Appendix I - NR-13 Requirements (Boiler and Pressure Vessels Technical Manual) PDF

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NR - 13

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NR-13 BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS a) a “Boiler Dossier”, having the following information:
- design Code and year of edition;
- materials specification;
- procedures used in the fabrication, assembly, final
inspection and determination of the MAWP;
13.1.1. Steam boilers are equipment used to generate and - a set of drawings and necessary data to follow the
accumulate steam at a pressure higher than the service life of the boiler;
atmospheric pressure, using any source of heat, except - functioning characteristics;
reboilers and similar equipment used in process units. - safety devices data;
- year of fabrication;
13.1.2. For the accomplishment of this Regulation
- boiler category.
Standard, it is considered “Qualified Professional” the
b) “Safety Record”, in accordance with the provisions
one who has legal qualification to exercise the
of 13.1.7;
engineering profession in the activities related to the
c) “Installation Design”, in accordance with the
construction design code, operational and maintenance
provisions of 13.2;
examination, inspection and inspection supervision of
d) “Changing or Repair Designs”, in accordance with
boilers and pressure vessels, in accordance with the
provisions of 13.4.2 and 13.4.3;
prevailing professional regulation of Brazil.
e) “Inspection Reports”, in accordance with provisions
13.1.3. Maximum Permitted Working Pressure - MPWP or of 13.5.11, 13.5.12 and 13.5.13.
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure - MAWP is the When nonexistent or lost, the “Boiler Dossier”
highest pressure value in accordance with the design
shall be restored by the owner, with the manufacturer or
code, the resistance of the materials used, the equipment
“Qualified Professional’s” (summoned in 13.1.2)
dimensions and their operational parameters.
technical responsibility, being indispensable the
13.1.4. It constitutes a serious and eminent risk the lack restoration of functioning characteristics, safety devices
of any of the following items: data and procedures for MAWP determination.
a) safety valve with opening pressure set at or below When the boiler is sold or transferred to other
the MAWP; site, the records mentioned in “a”, “d” and “e” in 13.1.6
b) device that shows the accumulated steam pressure; shall follow it.
c) injector or other means of feeding water, The owner of the boiler shall present, when
independent from the main system, for boilers that
requested by the appropriate authority of the Regional
are fired with solid fuel;
Labor Department, the records mentioned in 13.1.6.
d) fast water drain system, in recovering alkali boilers;
e) indicating system to control the level of water or 13.1.7. The “Safety Record” shall be made up of a
other system that avoids superheating by defective separate book, with numbered pages, or other similar
feeding. system where the following will be recorded:
13.1.5. Every boiler shall have attached on its body, in a a) all the relevant events capable to influence on the
visible and of easy and accessible place, an enduring boiler safety conditions;
identification plate with, at least, the following b) the events of periodical and extraordinary safety
information: inspections, containing the legible name and
signature of the “Qualified Professional”, summoned
a) manufacturer’s name;
in 13.1.2, and the boiler operator present in the event
b) order number given by the boiler’s manufacturer;
of the inspection.
c) year of fabrication;
d) maximum allowable working pressure; In the event of the boiler is considered
e) hydrostatic test pressure; inadequate for use, the “Safety Record” shall contain
f) capacity of steam production; such information and receive a formal conclusion.
g) heating surface area;
13.1.8. The records referred in the 13.1.6 shall be at all
h) design Code and year of edition.
times available for the examination of the operators, the Besides the identification plate there shall be, in maintenance and inspection personnel and the employee
a visible place, the boiler category, in accordance with and employer representatives at the Accident
the provisions of 13.1.9 hereto, and its identification Prevention Internal Commission, and the owner shall
number or code. ensure complete access to these records.
13.1.6. Every boiler shall have, in the site it has been
installed, the following records, duly updated:
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13.1.9. For the accomplishment of this Regulation b) provide at least 2 (two) wide exits, permanently
Standard, boilers are classified in three categories unblocked and arranged in different directions;
accordingly to the following: c) provide permanent ventilation with air openings
which cannot be blocked;
a) category “A” boilers are those which the operation
2 d) provide gas leakage detecting devices when the
pressure is 1,960 kPa (19.98 Kgf/cm ) or higher;
boiler source of heat is a gaseous fuel;
b) category “C” boilers are those which the operation
2 e) not be used to any other purpose;
pressure is 588 kPa (5.99 Kgf/cm ) or lower, and the
f) provide an easy and safe access, necessary to the
internal volume is 100 liters or lower;
boiler operation and maintenance, taking into
c) category “B” boilers are all boilers that are out of the
account that for vacant guard rails, the gaps shall
previous categories;
have dimensions to avoid personnel’s falls;
13.2. INSTALLATION OF STEAM BOILERS g) have captivation and discharging systems for gases
and particle matters from combustion to send them
13.2.1. The authorship of the “Installation Design”, as
out of the operation area, in accordance with the
far as this Regulation Standard is concerned, is
prevailing environment standards;
responsibility of the “Qualified Professional”, as
h) provide illumination in accordance with the
summoned in 13.1.2, and shall obey the safety, health
prevailing official standards and have emergency
and environment aspects foreseen in the Regulation
illumination systems.
Standards, agreements and legal arrangements.
13.2.5. It constitutes a serious and eminent risk the lack
13.2.2. The boilers of any enterprise shall be installed in
of any of the following:
a “Boiler House” or in a specific site for this propose,
called a “Boiler Area”. a) for all boilers installed outdoors, the items “b”, “d”
and “f” of 13.2.3 hereto;
13.2.3. When the boiler is installed outdoors, the “Boiler
b) for the category “A” boilers installed indoors, the
Area” shall meet the following requirements:
items “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “g” and “h” of 13.2.4
a) be at least 3 (three) meters away from: hereto;
- other equipment of the enterprise; c) for the categories “B” and “C” boilers installed
- fuel storage, except tanks for the startup with up to indoors, the items “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “g” and “h” of
2,000 (two thousand) liters of capacity; 13.2.4 hereto.
- from the border of third party properties;
13.2.6. When the enterprise can not meet what is shown
- from the border of public roads.
in 13.2.3 or 13.2.4 an “Alternative Installation Design”
b) provide at least 2 (two) wide exits, permanently
shall be elaborated, with complementary safety measures
unblocked and arranged in different directions;
which allow the risk attenuation.
c) provide an easy and safe access, necessary to the
boiler operation and maintenance, taking into The “Alternative Installation Design” shall be
account that for vacant guard rails, the gaps shall shown by the owner of the boiler to obtain an agreement
have dimensions to avoid personnel’s falls; with union representatives of the prevailing professional
d) have captivation and discharging systems for gases category in the enterprise.
and particle matters from combustion to send them In the event of reaching no agreement, as
out of the operation area, in accordance with the
foreseen in, the intermediation of the Regional
prevailing environment standards;
Labor Department, can be required by any of the parties
e) provide illumination in accordance with the
and, continuing the deadlock, the decision shall be taken
prevailing official standards;
by this Department.
f) have emergency illumination systems in case of
operating at night. 13.2.7. The boilers classified in the category “A” shall
have an instrumentation board installed in a control
13.2.4. When the boiler is installed indoors, the “Boiler
room, built in accordance with prevailing Regulation
House” shall meet the following requirements:
a) constitute a separate building, built of fire resistant
material, being able to have only one wall close to
other equipment of the enterprise, however with the 13.3.1. Every boiler shall have an updated “Operational
other walls distant, at least 3 (three) meters from Manual”, in Portuguese, in an easy and accessible place
other equipment, from third party properties, from the to the operators, containing at least:
limit with public roads and fuel storage, except tanks
a) startup and shutdown procedures;
for the startup with up to 2,000 (two thousand) liters
b) routine operational parameters and procedures;
of capacity;
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c) emergency situation procedures; 13.3.10. The enterprise where the supervised practical
d) safety, health and environment preservation general training is performed shall inform in advance the union
procedures; representatives of the prevailing professional category
in the enterprise:
13.3.2. The boiler devices and controls shall be
maintained calibrated and in good operational a) the duration of training performance;
conditions, constituting a serious and eminent risk the b) the responsible private group, company or
use of tricks which neutralize control and safety professional for the “Safety Training in Boiler
systems. Operation”;
c) the list of training applicants.
13.3.3. The water quality shall be controlled and
treatments shall be implemented, when necessary, to 13.3.11. The knowledge refreshment of the operators
adjust its physicochemical properties to the boiler shall be continuous, by means of constant information
operational parameters. of the physical and operational conditions of the
equipment, technical refreshment, safety information,
13.3.4. Every steam boiler shall be compulsorily under
attendance in courses, speeches and concerned events.
boiler operator’s operation and control, constituting a
serious and eminent hazardous condition the lack of 13.3.12. It constitutes a serious and eminent risk the
compliance of this request. operation of any boiler in different conditions foreseen
in the original design, unless:
13.3.5. For the accomplishment of this Regulation
Standard, it is considered boiler operator the one who a) it is redesigned taking into account all the relevant
satisfies at least one of the following conditions: variables contained in the new operational condition;
b) all the safety procedures shall be adopted arising
a) to have the “Safety Training in Boiler Operation”
from its new classification in respect of installation,
certificate and prove a practical training in
operation, maintenance and inspection.
accordance with 13.3.11;
b) to have the “Safety Training in Boiler Operation” 13.4. SAFETY IN THE BOILER MAINTENANCE
certificate proclaimed herein and approved by
13.4.1 All repairs or changes in boilers shall respect the
Brazilian Regulation number 02/84 on May 8, 1984;
corresponding construction design code and the
c) to have corroboration of at least 3 (three) years of
manufacturer’s direction in respect of:
experience in this activity, until May 8, 1984.
a) materials;
13.3.6. The minimum basic requirement to participate, as
b) performance procedures;
a pupil in the “Safety Training in Boiler Operation”, is to
c) quality control procedures;
have the Junior High School certificate.
d) personnel qualification and certification.
13.3.7. The “Safety Training in Boiler Operation” shall When the construction design code is
unknown, the original concepts of the boiler shall be
a) be technically supervised by a “Qualified respected, using the toughest control procedures
Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2; written in the concerned codes.
b) be ministered by skilled professionals qualified for For the categories “A” and “B” boilers, by the
this propose;
“Qualified Professional’s” judgment, summoned in
c) obey, at least, the curriculum showed in the
13.1.2, calculus technologies or more advanced
Appendix I-A herein.
procedures shall be used, in exchange of the prevailing
13.3.8. The responsible personnel for the “Safety design standards.
Training in Boiler Operation” performance shall be
13.4.2. The “Modifying and Repair Designs” shall be
restrained from ministering new courses, as well as
admitted in advance in the following conditions:
subjected to legal penalties, in case of noncompliance of
what is required in 13.3.7. a) at all times that the design conditions have been
13.3.9. Every boiler operator shall fulfill a practical
b) at all times that repairs which compromise the safety,
training, in the boiler he will operate, which it shall be
are performed.
supervised, recorded and have the minimum duration of:
13.4.3. The “Modifying and Repair Designs” shall:
a) category “A” boilers: 80 (eighty) hours;
b) category “B” boilers: 60 (sixty) hours; a) be authorized or approved by a “Qualified
c) category “C” boilers: 40 (forty) hours. Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2;

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b) determine materials, execution, quality control and c) they do not show unexpected variations in the gases
personnel qualification procedures. and steam outlet temperature, during the operation;
d) there is water quality analysis and periodic control;
13.4.4. All the performances that require broaching or
e) there is material deterioration control of the boiler
welding in parts that operate under pressure shall be
main parts;
followed by a hydrostatic test, with characteristics
f) it is approved as special class by means of:
defined by the “Qualified Professional”, summoned in
- agreement between union representatives of the
prevailing professional category in the enterprise
13.4.5. The boiler safety control systems shall be and the employer;
submitted to preventive or predictive maintenance. - the intermediation of the Regional Labor Department,
required by any of the parties when there is no
13.5.1. The boilers shall be submitted to initial, periodical - decision of the Regional Labor Department when the
and extraordinary safety inspections being considered a deadlock continues.
serious and eminent hazardous condition the lack of
13.5.6. After 25 (twenty-five) years of use, in their
compliance of any of the deadlines established herein.
following inspection, the boilers shall be submitted to a
13.5.2. The initial safety inspection shall be made on new strict integrity evaluation to determine their remaining
boilers, prior to the startup, in the operational site, life and new maximum inspection deadlines, in case of
having to be submitted to an internal and external exam, they are still in condition of use.
hydrostatic and accumulation test. Enterprises which have their “Own Service of
13.5.3. The periodic safety inspection, constituted by an Equipment Inspection”, summoned in Appendix II, the
internal and external exam, shall be carried out in the 25 (twenty-five)-year limit may be changed in terms of
maximum deadlines as follows: boiler conditions, made by the referred department.
a) 12 (twelve) months to categories “A”, “B” and “C” 13.5.7. The safety valves installed in boilers shall be
boilers; periodically inspected as follows:
b) 12 (twelve) months to recovering alkali boilers of any
a) at least once a month, by means of manual action, in
operation, to categories “B” and “C” boilers;
c) 24 (twenty-four) months to category “A” boilers,
b) demonstrating, inspecting and testing, on a bench,
provided that at 12 (twelve) months the safety valves
the flanged valves and, on site, the welded valves,
opening pressures are tested;
recalibrating them in periods compatible with the
d) 40 (forty) months to special boilers in accordance
operational experience of themselves, but respecting
with defined in 13.5.5.
as a maximum limit the inspection period established
13.5.4. Enterprises which have their “Own Service of in 13.5.3 or 13.5.4, if applied, to the categories “A”
Equipment Inspection”, in accordance with the and “B” boilers.
provisions established in Appendix II, may postpone the
13.5.8. In addition to the prescribed tests in 13.5.7, the
period between safety inspections, respecting the
safety valves installed in the boilers shall be submitted
following maximum deadlines:
to accumulation tests, in the following opportunities:
a) 18 (eighteen) months to categories “B” and “C”
a) in the boiler initial inspection;
b) when they have been modified or have suffered
b) 30 (thirty) months to category “A” boilers.
significative reforms;
13.5.5. Boilers which operate in a continual way and use c) when there is a change in the boiler operational
gases or residues from the process units, as main fuel to parameters or a MAWP variation;
take the advantage of the heat or on purpose to d) when there is a change in the inlet or outlet piping.
environment control may be considered special when all
13.5.9. The extraordinary safety inspection shall be
the following conditions are satisfied:
carried out in the following opportunities:
a) they are installed in enterprises which have their
a) at all times that the boiler is damaged by accident or
“Own Service of Equipment Inspection”, summoned
other happening able to compromise its safety;
in Appendix II;
b) when the boiler is submitted to important changes or
b) they have tested every 12 (twelve) months the
repairs able to alter its safety conditions;
interlock system and opening pressure of every
c) prior to the boiler startup, when it has been idle for
safety valve;
more than 6 (six) months;
d) when there is a change in the boiler installation site.
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13.5.10. The safety inspection shall be carried out by a c) a device that indicates the operational pressure.
“Qualified Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2, or by
13.6.3. Every pressure vessel shall have attached on its
“Own Service of Equipment Inspection”, summoned in
body, in a visible and of easy and accessible place, an
Appendix II.
enduring identification plate with, at least, the following
13.5.11. Once the boiler is inspected, an “Inspection information:
Report” shall be emitted, which shall belong to its
a) manufacturer’s name;
b) identification number;
13.5.12. A copy of the “Inspection Report” shall be sent c) year of fabrication;
by the “Qualified Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2, in a d) maximum allowable working pressure;
time limit of 30 (thirty) days from the termination of the e) hydrostatic test pressure;
inspection, to the union representatives of the prevailing f) design code and year of edition.
professional category in the enterprise. Besides the identification plate there shall be, in
13.5.13. The “Inspection Report”, summoned in 13.5.11, a visible place, the pressure vessel category, in
shall contain at least: accordance with Appendix IV, and its identification
number or code.
a) the recorded data in the boiler identification plate;
b) boiler category; 13.6.4. Every pressure vessel shall have, in the site it has
c) type of boiler; been installed, the following records, duly updated:
d) type of inspection carried out;
a) a “Pressure Vessel Dossier”, to be supplied by the
e) starting and finishing date of inspection;
manufacturer, having the following information:
f) description of the realized inspections and tests;
- design code and year of edition;
g) result of the inspections and measures;
- materials specification;
h) list of items from this Regulation Standard or from
- procedures used in the fabrication, assembly, final
other legal demands which are not satisfied;
inspection and determination of the MAWP;
i) conclusions;
- a set of drawings and necessary data to follow its
j) necessary recommendations and measures;
service life;
k) foreseen date for the next boiler inspection;
- functioning characteristics;
l) legible name, signature and the professional counsel
- safety devices data;
recording number of the “Qualified Professional”,
- year of fabrication;
summoned in 13.1.2, and legible name and signature
- pressure vessel category.
of technicians who have attended the inspection.
b) “Safety Record”, in accordance with the provisions
13.5.14. At all times that the inspection results determine of 13.6.5;
changes on the identification plate data, it shall be c) “Installation Design”, in accordance with the
updated. provisions of 13.7;
d) “Changing or Repair Designs”, in accordance with
provisions of 13.9.2 and 13.9.3;
13.6.1. Pressure vessels are equipment which contain e) “Inspection Reports”, in accordance with provisions
fluids under internal or external pressure. of 13.10.8. The application field of this Regulation When nonexistent or lost, the “Pressure Vessel
Standard, referred to pressure vessels, is defined in Dossier” shall be restored by the owner, with the
Appendix III. manufacturer or “Qualified Professional’s” (summoned
in 13.1.2) technical responsibility, being indispensable Pressure vessels included in this Regulation
the restoration of functioning characteristics, safety
Standard are classified in categories in accordance with
devices data and procedures for MAWP determination.
Appendix IV.
13.6.5. The “Safety Record” shall be made up of a
13.6.2. It constitutes a serious and eminent risk the lack
separate book, with numbered pages, portfolios or
of any of the following items:
information retrieval or not, with similar reliability, where
a) a valve or other safety device with opening pressure the following will be recorded:
set at the MAWP or lower, installed directly on the
a) all the relevant events capable to influence on the
vessel or in the system which includes it;
pressure vessel safety conditions;
b) a safety device against a blockage without warning
b) the events of safety inspections.
of the valve when it is not installed directly on the

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13.6.6. The records referred in the 13.6.4 shall be at all 13.7.6. The authorship of the pressure vessel
times available for the examination of the operators, the “Installation Design” within the categories “I”, “II” and
maintenance and inspection personnel and the employee “III”, in accordance with Appendix IV, as far as this
and employer representatives at the Accident Regulating Standard is concerned, is responsibility of
Prevention Internal Commission, and the owner shall the “Qualified Professional”, as summoned in 13.1.2, and
ensure complete access to these records, inclusive the shall obey the safety, health and environment aspects
union representatives of the prevailing professional foreseen in the Regulation Standards, agreements and
category in the enterprise, when formally requested. applicable legal arrangements.
13.7. INSTALLATION OF PRESSURE VESSELS 13.7.7. The “Installation Design” shall contain at least
the enterprise’s plan, showing the position and the
13.7.1. Every pressure vessel shall be installed in a way
category of each vessel and the safety installations.
that all drains, vents, manholes and level, pressure and
temperature indicators, when existing, are easily 13.8. SAFETY IN PRESSURE VESSEL OPERATION
13.8.1. Every pressure vessel within the categories “I”
13.7.2. When the pressure vessels are installed indoors, and “II” shall have its own “Operational Manual”, or
the installation shall meet the following requirements: operational instructions contained in the unit
operational manual where it is installed, in Portuguese, in
a) provide at least 2 (two) wide exits, permanently
an easy access to the operators, containing at least:
unblocked and arranged in different directions;
b) provide an easy and safe access to the maintenance, a) startup and shutdown procedures;
operation and inspection, taking into account that b) routine operational parameters and procedures;
for vacant guard rails, the gaps shall have c) emergency situation procedures;
dimensions to avoid personnel’s falls; d) safety, health and environment preservation general
c) provide permanent ventilation with air openings procedures;
which cannot be blocked;
13.8.2. The pressure vessel instruments and controls
d) provide illumination in accordance with the
shall be maintained calibrated and in good operational
prevailing official standards.
e) have emergency illumination systems. It constitutes a serious and eminent risk the use
13.7.3. When the pressure vessels are installed
of tricks which neutralize their control and safety
outdoors, the installation shall meet the items “a”, “b”,
“d” and “e” ” of 13.7.2 hereto.
13.8.3. The operation of units which have pressure
13.7.4. It constitutes a serious and eminent risk the lack
vessels of categories “I” or “II”, shall be done by a
of compliance of the following items of 13.7.2 hereto:
professional with “Safety Training in Process Unit
a) “a”, “c” and “e” to pressure vessels installed Operation”, constituting a serious and eminent
indoors; hazardous condition the lack of compliance of this
b) “a” to pressure vessels installed outdoors; request.
c) “e” to pressure vessels installed outdoors and
13.8.4. For the accomplishment of this Standard, it is
operate at night.
considered professional with “Safety Training in
13.7.5. When the enterprise can not meet what is shown Process Unit Operation” the one who satisfies one of
in 13.7.2 an “Alternative Installation Design” shall be the following conditions:
elaborated, with complementary safety measures which
a) to have the “Safety Training in Process Unit
allow the risks attenuation.
Operation” certificate dispatched by a competent The “Alternative Installation Design” shall be training institution;
shown by the owner of the pressure vessel to obtain an b) to have proved experience, in pressure vessel
agreement with union representatives of the prevailing operation in the categories “I” or “II”, of at least 2
professional category in the enterprise. (two) years prior to the existence of this Regulation
Standard. In the event of reaching no agreement, as
foreseen in, the intermediation of the Regional 13.8.5. The minimum basic requirement to participate, as
Labor Department can be required by any of the parties a pupil in the “Safety Training in Process Unit
and, continuing the deadlock, the decision shall be taken Operation”, is to have the Junior High School certificate.
by this Department.
13.8.6. The “Safety Training in Process Unit Operation”
shall compulsorily:

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a) be technically supervised by a “Qualified When the construction design code is

Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2; unknown, the original concepts of the vessel shall be
b) be ministered by skilled professionals qualified for respected, using the toughest control procedures
this propose; written in the concerned codes.
c) obey, at least, the curriculum showed in the By the “Qualified Professional’s” judgment,
Appendix I-B herein.
summoned in 13.1.2, calculus technologies or more
13.8.7. The responsible personnel for the “Safety advanced procedures shall be used, instead of the
Training in Process Unit Operation” performance shall prevailing design standards.
be restrained from ministering new courses, as well as
13.9.2. The “Modifying and Repair Designs” shall be
subjected to legal penalties, in case of noncompliance of
performed in advance in the following conditions:
what is required in 13.8.6.
a) at all times that the design conditions have been
13.8.8. Every professional with “Safety Training in
Process Unit Operation”, shall fulfill a supervised
b) at all times that repairs which compromise the safety
practical training, in the operation of pressure vessels,
are performed.
with the minimum duration of:
13.9.3. The “Modifying and Repair Design” shall:
a) 300 (three hundred) hours to vessels of categories
“I” or “II”; a) be performed or approved by a “Qualified
b) 100 (one hundred) hours to vessels of categories Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2;
“III”, “IV” or “V”; b) determine materials, execution, quality control and
personnel qualification procedures;
13.8.9. The enterprise where the supervised practical
c) be proclaimed to the enterprise’s employees who
training is performed shall inform in advance the union
may be concerned with the equipment.
representatives of the prevailing professional category
in the enterprise: 13.9.4. All the performances that require welding in parts
that operate under pressure shall be followed by a
a) the duration of training performance;
hydrostatic test, with characteristics defined by the
b) the responsible private group, company or
“Qualified Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2, taking into
professional for the “Safety Training in Process Unit
consideration what is determined in 13.10.
c) the list of training applicants. Small superficial performances may have the
hydrostatic test dismissed, according to the criteria of
13.8.10. The knowledge refreshment of the operators
the “Qualified Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2.
shall be continuous, by means of constant information
of the physical and operational conditions of the 13.9.5. The pressure vessel safety control systems shall
equipment, technical refreshment, safety information, be submitted to preventive or predictive maintenance.
attendance in courses, speeches and concerned events.
13.8.11. It constitutes a serious and eminent risk the
13.10.1. The pressure vessels shall be submitted to
operation of any pressure vessel in different conditions
initial, periodical and extraordinary safety inspections.
foreseen in the original design, unless:
13.10.2. The initial safety inspection shall be made on
a) it is redesigned taking into account all the relevant
new vessels, prior to the startup, in the definitive
variables contained in the new operational condition;
operational site, having to be submitted to an internal
b) all the safety procedures shall be adopted arising
and external exam and hydrostatic test, considering the
from its new classification in respect of installation,
limitations mentioned in
operation, maintenance and inspection.
13.10.3. The periodic safety inspection, constituted by
an internal and external exam and hydrostatic test, shall
obey the maximum deadlines as follows:
13.9.1 All repairs or changes in pressure vessels shall
a) to enterprises which do not have their “Own Service
respect the corresponding construction design code and
of Equipment Inspection”, in accordance with the
the manufacturer’s direction in respect of:
provisions established in Appendix II:
a) materials;
Vessel External Internal Hydrostatic
b) performance procedures;
Category Exam Exam Exam
c) quality control procedures;
d) personnel qualification and certification.

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I 1 year 3 years 6 years It is considered technically impracticable to

perform the hydrostatic test when:

II 2 years 4 years 8 years a) the structural resistance of base or vessel support

are not compatible with the weight of the water that
III 3 years 6 years 12 years should be used in test;
b) the testing fluid harms the internal parts of the
IV 4 years 8 years 16 years vessel;
c) it is technically impossible to blow down or dry the
V 5 years 10 years 20 years d) there is an internal coating;
e) the test brings about a harming influence on
subcritical defects.
b) to enterprises which have their “Own Service of
Equipment Inspection”, in accordance with the Vessels which work with operational
provisions established in Appendix II: temperature under 0°C and operate in conditions with
which the experience shows that deterioration does not
occur, are free from the periodical hydrostatic test, being
required to perform an internal exam every 20 (twenty)
Vessel External Internal Hydrostatic years and external exam every 2 (two) years.
Category Exam Exam Exam When there is no other alternative, the
I 3 years 6 years 12 years pneumatic test may be performed, provided that it is
supervised by the “Qualified Professional”, summoned
in 13.1.2, and surrounded by special care, because it is a
II 4 years 8 years 16 years
highly risky activity.
13.10.4. The safety valves of the pressure vessels shall
III 5 years 10 years self criterion be disassembled, inspected and recalibrated when the
periodic internal exam is due.
IV 6 years 12 years self criterion 13.10.5. The extraordinary safety inspection shall be
carried out in the following opportunities:
V 7 years self criterion self criterion a) at all times that the vessel is damaged by accident or
other happening able to compromise its safety;
b) when the vessel is submitted to important changes Pressure vessels which can not be internally or repairs able to alter its safety conditions;
inspected due to physical impossibility shall be c) prior to the vessel startup, when it has been idle for
submitted to a hydrostatic test instead, considering the more than 12 (twelve) months;
foreseen considerations in d) when there is a change in the vessel installation site.
13.10.6. The safety inspection shall be carried out by a Vessels with internal filling or catalyst may “Qualified Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2, or by
have the periodicity of the internal exam widen, in order “Own Service of Equipment Inspection”, summoned in
to coincide with the changing time of the filling or Appendix II.
catalysts, provided that this extension do not go beyond
20 % of the established deadline in the 13.10.3 herein. 13.10.7. After the pressure vessel is inspected, an
“Inspection Report” shall be emitted, which shall belong Vessels with hygroscopic internal coating, to its records.
shall be hydrostatically tested prior to the application of
it, being the forthcoming tests replaced by alternative 13.10.8. The “Inspection Report”, shall contain at least:
techniques. a) pressure vessel identification; When technically impracticable and by means b) service fluids and pressure vessel category;
of writing on the “Safety Record” by the “Qualified c) type of pressure vessel;
Professional”, summoned in 13.1.2, the hydrostatic test d) starting and finishing date of inspection;
may be replaced by other nondestructive technique or e) type of inspection carried out;
inspection which allows it to obtain similar safety. f) description of the realized inspections and tests;
g) result of the inspections and measures;
h) conclusions;
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i) necessary recommendations and measures; 3 - BOILER OPERATION

j) foreseen date for the next inspection; Length: 12 hours
k) legible name, signature and the professional counsel
3.1 - Startup and shutdown
recording number of the “Qualified Professional”,
summoned in 13.1.2, and legible name and signature 3.2 - Adjust and control
of technicians who have attended the inspection.
3.2.1 - of temperature
13.10.9. At all times that the inspection results determine 3.2.2 - of pressure
changes on the identification plate data, it shall be 3.2.3 - of energy supply
updated. 3.2.4 - of water level
3.2.5 - of contaminants
3.3 - Operation failure, causes and measures
BOILER OPERATION” 3.4 - Daily inspection schedule
1 - CONCEPTION ABOUT PHYSICAL MAGNITUDES 3.5 - Operation of a system of several boilers
3.6 - Procedures in the event of emergency
Length: 4 hours
1.1 - Pressure
1.1.1 - Atmospheric pressure
Length: 8 hours
1.1.2 - Internal pressure of a vessel
1.1.3 - Gauge Pressure, relative pressure and absolute 4.1 - Water impurities and their consequences
pressure 4.2 - Water treatment
1.1.4 - Pressure units 4.3 - Boiler maintenance
1.2 - Heat and Temperature 5 - PREVENTION AGAINST EXPLOSIONS AND
1.2.1 - General knowledge: what’s heat, what’s
Length: 4 hours
1.2.2 - Means of heat exchange 5.1 - General accidental risks and health risks
1.2.3 - Specific heat and sensible heat 5.2 - Explosion risks
1.2.4 - Heat exchange at a constant temperature
1.2.5 - Saturated steam and superheated steam
Length: 4 hours
1.2.6.- Saturated steam table
6.1 - Regulation Standards
6.2 - Regulation Standard 13 (NR-13)
Length: 8 hours
2.1 - Types of boilers and their uses APPENDIX I-B
2.2.1 - Firetube boilers
2.2.3 - Electrical boilers AND UNITS
2.2.4 - Solid fuel boilers Length: 4 hours
2.2.5 - Liquid fuel boilers
1.1 - Pressure
2.2.6 - Gas boilers
1.1.1 - Atmospheric pressure
2.2.7 - Burners
1.1.2 - Internal pressure of a vessel
2.3 - Control instruments and devices of boilers 1.1.3 - Gauge Pressure, relative pressure and absolute
2.3.1 - Feeding device
1.1.4 - Pressure units
2.3.2 - Level view finder
2.3.3 - Level control system 1.2 - Heat and Temperature
2.3.4 - Pressure indicators
1.2.1 - General knowledge: what’s heat, what’s
2.3.5 - Safety devices
2.3.6 - Auxiliary devices
1.2.2 - Means of heat exchange
2.3.7 - Valves and tubulation
1.2.3 - Specific heat and sensible heat
2.3.8 - Smoke draft
1.2.4 - Heat exchange at a constant temperature
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1.2.5 - Saturated steam and superheated steam Prior to put in practice the special periods between
inspections, established in 13.5.4 and 13.10.3 herein, the
enterprise’s “Own Service of Equipment Inspection”,
Length: Established in accordance with the unit
arranged in sectors, sections, departments, divisions, or
complexity, keeping at least 4 hours per item, where
similar, shall be either directly certified by the Brazilian
Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial
2.1 - Heat exchangers Quality or through “Inspection Organizations” duly
authorized by the Institute, which shall verify the
2.2 - Tubulation, valves and fittings
following minimum requirements shown from “a” to “g”
2.3 - Pumps hereunder. This certification may be canceled always a
nonconformity of any of the following requirements is
2.4 - Turbines and ejectors
2.5 - Compressors
a) the existence of enterprise’s own personnel where
2.6 - Towers, vessels, tanks and reactors the boiler or pressure vessel is installed, with
exclusive dedication to inspection, integrity and
2.7 - Furnaces
residual life evaluation activities, with compatible
2.8 - Boilers background, qualification and training with the
required activity of ensuring safety;
b) contracted labor to nondestructive assays, certified
Length: 4 hours
in accordance with prevailing regulation, and to
4 - INSTRUMENTATION other eventual services, selected and evaluated in
Length: 8 hours accordance with similar criteria used with its own
4.1 - Water impurities and their consequences
c) equipment inspection service shall have someone
4.2 - Water treatment
responsible for its management, formally designated
4.3 - Boiler maintenance
for this position;
d) the existence of at least one “Qualified Professional”,
in accordance with the provisions of 13.1.2;
5 - UNIT OPERATION e) the existence of conditions to maintain an updated
Length: Established in accordance with the unit technical file, necessary to consider this Regulation
complexity. Standard, as well as means to spread information
when required;
5.1 - Process description
f) the existence of written procedures to the main
5.2 - Startup and shutdown activities performed.
g) the existence of equipment proper to perform the
5.3 - Emergency procedures
proposed activities.
5.4 - Chemical products blowdown and environment
preservation APPENDIX III
5.5 - Evaluation and control of risks due to the process 1 - This Regulation Standard shall be used in the
following equipment:
5.6 - Prevention against deterioration, explosions and
other risks a) any vessel where the product “P.V” is higher than 8
(eight), where “P” is the maximum operational
pressure in kPa and “V” is its internal geometric
Length: 8 hours 3
volume in m , including:
7 - LEGISLATION AND STANDARDIZATION - heat exchangers, evaporators and similar;
Length: 4 hours - pressure vessels or parts subjected to direct flame
which are neither included in other Regulation
APPENDIX II Standards nor in 13.1 herein;
- jacket pressure vessels, including reboilers and
- autoclaves and boilers of thermic fluid which do not

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b) vessels which contain class “A” fluids, specified in 1.1.1. When it is a mixture of fluids, it shall be considered
Appendix IV herein, independently of its dimensions regarding the classification, the fluid which shows the
and of the product “P.V”. highest risk to the employees and equipment
considering its toxicity, inflammability and
2 - This Regulation Standard shall not be used in the
following equipment:
1.2 - The pressure vessels are classified in groups of
a) transportable cylinders, vessels used to transport
potential risk in accordance with the product “P.V”,
products, compressed fluid portable reservoirs and
where “P” is the maximum operational pressure in MPa
fire extinguisher; 3
and “V” is its internal geometric volume in m , as
b) the ones used for human occupation;
c) combustion chamber or vessels which are part of
rotative or alternative machines, such as pumps, GROUP 1 - P.V ≥ 100
compressors, turbines, generators, engines,
GROUP 2 - P.V < 100 and P.V ≥ 30
pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders and that can not
be considered as independent equipment; GROUP 3 - P.V < 30 and P.V ≥ 2.5
d) pipes and tubes used to fluid flow;
GROUP 4 - P.V < 2.5 and P.V ≥ 1
e) heating coils;
f) tanks and reservoirs to store fluids which are not GROUP 5 - P.V < 1
included in design standards and codes related to
1.2.1. Pressure vessels which operate under a vacuum
pressure vessels;
condition shall be in the following categories:
g) vessels with inside diameter smaller than 150 (one
hundred and fifty) mm to fluids of class “B”, “C” and - category I: for inflammable fluids and fuels;
“D”, in accordance with the provisions of Appendix - category V: for other fluids.
1.3 - The following table classifies pressure vessels in
categories in accordance with the groups of potential
risk and the fluid class contained.
1 - For the accomplishment of this Regulation Standard
the pressure vessels are classified in categories
accordingly with the type of fluid and the potential risk.
1.1 - The fluids contained in the pressure vessels are
classified as described below:
- Inflammable fluids;
- Fuel with temperature at 200°C or higher;
- Toxic fluids with a limit of tolerance at 20 ppm or
- Hydrogen;
- Acetylene.
- Inflammable fluids with temperature lower than 200°C;
- Toxic fluids with a limit of tolerance higher than 20
- Steam, simple asphyxiant gases or compressed air.
- Water or other fluids excluded in the Classes “A”, “B”
or “C”, with temperature higher than 50°C.

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1 2 3 4 5
P.V < 100 P.V < 30 P.V < 2.5 P.V < 1
P.V ≥ 100 P.V ≥ 30 P.V ≥ 2.5 P.V ≥ 1


- Inflammable fluid with I I II III III

temperature at 200°C or higher

- Toxic fluids with a limit of

tolerance ≤ 20 ppm or lower

- Hydrogen

- Acetylene


- Fluids with temperature lower
than 200°C
- Toxic fluids with a limit of
tolerance > 20 ppm

- Steam

- Simple asphyxiant gases

- Compressed air


- Water or other fluids excluded
in the classes “A”, “B” or “C”,
with temperature higher than 50°

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a) Consider the Volume in m and the Pressure in MPa.
b) Consider 1 MPa corresponding to 10.197 Kgf/cm .

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In a meeting held in Brazil on November 18, 1994, the WORKING GROUP FOR THE REVIEW OF
THIS NR-13 REGULATION STANDARD established the following time limits for the enterprises to
adapt themselves to the requirements of the standard hereto.


13.1.4 Adjustment of pressure gauges, safety valves, level control systems, etc.
180 days

13.1.5 Adjustment of identification plate and painting or placing additional plates.

90 days

13.1.6 Adjustment of the boiler dossier and complementary documentation.

120 days

13.1.9 Boiler classification in accordance with volume and pressure.

90 days

13.2 Adjustment of the installation to the standard minimum requirements.

180 days

13.3.1 Adjustment of the operation manuals.

180 days

13.3.4 to 13.3.10 Adjustment of the new operators’ training.

90 days

13.4.5 Introduction of the preventive maintenance plan in safety control systems.

90 days

13.5 The time limits for the boiler safety inspection shall be immediately adjusted, taking the date of the
last periodical/extraordinary inspection as the starting point.



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13.6.1 Pressure vessel classification.

120 days

13.6.2 Adjustment of pressure gauges, safety valves, etc.

270 days

13.6.3 and Adjustment of identification plate and painting or placing additional plates with the
180 days

13.6.4.a Adjustment of documentation.

180 days

13.6.4.c Elaboration of the installation design.

180 days

13.7 Adjustment of the installation.

180 days

13.8.1 Adjustment of the operation manuals.

180 days

13.8.3 New operators’ training.

180 days

13.9.5 Introduction of the preventive maintenance plan in safety control systems.

120 days

13.10 The time limits for the boiler safety inspection shall be immediately adjusted, taking the date of the
last periodical inspection or hydrostatic test as the starting point.




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