OBPS - Occupancy User Manual-Version2.0

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Online Building Permission System (OBPS)

User Manual
Occupancy Certificate Module

Date: 25-07-2017
Last updated: 25-09-2019
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................ 3
3 User Login .................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Apply for Occupancy Certificate .................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Online submission of Application ........................................................................................................ 5
5 Application Verification by TP staff ........................................................................................................... 10
5.1 Document Verification by Town planning Staff ................................................................................ 10
5.2 Drawing verification .......................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Document verification ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Site Inspection ................................................................................................................................... 11
5.5 Note sheet preparation ..................................................................................................................... 13
5.6 Approval by commissioner ................................................................................................................ 14
5.7 Occupancy Certificate........................................................................................................................ 15
5.8 Release mortgage .............................................................................................................................. 15
6 View approval status ................................................................................................................................. 16
7 Search application ..................................................................................................................................... 18

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1 Introduction

This help manual designed for new users and existing users, by helping them with the step by step
process involved while applying for a new proposal or to know the present status of their applications
and what are the steps to be taken while applying.

Some (or all) of the details provided in this manual may not be the same in website, as the website
updates regularly, to provide you a hassle-free experience and easy user interface. Small changes may
occur to the process after update but the process flow is same.

Before applying, please refer to GO’s & Acts, procedures for submission of building and layout
permissions through OBPS system, guidelines for submission of building and layout plans.

ULBs and UDAs are not responsible for the incorrect information entered by the applicant / when the
application is rejected due to insufficient requirements

To avoid mistakes & to apply successfully, please check notifications and latest updates provided in
OBPS website.

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2 Getting Started
 Open your web browser

 In the address bar at the top, type www.apdpms.ap.gov.in

 Home page will be displayed by default as shown above

 Eservice –provides instant access to G.Os, Circulars, guidelines, OBPS user manuals etc.
 Dashboards – displays the real-time data of building permissions, Layout permissions and
occupancy certificate of all 110 Ulbs and UDAs across the state.
 Feedback – provides feedback form for user suggestions/grievances
 Search application – displays current status of application for a given application number
without Logging into the system
 Find your local body – directs the user to the selected ULB to apply for permissions
 DTCP , CRDA and UDA – directs the user to the selected UDA to apply for permissions

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3 User Login

1. Select District from the dropdown

list. All ULBs for the selected
district will be displayed under
Local body

2. Select ULB name from Local body

3. Click on “Start your application”

4. Navigates to the Login page

5. Enter User Name, Password and


6. Click on “Login” button

Note: User cannot login until their

account is successfully activated

7. After successful login the LTP will

be directed to his console/
dashboard to submit application,
view status, make payments etc

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4 Apply for Occupancy Certificate
4.1 Online submission of Application
1. In the left side menu options
 Go to Occupancy > Occupancy list
 select “INTIMATE COMPLETION” Option at Top Right Corner

2. Directs to the application Info page

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 Enter BA number & click on Find button
 Application details of the entered BAnumber is displayed
 Then enter the required details i.e.,
 Work Commenced date – construction commenced date
 Work completion date – construction completion date
 Market Value – market value of construction Site
 Required Certificate option (Either Full or Part) as shown below- owner
can apply for full or partial occupancy
 Click on Save & Contuinue button.
 In File Number OC1 will be added to previous number
 All other Tab will enable.

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3. Attach Drawing from Drawing Tab

4. Fill Application checklist & Click Save & Continue.

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5. As per the checklist Additional Documents will generate in the Documents Tab

 Attach the primary and additional documents as per document checklist

 click on Save button

6. Enter Mortgage details in Others tab

 Notarized Affidavit no- As mentioned in the mortgage document

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 Notarized Affidavit Date - Date specified in the mortgage document
 Floor Handed over -
 Area - Mortgage area as specified in the building plan
 Prohibitory watch register no – register number
 Prohibitory watch register date –date
 Sub register office

7. Send Drawing for Scrutiny.

8. The application is moved to “Submitted Applications” (left side Menu option)
9. Once scrutiny is completed, scrutiny report is generated and LTP and Applicant will receive an
SMS alerts on registered mobile
 In case drawing has failed, application is displayed under “Objected Files” (left side Menu
option) says “Drawings has failed in rules”
 Click on scrutiny report to view the details
 Correct the drawing and resubmit the file for approval

 Once the Scrutiny is successful, Deviation Report and drawing PDF will be generated.

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5 Application Verification by TP staff
5.1 Document Verification by Town planning Staff
1. The application is automatically forwarded to the concerned Town Planning Staff as per the
mapped location.

 The file is displayed under the left side menu “Received/Proceeding Issued”
 The TPBO/TPS has to verify the data and provides recommendation for Drawings, Documents
and Site Inspection - ‘Approve’, ‘Revoke’ or ‘Shortfall’.

5.2 Drawing verification

 Select Drawings tab, verify the drawing and can give remarks and recommendation, and
has to click on “Save Recommendation”

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5.3 Document verification
 Select ‘Documents tab

 verify both ‘Primary’ and ‘Additional’ documents and provide the recommendation

5.4 Site Inspection

 “Site Inspection” tab, the TP staff has to visit the Site and should give their remarks and

 Enter the observations in the checklist during the site inspection

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 TP staff can select ‘Save’ button If he needs to cross verify the data before
generating the site inspection report
 TP staff can select “Sign & Submit” after adding his recommendations. The data cannot
be edited after digital signature.
 They can view the report by clicking on “Inspection Report”

 After signing inspection report, compounding Fee will be generated (if any) automatically if
there is any permissible deviation in the BUA (as per inspection report point no. 10.)

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 Select Occupancy Challan in paymet tab. A popup window will open

 Add/Edit compounding charges if the drawing is in Deviation.

5.5 Note sheet preparation

 Select ‘Note sheet’ tab.

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 Enter recommendation/ remarks and select ‘Save’
 Select ‘Publish’ the note sheet, so that it is visible to everyone who involves in the file.
 Click on ‘View Enlarge’ to view the Note sheet in full screen
 Select ‘Send’ button so that the file is moved to higher officials as per the workflow

5.6 Approval by commissioner

Application is received in commissioner login after HOD recommendation

 Select “Review Proceeding” from left menu option.

 Displays the list of files pending for approval
 Select the file from the list

 Verify the recommendations/remarks given by his officers and selects

o ‘Approve – to generate occupancy certificate
o ‘Revoke – to reject the application
o Showcause - generates show cause letter before revoking the permission
o ‘Shortfall’ – generates shortfall letter if any shortfalls identified in application
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5.7 Occupancy Certificate
 Once commissioner approves the application, occupancy certificate (part/full ) is

5.8 Release mortgage

If LTP has applied for full occupancy then the Mortgage release Letter is also generated
automatically along with the occupancy certificate.
Note: Mortgage letter is not generated if LTP has applied for Part occupancy

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6 View approval status
After the Commissioner/VC approval, application is forwarded to the concerned LTP console

 If approved – application is viewed from “Approved files” menu option

 If Rejeted - application is viewed from “Revoke” menu option

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 If shortfall – application is displayed in “Shortfall” of left menu option

 LTP can view the application and download the occupancy certificate and shortfall/
rejection letters
 LTP and Applicant receives SMS alerts on approval status to their registered mobile

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7 Search application
 Applicant can check the status of the application from Home page without logging into application

 Click on search application button

 Window will popup prompting user to enter application number

 Enter application number and click on search icon

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 Application details and current status of the application are displayed as shown below

 View Download approved drawing plan, proceeding letters, scrutiny report and site inspection
report from portal anytime anywhere.

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