Interview Consent Form Edited

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Saint Louis College

Carlatan, City of San Fernando (La Union)

Basic Education Schools
April 8, 2019

To the Respondent:


We are currently conducting a research entitled “Caged Knowledge: A Study on Smart-Shaming

among Grade 11 Students” as a requirement in our subject Practical Research 1.To successfully
accomplish the study, we need to interview resource persons for our data gathering.

In this regard, may we request your voluntary participation as one of our interviewees. The
interview will take 20 to 40 minutes and may be adjusted depending on your preference. May you
also set the date, place, and time which are most convenient for you.

For better understanding of the purpose of your involvement, here are the conditions of your
 The interview will be recorded and a transcript will be produced. You will be sent the
transcript and given the opportunity to correct any factual errors.
 The transcript of the interview will be analyzed by the researchers. Access to the interview
transcript will be limited to the researchers and academic colleagues with whom they may
collaborate as part of the research process.
 Any summary of the interview content, or direct quotations from the interview that are made
available through academic publication or other academic outlets will remain anonymous so
that you cannot be identified, and care will be taken to ensure that other information in the
interview that could identify yourself is not revealed. The actual recording will be kept
 All or part of the content of your interview may be used in academic papers, policy papers or
news articles.

To signify your willingness to participate, please sign the consent form below. Thank you very

Respectfully yours,
SHIKDAR, Jamil Ruhul Amin LIM, Joanna Nina
PACIO, Alfalyn GRAYCOCHEA, Justine
GARCIA, Kheyziel Fea FORONDA, Hamberlin
MAMARIL, Jaspher Meynard CACAYURIN, Lorraine


I will participate in the interview in which the following conditions are agreed upon:
1. I voluntarily take part in this project. I understand that I don’t have to take part, and I can
stop the interview at any time;
2. The transcribed interview or extracts from it may be used as described above;
3. I don’t expect to receive any benefit or payment for my participation;
4. I can request a copy of the transcript of my interview and may make edits I feel necessary to
the effectiveness of any agreement made about confidentiality; and
5. I have been able to ask any questions I might have, and I understand that I am free to contact
researcher with any questions I may have in the future.
_____________________________________________ ____________________
Signature over Printed Name of the Participant Date

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