Character Classes For L5R D20
Character Classes For L5R D20
Character Classes For L5R D20
players gu ide to classes
JIM GALLANT Written, Compiled and Edited by Jim
Authors Original Content is Open Game Content under the Open Game License
Art by Everybody on the Web and from the Legend of the Five Rings Collectible Card Game Special Thanks John Hall Peter Martin Tony Kull Sensei
LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS is produced by Alderac Entertainment Group under license from Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved. Original Product Identity is reserved to Rokugan Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group Player's Guide to Classes Copyright 2003, Starminer Enterprises
Blackhawk Books
Preface .....................................................................................................4 The Fallen Leaf......................................................................................5 Bushi....................................................................................................6 School Techniques by Clan.................................................8 IMPERIAL FAMILY ...........................................................8 The Seppun Yojimbo (Guardian) ...................................8 Sasaki Family (Seppun Vassal).......................................9 CRAB CLAN .......................................................................10 The Hida Berserker.........................................................11 The Kaiu Engineer ..........................................................12 Aiburo Family (Hida Vassal) ........................................14 CRANE CLAN ....................................................................14 The Kakita Duelist..........................................................15 Tsume Family (Doji Vassal) .........................................16 Iwase Family (Daidoji Vassal)......................................16 The Iwase Scout...............................................................16 DRAGON CLAN................................................................18 The Mirumoto Duelist....................................................18 Hayato Family (Mirumoto Vassal)..............................20 Itou Family (Agasha Vassal) ........................................20 LION CLAN........................................................................21 The Akodo Tactician......................................................22 The Kitsu Beast Master.................................................23 PHOENIX CLAN...............................................................24 The Shiba Yojimbo (Guardian)....................................25 Koike Family (Shiba Vassal)........................................26 SCORPION CLAN.............................................................27 Iioka Family (Bayushi Vassal) .....................................27 Kochako Family (Shosuro Vassal)...............................28 UNICORN CLAN ...............................................................28 The Otaku Battle Maiden ...............................................30 MINOR CLANS.................................................................31 Badger Clan......................................................................31 Falcon Clan ......................................................................31 The Toritaka Ranger.......................................................31 Hare Clan ..........................................................................33 Mantis Clan .......................................................................33 Raven Clan ........................................................................33 Sparrow Clan ....................................................................34 Wasp Clan.........................................................................34 The Wasp Bounty Hunter ..............................................34 RONIN TECHNIQUES .....................................................35 Shimmen Family .............................................................35 The Twelve Ronin...........................................................36 The Sword of Yotsu........................................................36
Other Ronin Techniques................................................36 Shugenja ...........................................................................................38 IMPERIAL FAMILY .........................................................40 Anou Family (Seppun Vassal)......................................41 The Anou Artisan............................................................41 CRAB CLAN.......................................................................42 The Kuni Tsukai Sagasu (Witch Hunter)....................42 CRANE CLAN....................................................................44 The Kakita Artisan..........................................................44 DRAGON CLAN ...............................................................46 The Agasha Alchemist..................................................46 LION CLAN........................................................................47 The Kitsu Sodan-Senzo (Ancestor Priest)..................47 PHOENIX CLAN...............................................................49 SCORPION CLAN.............................................................50 UNICORN CLAN...............................................................51 Horiuchi Family ...............................................................51 The Horiuchi Meishodo.................................................51 MINOR CLANS.................................................................52 Centipede Clan ................................................................52 Dragonfly Clan................................................................53 Fox Clan............................................................................53 Tiger Clan .........................................................................53 NINJA OF ROKUGAN.....................................................53 The Goju Ninja (Shugenja)...........................................53 Ronin Shugenja.........55 Courtier.............................................................................................56 School Techniques by Clan ..............................................58 IMPERIAL FAMILY .........................................................58 The Miya Herald .............................................................59 CRAB CLAN.......................................................................60 The Yasuki Merchant.....................................................60 CRANE CLAN....................................................................62 The Kakita Bard ..............................................................63 DRAGON CLAN ...............................................................64 The Kitsuki Magistrate..................................................64 LION CLAN........................................................................65 The Ikoma Omoidasu (Bard)........................................65 PHOENIX CLAN...............................................................67 The Asako Magistrate....................................................67 Yumeno Family (Asako Vassal)..................................68 The Kodo Drummer.......................................................68 SCORPION CLAN.............................................................70 UNICORN CLAN...............................................................71 Monk.................................................................................................71
IMPERIAL FAMILY .........................................................74 CRAB CLAN .......................................................................74 The Master of Tsuchi-do................................................74 CRANE CLAN ....................................................................76 The Master of Mizu-do...................................................76 DRAGON CLAN................................................................77 The Master of Kaze-do (Togashi ise zumi)................77 LION CLAN........................................................................79 The Ikoma Budoka .........................................................79 PHOENIX CLAN...............................................................81 The Asako Henshin (Enlightened Monk)...................81 The Master of Hitsu-do..................................................82 SCORPION CLAN.............................................................84 The Shosuro Budoka ......................................................84 UNICORN CLAN ...............................................................86 The Moto Budoka ............................................................86 THE BROTHERHOOD OF SHINSEI .............................88 The Master of Kukan-do ................................................88 The Sohei (Warrior Priest).............................................89 The Philosopher of Shinsei............................................90 NINJA OF ROKUGAN .....................................................91 The Bayushi Ninja (Assassin).......................................91 Rogue ................................................................................................93 IMPERIAL FAMILY .........................................................96 CRAB CLAN .......................................................................96 The Hiruma Scout ...........................................................96 CRANE CLAN ....................................................................97 The Daidoji Harrier.........................................................97 DRAGON CLAN................................................................98 LION CLAN........................................................................98 The Ikoma Spymaster....................................................98 SCORPION CLAN.......................................................... 100 The Shosuro Shinobi................................................... 100 UNICORN CLAN ............................................................ 101 Tanji Family (Ide Vassal)............................................ 101 The Tanji Point Rider................................................... 101 THE BROTHERHOOD OF SHINSEI .......................... 103 The Yamabushi (Mountain Fighter) .......................... 103 NINJA OF ROKUGAN .................................................. 104 The Ninube Ninja (Spy).............................................. 104 ALL CLANS .................................................................... 105 The Enforcer................................................................. 105 The Gambler................................................................. 107 Appendix A: Updated Spell Lists.................................................. 108 Level Zero Shugenja Spells ............................................... 108
Level One Shugenja Spells ................................................108 Level Two Shugenja Spells ................................................109 Level Three Shugenja Spells .............................................110 Level Four Shugenja Spells ...............................................110 Level Five Shugenja Spells ................................................111 Level Six Shugenja Spells ..................................................112 Level Seven Shugenja Spells .............................................112 Level Eight Shugenja Spells ..............................................113 Level Nine Shugenja Spells ...............................................113 Appendix B: converted 1st edition OA spells ..............................114 Bargain...................................................................................114 Beneficence...........................................................................114 Cloudburst.............................................................................114 Cloud Ladder........................................................................114 Conceal Motivation .............................................................115 Death's Door.........................................................................115 Detect Charm........................................................................115 Detect Harmony ...................................................................115 Dispel Illusion ......................................................................115 Divining Rod ........................................................................115 Drowsy Insects.....................................................................115 Dry Spring.............................................................................116 Elemental Turning ...............................................................116 Enchanted Blade ..................................................................116 Essence of Earth...................................................................116 Face ........................................................................................117 Fire Enchantment.................................................................117 Fire Rain ................................................................................117 Flame Walk...........................................................................117 Ghost Light ...........................................................................117 Greater Darkness..................................................................117 Guardian of void ..................................................................118 Inaccuracy.............................................................................118 Know History .......................................................................118 Lose Face...............................................................................118 Magical Vestment................................................................118 Melt Metal.............................................................................119 Memory .................................................................................119 Oath........................................................................................119 Obscure Charm.....................................................................119 Omen......................................................................................120 Protection from Enchantment............................................120 Quell.......................................................................................120 Request..................................................................................120 Reverse Flow........................................................................121 Sinking...................................................................................121 Smoke Shape ........................................................................121 Snake Charm.........................................................................121 Snake Summoning...............................................................122 Still Water.............................................................................122 Turbulence ............................................................................122 Unbind ...................................................................................122 Vengeance.............................................................................122 Water Protection ..................................................................123 Wind Breath..........................................................................123 Withdraw...............................................................................123 Appendix C: Kiho Powers ...............................................................123 A Glimpse of the Souls Shadow ......................................123 Air Strike ...............................................................................124
Amaterasus Understanding.............................................. 124 Ancestral Guidance............................................................. 124 Body of Jade......................................................................... 124 Breaking Blow ..................................................................... 124 Catching the winds Favor.................................................. 124 Chasing Osano-wo .............................................................. 124 Chi Perception ..................................................................... 124 Chi Projection ...................................................................... 124 Cleansing Spirit ................................................................... 124 Dance of the Ele ments........................................................ 124 Death Touch......................................................................... 125 Double Chi ........................................................................... 125 Earth Strike ........................................................................... 125 Enlightenment...................................................................... 125 Finding the Harmony.......................................................... 125 Fire Strike ............................................................................. 125 Flee the Darkness................................................................ 125 Fortunes Breath.................................................................. 125 Fortunes Favor ................................................................... 125 Gift of the Wind .................................................................. 125 Heart of Stone...................................................................... 125 Karmic Strike ....................................................................... 126 Master of the Rolling River............................................... 126 One with the Elements ....................................................... 126 Osano-wos Strike ............................................................... 126 Outside the Body................................................................. 126 Perfect Self........................................................................... 126 Purity of Body...................................................................... 126 Purity of Spirit ..................................................................... 126 Quivering Palm.................................................................... 126 Ryoku .................................................................................... 126 Self/No Self .......................................................................... 126 Soul of Jade .......................................................................... 127 Soul of the Four Winds...................................................... 127 Spirit Strike .......................................................................... 127 Strength of my Ancestors .................................................. 127 The Endless Well ................................................................ 127 The Wrath of Osano-wo..................................................... 127 Timeless Body..................................................................... 127 Touch of Amaterasu ........................................................... 127 Touching the Soul............................................................... 127 Unattuned ............................................................................. 127 Void Strike ........................................................................... 127 Water Strike ......................................................................... 127 Wholeness of Body............................................................. 128 Winds Carry Me .................................................................. 128 Zen Accuracy....................................................................... 128 Zen Damage ......................................................................... 128 Appendix D: Martial Arts ............................................................... 128 Martial arts styles .................................................................... 128 Jiu-jutsu................................................................................. 129 Tsuchi-do.............................................................................. 130 Mizu -do................................................................................. 132 Hitsu-do ................................................................................ 133 Kaze -do ................................................................................. 135 Kukan-do .............................................................................. 136 Ikoma -kai Jiu-jutsu ............................................................. 138 Bayushi-ryu.......................................................................... 139 Martial Arts Feats.................................................................... 141
Hand Techniques .................................................................141 Blocks ....................................................................................142 Foot Techniques ...................................................................144 Movement .............................................................................145 Special Techniques..............................................................146 Anime Techniques...............................................................148 Bibliography.......................................................................................150 List of Tables Table 1: The Bushi...............................................................................7 The Seppun Yojimbo............................................................................9 The Hida Berserker.............................................................................12 The Kaiu Engineer..............................................................................13 The Kakita Duelist..............................................................................15 The Iwase Scout ..................................................................................17 The Mirumoto Duelist........................................................................19 The Akodo Tactician ..........................................................................22 The Kitsu Beast Master......................................................................24 The Shiba Yojimbo.............................................................................25 The Otaku Battle Maiden...................................................................30 The Toritaka Ranger...........................................................................32 The Wasp Bounty Hunter..................................................................35 Table 2a: The Shugenja.....................................................................39 Table 2b: Shugenja Spells ................................................................40 The Anou Artisan................................................................................41 The Kuni Witch Hunter......................................................................43 The Kakita Artisan..............................................................................45 The Agasha Alchemist.......................................................................46 The Kitsu Sodan-Senzo ......................................................................48 The Horiuchi Meishodo.....................................................................51 The Goju Ninja ....................................................................................54 Table 3: The Courtier ........................................................................57 The Miya Herald .................................................................................59 The Yasuki Merchant .........................................................................61 The Kakita Bard ..................................................................................63 The Kitsuki Magistrate.......................................................................65 The Ikoma Omoidasu.........................................................................66 The Asako Magistrate........................................................................67 The Yumeno Kodo Drummer ...........................................................69 Table 4a: The Monk ..........................................................................72 Table 4b: Monk Abilities ...................................................................73 The Master of Tsuchi-do....................................................................74 The Master of Mizu-do ......................................................................77 The Master of Kaze -do (Togashi Ise Zumi) ...................................78 The Ikoma Budoka ..............................................................................79 The Asako Henshin.............................................................................81 The Master of Hitsu-do ......................................................................83 The Shosuro Budoka ..........................................................................85 The Moto Budoka ...............................................................................86 The Master of Kukan-do ....................................................................88 The Sohei..............................................................................................89 The Philosopher of Shinsei................................................................90 The Bayushi Ninja ..............................................................................92 Table 5: The Rogue ...........................................................................94 The Hiruma Scout...............................................................................96 The Daidoji Harrier.............................................................................98 The Ikoma Spymaster.........................................................................99 The Shosuro Shinobi........................................................................100 The Tanji Point Rider.......................................................................102
The Yamabushi................................................................................. 103 The Ninube Ninja ............................................................................. 104 The Enforcer...................................................................................... 106 The Gambler...................................................................................... 107
I wish to thank many people for giving me the will and skill to write this book.
What's All This Then? Back in August of 1999 when D&D 3E came out, I was impressed with the system presented in the books. I thought it would be a great idea to work on some stuff to convert L5R to 3E. I started with the bushi techniques from each of the clans. After a while, I found more and more things I wanted to do. This project got a lot bigger as I discovered what I wanted to change. Well, life got in the way. After a move and some delay, I got back to work. In the intervening time, Rokugan came out. It was great. I thought to myself, "So should I continue?" Well, I saw some things I wanted to add that wasn't there, and a lot of prestige classes hadn't been done yet. So I kept on. I would like to present this as an alternative and an addition to the existing material. I hope it works. Things to keep in mind There are some powerful techniques and feats in this book. This could be a Munchkin's Paradise. More realistically, it could be a comfy home for a Rules Lawyer. I had power gamers in mind when I worked on this. I like power gaming. In many games I've run or played in, power became an everyday thing. Many of these sessions were fun and full of action. Any DM running a game will want to review any of the material I have introduced or adapted into the system. Always remember that the DM NPCs can do anything a PC can do. The martial arts system I developed in this book adapts existing monk abilities, feats and original techniques to make the system as it is. A DM wanting to add more techniques to this system should look well at the existing techniques. If a DM uses the martial arts here, he should playtest it for balance. Are the techniques balanced here? Many of them may not. I didn't look too much for balance but for epic action. This version (d20) of L5R is made for more an action-packed and high magic roleplaying campaign. A disclaimer This book is not meant to challenge the owners of the brand and original writers of L5R. I wish this book to supplement existing material written by the various L5R writers. This book is not meant to be sold but given. This is my gift to gamers after giving me 20 years of great gaming. So please keep buying official material and support the companies developing these materials. Acknowledgements
Kenshin and I started back to the Academy. We left the field and stepped onto a stone-lined path. We walked in silence, unwilling to speak. An old monk follower of Shinsei sat on the grass off to the side of the path. He bowed as we passed and I stopped to return the bow. Kenshin continued for a step or two then stopped himself. On a bright spring day Is Paradise discovered By the fallen leaf? So said the monk to me. I bowed to the monk. Thank you oku-san, I think I understand. I returned to Kenshin and resumed our walk back to the Academy. Kenshin looked askance at me. Please remind me to write a letter of thanks to the Mirumoto Fencing Academy, Ken-kun, I asked. What did the monk say, Noriyuki-san? asked Kenshin, utterly confused. My form was bad, Ken-kun, I said. I lost the bout. But you won the bout, how could your form be wrong? Kenshin looked perplexed by the statement. The Dragons form was perfect. In his perfection, the Dragon found enlightenment. I was unready for the bout. His skill greatly outmatched mine; I should have known when we took our stance. He let me win. It was the only way I could survive the encounter. He did it so I could learn more and become enlightened before I die. The Dragon saved my life by seeing my folly in challenging him. I bowed my head in respect to the memory of the Dragon samurai. Kenshins eyes widened at my statement. I am sorry, Noriyuki-san. For what? I looked at Kenshin, smiling. He honored me by giving me a second chance. Isnt it a glorious morning?
A breeze blew through the meadow. The Dragon looked to me. Nodding his head, he said, Thank you for the lesson. Now I can go to my ancestors. He smiled and, closing his eyes, he breathed no more. Slowly he fell over and was caught by his second, his kaishaku. He was gently laid down and arranged for travel. Two heimin came with a litter and laid the Dragon on it. Slowly they lifted him and carried him away. My kaishaku, Kakita Kenshin, waited for me to rise. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. I bowed to the departing Dragon samurai and rose, adjusting my kimono. Kenshin walked to me. He bowed to me and I bowed back. A bird sang in the distance.
One may find enlightenment in many ways. It is said; someone asked Shinsei if he knew the way to enlightenment. Shinsei said no. Then the person asked Shinsei how this could be. Shinsei said he did not know which way that person would reach enlightenment. In Rokugan, some manage in life through the art of war. Others find enlightenment through attunement to the elements. Finally, some people achieve enlightenment through meditation on the Tao of Shinsei. Following are character classes developed for Rokugan from AEGs Legend of the Five Rings. The bushi is designed to replace the Samurai class from the Oriental Adventures and Rokugan handbooks. The shugenja here replaces the shugenja in Oriental Adventures and Rokugan. Courtiers herein replace the courtier in the Rokugan hardcover. The monk in this supplement can be used to add to or replace the monk in the various books. Material from those two handbooks is in this document, some of it modified to fit my vision of Rokugan and L5R. I see these as an alternative to the classes and others originally represented, if GMs dont like the way they are written up in the original books.
several weapons, including the katana and wakizashi, spear (yari), halberd (naginata), longbow (daikyuu), and others. The clans may also specialize in a particular weapon (The Crab clan have a fondness for the studded club {tetsubo}.). Adventures A bushi sees adventure as a way to increase his glory in front of his lord, his ancestors, and other bushi. They defend others unable to defend themselves (like courtiers and shugenja), fight in wars, and administer justice in Rokugan. They are bred to lead and follow without question. They are expected to give their life at any moment, for any reason. Characteristics Bushi are the best all-around fighters in Rokugan. Generally, a bushi belonging to a clan will go to the clan school of warfare, like the Akodo Bushi School or Hida Bushi School. He will learn techniques particular to the school and be able to use them in combat. Ronin bushi without a clan wont have the luxury of a bushi school. They pick up their skills the hard way: In brutal, bloody combat. Alignment Bushi can be of any alignment. Different clans will exhibit tendencies toward certain alignments. For example, chaotic alignm ents are common in the Crab clan or Lawful alignments exist in the Lion clan. Usually, openly evil people will not prosper unless they are a daimyo or other powerful political person. In many cases the peasants will see their lords as evil, depending on the situation. Many bushi will be good or neutrally aligned and generally lawful. Ronin will more likely be chaotic or evil. Religion Most bushi are followers of Shinsei, the official Rokugani religion. Others follow the fortunes, or kami, of the world. Many samurai also venerate their ancestors and the mother of all people, Amaterasu Omikami. Many bushi dont follow religion as closely as others, being directly involved too much in the defense of their realm. Background Like above, clan bushi of the samurai social class go the clan school of warfare. Occasionally, they go to another clans school, either as a hostage or invited guest of the schools master or daimyo. Ronin do not go to a school unless they are born into a clan and exiled for some reason later. Most are born into the samurai caste at one level or another. Their lives are programmed to follow a particular path and they usually end up being what is expected of them.
Bushi are warriors. In Rokugan, everyone from Ashigaru peasant levies to Daimyo of a clan is bushi. The bushi is the foundation on which the samurai culture of Rokugan is based. Except for the Phoenix clan, all clans in Rokugan are ruled by bushi. There are family daimyo who are not bushi, but they are the exception, not the rule. The armies fielded in Rokugan are almost all bushi. Generally, bushi are trained in
Game Rule Information Abilities Bushi require Strength as their primary ability, needing it to wield heavy weapons in combat. Dexterity is good for
defense and agility. Constitution makes the bushi more able to withstand damage and illness. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are not critical to the bushi, but t ose with higher h scores in those abilities will do better in social situations. Alignment Bushi can be any alignment. Hit Die: d10 Class Skills The class skills of the bushi (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Battle (Wis), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int Modifier Table 1: Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Bushi Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The bushi is proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons. For purposes of L5R D20, the katana is a martial weapon (A character needs not take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feat to use a katana.). She is also proficient in all types of armor light, medium and heavy. Note that armor check penalties apply for armor heavier than leather. The following skills are affected if the bushi is wearing heavier than leather armor: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a 1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor and equipment carried. Bonus Feats Starting at 1st Level, the bushi gets a school feat (if a member of a bushi school) or bonus feat in addition to the feat that any 1st Level character gets and the bonus feat granted to humans. The bushi gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd Level and every two levels thereafter. These bonus feats m be ust drawn from the following list: Special Starting Family or Ronin Feat or Bonus Feat Rank 1 Technique / Bonus Feat Rank 2 Technique / Bonus Feat Rank 3 Technique / Bonus Feat Rank 4 Technique / Bonus Feat Rank 5 Technique / Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Bonus Feat
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Expertise, Improved Critical*, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mounted Combat, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Quick Draw (Iaijutsu), Two-Weapon Fighting (Daisho Technique), Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus*, and Weapon Specialization. School Feats If a bushi is part of a clan or minor clan, he may take the family school feat of his clan, or optionally take the Different School Feat (if he wishes to study a school of another clan). When the bushi chooses a school, he can only take that school from then on. When studying school feats, he must take them in order, but not consecutively if he wishes (he can intersperse
bonus feats or others, as long as they are not part of another school). He is not required to study all five ranks (three for minor clans) of the school, though the masters of the school must have studied all five ranks. He may not start another school, even in his own clan, unless a prestige class specifically states otherwise. If a prestige class has no techniques, the bushi may join that class with no problem, but may not return to his original school. Ronin may not take a school unless they start out as a clan ronin (one originally from a clan, but exiled for some reason...). A character starting as a ronin may take ronin techniques or bonus feats immediately. Clan bushi are not required to take a school. Some of the bonus feats available to a bushi cannot be acquired until he has gained one or more prerequisite feats; the
feats are listed in the D&D Players Handbook, chapter 5 (p77). A bushi may take a feat marked with an asterisk (*) more than once, but with a different weapon. The bushi must meet all the prerequisites of the feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums. Important: These bonus feats are gained in addition to the feats gained every three levels on Table 3-2 of the Players Handbook. The bushi is not limited to the types of feats he can take with those allocated slots. Weapon Specialization On achieving 4th level or higher, as a feat, the bushi (and bushi only) may take weapon specialization. Weapon specialization adds a +2 damage bonus with a chosen weapon. The bushi must have Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon in order to take Weapon Specialization. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus applies only if the target is within 30 feet, because only at that range can the bushi strike precisely enough to hit more effectively. The bushi may take this feat as a bonus feat or as a standard feat.
poisonous powder. The Hoten felt a sharp stab underneath his armor. He choked and dropped. The person let go of his throat as Hoten fell. Hoten no longer felt paralyzed. In that last moment of clarity, Hoten drew his wakizashi and sliced at the assassins throat. The assassin reeled back and collapsed dead, blood pouring from his throat. As his vision faded, Hoten thought, that assassin didnt get past me... From the beginning, the Seppun have always stood next to the Hantei Emperors. The primary function of the family is to protect and defend the Emperor from any threat, inside or outside. They are trained in techniques of defense and combat related to protecting others. And also their character is tested and trained to ensure loyalty and dedication. All of this order are members of the Seppun family or samurai who have forsaken their family to serve the Hantei Emperors directly. Others come fro m the Imperial Legions, the army of the Emperor. They must swear fealty to the Seppun and are monitored constantly to test their loyalty. Almost all of the order are bushi very few come from any other character class. Heavy armored combat is a certainty and is expected from these warriors. Over and over they have shown their bravery in battle and sacrifice in the name of Hantei. Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become a Seppun Yojimbo, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +10 Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Iron Will, Ki Shout, Void Use Alignment: Lawful Good Special: Must be Honorable. The character must come from the Seppun Family or swear fealty to the Seppun family. Class Skills The class skills of the Seppun Yojimbo (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Battle (Wis), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Seppun Yojimbo is proficient in simple and martial weapons and all forms of armor. Seppun Yojimbo School Techniques Rank 1 Never in Darkness The Seppun understands that loyalty to the Hantei line supports the pillars of the world, and cannot be swayed from his duty by any desire. The yojimbo may add his school rank to all Will saves and Wisdom checks
The Imperial families consist of the Hantei Emperors, the Seppun, the Miya and the Otomo families. They themselves do not have a bushi school, except for the Sasaki School, which is a Seppun vassal family derived from the Crane clan. The Imperial Families typically study at Crane schools; during Toturis reign, the Toturi went to Lion Clan schools.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 Never in Darkness Blindfight 2 The Clouds Part Combat Reflexes 3 The Suns Light Reveals Great Fortitude 4 Speed of Heaven Lightning Reflexes 5 Heaven Never Falls Great Ki Shout Blindfight At 2nd level, the yojimbo may fight in darkness with the Blindfight feat. You may re -ro ll the percentage chance if you miss due to concealment, and also you suffer one-half the penalties of working in darkness. For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p80. Combat Reflexes At 4th level, you receive the Combat Reflexes feat. If an opponent leaves himself open in combat, you may make an additional number of attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity modifier. For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p80. Great Fortitude At 6th level, the yojimbo receives the Great Fortitude feat. He receives a +2 to all Fortitude saves. If he took the feat before he receives this feat, this will stack with the other feat as well (as a bonus). For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p82. Lightning Reflexes At 8th level, you receive the Lightning Reflexes feat. You gain a +2 to all Reflex saves. If you took the feat before you receive this feat, both feats stack with each other (as a bonus). For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p83. Great Ki Shout At 10th level, you now receive the benefits of the Great Ki Shout feat. When you voice the shout, your opponents become panicked, as described in the D&D Oriental Adventures Handbook, p63.
where the situation may take his loyalties away from the Emperor. Rank 2 The Clouds Part The Imperial Guard learns to use his senses to move through an attacker's defense as quickly as Lady Sun's rays part the morning clouds. In the first round of combat, the yojimbo may add his Sense Motive ranks to his to hit rolls.
Rank 3 The Suns Light Reveals After so much time spent in the presence of the son of Amaterasu, the Imperial Guard no longer sees with the clouded eyes of mortals. His discerning gaze can pick out the true nature of all that he views. The Seppun Yojimbo gains a +3 to all saves versus Air spells, charms or illusions. This bonus stacks with the Rank 1 technique if applicable. This is a supernatural ability. Rank 4 Speed of Heaven Even the constraints of time itself cannot keep a Seppun from his duty. The yojimbo receives an extra partial action every round to perform noncombat actions. This can be used to perform special abilities, feats, or skill checks that are not combat related. This is an extraordinary ability. Rank 5 Heaven Never Falls The Seppun's bond with his charge has the strength of Lady Sun behind it. Even when his attentions are elsewhere, he is attuned to any danger. If the yojimbo is within 5 yards of a person he is defending, he may spend a Void point to transfer any damage or harmful effects from his charge to himself. The yojimbo need not be facing his charge or even paying direct attention to him, though he must be conscious and have a Void point at the time.
directly to the Emperor. Sasaki readily accepted and became a retainer to the Emperor. Lord Sasaki became jaded as no one would challenge him after that point. He started a fencing dojo in Otosan Uchi, teaching new swordsmen in his techniques. He never dishonored himself, but he no longer had the energy of his youth. Later, he became little more than an ornament for the Hantei Emperor. His children received his name, but unfortunately did not inherit his skill or ambition. In subsequent generations, the family faded into obscurity, running a small school and turning out a small but competent group of bushi. Then Sasaki Kojiro came into the picture. Kojiro was a small child but grew quickly into a powerful and skilled w arrior. Also, he was ambitious. Many said he was the spirit of Lord Sasaki reborn. Kojiro tore through the Sasaki Bushi dojo like a flame. He brought prestige and honor back to the dojo. He would duel any who would challenge him and went on a three year musha shugyo (warrior pilgrimage) to hone his technique. Also he developed techniques new and unique to his school. His final act was to duel a young ronin who exiled himself from the Dragon clan: a young fighter named Takezo from the Shimmen vassal family of the Dragon. He lost that duel, but his school thrived as its prestige was restored by the young sensei. Sasaki Kenshi (Swordsman) School 1. The Clothes Rod You gain abilities with a No-Dachi that is unknown elsewhere. Prerequisite Str 13+, +2 To Hit Benefit You use a No-Dachi instead of a katana in Iaijutsu duels (if your opponent agrees, of course) and may take the Weapon Finesse feat with a No -Dachi. Normal You may not take Weapon Finesse with a No-Dachi. 2. Turning Swallow Cut You train by attacking birds on the wing. You get proficient at attacking moving targets. Prerequisite Dex 14+, +6 To Hit Benefit You negate your opponents Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. 3. Leaf on the River Cut You learn to cut with your sword instead of your strength... Prerequisite Weapon Specialization with No-Dachi, Improved Critical, +10 To Hit Benefit Any No-Dachi you wield in combat attains the sharpness quality. This is an extraordinary ability.
armor all the time, running everywhere. They are formidable in combat and in peace. Hida Bushi School This feat allows the bushi access to Hida School Techniques. Prerequisite Con 13+, either a member of Crab Clan, or take Different School Feat. Benefit + 1 to Strength, The bushi gains access to Hida School Techniques. 1. The Way of the Crab You gain bonuses to hit and damage and armor check penalties are reduced. Prerequisite Hida Bushi School, +2 To Hit Bonus Benefit You may add your Constitution Bonus instead of your Strength Bonus, if it's higher, for to hit and damage. In addition your maximum armor check penalty for any armor is -3. Norma1 You may only add your Strength Bonus in combat and normal armor check penalties apply. 2. The Mountain does not Move You may ignore damage from an attack. Prerequisite Hida Bushi School, Way of the Crab, +4 To Hit Bonus Benefit You may make a Constitution check at DC 20 to ignore the damage from a single attack that hit you. You may use this ability three times per day.
The Crab clan consists of the Hida, Kaiu, Hiruma, Kuni, and Yasuki families. The primary bushi school is run by the Hida family: The Sunda Mizu Dojo. The bushi train for strength and endurance every day from their entrance into the school, until the time they reach their gempukku. They train in full
3. Two Pincers, One Mind You gain extra attacks earlier in levels. Prerequisite Hida Bushi School, Way of the Crab, Mountain does not Move, +6 To Hit Bonus Benefit If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a +3 katana, you have a total +10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one attack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Normal You only get a number of attacks based exclusively on your class levels.
4. The Berserker Rage You can give up hit points for bonuses to hit or damage. Prerequisite Hida Bushi School, Way of the Crab, Mountain does not Move, Two Pincers, One Mind, +8 To Hit Bonus Benefit You may sacrifice 3 Hit Points to gain an additional +1 To Hit or +1 to Damage. You can increase your bonus as long as you have hit points, on a three for one basis. You may either add bonuses To Hit or to Damage, not both. You can decide which one to use once per round. You cannot reduce yourself below 0 Hit Points. 5. The Mountain does not Fall You can keep performing actions while Disabled or Dying. Prerequisite Hida Bushi School, Way of the Crab, Mountain does not Move, Two Pincers, One Mind, Berserker Rage, +10 To Hit Bonus Benefit If you are Disabled (0 Hit Points) or Dying (-1 to -9 Hit Points), you may ignore the penalties of either condition and perform actions normally. Once you hit 10 Hit Points, you are DEAD. Normal You have penalties when Disabled or Dying.
attack. They see all as foes, going into a frenzy of violence. They become unconcerned about themselves and any allies, hacking all equally. It begins with the stare, a look into infinity. Then it evolves into an uncontrollable rage, causing the bushi to attack all round him. Eventually the warrior would be taken from his normal unit and put into a unit of Berserkers, where he wouldnt be a danger to anyone except the enemy or other berserkers. These units are put into the front lines in direct danger of the most terrible oni or largest hordes of goblins. Almost all Hida berserkers are originally bushi of some type and all from the Crab Clan. Hit Die: d12 Requirements To qualify to become a Hida Berserker, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave Intimidate: 6 Ranks Alignment: Any Chaotic Special: The character must have hit (though not necessarily killed) an allied fighter during combat. The character mu st be a member of the Crab Clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Hida Berserker (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Shadowlands) (Int), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Hida Berserker is proficient in simple and martial weapons and all types of armor. Class Features Rage The Hida Berserker is capable of putting himself into a murderous rage. He becomes incredibly strong and resistant to damage, but loses his self-control and willpower. He receives a temporary +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will Saves, but suffers a 2 penalty to AC. The Constitution bonus increases the Berserkers hit points by 2 points per character level, but these hit points go away when the berserkers rage goes away, and his Constitution goes back to normal. (These temporary hit points are not lost first as normal temporary hit points; see p129 of the Players Handbook.) While enraged, the Berserker cannot use skills that require patience and concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells. (The only class skills he cannot use while raging are Knowledge, Profession, Swim and Tumble.) He can use any feat he might have except for Expertise, item creation feats, metamagic feats, and Skill Focus (if it is tied to a skill he cannot
There are certain members of the Crab Clan who relish battle much more than their brethren. After months and years of endless battle on the Carpenter Wall, the warriors find themselves less worried about defense and more concentrated on
use while enraged...). A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + his (newly raised) Constitution modifier. The berserker may voluntarily end the rage early. After the rage, he is Fatigued (-2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, and cannot charge or run) for the duration of the encounter. (At 10th level, he no longer becomes fatigued when enraged.) He may only become raged once per encounter, and a number of times per day equal to half his berserker level (rounded down). Entering the rage takes no time, but he can only start it on his action during initiative. For more details, see the D&D Players Handbook, p25. The Hida Berserker Level Attack Bonus 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10
Uncanny Dodge At 2nd level, the Hida Berserker does not lose his Dexterity Bonus to AC, even if flat-footed or attacked by an invisible attacker. (He still loses the bonus if he is immobilized.) At 7th level, the berserker can no longer be flanked. Even rogues using flank or sneak attack cannot flank the berserker. A rogue four or more levels higher than the berserker may flank and/or sneak attack the berserker. For more details, see the D&D Players Handbook, p48.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Rage Uncanny Dodge (AC Bonus) Damage Reduction 1/Knock Down Damage Reduction 2/Greater Rage Uncanny Dodge (Cant Flank the Berserker) Damage Reduction 3/Power Lunge Damage Reduction 4/Greater Rage At 6th level, the berserker rage bonus increases to +6 to Strength, +6 to Constitution (+3 hit points per character level), and a +3 morale bonus to Will saves. The AC penalty remains at -2. For more details, see the D&D Players Handbook, p25. Power Lunge At 9th level, if the berserker succeeds at a charge attack, he may double his strength bonus to damage on that attack. He is subject to an attack of opportunity from the target. For purposes of this feat, the berserker is assumed to have the prerequisites necessary to use this. For more details, see the D&D Sword and Fist Supplement, p7.
Damage Reduction At 3rd level, the berserker gains Damage Reduction of 1/-. Damage from attacks is reduced by one point per attack, to a minimum of zero. The bonus goes up to 2/- at 5th level, 3/- at 8th level and 4/- at 10th level. For more details, see the D&D Players Handbook, p25. Knock Down A berserkers blows can potentially knock an opponent off their feet. At 4th level, if the berserker does 10 or more points of damage in an attack in melee, he may perform a free trip attack against that target. For purposes of this feat, the berserker is assumed to have the prerequisites necessary to use this. For more details, see the D&D Sword and Fist Supplement, p7.
An engineer goes to the Kaiu Academy to learn a particular specialty, either construction of fortifications, building weapons of war, building individual warriors weapons, or devising traps to capture or destroy enemies. They spend years in training and their final exam is the design and construction of a new item to be used by the Crab in the war. Most engineers come from the Kaiu family, trained as bushi. A few others come from other families, bushi, shugenja, or even rogues. Hit Die: d8 Requirements To qualify to become a Kaiu Engineer, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Skill Focus (Craft ) The Kaiu Engineer Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +1 4 +2 5 +2 6 +3 7 +3 8 +4 9 +4 10 +5 Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kaiu Engineer is proficient in simple and martial weapons and all types of armor. Skill Focus The Engineer receives additional Skill Focus Feats as he goes up in level. At 1st level, the engineer gains Skill Focus Craft, in his specialty. At 5th level he gains Skill Focus Knowledge, also in his specialty. For more information, see the Players Handbook, p85. Ability Bonus The Kaiu gains ability score bonuses listed due to the physical training and work he does forging weapons and equipment. These are in addition to the bonuses gained by achieving new levels as seen on Table 3-2, p22 of the Players Handbook. Crafting Masterwork Items At 2nd level, the engineer receives a +2 skill bonus when crafting a masterwork item. This only applies when the engineer is attempting to make a masterwork item. If making regular items, he may take 20 as if he were taking 10. At 6th level, the bonus goes up to +4, and at 10th level, the bonus goes up to +6.
Craft (Fortifications, Siege Engines, Weapons, or Armor): 6 Ranks Traps: 3 Ranks Profession (Engineer, Armorer, or Weaponsmith): 8 Ranks Knowledge (Tactics, Engineering, Weapons, or Armor): 6 Ranks Special: The character must be a member of the Crab Clan. If he isnt a member of the Crab clan, he must swear fealty to the Crab, and use the Different School feat to gain access to the school. Class Skills The class skills of the Kaiu Engineer (and corresponding ability score) are Appraise (Int), Battle (Wis), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Int). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Skill Focus (Craft); +1 to Constitution score +2 Bonus to Craft Masterwork Items Endurance; +1 Skill Bonus May create +2 Masterwork Items; +1 to Strength score Skill Focus (Knowledge) +4 Bonus to Craft Masterwork Items; +2 Skill Bonus Great Fortitude; +1 to Constitution score May create +3 Masterwork Items May craft Magic arms and Armor; +3 Skill Bonus +6 Bonus to Craft Masterwork Items; +1 to Strength score Skill Bonus The Kaiu Engineer receives the listed bonus to the following skills: Battle, Disable Device, Open Lock, and Use Magic Device. These bonus stacks with other bonuses to those skills. Endurance The Kaiu Engineer receives the Endurance feat at 3rd level. Whenever the engineer needs to make a check that goes over a period of time, he gains a +4 to the check. This is especially useful during crafting important items. For more information see p82 of the Players Handbook. Masterwork Item Bonuses Typical masterwork items are normally +1 in bonus. At 4th level, the Kaiu may create +2 masterwork items. The bonuses are not enchantment bonuses. At 8th level, the bonus goes up to +3. For more information, please see the Players Handbook, p66. Great Fortitude The Kaiu receives the Great Fortitude feat at 7th level. He gains a +2 to all Fortitude Saving Throws. For more information on feats and this feat, see the Players Handbook, Chapter 5 and p82.
Doji Bushi School (Core School) This feat allows the bushi access to Doji School Techniques. Prerequisite 10+ Int, either a member of Crane Clan, or take Different School Feat. Benefit +1 to Intelligence, The bushi gains access to Doji School Techniques.
1. The Way of the Crane You gain bonuses to hit and skill bonuses. Prerequisite Doji Bushi School, +2 To Hit Benefit You get your Honor Rank as a bonus on your to hit rolls. Also you gain your Honor Rank as a bonus on Craft, Knowledge, or Profession Skill Checks. You don't get bonuses on unskilled checks. These bonuses stack with other bonuses. 2. The First Shout Your limitations are reduced in combat. Prerequisite Doji Bushi School, Way of the Crane, +4 To Hit Benefit You may make Full Attack Actions as a Partial Action. You can't make two Full Attacks a two Partial Actions. You s must spend 2 combat rounds focusing your ki, unmoving and vulnerable to attack. You gain no dexterity bonuses or dodge bonuses to AC while focusing your ki. Normal You can't make full attack as a partial action. 3. The Second Shout You can negate an enemy's bonuses to hit Prerequisite Doji Bushi School, Way of the Crane, First Shout, +6 To Hit Benefit When making the second shout, the bushi negates his targeted enemy's ability or circumstance bonuses to hit. This also includes bonuses from feats as well. Magical Bonuses and class bonuses aren't affected. The target makes a Will Saving Throw versus a DC of 15 + the attacking bushi's Charisma Modifier. This effect lasts for one round. 4. The Third Shout You may cure damage if you win a battle. Prerequisite Doji Bushi School, Way of the Crane, First Shout, Second Shout, +8 To Hit Benefit If the bushi is victorious in combat, he may give a yell that takes one round. If he makes a Fortitude Save versus DC 20, all subdual damage taken in that combat is healed, 1/3 Mortal Damage is healed, and 1/4 Ability Damage is healed.
The Crane clan consists of the Doji, Daidoji, Kakita and Asahina families. The primary Doji school of warfare is the Kyuden Doji Dojo. The bushi at Kyuden Doji train not only as warriors but as statesmen and examples of proper samurai in society. They study poetry, heraldry, politics, and r eligion as well as swordsmanship, horsemanship, archery, and warfare. They are the examples of perfect warriors and gentlemen, equally proficient on the battlefield and the courtroom.
5. To Do what We Must You can make attacks in an all-out manner Prerequisite Doji Bushi School, Way of the Crane, First Shout, Second Shout, Third Shout, +10 To Hit Benefit At the beginning of a combat before initiative is rolled, he declares that he will do what he must. He gains a number of full attacks equal to his Wisdom Bonus. He ignores all effects against him (including death) until he gets all his attacks in. He goes last in the round. He loses all Dexterity and Dodge bonuses to AC.
the finest duelists in Rokugan. Through connections to the Imperial Family, the Hantei Emperors would send their children to the Academy to learn fencing. But the school isnt just a school of warfare. It also forges and polishes the warrior himself. It refines him and gives him honor. It shows him that the Way of the Sword is a way of life, not just a way of fighting. Two of the most notable graduates of the Academy are Doji Hoturi and Kakita Toshimoko. Toshimoko was the master sensei of the Academy. Hoturi was the son of Doji Satsume, the Emerald Champion. Also he is descended of Kakita himself and was present on the Second Day of Thunder. Those who go to the Academy are typically bushi of the Imperial Families or the Crane clan. Others may attend if they qualify and are permitted by the sensei. Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become a Kakita Duelist, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +5 Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Lightning Reflexes, Void Use Iaijutsu Focus: 8 ranks Alignment: Any Non-evil Special: The duelist must come from either the Imperial Families (Hantei, Seppun, Otomo, or Miya), the Crane clan, or swear fealty to the Crane clan and take the Different School feat.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special 1 Way of the Sword Weapon Focus (Katana) 2 The Sudden Strike Weapon Finesse (Katana) 3 Strike from the Void Bonus Feat 4 One Strike, Two Cuts Bonus Feat 5 Strike with No Thought Bonus Feat Kakita Academy Techniques Rank 1 The Way of the Sword The duelist is unnaturally fast on the draw. In combat, he gains a bonus to initiative equal to his Duelist level, up to +5. This bonus stacks with Improved Initiative. If he loses the bonus to initiative for any reason, he loses this bonus as well. Also the duelist may use an iaijutsu strike in normal combat against any opponent (as opposed to only flat-footed opponents, as stated in Oriental Adventures, p82). Rank 2 The Sudden Strike In an iaijutsu duel, the duelist may substitute a +1 To Hit for a +1 bonus to his Iaijutsu Focus skill check, possibly giving him the initiative. There is no limit to this exchange, but the duelist cannot reduce his To Hit score below zero. Also, instead of the partial action available
Class Skills The class skills of the Kakita Duelist (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis) and Tea Ceremony (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kakita Duelist is proficient in simple and martial weapons but no types of armor.
during the duel, the duelist may make a full attack, gaining her normal amount of attacks in a combat round. Rank 3 Strike from the Void The duelist infuses his strikes with that energy derived directly from his Void. When striking in an iaijutsu duel, if he spends a Void point, he may add his ranks in Iaijutsu Focus to his To Hit roll. There is no limit to the amount of this bonus. Rank 4 One Strike, Two Cuts If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a +3 katana, you have a total +10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one attack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Rank 5 Strike with no Thought At the beginning of a battle, the duelist may make a Wisdom check at DC20. If he succeeds, he gets a free partial action before anyone else can act in the round. Any opponent he attacks is considered flat-footed; the duelist loses his flat-footed condition in this pre-combat action. Weapon Focus At 2nd level, the bushi receives Weapon Focus for the katana if he doesnt already have it. He gains a +1 to hit with the katana. For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p86. Weapon Finesse At 4th level, the bushi receives Weapon Finesse with the katana. He may use his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier when c alculating his to hit rolls. Normally, one cannot gain Weapon Finesse with the katana, but the Kakita Duelist may, because of his extensive training with the weapon. For more information on this, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p86. Bonus Feat The duelist gains a bonus feat as if he gained a level in bushi. He may choose from the bonus feats listed here under the bushi class.
Tsume Bushi School 1. Talons of the Crane The crane is a bird of peace and grace, but still has talons with which to defend herself. You do extra damage in combat with your katana. Prerequisite Martial Weapon proficiency, +4 To Hit Benefit When you wield a katana in combat, it gains the wounding property as noted in the D&D Dungeon Masters Guide. 2. Know Your Place To be a samurai is to be nobility, but to also serve those above and below you. You gain bonuses when you speak to others. Prerequisite Must have an Honor rank of 2 or higher, 4 ranks in Diplomacy, Wis 12+ Benefit You may add your Honor rank to your Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. 3. Strike Without Striking You have the touch to attack without swinging your weapon. You can focus your weapons power farther than its normal reach. Prerequisite +8 To Hit, must be wielding a katana, must be Honorable Benefit Your reach with a katana is double your normal reach; 10 feet instead of 5 feet for a normal human. Normal A normal humans reach with a melee weapon is 5 feet.
thrust his spear through the underbrush. He was rewarded with a spectral, unearthly howl of pain. No, thought Juuzo, it isnt a wolf... He withdrew his spear and prepared for battle... Iwase scouts are special servants of the Crane clan. They fill a specific niche for which their family fits perfectly. Drawn from the ronin Iwase, they are bred to hunt and find that which is not easily found, be it an enemy, a monster, or food for the hearth. One unusual trait of the Iwase family is that they are meat eaters. Some have commented that they behave much like the Unicorn clan in that they are fond of cooked meat. The first Iwase is gone now, so it will never be known for certain if he has Unicorn lineage in his blood. However, it is noted that the Iwases eyes tend to be rounder than normal and their skin is somewhat lighter. But in every other aspect, they are normal Rokugani. The scouts are used to check a potential battlefield for terrain advantages and any hazards that may exist. They act as impromptu enforcers of Crane law if one breaks the law in Crane The Iwase Scout Level Attack Bonus 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10
lands. They are used to search for criminals, maho users, wayward wild animals or lost children as necessary. They are known to be uncommonly brave in combat. They are also known for their expertise with their spears. Few cross them. Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become an Iwase Scout, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Great Fortitude, Toughness, Martial Weapon Proficiency Spot: 6 ranks Wilderness Lore: 6 ranks Special: The scout must be a member of the Iwase family or a ronin swearing fealty to the Iwase and the Crane.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special 1 Stance of the Crane Track 2 Wading in the Reeds Weapon Focus (Spear) 3 Fishing for Men Bonus Feat Camouflage Bonus Feat Outdoor Stealth Bonus Feat Rank 2 Wading in the Reeds A waterfowl, the crane loves to tread in the water, looking for fish to eat. The Iwase Scout does much the same. He receives a +5 on all Wilderness Lore checks in order to survive in the wild. If he is providing for more than himself, he can provide for one more than is listed in the Players Handbook (p76). Rank 3 Fishing for Men Part of the Iwase Scouts job is to hunt for people in the wilderness. If he is tracking a person in the wild, he gains a +3 to his Wilderness Lore roll for the purpose of tracking. Also, he can move at normal speed and track without penalty. Track At 2nd level, the Iwase Scout gains the Track feat as a Ranger. See the D&D Players Handbook, pp85-86, for more details on how to track. Weapon Focus At 4th level, the Scout gains Weapon Focus with the spear. He receives a +1 To Hit with a spear. For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p86.
Class Skills The class skills of the Iwase Scout (and corresponding ability score) are Animal Empathy (Cha), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex) and Wilderness Lore (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Iwase Scout is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light armor. Iwase Scout School Techniques Rank 1 Stance of the Crane The Crane is often seen in a particular pose that is standing on one leg balanced perfectly for hours. The Iwase have studied this extensively, learning what the crane has to offer. The scout is very balanced, receiving a +2 to all Balance checks and Dexterity checks. Also, the scout never loses his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, even if he is flatfooted in combat.
Bonus Feat At 6th, 8th, and 10th level, the Scout gains a bonus Bushi feat. See the Bonus feats under the Bushi class for more details. Camouflage The Scout is a master of hiding in the Wilderness. By using leaves, mud, and other natural ingredients, he may secrete himself in the wild very effectively. He gains a +3 to all hide checks in the wilderness if he applies camouflage to himself. Outdoor Stealth The Iwase Scout has the ability to move very quietly in the wild. He gains a +2 to all Move Silently checks while in the wild.
he's not flat-footed. You do not gain any extra attacks with the second sword when using this technique. 2. Strong and Swift You gain extra attacks earlier in levels. Prerequisite Mirumoto Bushi School, Way of the Dragon, +4 To Hit Benefit If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a +3 katana, you have a total +10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one attack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Normal You only get a number of attacks based exclusively on your class levels. 3. The Blood of my Brothers You gain saving throw bonuses. Prerequisite Mirumoto Bushi School, Way of the Dragon, Strong and Swift, +6 To Hit Benefit You gain a +3 bonus to all saving throws. This bonus stacks with other bonuses. This is considered a supernatural bonus. 4. The Unrighteous will Fall You gain bonus attacks in combat. Prerequisite Mirumoto Bushi School, Way of the Dragon, Strong and Swift, Blood of my Brothers, +8 To Hit Benefit If a strike from your katana (only katana) kills an opponent in a combat round, the attack does not count for purposes of number of attacks in a round. The bushi may immediately attack another opponent in sight who was in melee range (within 5 feet) at the beginning of the round. This bonus may be used to attack only one more opponent in a round. 5. The Heart of the Dragon You gain bonus attack in combat. Prerequisite Mirumoto Bushi School, Way of the Dragon, Strong and Swift, Blood of my Brothers, Unrighteous Will Fall, + 10 To Hit Benefit You gain a bonus attack in your attack sequence, even if it goes to a negative bonus to hit. For example, a bushi with +8/+3 to hit bonus has this feat. He gets a third attack that gives him +8/+3/-2 to hit bonus. The last attack suffers a negative to hit, but the bushi still gets that attack to use in combat. This technique cannot grant the bushi more than four attacks per round. Normal you don't get bonus attacks that go into negative numbers.
The Dragon clan consists of the Togashi, Mirumoto, Agasha, and Kitsuki families. Called the Iron Mountain Dojo, this bushi school is run by the Mirumoto family. They teach the style of warfare developed by Lord Mirumoto over a thousand years ago: Niten, an unorthodox two-sword fighting style. The bushi of the Dragon clan are trained with the shugenja in mind. They learn tactics to help defend against magic and to work in concert with magic from their own shugenja. Also the Mirumoto are philosophical and thoughtful, as much grounded in the spirit as the physical. Mirumoto Bushi School This feat allows the bushi access to Mirumoto School Techniques. Prerequisite Wis 13+, either a member of Dragon Clan. or take Different School Feat. Benefit +1 to Any Ability Score, The bushi gains access to Mirumoto School Techniques. 1. The Way of the Dragon You gain an AC Bonus in Combat Prerequisite Mirumoto Bushi School, +2 To Hit Benefit While using both swords in combat. you gain a +2 AC Bonus versus an opponent. This is not considered a dodge bonus. The wakizashi is used defensively in this manner, and this ability is considered up at all times the bushi has both swords drawn and
numbers of goblins. He just looked at the Dragon. The Dragon had a kind of sorrow showing on his face. The strike was wrong, said the Dragon. But you killed it. What does it matter? It is but a demon, answered the Crab. I didnt respect it. I struck it with my honor, but there was no honor in the strike. All opponents should be respected, even the most hideous of them. The Dragon pointed with his sword. If there is no respect, there is no honor and only death can result. But you are a samurai. You must fight or die. That is the way. The Crab looked indignant. If one thinks of only death, there can be only death. I would rather live forever, so I can serve my lord for all eternity. That is ridiculous! To serve is to die, keeping Rokugan free of the Shadow! announced the Crab. If you are already dead, what does it m atter if the Shadow embraces us all? Life is more than a heartbeat, my friend. It is the breath of the wind on a flower, the laughter of children, and the warm embrace of a lover on a cold night. It is bringing glory to your Emperor, your Lord, and your family. Without these things, fighting the Shadowlands is meaningless. Then there is only death, and that is what the Dark Brother wants. If war and killing is all there is, then Fu Leng has already The Mirumoto Duelist Level Attack Bonus 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10
won. I cannot let that happen. The Dragon samurai smiled. Celebrate life, and even if you are utterly destroyed, you have won. The Crab remained silent. The swordsmen of the Mirumoto family are a very enigmatic lot. They practice the Philosophy as much as the Way of the Sword. That is but one way they are different from other swordsmen. They have a touch of magic of the spirits flowing through them, and they have a connection with the Void of the universe. A Mirumoto Duelist may wax nostalgic as much as cut down a foe in combat. Another way they are different is that they use both katana and wakizashi in combat and in dueling. Many others ridicule them, calling them cowardly. The Dragon do not seem to mind. They continue, much as they have been for the past thousand years, perfecting their art and living with a verse in their soul. Duelists come from the Dragon clan. Members of other clans just dont get it. They dont understand why they are studying the Tao of Shinsei and spellcraft as well as swordsmanship. To join with the Duelists, one must be as mentally and spiritually oriented as physically oriented. Hit Die: d10
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 Daisho Technique Bonus Feat 2 Fire and Water Technique Monk Kiho 3 Heaven and Earth Bonus Feat 4 Cut of the Void Monk Kiho 5 Union of the Soul Bonus Feat
Requirements To qualify to become a Mirumoto Duelist, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Expertise, Two Weapon Fighting, Void Use Knowledge (Arcana): 4 ranks Knowledge (Religion): 4 ranks Special: The character must belong to the Dragon clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Mirumoto Duelist (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) and Tea Ceremony (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Duelist is proficient in simple and martial weapons but no armor. Mirumoto Duelist Techniques Rank 1 Daisho Technique The Mirumoto duelist is one with his weapons. Two-weapon fighting penalties are zero. He is considered to have the Ambidexterity feat for the technique to work. Also, when dueling, he may use both swords (katana and wakizashi) when using Iaijutsu Focus. Rank 2 Fire and Water Technique (Himizu) The sword is forged in fire and tempered in water. So is the duelists spirit. At 3rd level, he gains a +1 To Hit when using both swords. This is an enhancement bonus. This bonus goes to +2 at 6th level and +3 at 9th level.
Rank 3 Heaven and Earth (Tenchi) Though grounded in the Earth, the duelists spirit flies like a dragon through the sky. He gains damage resistance of 0/+1 at 5th level. At 10th level, this bonus increases to 0/+2. Rank 4 Cut of the Void Now in tune with the Universe, the duelist may optimize his attacks. When using Iaijutsu Focus, he may take 10 on his roll. At 10th level, he may take 20. This technique may only be used once per duel. The duelist must spend a Void Point for this technique to work. Rank 5 Union of the Soul The Mirumotos swords become as one. Each time the duelist hits in combat, he actually hits with both swords. He may add the damage from both weapons (katana and wakizashi), for each attack he hits with. He gets his Strength bonus for each weapon. He must declare a full attack action in order to use this technique. Bonus Feat The Duelist gains a bonus bushi feat as if he gained a level in bushi. Monk Kiho The Duelist may acquire a monk kiho ability to use in combat. He must qualify to use it just like a monk would.
3. The Coils of Enticement You can draw an opponent to attack you and you gain a bonus in combat against him. Prerequisite +7 To Hit, 6 ranks in Bluff, Combat Reflexes, Way of the Snake, Sun and Moon Cut Benefit By making a successful contested Bluff check against an opponent, you may make an attack against him without Dexterity or Circumstance modifiers to his Armor Class. You also receive a +2 To Hit that opponent. The Bluff check is a move-equivalent action. If you succeed at the check, you may still make a full attack against the target opponent.
Hayato Vassal)
Mirumoto Hayato was descended from members of the Snake clan before that clan was destroyed for practicing maho. When the Dragon was ordered to preserve the Snake clans bushi techniques for posterity, Hayato was given the task of doing so. He set up his dojo, the Dojo of the Coiling Snake, and began teaching the techniques to a group of dedicated Dragon warriors. Now a small family, they exist to preserve that which was noble of the old Snake clan. Hayato Bushi School 1. Way of the Snake You strike swiftly and without warning. Prerequisite +3 To Hit, Improved Initiative. If you are not a member of the Hayato family, you must take the Different School feat to take this technique. Benefit In the first round of combat, if you threaten anyone (the target is within 5 feet of you), you gain a +2 to initiative against that target and a +2 To Hit him. If there is more than one target, you may choose which one. You may only strike one target in this way. 2. Sun and Moon Cut Your cut is directed from heaven, guided by Lord Moon and Lady Sun. Prerequisite +5 To Hit, Power Attack, Way of the Snake Benefit When you wield your katana, the weapon gains the properties of a keen weapon. This ability doubles the threat range of a weapon. This benefit doesnt stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon (such as the keen edge spell or the Improved Critical feat).
it breaks. If the weapon breaks, you do not take the damage. If the weapon does not break, you take damage normally. If you are hit with a magic weapon, the damage done to the weapon is reduced by one point per enhancement bonus of the enemys weapon.
Normal the target receives full AC Bonuses on a specific attack. 5. The Final Lesson You get to re-roll on failed attack rolls. Prerequisite Akodo Bushi School, Way of the Lion, Strength of Purity, With the Strength of my Ancestors, Hand of Destiny, +10 To Hit Benefit If you fail an attack roll, you may choose to re-roll that roll in order to hit. You may do this five times per day. The second roll gains a +2 to hit; reflecting the lesson learned when attacking the foe the previous round. The +2 bonus stacks with other circumstance bonuses. The second roll must be accepted, even if its worse than the first.
The Lion clan consists of the Akodo, Matsu, Ikoma, and Kitsu families. The main focus in Lion training is working together as a unit. They each think of themselves as brothers. The primary dojo of the Lion is the Castle of the Swift Sword. Matsu bushi train at Shiro Matsu. They not only train as individuals but as units. The dojo is very traditional, following the ways of the Kami Akodo from over one thousand years ago. Akodo Bushi School This feat allows the bushi access to Akodo School Techniques. Prerequisite Str 13+, either a member of Lion Clan, or take Different School Feat. Benefit +1 to Wisdom, The bushi gains access to Akodo School Techniques. 1. The Way of the Lion You get to ignore an opponent's armor. Prerequisite Akodo Bushi School, +2 To Hit Benefit You may ignore your opponent's armor bonus on his armor class when attacking him. This counts with normal or magical armor. 2. The Strength of Purity You gain bonus to damage. Prerequisite Akodo Bushi School, Way of the Lion, +4 To Hit Benefit You may add your Wisdom bonus for to Hit or Damage rolls. You mu st choose one or the other. You can change which one once per round on your turn. 3. With the Strength of my Ancestors You gain extra attacks earlier in level. Prerequisite Akodo Bushi School, Way of the Lion, Strength of Purity, +6 To Hit Benefit If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a +3 katana, you have a total + 10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one attack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Normal You only get a number of attacks based exclusively on your class levels. 4. The Hand of Destiny You gain a bonus to called shots. Prerequisite Akodo Bushi School, Way of the Lion, Strength of Purity, With the Strength of my Ancestors, +8 To Hit Benefit You gain a +4 to hit when making a called shot on a target. You have to declare the called shot when your turn comes up. The called shot is made against the normal Armor Class (including normal bonuses) of the defender.
Matsu Bushi School This feat permits access to the Matsu Bushi School Techniques. Prerequisite The bushi must be a member of the Matsu family and female. Benefit +1 to Strength, the bushi gains access to the Matsu Bushi School techniques. 1. The Lions Roar You cause fear in those you attack. Prerequisite +2 To Hit, Matsu Bushi School Benefit When you perform a charge attack, your target must make a Will save versus a DC10 + your bushi level + your Charisma modifier. If he fails, he suffers from the effects of Fear (see p203 of the Players Handbook) for one round per your bushi level. The range of this effect is 10 feet ahead of you, and 5 feet wide. 2. Matsus Fury You gain extra attacks earlier in level. Prerequisite Matsu Bushi School, The Lions Roar, +4 To Hit Benefit If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a +3 katana, you have a total + 10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one attack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Normal You only get a number of attacks based exclusively on your class levels.
3. With My Ancestors Beside Me You gain bonuses to initiative. Prerequisite Matsu Bushi School, The Lions Roar, Matsus Fury, +6 To Hit Benefit You may multiply your Honor rank times your Dexterity bonus when rolling for initiative. This bonus stacks with Improved Initiative. 4. The Lions Claws You gain bonus attack in combat. Prerequisite Matsu Bushi School, The Lions Roar, Matsus Fury, With my Ancestors Beside Me, +8 To Hit Benefit You gain a bonus attack in your attack sequence, even if it goes to a negative bonus to hit. For example, a bushi with +8/+3 to hit bonus has this feat. He gets a third attack that gives him +8/+3/-2 to hit bonus. The last attack suffers a negative to hit, but the bushi still gets that attack to use in combat. The maximum number of attacks granted by this technique is four. Normal you don't get bonus attacks that go into negative numbers. 5. Matsus Courage You make full attacks even when hurt or disabled. Prerequisite Matsu Bushi School, The Lions Roar, Matsus Fury, With my Ancestors Beside Me, The Lions Claws, +10 To Hit Benefit If you made a full attack and become any of the following: Dazed, disabled, exhausted, fatigued or staggered may continue without penalty as long as you keep making full attacks. When you stop making full attacks, then you suffer the effects of the previous conditions.
armies, calculating the tactics necessary to win the battle. General Ikoma Ando talked to his advisors, facing away from Yotatsu. Ando grabbed a fan to direct one of the companies of troops. Noticing that he grabbed the wrong one, Yotatsu jumped forward and cried, My lord! That will cause the ronin to retreat instead of charge! They will become entangled with our first line! Yotatsu blurted. The Ikoma general turned with annoyance at the young tactician. Yotatsu looked back defiantly. Ikoma smiled. Of course, youre right. Get me the right one, will you? Some students at the Castle of the Swift Sword (Shiro no Ken Hayai) show promise in tactics and strategy in warfare. Those students are sent to advanced schooling and become tacticians. The school teaches advanced tactics, siege warfare, and long-term strategy on a larger scale. They spend a few years in study, and then are apprenticed to a general for five years. After that period, they are tested by commanding a small skirmish under controlled conditions. If they pass, they become full officers and go on to aide existing generals, eventually commanding their own units. Tacticians come from all walks of life in the Lion clan. Most are bushi either from the Akodo or Matsu families, though tacticians coming from other families are not rare. Some are even shugenja or courtiers, if their knowledge and wisdom can stand up to the rigors of the school. Occasionally they will train people from other clans as hostages or honored guests of the Lion champion. Hit Die: d8 Requirements To qualify to become an Akodo Tactician, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 Way of the Lion Leadership 2 The Soul of Akodo Bonus Bushi Feat 3 Tactics of Mistake Iron Will 4 Strength of my Ancestors Bonus Bushi Feat 5 The Art of War Gifted General Class Skills The class skills of the Akodo Tactician (and corresponding ability score) are Battle (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier
Race: Human Feats: Alertness, Attention to Detail (from Oriental Adventures), Keen Intellect Diplomacy: 4 ranks Gather Information: 4 ranks Knowledge (Tactics): 6 ranks Alignment: must be Lawful Special: The character must belong to the Lion clan or take the Different School feat.
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Akodo Tactician is proficient in simple and martial weapons and all types of armor. Akodo Tactician School Techniques Rank 1 The Way of the Lion (Same as the Akodo Bushi School Technique) You may ignore your opponent's armor bonus on his armor class when attacking him. This counts with normal or magical armor. Rank 2 The Soul of Akodo The tactician is infused with the spirit of the Kami Akodo. He gains a +2 to initiative and a +2 to all Battle rolls. Rank 3 Tactics of Mistake The Lion learns how to take advantage of others mistakes. If someone misses the Tactician in combat, the tactician may attack that opponent the next round with a +4 bonus. Rank 4 With the Strength of My Ancestors (Same as the Akodo Bushi School Technique) If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a +3 katana, you have a total + 10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one attack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Normal You only get a number of attacks based exclusively on your class levels. Rank 5 The Art of War The Tactician becomes a master of waging war. He gains a +4 to initiative which stacks with Improved Initiative (and The Soul of Akodo). Also his Battle check bonus goes to +4 and he gains a +2 to all Sense Motive checks. Leadership The Akodo Tactician receives the Leadership feat, as described in the D&D Dungeonmasters Guide, p45.
Bonus Bushi Feat The Tactician gains a Bonus Feat as if he had gone up a level in bushi. See the Bushi for more details. Iron Will The Tactician receives the Iron Will feat for free at 6th level. He gains a +2 to all Will saves. For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p83. Gifted General At 10th level, the Tactician can see the battle before all others. He gains a +2 to initiative (stacking with all the previous techniques) and a +1 to all Fortitude saves. For more information, please see the Oriental Adventures supplement, p62.
Animal Empathy: 4 ranks Handle Animal: 4 ranks Ride: 4 ranks Wilderness Lore: 4 ranks Alignment: Any good Special: The character must belong to the Kitsu family or Lion clan. If not Kitsu, they must swear fealty to the Kitsu and take the Different School feat. Class Skills The class skills of the Kitsu Beast Master (and corresponding ability score) are Animal Empathy (Cha), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis) and Wilderness Lore (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kitsu Beast Master is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light forms of armor. Kitsu Beast Master School Techniques Rank 1 Brother to Lions The Beast Master is more than a friend to the animals; he is their family, their pride. When The Kitsu Beast Master Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +1 4 +2 5 +2 6 +3 7 +3 8 +4 9 +4 10 +5
dealing with any normal animal (not monster or magical beast), he gains a +2 added to his Charisma bonus for any Charisma based skills. This does not come into effect when dealing with people. Rank 2 Friends Need No Words The Kitsu can communicate with normal animals. He may speak to any normal animal with an Intelligence score of 2 or higher. He may only convey or understand simple messages or ideas like feelings or simple directions. This ability may not be used during combat or any stressful situation. Rank 3 Eyes in the Night The Kitsu has the blood of the original lions within them. The Beast Master gains Low Light Vision. He may see twice as far as normal in darkened conditions. He retains the ability to see color and detail in these conditions. For more information, see the Players Handbook, p144. Rank 4 King of the Beasts The Lion is the King of Beasts. The Beast Master gains that as well. He gains a +3 to all Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. Rank 5 Walk with Me, Brother The Kitsu earns the undying respect, admiration and loyalty from his animal friends. The Beast Master may obtain an animal companion as a ranger or druid would. He need not cast the Animal Friendship spell in order to attract the animal. Unlike the spell, the master may maintain up to his Beast Master level in animal Hit Dice. For more information, please see the Players Handbook, p173, and the Dungeonmasters Guide, p46.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 Brother to Lions Bonus Bushi Feat 2 Friends Need No Words Animal Messenger 3 Eyes in the Night Bonus Bushi Feat 4 King of the Beasts Calm Animals 5 Walk with Me, Brother Bonus Bushi Feat
Bonus Bushi Feat The Beast Master gains a Bonus Feat as if he had gone up a level in bushi. See the Bushi for more details. Animal Messenger The Kitsu may use a small animal to send messages. The effect is like the Animal Messenger spell, p173, of the Players Handbook. Calm Animals The Beast Master has the ability to use Calm Animals as a ranger of equal level. Please see the Players Handbook, p182.
The Phoenix clan consists of the Isawa, Shiba and Asako families. The school where bushi attend is the Eternal Phoenix Dojo. The phoenix bushi are t ained to work very r closely with the Isawa shugenja as guardians and the punch of Phoenix armies. They are the antithesis of the Isawa, being martial as the shugenja are peaceful. Shiba Bushi School This feat allows the bushi access to Shiba School Techniques. Prerequisite Wis 13+, either a member of Phoenix Clan, or take Different School Feat. Benefit +1 to Intelligence, The bushi gains access to Shiba School Techniques.
1. The Way of the Phoenix You gain bonus to damage. Prerequisite Shiba Bushi School, +2 To Hit Benefit You may add your Wisdom bonus to Damage rolls. This is including the normal bonuses for Strength, etc. 2. Dancing with the Elements You may alter the strength of spells cast against you. Prerequisite Shiba Bushi School, Way of the Phoenix, +4 To Hit Benefit Once per day, you may raise or lower the Spell Save DC of any spell cast against you by +5 or -5. It can be an ally or an enemy. 3. One with Nothing You get a bonus action. Prerequisite Shiba Bushi School, Way of the Phoenix, Dancing with the Elements, +6 To Hit Benefit Make a Wisdom check at DC 15 and you get a bonus partial action when your turn comes up. You can only do this once per round. 4. Everywhere and Nowhere at Once You gain extra attacks earlier in level. Prerequisite Shiba Bushi School, Way of the Phoenix, Dancing with the Elements, One with Nothing, +8 To Hit Benefit If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level a bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a + 3 katana, you have a total + 10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one attack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Normal You only get a number of attacks based exclusively on your class levels. 5. One with All and Nothing You may swap ability bonuses... Prerequisite Shiba Bushi School, Way of the Phoenix, Dancing with the Elements, One with Nothing, Everywhere and nowhere at Once, + 10 To Hit Benefit You may exchange your Charisma bonus for any other ability score bonus or skill rank for 5 minutes per day. This applies to only one ability change or skill rank change at a time.
More than one can't be done simultaneously with more than one ability or skill.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special 1 A Single Life Deflect Arrows 2 Shield of Honor Bonus Bushi Feat 3 No Illusions Combat Reflexes 4 Sword of the Phoenix Bonus Bushi Feat 5 Purity of Fire Dodge and Mobility
Race: Human Attack Bonus: +8 Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Void Use Sense Motive: 6 ranks Spot: 6 ranks Alignment: Lawful Good Special: The yojimbo must come from the Shiba family. Class Skills The class skills of the Shiba Yojimbo (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Battle (Wis), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spot (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Shiba Yojimbo is proficient in simple and martial weapons and all forms of armor.
location, or even if the charge still lives, only direction. A Yojimbo may only have one "charge" at a time. Rank 4 Sword of the Phoenix The yojimbo may continue to make full attack actions if he makes a moveequivalent action in a round. If he makes a double move, he cannot. This technique works with the Rank 1 Technique. Rank 5 Purity of Fire The Yojimbo's spirit is like the flames, unquenchable, unconquerable. The yojimbo gains Damage Reduction of Constitution Bonus / . For example, if the yojimbo has a +3 Constitution bonus, his DR is 3/. Deflect Arrows At 2nd level, the yojimbo gains Deflect Arrows as a feat. It is assumed ha has the prerequisites to use this. For more information, please see the Players Handbook, p81. Bonus Bushi Feat At 4th and 8th level, the yojimbo gains a Bonus Bushi Feat as if he gained a level in bushi. For a list of feats, look at the list on pp 3-4. Combat Reflexes At 6th level, the yojimbo gains Combat Reflexes as a feat. For more information, please see the Players Handbook, p80. Dodge and Mobility At 10th level, the Shiba receives both Dodge and Mobility as feats. He may designate one opponent and gain a +1 AC bonus against him. And when he moves into a threatened area, he gains a + AC bonus versus attacks of opportunity 4 against him. For more information, please see the Players Handbook, pages 81 and 83 respectively.
Shiba Yojimbo School Techniques Rank 1 A Single Life The Yojimbo knows his place in the universe, and is prepared to sacrifice himself for another. The yojimbo may subtract his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class and add it to his charges Armor Class. This must be announced at the beginning of combat when it is the Shibas turn to act. Declaring this is a move-equivalent action. Rank 2 Shield of Honor The Shiba may spend a Void point as a free action to add a +2 to his Armor Class and Reflex saving throws. He may do this as a reaction to an attack. This does not have to be announced during his turn. Rank 3 No Illusions The Yojimbo has become mystically linked to someone under his care. By spending a Void point and meditating for one hour with an individual, he places this person under his charge. Afterward, the Yojimbo will always know what direction that person lies in regards to him by spending a Void point to do so. This does not indicate distance,
school. Lord Koike built his school and now trains a small unit of bushi under his own command. Koike Bushi School 1. Those Who Stand Alone You gain bonuses when fighting alone. Prerequisite +3 To Hit Benefit When you fight multiple opponents by yourself, you gain a +1 morale bonus To Hit per three opponents you fight (up to nine) and a +2 morale bonus on any saving throws made versus these opponents. This is an extraordinary ability. 2. Unfettered Attack You gain bonuses when unarmored. Prerequisite +6 To Hit, Dex 13+ Benefit If you are fighting while unarmored, you may double your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. Also you may double your Dexterity bonus on all Reflex saving throws. 3. One with the World You are in harmony with the universe. Prerequisite +9 To Hit, must be honorable and must not be tainted. Benefit If you get into combat with anyone who is dishonorable or corrupted with the Shadowlands Taint, these opponents must make a Will save versus your character level + your Charisma bonus when they attack you. If they succeed, they may attack you normally. If they fail their save, they may still attack, but you gain Damage Reduction of Your Character Level / +1. For example, if you are a 13th level character, with this technique, you would get a DR of 13/+1 when opponents fail their will save against you. This is a supernatural ability.
2. Pincers and Tail You gain a bonus to hit. Prerequisite Bayushi Bushi School, Way of the Scorpion, +4 To Hit Benefit You gain a +2 Circumstance bonus to hit an opponent who attacked and missed you the previous combat round. This bonus stacks with other To-hit bonuses. If you are attacked and hit by someone else during this round, you lose the bonus. 3. Strike at the Tail You gain bonuses at disarming opponents. Prerequisite Bayushi Bushi School, Way of the Scorpion, Pincers and Tail, +6 To Hit Benefit You gain a +4 To Hit when attempting to disarm your opponent. Your opponent may still make an attack of opportunity against you. If you succeed and make a dexterity check against your opponent's attack of opportunity roll, you negate the attack AND snatch his weapon away from him. If you fail the Dex check, nothing further happens. However, your opponent's attack may still hit. You do not need the Expertise Feat to use this ability (like Improved Disarm does...). 4. Strike from Above, Strike from Below You gain more attacks earlier in level. Prerequisite Bayushi Bushi School, Way of the Scorpion, Pincers and Tail, Strike at the Tail, +8 To Hit Benefit If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a + 3 katana, you have a total + 10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one attack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Normal You only get a number of attacks based exclusively on your class levels. 5. The Pincers Hold, the Tail Strikes You gain bonuses when holding in combat. Prerequisite Bayushi Bushi School, Way of the Scorpion, Pincers and Tail, Strike at the Tail, Strike from Above, Strike from Below, +10 To Hit Benefit If you declare to hold your action during combat, you may gain a +4 circumstance bonus to hit on your nearest opponent. In order for this to apply, you need to have a higher initiative roll than that opponent does. Your opponent does not gain an attack of opportunity but does get his normal actions (which may include attacks). If you are hit before you attack (by anyone), the bonus is negated. The +4 bonus, when added, may give you a bonus attack; if it sends your lowest attack bonus to +6 or more (calculate it like gaining in levels). This bonus stacks with other bonuses.
The Scorpion clan consists of the Bayushi, Yogo, Shosuro and Soshi families. Their primary bushi school is the Honors Lesson Dojo. Scorpion are trained to attack when it is unusual to do so. They are trained to attack from behind. Honor is different to the Scorpion. As long as they perform their appointed duty for Emperor, Daimyo and clan, nothing is below them. Bayushi Bushi School This feat allows the bushi access to Bayushi School Techniques. Prerequisite Dex 12+, either a member of Scorpion Clan, or take Different School Feat. Benefit +1 to Intelligence, The bushi gains access to Bayushi School Techniques. 1. The Way of the Scorpion You gain bonuses to initiative Prerequisite Bayushi Bushi School, +2 To Hit Benefit You gain a +4 on your initiative rolls. This stacks with the Improved Initiative feat. You do not get this bonus while flatfooted. You may also alter your initiative order by up to +3. This lasts for the entire combat.
The scorpion lord knew nothing of this and stated so to t e h magistrate. Satisfied but unconvinced, the Unicorn left and continued his investigation. The next day, the Unicorn was attacked and killed by members of his own team who were outraged at the implication that the Unicorn made against the Scorpion. It was clear that Mantis mercenaries were storing the opium in the warehouse secretly, without the Scorpions knowledge. A young Mantis was captured and he confessed to the crimes. Official apologies were sent to Bayushi Shiro and the Scorpion clan. Iioka was rewarded with fealty in return for the loss of his son, Tenjiro of the Mantis clan. Iioka was sent to Kyuden Bayushi for training and the swearing of fealty to the Scorpion clan. He returned to Ryoko Owari masked as a Scorpion. Iioka Bushi School 1. Strike from the Heavens The Iioka bushi strikes with the blessing of Heaven. Prerequisite +2 To Hit, 6 ranks in Bluff Benefit If the bushi makes a successful contested Bluff check versus the targets Sense Motive check, he gains a +1 To Hit for every 2 points he exceeds the targets Sense Motive check by. 2. Seize the Moment A bushi knows when and where to strike in combat. Prerequisite +4 To Hit, Improved Initiative Benefit The bushi with this technique may alter his initiative count by up to +/-5. This must be declared at the beginning of combat. It cannot be changed again until a new combat begins and new initiative is rolled. 3. The Hand of Fate Iioka decide the fate of their opponent with their method of attack. Prerequisite +6 To Hit, Weapon Specialization Benefit A bushi may choose one particular weapon quality from the following list: Defending, Ghost Touch, Keen, Speed, Vorpal or Wounding. His katana, when wielded, gains this property. This choice is permanent. For more information on weapon qualities, please see the D&D Dungeonmasters Guide, pp186-187. Special This feat may be taken multiple times. A new weapon quality may be chosen with each feat. Then the bushi may decide which quality is active in a given round. The bushi must decide which quality is up when his turn comes up.
Hantaro. They took him away, intending to ransom him and expose the girl for who she was. It didnt entirely work. She followed them and hunted them down. The assassins threatened to kill the father if she tried anything. As a response, she killed her father (She didnt like him very much anyway) and all the assassins. Magistrates interviewing her learned that the assassins killed her father (a gently laid lie). She inherited her fathers position and continued her nightly jaunts. Eventually, she opened her own school and trained others in her style of kenjutsu. Kochako Bushi School 1. The Way of Grace Kochako demonstrated that style is as important as substance. Prerequisite +3 To Hit, 4 ranks in Perform Benefit The bushi may add his Charisma bonus, if its higher than Strength, to his To Hit and damage rolls. 2. Learning to Learn It is important to know how to develop new ways to fight in battle, especially to remain unpredictable and superior in combat. Prerequisite +6 To Hit, Weapon Specialization, Void Use Benefit By making a successful Knowledge check versus a DC10 + the targets bushi level, the bushi may Spend a Void Point to negate any bushi technique that is used against him. The target technique must be successfully used against him for the bushi to target that technique. 3. My Enemys Weakness Kochako knew very well how to use her opponents weaknesses against them. Prerequisite +9 To Hit, 12 ranks in Sense Motive Benefit If a bushi has higher ranks in a class skill than a target, then she may add the difference of the two ranks as a bonus to her skill check in that skill. The bonus may not exc eed +5.
The Unicorn clan has the Shinjo, Otaku, Moto and Iuchi families as members. At Shinjo Dojo, the Unicorn bushi are taught mounted as well as ground combat. The horse is as important as the soldier to the Unicorn armies. They stress speed, maneuver and fearless bravery in the face of enemies. Also unorthodox gaijin tactics are taught as well an easy way to confuse enemies. Shinjo Bushi School (Core School) - This feat allows the bushi access to Shinjo School Techniques. Prerequisite - Wis 12+, either a member of Unicorn Clan, or take Different School Feat. Benefit - +1 to Dexterity, The bushi gains access to Shinjo School Techniques. 1. The Way of the Unicorn You gain bonuses in combat while mounted. Prerequisite - Shinjo Bushi School, +2 To Hit
Kochako Vassal)
Shosuro Kochako was a minor daughter to a great Shosuro Butei, Hantaro. She learned much from her father in the ways of courtly manner, but she was bored. In secret, she practiced kenjutsu with her guards, blackmailing them into silence. After a time, she mastered the sword and found herself going out at night under an assumed identity, challenging ronin to impromptu duels. Her skill and reputation grew as she defeated more and more opponents. Assassins attacked her home, looking for her. Instead, they discovered her father,
Benefit - While riding a horse (only horses), you gain a bonus to hit equal to one third your ride Ranks (round down). This applies only while riding and to any weapon the bushi is proficient with. 2. The Dance of the Blade You gain Armor Class bonus in combat. Prerequisite - Shinjo Bushi School, Way of the Unicorn, +4 To Hit Benefit - You have the option, as a full round action, to parry every attack made against you. You gain a +4 AC Dodge Bonus against all opponents who attack you that round. You cannot use this while flat -footed. You cannot attack at all that round. Other actions incur a -2 Circumstance Penalty, since you're concentrating on defensive postures. 3. The Four Winds Strike You gain extra attacks earlier in level. Prerequisite - Shinjo Bushi School, Way of the Unicorn, Dance of the Blade, +6 To Hit Benefit - If you get an extra attack based on ability bonuses, magic bonuses, or circumstance bonuses, you may calculate your extra attacks as if you had enough levels to use them. For example, if you're a 3rd level bushi (single classed), have an 18 Strength Score, and a + 3 katana, you have a total + 10 to hit bonus. This translates into +10/+5 in attacks (or two attacks). Normally a 3rd level bushi would have only one a ttack. The maximum number of attacks you can receive in one round is four. Normal - You only get a number of attacks based exclusively on your class levels. 4. One Spirit You gain bonuses while mounted. Prerequisite - Shinjo Bushi School, Way of the Unicorn, Dance of the Blade, Four Winds Strike, +8 To Hit Benefit You may double your Dexterity modifier for any Dexterity-based skill check when you are mounted on your horse. This bonus also includes a bonus to your Armor Class and Reflex saves. 5. Dancing with the Fortunes You may retry a task. Prerequisite - Shinjo Bushi School, Way of the Unicorn. Dance of the Blade, Four Winds Strike, One Spirit, + 10 To Hit. Benefit - If you fail any die roll, you may re-roll it. You must accept the second roll's results, better or worse. You may do this with any roll: Combat, Ability checks, Skill Checks, and so on. You may do this five times per day. Moto Bushi School This feat permits access to the Moto Bushi School techniques. Prerequisite The character must belong to the Moto family of the Unicorn clan, Void Use. Benefit +1 to Constitution, the bushi gains access to the Moto Bushi school techniques.
1. Purity of the Breath The bushi is first taught how to make every action perfect, from high-level activity like thought and kenjutsu down even to tasks like breathing and the very beating of the heart. The perfection of this Technique will take a lifetime. Prerequisite The character must not be dishonorable or affected by the Shadowlands Taint, Moto Bushi School, +2 To Hit Benefit The Moto may add his school rank to his To Hit and Damage rolls. If he should ever become dishonored, then this technique will not work, as well as subsequent techniques requiring this technique to qualify. 2. Facing the Dark Within Understanding the karmic ties between those of the Moto family and their corrupted kin, the bushi can detect the proximity of Shadowlands creatures near him. Prerequisite Moto Bushi School, Purity of the Breath, +4 To Hit Benefit The Moto bushi may detect a Shadowlands or Tainted creature by making a Spot check at a DC15. If he makes a DC20, he can determine direction and distance. If he can make a DC25, he can determine the nature of the creature (whether its a Shadowlands creature or merely a tainted person.). The maximum range of this technique is 10 feet per rank in Spot the Moto has. 3. Justice of our Ancestors Driven by the need for atonement, the bushi can focus on an aggressive attack to the exclusion of all else. Prerequisite Moto Bushi School, Purity of the Breath, Facing the Dark Within, +6 To Hit Benefit The bushi gains an extra attack at his highest attack bonus. He must perform a Full Attack in order to use this technique.
4. Avenging Our Own By this time, the bushi is the master of his fate and embraces the doom of his family. Prerequisite Moto Bushi School, Purity of the Breath, Facing the Dark Within, Justice of Our Ancestors, +8 To Hit Benefit The bushi may spend Void Points after making a skill or attack roll. Also the bushi may spend two points instead of one point. 5. Bloodied but Unbowed By this stage, the bushi is perfectly attuned to the doom of the Moto family. Prerequisite Moto Bushi School, Purity of the Breath, Facing the Dark Within, Justice of Our Ancestors, Avenging Our Own, +10 To Hit Benefit If he is hit in combat by a foe that has the Shadowlands Taint, the bushi receives a +4 on his Saving Throw to resist the Taint. If he dies, he can will his spirit to ravage his body, tearing and shredding it to prevent it from being animated. If he is brought below 0 Hit Points, he may spend a Void Point per Hit Point below 0 to raise his Hit Points back to 1, thus still being functional. When he runs out of Void Points, he becomes disabled or Dying as appropriate.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Special Mount 1 Riding in Harmony Ride Bonus +2 2 The Void of War Ride Bonus +4, Burst of Speed 3 Sensing the Breeze Ride Bonus +6 and +2 to mounted initiative 4 The Wind Never Stops Ride Bonus +8, Defensive Riding 5 Otakus Blessing attack, even after moving on her horse. Also, if she does not move and kills an opponent while mounted, she may immediately make another attack at another character in her reach. She may only gain one extra attack in this fashion. Rank 5 Otakus Blessing The Otaku believe their ancestor looks upon them as they charge into battle, bestowing her blessings on her most favored. If she makes an attack roll that is lower than her battle maiden level, she may re -roll that attack. This may only be done once per round. Special Mount The Otaku Battle Maiden receives a special mount that spends its life with her. It is a magical beast bred from the warhorses of the Ujik-hai. This animal is a heavy warhorse with special qualities to make it not unlike a Paladins mount. It is a superior mount which has special qualities that are listed on p35
Otaku Battle Maiden Techniques Rank 1 Riding in Harmony Her fiery ancestral yearning to be free, the battle maiden is one with Otaku when riding, preferably fast. While mounted, the battle maiden may add a +2 circumstance bonus to all her class skills. Rank 2 The Void of War The battle maiden has learned to strike first and strike hard. The battle maiden may subtract points from her Armor Class to add to her initiative roll. She may not lower her Armor Class below 10. She must declare this when initiative is rolled for combat. Rank 3 Sensing the Breeze The battle maiden has learned to avoid damage by rolling with the impact. She gains a Damage Resistance equal to her School Rank / . For example, when she gets this ability, her DR is 3/. Rank 4 The Wind Never Stops The battle maiden has learned the secret of the continuous strike. She may make a full
of the Rokugan Sourcebook. Please look to this source for more information. Ride Bonus The battle maiden receives a +2 competence bonus to Ride checks, starting at 3rd level. This bonus goes up by +2 every two levels (at 5th, 7th and 9th levels). Also at 7th level, the battle maiden receives a +2 to initiative while mounted. For more information, see the Rokugan supplement, pp35-36.
to lead this new clan in Rokugans defense. The name of Ichiro was carried on through his descendants to this day.
Ichiro Bushi School 1. The Way of the Badger You gain a bonus to Strength and Strength checks. Prerequisite Str 12+, must be a member of Badger clan. Benefit +1 to Strength, and your Strength modifier is considered an enhancement bonus against creatures or people with damage reduction. 2. Transcend the Mountain The Badger prize strength above all things, and excel at any task requiring a demonstration of physical might. Prerequisite Str 14+, +4 To Hit, Way of the Badger Benefit You double your Strength modifier when calculating the total modifier for Strength-based skills. 3. Indomitable Spirit The Badger bushi can stand against any foe in combat, no matter how strong. Prerequisite +8 To Hit, Way of the Badger, Transcend the Mountain Benefit You may not be Bull Rushed unless the attacker is Gargantuan or larger or has a Strength score 6 points higher than you. Also you cannot be knocked down as your connection to the Earth is more solid than others. Finally, you may use your Strength score, if its higher, instead of your Dexterity score to modify Reflex saves.
Burst of Speed At 5th level, the battle maiden can urge her mount to greater speeds. This doubles the distance of the mounts normal charge movement. This can be used once per day without penalty to the mount. For more information, please see the Rokugan supplement, p36. Defensive Riding A battle maiden may make a Ride check versus Damage dealt to her in order to reduce the damage by half. She must be aware of the attack in order to reduce its damage. If she is denied her Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, she cannot ride defensively. For more information, please see the Rokugan supplement, p36.
Falcon Clan
The Falcon clan was established to patrol the Shinomen Forest; the Falcon Rangers look for signs of Shadowlands creatures. The clan is renowned for its famous ghost hunters, specialists in wayward spirits. The clan is run by the Toritaka family, a family of primarily bushi, but those well versed in the lore of spirits.
Minor clans have developed over the years when the Emperor wanted to reward an individual or to settle a dispute between different clans. The first was the Fox clan, when some members of the Ki-Rin stayed behind to represent them in court. Emperor Hantei awarded them minor clan status to protect them from the great clans absorbing or attacking them. Over the years, other minor clans have come into existence, each with unique character and history. The common thing between them is that a Kami did not originally form those clans.
Badger Clan
The Badger clan was formed to protect Rokugans northern borders from attack by the Yobanjin tribes. The clans first daimyo was Hida Ichiro, whose strength was demonstrated
The rangers of the Toritaka family patrol the woods of the Shinomen, keeping the wood free of Tainted creatures and worse. Trained in woodcraft and in metaphysics, they hunt and they protect. Rangers are very spiritual, in touch with their ancestors and the other spirits in the forest. They seek to purify the Shinomen and make it clean for their clan and anyone who enters it. The Toritaka Ranger Level Attack Bonus 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10
Rangers of the Toritaka come primarily from their own family. Almost all have bushi training though a few may be shugenja. Rogues are fairly common also, though they act little different from the bushi. They are noble, but not well recognized outside their own court. In other clans, they are not respected, considered little more than barbarians. Hit Die: d8
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 The Eyes of the Falcon Speak with Animals 2 The Wings of the Falcon Bonus Bushi Feat 3 The Talons of the Falcon Sense Spirit Iron Will Bonus Bushi Feat Way of the Falcon Smite Spirit Guide, p60. For information on low-light vision, see the Players Handbook, p16. Rank 2 The Wings of the Falcon The falcon flies high and dives on his prey when he hunts. The ranger does much the same. The rangers move rate is increased by 10 feet per round. Rank 3 The Talons of the Falcon The falcon strike with swiftness and strength. The ranger gets a +2 speed bonus to initiative and a +2 speed bonus to hit. Speak with Animals The ranger, in harmony with the forest, learns its language. The ranger may speak with animals (as the spell Speak with Animals, p254 of the Players Handbook) as a shugenja of equal level to the rangers class levels. Bonus Bushi Feat The Toritaka Ranger gains a bonus feat as if he gained a level as a bushi. See the bushi list of bonus feats on pp3-4 of this document. Sense Spirit The Ranger is in tune with the sprits of the forest. He may Sense Spirits as described on p15 of the Magic of Rokugan sourcebook. Smite Spirit The Toritaka Rangers weapons become charged with holy energy. He may smite any evilly-aligned spirit or tainted creature as if his weapons were enchanted as smiting weapons. He gains his Charisma bonus as a to-hit modifier and adds his character level to h damage roll. For more information on is smiting, see the Players Handbook, p42, under Smite Evil (Paladin).
Requirements To qualify to become a Toritaka Ranger, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +3 Alignment: any Good Feats: Alertness, Void Use Animal Empathy: 6 ranks Intuit Direction: 6 ranks Wilderness Lore: 6 ranks Special: The character must belong to the Fox clan or swear fealty to the Fox clan and use the Different School feat. Class Skills The class skills of the Toritaka Ranger (and corresponding ability score) are Animal Empathy (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex) and Wilderness Lore (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Toritaka Ranger is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light armor. Toritaka Ranger Techniques Rank 1 The Eyes of the Falcon The Falcon ranger has superior vision. All spotting distances are doubled for the ranger. Also, the ranger receives low-light vision; the ranger can see twice as far in the dark as a normal character. For information on spotting distance, see the Dungeonmasters
Hare Clan
A ronin named Usagi bravely defended his lands when a Shadowlands army nearly destroyed it near the city of Ryoko Owari. He was rewarded with his own minor clan and his own family name. The Usagi of the Hare clan are known for their leaping attacks and defenses. They are also well-known Maho Tsukai hunters. Usagi Bushi School 1. The Way of the Hare You may make the trademark leaping attacks of the Hare Clan. Prerequisite You must be a member of the Hare Clan, Dex 13+, +1 To Hit, must possess the Jump skill as a class skill. Benefit If you make a leap of 6 feet or more, you gain a +4 To Hit Bonus on an attack. This bonus stacks with bonus received from a charge or partial charge action. 2. Speed of the Hare The fighting style of the Hare emphasizes speed and athleticism. In combat, a trained Hare is a blur of motion. Prerequisite Dex 14+, +5 To Hit, Void Use feat, Way of the Hare Benefit If you spend a Void point, you double your Dexterity bonus to initiative for the length of one combat encounter. 3. Kick of the Hare The Hare bushi deals extra damage in aerial attacks. Prerequisite Str 13+, Power Attack, Jump (4 Ranks), Way of the Hare, Speed of the Hare Benefit If you make a jumping Charge attack, and you hit, you do double damage.
2. Gusais Technique You can hide small weapons on your person. Prerequisite Dex 13+, Bluff Skill, Quick Draw, Way of the Mantis Benefit You may make a Bluff check with a +8 competence bonus when concealing a small (or smaller) piercing or slashing weapon on your person. Anyone attempting to detect the weapon must make an opposed Spot check against your Bluff check. If you appear to be unarmed, but quick draw your successfully concealed weapon and attack an opponent, you gain a +1d6 damage bonus against your opponent and negate his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for this attack. Any creature of animal Intelligence or lower, or that is not vulnerable to critical hits, is immune to this effect. This action may only be perfo rmed once per enemy, as they quickly grow wise to your deception. 3. Hand of Osano-wo You can take advantage of your strength when using two weapons. Prerequisite Ambidexterity, +3 To Hit, Str 15+, Two Weapon Fighting, Way of the Mantis, Gusais Technique Benefit You gain your full Strength bonus to all damage rolls with your off-hand weapon. This feat applies to double weapons as well. Normal Only one-half of a characters Strength bonus may be applied to damage dealt with a weapon held in the off hand.
Raven Clan
The Raven clan is unusual for it was started by a monk of Shinsei. The Hantei Emperor wished to reward the little monk for aiding in the War against the Dark Brother. But since Shinsei disappeared, he picked a worthy monk to act in his stead. The monk, whose name was Rimoshi, was given a small piece of land and a family name. The bushi who serve the Raven have since become very esoteric and even monk-like in behavior. Rimoshi Bushi School 1. The Way of the Raven You fight as Shinsei fought, with balance and control. Prerequisite Dex 13+, Void Use, must be a member of Raven Clan Benefit If you are unarmored, you gain your Wisdom bonus as a bonus to your Armor Class (same as the monks ability). Also you gain the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, and deal unarmed damage as a monk of equal level. 2. A Path of Action You can discern your way in combat as walking down a simple path. Prerequisite +5 To Hit, Improved Initiative, Way of the Raven Benefit No matter what you roll for initiative or when your turn comes up, you can benefit from a Held Action even in the first round of combat. You are not considered flat-footed in the first round of combat, either. 3. Attunement to Enlightenment You dial yourself in to the elements and reach levels of enlightenment unheard of in nature.
Mantis Clan
A dispossessed son of the Hida and Matsu families went to the Islands of Silk and was permitted to start his own clan. The Mantis is known as mercenaries and businessmen, a far cry from the samurai in Rokugan. Many also do not wield katana, preferring peasant weapons. They sail the coasts of Rokugan, trading and shipping between the Great Clans. Mantis Bushi School 1. The Way of the Mantis You have proficiency in many strange weapons. Prerequisite +1 To Hit, Dex 13+, must be a member of the Mantis Clan Benefit Pick three small weapons, two medium weapons, or one large and one small weapon that you are currently not proficient in. You gain proficiency in the selected weapon or weapons. You may not select a weapon with a base cost of more than 50 koku (50 gp). Special This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time it is learned, it applies to a new weapon or group of weapons.
Prerequisite Wis 13+, +9 To Hit, Way of the Raven, A Path of Action Benefit While in combat, you get a +4 enhancement bonus to all Will saves. Also in combat, all Wisdom-based skills are made as if the PC was taking 10.
Sparrow Clan
Doji Suzume was offered a fief and minor clan status when he lectured of the benefits of asceticism. No one is sure if the appointment was truly a joke or a serious matter. The Sparrow live very sparingly in a region that is hard to live in. The Suzume family has become famous storytellers and philosophers. Suzume Bushi School 1. The Way of the Sparrow You are well informed in a variety of areas, and can draw upon the great wealth of knowledge that is the trademark of the Suzume. Prerequisite Int 13+, must be a member of the Sparrow Clan Benefit All knowledge skills are class skills for you. You gain a +2 bonus on all Perform checks. 2. Purity of Purpose A Sparrow accepts his destiny, and ignores all obstacles that attempt to keep him from it. Prerequisite +4 To Hit, must be honorable, Way of the Sparrow Benefit With a successful Knowledge (Shintao) check (DC 20), you do not suffer penalties for being reduced to 0 or fewer hit points and cannot be stunned, staggered, or knocked unconscious. You remain conscious and fully active. If you are reduced to 10 hit points, you die normally. This feats effects last for one round per Honor rank you possess. After it expires, you are considered fatigued until you receive at least eight hours of rest, and must rest an additional eight hours before you can recover hit points or spells (if you can cast them) naturally. 3. Wisdom is the Greatest Weapon You can determine the best way to attack an opponent in combat. Prerequisite Wis 13+, +8 To Hit, Way of the Sparrow, Purity of Purpose Benefit You may add your Wisdom bonus to your initiative roll in addition to your Dexterity bonus. Also, you gain your Wisdom bonus on your To Hit rolls, in addition to your Strength bonus.
Wasp Clan
Tsuruchi was the son of a Scorpion and a Lion. Treachery killed his family, and neither clan came to help him. So he forged his own future, gaining minor clan status with the help of the Emerald Champion, Doji Satsume. The Wasp have since become Bounty Hunters, eschewing the katana, believing honor is something in side oneself, not something carried.
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Bounty Hunter is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light armor. Wasp Bounty Hunter Techniques Rank 1 Never Let the Blade Reach You You can act on the defensive when using your bow. You gain an improved version of Point Blank Shot feat, gaining a +1 To Hit at a range of 60 feet or less. Also, if youre firing your bow and you have someone threatening you, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the creature threatening you. Normal Point Blank Shot allows a +1 To Hit at a range of 30 feet or less. The Wasp Bounty Hunter Level Attack Bonus 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10
Rank 2 The Sting of the Wasp You are capable of instilling your arrows with your spiritual energy. By meditating over the arrow for one hour and concentrating on a specific target (names arent required but the specific person or creature must be visualized), the arrow may smite the target as a paladin of equal level to the bounty hunter. He may only have one of these arrows at one time. He may discharge it in order to make an arrow for a new target. Rank 3 The Arrow Knows the Way You have truly mastered the art of the bow, firing without thought. If you take a full round to concentrate on a single target and fire in one single fluid motion, you may take 20 on the attack roll the following round. This does not result in a critical hit. You must roll normally in order to get a critical hit.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special 1 Never Let the Blade Reach You Ranged Attack Bonus +1, Increased Range 2 The Sting of the Wasp Ranged Attack Bonus +2 3 The Arrow Knows the Way Ranged Attack Bonus +3, Increased Range Damage Bonus + 1d8 Ranged Attack Bonus +4 Damage Bonus + 1d10 Ranged Attack Bonus +5, Increased Range
Ranged Attack Bonus At 2nd level, the bounty hunter gets a +1 to hit with ranged attacks with the bow. This bonus is cumulative with other attack bonuses. This bonus goes up by +1 for every 2 levels (+2 at 4th, +3 at 6th, +4 at 8th, +5 at 10th level). Increased Range The bounty hunter gets to add 10 feet to the range increment of any bow he fires. At 6th level, this bonus increases to 20 feet and at 10th level it increases to 30 feet per increment. Damage Bonus The bounty hunter knows how to bypass armor with his bow. He gains an additional 1d8 damage on his bows damage at 7th level. At 9th level, this bonus goes to 1d10 damage.
Shimmen Family
(Former Mirumoto Vassal) Mirumoto Shimmen was the son of a minor branch of the Mirumoto family. After graduating from the Iron Mountain, he went to serve under the Dragon diplomat in Otosan Uchi. He served as a bodyguard and friend to Kitsuki Suzuki, a wellknown and respected magistrate. As time passed, he would practice fencing with any who would have him. He developed new techniques which he shared with those who would accept his teaching. Shimmen gained respect and honor in Otosan Uchi. A young student of his studied in secret and turned out to be the son of the Hantei Emperor. Hantei was so pleased with his sons skill and demeanor, he ordered the Dragon Champion to give Shimmen his own vassal family. The Dragon Champion complied. After some time, the descendants of Shimmen became renowned sensei; one actually was the head of the Iron Mountain dojo. Shimmen Takezo was the last of his line. He was a widower and had no brothers and sisters. He practiced fencing daily, but felt he was missing something. He went to the Mirumoto daimyo and requested to go on a musha shugyo. The daimyo agreed, and Takezo left immediately. He toured all over Rokugan, finding lessons from the great masters. Finally after three years, he met Sasaki Kojiro, a vassal of the Hantei himself. They fought, and Takezo won. He left after that bout and went off to be by himself to study and meditate. He has not been seen since. Others have studied under Lord Shimmen, so the dojo of the Mirumoto vassal is not lost. However, it is being preserved by a Mirumoto, until Shimmen Takezo would return.
Over the years, various ronin have developed bushi techniques that fit their particular outlook on life. They are not formalized into bushi schools, but taught individually from one master to one student. For a bushi to know many techniques, he must have many connections among the ronin of Rokugan.
Shimmen Kenshi (Swordsman) School 1. Daisho Technique You may use both swords in combat without penalty. Prerequisite +4 To Hit, Dex 15+ Benefit The Mirumoto duelist is one with his weapons. Twoweapon fighting penalties are zero. He is considered to have the Ambidexterity feat for the technique to work. Also, when dueling, he may use both swords (katana and wakizashi) when using Iaijutsu Focus. 2. The Middle Position You know the best position from which to attack or defend. Prerequisite Combat Reflexes, Expertise, +8 To Hit Benefit As a reaction, you may add or subtract bonuses to or from Armor Class to or from Attack Bonus. You may not lower either bonus to zero. You may declare this when your turn comes up or as a reaction to an opponents maneuver. 3. Fire and Stones Cut You execute an overhead cut that can overwhelm an opponent. Prerequisite Weapon Specialization (Katana), Power Attack, Cleave, +12 To Hit Benefit If you execute an attack at an opponents head, your threat range is 2 points better than normal (for example, a katanas threat range is 17-20. Also, you may double your Strength modifier to add to the damage roll.
Prerequisite +4 To Hit, Wis 13+, must be Ronin, must not be dishonorable Benefit The Ronin gains a net +3 on all Will saves and any social skills with a member of the Great Clans. The Ronin must not act dishonorable in front of others or lose this benefit permanently.
I Am My Own Master You are not beholden to others and are free to live as you will.
One Against Many When faced against many opponents in combat, the ronin has an improved defense. Prerequisite Expertise, Dex 15+
Benefit If fighting more than one opponent in combat and youre alone, you may add a +1 to Armor Class for every two opponents you face. The maximum bonus for this technique is +4. To Know Success Even a ronin can feel the honor and glory of victory. Prerequisite May not be dishonorable, Wis 13+ Benefit A ronin who presents himself in an honorable manner may receive a +2 to all Charisma-based skill checks. If he ever becomes dishonorable, he loses the benefits from this feat permanently. A Question of Honor Even a ronin has honor, but sometimes his definition of honor is different than others. Prerequisite May not be dishonorable, 4 ranks in Knowledge (Etiquette), 4 ranks in Innuendo Benefit In a social situation, if the ronin needs to make a Will save for any reason, he gains a +2 bonus on that roll. This bonus stacks with other circumstance bonuses to this roll. The Benefits of Glory An honorable ronin stands above the rest in a public situation. Prerequisite Must be honorable, Cha 13+ Benefit If in any type of public combat (battle, barroom brawl, or street fight), the ronin receives a +2 Circumstance bonus to Armor Class, To Hit, and Damage. If he ever loses honorable status, he loses the benefits of this feat. If he ever becomes dishonorable, the benefits turn into a 2 penalty. The penalty remains until he regains enough honor to lose dishonorable status. Dutys Call Even a ronin feels the call to arms. Prerequisite Must be in service to a great or minor clan Benefit The ronin may add his honor rank to all To Hit and Damage rolls in combat. This stacks with other circumstance bonuses to hit or damage. Stillness of Motion In the proper belief of Bushido, even stillness is considered a type of motion. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit The ronin receives a +2 to Armor Class. This bonus stacks with other AC bonuses. Also the ronin is never considered flat-footed nor can he be flanked. He only loses this bonus if he magically held or physically tied up. The Unheard Sound If there is a sound and it is not heard, is it really there? The ronin may be able to tell you. Prerequisite Wis 13+, Con 13+ Benefit Listen becomes a class skill for the ronin if it was not before. Also he receives a +2 sensitivity bonus to all Listen checks. Break Their Stance You may disrupt an opponents stance during a duel. Prerequisite 6 ranks in Iaijutsu Focus, Dex 13+, +4 To Hit Benefit If in an iaijutsu duel with an opponent, you may make an extra iaijutsu focus roll in order to force the opponent to make a Will save against it. The DC of the roll is your iaijutsu focus
roll. If you win, the opponent may not add any special modifiers to his base attack bonus other than his class and strength bonus. Blessing of Sake You fall under the influence of alcohol while in combat. Prerequisite Con 16+ Benefit Whilst using this technique, the ronin staggers, stumbles, sways and falls as though he is drunk, distracting his opponent. You gain an alcoholic bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Constitution modifier.
Unlocking the Fortunes You learn your duty which is defending the Emerald Empire. Prerequisite The character must be Honorable Benefit The bearer of one of the Heavenly Swords knows that it is his destiny to protect the Empire, and those who cannot do so themselves, something many clan Samurai seem to have forgotten how to do in recent times. The ronin in question gains a bonus to hit equal to his honor rank. Reverse Hand Draw You have a unique method of drawing your weapon. Prerequisite Dex 16+, Iaijutsu Focus 6 ranks Benefit The Bentenrai bothers taught their students an unusual way of drawing and wielding a katana. The sword is drawn so that the tsuba touches the bottom of the fist. This allows for a quicker draw, but makes it more difficult to strike an opponent. Using this technique gives a +4 bonus to initiative but a -2 on the ronin's to hit roll. (Think Zatoichi!) Fortune Favors the Mortal Man You are truly blessed by the Fortunes. Prerequisite The ronin must be Honorable, +5 To Hit, Wis 14+ Benefit The ronin may re-roll any roll of one on a skill roll, saving throw attack roll or ability check. The ronin must follow the superstitions of his home province, or the benefits of this technique are lost forever.
Shugenja are the spellcasting priests of Rokugan. They wield magic, act as spiritual and political advisors, and lead men like bushi. They are also of the samurai social class. The Isawa family developed their magic many years ago. Over the years, it evolved with the inclusion of the Tao of Shinsei and the peculiarities of the individual clans. The spells are cast from scrolls (which are not consumed in the casting), but some shugenja can learn to cast them innately from within. Shugenja are just as important to bushi in Rokugan, and are considered equal in terms of social caste and political power.
tenets of good and neutrality. Almost all are Lawful to Neutral, since the Tao preaches these tenets. There are few chaotic or evil shugenja. However, there is nothing that specifically states that they cannot be evil or chaotic. Like bushi, it would be difficult for a shugenja to be evil unless they are in positions of power and responsibility. Religion Shugenja primarily teach the Tao of Shinsei, mixed with a healthy dose of ancestor worship and veneration of nature spirits. Some sects follow different interpretations of the Tao. Some emphasize ancestor worship. Others stress nature worship. The most unusual group of shugenja is the Iuchi family of the Unicorn clan. They also use what they call meishodo, or naming magic. When traveling outside of Rokugan in the Burning Sands desert, they learned this magic from the locals and incorporated it into their own. Background Most shugenja go to their family school of magic for their clan. They are tested when they are children and brought to the school at a particular edge. They spend years under the tutelage of a mentor and gain their first spells at their gempukku, or coming of age ceremony. Ronin shugenja exist, either as castouts from a clan o born ronin and tutored by another ronin r shugenja.
Game Rule Information Adventures In many ways, shugenja see an adventure in the same way a bushi will: A way to glorify ancestors, their lord and their clan. But they do it in different ways. They offer help to others, use their magic to fight foes, and spread the faith of Shinsei for all to experience. However, an adventure could be merely a journey to a shrine to meditate on some point of the Tao of Shinsei. The shugenja is an example of polar opposites at times. They are capable of violence, but surrounded by an aura of peace. They are full of the wisdom of their ancestors and Shinsei, but mindful of what they say to others. Characteristics Shugenja are the best spellcasters in Rokugan. They are not as good in melee combat, and the priest who picks up a katana better know how to use it or embarrass himself in front of others. They tend toward the more peaceful ways of life as Diplomats, Advisors and Priests. They are more adept at the high skills of calligraphy, oration, and meditation. As samurai, they are expected to lay their lives down for their lord, as bushi do. Abilities Wisdom determines how powerful a spell a shugenja can cast, how many spells he can cast per day, and how hard those spells are to resist. To cast a spell, a shugenja must have a wisdom score of 10 + the spells level. A shugenja gets bonus spells based on wisdom. The difficulty class of a saving throw against a shugenjas spell is 10 + the spells level + the shugenjas wisdom modifier. A high constitution improves a shugenjas hit points. High intelligence will give him more skill points. Alignment Shugenja may be of any alignment. Hit Die: d8 Class Skills The class skills of the shugenja (and corresponding ability score) are Battle (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Tea Ceremony (Wis) and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int Modifier
Alignment The idea of morals and ethics is very important to shugenja in Rokugan. The great majority of them follow the
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The shugenja is proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons. For purposes of L5R D20, the katana is a martial weapon (A character needs not take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feat to use a katana.). He is also proficient in light armor. Note that armor check penalties apply for armor heavier than leather. The following skills are affected if the shugenja is wearing heavier than leather armor: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a 1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor and equipment carried.
Spells A shugenja casts spells according to Table 2a: Shugenja Spells. A shugenja may prepare and cast any spell in the shugenja spell list (except for Void spells, which only Isawa Ishiken may cast), provided she can cast spells of that level. The difficulty class for a shugenjas spell is 10 + the spells level + the shugenjas wisdom modifier (See individual clan schools for more information.). Shugenja do not memorize spells as in Normal D&D. For each spell they can cast, they must have a scroll. The scroll is not consumed in the casting. Generally, shugenja of different schools do not share scrolls with each other. Each day, shugenja may cast a number of spells (Table 2a), but do not fill each slot with a particular spell, like a sorcerer. Shugenja must rest daily in order to continue casting spells (See p156 of the Players Handbook.) Special School Feat / Bonus Feat Innate Ability Bonus Feat Innate Ability Bonus Feat Innate Ability Bonus Feat Innate Ability Bonus Feat Innate Ability Bonus Feat
Table 2a: The Shugenja Level Base Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6/+1 9 +6/+1 10 +7/+2 11 +8/+3 12 +9/+4 13 +9/+4 14 +10/+5 15 +11/+6/+1 16 +12/+7/+2 17 +12/+7/+2 18 +13/+8/+3 19 +14/+9/+4 20 +15/+10/+5
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Bonus Feats Starting at 1st Level, the shugenja gets a school feat (if a member of a shugenja school) or bonus feat in addition to the feat that any 1st Level character gets and the bonus feat granted to humans. The shugenja gains an additional bonus feat at 4th Level, then 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th. These bonus feats must be drawn from the following list: Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse*, and Weapon Focus*. The following spellcaster feats are also available: Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell, and Spell Mastery*. Some of the bonus feats available to a shugenja cannot be acquired until he has gained one or more prerequisite feats; the feats are listed in the Players Handbook, chapter 5. The shugenja may take a feat marked with an asterisk (*) more than one time, but it must be with a different weapon (or spell). A
shugenja must meet all prerequisites for a feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums. (See Chapter 5: Feats, of the Players Handbook, p77.) Important: These bonus feats are in addition to the feats gained every three levels on Table 3-2 of the Players Handbook. The shugenja is not limited to the types of feats he can take with those allocated slots.
Innate Spell Abilities Innate spell ability is a spell ability that can be cast by a shugenja without a spell scroll as a combat action. A shugenja with innate spell ability may cast the chosen spell at will as a move-equivalent action once per day per five levels. He does not need the spell scroll, and it does not take up a spell slot of the appropriate level in spells cast per day. The shugenja must have
the spells scroll in possession when he takes this feat. He may not make a spell innate if its higher level than he can cast. This feat cant be taken with character-level feats, only shugenja-level feats. When he takes this feat, he must meditate for one day per spell level to incorporate into his spirit. The scroll is consumed at the end of the meditation period. Starting shugenja spells by clan Shugenja PCs, when starting out, receive 1st level spells according to the clan they belong to. The family feats listed
under the shugenja schools are not required for the player to be a shugenja of that clan. Give your shugenja the following spells by the element type listed (please see the Rokugan supplement, p92). They may choose a number of Level 0 Spells (Rokugan p91) from their available element equal to their Intelligence modifier. These Level 0 spells are taken as bonus innate abilities for free. Spells listed PHB are in the D&D Players Handbook, OA are D&D Oriental Adventures Handbook, and Rokugan are the Rokugan Handbook. The page of the reference is listed after. For an updated spell list, please see Appendix A of this supplement.
Table 2b: Shugenja Spells Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 5 4 3 2 6 4 4 3 7 5 4 3 2 8 5 4 4 3 9 5 5 4 3 2 10 5 5 4 4 3 11 6 5 5 4 3 12 6 5 5 4 4 13 6 6 5 5 4 14 6 6 5 5 4 15 6 6 6 5 5 16 7 6 6 5 5 17 7 6 6 6 5 18 7 7 6 6 5 19 7 7 6 6 6 20 7 7 7 6 6 *In addition to the stated number of spells per day for 1st through 9th level spells, a Wisdom score. See Table 1-1 on p8 of the Players Handbook.
6th 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 shugenja
The magic of the Imperial families tends toward three specific things: To astound and confound a person (Air magic), to control the political situation of the courts, and to protect the Emperor from potential harm. The Seppun family shugenja, like the yojimbo, exist to primarily keep the Emp eror out of harms way. That is not always easy, with the Emperor wishing to have Winter Court in different places and the countless courtiers and others wishing to see the Emperor for whatever reasons. They are always vigilant. Seppun Family This feat give benefits to the Seppun shugenja. Prerequisite Wis 14+, must be a member of the Imperial Families Benefit +1 to Charisma and the shugenja gains a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
Seppun Shugenja School 3 Earth Spells 2 Air Spells 1 Water Spell Protection of Shinsei (Sanctuary, PHB p247) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Know the Mind (Detect Thoughts, PHB p194) Level 3 Counterspell (Dispel Magic, PHB p196) Level 4 Anchor the Soul (Death Ward, PHB p191) Level 5 Spirit of Air (Dimension Door, PHB p195) Level 6 Peace of the Kami (Heal, PHB p213) Level 7 Kamis Reflection (Spell Turning, PHB p255) Level 8 Summon True Kami (Summon Natures Ally VIII, PHB pp260-261; the shugenja may only summon a greater Earth Elemental) Level 9 Purity of the Seven Thunders (Rokugan p103)
The Artisans of the Anou family make many enchanted items for the Imperial Families for use as gifts and items to aid and protect the Emperor. The original Hida Anou impressed the Emperor with his creations and the current members of the Anou family still impress him. Shugenja from all parts of the Empire come to learn from the Anou, but the secret techniques of artifact creation remain hidden to the core family of Anou. Examples of their work exist throughout the Empire, samples of culture and magical wonder. Hit Die: d6 Requirements In order to become an Anou Artisan, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Craft Wondrous Item Craft: 6 ranks Knowledge (Arcana): 6 ranks Use Magic Device: 6 ranks Special: The character must belong to the Imperial Families or the Anou family. Class Skills The class skills of the Anou Artisan (and corresponding ability score) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int Modifier
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 The Way of Anou +1 level of Spellcasting Class 2 Bringing the World to Life +1 level of Spellcasting Class 3 Gift of the Emperor +1 level of Spellcasting Class Innate Ability +1 level of Spellcasting Class Innate Ability +1 level of Spellcasting Class levels are added to any previous spellcasting levels in order to figure the spellcasters actual level for number of spells gained and spell levels gained. Anou Shugenja School 3 Air Spells 2 Earth Spells 1 Water Spell Protection of Shinsei (Sanctuary, PHB p247)
When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list (if he already has a particular spell level when he gains this class, he automatically gains spells up to the level he can cast): Level 2 Bentens Touch (RK p96) Level 3 Know the Earth (Stone Shape, PHB p257) Level 4 Wisdom of the Kami (RK p106) Level 5 True Mists of Illusion (Persistent Image, PHB p235) Level 6 Armor of the Emperor II (Stoneskin, PHB p257) Level 7 Statue (PHB p256) Level 8 Call the Spirit (MR p28) Level 9 Castle of Earth (MR pp28-29) Anou Artisan School Techniques Rank 1 The Way of Anou Awakening a nemuranai is second nature to the Anou. When crafting any wondrous item, he need only spend 1/50th of the XP value of the item in order to create it. He may never create an item that may cause damage of any type to any one. He may craft defensive items, however. Rank 2 Bringing the World to Life To a shugenja, all things have life. The Anou can find those spirits in any item. The Anou has the ability to Animate Objects, as a move-equivalent action. The cost is 25XP per size category of the item animated. The largest item he may animate is an item of large size. For more information on Animate Objects, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p174. Rank 3 Gift of the Emperor The blessing of the Emperor is life eternal, as a fortune in the sky. The Anou artisan may use this gift to bring glory to a person. Whenever the Anou presents a gift to someone, he gains a +4 to all Charisma-based skill checks. Innate Ability The Artisan may take any Earth or Air spell he can cast as an innate ability for free. For more information on innate abilities, see this document on page 39.
Benefit +1 to Constitution and the shugenja receives one 1st level Earth spell as an innate ability. Kuni Shugenja School 3 Earth Spells 2 Fire Spells 1 Water Spell Biting Steel (Magic Weapon, PHB p225) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Tetsubo of Earth (OA p117) Level 3 Biting Steel II (Greater Magic Weapon, PHB p210) Level 4 Dismissal (PHB p196) Level 5 Dispel Taint (OA pp101-102) Level 6 Banishment (PHB p177) Level 7 Tomb of Jade (OA pp117-118) Level 8 Binding (PHB p179) Level 9 Imprisonment (PHB p217)
The shugenja of the Crab clan live to do only one thing: To destroy the foul creatures that come from the Shadowlands. The Kuni family develops new ways and spells to fight their ever-changing and resilient foes. The shugenja are methodical and detached in their work, studying the goblins, ogres, and oni with scientific interest. Occasionally, they would commission someone to bring live specimens back from the Shadowlands so they can do live experiments. Many a time unholy screams have been heard coming from Kuni towers. Few inquire as to the nature of those screams. Kuni Family This feat gives benefits to the Kuni shugenja. Prerequisite Must be honorable, must be a member of the Kuni family or take the Different School feat.
Gather Information: 4 Ranks Knowledge (Shadowlands): 4 Ranks Sense Motive: 4 Ranks Spot: 4 Ranks Alignment: Any Non-evil Special: The character must be a member of the Kuni family of the Crab Clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Kuni Witch Hunter (and corresponding ability score) Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge Shadowlands (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier The Kuni Witch Hunter Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +1 4 +2 5 +2 6 +3 7 +3 8 +4 9 +4 10 +5
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kuni Witch Hunter is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light armor. Spell Progression If the character was a shugenja before becoming a witch hunter, he continues to gain spells as a shugenja. He gains new slots/levels at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th level. He gains spell slots and possibly higher level spells, but he does not gain any feats or other special abilities of the shugenja. These levels are added to any previous spellcasting levels in order to figure the spellcasters actual level for number of spells gained and spell levels gained.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 To Strike the Darkness Jade Strike (as Spell), +1 level of Spellcasting Class 2 To See the Darkness Great Fortitude, +1 level of Spellcasting Class 3 To Ride the Darkness Tomb of Jade (as Spell), +1 level of Spellcasting Class 4 To Repel the Darkness Remain Conscious, +1 level of Spellcasting Class 5 To Shatter the Darkness Castle of Earth (as Spell), +1 level of Spellcasting Class Jade Strike The character may cast a Jade Strike spell as a caster of equal level to the Hunters class level. For more information on Jade Strike, please see D&D Oriental Adventures, p107. Great Fortitude The Kuni Witch Hunter receives the Great Fortitude Feat at 4th level. The character gains a +2 to all Fortitude Saving Throws. For more information, see the D&D Players Handbook, p82. Tomb of Jade At 6th level, the Hunter may cast Tomb of Jade as a caster equal to the Hunters class level. For more information on Tomb of Jade, see D&D Oriental Adventures, p117.
Kuni Witch Hunter School Techniques Rank 1 To Strike the Darkness The Witch Hunter gains a +2 to hit against all Shadowlands Creatures or anyone with the Shadowlands Taint. Also, the Hunter is considered to have a +2 enhancement bonus for creatures with Damage Reduction. The Hunter does not receive this bonus on his hit roll. Rank 2 To See the Darkness A Kuni Witch Hunter may detect a Tainted creature if he makes a Wisdom check at DC 15 + the Tainted Creatures Shadowlands Rank. The target creature must be within 100 feet and within line of sight. Rank 3 To Ride the Darkness The Tsukai Sagasu has the ability to resist Taint if damaged in combat and exposed to Taint. She need only make a Fortitude Save at a DC of the damage done against her. Rank 4 To Repel the Darkness The Hunter has the ability to repel Tainted creatures. He can repel Taint equal to or less than his character level. This ability cannot be turned off, so it may act as an impromptu Taint detection. The Tainted creature acts as if a Magic Circle against Evil had been cast. Rank 5 To Shatter the Darkness The Kuni Witch Hunter may destroy a target Tainted creature if she hits one in combat. The target needs to make a Fortitude saving throw versus the damage done by the hunter. If the Tainted creature fails the saving throw, he is killed instantly. If this happens in the Shadowlands, the destroyed creature will rise again as a zombie unless beheaded.
Remain Conscious At 8th level, the Hunter gains the Remain Conscious feat. It is assumed that the character has all the prerequisites to receive this feat. If the hunter is reduced to 0 hit points, the hunter may make one partial action per round until she reaches 10 hit points. For more information, see the D&D Sword and Fist Supplement, p9.
Castle of Earth The character may cast a Castle of Earth spell as a caster of equal level to the Hunters class level. For more information on Castle of Earth, please see Magic of Rokugan, p28.
Crane shugenja came into existence when Isawa Asahina swore fealty to the Crane hundreds of years ago. The Asahina is a very peace-loving family and will not make magic for war. This was done one time when Asahina Yajinden forged the Blood Swords for the Sorcerer Iuchiban. The Asahina are now known for small magical fetishes called tsangusuri and for healing, for which they are renown. Asahina Family This feat gives benefits to the Asahina shugenja. Prerequisite Must be Lawful Good, must be a member of the Crane Clan or swear fealty to the Asahina family. Benefit +1 to Wisdom and a +2 bonus to all Will saves. Asahina Shugenja School 3 Air Spells 2 Earth Spells 1 Water Spell By the Light of Lord Moon (Detect Snares and Pits, PHB p194)
When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Know the Mind (Detect Thoughts, PHB, p194) Level 3 Watchful Spirit (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, PHB p184) Level 4 Divination (PHB p197) Level 5 Greater Commune (Commune with Nature, PHB p186) Level 6 Find the Path (PHB p203) Level 7 Commune with History (Legend Lore, PHB pp219220) Level 8 Vision (PHB p269) Level 9 Oracles Sight (Foresight, PHB p207)
Scry (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Tea Ceremony (Wis) and Use Magic Device (Int). Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kakita Artisan is proficient in simple weapons and the wakizashi. He is not proficient in any armor. The Kakita Artisan Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +0 3 +1 4 +1 5 +1 6 +2 7 +2 8 +2 9 +3 10 +3
Spell Progression The character continues to gain spells as a shugenja. He gains new slots/levels at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level. He gains spell slots and possibly higher level spells, but he does not gain any feats or other special abilities of the shugenja. These levels are added to any previous spellcasting levels in order to figure the spellcasters actual level for number of spells gained and spell levels gained.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Craft Ofuda, +1 level of Spellcasting Class Bonus Feat (as Shugenja) Innate Ability (as Shugenja) , +1 level of Spellcasting Class Craft Talisman Bonus Feat (as Shugenja) , +1 level of Spellcasting Class Innate Ability (as Shugenja) Craft Magic Arms & Armor, +1 level of Spellcasting Class Bonus Feat (as Shugenja) Innate Ability (as Shugenja) , +1 level of Spellcasting Class Subdual Substitution Innate Ability The Artisan may set any of the spells she knows as an innate ability, limited to the restrictions of a shugenja of equal level. For purposes of this ability, add the Artisan levels to any shugenja levels this character has. Craft Talisman The Artisan is skilled at crafting small, one-use magic items called tsangusuri. This ability is identical to the Craft Wondrous Item feat in the D&D Player's Handbook. However, the only items that the artisan may create are one-use magic items. The item may be imbued with a spell of 3rd level or less only. The costs and requirements for this are listed in the Player's Handbook. For more information on this ability, please see the D&D Player's Handbook, p.81. For more information on this, please see Oriental Adventures, pp61-62. Craft Magic Arms and Armor Armor and Weapon Smiths have the ability to create enchanted weapons and armor. They awaken the spirit of the item, giving it special powers. This is identical to the feat Craft Magic Arms and Armor in the D&D Player's Handbook. Generally, the smith specializes in one type of item, such as swords, armor, pole arms, bows, or whatever. The costs listed for each item are in either the D&D Player's Handbook or Dungeonmaster's Guide. For more information on this ability, please see the Player's Handbook, p.81. Subdual Substitution If the Artisan casts a spell that causes damage, he may set the damage listed as subdual damage instead of lethal damage. Choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The artisan can modify a spell with the chosen designator to inflict subdual damage instead of energy damage.
Craft Ofuda The Kakita Artisan may craft paper charms called Ofuda. The craft is identical to the Scribe Scroll feat described in the Player's Handbook. The Artisan may craft an Ofuda of any spell she knows. It takes 1 day for each 1000gp in its base price. The base price of a spell is its spell level multiplied by its caster level multiplied by 25gp. To scribe the scroll, the caster must spend 1/25th of this cost in Experience Points and use up raw materials equal to 1/2 the base cost. For more information on this feat, please see the D&D Player's Handbook, p.84. Bonus Feats The Kakita Artisan may use the Shugenja list for bonus feats as if he were a Shugenja of equal level. For purposes of this ability, add the Artisan levels to any shugenja levels this character has.
The subdual spell works normally except for the type of damage dealt. The spell is cast at the same level as the original spell, unless it is modified by other metamagic feats. If the Artisan is a spellcaster, he is considered to have all the prerequisites for this ability. For more information on this ability, please see the D&D Tome and Blood supplement, p.42. If the character is not a spellcaster, then he may choose a bonus feat from the list above.
The shugenja of the Dragon clan are a very philosophical lot. Their practice of magic is unusual at best. Their understanding of the Tao of Shinsei seems incorrect and largely intuitive. But their magic is powerful and deep. They are well acquainted with the element of fire and know well how to awaken the spirit in objects. They do not object to enchanting weapons, unlike those of the Crane. Also, they have developed alchemical arts to a fine degree. Shugenjas use of magic in combat is also well incorporated with normal military operations. Agasha Family This feat gives benefits to the Agasha shugenja. Prerequisite The shugenja must be honorable, must be a member of the Dragon clan. Benefit The character receives a +1 to any ability score. Agasha Shugenja School 3 Fire Spells 2 Earth Spells 1 Air Spell Burning Hands (PHB pp181-182) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Summon Flame (Produce Flame, PHB pp238-239) Level 3 Suns Anger (Searing Light, PHB p248) Level 4 Fireball (PHB pp203-204) Level 5 The Thunderers Strike (Flame Strike, PHB p205-206) Level 6 Fires of Purity (OA p104) Level 7 Tempest of Fire (Fire Storm, PHB p205) Level 8 Delayed Blast Fireball (PHB p191) Level 9 Tears of the Heavens (Meteor Swarm, PHB pp227228)
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Kagaku +1 level of Spellcasting Class Kagaku (4th Level); Skill Focus (Concentration) +1 level of Spellcasting Class Kagaku (5th Level); Master Researcher +1 level of Spellcasting Class Kagaku (6th Level); Skill Focus (Spellcraft) +1 level of Spellcasting Class Kagaku (7th Level); Warrior Shugenja +1 level of Spellcasting Class
Craft: 6 ranks Knowledge (Arcana): 6 ranks Special: The character must belong to the Dragon clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Agasha Alchemist (and corresponding ability score) are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Agasha Alchemist is proficient in Simple weapons and the Wakizashi but no types of armor. Spell Progression The character continues to gain spells as a shugenja. He gains new slots/levels at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th level. He gains spell slots and possibly higher level spells, but he does not gain any feats or other special abilities of the shugenja. These levels are added to any previous spellcasting levels in order to figure the spellcasters actual level for number of spells gained and spell levels gained. Kagaku This technique works just like the Brew Potion feat from the Players Handbook, with the additional benefit of making powdered potions as well as liquid ones. The Alchemist may make potions that may mimic any spell of 3rd Level or less. Spells that require concentration from the caster will have a duration of 1 round per caster level (Shugenja + Alchemist levels). For more information on Brew Potion, please see the Players Handbook, p80. The level of the spell that the crafter may mimic increases every two levels. Skill Focus The Alchemist receives Skill Focus on certain skills. At 3rd level, the skill focused is Concentration. At 7th level, the skill focused is Spellcraft. Master Researcher From Rokugan, p52, the alchemist gains +2 on checks for researching new spells and the cost of researching the spell is reduced 20%. Warrior Shugenja At 9th level, the Agasha receives the Warrior Shugenja feat from Oriental Adventures, p66. The Alchemist gains a +2 on Concentration checks and a +1 on all Fortitude Saves.
Like everything else in the Lion clan, magic is dealt with in a traditional manner. A shugenja in the Lion clan is a spiritual advisor, a healer, and a conscience of ancestors. They dont participate directly in war, except in the aftermath, healing the wounded and easing the dying into the next world. The number of shugenja is few, for most come from the Kitsu family, and of those, most are Sodan-Senzo, or ancestor priests. Kitsu Family This feat gives benefits to the Kitsu shugenja. Prerequisite Wis 13+, The shugenja must be a member of the Kitsu family Benefit The Kitsu receives a +1 to all saving throws versus any creature with the spirit subtype. Kitsu Shugenja School 3 Water Spells 2 Fire Spells 1 Earth Spell Path to Inner Peace (Cure Light Wounds, PHB p190) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Commune with Lesser Spirit (OA p99) Level 3 Path to Inner Peace III (Cure Serious Wounds, PHB p190) Level 4 Path to Inner Peace IV (Cure Critical Wounds, PHB p190) Level 5 Commune with Greater Spirit (OA p99) Level 6 Peace of the Kami (Heal, PHB p213) Level 7 Revive the Spirit (Greater Restoration, PHB p211) Level 8 Major Blessing of Healing (Mass Heal, PHB p226) Level 9 Soul Bind (PHB p254)
nature, they have a close relationship with the heavens and are adept at communicating with the spirits from Yomi or Meido. They serve a vital function in keeping the members of the Lion clan in close proximity to their ancestors. They maintain the Kitsu Tombs, the place where all the heroes and great members of the Lion are buried. They are also healers and spiritual advisors, giving aid to those who need it, be it physical, mental or spiritual. They come from the Kitsu family or they come from those who have Kitsu blood in their ancestry. Hit Die: d6 Requirements To become a Kitsu Sodan-senzo, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Pure Kitsu Blood Concentration: 6 ranks Diplomacy: 4 ranks Knowledge (Spirits): 6 ranks Sense Motive: 4 ranks Honor: Must not be Dishonorable Special: The character must belong to the Kitsu family or a member of the Lion clan with Kitsu ancestry (see the feat above to qualify). The character must be able to cast shugenja spells. Class Skills The class skills of the Kitsu Sodan-Senzo (and corresponding ability score) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Tea Ceremony (Wis) and Use Magic Device (Cha). The Kitsu Sodan-Senzo Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +0 3 +1 4 +1 5 +1 6 +2 7 +2 8 +2 9 +3 10 +3
Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kitsu Sodan-Senzo is proficient in simple weapons and the Wakizashi but gains no proficiency in any forms of armor. Spell Progression The character continues to gain spells as a shugenja. He gains new slots/levels at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th level. He gains spell slots and possibly higher level spells, but he does not gain any feats or other special abilities of the shugenja. These levels are added to any previous spellcasting levels in order to figure the spellcasters actual level for number of spells gained and spell levels gained. Detect Spirits At 1st level, the Sodan-Senzo has the ability to use Sense Spirit at will as a spell-like ability. For more information please see the Magic of Rokugan, p48. Shield of Purity At 2nd level, spirits have a hard time attacking the Sodan-Senzo, because of his purity. The priest is considered to always be under the effect of a Sanctuary spell, but this effect applies to creatures of the outsider, undead or spirit subtype. The effect renews itself every 24 hours, so a creature breaking through the Sanctuary effect will have to roll to break through again every 24 hours. The DC of this effect is 11 + the SodanSenzos Charisma modifier.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Detect Sprits Shield of Purity; +1 level of Spellcasting class House the Spirit Augury; +1 level of Spellcasting class See Spirits Soul of Purity; +1 level of Spellcasting class Divination Untouchable Soul; +1 level of Spellcasting class Commune Banish Spirit; +1 level of Spellcasting class (with the priests body) using his own attack bonus and the priests bodys physical ability scores. The entity may cast spells that the priest may have available to him (cast at the SodanSenzos class level) and has full access to the priests knowledge and memories. The entity may access any of the priests memories without permission or difficulty. Any attacks targeting the priest will harm the priest physically; the entity is effectively immune to attacks while possessing the priests body. This effect lasts for one round per Sodan-Senzo level and cannot be cancelled early by either the spirit or the priest. If the priest is
House the Spirit At 3rd level, the priest may use his own body to house the spirit of an ancestor. One incorporeal spirit from Gaki-do, Yomi, Toshigoku or Jigoku within 10 feet (chosen randomly if there are multiple targets) must make a Will save (DC10 + the Sodan-Senzos Charisma modifier + the Sodan-Senzos class level) or it cannot resist the temptation to possess the priests body. The entity physically enters the Sodan-Senzos body. Each round, the priest and the entity make opposed Will saves to determine who controls the body that round. It may attack
slain while being possessed, the spirit is ejected safely from the priest. The possessed priest cannot enter an area protected by either Protection from Evil or Protection from Spirits. If Banishment or Dismissal is cast upon the priest, then the possessing effect can be cancelled early. Augury The Sodan-Senzo may commune with spirits with the effect of an Augury spell cast by the priest of twice his own class level. For more information on Augury, please see the Players Handbook, p177. See Spirits At 5th level, the priest can see invisible or ethereal creatures that have the outsider, undead or spirit subtype. Soul of Purity At this point, the Sodan-Senzo is under the continual effect of Protection from Evil. Using the House the Spirit ability temporarily subsides this effect for the duration of that abilitys duration. For more information on Protection from Evil, please see the Players Handbook, p240.
Commune The Sodan-Senzo may use Commune as a spell-like ability once per day. The effect of this spell is equal to twice the casters level and the spirit contacted must be one of the Seven Fortunes. For more information on Commune, please see Commune with Greater Spirit in Oriental Adventures, p99. Banish Spirit At 10th level, the priest may attempt to banish any spirit possessing him when he uses the House the Spirit ability (assuming he has control of the possessed entity). The spirit must make a Will save (DC17 + the priests Charisma modifier) or be banished to the realm of the spirits origin. If the spirit is native to the mortal realm, then he is sent to a random spirit realm instead.
The Isawa family of the Phoenix clan defines magic in Rokugan; they are magic in Rokugan. The Isawa developed the use of magic before the kami encountered them, before the war with Fu Leng began. They actually did Blood Magic before it was corrupting. Over the years, they adapted their magic to the worship of the Fortunes and the Kami. The Isawa are now masters of magic and constructing awakened items. Shugenja from the Phoenix fight in contingents in the armies as heavy fire support. Their power is great and their control is unheard of anywhere else. It is fortunate they prefer peace to war. Isawa Family This feat gives benefits to the Isawa shugenja. Prerequisite Cha 14+, The shugenja must be a member of the Isawa family. Benefit The Isawa shugenja gets a +1 added to his entire spell save DCs when he casts a spell. Isawa Shugenja School (Core School) 3 Primary Element (Players Choice) 2 Secondary Element (Players Choice) 1 Tertiary Element (Players Choice) Heart of Osano-wo (Endure Elements, PHB p199) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Wisdom and Clarity (Rokugan p106) Level 3 Counterspell (Dispel Magic, PHB p196) Level 4 Jade Strike (OA p107) Level 5 Summon Kami (Summon Natures Ally V, PHB p260; the shugenja may summon any medium elemental) Level 6 Greater Counterspell (Greater Dispelling, PHB p210) Level 7 Kamis Reflection (Spell Turning, PHB p255) Level 8 Kamis Refusal II (Protection from Spells, PHB p240) Level 9 Walking the Way (Rokugan p105) Isawa Tensei School (Elemental Specialists) 2 Primary Element (Players Choice) 2 Secondary Element (Players Choice) Spell Specialization The Tensei receives a bonus 1st level spell of his primary element as a free bonus innate spell. Also, the
Divination The priest may cast Divination as a spell to commune with spirits. The caster level for this ability is twice the SodanSenzos class level. He may use this ability once per day. Untouchable Soul The Sodan-Senzo receives Spell Resistance versus outsiders, undead or spirits equal to 10 + double the priests class level.
spell save DC is increased by +5 for his primary element. Any spells not of his primary or secondary element receive a 5 spell save DC when cast by the Tensei. Heart of Osano-wo (Endure Elements, PHB p199) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Wisdom and Clarity (Rokugan p106) Level 3 Counterspell (Dispel Magic, PHB p196) Level 4 Jade Strike (OA p107) Level 5 Summon Kami (Summon Natures Ally V, PHB p260; the shugenja may summon any medium elemental) Level 6 Greater Counterspell (Greater Dispelling, PHB p210) Level 7 Kamis Reflection (Spell Turning, PHB p255) Level 8 Kamis Refusal II (Protection from Spells, PHB p240) Level 9 Walking the Way (Rokugan p105)
The Scorpion are finders and keepers of secrets. Their shugenja are no different. Scorpion shugenja are frequently seen at court, socializing with members of other clans. What those others dont know is that the Scorpion are actively finding out all of their secrets. They can pull thoughts out of the air, create illusions to mislead and confuse and they can charm their enemies to kill themselves for the interests of the Scorpion. They are not to be trifled with. Soshi Family This feat gives benefits to the Soshi shugenja. Prerequisite Int 12+, the shugenja must be a member of the Soshi family. Benefit The shugenja gains a +2 added to all her Air spells spell DC. Also, once set, the shugenja need not concentrate to maintain illusion spells. Yogo Family This feat gives benefits to the Yogo shugenja. Prerequisite Con 13+, the shugenja must be a member of the Yogo family. Benefit the shugenja receives a +1 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws. Soshi Shugenja School 3 Air Spells 2 Water Spells 1 Fire Spell False Face (Change Self, PHB p183) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Know the Shadows (OA pp107-108) Level 3 Essence of Air (Invisibility, PHB pp217-218) Level 4 Walk upon the Wind (Air Walk, PHB p172) Level 5 Purity of Air (Improved Invisibility, PHB p217) Level 6 Mist upon the Soul (Veil, PHB p269) Level 7 Greater Deception (Mislead, PHB p230) Level 8 Banish the Eye (Screen, PHB p247) Level 9 Foresight (PHB p207) Yogo Shugenja School (Ward Shugenja) 3 Earth Spells 2 Air Spells Earth Spell Specialization The Yogo shugenja receives a +10 to his spell save DC on any Earth spell she casts. Also she receives a +3 to all saves versus Earth spells cast against her. She also suffers a 3 on her saves versus all Fire and Water spells cast against her. Protection from Taint (OA p111) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Obscure Object (PHB pp232-233) Level 3 Magic Circle Against Taint (OA p109) Level 4 Spell Immunity (PHB p255) Level 5 Kamis Refusal (Spell Resistance, PHB p255) Level 6 Flight of the Kami (Anti-magic Field, PHB p175)
Isawa Ishiken School (Void Magic Specialists) 2 Primary Element (Players Choice) The shugenja receives the Void Use and Depths of the Void feats for free Kiho Powers An ishiken may substitute a monk kiho for a bonus feat or innate spell ability when attaining a new level. Look into the Void (Magic of Rokugan p41) Touch of All (Magic of Rokugan p52) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Drawing the Void (Rokugan pp107-108) Level 3 Contemplate the Void (Rokugan p107) Level 4 Karmic Intent (Rokugan p108) Level 5 Essence of the Void (Rokugan p108) Level 6 Spiritual Presence (Rokugan p108) Level 7 Winds of Change (Rokugan p108) Level 8 Visage of the Void (Rokugan p108) Level 9 Divine the Future (Rokugan p107)
Level 7 Kamis Reflection (Spell Turning, PHB p255) Level 8 Kamis Refusal II (Protection from Spells, PHB p240) Level 9 Jade Aura (OA p107)
The Unicorn clan have been evolving and adapting their magic for one thousand years. They learned their art first from the Phoenix, picked up techniques from gaijin sorcerers and found new items to use in their practice of magic. Others consider their understanding of magic as inferior and barbaric, but it is still effective. Unicorn magic deals a lot with travel and healing, important to the clan in their function. Iuchi Family This feat gives benefits to the Iuchi shugenja. Prerequisite Dex 12+, the shugenja must be a member of the Unicorn clan or swear fealty to the Unicorn clan. Benefit The shugenja may cast spells from horseback without penalty. This includes riding at full gallop or at a stop. Iuchi Shugenja School 3 Water Spells 2 Fire Spells 1 Earth Spell Calm Mind (Remove Fear, PHB p245) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Horses Nose (OA pp105-106) Level 3 When Two Become One (OA p119) Level 4 Remove Fatigue (OA p112) Level 5 Dance of the Unicorn (OA p100) Level 6 Command the Clouds (Control Weather, PHB pp188189) Level 7 Greater Divinatory Pool (Greater Scrying, PHB p211) Level 8 Teleport III (Teleport without Error, PHB p265) Level 9 Walking the Way (Rokugan p105)
She used her magic to create a Castle of Water to protect them until help arrived. She kept the spell up for a long time but she did not fail. In response to her bravery and skill, she was allowed to put the Hori- honorific before her name. Thus she became Horiuchi Shoan. Since then, others have sworn service to her name and her family has since grown.
Horiuchi Family
Iuchi Shoan was a maid in service of the Unicorn clan champion. She took care of the Daimyos two children while the champion did his business with the clan. One day, the children and she were on an outing and they were attacked by bandits. The Horiuchi Meishodo Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +0 3 +1 4 +1 5 +1 6 +2 7 +2 8 +2 9 +3 10 +3
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Meishodo (1st Level) +1 level of Spellcasting class Meishodo (2nd Level) +1 level of Spellcasting class Meishodo (3rd Level); Extend Spell (1-2) +1 level of Spellcasting class Meishodo (4th Level) +1 level of Spellcasting class Meishodo (5th Level) +1 level of Spellcasting class; Enlarge Spell;Extend Spell (3-4)
Spellcraft: 6 ranks Special: The PC must belong to the Horiuchi family of the Unicorn clan. She may be of the Unicorn clan but must swear fealty to the Horiuchi fa mily. No PC from another family or clan may join this class. He must be able to cast shugenja spells. Class Skills The class skills of the Horiuchi Meishodo (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Heal (Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Points per Level: 5 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Horiuchi Meishodo is proficient in simple weapons and the Wakizashi. She is not proficient in any forms of armor. Spell Progression The character continues to gain spells as a shugenja. He gains new slots/levels at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th level. He gains spell slots and possibly higher level spells, but he does not gain any feats or other special abilities of the shugenja. These levels are added to any previous spellcasting levels in order to figure the spellcasters actual level for number of spells gained and spell levels gained.
concentration. When the meishodo casts an extended spell, it is cast at a one level higher spell slot than the original spell (In this case, 1st level spells are considered 2nd level, and 2nd level spells are considered 3rd level). At 10th level, this feat applies also to 3rd and 4th level spells. The spell does not need to prepared beforehand by the meishodo; she need only declare to cast the selected spell as extended. For more information on Extend Spell, please see the Players Handbook, p82. Enlarge Spell At 10th level, the spellcaster may use the Enlarge Spell feat on 1st, 2nd or 3rd level spells. Any spells of these levels with a range designation have their ranges doubled. Spells without a range defined in distance cannot be enlarged. If the spell has a volume effect, the effect is increased accordingly. When the meishodo casts an enlarged spell, it is cast at a one level higher spell slot than the original spell (In this case, 1st level spells are considered 2nd level, and 2nd level spells are considered 3rd level, etc). The spell does not need to prepared beforehand by the meishodo; she need only declare to cast the selected spell as enlarged. For more information on Enlarge Spell, please see the Players Handbook, p82.
Minor clans derive their magic from the Phoenix clan, as the great clans have in the past. They are as traditional but not as well-known as the great clans in their practice of magic. This does not make them weaker, just rarer.
Centipede Clan
The Centipede clan started from a matriarchal family, the Moshi, worshipped the Sun goddess directly, getting their power and blessing from her. They have a very small parcel of land just south of Phoenix territory where they practice their fire and air magic. They are ruled by Moshi Juiko, an ancient woman who is still bright and active, even in her old age. Moshi Shugenja School 3 Fire Spells 3 Air Spells Summon Fog (Obscuring Mist, PHB p233) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Kaimetsu-uos Ward (Resist Elements, PHB p246) Level 3 Torrential Rain (MR p52) Level 4 Islands of Mist (Solid Fog, PHB pp253-254) Level 5 Yukis Blessing (Wall of Ice, PHB p270) Level 6 Control Weather (PHB pp188-189) Level 7 Breath of the Thunder Dragon (Chain Lightning, PHB pp182-183) Level 8 Whirlwind (PHB p272) Level 9 Storm of Vengeance (PHB p257)
Meishodo This is the special spellcasting technique of the Unicorn clan. It permits the spellcaster to use his spells without having his scroll handy. This is not an innate ability; using meishodo takes up spell slots as normal. The spellcaster learns to cast higher level spells as Meishodo as he gains levels. Extend Spell At 5th level, the meishodo may use the Extend Spell feat to extend her 1st and 2nd level spells. This extends any spell with a duration to twice its normal duration. This does not affect spells with durations of permanent, instantaneous or
Dragonfly Clan
The Dragonfly clan was born of the union of a Dragon and a Phoenix wedding. The clan is under protection from the Dragon clan. The Tonbo family acts as heralds and go-betweens for the Dragon, acting as good natured stewards. Tonbo Shugenja School 3 Water Spells 2 Air Spells 1 Fire or Earth Spell (Choice is Permanent) Summon Fog (Obscuring Mist, PHB p233) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Wisdom and Clarity (RK p106) Level 3 Counterspell (Dispel Magic, PHB p196) Level 4 Karma (RK p101) Level 5 Energy Transference (MR p33) Level 6 Perceive Harmony (True Seeing, PHB p267) Level 7 The Flow of Time (RK p100) Level 8 Tides of Battle (MR p51) Level 9 Peace of the Kami (MR p44)
Level 3 Rapid Growth (Plant Growth, PHB p236) Level 4 Control Plants (PHB p188) Level 5 Commune with Nature (PHB p186) Level 6 Liveoak (PHB pp222-223) Level 7 Wooden Prison (MR p56) Level 8 Animal Shapes (PHB p173) Level 9 Shambler (PHB p250)
Tiger Clan
Matsu Hanada was the husband of Matsu Yoriko, a member of the Lions Pride. He was also a shugenja, a student of the Kitsu Shugenja School. In a battle with a Crane army, Yoriko was killed, leaving Hanada free. In that same battle, he distinguished himself by single-handedly holding the Lion battle lines with magic. In the Lion lines was a relative of the Emperor. Hanadas actions saved that persons life. The Emperor gave him and his surviving family Minor clan status. Hanada Shugenja School 3 Fire Spells 2 Earth Spells 1 Water Spell Burning Hands (PHB pp181-182) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Katana of Fire (Flame Blade, PHB p205) Level 3 Fury of Osano-wo (Call Lightning, PHB p182) Level 4 Fist of Osano-wo (MR p34) Level 5 Circle of Flame (OA pp98-99) Level 6 Fires of Purity (OA p104) Level 7 Tempest of Fire (Fire Storm, PHB p205) Level 8 Fraying of Jigoku (Incendiary Cloud, PHB p217) Level 9 Tears of the Heavens (Meteor Swarm, PHB pp227228)
Fox Clan
The Fox clan came into being as some from the original Ki-Rin clan stayed behind after Lady Shinjo went into the Burning Sands. They are the first minor clan, created to protect them from the ravages of the great clans. They are worshippers of nature, well in touch with the spirits around them. Kitsune Shugenja School 3 Earth Spells 2 Air Spells 1 Water Spell Whispers of the Land (MR p55)
Since Lady Shosuro made a deal with the Lying Darkness in order for her to survive escaping the Shadowlands, the Darkness has taken a quota of Scorpions for over a thousand years. Goju was one of them. He was assimilated by the Darkness, gaining immortality, at the loss of his identity. And the Lying Darkness grows, giving little and gaining much. Those who serve the Darkness gain benefits of the Shadow, learning Shadow spells and Air spells.
When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Earthen Barrier (MR p31)
shinobi, intoned her master, Kitsuki Kintaro. She did her best to think like a crazed killer. It was not working very well. She did not feel like a killer. She was a kind-hearted individual, dedicated to service and finding the truth. She stopped near a shadow when she heard a slight noise. Looking into the shadow, she saw nothing unusual. She turned to walk away She felt a sharp pain in her chest and warm liquid flow down her chest. Looking down a blade stuck out from her chest. Blackness took her vision as she heard a whisper in her ear: Now you will find the truth, young Kitsuki The Goju ninja are the spellcasting members of the Lying Darkness. They are gifted with spells of shadow and special abilities related to the Shadow. In return, the Goju give up their identities to the Darkness. They serve the Darkness directly, performing missions for its ends. Slowly and deliberately, they are assimilated into the Darkness. Goju Ninja are taken from the Goju family and from the Scorpion clan. They are taken for their talent with the Elemental Rings and trained by masters with masks. Little do they know The Goju Ninja Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6 9 +6 10 +7
that under the masks are no faces? Hit Die: d6 Requirements To become a Goju Ninja, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +5 Feats: Stealthy Casting (from Way of the Ninja, p23), Combat Casting, Improved Unarmed Strike Hide: 6 ranks Move Silently: 6 ranks Spellcraft: 6 ranks Alignment: Any Non-good Special: The character must be able to cast shugenja spells. The character must belong to the Scorpion clan, the Goju family of ninja, or a ronin. The character may not have any spells as innate abilities.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special +1 level of Spellcasting class; Monks Unarmed Strike Shadow Brand 1 +1 level of Spellcasting class; Evasion Shadow Brand 2 +1 level of Spellcasting class; Uncanny Dodge (Bonus to AC) Shadow Brand 3 +1 level of Spellcasting class; Defensive Roll Shadow Brand 4 +1 level of Spellcasting class; Uncanny Dodge (Cant be flanked) Shadow Brand 5 gain any feats or other special abilities of the shugenja. These levels are added to any previous spellcasting levels in order to figure the spellcasters actual level for number of spells gained and spell levels gained. Goju Shugenja School 3 Air Spells 2 Water Spells 1 Earth Spell Darkness Visible (Pocket Grimoire Divine p73) When the character gains access to a new level of spells, he also gains a new spell from the following list: Level 2 Shadowcoil (Pocket Grimoire Divine p196) Level 3 Caress of the Shadow (Sucking Touch, Pocket Grimoire Divine p216) Level 4 Descent into Darkness (Pocket Grimoire Divine p76) Level 5 Quicken Shadow (Pocket Grimoire Divine p179) Level 6 Creation of Darkness (Crepuscule, Pocket Grimoire Divine p71) Level 7 Shadow Walk (Pocket Grimoire Divine p197) Level 8 Evil Twin (Pocket Grimoire Divine p99) Level 9 Embrace the Shadow (Energy Drain, Pocket Grimoire Divine p97)
Class Skills The class skills of the Goju ninja (and corresponding ability score) are Alchemy (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Poison (Int), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Goju Ninja is proficient in Simple and Martial Weapons plus the weapons of the Monk Character Class. She is not proficient in any forms of armor or shields. Spell Progression The character continues to gain spells as a shugenja. He gains new slots/levels at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level. He gains spell slots and possibly higher level spells, but he does not
Shadow Brands Shadow Brands are the marks of the Lying Darkness. They are indicators of how far gone the ninja servant is before become totally one with the Darkness. The first shadow brand is a taste of power for the character. Each subsequent brand damns the character even more until finally, after the fifth brand is applied, he becomes permanently a servant of darkness. In game terms, a shadow brand is a free spell-like innate ability drawn from the ninjas list of current spells. The level indicated is the level of spell he may take. This spell becomes inscribed as a shadow tattoo onto his body and he can use it as an innate ability like other innate abilities. He may choose any spell he has access to (of appropriate level) and that spell, in addition to becoming an innate ability, also takes on the Darkness descriptor. Spells with the Good or Light descriptors may not be taken as shadow brands. Being darkness spells, they are countered by any spell that counters a normal Darkness or Greater Darkness spell. Once the fifth shadow brand is taken, and the character later gains enough experience points to take another level, he must make a Will save versus DC5 +1 for every day after that (cumulative). Once he fails that save, he becomes a permanent thrall of darkness and an NPC under the control of the DM. There is no known way to counter this effect once the character chooses this path. In game terms, the player shouldnt become too attached to this character. Monks Unarmed Strike Goju Ninja are highly trained in fighting unarmed, giving them considerable advantages when doing so. They deal more damage than normal, as shown on Table 4b: Monk Abilities. A ninja fighting unarmed gains the benefits of the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and thus do not provoke attacks of opportunity from armed opponents that he attacks. A ninja's attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. There is no off-hand attack when a ninja attacks unarmed. If he is using a one-handed weapon, he may attack with his free hand as an off-hand attack, incurring penalties for fighting with two weapons. If the weapon is in the off-hand, it incurs the off-hand penalty. Evasion At 3rd level, a ninja gains evasion, if exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage (such as a fireball), she takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used if the ninja is wearing light armor or no armor. It is an extraordinary ability. Uncanny Dodge Starting at 5th level, the ninja gains the extraordinary ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. At 5th level and above, she retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.) At 9th level, the ninja can no longer be flanked; she can react to opponents on opposite sides of her as easily as she can react to a single attacker. This defense denies other ninja the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack her. The exception to
this defense is that another ninja at least four levels higher than the character can flank her (and thus sneak attack her). Defensive Roll The ninja can toll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it. Once per day, when a ninja would be reduced to 0 hit points or less by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the ninja can attempt to roll with the damage. She makes a Reflex saving throw (DC damage dealt) and, if shes successful, she takes only half damage from the blow She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll - if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she cant roll. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the ninjas evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.
Ronin Shugenja
Shugenja who are ronin may choose three primary element spells, two secondary element spells and one tertiary element spell. In addition, the ronin may choose one bonus spell of any type. When the shugenja gains a new spell level, he may choose one bonus spell of his primary element.
As bushi fight battles on the field, courtiers fight battles in the daimyos court. They are the representatives of their clan and even daimyo of their clan. Their focus is not in combat but diplomacy. With their powerful words they can start or stop a war, bring food to the needy, or strip the name from a samurais family. Their words can be as powerful as a hundred archers can or poison from a ninjas vial. They are aligned to their clan and the Emperor of Rokugan, keeping the peace (or fomenting a war...). Adventures Courtiers find glory for their lord in different ways. An adventure to a courtier typically is within the walls of a castle or other safe haven. But it is not truly safe, even here. An incorrect word or act can easily lead to an invitation to seppuku by the Emperor or clan daimyo. They implement policy established by their lord, or they attempt to get a lord to change established policy. Most adventures are murder mysteries, love triangles or drama wrenching political struggles. Characteristics A courtier is most capable with his words. Rarely does he draw a sword, and if he does, he had better know how to use it. He has a lot of skills, particularly knowledge skills, to choose from. Also, he may have contacts to other clans who can help him, or servants from whom he can receive service. Alignment Courtiers are a reflection of their clan. Members of the Lion clan are Lawful and serve their masters unswervingly. Servants of the Dragon are a little more reclusive, being introspective and thoughtful (Chaotic or Neutrally aligned). Members of the Crab clan are brusque, direct, straightforward and loud (some Kaiu or Yasuki are somewhat soft-spoken), and occasionally tend toward Chaos or Evil. It is difficult to be openly evil without being labeled a servant of the Shadowlands and executed immediately. Religion Like others, courtiers are the followers of Shinsei and courtiers ancestors. Lion courtiers do not follow Shinsei as closely, rather following their ancestors. How religious each courtier is depends really on the individual. Some courtiers follow Shinsei, others the Fortunes, and some their ancestors. Background Courtiers are born and raised in their clan atmosphere. They are of the samurai caste from birth. Typically they are raised in the family that will use their services as a courtier; courtiers do not normally serve families of other clans. Their jobs are primarily diplomatic, learning the jobs of advisors, magistrates, and the like. They are brought up in their school, learning specific or general methods of getting their clan what they want.
Game Rule Information Abilities The primary number one ability for courtiers is Charisma. It is best that they can use their personality and words to affect the minds of others. Intelligence is also important, reflecting knowledge of their skills and remembering names, heraldry, and proper etiquette in a daimyo's household. Dexterity and Constitution are also important for combat considerations. They may not immediately be needed but it can be readily obvious if tempers are aroused. Alignment Courtiers may be of any alignment. Hit Die: d4 Class Skills The Courtier's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (Int)(Religion, Etiquette, Heraldry, History, Calligraphy, Meditation, Bushido, and many others related to samurai culture), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Tea Ceremony (Wis). Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The courtier is proficient in simple weapons. However, they are not proficient in simple ranged weapons. Also they are proficient with the naginata and the wakizashi. They are not proficient in any armor at all. School Feats If a courtier is part of a clan or a minor clan, he may take the family school feat in his clan, or optionally he can take Other Clan School as a feat. Remember that he must take the other clan's school feat as well as the other clan feat. Then he may techniques from the clan's school (IN ORDER). A courtier not in the clan's school may take a clan school technique without taking the Other School feat first. A courtier is not required to move up all the way in his school. However, he will not be considered for promotions or prestigious positions unless he completes the school first. He may also not start another school, even in the same clan, unless it's a prestige class. If he stops advancing in a school, once he leaves, he can't go back to it to get more techniques. Mitigating circumstances exist, but they better be good ones. If a courtier is a ronin, he may not take any clan school techniques at all, unless he's a clan ronin (a ronin cast out of a clan for some reason). If he is born ronin, he might be apprenticed by another courtier or admitted to the courtier school under mitigating circumstances. If a courtier is not part of a formal school, he may use this slot for other available feats.
Contacts A courtier meets many people in the course of her career. As a feat, the courtier may obtain a contact at the appropriate level. The contact may not be more than three levels higher or lower than the courtier may. The contact may be of any Table 3: Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Courtier Base Attack Bonus +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +7/+2 +8/+3 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4
class or alignment. He may be useful in some way to the courtier or by talking to another to influence them politically. In return, for every deed the contact does for the courtier, the courtier must compensate the contact with money, service, or gifts, as appropriate. A contact may be used once per six-month period.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Special Starting Family Feat / Contact; Style and Grace; Talent Rank 1 Technique / Favor Rank 2 Technique / Contact Versatile; Gossip Rank 3 Technique / Favor Rank 4 Technique / Contact Rank 5 Technique / Favor; Versatile Favor Favor Versatile Contact Favor Favor; Versatile
Style and Grace The traditional training of the courtier bestows an impressive physical appearance as well as a quick wit. At first level, a courtier receives a +4 competence bonus on all Charisma -related skill checks that relate to social interaction (i.e. not feinting in combat or Iaijutsu duels).
Favor As a feat, the courtier receives the ability to call in a favor in order to further his own ends. The favor may be political, financial, personnel, or material in nature. He can call this favor from anyone with the power (his daimyo, the Emperor, an abbot of a monastery, w hoever...). Channels and chain of command aren't necessary for this favor to work. It is assumed all the proper protocols and paperwork has been taken care of. He may not have more than three favors at a time (so he better use them!). The favor's value cannot exceed more than 100 times the character's courtier level in koku or five times the character's level in levels of characters (zero-level characters equal four first-level characters). Gossip A courtier gains this ability at third level. Courtiers tend to hear a great deal of gossip, and can often tell a thing or two about samurai they meet just from the rumors they have heard. A courtier may make a Gather Information check upon meeting or hearing of any individual, place, or item that regularly associates with Rokugani society. The DM makes this check secretly and gives the courtier information based on the results. As gossip is not always a reliable source of information, the information provided by this ability is not always accurate. The base chance of the courtier coming up with a truthful rumor is 50% + 1% per point of Charisma. Again, the DM makes this percentile roll secretly, so the courtier cannot separate truth from rumor without further research. If the skill check itself fails, the courtier either knows a false rumor or no rumor at all.
Talent Courtiers tend to be exceptionally good at whatever they apply themselves to. Any time the courtier selects the Skill Focus feat for a Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence-based skill he receives a +4 bonus instead of the normal +2 bonus.
DC 10 25 30 35 45 55
Type of Knowledge gained from Gossip check Common, well known to the general populace. Example: Yasuki Taka's reputation as a formidable merchant. Known by only a select few. Example: Yasuki Taka made his fortune in the sake industry nearly overnight. Hidden, known only to an elite few. Example: Yasuki Taka has been connected with several smuggling operations in the past, though no charges have ever been brought against the powerful merchant lord. Well-kept secret; potential blackmail fodder. Example: Yasuki Taka is involved in darker dealings still, and his network of smugglers is only the tip of the iceberg. Incredibly well kept secret; only the subject and one or two others are aware. Example: Yasuki Taka is said to be a member of the nefarious Kolat, a criminal organization bent upon the downfall of Rokugan. A secret kept so well that perhaps even the subject himself is unaware. Example: Yasuki Taka is actually a double agent, working against the Kolat from within. Benefit You may capture your audiences attention as if you cast an enthrall spell on your audience. The effect works as if the spell were cast at the courtiers class level with a DC of 12 + the Courtiers Charisma modifier. For more information and a description of the spell, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p200. 2. Sowing the Seeds You can plant the seeds of rumor and manipulate the political situation around you. Prerequisite Cha 12+, Otomo Courtier School, To Hear, One Must Be Silent Benefit With the skill of your words, you receive a +2 to all Innuendo and Gather Information checks. 3. Divide and Conquer You have the ability to cause any two allies to split and mistrust each other. Prerequisite 6 ranks in Innuendo, 6 ranks in Gather Information, Otomo Courtier School, To Hear, One Must be Silent, Sowing the Seeds Benefit With a successful Innuendo check versus the targets Innuendo check (Wisdom check if they dont have Innuendo), you may impart a lie, story or even true statement that will force the target to believe that a trusted ally or friend is not what he seems. You may implant a suggestion (as the Suggestion spell, pp 257-258 of the D&D Players Handbook) into your statements to cause the target to do something. They have to make a will save of 13 + your Charisma modifier in order to resist the suggestion. 4. The Emperors Will You have the ear of the Emperor thus the power of the Emperor. Prerequisite Honor rank of 3 or higher, Otomo Courtier School, To Hear, One Must be Silent, Sowing the Seeds, Divide and Conquer Benefit With the power of your voice, you may command others (as the Command spell, pp185-186, of the D&D Players Handbook) once per day. You may affect one person per courtier level. The DC for the target is 11 + your Charisma modifier.
A courtier can provide rumors about a specific target only once, but can do so again after purposefully seeking further rumors or after a month of in a large city or prominent court At the Emperor's Winter Court, rumo rs about those present can be sought once an hour. Using this ability to hunt gossip on a subject accrues the attention of that subject normally. Versatile The courtier gains the versatile feat (Rokugan p55) for free at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.
The Imperial Family has the largest number of courtiers, being the closest in lineage to the Emperor. The Miya family is the mouth of the Emperor, acting as his herald in other courts. The Otomo family is the political advisors and representatives of the Emperors wishes in Rokugan. The Seppun family is the bodyguards and is better represented by bushi. A few courtiers from the Seppun do exist, either attending the Otomo or Miya Courtier Schools. Otomo Courtier School This feat gives access to the Otomo Courtier School Techniques Prerequisite The courtier must be a member of the Imperial families (Seppun, Miya, or Otomo clans), must have an honor rank of 2. Benefit +1 to Charisma, the courtier gains access to the Otomo School techniques. 1. To Hear, One Must Be Silent You gain the ability to get those around you to hear you. Prerequisite Int 12+, Otomo Courtier School
5. Master of Will You are in ultimate control of your will. Prerequisite Wis 15+, Otomo Courtier School, To Hear, One Must be Silent, Sowing the Seeds, Divide and Conquer, The Emperors Will Benefit You gain immunity to any mind-influencing or illusion-type spell. You also receive a +3 to all Will saves.
heralds have brought the word and voice of the Hantei Emperors for one thousand years. With his word came his authority. Few stand in the way of the Miya heralds, and the heralds are completely protected by the name of the Hantei. The heralds come from the Miya family primarily, but anyone could join the heralds, with proper permission. Many of the heralds are courtiers, needing diplomatic skills in order to perform their job efficiently. Some are also bushi, needing their strength to bring the words of the Emperor to the battlefields of Rokugan. Hit Die: d4 Requirements In order to qualify to be a Miya Herald, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Void Use, Ear of the Emperor (Rokugan p50) Diplomacy: 6 ranks Ride: 6 ranks Sense Motive: 6 ranks Alignment: Any non-chaotic non-evil Honor: Must not be dishonorable Special: The character must belong to the Imperial Families (Seppun, Miya or Otomo) or swear fealty to the Miya family and take the Different School feat. Class Skills The class skills of the Miya Herald (and corresponding ability score) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis) and Wilderness Lore (Wis). Class Skills per Level: 6 + Int Modifier
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 Finding the Way Skill Focus (Knowledge) 2 Living Memory Know the School 3 Voice of the Emperor Skill Focus (Knowledge); Political Maneuvering 4 Peace in His Name Know the School 5 My Word is Law Skill Focus (Knowledge); Taunt and Rally Miya Herald School Techniques Rank 1 Finding the Way The herald needs to be able to get the Emperors message wherever it needs to go. She may spend a Void point to determine her direction. She may learn her cardinal direction (north, west, etc.) or the direction of her current destination. It takes one minute for this ability to work. This is a supernatural ability.
Rank 2 Living Memory Miya heralds have an amazing memory. For purposes of remembering things either as Intelligence checks or Knowledge checks, they may double their Intelligence bonus when making checks of this nature. Rank 3 Voice of the Emperor The Miya Herald speaks with the authority of the Emperor of Rokugan. She may double her Charisma bonus on all her Charisma -based skill checks. Rank 4 Peace in His Name The calming influence of the Miya herald emanates from her spirit. Any characters within 25 feet of the herald must make a Will saving throw versus a DC of 10 + the Heralds character level + the Heralds Charisma modifier. If they succeed, they may attack an opponent normally. If not, they receive a penalty to hit equal to the Heralds Charisma modifier. If the character makes his saving throw, he is unaffected by this effect for 24 hours. This technique affects everyone, enemy and ally alike. This technique does not affect any type of supernatural creature, such as spirits or Shadowlands creatures. The herald may suspend this technique at will. Rank 5 My Word is Law The Miya herald is the master of diplomacy. The mere voice of the herald can affect others around her. Once per point of Charisma bonus, the herald may utter a Power Word, Stun. The caster level of this effect is based on the character level of the Miya Herald. This is a spelllike ability. Skill Focus (Knowledge) The Miya Herald gains Skill Focus with the Knowledge skill. This is applied to specific subjects in the knowledge skill. Subjects include Heraldry, Politics, History, Clan (specific), Minor Clan (specific), Etiquette, the Tao of Shinsei, Religion, Local, and Families. Each time the herald gets this ability, he masters a new subject. Know the School The Miya Herald gains this ability as if she had taken this feat. She may choose any school that she is aware of. She gains this ability at 4th level. At 8th level, she learns of another school. Political Maneuvering You are adept at manipulating others into difficult positions. As a standard action, you may make a Sense Motive check against a person to whom you are speaking (DC15 + the target's character level). If this check is successful, you have determined a way to convince the target that his current argument or course of action seems to be dishonorable. You can convince him of such a thing by making a Diplomacy check (opposed by the target's Sense Motive or Diplomacy). If you succeed, the target must obey your command, lose five points of honor, or be unable to act for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (target's choice). Any attack made by you or your allies against the target or his allies negates this effect. This feat has no effect on characters with a concept of honor, with greater honor than your character, or who cannot understand your words.
Taunt and Rally This ability is common to courtiers of the Miya family. As a full round action, the courtier can openly taunt his opponents, deriding their weakness and lauding the virtues of his allies. Taunt and Rally has two effects - allies within a fifty-foot radius are affected as if by a bless spell. One enemy per three levels of the courtier is affected as if by a doom spell. Both of these spell-like effects are treated as if cast by a sorcerer of equal level, and rely upon the target's ability to hear and understand the courtier to be effective. If the courtier is attacked while using this ability, he must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + damage dealt) or the effect is ruined. This is an extraordinary ability.
The Crab clan has a small number of courtiers, spending more of their time and resources fighting the threat of the Shadowlands. The majority of the courtiers of the Crab are of the Yasuki family. A very small amount come from other families, being somewhat unsuited for the courtly life. The Yasuki family, originating from the Crane clan, has the demeanor and skills to maintain relations with other clans in Rokugan. The other clans are grateful for this, unwilling to tolerate the uncouth barbarianism of the Hida, Hiruma and Kuni families.
Hit Die: d6 Requirements To qualify to become a Yasuki Merchant, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Skill Focus Profession Appraise: 6 Ranks Gather Information: 4 Ranks Profession (Merchant): 8 Ranks Special: The character must be a member of the Yasuki Family. If he isnt a member of the Yasuki Family, he must swear fealty The Yasuki Merchant Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +0 3 +1 4 +1 5 +1 6 +2 7 +2 8 +2 9 +3 10 +3 Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Yasuki Merchant is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light armor. Skill Focus The Merchant receives additional Skill Focus Feats as he goes up in level. At 2nd level, the Merchant gains Skill Focus Appraise. At 5th level he gains Skill Focus Sense Motive. For more information, see the Players Handbook, p85. Merchant Items In order to kick start their career, all Merchants receive an amount of trade goods for selling or trading to others. When achieving each odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th), they receive 10 koku times their merchant level in trade items. Glibness The merchant trains constantly to use honeyed words when selling his wares. Once per day, he can use this ability as a Charm Person spell cast at the Merchants class level. The target receives a Will saving throw versus a DC of 10 + the Merchants level + the Merchants Charisma Modifier. This is a Supernatural ability. For more information on Charm Person, see the Players Handbook, p183. Merchant Favor The Merchant may Call in a Favor as a Courtier of equal level. As a feat, the merchant receives the ability to call in a favor in order to further his own ends. The favor may be
to the Yasuki, and use the Different School feat to gain access to the school. Class Skills The class skills of the Yasuki Merchant (and corresponding ability score) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int Modifier
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Merchant Items Skill Focus (Appraise) Glibness (as Charm Person spell) Merchant Favor Skill Focus (Sense Motive) Suggestion (as spell) Merchant Contacts Hold Person (as spell) Resistance to Elemental Air spells Confusion (as spell) political, financial, personnel, or material in nature. He can call this favor from anyone with the power (his daimyo, the Emperor, an abbot of a monastery, whoever...). Channels and chain of command aren't necessary for this favor to work. It is assumed all the proper protocols and paperwork has been taken care of. He may not have more than two favors at a time (so he better use them!). The number of merchant favors does not stack with courier favors if the merchant had levels in the courtier class (though he could have up to three favors if he did have courtier levels). The favor's value cannot exceed more than 100 times the character's merchant level in koku or five times the character's level in levels of characters (1st level commoners equal four first-level characters). Suggestion With the magic of his voice, the merchant may convince others to do his bidding as a Suggestion spell cast at the merchants level. The target must make a Will saving throw versus a DC of 10 + the Merchants level + the Merchants Charisma Modifier. This is a Supernatural ability. For more information on the Suggestion spell, please see the Players Handbook, p257. Merchant Contacts In their travels, Yasuki merchants meet a lot of people. Over the years, they develop contacts to aid them when necessary. The merchant gains one contact per two merchant levels (who it is must be agreed upon by the DM and the player). When in need, the merchant may call upon the contact for either healing or sanctuary. He cant ask for money or troops to aid him. Also, the amount of aid is proportional to the contacts
political and personal power. The DM has final authority on what aid the contact may give. Hold Person The merchant may use his voice to freeze a target person as a Hold Person spell. The target must make a Will saving throw versus a DC of 10 + the Merchants level + the Merchants Charisma Modifier. This is a Supernatural ability. For more information on Hold Person, see the Players Handbook, p214. Resistance to Air Spells Merchants receive a +3 circumstance bonus to all elemental Air spells cast against him, including area of affect spells. This bonus stacks with other bonuses. Confusion The merchant may confuse others with the power of his voice. The effect is the same as a Confusion spell cast at the merchants level. The target must make a Will saving throw versus a DC of 10 + the Merchants level + the Merchants Charisma Modifier. This is a Supernatural ability. For more information on Confusion, please see the Players Handbook, p186.
acquires a calligraphy scroll with a saying from the Tao handwritten upon it. Then, when meeting the daimyo, she gives him the gift. The daimyo is impressed with the gift and Akemi receives a bonus to her diplomacy checks. 2. A Whisper from the Soul You are in touch with the inner spirit of those around you. Prerequisite Must have an honor rank of 2, Doji Courtier School, The Perfect Gift Benefit With a Sense Motive check versus a DC of 10 + the targets character level your Courtier level, you can tell if the target is lying to you. This effect lasts once per roleplaying encounter. 3. Test of Honor You may test the mettle of the samurai with tests of honor. Prerequisite Must be honorable, Doji Courtier School, The Perfect Gift, A Whisper from the Soul Benefit If a situation comes up that may compromise the honor of a target and reduce his honor, you may force that individual to make an honor test by making a Wisdom check versus a DC of 10 + the potential honor point loss the honor rank of the target. If they succeed at the check, the honor loss is negated. 4. The Gift of the Lady You have learned the grace and poise of Lady Doji. Prerequisite Cha 13+, Doji Courtier School, The Perfect Gift, A Whisper from the Soul, Test of Honor Benefit You receive a +2 to Diplomacy, Knowledge (Etiquette), Perform, and Tea Ceremony checks. 5. Your Life is Mine You are a master of man and his fate. Prerequisite 10 ranks in Sense Motive, 10 ranks in Innuendo, Doji Courtier School, The Perfect Gift, A Whisper from the Soul, Test of Honor, The Gift of the Lady Benefit If a target character performs an action against you that will reduce his honor, you may force the target to make a Will save or be forced to perform a task of your choosing. The DC of
The members of the Crane clan stand at the right hand of the Emperor. Courtiers come from all families of the Crane with the exception of the Daidoji, the military arm of the Crane. They are masters of politics and oratory, using words to gains what other clans use armies to gain. They have won wars without even raising arms against their foes. And with Kakita as one of their ancestors, they duel with words as well as masters of the sword. Doji Courtier School This feat gives access to the Doji Courtier School Techniques Prerequisite The courtier must be a member of the Crane clan or swear fealty to the Crane and take the Different School feat. Benefit +1 to Intelligence, the courtier gains access to the Doji School techniques. 1. The Perfect Gift You are adept at the Rokugani art of giving gifts. Prerequisite Doji Courtier School, Cha 12+, a gift appropriate to the situation Benefit If you give a gift to another, you receive a +2 to all diplomacy checks when dealing with that person. The effect lasts for one day per point of Charisma modifier you have. The gift must be appropriate to the recipient and the occasion. The value of that gift is not the first consideration. The courtier needs to make a Gather Information check at a DC of 10 + the recipients level in order to get a gift for the occasion. For example, if Doji Akemi wished to get a gift for a Dragon clan daimyo, an 8th level samurai, she would make her Gather Information check at DC 18. She succeeds and discovers that the daimyo has a particular affection for the Tao of Shinsei. So she
the save is 10 + your courtier level. The target behaves as if he were under a Geas spell (cast at the courtiers class level). You cannot force the target to perform a task that is self-destructive or that would cause him damage. Ironically, you could force the target to perform dishonorable actions. If he makes the saving throw, he still receives the original honor loss.
The famous Crane storytellers come from the Kakita Academy. They specialize in words, telling stories, learning new stories from others, and composing original new stories. They archive stories and participate as moderators in political negotiations. Unlike the Kakita Artisans (see previous on p55), they use oratory instead of magic, and are very proficient at the art of diplomacy. The largest group of bards is courtiers or rogues, then shugenja and bushi. Typical professions taught at the Kakita Academy are: Noh Acting, Kabuki Acting, Jester, Storytelling (Bard), Artisan (Tsangusuri), Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, and Fencing (Covered by another Prestige Class). This prestige class is unusual as it covers more than one discipline. Hit Die: d4 Requirements To become a Kakita Bard, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Artist (OA p61), Skill Focus (Perform) Knowledge (History): 8 ranks Perform: 8 ranks Special: The character must be a member of the Crane clan. If she isnt a member of the Crane clan, she must swear fealty to the Crane and use the Different School feat to gain access to the school. Special 1 The Way of the Word Smooth Talk 2 Mind of the Empire Skill Focus 3 One Word, Two Meanings Art of Fascination 4 Balanced on the Edge Skill Focus 5 The Sudden Word Charm Person Kakita Bard Techniques Rank 1 The Way of the Word The Kakita Bard duels with words much like the duelist duels with a sword. At 1st Level, the Bard receives a +2 competence bonus to all Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks in diplomatic situations. Rank 2 Mind of the Empire The bard is a servant of the Emperor and the Empire of Rokugan. This makes her well versed in the knowledge and ways of all the clans. This technique works similar to the Know the School feat from the Rokugan hardcover, p52. The bard chooses a great clan and he receives a +1 bonus on all Bluff and Battle checks, a +1 to hit and damage on melee attacks and a +1 Dodge bonus to Armor Class against opponents of the chosen class. Prerequisites are assumed to be met in this case. The bard receives this technique first at 3rd Level, and receives knowledge on another chosen clan at 5th, 7th and 9th Levels.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Class Skills The class skills of the Kakita Bard (and corresponding ability score) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Tea Ceremony (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kakita Bard is proficient in simple weapons and the wakizashi. He is not proficient in any forms of armor.
Rank 3 One Word, Two Meanings The subtleties of the Rokugani language can permit advanced speakers to say one thing yet mean two things to different people. The bard need only make a Diplomacy check at DC20 and be able to convey messages to allies, enemies or others that have different meanings to the listener. A listener may make a Sense Motive check at a DC20 + the Kakita Bards Charisma modifier in order to get both meanings of the message. The bard may choose which people get which version of the message. Rank 4 Balanced on the Edge The Bard has the ability to sway the minds of others set against him in the courtroom. At 7th Level, the bard may influence others with his words, giving allies within 25 feet a +1 morale bonus to hit and all saving throws. Also, all enemies within 25 feet receive a 1 morale penalty to hit and all saving throws. Rank 5 The Sudden Word The strength of the bard's word is as powerful as the blade of sword. The bard may, at his choice, affect a target with either a Hold Person or Command spell. The target must save versus a DC of the spell level + the Bard's character level + the Bard's Charisma modifier. The bard may only affect one person at a time. The Bard must concentrate on the target, so loses any Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class. When he stops concentrating, the target is free from the effect. Smooth Talk At second level, the Bard receives the Smooth Talk feat. She gets a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. For more information, see the Oriental Adventures handbook, p66. Skill Focus At 4th and 8th level, the Bard receives Skill Bonus as a feat. He may apply the feat to any Kakita Bard class skill he has. For more information on Skill Focus, please see the Player's Handbook, p85. Art of Fascination At 6th level, the Bard receives Art of Fascination as a feat. She can fascinate a target with her song or poetics. For more information on this technique Charm Person At 10th level, the Bard receives the ability to charm person as a shugenja or sorcerer of equal level to the Bard's class level. For more information on charm person, please see the Player's Handbook, p183.
The courtiers from the Dragon clan spend most of their time watching and recording the activities of other clans. As a whole, the Dragon is not expansionistic or particularly active. They tend to be moderators, stepping in when others fail in their negotiations. Many of the courtiers come from the Agasha family, being peaceful shugenja. Others are Kitsuki Magistrates, offering evidence as well as testimony to help with their work. Since most Dragon are philosophical, they add moral and ethical values to the issues in the court room.
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kitsuki Magistrate is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light armor. Kitsuki Magistrate Techniques Rank 1 Kitsukis Method At this Rank, the magistrate has learned how to focus his perceptions to such a degree that he can notice even the most minute details. The magistrate may spend as many Void Points as he has available when he makes a Sense Motive or Spot Check. Rank 2 Wisdom the Wind Brings This character has gained an advanced understanding of Kitsuki's method. Whenever the magistrate makes a Sense Motive or Spot check, she gains a competence bonus equal to her School rank. Rank 3 Finding the Path At this Rank, the magistrate's duties have become effortless, almost second nature. The Kitsuki Magistrate Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +1 4 +2 5 +2 6 +3 7 +3 8 +4 9 +4 10 +5
Whenever the magistrate wants to make a Knowledge check concerning Heraldry, Law, or History, she may double her Intelligence Modifier to make the check. This does not apply to other Knowledge checks. Rank 4 Know the Rhythm of the Heart At this Rank, the magistrate has gained an intuitive understanding of the ways and methods of the Clans of Rokugan. If he faces a samurai who uses a School Technique he has seen, the samurai must spend a Void Point (or an additional Void Point) in order to use it. Rank 5 The Eyes Betray the Heart When a Kitsuki magistrate reaches this level of skill, not even a Scorpion has a chance of fooling him. Whenever a character tries to lie to a magistrate, compare their respective Wisdom Modifier. A character with a lower Wisdom modifier cannot even bring him to lie; he is overwhelmed by the chi of the magistrate. A character whose Wisdom Modifier is equal to or greater than the magistrate's may lie to him, but the magistrate automatically knows that the character is not telling the truth.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 Kitsukis Method Skill Focus Decipher Script 2 Wisdom the Wind Brings Skill Focus Sense Motive 3 Finding the Path Keen Intellect 4 Know the Rhythm of the Heart Smooth Talk 5 The Eyes Betray the Heart Great Diplomat
Skill Focus At 2nd and 4th level, the magistrate gains Skill Focus as a feat. He gains the feat with the skills listed in the table above. For more information on Skill Focus, please see the Player's Handbook, p85. Keen Intellect At 6th level, the Kitsuki gains the Keen Intellect feat, gaining Agasha as an adopted ancestor. The Kitsuki receives a +1 to all Intelligence checks and a +1 to Knowledge, Scry, and Search checks. For more information on Keen Intellect, see the Oriental Adventures handbook, p64. Smooth Talk At 8th level, the magistrate gains the Smooth Talk feat. He gains a +2 to all Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. For more information, see the Oriental Adventures handbook, p66. Great Diplomat The Kitsuki Magistrate is a master of the word. At 10th level, the magistrate gains the Great Diplomat feat. He gains a +2 to all Diplomacy checks and his Leadership score (please see the Dungeonmaster's Guide) is raised by 2. For more information, please see the Oriental Adventures handbook, p63.
Courtiers of the Lion clan are very traditional, employing protocols and etiquette over one thousand years old. Some say they are easy to dupe and confuse, because they are locked in the past. Others say that the simplicity of their lives make them immune to deception. The Lion courtiers are veterans much like their bushi brethren, fighting for their clan against any who would attack them. Many courtiers come from the Ikoma family, being naturally suited for the quiet life of the courts. Others are Akodo Tacticians, trained for the battlefield, but innovative enough to adapt to the rigors of the court.
Hikaru discovered that he was being manipulated by his masters, honor demanded he act. So he did. He committed seppuku to protest the actions of his masters. In response, his masters framed him for a crime he did not commit, even using him after his death. Honor was Hikaru's strength, and his weakness" -- Fallen Scorpion, by Ikoma Kirei Behind every great warrior was someone to tell the tale. The Ikoma Omoidasu are one group who immortalize the samurai's deeds in word and song. Men and women of the Ikoma travel throughout Rokugan, looking for stories, news and deeds to record. They are also the official record keepers of the Emerald Empire. As the right hand of the Hantei Emperors, the Lion clan has always been there to protect the emperor. The Ikoma also are responsible for the protection of the emperors. They tell the stories the emperors wish to be heard. The Ikoma also squash stories that may harm the emperor's reputation or honor. Since they are they official historians of the empire, nothing happens without their official sanction. Hit Die: d4 Requirements To become an Ikoma Omoidasu, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. The Ikoma Omoidasu Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +0 3 +1 4 +1 5 +1 6 +2 7 +2 8 +2 9 +3 10 +3
Race: Human Feats: Artist, Attention to Detail (both from the Oriental Adventures Handbook) Perform: 6 ranks Knowledge (History): 4 ranks Innuendo: 6 ranks Honor: Must not be dishonorable Special: The Bard must come from the Ikoma family or the Lion clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Ikoma Omoidasu (and corresponding ability score) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Tea Ceremony (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Ikoma Omoidasu is proficient in simple weapons and the wakizashi. He is not proficient with any type of armor.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 Tell the Tale Know the School 2 The Code of Bushido Skill Focus (Perform) 3 Forgiveness of my Ancestors Obscure Lore 4 Salute of the Samurai Skill Focus (Innuendo) 5 Rallying Cry Trustworthy Rank 4 Salute of the Samurai When an Omoidasu bows to another, the target may become enthralled (as the 2nd level spell, Player's Handbook, p200) if the target fails a Will save. The save DC of this effect is 10 + the Bard's Character level + the Bard's Charisma bonus. Rank 5 Rallying Cry In battle, the bard inspires courage in his armies. He bestows a +2 courage bonus to all allies (Those the bard considers allies, not anyone else) within 50 feet, and a 2 morale penalty to all enemies (those the bard considers enemies) within 50 feet. The duration of the effect is 1 minute per point of the bard's Constitution score. During that time, the bard is telling tales of the allies heroes or singing songs of the enemies failings (for example). If the bard stops, this effect stops. Know the School At 2nd level, the bard receives Know the School. The character must choose a Great or Minor clan to focus on. He gets
Ikoma Bard School Techniques Rank 1 Tell the Tale The Ikoma Bard's glib tongue entrances his audience. He receives double his Charisma bonus when he makes Perform checks. There is no limit to this bonus. Rank 2 The Code of Bushido The bard's familiarity with the Code of Bushido allows her to bestow a circumstance bonus equal to her Charisma bonus to another character. This bonus can be used to make Will saves or Wisdom (or Wisdom based skill) checks regarding honor. Only one character may receive this bonus at a time. The bard may not bestow this bonus upon herself. Rank 3 Forgiveness of My Ancestors If a samurai performs an act that would give him a loss of honor and the bard witnesses it, the bard may (through smooth talking and rationalization) negate this loss. This may be done once per day. The target may only be the target of this technique only once per month.
bonuses with certain checks against the target school member. For more information on Know the School, please see the Rokugan sourcebook, p52. Skill Focus The Omoidasu receives Skill Focus at 4th and 8th level. At 4th level, he gets Skill Focus with the Perform skill. At 8th level, he gets Skill Focus with the Innuendo skill. For more information on Skill Focus, please see the D&D Player's Handbook, p85. Obscure Lore At 6th level, the Bard receives Obscure Lore. This is used similar to Bardic Knowledge from the Player's Handbook. The Omoidasu gets a +1 to his Gossip check (see the courtier ability above) for every three levels the bard has in courtier plus Ikoma Bard levels. He may not take 10 or 20 when making this check. Trustworthy At 10th level, the Omoidasu becomes Trustworthy, engendering the feeling wherever he goes. As a result, the bard gains a +2 to all Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. For more information on Trustworthy, please see the Song and Silence Handbook, p40.
Similar to their Dragon cousins, the courtiers of the Phoenix clan implement the Tao of Shinsei in their work. Many of the courtiers who frequent daimyo's courts are shugenja, but a few are true courtiers. Courtiers come from all families of the Phoenix, be they Shiba, Isawa, or Asako. They radiate an aura of tranquility and peace that can calm all but the unruliest of samurai. Their wisdom is less obscure and riddling than the Dragon clan as well. They seem to have a wealth of common sense, and will do all they can without starting a war.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Class Skills The class skills of the Asako Magistrate (and corresponding ability scores) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis ) and Tea Ceremony (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Asako Magistrate is proficient in simple weapons and the wakizashi. He is not proficient with any types of armor. Asako Magistrate Techniques Rank 1 On the Banks of the River As arbitrators of arguments, the magistrate needs to understand the point of view of each side of the argument. He puts himself in the situation of each person and looks from their viewpoint. When the Asako magistrate deals with others in a diplomatic situation, those he deals with believe him to be of the same alignment and honor level as they are. For the target person to see through the magistrate's deception, he needs to make a Sense Motive check versus a DC15 + the Asako Magistrate's Charisma modifier. Rank 2 Calm as the Waters Even in the heat of combat, the Asako Magistrate is a rock of steadiness. Nothing can shake up the resolve of a magistrate at work. The magistrate may add his Wisdom modifier to all Concentrate checks. Also, the magistrate may take 10 on Concentrate, Sense Motive or Diplomacy checks, even in the heat of combat. Rank 3 The Celestial Pattern Through study and experience, the Asako Magistrate can see the way of man in the pattern of the stars. He becomes a master of psychology and sociology. He gains a +4 on all Wisdom-based skills. Rank 4 Tracing the Flow The Asako Magistrate, by tracing the flow of Chi in the void, can determine potential events and act upon them. If he spends a Void point, he gains either a +4 to initiative (stacks with other bonuses to initiative), a +4 To Hit, or a +4 to Armor Class. He decides which bonus he gets at the beginning of his turn in combat. Rank 5 In the Hidden Heart He can see into even the heart of his most elusive enemy. The magistrate may make a Sense Motive check against a DC15 + a target opponent's character level + the target character's Charisma bonus. If the magistrate succeeds, he may act before the target character, even if the magistrate has already had his turn in the current combat round. The magistrate may have another turn against only that opponent. He may attack, move against the target, or perform other abilities, that may affect the target. Alertness The magistrate receives Alertness as a feat at 2nd level. She gains a +2 to all Listen and Spot checks. For more
information on this feat, please see the D&D Player's Handbook, p80. Skill Focus At 4th and 8th level, the Asako Magistrate gains Skill Focus in the listed skills, gaining a +2 in that skill. For more information on Skill Focus, see the Player's Handbook, p85. Different School The Magistrate learns of the other clans, gaining Different School. He must choose which school from a Great or Minor clan. For more information on Different School, see the Rokugan Sourcebook, p50. Elemental Attunement Being one with the universe lends wisdom to the Magistrate. He may note if spellcasting is going on near him with a secret Wisdom check. For more information on Elemental Attunement, see the Rokugan Sourcebook, p50.
Yumeno family are the best there has ever been. Their primary function is to serve as entertainers for the various daimyo ruling the houses of the Phoenix clan. Their secondary and more important function is to serve as drum messengers during war. Fortunately for the Phoenix, this happens very rarely. However, the drummers have proven themselves useful time and again with The Yumeno Kodo Drummer Level Attack Bonus Fort Save 1 +0 +2 2 +0 +3 3 +1 +3 4 +1 +4 5 +1 +4 6 +2 +5 7 +2 +5 8 +2 +6 9 +3 +6 10 +3 +7
their tireless message services. Not to mention they are very strong and healthy, providing as impromptu security when the time demands it. Few resist the hammer blows of the kodo drummer more than once Hit Die: d6
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Drum Signal Code 1 Lure of the Heart Ambidexterity 2 Filling the Heart Lost in the Moment 3 Beating the Heart Bonus Feat Great Fortitude Bonus Feat Kodo Drum Master Rank 2 Filling the Heart The kodo drummer motivates and entrances the audience with his primal music. His drumming has the effect of a charm person spell cast as a sorcerer of equal level to the drummer. The target needs to make a Will save versus a DC11 + the drummer's Charisma bonus. The effect lasts as long as the drummer makes his music. The effect takes one round to begin and can be activated or turned off at will.
Requirements To become a Kodo Drummer, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Skill Focus (Perform) Knowledge (Music): 4 ranks Listen: 4 ranks Perform (Drums): 4 ranks Special: The character must come from the Phoenix clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Kodo Drummer (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis ) and Sense Motive (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Kodo Drummer gains no additional weapon or armor proficiency. Yumeno Kodo Drummer Techniques Rank 1 Lure of the Heart The rhythmic rolls of the drum draw the person from far away to participate in the dance. If the Drummer performs for one minute, anyone in range of hearing (up to 250 feet) must make a Will save versus a DC10 + the Drummer's class level + the Drummer's Charisma bonus. There is a cumulative -1 to the save DC for each 25 feet away that the target person is. If they fail the save, they must move toward the drummer as long as he is drumming. They will remain focused on the drummer as long as he continues to drum. This is a supernatural ability. The moment the drummer stops, the people are free to do as they wish.
Rank 3 Beating the Heart The drummer commands the heart of the common man, bringing him under the drummer's control. As long as the drummer continues his sequences, his drumming has the effect of a hold person spell cast as a sorcerer of equal level to the drummer. The effect lasts as long as the drummer makes his music. The effect takes one round to begin and can be activated or turned off at will. Drum Signal Code The Kodo Drummer gains this as a free language at 2nd level. Generally only other drummers have this as a language. Ambidexterity Because of the constant training, the drummer becomes capable of using things in both hands easily. He gains use of the Ambidexterity feat at 3rd level. The character ignores all penalties for using an off hand. The character is neither left handed nor right-handed. Lost in the Moment Because the drummer is so focused on his performance, he gains a net bonus on his saving throws versus charms,
enchantments and Air spells. He gets a +1 bonus for each rank he has in the Yumeno Kodo School. Great Fortitude The drummer receives Great Fortitude as a feat at 8th level. He gets a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saves. Kodo Drum Master The Drum Master is truly unparalleled in his craft. He has the capability of making drums that are awakened spirits. He may make drums that duplicate the spell effect of any Air spell of 4th level or less. This ability is similar to the Craft Wondrous Item feat but it works only for drums. The character can create any type of drum. Enchanting the drum takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its price. To enchant a miscellaneous magic item, the spellcaster must spend 1/25 of the items price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this price.
3. Secrets are Birthmarks You can tell the alignment of the character youre speaking with. Prerequisite 8 ranks in Sense Motive, Bayushi Courtier School, Weakness is My Strength, Shallow Waters Benefit The name of this Technique comes from the Scorpion adage: "Secrets are like birthmarks; the more you try to hide them, the easier they are to see." The courtier has gained an acute sense that allows him to sniff out the weaknesses of his opponent. After ten minutes of conversation with a target character, you may make a contested Sense Motive check against him. If you succeed, you can tell if the character is honorable and what alignment he is. If you fail, you may not make another attempt with that target for 24 hours. If you fail by 15 or more, the target learns your motive. 4. Scrutinys Sweet Song You learn how to exploit the weaknesses in others. Prerequisite 10 ranks in Innuendo, Bayushi Courtier School, Weakness is My Strength, Shallow Waters, Secrets are Birthmarks Benefit At this Rank, the Scorpion can not only learn others' weaknesses, but how to exploit them. For every one hour of game time spent interacting with the character, you gain an additional +1 on your Innuendo and Sense Motive checks against that character (to a maximum of +3 on each check). If you change your focus onto another target character, you lose the accumulated bonus. Once you mark your target and gain bonuses against him, the bonus lasts for 24 hours.
Courtiers of the Scorpion clan are masters in their field. The entire clan deals in information, so everyday business is court room politics. Competing against the Scorpion clan in politics and diplomacy is like fighting an undefeated army. The connections that the Scorpion have with other clans are so deep and convoluted they can pull off many different schemes by just making a few contacts with some other people. Bayushi Courtier School This feat gives access to the Bayushi Courtier School techniques. Prerequisite Cha 13+, The courtier must come from the Scorpion clan. Benefit +2 to all Innuendo checks, the courtier gains access to the Bayushi Courtier School techniques. 1. Weakness is My Strength You can take advantage of others weaknesses. Prerequisite Honor score not above 3, Bayushi Courtier School Benefit The Bayushi Courtier School teaches its students to turn the weaknesses of others to their advantage. Whenever you make a contested roll against another character, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus. This bonus stacks with other circumstance bonuses. 2. Shallow Waters You can determine weaknesses in other characters. Prerequisite 6 ranks in Innuendo, 6 ranks in Sense Motive, Bayushi Courtier School, Weakness is My Strength Benefit The name of this Technique comes from the proverb: "Every m is an ocean, and no matter how deep, every ocean an has shallow waters." After ten minutes of conversation with another character, you make a contested Charisma check versus the target character. If you succeed, you can determine his lowest ability score. You may continue doing this every ten minutes with the next lowest ability score until you fail the test. If you fail the check by ten or more, the target character realizes what you are doing.
5. No More Masks You expose a targets weaknesses to others around him. Prerequisite Honor rank not above 2, Cha 14+, Bayushi Courtier School, Weakness is My Strength, Shallow Waters, Secrets are Birthmarks, Scrutinys Sweet Song Benefit Finally, the Scorpion has become the master of manipulation. Through conversation, she is able to show the weaknesses she sees, gaining her benefit and inflicting difficulties on others. Through the use of slander and lies, you may impose a 3 to all Charisma-based skill checks to the target character. You do not need to see or talk to the target in order for this ability to work. You need to talk to others in order for this to work. This penalty stays in effect as long as you maintain the
lies, or for 1 day of every courtier level you possess. The only way this can be negated is if your lies are discovered or the target provides testimony or evidence contrary to your lies. He must make an Innuendo, Diplomacy or Wisdom check versus your Innuendo check in order to defeat this ability.
The Ide have been the primary source of courtiers in the Unicorn clan for many years. The Unicorn have a difficult time in politics, since the entire clan is considered alien and foreign to the natives of Rokugan. They have some unconventional culture and beliefs among the Rokugani, but this helps as much as hinders the Ide in diplomacy. Their connections are not as deep as others, but the Unicorn are honest and loyal allies, steadfast in peace and war. Ide Emissary School This feat gives access to the Ide Emissary School techniques. Prerequisite Wis 13+, the emissary must come from the Unicorn clan or swear fealty to the Unicorn with the Different School feat. Benefit +1 to Charisma, the emissary gains access to the Ide Emissary School techniques. 1. The Heart Speaks Your honor shines when you speak. Prerequisite Must not be dishonorable, Ide Emissary School Benefit The Ide student is shown how to let her soul shine in every action. Whenever the emissary makes a skill roll in a social situation, you may add your Honor rank to the roll. 2. The Heart Listens You have a remarkable memory. Prerequisite Int 12+, 4 ranks in Gather Information, Ide Emissary School, The Heart Speaks Benefit The student has learned that every detail is important, and takes great care to observe and remember everything. You may make a simple Intelligence roll to remember anything that was said and done during a meeting. The DC of the check is 5 per day since the words were spoken in your presence. Accurately remembering second-hand information adds 10 to the DC (you merely need to have heard of the event). 3. When the Veils Move You may react to a situation before it turns ugly. Prerequisite 6 ranks in Sense Motive, Ide Emissary School, The Heart Speaks, The Heart Listens Benefit The emissary is well attuned to the ebb and flow of negotiation, and can sense when the current shifts. If the situation turns violent or something else is about to happen that the emissary doesn't like, she may be able to react. If you make a Sense Motive check versus DC 15, you may make a free partial action before anyone else in the area. Even if you fail the roll, you are still not considered flat-footed in the first round of combat. 4. Piercing the Veils You can see through the words spoken to you
Prerequisite 8 ranks in Sense Motive, 8 ranks in Innuendo, Ide Emissary School, The Heart Speaks, The Heart Listens, When the Veils Move Benefit At this level, the emissary has learned to see past the surface to the truth within. This is done by paying acute attention to tangible clues (dilation of the eyes, unconscious habits, slight alterations in tone of voice) as well as by more esoteric spiritual methods which defy explanation. Anyone who uses the Innuendo skill against you has a 5 added to his DC or you gain a +5 on opposed Charisma-based skill checks or Innuendo checks. 5. The Immovable Hand of Peace You emanate peace in any situation, even in the heat of combat. Prerequisite Must be honorable, Ide Emissary School, The Heart Speaks, The Heart Listens, When the Veils Move, Piercing the Veils Benefit By this point, the emissary has perfected the art of peace. She has incredible presence, and her calm and assured demeanor make her an island of serenity in even the worst of storms. She may use her personal presence as her defense. Whenever anyone wants to make an attack against the emissary, they must make an opposed Wisdom check versus the emissary. If they win, they may attack the emissary normally. If they lose, they may not attack the emissary. They may make a new check every round of combat. The emissary may not attack for this technique to be in effect. After a successful roll, an attacker need not roll again against the emissary during that combat. This does not apply to area of effect spells or an attack that would normally require a Reflex save not directed against the emissary specifically (such as dragon breath).
Monks are the inheritors of Shinsei. They study his mysteries and spread his word throughout Rokugan. They are considered heimin but have huge power since many are former samurai, daimyo or shugenja. This gives them the opportunity to voice their views and perform acts without retribution or fear of punishment. They wander the countryside, blessing everyone, peasant and samurai alike. They are outside the heavenly order but have immense ability to influence it. Adventures An adventure for a monk could take them any and everywhere. They are involved in hunting oni, farming in the rice paddies, or saving a Tainted bushi from ultimate corruption. They use their extensive knowledge of politics and clan policy to influence like a courtier. They use their extensive martial arts training to defend themselves and those who cannot defend themselves. They use their religious training to raise morale and maintain the spiritual soul of the country. Characteristics Monks are very good at many different things. They are phenomenal martial artists, studying and practicing the style of jiu -jitsu that Shinsei originally taught. Their lack of armor and
heavy weapons keeps them in check. They are excellent diplomats, making their views known in court. However, many of their ideas are lost, since though it may be bad to insult a monk, it is acceptable to ignore or not listen to one. They don't have magic, but they have kiho powers, a focusing of their Chi and void abilities.
Alignment Monks are the epitome of enlightened balance. Generally they work to maintain the balance, but they prefer life and happiness to evil. Also they believe generally that following the group needs is better overall. It is difficult to watch a monk and gauge what he might do next. Since they are following a very esoteric philosophy, sometimes the short-term act may seem incongruous to their beliefs. Monks who have found true enlightenment through Shinsei may be completely impossible to understand.
Table 4a: The Monk Level Base Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6/+1 9 +6/+1 10 +7/+2 11 +8/+3 12 +9/+4 13 +9/+4 14 +10/+5 15 +11/+6/+1 16 +12/+7/+2 17 +12/+7/+2 18 +13/+8/+3 19 +14/+9/+4 20 +15/+10/+5 Religion
Special Unarmed Strike, Void Use Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Kiho Power Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Kiho Power Chi Strike (+1) Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Kiho Power Chi Strike (+2) Bonus Feat Bonus Feat Kiho Power Chi Strike (+3) Bonus Feat Bonus Feat
Game Rule Information Abilities The primary abilities for monks are Dexterity and Wisdom equally. Dexterity is important for defense and speed. Wisdom is useful in diplomatic situations and finding insight in incomprehensible situations. Constitution is great for health and hit point bonuses. Intelligence is useful for skills and knowledge of Shinsei. Alignment Monks nay be any non-evil, non-chaotic alignment. Hit Die: d8 Class Skills The Monk's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana, Etiquette, Calligraphy, Poetry, Meditation, Religion, and History)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), Tea Ceremony (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).
The Monks of Shinsei are the religion. Some follow Shinsei directly. Some monks are followers of the fortunes, such as Hachiman, Kaimetsuuo, or Osano-wo. Finally others venerate the kami themselves. However, each monk follows according to the temple where he studied. Each can be very different. Other monks develop new views or interpretations of the Tao of Shinsei and establish a new temple of their Own. Background Monks come from primarily two different backgrounds. The first are the retired samurai. After a period of serving their lord, at a particular age, they retire and become monks, pondering the wonders of Shinsei. The second are heimin who are drawn from the farms and cities. They leave their homes to make it easier for their fa milies, or a monk discovers them and takes them on a journey of enlightenment. Most of the most powerful monks are of the latter variety, having been monks much longer. After a period of study, usually they are encouraged to go out and explore the world with their new point of view, testing and validating it.
Skill Points at lot Level: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The monk is proficient in all simple weapons and weapons peculiar to their class, including Nunchaku, Kama, Kusari-gama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A monk may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They are not proficient in armor at all. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive
number.) If a monk wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. Unarmed Strike Monks are highly trained in fighting unarmed, giving them considerable advantages when doing so. They deal more damage than normal, as shown on Table 4b: Monk Abilities. A monk fighting unarmed gains the benefits of the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and thus do not provoke attacks of opportunity from armed opponents that he attacks. A monk's attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. There is no off-hand attack when a monk attacks unarmed. If he is using a one-handed weapon, he may attack with his free hand as an offhand attack, incurring penalties for fighting with two weapons. If the weapon is in the off-hand, it incurs the off-hand penalty.
Table 4b: Monk Abilities Level Unarmed Attack Bonus Unarmed Damage Armor Class Bonus* Unarmored Speed 1 +0 1-6 +0 30ft 2 +1 1-6 +0 30ft 3 +2 1-6 +0 40ft 4 +3 1-8 +0 40ft 5 +3 1-8 +1 40ft 6 +4/+1 1-8 +1 50ft 7 +5/+2 1-8 +1 50ft 8 +6/+3 1-10 +1 50ft 9 +6/+3 1-10 +1 60ft 10 +7/+4/+1 1-10 +2 60ft 11 +8/+5/+2 1-10 +2 60ft 12 +9/+6/+3 1-12 +2 70ft 13 +9/+6/+3 1-12 +2 70ft 14 +10/+7/+4/+1 1-12 +2 70ft 15 +11/+8/+5/+2 1-12 +3 80ft 16 +12/+9/+6/+3 1-20 +3 80ft 17 +12/+9/+6/+3 1-20 +3 80ft 18 +13/+10/+7/+4/+1 1-20 +3 90ft 19 +14/+11/+8/+5/+2 1-20 +3 90ft 20 +15/+12/+9/+6/+3 1-20 +4 90ft *This figure plus the monk's Wisdom modifier are added to the Monk's AC (if this figure plus the Monk's Wisdom modifier is not a positive number, do not add it.) The AC Bonus is 1/5 the monk's level. Void Use The Monk has the Void Use feat from the Rokugan Sourcebook at first level. He may use Void Points as explained. For more information, please see the Rokugan Sourcebook, p55. Kiho Power Kiho are special abilities that give the monk powers over and above the normal person. Each has a requirement for the monk to qualify. When he qualifies, the monk may choose and use that ability. Most kiho are usable at will or will have limitations listed in the kiho description. Many require the spending of void points, so a player should keep that in mind. For a list of kiho, please see the list in Appendix C: Kiho Powers. Bonus Feats As a feat, the monk may gain the following abilities: Stunning Attack, Deflect Arrows, Slow Fall, Improved Trip, Leap of the Clouds, Evasion, Improved Evasion, Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack), Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse*, and Weapon Focus*. Some of the bonus feats available to a monk cannot be acquired until the monk has gained one or more prerequisite feats; these feats are listed after the prerequisite feat. A monk may take a feat marked with an asterisk (*) more than once, but it must be for a different weapon each time. A monk must meet all prerequisites for a feat, i cluding ability score and base attack n bonus minimums. (see Chapter 5: Feats, of the Player's Handbook, p77) Important: These bonus feats are in addition to the feats gained every three levels on Table 3-2 of the Player's
Handbook. The monk is not limited to the types of feats he can take with those allocated slots. Chi Strike At 10th level, a monk's attack is empowered with chi. The unarmed strike damage from such an attack can deal damage to a creature with damage reduction, such as an oni, as if the blow were made with a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus. Chi Strike improves as the monk gains experience noted in Table 4: The Monk. Chi Strike is a supernatural ability.
Tsuchi-do, the art developed in Crab lands for defense against the Shadowlands.
Monks are common in the Imperial family. Following the tradition established by the first Hantei Emperors, at the age of forty, a man retires to the Brotherhood of Shinsei to contemplate his final years on earth. He moves to a temple nearby, shaves his head and becomes a priest, tending to others' spiritual needs and sometimes acting as a counselor to the Emperor or daimyo.
Not many samurai from the Crab clan reach retirement age to become a monk. Those who do frequently stay on the Wall, fighting enemies of the Shadowlands. They are usually ordered to retire and go to a monastery. Those ordered are typically too wounded or crippled from the endless combat on the Wall. Those who do become monks are usually very active, traveling from village to village, ministering to the peasants and teaching them ways of self-defense. Most become adept at The Master of Tsuchi-do Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6 9 +6 10 +7 Hit Die: d8 Requirements To become a Master of Tsuchi-do, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +8
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special: The monk must have served the Crab clan on the Kaiu or Carpenter wall for five years. The character need not be a member of the Crab clan, just has to have served the clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Master of Tsuchi-do (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Battle (Wis), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Tumble (Dex).
Earth Strike The monks hands become like stone. He gains a +4 to hit. He also gains a +4 damage bonus. Creatures with Damage Resistance are immune to this strike. It is assumed that the master has met the prerequisite for using this technique. Bonus Feat The master of tsuchi-do may choose a bonus feat from the list of feats under the monk class. It is assumed that the master has met the prerequisite for using this technique. Seeking Strike You gain a +3 To Hit a target, negating the targets Armor Bonus to Armor Class. However, you lose any Strength modifiers to damage the target and cannot achieve a Threat with a natural roll of 20. It is assumed that the master has met the prerequisite for using this technique. Essence of Earth As a kiho ability, the master may activate essence of earth, if he spends a Void point. He uses the spell as a shugenja of equal level to the monk plus master levels.
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Master of Tsuchi-do is proficient in simple weapons and martial arts weapons including the Nunchaku, Kama, Kusari-gama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A tsuchi-do master may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, o r tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They are not proficient in armor at all. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A master of tsuchi-do adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a tsuchi-do master wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The master of tsuchi-do may add his master levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus. Weapon Block Through technique, practice and conditioning your hands act as impromptu bucklers. Each empty hand provides a +1 deflection bonus to Armor Class. This technique does not work if you are flat-footed or lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason. It is assumed that the master has met the prerequisite for using this technique.
Kiho Technique At 6th level, the master may choose a bonus kiho technique. It is assumed that the master meets the prerequisite for the kiho chosen. Immobility By concentrating for one round, you may make your body act as if it weighed five times as much as it really does. It becomes very difficult for anyone to perform a Bull Rush attack on you; you have an effective Strength of your score + 8 for resisting Bull Rush attacks. It is assumed that the master has met the prerequisite for using this technique. Earth Technique This technique brings the master of tsuchi-do in harmony with the element of earth. By spending Void points, the master gains a temporary bonus to Constitution equal to the number of Void points spent. By adding to the score, the master gains bonus hit points and bonuses to any Constitution-based skill checks. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the master's (newly raised) Constitution modifier. Master of Tsuchi-do The master has achieved true mastery of his art. He is now one with his element. The master becomes an earth elemental subtype, immune to effects against people or humanoids. Also, the master of tsuchi-do gains a +4 to Constitution permanently.
Samurai of the Crane clan follow closely the traditions established by Hantei so long ago. When they turn forty years old, samurai retire to the Priesthood. The Crane monks are active in their retirement, much like the monks of the Imperial Family. Monks from the Doji or Asahina families tend to be counselors, assisting courtiers in politics. Monks from the Daidoji and Kakita families go out into the world, attending to the various villages and shrines in Crane lands.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Know the School Bonus Feat Water Strike Double Kick Way of Water Bonus Feat Luring Block Water Technique Essence of Water Pain Touch
Double Kick If you declare a full attack, you gain one extra attack at your highest attack bonus, as long as it is a leg strike. Your feet must not be stuck, nor may you use this attack if you are on unstable or slippery ground (any surface requiring a Dexterity or Balance check). It is assumed that the master meets the prerequisites for this technique. Way of Water The master of mizu-do may invoke Way of Water as a shugenja of equal level to the master. The master need only spend a Void point. Luring Block If you are attacked by an opponent, you may perform a contested Bluff check versus the opponent. If you win, the opponent loses any Dexterity or Circumstance bonuses to his Armor Class, making it easier for you to attack him on your next turn. It is assumed that the master meets the prerequisites for this technique. Water Technique The master of mizu-do learns how to flow with his opponent's attack. He gains a +2 competence bonus to Armor Class. This is a Dodge bonus that stacks with other Dodge bonuses to Armor Class. Essence of Water At 9th level, the mizu-do master may become the essence of water, just like the spell of the same name. It is invoked by spending a Void point, and it is cast as a shugenja of an equal level to the master. For more information on Essence of Water, please see the D&D Player's Handbook, p207, under Gaseous Form. Pain Touch If you hit with a stunning attack, the target must make a successful Fortitude save versus the damage of the attack or feel such intense pain that he cannot perform many actions. He is unable to attack, cast spells, maintain concentration on spells or do anything else requiring attention for 1 round. He may only take one move or single move-equivalent action. Creatures immune to stun are immune to this attack. It is assumed that the master meets the prerequisites for this technique.
The Dragon clan has a family of monks in its ranks: The Togashi. This precludes the requirement of samurai to retire at forty, since many choose to be monks from early in life. The clan champion, Togashi, is head of the Ise Zumi, the monks of the Dragon. As could be expected from a clan led by monks, the clan is very spiritual and thoughtful about all of their activities.
Hit Die: d8 Requirements To become a master of Kaze -do, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +3 Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike (or monk's unarmed attack bonus), Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Void Use Knowledge (Religion): 4 ranks Heal: 4 ranks Honor: must not be dishonorable The Master of Kaze -do (Togashi Ise Zumi) Level Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save 1 +0 +0 +2 2 +1 +0 +3 3 +2 +1 +3 4 +3 +1 +4 5 +3 +1 +4 6 +4 +2 +5 7 +5 +2 +5 8 +6 +2 +6 9 +6 +3 +6 10 +7 +3 +7 Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Master of kaze-do is proficient in simple weapons, the wakizashi and martial arts weapons including the Nunchaku, Kama, Kusari-gama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A kaze -do master may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They are not proficient in armor at all. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A master of kaze-do adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a kaze-do master wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The master of kaze-do may add his master levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure h is unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus.
Special: The character must receive a tattoo from the Ise Zumi tattoo artist with a special mix of ink and Togashi's blood. Class Skills The class skills of the master of kaze -do (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), Tea Ceremony (Wis) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Tattoo Chi Perception Air Strike Tattoo Chi Strike Air Technique Tattoo Chi Projection Karmic Strike Tattoo Tattoo The monk receives a tattoo from the master tattoo artist of the Togashi monastery. This tattoo gives the monk some supernatural ability to perform some awesome feat of physical prowess. The list of tattoos available can be found in the Oriental Adventures sourcebook, pp50-51. Chi Perception By spending a Void point, the monk has the ability to detect any living thing within a 20 foot radius. The target must have a Charisma score (1+). Undead or true Shadowlands creatures cannot be detected with this ability. It is assumed the monk has the prerequisites for this kiho ability. Air Strike The monk receives a +4 bonus to hit when she receives this feat, if she spends a Void point. If she hits in combat, the target must make a Fortitude save versus a DC of the monks unarmed damage roll against the target or be stunned for 3 rounds. Chi Strike At 5th level, a monk's attack is empowered with chi. The unarmed strike damage from such an attack can deal damage to a creature with damage reduction, such as an oni, as if the blow were made with a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus. Chi Strike improves as the monk gains experience noted in Table 4: The Monk. Chi Strike is a supernatural ability. This ability stacks with bonuses derived from the standard monk class.
Air Technique This technique imbues the kaze-do master with the essence of air. The monk, when he spends a Void point, becomes shimmery and somewhat insubstantial, gaining a +4 enchantment bonus to Armor Class. Chi Projection He gains a +2 enhancement bonus to hit with unarmed attacks. The monk may ignore armor in order to calculate armor class. The bonus to hit stacks with other monk bonuses to hit. Karmic Strike If you get hit in combat, you gain a free attack of opportunity against the opponent who hit you. You may do this one time per point of Charisma Bonus per round.
It is unknown whether the Lion are more traditional than the Imperial Family, but at age forty every s amurai is required to retire to the priesthood. The monks of the Lion separate themselves from the worldly politics of Rokugan and spend their lives in quiet meditation on their lives. Some go to maintain the shrines of their ancestors or to the Kitsu Tombs to service the place where the ancestors of the Lion still sleep. After initial training and education in a monastery, a Lion monk may return to his home to educate family members in the household or be counselors to their daimyo.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Ni no Kata Linear Movement Deflection Block; Toughness Fists of Iron; Teacher Training Benefit Strength of Purity San no Kata Breaking Strike Grappling Block; Toughness Countermove; Master Training Benefit Master of Ikoma-kai
Honor: must not be dishonorable Alignment: must be Lawful Special: The character must belong to Lion clan or swear fealty to Lion clan and use the Different School feat. Class Skills The class skills of the Ikoma Budoka (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Battle (Wis), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Ikoma Budoka is proficient in simple weapons, the wakizashi and mart ial arts weapons including the Nunchaku, Kama, Kusari-gama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A budoka may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They are not proficient in armor at all. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A budoka adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a budoka wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The budoka may add his budoka levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus. Ni no Kata Preparation Time: 10 minutes Duration: 90 minutes This kata is the second form taught to Ikoma-kai practitioners. It adds to the basic techniques and positions taught in Ichi no Kata. It teaches more advanced maneuvers to the budoka, so he can survive during the chaos of combat. Effect: Ni no Kata gives the budoka a +2 to hit whenever the budoka performs a charge attack on an opponent for the duration of the kata. In addition, the budoka gains the benefit of the Power Attack and Cleave feats, but only on an opponent directly in front of the budoka. Conversely, the budoka receives a 2 penalty to all Reflex saves for the duration of the kata. Linear Movement You receive this technique at 2nd level. You attack with projection, not taking no for an answer. Any unarmed attack you make at a foe automatically includes a free bonus Overrun attack included. If you are charging, you gain a +3 to the Overrun attack (or subsequent Trip check). You do not need to charge in order to initiate the Overrun. If you are performing a full attack, you get only one Overrun attack.
Deflection Block If you are attacked successfully, you may make a Reflex Saving throw versus a DC of the attacks roll in order to reduce the damage to 1/2. This technique is useful to only block melee attacks (with either weapons or unarmed attacks). Toughness At 3rd and 8th level, you gain the benefit of the Toughness feat. You gain +3 to your hit points. Fists of Iron You must declare this attack before you attack on your turn (a missed attack uses up a use of this ability). If you hit, you inflict an extra 1d4 points of damage. You may use this technique a number of times per day equal to 3 times + your Charisma Modifier. You gain the benefit of this technique at 4th level. Teacher Training Benefit At 4th level, you also gain the benefits of applying yourself to the training of Ikoma -kai. You gain a +1 natural bonus to your Armor Class. This is an extraordinary ability. Strength of Purity You gain the benefits of the Strength of Purity feat from the Rokugan sourcebook. You may declare a smite attack against your enemy. You gain a bonus to hit equal to your Honor score and a damage bonus equal to half your character level. This occurs at 5th level. You must be honorable in order to use this technique. If you are not honorable, then you may not use this technique again until you regain honorable status. For more information on this, please see the Rokugan sourcebook, p55. San no Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 120 minutes This is the third and final form learned in the Ikoma-kai Dojo. Techniques learned in this form bring the budoka to master levels of skill in the martial arts. Budoka who reach this level of skill are almost unbeatable. It is difficult for several armed opponents to take down a master-trained budoka. Effect: While this kata is in effect, the budoka gains a +4 to his Strength score. At the same time, the budoka receives 4 to his Dexterity score. The effects are incurred immediately when the kata goes into effect. Breaking Strike Your threat range for unarmed attacks is 19-20 instead of a natural 20. Also you ignore hardness for attacking objects. You cant use this technique on magical weapons. You learn this technique at 7th level. Grappling Block You learn this technique at 8th level. If you are attacked by an unarmed opponent, as a reaction, you may roll a To Hit against the attack in order to grapple him. If you hit, you intercept the attack and are automatically grappled with your opponent. You lose any attacks you have in the round you block,
but in the next round, you are grappled and may attack normally as the grappling rules permit. Countermove If you are attacked by an opponent and he misses, you may immediately make an attack of opportunity as long as you have no other opponents who can threaten you. Master Training Benefit A budoka who learns all the techniques of Ikoma-kai has achieved basic mastery of the style. He gains Damage Resistance of 3/+1. Master of Ikoma-kai At 10th level, the budoka becomes a Master of Ikoma kai. He develops a roar that puts all his foes in their place as the Lion is king of all animals. This roar heartens his allies and puts fear into the heart of his foes. All allies within 50 feet of the budoka gain a +2 to all Will saves and any fear effects. All enemies within 50 feet receive a 2 to all Will saves and any fear effects. This effect lasts for 1 round for every point of Charisma that the budoka has. Secondly, the budoka receives +1 to his Strength score for every 10 allies within 50 feet of him (great for formation combat!). It takes one round to activate this ability.
abilities. They add to the magic and mystique of the Phoenix clan.
Monks in the Phoenix clan are integral to the operation of the clan. They are frequently seen as advisors, diplomats and priests to the people and families in Phoenix territories. A lot of the monks belong to the Asako family, heirs to the secret of mankind. The Asako monks are very mystical and have unusual The Asako Henshin Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6 9 +6 10 +7
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Sun and Moon Kata Kiho Power Great Throw Bonus Feat Paralyzing Touch Kiho Power Immobility Bonus Feat Master of Jiu-jutsu The Gift of Man Martial Arts: The character must have taken the first six techniques and two kata of standard jiu-jutsu. Special: The character must come from the Asako family. Class Skills The class skills of the Asako Henshin (and corresponding ability score) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Innuendo (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession
Requirements In order to become an Asako Henshin, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Void Use, Depths of the Void Knowledge (Religion): 8 ranks Sense Motive: 8 ranks Tea Ceremony: 8 ranks Honor: must be honorable
(Wis), Sense Motive (Wis ), Tea Ceremony (Wis) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Asako Henshin is proficient in simple weapons, the wakizashi and martial arts weapons including the Nunchaku, Kama, Kusari-gama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A henshin may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They are not proficient in armor at all. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A henshin adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a henshin wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The henshin may add his henshin levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus. Sun and Moon Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 180 minutes This is the third form of the Jiu-jutsu Dojo. This kata brings the light of the sun and the light of the moon together so the monk is never in darkness, day or night. The techniques of this form protect the monk at all times, in all situations. This advanced form is the ultimate in defense for the martial artist. Effect: While this kata is in effect, the artis t gain Fast Healing 5. However, you get a -3 penalty to Armor Class. Kiho Power At 2nd and 6th level, the henshin gains a kiho power as a monk does. For a list of kiho, please see Appendix C of this document. It is presumed that the monk already qualifies for any feat he chooses. Great Throw You may attack an opponent to throw him, even if he is armed. You do not draw an attack of opportunity with this attack. You need make a successful grapple against the opponent in order to do this. If you do, you automatically make an Improved Trip attack against this opponent, with a +2 to that attack. Bonus Feat At 4th and 8th level, the monk gains a bonus monk feat from the list of bonus feats on page 73 of this document. It is presumed that the monk already qualifies for any feat he chooses. Paralyzing Touch If you succeed with a touch attack, the target needs to make a Fortitude save versus the damage inflicted or become paralyzed. The effect last as long as you keep your hand on the target. Immobility By concentrating for one round, you may make your body act as if it weighed five times as much as it really does. It becomes very difficult for anyone to perform a Bull Rush attack on you; you have an effective Strength of your score + 8 for resisting Bull Rush attacks. Master of Jiu-jutsu The henshin has mastered all the techniques of jiu-jutsu. After she has mastered the techniques, she receives the benefit of master level techniques. This benefit is a +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class and a benefit that the henshin cannot be flanked. This benefit is active all the time. The monk is no longer considered flat-footed at the beginning of combat. If the monk does lose her Dexterity bonus to AC for any reason, the monk loses this ability. The Gift of Man The monk has reached the pinnacle of achievement and learns the secret of Immortality. At 10th level, the henshin no longer ages nor feels the effects of normal or magical aging. The monk's Fast Healing derived from the Sun and Moon Kata becomes permanent. Any spellcasting ability or spell-like abilities the monk has no longer have an effect nor can be ever used again. If the monk ever becomes dishonorable, he loses the effects of this Gift permanently.
are attacked, we respond by letting him go by. Let him go by, and he will be lost in his own darkness. -- Isawa Kenji, Master of Hitsu-do The master of hitsu-do practices the form of Jiu -jutsu developed by an Oracle of fire, Orosei. Many of the artists are from the Isawa family of the Phoenix clan. They study the art since many of the Phoenix are shugenja. It is a completely passive art, even though practiced by the Oracle of Fire. A lot of the budoka who study hitsu-do look for spiritual enlightenment outside of the spiritual connection of spell casting. Also many shugenja study hitsu-do because it is practical if one knows how to defend himself when his yojimbo cannot help him in combat. Hitsu-do is also useful to women, since it requires little strength and directs attacks away from the target. Though originating in Phoenix territories, budoka from many clans study hitsu-do. Hit Die: d4 Requirements In order to be a Master of Hitsu-do, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Iron Will, Void Use Concentration: 6 ranks Diplomacy: 6 ranks Martial Arts: The budoka must have learned the first three techniques and first kata of Hitsu-do. The Master of Hitsu-do Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +1 4 +2 5 +2 6 +3 7 +3 8 +4 9 +4 10 +5
Special: The character must belong to Phoenix clan or be sponsored by a member of Phoenix clan. Class Skills The class skills of the master of hitsu-do (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tea Ceremony (Wis) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon Proficiency The Master of Hitsu-do is proficient in simple weapons, the wakizashi and martial arts weapons including the Nunchaku, Kama, Kusari-gama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A master may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They are not proficient in armor at all. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A master adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a master wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The master may add his master levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Trial by Fire Kata; Kiho Power Bonus Feat Concentrated Push Circular Block; Bonus Feat Light Step; Teacher Level Benefits Rising from the Ashes Kata; Kiho Power Bonus Feat Defensive Throw Incapacitator Hold; Bonus Feat Sliding Step; Master Level Benefits Kiho Power The monk gains a kiho power as described in the list in Appendix C of this supplement. The monk receives these abilities at 1st and 6th level. Bonus Feat At 2nd, 4th, 7th and 9th level, the master of hitsu-do gets a bonus monk feat from the list on page 73 of this supplement. Concentrated Push With a successful touch attack, you can push an opponent with a force equal to your Strength score plus 6 (add +3 to your touch attack roll). The defender must make a successful
Trial by Fire Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 60 minutes Trial by Fire Kata is the second form of the hitsu-do dojo. This form teaches techniques derived for the three techniques learned in this level of training. It puts the budoka through fire, testing him and toughening him for future opponents. Effect: By using circular walking movements, the budoka may walk with no surface pressure. This permits him to walk on water without falling in or even walking on fire without feeling the effect of it. However, during the duration of this kata, the budoka receives a -4 versus all Air spells cast at him.
Reflex save versus your touch attack (DC of the touch attack roll) or be pushed back by 5 feet for each point the attack roll beats the saving throw roll by. If you initiate a Bull Rush, you gain a +4 to that attack. You gain this ability at 3rd level. Circular Block If you are successfully attacked by an unarmed opponent, you may making a Reflex saving throw versus a DC of the Attackers Attack Roll to avoid the attack. If you succeed you may automatically initiate a grapple with the attacker. You may do this a number of times per round equal to your Dexterity modifier. Light Step When you walk, your steps apply very little pressure. All Move Silently checks gain a +6 competence bonus, your steps leave no tracks and anyone with the Track feat has a +10 to the DC of tracking a person with this technique. Teacher Level Benefits You gain the effect of pass without trace (Player's Handbook, p234), as the spell, as if it were cast by a wizard equal to your character level. Rising from the Ashes Kata Preparation Time: 30 minutes Duration: 120 minutes This is the last form of hitsu-do. The budoka is destroyed in the conflagration of fire, then he comes back from the ashes as a reborn entity. The techniques of this form show much more advanced ways of defending oneself, either getting the opponent further away from him, or stopping his attack in a more permanent way. Effect: You gain a +4 bonus on Strength checks with anything involving your grip. However you get a -4 penalty to other Strength checks and Jump or Swim checks. Defensive Throw If an opponent you receive an AC bonus from the Dodge feat attacks you and misses, you may make an immediate trip attack against that opponent. Your to hit roll must exceed the attackers to hit roll and his AC (whichever is higher) for this attack to succeed. This attack counts against the number of attacks of opportunity you receive in a round. Incapacitator Hold When you are grappling, if you make a successful grapple check to pin your opponent, your opponent is paralyzed and may not move or defend in a grapple at all. He may talk or perform mental actions (such as knowledge checks). You may maintain this hold unless someone else breaks your grapple with your opponent. Sliding Step If your opponent moves out of a square you threaten, you may move with the opponent as a reaction, if you haven't moved on your turn (except to keep up with your opponent). You may move up to your normal speed in one round.
Master Level Benefits With a successful attack roll and if you spend a Void point, you may paralyze your opponent if he fails a Will save versus a DC of the damage of your attack. The duration of the paralyzation is one round for each point of Charisma bonus you have.
The monks of the Scorpion clan have a special purpose outside of normal monks. They are frequently sent to other lands to spy out information for their daimyo. Few are aware of this ulterior mission. If anything, the samurai of the Scorpion are encouraged to retire early, especially if they are talented in the gathering of intelligence. The clan finds it very important for the preservation of all things Rokugani.
extending towards him, he felt pushed from the side, thrusting him out of the direction of the attack, just in time. He landed on his back, getting the wind knocked out of him. Looking up, another dark shadow in a mask stared down at him. Chuckling, the masked person on top of him said, "Even the dragon is afraid of the shadows" Monks in the Scorpion clan are looked upon with doubt and suspicion. The Shosuro budoka are the reason. Officially, ninja in Rokugan do not exist since the Imperial edict hundreds of years ago. But it does not mean that the skills of the ninja do not exist. The Shosuro monks have many of the skills used by "ninja" in Rokugan. But it does not make them ninja, does it? The monks come only from the Scorpion clan, and though the Shosuro monks are not any more secretive than any other monks, they do not teach anyone outside the Scorpion their techniques. It is one of the few groups of monks that samurai tend to volunteer to retire to when the age of retirement comes. It gives the group of monks an able supply of experienced samurai to fill their ranks. Hit Die: d6
Requirements In order to become a Shosuro budoka, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Pincers and Tail (from Rokugan), Many Masks (from Oriental Adventures) Bluff: 6 ranks Move Silently: 8 ranks Tumble: 6 ranks Martial Arts: the character must have an unarmed attack bonus (from monk or another prestige class granting the unarmed attack bonus) Special: The budoka must come from the Scorpion clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Shosuro Budoka (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Poison (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Hidden Strike; Kiho Power Luring Block Improved Threat Range Pain Touch; Kiho Power Grappling Block Evasion Paralyzing Touch; Kiho Power Grapple with Weapons Enhanced Escape Kiho Power; Bonus Feat Hidden Strike If you succeed at an opposed Bluff check versus an opponent, you may attack that opponent first in a round, negating his Dexterity or Dodge bonuses to Armor Class (remember hes flat-footed in the first round of combat!). You may only make one attack using this technique. Luring Block If you are attacked by an opponent, you may perform a contested Bluff check versus the opponent. If you win, the opponent loses any Dexterity or Circum stance bonuses to his Armor Class, making it easier for you to attack him on your next turn. Improved Threat Range Your threat range with unarmed attacks is 19-20 and one better with any melee weapon you are proficient with.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Shosuro Budoka is proficient in simple weapons and martial arts weapons including the Nunchaku, Kama, Kusarigama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A budoka may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They do not gain any proficiency in armor. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A budoka adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a budoka wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The budoka may add his budoka levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus.
Pain Touch If you hit with a stunning attack, the target must make a successful Fortitude save versus the damage of the attack or feel such intense pain that he cannot perform many actions. He is unable to attack, cast spells, maintain concentration on spells or do anything else requiring attention for 1 round. He may only take one move or single move-equivalent action. Creatures immune to stun are immune to this attack. Grappling Block If you are attacked by an unarmed opponent, as a reaction, you may roll a To Hit against the attack in order to grapple him. If you hit, you intercept the attack and are automatically grappled with your opponent. You lose any attacks you have in the round you block, but in the next round, you are grappled and may attack normally as the grappling rules permit. Evasion When you perform the total defense action in combat, you may double the bonuses you receive to your Armor Class (You will get a +8 to Armor Class). If you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you may not use t is h technique. Paralyzing Touch If you succeed with a touch attack, the target needs to make a Fortitude save versus the damage inflicted or become paralyzed. The effect last as long as you keep your hand on the target. Grapple with Weapons You may safely initiate a grapple versus an armed opponent. You do not draw an attack of opportunity from the target. Enhanced Escape You may take 20 on any Escape Artist check, except when you are being actively tied by an opponent. Also, the time required to break free from a bond is reduced by one half. Kiho Power At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th level, the budoka receives a Kiho Power as a monk. The list of Kiho available is in Appendix C of this document. The Moto Budoka Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6 9 +6 10 +7
Bonus Feat At 5th and 10th level the budoka receives a bonus feat as a monk following the list on page 73 of this document.
There are very few monks in the Unicorn clan. Since the clan was away from the country for eight hundred years, the clan had to concentrate more on survival than enlightenment. So the monks in the Unicorn clan are more down-to-earth and practical than philosophical. Many monks, though versed in the Tao of Shinsei, are more martially oriented than other monks.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Rage Way of the Unicorn (from Rokugan) Horse Combat Kiho Power Bonus Feat Toughness Kiho Power Bonus Feat Toughness Kiho Power
Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Great Fortitude, Mounted Combat Handle Animal: 6 ranks Intimidate: 6 ranks Ride: 6 ranks Martial Arts: The character must have Improved Unarmed Strike or Monk's Unarmed Attack Bonus. Honor: The character cannot be dishonorable Special: The character must be from the Moto family or be sponsored by a member of the Moto family. Class Skills The class skills of the Moto Budoka (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Battle (Wis), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex) and Wilderness Lore (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier
Rage The Moto Budoka is capable of putting himself into a murderous rage. He becomes incredibly strong and resistant to damage, but loses his self-control and willpower. He receives a temporary +4 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will Saves, but suffers a 2 penalty to AC. The Constitution bonus increases the Budokas hit points by 2 points per character level, but these hit points go away when the budokas rage goes away, and his Constitution goes back to normal. (These temporary hit points are not lost first as normal temporary hit points; see p129 of the Players Handbook.) While enraged, the Budoka cannot use skills that require patience and concentration, such as moving silently or casting spells. (The only class skills he cannot use while raging are Knowledge, Profession, Swim and Tumble.) He can use any feat he might have except for Expertise, item creation feats, metamagic feats, and Skill Focus (if it is tied to a skill he cannot use while enraged...). A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + his (newly raised) Constitution modifier. The budoka may voluntarily end the rage early. After the rage, he is Fatigued (-2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, and cannot charge or run) for the duration of the encounter. (At 10th l vel, he no e longer becomes fatigued when enraged.) He may only become raged once per encounter, and a number of times per day equal to half his budoka level (rounded down). Entering the rage takes no time, but he can only start it on his action during initiative. For more details, see the D&D Players Handbook, p25. Way of the Unicorn This technique is acquired by the budoka at 2nd level. This technique is the same as Mounted Combat for the purpose of meeting prerequisites requiring Mounted Combat. I also t provides the benefit of Mounted Combat as well. This also gives the budoka a +2 to hit with ranged weapons while mounted. The information of this feat can be found in the Rokugan sourcebook, p57. Horse Combat This technique permits the budoka to attack unarmed while mounted, without penalty. This does not permit the budoka to attack an armed opponent without drawing an attack of opportunity. It just keeps the budoka on the horse. Also, if the budoka threatens an opponent, he may initiate a grapple. Bonus Feat The Moto Budoka gains bonus monk feats as a monk would. The list of feats is on page 73 of this document. Kiho Power At 4th, 7th and 10th level, the budoka gets a kiho power as a monk would from the list in Appendix C of this document. Toughness At 6th and 9th level, the Moto gets the Toughness feat. Each time, he gets another 3 Hit Points. The Toughness feat is listed in the Player's Handbook, p85.
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Moto Budoka is proficient in simple weapons and martial arts weapons including the Nunchaku, Kama, K usarigama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A budoka may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They do not gain any proficiency in armor. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A budoka adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a budoka wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The budoka may add his budoka levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus.
techniques that test their knowledge of tactics and to strengthen their spirit. They are taught strategy and philosophy to maximize their technique and to more easily realize enlightenment. They are given spiritual training to fortify the physical forms and to rationalize the philosophy they have learned throughout their training. Monks learning the Kukan-do forms specialize in the spiritual aspects of martial arts. Many of these monks come from the Brotherhood, but monks come mostly from retired samurai of the clans. Many will have training as a bushi or shugenja, some others rogues or courtiers. The greatest of these will be the wisest and most spiritually connected people of Rokugan. Hit Die: d6 Requirements In order to become a Master of Kukan-do, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Void Use, Depths of the Void Listen: 8 ranks Sense Motive: 8 ranks Tea Ceremony: 8 ranks Honor: Must be honorable Martial Arts: Must have learned the first six techniques and two kata of Kukan-do. Special: All ability scores must be within 1 point of each other.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Void Bonus Immobility Bonus Feat Void Bonus Kiho Power Bonus Feat Void Bonus Ghost Touch Bonus Feat Void Bonus Nunchaku, Kama, Kusari-gama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A kukan-do master may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They are not proficient in armor at all. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A master of kukan-do adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a kukan-do master wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The master of kukan-do may add his master levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus.
Class Skills The class skills of the Master of Kukan-do (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tea Ceremony (Wis) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Master of Kukan-do is proficient in simple weapons, the wakizashi and martial arts weapons including the
Void Bonus The monk receives an extra Void point at levels 1, 4, 7, and 10, the total being 4 points (these add to the maximum number of Void points a monk can have). These can be used like normal Void points and are recovered normally. Immobility By concentrating for one round, you may make your body act as if it weighed five times as much as it really does. It becomes very difficult for anyone to perform a Bull Rush attack on you; you have an effective Strength of your score + 8 for resisting Bull Rush attacks. Bonus Feat The monk receives a bonus monk feat from the list of feats listed on page 73 of this document. It is assumed that the monk has the prerequisites met for the chosen feat. Kiho Power The monk may choose a kiho power from the list of kiho in Appendix C of this document. Ghost Touch You can make unarmed attacks against incorporeal opponents as if you had the ghost touch power, negating an incorporeal creatures ability to ignore 50% of successful attacks from a corporeal source. Like Ki Strike, Ghost Touch is a supernatural ability. The Sohei Level Attack Bonus 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Weapon and Armor Proficiency Bonus Feat Void Use Armed Chi Strike +1 Bonus Feat Depths of the Void Armed Chi Strike +2 Bonus Feat Void Bonus Armed Chi Strike +3 (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier
Requirements To become a sohei, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +5 Feats: Weapon Focus, Martial Weapon Proficiency Battle: 8 ranks Intimidate: 8 ranks Special: Must be accepted by the abbot of the monastery he wishes to be part of. Class Skills The class skills of the sohei (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Battle (Wis), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Iaijutsu Focus
Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The sohei is proficient in simple weapons, martial weapons and martial arts weapons including the Nunchaku, Kama, Kusari-gama, Dagger, Hand-axe, Sai, Tonfa, and Sling. A sohei may use his unarmed attack bonus when using the nunchaku, kama, sai, or tonfa. The damage for the weapons is normal, however. They are not proficient in armor at all. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A sohei adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his
Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a sohei wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The sohei may add his sohei levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus. Bonus Feat The sohei gains bonus feats as a monk or bushi would. She may choose from the bonus feats on page 7 (bushi bonus feats) and page 73 (monk bonus feats).
Depths of the Void The sohei receives the benefits of the Depths of the Void feat at 6th level. This gives the sohei a +2 bonus to his maximum number of void points. This is described in the Rokugan sourcebook, p49. Void Bonus The sohei gains another bonus Void point added to his maximu m total.
Void Use The sohei has the Void Use feat from the Rokugan Sourcebook at third level. He may use Void Points as explained. For more information, please see the Rokugan Sourcebook, p55. Armed Chi Strike The sohei may charge his weapons with personal energy. He may set his weapons to hit opponents who have Damage Resistance, or require magical weapons to hit. At 4th level, he may hit opponents requiring a +1 or better to hit. This bonus goes to +2 at 7th level and +3 at 10th level. This does not give the sohei an actual bonus to hit, it only allows him to hit targets he would otherwise be unable to hit. This takes no time to activate, but the sohei must spend a Void point to make this technique work. This technique lasts for one round per point of Charisma bonus the Sohei has. The Philosopher of Shinsei Level Attack Bonus Fort Save 1 +0 +0 2 +0 +0 3 +1 +1 4 +1 +1 5 +1 +1 6 +2 +2 7 +2 +2 8 +2 +2 9 +3 +3 10 +3 +3
Hit Die: d4 Requirements To become a Philosopher of Shinsei, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Void Use, Depths of the Void Diplomacy: 8 ranks Knowledge (Shintao): 8 ranks Knowledge (Philosophy): 8 ranks Tea Ceremony: 8 ranks Honor: the character must be honorable
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Great Thinker Elemental Resistance 5 Void Bonus Damage Reduction 5/+1 Elemental Resistance 10 Bonus Feat Damage Reduction 5/+2 Elemental Resistance 15 Void Bonus Elemental Immunity
Class Skills The class skills of the Philosopher of Shinsei (and corresponding ability score) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Tea Ceremony (Wis) and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Philosopher is proficient in simple weapons. The philosopher has the unarmed attack bonus of a monk of equal level to the philosopher plus any monk levels he has. The philosopher is not proficient in any form of armor. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A philosopher adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a philosopher wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The philosopher may add his philosopher levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus. Great Thinker A philosopher of Shinsei puts the power of his mind to work when he works on problems. He may add his Wisdom bonus to any Intelligence-based skill he has. However, he loses his Wisdom bonus to Armor Class in the round he adds his bonus to his skill checks. Elemental Resistance If a character spends a Void point, the character receives resistance against spells of a specific element; Earth, Water, Fire, Air or Void. Either he gets a +2 on Saving Throws or Element Resistance 5 against damage of that type. The duration of the effect is one minute per point of Charisma bonus the character has. At 5th level, the bonus goes to +3/Resistance 10, and at 8th level the bonus is +4/Resistance 15. He can only be resistant to one element at a time. Void Bonus At 3rd and 9th level, the philosopher gains a +1 cumulative bonus to his permanent Void point total. Damage Reduction The character becomes much harder to damage in combat. He gains Damage Resistance of 5/+1 at 4th level. At 7th level, this bonus goes to 5/+2. Bonus Feat At 6th level, the monk gains a bonus monk feat from the list of feats on page 73 of this document.
Elemental Immunity If the Philosopher spends a Void point, he becomes utterly immune to a chosen Natural elemental effect (such as walking through fire or magma, water cannot make him drown, tornados don't exist for him, or landslides just seem to miss him). He must choose Earth, Water, Fire, Air or Void as the chosen element. Normal spells or magical effects still affect the philosopher normally. He can be immune to only one element at a time. He can have this ability up at the same time as Elemental Resistance, but it has to be the same element.
There cannot be light without darkness. Occasionally, a monk will find himself serving the ninja of Rokugan, bringing meaning and spirituality to the assassins and spies. Typically, a monk sympathetic to ninja ideas and loyal to the Imperial House will be contacted by agents of the ninja. If found acceptable, the monk will be taken and placed under the care of the ninja.
Require ments In order to become a Bayushi Ninja, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Void Use Disable Device: 6 ranks Escape Artist: 6 ranks Hide: 10 ranks Move Silently: 10 ranks Honor: May not be dishonorable Martial Arts: The ninja must be skilled in a martial art; the first three techniques of a martial art and the first kata of the art must be known which art is unimportant. Special: The ninja must dedicate himself to the Bayushi Ninja Family by giving up his own name and taking the Bayushi name. Class Skills The class skills of the Bayushi Ninja (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Poison (Int), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Bayushi ninja is proficient in simple weapons, martial and martial arts weapons. The ninja has the unarmed attack bonus of a monk of equal level to the ninja plus any monk levels he has. The ninja is not proficient in any form of armo r. They are highly trained in dodging blows, allowing them to anticipate and dodge attacks. A ninja adds his Wisdom bonus (if The Bayushi Ninja Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +1 4 +2 5 +2 6 +3 7 +3 8 +4 9 +4 10 +5
any) to his Armor Class, in addition to his Dexterity bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a ninja wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The ninja may add his ninja levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus. Bayushi Ninja School Techniques Rank 1 The Way of the Shadow The Bayushi ninja is one with his shadow side. He may take 10 to all hide checks. If unseen, he may take a move-equivalent action to take 20 on his hide check. Rank 2 Silence is a Weapon Veiled in quiet, the ninja attacks with precision. If the ninja successfully performs a Move Silently check and gets within melee range of a target, he gets a +4 to a Sneak Attack roll. This is only good for the first attack against the chosen target. This technique only works if the ninja sneaks up behind the target unseen. Rank 3 Treading on the Water Not even a river can stop the ninja from performing his mission. The ninja may spend a Void point to walk on water. He can walk up to 100 feet without exerting pressure on the water and not getting wet. This technique lasts for a number of minutes equal to the ninja's Charisma bonus. He can move up to 15 feet per round without falling into the water. Rank 4 Whispers in the Wind The ninja can hear with supernatural sensitivity. The ninja may make a Listen check at a DC10 plus 5 per mile of distance of the original sound. The ninja must spend a Void point for each Listen check he makes. Rank 5 The Walls Have Eyes The ninja is so skilled at hiding, he may be in plain sight. The ninja may perform a Hide check versus a DC30 to hide inconspicuously in an area without a hiding place. This check must be performed while the area is empty. Anyone trying to notice the ninja must make a Spot check versus a DC20 plus the ninja's Hide Ranks.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 The Way of the Shadow Sneak Attack +1d6 2 Silence is a Weapon Uncanny Dodge (AC Bonus) 3 Treading on the Water Sneak Attack +2d6; Ranged Sneak Attack 4 Whispers in the Wind Uncanny Dodge (cannot be flanked) 5 The Walls Have Eyes Sneak Attack +3d6; Sneak Attack Multiplier the ninjas attack deals extra damage. The extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level and an additional 1d6 every two levels thereafter. Should the ninja score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. (See Table 88: Attack Roll Modifiers, page 132, Player's Handbook for a combat situation in which the rogue flanks an opponent or the opponent loses his Dexterity bonus to AC.)
Sneak Attack If a ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Basically, any time the rogues target would be denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the ninja flanks the target,
Ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is within 30 feet. The ninja cant strike with deadly accuracy from beyond that range. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, the ninja can make a sneak attack that deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals normal damage to deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty, because she must make optimal use of her weapon in order to execute a sneak attack, (See Subdual Damage, page 134.) A ninja can only sneak attack a living creature with a discernible anatomy undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The ninja must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital spot. The ninja cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment (see Table 810: Concealment, page 133) or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach. At 6th level, the ninja may perform a ranged sneak attack. The 30 foot limit is raised to 120 feet. At 30 feet or less, the ninja gains a bonus to damage equal to her Dexterity bonus. At 10th level, the ninja, if she gets a critical hit, may multiply the added damage from the sneak attack along with the normal damage of the critical hit. Uncanny Dodge Starting at 4th level, the ninja gains the extraordinary ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. At 4th level and above, she retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.) At 8th level, the ninja can no longer be flanked; she can react to opponents on opposite sides of her as easily as she can react to a single attacker. This defense denies other ninja the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack her. The exception to this defense is that another rogue or ninja at least four levels higher than the character can flank her (and thus sneak attack her).
adventure would find the rogue. Rarely is there a time where the rogue can sit back and relax. Characteristics The rogues strengths lie primarily in the use of skills to perform their duties. They are not strong in combat, but they are stronger than shugenja. They are deadly if they can get the drop on their opponent in combat. Their strengths are in stealth, gathering information, and Charisma-based skills. They do not use magic, though they may dis cover how to use some nemuranai. Alignment Rogues come from all backgrounds; hence they may have about any personality or alignment. Many are naturally Chaotic, since they either defy the Celestial Order or act out of greed or selfishness. Whether they are good or evil is not an issue. In most cases they operate either entirely for themselves or for their lord. Rogues associated with a Clan will have an alignment typical of the clan. Lion clan rogues may be Lawful in alignment, whereas Dragon clan rogues may be Chaotic Good. Religion As all Rokugani, the rogue follows the religion of Shinsei, the Fortunes, the Kami, or a combination of all of them. With the rogue, how pious they are is more important than if they are pious. Ronin or profit-oriented rogues are less pious than clan rogues are. They may not follow a religion at all, since religion is not a primary requirement to perform their functions. Background Rogues come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Each clan has its own school that emphasizes the role of the rogue, though some are much smaller than others are. The three largest groups of rogues are Ronin, Yasuki of the Crab Clan and Daidoji of the Crane Clan. Scorpion won't openly admit to a school for rogues. Also there are many untrained rogues of peasant origin. Generally rogues belonging to any clan will not admit to being anything other than samurai serving their lord. If their roguish nature were discovered, they would be shamed as well as their lord. Game Rule Information Abilities Dexterity affects many rogue skills and provides the lightly armored rogue extra protection. Intelligence and Wisdom are important for many of the rogues skills. A high Intelligence score also gives the rogue extra skill points, which can be used to expand her repertoire. Alignment Rogues may be of any alignment. Hit Die: d6 Class Skills The rogues class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),
In the shadows of Rokugan live the rogues. Behind the scenes, in the back alleys, under the ground, and in the caves lurk those who work to protect or destroy the honor of others. They run black markets, they spy on daimyo and their geisha, and they steal from anyone they can. They are the masters of the shadows, where bushi are masters of the battlefield. Adventures Rogues find adventure almost everywhere they go. They find a lot of things to traffic, steal, or smuggle. They look to spy for information they can sell to a rival lord or jealous wife. They scout the Shadowlands for enemies. They prevent other rogues from infiltrating into their castles. Occasionally,
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int, exclusive skill), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha, exclusive skill), and Use Rope (Dex). See Chapter 4: Skills of the D&D Player's Handbook for skill descriptions. Skill Points at 1st Level: (8+Int Modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8+Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The rogue is proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons. For purposes of L5R D20, the katana is a martial weapon (A character needs not take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feat to use a katana.). Rogues are proficient with light armor but not with shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a -1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor, equipment, or loot carried. Sneak Attack If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital Table 5: Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Traps Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a non-magical trap has a DC of at least 20, higher if it is The Rogue Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5
spot for extra damage. Basically, any time the rogues target would be denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he actually has a Dexterity bonus or n ot), or when the rogue flanks the target, the rogues attack deals extra damage. The extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level and an additional 1d6 every two levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. (See Table 8-8: Attack Roll Modifiers, page 132, for a combat situation in which the rogue flanks an opponent or the opponent loses his Dexterity bonus to AC.) Ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is within 30 feet. The rogue cant strike with deadly accuracy from beyond that range. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, the rogue can make a sneak attack that deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals normal damage to deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty, because she must make optimal use of her weapon in order to execute a sneak attack, (See Subdual Damage, page 134.) A rogue can only sneak attack a living creature with a discernible anatomy undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and m be able to reach a vital spot. The rogue ust cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment (see Table 810: Concealment, page 133) or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Special Sneak Attack +1 d6, Traps Evasion Uncanny Dodge (AC Bonus), Sneak Attack +2 d6 Sneak Attack +3d6 Uncanny Dodge (No Flanking) Sneak Attack +4d6 Sneak Attack +5d6 Special Ability Uncanny Dodge (+1 vs. Traps), Sneak Attack +6d6 Sneak Attack +7d6 , Special Ability Uncanny Dodge (+2 vs. Traps) Sneak Attack +8d6 Special Ability Uncanny Dodge (+3 vs. Traps), Sneak Attack +9d6 Sneak Attack +10d6, Special Ability Uncanny Dodge (+4 vs. Traps)
well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it, A rogue who beats a traps DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can generally study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with his party) without disarming it. Evasion At 2nd level, a rogue gains evasion, if exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage (such as a fireball), she takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armo r. It is an extraordinary ability. Uncanny Dodge Starting at 3rd level, the rogue gains the extraordinary ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. At 3rd level and above, she retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.) At 6th level, the rogue can no longer be flanked; she can react to opponents on opposite sides of her as easily as she can react to a single attacker. This defense denies other rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack her. The exception to this defense is that another rogue at least four levels higher than the character can flank her (and thus sneak attack her). At 11th level, the rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving a +1 bonus to Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps. At 14th level, these bonuses rise to +2. At 17th, they rise to +3, and at 20th they rise to +4. Special Abilities On achieving 10th level and every three levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th), a rogue gets a special ability of her choice from among the following: Crippling Strike A rogue with this ext raordinary ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. When the rogue damages an opponent with a sneak attack, that character also takes 1 point of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day. Defensive Roll The rogue can toll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it. Once per day, when a rogue would be reduced to 0 hit points or less by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. She makes a Reflex saving throw (DC damage dealt) and, if shes successful, she takes only half damage from the blow She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll - if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she cant roll. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for
half damage, the rogues evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll. Improved Evasion This ability works like evasion, except that while the rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex save against spells such as fireball or a breath weapon, she now takes only half damage on a failed save (the rogues reflexes allow her to get out of harms way with incredible speed). Opportunist Once per round, the rogue can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the rogues attacks of opportunity for that round. Even a rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat cant use the opportunist ability more than once per round. Skill Mastery The rogue selects a number of skills equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, the rogue may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so. She becomes so certain in her skill that she can use her skill reliably even under adverse conditions. The rogue may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting additional skills for it to apply to each time.
Slippery Mind This extraordinary ability represents the rogues ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a rogue with a slippery mind is affected by an enchantment and fails her saving throw, 1 round later she can attempt her saving throw again. She only gets this one extra chance to succeed at her saving throw. Feat A rogue may gain a feat in place of a special ability.
There are not rogues as a sort in the Imperial Family. Those with roguish skills are scouts, politicians and servants to the Emperor. Many of these people come from the Otomo family, and many Otomo courtiers start out as rogues of some type.
hundreds of years, Crab armies have tried to retake the Hiruma castle. All attempts have failed up to this time. Hiruma scouts come from the ranks of the Hiruma family. Some come from other Crab families. Most are bushi or rogues. Even a few are shugenja who qualify. The Hiruma are dedicated to fighting the Shadowlands and regaining their home (and Honor). They will stop at nothing until they have succeeded. Hit Die: d8 Requirements To qualify to become a Hiruma Scout, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +2 Feats: Alertness, Dodge Hide: 4 Ranks Intuit Direction: 4 Ranks Move Silently: 4 Ranks Alignment: Any Non-evil Special: The character must be a member of the Crab Clan. If he isnt a member of the Hiruma family, he must swear fealty to the Hiruma. Class Skills The class skills of the Hiruma Scout (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge Shadowlands (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Hiruma Scout is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light armor.
Many rogues exist in the Crab clan. Most are Hiruma Scouts. The scouts move about in the Shadowlands, discovering the movements and activities of the Shadowlands Horde. Others are merchants from the Yasuki family, bringing resources and income into the clan coffers. Rogues are very important in the clan, to help in the war against the Shadowlands.
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special 1 Dance the Razors Edge Uncanny Dodge (AC Bonus) 2 Run Like the Wind Move 40 3 Feel the Dark Lords Touch Uncanny Dodge (Cant Flank the Scout) 4 Harness the Falcon Move 50 5 Veil of the Spirits Run Feat Bonus against enemy missile attacks. This bonus stacks with the Dodge Feat, as applicable. Rank 2 Run Like the Wind Scouts are required to run long distances. The scout may use the Hustle overland
Hiruma Scout School Techniques Rank 1 Dance the Razors Edge The scout performs often without armor. If he is unarmored, he receives a +2 AC
movement rate (Players Handbook, p79) for 4 hours before needing to make a Constitution check. Rank 3 Feel the Dark Lords Touch A Hiruma Scout has the ability to detect Shadowlands Taint at a range of 5 feet per scout level. The scout must make a Wisdom check at DC 15 for this ability to work. Rank 4 Harness the Falcon The scout is trained to detect minute details with razor-sharp eyesight. She gains a +10 to Spot checks and is considered to have Low-light Vision. Rank 5 Veil of the Spirits Hiruma Scouts can mask their presence against Shadowlands creatures. He gains a +10 Competence bonus to Hide checks versus Shadowlands or Tainted creatures. Movement At 4th level, the base move of a Hiruma Scout is 40. At 8th level, this goes up to 50.
harriers, and merchants. If the Crane has an underhand, the Daidoji family is the symbol of it.
Run At 10th level, the Scout gains the Run Feat. When running, the scout moves 5 times his base rate, instead of 4 times. (see Run, p127, Players Handbook) If the scout makes a running jump (see the Jump skill, p70, Players Handbook), increase the height or distance by one-fourth, but not past the maximum. Uncanny Dodge At 2nd level, the Hiruma Scout does not lose his Dexterity Bonus to AC, even if flat-footed or attacked by an invisible attacker. (He still loses the bonus if he is immobilized.) At 6th level, the scout can no longer be flanked. Even rogues using flank or sneak attack cannot flank the scout. A rogue four or more levels higher than the scout may flank and/or sneak attack the scout. For more details, see the D&D Players Handbook, p48.
On the surface, the Crane clan does not seem to accommodate rogues. However, there are many rogues in the Crane. Most are encountered in the Daidoji family as scouts,
Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Daidoji Harrier is proficient simple and martial weapons and light armor. Daidoji Harrier School Techniques Rank 1 Tread of the Nightingale The Harrier is a master of stealth. When walking, he always acts as if hes Moving Silently and taking twenty. And if hes in a situation where he cant take twenty, he can still take ten automatically. Finally, if he actively Moves Silently, he doubles his Dexterity modifier when rolling his skill check. Rank 2 One with Nature A member of the Daidoji Harriers is at home in the wilderness. He can Pass Without Trace (as a caster of equal Bushi + Harrier level) as the spell The Daidoji Harrier Level Attack Bonus 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10
(p234 of the Players Handbook). Also, in the wilderness, he moves as if he had a Ring of Free Action; he doesnt become entangled in the underbrush and moves unimpeded. Rank 3 Eyes of the Eagle Ranged weapons are the Harriers specialty. He gains a +3 To Hit with all ranged weapons and gains the ability to perform a ranged sneak attack as a rogue equal to his Bushi + Harrier level. Rank 4 Tear Down the Walls It is a common task of the Daidoji Harrier to destroy strategic targets in order to prevent the enemy from acquiring a prize or to slow the enemy down in their march. He gains the Knowledge skill of Demolitions and a +2 training bonus to use it. Rank 5 Master of Warfare The Harrier knows combat and war as well as the Kaiu or the Akodo. He gains a +3 to all Battle skill checks. Also he gains a +2 to Initiative rolls and To Hit rolls. These bonuses stack as applicable with other bonuses. Great Stamina At 2nd level, the Harrier receives the Great Stamina feat as if he had Daidoji Masahigi as an ancestor.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special 1 Tread of the Nightingale Great Stamina 2 One with Nature +2 to Hide checks 3 Eyes of the Eagle Bonus Feat 4 Tear Down the Walls +4 to Hide checks 5 Master of Warfare Bonus Feat comes from the ranks of rogues in Lion country. Other rogues in Lion territory would be ronin or heimin, living as outlaws on the run.
Bonus to Hide checks At 4th level, the Daidoji Harrier receives a +2 to all Hide checks. At 8th level, this bonus goes up to +4. Bonus Feat At 6th and 10th levels, the Harrier gains a bonus feat as if he were a bushi. He may select a feat from the bushi list.
There are few rogues in Dragon lands. Many of the rogues who do live in Dragon lands are truly adventurous rogues. They go about with a smile on their face and a hand in someone's pockets. A lot of the rogues in Dragon lands are heimin. Some come from the Mirumoto or Kitsuki. Many Kitsuki Magistrates are originally rogues.
Rogues in the Lion clan either are spies or scouts. They do not act in a dishonorable manner or in any way that would embarrass the clan or family. The famed Ikoma Spymaster
Part of winning war is gathering intelligence. One reason why Lion clan armies are so good at waging war is because they gather good intelligence on enemy activities. The Ikoma spymaster is the agent of this good intelligence. The spymasters are taught at the Shiro no Ken Hayai along with the Akodo Tacticians. They are taught the ways of war and how to see signs of troop activity. They are trained to not only see the armies' movements but find signs in civilian activity as well. The Ikoma spymasters look at farming and merchant activities, seeing resources being accumulated for the building of war against their enemies. The spymaster comes from The Ikoma family, when the life of a bard is not exciting enough. Members from other Lion families also fill the ranks of the spymaster, especially when their talent lies in intelligence as opposed to arms. Hit Die: d6 Requirements
In order to become an Ikoma Spymaster, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Attention to Detail (OA), Lion Spy (OA) Battle: 8 ranks Gather Information: 8 ranks Knowledge (Specific clan): 8 ranks Special: The character must be born into the Lion clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Ikoma Spymaster (and corresponding ability score) are Battle (Wis), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spot (Wis). Class Skills per Level: 6 + Int Modifier
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Skillful Scrivener's Memory Master Profiler Bonus Bushi Feat Lost in the Crowd Master Profiler Bonus Bushi Feat Words, not Steel Master Profiler Bonus Bushi Feat Master Profiler The Ikoma Spymaster has a wealth of knowledge at his fingertips. He gains a +2 to any Knowledge check specific to a chosen clan. He may choose a clan at 3rd level, a second clan at 6th level, and a third clan at 9th level. The clan may be great or minor, or it may be another organization, such as the Brotherhood of Shinsei, the Ninja, or some other specifically definable group. Lost in the Crowd It is important for the spymaster to be able to get information in potentially dangerous places. If the spymaster is in a crowd (over ~50 people), he may gain a +10 to any Hide checks against any potential enemy or search. If the spymaster has time to make a disguis e and makes a Disguise check versus DC20, he gains a +20 bonus to the Hide check instead of +10. Words, not Steel The spymaster has learned a conversational trick that loosens tongues. After at least one minute of conversation, the Spymaster may use this ability on a single target, forcing the target to make a Will save (DC of 10 + the spymasters class level + the spymasters Charisma modifier). If this save is failed, the target reveals one piece of information that they otherwise would not have let slip. This information will not necessarily be
Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Ikoma Spymaster is proficient in Simple and Martial Weapons. He is proficient in light armor as well. Skillful Upon achieving first level as an Ikoma Spymaster, the spymaster gains an additional 4 skill points to be spent on any one class skill (from Aaron Medwin's Spymaster at the AEG Website). Bonus Bushi Feat At 4th, 7th and 10th level, the spymaster may choose a bonus bushi feat from page 7 of this document. Scrivener's Memory Three times per day, the spymaster may roll an Intelligence check to recall an event in the past week. The DC of the check is 5 per day prior to the current day. The check is performed with double the Intelligence modifier of the spymaster. If he succeeds, he may recall details of an event or person to exacting degree.
specifically what the spymaster wishes to hear, but it will relate somehow to the topic of discussion. The target must mention something that he believed that the spymaster did not know, and must tell the truth. If the target has absolutely nothing to hide regarding the current topic, and he fails his save, then nothing happens and the spymaster knows that this is the reason nothing happened (from Aaron Medwin's Spymaster at the AEG Website).
The Scorpion clan is the definition of the rogue in Rokugan. The entire clan deals in the underworld of Rokugan, utilizing bribery, blackmail, theft and murder to effect their plans in society. They are the original source of ninja (though ninja no longer exist). The clan will use any means necessary to perform their duty, and the rogue is the primary type of person.
toward the keep protected by the wall. Sidling up the stairs, he went to a sliding door. Gently opening the door, he slipped in and blended in with the shadows. He walked stealthily down the hallway to an interior door. Listening at the door, he waited to ensure that no one was inside. Reassured, he opened the door and entered. An alarm went up somewhere else in the castle. At the sound of the gong, the black soldier went back out the door. Immediately he saw two guards in front of him. "Ninja!" they cried, and drew their weapons. Drawing his sword, the man thought, Good. Now the extraction can be made. With a shout, the decoy attacked the two guards. The shinobi from the Shosuro family are the main source of stories of ninja in Rokugan. They perpetuate the myth in order to permit the real ninja to perform their jobs more easily. They move about in black gi, scaring the peasants and leaving dropped shuriken behind near dead people. They scale walls, attacking guards, attacking innocent bystanders, making themselves as visible as possible. Frequently, they are decoys with false missions for true agents on real missions. The shinobi are going through a gantlet of sorts. Those who survive this aspect of training are usually taken in by one of the major ninja dojo of Rokugan. Many of the Shinobi are rogues from the Shosuro family or nimble bushi or shugenja with the qualifications to become ninja later. Hit Die: d6
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Rank 1 The Underhand Point Blank Shot Rank 2 Sting Not the Scorpion Speed of the Kami Rank 3 I Can Swim Far Shot Rank 4 My Only Virtue Lightning Reflexes Rank 5 Simplify Precise Shot Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Shosuro Shinobi is proficient in Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons and the following exotic weapons: Nekode, Ninja-to, Chain, Kama, Kusari-gama, Nunchaku, Fukimi-bari, and Shuriken. The shinobi is proficient in only light armor. Shosuro Shinobi School Techniques Rank 1 The Underhand The Shosuro Shinobi lives in the back alleys of Rokugan. He gains a +2 to any Knowledge
Requirements To become a Shosuro Shinobi, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Feats: Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes Hide: 4 ranks Move Silently: 4 ranks Honor: The character may not be honorable. Special: The character must swear fealty to the Scorpion clan if not already a member of the Scorpion clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Shosuro Shinobi (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str),
check or Charisma based check that deals with the seedier parts of Rokugan. Things like yakuza, gambling, criminal activities, drug activities, peasant activities and lifestyles all qualify for this bonus. Rank 2 Sting Not the Scorpion A scorpion resists stings better than other animals because he is poisonous. He gains a +3 bonus on any Fortitude saving throw versus poison. Rank 3 I Can Swim Unlike the scorpion in the mythic tale, the shinobi can swim. He may swim with equipment as if he had no equipment. He can have up to 25 pounds of equipment on his person and swim as if he had nothing. Also, the equipment carried remains dry, no matter how long the shinobi is in the water. This is an extraordinary ability. Rank 4 My Only Virtue The only virtue of the Scorpion is Loyalty. Because of the phenomenal levels of loyalty the Scorpion character has, he gains a +3 to any Will save or skill check that would compromise his loyalty to his clan, lord, or mission. Rank 5 Simplify The best missions for the shinobi are simple ones. If the mission is too complicated, it could fail. Because of the simple and careful planning of the mission, the shinobi receives a +2 to all skill checks while on the mission. This only applies to skill checks on the mission. If the mission is disrupted, this bonus is lost for this mission. Point Blank Shot At 2nd level, the shinobi gets Point Blank Shot as a feat with his missile weapons. The shinobi gets a +1 to hit with all ranged weapons at a range under 30 feet. Speed of the Kami At 4th level, the character gains Speed of the Kami, getting a stacked +4 additional bonus to initiative. Far Shot At 6th level, the agent gets Far Shot. increment of missile weapons is multiplied by 1.5. The range
Lightning Reflexes The character gets a +2 to all Reflex saves from the Lightning Reflexes feat as explained in the Player's Handbook. Precise Shot The shinobi may shoot a missile weapon into a melee without the -4 penalty for shooting into a melee. This is acquired at 10th level.
Rogues in the Unicorn clan are fairly common. The Tanji Scout is the most common of the rogues. Others exist as assistants to the Ide or spies for the clan champion. A lot of ronin rogues exist in Unicorn lands since the clan is more accommodating of ronin than other clans.
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Special Special Mount 1 Race the Winds Bonus Bushi Feat 2 Glimpse of the Unicorn Ride +2 3 Dance of the Unicorn Bonus Bushi Feat Message Arrow Ride +4 Shinjos Technique this technique receives a +1 luck bonus to any d20 roll he makes. He may do this three times per day. Rank 3 Dance of the Unicorn The Tanji Point Rider and his mount has a supernatural ability to travel over ground. The mounted rider and his horse can travel overland without any trace and can go over water as if it were solid ground. Mud and swamp are included in this technique. Special Mount The Point Rider receives a special mount just like the Otaku battle maiden. The only difference is that the horse is a Light Warhorse instead of a heavy warhorse. For more information, please see the Rokugan supplement, p35. Bonus Bushi Feat The Rider gains a bushi feat as if he gained a level of bushi. For a list of feats, see the bushi in this supplement. Ride Bonus At 5th level, the Rider gains a +2 competence bonus to all Ride checks. This bonus goes to +4 at 9th level. Message Arrow At 8th level, the Rider gains the ability to awaken the spirit inside an arrow in order to allow it to make noise and light. The Rider need to pray over the arrow for 24 hours and spend a total of 250xp. The arrow retains its enchantment until fired. When fired, it goes straight up into air 1000 feet, emitting a piercing shriek that can be heard for 1 mile. Also it emits a starlike light that can be seen for two miles during the day, and five miles at night. The Rider may only have three of these arrows enchanted at a time. Shinjos Technique The Rider receives Shinjos Technique, as he is servant to the Shinjo armies. If youre mounted, you may make a Ride check to replace a Reflex Save. For more information, please see the Rokugan supplement, p54.
Unicorns lands fairly safe and secure. The family is rather small, all being composed of Point Riders. Some are from other families in the clan, finding themselves cured of wanderlust when working for the Tanji. Hit Die: d8 Requirements To qualify to become a Tanji Point Rider, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +2 Feats: Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery Handle Animal: 4 ranks Ride: 4 ranks Special: The point rider must come from the Unicorn clan. Class Skills The class skills of the Tanji Point Rider (and corresponding ability scores) are Animal Empathy (Cha), Balance (Dex), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex) and Spot (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 3 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Tanji Point Rider is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light armor. Tanji Point Rider Techniques Rank 1 Race the Winds The Point Rider has the ability to get the most out of his mount. He may urge the mount to run for longer times. Any damage taken by the mount is as if it was a normal PC. He takes subdual damage when hustling and may make Constitution checks as normal when performing a forced march. If the horse fails the Constitution check, it still takes normal damage. Rank 2 Glimpse of the Unicorn It is considered lucky to see an original unicorn. If one sees a unicorn, he is blessed with luck. It is believed that Ide Tanji saw a unicorn. He was blessed with good luck. When mounted, a Point Rider with
of the Monks of Iga Mountain. There is a possibility that Bayushi Aramoro learned many of his techniques directly from the monks of Iga. Monks fro Iga come from many walks of life, but most are monks, rogues and bushi. Some come from Scorpion lands nearby or come from ronin groups around Rokugan. Hit Die: d6 Requirements To become a Yamabushi, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Void Use Disguise: 8 ranks Hide: 8 ranks Move Silently: 8 ranks Honor: May not be dishonorable Martial Arts: Must have Improved Unarmed Attack or monk's unarmed attack bonus. Class Skills The class skills of the Yamabushi (and corresponding ability score) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Rogue Special Ability Kiho Power Bonus Feat Rogue Special Ability Kiho Power Skill Mastery Rogue Special Ability Kiho Power Bonus Feat Local Displacement bonus and his AC improves as he gains levels. (Only add the Wisdom bonus if it's a positive number.) If a yamabushi wears armor, he loses his Wisdom and Class bonuses to AC. The Dexterity modifier is not lost. The yamabushi may add his yamabushi levels to any monk levels he has in order to figure his unarmed attack bonus and class AC bonus.
Bonus Feat The yamabushi gets a bonus monk feat from the list of bonus feats on page 73 of this document. It is assumed the yamabushi meets all the prerequisites for the chosen feat. Kiho Ability At 2nd, 5th and 8th level, the yamabushi may choose a kiho power from the selection in Appendix C of this document. Skill Mastery At 6th level, the yamabushi may choose two cross-class skills. From then on, those skills are class skills for skill advancement. Rogue Special Ability As a rogue, the yamabushi may select from the special abilities of the rogue. He may choose from any ability except for Crippling Strike. Local Displacement A yamabushi becomes incredibly agile, being able to displace himself by up to 100 feet as a Dimension Door spell cast by a wizard of equal level to the yamabushi. For this ability to work, the yamabushi must start his turn within 5 feet of a vertical surface (such as a door, wall or tree), spend a void point, and emerge from another point within 100 feet. The point need not be visible to the monk, but it must be another vertical surface. If there is someone or something where the monk wishes to The Ninube Ninja Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6 9 +6 10 +7
emerge, he cannot go through, but he still loses his Void point. The yamabushi must be able to visualize his destination point.
The Ninube Ninja (Spy)
Hida Sanjuro walked into the sake house, thirsty after a long stint on the Wall. Sitting down and laying his sword by his side, he called out for sake from the barmaid. Looking around, he noticed the people around him. There was Ido the innkeeper, serving the various customers in the tavern. Junko the barmaid ran around the room, helping with serving food and drink to everyone. The old village elder, Nitaro, sat drinking and telling stories to the younger folk around him. Sanjuro sat back and listened to the old man's tale, apparently of a ninja infiltrating a Lion castle by magically changing his face. Nitaro spoke with animation and energy, using his hands to demonstrate parts of his story. Nitaro told a good tale and was rewarded with a bottle of sake from one of the patrons. He called over to Nitaro, "Good story, oku-san! But ninja haven't existed for years. They were destroyed hundreds of years ago." The old man sighed and smiled to Sanjuro. "Yes, you may be right; but it still brings a good bottle of sake." Nitaro laughed with a toothless grin. As Sanjuro laughed back at the old man, he thought he saw the old man's face change slightly. Curious, Sanjuro got up and moved closer to the old man
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special 1 Know Yourself, Know Your Enemy Lightning Stealth 2 To Become Your Enemy Vigilant Rest 3 Any Voice But My Own Twist the Knife 4 His Thoughts Are My Thoughts Vanish 5 Your Ancestor Guides My Hand Untouchable Requirements To become a Ninube Ninja, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +3 Feats: Versatile, Void Use (from Rokugan) Disable Device: 6 ranks Disguise: 6 ranks Gather Information: 6 ranks Move Silently: 6 ranks Special: The ninja must swear fealty to the ninja of Rokugan. Class Skills The class skills of the Ninube Ninja (and corresponding ability score) are Ba lance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft
The Ninube are the infiltrators and spies of the Ninja of Rokugan. When information is needed by the ninja, they send in a Ninube agent to discover what is needed. The Ninube are masters of illusion, disguise, and infiltration. All of their training is based on getting the agent into a location, spending as much time as necessary to gather the required information, and getting out without the knowledge of the target spied. Ninube ninja are brought into the fold by careful selection by the elders of the clan. They look for loyalty, skill and magical knowledge. Many rogues and shugenja are members of the Ninube with the occasional bushi filling in ranks as guards. Hit Die: d6
(Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Mimic (Cha), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Ninube Ninja is proficient in simple and ma rtial weapons. He is not proficient in any form of armor. The ninja also has the unarmed combat capabilities of a monk of equal level to the ninja plus any monk levels he may have. For attack bonuses, please see the Monk's Unarmed Attack bonuses on Table 4a of this document. The ninja also gains a bonus to Armor Class from his Wisdom bonus as a monk also. Ninube Ninja Dojo Techniques Rank 1 Know Yourself, Know Your Enemy Through self-reflection and study, the ninja becomes knowledgeable of other as well as he knows himself. The ninja gains a +2 to any Knowledge check relating to the identity or history of a person he is studying. Rank 2 To Become Your Enemy The Ninube Ninja is capable of expertly disguising himself as his target person. For every day that the ninja studies his subject, he gets a +1 to his Disguise check when effecting a disguise of the subject. This bonus must be used within 24 hours of completing his study.
Rank 5 Your Ancestor Guides My Hand The ninja has learned the ultimate trick: To use the techniques of one's enemy against him. By making an Intelligence check against a DC30, the ninja may use a technique that he has seen used before him against the opponent who used it. If this technique requires the use of a Void point, the ninja must spend an available Void point. The ninja may use this technique as long as he has Void points to spend. Lightning Stealth The ninja may move up to his normal movement rate without any penalty to his Hide or Move Silently checks. He may run at a -10 to Hide or Move Silently checks. Vigilant Rest The ninja may make Spot and Listen checks without penalty while asleep, and may wake up as a free action if any living creature comes within five feet of him. Twist the Knife If a Ninube uses a tanto, aiguchi, or dagger against a humanoid (or monstrous humanoid) opponent, the critical threat for the weapon is increased by one and the weapon inflicts 1d6 damage instead of 1d4 damage. Vanish A ninja may make a Bluff check as a move-equivalent action to perform a Hide check as a move-equivalent action. This action may be performed with a normal move action in the same round. Untouchable As long as the ninja is not helpless, he is considered to have total concealment against ranged attacks. Opponents suffer a 50% chance to miss every time they perform a ranged attack against the Ninube ninja.
The Enforcer
The merchant cowered before the hulking man standing above him. "It's all I have, I swear! I wouldnt hold anything back from the White Tiger, really I wouldn't!" He shivered visibly, though the temperature was very warm for the summer. The large man smiled, bending over to pick up the merchant by the front of his kimono. "You don't need to tell me, Goro, you need to tell him" he swiveled the poor merchant around to see a young man in fine clothes staring at him. He did not look offensive or tough, but there was something there that told one that something terrible happened wherever this person went. And something terrible was about to happen The enforcer does jobs distasteful to other people. One day he may be a thug, and another day he may be an impromptu assassin. Enforcers typically work for yakuza or Yasuki merchants (some say they're one and the same, but not to their face), protecting important shipments or getting protection
Rank 3 Any Voice But My Own The ninja is a master of mimicry, emulating the voice of a studied person. When using the Mimic skill, the -5 penalty to use the skill is taken away. Rank 4 His Thoughts Are My Thoughts When communicating with others, the target's thoughts are laid bare. When making Sense Motive checks, the ninja may double his Wisdom bonus. Also the ninja receives a +2 synergy bonus to Gather Information and Innuendo checks when the ninja has at least 6 ranks in Sense Motive.
money from merchants. They are not known for their quick wit but for their strength and skill in combat. They add muscle where there is little muscle, especially in combat with rival clans or bandits. Many enforcers start their careers as bushi or rogues, very few spellcasters or courtiers join the ranks of enforcers. Hit Die: d10
Class Skills The class skills of the Enforcer (and corresponding ability score) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Games (Gambling) (Int), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier
Requirements To become an enforcer, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Class Features Weapon Proficiency The Enforcer is proficient in simple and martial weapons and light forms of armor. Weapon Focus At 1st level, the enforcer gets Weapon Focus as a feat. The enforcer may choose which weapon to focus on. He gets a +1 to all attack rolls with that weapon. Toughness The enforcer gets Toughness at 2nd, 5th and 8th level. Each time the enforcer gets 3 more hit points. Underworld Knowledge The enforcer gains knowledge of special people as he interacts with them in the underworld environment. At 3rd level, the enforcer gets knowledge of heimin and eta, getting a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks about special heimin, such as geisha, entertainers or merchants. Special eta could be tanners, chefs or morticians. At 6th level, the enforcer learns about authority figures in their area, including magistrates, doshin or military people. He gets a +2 to Knowledge checks about such people. At 9th level, nobility or royalty come into the knowledge of the enforcer, as he mingles with higher levels of people. The +2 to Knowledge checks will apply to princes, daimyo or any type of high social level samurai. Special Weapon Focus Toughness Underworld Knowledge (Heimin and Eta) Improved Bull Rush Toughness Underworld Knowledge (Authority Figures) Supplemental Income Toughness Underworld Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) Demonic Face Supplemental Income At 7th level, the enforcer has built up enough reputation and personal power to make extra money. You get Profession (Enforcer) as a bonus class skill, and get 4 ranks in the skill. When you make your skill check, you get 3/4 your check in gp instead of the normal 1/2 check result.
Race: Human Base Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Toughness, Power Attack Intimidate: 6 ranks Games (Gambling): 6 ranks Special: The enforcer must be initiated into a criminal, underworld or para -criminal organization. The Enforcer Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +1 3 +2 4 +3 5 +3 6 +4 7 +5 8 +6 9 +6 10 +7
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Improved Bull Rush The enforcer gains the use of Improved Bull Rush at 4th level. The enforcer may perform a Bull Rush without drawing an attack of opportunity.
Demonic Face The enforcer may back up his words with a fearsome appearance. He gets a +4 to all Intimidate checks and if he succeeds at intimidating a person, the target person must make a Will save or be affected as if a fear spell was cast upon him by a wizard of equal level to the enforcer's character level. This fear effect may be done as often as possible. The enforcer may turn off the fear effect in order to merely intimidate a person.
taken from them. Smiling, one of the winners pointed with his cane. Blind, he pointed straight at the dice master. "Could I see those dice, if I may?" he looked smiling and happy, but the tone in his voice indicated utter hostility Gambling is a common pastime in Rokugan. Some people make a living at gaming, earning enough cash to live like kings. They live on the edge of Rokugani society, since money is considered dirty and below the social necessities of samurai. However, some are drawn to the excitement and riches that gambling can offer. In the ranks of the Crab and Scorpion samurai, gambling is more accepted, as long as it is discreet and non-interfering. Gamblers are almost unheard of in the lands of the Lion or Crane, but one could be found in just about any village. Gamblers come from the ranks of rogues and courtiers, but many bushi are drawn to become gamblers as well. Hit Die: d6 Requirements To become a gambler, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
The Gambler
The dice rolled around in the cup, making a characteristic sound. The man holding the cup swirled the dice with a deft hand. Covered in tattoos from neck to waist, he looked around to the players in front of him. "Will it be odd or even?" he said. Each player called in a loud voice "odd!" or "even!" as they wished. Each player slapped small coins of money in front. When the bets were placed, the dice master overturned the cup and slammed it to the mat. He lifted the cup and revealed what the dice indicated. The dice showed a four and a two even! Several of the players clapped in joy as their money was multiplied. Others grumbled as their losses were The Gambler Level Attack Bonus 1 +0 2 +0 3 +1 4 +1 5 +1 6 +2 7 +2 8 +2 9 +3 10 +3
Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7
Special Master of the Game +1 Rogue Special Ability Daikoku's Favored Master of the Game +2 Jack of All Trades Daikoku's Favored Master of the Game +3 Obscure Knowledge Daikoku's Favored Master of the Game +4 for two years prior to taking this class. Class Skills The class skills of the gambler (and corresponding ability score) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gaming (Gambling) (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Innuendo (Wis ), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spot (Wis). Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency The gambler is proficient in only simple weapons but not proficient in any forms of armor. Master of the Game At 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th level, the gambler gains a cumulative +1 bonus to his Bluff check when gambling. This bonus totals to +4 at 10th level.
Race: Human Feats: Cold and Cunning, Perceived Honor (both from Rokugan) Bluff: 4 ranks Gaming (Gambling): 8 ranks Honor: must not be honorable Special: The character must have participated in gambling games
Rogue Special Ability Being from the underside of society, the gambler has acquired talents of the rogue. The gambler may choose a special ability from the list under the rogue. If he decides to take the Crippling Strike ability, he must be able to perform a sneak attack. Daikoku's Favored The gambler is uncommonly lucky in his games and in life. He gains a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws at 3rd level. This bonus improves to +2 at 6th level and finally +3 at 9th level. Jack of All Trades The gambler may use any skill untrained, even if it is a skill exclusive to a class. However, in order to gain ranks in that skill, it must be a class available to the gambler. Obscure Knowledge The gambler gains a +3 to Knowledge checks involving gambling.
Kamis Protection (Resistance, PHB pp245-246) Pebble Charm (MR p44) Virtue (PHB p269) Water Spells Accounts of Shorihotsu (Detect Magic, PHB p193) Call Water (Create Water, PHB p189) Cleanse (MR p29) Minor Blessing of Inari (Purify Food and Drink, PHB p241) Moment of Peace (Cure Minor Wounds, PHB p190) Purity (MR p45) Suitengus Surge (MR p50) Summon Water (Create Water, PHB p189) Fire Spells Agashas Touch (RK p96) Call Fire (RK p97) Dancing Lights (PHB p190) Flickering Flame (MR p35) Flaring Speed (MR pp34-35) Isawas Eye (Flare, PHB p206) Jade Touch (Disrupt Undead, PHB p197) Light (PHB p222) Whispers of the Kami (MR p54) Air Spells Call Air (Mage Hand, PHB p223) Crows Vision (Know Direction, PHB p219) Flash of Insight (MR p35) Flight of Doves (MR p35) Gathering Swirl (MR p36) Kamis Guidance (Guidance, PHB pp211-212) Stun the Mind (Daze, PHB p191) Whispers of the Wind (Ghost Sound, PHB p209)
Void Spells Call Void (Prestidigitation, PHB p238) Drawing Out the Void (MR p31) Touch of the Void (MR p52) All Elements Commune with Elements (RK pp97-98) Request (This Supplement p120) Summon (RK p104)
Mask of the Mountains (MR p42) Protection from Taint (OA p111) Protection of Shinsei (Sanctuary, PHB p247) Walk without Passing (Pass without Trace, PHB p234) Whispers of the Land (MR p55) Wholeness of the World (MR p55) Water Spells Calm Mind (Remove Fear, PHB p245) Castle of Water (RK p97) Detect Taint (OA p101) Ebbing Strength (MR p32) Gift of the Kami (Bless, PHB p180) Heart of Nature (Animal Friendship, PHB p173) Path to Inner Peace (Cure Light Wounds, PHB p190) Sinking (This Supplement p121) Speed of the Waterfall (MR p49) Spirit of Water (MR p49) Still Water (This Supplement p122) Summon Fog (Obscuring Mist, PHB p233) Turbulence (This Supplement p122) Water Protection (This Supplement p123) Fire Spells Aura of Flame (Faerie Fire, PHB p202) Burn the Mind (Hypnotism, PHB pp215-216) Burning Hands (PHB pp181-182) Evil Ward (MR p33) Eye of the Sun (RK p99) Fear (Cause Fear, PHB p182) Never Alone (MR p43) Ruined Earth (MR p47) Touch of Thunder (Shocking Grasp, PHB p251) Air Spells The Arrows Flight (MR p25) Awaken the Spirit (MR p25) Beneficence (This Supplement p114) Blessed Winds (MR p26) Blessing of Kaze no Kami (Feather Fall, PHB p203) By the Light of Lord Moon (Detect Snares and Pits, PHB p194) Cloud Ladder (This Supplement p114) False Face (Change Self, PHB p183) Ghost Light (This Supplement p117) Inaccuracy (This Supplement p118) Lesser Mists of Illusion (Silent Image, PHB p252) Quiescence of Air (RK p104) Snake Charm (This Supplement p121) Speed of Breath (MR p49) Speed of the Hare (Expeditious Retreat, PHB p202) Wind-Borne Slumbers (Sleep, PHB pp252-253) Void Spells Detect Harmony (This Supplement p115) Know History (This Supplement p118) Look into the Void (MR p41)
Touch of All (MR p52) All Elements Heart of Osano-wo (Endure Elements, PHB p199) Importune Kami I (MR p37) Sense Spirit (MR p48)
Distracting Spirits (MR p30) Eyes Shall Not See (MR pp33-34) Greater Quiescence (Silence, PHB p252) Know the Mind (Detect Thoughts, PHB p194) Know the Shadows (OA pp107-108) Lessons of the Lion (MR p41) Mists of Illusion (Minor Image, PHB p228) Reflecting Mirror (MR p45) Smoke Shape (This Supplement p121) Way of Air (Alter Self, PHB p172) Wind Breath (This Supplement p123) Yari of Air (OA p120) Void Spells Boundless Sight (MR p27) Detect Charm (This Supplement p115) Drawing the Void (RK pp107-108) Obscure Charm (This Supplement p119) Omen (This Supplement p120) Protection from Enchantment (This Supplement p120) Unraveling (MR p53) Way of Void (Darkvision, PHB p190) Withdraw (This Supplement p123) All Elements Importune Kami II (38)
Surging Soul (MR p50) Walking Upon the Waves (Water Walk, PHB p271) Wonderful Origami Furoshiki (RK p107) Fire Spells Burn the Soul (RK p97) Disrupt the Aura (MR p30) Essence of Fire (Blink, PHB p180) Fire Rain (This Supplement p117) Fire Wings (OA p104) Fury of Osano-wo (Call Lightning, PHB p182) Gaijin Flames (MR p35) Hungry Blade (Keen Edge, PHB p219) Osano-wos Blessing (MR p43) Suns Anger (Searing Light, PHB p248) Suns Eye (Daylight, PHB p191) Air Spells Castle of Air (Wind Wall, PHB p273) Cloak of Night (MR p29) Dispel Slumber (MR p30) Essence of Air (Invisibility, PHB pp217-218) Face (This Supplement p117) False Tongue (RK p99) Glimpse of the Souls Shadow (Haste, PHB pp212-213) Greater Darkness (This Supplement, p117) Greater Mists of Illusion (Major Image, PHB p225) Kazes Fury (Gust of Wind, PHB p212) Lose Face (This Supplement p118) Memory (This Supplement p119) Oath (This Supplement p119) Unbind (This Supplement p122) Watchful Spirit (Clairaudience / Clairvoyance, PHB p184) Winds of Aggression (MR pp55-56) Void Spells Contemplate the Void (RK p107) Meld into the Void (Nondetection, PHB p232) Voice of the Void (MR p54) Unraveling II (MR p53) All Elements Armor of the Kami (Protection from Elements, PHB p240) Counterspell (Dispel Magic, PHB p196) Importune Kami III (MR p38) Spirit Sight (MR pp49-50) Summon Minor Kami (Summon Natures Ally III, PHB p260; the shugenja may summon any small elemental) Wards (Glyph of Warding, PHB pp209-210)
Immortal Steel (RK p101) Jade Strike (OA p107) Lessons of the Crab (MR p41) Melt Metal (This Supplement p119) Mountains Teeth (Spike Stones, PHB pp255-256) Slash of the Lion (MR p48) Spell Immunity (PHB p255) Star-Filled Steel (MR p50) Water Spells Blessing of Purity (Neutralize Poison, PHB p232) Near to Ice (RK p102) Open the Waves (Control Water, PHB p188) Path to Inner Peace IV (Cure Critical Wounds, PHB p190) Restore the Spirit (Restoration, PHB p246) Reverse Flow (This Supplement p121) Stand Against the Waves (MR p49) The Ties that Bind II (Locate Creature, PHB p223) Torrential Rain (MR p52) Yukis Touch (MR p56) Fire Spells Chasing Osano-wo (Lightning Bolt, PHB p222) Extinguish (Quench, PHB p241) Fire Enchantment (This Supplement p117) The Fires from Within (RK p100) Fist of Osano-wo (MR p34) Flame Arrow (PHB p205) Shroud of Flame (Fire Shield, PHB pp204-205) Tamoris Curse (MR p51) Wall of Fire (PHB p269) Warning Flame (MR p54) Air Spells Bargain (This Supplement p114) Blessings of Isora (MR p26) Bridge to Yomi (MR p27) Mist Upon the Lands (Hallucinatory Terrain, PHB p212) Quell (This Supplement p120) See the Seer (Detect Scrying, PHB p193) Walk Upon the Wind (Air Walk, PHB p172) Wall of Mists (Illusory Wall, PHB p216) Whispering Winds (Discern Lies, PHB p195) Whispers of Twilight (MR p55) Wisdom of the Kami (RK p106) Void Spells Endless Depths (MR p33) Kharmic Intent (RK p108) Vengeance (This Supplement p122) Whispered Blade (MR p54) All Elements Elemental Turning (This Supplement p116) Importune Kami IV (MR p38)
All Elements Greater Commune (Commune with Nature, PHB p186) Importune Kami V (MR p38) Summon Kami (Summon Natures Ally V, PHB p260; the shugenja may summon any medium elemental)
All Elements Greater Counterspell (Greater Dispelling, PHB p210) Importune Kami VI (MR p38) Kharma (RK pp101-102) Summon Greater Kami (Summon Natures Ally VI, PHB p260; the shugenja may summon any large elemental)
All Elements Importune Kami (MR p38) Summon Major Kami (Summon Natures Ally VII, PHB pp260261; the shugenja may summon any huge elemental)
Spell resistance: No All who encounter the shugenja recognize him as a holy man, and m be predisposed to treat him kindly or at least with ay respect. The shugenja gains a +4 enhancement bonus to his Diplomacy, Bluff, and Gather Information skills. This spell only works on non-hostile creatures and those that cannot understand the shugenja's roll. For example, a pride of lions or bandits waiting in ambush would not be affected.
Enchantment, Air Level: Shugenja 4 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Short (25'+5'/level) Target or area: 1 spirit Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: Will negates Spell resistance: Yes Bargain can be cast on any lesser or greater spirit in order to obtain its services. The caster must have already contacted the spirit (e.g., via commune with lesser spirit or commune with greater spirit). If the spirit succeeds its saving throw, it is under no special obligation toward the caster, but if it fails, it owes the caster a specific item or service within its power stated by the caster. The spirit can demand payment of no more than half value of the item or service required of it. The spirit must immediately engage on the endeavor unless otherwise allowed not to by the caster, but the caster can delay payment until the spirit performs the deed. If the caster refuses to fulfill his portion of the bargain, the spirit petitions the Celestial Bureaucracy, and the caster suffers a -2 penalty to all saving throws and attack rolls until he executes his half of the deal. If the spirit succeeds in its saving throw, it may still strike a (nonmagical) bargain with the caster though the terms are never as good (from the caster's perspective) as they are under this spell. A spirit can never be under more than one bargain at one time, and a spirit succeeding in its saving throw against this spell is immune to this spell by the same caster for the next three days. [Note that monster conversions available at this site classify spirits into lesser and greater spirits, each of which is a sub-type of Fey.] Material components: A bowl of incense worth 20 gp or more (120 koku).
Alteration [Water] Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 action Range: Short Target or area: 30' diameter cylinder up to 60' high Duration: 1 round Saving throw: None Spell resistance: No This spell condenses all moisture in the air and causes it to fall to the ground, typically dumping 1" of "rain" on the area. It quenches all mundane fires in its area of effect, and magical fires sputter out for 1d2 rounds. Fires as large as the area of effect or greater release a steam cloud four times the size of the original cloudburst's area of effect lasting 1d4+1 rounds and causing 1d3 heat damage per round. Material components: Small kite, rock salt
Cloud Ladder
Transmutation [Air] Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, F Casting time: 1 round Range: 0' Target or area: See text Duration: 1d4 minutes + 1 minute/level (D) Saving throw: None Spell resistance: No A shugenja casting this spell reaches i to an area of n smoke and shapes it into a ladder. The ladder can be 10' long for every level of the caster and can be transported once shaped. Cloud ladders can be used by the caster and one more creature per level designated by the shugenja. Additional creatures attempting to take hold of the ladder find their hands simply full of smoke. The ladder is always rigid stays where put, although at least one end must be touching a surface that could normally bear the weight of the creatures supported on the ladder; the ladder need not be leaned against a surface to stand it on end, and it could be used to bridge a chasm with only one end touching an edge. The shugenja can choose to re-cast cloud ladder upon the smoke of a cloud ladder already created in order to lengthen the duration of the spell.
Enchantment, Air Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V Casting time: 1 action Range: 0' Target or area: 10' radius/level Duration: 20 minutes/level (D) Saving throw: None
Focus: A large bonfire (5' x 5') of green wood. The fire is not extinguished by this spell.
Conceal Motivation
Abjuration, Air Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Touch Target or area: 1 creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving throw: None Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless) This spell masks the detection of the basic drives and needs of the target (e.g., anger, hunger, revenge, love, fear, etc.). It causes all Sense Motive skill checks used against the recipient to suffer a -6 penalty. Note that it does not prescribe the target from making these needs known either through speech or otherwise. It can counter know motivation. Material component: A prayer written on a cloth tied about the caster's head.
the immediate vicinity (i.e., one that could see or hear detect charm being cast), then he can thwart the spell with a successful Will save since such detection would be inimical to his interests.
Detect Harmony
Divination, Void Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, F Casting time: 10 minutes Range: 0' Target or area: 10' cube/level Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: None Spell resistance: No This spell informs the shugenja of the general balance among the lawful-chaotic and good-evil axes in a given area. It does not reveal the exact alignment - only the general proportions of each. Answers are always vague; for example, "Good prevails here," or "Chaos and law are in balance." Cast on buildings or other areas, the spell might reveal a preponderance of evil in, for example, a haunted cave. When cast on a creature, the spell takes into account the target's alignment, recent actions, and intentions. Focus: A scroll of sutras worth at least 5 koku for paper and ink.
Death's Door
Necromancy, Water Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, F Casting time: 1 action Range: Touch Target or area: One creature Duration: 1 hour/level Saving throw: None Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless) With this spell the caster brings a creature that is unconscious due to hp loss (-1 to -9 hp) to 0 and stabilizes them. Consciousness can be restored by other means, including magic and mundane. This spell does not work on creatures without a Constitution score (e.g., undead). Focus: Holy symbol, scrap of white silk, unguent.
Dispel Illusion
Abjuration, Air Level: Shugenja 3 Except as stated above, this spell functions exactly as dispel magic, except that the caster obtains a +5 bonus to the dispel check, and it is only effective against spells from the Illusion school.
Divining Rod
Divination, Void Components: V, S, F Except as noted, this spell is the same as locate object. Focus: Stick cut from a ginkgo tree.
Detect Charm
Divination, Void Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S Casting time: 1 round Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels) Target or area: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: Special Spell resistance: Yes (See below) This spell determines if a target creature is under the influence of spells or spell-like effects from the Enchantment school. If the target is charmed by an unfriendly creature within
Drowsy Insects
Conjuration [Nature], Earth Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level) Target or area: 5' square/level Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: Yes This spell summons a cloud of biting and stinging insects. All within the area of effect must make succeed in a Fortitude saving throw against poison or fall asleep for 2d6 rounds. Sleeping creatures are considered helpless, but can be woken when suffering any damage or with a full round action devoted to shaking them. Loud noises such as combat have a 50% chance per round of waking them, and shouting in their ears will also cause them to awaken. Targets protected by smoke, large fires (i.e., not simply a torch), or cold are avoided by the insects. Material component: Live honeybee or stinging insect.
elementals, earth for air, a puff of breath for earth, and water for fire elementals).
Enchanted Blade
Evocation, Fire Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S, M, F Casting time: 1 round Range: Touch Target or area: One creature Duration: 10 minutes or until discharged Saving throw: Reflex half Spell resistance: Yes Upon casting this spell, the shugenja conjures a magical sword of electrical energy in the recipient's hands. The weapon is the same size of a longsword but weightless and does not impose a non-proficiency penalty when used. The blade can be used in two ways - either as a norma l melee weapon or to discharge a bolt of energy with a range of 30'. If used as a melee weapon, the wielder must make a touch attack with the blade; if used as a missile weapon, a ranged touch attack is required. In both cases, the sword can do up to 1d6 hp of electrical damage for every two caster levels before disappearing (maximum 6d6). The wielder can use all the damage at once or divide them up between uses. When making an attack, the wielder chooses how many dice of damage she will inflict if successful. She then makes the attack, and if successful, that many dice of damage are subtracted from the sword's potential. Targets are allowed a Reflex saving throw to avoid half of the damage. Strength and other appropriate modifiers are added to melee damage, but critical hits only double these modifiers, not the electrical damage dealt by the sword. The blade disappears when all the damage die it can deal have been consumed, or when it leaves the hands (or what passes as hands) of the recipient of the spell. The enchanted blade can strike creatures with damage reduction without penalty. The amount of damage reduction the blade can surpass is equivalent to +1 for every four caster levels, rounded down. Thus, an enchanted blade created by a fourth level caster c bypass damage reduction of +1, +2 at eighth an level, +3 at twelfth, +4 at sixteenth, and +5 at twentieth. Material components: Small wooden sword. Focus: Silver rod (1 koku).
Dry Spring
Transmutation, Water Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Touch Target or area: Special Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: None Spell resistance: No This spell destroys any natural spring or one created by create spring. It can counter create spring. Material component: Bamboo cane.
Elemental Turning
Abjuration [Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Void] Level: Shugenja 4 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 action Range: Caster Target or area: 60' emanation Duration: 4 +1d4 rounds Saving throw: Will negates Spell resistance: Yes Elemental turning requires all elements of a specified element (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water), stated at the casting of this spell, to make a Will save or flee in panic until the spell ends. Elementals that enter the area of effect while the spell is in operation must also make a Will save or flee the area. Those that cannot flee (because they are forced against the area of effect) are banished to their native plane. The emanation moves with the caster. Elemental turning for a specific element cannot be cast on that elemental plane (e.g., a turning directed a gainst fire elementals cannot be cast on the Plane of Fire). Material components: A pinch of the element inimical to the type of element being driven away (fire for water
Essence of Earth
(New Spell) Transmutation, Earth Level: Shugenja 3 Components : V,S,DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: none Spell Resistance: no This spell turns the caster into stone for the duration of the spell. He takes on the hardness of stone, retaining his normal hit points. He can perceive his surroundings but cannot see. He cannot move but is rather impervious to damage. Spells affecting stone affect him normally but he may save against them as he normally could. He may end the spell early with a moveequivalent action.
Saving throw: Reflex halves Spell resistance: Yes This spell bade fire stream down from the open sky. All within the area of effect suffer 1d8 damage per two caster levels, or half that if they successfully make a Reflex save. Combustibles in the area catch fire 50% of the time. The spell only works outdoors, although it could burn away the roof of a building under which potential targets reside. Focus: A miniature blowpipe. Material component: Lamp oil blown through the blowpipe.
Enchantment, Air Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target or area: Creature touched Duration: 20 minutes/level Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless) Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless) This spell causes the recipient to appear as if he were of a higher social class. It adds +10 to his Diplomacy skill checks, as long he is acting "in character" for a person of that station. Material component: Honey.
Flame Walk
Alteration, Earth Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, F, DF Casting time: 1 action Range: Touch Target or area: 1 creature/5 levels Duration: 10 minutes + 10 minutes/level Saving throw: None Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless) Recipients of this spell are hardened against magical and mundane fire. He enjoys a +4 resistance bonus to all saving throws against fire. Focus: Powdered ruby.
Fire Enchantment
Enchantment (Mind-Affecting, Coercion), Fire Level: Shugenja 4 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Long (400'+40'/level) Target or area: 10' radius emanation Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: Will negates Spell resistance: Yes Cast upon a fire, this spell delivers a suggestion to all viewing it. The actual suggestion seems to emanate from the blaze. All within the area must make a Will save or fall victim to its effect. Material components: Mirror, lighted candle.
Ghost Light
Conjuration, Air Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 action Range: Long (400' + 40'/level) Target or area: 10' cube Duration: Concentration Saving throw: None Spell resistance: No Ghost light summons a preternatural, green glow. The light can be used for illumination or shaped into a form that fits into the area of effect. For example, it could be shaped into the form of an oni and then commanded to walk or fly. Fine detail is not possible, but spirits supposedly posses an illumination that resembles ghost light, according to common superstition. Thus, any creature with 1 HD or less must make a Will save upon viewing the light. Failure indicates the creatures run away in panic for one round. If fleeing is impossible, they cower. Material component: Phosphorus.
Fire Rain
Evocation [Fire] Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, M, F Casting time: 1 action Range: Long Target or area: 20' diameter area Duration: Instantaneous
Greater Darkness
(New Spell) Illusion, Air Level: Shugenja 3
Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Effect: Illusory Darkness Target: Object touched Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No A well of darkness belches f orth from an object you touch. The area of effect of the darkness is a 15 foot radius sphere. If the object is fully covered, the darkness may be temporarily negated (as long as the object is covered). The spell may be temporarily negated by a light spell, for the duration of the spell. It is countered by continual flame. Material Component: Charcoal dust.
attacks which require the target to be within 30' for augmented damage. Material component: A piece of thick glass.
Know History
Divination, Void Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, F Casting time: 1 round Range: Short (25' + 5'/level) Target or area: One creature, object, or 10' cube/level) Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: Special Spell resistance: Special Know history reveals the common name, background, family, and significant events associated with an item or experienced by a creature. It does not indicate secret identities or magical properties. When cast on a creature, an unwilling target is allowed a Will saving throw. If successful, the spell would indicate the target's family and personal name, place of birth, and perhaps any significant (and well-known) events that the creature took part in. If cast on an object, it would reveal the object's name (if any), it's creator, and any significant events it was used in. When cast on an area, it reveals the builder (if any) and events of import that occurred there. Focus: Carved bones.
Guardian of void
(New Spell) Abjuration, Void Level: Shugenja 7 Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 1 full round Range: 10ft. Effect: One 50 sq. ft. area + 5ft./level Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: none Spell Resistance: no This prayer calls a spirit of the Void into physical form and binds it to an area. The shugenja can summon one medium nature spirit. (See Oriental Adventures, pp177-178) They can obey simple commands from the caster, but must remain in the physical boundaries of the spell. No other Guardian spells (from Magic of Rokugan) can be cast in an overlapping area of effect with this spell.
Lose Face
Enchantment, Air Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 action Range: Touch Target or area: One creature Duration: 20 minutes/level Saving throw: Will negates Spell resis tance: Yes This spell reduces the social standing of the recipient in the eyes of all who see her. They no longer act as if she were of her true social station, and she suffers -10 to all Diplomacy checks when interacting with those of rank higher than she is when under the spell. The caster can choose the social rank to which she will be demoted.
Abjuration, Air Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: 10' Target or area: One creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless) Spell resistance: Yes This spell causes the recipient to become amore difficult target for missile weapons. All missiles launched at that target act as if they were shot or thrown from one range increment greater that they actually were. Thus, all missiles launched from their first range increment and flying toward the benefactor of this spell suffer a -2 enchantment penalty as if they were launched from farther away. This also means that recipients within the last range increment of a weapon cannot be hit at all. The recipient is also immune to extra damage caused by pointblank shots (as per the feat), weapon specialization, and sneak
Magical Vestment
Conjuration, Earth Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, F Casting time: 1 round Range: Touch Target or area: Personal Duration: 6 rounds/level (D) Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)
This spell is effective only within the temple of the shugenja or on grounds recognized as holy by the shugenja's faith. The shugenja's garments gain a +5 divine AC bonus. If no armor or other protective devices are worn (e.g., shields, ring of protection, bracers of armor, etc.), the garments also grant a +1 enchantment bonus to AC for every four caster levels (maximum +5). Note that divine bonuses and enchantment bonuses do stack. The effects are lost if the shugenja leaves the area or loses consciousness (but not paralyzed or magically held). Focus: Garments of any sort worn by the caster. No streaking shugenja, please. Note: This spell differs from the western divine spell magic vestment.
throw. Preposterous memories require no saving throw at all to be resisted (e.g., a memory that the recipient was flying when she has no such ability). The spell cannot erase other spells held in the caster's mind, but they can erase the memory that the c aster prepared them. One spell can be "forgotten" in this manner for every 5 rounds of memory the spell can erase. Material components: Sheet of white paper, brush, ink.
Enchantment, Air Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, DF Casting time: 1 round Range: 10' Target or area: One creature Duration: Permanent Saving throw: Will negates Spell resistance: Yes This is a powerful spell that allows the caster to exchange a service provided by an unwilling creature for one granted by the caster (such as sparing its life). The caster must be able to speak with the target and the target understand the caster. The oath must be limited to activities the creature can accomplish and cause harm neither to it nor another. For example, the caster could exact an oath from an evil Kenshi never harm the defenseless again, that a daimyo never treat his serfs harshly again, or that an angry spirit never enter a specific village again. She could not swear an oath that a bushi commit suicide or attack the shugenja's enemies. The victim can resist the oath with a successful Will save, but suffers a -2 morale penalty if it has been subdued in combat. The caster must swear to his part of the bargain, which must be meaningful to the target. Thus, the caster could make a promise to spare the target's life, not inform the authorities of the evildoings of a (now reformed) highwayman, or such. Both sides of the bargain have free will to act on it. Breaking the oath causes a loss of honor for the offending party and frees the other participant from their part of the oath. If the caster (or her companions) break the oath, the recipient is free to act as he chooses. If the recipient breaks the oath, he suffers extreme pains, inflicting one hp of damage per round until he relents or dies. Oaths can be removed nothing short of a wish or miracle, although the reverse of this spell, unbind, or atonement will also do the trick. This spell counterspells unbind.
Melt Metal
Transmutation, Earth Level: Shugenja 4 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Touch Target or area: 1 cubic inch/level Duration: Concentration up to 1 round/level Saving throw: Fortitude negates Spell resistance: Yes With this spell, the caster liquefies metal. While the object does not actually become hot, it flows and bends as if it were molten. Thus, locks and bars can be easily removed, and the middle of a sword will bend to and fro, making it useless as a weapon. This spell will deliver 1 hp of subdual damage to a metallic creature (even if it is normally immune to subdual damage), but the damage disappears as soon as the spell duration ends. Material components: Gem worth at least 20 koku (200 gp).
Enchantment, Air Level: Shugenja 3 Components : V, S, M Casting time: 1 action Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels) Target or area: 1 creature Duration: Permanent Saving throw: Will negates Spell resistance: Yes The caster can implant a false memory or delete a real one in a target's mind. The memory implanted or erased can be up to 1 round's duration per 4 caster levels, and the event, real or not, must have occurred within the last week. This does not allow the caster to read the subject's mind, which can make implanting a false memory tricky, and deleting a real one requires your knowledge of that event. False memories are inserted in the recipient's mind, not "written" over old ones. False memories that are inconsistent with the recipient's experiences in the last week grant a +1 to +4 on the saving
Obscure Charm
Abjuration, Void Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S Casting time: 1 round Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels) Target or area: One creature Duration: 10 minutes
Saving throw: None Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless) This spell protects any magical or mundane detection of Enchantment magic cast upon the creature. Only limited wish, wish, or miracle will reveal the truth.
Duration: 1 round/level Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless) Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless) Protection from enchantment adds a +1 resistance bonus for every three caster levels to saving throws against spells from the Enchantment school. It does not ward against effects that allow no saving throws or non-magical "charms" such as use of the Bluff skill. Material components: Piece of a creature that can naturally cast an enchantment spell or hair of a character with a Charisma of 17 or higher.
Divination, Void Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V Casting time: 10 minutes Range: 0' Target or area: Special Duration: Special Saving throw: None Spell resistance: No This spell is used to foretell the general direction of the short-term future (usually the next 24 hours). Upon consulting his deity, a caster can tell whether the fortune of a creature in question is good, bad, neutral, or ambiguous. The DM may adjudicate any answer he likes or refer to the following table. Note that there are some questions even the gods cannot answer. d10 Omen 1-2 Ill omen - The character will suffer a -1 divine (or profane) penalty on all attacks and saving throws this day, and a -2 penalty to all Diplomacy, Gather Info rmation, and Bluff skill checks. 3-4 Great danger - The character's enemies enjoy a +1 divine bonus to all attack rolls against the character, and a -2 penalty to all Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Bluff skill checks. 5-7 Neutral - No special modifiers. 8-9 Favorable - Opponents suffer a -1 divine penalty to hit the character, and if the character is traveling he (and his party) will be able to cover up to half again his normal rate. 10 Auspicious omen - In addition to the effects of a favorable omen, the character gains a +1 divine bonus to all saving throws made in the next 24 hours. Note that it is possible, given time, to wait for a good omen before embarking on an adventure - that's what this spell is for - to allow actions to be taken on auspicious days. The world however, doesnt always wait for lucky days...
Enchantment, Air Level: Shugenja 4 Components: V, S Casting time: 1 action Range: Short (25'+5'/level) Target or area: One creature Duration: Permanent Saving throw: Will negates Spell resistance: Yes Pointing at the target and whispering arcane words, a caster can cause a foe to surrender with this spell. The target is allowed a Will save and is unaffected if it has a CR greater than the caster's level. The target must be intelligent; however, it need not understand the language of the caster. If the creature can communicate with the caster, it can be coerced to perform a service for her, although she is allowed a second saving throw; success indicates the effects of the entire spell dissipate. The service must be within the capabilities of the creature and not overtly harmful to it, and must be able to be completed within a short time (e.g., one day or less). The creature will accomplish the task in the easiest, most effective manner possible, and will make preparations and plans within its ability. Quell ends when the service is comp leted. If the service has no set end point (e.g., "walk west"), the creature is allowed a new saving throw each day thereafter, with a +2 bonus if the caster and her party seem especially weakened.
Conjuration, Any Element Level: Shugenja 0 Co mponents: V, S, M Casting time: 30 minutes Range: 0' Target or area: Special Duration: Special Saving throw: Will neg. Spell resistance: Yes
With this spell, a shugenja can request a service from a spirit. The shugenja must know the spirit's identity (usually found via trance) and be within the area the spirit resides. The caster can ask for any favor or action within the spirit's power. A small stream could be asked to change course or encourage fish to a certain area. The Lord of the Sea could be asked to deliver an unattended item within the ocean's depths, ensure the safety of a vessel, or produce a powerful storm. The request must be specifically worded; the Lord of the Sea might locate a lost relic but not necessarily deliver it to where the caster is . Requests that cannot be fulfilled are ignored. The spirit is allowed a Will save to ignore the effects, but often comply if ignoring the caster would place the spirit within grave danger. Spirits will also usually attempt to cause the caster harm by either bending the spirit if the request while following the exact letter. Upon casting this spell, the shugenja becomes immediately drained. He loses all spell-casting abilities for the following week, is reduced to 1 hp (though normal rest and magic can restore him before the week is up), and cannot engage in combat, travel, or any activity requiring physical movement or concentration. [Note that monster conversions available at this site classify spirits into lesser and greater spirits, each of which is a sub-type of Fey.] Material component: An offering to the spirit worth from 5 to 100 koku in value or even more. The offering must be meaningful to the spirit; simple money won't do. Valuable art or magic are usually appropriate sacrifices. The spirit can refuse service (even if it fails its Will save) if the offering is not deemed worthy (DM's call).
Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Long (400' + 40'/level) Target or area: One creature Duration: 3 rounds/level Saving throw: Will negates Spell resistance: Yes This spell causes the ability of the target at swimming. Aquatic creatures act as if they were under the effects of a slow spell, and land-based creatures suffer a -30 penalty on Swim checks. This penalty is cumulative with the -1 penalty for every 5 lb. of gear carried. This spell does not negate the ability to breathe underwater if the creature can do this. Sinking can counterspell swim. Material component: Scale of a goldfish.
Smoke Shape
Transmutation [Air] Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S Casting time: 1 round Range: Touch Target or area: 5' cube/3 levels Duration: 1 yard/level (D) Saving throw: None Spell resistance: No With this spell the caster can mold smoke, mist, or fog into any shape she desires. She could for example, make the form of an imposing warrior or a solid wall. The form still has the properties of a gas but retains its shape for the duration of the spell, though strong winds or spells that emulate these will dissipate it in one round. When finished casting the spell, the shugenja can give the form a gentle push, which can propel the form forward with a movement rate of 15' (double that per round since the form takes double-movement actions). The spell cannot create fine detail, but it would be sufficient to fool onlookers at a distance. To detect the true nature of a smoke form, onlookers have to make a Spot check with a DC equal 15, with a -2 penalty for every 50' span between them and the smoke form. Penalties for low-light conditions also apply. It can be seen for what it really is (without a Spot check) at a range of 30'. The spell requires smoke, fog, or mist to be available early morning haze or smoke from a fire will also do.
Reverse Flow
Transmutation, Water Level: Shugenja 4 Components: V, S Casting time: 10 minutes Range: Medium (100'+10'/level) Target or area: 1/4 square mile/level Duration: 1 hour/level Saving throw: None Spell resistance: Yes Reverse flow can literally make water flow uphill. All running bodies of water in the area of effect reverse their flow for the spell's duration, although the change enacts no ill effects on the actual body of water itself. It has no effect on animated water of water-based beings.
Snake Charm
Enchantment, Air Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S Casting time: 1 action Range: 0' Target or area: 30' radius centered on caster Duration: Special (D) Saving throw: None Spell resistance: None
Transmutation, Water Level: Shugenja 1
While bobbing and chanting, the caster can cause snakes within the area of effect to stop and listen, themselves swaying and watching the caster. If the snakes were not attacking before the spell's start, they will remain transfixed for 10 to 30 minutes or until the caster leaves the area. If the snakes were angry or attacking, they stop all actions for 4+1d4 rounds. A shugenja can charm a number of snakes whose total hit points don't exceed his own. It only affects snakes with a type of Animal (e.g., not yuan-ti) with an Intelligence of 1 or less.
Snake Summoning
Conjuration, Earth Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S, F Casting time: 1 round Range: 0' Target or area: 120' radius emanation Duration: 10 min/level or end of concentration (D) Saving throw: Special Spell resistance: Yes With this spell the shugenja summons all snakes and snake-like creatures within 120' of him. They will come to the shugenja and follow him about, attacking neither their summoner nor anyone else unless attacked themselves. They will continue following the caster for the duration of the spell or as long as the shugenja maintains concentration. If the snakes are attacked, the spell ends. When the spell is finished, the snakes revert to their natural behavior. Snakes or snake-like beings that have an Intelligence of 2 or above can make a Will save to resist the summons. Likewise, snakes with more HD than the caster has levels are entitled to a Will save. Focus: A small silver flute played throughout the duration of the spell (note that this precludes conversation and the like).
If cast upon a water-based creature (e.g. a water elemental), the creature must make a Will save or be physically unable to engage in strenuous activities like combat, though it can still defend itself and use special abilities not based on physical force. If a calmed water-based creature is attacked, the spell is instantly negated. This spell also counterspells turbulence. Material component: Small flask of whale oil. (Artificial, non-whale substitutes like dolphin-free tuna will also do.)
Alteration [Water] Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Mediu m (100' + 10'/level) Target or area: 10' square/level Duration: 5 rounds/level (D) Saving throw: Special Spell resistance: Yes Turbulence enhances the force of water moving through the target area. Calm waters become choppy with whitecaps, white capped waves become breakers capable of capsizing canoes and small boats. In the latter case sailors must make a Profession (Sailor) check with a DC of 11 plus the caster's level or be capsized. Larger ships are unaffected, unless the water was initially stormy, in which case sailors must make the same check or capsize. Cast on water-based creatures, this spell makes them hostile and unable to calm themselves if they fail a Will save. Material component: A small ornamental fan.
Abjuration, Air Level: Shugenja 3 Components: V, S, DF Casting time: 1 round Range: 10' Target or area: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless) Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless) This spell is used specifically to counter oath, although the recipient cannot be the caster. It also counterspells oath.
Still Water
Alteration [Water] Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level) Target or area: 10' square/level Duration: 5 rounds/level (D) Saving throw: Special Spell resistance: Yes With this spell the caster calms the most turbulent waters up to but not including those with the force of a tsunami. Rivers flow gently within the area of effect, waterfalls still "fall" but less violently and loudly, and wave-tossed seas become flat. The force of water flowing through an area is altered, not the amount or direction. Thus, fording a raging river could be facilitated with this spell, but any boats sailing up or down the river would move at the same rate.
Necromancy, Void Level: Shugenja 4 Components: V Casting time: 1 minute Range: 0' Target or area: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level Vengeance is often cast in dire situations when the caster expects to die but desires to "have the last laugh." Upon the casting, if he dies (is reduced to -10 hp) within the duration of the spell, his spirit remains one more round to carry out a final act. If the body is present, it will be animated; otherwise, a ghostly essence (resistant to turning, damage, etc.) performs the final act of the shugenja. The spirit can carry out any act the shugenja would normally be allowed to perform in one round (e.g., cast a spell, strike with a weapon, etc.), although he must have had the capability to do the action immediately before he died (e.g., he could not cast a spell he hadn't a slot for). The spirit carries out the action regardless of what the player desires, even if it harms allies. Furthermore, the spirit is not guaranteed success in performing the act, just the opportunity for the act itself.
Wind breath allows the caster to expel a mighty breath of air from her lungs. The wind thus generated has a velocity of about 5 miles per hour per level. Pages 87 to 88 of the DMG have details on the exact effect of winds of various speeds. In summary, strong winds may blow out flames (or spread them), knock creatures down, capsize boats and stir waters, uproot trees, knock down buildings, and disrupt flying creatures. Since the duration of the spell is instantaneous, missile attacks are not affected, nor are the casting of spells unless their casting time spans that of the wind breath. Outside the area of effect the winds are not felt, though object can be blown from the spell's area. Focus: Fan with an artistic value of 5 koku or more.
Alteration, Void Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S, F Casting time: 1 action Range: Personal Target or area: Self Duration: Special (D) Saving throw: None Spell resistance: No Withdraw allows the caster to alter the local flow of time and perform several actions while the rest of the world experiences a brief moment. The duration of the spell as seen from the outside is 2 seconds plus 1 second per caster level. During this brief period, the caster can take actions that would normally require 2 rounds plus 1 round per level. Allowable actions are limited however: the caster can defense herself, read, think, meditate, or cast divination spells. She can also cast cure spells, but only upon herself. She can also use items that activities these abilities (a potion of cure light wounds, for example). Other actions like walking, attacking, becoming invisible, or curing others end the spell immediately. Focus: A small piece of rice paper.
Water Protection
Abjuration [Water] Level: Shugenja 1 Components: V, S, M Casting time: 1 round Range: Touch Target or area: One creature Duration: 1d3 x 10 minutes + 10 minutes/level Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless) Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless) Water protection prevents a creature from drowning and her equipment from water damage. The recipient can breathe underwater for the spell's duration, and her equipment rema ins dry. Torches and lanterns will remain lit underwater and words can be spoken normally (and thus spells with verbal components cast, though creatures trying to understand words spoken by the recipient will hear them as they would any sound underwater, which is most likely "blurred"). Water protection does not grant any bonus to Swim skill checks; recipients can still sink. It also does not reduce water resistance, and so activities like underwater combat still impose penalties. The spell does not affect the ability to breathe air. Material component: A small golden statuette of a fish (worth 5 koku or more) held by the recipient during casting.
Wind Breath
Evocation [Air] Level: Shugenja 2 Components: V, S, F Casting time: 1 round Range: 0' Target or area: 60' cone Duration: Instantaneous Saving throw: See text Spell resistance: No
Prerequisite Wis 13+, you may not be dishonorable Benefit The Monk may detect alignment at will at a range of 30 feet. See the spell description in the Players Handbook. Also she may detect Tainted creatures or people within 10 feet.
Benefit By spending a Void point, the monk receives a +5 enhancement bonus to Armor Class versus all missile weapons. The duration of the effect is one round per point of Charisma bonus the monk has.
Air Strike
This martial arts strike is part of the kaze-do school. Prerequisite Must be a member of a Kaze -do dojo, Void Use. Benefit By spending a Void point, the monk receives a +4 bonus to hit when she receives this feat. If she hits in combat, the target must make a Fortitude save versus a DC of the monks unarmed damage roll against the target or be stunned for 3 rounds.
Chasing Osano-wo
Whenever a storm is raging around the monk, he may use any lightning strikes as a means of conveyance. Prerequisite Must be outside, Con 14+ Benefit The monk concentrates for one round on his destination, within 50 feet per monk level (losing all dexterity and dodge bonuses to AC), and then a lightning bolt strikes where he stands. One round later, the lightning bolt strikes again and the monk appears. This kiho cannot be used indoors or underground.
Amaterasus Understanding
With this ability, the monk may understand languages he doesnt normally speak. Prerequisite Int 12+ Benefit The monk can understand any language (as a Comprehend Languages spell, p186, D&D Players Handbook) for one minute per monk level.
Chi Perception
The monk has an ability to sense life energy around him. Prerequisite Cha 13+, must not be dishonorable or affected by the Shadowlands Taint, Void Use. Benefit By spending a Void point, the monk has the ability to detect any living thing within a 20 foot radius. The target must have a Charisma score (1+). Undead or true Shadowlands creatures cannot be detected with this ability.
Ancestral Guidance
The monk is blessed by spirits of his ancestors. Prerequisite Wis 18+, Honorable, Depths of the Void Benefit The monk gains a +1 luck bonus to Armor Class and a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, skill checks or saving throws. This bonus does not stack with other luck bonuses.
Chi Projection
The monk imbues his unarmed attacks with magical energy focuses from his chi. Prerequisite Cha 13+, must not be dishonorable or affected by the Shadowlands Taint Benefit He gains a +2 enhancement bonus to hit with unarmed attacks. The monk may ignore armor in order to calculate armor class. The bonus to hit stacks with other monk bonuses to hit.
Body of Jade
You are unnaturally healthy and resistant to toxins. Prerequisite Must not be dishonorable and must not be affected by the Shadowlands Taint. Benefit The monk has gained immunity of all poisons, natural, animal, or man-made. However, he is not immune to the Shadowlands Taint
Cleansing Spirit
The monk gains a bonus to resist disease. Benefit You may spend a void point to gain a +10 void bonus on any save versus poison or disease. If you enter a meditative trance for four hours per day for a week, and make a successful Constitution check at DC25, you may cure yourself of 1-6 Shadow Points or Shadowlands Taint. (It is possible to remove your last point of Taint in this manner.) Special You must be a monk in order to take this ability.
Breaking Blow
You are capable of inflicting powerful attacks. This feat is often called tamashiwara by the monks who practice it. Prerequisite +5 To Hit, Str 15+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Fists of Iron. Benefit If you spend an entire round to prepare an unarmed melee attack (neither moving or attacking) you can inflict extra damage equal to 1 times your Strength modifier. If applied -6 against an inanimate object, all damage you inflict with this attack is doubled.
Death Touch
This is a deadly touch attack that can kill a target. Prerequisite Wis 19+, Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist, Void Use Benefit You may spend five Void points when delivering an unarmed attack to deliver the Death Touch. The target must immediately make a Fortitude save versus DC10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier to resist the effects. If the save is unsuccessful, the target takes damage equal to your character level once every 12 hours. The damage may not be healed by any means until the Death Touch is removed. You may remove the Death Touch you have placed by making another unarmed strike against the same target. The only other cure is a Heal check versus DC50. If the healer also knows Death Touch, he gains a +20 competence bonus to his Heal check roll. Death Touch is ineffective against targets who are immune to critical hits.
Fire Strike
This martial arts strike is part of the hitsu-do school. Prerequisite The monk must belong to a hitsu-do dojo. Benefit Flames engulf the monks hands. The monk gains +4 to hit and if she hits, she does 1-6 points of fire damage, with a save for half damage (Fortitude Save vs. DC Attackers Final To Hit roll). The damage continues for three rounds, allowing a save each round. A successful saving throw will douse the flames.
Double Chi
A monk may double his bonus to an ability score. Prerequisite All ability scores must be within two of each other, Void Use Benefit The monk may spend a void point in order to double a chosen ability score bonus for one round per monk level. He can do this one time per point of Charisma Bonus per day. He may raise only one ability bonus at a time.
Fortunes Breath
The monk may hold his breath for an extended period of time. Prerequisite Con 13+ Benefit The monk may hold his breath for one minute per point of Constitution. Normal A person may only hold his breath for 2 rounds per point of Constitution.
Earth Strike
This martial arts strike is part of the tsuchi-do school. Prerequisite The monk must belong to a Tsuchi-do dojo. Benefit The monks hands become like stone. He gains a +4 to hit. He also gains a +4 damage bonus. Creatures with Damage Resistance are immune to this strike.
Fortunes Favor
The Fortunes smile upon you. Prerequisite Must not be dishonorable, must not be affected by the Shadowlands Taint, must be Good aligned. Benefit The monk receives a re-roll to any die roll. He gets one re-roll for each two monk levels (minimum of 1).
You are in tune with the Universe. Prerequisite Void Use, may not be dishonorable or affected by the Shadowlands Taint. Benefit By spending a void point, the monk may add his Wisdom bonus to all dice rolls. The Wisdom bonus must always be no more than +/-1 of all the other ability score bonuses. This effect lasts for one round per monk level.
Heart of Stone
The monk becomes more resistant to damage. Prerequisite Con 15+, +8 To Hit, Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You may spend a void point as a free action to gain Damage Reduction for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier. The damage reduction is equal to X/, where X is your level divided by three (rounded down). This damage reduction may not exceed 5/.
Karmic Strike
You hit your opponent simultaneously when he hits you. Prerequisite +6 To Hit, Combat Reflexes, Dex 14+ Benefit If you get hit in combat, you gain a free attack of opportunity against the opponent who hit you. You may do this one time per point of Charisma Bonus per round.
Purity of Body
The monk is incredibly healthy. Prerequisite must not be Tainted. Benefit The monk becomes immune to all non-magical diseases. This does not make the monk immune to Shadowlands Taint.
Purity of Spirit
A monk is resistant to the charms of others. Prerequisite Cha 14+, Int 14+ Benefit The monk may add his Charisma bonus to all saving throws versus Air Spells.
Quivering Palm
This is the monks touch of death. Prerequisite +10 To Hit, Enlightenment, Purity of Body, Purity of Spirit Benefit The monk can use the quivering palm attack once per week, and she must announce her intent before making her attack roll. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be a ffected. The monk must be of higher level than the target (or have more levels than the target has hit dice). If the monk strikes successfully and the target takes damage from the blow, the quivering palm attack succeeds. Thereafter the monk can choose to try to slay the victim at any later time within 1 day per level of the monk. The monk merely wills the target to die (a free action), and unless the target makes a Fortitude save (DC of 1/2 the monks level + the monks Wisdom modifier), the target dies. If the saving throw is successful, the target is no longer in danger from that particular quivering palm attack (but may be affected by another quivering palm attack later). Quivering Palm is a supernatural ability. For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, p40.
Osano-wos Strike
A monks hands become like iron. Prerequisite Str 15+, Fists of Iron Benefit A mo nk may ignore hardness points in objects equal to 1 per monk level. All attacks have this effect when the monk receives this ability. For items without hardness (such as normal people), the monk gains a +1 to damage for every three levels (round down).
A monk may cause a target to expend Void without effect. Prerequisite +3 To Hit, Wis 15+, Void Use, Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit After striking a target with an unarmed melee attack, you may spend any amount of your void points to activate this feat. Your opponent is forced to immediately expend an equal amount of void points without effect. If your opponent loses more points than he currently has, he cannot recover void points for a number of days equal to the difference.
Perfect Self
The monk becomes more like a spirit as he gains in experience. Prerequisite Cleansing Spirit, must not be dishonorable Benefit When she receives this ability, the monk is now considered a magical creature. She gains no damage resistance but does require at least a +1 magical to hit to affect her. For other information, see Players Handbook, p40.
Self/No Self
The monk may recover Void more quickly than normal. Prerequisite Void Use Benefit Once per day, five minutes of meditation and a Concentration check (DC15) allow a complete recovery of all your Void Points. Normal Recovering Void Points requires a full nights rest or one hours meditation.
Soul of Jade
Magic has less effect on the monk. Prerequisite 4 ranks in Concentration Benefit The monk gains spell resistance equal to 10 + The monks Constitution bonus.
with a Reflex Save for half damage. The save DC is 10 + the monks level. The range of the bolt is 10 feet.
Timeless Body
A monk with this power no longer ages nor can be affected by aging effects. Prerequisite Void Use, Depths of the Void, Must be Honorable Benefit The monk no longer ages when he gains this kiho. Also aging effects do not affect the monk.
Touch of Amaterasu
A monk calms an ally with the vision of Amaterasu. Prerequisite Wis 16+, Void Use Benefit By spending a Void point and touching a person (touch attack if necessary), the target gains a +2 to all Will saves or Fear saves for one round per point of the monk's Charisma modifier.
Spirit Strike
A bonus to the monks to hit is added to his strikes. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use, Depths of the Void, and any other two kiho. Benefit You can spend a Void point to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes for a number of minutes equal to your character level. You may use this ability as a free action. If you thereafter attack an opponent in the same round in which this kiho is used, you gain a +2 Void bonus to your first unarmed attack roll. If you have the monks ki strike ability, this ability stacks for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction only. Special This feat may be taken multiple times. The enhancement bonus gained from this feat can never exceed your character level divided by four.
A monk may affect a target person by negating any bonus on the targets ability scores. Prerequisite Void Use, Cha 15+ Benefit The monk may spend a void point to negate an opponents ability score bonus. The target must make a Will Saving Throw versus DC 10 + the monks level. If he fails, the monk may force any of the targets ability score bonus to become 0 for a number of rounds equal to the monks level.
Strength of my Ancestors
The monk uses his ancestors spirits to his advantage in combat. Prerequisite Must not be dishonorable, Void Use Benefit The monk attunes with his ancestors, gaining a +1 to hit or +1 to saving throws (monks choice). All he need do is meditate for 5 rounds and spend one Void point.
Void Strike
This martial arts strike is part of the kukan-do school. Prerequisite The monk must belong to a Kukan-do dojo. Benefit The monk receives a +2 to hit bonus. If the monk hits, the target takes 1 points of temporary damage to a random -2 ability score.
Water Strike
This martial arts strike is part of the mizu-do school. Prerequisite The monk must belong to a Mizu-do dojo. Benefit When a monk attacks a target, she ignores the targets armor when calculating his Armor Class. If she hits, the monk receives +2 damage per hit.
Wholeness of Body
A monk, when in tune with the world, may heal others. Prerequisite Void Use, Wis 15+ Benefit The monk may spend a Void Point cure up to 2 times the monks level per day in hit point damage. He may not cure ability damage. He may perform this on himself or another.
Winds Carry Me
The Monk has no surface ground pressure. Prerequisite Void Use, Dex 16+ Benefit He may walk on water, leave no trace on mud, or walk across the snow without harm. As long as there is something below her, she may walk. She also makes absolutely no sound while walking as well. This ability has the effect of Pass without Trace and Silence. For more information, please see the D&D Players Handbook, pages 234 and 252. This is a non-magical extraordinary ability.
Zen Accuracy
A monk may hit a target without seeing it. Prerequisite +5 To Hit, Wis 16+, Void Use Benefit The monk may attack a target without aiming or even seeing a target. The target must be within 50 feet in order to use this ability. All the monk needs is a general direction in order to hit the target. He must spend a Void Point to activate this ability. This ability lasts for one attack only.
Zen Damage
A monk may cause extraordinary damage to a target. Prerequisite +5 To Hit, Wis 16+, Void Use Benefit By spending a Void Point, the monk may ignore hardness when hitting an object to break it. Also the threat range of the monks attacks are doubled. This ability lasts for one attack only.
Jiu -jutsu
Noted here is the style of martial arts Shinsei demonstrated on the Kami Akodo. Most of the styles listed here can trace their origins to this style of jiu-jutsu. The most basic form is almost non-existent and practiced by f ew. The most notable master of this form is the Hooded Ronin. Very few records of this style exist. Only one temple teaches this form as the primary form: The Sunrise Cliffs Dojo near Otosan Uchi. The basic idea behind Shinseis form is balance of the elements. It allows for attack and defense versus armed and unarmed opponents. Five Elements Kata Preparation Time: 10 minutes Duration: 120 minutes This kata is the definition of martial arts to many budo practitioners. It shows the basic stances, blocks, arm strikes, and leg strikes that make up jiu-jutsu. The focus of this kata is balance, bringing the artist into harmony with himself and his environment. Requirements: Improved Unarmed Strike, +2 To Hit XP Cost: 50 Effect: While this kata is in effect, you may raise a chosen ability score as much as you like, but at the cost of lowering another ability score. For each point you raise an ability score, you must subtract two points from another. You cannot lower an ability score below zero when using this ability. You can only raise / lower one ability score at a time. Student Techniques Countermove You may perform a counterattack if unsuccessfully attack by an opponent. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If you are attacked by an opponent and he misses, you may immediately make an attack of opportunity as long as you have no other opponents who can threaten you. Concentrated Push You can push things with supernatural strength Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit With a successful touch attack, you can push an opponent with a force equal to your Strength score plus 6 (add +3 to your touch attack roll). The defender must make a successful Reflex save versus your touch attack (DC of the touch attack roll) or be pushed back by 5 feet for each point the attack roll beats the saving throw roll by. If you initiate a Bull Rush, you gain a +4 to that attack. Locking Block Your blocks stop an opponents attacks and pin him to you. Prerequisite +4 To Hit Benefit If you are attacked, you may as a reaction roll an attack roll versus a DC of the Attackers attack roll. If you win, you pin the attackers weapon or unarmed attack as an automatic
grappling action. The attacker loses any subsequent attacks that he may have had in his turn. The two of you are considered grappled and you may perform grappling actions or he may try to escape the grapple. Training Benefit: Whenever the artist gets attacked, he may attempt to combine all three techniques by first performing a locking block. If the block is successful he can countermove to make an automatic concentrated push. The artist may control the direction of the concentrated push into any square adjacent to him. Walking with Nature Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 120 minutes In many cases, the martial artist is in tune with the cycles of nature. Walking with Nature teaches techniques that enhance the natural capabilities of the artist. Requirements: Wis 16+, +4 To Hit XP Cost: 150 Effect: While this kata is in effect, the artist may align himself with a particular element. The effect is a bonus against spells or magical effects against a chosen element equal to the Charisma Bonus of the artist. Also during the duration of this effect, the artist receives a penalty to his Armor Class equal to the bonus he got. Teacher Techniques Powerful Grip Your hands are incredibly strong from training and practice. Prerequisite Str 13+ Benefit When grappling or holding items, you are considered to have a Strength score of 4 points higher than it actually is. Throw You may throw an opponent. Prerequisite Dex 14+ Benefit You may attack an opponent to throw him, even if he is armed. You draw an attack of opportunity with this attack, and are considered unarmed. You need make a successful grapple against the opponent in order to do this. If you do, you automatically make an Improved Trip attack against this opponent. Indirect Technique By moving off the opponent's line of attack, you may attack, exposing his defenses. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit If you did not move from the beginning of the combat round you initiate this technique, you may step to one square to one side of your opponent that he still threatens and attack as if you had a bonus for flanking your opponent. If you are already flanking your opponent, this technique stacks with flanking. This technique is still countered by Uncanny Dodge. Training Benefit: You may perform an indirect technique and a throw as one combat action. Y do not provoke an attack of ou
opportunity when you perform this action. Remember the artist gains +4 to his Strength when grappling for the throw. Sun and Moon Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 180 minutes This is the third form of the Jiu-jutsu Dojo. This kata brings the light of the sun and the light of the moon together so the monk is never in darkness, day or night. The techniques of this form protect the monk at all times, in all situations. This advanced form is the ultimate in defense for the martial artist. Requirements: Con 16+, must not be affected by the Shadowlands Taint, must be honorable XP Cost: 100 Effect: While this kata is in effect, the artist gain Fast Healing 5. Master Techniques Great Throw You may throw an opponent with great force. Prerequisite Throw Benefit You may attack an opponent to throw him, even if he is armed. You do not draw an attack of opportunity with this attack. You need make a successful grapple against the opponent in order to do this. If you do, you automatically make an Improved Trip attack against this opponent, with a +2 to that attack. Paralyzing Touch With a successful touch attack, you can paralyze a target. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit If you succeed with a touch attack, the target needs to make a Fortitude save versus the damage inflicted or become paralyzed. The effect last as long as you keep your hand on the target. Immobility By focusing on your center, you may make yourself as heavy as stone. Prerequisite Cha 16+ Benefit By concentrating for one round, you may make your body act as if it weighed five times as much as it really does. It becomes very difficult for anyone to perform a Bull Rush attack on you; you have an effective Strength of your score + 8 for resisting Bull Rush attacks. Training Benefit: This benefit is a +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class and a benefit that the henshin cannot be flanked. This benefit is active all the time. The monk is no longer considered flat-footed at the beginning of combat. If the monk does lose her Dexterity bonus to AC for any reason, the monk loses this ability.
Tsuchi-do is a hard style of jiu-jutsu developed by a Crab clan retired samurai. Hida Kyutsu served on the wall for twenty-five years. Under order from the Crab champion, he retired because he was severely wounded in combat. He healed, but was restless. He studied jiu-jutsu during his stay at the Hida monastery near the Carpenter Wall. He noted during his tour as a soldier and commander on the Wall that sometimes bushi would lose their weapon in the chaos of combat. He also noted that many of his troops died without training in unarmed combat. So he spoke with the Hida daimyo and got permission to train soldiers in unarmed combat. He adapted jiu-jutsu to something that the Crab could use and appreciate a hard and strong style useable in armor and designed to fight the goblins and demons of the Shadowlands. The training helped the Crab greatly, giving many a chance to survive where they might have died earlier. Iron Crab Kata Preparation Time: 5 minutes Duration: 60 minutes Iron Crab Kata is the foundation of Tsuchi-do developed by Hida Kyutsu. It teaches the Crab warrior defense in the chaos of battle on the wall or in the Shadowlands. It helps the warrior to survive when survival is uncertain. Requirements: Toughness XP Cost: 100 Effect: The artist gains +1 Hit Points per level per point of Constitution bonus he has. These Hit Points are taken off first when in combat. The bonus hit points disappear when the duration of the kata ends. Also, for the duration of this kata, the artist gains a penalty to Armor Class equal to his Constitution bonus. Student Techniques Powerful Grip Your hands are incredibly strong from training and practice. Prerequisite Str 13+ Benefit When grappling or holding items, you are considered to have a Strength score of 4 points higher than it actually is. Fists of Iron (variant of OA feat) You have learned the secret of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You must declare this attack before you attack on your turn (a missed attack uses up a use of this ability). If you hit, you inflict an extra 1d4 points of damage. You may use this technique a number of times per day equal to 3 times + your Charisma Modifier. Evasion You actively dodge opponent's attacks, going completely defensive. Prerequisite Dodge Benefit When you perform the total defense action in combat, you may double the bonuses you receive to your Armor Class
(You will get a +8 to Armor Class). If you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you may not use this technique. Training Benefit: If the artist is attacked and missed, the artist may make an immediate grapple attempt as a free action. If successful, he may make an attack with his fist with a +2 synergy bonus. If he hits, he may use his Fist of Iron technique. Forge of the Earth Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 30 minutes Forge of the Earth braces the character in stone, giving him the strength of the mountains he is made of. He can withstand any amount of damage or condition for any amount of time. Requirements: Con 16+, must not be affected with Shadowlands Taint XP Cost: 100 Effect: While this kata is in effect, the artist is fortified with the essence of elemental earth. He gains a +2 on Will saves when attacked with poison. Also he gains a +3 natural Armor Class bonus. However, this bonus makes the warrior more unruly. He gets a 4 penalty to all Wisdom or Charisma based skill checks. Teacher Techniques Deflection Block You may deflect incoming attacks into another direction. Prerequisite Dex 13+ Benefit If you are attacked successfully, you may make a Reflex Saving throw versus a DC of the attacks roll in order to reduce the damage to 1/2. This technique is useful to only block melee attacks (with either weapons or unarmed attacks). Improved Strike Your unarmed strikes do extra damage per attack. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit The damage dice you do on an unarmed attack increase by one type. If you deal d4 dice, they turn into d6 dice and so on. After d12, the dice turn to 2d8, 2d10, and 2d12. Instant Stand You can tip up from the prone position with great ease. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit If knocked prone in combat, or if you started the round prone, you may stand up as a free action. Then you may perform actions normally as if you had been standing all that round. Training Benefit: The martial artist gains double his Dexterity bonus when calculating his Armor Class. Ascending the Mountain Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 30 minutes
As the martial artist gains experience and skill in tsuchido, it can be said that he is ascending a mountain. This form represents that ascension by teaching the budoka more techniques on defense. Requirements: +6 To Hit, Cha 16+ XP Cost: 150 Effect: For the duration of this kata, the artist gains the effect of Chi Strike equal to his Charisma bonus. This bonus supersedes any Chi Strike effect if this bonus is higher.
Master Techniques Weapon Block You may defend against weapons with your body. Prerequisite Fists of Iron or Eagle Claw Attack Benefit Through technique, practice and conditioning your hands act as impromptu bucklers. Each empty hand provides a +1 deflection bonus to Armor Class. This technique does not work if you are flat-footed or lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason. Seeking Strike Your attacks have a supernatural way of finding their target . Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You gain a +3 To Hit a target, negating the targets Armor Bonus to Armor Class. However, you lose any Strength modifiers to damage the target and cannot achieve a Threat with a natural roll of 20. Immobility By focusing on your center, you may make yourself as heavy as stone. Prerequisite Cha 16+ Benefit By concentrating for one round, you may make your body act as if it weighed five times as much as it really does. It becomes very difficult for anyone to perform a Bull Rush attack on you; you have an effective Strength of your score + 8 for resisting Bull Rush attacks. Training Benefit: The martial artist gains a Damage Resistance of his Charisma Bonus / -. This bonus only applies if the martial artist is honorable and untainted by the Shadowlands Taint.
Mizu -do
Bards from the Kakita Academy wanted to realistically simulate combat, armed and unarmed in their plays. Kakita Nakayuki saw a young monk of Shinsei practicing jiu-jutsu one day. He got an idea. Immediately, he talked to a relative in the order and within weeks was developing a new form for his actors to practice. In addition he made sure there was practical application to the form. In a year, Mizu-do was born. Its soft and flowing movements were elegant, providing an artistic way for the actors to portray combat. Its practical application was applying an attackers strength against him. The actors began to feel a measure of safety as even the smallest person could practice this art effectively. Wing on the Water Kata Preparation Time: 10 minutes Duration: 60 minutes Wing on the Water teaches the basic form and stances for the actors of the Kakita Academy. The form is artful and graceful, with smooth movements. Requirements: Dex 16+, Perform 6 ranks XP Cost: 75 Effect: For the duration of this kata, the artist may add one-half his perform ranks to his attack rolls in unarmed combat. The artis t may not wear any armor nor carry anything totaling over ten pounds. Student Techniques Blinding Strike You can blind an opponent with a strike to the eyes. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If a target is hit with a successful attack roll by the martial artist, the target must make a Reflex save versus the damage of the attack or be blinded for 2-12 rounds. This attack is ineffective against creatures without eyes. Tsukuri (Distraction) You know techniques to distract your opponent into doing what you want him to do. Prerequisite Bluff 6 ranks Benefit If you make a successful Bluff check versus an opponent, you gain a bonus to attack equal to +1 per three points you beat your opponents Bluff check by. The Bluff check replaces one of your attacks. If you have only one attack action available, you cannot use this technique. The attack bonus is good for normal attacks or initiating a grapple. Crane Stance This is a classic one-foot stance for performing leg strikes. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit You may apply your Dexterity bonus to your leg strikes in addition to your Strength bonus. If you cannot stand on one foot for any reason (such as getting your legs pinned), you cannot use this stance. Also if you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you cannot use this stance.
Training Benefit: You may perform one Tsukuri action per round as a free action. Northern Crane Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 60 minutes The Crane in the northern provinces of the clan practice their form on the rocky cliffs and dry ground. This form has many kicks and jumping techniques, relying upon the agility of the performer. Requirements: Jump 8 ranks, Str 15+ XP Cost: 125 Effect: While this kata lasts, the artist may make any Jump check with 2 times the character's height as the base number. Also, any jump check made as a charge attack can be made as a free action. As a result, the artist is more sensitive to the element of Air. The artist receives a -2 penalty to any saving throw versus Air spells. Teacher Techniques Stunning Fist (variant of PHB monk ability) You can stun opponents with a successful attack. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If you make a successful attack, the target needs to make a Fortitude save versus the damage you inflict or become stunned for 1 round. You may perform this attack one time per character level. For information on the stunned condition summary, please see the Dungeonmasters Guide, p85. Fast Kick Your kicks have incredible speed, permitting you to attack before others. Prerequisite Improved Initiative Benefit You may perform one leg strike as an unarmed attack before anyone else in the first round of combat to one target you threaten. Natural Movement When you are in combat, you move as moving naturally. Prerequisite +6 To Hit Benefit It is difficult for an opponent to determine your intentions because your attacks are like normal movement. In the first round of combat, your opponent must make a Sense Motive check versus a DC15 + Your Character level. If he fails, you get a +4 To Hit on your first attack. Training Benefit: You may perform stunning attacks with your feet as well as your hands. If your feet are restrained in any way or you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you may not perform this action. Southern Crane Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 90 minutes
The Crane of the southern provinces live in wetter climes so stay close to the ground. This form teaches the artist how to wade the reeds and swim for fish. The techniques are ground-based techniques. Requirements: Perform 10 ranks, Bluff 10 ranks XP Cost: 125 Effect: By waving his "wings," the artist may perform a Bluff check against an opponent. If he succeeds, he may choose to receive a +3 to either all attack rolls versus that opponent or Armor Class versus that opponent. Because of the concentration required to use this form, for the duration of the kata, the artist loses his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. Master Techniques Double Kick You attack twice with your kicks Prerequisite Dex 17+ Benefit If you declare a full attack, you gain one extra attack at your highest attack bonus, as long as it is a leg strike. Y our feet must not be stuck, nor may you use this attack if you are on unstable or slippery ground (any surface requiring a Dexterity or Balance check).
Hitsu -do
A monk of Shinsei was chosen by the Dragon of Fire to become an Oracle. During his time as the Oracle of Fire, the monk Orosei bided his time by devising and practicing a new form of jiu-jutsu he called hitsu-do, the Way of Fire. He found a young boy and made him his disciple. The boy learned everything that Orosei knew, surpassing him even in raw skill. Orosei sent the boy off, and went back to brooding in his flaming home. The boy was a descendant of Shinsei. He practiced the original form of jiu-jutsu as well as hitsu-do. He brought the form to the Phoenix and taught the Shiba its techniques. He would himself be the ancestor of the hooded ronin. Kata of the Oracle Preparation Time: 10 minutes Duration: 120 minutes Kata of the Oracle is the first form of the Hitsu-do dojo. It teaches techniques developed by the Oracle of Fire. Given enlightenment by the Oracle, the techniques develop the artist in ways unheard of in normal schools. Requirements: Wis 15+ XP Cost: 50 Effect: While this kata is in effect, the artist gains an enlightenment bonus to hit equal to his Charisma bonus. This bonus only applies to unarmed attacks. Student Techniques
Luring Block Your defense lures the attacker to lower his defenses. Prerequisite Bluff 5 ranks Benefit If you are attacked by an opponent, you may perform a contested Bluff check versus the opponent. If you win, the opponent loses any Dexterity or Circumstance bonuses to his Armor Class, making it easier for you to attack him on your next turn. Pain Touch (variant of OA feat) You cause intense pain in an opponent with a successful stunning attack. Prerequisite Stunning Fist or monks stunning attack Benefit If you hit with a stunning attack, the target must make a successful Fortitude save versus the damage of the attack or feel such intense pain that he cannot perform many actions. He is unable to attack, cast spells, maintain concentration on spells or do anything else requiring attention for 1 round. He may only take one move or single move-equivalent action. Creatures immune to stun are immune to this attack. Training Benefit: When performing a Luring Block, as a bonus you may perform one attack of opportunity as a bonus free action. This counts against the number of attacks of opportunity you get in a round. Stunning attacks or Pain Touch may be performed with this attack.
Throw You may throw an opponent. Prerequisite Dex 14+ Benefit You may attack an opponent to throw him, even if he is armed. You draw an attack of opportunity with this attack, and are considered unarmed. You need make a successful grapple against the opponent in order to do this. If you do, you automatically make an Improved Trip attack against this opponent. Locking Block Your blocks stop an opponents attacks and pin him to you. Prerequisite +4 To Hit Benefit If you are attacked, you may as a reaction roll an attack roll versus a DC of the Attackers attack roll. If you win, you pin the attackers weapon or unarmed attack as an automatic grappling action. The attacker loses any subsequent attacks that he may have had in his turn. The two of you are considered grappled and you may perform grappling actions or he may try to escape the grapple. Evasion You actively dodge opponent's attacks, going completely defensive. Prerequisite Dodge Benefit When you perform the total defense action in combat, you may double the bonuses you receive to your Armor Class (You will get a +8 to Armor Class). If you lose your Dexterity
bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you may not use this technique. Training Benefit: The artist may perform a locking block and a throw as a reaction to an attack. Trial by Fire Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 60 minutes Trial by Fire Kata is the second form of the hitsu-do dojo. This form teaches techniques derived for the three techniques learned in this level of training. It puts the budoka through fire, testing him and toughening him for future opponents. Requirements: The character (with equipment) may not weigh over 150 lbs; Dex 15+ XP Cost: 100 Effect: By using circular walking movements, the budoka may walk with no surface pressure. This permits him to walk on water without falling in or even walking on fire without feeling the effect of it. However, during the duration of this kata, the budoka receives a -4 versus all Air spells cast at him. Teacher Techniques Concentrated Push You can push things with supernatural strength Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit With a successful touch attack, you can push an opponent with a force equal to your Strength score plus 6 (add +3 to your touch attack roll). The defender must make a successful Reflex save versus your touch attack (DC of the touch attack roll) or be pushed back by 5 feet for each point the attack roll beats the saving throw roll by. If you initiate a Bull Rush, you gain a +4 to that attack. Circular Block You can perform a block that not only deflects but controls the attacker. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit If you are successfully attacked by an unarmed opponent, you may making a Reflex saving throw versus a DC of the Attackers Attack Roll to avoid the attack. If you succeed you may automatically initiate a grapple with the attacker. You may do this a number of times per round equal to your Dexterity modifier. Light Step Your walk has the lightest pressure on the ground. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit When you walk, your steps apply very little pressure. All Move Silently checks gain a +6 competence bonus, your
steps leave no tracks and anyone with the Track feat has a +10 to the DC of tracking a person with this technique. Training Benefit: You gain the effect of pass without trace, as the spell, as if it were cast by a wizard equal to your character level. Rising from the Ashes Kata Preparation Time: 30 minutes Duration: 120 minutes This is the last form of hitsu-do. The budoka is destroyed in the conflagration of fire, then he comes back from the ashes as a reborn entity. The techniques of this form show much more advanced ways of defending oneself, either getting the opponent further away from him, or stopping his attack in a more permanent way. Requirements: Stunning Fist; Str 13+ XP Cost: 100 Effect: You gain a +4 bonus on Strength checks with anything involving your grip. However you get a -4 penalty to other Strength checks and Jump or Swim checks. Master Techniques Defensive Throw (variant of OA feat) You can use your opponents momentum against him. Prerequisite Dodge Benefit If an opponent you receive an AC bonus from the Dodge feat attacks you and misses, you may make an immediate trip attack against that opponent. Your to hit roll must exceed the attackers to hit roll and his AC (whichever is higher) for this attack to succeed. This attack counts against the number of attacks of opportunity you receive in a round. Incapacitator Hold When grappling, you can inflict pain to paralyze your opponent. Prerequisite +4 To Hit Benefit When you are grappling, if you make a successful grapple check to pin your opponent, your opponent is paralyzed and may not move or defend in a grapple at all. He may talk or perform mental actions (such as knowledge checks). You may maintain this hold unless someone else breaks your grapple with your opponent. Sliding Step You can stay with your opponent in combat as he moves. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit If your opponent moves out of a square you threaten, you may move with the opponent as a reaction, if you haven't moved on your turn (except to keep up with your opponent). You may move up to your normal speed in one round. Training Benefit: With a successful attack roll and if you spend a Void point, you may paralyze your opponent if he fails a Will save versus a DC of the damage of your attack. The duration of the paralyzation is one round for each point of Charisma bonus you have.
Togashi sent a member of his Ise Zumi, Togashi Kaze to study with the monks in a nearby temple to Dragon lands. The monks understood why they sent such a clumsy, weak and rebellious student. He needed discipline and patience. Possibly the Dragon champion couldnt stand him anymore. For years, the student got himself into endless amount of trouble, gambling, drinking and carousing with women. But he learned. He learned a great deal, despite his unwillingness. Kaze was unaware that he was even learning. Then the monastery got attacked by ronin bandits. Kaze found himself fighting with incredible skill and agility. He defended the monastery and fought off the bandits, not letting a single one escape uninjured. He returned to the mountains and began to train the peasants in martial arts. Peasants Kata Preparation Time: 5 minutes Duration: 30 minutes The peasants kata is the first form of Kaze-do. Togashi Kaze taught this form to many heimin and eta, but never to any samurai. This basic form is easy to learn and has many practical techniques. Requirements: Dex 12+ XP Cost: 50 Effect: For the duration of this kata, the artist gains the effects of Improved Unarmed Strike (if he doesn't already have it), a +2 bonus to Armo r Class versus armed attacks, and double his Dexterity bonus when calculating Armor Class. As a penalty, he receives a -2 to all saving throws versus any spell or magical effect (except those originating from a melee attack). Student Techniques Dragon Stance This is a highly defensive stance used to protect oneself in combat. Prerequisite Expertise Benefit While in Dragon stance, you may add your Strength bonus to your Armor Class in addition to your Dexterity bonus. If you are brought out of this stance for any reason (such as being lifted or tripped), you may not use this stance. If you cannot stand on two feet for any reason, you may not use this stance. Great Leap You may perform huge leaps in combat. This technique is commonly used in the Hare clan. Prerequisite Str 16+ Benefit When calculating distance for Jump checks, you may add 1 your height to figure the distance instead of your normal height. Double Kick You attack twice with your kicks Prerequisite Dex 17+ Benefit If you declare a full attack, you gain one extra attack at your highest attack bonus, as long as it is a leg strike. Your feet must not be stuck, nor may you use this attack if you are on
unstable or slippery ground (any surface requiring a Dexterity or Balance check). Training Benefit: You may combine a Jump check and a Double Kick technique if you declare a charge on your opponent. Kata of the Mountain Preparation Time: 10 minutes Duration: 60 minutes The Kata of the Mountain is practiced every mo rning at Kyuden Togashi. It is the second, though primary form of Kaze do. The secrets of the style are imbedded in this form. The flight of the Dragon and his attacks are taught in this form. Requirements: Dex 14+, Combat Reflexes XP Cost: 100 Effect: While this kata is in effect, the artist gains a +4 enhancement bonus to all Jump checks. Also, he gains a +2 to damage with all unarmed attacks. This damage bonus does not apply to the Eagle Claw Attack. Teacher Techniques Deflect Arrows (variant of PHB monk ability) You can deflect incoming arrows, spears, and other missile weapons. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit You must have one hand holding nothing in order to use this technique. You may make a Reflex Saving throw versus a DC10 + the Attackers attack roll. If you succeed, you successfully deflect the missile coming at you. You may do this a number of times equal to the total number of unarmed attacks you get in a round (based on the monks unarmed attack bonuses, Table 4b, of this document). You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Using this technique is a reaction and need not be declared, though it does count against your future attacks on your next turn. You lose one attack for each deflection you make in the round youre attacked. Flying Kick (variant of OA feat) You literally leap into battle, dealing devastating damage. Prerequisite Jump 4 ranks Benefit If you declare a Charge attack and make a successful Jump check versus DC15, you deal double damage with your attack. Eagle Claw Attack (variant of OA feat) Your unarmed attacks break objects. Prerequisite Sunder Benefit You may attack a shield or an opponents weapon with unarmed attacks without drawing an attack of opportunity. Normal A character may normally attack a shield or weapon with a slashing or bludgeoning weapon. Training Benefit: The artist may combine any two jumping or flying techniques as one attack action. If a Jump check is required for both techniques, the artist need roll only once, but at the higher DC of the two.
Kami's Technique Preparation Time: 30 minutes Duration: 60 minutes This is the third form of Kaze-do, developed by Togashi and given to Togashi Kaze as an advanced form for mastery of the Dragon style. It armors the artist and gives him supernatural strength in combat. Requirements: Dex 18+, Lightning Reflexes XP Cost: 150 Effect: By flexing his muscle, for the duration of this form, the artist gains a +2 natural Armor bonus to Armor Class. Also, any Eagle Claw Attack he makes gets a +2 to damage if he hits. Because the artist has the spirit of Air Dragon in him, he may not run from combat. Master Techniques Flashy Attack (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2000, Brendan Quinn) You are able to use an impressive dis play of prowess to catch your opponents off guard Prerequisite Weapon Finesse with the weapon used Benefit As a full round action, you can add your charisma modifier (in addition to all other modifiers) to your attack roll. Special This attack can be taken multiple times, each time it applies to a new weapon. Fighters may take this as a bonus feat. Improved Strike Your unarmed strikes do extra damage per attack. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit The damage dice you do on an unarmed attack increase by one type. If you deal d4 dice, they turn into d6 dice and so on. After d12, the dice turn to 2d8, 2d10, and 2d12. Weapon Break Your body is naturally resistant to weapon attacks. Prerequisite Fists of Iron Benefit If an opponent attacks you and misses, you may immediately attack his weapon (if he is using one). If you hit, you do damage to the weapon directly, ignoring his weapon's hardness. You do not draw an attack of opportunity when using this technique. Training Benefit: You may add your Charisma bonus to any attack roll made as a result of the Weapon Break technique.
The ronin Saikiden happened upon a monk who was torn to bits by an oni. Among the remains was a book of pictures. Saikiden, curious about the book, took it and went through its contents. Unbeknownst to him, he was perfect candidate to learn the lost Void form of Kukan-do. He found enlightenment in the book. He began a pilgrimage to find the writer of the book. After a long journey, he discovered that the writer was long dead. He found a letter, addressed to him. He had someone read it for him, since he could not read. He learned that the writer of the book was his ancestor. He went to the lead temple of Shinsei and returned the book to their rightful owners. He stayed on and taught his ancestors form to all who would learn. No Form Preparation Time: 10 minutes Duration: 30 minutes No Form is the first kata of the Kukan-do school. Like everything that is Void, there are no specific techniques. This is a "freestyle" form, teaching the artist natural movement and spontaneous technique. Requirements: Cha 13+, Void Use XP Cost: 50 Effect: The artist may add +1d4 to his initiative roll at the beginning of combat, reflecting the natural and chaotic movement of Void in the universe. Whatever is added to his initiative roll is subtracted from all Charisma -based skill checks for the duration of the kata. The bonus applies only for the duration of the kata. Student Techniques Natural Movement When you are in combat, you move as moving naturally. Prerequisite +6 To Hit Benefit It is difficult for an opponent to determine your intentions because your attacks are like normal movement. In the first round of combat, your opponent m make a Sense ust Motive check versus a DC15 + Your Character level. If he fails, you get a +4 To Hit on your first attack. Kiho Power You develop the energy in your body to perform a kiho spontaneously. Prerequisite by kiho chosen Benefit The artist acquires a monk kiho power to use as a martial arts technique. Situational Awareness You are wise to the area around you in and out of combat. Prerequisite Wis 15+ Benefit You gain a +3 to all Spot and Sense Motive checks.
Training Benefit: The martial artist is no longer considered flatfooted at the beginning of combat unless he loses his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. Forgetting to Learn Preparation Time: 15 minutes Duration: 45 minutes Forgetting to Learn is the second form of the Kukan-do dojo. This form teaches the artist that he must unlearn what he knows of the world and relearn the way of the Void. Requirements: Wis 15+, Depths of the Void XP Cost: 100 Effect: For the duration of the kata, the artist may take points of voluntary Charisma damage to gain one Void point for each two Charisma points he loses. Also, the artist may spend up to three Void points per round while this kata is in effect. The artist cannot lower his Charisma below 1 in this manner.
Benefit You may reroll a check or save you just made and apply a insight bonus equal to your Charisma modifier. You may do this once per day. You must take the result of the reroll, even if its worse than the original roll. Training Benefit: The martial artist receives the bonus of Uncanny Dodge; the artist cannot be flanked. Enlightenment is Madness Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 60 minutes This form is the third of the Kukan-do dojo. In his path to wisdom, sometimes the philosopher is led down strange and unpredictable paths. In these moments of madness, he reaches incredible levels of sophisticated thought. Requirements: Iron Will, Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks XP Cost: 125 Effect: For the duration of this kata, the artist gains an insight bonus to all saving throws equal to one-third his ranks in Knowledge (Religion). For an equal amount of time, the artist receives a penalty to all Wisdom-based skill checks equal to onethird his ranks in Knowledge (Religion). Master Techniques Immobility By focusing on your center, you may make yourself as heavy as stone. Prerequisite Cha 16+ Benefit By concentrating for one round, you may make your body act as if it weighed five times as much as it really does. It becomes very difficult for anyone to perform a Bull Rush attack on you; you have an effective Strength of your score + 8 for resisting Bull Rush attacks.
Teacher Techniques Light Step Your walk has the lightest pressure on the ground. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit When you walk, your steps apply very little pressure. All Move Silently checks gain a +6 competence bonus, your steps leave no tracks and anyone with the Track feat has a +10 to the DC of tracking a person with this technique. Kiho Power You develop the energy in your body to perform a kiho spontaneously. Prerequisite by kiho chosen Benefit The artist acquires a monk kiho power to use as a martial arts technique. Heroic Evasion (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2001, B. Marcus Lindberg) When you focus on an effort you may get flashes of insight about the immediate future allowing you to avoid disastrous mistakes. Prerequisite Great Fortitude, Iron Will, or Lightning Reflexes
Kiho Power You develop the energy in your body to perform a kiho spontaneously. Prerequisite by kiho chosen Benefit The artist acquires a monk kiho power to use as a martial arts technique. Ghost Touch (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric D. Harry) By channeling your ki you can effectively strike incorporeal opponents. Prerequisite Wis 13+ Benefit You can make unarmed attacks against incorporeal opponents as if you had the ghost touch power, negating an incorporeal creatures ability to ignore 50% of successful attacks from a corporeal source. Like Ki Strike, Ghost Touch is a supernatural ability. Training Benefit: In a sense, you gain Immobility against Incorporeal beings. An incorporeal being cannot pass through you or move you, as you appear solid to him in the Ethereal Plane.
short sword. A natural weapon or unarmed attack has a size code two sizes smaller than the creature using it . Powerful Grip Your hands are incredibly strong from training and practice. Prerequisite Str 13+ Benefit When grappling or holding items, you are considered to have a Strength score of 4 points higher than it actually is. Seeking Strike Your attacks have a supernatural way of finding their target . Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You gain a +3 To Hit a target, negating the targets Armor Bonus to Armor Class. However, you lose any Strength modifiers to damage the target and cannot achieve a Threat with a natural roll of 20. Training Benefit: You may combine Clinch with a Seeking Strike, stacking the benefits of both. Ni no Kata Preparation Time: 10 minutes Duration: 90 minutes This kata is the second form taught to Ikoma-kai practitioners. It adds to the basic techniques and positions taught in Ichi no Kata. It teaches more advanced maneuvers to the budoka, so he can survive during the chaos of combat. Requirements: Str 15+, Chi Projection XP Cost: 75 Effect: Ni no Kata gives the budoka a +2 to hit whenever the budoka performs a charge attack on an opponent for the duration of the kata. In addition, the budoka gains the benefit of the Power Attack and Cleave feats, but only on an opponent directly in front of the budoka. Conversely, the budoka receives a 2 penalty to all Reflex saves for the duration of the kata. Teacher Techniques Linear Movement Your technique cannot be deviated or deflected by an opponent's block. Prerequisite Cha 16+ Benefit You attack with projection, not taking no for an answer. Any unarmed attack you make at a foe automatically includes a free bonus Overrun attack included. If you are charging, you gain a +3 to the Overrun attack (or subsequent Trip check). You do not need to charge in order to initiate the Overrun. If you are performing a full attack, you get only one Overrun attack. Deflection Block You may deflect incoming attacks into another direction. Prerequisite Dex 13+ Benefit If you are attacked successfully, you may make a Reflex Saving throw versus a DC of the attacks roll in order to reduce the damage to 1/2. This technique is useful to only block melee attacks (with either weapons or unarmed attacks).
Grapple with Weapons You may grapple against armed opponents in combat. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You may safely initiate a grapple versus an armed opponent. You do not draw an attack of opportunity from the target. Fists of Iron (variant of OA feat) You have learned the secret of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You must declare this attack before you attack on your turn (a missed attack uses up a use of this ability). If you hit, you inflict an extra 1d4 points of damage. You may use this technique a number of times per day equal to 3 times + your Charisma Modifier. Training Benefit: You gain a +1 natural bonus to your Armor Class. This is an extraordinary ability. San no Kata Preparation Time: 20 minutes Duration: 120 minutes This is the third and final form learned in the Ikoma-kai Dojo. Techniques learned in this form bring the budoka to master levels of skill in the martial arts. Budoka who reach this level of skill are almost unbeatable. It is difficult for several armed opponents to take down a master-trained budoka. Requirements: Cha 16+ XP Cost: 100 Effect: While this kata is in effect, the budoka gains a +4 to his Strength score. At the same time, the budoka receives 4 to his Dexterity score. The effects are incurred immediately when the kata goes into effect. Master Techniques Breaking Strike Your strikes a charged with enough energy to break items easily. Prerequisite Str 15+ Benefit Your threat range for unarmed attacks is 19-20 instead of a natural 20. Also you ignore hardness for attacking objects. You cant use this technique on magical weapons. Grappling Block (different from OA feat) Your grapple is automatically started against an opponent. Prerequisite +5 To Hit Benefit If you are attacked by an unarmed opponent, as a reaction, you may roll a To Hit against the attack in order to grapple him. If you hit, you intercept the attack and are automatically grappled with your opponent. You lose any attacks you have in the round you block, but in the next round, you are grappled and may attack normally as the grappling rules permit. Countermove You may perform a counterattack if unsuccessfully attack by an opponent.
Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If you are attacked by an opponent and he misses, you may immediately make an attack of opportunity as long as you have no other opponents who can threaten you. Training Benefit: He gains Damage Resistance of 3/+1.
This is the form of jiu-jutsu developed by Bayushi Aramoro, famed ninja of years past. He studied jiu-jutsu from a Brotherhood monastery in his youth in order to supplement his bushi training. The martial arts was a great way to maintain selfdefense without having a katana handy. He incorporated the techniques of jiu-jutsu with the requirements of the ninja. Elements of stealth and escape were added to the style. Elements to quickly incapacitate a person were added. Also, Aramoro studied the techniques of the monks of the mountain, the yamabushi. The finalized form became very effective in its use by the Bayushi ninja. However, when the ninja were executed, officially, the style was not practiced by anyone. The Shosuro family picked up the style, preserving it by using it in noh plays. Today it is still practiced by some Shosuro actors, but many other Scorpion are finding usefulness in the form. Lost in the Shadow Kata Preparation Time: 5 minutes Duration: 60 minutes Lost in the Shadow is the first of the techniques taught by Bayushi Aramoro. By concentrating and performing meditative gestures with the hands, he becomes in tune with the Shadow. Requirements: Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks XP Cost: 50 Effect: While this kata is in effect, the budoka gains a connection to the Shadow. He becomes partially insubstantial, receiving a +4 enhancement bonus to Armor Class, as long as he is in the shadows at the time. Student Techniques Hidden Strike You may sneak in an attack first in a round. Prerequisite Improved Initiative Benefit If you succeed at an opposed Bluff check versus an opponent, you may attack that opponent first in a round, negating his Dexterity or Dodge bonuses to Armor Class (remember hes flat-footed in the first round of combat!). You may only make one attack using this technique. Luring Block Your defense lures the attacker to lower his defenses. Prerequisite Bluff 5 ranks Benefit If you are attacked by an opponent, you may perform a contested Bluff check versus the opponent. If you win, the opponent loses any Dexterity or Circumstance bonuses to his
Armor Class, making it easier for you to attack him on your next turn. Improved Threat Range You are more accurate in your strikes, thus causing more critical hits. Prerequisite Weapon Focus Benefit Your threat range with unarmed attacks is 19-20 and one better with any melee weapon you are proficient with. Training Benefit: When making a Bluff check in combat for any reason, the budoka may take 10 on that check. If combat has not happened yet, he may take 20. Crying in Silence Kata Preparation Time: 5 minutes Duration: 30 minutes Crying in Silence is the second form of Bayushi-ryu. Encasing himself in the Shadow, he becomes as silent as moonlight. His stealth is only surpassed by the darkness itself. Requirements: Move Silently 12 ranks, Dex 18+ XP Cost: 75 Effect: For the duration of this kata, the budoka has the effects of a silence spell was cast upon him by a caster of equal level to the character level of the budoka. The bad part of this form is that the radius of this effect is 15 feet. So a potential enemy may sense something is wrong. Any person in the radius of effect may make a Wisdom check versus a DC15 to know something is wrong and prepare for it. Teacher Techniques Pain Touch (variant of OA feat) You cause intense pain in an opponent with a successful stunning attack. Prerequisite Stunning Fist or monks stunning attack Benefit If you hit with a stunning attack, the target must make a successful Fortitude save versus the damage of the attack or feel such intense pain that he cannot perform many actions. He is unable to attack, cast spells, maintain concentration on spells or do anything else requiring attention for 1 round. He may only take one move or single move-equivalent action. Creatures immune to stun are immune to this attack. Grappling Block (different from OA feat) Your grapple is automatically started against an opponent. Prerequisite +5 To Hit Benefit If you are attacked by an unarmed opponent, as a reaction, you may roll a To Hit against the attack in order to grapple him. If you hit, you intercept the attack and are automatically grappled with your opponent. You lose any attacks you have in the round you block, but in the next round, you are grappled and may attack normally as the grappling rules permit. Evasion You actively dodge opponent's attacks, going completely defensive. Prerequisite Dodge
Benefit When you perform the total defense action in combat, you may double the bonuses you receive to your Armor Class (You will get a +8 to Armor Class). If you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you may not use this technique. Training Benefit: Walking on the Wind Kata Preparation Time: 5 minutes Duration: 15 minutes Walking on the Wind is the third and most powerful of the Bayushi kata. With concentration and thought, the budoka becomes as light as air. He can fly as light as a cloud in the sky. Requirements: Void Use, Cha 16+ XP Cost: 100 Effect: During this kata, the budoka has the capability to fly as a wizard of equal level to the character level of the budoka. He cannot wear armor nor carry over 25 pounds of equipment and weapons. At the end of the duration, the effect wears off, so the character had better be close to the ground. Master Techniques Paralyzing Touch With a successful touch attack, you can paralyze a target. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit If you succeed with a touch attack, the target needs to make a Fortitude save versus the damage inflicted or become paralyzed. The effect last as long as you keep your hand on the target. Weapon Block You may defend against weapons with your body. Prerequisite Fists of Iron or Eagle Claw Attack Benefit Through technique, practice and conditioning your hands act as impromptu bucklers. Each empty hand provides a +1 deflection bonus to Armor Class. This technique does not work if you are flat-footed or lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason. Enhanced Escape You can break free from any bonds that you are tied in. Prerequisite Escape Artist 8 ranks Benefit You may take 20 on any Escape Artist check, except when you are being actively tied by an opponent. Also, the time required to break free from a bond is reduced by one half. Training Benefit: The budoka may initiate a grapple with an armed opponent without drawing an attack of opportunity.
Benefit If you attack a humanoid target, you have a chance of causing blindness to him. He must make a Fortitude save versus a DC of 1/2 the damage of your attack. If he fails the save, he is blinded for 1 round per 2 points of damage you inflict upon him. For information on Blindness, please se the Dungeonmasters Guide, p83. Fists of Iron (variant of OA feat) You have learned the secret of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You must declare this attack before you attack on your turn (a missed attack uses up a use of this ability). If you hit, you inflict an extra 1d4 points of damage. You may use this technique a number of times per day equal to 3 times + your Charisma Modifier. Great Throw You may throw an opponent with great force. Prerequisite Throw Benefit You may attack an opponent to throw him, even if he is armed. You do not draw an attack of opportunity w this ith attack. You need make a successful grapple against the opponent in order to do this. If you do, you automatically make an Improved Trip attack against this opponent, with a +2 to that attack. Hidden Strike You may sneak in an attack first in a round. Prerequisite Improved Initiative Benefit If you succeed at an opposed Bluff check versus an opponent, you may attack that opponent first in a round, negating his Dexterity or Dodge bonuses to Armor Class (remember hes flat-footed in the first round of combat!). You may only make one attack using this technique. Improved Weapon Strike You gain bonuses when attacking an opponents weapon. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit When attacking an opponents weapon, you may use any weapon to attack with, no matter what size. Normal When attacking a weapon, you may normally use just a slashing weapon. Improved Strike Your unarmed strikes do extra damage per attack. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit The damage dice you do on an unarmed attack increase by one type. If you deal d4 dice, they turn into d6 dice and so on. After d12, the dice turn to 2d8, 2d10, and 2d12. Ki Strike (variant of PHB monk quality) Your strikes have the quality of magic items. Prerequisite Cha 15+ Benefit You can charge your attacks that overcome Damage Reduction. Your attacks are equivalent to a +1 weapon per 5 character levels you possess. Pain Touch (variant of OA feat) You cause intense pain in an opponent with a successful stunning attack. Prerequisite Stunning Fist or monks stunning attack
Benefit If you hit with a stunning attack, the target must make a successful Fortitude save versus the damage of the attack or feel such intense pain that he cannot perform many actions. He is unable to attack, cast spells, maintain concentration on spells or do anything else requiring attention for 1 round. He may only take one move or single move-equivalent action. Creatures immune to stun are immune to this attack. Paralyzing Touch With a successful touch attack, you can paralyze a target. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit If you succeed with a touch attack, the target needs to make a Fortitude save versus the damage inflicted or become paralyzed. The effect last as long as you keep your hand on the target. Prone Attack (variant of OA feat) You can attack from the prone position. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit As long as you are conscious, you do not suffer the effects of being prone. In addition, you may attack from the prone position without penalty or drawing an attack of opportunity. Seeking Strike Your attacks have a supernatural way of finding their target . Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You gain a +3 To Hit a target, negating the targets Armor Bonus to Armor Class. However, you lose any Strength modifiers to damage the target and cannot achieve a Threat with a natural roll of 20. Stunning Fist (variant of PHB monk ability) You can stun opponents with a successful attack. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If you make a successful attack, the target needs to make a Fortitude save versus the damage you inflict or become stunned for 1 round. You may perform this attack one time per character level. For information on the stunned condition summary, please see the Dungeonmasters Guide, p85. Throw You may throw an opponent. Prerequisite Dex 14+ Benefit You may attack an opponent to throw him, even if he is armed. You draw an attack of opportunity with this attack, and are considered unarmed. You need make a successful grapple against the opponent in order to do this. If you do, you automatically make an Improved Trip attack against this opponent. Unbalancing Strike (variant of OA feat) Your attack may knock an opponent off balance. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit With a successful attack against your opponent, you may knock him off balance. He needs to make a Reflex save versus DC10 + 1/2 Your Level + Your Wisdom Modifier or become off balance. He loses his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class and his opponents gain a +2 on their attacks against him.
Breaking Block Your blocks can damage unarmed attacker Prerequisite Str 15+ Benefit As a reaction, you may attack the attacker (if he attacked unarmed). Your reactive attack must beat the attackers attack roll or his Armor Class (whichever is higher). If you hit, you do normal damage. You may do this a number of times per round equal to your Dexterity modifier. Catch Missile You may safely catch a missile weapon shot at you. Prerequisite Dex 17+ Benefit If an attacker successfully rolls a To Hit against you with a missile weapon, you may make a reactionary attack against that attack in order to catch the weapon. If your attack roll is higher than the attackers, you succeed. You may do this a number of times per round equal to your Dexterity modifier. Choke Hold (variant of OA feat) You know how to correctly apply pressure in order to render an opponent unconscious. Prerequisite Improved Grapple Benefit If you successfully grapple your opponent and hold it successfully for 3 rounds, he must make a Fortitude saving throw versus a DC10 + 1/2 Your Level + Your Strength Modifier. If he fails, he is unconscious for 1d3 rounds. Circular Block You can perform a block that not only deflects but controls the attacker. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit If you are successfully attacked by an unarmed opponent, you may making a Reflex saving throw versus a DC of the Attackers Attack Roll to avoid the attack. If you succeed you may automatically initiate a grapple with the attacker. You may do this a number of times per round equal to your Dexterity modifier. Deflect Arrows (variant of PHB monk ability) You can deflect incoming arrows, spears, and other missile weapons. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit You must have one hand holding nothing in order to use this technique. You may make a Reflex Saving throw versus a DC10 + the Attackers attack roll. If you succeed, you successfully deflect the missile coming at you. You may do this a number of times equal to the total number of unarmed attacks you get in a round (based on the monks unarmed attack bonuses, Table 4b, of this document). You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Using this technique is a reaction and need not be declared, though it does count against your future attacks on your next turn. You lose one attack for each deflection you make in the round youre attacked. Deflection Block You may deflect incoming attacks into another direction. Prerequisite Dex 13+ Benefit If you are attacked successfully, you may make a Reflex Saving throw versus a DC of the attacks roll in order to reduce the damage to 1/2. This technique is useful to only block melee attacks (with either weapons or unarmed attacks).
Grapple with Weapons You may grapple against armed opponents in combat. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You may safely initiate a grapple versus an armed opponent. You do not draw an attack of opportunity from the target. Grappling Block (different from OA feat) Your grapple is automatically started against an opponent. Prerequisite +5 To Hit Benefit If you are attacked by an unarmed opponent, as a reaction, you may roll a To Hit against the attack in order to grapple him. If you hit, you intercept the attack and are automatically grappled with your opponent. You lose any attacks you have in the round you block, but in the next round, you are grappled and may attack normally as the grappling rules permit. Grappling Focus You are a master of grappling opponents. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit While you are grappled, you get a +2 on grapple checks to do damage or to pin your opponent, or if you have a light weapon, you may attack at a +2 to hit. Improved Deflect Arrows You are more adept at deflecting missile weapons than others. Prerequisite Dex 17+ Benefit This technique is like Deflect Arrows above, but the Reflex Save DC is only the attackers attack roll. Incapacitator Hold When grappling, you can inflict pain to paralyze your opponent. Prerequisite +4 To Hit Benefit When you are grappling, if you make a successful grapple check to pin your opponent, your opponent is paralyzed and may not move or defend in a grapple at all. He may talk or perform mental actions (such as knowledge checks). You may maintain this hold unless someone else breaks your grapple with your opponent. Leading Block You may direct your opponents attacks in order to perform specific actions against him. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If you make a To Hit roll against the attackers To Hit roll and win, you gain a +2 To Hit on your next attack against that opponent if you are planning to attack a specific target (like a called shot) on the opponent or planning to attack an item the opponent is carrying (such as a potion bottle or scroll he may be carrying). Locking Block Your blocks stop an opponents attacks and pin him to you. Prerequisite +4 To Hit Benefit If you are attacked, you may as a reaction roll an attack roll versus a DC of the Attackers attack roll. If you win, you pin the attackers weapon or unarmed attack as an automatic grappling action. The attacker loses any subsequent attacks that he may have had in his turn. The two of you are considered
grappled and you may perform grappling actions or he may try to escape the grapple. Luring Block Your defense lures the attacker to lower his defenses. Prerequisite Bluff 5 ranks Benefit If you are attacked by an opponent, you may perform a contested Bluff check versus the opponent. If you win, the opponent loses any Dexterity or Circumstance bonuses to his Armor Class, making it easier for you to attack him on your next turn. Powerful Grip Your hands are incredibly strong from training and practice. Prerequisite Str 13+ Benefit When grappling or holding items, you are considered to have a Strength score of 4 points higher than it actually is. Setup Block Your defensive technique sets you up for your next attack. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If an opponent attacks you and misses you, but his roll is still within 5 points of your Armor Class, you get a bonus of +2 on your next attack roll against that opponent. This technique only works on the specific opponent who attacked you. Sticky Touch You do not need to maintain grapples. Prerequisite Dex 17+ Benefit During a grapple, you do not need to keep rolling in order to maintain it. Your opponent must still make rolls in order to break your grapple or do anything else. His rolls will go against your first roll initiating the grapple. Also you may, in addition to doing automatic damage, instead choose one partial action to perform. While using this technique, you must stay in the same square as your opponent. All other normal rules for grappling still apply. Tsukuri (Distraction) You know techniques to distract your opponent into doing what you want him to do. Prerequisite Bluff 6 ranks Benefit If you make a successful Bluff check versus an opponent, you gain a bonus to attack equal to +1 per three points you beat your opponents Bluff check by. The Bluff check replaces one of your attacks. If you have only one attack action available, you cannot use this technique. The attack bonus is good for normal attacks or initiating a grapple. Weapon Block You may defend against weapons with your body. Prerequisite Fists of Iron or Eagle Claw Attack Benefit Through technique, practice and conditioning your hands act as impromptu bucklers. Each empty hand provides a +1 deflection bonus to Armor Class. This technique does not work if you are flat-footed or lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason. Weapon Break Your body is naturally resistant to weapon attacks. Prerequisite Fists of Iron
Benefit If an opponent attacks you and misses, you may immediately attack his weapon (if he is using one). If you hit, you do damage to the weapon directly, ignoring his weapon's hardness. You do not draw an attack of opportunity when using this technique.
Foot Techniques
Back Sweep You use your back leg to trip your opponent. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit You may initiate a trip attack against your opponent by using your back leg in a stance. If you succeed, your opponent is tripped. You do not need your hands free to use this technique. You must be standing or crouching to use this technique. Your opponent must be behind you for this technique to work. Crescent Kick You may use leg strikes at extreme ly close range, including grapples. Prerequisite Grappling Focus Benefit If you are locked in a grapple with an opponent, you may use a leg to perform a normal unarmed strike against him. You do not need your hands free to perform this technique. Distracting Kick This is a kick that puts your opponent offbalance for a future attack. Prerequisite Bluff 6 ranks Benefit If you make a successful Bluff check (which uses up one attack action) versus your opponent's Bluff or Charisma check, you distract your opponent with an attack that sets you up for another foot attack that grants you a +1 bonus for every three points you beat your opponent by in the Bluff check. If you are performing a full attack action that round, you may immediately use the bonus on your next attack in your sequence. If the Bluff was your last attack in your turn, you may use the bonus in your next turn but only for one attack. This is either a one attack action or the first attack of your full attack action. Double Kick You attack twice with your kicks Prerequisite Dex 17+ Benefit If you declare a full attack, you gain one extra attack at your highest attack bonus, as long as it is a leg strike. Your feet must not be stuck, nor may you use this attack if you are on unstable or slippery ground (any surface requiring a Dexterity or Balance check). Flying Kick (variant of OA feat) You literally leap into battle, dealing devastating damage. Prerequisite Jump 4 ranks Benefit If you declare a Charge attack and make a successful Jump check versus DC15, you deal double damage with your attack. Fast Kick Your kicks have incredible speed, permitting you to attack before others. Prerequisite Improved Initiative Benefit You may perform one leg strike as an unarmed attack before anyone else in the first round of combat to one target you threaten.
Foot Block You may block incoming attacks with your feet. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit As long as your feet are free, you may use one foot as a buckler, providing a +1 deflection bonus to Armor Class. You lose this bonus if you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason. Hidden Stance The most effective stance is the stance not seen by your opponent. Prerequisite Bluff 6 ranks Benefit If you make a successful Bluff check against your opponent's Bluff or Charisma check, you may get a +4 to your next initiative roll against that opponent. Improved Trip You have the ability to use your feet to trip others well. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You gain a net +2 to all trip attacks against your opponents. If you fail in the trip attack, your opponent cannot perform a trip against you. You must have at least one foot free to perform this technique. Iron Foot Your feet can break objects with the strength of a hammer. Prerequisite Str 16+ Benefit When you attack objects with leg strikes, you ignore hardness if you hit. If your feet are damaged in combat for any reason, you cannot perform this technique. Leg Block You may use your legs to block attacks. Prerequisite Dex 17+ Benefit If you have at least one leg free, you may use it to deflect incoming attacks. You gain a net +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class. You lose this bonus if you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason. Off-Timing Kick You can adjust when you kick an opponent in a round. Prerequisite Improved Initiative Benefit When kicking, you can adjust your initiative count anywhere from -3 to +3 on your turn, effectively altering when you attack in a round. Prone Kick You can perform leg strikes from the prone position. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If you are knocked prone or voluntarily go prone, you may still perform attacks you threaten from the prone position. You are no longer considered helpless because you are prone and opponents do not get a bonus to hit you because you are prone. Roundabout Kick You can kick around targets. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit When you kick a target, you can kick around a target's defenses, negating any shield bonuses to hit. You can also kick around cover, eliminating 2 points of Armor Class from your opponent's cover bonuses.
Slow Kick Sometimes slowing an attack can cause it to hit your opponent. Prerequisite +6 To Hit Benefit When you kick an opponent, you go last in the round if you use this technique. However, you gain a bonus to hit equal to your Dexterity modifier. Scissor Kick You can use this leg technique to take down an opponent. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit In a sense, you are initiating a grapple with your feet instead of your hands. You no longer need to have your hands free to start a grapple. Otherwise, this technique does not offer any bonuses or penalties. Spinning Back Kick This is a powerful kick that devastates your enemies. Prerequisite Jump 6 ranks Benefit If you make a Jump check against a DC20 and a successful attack against your opponent, your threat for critical hits becomes 19-20 and you do double your Strength bonus for damage. Sweep You may use your front leg to sweep your target. Prerequisite Dex 15+ Benefit You may initiate a trip attack to a target you threaten with your front leg in a stance. If you succeed, your opponent is tripped. You must have one leg free in order to use this technique. Your opponent must be in front of you for this technique to work. Thrust Kick You have a powerful kick that knocks your opponent back. Prerequisite Str 15+ Benefit Every time you kick an opponent, you automatically initiate a Bull Rush attack on the opponent you strike. In addition to normal unarmed damage, your opponent must respond to the Bull Rush attack normally (with an opposed Strength check, see the Player's Handbook, pp 136-137) or be knocked back. Triple Kick You have an unbelievably fast leg attack. Prerequisite +6 To Hit Benefit You may initiate two extra attacks with your feet, one at your highest attack bonus, one at your next highest attack bonus. You must declare a Full attack for this technique to work. Your feet must not be stuck, nor may you use this attack if you are on unstable or slippery ground (any surface requiring a Dexterity or Balance check).
lose this bonus as well. If you have this technique, you are not considered flat-footed at the beginning of combat. Cat Stance This is on offensive stance used to attack opponents Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You gain a +2 to hit with leg strikes. Circular Technique You perform a counterattack by spinning around your opponent's attack. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit If you make a Balance check versus DC15 after being attacked and missed, you may make an immediate attack of opportunity versus your attacker. Countermove You may perform a counterattack if unsuccessfully attack by an opponent. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit If you are attacked by an opponent and he misses, you may immediately make an attack of opportunity as long as you have no other opponents who can threaten you. Crane Stance This is a classic one-foot stance for performing leg strikes. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit You may apply your Dexterity bonus to your leg strikes in addition to your Strength bonus. If you cannot stand on one foot for any reason (such as getting your legs pinned), you cannot use this stance. Also if you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you cannot use this stance. Dragon Stance This is a highly defensive stance used to protect oneself in combat. Prerequisite Expertise Benefit While in Dragon stance, you may add your Strength bonus to your Armor Class in addition to your Dexterity bonus. If you are brought out of this stance for any reason (such as being lifted or tripped), you may not use this stance. If you cannot stand on two feet for any reason, you may not use this stance. Evasion You actively dodge opponent's attacks, going completely defensive. Prerequisite Dodge Benefit When you perform the total defense action in combat, you may double the bonuses you receive to your Armor Class (You will get a +8 to Armor Class). If you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you may not use this technique. Great Leap You may perform huge leaps in combat. This technique is commonly used in the Hare clan. Prerequisite Str 16+ Benefit When calculating distance for Jump checks, you may add 1 your height to figure the distance instead of your normal height. Immobility By focusing on your center, you may make yourself as heavy as stone. Prerequisite Cha 16+
Acrobatic Fighting You incorporate acrobatics into your fighting style. Prerequisite Tumble 8 ranks Benefit As long as you are unarmored, you gain a +2 deflection bonus to Armor class, from all of the weaving and moving you do during combat. This is considered a Dodge bonus. If you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you
Benefit By concentrating for one round, you may make your body act as if it weighed five times as much as it really does. It becomes very difficult for anyone to perform a Bull Rush attack on you; you have an effective Strength of your score + 8 for resisting Bull Rush attacks. Improved Evasion You are defensive even if you are attacking someone in combat. Prerequisite Evasion Benefit You may still benefit from the Evasion technique even in normal combat. You may not declare a Full Attack if you are using this technique. You gain double the normal bonus for the Total Defense action but may perform actions normally (except Full Attacks, of course.). If you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for any reason, you may not use this technique. Indirect Technique By moving off the opponent's line of attack, you may attack, exposing his defenses. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit If you did not move from the beginning of the combat round you initiate this technique, you may step to one square to one side of your opponent that he still threatens and attack as if you had a bonus for flanking your opponent. If you are already flanking your opponent, this technique stacks with flanking. This technique is still countered by Uncanny Dodge. Instant Stand You can tip up from the prone position with great ease. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit If knocked prone in combat, or if you started the round prone, you may stand up as a free action. Then you may perform actions normally as if you had been standing all that round. Jam Technique You stop an opponent's attack with your own attack. Prerequisite +6 To Hit Benefit When you are attacked by an opponent, you may substitute a normal attack roll for your Armor Class. You may do this one time for each point of Dexterity bonus you have. If your attack roll is higher than your attacker, he does not hit you. Light Step Your walk has the lightest pressure on the ground. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit When you walk, your steps apply very little pressure. All Move Silently checks gain a +6 competence bonus, your steps leave no tracks and anyone with the Track feat has a +10 to the DC of tracking a person with this technique. Linear Movement Your technique cannot be deviated or deflected by an opponent's block. Prerequisite Cha 16+ Benefit You attack with projection, not taking no for an answer. Any unarmed attack you make at a foe automatically includes a free bonus Overrun attack included. If you are charging, you gain a +3 to the Overrun attack (or subsequent Trip check). You do not need to charge in order to initiate the Overrun. If you are performing a full attack, you get only one Overrun attack.
Natural Movement When you are in combat, you move as moving naturally. Prerequisite +6 To Hit Benefit It is difficult for an opponent to determine your intentions because your attacks are like normal movement. In the first round of combat, your opponent must make a Sense Motive check versus a DC15 + Your Character level. If he fails, you get a +4 To Hit on your first attack. Sliding Step You can stay with your opponent in combat as he moves. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit If your opponent moves out of a square you threaten, you may move with the opponent as a reaction, if you haven't moved on your turn (except to keep up with your opponent). You may move up to your normal speed in one round. Slow Fall You fall like a piece of rice paper, gently to the ground. Prerequisite Cha 18+ Benefit If you fall more than 10 feet, you fall under the immediate effect of a feather fall spell. This is a supernatural ability. Snake Stance This is a defensive stance that has offensive qualities. Prerequisite Expertise Benefit Like this Expertise feat, you may subtract points from your Base Attack Bonus and add them to your Armor Class. Also, you may subtract points of Armor Class and add them to your Base Attack Bonus. The bonus (either way) may not be more than 5. You cannot be flat-footed and use this feat. Soft Fall If you fall, you take less damage from the fall. Prerequisite Con 18+ Benefit You take damage from any fall you take and make a successful Dexterity check versus a DC10 + 1 per 10 feet fallen.
Special Techniques
Body Combat (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2001, Carl Cramr) You may add an unarmed attack to your attack routine. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You gain the use of the Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity feats, but only when your off-hand weapon is an unarmed attack such as a kick, knee, elbow smash or head butt or an armored variant of an unarmed attack such as a gauntlet, steel boot, kneepad, elbow guard or helmet. Special You can learn later feats for which Ambidexterity or Two-Weapon fighting are prerequisites based on the virtual feats learned with Body Combat, but you can then only use those feats when you fulfill the limitations of Body Combat. Clinch (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2000, Carl Cramr) You can get really close to attack an opponent. Prerequisite Dodge Benefit Move in under the guard of an opponent standing within five feet, as a move-equivalent action. He gets an attack of
opportunity against you while you do this. You dont actually move anywhere, just step slightly closer to your opponent, but you do get the benefit of the Mobility feat (if you have it). After you have moved in close, you get a +4 cover bonus to AC, and a +4 circumstance bonus to attack rolls against the opponent you closed in on. If you and your opponent is ever more than 5 feet away from each other, you lose this bonus. You also lose the bonus if you move in on or attack someone else. Special To use this feat your weapon must be of a size class two categories smaller than your opponents. So a tiny dagger works against a medium -sized longsword, but not against a small short sword. A natural weapon or unarmed attack has a size code two sizes smaller than the creature using it . Delicate Aim You are very accurate at shooting specific targets. Prerequisite Precise Shot Benefit You gain a +4 To Hit when making called shots or attacking specific objects on a person. Disarm Opponent (Different from Player's Handbook feat) It is easier for you to disarm your opponent. Prerequisite +6 To Hit Benefit You gain a +4 on all Disarm attempts. Also, it is a free action for you. Enhanced Escape You can break free from any bonds that you are tied in. Prerequisite Escape Artist 8 ranks Benefit You may take 20 on any Escape Artist check, except when you are being actively tied by an opponent. Also, the time required to break free from a bond is reduced by one half. Fearsome Display (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2000, Brendan Quinn) You can use your impressive display of prowess to intimidate your opponents Prerequisite Intimidate 5 ranks Benefit As a full round action, you can add 1/2 of your base attack bonus to your intimidation check. Special This ability is ineffective against those who cant comprehend your skill. Flashy Attack (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2000, Brendan Quinn) You are able to use an impressive display of prowess to catch your opponents off guard Prerequisite Weapon Finesse with the weapon used Benefit As a full round action, you can add your charisma modifier (in addition to all other modifiers) to your attack roll. Special This attack can be taken multiple times, each time it applies to a new weapon. Fighters may take this as a bonus feat. Flurry of Blows You overwhelm your opponent with multiple blows from all directions. Prerequisite Improved Unarmed Strike Benefit You gain an extra attack for each attack you have, but all attacks suffer a -3 penalty to hit. This only works with unarmed attacks. For example, if your monk has an attack routine of +7/+4/+1, he may double the number of attacks he has, but the sequence will be at +4/+4/+1/+1/ -2/-2. With this
technique, you can have attacks go to negative numbers and have more than four attacks in a round. Fracture (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2000, Michael J. Kletch) You are skilled at exploiting weaknesses in objects. Prerequisite Sunder Benefit When attacking an object with hardness greater than or equal to that of your weapon, you gain +2 circumstance bonus to damage. When you are attacking an object with hardness less than that of your weapon, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to damage. Ghost Touch (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric D. Harry ) By channeling your ki you can effectively strike incorporeal opponents. Prerequisite Wis 13+ Benefit You can make unarmed attacks against incorporeal opponents as if you had the ghost touch power, negating an incorporeal creatures ability to ignore 50% of successful attacks fro m a corporeal source. Like Ki Strike, Ghost Touch is a supernatural ability. Heroic Evasion (Variant; Original COPYRIGHT 2001, B. Marcus Lindberg) When you focus on an effort you may get flashes of insight about the immediate future allowing you to avoid disastrous mistakes. Prerequisite Great Fortitude, Iron Will, or Lightning Reflexes Benefit You may reroll a check or save you just made and apply a insight bonus equal to your charisma modifier. You may do this once per day. You must take the result of the reroll, even if its worse than the original roll. Hurl Weapon You may accurately throw a melee weapon in combat. Prerequisite Precise Shot Benefit You may throw a melee weapon as a ranged weapon without penalty. The range increment is 10 feet for small weapons and 5 feet for medium weapons. Large weapons cannot be thrown. Improved Threat Range You are more accurate in your strikes, thus causing more critical hits. Prerequisite Weapon Focus Benefit Your threat range with unarmed attacks is 19-20 and one better with any melee weapon you are proficient with. Multiple Opponents You have an easy time of fighting more than one opponent at a time. Prerequisite +8 To Hit Benefit You cannot be flanked (like the Uncanny Dodge ability for Rogues) except by characters of higher level than you. Nerve Strike You attack vital areas of a target that cause more damage. Prerequisite +8 To Hit Benefit If you hit in combat versus an opponent, you do an additional 1d4 points of damage. This only works with upper body unarmed attacks. This technique does not work on undead or any creature with no Constitution score.
One Finger You can perform amazing acts of strength with only one finger. Prerequisite Cha 18+ Benefit You focus your Chi energy through your finger. Then with a mere touch of that finger, you may push people or objects as if you were using your whole hand. Any Strength-based skill check or Strength check can be done with the one finger instead of the whole hand. This includes combat as well as normal activities. Precision You attack and move with great skill and accuracy. Prerequisite Dex 16+ Benefit You gain a +2 to all Balance, Jump, Tumble and Standard Dexterity checks. Situational Awareness You are wise to the area around you in and out of combat. Prerequisite Wis 15+ Benefit You gain a +3 to all Spot and Sense Motive checks. Still Mind You are calm in the most unsettling of situations. Prerequisite Iron Will Benefit You gain a +1 to all Wisdom-based skill checks. Strength of Many You have the strength of many men. Prerequisite Void Use Benefit If you spend a Void point, you gain a +1 to your Strength score for each ally within 25 feet of you.
Essence of Ninja Scroll You may bleed gallons but are unaffected by it. Prerequisite Con 18+ Benefit When you are hit for at least 5 points of damage with a slashing weapon in combat, you immediately spew forth a gout of blood from the wound like a high-pressure fire hose. The attacker needs to make a Reflex save versus the damage of attack he inflicted or be blinded for 1 round. Cling of Modesty No matter how damaged your clothing becomes, you are still modestly covered. Prerequisite Clothing Benefit By making a Reflex save versus a DC of 10, your clothing resists any damage done to it, be it any type of damage, fire, cold, water, or electricity, whatever it is. All the important parts of your body remain covered. Incredible Defense You may parry unmentionable amounts of blows from enemies. Prerequisite Dodge Benefit You gain a permanent +10 enhancement bonus to Armor Class against all incoming attacks as long as they are directed at you. Area of effect attacks, such as Fireball, nor any directed attack spell are affected by this technique. Attackers with magical weapons (or Ki Strike) may ignore this bonus. Robotech Dodge You have an uncanny ability to dodge missile attacks. Prerequisite Dodge Benefit No matter how many missile attacks there are against you, you may dodge them all with a simple Reflex save versus the attackers' lowest attack roll, no matter how many hit, and you take no damage. This only works against non-magical missile attacks. Melee attacks or magical attacks cannot be dodged in this manner. Dragonball Evasion You may dodge an opponent by disappearing and reappearing anywhere nearby. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit If you are attacked and hit, you may make a Reflex save versus a DC of the attacker's attack roll in order to activate a spontaneous Dimension Door effect to carry yourself within 500 feet of your disappearing point. You may reappear in mid-air. You need not have an entrance nor an exit point near a tree, wall or whatever. This ability may be used one time per day per point of Charisma bonus you have. Glare of the Master You have the appearance of a master fighter in combat. Prerequisite Character level 10+ Benefit When starting a combat, you may invoke this technique (for visual effect, the screen tightens to your eyes, blanking out everything nearby) at will against an opponent before rolling initiative. The target (only one target) of this must make a Will save versus a DC of 10 + your character level + your Charisma modifier. If he fails, you gain a +1 competence bonus to hit per point of Charisma bonus you have.
Anime Techniques
Energy Attack You may focus your chi as an energy attack at your opponent. Prerequisite Void Use Benefit By spending a Void point, you may use your chi as an energy attack. You get to make a ranged touch attack with your missile to hit bonus. The range increment is 10 feet per character level. The damage you do is 1d6 hit points per point of Charisma bonus you have. Also, you may voluntarily drain your hit points to power more damage into the attack. You must concentrate for one round for each 5 hit points you drain. Then this extra damage is added to your die total. For each 5 hit points you drain, you gain the ability to hit characters or creatures with damage reduction. Each 5 points you drain gives your energy attack the equivalence of a +1 enchantment bonus to your attack. The target may make a Reflex save versus a DC of the damage inflicted in order to take half damage. Aura of PC You have an aura that impresses the audience. Prerequisite Cha 17+ Benefit When you enter a room or a scene, a supernatural glow emanates from your body. This glow offers no combat bonuses (in the dark, it hinders one's performance) In the first minute of a scene, you gain a +4 to your Charisma bonus thus affecting all skills that are affected by Charisma. If you have Void use, you may spend a Void point to gain the Mystical Sunglasses of Power. They magically appear, giving the wearer the ability to use Charm Person on the first member of the opposite sex who the wearer chooses.
Instant Replay Strike (This is more for visuals, but) You do extra damage in combat. Prerequisite Power Attack Benefit You gain a +1 multiplier to your critical with melee or unarmed attacks (for example, a longsword critical would be x3 damage instead of x2 damage) and the visual effect of hitting your opponent three times if you score a threat and it hits for critical damage. This may only be done once per combat. If you have Void Use, you may spend a Void point to invoke another use of this technique in the current combat situation. Martial Pose You impress your opponents with your awesome stance. Prerequisite Void Use Benefit You strike a pose and spend a Void point. From there, you gain a bonus to all dice rolls equal to your Charisma bonus. This lasts for one minute. Martial Pounce You leap enthusiastically into combat. Prerequisite Jump 8 ranks Benefit If you perform a Jump check at the beginning of your attack, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to hit on a chosen target at the end of your jump. If you add a kiai yell to your technique, you may negate your target's Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class if he fails a Will save versus a DC10 + your ranks in Intimidate. Slow Motion Attack You can perform multiple actions in one round. Prerequisite +10 To Hit Benefit The world seems to slow down for you; you can attack your opponents, perform other actions, or do free actions, all in that cool slow motion visualization. You may perform one move-equivalent action for each normal attack you would get in a full attack. This is in addition to a full attack action. Anime Slap You may redeem your honor with a generous slap to the face. Prerequisite must be female Benefit If a male insults your honor in any way, you may strike him one time with automatic success, be he a god or peasant. You do one point of subdual damage and imprint the offender's face with your hand print. The hand print lasts as long as dramatically necessary anywhere from a few seconds to a week. Cut of the Soul You may slice through your target, even if your weapon is not long enough to do so. Prerequisite Great Cleave Benefit If you score a critical hit and it is enough damage to reduce your opponent's hit points to zero or less, you may cut through the entire target, even if your weapon isn't large enough.
Unlimited Hit Points You take damage but still survive the attack. Prerequisite Con 18+ Benefit You become immune to death from massive damage. If you take over half your hit points in damage, you may make a Will save versus a DC of the damage taken in order to reduce it to subdual damage instead of lethal damage. If the damage reduces you to zero hit points or less, you still pass out unconscious for 10 rounds. Anime Spotlight You are the focus of the Anime camera. Prerequisite Cha 18+ Benefit On your cue, the surrounding lighting diminishes, leaving a spotlight highlighted on your character. It lasts as long as dramatically required, giving you a temporary +2 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, or Innuendo checks. Martial Strength You are capable of amazing feats of strength. Prerequisite Void Use Benefit By spending a Void point, you get a one-time +10 to any Strength check you make. Martial Swat You may knock unimportant opponents aside with a flick of your hand. Prerequisite Character Level 10+ Benefit If you attack any NPC-classed character (warrior, commoner, etc.), and beat your to hit roll by 10 or more, you may knock him up to 10 feet per point of Strength bonus you have. There is no save against this for the NPC. Optionally, the DM may permit this to be used against PCs, but they get a Reflex save versus the to hit roll of your attack. Martial Teleport You have the ability to move with speeds unheard of in a normal person. Prerequisite Dex 18+ Benefit When no one else is looking, you may move yourself up to 50 feet from your current position, possibly surprising the heck out of potential opponents and others. This takes one round to perform. You may do this a number of times equal to your Charisma bonus in a day. The most important aspect of this technique is that no one can see you leave or arrive at your new destination. Martial Weapon You have a signature weapon nseparable i from you Prerequisite Character Level 10+ Benefit You choose a weapon and it becomes bound to you. For your chosen weapon to be bound to you, you must possess it for one week. After that, you cannot be separated from the weapon at any time. If it is stolen, it will disappear and reappear in your hands. If it is destroyed or broken, it will reappear in one round, sound and unbroken.
By Alderac Entertainment Group Legend of the Five Rings, Second Edition Players Guide Legend of the Five Rings, Second Edition Gamemasters Guide Way of the Crab Way of the Crane Way of the Dragon Way of the Lion Way of the Phoenix Way of the Scorpion Way of the Unicorn Way of the Minor Clans Way of the Wolf Way of Shinsei Rokugan Magic of Rokugan Way of the Samurai Way of the Ninja By Wizards of the Coast Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook, Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons Dungeonmasters Guide, Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons Oriental Adventures , Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons, Third Edition Sword and Fist Dungeons and Dragons, Third Edition Song and Silence Other Sources The Wu Jen Website ( The Netbook of Feats Pocket Grimoire Arcane Pocket Grimoire Divine By Green Ronin Games Pocket Grimoire Divine
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