Darbharevu Design

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Construction of 10.

00mts span culvert at 5/6 KM of Vemuladeevi channel

Name of the work:-Construction of bridge across Dharbharevu canal

on Gopuram road near Anjaneyaswamy temple in Pedalanka(V)
n of 10.00mts span culvert at 5/6 KM of Vemuladeevi channel

he work:-Construction of bridge across Dharbharevu canal

uram road near Anjaneyaswamy temple in Pedalanka(V)
Design Philosophy:-

The design of 1V-- 10.37m right span culvert is carried as per the procedure out lined


The design discharge was fixed after arriving discharge based on the following methods:-

a.As per the hydraulic particulars furnished by the Irrigation department

b.By Area-Velocity method using Manning's equation for arriving at the flow velocity
and area by considering actual cross-section of the channel.


a.Hydraulic particulars like HFL,OFL are obtained from Irrigation department.

b.Bottom of deck level was fixed based on HFL and road formation levels on both sides.
The vertical clearence and afflux are verified.

c.Ventway calculations are done for fixation of ventway.

d.Normal scour depth with reference to HFL was calculated using Lacey's equations

e.After arriving at the Maximum scour depth,bottom level of the foundation was fixed
below the maximum scour depth


After arriving at bottom of deck level,bottom of foundation level and required

ventway,the dimensions of the bridge are finalised.

The structural components are desined in the following manner:-

a.As per the recommendations of IRC 6:2000,IRC class A live load required for bridges
and culverts of medium importance is selected.

b.Load combination is selected as per IRC 6:2000

c.Based on the trial pit particulars and soil test reports,type of foundation was selected.

d.The structural components like Abutment,raft foundation are

designed as per the guide lines given in relevent IRC codes.

e.The deck slab is proposed as per the MOST drawing Nos.BD 3-74&BD 4-74

f.The dirt wall is proposed as per the drawings given in Plate No.7.25 of
IRC:SP20-2002(Rural roads manual)
Design of Abutments

I)Design Parameters:-

Clear Right Span = 10.00m

Deck slab length = 10.740m

Width of the carriage way = 5.50m

Thickness of deck slab as per MOST Dg.BD 3-74 = 0.790m

Thickness of wearing coat = 0.075m

Height of railing = 1.200m

Thickness of dirt wall = 0.30m

Sectional area of dirt wall = 0.440sqm

Thickness of RAFT footing = 0.70m

Height of abutments = 1.700m

(As per hydralic calculations)

Top width of abutments = 0.690m

Bottom width of abutments = 2.00m

Sectional area of abutment section = 2.287sqm

Bank side batter of abutment = 1.310m

Stream side batter of abutment = 0.000m

Width of 1st footing = 2.30m

Thickness of 1st footing = 0.40m

Canal side offset of 1st footing wrt abutment = 0.15m

Bank side offset of 1st footing wrt abutment = 0.15m

Width of 2nd footing = 2.45m

Thickness of 2nd footing = 0.40m

Canal side offset of 2nd footing wrt abutment = 0.30m

Bank side offset of 2nd footing wrt abutment = 0.15m

Width of 3rd footing = 0.00m

Thickness of 3rd footing = 0.00m

Canal side offset of 3rd footing wrt abutment = 0.00m

Bank side offset of 3rd footing wrt abutment = 0.00m

Width of VRCC RAFT footing = 6.85m

Thickness of VRCC RAFT footing = 0.70m

Type of bearings = No bearings proposed

Unit weight of RCC (yrc) = 25KN/cum

Unit weight of PCC (ypc) = 24KN/cum

Density of back fill soil behind abutments (y) = 18KN/Cum

Unit weight of water (yw) = 10KN/Cum

Angle of shearing resistance of back fill material(Q) = 30

Angle of face of wall supporting earth with horizontal(In = 52.41

degrees)(in clock wise direction)(a)
Slope of back fill (b) = 0

Angle of wall friction (q) = 15

Height of surcharge considered (h3) = 1.20m

Road crest level (RTL) = 2.941m

Low bed level (LBL) = 0.576m

High flood Level (HFL) = 1.576m

Bottom of foundation level (BFL) = -1.424m
Safe Bearing Capacity of the soil (SBC) = 6.00t/sqm
Compressive strength of concrete for RCC Raft footing = 25.00N/sqmm
Yield strength of steel (fy) = 415.00N/sqmm
Cover to reinforcement = 50.00mm

II)General loading pattern:-

As per IRC:6---2000,the following loadings are to be considered on the bridge or slab


1.Dead load
2.Live load
3.Impact load
4.Wind load
5.Water current
6.Tractive,braking effort of vehicles&frictional resistance of bearings
8.Earth pressure
9.Seismic force
10.Water pressure force

As per clause 202.3,the increase in permissible stresses is not permissible for the
above loading combination.

III)Loading on the slab culvert for design of abutments:-

1.Dead Load:-

i)Self wieght of the deck slab = 583.32KN

ii)Self wieght of dirtwall over abutment = 60.50KN

iii)Self weight of wearing coat = 55.38KN


There is no need to consider snow load as per the climatic conditions

Self wieght of the abutments upto bottom most footing based on the preliminary
section assumed:-

iv)Self wieght of the abutment section = 301.88KN

v)Self wieght of top footing = 121.44KN

vi)Self wieght of 2nd footing = 129.36KN

vii)Self wieght of 3rd footing = 0.00KN

viii)Self wieght of 4th footing = 0.00KN


W1 W1

ix)Calculation of eccentricity of self weight of abutment w.r.t base of abutment

S.No Description Load in KN Distance of centroid of load from toe of Moment


1 Back 146.982 1.127 165.65


2 Centre 154.836 0.345 53.42


3 Front 0 0 0

301.818 219.07

Location of resultant from toe of abutment = 0.73m

Eccentricity wrt centre of base of abutment = 0.270m

x)Calculation of eccentricity of self weight of abutment&1st footing w.r.t bottom of 1st footing

S.No Description Load in KN Distance of centroid of load from toe of 1st Moment

1 Back batter 146.982 1.277 187.7

2 Centre portion 154.836 0.495 76.64

3 Front batter 0 0 0

4 1st footing 121.44KN 1.15 139.66

423.258 404

Location of resultant from toe of abutment = 0.95m

Eccentricity wrt centre of 1st footing= 0.200m

xi)Calculation of eccentricity of self weight of abutment,1st&2nd footings w.r.t bottom of 2nd footing
S.No Description Load in KN Distance of centroid of load from toe of 2nd Moment

1 Back batter 146.982 1.427 209.74

2 Centre portion 154.836 0.645 99.87

3 Front batter 0 0.3 0

4 1st footing 121.44KN 1.300 157.87

5 2nd footing 129.36KN 1.225 158.47

552.618 625.95

Location of resultant from toe of abutment = 1.13m

Eccentricity = 0.095m

xii)Calculation of eccentricity of self weight of abutment,1st&2nd footings w.r.t bottom of 2nd footing

S.No Description Load in KN Distance of centroid of load from toe of 3rd Moment

1 Back batter 0 1.427 0

2 Centre portion 0 0.645 0
3 Front batter 0 0.3 0
4 1st footing 0 1.00 0
5 2nd footing 0 0.93 0
6 3rd footing 0 0.00 0
0 0

Location of resultant from toe of abutment = 0.00m

Eccentricity = 0.000m

2.Live Load:-

As per clause 201.1 of IRC:6--2000,the bridges and culverts of medium importance

are to be designed for IRC Class A loading.

GENERAL IRC Class-A loading Pattern

1.10 3.20 1.20 4.30 3.00 3.00 3.00








The IRC Class A loading as per the drawing is severe and the same is to be considered as per
clauses 207.1.3&207.4




Portion to be loaded
with 5KN/m live
10000 11380


2925 3525

The ground contact area of wheels for the above placement,each axle wise is
given below:-

Axle load Ground Contact Area

(Tonnes) B(mm) W(mm)

11.4 250 500

6.8 200 380
2.7 150 200

Assuming 0.475m allowance for guide posts/kerbs and the clear distance of vehicle from

the edge of guide post being 0.15m as per clause 207.1,the value of 'f' shown in the figure will

be 0.625m

Hence,the width of area to be loaded with 5KN/m2 on left side is (f) = 0.625m

Similarly,the area to be loaded on right side (k) = 3.525m


The total live load on the deck slab composes the following components:-

1.Wheel loads----Point loads 364.00KN

2.Live load in remaing portion(Left side)----UDL 33.56KN

2.Live load in remaing portion(Right side)----UDL 189.29KN


Resultant live load:-

Eccentricity of live load w.r.t y-direction(Along the direction of travel of vehicles)

Taking moments of all the forces w.r.t y-axis

S.No Wheel Distance from Y-axis Moment

Load/UDL in

1 57 0.875m 49.88KNm

2 57 0.875m 49.88KNm

3 57 2.675m 152.48KNm

4 57 2.675m 152.48KNm

5 34 0.875m 29.75KNm

6 34 0.875m 29.75KNm

7 34 2.675m 90.95KNm

8 34 2.675m 90.95KNm

9 33.5625 0.313m 10.49KNm

10 189.2925 4.688m 887.31KNm

586.855 1543.90KNm

Distance of centroid of forces from y-axis

= 2.631m

Eccentricity = 0.594m

Eccentricity of live load w.r.t x-direction(At right angle to the travel of vehicles)

Taking moments of all the forces w.r.t x-axis

S.No Load in KN Distance from X-axis Moment

1 57 11.005m 627.29KNm

2 57 11.005m 627.29KNm

3 57 9.805m 558.89KNm

4 57 9.805m 558.89KNm

5 34 5.505m 187.17KNm

6 34 5.505m 187.17KNm

7 34 2.505m 85.17KNm

8 34 2.505m 85.17KNm

9 33.56KN 5.690m 190.97KNm

10 189.29KN 5.690m 1077.07KNm

586.855 4185.06KN

Distance of centroid of forces from x-axis

= 7.131m

Eccentricity = 2.441m

Location of Resultant


10000 11380

10000 11380



Calculation of reactions on abutments:-

Reaction due to loads Ra = 367.74KN

Reaction due to point loads = Rb = 219.12KN

Hence,the critical reaction is Ra = 367.7KN

The corrected reaction at obtuse corner = 367.74KN

Assuming that the live load reaction acts at the centre of the contact area on the abutment,




The eccentricty of the line of action of live load at bottom of abutment = 0.815m

----do----on top of 1st footing = 0.815m

----do----on top of 2nd footing = 0.740m

The eccentricity in the other direction need not be considered due to high section modulus in transverse

3.Impact of vehicles:-

As per Clause 211 of IRC:6--2000,impact allowance shall be made by an increment

of live load by a factor 4.5/(6+L)

Hence,the factor is 0.269

Further as per clause 211.7 of IRC:6--2000,the above impact factor shall be only

50% for calculation of pressure on piers and abutments just below the level of bed block.There

is no need to increase the live load below 3m depth.

As such,the impact allowance for the top 3m of abutments will be 0.1345

For the remaining portion,impact need not be considered.

4.Wind load:-

The deck system is located at height of (RTL-LBL) 2.37m

The Wind pressure acting on deck system located at that height is considered for design.

As per clause 212.3 and from Table .4 of IRC:6---2000,the wind pressure at that
hieght is=

59.48 Kg/m2.

Height of the deck system = 2.065

Breadth of the deck system = 11.34

The effective area exposed to wind force =HeightxBreadth =

Hence,the wind force acting at centroid of the deck system = 6.97KN

(Taking 50% perforations)

Further as per clause 212.4 of IRC:6---2000 ,300 Kg/m wind force is considered to be

acting at a hieght of 1.5m from road surface on live load vehicle.

Hence,the wind force acting at 1.5m above the road surface = 16.50KN

The location of the wind force from the top of RCC raft footing = 5.17m

5.Water current force:-

Water pressure considered on square ended abutments as per clause 213.2 of

IRC:6---2000 is

P = 52KV2 = 21.06 Kg/m2.

(where the value of 'K' is 1.5 for square ended abutments)

For the purpose of calculation of exposed area to water current force,only 1.0m

width of abutment is considered for full hieght upto HFL

Hence,the water current force = 0.50KN

Point of action of water current force from the top of RCC raft footing = 3.67m

6.Tractive,braking effort of vehicles&frictional resistance of bearings:-

The breaking effect of vehicles shall be 20% of live load acting in longitudinal

direction at 1.2m above road surface as per the clause 214.2 of IRC:6--2000.

As no bearings are assumed in the present case,50% of the above longitudinal

force can be assumed to be transmitted to the supports of simply supported spans resting on

stiff foundation with no bearings as per clause of IRC:6---2000

Hence,the longitudinal force due to braking,tractive or frictional resistance of

bearings transferred to abutments is


The location of the tractive force from the top of RCC raft footing = 4.87m

7.Buoyancy :-
As per clause 216.4 of IRC:6---2000,for abutments or piers of shallow depth,the
dead weight of the abutment shall be reduced by wieght of equal volume of water upto HFL.

The above reduction in self wieght will be considered assuming that the back fill
behind the abutment is scoured.

For the preliminary section assumed,the volume of abutment section is

i)Volume of abutment section = 12.58Cum

ii)Volume of top footing = 5.06Cum

iii)Volume of 2nd footing = 5.39Cum

iv)Volume of 3rd footing = 0.00Cum

v)Volume of 4th footing = 0.00Cum


Reduction in self wieght = 230.28KN

8.Earth pressure :-

As per clause 217.1 of IRC:6---2000,the abutments are to be designed for a

surcharge equivalent to a back fill of hieght 1.20m behind the abutment.

The coefficient of active earth pressure exerted by the cohesion less back fill on

the abutment as per the Coulomb's theory is given by

Ka = Sin(a+Q)
sina sin(a-q) sin(Q+q)sin(Q-b)

Sin(a+Q) = SIN[3.14*(52.41+30)/180] = 0.991

Sin(a-q) = SIN[3.14*(52.41-15)/180] = 0.607
Sina = SIN[3.14*(52.41)/180] = 0.792
Sin(Q+q) = SIN[3.14*(30+15)/180] = 0.707
Sin(Q-b) = SIN[3.14*(30-0)/180] = 0.5
Sin(a+b) = SIN[3.14*(52.41+0)/180] = 0.792

From the above expression,

Ka = 0.75

The hieght of abutment above GL,as per the preliminary section assumed = 1.700m

Hence,maximum pressure at the base of the wall Pa = 22.95KN/sqm

The pressure distribution along the height of the wall is as given below:-

Surcharge load = 16.2 KN/sqm



22.95 16.2

Area of the rectangular portion = 27.54

Area of the triangular portion = 19.51

Taking moments of the areas about the toe of the wall

S.No Description Area Lever arm Moment

1 Rectangular 27.54 0.85 23.409

2 Triangular 19.51 0.56666667 11.05566667

47.05 34.46466667
Height from the bottom of the wall = 0.73m

The active Earth pressure acts on the abutment as shown below:-




Total earth pressure acting on the abutment P = 258.76KN

Horizontal component of the earth pressure Ph = 157.30KN

Vertical component of the earth pressure Pv = 205.46KN

Eccentricity of vertical component of earth pressure = 0.44m

9.Siesmic force :-

As per clause 222.1 of IRC:6---2000,the bridges in siesmic zones I and II need not be

designed for siesmic forces.The location of the slab culvert is in Zone-I.Hence,there is no need to

design the bridge for siesmic forces.

10.Water pressure force:-

The water pressure distribution on the abutment is as given below:-

HFL 1.576m


BFL -1.424m
Total horizontal water pressure force = 247.50KN

The above pressure acts at height of H/3 = 1.00m

IV)Check for stresses for abutments&footings:-

a)Load Envelope-I:-(The Canal is dry,back fill scoured with live load on span)

i)On top of RCC raft

The following co-ordinates are assumed:-

a)x-Direction-----At right angle to the movement of vehicles

b)y-Direction-----In the direction of movement of vehicles

Vertical forces acting on the abutment (P) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricty about x- Eccentricty about y-

KN axis(m) axis(m)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.740 0.00

2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 552.62KN 0.095 0.000

3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor---(Wheel 466.66KN -0.740 0.000
4 Impact load 0.00 0.00 0.00


Horizontal forces acting/transferred on the abutment (H) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Direction x or y Location(Ht.from the

KN section considered).

1 Wind load 16.50KN x-Direction 5.17

2 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN y-Direction 4.87

3 Water current force 0.50KN x-Direction 3.67

Check for stresses:-

About x-axis:-

Breadth of 2nd footing b = 6.25m

Depth of 2nd footing d = 2.45m

Area of the footing = A = 15.3125 m2

Section modulus of bottom footing (1/6)bd2 = 6.25 m3

about x-axis --Zx =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2
i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at heel

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.740 13.22
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 552.62KN 0.095 39.38
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN -0.740 8.83
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.000 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN 4.87 -45.71


S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at toe

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.740 78.1
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 552.62KN -0.095 32.8
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.740 52.13
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.000 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN 4.87 45.71


Stress at heel = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 15.72 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.

Stress at toe = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 208.74 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

About y-axis:-

Breadth of 3rd footing b = 2.45m

Depth of 3rd footing d = 6.25m

Area of the footing = A = 15.3125 m2

Section modulus of bottom footing about = (1/6)bd2 = 15.95 m3

y-axis--Zy =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 4N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm
S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at upstream
KN (P) arm edge

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 45.66
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 552.62KN 0.00 36.09
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.000 30.48
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Wind load 16.50KN 5.17 -5.35
6 Water current force 0.50KN 3.67 -0.11


S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at D/S edge

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 45.66
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 552.62KN 0.00 36.09
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.000 30.48
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Wind load 16.50KN 5.17 5.35
6 Water current force 0.50KN 3.67 0.11

Stress at up stream side P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 106.77 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

edge =

Hence safe.

Stress at down stream side P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 117.69 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

edge =
Hence safe.

i)On top of 2nd footing

The following co-ordinates are assumed:-

a)x-Direction-----At right angle to the movement of vehicles

b)y-Direction-----In the direction of movement of vehicles

Vertical load acting on the abutment (P) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricty about x- Eccentricty about y-

KN axis(m) axis(m)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.740 0.00

2 Self wieght of abutment&cut waters 423.26KN 0.200 0.000

3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN -0.740 0.000

4 Impact load 0.00 0.000 0.00

Horizontal load acting/transferred on the abutment (H) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Direction x or y Location(Ht.from the

KN section considered).

1 Wind load 16.50KN x-Direction 4.87

2 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN y-Direction 4.57

3 Water current force 0.50KN x-Direction 3.37

Check for stresses:-

About x-axis:-

Breadth of 1st footing b = 6.25m

Depth of 1st footing d = 2.30m
Area of the footing = A = 14.375 m2

Section modulus of base of abutment (1/6)bd2 = 5.51 m3

about x-axis--Zx =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at heel

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.74 14.09
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 423.26KN 0.20 31.9
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN -0.74 9.4
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN 4.57 -48.67


S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at toe

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.74 83.19
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 423.26KN -0.20 23.79
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.74 55.53
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN 4.57 48.67

Stress at heel = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 6.72 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.

Stress at toe = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 211.18 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

About y-axis:-

Breadth of 1st footing b = 2.30m

Depth of 1st footing d = 6.25m
Area of the footing = A = 14.375 m2

Section modulus of base of abutment (1/6)bd2 = 14.97 m3

about y-axis--Zy =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2N/mm 2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at upstream

KN (P) arm edge

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 48.64
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 423.26KN 0.00 29.44
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.000 32.46
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Wind load 16.50KN 4.87 -5.37
6 Water current force 0.50KN 3.37 -0.11


S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at D/S edge

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 48.64
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 423.26KN 0.00 29.44
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.000 32.46
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Wind load 16.50KN 4.87 5.37
6 Water current force 0.50KN 3.37 0.11

Stress at up stream side

edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 105.06 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.
Hence safe.
Stress at down stream side
edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 116.02 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

i)On top of 1st footing

The following co-ordinates are assumed:-

a)x-Direction-----At right angle to the movement of vehicles

b)y-Direction-----In the direction of movement of vehicles

Vertical load acting on the abutment (P) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricty about x- Eccentricty about y-

KN axis(m) axis(m)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.815 0.00
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 301.82KN 0.270 0.000
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN -0.815 0.000

4 Impact load 0.00 0.000 0.00

Horizontal load acting/transferred on the abutment (H) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Direction x or y Location(Ht.from the

KN section considered).

1 Wind load 16.50KN x-Direction 4.57

2 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN y-Direction 4.27
3 Water current force 0.50KN x-Direction 3.07

Check for stresses:-

About x-axis:-

Breadth of abutment b = 6.25m

Depth of abutment d = 2.00m
Area of the footing = A = 12.5 m2

Section modulus of base of abutment (1/6)bd2 = 4.17 m3

about x-axis--Zx =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at heel

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.82 12.17
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 301.82KN 0.27 27.27
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN -0.82 8.12
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN 4.27 -60.14


S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at toe

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.82 99.7
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 301.82KN -0.27 17.89
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.82 66.54
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN 4.27 60.14


Stress at heel = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = -12.58 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.

Stress at toe = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 244.27 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

About y-axis:-

Breadth of abutment b = 2.00m

Depth of abutment d = 6.25m
Area of the footing = A = 12.5 m2

Section modulus of base of abutment (1/6)bd2 = 13.02 m3

about y-axis--Zy =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at upstream

KN (P) arm edge

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 55.94
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 301.82KN 0.00 24.15
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.000 37.33
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Wind load 16.50KN 4.57 -5.79
6 Water current force 0.50KN 3.07 -0.12


S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at D/S edge

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 55.94
2 Self wieght of abutment&footings 301.82KN 0.00 24.15
3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.000 37.33
4 Impact load 0.00KN 0.00 0
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
5 Wind load 16.50KN 4.57 5.79
6 Water current force 0.50KN 3.07 0.12

Stress at up stream side

edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 111.51 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.
Stress at down stream side
edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 123.33 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

b)Load Envelope-II:-(The Canal is full,back fill intact with no live load on span)

i)On top of RCC Raft footing

The following co-ordinates are assumed:-

a)x-Direction-----At right angle to the movement of vehicles

b)y-Direction-----In the direction of movement of vehicles

Vertical load acting on the abutment (P) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricty about x- Eccentricty about y-

KN axis(m) axis(m)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.740 0.00

Self wieght of abutment&cut waters 552.62KN

Reduction in self weight due to buoyancy -230.28KN

2 Net self weight 322.33KN 0.095 0.000

3 Vertical component of earth pressure 205.46KN 0.440 0.000

Horizontal load acting/transferred on the abutment (H) composes of the following components
S.No Type of load Intensity in Direction x or y Location(Ht.from the
KN section considered).

1 Wind load 16.50KN x-Direction 5.17

2 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 0.00KN y-Direction 0.00

3 Water current force 0.50KN x-Direction 3.67

4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN y-Direction 1.53

5 Water pressure force 247.50KN y-Direction 1.00

Check for stresses:-

About x-axis:-

Breadth of bottom footing b = 6.25m

Depth of bottom footing d = 2.45m
Area of the footing = A = 15.3125 m2

Section modulus of bottom footing (1/6)bd2 = 6.25 m3

about x-axis --Zx =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at heel

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.74 13.22
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 322.33KN 0.09 22.97
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.44 19.09
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN 1.53 -38.55
5 Water pressure force 247.50KN 1.00 39.6

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at toe

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.74 78.1
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 322.33KN -0.09 19.13
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN -0.44 7.75
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN 1.53 38.55
5 Water pressure force 247.50KN 1.00 -39.6

Stress at heel = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 56.31 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.

Stress at toe = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 103.95 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

About y-axis:-

Breadth of bottom footing b = 2.45m

Depth of bottom footing d = 6.25m
Area of the footing = A = 15.3125 m2

Section modulus of bottom footing (1/6)bd2 = 15.95 m3

about y-axis --Zy =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at U/S Edge

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 45.66
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 322.33KN 0.00 21.05
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.00 13.42
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Wind load 16.50KN 5.17 -5.35
5 Water current force 0.50KN 3.67 -0.1

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at D/S edge

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 45.66
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 322.33KN 0.00 21.05
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.00 13.42
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 16.50KN 5.17 5.35
5 Water pressure force 0.50KN 3.67 0.1

Stress at up stream side

edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 74.67 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.
Stress at down stream side
edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 85.59 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.
ii)On top of 2nd footing

The following co-ordinates are assumed:-

a)x-Direction-----At right angle to the movement of vehicles

b)y-Direction-----In the direction of movement of vehicles

Vertical load acting on the abutment (P) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricty about x- Eccentricty about y-

KN axis(m) axis(m)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.74 0.00

Self wieght of abutment&footings 552.62KN

Reduction in self weight due to buoyancy -230.28KN

2 Net self weight 322.33KN 0.095 0.000

3 Vertical component of earth pressure 205.46KN 0.440 0.000

Horizontal load acting/transferred on the abutment (H) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Direction x or y Location(Ht.from the

KN section considered).

1 Wind load 16.50KN x-Direction 4.87

2 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 0.00KN y-Direction 0.00

3 Water current force 0.50KN x-Direction 3.37

4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN y-Direction 1.13

5 Water pressure force 247.50KN y-Direction 0.70

Check for stresses:-

About x-axis:-

Breadth of 2nd footing b = 6.25m

Depth of 2nd footing d = 2.30m
Area of the footing = A = 14.375 m2

Section modulus of bottom footing (1/6)bd2 = 5.51 m3

about x-axis --Zx =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at heel

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)
Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)
1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.74 14.09
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 322.33KN 0.09 24.47
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.44 20.33
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN 1.13 -32.33
5 Water pressure force 247.50KN 0.70 31.4

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at toe

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.74 83.19
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 322.33KN -0.09 20.38
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN -0.44 8.26
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN 1.13 32.33
5 Water pressure force 247.50KN 0.70 -31.4

Stress at heel = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 58 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.

Stress at toe = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 112.72 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

About y-axis:-

Breadth of 1st footing b = 2.30m

Depth of 1st footing d = 6.25m
Area of the footing = A = 14.375 m2

Section modulus of bottom footing (1/6)bd2 = 14.97 m3

about y-axis --Zy =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at U/S Edge

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 48.64
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 322.33KN 0.00 22.42
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.00 14.29
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Wind load 16.50KN 4.87 -5.37
5 Water current force 0.50KN 3.37 -0.1

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at D/S edge

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 48.64
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 322.33KN 0.00 22.42
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.00 14.29
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 16.50KN 4.87 5.37
5 Water pressure force 0.50KN 3.37 0.1

Stress at up stream side

edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 79.87 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.
Stress at down stream side
edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 90.83 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

iii)On top of 1st footing

The following co-ordinates are assumed:-

a)x-Direction-----At right angle to the movement of vehicles

b)y-Direction-----In the direction of movement of vehicles

Vertical load acting on the abutment (P) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricty about x- Eccentricty about y-

KN axis(m) axis(m)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.74 0.00

Self wieght of abutment&cut waters 423.26KN

Reduction in self weight due to buoyancy -176.36KN

2 Net self weight 246.90KN 0.200 0.000

3 Vertical component of earth pressure 205.46KN 0.440 0.000

Horizontal load acting/transferred on the abutment (H) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Direction x or y Location(Ht.from the

KN section considered).

1 Wind load 16.50KN x-Direction 4.57

2 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 0.00KN y-Direction 0.00

3 Water current force 0.50KN x-Direction 3.07

4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN y-Direction 0.73

5 Water pressure force 247.50KN y-Direction 0.40

Check for stresses:-

About x-axis:-

Breadth of 1st footing b = 6.25m

Depth of 1st footing d = 2.30m
Area of the footing = A = 14.375 m2

Section modulus of bottom footing (1/6)bd2 = 5.51 m3

about x-axis --Zx =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at heel

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN -0.74 14.09
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 246.90KN 0.20 20.47
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.44 20.33
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN 0.73 -20.91
5 Water pressure force 247.50KN 0.40 18.0

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at toe

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.74 83.19
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 246.90KN -0.20 13.88
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN -0.44 8.26
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 157.30KN 0.73 20.91
5 Water pressure force 247.50KN 0.40 -18.0

Stress at heel = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 51.95 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.

Stress at toe = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 108.27 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

About y-axis:-
Breadth of 1st footing b = 2.30m
Depth of 1st footing d = 6.25m
Area of the footing = A = 14.375 m2

Section modulus of bottom footing (1/6)bd2 = 14.97 m3

about y-axis --Zy =

For M20 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 5N/mm2

i.e, 5000KN/sqm

For M20 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -2.8N/mm2

i.e, -2800KN/sqm

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity/Lever Stress at U/S Edge

KN (P) arm P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 48.64
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 246.90KN 0.00 17.18
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.00 14.29
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Wind load 16.50KN 4.57 -5.04
5 Water current force 0.50KN 3.07 -0.1

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricity Stress at D/S edge

KN (P) P/A(1+6e/b)

Vertical loads:-(Stress = P/A(1+6e/b)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.00 48.64
2 Net self wieght of abutment&footings 246.90KN 0.00 17.18
3 Vertical component of Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.00 14.29
Horizontal loads:- (Stress = M/Z)
4 Horizontal load due to earth pressure 16.50KN 4.57 5.04
5 Water pressure force 0.50KN 3.07 0.1

Stress at up stream side

edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 74.97 KN/Sqm>-2800KN/sqm.

Hence safe.
Stress at down stream side
edge of abutment = P/A(1+6e/b)+M/Z = 85.25 KN/Sqm<5000KN/sqm

Hence safe.

V)Check for stability of abutments:-

a)Load Envelope-III:-(The Canal is dry,back fill intact with live load on span)

The following co-ordinates are assumed:-

a)x-Direction-----At right angle to the movement of vehicles

b)y-Direction-----In the direction of movement of vehicles

Vertical load acting on the abutment (P) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricty about x- Eccentricty about y-

KN axis(m) axis(m)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.82 0.00

2 Self wieght of abutments 301.88KN 0.270 0.000

3 Reaction due to live load with impact factor 466.66KN 0.82 0.000

4 Vertical component of Active Earth pressure 205.46KN 0.440 0.00


Horizontal load acting/transferred on the abutment (H) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Direction x or y Location(Ht.from the

KN section considered).

1 Wind load 16.50KN x-Direction 4.57

2 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 58.69KN y-Direction 4.57

3 Horizontal Active Earth pressure force 157.30KN y-Direction 0.73


Check for stability against over turning:-

Taking moments of all the overturning forces about toe of the abutment wrt x-axis,

Moment due to tractive,braking&frictional resistance of bearings = 268.19Kn-m

Moment due to active earth pressure force = 115.22Kn-m

Total overturning moment = 383.42Kn-m

Taking moments of all the restoring forces about toe of the abutment wrt x-axis,,

Moment due to self weight of abutment = 383.39Kn-m

Moment due to live load reaction on abutment = 846.99Kn-m

Moment due to super structure load reaction on abutment = 1269.04Kn-m

Moment due to vertical component of active earth pressure = 295.87Kn-m

Total Restoring moment = 2795.28Kn-m

Factor of safety = 7.29047566 > 2.0 Hence safe

(As per clause 706.3.4 of IRC:78-2000)

Check for stability against sliding:-

Total vertical load acting on the base of the abutment Vb = 1673.20KN

Total sliding force,ie,horizontal load on the abutment Hb = 232.48KN

Coefficient of friction between concrete surfaces = 0.80

Factor of safety against sliding Fs = 5.75769392 > 1.5 Hence safe

(As per clause 706.3.4 of IRC:78-2000)

b)Load Envelope-IV:-(The Canal is running upto HFL with no live load on span)

The following co-ordinates are assumed:-

a)x-Direction-----At right angle to the movement of vehicles

b)y-Direction-----In the direction of movement of vehicles

Vertical load acting on the abutment (P) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Eccentricty about x- Eccentricty about y-

KN axis(m) axis(m)

1 Reaction due to dead load from super structure 699.20KN 0.82 0.00

Self wieght of abutments 301.88KN

Reduction in self weight due to buoyancy -125.80KN

2 Net self wieght 176.08KN 0.270 0.000

3 Vertical component of Active Earth pressure 205.46 0.440 0.00

Horizontal load acting/transferred on the abutment (H) composes of the following components

S.No Type of load Intensity in Direction x or y Location(Ht.from the

KN section considered).

1 Wind load 16.50KN x-Direction 4.57

2 Tractive,Braking&Frictional resistance of bearings 0.00KN y-Direction 0.00

3 Active Earth pressure force 157.30KN y-Direction 0.73

4 Force due to water pressure 247.50KN y-Direction 0.40

Check for stability against over turning:-

Taking moments of all the overturning forces about toe of the abutment wrt x-axis,

Moment due to tractive,braking&frictional resistance of bearings = 0.00Kn-m

Moment due to active earth pressure force = 115.22Kn-m

Total overturning moment = 115.22Kn-m

Taking moments of all the restoring forces about toe of the abutment wrt x-axis,

Moment due to self weight of abutment = 223.62Kn-m

Moment due to water pressure force on the abutment = 99.00Kn-m

Moment due to super structure load reaction on abutment = 1269.04Kn-m

Moment due to vertical component of active earth pressure = 295.87Kn-m

Total Restoring moment = 1887.53Kn-m

Factor of safety = 16.3815649 > 2.0 Hence safe

(As per clause 706.3.4 of IRC:78-2000)

Check for stability against sliding:-

Total vertical load acting on the base of the abutment Vb = 629.04KN

Total sliding force,ie,horizontal load on the abutment Hb = 157.30KN

Coefficient of friction between concrete surfaces = 0.80

Factor of safety against sliding Fs = 3.19927699 > 1.5 Hence safe

(As per clause 706.3.4 of IRC:78-2000)

Name of the work:-Slab culvert on 6/0 Km of Vemuladeevi Channel


Length of the Raft:- = 14.60m

Width of the Raft:- = 6.85m

Total load on the Raft:-

Dead Load:-

Wt.of Deck slab = 1166.63Kn

Wt.of wearing coat = 110.76Kn

Wt.of bed blocks over abutments = 121.00Kn

Wt.of abutments

Footing-I = 242.88Kn
Footing-II = 258.72Kn
Wt.of abutments = 603.76Kn

Total 2503.75Kn

Dead load stress = 25.03Kn/Sqm

Live Load:-

Taking IRC Class-A loading

Wheel width in the direction of movement =0.2+0.2+0.25/2 = 0.625m

11.4 11.4 6.8 6.8 6.8

1.2 4.3 3.0 3.0 2.475


Centre of gravity of loading from 1st 11.4t load =

= 4.33m

Centre of gravity from the end of raft = 4.955m

Eccentricity = 2.345m

Stress due to live load = 1xP(1+6e/b)

(Taking single lanes) A

Max.stress = 10.89Kn/Sqm

Min.stress = -3.76Kn/Sqm

Total stress due to dead load and live load

Max.Stress = 35.92Kn/Sqm

Min.Stress = 21.27Kn/Sqm

Assuming the depth of raft as 70cm

Stress due to self weight of raft = 17.50Kn/Sqm

Stress due to wieght of base concrete = 3.60Kn/Sqm

Hence,the Max.stress on the soil = 57.02Kn/Sqm

Which is less than 6t/sqm(Soil testing report)

Hence safe.

Net Max.upward pressure acting on Raft = 35.92Kn/Sqm

Net Min.upward pressure acting on Raft = 21.27Kn/Sqm

The design stress = 28.60Kn/Sqm

Hence,the UDL on the raft = 28.60Kn/m

Design of Raft:-

The raft will be analysed as a continuous beam of 1m width with the loading
as shown below:-
1.375 11.85 1.375

UDL of 28.60Kn/m

After analysis the bending moment diagram is as given below:



Max.Negative bending moment Mu = 678.00KNm

Max.Positive bending moment Mu = 38.60KNm

Effective depth required d = Mu/0.138fckb = 443.31mm

Over all depth provided = 700.00mm

Effective depth provided(Assuming 40mm cover) d = 637.50mm

Top steel:-

Mu/bd2 = 1.668

From table 3 of SP 16,percentage of steel required = 0.505

Area of steel required = 3219.38sqmm

Bottom steel:-

Mu/bd2 = 0.095

From table 3 of SP 16,percentage of steel required/Minimum steel = 0.12

Area of steel required = 765.00sqmm

Hence provide 12mm dia HYSD bars@ 125mm c/c spacing at bottom
and provide 25mm bars at 150mm c/c at top

Hence Ast provided at top = 3270.83sqmm

Hence Ast provided at bottom = 904.32sqmm

Provide distribution reinforcement of 0.12% both at top and bottom

Area = 840.00sqmm

Adopting 12mm dia bars,the spacing required is = 134.57mm

Hence provide 12mm dia bars @ 125mm c/c spacing at top& bottom as distribution steel
Hydraulic design

Hydraulic Particulars:-

1.Full supply Level 1.576

2.Ordinary Flood level

3.Lowest Bed level 0.576

4.Average bed slope 0.000059

(1 in 17000)

5.Rugosity Coefficient(n) 0.025

(As per table 5 of IRC:SP 13)

6.Vertical clearence proposed 0.500

(As per clause 15.5 of IRC:SP 13&as per profile)

6.Bottom of deck proposed 2.076

(MFL+Vertical clearence)

7.Road Crest level 2.941

(Bottom of deck level+thickness of deck slab)

8.Width of carriage way 5.500

Discharge Calculations:-

1)From the data furnished by the Irrigation Department:-

Design discharge = 2.820Cumecs

2)Area Velocity method:-

Depth of flow w.r.t HFL = 1.000m

Bed width = 8.30m

Assuming side slopes 1:1.5 in clayey soils,top width at HFL = 9.800m

Wetted Area = 9.05sqm

Wetted perimetre = 11.13m

Hydraulic Radius R= Total area/Wetted perimeter = 0.81

Velocity V = 1/nX(R2/3XS1/2) 0.27m/sec

Discharge Q = AXV 2.44Cumecs

Design Discharge = 2.820Cumecs

Design Velocity = 0.270m/sec

Ventway Calculations(H.F.L Condition):-

Assuming the stream to be truly alluvial,the regime width is equal to linear waterway required for the drain.

Hence,as per Lacey's silt theory,the regime width W = 4.8Q 1/2 = 4.8*2.820.5 = 8.06m

The actual top width is almost equal to the above regime width.Hence,the stream is almost truly alluvial in nature.
As per IRC:SP--13,the ventway calculations for alluvial streams are as given below:-

Assuming afflux = x = 0.15m

Width of channel at H.F.L(b+h) = 9.80m
Clear span = 10.00m
Effective linear water way = 10.00m
Depth of flow = di = 1.00m

Head due to velocity of approach = (Vmax2/2g)X[di/(di+x)]2 0.003m

Combined head due to Velocity of approach and hi = 0.153m


Velocity through vents Vv = 0.90X(2ghi)1/2 = 1.56m/sec

Linear water way required LWW = Qd/(VvXdi) = 1.81m

No.of vents required = LWW /LC = 0.181

Say---1 Vent

In alluvial streams,the actual width of the stream should not be reduced,as it results in enhanced scour
depth and expensive training works.

Hence No.of vents required as per the width of the stream at H.F.L= 0.98

No.of vents to be provided 1Nos

No.of piers = 0Nos

Scour Depth Calculations:-

As per the clause 101.1.2 of IRC:5--1985,the design discharge should be increased by 30% to ensure adequate
margin of safety for foundations and protection works

Hence,the discharge for design of foundations = 1.30XDesign Discharge =

Lacey's Silt factor ' f ' = 1.76Xm1/2(For normal silt) =

Discharge per metre width of foundations = q =

Normal scour depth D = 1.34(q2/f)1/3 =

Maximum scour depth Dm = 1.5XD =

Depth of foundation = Dm + Max.of 1.2m or 1/3 Dm =

Bottom level of foundation =

Depth of foundation below low bed level =

The Minimum Safe Bearing capacity of the soil is considered as 60 KN/m2 at a depth of 2.00m below LBL

Hence open foundation in the form of raft is proposed at a depth of 2.0m below LBL,ie,at a level of

Cut-off walls and aprons are not required from scour depth point of view
uly alluvial in nature.

ced scour

o ensure adequate










Height of Fly wing wall =

Height of wall above G.L=
Height of wall below G.L=
Density of back fill soil&material in toe portion =
Grade of concrete =
Grade of steel =
Ground water Table level =
Angle of shearing resistance of back fill material&material at toe portion(Q) =
Angle of face of wall supporting earth with horizontal(a)(In degrees)
(in clock wise direction)
Slope of back fill(b) =
Angle of wall friction (q) =
Surcharge over the back fill in terms of height of back fill =
Undrained Cohesion ( c) =
Permissible compressive stress in bending for M20 Concrete (c)=
Permissible tensile stress in bending for Fe 415 steel (t)=
Length of the wing wall proposed =

Dimensions of the Fly wing(Assumed for preliminary design):-

Thickness of wing at support =

Thickness of wing at end =

Coefficient of active earth pressure by Coulomb's theory

Ka = Sin(a+Q)
sina sin(a-q) sin(Q+q)sin(Q-b)

From the above expression,

Ka = 0.3

Hence,maximum pressure at the bottom of the wall Pa =

The pressure distribution along the height of the wall is as given below:-

Pressure due to
Surcharge load = 324



Total Active earth pressure force = 3334.29

Height from the bottom of the wall = 1.13m

The active earth pressure acts on the wall as shown below:-




Horizontal component of the earth pressure P h =

Vertical component of the earth pressure P v =

Design of wall :-

Factored bending moment Mu = 15097.46Kgm

Effective depth required d = Mu/0.138fckb = 209.19mm

Over all depth provided = 300.00mm

Effective depth provided(Assuming 40mm cover) d = 250.00mm

Mu/bd2 = 2.416

From table 2 of SP 16,percentage of steel required = 0.802

Area of steel required = 2005.00sqmm

Hence provide 20mm dia HYSD bars@ 150mm c/c spacing

Hence Ast provided = 2093.33sqmm

Check for shear:-

Percentage of tension steel = 0.84

Maximum shear force on the member = 80.52KN

Factored Design shear force = 120.78KN

Nominal shear stress tv =Vu/bd = 0.48 N/sqmm

Hence section is safe from shear strength point of view

The design shear strength of concrete for the above steel percentage from
Table 19 of IS 456 is
0.60 N/sqmm > 0.48

Hence,no shear reinforcement is required.

Provide temperature re inforcement @ 0.12%

Area required = 300.00sqmm

Provide 12mm dia @ 200mm c/c on earthen side

Provide 12mm dia @ 200mm c/c on other side in both directions

The reinforcement detailing is shown in the drawing

Check for serviceability:-

For cantilever walls,the span to effective depth ratio is 7

From Fig.4 of IS:456-2000, f s = 0.58fy x Area of cross-section of steel required

Area of cross-section of steel provided

The stress level is 230.54N/sqmm

For percentage of tension steel provided is 0.84

The modification factor for ratio of span to effective depth is 1.5

Hence,the ratio is 10.5

The effective depth required = 0.24 <0.250 (Actually provided)








<2.8 N/sqmm(As per Table
20 of 1S 456)

eel required
eel provided

ally provided)

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