Consent To Operate Ocmms
Consent To Operate Ocmms
Consent To Operate Ocmms
3. The next important point is “Do you want to send login credential in
mail?” To receive information by E-mail ‘Yes’ is selected .
4. Two icon namely “Save” and “Reset” can be seen at the above of
the form for filling up of occupier details.
5. The applicant can “Reset” the form if he wants any corrections and
save if by clicking “Save” button.
6. “Save” button is used to save document
After clicking the “Save” button, user will receive the used ID and temporary
password as highlighted on screen.
On home page, the industrial user has to select “industrial login”, and user
ID and password with captcha code are to be entered and login to be
clicked . The first login shall be with auto generated password, however
this password should be changed for security aspects
Then the user will “click to calculate fee”. which will automatically display
consent fees applicable for the respective slab depending the RED
/ORANGE / GREEN CATEGORY and Investment Slab
Click Add button enter details Draft number, Date, Bank name, Branch
name, Amount, and go to choose file and attach the scanned copy of
“other” tab is used user need to fill up all the details
After the next button user can see a form for “Water & Waste Water Disch”
user need to fill up all the details
After the next button user can see a form for consent. User need to fill up
all the details. And the next important tab is Documents.
Go to this tab and see the option upload and delete. Upload is for
uploading documents and delete is for deleting the already uploaded
Please select “yes “if you want to send the documents By post/by
4.Then application will be automatically submitted to the Head Office /
Regional Office depending upon the type of industry and investment.
NOTE- Please note down the application number for future reference.
The status of application can be seen by login the website. The user can
see the application status by in their user id Here the status of application
is shown at the home page of user Id. There are two tabs 1st is “In
progress Application” and the second one is “completed Application.
“Completed Application “ is to know with whom the file is pending.
In progress Application / Completed Application