Sargun Bhatia Cas Consultation Form

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CAS Consultation Form

Student Name: Sargun Bhatia Date: 15th November 2016

Instructions: Complete a self-appraisal of your progress towards achieving the eight CAS learning outcomes and submit it to your CAS Advisor prior to your consultation
meeting in term 3 of Year 11 and term 2 of year 12.

Learning Outcome Activity/Project and Evidence of achievement CAS Advisors Comment

LO1 Identify own strengths and Strengths- debating
develop areas for growth Areas for growth- fitness levels -> hard to
Students are able to see themselves as keep up with the 4km goal that I have set
individuals with various abilities and skills, of myself
which some are more developed than others.
LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have Learnt how to deal with loss -> lost the
been undertaken, developing new skills finals, and it was very close
in the process Learnt how to overcome clashes while
A new challenge may be an unfamiliar brainstorming for group project
experience or an extension of an existing Learnt how to interact sensitively with
one. The newly acquired or developed nursing home patients e.g. old man started
skills may be shown through experiences that crying when we asked if he had any
the student has not previously undertaken or grandchildren
through increased expertise in an established

LO3 Demonstrate how to initiate and My group was very behind and disorganised
plan a CAS experience Decided to meet up and brainstorm
Students can articulate the stages from Eliminated things
conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a
Delegated tasks e.g. emailing Mr Scotney
CAS experience or series of CAS experiences.
Filled out paperwork
This may be accomplished in collaboration
with other participants. Students may show Found that it was much easier to plan out
their knowledge and awareness by building everything rather than try to fit in everyones
on a previous experience, or by launching a ideas all at once

new idea or process.

LO4 Show commitment to and Have been regularly doing each activity and
perseverance in CAS experiences keeping up with the goals I have assigned
Students demonstrate regular involvement myself, as shown on the evidence section
and active engagement in CAS.
LO5 Demonstrate the skills and CAS Group project:
recognise the benefits of working Easy to brainstorm as there are more people
collaboratively with a large variety of ideas
Students are able to identify, demonstrate
and critically discuss the benefits and
challenges of collaboration gained through
CAS experiences.
LO6 Demonstrate engagement with Global issues such as childhood obesity and
issues of global significance rising diabetes levels
Students are able to identify and demonstrate Responsible decision to prefer selling at
their understanding of global issues, make other locations rather than school, or sell to
responsible decisions, and take appropriate senior years students who can make an
action in response to the issue, locally, informed decision, rather than
nationally or internationally. impressionable juniors
LO7 Recognise and consider the ethics Responsible decision to prefer selling at
of choices and actions other locations rather than school, or sell to
Students show awareness of the senior years students who can make an
consequences of choices and actions in informed decision, rather than
planning and carrying out CAS impressionable juniors

By submitting this form you are declaring that the information provided meets the IB Academic Honesty guidelines.

Student signature: Sargun Bhatia

CAS Advisor statement: the student has completed and uploaded documents for all activities:
evidence of sustained participation
Creativity, Action and Service

Group Project

CAS Advisor signature: Date:..

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