Sumpit Sizing

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Plumbing Calculetions Peeparet by M. EME: L41° SUMP PIT SIZING Parameters Submersible Pump Discharge The minimum time between two successive starts of the submersible pump. 3- The level of the lowest drainage pipe drained to the sump pit, Reference The Code of Practice Procedures of Calculations q ]- Multiply the submersible pump discharge by the minimum time “> between two. successive’ starts of thé submersible pump to determine the minimum storege volume of the' pit. 2: Determine the cross section ‘area of the pit according to the available area between the foundation (The minim ¢ross section area is 1.2x1.2m io achieve the maintenance requirements). 3- Divide the minimum storage volume over the cross section area of the pit to get the storage heighit required between on and off levels. 4- . The off level should be high enough to submerge the discharge pipe of the submersible pump (25 em is commonly enough). 5- The on level should be 30 cm below the bettom level of the lower drainage pipe drained to the sump pit. 6- The height of the sump pit is the summation of the height between the bottom of the sump pit cover to the bottom of the lowest drainage pipe, plus 30 cm between the bottom level of the lowest drainage pipe and the on level of the submersible pump, plus the minimum height. between on and off levels, plus the height between off level and the concrete level of the sump pit The minimum hei; 1 benveen the lowest drainage pipe and the concrete level of the sump . a is 90cm. Example A sump pit coniains duplex submersible pump Lead - Lag, the discharge of each pump is 150 GPM, the minimum time between two successive starts of each pump is 10 minutes, the height berween the bonom of the sump pit cover aid the bottom level of the lowest drainage pipe is 2m, the discharge pipe e pump should be submerged with 25cm of water available area jor the sump pit is 6x5m. Calculate the size (Gninimum), th required for this sump pit?

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