The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

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The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet


Stands for HyperText Markup Language

To create hyperlinks and to markup

contents in the webpage that renders
on the browser

bongoDev bootcamp
The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

An HTML – document consists of two major parts

1 <!DOCTYPE html> Document type declaration

2 Root element

The root element <html> consists of two major parts

Container/holder to provide
1 <head> </head> information to the browser / SEO

Container/holder for other tags

2 <body> </body> (heading, image, table form,
etc) to render content in the

bongoDev bootcamp
The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

<html>, <head>, <body> - are known as tags/elements.

Tags/Elements are the building blocks of an HTML page or

document. We can’t create a Web page without the

This language uses HTML tags to structure web pages, so they

will have a header, body, sidebar, and a footer etc.

It is easy to forget tags and a great solution to have a cheat

sheet in front of you in your difficult moment

"I could either watch it

happen or be a part of it."
Elon Musk

bongoDev bootcamp
The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

Opening (start)-closing (end)

Self Closing Tags

Generally, each tag has start/opening and end/closing parts.

The end tag is followed by a forward slash (/) before the tag
Opening (start)-closing (end)

<h1> This is a heading </h1>

start/opening tag end/closing tag

Content – renders in the browser

<html>, <body>, <h1> to <h6>, <p>, <div>, <form>,
<sup>, <sub>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <a>, <strong>, <em>

There are other tags that do not have start or end tag which
Self Closing Tags

are known as self closing tags

<img> <br>, <link>, <hr>, <input>,

bongoDev bootcamp
The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

Block Vs Inline Elements/Tags

Block Elements:
Takes the full width of the device screen and always starts in
a new line

<div>, <p>, <h1>-<h6>, <form>, <article>, <aside>, <dd>,
<dl>, <dt>, <figcaption, <figure>, <footer>, <header>, <hr>,
<li>, <main>, <nav>, <ol>, <section>, <table>, <tfoot>, <ul>,
<video>, <hr>

Inline Elements:
Takes the required width of the device screen only for its

<a>, <big>,<br>, <button>, <code>, <em>,
<i>, <img>, <input>, <label>, <map>,
<script>, <select>, <small>, <span>,
<strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <textarea>, <time>

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The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

It’s better to have a Cheat Sheet in your hand

<html> ….</html>
This tag is the root element of a webpage. It appears at the very first and last line
of the webpage. It is the parent tag or holder for every other tag used on the page.

<head>…. </head>
It consists of metadata about the webpage to provide the website’s
information to google/SEO.

<title> …. </title>
This tag contains the title/name of the webpage. Search engines use this tag to
extract the topic of the webpage to rank relevant search results.

Used to link external resources on the page. For example - style sheet,
CDN links, google fonts, script tag etc

This is the metadata tag for the webpage to provide the author, keywords, and
description to the search engine.

<body> …. </body>
It is the container of all tags to render contents in the browser. Everything we
see on the device screen exists inside this tag.


<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-
<title>My Website</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href = "style.css">
<h1>I’m a heading</h1>
bongoDev bootcamp
The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

<div> …. </div>
Is known as a container and can contain other tags. It is a block

<h1 to h6>
There are 6 heading tags available – h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
<h1> has the largest font size, and <h6> has the smallest

<p> … .</p>
Paragraph tag which contains text

<span> …. </span>
Inline element and container of text, icon, image etc

It draws a horizontal line across the width of the page

A line break for elements. Used to create a new line

<strong> … .</strong>
To make text bold

<em> …. .</em>
To make text Italic

<sub> …. </sub>
Used for writing a subscript (smaller font just below the mid-point of
normal font). Example: O2

<sup> … </sup>
Used for writing superscripts. Example: x²

<h1>I’m a heading</h1>
<p> This is a paragraph
<span>an icon</span> of 20 words </p>
<h2>I’m smaller than h1 tag</h2> <br>
<strong>Make me bold</strong>
<em>Make me Italic</em>
bongoDev bootcamp
The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

Links / Anchor Tag

<a href=””> …</a>
Known as an Anchor tag. Used for creating hyperlinks

<a href=”#about”> …</a>

To navigate to a specific section (div) of the webpage.

<a href=”mailto:[email protected]”> …</a>

For sending emails.

<img >
Used to display images on the webpage

Image Attributes:
Key and value separated by equal (=) sign

Relative / absolute path of an image

The text is useful for SEO and the alt text will appear if the image is broken for
some reason
Specifies image with in pixels or percentages and keeps aspect ratio
Specifies border thickness of an image. Default value is 0. if border not

<video src= "relative/absolute path" controls autoplay loop></video>
controls > provide video controllers
autpplay > video starts automatically when webpage loads on the browser
loop > never video stops, keeps playing

<iframe> ….</iframe>
An inline block of element, is used as a container to embed media files. It can
contain a webpage, YouTube video, Google map etc.

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The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

HTML Lists
<ol> ….</ol>
Renders a list of items/elements in an ordered manner

<ul> ….</ul>
Renders a list of items/elements in an unordered manner. The most commonly used tag to create navbar
or nav list

<li> ….</li>
Represents an item on a list

<dl> ….</dl>
Description list. Used to define description of items. For example grocery item list

<dt> ….</dt>
The definition/name of a single term

<dd> ….</dd>
The description for the item.

<li>February</li> <dl>
<li>March</li> <dt>Walton</dt>
</ol> <dd> D eshi brand</dd>
<li>Node</li> <dd>Apple product</dd>
<li>JavaScript</li> </dl>

Character entities are used to display reserved characters in HTML. Some characters are
reserved in HTML. If you use the less than (<) or greater than (>) signs in your text, the
browser might mix them with tags. Character entities are used to display reserved
characters in HTML. A character entity looks like this: &entity_name;

To display a less than sign (<) we must write: &lt; or &#60;

The followings are the the commonly used entities:

© &copy;
® &reg;
< &lt;
> &gt;
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The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

HTML Forms
<form> ….</form>
The parent tag for an HTML form and consists of many input tags or button

The URL is the End Point to pass data to the back endpoint (API)

HTTP method ( generally POST ) to submit or post the form data.

<label> …</label>
Used to label a field in the form.

<input >
Is used to take input from the user. The input type is determined by a number of
attributes. It takes different data types, i.e. text, email, password, name, mobile
number, messages and it could be a submit or reset

Form Input Type Attribute

Determines which type of input (text, email, dates, password) is requested from the user.

Specifies the name of the input field.

Specifies the value contained in the input field

If the required attribute is added to the input field, it specifies a mandatory field
and value can not be empty. The Form won’t allow you to submit data.
Used to give hints to the user about the nature of the input value
Disables the input element and the user can not input data.
<textarea> …</textarea>
Used for longer strings of input. Used to input message or email body
<select> …</select>
Allows user to choose an option from a list of options

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The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

Form Option Attribute

The visible text for the user for any given option

Determines which option is selected by default when the form loads

<button> …</button>
Tag for creating a button for form submission

<form action="form_submit.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="full_name" placeholder="Your Name" required>
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email”
<input type=”password" name=”password" placeholder=”Password"
<textarea name="message" placeholder=“Your message…………”></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

<table> …</table>
To create a table in the webpage

<caption> …</caption>
Table title. H1, h2 or h3 tags can be used for table caption

<thead> …</thead>
Contains table header information

<tbody> …</tbody>
Contains table body data information

<tr> …</tr>
Describes a single row in a table.

<th> …</th>
Contains the value of a heading of a table’s column.

<td> …</td>
A single cell of a table. Contains the actual value/data for a particular header.

bongoDev bootcamp
The Ultimate HTML Cheat Sheet

HTML5 / Semantic Elements

<header> ….</header>
Defines the header of a webpage. It replaced <div> container. Container of the header items

<footer> ….</footer>
Defines the webpage footer. Container of the footer items.

Marks the main content of the webpage.Or,webpage body.

Used to create blog article

<aside> …</aside>
Defines content displayed as a sidebar of the webpage. Side NavBar or to define side notes

Defines a particular section on the webpage. Example: Hero/Showcase section

A tag reserved for images, and figures (chart, diagram) in HTML5.

<figcaption> ….</figcaption>
A description of the figure is placed below the image or figure.

To create a Navbar. Navigation links store here for a webpage.

A particular item from a list or a menu.

Tag for formatting date and time. Usually used to define a blog article published date

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