/are
Educational Objective: To know about national correct?
family planning program. (a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
4. Tribes (c) 3 only
1. Match List-I (Ethnic Community) with (d) 1,2 and 3
List-II (Country) and select the correct 4. Consider the following pairs:
answer: Tribe State
List-I List-II 1) Limboo (Limbu) Sikkim
A. Apatani 1. China 2) Karbi Himachal Pradesh
B. Dayak 2. India 3) Dongaria Kondh Odisha
C. Dinka 3. Indonesia 4) Bonda Tamil Nadu
D. Uighur 4. Sudan Which of the above pairs are correctly
Codes: matched?
(a) A-2; B-3; C-4; D-1 (a) 1 and 3 only
(b) A-3; B-2; C-4; D-1 (b) 2 and 4 only
(c) A-2; B-3; C-1; D-4 (c) 1,3 and 4 only
(d) A-3; B-2; C-1; D-4 (d) 1,2,3 and 4
2. Every year, a month-long ecologically 5. In which one of the following places is
important campaign/ festival is held the Shompen tribe found?
during which certain communities/tribes (a) Nilgiri Hills
plant saplings of fruit- bearing trees. (b) Nicobar Islands
Which of the following are such (c) Spiti Valley
communities/ tribes? (d) Lakshadweep Islands
(a) Bhutia and Lepcha
6. Which one of the following statements is
(b) Gond and Korku
not correct?
(c) Irula and Toda
(a) There is no definition of the Scheduled Tribe
(d) Sahariya and Agariya
in the Constitution of India
3. With reference to “Changpa” community (b) North-East India accounts for a little over
of India, consider the following half of the country’s tribal population
statements: (c) The people known as Todas live in the
1) They live mainly in the State of Uttarakhand Nilgiri area
2) They rear the Pashmina goats that yield a (d) Lotha is a language spoken in Nagaland
fine wool Page No. 190

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

7. In which one of the following Union of percent of scheduled tribe population

Territories, do the people of the Onge to their total population is:
tribe live?
(a) Andaman and Nicobar Island
(b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(c) Daman and Diu
(d) Lakshadweep

8. Which one of the following pairs of

primitive tribes and place of their
inhabitation is NOT correctly matched? (a) 1,3,2,4
(a) Buksa : Paun-Garhwal (b) 3,2,1,4
(b) Kol : Jabalpur (c) 3,1,4,2
(c) Munda : Chhotanagpur (d) 1,3,4,2
(d) Korba : Kodagu

9. A person of mixed European and Indian

4. Key and Explanation
blood in Latin America is called a
(a) Mulatto 1. Key: A
(b) Mestizo Explanation: The Apatani, or Tanw, are a tribal
(c) Meiji group of people living in the Ziro valley in the
(d) Mau Mau Lower Subansiri district of Arunachal Pradesh
10. The term “Aryan” denotes in India.

(a) An ethnic group Dayak tribe’s people are the indigenous nomadic

(b) A nomadic people farmers of Sarawak and Brunei, Indonesia. They

(c) A speech group are fierce head hunters

(d) A superior race Dinka tribe is the pastoralist tribe in South

Sudan. They are currently fighting with the
11. Which one of the following pairs of
Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) on behalf
states & tribes is not correctly matched?
of South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit, a
(a) Assam : Miri
Dinka himself.
(b) Nagaland : Konyak
Uighurs are a Turkic minority ethnic group of
(c) Arunachal Pradesh: Apatani
Central Asia. They are recognized as native to
(d) Madhya Pradesh : Lambada
the Xinjiang Province in Northwest China.
12. Among the Indian states shown labelled Educational Objective: To know about
1,2,3& 4 in the rough outline map given, important tribes all over the world.
the correct sequence of descending order
2. Key: B Page No. 191

Geography UPSC
Previous Year Questions

Explanation: The festival starts with the green Changpa are a semi-nomadic community found
march celebrating the beginning of the rains and in Ladakh region. They are kept in the category
new sowing season during which planting of of Scheduled Tribes.
sapling of fruit bearing trees is done on mass Educational Objective: To know about
scale. Changpa tribes.
This question is based upon recent trends in
4. Key: A
Gond and Korku tribes in Madhya Pradesh of
Explanation: Limbu tribe is from Sikkim.
planting fruit tree saplings conciding with Hari
Tamang and the Limbu communities of Sikkim
jiroti festival.
have been placed in the ST category.
To combat the twin problems of malnutrition
Dongaria Kondh tribe is from Odisha.
and environmental degradation, adivasis of
Karbi is from Assam and
Harda and Betul districts of Madhya Pradesh
Bonda is in Odisha.
have decided to launch ‘Operation Guerrilla
Assam: Chakma, Chutiya, Dimasa, Hajong,
Green’ — a movement to plant large numbers of
Garos, Karbi, Khasis, Gangte.
fruit bearing trees on vacant land, wherever it is
Odisha: Gadaba, Ghara, Kharia, Khond, Matya,
Oraons, Rajuar, Santhals.
Educational Objective: To create awareness,
Sikkim: Bhutia, Khas, Lepchas, Limbu,
the adivasis and their festivals.
3. Key: B Educational Objective: To know about tribes of
Explanation: The Changpa are a semi-nomadic India.
Tibetan ethnic group found mainly in Zanskar
5. Key: B
region of Jammu and Kashmir. They rear the
Explanation: Tribes of Andaman and Nicobar
Pashmina goats that yield fine wool. They are
can be split into two broad tribal groups mainly
kept in the category of Scheduled Tribes.
based on their place of origin.
Changpas, a hardly nomadic community,
The Andaman Islands are home to four ‘Negrito’
followed the silk route trail over the high passes
tribes namely the Great Andamanese, Onge,
and the meandering rivers of the Changthang
Jarawa and Sentinelese.
plains of the Tibetan Plateau to settle in the high
Nicobar Islands are home to two ‘Mongoloid’
altitude lake regions of Ladakh in the valleys of
tribes – the Shompen and Nicobarese.
Rupshu, Kharnak and the Tsomoriri somewhere
The Shompen and other aboriginal tribes of the
in the Eighth Century. They transmigrated with
archipelago are protected under The Andaman
the hope of finding better pastures for their
and Nicobar (Protection of Aboriginal Tribes)
livestock, to trade salt and butter and to find a
Regulation, 1956.
market for their pashmina wool.
Educational Objective: To know about
Andaman and Nicobar. Page No. 192

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Previous Year Questions

6. Key: B 8. Key: D
Explanation: The term 'Scheduled Tribes' first Explanation: Korba tribe in found in
appeared in the Constitution of India. Article Chhotanagpur of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
366 (25) defined scheduled tribes as "such tribes Korba is a tribal majority district situated in the
or tribal communities or parts of or groups north-central part of Chhattisgarh whereas
within such tribes or tribal communities as are Kodagu in a district in Karnataka.
deemed under Article 342 to be ScheduledTribes Bhoksa, also known as Buksa, are indigenous
for the purposes of this constitution". peoples living mainly in the Indian states of
Bulk of the tribal population is found in 5 states, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.
i.e., Madhaya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, The Kol are an ancient tribal community, one of
Gujarat and Bihar. the original inhabitants of northern and central
As per 2011 census India. They are located throughout the states of
ST (%): Lakshadweep > Mizoram > Nagaland > Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya
Meghalaya > Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tripura.
ST (Absolute): Madhya Pradesh > Maharashtra > Munda people are an ethnic group of India. They
Odisha > Jharkhand > Gujarat > Rajasthan speak the Mundari language as their native
ST list is ‘state wise’. Punjab, Haryana, language, which belongs to the Munda subgroup
Chandigarh, Delhi & Puducherry have no of Austroasiatic languages. The Munda are
notified Scheduled Tribes. found in the northern areas of east India
Educational Objective: To know about concentrated in the states of Jharkhand, Odisha
'Scheduled Tribes' distributions. and West Bengal.
Chhattisgarh: Agariya, Bhaina, Bhattra, Biar,
7. Key: A
Khond, Mawasi, Nagasia.
Explanation: Tribes of Andaman and Nicobar
Jharkhand: Birhors, Bhumij, Gonds, Kharia,
can be split into two broad tribal groups mainly
Mundas, Santhals, Savar.
based on their place of origin.
Karnataka: Adiyan, Barda, Gond, Bhil, Iruliga,
The Andaman Islands are home to four ‘Negrito’
Koraga, Patelia, Yerava.
tribes namely the Great Andamanese, Onge,
Uttarakhand: Bhotias, Buksa, Jannsari, Khas,
Jarawa and Sentinelese.
Raji, Tharu.
Nicobar Islands are home to two ‘Mongoloid’
Uttar Pradesh: Bhotia, Buksa, Jaunsari, Kol,
tribes – the Shompen and Nicobarese.
Raji, Tharu.
The Onge and other aboriginal tribes of the
Educational Objective: To know about tribes of
archipelago are protected under The Andaman
and Nicobar (Protection of Aboriginal Tribes)
Regulation, 1956. 9. Key: B
Educational Objective: To know about Explanation: Mestizo originally meant a person
Andaman and Nicobar. of combined European and American Indian Page No. 193

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Previous Year Questions

descent, regardless of where the person was Explanation: Lambada tribes are found in
born. Rajasthan and not in Madhya Pradesh.
Mulatto: a person of mixed white and black Assam: Chakma, Chutiya, Dimasa, Hajong,
ancestry, especially a person with one white and Garos, Khasis, Gangte.
one black parent. Arunachal Pradesh: Apatanis, Abor, Dafla,
Meiji: the period when Japan was ruled by the Galong, Momba, Sherdukpen, Singpho.
emperor Meiji Tenno, marked by the Madhya Pradesh: Baigas, Bhils, Bharia, Birhors,
modernization and westernization of the country. Gonds, Katkari, kharia, Khond, Kol, Murias.
Mestizo = European + American Indian descent. Nagaland: Angami, Garo, Kachari, Kuki, Mikir,
Educational Objective: To know about tribes of Nagas, Sema.
world. Rajasthan: Bhils, Damaria, Dhanka,
Meenas(Minas), Patelia, Sahariya.
10. Key: C
Educational Objective: To know about tribes of
Explanation: Aryan is in fact a linguistic term
indicating a speech group of Indo-European
origin, and is not an ethnic term. 12. Key: B
Drawing on misinterpreted references in Explanation: As per 2011 census
the Rig Veda by Western scholars in the 19th ST (%): Lakshadweep > Mizoram > Nagaland >
century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as Meghalaya > Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
a racial category through the works of Arthur ST (Absolute): Madhya Pradesh > Maharashtra >
de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based Odisha > Jharkhand > Gujarat > Rajasthan
on an idea of blonde northern European ST list is ‘state wise’. Punjab, Haryana,
"Aryans" who had migrated across the world and Chandigarh, Delhi & Puducherry have no
founded all major civilizations, before being notified Scheduled Tribes.
diluted through racial mixing with local Constitution of India has recognized tribal
populations. communities in India under ‘Schedule 5’ of the
Aryan, name originally given to a people who constitution. Hence the tribes recognized by the
were said to speak an archaic Indo-European Constitution are known as ‘Scheduled
language and who were thought to have settled Tribes’. There are around 705 distinct tribes in
in prehistoric times in ancient Iran and the India.
northern Indian subcontinent. Educational Objective: To know about
Educational Objective: To know about Indo- Scheduled Tribes.
European Language.

11. Key: D Page No. 194

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