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Patterson Fire Pump
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FIRE PUMP SUBMITTAL DATA D& CFIRE PROTECTION LITHONIA, GEORGIA ATHENS/CLARK COUNTY PARKING DECK ATHENS, GEORGIA **NOTE: PLEASE VERIFY 460 VOLT IS CORRECT LINE VOLTAGE FOR JP & JP CONTROLLER OR ADVISE PRIOR TO ORDERING OF ANY VOLTAGE CHANGE ** P.O. Box 500126 Atlanta, Georgia 31150 Phone - 770-993-9186 Fax - 770-993-9127 DeLassus & Associates, Inc. itDAI DeLASSUS & ASSOCIATES,INC, POST OFFICE BOX 500126 ~ ATLANTA, GEORGIA 31150 Phone 770/993-9186 ~ Fax 770/993-9127 FIRE PUMP SUBMITTAL DATA D & CFIRE PROTECTION LITHONIA, GEORGIA ATHENS/CLARK COUNTY PARKING DECK ATHENS, GEORGIA INDEX BATED CONDITIONS: 1000 GPM @ 90 PSI DIESEL DRIVEN HORIZ.FIRE PUMP 6” X 5" X 11A SSC,UL/FM APP'D, DRIVEN BY A CLARKE ‘MODEL JU4H-UF24 TIER 1, 83 HP, 3000 RPM, 12 VOLT DESCRIPTION E PATTEI SETTING PLAN, ‘C02-98534. PATTERSON PERFORMANCE CURVE ‘A02-81667-1 PATTERSON ASSEMBLY DRAWING ‘c02-81797 PATTERSON MATERIAL LIST ‘ONE PAGE PATTERSON ROTATIONAL VIEWS CLOCKWISE CLARKE ENGINE DATA JU4H-UF24 SEVEN PAGES PATTERSON PIPING CONNECTIONS. 1L00-1011-2, PATTERSON ACCESSORIES ey APP'D GVI 6” FLOWMETER VENTURI GROOVED ‘THREE PAGES PATTERSON BATTERY RACK FOR 2 BATTERIES B-18679 PATTERSON FUEL SYSTEM AD-5298-11 PATTERSON SPILL BASIN C12246-5 EXHAUST MUFFLER SR SERIES HEAT EXCHANGE BYPASS ‘AE-10084-7 FIRETROL DIESEL CONTROLLER EIGHT PAGES PATTERSON PMI SERIES JOCKEY PUMP FOUR PAGES FIRETROL JOCKEY PUMP CONTROLLER ‘THREE PAGES SUBMITTED BY; MARYANN DeLASSUS DATE: 3/17/11x —— oe * Pee) ag] SSNIONS HPAP DRIVIO IM t aes | San SaWind SNORIVA. ‘zal > ne NOs \ £ SNOISNAWIGSNTULNO | I Pa "xm = comers ssw uavee Leen | venaWd 008 0002 0001 % ves 08 oot Ve T 0st oe, z 1 02} 50 a 0F}-—}001 oz, S g }1991820Y “ON BANND magne | ‘y1908-209 ‘dil | ‘98S VLIXS¥9 T3GOH $4 06 @ Kao doot SNo}IIaNoo caLvE (6LE OL 28H) ‘ISd 791 OL LE Wd9 0001 Wd 0562 LLSOE 1B20e9 *DODD0) 061 ¥O8 “D*d ody dry-souty 241 40 KPIS ¥ ANYANOS tif NOSHALLVE YAMOdaSYOH Svea 1334 - QV3H WLOLa] ae) OSS KOKO Soommne meee SPE SS ver ae a NBVaHOO did NOSWELINa [>t St] SSS s] ira) sours morass ‘ie Se gq ao ala] x}e) n/n] e|s|s]e] |e) a/| 8] a[3)8ia| =)Section 1.3 PATTERSON ‘August 2008 HORIZONTAL SPLIT CASE FIRE PUMP STANDARD MATERIAL LIST NUMBER, PART MATERIAL 1h CASING (LOWER HALF) ‘CAST IRON - ASTM 48-64 CLASS 40 18 CASING ( UPPER HALF) CAST IRON - ASTM A48-64 CLASS 40 2 IMPELLER BRONZE ASTM 8584-0875 6 ‘SHAFT ‘ALLOY STEEL - AISI1141 z ‘CASING RING BRONZE ASTM 8506-032 8 IMPELLER RING. BRONZE ASTM 8505-927 13 PACKING (STUFFING BOX) ‘GRAPHITE IMPREGNATED, aA PACKING (SHAFT SLEEVE) ‘O-RING NEOPRINE. 14 ‘SHAFT SLEEVE BRONZE ASTM 8505-064 16. ‘BEARING (INBOARD) SINGLE BALL - MFG. STANDARD a7 GLAND, BRONZE SAE 40 ASTM 8584-905 18 BEARING (OUTBOARD) BACK TO BACK - MFG, STANDARD. 20. ‘SHAFT SLEEVE NUT BRONZE ASTM 8505-032 22 BEARING LOCKNUT ‘STEEL - MFG. STANDARD 29. LANTERN RING BRONZE ASTM 8505.932 OR TEFLON ‘31 [BEARING HOUSING (INBOARD) ‘CAST IRON ASTM A46-64 CLASS 35 Ee IMPELLER KEY STAINLESS STEEL AISI 303 ASTM A240 33 [BEARING HOUSING OUTBOARD) ___CAST IRON ASTI Ad6-64 CLASS 35 3 BEARING COVER (INBOARD) ‘CAST IRON ASTM Ad8-64 CLASS 35 '37___| BEARING COVER (OUTBOARD) ‘CAST IRON ASTM 48-64 CLASS 35 40 DEFLECTOR. ‘ALUMINUM - MEG, STANDARD. ra ‘BEARING CAP (INBOARD) ‘CAST IRON ASTM Ad8-64 CLASS 35 iA ‘BEARING CAP (OUTBOARO}) (CASTIRON ASTM Ad8-84 CLASS 35 46 COUPLING KEY" ‘STEEL - C1020 ASTM A36 83 STUFFING BOX BUSHING ‘BRONZE ASTM 8505-032 OR TEFLON 8 ‘SHAFT COLLAR ‘STEEL - ASTM 108-107 128 BEARING END COVER ‘STEEL - MFG, STANOARD, 126 (GREASE FITTING. ‘STEEL - MFG, STANDARD, 127 ‘SEAL PIPING ( TUBING) COPPER TUBING HSc60-1ROTATIONAL VIEWS la u 2 CLOCKWISE ROTATION COUNTERCLOCKWISE ROTATION id § 2 g 2 i i i i DISC. + SUCT. SUCT. — J DISC. | i i A B \ B a 6 a | : i yi i Recta cso eee ANN. eae CW CCW. Soe PRINT Sigh PRINT! SIGN x ROTATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY END USER / CONSULTANT PRIOR TO MANUFACTURING.rary rc USA Purchased - EPA NSPS Emissions Compllant* FM-UL-cUL APPROVED RATINGS BHP/KW ‘Ero w USAEPANSPS Sear Ears Conant 40 ork ate upPat 200 sgn rence ye Sor Po Sere SPECIFICATIONS Sey iz Abtewvitons: ON Cswisa NA~Nauraly pala’ T—Tutocaged ‘Rotten vivo tos Hot Exchange Ft fein ‘CERTIFIED POWER RATING + Ech ego saad ot sewer an pao, + Nou PULL irs won especie spant, Clara ngs canbe ‘colada eared spat. Tocearia be iomeda ped ‘ower mk Kvarnapcaon fo he Gwe FUL pone caNe, ‘ania Cae cr yer Purp OEM Rapa ci Sa ENONERATINGS BASELINES * Engst und ar ato energy ary fe pr sn ey Eig solo betatd in ero ws NPA + Ege arr estsdard SAE cots f 23.5. 521 Hg arto ‘T° Q5°) nt a aroun 308.014) abe oa el by ‘eng boat (ao SAE Standort 125). * Radu of paren tom eno Krewe gn SAE conn ha ‘be rdf ial engines 480 000 5 nade eve 00 (C14) * Adetcten ot parcenttam ee brs aga carat wandatd SAE ‘ates sat ba ade en ngs oy 10°F 65°C) ho 7" 25°C) antic oe aaa) rs) Rarer Tne) Rime a ENGINE EQUIPMENT SEI Can Ci Hout, Sern lh OS Dep, Op Pre oe Gee Ove Te 1800, pe ih Pebs Ble Gud [AVEC Ang wa Ba an ud urs on Mato on Tutu rid den rd OE, RE COBTOSS rat cosrost Urs csi rT igh - So SF, TAC © | Far Exon his Soll 15 A Fare Granaon cee oe Fwinl Powe Tain GH | 1.8 i basil hed cain Pui canedions Teh Fe, SA Gal avd Et Sain St Ue Spd Raa Ful Fer | Pimsry Fite wth Péing Pump E Ful iene Suse Dietieon —— Enger ‘aivac,fonwen ora, Sed Ces pet, Vr cae Hae ange itn dS Tip, 0° CE TE Geo a Testi Panel Eig ies. ows i Tempe OrPrmave nd To Vor acinar Tsai ea Pant For Wi ncemdion Eng Cota sae ie Gace ag ie Coe Pa pe = ube oar Fl Pow yam aie SHEE ube ol Fare ee, Cao anu Sa coat Os inet Pa wh Col Pode Wag Over ov ocr wn Renard eon berate Taw Wa SolenatiGpion | Auer ee np Ceci vd an groban al Ran Gep aT ‘nse Pe iG on WU ae ca Run obo TREC rege Bun “VEG Ent 0 Edi an VDE apa Sep Tear wAE Two avon sb Spend Tenge Pe eign Pat a i wh Gi ‘Atroetons: OC Diet Curent AC ~ Atumsg Cran SAE ~ Sad ct Aonsin Engen, NPT Nas Pie Tepid Tina (Fonl), NPT) ~ Neon Po Towa Tred al. NA~ NarayAapoid TTuboshargd ANS - Anan Raa Stands tive MODEL NOMENCLATURE 9Dgt Mose sera Ba i Erma cee en Corsten ‘oj oan settee istered CLARKE YU4H GEA 26 xg: ELAAKE FiePriacon Poti, ne. SHORE Kemper Cacia, ON 8214 CLARKE UK LH, Unie States of Are United Kgs Too bSUMATEFRE (HS) Fano 137710726 Ta sett ations ‘wer cnkoeo co veendesatecam citar ‘0ECI0 Gurge Wes, Loond Ra, Contig, MLS 2NN Fes seeszaeazrz14 Specieaton and iferston corned bs ecu tae change wo nenARKE : SLARKE ome i a JU4H-UF24 INSTALLATION & OPERATION DATA (I&0 Data) USA Produced eb ' zi 2800 2800, 2000 4600133) 831(16) 88118) 07) #076 (880) $005 (601) 11100608) 11281007) 07 = TH) ON) 3762) 38) 8eay- 38a) Exnaual Flow -ftsiin ain) — Exhaust Temperate -*F (0) Maximum Alowatle Bock Pressira —ini#0| Minimum Extwuet Pipe Dis. -in rim), ‘Fuel syatem Fuel Consumpiion «gate (Ute) Fuel Retum - gala (Ui) Fuel Suppty gale (Ut). Fuel Prosare «lint Pe ‘Misi Lie Size - Supply 3000, den olin 29075) 10388) 160 (002) 16.5625) wnPen GaGa Alewabe Sucion Lit Se ashe So “ Masi Alowale Fl Hand we Foal pg, Sippy arash) Fol Fer Meron Si nas ‘ational 1500 2 120 5%, 10%) 240 (48% -10%) ter2r948) fer24s4g} za 2600 200 2009 ‘Combustion Al Flow fn (mein) - 084 18863) = 202) 21862) ‘Ar Caner ‘taacd ‘Setonal Pant Nbr (cosa) {coosen Type Indoor Sec Oy, wih Shield Caister, Sr ape Senthgind : Wesnabie Oiposaiie ‘Arie Reathton Ni ‘yA Caner ROY oes wen Clan lr Conner nf 0 0) : 502) 502) ‘Mavinu Aowable Tomparaur (Ar To Engine ria) =F COM _ =~” s90(e4a) {GlPreesre roma Iu (a) 38,240 -60 048) {aw OF Pressure Amon Sitch ish APH) - 201100 inPan Temperature -"F() 220 (104 = 248140) Tos Capacy wn Fter- et - Tis5i4n itll Stina a) 10 ran (8, 10%) 2400 (6% 10%) couse Sounds ne 209 2109 3000 EP Pe) sb) =) as) 06 Piston Speed = ria in) - Mechanical Nese -6B(A) @ fim Power Cue pase on Nain! Sym, fon anaes must be done to assure maximum albwable back pressure is rot exovede. (Not: pe Garr abies on ately ‘00 $0" elbow, and sloncer pressure rap po greeter han one half of he minum ati back ease) ‘Rounu for hsaponr Sree ambient a eoting ange excees TP (250). | J nceats component frsce pat soso son 2467 @ety 28890711) 250078) Tovstea7 Te181088 Page 20f2 0191284 Rev LOE 25FEBIt| SRARKE come JU4H-UF24 INSTALLATION & OPERATION DATA (1&0 Data) i USA Produced Jn Deere co. Sumerian (Dleset) 4.19 (108) X5 (427) 275 (4.8) ‘res Diet econ Inne 4 ke Cycle choi, Roy Pun 1342 Aspiration ‘Natural Rotation, viewed from front of engine, Clockwise (CW) ‘Standard Engine Garkcase Vea! Sylar = ‘opan Intaation Drang 2350 2800 2a00 Teh 86) of a 2809 aa Engine Coolant Hest Btls (A) - 0422) aay hea Engine Reciated Hest - Bhuleac (kW) 16(16.8) $7179) 18.19) eat Minium Fost '@O°F (186) Raw H,0-gemin (Umin) 803) 9604.1) 1097.9) 5° G50) Raw #0 gain (Ui) — 2 wer tet) RE) estat Proauuepol ah aadbaant 6004.1), Flow - pin (Uin) 249 (8 ‘Papa Elna 0 Operating Temp °F CF - ~ $70 (78.7) - 160 (87.8) ‘Start to Open - "F (°C) 170 (76.7) Fully Opened - °F (°C). ~ 190(67.8) Engine Coolant Capacity - qt = 14.79 (14) Contant Pressure Cap tir (Pa) Lro(@e9) Mac Engine Coolant Teper 200 (603) Manu Engine Coolant Temporary =F). 071.1) High Coolant Temp Alarm Such = °F (C) — Bate Gale Mn Sn "2G Grek ang ‘t-eo in reat ong {1200 hore! crn Charing Ateritor Max Ouai- Aro, — Star Gang Arps, Rang GOO" GS) : foo7839) TRESDSOBRESDEAN| Eegs~e x ga8ge NOTE: This engine is intended fr indoor instaaton or ine weatherproof enclosure. ‘Engine HO torperalure is dependent ‘on raw water temperature and Row. and Negative Cables Combined Lengih. z ‘sooo 33 (62) 00 4575) 190) 1418) 19002) (eoreas) Icortp4ay reoreswrcoraeny Paget of2See eee ee eee eee ee Fire Protection Products JU4H & JU6H ENGINE MODELS ENGINE MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION Inddor Usage Only Olid Fabric Pleats I we Procston Half Shell Procision Hal Shells Pair Per Cylinder ‘Sel Backed-Aluminur Lined Platon ‘Type and Meter... Aluminum Aly with Relnforced ‘Top Ring Groove sie Ol vot Spray Full Floating -Ofset Materia. 612618 19NOVO9 DSPJU4H-UF24 Stationary Fire Pump Engine Driver EMISSION DATA EPA 40 CFR Part 60 4 Cylinders Four Gye Loan Bum Naturay Aspirated ‘800 PPM SULFUR #2 DIESEL FUEL u fem | BHP | GALA NMHC 7 oat NOx 4 co 474 2 Pui 62 (23: 018, ‘Notos: 1) 40460150 Base Engine Model manufactured by John Deere Corporation, Fr John Deore Emissions Conformance fo EPA 40 GFR Part 60 see Page 2of 2. £2) Tho Emission Warranty for this engine ia provide deol to the owner ‘by John Deere Corporation. A copy of the John Deore Emission Warranty can ‘be found in the Clarke Operation and Maltondinoe Menval. 9) Engines ae rated at standard concilons of 2.61. (7821 mm) Hy barometer (nd 77°F (26°C) inlet ar temperature, (SAE J1349) +4) PM 1810 measure of ot! pertculete meter, Including PM 9. CLARKE RE PRoTECTON PRODUCTS conesreve Bees Shaver PAGES OF?CLARKE Fire Protection Products g 8 2800 3000 JU4H-UF24 FIRE PUMP DRIVER NOISE DATA Mechanical Engine Noise * ee BHP OvERALL Goi GOHE W26rR WOVE SobHa tkHa GV Aci Ten dB(A) —@BYA) dBYA) GEXA) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) GBA) GBA) BA) YA). 1085 68D 18 8S BT, 42 OA OTA KRDO 8 fold oT 1288704 HH 1000 98H 8 wD TH Raw Exhaust Engine Noise * otave Band BHP OVERALL S18 Te Tz 2501 600 HE tk Haak ve Tek AE dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) GBA) dB(A) dBA) BVA) dB(A) dB(A) BVA) AB(AY 80 ‘Tobe Provided Later 23 * Values above sre provided a 3.3 (tm) from engine block and do not ineude he raw eahaust noe , “Values above ara provided at 3.9 (1m), 90° horizontal, from » vertcal exhaust outet and does not include nolse cried mechanicaly by the engine ‘The above det rofecs values fora typical engine of is model, sped and power ina feerfold envrnment Instatedan specs sua ws background nolse fave! and ampliicaen of role lovee fom refecing of of surounding object, wl affect ‘he overal raise levels observed. A3@ rest ofthis, Clarke makes no guarantees tothe above fvels aan actual instalation, 6131837 REV.A MAYO5 KRWsmnone aDSTANDARD MATERIA) 1F CONSTRUCTION | i | | | ‘URI FIRE PUMP TEST. S VENTURI'S: 1018 or 1026 SOLID CARBON STEEL [MACHINED] IRS MT-1026 & A106 CARBON STEEL THICK WALL PIPE AND/OR ‘TUBE [MACHINED] “MATERIAL CERTS AVAILIBLE” POWDER COAT or — POWDER COATING “RED” PLATING ‘OR .0005 ZINC PLATING METERS: BODY [ALUMINUM], 4” DIAL, 1/4" NPT CONNECTIONS, 3048S CASE with RUBBER RING, GLASS WINDOW, SEAL [BUNA-N], BALL VALVES: BRASS [CA360] BRASS FITTINGS BRASS [CA360] HOSES: “GOODYEAR” RUBBER HOSE W/ BRASS [CA360] FITTINGS [RATING: 750 PST WORKING PRESSURE] 8800 JEFFERSON HIGHWAY - OSSEO,MN 55369 ' PHONE (763) 391-0990 FAX (763) 391-7668
[email protected]
[email protected]
‘8800 Jefferson Highway - Osseo, MN 55369 ‘VENTURI FIRE PUMP TEST METER | in Incorporated 763-391-0990 - fax 763-391-7668a VENTURI FIRE PUMP FLOW SYSTEM Line [Pump J Meter Range | MogotAmber | Model Number | Model Number | Model Nupfber Size cpm | Min, & Max ove Butt Meld | 1508 Flanged |
PM +3008 FYANGED wae |_| es SO Ee TTF ap aeT a a TF ST ware | 100 _| 80-200 [aw oS F Ta) | 72300 sis _ | Ps ae ¥ 300 _[ too 400 | 3°-200-6 FOB, Soe, F 250 | i28-300 POC FHOB F 300 | is0— 600 [4300-6 F308 er 400_| 200-800 | 4400-6 Foon FS ¥ 350_[325=900 | 450-6 F508 Fare ¥ 50_[ 225-900 | aH Faw, Tra ¥ ‘300_—[ 250-1000 | 5500-6 FSD, 2E-S00F ¥ "750 | 378 1500 | 5°-750-6 STs. F 300 | 250 1090 FHOw, e 7150_| “315 1500. C7508 ae 1000 | $00 2600 6F1000-B 6 1000-F 5 € 1350_[ 625-2800 [612506 | Prias0-B | oi250F ~ Denotes Non-Stock item, Please check with factory for avalabilty ** Sizes 1-1/4", 2°, & 14" are Not FM Approved per Factory Mutual** Global Vision is the leader in Flow Technology. Our Mission is to maintain this reputation by providing the highest level of quality and customer satisfaction. We are FM approved ... and our equipment Is SO 17025 certified. oe edSERS TRE TES SRR A TSR TO OOTRSTENIRTS VN wor Vp] OE SBRGLIVE Z oy YR | DAS 8p US eS yO4 a OZTEre MALLE [epee pr] meme ilezgai-a 2] aanl "OVE AUAL Spee ae lees ne io % 22 exo] ANVANOD GAS HOSUBLLVE Seam | Sere ‘BSIMUIHLO OZLYLS SS3INN S3HONI NI SNOTSN3NIG TV, ‘OA "ZO/0170% NAV HORE ‘SNOWY AWaLIvE Z BHI 40 Z 3sN WBISAS ANBLIVE FY Y03 :3L0N se Mol a| couex ~xexe-sw 1] z |rscoaccal z ost rane’ © xe @ fol ¥zzx “Axe xe -32nw 1] z loscoscos} 1 on NOW AOS 3G ‘10 [ON Lava [ALIlaae[ ar [an [aay or | zeae | aay [zon [acer] or ie | ser | met |an | ae [or fe] see se|ana | ener | zo fel zeae mee [asa [ oe | ce eum fauela |e |e vp a fofal ale [scaler] raze oe] oe [oe] ce [ez za seler aval ae| fe [zunn| ae [aan [anes [on ee] a [ar 2 |e <2 YuunYOs ean notre ver ae dans wos ¥$ CSNY 3H SOITONLON OU SALVO IAT ¥ a o oF es zs, * v os Wey or] ee oe ofr om | € St iy Vo, SNSHLY “ad SNORE = MWUYT) SNEHLY * =H tee avin”aiaeS __ PESO nae = sweet Tans wo 0c 4 "WS 02 rete nf an 20s SVE Ths, Z, ae ae sn| anzanos aA basi ese Jo Te naw isa Wo" \ ei «Va WL3IGY3SSN3US LSNVHXE 3O0VY9 “IVILN3OISSY ! S3I¥aS ur au bnheweoansCTEOHL D1 «¥ X did AWA GIONS «1 BAWA“93N'SS3Ud al 9 OSS¥ IVF HL 81ND) ddld ot YANVYLS od s | ‘ONHSNE X34 0 Xt Non WwNOOvIN0 st _| 9 + | TiddN WOKS “ais t | AW a] GAWA Twa | + £ (FPO O1.9 * ddd t_| Zz fH somo aunsszta_ | 1 |Z woes 06.1 | 1 wet BL ws dxdkd |e t NOUAYISIO “mo [ “o_[on { I @ ANVAROD JAT-HVRUDD FHL 40 AUVIGISENS ¥ ANVNOD dNNd NOSYALLVd ° (Gb ) SNOLLVOMdd¥ TWLNOZINOH jennie Vv AIAINASSY SSVd-Ad YSALWMaialataafalafetatatatal Gooooe00000 noooocooo000 a a. a a a a a a a o Q Q Q Q Qa isa a Q Q sa 4 ol a a q C a oO g o Gl o LIELIe noonragoogdga 19000 Q00000000G POoOlodeboonbog00o IANA ONArOoooo SUWOWOGOUUOOUR Qocooo0og Gooooo0oba0 io oonooGg90GG000 a Qgono0o0ogcco00E0 OG) oo} oat goo oog 5000 IAA AEA coq oooue oo Hee o oo} BEegoe Ooo0000000R0000 apgodooo0R0an ot AISUICIUA AS SIEIIPWIFIEI 1 EPH BOCOCOONOoOOoOMON ALI goco20coonr ogooso00b¢ oecoo0800 coooSsa5 eogcotaca ooco iajaratatatafatatatatetalatalalatetetetal Soogo0egso00000000000000NnnoE0R po0o0000000 000000000000 O ooo oosg0oo0o0000en0nenAGsooo0o4 o000 a Oe 10OOCeGeaaal HOGoeHG0G8C OOGHS0eeaat foocooooaa oo oo oo oa oo oo oo O1 a o a a a ol Ol al oa Compatible with mechanical and electronic engine types. Firetro!®combined automaticand manual Mark XG based diesel engine fire pump controllers are intended for starting and monitoring fire pump dieselengines. The controllermonitors, displaysand records fire pump system informa- tion. Diesel engine fire pump controllers are available in 12 or 24 volts, work with lead acid of Nickel-Cadmium batteries andare designed to operate seamlessly with either mechanical or electronic engine types. Battery Chargers The controllers are supplied with twofully au- tomatic, 200amphour, 4step battery chargers. The chargers feature Switching Technology and 1OAdcPulse-Width Modulated Output Current. The 4 step charging cycle is as follows: Step 1- Qualification Stage During this stage, the battery charger ‘checks the batteries to insure they can accept a fast charge. It also checks for missing or defective batteries. If a missing or defective battery is de- tected, a fault will be given. Step 2- Fast Charge Stage Charges the batteries until they reach peak voltage. ‘Step 3 - Bulk Charge Stage Charges the batteries at a constant potential of peak voltage until current reaches 500mA, Step 4 - Float Charge Stage Trickle charges the batteries to main- tain peak potential. Operator Interface The fire pump controllers feature an opera- tor interface with user keypad. The interface monitors and displays motor operating condl- tions, includingall alarms, events, and pressure conditions, All alarms, events, and pressure conditions are displayed with a time and date stamp. The display s a 128x64 Backlit LED ca- pable of customized graphics and Cyrillic type character display. The display and interface are NEMA rated for Type 2, 3R, 4, 4X, and 12 pro- tection and Is fully accessible without opening the controller door. The user interface utlizes multiple levels of password protection for sys- tem security. Aminimum of 3 password levels are provided. oooooooooo!oooaR sletelatstat Bogenoncce sQ0o0noan SAAS ioeso0c000 anar Seeqggg00g0080n0 Moo0oRooooeo eoobanoooRa IANO UM OOUOO UIE CSCOOCURESEIOOM ‘oooe Approvals Electrical Code, e(it)as Digital Status/Alarm Messages The: the stats and alarm conditions of: Engine Run [Off Delay Time + Remote Start + Engine Failto Start + System Battery Low * LowsSuction Pressure* Manual Engine Crank * Drive Not installed + Disk Error + DiskNear Full + Pressure Error The Sequential Start Timer and Minimum Run Tirmer/Off Delay Times aredisplayed as numeric values reflecting the value of the remaining time, ital display indicates text messages for + Sequential Start Time * Minimum Run Time * Crank/Rest Time Gycle Tine ner nate Firetrol fire pump controllers are listed by Un- er derwriters’ Laboratories, inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, and approved by Factory Mutual, They are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities as well as NEMA and, the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, National ee Teen20000 G 200000 Q Jecoco Q =O000n Q 00000 Go 80006 telatatatal oooGooeoCoR! og Q g cogndog onooonoggonon: oo googoogcoanannrir DCU OOOOILL oo a a AAA CO OnOo cnr 3000 ao o TOE Tetatetetatetatatttetatatetatalatet oo 20 a IHOHGAG OO gngeog09 S000c0o000n00500o nooo oo S90000000 opc0og goo oQo0000000 isla} 6000 a0 goo0co00c0o fatetatetefetelatefaistateta qoocccooo00 SERRE 5 SOS co SRR LED Visual indicators Event Recording LED indicators, visiblewith the doorclased, indicate: * AC Power Available * Alarm * Main Sw. in ‘Auto * Main Manual « System Pressure Low + Engine Running * Engine Fail to Start + Engine Temperature High + Engine Oil Pres sure Low * Engine Overspeed + Engine Alter- nate ECM + Engine Fuel Injector Malfunction + Fuel LevelLow » Automatic Shutdown Disabled + Charger Malfunction * Battery #1 Trouble + Battery #2 Trouble Data Logging The user interface monitors the system and logs the following data: + Number Calls/Starts * Engine Total Run Time + Last Run Time * Controller Power On Time + Last Start + Minimum System Pres- sure + Maximum System Pressure + Last High Temperature * Last Low Oil Pressure « Last Engine Overspeed * Last Low Fuel Level « Last Charger Fail » Last Battery Trouble * Bat- tery #1 Volts « Battery #2 Volts + Batter #1 ‘Amps * Battery #2 Amps cxro00-s0 Emerson Network Power, “The cloballeaderin enabling Business-CetealContonty, BI AcFower BH Embedded Computing BB connectivity Hd Embedded Power HE OC Power WB Monitoring 184 Outside Plant BE powerSwitching &Contrals BE Services 1B Precision Cooling Memory - The controller records all opera- tional and alarm events to system memory, All ‘events are time and date stamped andinclude anindex number. The system memory has the capability of storing 3000 events and allows the user access to the event log via the userin terface. The user can scroll through the stored messages in groups of 1 or 10. USB Host Controller The controlleris equipped witha built-in USB Host Controller, AUSB port capable of accept- ing a USB Flash Memory Diskis provided, The controller savesall operational andaalarm events tothe lash memory ona daily basis. Each saved event is time and date stamped. The total amount of historical data saved depends on the size of the flash disk utilized. The operator cansave settings and values to the flash disk on demand via the user interface, USB Host Port and Flash Disk [EmersonNetworkPowericom Bi Racks @ integrated Cabinets ge Protection ‘ream tetPa and ne rerun Netware ae edu an sive mal of trap eevee. oI tm Cece co, fraeltand det Capon cane 1/5180 ane SIs asbSI00s HO NSTED saves | | {Use. ony Locanens shown Fox conouet Seiwa, eeuralsh wey. Yo % G1 ROUTE and rene wrne THRO batt 2 5/8 (6.6) 21 (533) 34 3/8 [80.34 6 (1.4) 008 SiN vuburnis "hoes 1 Bs} 35 [91.4] 48 [1219] 12 (03) | 1ef2 BEL BA, eugs ror 12 (305) 42 [14 8 [20.3] ,~ 6 (18.2) cOMMEEHONS ifs 2/2 tag) — srsten pressure "Test an st sthn —_ 9 (229) ate sizitsa | ad ! He a 1 uRhn Gor » tasyolfL ggsouir exrpance BOrTOM ont Ben Fro To eee 1 To 8 USED As 4 spon One 1ea| 22 (559). 125) Firetrol° SONAL meen ewrenues som ov Ts craw ane BaD, 700 (903), puaisions SPPCGABE FR Neu Es B/N 2a YucsIONs ~ owes {Cu ‘Svea Woon =" nounDs Ho) SSE Les tele POMENSIONS AND suiPpING WaiGHT [rrais60-7 DIESE. ENGINE FIRE PUMP coNTROLLER rm omorcarion HL (127 NOUN eos) oe eB Paate ie SS ace ars] A BE | a ae re RIS SS Te oa. ES ASCO Seow. a OE perai gad peer Be Beane iB A Aly fl ki TAILS EFGHI TO PAGE 2 Tse bg OSE ASHE FRE CONTROLER TONERS WE ane [WIRING SCHEMATIC. cDBred ope gL op ia a @ BRB SRER OBE HE LIC Oy agg ox gage f [Eee [erectcorre ZoneUeTORS omy Yep awe yl moa ron a, cower Seer eae Fea iets a wee ae ieee on eee ee Sa BMS | puae e | 142 une cored Be nef | Ra omg op se ‘ORG oRENES. ee notte tear © Laneur arem @ germ gee tee Eup, Ga Seep ro name ine cut cron, Speer eeeee uae Oe a ae Bee area tel ae tree EP RAR tree ER PRL OF mn emer of ce (© como MO Wat OBE Wh i -0geRAL NorES= (Me Aa coms ae RAED oR mor csc BUN, 260 we, SRR G SEE et tone ‘ita cerca re Pos SaPrubs Gt Re TOUS intrasonerse a pe eae co “aaa mapper yep [FE‘D_convscrions [rraiio0=¢ @ MARK H DIESEL ENGINE FIRE FOP CONTROLER ~ STANDARD FIELD | stam sete DRAWING ior TEF [rn Rares ree Lara ASCO 2 weet Aoma niin eee nn PD graa06TT eeeSpecifications Information and Repair Paris Manual cers Please read and save this Repair Parts Manual. Read this manual and the General Operating Instructions carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. The Safety Instructions are contained in the General Operating Instructions. Fallure to comply with the safety instructions ‘accompanying this product could result in personal injury endior property damage! Retain instructions for future reference. Patterson Pump Company reserves the right to discontinue any model or change specifications at any time without incurring any obligation {2010 Patterson Pump Company, A Subsidiary of The Gorman-Rupp Company, Al Rights Reserve AWARNING Periodic maintenance and inspection are required on all pumps to insure proper operation. Unit ‘must be clear of debris and sediment. inspect for leaks and loose balls. File todo 80 voids werranly Multistage Centrifugal Pumps Vertical Inline Models ‘Refer to form 1808-634-00 fer Goneral Operating and Safety instructions Description APPLICATIONS ‘These commercialindustrial centrifugal Pumps are non-tel-priming (gravity foed) Units designed to hendie high-pressureliow- ‘low liquid transfer applications where no suction lift is required. Typical installations {include hot and chillad water, bolle feed, ‘condensate return, irigation, high pressure ‘wash-down, booster service, and sprinkler systems. These pumps have NOT been investigated for use in potable (drinking) water systems. FEATURES The insine port design and compact footprint of these pumps allows for a clean installation. Ail models feature a shaft seal that can be replaced easily without the need to disassemble the entire pup. Pumps are equipped with high efficiency closed impellers, and have a casing working pressure to 536 ft/232 psi [1600 Pe], Handle liquld temperatures from 40° F to 180° F [4° to 82° C]. For use with clear, nonabrasive, nonflammable liquids compat: ible with pump component materials MOTOR All models have 3450 RPM continuous duty TEFC motors. Single phase units are capacitor start and have automatic reset thermal protection. All models are manuat mode and require fistd wiring, no controls are supplied. A CAUTION; Mejon reve options, To avoid damage to motor, be sure to arrange internal motor wiring to match electric supply voltage before applying power (see motor nameplate for specific wiring dlagram). PUMP CONSTRUCTION Pump construction is cast iron casing and adapter, 304 stainless steel impellers, chambers and cylinder; Tefion® weer rings: 304L stainless steel pump shaft with tungsten carbide sleeve bearings: EPDM o- tings and gaskets: a mechanical shaft seal ‘of stainless steel, carbon graphite, and ‘tungsten carbide wear faces, 5910-250-00 3/1/2010Speclt ind Repair Parts Manual _ PM1 Series. Specifications Powe ia) ee eee aero al a : Cee or rs Ser eee or PM1-2 12 56C 115/208-230, 1 phase 2 59 Ibs. [27 kgs.] PMi-2 12 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 2 56 Ibs. [25 kgs.] PMi-3 12 56C. 115/208-230, 1 phase 3 60 Ibs. [27 kgs.] PM1-3 42__56¢ 208-230/460 3 phase 3 57 ibs. [26 kas.} PM1-4 1/2 56 115/208-230, 1 phase 61 Ibs. [28 kgs.] PML4 4/2 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 4 57 Ibs. [26 kgs.} PMS 12 56C 115/208-230, 1 phase 5 62 Ibs. [28 kgs.] PML-5, 12 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 5 538 Ibs. [26 kgs.) PMs 3/4 56C 115/208-230, L phase 6 68 Ibs. [31 kgs.) PMi-6 3/4 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 6 60 Ibs. {27 kgs.} PM? 3/4 56C 115/208-230, t phase 7 66 Ibs. [31 kgs.] E 314 B23 2 2 Ibs. (28 kas. PMi-8 1 56C 115/208-230, I phase 8 70 Ibs. [32 kgs.] PMi-8 1 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 8 66 Ibs. (30 kgs.] PM-9 1 56C 145/208-230, 1 phase 9 74 Ibs. [32 kgs.) PMI. 456 208-230/460 3 phase 3 57 Ibs. [30 kas.] PMi-10 1 56C 115/208-230, t phase 1072 tbs. [33 kgs.} PMi-10 1 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 10 68 Ibs. [31 kgs.) PMi-11 ive 56C 145/208-230, 1 phase = 11.77 ths. [35 kgs.] Pei-12 1% 56C 115/208-230, 1 phase 12 78 lbs. (35 kgs.] PMi-12 th 56 208-230/460 3 phase 1272 Ibs, (33 kgs.) PMi-13 1% 56C 4115/208-230, 1 phase 13. 79'Ibs. [36 kas.] PMI-15 2 56C 115/208-230, t phase «15-75 lbs. [34 kgs.} PMi-15 2 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 15 80 Ibs. [36 kgs.) PMi-17 2 56C 115/208-230, 1 phase 1776 Ibs. (35 kgs.] PM1-17 2 56C, 208-230/460 3 phase 1781 tbs. (37 kgs. PMI-19 2 56C 115/208-230, i phase 19 7B Ibs. [35 kgs. PMi-19 2 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 19 83 Ibs, (38 kgs.) PM1-21 3 56C 208-230, 1 phase 21101 Ibs. [46 kgs.) PMI-21 3 56C. 208-230/460 3 phase i__B9 Ibs. 140 kas.) PM1-23 3 56C 208-230, 1 phase 23102 lbs. [46 kgs. PM1-23 3 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 23°91 ibs, (41 kgs.) PM1-25, 3 56C 208-230, 1 phase 25 104 tbs. (47 kgs.) BM1-25, 3 56C. 208-230/460 3 phase 25 92 Ibs. [42 kos. PMi-27, 3 SEC 208-230, 1 phase 27106 lbs. (48 kgs.) PML-27 3 56C 208-230/460 3 phase 2794 Ibs, £43 kgs.) NOTE: Driver data is subject to change without notice, see label on driver for actual specifications. “Weights may vary at any time due to weight of pump components or motors.Specificatior PM Se faa fa creer 1 ‘ ke Ht ° 19 so ose ' ' A " edb sccion Be ape fiaas % ato 788 iso gh 394 eo =D" Figure 1- imensions Dimensions — Inches [cm] Mo a ce fs PM1-2 oe fi 9.09 [23.1] 10.97 [27.9] 20.06 [51.0] PML-3 1 1 9.09 (23.1) 1097278) 20.06 [51.0] PMi-4 it ‘ 9.09 [23.1] 11.68 [29.7]____20.77 [52.8]. PMI-S- 1 1 9,09 [23.1] 12,39 [31.5] 21.48 [54.6] PM1-6 1 t 9,09 [23.1] 13.09 [33.3] 22.19 [56.4) PM1-7, 1 1 9,09 [23.1] 13,80 [35.1] 22.90 [58.2] PM1-8 1 1 10.22 [26.0] 14.51 [36.9] 24.73 [62,8] PM1-9° 1 1 10.22 [26.0] 15.22 [38.7] 25.44 [64.6] PM1-10 1 1 10,22 [26.0] 15.93 [40.5) 26.15 [66.4} PM1-11. 1 1 10.22 [26.0] 16.64 [42.3] 26.86 (68.2) PM1-12 A 1 10.22 [26.0] 17.35 [44.1] 27.57 [70.0) PMi-is 1 1 10.22 (26.0) 18.06 (45.9) 28.28 (71,8) — PM1-15, zt 1 11.40 [29.0]} 19.47 [49.5] 30.87 [78.4] PM1-17 rt 1 11.40 [29.0] 20.89 [53.1] 32.29 [82.0] PM1-19. 1 1 11.40 [29.0] 22.31 [56.7] 33.71 [85.6] PM1-21 1 1 11,80 [30.0] 23.72 (60.3) 35.52 (90.2) PM1-23 1 1 11,80 [30.0] 25.14 [63.9] 36.94 [93.8] PM1-25 1 1 11.80 [30.0] 26.56 [67.5] 38.35 (97.4) PM1-27_ 4 1 11,80 [30.0] 27.98 [71.4] 39.77 [101.0} NOTE: All dimensions have a tolerances of + 1/8” (0.3) (*) Standard NPT (female) pipe thread, (+) This dimension may vary due to motor manufacturer's specifications. 2Total Head RATED CONDITIONS: 10 GPM @ 100 PST 1,8 HP, 3 PHASE, 460 VOLT** Patterson PM1 Series (mi gh Jockey Pump Pr a PM1 ™ zm xo ™ —— 200 660 190 a 1 east 6 ‘© 9 10 se 140 agp PEPEEEeeeeereea ad FES to 400 1 9 ee » 1 —n egomarc n eee so © 9 ——* 0 Se 3 one ——— * 2 ‘0 = o 6 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 HH 1 MH 48 US. gpm) ° os 1 1s 2 28 3 {mim Capacity @ 3450 RPM (60 Hz) (7) Convert to pst, divide by 2.31 Liquid - Water specific gravity 1.0 fr a | Gigs aDeseription—Firetrol® FTASOO Jockey Pump Con- {rolles are intended for use with fire pump systems, ‘They are used for pressure maintenance in fire pump installations to prevent unnecessary cycling of the ‘main fie pump, Approvals—Firetrol jockey pump controllers are listed by Underorters’ Laboratories, ne, in accor- ‘ance with ULS08, Standard for industrial Controls, and CSA Standard for ncustial Control Equioment They are buit to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorties as well as NEMA and the latest edtion NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Standard Features—The‘elowing ae included as Stanore uth esch controler NEMA Type 2 drproot enclosure Horsepower rales fusible caconnect such wis Tusebiock and fuses 1 Horsepower rated motor contactor and overioad rely HARD-OFF-AUTO selector ewtsn Minimum run mee 120V Secondary Cort ceutrarsfomer 15-280 psi (1-20 bars) Pressure such dia phragm sty, snap action type contact ae ‘e-120 pat (16.3 bare) acjusable dierent, suitable fr fosh water applications @u Product Description o—.-_ Jockey Pump Controllers ° FTA500 Options—The following are avaitabie as optic the dpntroters 2ker Option Moattications-\ine tliowing fre available as ‘moditications to the controllers: R iiEC Prd) -E NEMA Type 4\painted feet) (IEC P56) (18304 Atainless steel) (IEC fs NEMA type 2 enclosures are supplied with a rea\inigh - all other painted fine Ishes are supplied Gray ds flandarc. Consult factory for special paint color or “J 120Vot space hpat *K 120Vott space Heate| with humicistat “8 20576 psi ih.4-46.5 bal) Pressure ‘Switch for festwater sebvice (Diaphragr! Type. Snap Action Switch) © 5.250 psif.35-17-2 bare) Pressure ‘Switch fof seawaiertfoam bervice Hn Sch o & frosure {Diaphfecm type. Snap ae Sth st 6260 fl(0.287 bar oslo veer for -SM_0.509/psi (0-34 5 hare) pressue recor frashjwater service ‘SN 0-1,600 psi (0-89 bars) pressurh recorder for tresh rater service NOTE: Fretel Brand Jeckoy Pump contoliers BO NOT CONTAIN MERCURY ‘led pressure sat | | | L18 [457] ———~j (000R swine) 1 1/2 (36) 25 [635] 14/2 (38) 1 eee N & Po 24 [610] © | 20 [508] 22 7/8 [527] p @ Ce 3], MoutINa, woLes 11/32 [8.7] 1A. Svstey PRessune | 1/2 ENPT gp i seer VONTROLLER 1-5 HP, 3 PHASE, i DO NOT INSTALL IN. AMBIENT TEMPERATURES BELOW st [St]. ALL OIMENSIONS — INCHES [MN] L aaa T Soe Soi ES My F 4-7/8 (128) ENTRANCE 5 (27) ‘SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS SUBJECT. TO GuANGE wmOUT NoMCE,. 00 NOT USE. FOR i | SEEEeee CONSTRUCTION. REQUEST CONSTRUCTION T ORAWINGS FROM FIRETROL OR YOUR LOCAL 1 (25) FIRETROL REPRESENTATIVE. l—10 [254] —~] 1 [24] 4120144 17 1/8 [432] MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER) APPROX. /2e0-206 [220-240] 380-116 ]40-480 | 950—600 |, WEI Yours" | wuts” | "vous |“wours” | wots. fubs. tx) $=[=[=[*l> a =¢ =A co Teowenooes. 1500-01. ion ET AGED Skala, Be a pam Firetrol’2 suman conourn wit raves yard rast a vine ree wat Line remanais-inne caraciry ano cvmphr cou) _@ i SS ianaerinieee ay eye i Se pe EE | 6 1% e ° so [Qi ark a | eee e[e[« «T= [generar / | gon wore ems-nae casery wo pi cur © Sera ia wi = [50-0 eran aaa oron emo rev se] _ napa ee one z (iesa = : ale De [ties | vat 2 Rees oe | tT woroe Pattee UME TERMINALS —WIRE\ CAPACITY AND QUANIZY (CU) ~ acon eae Jy we ® ee Cage — aaa eee ie = aig eae a |» (is wee weer amore eos we "Stand SORE AEN Be 2, Nore: goummce mo wn res foe cestonee soheendne de Sat sare Seay baver 7 cone SOT ORS Rare Wa ifiring Schematio-Field Connection] FTAS00 JOCKEY PUMP CONTROLLER Firetrol° ie faronl “RRS [eww feaaan [EF TS pone ec om a = Fon ~ [A raza 1" Formas WSS00-O1 Te ASCO’ See. awn rrr owtan bao 229705 ati
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Sumpit Sizing
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Split AC Startup
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Split AC Startup
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)