Design of Pier System - GROUP - PD2: Vax Consultants Pvt. LTD.
Design of Pier System - GROUP - PD2: Vax Consultants Pvt. LTD.
Design of Pier System - GROUP - PD2: Vax Consultants Pvt. LTD.
Road crest level = 107.901 m (Highest Level)
Structural Depth of Superstructure = 2.000 m
Number of traffic lanes = 3 nos
Carriage-way width = 11 m
Footpaths and crash barriers are provided on both sides
Width of footpaths = 0 m
Width of Crash Barrier = 0.5 m
Width of kerbs = 0 m
Overall width of deck = 12.00 m
C/C Distance of Piers Left Span 20.00 m
Right Span 20.00 m
Expansion Joint width = 40 mm
Overall span (Excluding expansion gap) Left Span 19.96 m
Right SPan 19.96 m
Effective span (C/C of bearings) Left Span 19.40 m
Right SPan 19.40 m
Type of super-structure = T-beam & Deck Slab
Width of bearing = 360 mm
Length of bearing = 500 mm
Width of Pedestal (Transeverse Dir.) = 0.8 m
Length of Pedestal (along bridge) = 0.55 m
Height of bearing Pedestals = 150 mm, min & 356 mm, max
Thickness of bearing = 96 mm
Number of bearings per span = 8 Nos.
Number of pedastals per span = 8 Nos.
Wearing coat thickness = 75 mm (Uniform thick)
Column Diameter = 1800 mm
Materials used
Grade of concrete M 35
Grade of steel Fe 500
As per Annexure A-1 of IRC:112-2011, following categories of ACTIONS are considered in the Design:
G1 Self Weight of Pier System due to Gravity
G2 Dead Load of Structure due to Gravity
G3 Back-Fill Weight
Fep Earth Pressure, Fep
Fs Secondary effects, such as Creep and Shrinkage, Fs
G4 Superimposed Dead Loads - Hand Rail, Crash Barriers, Road Furniture,
Footpaths and other service loads
Surfacing & Wearing Coat (Resurfacing Loads may also be considered)
The above listed forces are determined in detail and presented below.
R1 R2 R3 R4
R5 R6 R7 R8
9.55 750
Section 2 Section 1
Dia. of Pier
1.80 m
Bed Level 98.806
Volume Weight,
Component Nos. Dimensions, m
Cu.m. kN
Pedestals 8 0.550 0.800 0.253 0.891 22.264
Pier Cap Baem 1 9.550 0.750 2.100 15.041 376.031
2 3.875 1.000 2.100 8.138 203.438
1 1.800 1.000 2.100 3.780 94.500
Pier 3.14 1.800 6.683 16.998 424.962
Foundation Elements
Trepizoidal Portion 1 2.100 7.500 0.850 25.781 644.513
Rectangular Portion 1 7.500 7.500 0.75 42.188 1054.69
Total 112.82 2820.40
STAAD analysis of the superstructure is conducted and the reactions on the sub-structure pedestals due to Dead Load
(DL) of superstructure, Superimposed Dead Load (SIDL) and W/C loads are obtained and the same are tabulated
below. The analysis files are provided in Attachment A1.
DL effects on
Pedestal and Reaction identification
Pier System
On Pedestal, R1 415.6
On Pedestal, R2 377.9
On Pedestal, R3 377.9
On Pedestal, R4 415.6
On Pedestal, R5 415.6
On Pedestal, R6 377.9
On Pedestal, R7 377.9
On Pedestal, R8 415.6
Total 3174
Summary of pedestal loads are presented below - Due to Girder Self Weight:
Pedestal Reaction R1 & R5 R2 & R6 R3 & R7 R4 & R8
Total Reaction 831.200 755.800 755.800 831.200
Difference in Reaction 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Unbalanced Moment 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Width of Foundation = 7.500 m
Length of Foundation = 7.500 m
Existing Ground Level = 98.806 m
Foundation Level = 95.306 m
Volume of Concrete and Soil Over-burden = 196.88 m 3
Volume of Foundation Concrete = 67.97 m 3
Volume of Soil Over-burden = 128.91 m 3
Unit Weight of Soil overburden = 18 kN/m 3
Total Soil Overburden Weight = 2320.33 kN
Earth Pressure Forces are absent as the structure - Pier does not experience any Earth Pressure Forces.
Support Reactions due to SIDLs are obtained from the STAAD Analysis and presented below:
SDL effects,
Pedestal and Reaction identification
except w/c
On Pedestal, R1 75.16
On Pedestal, R2 2.19
On Pedestal, R3 2.19
On Pedestal, R4 75.16
On Pedestal, R5 75.16
On Pedestal, R6 2.19
On Pedestal, R7 2.19
On Pedestal, R8 75.16
Total 309.4
G5 SURFACING & WEARING COAT LOADS (Resurfacing Loads may also be considered)
Support Reactions due to W/C are obtained from the STAAD Analysis and presented below:
loads due to
Pedestal and Reaction identification
On Pedestal, R1 18.71
On Pedestal, R2 18.71
On Pedestal, R3 18.71
On Pedestal, R4 18.71
On Pedestal, R5 18.71
On Pedestal, R6 18.71
On Pedestal, R7 18.71
On Pedestal, R8 18.71
Total 149.68
T TEMPARATURE LOADS (A load that acts for 50% or more duration during the structure's Life)
No such loads act on the Pier
LL Case Axial Load, P MT, kNm ML, kNm
Factor (%)
Without Impact
70R W 1000.004 2905.05 150.19 17.71654
70RW + Class A 1553.987 1298.49 154.85 17.71654
70RT 699.991 1994.96 171.29 10
70RT + Class A 1292.845 275.79 176.28 10
Class A - One Lane 553.975 2326.71 4.66 17.71654
Class A - Two Lanes 1107.950 2714.46 9.32 17.71654
Class A - Three Lanes 1661.925 1107.93 13.98 17.71654
Secondary effects are due to temperature and shrinkage.
Refer Clause no. 211 of IRC:6-2010
Shrinkage strain = 0.0002
Coefficient of thermal expansion = 0.0000117
Maximum temperature variation = 17.5 deg.
Temperature Strain = 0.00020475
Total Strain = 0.00040475
Total change in the length of the longitudinal girder = 8.08 mm
Design change in length (10% more is considered) = 8.89 mm
Change in length effective per support = 4.44 mm
Details of Bearings Adopted are:
Length lo = 500 mm
Breath bo = 360 mm
Overall Thickness = 96 mm
Side cover, c = 6 mm
Outer Cover h e = 6 mm
Number of layers of neoprane = 5 nos.
Number of Steel Plates = 4 Nos.
Thickness of Elastomer h i = 12 mm
Thickness of steel plates h s = 4 mm
Effective Width of Bearing = 348 mm
Effective Length of Bearing = 488 mm
Effective thickness of Baering = 72 mm
Shear strain in bearing = 0.06171
Shear Modulus of Bearing Material = 1.00 N/mm 2
Shear Stress in Bearing = 0.06171 N/mm 2
Total number of bearings/Span/Support = 4 Nos.
Induced shear force at the bottom of bearing = 41.921 kN
Horizontal load on each support (in longitudinal direction) = 41.921 kN
This force acts at RL (+) 105.901
Horizontal load on each pedestal (in longitudinal direction) = 10.480 kN
MT at
MT at Top of
Reaction on Centrifugal Foundatio
Live Load Case Foundation
Pier, W, kN Force, C, kN n Level,
Level, kNm
70R W 1000.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
70RW + Class A 1000.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
70RT 700.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
70RT + Class A 700.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
Class A - One Lane 540.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
Class A - Two Lanes 1080.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
Class A - Three Lanes 1080.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
As per this clasue, no additional forces need to be considered for a possible collision of vehicle with Abutment and it
shall be considered if the Pier is not separated by 4.5m from the Carriageway of the traffic below the GS.
Hence, these forces are considered in the design. Detailed Caculations are done below.
The Collision Load Diagram is as shown below 105.339 Top of Pier Cap Level
P L 50 99.556
P T 100 98.806 Ground Level -
Breaking Forces
Wind Forces
One Side Loaded Condition 83.30 20.5 96.0 248.1 1093.6
Both Sides Loaded Condition 333.20 66.3 279.0 851.9 3509.0
Vehicular Collision Load 0.000 50.0 100.0 212.5 425.0
Seismic Forces
Seismic Foces - Long - Due to all Inertia Loads 447.3 5055.9
Seismic Foces - Tran. - Due to all Inertia Loads
70R W 461.7 5254.6
70RW + Class A 467.2 5330.0
70RT 459.5 5224.2
70RT + Class A 465.4 5304.9
Class A - One Lane 452.8 5131.3
Class A - Two Lanes 458.3 5206.7
Class A - Three Lanes 463.7 5282.1
Both Sides Loaded Condition
70R W 466.5 5320.7
70RW + Class A 477.2 5467.5
70RT 460.8 5241.3
70RT + Class A 472.2 5398.3
Class A - One Lane 458.0 5202.6
Class A - Two Lanes 468.6 5349.3
Class A - Three Lanes 479.2 5496.0