7 Network-Protection-And-Automation-Guide-2011 (001-267) PDF
7 Network-Protection-And-Automation-Guide-2011 (001-267) PDF
7 Network-Protection-And-Automation-Guide-2011 (001-267) PDF
i. Alstom Grid
© 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
ISBN: 978-0-9568678-0-3
All rights reserved. Celebrating 45 years of PRAG/NPAG and 54th APPS course.
© 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
-ii copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Network Protection & Automation Guide
1 Introduction
2 Fundamentals of Protection Practice
3 Fundamental Theory
4 Fault Calculations
Equivalent Circuits and Parameters of
Power System Plant
6 Current and Voltage Transformers
7 Relay Technology
8 Protection: Signalling and Intertripping
Overcurrent Protection for Phase and
Earth Faults
10 Unit Protection of Feeders
11 Distance Protection
12 Distance Protection Schemes
Protection of Complex Transmission
14 Auto-Reclosing
15 Busbar Protection
Transformer and Transformer-Feeder
Generator and Generator-Transformer
Industrial and Commercial Power System
19 A.C. Motor Protection
20 System Integrity Protection Schemes
21 Relay Testing and Commissioning
22 Power System Measurements
23 Power Quality
24 The Digital Substation
25 Substation Control and Automation
Appendix A Terminology
Appendix B IEEE/IEC Relay Symbols
Typical Standards Applicable to
Appendix C
Protection and Control Numerical Devices
Appendix D Company Data and Nomenclature
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© 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Chapter 1
Since 1966, the Network Protection and Automation Guide Michael Bamber
(formerly the Protective Relays Application Guide) has been
the definitive reference textbook for protection engineers and Michael Bergstrom
technicians. For 2011, Alstom has capitalised on its pool of Andrew Darby
experts at the St Leonards Centre of Excellence in Stafford UK
to launch a new edition. Susan Darby
New chapters treat topics such as system integrity protection Graham Elliott
and remedial action schemes, phasor measurements and wide
area schemes. The digital substation, including IEC 61850, Peter Harding
Ethernet station bus, GOOSE, process bus, and precision time Graeme Lloyd
synchronising is also detailed. Advancements in protection
and control application engineering have assisted the authors Alan Marshall
in exploring and integrating the new techniques and
Allen Millard
philosophies in this edition, whilst retaining vendor-
independence – as we continue to deliver the genuine, Andrew Myatt
impartial, reference textbook.
Philip Newman
This book is a précis of the Application and Protection of Power
Systems (APPS) training course, an intensive programme, Anthony Perks
which Alstom (and its predecessor companies at Stafford) has Steve Pickering
been running for over 50 years. This course, by the ingenuity
and dedication of the trainers, is vibrant and evolving. As Stephen Potts
APPS progresses, the Network Protection and Automation
Simon Richards
Guide advances too, whilst never losing sight of the key basic
principles and concepts. Beginners and experts alike will each Jack Royle
feel satisfied in their search for relaying, measurement,
communication and control knowledge. Peter Rush
In the list opposite, we name a mix of new authors for this Brendan Smith
edition, and key historical figures at Stafford who have Mark Stockton
contributed significantly to the advancement of APPS and
NPAG, and hence the quality and integrity of our book. We Paul Wilkinson
sincerely hope that this book assists your navigation through a
Alan Wixon
challenging and rewarding career in electrical power
engineering. Protection and control has long been termed an John Wright
art, rather than a precise science - this book offers a mix of
We acknowledge and thank Alstom colleagues in the wider
Alstom Grid and Alstom Power organisations for photographs
used within this book.
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copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
© 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
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Chapter 2
Fundamentals of Protection Practice
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
T1 T2
380kV A
L2 L1A
380kV C 380kV B
L3 L4
T5 T6 T3 T4
R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
T10 T11 T7 T8 T9
380kV G
L7B L5
T16 T17
T12 T13
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Chapter 2Fundamentals of Protection Practice
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
In many cases, it is not feasible to protect against all hazards section between the current transformers and the circuit
with a relay that responds to a single power system quantity. breaker A is not completely protected against faults. A fault at
An arrangement using several quantities may be required. In F would cause the busbar protection to operate and open the
this case, either several relays, each responding to a single circuit breaker but the fault may continue to be fed through the
quantity, or, more commonly, a single relay containing several feeder. If the feeder protection is of the type that responds
elements, each responding independently to a different only to faults within its own zone (see section 2.5.2), it would
quantity may be used. not operate, since the fault is outside its zone. This problem is
dealt with by intertripping or some form of zone extension, to
The terminology used in describing protection systems and
ensure that the remote end of the feeder is also tripped. These
relays is provided in Appendix A. Different symbols for
methods are explained extensively in chapters 11 and 12.
describing relay functions in diagrams of protection schemes
are used, the three most common methods (IEC, IEEE/ANSI Busbar
and IEC61850) are provided in Appendix B. protection
Zone 2 protection
(b)CTs on circuit side of circuit breaker
Figure 2.6: CT locations
The point of connection of the protection with the power
system usually defines the zone and corresponds to the
location of the current transformers. Unit type protection
Zone 3
results in the boundary being a clearly defined closed loop.
Figure 2.7 shows a typical arrangement of overlapping zones.
Zone 4
Zone 5 Zone 7
Figure 2.5: Division of power systems into protection zones Alternatively, the zone may be unrestricted; the start will be
defined but the extent (or ‘reach’) will depend on
For practical physical and economic reasons, this ideal is not
measurement of the system quantities and will therefore be
always achieved, accommodation for current transformers
subject to variation, owing to changes in system conditions
being in some cases available only on one side of the circuit
and measurement errors.
breakers, as shown in Figure 2.6(b). In this example, the
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Chapter 2Fundamentals of Protection Practice
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
operation for each system fault, and all must behave correctly system.
for a correct clearance to be recorded.
2.5.2 Unit Systems
Complete reliability is unlikely ever to be achieved by further
improvements in construction. If the level of reliability It is possible to design protection systems that respond only to
achieved by a single device is not acceptable, improvement can fault conditions occurring within a clearly defined zone. This
be achieved through redundancy, e.g. duplication of type of protection system is known as 'unit protection'. Certain
equipment. Two complete, independent, main protection types of unit protection are known by specific names, e.g.
systems are provided, and arranged so that either by itself can restricted earth fault and differential protection. Unit
carry out the required function. If the probability of each protection can be applied throughout a power system and,
equipment failing is x/unit, the resultant probability of both since it does not involve time grading, it is relatively fast in
equipments failing simultaneously, allowing for redundancy, is operation. The speed of response is substantially independent
x2. Where x is small the resultant risk (x2) may be negligible. of fault severity.
Where multiple protection systems are used, the tripping Unit protection usually involves comparison of quantities at the
signal can be provided in a number of different ways. The two boundaries of the protected zone as defined by the locations of
most common methods are: the current transformers. This comparison may be achieved by
direct hard-wired connections or may be achieved via a
x all protection systems must operate for a tripping communications link. However certain protection systems
operation to occur (e.g. ‘two-out-of-two’ arrangement) derive their 'restricted' property from the configuration of the
x only one protection system need operate to cause a trip power system and may be classed as unit protection, e.g. earth
(e.g. ‘one-out-of two’ arrangement) fault protection applied to the high voltage delta winding of a
The former method guards against false tripping due to power transformer. Whichever method is used, it must be
maloperation of a protection system. The latter method guards kept in mind that selectivity is not merely a matter of relay
against failure of one of the protection systems to operate, due design. It also depends on the correct co-ordination of current
to a fault. Occasionally, three main protection systems are transformers and relays with a suitable choice of relay settings,
provided, configure in a ‘two-out-of three’ tripping taking into account the possible range of such variables as
arrangement, to provide both reliability of tripping, and security fault currents, maximum load current, system impedances and
against unwanted tripping. other related factors, where appropriate.
It has long been the practice to apply duplicate protection 2.6 STABILITY
systems to busbars, both being required to operate to complete
The term ‘stability’ is usually associated with unit protection
a tripping operation. Loss of a busbar may cause widespread
schemes and refers to the ability of the protection system to
loss of supply, which is clearly undesirable. In other cases,
remain unaffected by conditions external to the protected zone,
important circuits are provided with duplicate main protection
for example through-load current and faults external to the
systems, either being able to trip independently. On critical
protected zone.
circuits, use may also be made of a digital fault simulator to
model the relevant section of the power system and check the
performance of the relays used.
The function of protection systems is to isolate faults on the
2.5 SELECTIVITY power system as rapidly as possible. One of the main
objectives is to safeguard continuity of supply by removing
When a fault occurs, the protection scheme is required to trip
each disturbance before it leads to widespread loss of
only those circuit breakers whose operation is required to
synchronism and consequent collapse of the power system.
isolate the fault. This property of selective tripping is also
called 'discrimination' and is achieved by two general As the loading on a power system increases, the phase shift
methods. between voltages at different busbars on the system also
increases, and therefore so does the probability that
2.5.1 Time Grading synchronism will be lost when the system is disturbed by a
Protection systems in successive zones are arranged to operate fault. The shorter the time a fault is allowed to remain in the
in times that are graded through the sequence of protection system, the greater can be the loading of the system. Figure
devices so that only those relevant to the faulty zone complete 2.8 shows typical relations between system loading and fault
the tripping function. The others make incomplete operations clearance times for various types of fault. It will be noted that
and then reset. The speed of response will often depend on the phase faults have a more marked effect on the stability of the
severity of the fault, and will generally be slower than for a unit system than a simple earth fault and therefore require faster
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Chapter 2Fundamentals of Protection Practice
times are not critical, time delayed remote back-up protection
may be adequate. For EHV systems, where system stability is
Phase-phase-earth at risk unless a fault is cleared quickly, multiple primary
Three-phase protection systems, operating in parallel and possibly of
different types (e.g. distance and unit protection), will be used
to ensure fast and reliable tripping. Back-up overcurrent
Time protection may then optionally be applied to ensure that two
Figure 2.8: Typical power/time relationship for various fault types separate protection systems are available during maintenance
of one of the primary protection systems.
Back-up protection systems should, ideally, be completely
Sensitivity is a term frequently used when referring to the separate from the primary systems. For example, a circuit
minimum operating level (current, voltage, power etc.) of protected by a current differential relay may also have time-
relays or complete protection schemes. Relays or protection graded overcurrent and earth fault relays added to provide
schemes are said to be sensitive if their primary operating circuit breaker tripping in the event of failure of the main
parameters are low. primary unit protection. Ideally, to maintain complete
With older electromechanical relays, sensitivity was considered redundancy, all system components would be duplicated. This
in terms of the measuring movement and was measured in ideal is rarely attained in practice. The following compromises
terms of its volt-ampere consumption to cause operation. are typical:
With modern digital and numerical relays the achievable x Separate current transformers or duplicated secondary
sensitivity is seldom limited by the device design but by its cores are often provided. This practice is becoming less
application and associated current and voltage transformer common at distribution voltage levels if digital or
parameters. numerical relays are used, because the extremely low
input burden of these relay types allows relays to share
The reliability of a power system has been discussed earlier, x Voltage transformers are not duplicated because of cost
including the use of more than one primary (or ‘main’) and space considerations. Each protection relay supply
protection system operating in parallel. In the event of failure is separately protected (fuse or MCB) and continuously
or non-availability of the primary protection some other means supervised to ensure security of the VT output. An
of ensuring that the fault is isolated must be provided. These alarm is given on failure of the supply and where
secondary systems are referred to as ‘back-up protection appropriate, unwanted operation of the protection is
schemes’. prevented
Back-up protection may be considered as either being ‘local’ or x Trip power supplies to the two protection types should
‘remote’. Local back-up protection is achieved by protection be separately protected (fuse or MCB). Duplication of
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Chapter 2Fundamentals of Protection Practice
adequately rated output contacts. Figure 2.10: Typical relay tripping circuits
For electromechanical relays, electrically operated indicators,
2.10.2 Operation Indicators actuated after the main contacts have closed, avoid imposing
Protection systems are invariably provided with indicating an additional friction load on the measuring element, which
devices, called ‘flags’, or ‘targets’, as a guide for operations would be a serious handicap for certain types. Care must be
personnel. Not every relay will have one, as indicators are taken with directly operated indicators to line up their
arranged to operate only if a trip operation is initiated. operation with the closure of the main contacts. The indicator
Indicators, with very few exceptions, are bi-stable devices, and must have operated by the time the contacts make, but must
may be either mechanical or electrical. A mechanical indicator not have done so more than marginally earlier. This is to stop
consists of a small shutter that is released by the protection indication occurring when the tripping operation has not been
relay movement to expose the indicator pattern. completed.
Electrical indicators may be simple attracted armature With modern digital and numerical relays, the use of various
elements, where operation of the armature releases a shutter alternative methods of providing trip circuit functions is largely
to expose an indicator as above, or indicator lights (usually obsolete. Auxiliary miniature contactors are provided within
light emitting diodes). For the latter, some kind of memory the relay to provide output contact functions and the operation
circuit is provided to ensure that the indicator remains lit after of these contactors is independent of the measuring system, as
the initiating event has passed. mentioned previously. The making current of the relay output
contacts and the need to avoid these contacts breaking the trip
The introduction of numerical relays has greatly increased the
coil current largely dictates circuit breaker trip coil
number of LED indicators (including tri-state LEDs) to
arrangements. Comments on the various means of providing
enhance the indicative information available to the operator. In
tripping arrangements are, however, included below as a
addition, LCD text or graphical displays, which mimic the
historical reference applicable to earlier electromechanical relay
electrical system provide more in-depth information to the
2.11.1 Series sealing
The coil of the series contactor carries the trip current initiated
There are three main circuits in use for circuit breaker tripping:
by the protection relay, and the contactor closes a contact in
x series sealing parallel with the protection relay contact. This closure relieves
x shunt reinforcing the protection relay contact of further duty and keeps the
tripping circuit securely closed, even if chatter occurs at the
x shunt reinforcement with sealing
main contact. The total tripping time is not affected, and the
These are illustrated in Figure 2.10. indicator does not operate until current is actually flowing
through the trip coil.
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
The main disadvantage of this method is that such series importance of the circuit, result in a requirement in many
elements must have their coils matched with the trip circuit cases to monitor the integrity of the circuit. This is known as
with which they are associated. trip circuit supervision. The simplest arrangement contains a
healthy trip lamp or LED, as shown in Figure 2.11(a).
The coil of these contacts must be of low impedance, with
about 5% of the trip supply voltage being dropped across them. The resistance in series with the lamp prevents the breaker
being tripped by an internal short circuit caused by failure of
When used in association with high-speed trip relays, which
the lamp. This provides supervision while the circuit breaker is
usually interrupt their own coil current, the auxiliary elements
closed; a simple extension gives pre-closing supervision.
must be fast enough to operate and release the flag before
their coil current is cut off. This may pose a problem in design Figure 2.11(b) shows how, the addition of a normally closed
if a variable number of auxiliary elements (for different phases auxiliary switch and a resistance unit can provide supervision
and so on) may be required to operate in parallel to energise a while the breaker is both open and closed.
common tripping relay.
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Chapter 2Fundamentals of Protection Practice
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Chapter 3
Fundamental Theory
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
y Z sin T
Equation 3.2
From Equations 3.1 and 3.2:
Z Z cos T j sin T
Equation 3.3
e jT e jT
Figure 3.1: Vector OP sin T
The quantity may be resolved into two components at right
angles to each other, in this case x and y. The magnitude or e jT e jT
cos T
scalar value of vector Z is known as the modulus Z , whilst 2j
the angle T is the argument and is written as arg Z . The By expanding and simplifying this equation, it follows that:
conventional method of expressing a vector Z is to
Z Z e jT
write Z T . This form completely specifies a vector for
graphical representation or conversion into other forms. Equation 3.4
A vector may therefore be represented both trigonometrically
It is useful to express vectors algebraically. In Figure 3.1, the
and exponentially.
vector Z is the resultant of adding x in the x-direction and y
in the y direction. This may be written as:
Equation 3.1 In the above section, we have shown that complex quantities
may be represented in any of the four co-ordinate systems
where the operator j indicates that the component y is
given below:
perpendicular to component x. The axis OC is the 'real' axis,
and the vertical axis OY is called the 'imaginary' axis. x Polar ZT
If a quantity is considered positive in one direction, and its x Rectangular x+jy
direction is reversed, it becomes a negative quantity. Hence if x Trigonometric |Z|(cosT+jsinT)
the value +1 has its direction reversed (shifted by 180°), it
x Exponential |Z|e j˥
becomes -1.
The modulus |Z| and the argument T are together known as
The operator j rotates a vector anti-clockwise through 90°. If a
'polar co-ordinates', and x and y are described as 'cartesian
vector is made to rotate anti-clockwise through 180°, then the
co-ordinates'. Conversion between co-ordinate systems is
operator j has performed its function twice, and since the
easily achieved. As the operator j obeys the ordinary laws of
vector has reversed its sense, then:
algebra, complex quantities in rectangular form can be
j2 1 giving j 1 manipulated algebraically, as can be seen by the following:
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Chapter 3Fundamental Theory
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Chapter 3Fundamental Theory
Vt Vm sinZt Z R2 X 2
where V(t) is the voltage as a function of time, Vm is the and the angle is:
maximum voltage, Z is the angular velocity and t is the time,
then: X
Z tan 1
Vm sin( Zt ) L
The impedance of a resistor in series with a capacitor in series
therefore with an inductor is:
di Vm 1 § 1 ·
sin( Zt ) Z R jZL R j ¨ ZL ¸
dt L jZ C © ZC ¹
3.4.1 Circuit Variables
I m cos( Zt ) AC current and voltage are (in the ideal case) sinusoidal
ZL functions of time, varying at a single and constant frequency.
They can be regarded as rotating vectors.
The reactance X is defined as the voltage across the reactive
For example, the instantaneous value, e of a voltage varying
component divided by the current flowing through the reactive
sinusoidally with time is:
component, therefore
e Em sinZt G
V( t ) Vm sin( Zt )
X =
I( t ) Vm cos( Zt ) Equation 3.8
ZL where:
Em = the maximum amplitude of the waveform
Z = the angular velocity, measured in radians per second
G = the phase of the vector at time t = 0
Likewise, it can be shown that the reactance of a capacitor is: At t=0, the actual value of the voltage is EmsinG . So if Em is
regarded as the modulus of a vector, whose argument is G,
X then EmsinG is the imaginary component of the vector
|Em|G. Figure 3.5 illustrates this quantity as a vector and as
Phase Angle a sinusoidal function of time.
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
Root Mean Square and this is known as the equated-voltage equation [3.1].
Sinusoidally varying quantities are described by their 'effective' It is the equation most usually adopted in electrical network
or 'root mean square' (r.m.s.) values; these are usually written calculations, since it equates the driving voltages, which are
using the relevant symbol without a suffix. known, to the passive voltages, which are functions of the
Thus: currents to be calculated.
In describing circuits and drawing vector diagrams, for formal
I analysis or calculations, it is necessary to adopt a notation
2 which defines the positive direction of assumed current flow,
and and establishes the direction in which positive voltage drops
and increases act. Two methods are available; one, the double
Em suffix method, is used for symbolic analysis, the other, the
E single suffix or diagrammatic method, is used for numerical
Equation 3.11
In the double suffix method the positive direction of current
The 'root mean square' value is that value which has the same
flow is assumed to be from node ‘a’ to node ‘b’ and the current
heating effect as a direct current quantity of that value in the
same circuit, and this definition applies to non-sinusoidal as is designated I ab . With the diagrammatic method, an arrow
well as sinusoidal quantities. indicates the direction of current flow.
The voltage rises are positive when acting in the direction of
3.4.2 Sign Conventions
current flow. It can be seen from Figure 3.6 that E1 and Ean
In describing the electrical state of a circuit, it is often
are positive voltage rises and E2 and Ebn are negative
necessary to refer to the 'potential difference' existing between
two points in the circuit. Since wherever such a potential voltage rises. In the diagrammatic method their direction of
difference exists, current will flow and energy will either be action is simply indicated by an arrow, whereas in the double
transferred or absorbed, it is obviously necessary to define a suffix method, Ean and Ebn indicate that there is a potential
3-6 © 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
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Chapter 3Fundamental Theory
rise in directions na and nb. supplied or absorbed it is necessary to take the average power
over one whole cycle. If
e Em sin( Zt G ) and i Im sin( Zt G I ) , then
Z1 Z2 the power equation is:
p ei P [ 1 cos 2( Zt G )] Q sin 2( Zt G )
E1 E2
Equation 3.15
E1 E2 Z1 Z2 Z3 I P E I cos I
(a) Diagrammatic and
Z ab
a b
Q E I sin I
I ab
Z an Zbn From Equation 3.15 it can be seen that the quantity P varies
from 0 to 2P and quantity Q varies from -Q to +Q in one
Ean Ebn cycle, and that the waveform is of twice the periodic frequency
of the current voltage waveform.
The average value of the power exchanged in one cycle is a
Ean Ebn Zan Zab Zbn I ab constant, equal to quantity P, and as this quantity is the
(b) Double suffix product of the voltage and the component of current which is
Figure 3.6: Methods of representing a circuit 'in phase' with the voltage it is known as the 'real' or 'active'
Voltage drops are also positive when acting in the direction of
current flow. From Figure 3.6(a) it can be seen that The average value of quantity Q is zero when taken over a
cycle, suggesting that energy is stored in one half-cycle and
Z1 Z 2 Z 3 is the total voltage drop in the loop in the
returned to the circuit in the remaining half-cycle. Q is the
direction of current flow, and must equate to the total voltage
product of voltage and the quadrature component of current,
rise E1 E2 . In Figure 3.6(b) the voltage drop between and is known as 'reactive power'.
nodes a and b designated Vab indicates that point b is at a
As P and Q are constants specifying the power exchange in a
lower potential than a, and is positive when current flows from
given circuit, and are products of the current and voltage
a to b. Conversely Vba is a negative voltage drop.
vectors, then if S is the product EI it follows that:
S P jQ
Vab Van Vbn Equation 3.16
Vba Vbn Van The quantity S is described as the 'apparent power', and is the
term used in establishing the rating of a circuit. S has units of
(where n is a common reference point) VA.
Equation 3.14
3.4.4 Single and Polyphase Systems
3.4.3 Power A system is single or polyphase depending upon whether the
The product of the potential difference across and the current sources feeding it are single or polyphase. A source is single or
through a branch of a circuit is a measure of the rate at which polyphase according to whether there are one or several
energy is exchanged between that branch and the remainder driving voltages associated with it. For example, a three-
of the circuit. If the potential difference is a positive voltage phase source is a source containing three alternating driving
drop the branch is passive and absorbs energy. Conversely, if voltages that are assumed to reach a maximum in phase
the potential difference is a positive voltage rise the branch is order, A, B, C. Each phase driving voltage is associated with a
active and supplies energy. phase branch of the system network as shown in Figure
The rate at which energy is exchanged is known as power, and
by convention, the power is positive when energy is being If a polyphase system has balanced voltages, that is, equal in
absorbed and negative when being supplied. With a.c. circuits magnitude and reaching a maximum at equally displaced time
the power alternates, so, to obtain a rate at which energy is intervals, and the phase branch impedances are identical, it is
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called a 'balanced' system. It will become 'unbalanced' if any analysing initial values, it is necessary to study the behaviour of
of the above conditions are not satisfied. Calculations using a a circuit in the transient state. This can be achieved using
balanced polyphase system are simplified, as it is only operational methods. In some problems, which fortunately are
necessary to solve for a single phase, the solution for the rare, the assumption of linear, bilateral circuit parameters is no
remaining phases being obtained by symmetry. longer valid. Such problems are solved using advanced
mathematical techniques that are beyond the scope of this
The power system is normally operated as a three-phase,
balanced, system. For this reason the phase voltages are
equal in magnitude and can be represented by three vectors
3.5.1 Circuit Laws
spaced 120° or 2S/3 radians apart, as shown in Figure 3.7(b).
In linear, bilateral circuits, there are three basic network laws.
A A' These laws apply, regardless of the state of the circuit, and at
any particular instant of time. These laws are the branch,
Phase junction and mesh laws, derived from Ohm and Kirchhoff, and
branches are stated below, using steady state a.c. nomenclature.
N N'
Ecn Ebn
Branch law
C B C' B'
The current I in a given branch of impedance Z is
proportional to the potential difference V appearing across the
(a) Three-phase system branch, that is:
Direction of
rotation Junction law
The algebraic sum of all currents entering any junction (or
120° 120° node) in a network is zero, that is:
¦I 0
Mesh law
Ec aEa 120° Eb a2 Ea The algebraic sum of all the driving voltages in any closed path
(or mesh) in a network is equal to the algebraic sum of all the
(b) Balanced system of vectors passive voltages (products of the impedances and the
Figure 3.7: Three phase systems currents) in the component branches, that is:
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Chapter 3Fundamental Theory Superposition Theorem (general network theorem) study the effect of opening a breaker at A or B during normal
The resultant current that flows in any branch of a network system operations or of a fault at A or B. Thus the identity of
due to the simultaneous action of several driving voltages is nodes A and B must be retained together with the sources, but
equal to the algebraic sum of the component currents due to the branch ON can be eliminated, simplifying the study.
each driving voltage acting alone with the remainder short- Proceeding, A, B, N, forms a star branch and can therefore be
circuited. converted to an equivalent delta.
2.55: Thévenin's Theorem (active network reduction
1.6: 0.4:
Any active network that may be viewed from two terminals
can be replaced by single driving voltage acting in series with 0.75: 0.45:
single impedance. The driving voltage is the open-circuit
voltage between the two terminals and the impedance is the
impedance of the network viewed from the terminals with all
sources short-circuited.
Figure 3.9: Typical power system Kennelly's Star/Delta Theorem (passive network
reduction theorem)
Any three-terminal network can be replaced by a delta or star Z AO Z BO
impedance equivalent without disturbing the external network. Z BO
The formulae relating the replacement of a delta network by 0.75 u 18.85
the equivalent star network is as follows: 0.75 18.85
Z12 Z 31 51:
Z12 Z 23 Z 31
and so on. Z BO Z BO
0.45 u 18.85
0.45 18.85
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By applying Thévenin's theorem to the active loops, these can x decide on the information required, for example the
be replaced by a single driving voltage in series with branch currents in the network for a fault at a particular
impedance, as shown in Figure 3.11. location
1.6×51 x reduce all passive sections of the network not directly
: involved with the section under examination
1.6: 52.6
x reduce all active meshes to a simple equivalent, that is,
to a simple source in series with a single impedance
51: 51
E' ' With the widespread availability of computer-based power
system simulation software, it is now usual to use such
software on a routine basis for network calculations without
significant network reduction taking place. However, the
network reduction techniques given above are still valid, as
there will be occasions where such software is not immediately
0.4×30.6 available and a hand calculation must be carried out.
0.4: 31
In certain circuits, for example parallel lines on the same
towers, there is mutual coupling between branches. Correct
30.6 circuit reduction must take account of this coupling.
30.6: E' '
31 Three cases are of interest. These are:
x Case a: two branches connected together at their nodes
x Case b: two branches connected together at one node
Figure 3.11: Reduction of active meshes: Thévenin's theorem
x Case c: two branches that remain unconnected
The network shown in Figure 3.9 is now reduced to that Considering each case in turn:
shown in Figure 3.12 with the nodes A and B retaining their
identity. Further, the load impedance has been completely
Case a
eliminated. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 3.13(a).
1.55: 0.39:
1.2: 2
Z aaZ bb Z ab
Z aa Z bb 2 Z ab
0.97 E' 0.99 E' '
Z Z bb
2 aa
Figure 3.12: Reduction of typical power system
Most reduction problems follow the same pattern as the Figure 3.13: Reduction of two branches with mutual coupling
example above. The rules to apply in practical network The application of a voltage V between the terminals P and Q
reduction are: gives:
x decide on the nature of the disturbance or disturbances V I a Z aa I b Z ab
to be studied
V I a Z ab I b Z bb
where Ia and Ib are the currents in branches a and b,
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Chapter 3Fundamental Theory
respectively and I = Ia + Ib , the total current entering at The assumption is made that an equivalent star network can
terminal P and leaving at terminal Q. replace the network shown. From inspection with one
terminal isolated in turn and a voltage V impressed across the
Solving for Ia and Ib :
remaining terminals it can be seen that:
Z bb Z ab V Za Zc Z aa
Z aa Z bb Z ab
Zb Zc Z bb
from which Z a Zb Z aa Z bb 2Z ab
Z aa Z ab V
Z aa Z bb Z ab
Solving these equations gives:
and Za Z aa Z ab
V Z aa Z bb 2 Z ab Zb Z bb Z ab
I I a Ib
Z aa Z bb Z ab
Zc Z ab Z ab
so that the equivalent impedance of the original circuit is:
Z aa Z bb Z ab
Equation 3.20 - see Figure 3.14(b).
Z aa Z bb 2 Z ab Case c
Equation 3.18 Consider the four-terminal network given in Figure 3.15(a), in
(Figure 3.13(b)), and, if the branch impedances are equal, the which the branches 11' and 22' are electrically separate except
usual case, then: for a mutual link. The equations defining the network are:
Z11 I1 Z12 I 2
Z aa Z ab V1
V2 Z 21 I1 Z 22 I 2
Equation 3.19 (see Figure 3.13c)
I1 Y11V1 Y12V2
Case b
I2 Y21V1 Y22V2
Consider the circuit in Figure 3.14(a).
Y11 Z 22 / '
Y22 Z11 / '
Y12 Z12 / '
Equation 3.21
There are three independent coefficients, namely Z12, Z11, Z22
so the original circuit may be replaced by an equivalent mesh
containing four external terminals, each terminal being
connected to the other three by branch impedances as shown
in Figure 3.15(b).
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Z11' 1
1 1' Z11'
1 1' Y11
Z1'2 Z2'1
Z12 Z12 Z1'2'
2' Z22'
Z 22'
2 2'
Z12 Z1' 2' Z 21' Z12'
1 1 1'
Z12 Hence:
Z11' Z12 Z12' -Z12 -Z12
Z11Z 22 Z12
kV 2 :
Equation 3.23
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Chapter 3Fundamental Theory
Z ( p.u .) Z ( : ) u
kVb 2
Z (%) Z ( p .u .) u 100
Figure 3.16: Selection of base voltages
Equation 3.24
From Figure 3.16 it can be seen that the base voltages in the
where: three circuits are related by the turns ratios of the intervening
MVAb=baseMVA transformers. Care is required as the nominal transformation
ratios of the transformers quoted may be different from the
turns ratios- e.g. a 110/33kV (nominal) transformer may have
Transferring per unit quantities from one set of base values to a turns ratio of 110/34.5kV. Therefore, the rule for hand
another can be done using the equation: calculations is: 'to refer impedance in ohms from one circuit to
2 another multiply the given impedance by the square of the
MVAb 2 § kVb1 ·
Z p .u .2 Z p .u .1 u ¨ ¸ turn’s ratio (open circuit voltage ratio) of the intervening
MVAb1 ¨© kVb 2 ¸¹ transformer'.
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[3.1] Power System Analysis. J. R. Mortlock and M. W.
Humphrey Davies. Chapman & Hall.
[3.2] Equivalent Circuits I. Frank M. Starr, Proc. A.I.E.E. Vol.
51. 1932, pp. 287-298.
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Chapter 4
Fault Calculations
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before reaching their steady state synchronous values. For this currents circulating in the system due to the fault, to give the
reason, the resultant fault current during the transient period, total current in any branch of the system at the time of fault
from fault inception to steady state also depends on the inception. However, in most problems, the load current is
location of the fault in the network relative to that of the small in comparison to the fault current and is usually ignored.
rotating plant.
In a practical power system, the system regulation is such that
In a system containing many voltage sources, or having a the load voltage at any point in the system is within 10% of the
complex network arrangement, it is tedious to use the normal declared open-circuit voltage at that point. For this reason, it
system voltage sources to evaluate the fault current in the is usual to regard the pre-fault voltage at the fault as being the
faulty branch or to calculate the fault current distribution in the open-circuit voltage, and this assumption is also made in a
system. A more practical method [Reference 4.1] is to replace number of the standards dealing with fault level calculations.
the system voltages by a single driving voltage at the fault
The section on Network Reduction in chapter 3, provided an
point. This driving voltage is the voltage existing at the fault
example of how to reduce a three-phase network. We will use
point before the fault occurs.
this circuit for an example of some practical three-phase fault
Consider the circuit given in Figure 4.1 where the driving calculations. With the network reduced as shown in Figure
voltages are E ' and E ' ' , the impedances on either side of 4.2, the load voltage at A before the fault occurs is:
fault point F are Z1 ' and Z1" , and the current through point 2.5 :
E' V E"
Z ' Z "
1 1
Z1 Z1' Z 1"
and, since no current was flowing into the network from F
prior to the fault, the fault current flowing from the network
into the fault is:
If 'I V
Z ' Z "
1 1
Z1' Z1"
By applying the principle of superposition, the load currents
circulating in the system prior to the fault may be added to the
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Chapter 4 Fault Calculations
2.5 :
1.55 : 0.39 :
1.2 :
0.68 0.68
1.1: and 1.79:
0.62 0.38
The circuit of Figure 4.4(b) has been included because the
Protection Engineer is interested in these equivalent
parameters when applying certain types of protection relay.
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It is necessary to consider the fault currents due to many
different types of fault. The most common type of fault is a Ec
single-phase to earth fault, which in LV systems, can produce E1
a higher fault current than a three-phase fault. A method of
analysis that applies to unbalanced faults is required. By
applying the 'Principle of Superposition', any general three-
phase system of vectors may be replaced by three sets of
balanced (symmetrical) vectors; two sets being three-phase
but having opposite phase rotation and one set being co- a 2 E1
phasal. These vector sets are described as the positive, Eb
negative and zero sequence sets respectively.
The equations between phase and sequence voltages are given
Ea E1 E2 E0
Eb a E1 aE2 E0
2 Figure 4.5: Resolution of a system of unbalanced vectors
When a fault occurs in a power system, the phase impedances
Ec aE1 a 2 E2 E0 are no longer identical (except in the case of three-phase
Equation 4.1 faults) and the resulting currents and voltages are unbalanced,
the point of greatest unbalance being at the fault point. We
Ea aEb a 2 Ec have shown in Chapter 3 that the fault may be studied by
short-circuiting all normal driving voltages in the system and
replacing the fault connection by a source whose driving
Ea a 2 Eb aEc voltage is equal to the pre-fault voltage at the fault point.
Hence, the system impedances remain symmetrical, viewed
Ea Eb Ec from the fault, and the fault point may now be regarded as the
point of injection of unbalanced voltages and currents into the
Equation 4.2
This is a most important approach in defining the fault
where all quantities are referred to the reference phase A. A
conditions since it allows the system to be represented by
similar set of equations can be written for phase and sequence
sequence networks [4.3] using the method of symmetrical
currents. Figure 4.5 illustrates the resolution of a system of
unbalanced vectors.
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Chapter 4 Fault Calculations
In Figure 4.6, which represents a simple system, the voltage The negative sequence diagrams, shown in Figure 4.7, are
similar to the positive sequence diagrams, with two important
drops I '1 Z '1 and I"1 Z "1 are equal to ( V V1 ) where the differences; no driving voltages exist before the fault and the
currents I1 ' and I1' ' enter the fault from the left and right negative sequence voltage V2 is greatest at the fault point.
respectively and impedances Z1 ' and Z1 ' ' are the total X
Z S1 ' Z1c Z1cc
I 1c I 1cc
(a) Negative sequence network
E' ~ V1 ~ E"
(a) System diagram
I 1c X
X I 1c Z1c
F V 2 I 2c ' Z1c
V1 I 1c ' Z1c
N' N
(b) Gradient diagram
(b) Gradient diagram
Figure 4.6: Fault at F: Positive sequence diagrams
Figure 4.7: Fault at F: Negative sequence diagrams
4.3.2 Negative Sequence Network
If only positive sequence quantities appear in a power system
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and the value of Z 0 varies according to the type of plant, the Phase-phase-earth (B-C-E)
winding arrangement and the method of earthing.
Ia 0
Vb 0
The most important types of faults are as follows: Equation 4.9
x single-phase to earth
Three-phase (A-B-C or A-B-C-E)
x phase to phase
x phase-phase-earth I a Ib Ic 0
x three-phase (with or without earth)
Va Vb
The above faults are described as single shunt faults because
they occur at one location and involve a connection between Vb Vc
one phase and another or to earth.
Equation 4.10
In addition, the Protection Engineer often studies two other It should be noted from the above that for any type of fault
types of fault: there are three equations that define the fault conditions.
x single-phase open circuit When there is fault impedance, this must be taken into
x cross-country fault account when writing down the equations. For example, with
By determining the currents and voltages at the fault point, it a single-phase earth fault through fault impedance Z f , the
is possible to define the fault and connect the sequence equations are re-written:
networks to represent the fault condition. From the initial
equations and the network diagram, the nature of the fault Ib 0
currents and voltages in different branches of the system can
be determined. Ic 0
For shunt faults of zero impedance, and neglecting load Va IaZ f
current, the equations defining the first four of the above faults
(using phase-neutral values) can be written down as follows: Equation 4.11
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Chapter 4 Fault Calculations
I1 Z1 Z 2
Ib 0 Equation 4.17
Ic 0
The constraints imposed by Equations 4.15 and 4.17 indicate
Va 0
that there is no zero sequence network connection in the
(b) Definition of fault (b) Equivalent circuit
equivalent circuit and that the positive and negative sequence
Figure 4.8: Single-phase-earth fault at F
networks are connected in parallel. Figure 4.9 shows the
4.4.1 Single-phase-earth Fault (A-E) defining and equivalent circuits satisfying the above equations
Z1 Z2 Zo
1 Vc
I1 I2 I0 Ia
3 Ib
Equation 4.12 Ic
V1 V2 V0 Ia 0
Equation 4.13 Ib Ic
Vb Vc
Substituting for V1 , V2 and V0 in Equation 4.13 from
Equation 4.4, Equation 4.5 and Equation 4.6:
Figure 4.9: Phase-phase fault at F
V I1 Z1 I2Z2 I0Z0
4.4.3 Phase-phase-earth Fault (B-C-E)
but, I 1 I2 I 0 , therefore: Again, from Equation 4.9 and Equations 4.1 and 4.2:
V I 1 Z 1 Z 2 Z 3 I1 I2 Io
Equation 4.14 Equation 4.18
The constraints imposed by Equation 4.12 and Equation 4.14 and
and indicate that the equivalent circuit for the fault is obtained
by connecting the sequence networks in series, as shown in V1 V2 V0
Equation 4.8(b) Equation 4.19
4.4.2 Phase-phase Fault (B-C) Substituting for V2 and V0 using Equation 4.5 and Equation
From Equation 4.8 and using Equation 4.1 and Equation 4.2: 4.6:
I1 I 2 I2Z2 I0Z0
Equation 4.15 Thus, using Equation 4.18:
I0 0 Z 2 I1
Z0 Z2
V1 V2
Equation 4.20
Equation 4.16
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Z 0 I1 I0 0
Z0 Z2 Equation 4.24
Equation 4.21
Substituting V2 0 in Equation 4.5 gives:
Now equating V1 and V2 and using Equation 4.4 gives:
I2 0
V I 1 Z1 I 2 Z 2 Equation 4.25
and substituting V1 0 in Equation 4.4 gives:
V I 1 Z1 I 2 Z 2
0 V I1 Z1
Substituting for I 2 from Equation 4.21: or
ª Z0Z2 º V I1 Z1
V « Z1 » I1
¬ Z0 Z2 ¼ Equation 4.26
Further, since from Equation 4.24 I 0 0 , it follows from
I1 V
0 Equation 4.6 that V0 is zero when Z 0 is finite. The
Z1 Z 0 Z1 Z 2 Z 0 Z 2 equivalent sequence connections for a three-phase fault are
Equation 4.22 shown in Figure 4.11.
Z1 Z2 Z0
Ia V
Ia Ib
Vb Ic
Z1 Z2 Zo
Ia Ib Ic 0
Va Vb Vc 0
Ia 0
Figure 4.11: Three-phase-earth fault at F
Vb 0
Vc 0
4.4.5 Single-phase Open Circuit Fault
Figure 4.10: Phase-phase-earth fault The single-phase open circuit fault is shown diagrammatically
in Figure 4.12(a). At the fault point, the boundary conditions
4.4.4 Three-phase Fault (A-B-C or A-B-C-E) are:
Assuming that the fault includes earth, then, from Equation Ia 0
4.1 Equation 4.2 and Equation 4.10, it follows that:
Vb Vc 0
Equation 4.27
V1 V2 0 Hence, from Equation 4.2,
Equation 4.23
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Chapter 4 Fault Calculations
1 b) at point F’’
V0 V1 V2 Va
3 I 'a I 'c 0
Ia I1 I 2 I 0 0
V 'b 0
Equation 4.28
Equation 4.31
From Equation 4.8, it can be concluded that the sequence
and therefore:
networks are connected in parallel, as shown in Figure
4.12(b). I 'b1 I 'b 2 I 'b 0
Equation 4.32
To solve, it is necessary to convert the currents and voltages at
point F’ to the sequence currents in the same phase as those
at point F. From Equation 4.32,
Ib Ic 0
VA 0
Equation 4.29
I a1 Ia2 I a0
Va1 Va 2 Va 0 0
Equation 4.30
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Chapter 4 Fault Calculations
b. Phase-phase (B-C)
I 'a 0
I 'b a a C I
1 1
I 'c a a C I
1 1
Equation 4.36
c. Phase-phase-earth (B-C-E)
I 'a C1 C0 I 0
ª º
I 'b
« a a C1
2 Z0
a 2 C1 C 0 » I 0
¬ ¼
ª 2 º
« a a C1
aC1 C 0 » I 0
¬ ¼
Equation 4.37
d. Three-phase (A-B-C or A-B-C-E)
I 'a C1 I1
I 'b a 2C1 I1
I 'c aC1 I1
Equation 4.38
As an example of current distribution technique, consider the Figure 4.14: Typical power system
system in Figure 4.14(a). The equivalent sequence networks By using network reduction methods and assuming that all
are given in Figure 4.14(b) and Figure 4.14(c), together with impedances are reactive, it can be shown that
typical values of impedances. A fault is assumed at A and it is Z1 Z0 j 0.68: .
desired to find the currents in branch OB due to the fault. In
each network, the distribution factors are given for each Therefore, from Equation 4.14, the current in the fault branch
branch, with the current in the fault branch taken as 1.0p.u. V
From the diagram, the zero sequence distribution factor C0 in is I a .
branch OB is 0.112 and the positive sequence factor C1 is
0.373. For an earth fault at A the phase currents in branch Assuming that |V| = 63.5V, then:
OB from Equation 4.35 are: 1 63.5
I0 Ia 31.2 A
I 'a 0.746 0.112I 0 0.858I 0 3 3 u 0.68
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Z1 Z0 j 0.68:
I'a 26.8 90q
V '1 63.5 0.216 u 31.2 56.760qV
V 'b 61.5 116.4q V '2 6.74180qV
Figure 4.15: Vector diagram: Fault currents and voltages in branch OB
due to Phase-to-Earth (P-E) fault at bus A V '0 2.25180qV
The voltage distribution in any branch of a network is V'a V '1 V ' 2 V ' 0 56.76 6.74 2.25
determined from the sequence voltage distribution. As shown
by Equation 4.5, Equation 4.6 and Equation 4.7 and the Therefore V ' a 47.80qV
gradient diagrams Figure 4.6(b) and Figure 4.7(b), the positive
sequence voltage is a minimum at the fault, whereas the zero V 'b a 2 V '1 aV ' 2 V ' 0 56.76a 2 6.74a 2.25
and negative sequence voltages are a maximum. Thus, the
sequence voltages in any part of the system may be given Therefore V 'b 61.5 116.4qV
generally as:
V 'c aV '1 a 2 V ' 2 V ' 0
56.75a 6.74a 2 2.25
§ n
V '1 V I1 ¨ Z1 ¦ C1n 'Z1n ¸
© 1 ¹ Therefore V ' c 61.5116.4qV
§ n
· These voltages are shown on the vector diagram, Figure 4.15.
V '2 I 2 ¨ Z1 ¦ C1n 'Z1n ¸
§ n
V '0 I 0 ¨ Z 0 ¦ C0 n 'Z 0 n ¸
© 1 ¹ It has been shown previously that zero sequence currents flow
in the earth path during earth faults, and it follows that the
Equation 4.39
nature of these currents will be influenced by the method of
Using the above equation, the fault voltages at bus B in the earthing. Because these quantities are unique in their
previous example can be found. association with earth faults they can be utilised in protection,
From the positive sequence distribution diagram Figure 4.8(c): provided their measurement and character are understood for
all practical system conditions.
V '1 V I 1 >Z1 j 0.395 u 0.75 0.373 u 0.45@
4.6.1 Residual Current and Voltage
V I1 >Z1 j 0.464@
Residual currents and voltages depend for their existence on
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Chapter 4 Fault Calculations
two factors: Ia
a. a system connection to earth at two or more points Ib
b. a potential difference between the earth points
resulting in a current flow in the earth paths C
Under normal system operation there is a capacitance between
the phases and between phase and earth; these capacitances Vbe V
may be regarded as being symmetrical and distributed
uniformly through the system. So even when (a) above is A
satisfied, if the driving voltages are symmetrical the vector sum
of the currents will equate to zero and no current will flow
between any two earth points in the system. When a fault to
earth occurs in a system, an unbalance results in condition (b)
being satisfied. From the definitions given above it follows V
that residual currents and voltages are the vector sum of phase
(a) Residual current (b) Residual voltage
currents and phase voltages respectively.
Figure 4.16: Measurement of residual quantities
4.6.2 System Ratio
IR I a Ib Ic
The system Z 0 Z1 ratio is defined as the ratio of zero
And sequence and positive sequence impedances viewed from the
VR Vae Vbe Vce fault; it is a variable ratio, dependent upon the method of
earthing, fault position and system operating arrangement.
Equation 4.40
When assessing the distribution of residual quantities through
Also, from Equation 4.2: a system, it is convenient to use the fault point as the reference
IR 3I 0 as it is the point of injection of unbalanced quantities into the
system. The residual voltage is measured in relation to the
VR 3V0 normal phase-neutral system voltage and the residual current
is compared with the three-phase fault current at the fault
Equation 4.41 point. It can be shown [4.4/4.5] that the character of these
It should be further noted that: quantities can be expressed in terms of the system Z 0 Z1
Vae Van Vne ratio.
The positive sequence impedance of a system is mainly
Vbe Vbn Vne reactive, whereas the zero sequence impedance being affected
by the method of earthing may contain both resistive and
Vce Vcn Vne
reactive components of comparable magnitude. Thus the
Equation 4.42
expression for the Z 0 Z1 ratio approximates to:
and since Vbn a Van and Vcn aVan
Z0 X0 R0
Z1 X1 X1
VR 3Vne Equation 4.44
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3V 3 V 3.0
IR Residual current for
2Z 1 Z 0 2 K Z1 Double-Phase-Earth fault
Z0 V
where K and I 3I Residual voltage for
Z1 Z1 Single-Phase-Earth fault
V R and I R as mul t i pl es of V and I
IR 3
I 3I 2 K
Equation 4.45
1.0 Residual voltage for
b. Phase-phase-earth (B-C-E) Double-Phase-Earth fault
IR 3I 0 I1 0.5
Z1 Z 0 Residual current for
V Z1 Z 0 0
Double-Phase-Earth fault
1 2 3 4 5
2Z 1 Z 0 Z 1
§ Z0 ·
K ¨ ¸
Hence: © Z1 ¹
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Chapter 4 Fault Calculations
I ab I ac
short-circuited by the fault and the neutral current combines
with the sound phase capacitive currents to give I a in the
I ab
faulted phase.
I ac
I ab I ac A
I ab I ac
I ab
I ac
I ac
I an
I ab I ab
V cF Eac
phase and there is no variation between VR at source and VR At the fault point:
at fault.
In practice, there is some leakage impedance between neutral
and earth and a small residual current would be detected at X since VFe 0
if a very sensitive relay were employed.
At source: Solid fault-resistance neutral VR VaX VbX VcX
Figure 4.19 shows that the capacitance of the faulted phase is
From the residual voltage diagram it is clear that there is little
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variation in the residual voltages at source and fault, as most reduces towards the source. If the fault resistance approaches
residual voltage is dropped across the neutral resistor. The zero, that is, the fault becomes solid, then VFn approaches
degree of variation in residual quantities is therefore dependent
on the neutral resistor value. zero and the voltage drops in Z S and Z L become greater.
The ultimate value of VFn will depend on the effectiveness of Resistance-fault-solid neutral
the earthing, and this is a function of the system Z 0 Z1
Capacitance can be neglected because, since the capacitance
of the faulted phase is not short-circuited, the circulating ratio.
capacitance currents will be negligible.
At the fault point:
[4.1] Circuit Analysis of A.C. Power Systems, Volume I. Edith
VR VFn Vbn Vcn Clarke. John Wiley & Sons.
[4.2] Method of Symmetrical Co-ordinates Applied to the
At relaying point X: Solution of Polyphase Networks. C.L. Fortescue.
Trans. A.I.E.E.,Vol. 37, Part II, 1918, pp 1027-40.
VR V Xn Vbn Vcn
[4.3] Power System Analysis. J.R. Mortlock and M.W.
Humphrey Davies. Chapman and Hall.
ZS IF ZL F [4.4] Neutral Groundings. R Willheim and M. Waters.
B [4.5] Fault Calculations. F.H.W. Lackey. Oliver & Boyd
V cF
V cn
V an
n a
V Xn I FZ s
V Fn X
V bF
(b) Vector diagram
V Xn
V cn V bn
V cn Vbn
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Chapter 4 Fault Calculations
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Chapter 5
Equivalent circuits and parameters of
power system plant
5.1 Introduction Knowledge of the behaviour of the principal electrical system
5.2 Synchronous Machines plant items under normal and fault conditions is a prerequisite
5.3 Armature Reaction for the proper application of protection. This chapter
5.4 Steady State Theory summarises basic synchronous machine, transformer and
transmission line theory and gives equivalent circuits and
5.5 Salient Pole Rotor
parameters so that a fault study can be successfully completed
5.6 Transient Analysis before the selection and application of the protection systems
5.7 Asymmetry described in later chapters. Only what might be referred to as
5.8 Machine Reactances ‘traditional’ synchronous machine theory is covered because
5.9 Negative Sequence Reactance calculations for fault level studies generally only require this.
5.10 Zero Sequence Reactance Readers interested in more advanced models of synchronous
5.11 Direct and Quadrature Axis Values machines are referred to the numerous papers on the subject,
of which reference [5.1] is a good starting point.
5.12 Effect of Saturation on Machine Reactances
5.13 Transformers Power system plant can be divided into two broad groups:
5.14 Transformer Positive Sequence Equivalent static and rotating.
Circuits The modelling of static plant for fault level calculations
5.15 Transformer Zero Sequence Equivalent Circuits provides few difficulties, as plant parameters generally do not
5.16 Auto-Transformers change during the period of interest after a fault occurs. The
problem in modelling rotating plant is that the parameters
5.17 Transformer Impedances
change depending on the response to a change in power
5.18 Overhead Lines and Cables system conditions.
5.19 Calculation of Series Impedance
5.20 Calculation of Shunt Impedance 5.2 SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES
5.21 Overhead Line Circuits With or Without Earth There are two main types of synchronous machine: cylindrical
Wires rotor and salient pole. In general, the former is confined to 2
5.22 OHL Equivalent Circuits and 4 pole turbine generators, while salient pole types are built
5.23 Cable Circuits with 4 poles upwards and include most classes of duty. Both
5.24 Overhead Line and Cable Data classes of machine are similar in that each has a stator
carrying a three-phase winding distributed over its inner
5.25 References
periphery. The rotor is within the stator bore and is magnetised
by a d.c. current winding.
The main difference between the two classes of machine is in
the rotor construction. The cylindrical rotor type has a
cylindrical rotor with the excitation winding distributed over
several slots around its periphery. This construction is not
suited to multi-polar machines but it is very mechanically
sound. It is therefore particularly well suited for the highest
speed electrical machines and is universally used for 2 pole
units, plus some 4 pole units.
The salient pole type has poles that are physically separate,
each carrying a concentrated excitation winding. This type of
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construction is complementary to that of the cylindrical rotor unity p.f., the voltage and current in the stator are in phase,
and is used in machines of 4 poles or more. Except in special the stator current producing a cross magnetising magneto-
cases its use is exclusive in machines of more than 6 poles. motive force (m.m.f.) which interacts with that of the rotor,
Figure 5.1 shows a typical large cylindrical rotor generator resulting in a distortion of flux across the pole face. As can be
installed in a power plant. seen from Figure 5.2(a) the tendency is to weaken the flux at
the leading edge or distort the field in a manner equivalent to a
Two and four pole generators are most often used in
shift against the direction of rotation.
applications where steam or gas turbines are used as the
driver. This is because the steam turbine tends to be suited to If the power factor is reduced to zero lagging, the current in
high rotational speeds. Four pole steam turbine generators are the stator reaches its maximum 90° after the voltage. The
most often found in nuclear power stations as the relative rotor is then in the position shown in Figure 5.2(b) and the
wetness of the steam makes the high rotational speed of a stator m.m.f. is acting in direct opposition to the field.
two-pole design unsuitable. Most generators with gas turbine
Similarly, for operation at zero leading power factor, the stator
drivers are four pole machines to obtain enhanced mechanical
m.m.f. directly assists the rotor m.m.f. This m.m.f. arising
strength in the rotor - since a gearbox is often used to couple
from current flowing in the stator is known as ‘armature
the power turbine to the generator, the choice of synchronous
speed of the generator is not subject to the same constraints
as with steam turbines.
Generators with diesel engine drivers are invariably of four or
more pole design, to match the running speed of the driver Weak Strong Weak Strong
without using a gearbox. Four-stroke diesel engines usually
have a higher running speed than two-stroke engines, so
generators having four or six poles are most common. Two-
stroke diesel engines are often derivatives of marine designs Direction of rotation
with relatively large outputs (circa 30MW is possible) and may (a)
have running speeds of the order of 125rpm. This requires a
generator with a large number of poles (48 for a 125rpm,
50Hz generator) and consequently is of large diameter and
short axial length. This is a contrast to turbine-driven
machines that are of small diameter and long axial length.
Figure 5.2: Distortion of flux due to armature reaction
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
diagram so that ATe becomes the basic unit, where IXL is exactly in phase with the voltage drop due to Xad as
ATe=Et=1 results in Figure 5.3(b). The m.m.f. vectors shown on the vector diagram Figure 5.3(c). Xad and XL can
therefore become voltage vectors. For example ATar /ATe is a be combined to give a simple equivalent reactance; known as
unit of voltage that is directly proportional to the stator load the ‘synchronous reactance'and denoted by Xd.
current. This vector can be fully represented by a reactance
The power generated by the machine is given by:
and in practice this is called 'armature reaction reactance' and
is denoted by Xad. Similarly, the remaining side of the triangle VEo
P VI cos I sin G
becomes ATf /ATe which is the per unit voltage produced on Xd
open circuit by ampere-turns ATf. It can be considered as the
Equation 5.1
internal generated voltage of the machine and is designated
E0 . where G is the angle between the internal voltage and the
terminal voltage and is known as the load angle of the
It follows from the above analysis that, for steady state
performance, the machine may be represented by the
M equivalent circuit shown in Figure 5.4, where XL is a true
reactance associated with flux leakage around the stator
) winding and Xad is a fictitious reactance, being the ratio of
armature reaction and open-circuit excitation magneto-motive
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Lag Lead Iq Xq
reaction M.M.F.
Id Xd
Flux Flux
Direct axis pole
Quadrature axis
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
Transient current I ' d
X 'd
Equation 5.3
It is greater than XL and the equivalent circuit is represented
by Figure 5.8(b) where:
X ad X f
X 'd XL
Figure 5.8: Synchronous machine reactances X ad X f
Equation 5.4
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case if only the excitation winding were present, but still less
than the original open circuit flux .
As before, it is convenient to use rated voltage and to create
another fictitious reactance that is considered to be effective I dc
X cd
over this period. This is known as the 'sub-transient Eai r gap
reactance' X”d and is defined by the equation: Xd
Sub-transient current I "d Time
X "d
Figure 5.9: Transient decay envelope of short-circuit current
Equation 5.5
The exact instant at which the short circuit is applied to the
X ad X f X kd stator winding is of significance. If resistance is negligible
X "d XL
X ad X f X kd X f X ad X kd compared with reactance, the current in a coil lags the voltage
by 90°, that is, at the instant when the voltage wave attains a
maximum, any current flowing through would be passing
through zero. If a short circuit were applied at this instant, the
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
resulting current would rise smoothly and would be a simple more costly machine. It is also worth noting that XL normally
a.c. component. However, at the moment when the induced changes in sympathy with Xad but that it is completely
voltage is zero, any current flowing must pass through a overshadowed by it.
maximum (owing to the 90° lag). If a fault occurs at this
The value 1/Xd has a special significance as it approximates to
moment, the resulting current assumes the corresponding
the short circuit ratio (S.C.R.), the only difference being that
relationship; it is at its peak and in the ensuing 180° goes
the S.C.R. takes saturation into account whereas Xd is derived
through zero to maximum in the reverse direction and so on.
from the air-gap line.
In fact the current must actually start from zero so it follows a
sine wave that is completely asymmetrical. Intermediate Cylindrical rotor turbine generators
Salient pole
positions give varying degrees of asymmetry. This asymmetry Salient pole
Type of machine synchronous Hydrogen
can be considered to be due to a d.c. component of current condensers Air Hydrogen 4 Multi-
or Water
which dies away because resistance is present. Cooled Cooled Pole pole
The d.c. component of stator current sets up a d.c. field in the Short circuit ratio 0.5-0.7 1.0-1.2 0.4-0.6 0.4-0.6 0.4-0.6 0.4-0.6 0.6-0.8
stator which causes a supply frequency ripple on the field Direct axis synchronous 1.75-
1.6-2.0 0.8-1.0 2.0-2.8 2.1-2.4 2.1-2.6 1.4-1.9
reactance Xd (p.u.) 3.0
current, and this alternating rotor flux has a further effect on
Quadrature axis
the stator. This is best shown by considering the supply synchronous reactance
1.0- 0.5-
1.8-2.7 1.9-2.4 2.0-2.5 0.9-1.5 0.8-1.0
1.23 0.65
frequency flux as being represented by two half magnitude Xq (p.u.)
waves each rotating in opposite directions at supply frequency Direct axis transient
0.2-0.3 0.27-0.33 0.3-0.36
reactance X'd (p.u.) 0.35 0.35
relative to the rotor. So, as viewed from the stator, one is
stationary and the other rotating at twice supply frequency. Direct axis sub-transient 0.12- 0.19-
0.2-0.4 0.15-0.23 0.19-0.23 0.21-0.27 0.16-0.25
reactance X''d (p.u.) 0.25 0.25
The latter sets up second harmonic currents in the stator.
Quadrature axis sub-
Further development along these lines is possible but the transient reactance X''q
0.25- 0.15-
0.16-0.25 0.19-0.23 0.21-0.28
0.6 0.25 0.35
resulting harmonics are usually negligible and normally (p.u.)
neglected. Negative sequence 0.25- 0.14-
0.16-0.23 0.19-0.24 0.21-0.27
reactance X2 (p.u.) 0.5 0.35 0.27
by artificially increasing the slot leakage, but XL is only about Quadrature axis short
0.04- 0.05- 0.013- 0.025- 0.025-
circuit sub-transient 0.018-0.027 0.02-0.03
10% of the total value of Xd and does not have much influence. 0.6 0.6 0.022 0.04 0.08
time constant T''q (s)
The armature reaction reactance can be reduced by decreasing Quadrature axis open
0.026- 0.13-
circuit sub-transient time 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.9 0.03-0.05 0.04-0.065 0.1-0.35
the armature reaction of the machine, which in design terms 0.045 0.2
constant T''q (s)
means reducing the ampere conductor or electrical (as distinct
Table 5.1: Typical values of machine characteristics (all reactance
from magnetic) loading - this often means a physically larger values are unsaturated)
machine. Alternatively the excitation needed to generate
open-circuit voltage may be increased; this is simply achieved 5.8.2 Transient Reactance X’d=XL+X’f
by increasing the machine air-gap, but is only possible if the The transient reactance covers the behaviour of a machine in
excitation system is modified to meet the increased the period 0.1-3.0 seconds after a disturbance. This generally
requirements. corresponds to the speed of changes in a system and therefore
In general, control of Xd is obtained almost entirely by varying X’d has a major influence in transient stability studies.
Xad and in most cases a reduction in Xd means a larger and
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Generally, the leakage reactance XL is equal to the effective In practice an empirical method is used, based on the fact that
field leakage reactance X’f , about 0.1-0.25p.u. The principal a given type of machine is capable of carrying, for short
factor determining the value of X’f is the field leakage. This is periods, an amount of heat determined by its thermal capacity,
largely beyond the control of the designer, in that other and for a long period, a rate of heat input which it can
considerations are at present more significant than field dissipate continuously. Synchronous machines are designed to
leakage and hence take precedence in determining the field operate continuously on an unbalanced system so that with
design. XL can be varied as already outlined and, in practice, none of the phase currents exceeding the rated current, the
control of transient reactance is usually achieved by varying ratio of the negative sequence current I2 to the rated current IN
XL. does not exceed the values given in Table 5.2. Under fault
conditions, the machine can also operate with the product of
5.8.3 Sub-Transient Reactance X’’d=XL+X’kd § I2 ·
The sub-transient reactance determines the initial current ¨¨ ¸¸ and time in seconds (t) not exceeding the values
peaks following a disturbance and in the case of a sudden fault © IN ¹
is of importance for selecting the breaking capacity of given.
associated circuit breakers. The mechanical stresses on the
machine reach maximum values that depend on this constant. Machine
Maximum Maximum
The effective damper winding leakage reactance X’kd is largely Rotor Rotor I2/IN for (I2/IN)2t for
construction Cooling continuous operation
determined by the leakage of the damper windings and control (SN) (MVA)
operation during faults
of this is only possible to a limited extent. X’kd normally has a
value between 0.05 and 0.15p.u. The major factor is XL indirect motors 0.1 20
which, as indicated previously, is of the order of 0.1-0.25p.u., generators 0.08 20
and control of the sub-transient reactance is normally achieved
by varying XL. 0.1 20
Good transient stability is obtained by keeping the value of X’d direct motors 0.08 15
low, which therefore also implies a low value of X”d. The fault generators 0.05 15
rating of switchgear, etc. is therefore relatively high. It is not synchronous
0.08 15
normally possible to improve transient stability performance in condensers
a generator without adverse effects on fault levels, and vice indirectly cooled
all 0.1 15
indirectly cooled
all 0.1 10
5.9 NEGATIVE SEQUENCE REACTANCE Cylindrical directly cooled <=350 0.08 8
Negative sequence currents can arise whenever there is any
351-900 Note 1 Note 2
unbalance present in the system. Their effect is to set up a
901-1250 Note 1 5
field rotating in the opposite direction to the main field
1251-1600 0.05 5
generated by the rotor winding, so subjecting the rotor to
I2 S 350
double frequency flux pulsations. This gives rise to parasitic Note 1: Calculate as 0.08 N
IN 3u10 4
currents and heating; most machines are quite limited in the
amount of such current which they are able to carry, both in ªI º
An accurate calculation of the negative sequence current Table 5.2: Unbalanced operating conditions for synchronous machines
(with acknowledgement to IEC 60034-1)
capability of a generator involves consideration of the current
paths in the rotor body. In a turbine generator rotor, for
instance, they include the solid rotor body, slot wedges,
excitation winding and end-winding retaining rings. There is a If a machine operates with an earthed neutral, a system earth
tendency for local over-heating to occur and, although possible fault gives rise to zero sequence currents in the machine. This
for the stator, continuous local temperature measurement is reactance represents the machines’ contribution to the total
not practical in the rotor. Calculation requires complex impedance offered to these currents. In practice it is generally
mathematical techniques to be applied, and involves specialist low and often outweighed by other impedances present in the
software. circuit.
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
5.11 DIRECT AND QUADRATURE AXIS VALUES machine excited to rated voltage.
The transient reactance is associated with the field winding In some cases, the test may be made from a suitably reduced
and since on salient pole machines this is concentrated on the voltage so that the initial current is approximately full load
direct axis, there is no corresponding quadrature axis value. value. This may be the case where the severe mechanical
The value of reactance applicable in the quadrature axis is the strain that occurs when the test is performed at rated voltage
synchronous reactance, that is X’q = Xq. has to be avoided. Saturation is very much reduced and the
The damper winding (or its equivalent) is more widely spread reactance values measured are virtually unsaturated values.
and hence the sub-transient reactance associated with this has They are also known as 'rated current' values, for obvious
a definite quadrature axis value X”q, which differs significantly
in many generators from X”d.
5.12 EFFECT OF SATURATION ON MACHINE A transformer may be replaced in a power system by an
REACTANCES equivalent circuit representing the self-impedance of, and the
mutual coupling between, the windings. A two-winding
In general, any electrical machine is designed to avoid severe
transformer can be simply represented as a 'T' network in
saturation of its magnetic circuit. However, it is not
which the cross member is the short-circuit impedance, and
economically possible to operate at such low flux densities as
the column the excitation impedance. It is rarely necessary in
to reduce saturation to negligible proportions, and in practice a
fault studies to consider excitation impedance as this is usually
moderate degree of saturation is accepted.
many times the magnitude of the short-circuit impedance.
Since the armature reaction reactance Xad is a ratio ATar /ATe With these simplifying assumptions a three-winding
it is evident that ATe does not vary in a linear manner for transformer becomes a star of three impedances and a four-
different voltages, while ATar remains unchanged. The value winding transformer a mesh of six impedances.
of Xad varies with the degree of saturation present in the The impedances of a transformer, in common with other plant,
machine, and for extreme accuracy should be determined for can be given in ohms and qualified by a base voltage, or in per
the particular conditions involved in any calculation. unit or percentage terms and qualified by a base MVA. Care
All the other reactances, namely XL, X’d and X”d, are true should be taken with multi-winding transformers to refer all
reactances and actually arise from flux leakage. Much of this impedances to a common base MVA or to state the base on
leakage occurs in the iron parts of the machines and hence which each is given. The impedances of static apparatus are
must be affected by saturation. For a given set of conditions, independent of the phase sequence of the applied voltage; in
the leakage flux exists as a result of the net m.m.f. which consequence, transformer negative sequence and positive
causes it. If the iron circuit is unsaturated its reactance is low sequence impedances are identical. In determining the
and leakage flux is easily established. If the circuits are highly impedance to zero phase sequence currents, account must be
saturated the reverse is true and the leakage flux is relatively taken of the winding connections, earthing, and, in some
lower, so the reactance under saturated conditions is lower cases, the construction type. The existence of a path for zero
than when unsaturated. sequence currents implies a fault to earth and a flow of
balancing currents in the windings of the transformer.
Most calculation methods assume infinite iron permeability
and for this reason lead to somewhat idealised unsaturated Practical three-phase transformers may have a phase shift
reactance values. The recognition of a finite and varying between primary and secondary windings depending on the
permeability makes a solution extremely laborious and in connections of the windings – delta or star. The phase shift
practice a simple factor of approximately 0.9 is taken as that occurs is generally of no significance in fault level
representing the reduction in reactance arising from calculations as all phases are shifted equally. It is therefore
saturation. ignored. It is normal to find delta-star transformers at the
transmitting end of a transmission system and in distribution
It is necessary to distinguish which value of reactance is being
systems for the following reasons:
measured when on test. The normal instantaneous short-
circuit test carried out from rated open-circuit voltage gives a x At the transmitting end, a higher step-up voltage ratio
current that is usually several times full load value, so that is possible than with other winding arrangements,
saturation is present and the reactance measured is the while the insulation to ground of the star secondary
saturated value. This value is also known as the 'rated voltage' winding does not increase by the same ratio.
value since it is measured by a short circuit applied with the
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Z1 Z11 Z12
Z2 Z 22 Z12
Z3 Z12
Equation 5.6
Z1 is described as the leakage impedance of winding AA' and
Z2 the leakage impedance of winding BB'. Impedance Z3 is
the mutual impedance between the windings, usually
represented by XM, the magnetising reactance paralleled with
the hysteresis and eddy current loops as shown in Figure
5.10(d). Figure 5.11: Testing a high voltage transformer
If the secondary of the transformers is short-circuited, and Z3
5.14.1 Three-Winding Transformers
is assumed to be large with respect to Z1 and Z2, the short-
circuit impedance viewed from the terminals AA’ is If excitation impedance is neglected the equivalent circuit of a
ZT=Z1+Z2 and the transformer can be replaced by a two- three-winding transformer may be represented by a star of
terminal equivalent circuit as shown in Figure 5.10(e). impedances, as shown in Figure 5.12, where P, T and S are
the primary, tertiary and secondary windings respectively. The
impedance of any of these branches can be determined by
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
Secondary Zero potential bus
Zero bus
Figure 5.12: Equivalent circuit for a three-winding transformer
The flow of zero sequence currents in a transformer is only a Ze
possible when the transformer forms part of a closed loop for
uni-directional currents and ampere-turn balance is
b b b
maintained between windings.
Zero potential bus
The positive sequence equivalent circuit is still maintained to (b) Three windings
represent the transformer but now there are certain conditions Figure 5.13: Zero sequence equivalent circuits
attached to its connection into the external circuit. The order
The exceptions to the general rule of neglecting magnetising
of excitation impedance is much lower than for the positive
impedance occur when the transformer is star/star and either
sequence circuit and is roughly between 1 and 4 per unit but
or both neutrals are earthed. In these circumstances the
still high enough to be neglected in most fault studies.
transformer is connected to the zero bus through the
The mode of connection of a transformer to the external circuit magnetising impedance. Where a three-phase transformer
is determined by taking account of each winding arrangement bank is arranged without interlinking magnetic flux (that is a
and its connection or otherwise to ground. If zero sequence three-phase shell type, or three single-phase units) and
currents can flow into and out of a winding, the winding provided there is a path for zero sequence currents, the zero
terminal is connected to the external circuit (that is, link a is sequence impedance is equal to the positive sequence
closed in Figure 5.13). If zero sequence currents can circulate impedance. In the case of three-phase core type units, the
in the winding without flowing in the external circuit, the zero sequence fluxes produced by zero sequence currents can
winding terminal is connected directly to the zero bus (that is, find a high reluctance path, the effect being to reduce the zero
link b is closed in Figure 5.13). Table 5.3 gives the zero sequence impedance to about 90% of the positive sequence
sequence connections of some common two- and three- impedance.
winding transformer arrangements applying the above rules.
However, in hand calculations, it is usual to ignore this
variation and consider the positive and zero sequence
impedances to be equal. It is common when using software to
perform fault calculations to enter a value of zero-sequence
impedance in accordance with the above guidelines, if the
manufacturer is unable to provide a value.
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
Connections and zero phase sequence currents Zero phase sequence network
a Zt a
b b
Zero bus
a Zt a
b b
Zero bus
a Zt a
b b
Zero bus
a Zt a
b b
Zero bus
a Zt a
b b
Zero bus
a ZT a
b b
Zero bus
Zero bus
a Zp a
Zt a
b b b
Zero bus
a Zp a
Zt a
b b b
Zero bus
a Zp a
Zt a
b b b
Zero bus
a Zp a
Zt a
b b b
Zero bus
a Zp a
Zt a
b b b
Zero bus
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
When no load is connected to the delta tertiary, the point T is
open-circuited and the short-circuit impedance of the
T transformer becomes ZL+ZH=ZSC-C, similar to the equivalent
IL L circuit of a two-winding transformer, with magnetising
impedance neglected; see Figure 5.14(c).
IL -IH 5.16.2 Zero Sequence Equivalent Circuit
The zero sequence equivalent circuit is derived in a similar
IH N IL manner to the positive sequence circuit, except that, as there is
(a) Circuit diagram (b) Circuit diagram with tertiary winding
no identity for the neutral point, the current in the neutral and
the neutral voltage cannot be given directly. Furthermore, in
L H L H deriving the branch impedances, account must be taken of an
impedance in the neutral Zn, as shown in Equation 5.8, where
Zx, Zy and Zz are the impedances of the low, high and tertiary
windings respectively and N is the ratio between the series and
T Zero potential bus
common windings.
(c) Positive sequence (d) Zero sequence equivalent circuit
ZLH Zx Z L 3Z n
H N 1
T N 12
IT0 1
Zz Z T 3Z n
Zero potential bus N 1
(e) Equivalent circuit with isolated neutral
Equation 5.8
Figure 5.14: Equivalent circuits of auto-transformers
Figure 5.14(d) shows the equivalent circuit of the transformer
5.16.1 Positive Sequence Equivalent Circuit bank. Currents IL0 and IH0 are those circulating in the low and
The positive sequence equivalent circuit of a three-phase auto- high voltage circuits respectively. The difference between
transformer bank is the same as that of a two- or three- these currents, expressed in amperes, is the current in the
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common winding. The current in the neutral impedance is For transformers used in electricity distribution networks, the
three times the current in the common winding. situation is more complex, due to an increasing trend to assign
importance to the standing (or no-load) losses represented by
5.16.3 Special Conditions of Neutral Earthing the magnetising impedance. This can be adjusted at the
With a solidly grounded neutral, Zn=0, the branch impedances design stage but there is often an impact on the leakage
Zx, Zy, Zz, become ZL, ZH, ZT, that is, identical to the reactance in consequence. In addition, it may be more
corresponding positive sequence equivalent circuit, except that important to control fault levels on the LV side than to improve
the equivalent impedance ZT of the delta tertiary is connected motor starting voltage drops. Therefore, departures from the
to the zero potential bus in the zero sequence network. IEC 60076 values are commonplace.
IEC 60076 does not make recommendations of nominal
When the neutral is ungrounded ZT=f and the impedances
impedance in respect of transformers rated over 200MVA,
of the equivalent star also become infinite because there are
while generator transformers and a.c. traction supply
apparently no paths for zero sequence currents between the
transformers have impedances that are usually specified as a
windings, although a physical circuit exists and ampere-turn
result of Power Systems Studies to ensure satisfactory
balance can be obtained. A solution is to use an equivalent
performance. Typical values of transformer impedances
delta circuit (see Figure 5.14(e)), and evaluate the elements of
covering a variety of transformer designs are given in Table 5.4
the delta directly from the actual circuit. The method requires
to Table 5.10. Where appropriate, they include an indication
three equations corresponding to three assumed operating
of the impedance variation at the extremes of the taps given.
conditions. Solving these equations relates the delta
Transformers designed to work at 60Hz have much the same
impedances to the impedance between the series and tertiary
impedance as their 50Hz counterparts.
windings as follows:
Z% Tolerance
Z LH Z s t HV/LV on Z%
N 1 <0.630 4.00 1.5 ±10
Z LT Z s t N 0.631-1.25 5.00 3.5 ±10
N 1.251 - 3.15 6.25 6.0 ±10
Z HT Z s t
N 1 3.151 - 6.3 7.15 8.5 ±10
6.301-12.5 8.35 13.0 ±10
Equation 5.9
12.501- 25.0 10.00 20.0 ±7.5
With the equivalent delta replacing the star impedances in the
25.001 - 200 12.50 45.0 ±7.5
autotransformer zero sequence equivalent circuit the
>200 by agreement
transformer can be combined with the system impedances in
Table 5.4: Transformer impedances IEC 60076
the usual manner to obtain the system zero sequence diagram.
Primary X/R
MVA Primary Taps Secondary kV Z% HV/LV
7.5 33 +5.72% -17.16% 11 7.5 15
In most fault calculations the protection engineer is only
concerned with the transformer leakage impedance; the 7.5 33 +5.72% -17.16% 11 7.5 17
Impedances for transformers rated at 200MVA or less are 11.5 33 +5.72% -17.16% 6.6 11.5 24
given in IEC 60076 and repeated in Table 5.4, together with 11.5 33 +5.72% -17.16% 6.6 11.5 24
an indication of X/R values (not part of IEC 60076). These 11.5 33 +5.72% -17.16% 11 11.5 24
impedances are commonly used for transformers installed in 11.5 33 +5.72% -17.16% 11 11.5 26
industrial plants. Some variation is possible to assist in 11.5 33 +4.5% -18% 6.6 11.5 24
controlling fault levels or motor starting, and typically up to 12 33 +5% -15% 11.5 12 27
r10% variation of the impedance values given in the table is
12 33 ±10% 11.5 12 27
possible without incurring a significant cost penalty. For these
12 33 ±10% 11.5 12 25
transformers, the tapping range is small, and the variation of
15 66 +9% -15% 11.5 15 14
impedance with tap position is normally neglected in fault level
15 66 +9% -15% 11.5 15 16
16 33 ±10% 11.5 16 16
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
Primary X/R
MVA Primary Taps Secondary kV Z% HV/LV MVA Primary kV Primary Taps Secondary kV Z% HV/LV X/R ratio
kV ratio
16 33 +5.72% -17.16% 11 16 30
95 132 ±10% 11 13.5 46
16 33 +5.72% -17.16% 6.6 16 31
140 157.5 ±10% 11.5 12.7 41
19 33 +5.72% -17.16% 11 19 37
141 400 ±5% 15 14.7 57
30 33 +5.72% -17.16% 11 30 40
151 236 ±5% 15 13.6 47
24 33 ±10% 6.9 24 25
167 145 +7.5% -16.5% 15 25.7 71
30 33 +5.72% -17.16% 11 30 40
180 289 ±5% 16 13.4 34
30 132 +10% -20% 11 21.3 43
180 132 ±10% 15 13.8 40
30 132 +10% -20% 11 25 30
247 432 +3.75% -16.25% 15.5 15.2 61
30 132 +10% -20% 11 23.5 46
250 300 +11.2% -17.6% 15 28.6 70
40 132 +10% -20% 11 27.9 37
290 420 ±10% 15 15.7 43
45 132 +10% -20% 33 11.8 18
307 432 +3.75% -16.25% 15.5 15.3 67
60 132 +10% -20% 33 16.7 28
346 435 +5% -15% 17.5 16.4 81
60 132 +10% -20% 33 17.7 26
420 432 +5.55% -14.45% 22 16 87
60 132 +10% -20% 33 14.5 25
437.8 144.1 +10.8% -21.6% 21 14.6 50
60 132 +10% -20% 66 11 25
450 132 ±10% 19 14 49
60 132 +10% -20% 11/11 35.5 52
600 420 ±11.25% 21 16.2 74
60 132 +9.3% -24% 11/11 36 75
716 525 ±10% 19 15.7 61
60 132 +9.3% -24% 11/11 35.9 78
721 362 +6.25% -13.75% 22 15.2 83
65 140 +7.5% -15% 11 12.3 28
736 245 +7% -13% 22 15.5 73
90 132 +10% -20% 33 24.4 60
900 525 +7% -13% 23 15.7 67
90 132 +10% -20% 66 15.1 41
Table 5.7: Impedances of generator transformers (three-phase units)
Table 5.5: Impedances of two winding distribution transformers –
Primary voltage <200kV MVA/
Primary kV Primary Taps Secondary kV Z% HV/LV X/R ratio
Primary Primary Secondary Tertiary Z%
MVA X/R ratio
kV Taps kV kV HV/LV 266.7 432/3 +6.67% -13.33% 23.5 15.8 92
266.7 432/3 +6.6% -13.4% 23.5 15.7 79
20 220 +12.5% -7.5% 6.9 - 9.9 18
277 515/3 ±5% 22 16.9 105
20 230 +12.5% -7.5% 6.9 - 10-14 13
375 525/3 +6.66% -13.32% 26 15 118
57 275 ±10% 11.8 7.2 18.2 34
375 420/3 +6.66% -13.32% 26 15.1 112
74 345 +14.4% -10% 96 12 8.9 25
Table 5.8: Impedances of generator transformers (single-phase units)
79.2 220 +10% -15% 11.6 11 18.9 35
120 275 +10% -15% 34.5 - 22.5 63 Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Tertiary Z%
MVA X/R ratio
125 230 ±16.8% 66 - 13.1 52 kV Taps kV Taps kV HV/LV
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
The geometric means radius (GMR) of a conductor is an 5.20 CALCULATION OF SHUNT IMPEDANCE
equivalent radius that allows the inductance formula to be It can be shown that the potential of a conductor a above
reduced to a single term. It arises because the inductance of a
ground due to its own charge qa and a charge -qa on its
solid conductor is a function of the internal flux linkages in
image is:
addition to those external to it. If the original conductor can be
replaced by an equivalent that is a hollow cylinder with 2h
Va 2qa log e
infinitesimally thin walls, the current is confined to the surface r
of the conductor, and there can be no internal flux. The
Equation 5.14
geometric mean radius is the radius of the equivalent
conductor. If the original conductor is a solid cylinder having a where:
radius r its equivalent has a radius of 0.779r. h is the height above ground of the conductor
It can be shown that the sequence impedances for a r is the radius of the conductor, as shown in Figure 5.16
symmetrical three-phase circuit are:
Similarly, it can be shown that the potential of a conductor a
Z1 Z2 Z p Zm due to a charge qb on a neighbouring conductor b and the
Z0 Z p 2Z m charge -qb on its image is:
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Z' p j 0.132 log10
Z'm j 0.132 log10
Equation 5.16
Where the distances above ground are great in relation to the
conductor spacing, which is the case with overhead lines.
From Equation 5.11, the sequence impedances of a
symmetrical three-phase circuit are:
Z1 Z2 j 0.132 log10
Z0 j 0.396 log10
rD 2
Equation 5.17
The logarithmic terms in Equation 5.17 are similar to those in
Equation 5.12 except that r is the actual radius of the
conductors and D’ is the spacing between the conductors and
their images.
Where the conductors are transposed and not symmetrically
spaced, Equation 5.17 can be rewritten using the geometric
mean distance between conductors 3 ABC , giving the
distance of each conductor above ground, ha hb hc as follows:
Z1 Z2 j 0.132 log10
8ha hb hc
Z0 j 0.132 log10
r 3 A2 B 2 C 2
Equation 5.18
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
In some cases the phase conductors are not symmetrically From Equation 5.19 it can be seen that:
disposed to each other and therefore, as previously indicated,
Z ea Z Z
electrostatic and electromagnetic unbalance result, which can Ie I a eb I b ec I c
be largely eliminated by transposition. Modern practice is to Z ee Z ee Z ee
build overhead lines without transposition towers to reduce Making use of this relation, the self and mutual impedances of
costs; this must be taken into account in rigorous calculations the phase conductors can be modified using the following
of the unbalances. In other cases, lines are formed of bundled formula:
conductors, that is conductors formed of two, three or four
separate conductors. This arrangement minimises losses Z ne Z me
J nm Z nm
when voltages of 220kV and above are involved. Z ee
The line configuration and conductor spacings are influenced, Equation 5.20
not only by voltage, but also by many other factors including
For example:
type of insulators, type of support, span length, conductor sag
and the nature of terrain and external climatic loadings. Z 2 ae
Therefore there can be large variations in spacings between J aa Z aa
Z ee
different line designs for the same voltage level, so those
depicted in Figure 5.17 are only typical examples. Z ae Z be
J ab Z ab
Z ee
When calculating the phase self and mutual impedances,
Equation 5.10 and Equation 5.16 may be used. However, in and so on.
this case Zp is calculated for each conductor and Zm for each
Equation 5.19 can be simplified while still accounting for the
pair of conductors. This section is not intended to give a
effect of the earth wire. This is done by deleting the fourth row
detailed analysis but rather to show the general method of
and fourth column and substituting Jaa for Zaa, Jab for Zab, and
formulating the equations, taking the calculation of series
so on, calculated using Equation 5.20. The single circuit line
impedance as an example and assuming a single circuit line
with a single earth wire can therefore be replaced by an
with a single earth wire.
equivalent single circuit line having phase self and mutual
The phase voltage drops Va Vb Vc of a single circuit line with a impedances Jaa, Jab and so on.
single earth wire due to currents Ia Ib Ic flowing in the phases
It can be shown from the symmetrical component theory given
and Ie in the earth wire are:
in Chapter 4 that the sequence voltage drops of a general
Va Z aa I a Z ab I b Z ac I c Z ae I e three-phase circuit are:
Vb Z ba I a Z bb I b Z bc I c Z be I e V0 Z 00 I 0 Z 01 I1 Z 02 I 2
Vc Z ca I a Z cb I b Z cc I c Z ce I e V1 Z10 I 0 Z11 I1 Z12 I 2
0 Z ea I a Z eb I b Z ec I c Z ee I e V2 Z 20 I 0 Z 21 I1 Z 22 I 2
Equation 5.19 Equation 5.21
where: And, from Equation 5.19 modified as indicated above and
Equation 5.21, the sequence impedances are:
Z aa R 0.000988 f j 0.0029 f log10
Z ab 0.000988 f j 0.0029 f log10
and so on.
The equation required for the calculation of shunt voltage
drops is identical to Equation 5.19 in form, except that primes
must be included, the impedances being derived from
Equation 5.16.
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
§ X
· § X cs
Z1 Z2 ¨ Rc Rs 2 cs 2 ¸ ¨
j¨ X c X s 2 ¸
2 ¸
E ¨
© Rs X s ¸¹ © Rs X s ¹
(a) Actual circuit
Equation 5.24
S Z1 F
C where Rc and Rs are the core and sheath (screen) resistances
per unit length, Xc and Xs core and sheath (screen) reactances
3E Ib Z1
B per unit length and Xcs the mutual reactance between core
and sheath (screen) per unit length. Xcs is generally equal to
Xs .
The zero sequence series impedances are obtained directly
E (Z0 - Z1)/3 using Equation 5.10 and account can be taken of the sheath in
the same way as an earth wire in the case of an overhead line.
(b) Equivalent circuit
The shunt capacitances of a sheathed cable can be calculated
Figure 5.20: Three-phase equivalent of a transmission circuit
from the simple formula:
Making use of the above relations, a transmission circuit may
be represented, generally without any loss, by the equivalent of § ·
¨ 1 ¸
Figure 5.20(b), where Z1 is the phase impedance to the fault
C 0.0241H ¨ ¸ PF / km
and (Z0-Z1)/3 is the impedance of the earth path, there being ¨ log d 2T ¸
¨ ¸
no mutual impedance between the phases or between phase © d ¹
and earth. The equivalent is valid for single and double circuit
Equation 5.25
lines except that for double circuit lines there is zero sequence
mutual impedance, hence Z0=Z00-Z0’0. where d is the overall diameter for a round conductor, T core
insulation thickness and H permittivity of dielectric. When the
The equivalent circuit of Figure 5.20(b) is valuable in distance
conductors are oval or shaped an equivalent diameter d’ may
relay applications because the phase and earth fault relays are
be used where d’=(1/) x periphery of conductor. No
set to measure Z1 and are compensated for the earth return
simple formula exists for belted or unscreened cables, but an
impedance (Z0-Z1)/3.
empirical formula that gives reasonable results is:
It is customary to quote the impedances of a transmission
circuit in terms of Z1 and the ratio Z0/Z1, since in this form C PF / km
they are most directly useful. By definition, the positive G
sequence impedance Z1 is a function of the conductor spacing Equation 5.26
and radius, whereas the Z0/Z1 ratio is dependent mainly on the where G is a geometric factor which is a function of core and
level of earth resistivity U . Further details may be found in belt insulation thickness and overall conductor diameter.
Chapter 12.
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Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
70.1 1 9.45 9.45 0.252 Gopher 6 2.36 1 2.4 26.2 4.4 30.6 7.08 1.093
97.7 7 4.22 12.65 0.183 Weasel 6 2.59 1 2.6 31.6 5.3 36.9 7.77 0.908
132.1 7 4.90 14.71 0.135 Rabbit 6 3.35 1 3.4 52.9 8.8 61.7 10.05 0.542
Horse 12 2.79 7 2.8 73.4 42.8 116.2 13.95 0.393
164.0 7 5.46 16.38 0.109
Dog 6 4.72 7 1.6 105.0 13.6 118.5 14.15 0.273
165.2 19 3.33 16.64 0.109
Tiger 30 2.36 7 2.4 131.2 30.6 161.9 16.52 0.220
Table 5.16: Overhead line conductor - hard drawn copper BS
Standards Wolf 30 2.59 7 2.6 158.1 36.9 194.9 18.13 0.182
Dingo 18 3.35 1 3.4 158.7 8.8 167.5 16.75 0.181
Stranding and wire Sectional area Approxi-
diameter (mm) (mm2) Total mate Lynx 30 2.79 7 2.8 183.4 42.8 226.2 19.53 0.157
Desig- RDC at 20 °C
area overall
nation Alumin- Alumin- (ohm/km) Caracal 18 3.61 1 3.6 184.2 10.2 194.5 18.05 0.156
Steel Steel (mm2) diameter
ium ium (mm) Jaguar 18 3.86 1 3.9 210.6 11.7 222.3 19.3 0.137
Sparrow 6 2.67 1 2.7 33.6 5.6 39.2 8.01 0.854 Panther 30 3 7 3 212.1 49.5 261.5 21 0.136
Robin 6 3 1 3 42.4 7.1 49.5 9 0.677 Zebra 54 3.18 7 3.2 428.9 55.6 484.5 28.62 0.067
Raven 6 3.37 1 3.4 53.5 8.9 62.4 10.11 0.536 Table 5.18: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium conductors
steel reinforced (ACSR), to BS215.2
Quail 6 3.78 1 3.8 67.4 11.2 78.6 11.34 0.426
Pigeon 6 4.25 1 4.3 85.0 14.2 99.2 12.75 0.337 Stranding and wire Sectional area Approxi-
diameter (mm) (mm2) Total mate
Penguin 6 4.77 1 4.8 107.2 17.9 125.1 14.31 0.268 Desig- RDC at 20 °C
area overall
nation Alumin- Alumin- (ohm/km)
Partridge 26 2.57 7 2 135.2 22.0 157.2 16.28 0.214 Steel Steel (mm2) diameter
ium ium (mm)
Ostrich 26 2.73 7 2.2 152.0 26.9 178.9 17.28 0.191
35/6 6 2.7 1 2.7 34.4 5.7 40.1 8.1 0.834
Merlin 18 3.47 1 3.5 170.5 9.5 179.9 17.35 0.169
44/32 14 2 7 2.4 44.0 31.7 75.6 11.2 0.652
Lark 30 2.92 7 2.9 201.4 46.9 248.3 20.44 0.144
50/8 6 3.2 1 3.2 48.3 8.0 56.3 9.6 0.594
Hawk 26 3.44 7 2.7 241.7 39.2 280.9 21.79 0.120
70/12 26 1.85 7 1.4 69.9 11.4 81.3 11.7 0.413
Dove 26 3.72 7 2.9 282.0 45.9 327.9 23.55 0.103
95/15 26 2.15 7 1.7 94.4 15.3 109.7 13.6 0.305
Teal 30 3.61 19 2.2 306.6 69.6 376.2 25.24 0.095
95/55 12 3.2 7 3.2 96.5 56.3 152.8 16 0.299
Swift 36 3.38 1 3.4 322.3 9.0 331.2 23.62 0.089
120/70 12 3.6 7 3.6 122.1 71.3 193.4 18 0.236
Tern 45 3.38 7 2.3 402.8 27.8 430.7 27.03 0.072
150/25 26 2.7 7 2.1 148.9 24.2 173.1 17.1 0.194
Canary 54 3.28 7 3.3 456.1 59.1 515.2 29.52 0.064
170/40 30 2.7 7 2.7 171.8 40.1 211.8 18.9 0.168
Curlew 54 3.52 7 3.5 523.7 68.1 591.8 31.68 0.055
185/30 26 3 7 2.3 183.8 29.8 213.6 19 0.157
Finch 54 3.65 19 2.3 565.0 78.3 643.3 33.35 0.051
210/50 30 3 7 3 212.1 49.5 261.5 21 0.136
Bittern 45 4.27 7 2.9 644.5 44.7 689.2 34.17 0.045
265/35 24 3.74 7 2.5 263.7 34.1 297.7 22.4 0.109
Falcon 54 4.36 19 2.6 805.7 102.4 908.1 39.26 0.036
305/40 54 2.68 7 2.7 304.6 39.5 344.1 24.1 0.095
Kiwi 72 4.41 7 2.9 1100.0 47.5 1147.5 44.07 0.027
380/50 54 3 7 3 381.7 49.5 431.2 27 0.076
Table 5.17: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium conductors
steel reinforced (ACSR), to ASTM B232 550/70 54 3.6 7 3.6 549.7 71.3 620.9 32.4 0.052
560/50 48 3.86 7 3 561.7 49.5 611.2 32.2 0.051
650/45 45 4.3 7 2.9 653.5 45.3 698.8 34.4 0.044
1045/45 72 4.3 7 2.9 1045.6 45.3 1090.9 43 0.028
Table 5.19: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium conductors
steel reinforced (ACSR), to DIN48204
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
CANNA Table 5.21: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium alloy (ASTM)
147.1 30 2.25 7 2.3 119.3 27.8 147.1 15.75 0.243
RDC at
CROCUS Wire Sectional Overall
No. of Al 20°C
181.6 30 2.5 7 2.5 147.3 34.4 181.6 17.5 0.197 Standard Designation diameter area diameter
Strands (Ohm/k
(mm) (mm²) (mm)
228 30 2.8 7 2.8 184.7 43.1 227.8 19.6 0.157 BS 3242 Box 7 1.85 18.8 5.6 1.750
CROCUS BS 3242 Acacia 7 2.08 23.8 6.2 1.384
297 36 2.8 19 2.3 221.7 75.5 297.2 22.45 0.131
BS 3242 Almond 7 2.34 30.1 7.0 1.094
288 BS 3242 Cedar 7 2.54 35.5 7.6 0.928
30 3.15 7 3.2 233.8 54.6 288.3 22.05 0.124
CROCUS BS 3242 Fir 7 2.95 47.8 8.9 0.688
288 30 3.15 7 3.2 233.8 54.6 288.3 22.05 0.124 BS 3242 Hazel 7 3.3 59.9 9.9 0.550
CROCUS BS 3242 Pine 7 3.61 71.6 10.8 0.460
412 32 3.6 19 2.4 325.7 86.0 411.7 26.4 0.089
BS 3242 Willow 7 4.04 89.7 12.1 0.367
BS 3242 - 7 4.19 96.5 12.6 0.341
612 66 3.13 19 2.7 507.8 104.8 612.6 32.03 0.057
BS 3242 - 7 4.45 108.9 13.4 0.302
865 66 3.72 19 3.2 717.3 148.1 865.4 38.01 0.040 BS 3242 Oak 7 4.65 118.9 14.0 0.277
Table 5.20: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium conductors BS 3242 Mullberry 19 3.18 150.9 15.9 0.219
steel reinforced (ACSR), to NF C34-120 BS 3242 Ash 19 3.48 180.7 17.4 0.183
RDC at BS 3242 Elm 19 3.76 211.0 18.8 0.157
Wire Sectional Overall
No. of Al 20°C
Standard Designation diameter area diameter BS 3242 Poplar 37 2.87 239.4 20.1 0.139
Strands (Ohm/k
(mm) (mm²) (mm)
m) BS 3242 Sycamore 37 3.23 303.2 22.6 0.109
ASTM B-397 Kench 7 2.67 39.2 8.0 0.838 BS 3242 Upas 37 3.53 362.1 24.7 0.092
ASTM B-397 Kibe 7 3.37 62.4 10.1 0.526 BS 3242 Yew 37 4.06 479.0 28.4 0.069
ASTM B-397 Kayak 7 3.78 78.6 11.4 0.418 BS 3242 Totara 37 4.14 498.1 29.0 0.067
ASTM B-397 Kopeck 7 4.25 99.3 12.8 0.331 BS 3242 Rubus 61 3.5 586.9 31.5 0.057
ASTM B-397 Kittle 7 4.77 125.1 14.3 0.262 BS 3242 Araucaria 61 4.14 821.1 28.4 0.040
ASTM B-397 Radian 19 3.66 199.9 18.3 0.164 Table 5.22: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium alloy (BS)
ASTM B-397 Rede 19 3.78 212.6 18.9 0.155
ASTM B-397 Ragout 19 3.98 236.4 19.9 0.140
ASTM B-397 Rex 19 4.14 255.8 19.9 0.129
ASTM B-397 Remex 19 4.36 283.7 21.8 0.116
ASTM B-397 Ruble 19 4.46 296.8 22.4 0.111
ASTM B-397 Rune 19 4.7 330.6 23.6 0.100
ASTM B-397 Spar 37 3.6 376.6 25.2 0.087
ASTM B-397 Solar 37 4.02 469.6 28.2 0.070
ASTM B-399 - 19 3.686 202.7 18.4 0.165
ASTM B-399 - 19 3.909 228.0 19.6 0.147
5-26 © 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
RDC at RDC at
Wire Sectional Overall Wire Sectional Overall
No. of Al 20°C No. of Al 20°C
Standard Designation diameter area diameter Standard Designation diameter area diameter
Strands (Ohm/k Strands (Ohm/k
(mm) (mm²) (mm) (mm) (mm²) (mm)
m) m)
CSA C49.1- DIN 48201 16 7 1.7 15.9 5.1 2.091
10 7 1.45 11.5 4.3 2.863
DIN 48201 25 7 2.1 24.3 6.3 1.370
CSA C49.1-
16 7 1.83 18.4 5.5 1.788 DIN 48201 35 7 2.5 34.4 7.5 0.967
DIN 48201 50 19 1.8 48.4 9.0 0.690
CSA C49.1-
25 7 2.29 28.8 6.9 1.142
M87 DIN 48201 50 7 3 49.5 9.0 0.672
CSA C49.1- DIN 48201 70 19 2.1 65.8 10.5 0.507
40 7 2.89 46.0 8.7 0.716
DIN 48201 95 19 2.5 93.3 12.5 0.358
CSA C49.1-
63 7 3.63 72.5 10.9 0.454 DIN 48201 120 19 2.8 117.0 14.0 0.285
DIN 48201 150 37 2.25 147.1 15.7 0.228
CSA C49.1-
100 19 2.78 115.1 13.9 0.287 DIN 48201 185 37 2.5 181.6 17.5 0.184
CSA C49.1- DIN 48201 240 61 2.25 242.5 20.2 0.138
125 19 3.1 143.9 15.5 0.230
M87 DIN 48201 300 61 2.5 299.4 22.5 0.112
CSA C49.1- DIN 48201 400 61 2.89 400.1 26.0 0.084
160 19 3.51 184.2 17.6 0.180
DIN 48201 500 61 3.23 499.8 29.1 0.067
CSA C49.1-
200 19 3.93 230.2 19.6 0.144 Table 5.24: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium alloy (DIN)
CSA C49.1- RDC at
250 19 4.39 287.7 22.0 0.115 Wire Sectional Overall
M87 No. of Al 20°C
Standard Designation diameter area diameter
Strands (Ohm/k
CSA C49.1- (mm) (mm²) (mm)
315 37 3.53 362.1 24.7 0.092 m)
CSA C49.1- NF C34-125 ASTER 22 7 2 22.0 6.0 1.497
400 37 3.98 460.4 27.9 0.072
M87 NF C34-125 ASTER 34-4 7 2.5 34.4 7.5 0.958
CSA C49.1- NF C34-125 ASTER 54-6 7 3.15 54.6 9.5 0.604
450 37 4.22 517.9 29.6 0.064
NF C34-125 ASTER 75-5 19 2.25 75.5 11.3 0.438
CSA C49.1-
500 37 4.45 575.5 31.2 0.058 NF C34-125 ASTER 93,3 19 2.5 93.3 12.5 0.355
NF C34-125 ASTER 117 19 2.8 117.0 14.0 0.283
CSA C49.1-
560 37 4.71 644.5 33.0 0.051
M87 NF C34-125 ASTER 148 19 3.15 148.1 15.8 0.223
CSA C49.1- NF C34-125 ASTER 181-6 37 2.5 181.6 17.5 0.183
630 61 3.89 725.0 35.0 0.046
NF C34-125 ASTER 228 37 2.8 227.8 19.6 0.146
CSA C49.1-
710 61 4.13 817.2 37.2 0.041 NF C34-125 ASTER 288 37 3.15 288.3 22.1 0.115
NF C34-125 ASTER 366 37 3.55 366.2 24.9 0.091
CSA C49.1-
800 61 4.38 920.8 39.5 0.036
M87 NF C34-125 ASTER 570 61 3.45 570.2 31.1 0.058
CSA C49.1- NF C34-125 ASTER 851 91 3.45 850.7 38.0 0.039
900 61 4.65 1035.8 41.9 0.032
NF C34-125 ASTER 1144 91 4 1143.5 44.0 0.029
CSA C49.1-
1000 91 4.01 1150.9 44.1 0.029 NF C34-125 ASTER 1600 127 4 1595.9 52.0 0.021
Table 5.25: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium alloy (NF)
CSA C49.1-
1120 91 4.25 1289.1 46.7 0.026
CSA C49.1-
1250 91 4.49 1438.7 49.4 0.023
CSA C49.1-
1400 91 4.75 1611.3 52.2 0.021
CSA C49.1-
1500 91 4.91 1726.4 54.1 0.019
Table 5.23: Overhead line conductor data - aluminium alloy (CSA)
© 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Network Protection & Automation Guide
Stranding and wire Sectional Approxi Stranding and wire Sectional Approxi
RDC at RDC at
diameter (mm) area (mm2) Total mate diameter (mm) area (mm2) Total mate
Designa 20 °C Designa 20 °C
Standard area overall Standard area overall
tion (ohm tion (ohm
Alloy Steel Alloy Steel (mm2) dia Alloy Steel Alloy Steel (mm2) dia
/km) /km)
(mm) (mm)
ASTM B711 26 2.62 7 2 140.2 22.9 163.1 7.08 0.240 PHLOX
NF C34-125 116.2 18 2 19 2 56.5 59.7 116.2 14 0.591
ASTM B711 26 2.97 7 2.3 180.1 29.3 209.5 11.08 0.187
ASTM B711 30 2.76 7 2.8 179.5 41.9 221.4 12.08 0.188
NF C34-125 147.1 18 2.25 19 2.3 71.6 75.5 147.1 15.75 0.467
ASTM B711 26 3.13 7 2.4 200.1 32.5 232.5 13.08 0.168
ASTM B711 30 3.08 7 3.1 223.5 52.2 275.7 16.08 0.151 NF C34-125 147.1 30 2.25 7 2.3 119.3 27.8 147.1 15.75 0.279
ASTM B711 26 3.5 7 2.7 250.1 40.7 290.8 17.08 0.135 PHLOX
ASTM B711 26 3.7 7 2.9 279.6 45.6 325.2 19.08 0.120 NF C34-125 181.6 18 2.5 19 2.5 88.4 93.3 181.6 17.5 0.378
ASTM B711 30 3.66 19 2.2 315.6 72.2 387.9 22.08 0.107
NF C34-125 181.6 30 2.5 7 2.5 147.3 34.4 181.6 17.5 0.226
ASTM B711 30 3.88 19 2.3 354.7 81.0 435.7 24.08 0.095
ASTM B711 30 4.12 19 2.5 399.9 91.0 491.0 26.08 0.084 NF C34-125 228 18 2.8 19 2.8 110.8 117.0 227.8 19.6 0.300
ASTM B711 54 3.26 19 2 450.7 58.5 509.2 27.08 0.075 PASTEL
ASTM B711 54 3.63 19 2.2 558.9 70.9 629.8 29.08 0.060 NF C34-125 228 30 2.8 7 2.8 184.7 43.1 227.8 19.6 0.180
ASTM B711 54 3.85 19 2.3 628.6 79.6 708.3 30.08 0.054 PHLOX
NF C34-125 288 18 3.15 19 3.2 140.3 148.1 288.3 22.05 0.238
ASTM B711 54 4.34 19 2.6 798.8 100.9 899.7 32.08 0.042
ASTM B711 84 4.12 19 2.5 1119.9 91.0 1210.9 35.08 0.030 NF C34-125 288 30 3.15 7 3.2 233.8 54.6 288.3 22.05 0.142
ASTM B711 84 4.35 19 2.6 1248.4 101.7 1350.0 36.08 0.027 PASTEL
Table 5.26: Overhead line conductor data – aluminium alloy NF C34-125 299 42 2.5 19 2.5 206.2 93.3 299.4 22.45 0.162
conductors, steel re-inforced (AACSR) ASTM PHLOX
NF C34-125 376 24 2.8 37 2.8 147.8 227.8 375.6 26.4 0.226
Stranding and wire Sectional Approxi
RDC at Table 5.28: Overhead line conductor data – aluminium alloy
diameter (mm) area (mm2) Total mate
Designa 20 °C conductors, steel re-inforced (AACSR) NF
Standard area overall
tion (ohm
Alloy Steel Alloy Steel (mm2) dia
DIN 48206 70/12 26 1.85 7 1.4 69.9 11.4 81.3 11.7 0.479
DIN 48206 95/15 26 2.15 7 1.7 94.4 15.3 109.7 13.6 0.355
DIN 48206 125/30 30 2.33 7 2.3 127.9 29.8 157.8 16.3 0.262
DIN 48206 150/25 26 2.7 7 2.1 148.9 24.2 173.1 17.1 0.225
DIN 48206 170/40 30 2.7 7 2.7 171.8 40.1 211.8 18.9 0.195
DIN 48206 185/30 26 3 7 2.3 183.8 29.8 213.6 19 0.182
DIN 48206 210/50 30 3 7 3 212.1 49.5 261.5 21 0.158
DIN 48206 230/30 24 3.5 7 2.3 230.9 29.8 260.8 21 0.145
DIN 48206 265/35 24 3.74 7 2.5 263.7 34.1 297.7 22.4 0.127
DIN 48206 305/40 54 2.68 7 2.7 304.6 39.5 344.1 24.1 0.110
DIN 48206 380/50 54 3 7 3 381.7 49.5 431.2 27 0.088
DIN 48206 450/40 48 3.45 7 2.7 448.7 39.5 488.2 28.7 0.075
DIN 48206 560/50 48 3.86 7 3 561.7 49.5 611.2 32.2 0.060
DIN 48206 680/85 54 4 19 2.4 678.6 86.0 764.5 36 0.049
Table 5.27: Overhead line conductor data – aluminium alloy
conductors, steel re-inforced (AACSR) DIN
5-28 © 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
© 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Network Protection & Automation Guide
3.3kV Surge
Conductor size (mm2) Voltage
Voltage Imped- Indicative
R /km X /km Cross Drop
Level Conductors ance Thermal Loading
Sectional Loading
16 1.380 0.106 2 per phase Loading
Area mm
25 0.870 0.100 Un Um
kV kV
35 0.627 0.094
30 1 0.3 11 2.9 151
50 0.463 0.091
50 1 0.3 17 3.9 204
70 0.321 0.086
11 12 90 1 0.4 23 5.1 268
95 0.232 0.084
120 1 0.5 27 6.2 328
120 0.184 0.081
150 1 0.5 30 7.3 383
150 0.150 0.079
30 1 1.2 44 5.8 151
185 0.121 0.077
50 1 1.2 66 7.8 204
240 0.093 0.076
22 24 90 1 1.2 92 10.2 268
300 0.075 0.075
120 1 1.4 106 12.5 328
400 0.060 0.075
150 1 1.5 119 14.6 383
*500 0.049 0.089
50 1 2.7 149 11.7 204
*630 0.041 0.086
90 1 2.7 207 15.3 268
*800 0.035 0.086 33 36
120 1 3.1 239 18.7 328
*1000 0.030 0.084
150 1 3.5 267 21.9 383
3 core copper conductors, 50Hz values.
* - single core cables in trefoil 90 1 11 827 41 268
gives indicative details of the capability of various sizes of 400 1 130 15600 247 648
overhead lines using the above factors, for AAAC and ACSR 220 245 400 2 184 22062 494 1296
conductor materials. It is based on commonly used standards 400 4 260 31200 988 2592
for voltage drop and ambient temperature. Since these factors 400 2 410 58100 850 1296
may not be appropriate for any particular project, the Table 400 4 582 82200 1700 2590
380 420
should only be used as a guide for initial sizing, with 550 2 482 68200 1085 1650
appropriately detailed calculations carried out to arrive at a 550 3 540 81200 1630 2475
final proposal. Table 5.32: OHL capabilities
5-30 © 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
mm² /km /km /km /km /km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km
13.3 2.1586 0.395 0.409 0.420 0.434 0.445 8.7 0.503 7.6 0.513 7.4 0.520 7.3 0.541 7.0 0.528 7.2 0.556 6.8
15.3 1.8771 0.391 0.405 0.415 0.429 0.441 8.8 0.499 7.7 0.508 7.5 0.515 7.4 0.537 7.1 0.523 7.3 0.552 6.9
21.2 1.3557 0.381 0.395 0.405 0.419 0.430 9.0 0.488 7.8 0.498 7.7 0.505 7.6 0.527 7.2 0.513 7.4 0.542 7.0
23.9 1.2013 0.376 0.390 0.401 0.415 0.426 9.1 0.484 7.9 0.494 7.8 0.501 7.6 0.522 7.3 0.509 7.5 0.537 7.1
26.2 1.0930 0.374 0.388 0.398 0.412 0.424 9.2 0.482 8.0 0.491 7.8 0.498 7.7 0.520 7.3 0.506 7.5 0.535 7.1
28.3 1.0246 0.352 0.366 0.377 0.391 0.402 9.4 0.460 8.2 0.470 8.0 0.477 7.8 0.498 7.5 0.485 7.7 0.513 7.3
33.6 0.8535 0.366 0.380 0.390 0.404 0.416 9.4 0.474 8.1 0.484 7.9 0.491 7.8 0.512 7.5 0.499 7.7 0.527 7.2
37.7 0.7647 0.327 0.341 0.351 0.365 0.376 9.7 0.435 8.4 0.444 8.2 0.451 8.1 0.473 7.7 0.459 7.9 0.488 7.4
42.4 0.6768 0.359 0.373 0.383 0.397 0.409 9.6 0.467 8.3 0.476 8.1 0.483 7.9 0.505 7.6 0.491 7.8 0.520 7.3
44.0 0.6516 0.320 0.334 0.344 0.358 0.369 9.9 0.427 8.5 0.437 8.3 0.444 8.2 0.465 7.8 0.452 8.0 0.481 7.5
47.7 0.6042 0.319 0.333 0.344 0.358 0.369 9.9 0.427 8.5 0.437 8.3 0.444 8.2 0.465 7.8 0.452 8.1 0.480 7.6
51.2 0.5634 0.317 0.331 0.341 0.355 0.367 10.0 0.425 8.6 0.434 8.4 0.441 8.2 0.463 7.9 0.449 8.1 0.478 7.6
58.9 0.4894 0.313 0.327 0.337 0.351 0.362 10.1 0.421 8.7 0.430 8.5 0.437 8.3 0.459 7.9 0.445 8.2 0.474 7.7
63.1 0.4545 0.346 0.360 0.371 0.385 0.396 9.9 0.454 8.5 0.464 8.3 0.471 8.2 0.492 7.8 0.479 8.0 0.507 7.5
67.4 0.4255 0.344 0.358 0.369 0.383 0.394 10.0 0.452 8.5 0.462 8.3 0.469 8.2 0.490 7.8 0.477 8.1 0.505 7.6
73.4 0.3930 0.306 0.320 0.330 0.344 0.356 10.3 0.414 8.8 0.423 8.6 0.430 8.5 0.452 8.1 0.438 8.3 0.467 7.8
79.2 0.3622 0.339 0.353 0.363 0.377 0.389 10.1 0.447 8.7 0.457 8.4 0.464 8.3 0.485 7.9 0.472 8.2 0.500 7.6
85.0 0.3374 0.337 0.351 0.361 0.375 0.387 10.2 0.445 8.7 0.454 8.5 0.461 8.4 0.483 7.9 0.469 8.2 0.498 7.7
94.4 0.3054 0.302 0.316 0.327 0.341 0.352 10.3 0.410 8.8 0.420 8.6 0.427 8.4 0.448 8.0 0.435 8.3 0.463 7.8
105.0 0.2733 0.330 0.344 0.355 0.369 0.380 10.4 0.438 8.8 0.448 8.6 0.455 8.5 0.476 8.1 0.463 8.3 0.491 7.8
121.6 0.2371 0.294 0.308 0.318 0.332 0.344 10.6 0.402 9.0 0.412 8.8 0.419 8.6 0.440 8.2 0.427 8.4 0.455 7.9
127.9 0.2254 0.290 0.304 0.314 0.328 0.340 10.7 0.398 9.0 0.407 8.8 0.414 8.7 0.436 8.2 0.422 8.5 0.451 8.0
131.2 0.2197 0.289 0.303 0.313 0.327 0.339 10.7 0.397 9.1 0.407 8.8 0.414 8.7 0.435 8.3 0.421 8.5 0.450 8.0
135.2 0.2133 0.297 0.311 0.322 0.336 0.347 10.5 0.405 9.0 0.415 8.8 0.422 8.6 0.443 8.2 0.430 8.4 0.458 7.9
148.9 0.1937 0.288 0.302 0.312 0.326 0.338 10.8 0.396 9.1 0.406 8.9 0.413 8.7 0.434 8.3 0.420 8.6 0.449 8.0
158.7 0.1814 0.292 0.306 0.316 0.330 0.342 10.7 0.400 9.1 0.410 8.9 0.417 8.7 0.438 8.3 0.425 8.5 0.453 8.0
170.5 0.1691 0.290 0.304 0.314 0.328 0.340 10.8 0.398 9.1 0.407 8.9 0.414 8.8 0.436 8.3 0.422 8.6 0.451 8.0
184.2 0.1565 0.287 0.302 0.312 0.326 0.337 10.9 0.395 9.2 0.405 9.0 0.412 8.8 0.433 8.4 0.420 8.6 0.449 8.1
201.4 0.1438 0.280 0.294 0.304 0.318 0.330 11.0 0.388 9.3 0.398 9.1 0.405 8.9 0.426 8.5 0.412 8.8 0.441 8.2
210.6 0.1366 0.283 0.297 0.308 0.322 0.333 11.0 0.391 9.3 0.401 9.1 0.408 8.9 0.429 8.4 0.416 8.7 0.444 8.1
221.7 0.1307 0.274 0.288 0.298 0.312 0.323 11.3 0.381 9.5 0.391 9.3 0.398 9.1 0.419 8.6 0.406 8.9 0.435 8.3
230.9 0.1249 0.276 0.290 0.300 0.314 0.326 11.2 0.384 9.4 0.393 9.2 0.400 9.0 0.422 8.6 0.408 8.9 0.437 8.3
241.7 0.1193 0.279 0.293 0.303 0.317 0.329 11.2 0.387 9.4 0.396 9.2 0.403 9.0 0.425 8.5 0.411 8.8 0.440 8.2
263.7 0.1093 0.272 0.286 0.296 0.310 0.321 11.3 0.380 9.5 0.389 9.3 0.396 9.1 0.418 8.6 0.404 8.9 0.433 8.3
282.0 0.1022 0.274 0.288 0.298 0.312 0.324 11.3 0.382 9.5 0.392 9.3 0.399 9.1 0.420 8.6 0.406 8.9 0.435 8.3
306.6 0.0945 0.267 0.281 0.291 0.305 0.317 11.5 0.375 9.7 0.384 9.4 0.391 9.2 0.413 8.7 0.399 9.1 0.428 8.4
322.3 0.0895 0.270 0.284 0.294 0.308 0.320 11.5 0.378 9.6 0.387 9.4 0.394 9.2 0.416 8.7 0.402 9.0 0.431 8.4
339.3 0.0850 0.265 0.279 0.289 0.303 0.315 11.6 0.373 9.7 0.383 9.5 0.390 9.3 0.411 8.8 0.398 9.1 0.426 8.5
362.6 0.0799 0.262 0.276 0.286 0.300 0.311 11.7 0.369 9.8 0.379 9.6 0.386 9.4 0.408 8.9 0.394 9.2 0.423 8.5
386.0 0.0747 0.261 0.275 0.285 0.299 0.311 11.8 0.369 9.8 0.379 9.6 0.386 9.4 0.407 8.9 0.393 9.2 0.422 8.6
402.8 0.0719 0.261 0.275 0.285 0.299 0.310 11.8 0.368 9.9 0.378 9.6 0.385 9.4 0.407 8.9 0.393 9.2 0.422 8.6
428.9 0.0671 0.267 0.281 0.291 0.305 0.316 11.5 0.374 9.7 0.384 9.4 0.391 9.2 0.413 8.7 0.399 9.0 0.428 8.4
448.7 0.0642 0.257 0.271 0.281 0.295 0.306 11.9 0.364 10.0 0.374 9.7 0.381 9.5 0.402 9.0 0.389 9.3 0.418 8.7
456.1 0.0635 0.257 0.271 0.281 0.295 0.307 12.0 0.365 10.0 0.374 9.7 0.381 9.5 0.403 9.0 0.389 9.3 0.418 8.7
483.4 0.0599 0.255 0.269 0.279 0.293 0.305 12.0 0.363 10.0 0.372 9.8 0.379 9.6 0.401 9.0 0.387 9.4 0.416 8.7
494.4 0.0583 0.254 0.268 0.279 0.293 0.304 12.1 0.362 10.0 0.372 9.8 0.379 9.6 0.400 9.0 0.387 9.4 0.415 8.7
510.5 0.0565 0.252 0.266 0.277 0.291 0.302 12.1 0.360 10.1 0.370 9.8 0.377 9.6 0.398 9.1 0.385 9.4 0.413 8.7
523.7 0.0553 0.252 0.266 0.277 0.291 0.302 12.1 0.360 10.1 0.370 9.8 0.377 9.6 0.398 9.1 0.385 9.4 0.413 8.7
Table 5.33: Overhead line feeder circuit data, ACSR Conductors, 50Hz
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
mm² /km /km /km /km /km /km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km /km nF/km
13.3 2.1586 2.159 0.474 0.491 0.503 0.520 0.534 8.7 0.604 7.6 0.615 7.4 0.624 7.3 0.649 7.0 0.633 7.2 0.668 6.8
15.3 1.8771 1.877 0.469 0.486 0.498 0.515 0.529 8.8 0.598 7.7 0.610 7.5 0.619 7.4 0.644 7.1 0.628 7.3 0.662 6.9
21.2 1.3557 1.356 0.457 0.474 0.486 0.503 0.516 9.0 0.586 7.8 0.598 7.7 0.606 7.6 0.632 7.2 0.616 7.4 0.650 7.0
23.9 1.2013 1.201 0.452 0.469 0.481 0.498 0.511 9.1 0.581 7.9 0.593 7.8 0.601 7.6 0.627 7.3 0.611 7.5 0.645 7.1
26.2 1.0930 1.093 0.449 0.466 0.478 0.495 0.508 9.2 0.578 8.0 0.590 7.8 0.598 7.7 0.624 7.3 0.608 7.5 0.642 7.1
28.3 1.0246 1.025 0.423 0.440 0.452 0.469 0.483 9.4 0.552 8.2 0.564 8.0 0.572 7.8 0.598 7.5 0.582 7.7 0.616 7.3
33.6 0.8535 0.854 0.439 0.456 0.468 0.485 0.499 9.4 0.569 8.1 0.580 7.9 0.589 7.8 0.614 7.5 0.598 7.7 0.633 7.2
37.7 0.7647 0.765 0.392 0.409 0.421 0.438 0.452 9.7 0.521 8.4 0.533 8.2 0.541 8.1 0.567 7.7 0.551 7.9 0.585 7.4
42.4 0.6768 0.677 0.431 0.447 0.460 0.477 0.490 9.6 0.560 8.3 0.572 8.1 0.580 7.9 0.606 7.6 0.589 7.8 0.624 7.3
44.0 0.6516 0.652 0.384 0.400 0.413 0.429 0.443 9.9 0.513 8.5 0.525 8.3 0.533 8.2 0.559 7.8 0.542 8.0 0.577 7.5
47.7 0.6042 0.604 0.383 0.400 0.412 0.429 0.443 9.9 0.513 8.5 0.524 8.3 0.533 8.2 0.558 7.8 0.542 8.1 0.576 7.6
51.2 0.5634 0.564 0.380 0.397 0.409 0.426 0.440 10.0 0.510 8.6 0.521 8.4 0.530 8.2 0.555 7.9 0.539 8.1 0.573 7.6
58.9 0.4894 0.490 0.375 0.392 0.404 0.421 0.435 10.1 0.505 8.7 0.516 8.5 0.525 8.3 0.550 7.9 0.534 8.2 0.568 7.7
63.1 0.4545 0.455 0.416 0.432 0.445 0.462 0.475 9.9 0.545 8.5 0.557 8.3 0.565 8.2 0.591 7.8 0.574 8.0 0.609 7.5
67.4 0.4255 0.426 0.413 0.430 0.442 0.459 0.473 10.0 0.543 8.5 0.554 8.3 0.563 8.2 0.588 7.8 0.572 8.1 0.606 7.6
73.4 0.3930 0.393 0.367 0.384 0.396 0.413 0.427 10.3 0.496 8.8 0.508 8.6 0.516 8.5 0.542 8.1 0.526 8.3 0.560 7.8
79.2 0.3622 0.362 0.407 0.424 0.436 0.453 0.467 10.1 0.536 8.7 0.548 8.4 0.556 8.3 0.582 7.9 0.566 8.2 0.600 7.6
85.0 0.3374 0.338 0.404 0.421 0.433 0.450 0.464 10.2 0.534 8.7 0.545 8.5 0.554 8.4 0.579 7.9 0.563 8.2 0.598 7.7
94.4 0.3054 0.306 0.363 0.380 0.392 0.409 0.423 10.3 0.492 8.8 0.504 8.6 0.512 8.4 0.538 8.0 0.522 8.3 0.556 7.8
105.0 0.2733 0.274 0.396 0.413 0.426 0.442 0.456 10.4 0.526 8.8 0.537 8.6 0.546 8.5 0.572 8.1 0.555 8.3 0.590 7.8
121.6 0.2371 0.238 0.353 0.370 0.382 0.399 0.413 10.6 0.482 9.0 0.494 8.8 0.502 8.6 0.528 8.2 0.512 8.4 0.546 7.9
127.9 0.2254 0.226 0.348 0.365 0.377 0.394 0.408 10.7 0.477 9.0 0.489 8.8 0.497 8.7 0.523 8.2 0.507 8.5 0.541 8.0
131.2 0.2197 0.220 0.347 0.364 0.376 0.393 0.407 10.7 0.476 9.1 0.488 8.8 0.496 8.7 0.522 8.3 0.506 8.5 0.540 8.0
135.2 0.2133 0.214 0.357 0.374 0.386 0.403 0.416 10.5 0.486 9.0 0.498 8.8 0.506 8.6 0.532 8.2 0.516 8.4 0.550 7.9
148.9 0.1937 0.194 0.346 0.362 0.375 0.392 0.405 10.8 0.475 9.1 0.487 8.9 0.495 8.7 0.521 8.3 0.504 8.6 0.539 8.0
158.7 0.1814 0.182 0.351 0.367 0.380 0.397 0.410 10.7 0.480 9.1 0.492 8.9 0.500 8.7 0.526 8.3 0.509 8.5 0.544 8.0
170.5 0.1691 0.170 0.348 0.365 0.377 0.394 0.408 10.8 0.477 9.1 0.489 8.9 0.497 8.8 0.523 8.3 0.507 8.6 0.541 8.0
184.2 0.1565 0.157 0.345 0.362 0.374 0.391 0.405 10.9 0.474 9.2 0.486 9.0 0.494 8.8 0.520 8.4 0.504 8.6 0.538 8.1
201.4 0.1438 0.145 0.336 0.353 0.365 0.382 0.396 11.0 0.466 9.3 0.477 9.1 0.486 8.9 0.511 8.5 0.495 8.8 0.529 8.2
210.6 0.1366 0.137 0.340 0.357 0.369 0.386 0.400 11.0 0.469 9.3 0.481 9.1 0.489 8.9 0.515 8.4 0.499 8.7 0.533 8.1
221.7 0.1307 0.132 0.328 0.345 0.357 0.374 0.388 11.3 0.458 9.5 0.469 9.3 0.478 9.1 0.503 8.6 0.487 8.9 0.522 8.3
230.9 0.1249 0.126 0.331 0.348 0.360 0.377 0.391 11.2 0.460 9.4 0.472 9.2 0.480 9.0 0.506 8.6 0.490 8.9 0.524 8.3
241.7 0.1193 0.120 0.335 0.351 0.364 0.381 0.394 11.2 0.464 9.4 0.476 9.2 0.484 9.0 0.510 8.5 0.493 8.8 0.528 8.2
263.7 0.1093 0.110 0.326 0.343 0.355 0.372 0.386 11.3 0.455 9.5 0.467 9.3 0.476 9.1 0.501 8.6 0.485 8.9 0.519 8.3
282.0 0.1022 0.103 0.329 0.346 0.358 0.375 0.389 11.3 0.458 9.5 0.470 9.3 0.478 9.1 0.504 8.6 0.488 8.9 0.522 8.3
306.6 0.0945 0.096 0.320 0.337 0.349 0.366 0.380 11.5 0.450 9.7 0.461 9.4 0.470 9.2 0.495 8.7 0.479 9.1 0.514 8.4
322.3 0.0895 0.091 0.324 0.341 0.353 0.370 0.384 11.5 0.453 9.6 0.465 9.4 0.473 9.2 0.499 8.7 0.483 9.0 0.517 8.4
339.3 0.0850 0.086 0.318 0.335 0.347 0.364 0.378 11.6 0.448 9.7 0.459 9.5 0.468 9.3 0.493 8.8 0.477 9.1 0.511 8.5
362.6 0.0799 0.081 0.314 0.331 0.343 0.360 0.374 11.7 0.443 9.8 0.455 9.6 0.463 9.4 0.489 8.9 0.473 9.2 0.507 8.5
386.0 0.0747 0.076 0.313 0.330 0.342 0.359 0.373 11.8 0.443 9.8 0.454 9.6 0.463 9.4 0.488 8.9 0.472 9.2 0.506 8.6
402.8 0.0719 0.074 0.313 0.330 0.342 0.359 0.372 11.8 0.442 9.9 0.454 9.6 0.462 9.4 0.488 8.9 0.472 9.2 0.506 8.6
428.9 0.0671 0.069 0.320 0.337 0.349 0.366 0.380 11.5 0.449 9.7 0.461 9.4 0.469 9.2 0.495 8.7 0.479 9.0 0.513 8.4
448.7 0.0642 0.066 0.308 0.325 0.337 0.354 0.367 11.9 0.437 10.0 0.449 9.7 0.457 9.5 0.483 9.0 0.467 9.3 0.501 8.7
456.1 0.0635 0.065 0.305 0.322 0.334 0.351 0.364 12.0 0.434 10.0 0.446 9.7 0.454 9.6 0.480 9.0 0.463 9.4 0.498 8.7
483.4 0.0599 0.062 0.306 0.323 0.335 0.352 0.366 12.0 0.435 10.0 0.447 9.8 0.455 9.6 0.481 9.0 0.465 9.4 0.499 8.7
494.4 0.0583 0.060 0.305 0.322 0.334 0.351 0.365 12.1 0.435 10.0 0.446 9.8 0.455 9.6 0.480 9.0 0.464 9.4 0.498 8.7
510.5 0.0565 0.059 0.303 0.320 0.332 0.349 0.362 12.1 0.432 10.1 0.444 9.8 0.452 9.6 0.478 9.1 0.462 9.4 0.496 8.7
523.7 0.0553 0.057 0.303 0.320 0.332 0.349 0.363 12.1 0.432 10.1 0.444 9.8 0.452 9.6 0.478 9.1 0.462 9.4 0.496 8.7
Table 5.34: Overhead line feeder circuit data, ACSR Conductors, 60Hz
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copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Chapter 5 Equivalent circuits and parameters of power system plant
25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 *500 *630 *800 *1000 *1200 *1600
Series Resistance R (/km) 0.927 0.669 0.494 0.342 0.247 0.196 0.158 0.127 0.098 0.08 0.064 0.051 0.042
3.3kV Series Reactance X (/km) 0.097 0.092 0.089 0.083 0.08 0.078 0.076 0.075 0.073 0.072 0.071 0.088 0.086
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.059 0.067 0.079 0.09 0.104 0.111 0.122 0.133 0.146 0.16 0.179 0.19 0.202
Series Resistance R (/km) 0.927 0.669 0.494 0.342 0.247 0.196 0.158 0.127 0.098 0.08 0.064 0.057 0.042
6.6kV Series Reactance X (/km) 0.121 0.113 0.108 0.102 0.096 0.093 0.091 0.088 0.086 0.085 0.083 0.088 0.086
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.085 0.095 0.104 0.12 0.136 0.149 0.16 0.177 0.189 0.195 0.204 0.205 0.228
Series Resistance R (/km) 0.927 0.669 0.494 0.342 0.247 0.196 0.158 0.127 0.098 0.08 0.064 0.051 0.042
11kV Series Reactance X (/km) 0.128 0.119 0.114 0.107 0.101 0.098 0.095 0.092 0.089 0.087 0.084 0.089 0.086
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.068 0.074 0.082 0.094 0.105 0.115 0.123 0.135 0.15 0.165 0.182 0.194 0.216
Series Resistance R (/km) - 0.669 0.494 0.348 0.247 0.196 0.158 0.127 0.098 0.08 0.064 0.051 0.042
22kV Series Reactance X (/km) - 0.136 0.129 0.121 0.114 0.11 0.107 0.103 0.1 0.094 0.091 0.096 0.093
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.053 0.057 0.065 0.072 0.078 0.084 0.091 0.1 0.109 0.12 0.128 0.141
Series Resistance R (/km) - 0.669 0.494 0.348 0.247 0.196 0.158 0.127 0.098 0.08 0.064 0.051 0.042
33kV Series Reactance X (/km) - 0.15 0.143 0.134 0.127 0.122 0.118 0.114 0.109 0.105 0.102 0.103 0.1
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.042 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.059 0.063 0.068 0.075 0.081 0.089 0.094 0.103
Series Resistance R (/km) - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0387 0.031 0.0254 0.0215
66kV* Series Reactance X (/km) - - - - - - - - - - - 0.117 0.113 0.109 0.102
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.079 0.082 0.088 0.11
Series Resistance R (/km) - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0387 0.031 0.0254 0.0215
145kV* Series Reactance X (/km) - - - - - - - - - - - 0.13 0.125 0.12 0.115
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.053 0.06 0.063 0.072
Series Resistance R (/km) 0.0487 0.0387 0.0310 0.0254 0.0215 0.0161 0.0126
245kV* Series Reactance X (/km) 0.145 0.137 0.134 0.128 0.123 0.119 0.113
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.044 0.047 0.05 0.057 0.057 0.063 0.072
Series Resistance R (/km) 0.0310 0.0254 0.0215 0.0161 0.0126
420kV* Series Reactance X (/km) 0.172 0.162 0.156 0.151 0.144
Susceptance C (mS/km) 0.04 0.047 0.05 0.057 0.063
Table 5.35: Characteristics of polyethylene insulated cables (XLPE),
copper conductors (50Hz)
[5.1] Physical significance of sub-subtransient quantities in
dynamic behaviour of synchronous machines. I.M.
Canay. Proc. IEE, Vol. 135, Pt. B, November 1988.
[5.2] IEC 60034-4. Methods for determining synchronous
machine quantities from tests.
[5.3] IEEE Standards 115/115A. IEEE Test Procedures for
Synchronous Machines.
[5.4] Power System Analysis. J.R. Mortlock and M.W.
Humphrey Davies. Chapman & Hall, London.
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Chapter 6
Current and Voltage Transformers
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
much like small power transformers, differing only in details of The secondary output voltage Vs is required to be an accurate
design that control ratio accuracy over the specified range of scaled replica of the input voltage Vp over a specified range of
output. Current transformers have their primary windings output. Therefore the winding voltage drops are made small
connected in series with the power circuit, and so also in series and the normal flux density in the core is designed to be well
with the system impedance. The response of the transformer below the saturation density, so the exciting current can be
is radically different in these two modes of operation. low and the exciting impedance substantially constant with a
variation of applied voltage over the desired operating range
6.2 ELECTROMAGNETIC VOLTAGE including some degree of overvoltage. These limitations in
TRANSFOMERS design result in a VT for a given burden being much larger
In the shunt mode, the system voltage is applied across the than a typical power transformer of similar rating.
input terminals of the equivalent circuit of Figure 6.1. The Consequently the exciting current is not as small, relative to
vector diagram for this circuit is shown in Figure 6.2. the rated burden, as it would be for a typical power
6.2.1 Errors
The ratio and phase errors of the transformer can be calculated
using the vector diagram of Figure 6.2.
The ratio error is defined as:
K Vn s Vp
u 100%
T Ie
Kn is the nominal ratio
) Vp is the primary voltage
Vs is the secondary voltage
Is If the error is positive, the secondary voltage is greater than the
nominal value. If the error is negative, the secondary voltage is
Vs less than the nominal value. The turns ratio of the transformer
need not be equal to the nominal ratio and a small turns
IsXs compensation is usually used so the error is positive for low
burdens and negative for high burdens.
The phase error is the phase difference between the reversed
Es IsRs
secondary and the primary voltage vectors. It is positive when
the reversed secondary voltage leads the primary vector.
Requirements in this respect are set out in IEC 60044-2. All
Vp = Primary applied voltage
Ep = Primary induced e.m.f. voltage transformers are required to comply with one of the
Vs = Secondary output voltage
Es = Secondary induced e.m.f.
classes in Table 6.1.
) = Flux
Ie = Exciting current For protection purposes, accuracy of voltage measurement
Im = Magnetising component may be important during fault conditions, as the system
Ic = Iron loss component
T = Phase angle error voltage might be reduced by the fault to a low value. Voltage
I = Secondary burden angle transformers for such types of service must comply with the
IpRp = Primary resistance voltage drop
IpXp = Primary reactance voltage drop extended range of requirements set out in Table 6.2.
IsRs = Secondary resistance voltage drop
IsXs = Secondary reactance voltage drop
Is = Secondary current
IpL = Load component of primary current
Ip = Primary current
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Chapter 6 Current and Voltage Transformers
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Chapter 6 Current and Voltage Transformers
6.2.8 Cascade Voltage Transformer accumulating to a value able to withstand the full system
The capacitor VT (section 6.3) was developed because of the voltage across the complete height of the stack. The entire
high cost of conventional electromagnetic voltage transformers assembly is contained in a hollow cylindrical porcelain housing
but, as shown in Section 6.3.2, the frequency and transient with external weather-sheds; the housing is filled with oil and
responses are less satisfactory than those of the orthodox sealed, an expansion bellows being included to maintain
voltage transformers. Another solution to the problem is the hermetic sealing and to permit expansion with temperature
cascade VT shown in Figure 6.5. change.
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
There are numerous variations of this basic circuit. The Standards generally require a CVT used for protection to
inductance L may be a separate unit or it may be incorporated conform to accuracy requirements of Table 6.2 within a
in the form of leakage reactance in the transformer T. frequency range of 97-103% of nominal. The corresponding
Capacitors C1 and C2 cannot conveniently be made to close frequency range of measurement CVTs is much less, 99%-
tolerances, so tappings are provided for ratio adjustment, 101%, as reductions in accuracy for frequency deviations
either on the transformer T, or on a separate auto-transformer outside this range are less important than for protection
in the secondary circuit. Adjustment of the tuning inductance applications.
L is also needed; this can be done with tappings, a separate
tapped inductor in the secondary circuit, by adjustment of gaps 6.3.1 Voltage Protection of Auxiliary Capacitor
in the iron cores, or by shunting with variable capacitance. A If the burden impedance of a CVT is short-circuited, the rise in
simplified equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 6.7. the reactor voltage is limited only by the reactor losses and
possible saturation to Q E2 where E2 is the no-load tapping
point voltage and Q is the amplification factor of the resonant
circuit. This value would be excessive and is therefore limited
by a spark gap connected across the auxiliary capacitor. The
voltage on the auxiliary capacitor is higher at full rated output
than at no load, and the capacitor is rated for continuous
service at this raised value. The spark gap is set to flash over
at about twice the full load voltage.
The spark gap limits the short-circuit current which the VT
delivers and fuse protection of the secondary circuit is carefully
designed with this in mind. Usually the tapping point can be
earthed either manually or automatically before making any
adjustments to tappings or connections.
Figure 6.7: Simplified equivalent circuit of capacitor voltage 6.3.2 Transient Behaviour of Capacitor Voltage
transformer Transformers
A CVT is a series resonant circuit. The introduction of the
electromagnetic transformer between the intermediate voltage
and the output makes further resonance possible involving the
exciting impedance of this unit and the capacitance of the
divider stack. When a sudden voltage step is applied,
oscillations in line with these different modes take place and
persist for a period governed by the total resistive damping that
is present. Any increase in resistive burden reduces the time
constant of a transient oscillation, although the chance of a
large initial amplitude is increased.
For very high-speed protection, transient oscillations should be
minimised. Modern capacitor voltage transformers are much
better in this respect than their earlier counterparts. However,
high performance protection schemes may still be adversely
affected unless their algorithms and filters have been
specifically designed with care.
Figure 6.8: Section view of an Alstom OTCF 72.5kV to 765kV coupling
capacitor voltage transformer
6.3.3 Ferro-Resonance
The main difference between Figure 6.7 and Figure 6.1 is the
The exciting impedance Ze of the auxiliary transformer T and
presence of C and L. At normal frequency when C and L
resonate and therefore cancel, the circuit behaves in a similar the capacitance of the potential divider together form a
resonant circuit that usually oscillates at a sub-normal
way to a conventional VT. However, at other frequencies a
reactive component exists which modifies the errors. frequency. If this circuit is subjected to a voltage impulse, the
6-6 © 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
copyright notice but may not be copied or displayed for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Alstom Grid.
Chapter 6 Current and Voltage Transformers
resulting oscillation may pass through a range of frequencies. winding of the current transformer. This condition can be
If the basic frequency of this circuit is slightly less than one- represented by inserting the load impedance, referred through
third of the system frequency, it is possible for energy to be the turns ratio, in the input connection of Figure 6.1.
absorbed from the system and cause the oscillation to build up.
This approach is developed in Figure 6.10, taking the
The increasing flux density in the transformer core reduces the
numerical example of a 300/5A CT applied to an 11kV power
inductance, bringing the resonant frequency nearer to the one-
system. The system is considered to be carrying rated current
third value of the system frequency. The result is a progressive
(300A) and the CT is feeding a burden of 10VA.
build-up until the oscillation stabilises as a third sub-harmonic
of the system, which can be maintained indefinitely. Z 21.2 :
Er 6 3 5 0V u 6 0
j 50 : 150 : 0.4 :
© 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
where Ie is dependent on Ze, the exciting impedance and the an inductive burden of rated value would be about 1.2%. If the
secondary e.m.f. Es, given by the equation Es=Is(Zs+Zb), nominal turns ratio is 2:120, removal of one secondary turn
where: would raise the output by 0.83% leaving the overall current
Zs = the self-impedance of the secondary winding, which error as -0.37%.
can generally be taken as the resistive component Rs only For lower value burden or a different burden power factor, the
Zb = the impedance of the burden error would change in the positive direction to a maximum of
+0.7% at zero burden; the leakage reactance of the secondary
IsRs winding is assumed to be negligible. No corresponding
correction can be made for phase error, but it should be noted
IsXs Es that the phase error is small for moderately reactive burdens.
Ir 6.4.2 Composite Error
Vs Ip This is defined in IEC 60044-1 as the r.m.s. value of the
difference between the ideal secondary current and the actual
secondary current. It includes current and phase errors and
the effects of harmonics in the exciting current. The accuracy
class of measuring current transformers is shown in Table 6.4
and Table 6.5.
Ie +/- Phase displacement
Accuracy +/- Percentage current
) Class (ratio) error (minutes)
Es = Secondary induced e.m.f. % current 5 20 100 120 5 20 100 120
Vs = Secondary output voltage
Ip = Primary current 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 15 8 5 5
Is = Secondary current 0.2 0.75 0.35 0.2 0.2 30 15 10 10
T = Phase angle error
0.5 1.5 0.75 0.5 0.5 90 45 30 30
) = Flux
IsRs = Secondary resistance voltage drop 1 3 1.5 1.0 1.0 180 90 60 60
IsXs = Secondary reactance voltage drop Table 6.4: Limits of CT error for accuracy classes 0.1 to 1.0
Ie = Exciting current
Ir = Component of le in phase with ls
Iq = Component of le in quadrature with ls Accuracy Class +/- current (ratio) error, %
Figure 6.11: Vector diagram for current transformer (referred to
secondary) % current 50 120
3 3 3 Current or Ratio Error 5 5 5
This is the difference in magnitude between Ip and Is and is Table 6.5: Limits of CT error for accuracy classes 3 and 5
equal to Ir, the component of Ie which is in phase with Is.
6.4.3 Accuracy Limit Current of Protection Current Phase Error Transformers
This is represented by Iq, the component of Ie in quadrature Protection equipment is intended to respond to fault
with Is and results in the phase error I . conditions, and is for this reason required to function at
current values above the normal rating. Protection class
The values of the current error and phase error depend on the
current transformers must retain a reasonable accuracy up to
phase displacement between Is and Ie, but neither current nor
the largest relevant current. This value is known as the
phase error can exceed the vectorial error Ie. With a
‘accuracy limit current’ and may be expressed in primary or
moderately inductive burden, resulting in Is and Ie equivalent secondary terms. The ratio of the accuracy limit
approximately in phase, there is little phase error and the current to the rated current is known as the 'accuracy limit
exciting component results almost entirely in ratio error. factor'. The accuracy class of protection current transformers
A reduction of the secondary winding by one or two turns is is shown in Table 6.6.
often used to compensate for this. For example, in the CT
corresponding to Figure 6.10, the worst error due to the use of
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Chapter 6 Current and Voltage Transformers
5P +/-1 +/-60 5
10P +/-3 - 10
Standard accuracy limit factors are 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30
Table 6.6: Protection CT error limits for classes 5P and 10P
this case. Therefore it is not much use applying turns Figure 6.12: Definition of knee-point of excitation curve
compensation to such current transformers; it is generally Design requirements for current transformers for general
simpler to wind the CT with turns corresponding to the protection purposes are frequently laid out in terms of knee-
nominal ratio. point e.m.f., exciting current at the knee-point (or some other
Current transformers are often used for the dual duty of specified point) and secondary winding resistance. Such
measurement and protection. They then need to be rated current transformers are designated Class PX
according to a class selected from Table 6.4, Table 6.5 and
Table 6.6. The applied burden is the total of instrument and 6.4.5 CT Winding Arrangements
relay burdens. Turns compensation may well be needed to Several CT winding arrangements are used. These are
achieve the measurement performance. Measurement ratings described in the following sections.
are expressed in terms of rated burden and class, for example
15VA Class 0.5. Protection ratings are expressed in terms of Wound primary type
rated burden, class, and accuracy limit factor, for example This type of CT has conventional windings formed of copper
10VA Class 10P10. wire wound round a core. It is used for auxiliary current
transformers and for many low or moderate ratio current
6.4.4 Class PX Current Transformers transformers used in switchgear of up to 11kV rating.
The classification of Table 6.6 is only used for overcurrent
protection. Class PX is the definition in IEC 60044-1 for the Bushing or bar primary type
quasi-transient current transformers formerly covered by Class Many current transformers have a ring-shaped core,
X of BS 3938, commonly used with unit protection schemes. sometimes built up from annular stampings, but often
Guidance was given in the specifications to the application of consisting of a single length of strip tightly wound to form a
current transformers to earth fault protection, but for this and close-turned spiral. The distributed secondary winding forms a
for the majority of other protection applications it is better to toroid which should occupy the whole perimeter of the core, a
refer directly to the maximum useful e.m.f. that can be small gap being left between start and finish leads for
obtained from the CT. In this context, the 'knee-point' of the insulation.
excitation curve is defined as 'that point at which a further Such current transformers normally have a single
increase of 10% of secondary e.m.f. would require an concentrically placed primary conductor, sometimes
increment of exciting current of 50%’; see Figure 6.12. permanently built into the CT and provided with the necessary
primary insulation. In other cases, the bushing of a circuit
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breaker or power transformer is used for this purpose. At low the widest practical range of input currents.
primary current ratings it may be difficult to obtain sufficient
output at the desired accuracy. This is because a large core 6.4.6 CT Winding Arrangements
section is needed to provide enough flux to induce the CTs for measuring line currents fall into one of three types.
secondary e.m.f. in the small number of turns, and because
the exciting ampere-turns form a large proportion of the Over-Dimensioned CTs
primary ampere-turns available. The effect is particularly
Over-dimensioned CTs are capable of transforming fully offset
pronounced when the core diameter has been made large to fit
fault currents without distortion. In consequence, they are
over large EHV bushings.
very large, as can be deduced from Section 6.4.10. They are
prone to errors due to remanent flux arising, for instance, from Core-Balance Current Transformers
the interruption of heavy fault currents.
The core-balance CT (or CBCT) is normally of the ring type,
through the centre of which is passed cable that forms the Anti-Remanence CTs
primary winding. An earth fault relay, connected to the
This is a variation of the overdimensioned current transformer
secondary winding, is energised only when there is residual
and has small gap(s) in the core magnetic circuit, thus
current in the primary system.
reducing the possible remanent flux from approximately 90% of
The advantage in using this method of earth fault protection saturation value to approximately 10%. These gap(s) are quite
lies in the fact that only one CT core is used in place of three small, for example 0.12mm total, and so the excitation
phase CTs whose secondary windings are residually connected. characteristic is not significantly changed by their presence.
In this way the CT magnetising current at relay operation is However, the resulting decrease in possible remanent core flux
reduced by approximately three-to-one, an important confines any subsequent d.c. flux excursion, resulting from
consideration in sensitive earth fault relays where a low primary current asymmetry, to within the core saturation
effective setting is required. The number of secondary turns limits. Errors in current transformation are therefore
does not need to be related to the cable rated current because significantly reduced when compared with those with the
no secondary current would flow under normal balanced gapless type of core.
conditions. This allows the number of secondary turns to be
Transient protection Current Transformers are included in IEC
chosen such as to optimise the effective primary pick-up
60044-6 as types TPX, TPY and TPZ and this specification
gives good guidance to their application and use.
Core-balance transformers are normally mounted over a cable
at a point close up to the cable gland of switchgear or other Linear Current Transformers
apparatus. Physically split cores ('slip-over' types) are The 'linear' current transformer constitutes an even more
normally available for applications in which the cables are radical departure from the normal solid core CT in that it
already made up, as on existing switchgear. incorporates an appreciable air gap, for example 7.5-10mm.
As its name implies the magnetic behaviour tends to Summation Current Transformers linearisation by the inclusion of this gap in the magnetic
The summation arrangement is a winding arrangement used circuit. However, the purpose of introducing more reluctance
in a measuring relay or on an auxiliary current transformer to into the magnetic circuit is to reduce the value of magnetising
give a single-phase output signal having a specific relationship reactance. This in turn reduces the secondary time-constant
to the three-phase current input. of the CT, thereby reducing the overdimensioning factor
necessary for faithful transformation. Air-gapped current transformers
Figure 6.13 shows a CT for use on HV systems.
These are auxiliary current transformers in which a small air
gap is included in the core to produce a secondary voltage
output proportional in magnitude to current in the primary
winding. Sometimes termed 'transactors' and 'quadrature
current transformers', this form of current transformer has
been used as an auxiliary component of traditional pilot-wire
unit protection schemes in which the outputs into multiple
secondary circuits must remain linear for and proportional to
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Chapter 6 Current and Voltage Transformers
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the number of secondary turns. In such a situation secondary The maximum transient occurs when sin D E 1 and no
ratings of 2A, 5A or, in extreme cases, 20A, might be used. other condition need be examined.
A CT with a particular short-time current/ time rating carries a When the current is passed through the primary winding of a
lower current for a longer time in inverse proportion to the current transformer, the response can be examined by
square of the ratio of current values. The converse, however, replacing the CT with an equivalent circuit as shown in Figure
cannot be assumed, and larger current values than the STC 6.10(b).
rating are not permissible for any duration unless justified by a As the 'ideal' CT has no losses, it transfers the entire function,
new rating test to prove the dynamic capability. and all further analysis can be carried out in terms of
equivalent secondary quantities (is and Is). A simplified
6.4.10 Transient Response of a Current Transformer solution is obtainable by neglecting the exciting current of the
When accuracy of response during very short intervals is being CT.
studied, it is necessary to examine what happens when the
The flux developed in an inductance is obtained by integrating
primary current is suddenly changed. The effects are most
the applied e.m.f. through a time interval:
important, and were first observed in connection with
balanced forms of protection, which were liable to operate
unnecessarily when short-circuit currents were suddenly I K ³ vdt
Equation 6.3 Primary Current Transient
For the CT equivalent circuit, the voltage is the drop on the
The power system, neglecting load circuits, is mostly inductive, burden resistance Rb.
so that when a short circuit occurs, the fault current that flows
is given by: Integrating for each component in turn, the steady state peak
flux is given by:
>sinZt E D sinD E e R / L )t
@ 3S 2Z
§ S·
Equation 6.1
2 2 2
IA KRb I s ³
sin ¨ Zt ¸dt
© 2¹
where: KRb I s
Ep = peak system e.m.f. Z
R = system resistance Equation 6.4
= tan
ZL R KRb I s L
The first term of Equation 6.1 represents the steady state
alternating current, while the second is a transient quantity Equation 6.5
responsible for displacing the waveform asymmetrically. Hence, the ratio of the transient flux to the steady state value
is the steady state peak current Ip
R 2 Z 2 L2
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Chapter 6 Current and Voltage Transformers
where X and R are the primary system reactance and
resistance values.
The CT core has to carry both fluxes, so that:
§ X·
IC I A I B I A ¨1 ¸
© R¹
Equation 6.6
The term (1+X/R) has been called the 'transient factor' (TF),
the core flux being increased by this factor during the transient
asymmetric current period. From this it can be seen that the
ratio of reactance to resistance of the power system is an
important feature in the study of the behaviour of protection Figure 6.14: Response of a CT of infinite shunt impedance to transient
relays. asymmetric primary current
Alternatively, L/R is the primary system time constant T, so Since a CT requires a finite exciting current to maintain a flux,
that the transient factor TF can be written: it does not remain magnetised (neglecting hysteresis), and for
this reason a complete representation of the effects can only be
ZL obtained by including the finite inductance of the CT in the
TF 1 1 ZT
R calculation. The response of a current transformer to a
transient asymmetric current is shown in Figure 6.15.
Again, fT is the time constant expressed in cycles of the a.c.
quantity T’ so that:
TF 1 2SfT 1 2ST '
0.9 t
This latter expression is particularly useful when assessing a 0.8
e T1
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Chapter 6 Current and Voltage Transformers
6.4.11 Harmonics During the Transient Period Assume that the IEC knee point voltage required in a
protection application is VkIEC. The IEEE C class standard
When a CT is required to develop a high secondary e.m.f.
voltage rating required is lower and the method of conversion
under steady state conditions, the non-linearity of the
is as follows:
excitation impedance causes some distortion of the output
waveform. In addition to the fundamental current, such a Vk IEC In u RCT u ALF
waveform contains odd harmonics only. Vc
However, when the CT is saturated unidirectionally while being where:
simultaneously subjected to a small a.c. quantity, as in the
transient condition discussed above, the output contains both Vc = IEEE C Class standard voltage rating
odd and even harmonics. Usually the lower numbered VkIEC = IEC Knee point voltage
harmonics are of greatest amplitude and the second and third
harmonic components may be of considerable value. This may In = CT rated current, usually always 5A for IEEE
affect relays that are sensitive to harmonics. RCT = CT secondary winding resistance
ALF = CT accuracy limit factor, always 20 for an IEEE CT.
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The factor of 1.05 accounts for the differing points on the Optical Sensor Concepts
excitation curve at which the two philosophy standards are Certain optical sensing media (glass, crystals, plastics) show a
defined. sensitivity to electric and magnetic fields and that some
properties of a probing light beam can be altered when
6.5 NON-CONVENTIONAL INSTRUMENT passing through them. A simple optical transducer description
TRANSFORMERS is shown in Figure 6.19.
The preceding types of instrument transformers have all been 'Odd' polariser
based on electromagnetic principles using a magnetic core. Input Output
polariser polariser
There are now available several new methods of transforming
Optical Optical
the measured quantity using optical and mass state methods. fibre fibre Sensing
In Out detector
6.5.1 Optical Instrument Transducers Light 45° 90°
Figure 6.18 shows the key features of a freestanding optical Optical
sensing Zero field
instrument transducer. 1.0 medium 1.0 level
0.5 0.5 +
0 0
Bus t t
Reference Modulated
light input light input
Insulating intensity intensity
function Figure 6.19: Schematic representation of the concepts behind the
Sensor optical sensing of varying electric and magnetic fields
function Instrument
E/O converter Transformer
If a beam of light passes through a pair of polarising filters,
Communication and if the input and output polarising filters have their axes
rotated 45q from each other, only half the light comes through.
The reference light input intensity is maintained constant over
Optical link
time. If these two polarising filters remain fixed and a third
(fibre optics)
Electronic polarising filter is placed in between them, a random rotation
interface Communication of this middle polariser either clockwise or anticlockwise is
+ monitored as a varying or modulated light output intensity at
O/E converter
the light detector.
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Chapter 6 Current and Voltage Transformers
A.C. line path
voltage Electro-optic
electrode Optical fibres
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AC line current Figure 6.23: Alstom COSI-NXCT F3 flexible optical current transformer
AC line current
in a portable substation application
Bulk glass Light in
Light in
Optical fibres Fibre Light out
Light out sensing element
(a) Glass sensor approach (b) 'All-fibre' sensor concept
Electro-optic sensor
(Bulk-glass transducer)
Electro-optic sensor
('All-fibre' transducer)
AC H1 H2
current (a) 'Live tank' (b) 'Dead tank'
Figure 6.24: Optical voltage transducer concepts, using a ‘full-voltage’
Fibre optic Liquid /solid/ gaseous
cable conduit internal insulation
Sensor #1 Fibre
Sensor #2 cables
Figure 6.22: Conceptual design of a double-sensor optical CT
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i Optical
i Current carrying
Sensing current Figure 6.29: Schematic representation of a Rogowski coil, used for
Sensing element current sensing
Figure 6.27: Conceptual design of a Hall-effect current sensing
element fitted in a field-shaping gap
Electrical to optical
Current transformer
Figure 6.28: Design principle of a hybrid magnetic current transformer
fitted with an optical transmitter
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Chapter 7
Relay Technology
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Chapter 7 Relay Technology
Figure 7.10: Numerical relay redundant Ethernet board Several setting groups
Wider range of parameter adjustment
A numerical relay has the functionality that previously required
several discrete relays, therefore the relay functions such as Communications built in (serial, Ethernet, teleprotection, etc.)
overcurrent or earth fault are referred to as ‘relay elements’. Internal Fault diagnosis
Each relay element is in software so with modular hardware Power system measurements available
the main signal processor can run a vast variety of relay Distance to fault locator
elements. Disturbance recorder
The argument against putting many features into one piece of Auxiliary protection functions (broken conductor, negative sequence, etc.)
hardware centres on the issues of reliability and availability. A CB monitoring (state, condition)
failure of a numerical relay may cause many more functions to User-definable logic
be lost, compared to applications where different functions are Backup protection functions in-built
implemented by separate hardware items. Comparison of Consistency of operation times - reduced grading margin
reliability and availability between the two methods is complex Table 7.2: Advantages of numerical relays over static relays
as inter-dependency of elements of an application provided by
separate relay elements needs to be taken into account. 7.5.1 Hardware Architecture
With the experience gained with static and digital relays, most The typical architecture of a numerical relay is shown in Figure
hardware failure mechanisms are now well understood and 7.11. It consists of one or more DSPs, some memory, digital
suitable precautions taken at the design stage. Software and analogue input/output (I/O), and a power supply. Where
problems are minimised by rigorous use of software design multiple processors are used, one of them is a general
techniques, extensive prototype testing (see Chapter 21) and controller of the I/O, Human Machine Interface (HMI) and
the ability to download updated software. Practical experience any associated logic while the others are dedicated to the
indicates that numerical relays are as reliable as relays of protection relay algorithms. By organising the I/O on a set of
earlier technologies. Modern numerical relays will have plug-in printed circuit boards (PCBs), additional I/O up to the
comprehensive self monitoring to alert the user to any limits of the hardware/software can be easily added. The
problems. internal communications bus links the hardware and therefore
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is a critical component in the design. It must work at high The frequency of sampling must be carefully considered, as the
speed, use low voltages, yet be immune to conducted and Nyquist criterion applies:
radiated interference from the electrically noisy substation
environment. Excellent shielding of the relevant areas is
fs t 2 fh
therefore required. Digital inputs are optically isolated to where:
prevent transients being transmitted to the internal circuitry.
Analogue inputs are isolated using precision transformers to f s = sampling rate
maintain measurement accuracy while removing harmful
f h = highest frequency of interest
transients. Additionally, the input signals must be amplitude
limited to avoid them exceeding the measurement range, +Vref
otherwise the waveform is clipped, introducing harmonics.
See Figure 7.12. Vref
Main processor
Front LCD display CPU
Figure 7.12: Clipping due to excessive amplitude
IRIG-B FPGA If the sampling frequency is too low, aliasing of the input
Signal Comms between main
and coprocessor board signal can occur (see Figure 7.13) so that high frequencies can
Parallel Data Bus
comms CPU SRAM 1pps
appear as part of the signal in the frequency range of interest.
GPS Incorrect results are then obtained. The solution is to use an
Serial data link
GPS input
Ethernet and IRIG-B board
interface anti-aliasing filter and the correct sampling frequency on the
Coprocessor board analogue signal, filtering out the frequency components that
Output relay
Digital inputs
Opto- 7.12) extract the real and imaginary components of the signal;
Relay board the frequency response of the filters is shown in Figure 7.13.
Power supply Input board
Frequency tracking of the input signals is applied to adjust the
Rear comms data Analogue sampling frequency so that the desired number of
Input signals
samples/cycle is always obtained. A modern numerical relay
Power Supply Board Transformer Board
can sample each analogue input quantity at typically between
Power Watchdog Rear
24 and 80 samples per cycle.
Current and voltage inputs
supply contacts RS485
Figure 7.11: Typical numerical relay hardware architecture signal
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Chapter 7 Relay Technology
data, both analogue and digital, plus the state of the relay operational reasons on a regular basis, such as supply from
outputs. It then has the capability to act as a disturbance normal or emergency generation. Different configurations may
recorder for the circuit being monitored, so that by freezing the require different relay settings to maintain the desired level of
memory at the instant of fault detection or trip, a record of the network protection. Fault levels are significantly different on
disturbance is available for later download and analysis. It parts of the network that are energised under normal and
may be inconvenient to download the record immediately, so emergency generation.
facilities may be provided to capture and store a number of
This problem can be overcome by the provision within the relay
disturbances. In industrial and small distribution networks,
of several setting groups, only one of which is in use at any one
this may be all that is required. In transmission networks, it
time. Changeover between groups can be achieved from a
may be necessary to provide a single recorder to monitor
remote command from the operator, or possibly through the
several circuits simultaneously, and in this case, a separate
programmable logic system. This may obviate the need for
disturbance recorder is still required. For more information on
duplicate relays to be fitted with some form of switching
the different types of disturbance recording, see Chapter 22.
arrangement of the inputs and outputs depending on network
configuration. Also the operator can program the relay
7.6.5 Time Synchronisation
remotely with a group of settings if required.
Disturbance records and data relating to energy consumption
requires time tagging to serve any useful purpose. Although 7.6.8 Conclusions
there is an internal clock, this is of limited accuracy and use of
The extra facilities in numerical relays may avoid the need for
this clock to provide time information may cause problems if
other measurement and control devices to be fitted in a
the disturbance record has to be correlated with similar records
substation. Also numerical relays have functionality that
from other sources to obtain a complete picture of an event.
previously required separate equipment. The protection relay
Many numerical relays have the facility for time
no longer performs a basic protection function but is an
synchronisation from an external clock. The standard normally
integral and major part of a substation automation scheme.
used is an IRIG-B or IEEE 1588 signal, which may be derived
The choice of a protection relay rather than some other device
from several sources including a GPS satellite receiver.
is logical as the protection relay is probably the only device that
is virtually mandatory on circuits of any significant rating.
7.6.6 Programmable Logic
Therefore the functions previously carried out by separate
Logic functions are well suited to implementation using devices such as bay controllers, discrete metering transducers
microprocessors. The implementation of logic in a relay is not and similar devices are now found in a protection relay. It is
new, as functions such as intertripping and auto-reclose now possible to implement a substation automation scheme
require a certain amount of logic. However, by providing a using numerical relays as the main hardware provided at bay
substantial number of digital I/O and making the logic capable level. As the power of microprocessors continues to grow and
of being programmed using suitable off-line software, the pressure on operators to reduce costs continues, this trend will
functionality of such schemes can be enhanced or additional continue; one obvious development is the provision of RTU
features provided. For instance, an overcurrent relay at the facilities in designated relays that act as local concentrators of
receiving end of a transformer feeder could use the information within the overall network automation scheme.
temperature inputs provided to monitor transformer winding
temperature and provide alarm or trip facilities to the operator 7.7 NUMERICAL RELAY CONSIDERATIONS
or upstream relay, eliminating the need for a separate winding
The introduction of numerical relays replaces some of the
temperature relay. There may be other advantages such as
issues of previous generations of relays with new ones. Some
different logic schemes required by different utilities that no
of the new issues that must be addressed are as follows:
longer need separate relay versions, or some hard-wired logic
to implement, and all of these reduce the cost of manufacture. x software version control
It is also easier to customise a relay for a specific application, x relay data management
and eliminate other devices that would otherwise be required.
x testing and commissioning
7.6.7 Provision of Setting Groups
Historically, electromechanical and static relays have been
provided with fixed plug settings applied to the relay.
Unfortunately, power systems change their topology due to
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Chapter 8
Protection Signalling and Intertripping
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Figure 8.1: Application of protection signalling and its relationship to other systems using communication. (Shown as a unidirectional system for
Details of Unit Protection schemes are given in Chapter 10. x feeder protection applied to transformer–feeder circuits.
Communications methods are covered later in this Chapter. Faults on the transformer windings may operate the
transformer protection but not the feeder protection.
8.3 TELEPROTECTION COMMANDS Similarly, some earth faults may not be detected due to
Some Distance Protection schemes described in Chapter 12 transformer connections
use signalling to convey a command between local and remote x faults between the CB and feeder protection CTs, when
relaying points. Receipt of the information is used to aid or these are located on the feeder side of the CB. Bus-
speed up clearance of faults within a protected zone or to zone protection does not result in fault clearance – the
prevent tripping from faults outside a protected zone. fault is still fed from the remote end of the feeder, while
Teleprotection systems are often referred to by their mode of feeder unit protection may not operate as the fault is
operation, or the role of the teleprotection command in the outside the protected zone
system. x Some distance protection schemes use intertripping to
improve fault clearance times for particular kinds of
8.3.1 Intertripping fault – see Chapters 12/13
Intertripping is the controlled tripping of a circuit breaker to Intertripping schemes use signalling to convey a trip command
complete the isolation of a circuit or piece of apparatus in to remote circuit breakers to isolate circuits. For high reliability
sympathy with the tripping of other circuit breakers. The main EHV protection schemes, intertripping can be used to provide
use of such schemes is to ensure that protection at both ends back-up to main protection, or back-tripping in the case of
of a faulted circuit isolates the equipment concerned. Possible breaker failure. Three types of intertripping are commonly
circumstances when it may be used are: encountered, as described in the following sections.
x a feeder with a weak infeed at one end, insufficient to
operate the protection for all faults
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Chapter 8 Protection Signalling and Intertripping
8.3.2 Direct Tripping High security means that an intertrip command does not
In direct tripping applications, intertrip signals are sent directly spuriously pick up due to a noisy channel. High dependability
to the master trip relay. Receipt of the command causes is the means by which a blocking or permissive command may
circuit breaker operation. The method of communication must easily pass through noise and still be received at the remote
be reliable and secure because any signal detected at the line end.
receiving end causes a trip of the circuit at that end. The Figure 8.1 shows the typical applications of protection
communications system must be designed so that interference signalling and their relationship to other signalling systems
on the communication circuit does not cause spurious trips. If commonly required for control and management of a power
a spurious trip occurs, the primary system might be system. Of course, not all of the protection signals shown are
unnecessarily isolated. required in any particular scheme.
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more than one incorrect trip per 500 equipment years and less greatly increases the number of communication channels
than one failure to trip in every 1000 attempts, or a delay of available for each physical fibre connection and thus enables
more than 50msec should not occur more than once per 10 more comprehensive monitoring of the power system to be
equipment years. To achieve these objectives, special achieved by the provision of a large number of communication
emphasis may be attached to the security and dependability of channels.
the teleprotection command for each mode of operation in the
system, as follows. 8.5.1 Private Pilot Wires and Channels
Pilot wires are continuous copper connections between
8.4.1 Performance Requirements – Intertripping signalling stations, while pilot channels are discontinuous pilot
Since any unwanted command causes incorrect tripping, very wires with isolation transformers or repeaters along the route
high security is required at all noise levels up to the maximum between signalling stations. They may be laid in a trench with
that might ever be encountered. high voltage cables, laid by a separate route or strung as an
open wire on a separate wood pole route.
8.4.2 Performance Requirements – Permissive
Distances over which signalling is required vary considerably.
Tripping At one end of the scale, the distance may be only a few tens of
Security somewhat lower than that required for intertripping is metres, where the devices concerned are located in the same
usually satisfactory, since incorrect tripping can occur only if substation. For applications on EHV lines, the distance
an unwanted command happens to coincide with operation of between devices may be between 10-100km or more. For
the protection relay for an out-of-zone fault. short distances, no special measures are required against
interference, but over longer distances, special send and
For permissive over-reach schemes, resetting after a
command should be highly dependable to avoid any chance of receive relays may be required to boost signal levels and
provide immunity against induced voltages from power
maloperations during current reversals.
circuits, lightning strikes to ground adjacent to the route, etc.
8.4.3 Performance Requirements – Blocking Schemes Isolation transformers may also have to be provided to guard
against rises in substation ground potential due to earth faults.
Low security is usually adequate since an unwanted command
can never cause an incorrect trip. High dependability is The capacity of a link can be increased if multiplexing
required since absence of the command could cause incorrect techniques are used to run parallel signalling systems but
tripping if the protection relay operates for an out-of-zone some utilities prefer the link to be used only for protection
fault. signalling.
Private pilot wires or channels can be attractive to a utility
8.5 TRANSMISSION MEDIA, INTERFERENCE running a very dense power system with short distances
AND NOISE between stations.
The transmission media that provide the communication links
involved in protection signalling are: 8.5.2 Rented Pilot Wires and Channels
x private pilots These are rented from national communication authorities
and, apart from the connection from the relaying point to the
x rented pilots or channels nearest telephone exchange, the routing is through cables
x power line carrier forming part of the national communication network.
x radio An economic decision has to be made between the use of
x optical fibres private or rented pilots. If private pilots are used, the owner
has complete control, but bears the cost of installation and
Historically, pilot wires and channels (discontinuous pilot wires
maintenance. If rented pilots are used, most of these costs are
with isolation transformers or repeaters along the route
eliminated, but fees must be paid to the owner of the pilots
between signalling points) have been the most widely used due
and the signal path may be changed without warning. This
to their availability, followed by Power Line Carrier
may be a problem in protection applications where signal
Communications (PLCC) techniques and radio. In recent
transmission times are critical.
years, fibre-optic systems have become the usual choice for
new installations, primarily due to their complete immunity The chance of voltages being induced in rented pilots is smaller
from electrical interference. The use of fibre-optic cables also than for private pilots, as the pilot route is normally not related
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Chapter 8 Protection Signalling and Intertripping
to the route of the power line with which it is associated. signalling has been achieved above speech together with
However, some degree of security and protection against metering and control signalling on an established control
induced voltages must be built into signalling systems. network. Consequently the protection signalling was achieved
at very low cost. High voltage systems; (220kV and above),
Station earth potential rise is a significant factor to be taken
have demanded shorter operating times and improved
into account and isolation must be provided to protect both the
security, which has led to the renting of pilot links exclusively
personnel and equipment of the communication authority.
for protection signalling purposes.
The most significant hazard to be withstood by a protection
signalling system using this medium arises when a linesman 8.5.3 Power Line Carrier Communications Techniques
inadvertently connects a low impedance test oscillator across Where long line sections are involved, or if the route involves
the pilot link that can generate signalling tones. Transmissions installation difficulties, the expense of providing physical pilot
by such an oscillator may simulate the operating code or tone connections or operational restrictions associated with the
sequence that, in the case of direct intertripping schemes, route length require that other means of providing signalling
would result in incorrect operation of the circuit breaker. facilities are required.
Communication between relaying points may be over a two- Power Line Carrier Communications (PLCC) is a technique
wire or four-wire link. Consequently the effect of a particular that involves high frequency signal transmission along the
human action, for example an incorrect disconnection, may overhead power line, typically in the 300Hz to 3400Hz band.
disrupt communication in one direction or both. It is robust and therefore reliable, constituting a low loss
The signals transmitted must be limited in both level and transmission path that is fully controlled by the Utility.
bandwidth to avoid interference with other signalling systems. High voltage capacitors are used, along with drainage coils, for
The owner of the pilots impose standards in this respect that the purpose of injecting the signal to and extracting it from the
may limit transmission capacity or transmission distance, or line. Injection can be carried out by impressing the carrier
both. signal voltage between one conductor and earth or between
With a power system operating at, say, 132kV, where any two phase conductors. The basic units can be built up into
relatively long protection signalling times are acceptable, a high pass or band pass filter as shown in Figure 8.3.
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The high voltage capacitor is tuned by a tuning coil to present Receiving equipment commonly incorporates automatic gain
a low impedance at the signal frequency; the parallel circuit control (AGC) to compensate for variations in attenuation of
presents a high impedance at the signal frequency while signals.
providing a path for the power frequency currents passed by
High noise levels arise from lightning strikes and system fault
the capacitor.
inception or clearance. Although these are of short duration,
lasting only a few milliseconds at the most, they may cause
overloading of power line carrier receiving equipment.
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Chapter 8 Protection Signalling and Intertripping
commands could be sent by serial coded messages of sufficient have the minimum effect on their position.
length and complexity to give high security, but still achieve
fast operating times. In practice, it is seldom economic to 8.5.5 Optical Fibre Channels
provide radio equipment exclusively for protection signalling, so Optical fibres are fine strands of glass, which behave as wave
standard general-purpose telecommunications channel guides for light. This ability to transmit light over considerable
equipment is normally adopted. distances can be used to provide optical communication links
Typical radio bearer equipment operates at the microwave with enormous information carrying capacity and an inherent
frequencies of 0.2 to 10GHz. Because of the relatively short immunity to electromagnetic interference.
range and directional nature of the transmitter and receiver A practical optical cable consists of a central optical fibre which
aerial systems at these frequencies, large bandwidths can be comprises core, cladding and protective buffer coating
allocated without much chance of mutual interference with surrounded by a protective plastic oversheath containing
other systems. strength members which, in some cases, are enclosed by a
Multiplexing techniques allow several channels to share the layer of armouring.
common bearer medium and exploit the large bandwidth. In To communicate information a beam of light is modulated in
addition to voice frequency channels, wider bandwidth accordance with the signal to be transmitted. This modulated
channels or data channels may be available, dependent on the beam travels along the optical fibre and is subsequently
particular system. For instance, in analogue systems using decoded at the remote terminal into the received signal.
frequency division multiplexing, normally up to 12 voice On/off modulation of the light source is normally preferred to
frequency channels are grouped together in basebands at 12- linear modulation since the distortion caused by non-linearities
60kHz or 60-108kHz, but alternatively the baseband may be in the light source and detectors, as well as variations in
used as a 48kHz signal channel. Modern digital systems received light power, are largely avoided.
employing pulse code modulation and time division
multiplexing usually provide the voice frequency channels by The light transmitter and receiver are usually laser or LED
sampling at 8kHz and quantising to 8 bits; alternatively, devices capable of emitting and detecting narrow beams of
access may be available for data at 64kbits/s (equivalent to light at selected frequencies in the low attenuation 850, 1300
one voice frequency channel) or higher data rates. and 1550 nanometre spectral windows. The distance over
which effective communications can be established depends
Radio systems are well suited to the bulk transmission of on the attenuation and dispersion of the communication link
information between control centres and are widely used for and this depends on the type and quality of the fibre and the
this. When the route of the trunk data network coincides with wavelength of the optical source. Within the fibre there are
that of transmission lines, channels can often be allocated for many modes of propagation with different optical paths that
protection signalling. More generally, radio communication is cause dispersion of the light signal and result in pulse
between major stations rather than the ends of individual lines, broadening. The degrading of the signal in this way can be
because of the need for line-of-sight operation between aerials reduced by the use of 'graded index' fibres that cause the
and other requirements of the network. Roundabout routes various modes to follow nearly equal paths. The distance over
involving repeater stations and the addition of pilot channels to which signals can be transmitted is significantly increased by
interconnect the radio installation and the relay station may be the use of 'monomode' fibres that support only one mode of
possible, but overall dependability is normally much lower than propagation.
for PLCC systems in which the communication is direct from
one end of the line to the other. Optical fibre channels allow communication at data rates of
hundreds of megahertz over a few tens of kilometres, however,
Radio channels are not affected by increased attenuation due repeaters are needed for greater distances. An optical fibre can
to power system faults, but fading has to be taken into account be used as a dedicated link between two items of terminal
when the signal-to-noise ratio of a particular installation is equipment or as a multiplexed link that carries all
being considered. communication traffic such as voice, telecontrol and protection
Most of the noise in such a protection signalling system is signalling. For protection signalling, the available bandwidth
generated in the radio equipment. of a link is divided by time division multiplexing (T.D.M.)
techniques into several channels, each of 64kbits/s. Each
A polluted atmosphere can cause radio beam refraction that 64kbits/s channel is equivalent to one voice frequency channel,
interferes with efficient signalling. The height of aerial tower which typically uses 8-bit analogue-to-digital conversion at a
should be limited, so that winds and temperature changes sampling rate of 8kHz. Several utilities sell surplus capacity on
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their links to telecommunications operators, or they may take optical cable helically around a phase or earth conductor. This
the opportunity to increase the data rate in end-to-end latter technique can be used without restringing of the line.
applications up to 2Mbits/s. The trend of using rented pilot
circuits is being reversed as the utilities revert to ownership of
the communication circuits that carry protection signalling.
The equipment that carries out this multiplexing at each end of
a line is known as 'Pulse Code Modulation' (P.C.M.) terminal
equipment. This approach is the one adopted by
telecommunications authorities and some utilities favour its
adoption on their private systems, for economic considerations.
Figure 8.6: Example digital teleprotection, e-terragridcom DIP
Optical fibre communications are well established in the
electrical supply industry. They are the preferred means for the 8.6 SIGNALLING METHODS
communications link between a substation and a telephone
Various methods are used in protection signalling; not all need
exchange when rented circuits are used, as trials have shown
be suited to every transmission medium. The methods to be
that this link is particularly susceptible to interference from
considered briefly are:
power system faults if copper conductors are used. Whilst
such fibres can be laid in cable trenches, there is a strong trend d.c. voltage step or d.c. voltage reversals
to associate them with the conductors themselves by plain tone keyed signals at high and voice frequencies
producing composite cables comprising optical fibres
frequency shift keyed signals involving two or more
embedded in the conductors, either earth or phase. For
tones at high and voice frequencies
overhead lines use of OPGW (Optical Ground Wire) earth
conductors is very common, while an alternative is to wrap the General purpose telecommunications equipment operating
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Chapter 8 Protection Signalling and Intertripping
over power line carrier, radio or optical fibre media incorporate 8.6.3 Frequency Shift Keyed Signals
frequency translating or multiplexing techniques to provide the Frequency shift keyed high frequency signals can be used over
user with standardised communication channels. They have a a power line carrier link to give short operating times (15
nominal bandwidth/channel of 2kHz to 4kHz and are often milliseconds for blocking and permissive intertripping, 20
referred to as voice frequency (vf) channels. Protection milliseconds for direct intertripping) for all applications of
signalling equipment operating at voice frequencies exploits protection signalling. The required amount of security can be
the standardisation of the communication interface. Where achieved by using a broadband noise detector to monitor the
voice frequency channels are not available or suitable, actual operational signalling equipment.
protection signalling may make use of media or specialised
equipment dedicated entirely to the signalling requirements. Frequency shift keyed voice frequency signals can be used for
all protection signalling applications over all transmission
Figure 8.5 shows the communication arrangements media. Frequency modulation techniques make possible an
commonly encountered in protection signalling. improvement in performance, because amplitude limiting
rejects the amplitude modulation component of noise, leaving
8.6.1 D.C. Voltage Signalling only the phase modulation components to be detected.
A d.c. voltage step or d.c. voltage reversals may be used to
The operational protection signal may consist of tone sequence
convey a signalling instruction between protection relaying
codes with, say, three tones, or a multi-bit code using two
points in a power system, but these are suited only to private
discrete tones for successive bits, or of a single frequency shift.
pilot wires, where low speed signalling is acceptable, with its
inherent security. In all applications there is the need to Modern high-speed systems use multi-bit code or single
ensure that no maloperation can occur due to power frequency frequency shift techniques. Complex codes are used to give
interference. the required degree of security in direct intertrip schemes: the
short operating times needed may result in uneconomical use
8.6.2 Plain Tone Signals of the available voice frequency spectrum, particularly if the
Plain high frequency signals can be used successfully for the channel is not exclusively employed for protection signalling.
signalling of blocking information over a power line. A As noise power is directly proportional to bandwidth, a large
normally quiescent power line carrier equipment can be bandwidth causes an increase in the noise level admitted to
dedicated entirely to the transfer to teleprotection blocking the detector, making operation in the presence of noise more
commands. Phase comparison power line carrier unit difficult. So, again, it is difficult to obtain both high
protection schemes often use such equipment and take dependability and high security.
advantage of the very high speed and dependability of the The signal frequency shift technique has advantages where
signalling system. The special characteristics of dedicated fast signalling is needed for blocked distance and permissive
'on/off' keyed carrier systems are discussed later. A relatively intertrip applications. It has little inherent security, but
insensitive receiver is used to discriminate against noise on an additional algorithms responsive to every type of interference
amplitude basis, and for some applications the security may be can give acceptable security. This system does not require a
satisfactory for permissive tripping, particularly if the normal high transmission rate channel as the frequency changes once
high-speed operation of about 7ms or less is sacrificed by the only. The bandwidth can therefore be narrower than in coded
addition of delays. The need for regular reflex testing of a systems, giving better noise rejection as well as being
normally quiescent channel usually precludes any use for advantageous if the channel is shared with telemetry and
intertripping. control signalling, which is inevitably the case if a power line
Plain tone power line carrier signalling systems are particularly carrier bearer is used.
suited to providing the blocking commands often associated
with the protection of multi-ended feeders, as described in
Chapter 13. A blocking command sent from one end can be
received simultaneously at all the other ends using a single
power line carrier channel. Other signalling systems usually
require discrete communication channels between each of the
ends or involve repeaters, leading to decreased dependability of
the blocking command.
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Chapter 9
Overcurrent Protection for Phase and
Earth Faults
9.1 Introduction Protection against excess current was naturally the earliest
9.2 Co-ordination Procedure protection system to evolve. From this basic principle, the
9.3 Principles of Time/Current Grading graded overcurrent system, a discriminative fault protection,
9.4 Standard IDMT Overcurrent Relays has been developed. This should not be confused with
‘overload’ protection, which normally makes use of relays that
9.5 Combined IDMT and High Set Instantaneous
operate in a time related in some degree to the thermal
Overcurrent Relays capability of the plant to be protected. Overcurrent protection,
9.6 Very Inverse (VI) Overcurrent Relays on the other hand, is directed entirely to the clearance of
9.7 Extremely Inverse (EI) Overcurrent Relays faults, although with the settings usually adopted some
9.8 Other Relay Characteristics measure of overload protection may be obtained.
9.9 Independent (definite) Time Overcurrent Relays
9.10 Relay Current Setting 9.2 CO-ORDINATION PROCEDURE
9.11 Relay Time Grading Margin Correct overcurrent relay application requires knowledge of the
9.12 Recommended Grading Margins fault current that can flow in each part of the network. Since
large-scale tests are normally impracticable, system analysis
9.13 Calculation of Phase Fault Overcurrent Relay
must be used – see Chapter 4 for details. The data required
Settings for a relay setting study are:
9.14 Directional Phase Fault Overcurrent Relays
x a one-line diagram of the power system involved,
9.15 Ring Mains showing the type and rating of the protection devices
9.16 Earth Fault Protection and their associated current transformers
9.17 Directional Earth Fault Overcurrent Protection x the impedances in ohms, per cent or per unit, of all
9.18 Earth Fault Protection on Insulated Networks power transformers, rotating machine and feeder
9.19 Earth Fault Protection on Petersen Coil Earthed circuits
Networks x the maximum and minimum values of short circuit
9.20 Examples of Time and Current Grading currents that are expected to flow through each
9.21 Hi-Z - High Impedance Downed Conductor protection device
Protection x the maximum load current through protection devices
9.22 References x the starting current requirements of motors and the
starting and locked rotor/stalling times of induction
x the transformer inrush, thermal withstand and damage
x decrement curves showing the rate of decay of the fault
current supplied by the generators
x performance curves of the current transformers
The relay settings are first determined to give the shortest
operating times at maximum fault levels and then checked to
see if operation will also be satisfactory at the minimum fault
current expected. It is always advisable to plot the curves of
relays and other protection devices, such as fuses, that are to
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operate in series, on a common scale. It is usually more It is the time delay element, therefore, which provides the
convenient to use a scale corresponding to the current means of discrimination. The relay at B is set at the shortest
expected at the lowest voltage base, or to use the predominant time delay possible to allow the fuse to blow for a fault at A on
voltage base. The alternatives are a common MVA base or a the secondary side of the transformer. After the time delay has
separate current scale for each system voltage. expired, the relay output contact closes to trip the circuit
breaker. The relay at C has a time delay setting equal to t1
The basic rules for correct relay co-ordination can generally be
seconds, and similarly for the relays at D and E.
stated as follows:
If a fault occurs at F, the relay at B will operate in t seconds
x whenever possible, use relays with the same operating
and the subsequent operation of the circuit breaker at B will
characteristic in series with each other
clear the fault before the relays at C, D and E have time to
x make sure that the relay farthest from the source has operate. The time interval t1 between each relay time setting
current settings equal to or less than the relays behind must be long enough to ensure that the upstream relays do
it, that is, that the primary current required to operate not operate before the circuit breaker at the fault location has
the relay in front is always equal to or less than the tripped and cleared the fault.
primary current required to operate the relay behind it
The main disadvantage of this method of discrimination is that
9.3 PRINCIPLES OF TIME/CURRENT the longest fault clearance time occurs for faults in the section
closest to the power source, where the fault level (MVA) is
Among the various possible methods used to achieve correct
relay co-ordination are those using either time or overcurrent, 9.3.2 Discrimination by Current
or a combination of both. The common aim of all three
Discrimination by current relies on the fact that the fault
methods is to give correct discrimination. That is to say, each
current varies with the position of the fault because of the
one must isolate only the faulty section of the power system
difference in impedance values between the source and the
network, leaving the rest of the system undisturbed.
fault. Hence, typically, the relays controlling the various circuit
breakers are set to operate at suitably tapered values of current
9.3.1 Discrimination by Time
such that only the relay nearest to the fault trips its breaker.
In this method, an appropriate time setting is given to each of Figure 9.2 illustrates the method.
the relays controlling the circuit breakers in a power system to
ensure that the breaker nearest to the fault opens first. A For a fault at F1, the system short-circuit current is given by:
simple radial distribution system is shown in Figure 9.1, to 6350
illustrate the principle. I A
Z S Z L1
Z S = source impedance = = 0.485
Figure 9.1: Radial system with time discrimination Z L1 = cable impedance between C and B = 0.24
Overcurrent protection is provided at B, C, D and E, that is, at 6350
the infeed end of each section of the power system. Each Hence I = 8800A
protection unit comprises a definite-time delay overcurrent
relay in which the operation of the current sensitive element So, a relay controlling the circuit breaker at C and set to
simply initiates the time delay element. Provided the setting of operate at a fault current of 8800A would in theory protect the
the current element is below the fault current value, this whole of the cable section between C and B. However, there
element plays no part in the achievement of discrimination. are two important practical points that affect this method of
For this reason, the relay is sometimes described as an co-ordination:
‘independent definite-time delay relay’, since its operating time x it is not practical to distinguish between a fault at F1
is for practical purposes independent of the level of and a fault at F2, since the distance between these
overcurrent. points may be only a few metres, corresponding to a
change in fault current of approximately 0.1%
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
Very Inverse (VI) t TMS u
Ir 1
Extremely Inverse (EI) t TMS u
I r2 1
Long time standby earth fault t TMS u
Ir 1
Table 9.1: Definitions of standard relay characteristics
Characteristic Equation
TD ª§ 0.0515 · º
IEEE Moderately Inverse t «¨ ¸ 0.114»
7 ¬¨© I r0.02 1 ¸¹ ¼
TD ª§ 19.61 · º
IEEE Very Inverse t «¨ ¸ 0.491»
7 ¬¨© I r2 1 ¸¹ ¼
TD ª§ 28.2 · º
IEEE Extremely Inverse t «¨ ¸ 0.1217 »
7 ¬¨© I r2 1 ¸¹ ¼
TD ª§ 5.95 · º
US CO8 Inverse t «¨ ¸ 0.18»
7 ¬¨© I r2 1 ¸¹ ¼
TD ª§ 0.02394 · º
US CO2 Short Time Inverse t «¨ ¸ 0.01694»
7 ¬¨© I r0.02 1 ¸¹ ¼
Table 9.2: North American IDMT definitions of standard relay
For Table 9.1 and Table 9.2:
Ir = I / Is
I = Measured current
Figure 9.3: Relay characteristics for different settings Is = Relay setting current
TMS = Time Multiplier Setting
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
1000.00 1000.00
100.00 100.00
10.00 10.00
1.00 1.00
Moderately Inverse
Very Inverse
Very Inverse (VI)
CO 2 Short
Time Inverse
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Figure 9.7 also shows a further important advantage gained by
0.6 the use of high set instantaneous elements. Grading with the
relay immediately behind the relay that has the instantaneous
elements enabled is carried out at the current setting of the
0.3 instantaneous elements and not at the maximum fault level.
For example, in Figure 9.7 relay R2 is graded with relay R3 at
0.2 500A and not 1100A, allowing relay R2 to be set with a TMS of
0.15 instead of 0.2 while maintaining a grading margin
between relays of 0.4s. Similarly, relay R1 is graded with R2 at
0.1 1400A and not at 2300A.
1 2 3 4 6 8 10 20 30
Current (multiples of plug settings)
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
I1 I 2
% Transient over-reach = x 100%
Equation 9.1
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Inverse (EI)
200A Fuse
100 1000 10000
Current (Amps)
Figure 9.9: Comparison of relay and fuse characteristics
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
isolate primary system faults and not to provide overload IEC 60255, a relay error index is quoted that determines the
protection. In general, the current setting will be selected to be maximum timing error of the relay. The timing error must be
above the maximum short time rated current of the circuit taken into account when determining the grading margin.
involved. Since all relays have hysteresis in their current
settings, the setting must be sufficiently high to allow the relay 9.11.3 Overshoot
to reset when the rated current of the circuit is being carried. When the relay is de-energised, operation may continue for a
The amount of hysteresis in the current setting is denoted by little longer until any stored energy has been dissipated. For
the pick-up/drop-off ratio of a relay – the value for a modern example, an induction disc relay will have stored kinetic energy
relay is typically 0.95. Thus, a relay minimum current setting in the motion of the disc; static relay circuits may have energy
of at least 1.05 times the short-time rated current of the circuit stored in capacitors. Relay design is directed to minimising
is likely to be required. and absorbing these energies, but some allowance is usually
The overshoot time is defined as the difference between the
The time interval that must be allowed between the operation
operating time of a relay at a specified value of input current
of two adjacent relays to achieve correct discrimination
and the maximum duration of input current, which when
between them is called the grading margin. If a grading
suddenly reduced below the relay operating level, is insufficient
margin is not provided, or is insufficient, more than one relay
to cause relay operation.
will operate for a fault, leading to difficulties in determining the
location of the fault and unnecessary loss of supply to some
9.11.4 CT Errors
Current transformers have phase and ratio errors due to the
The grading margin depends on a number of factors: exciting current required to magnetise their cores. The result is
1. the fault current interrupting time of the circuit that the CT secondary current is not an identical scaled replica
breaker of the primary current. This leads to errors in the operation of
relays, especially in the operation time. CT errors are not
2. relay timing errors
relevant for independent definite-time delay overcurrent relays.
3. the overshoot time of the relay
4. CT errors 9.11.5 Final Margin
5. final margin on completion of operation After allowances have been made for circuit breaker
Factors (2) and (3) depend on the relay technology used. For interrupting time, relay timing error, overshoot and CT errors,
example, an electromechanical relay has a larger overshoot the discriminating relay must just fail to complete its operation.
time than a numerical relay. Some extra safety margin is required to ensure that relay
operation does not occur.
Grading is initially carried out for the maximum fault level at
the relaying point under consideration, but a check is also 9.11.6 Overall Accuracy
made that the required grading margin exists for all current
The overall limits of accuracy according to IEC 60255-4 for an
levels between relay pick-up current and maximum fault level.
IDMT relay with standard inverse characteristic are shown in
Figure 9.11.
9.11.1 Circuit Breaker Interrupting Time
The circuit breaker interrupting the fault must have completely
interrupted the current before the discriminating relay ceases
to be energised. The time taken is dependent on the type of
circuit breaker used and the fault current to be interrupted.
Manufacturers normally provide the fault interrupting time at
rated interrupting capacity and this value is invariably used in
the calculation of grading margin.
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Pick-up 1.05 - 1.3 times setting operating times, the permitted error specified in IEC 60255
(7.5% of operating time) may exceed the fixed grading margin,
resulting in the possibility that the relay fails to grade correctly
while remaining within specification. This requires
consideration when considering the grading margin at low
fault current levels.
A practical solution for determining the optimum grading
margin is to assume that the relay nearer to the fault has a
Time (seconds)
maximum possible timing error of +2E, where E is the basic
timing error. To this total effective error for the relay, a further
10% should be added for the overall current transformer error.
4 Relay Technology
Static Digital Numerical
Typical basic timing error (%) 7.5 5 5 5
Overshoot time (s) 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.02
Safety margin (s) 0.1 0.05 0.03 0.03
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
power system. Table 9.3 also gives practical grading times at setting calculation to proceed is given in Section 9.2. The
high fault current levels between overcurrent relays for main relay data can be recorded in a table such as that shown
different technologies. Where relays of different technologies in Table 9.4, populating the first five columns.
are used, the time appropriate to the technology of the
Relay Current
downstream relay should be used. Fault Current (A)
Maximum Setting Relay Time
Load CT
Location Primary Multiplier
Current Ratio Per
9.12.2 Grading: Fuse to Fuse Maximum Minimum (A) Current Setting
The operating time of a fuse is a function of both the pre-
arcing and arcing time of the fusing element, which follows an
I t law. So, to achieve proper co-ordination between two
fuses in series, it is necessary to ensure that the total I t
taken by the smaller fuse is not greater than the pre-arcing Table 9.4: Typical relay data table
I t value of the larger fuse. It has been established by tests It is usual to plot all time/current characteristics to a common
that satisfactory grading between the two fuses will generally voltage/MVA base on log/log scales. The plot includes all
be achieved if the current rating ratio between them is greater relays in a single path, starting with the relay nearest the load
than two. and finishing with the relay nearest the source of supply. A
separate plot is required for each independent path The
9.12.3 Grading: Fuse to Relay settings of any relays that lie on multiple paths must be
For grading inverse time relays with fuses, the basic approach carefully considered to ensure that the final setting is
is to ensure whenever possible that the relay backs up the fuse appropriate for all conditions. Earth faults are considered
and not vice versa. If the fuse is upstream of the relay, it is separately from phase faults and require separate plots.
very difficult to maintain correct discrimination at high values
After relay settings have been finalised they are entered into a
of fault current because of the fast operation of the fuse.
table such as that shown in Table 9.4, populating the last three
The relay characteristic best suited for this co-ordination with columns. This also assists in record keeping during
fuses is normally the extremely inverse (EI) characteristic as it commissioning of the relays at site.
follows a similar I t characteristic. To ensure satisfactory co-
ordination between relay and fuse, the primary current setting 9.13.1 Independent (Definite) Time Relays
of the relay should be approximately three times the current The selection of settings for independent (definite) time relays
rating of the fuse. The grading margin for proper co- presents little difficulty. The overcurrent elements must be
ordination, when expressed as a fixed quantity, should not be given settings that are lower, by a reasonable margin, than the
less than 0.4s or, when expressed as a variable quantity, fault current that is likely to flow to a fault at the remote end of
should have a minimum value of: the system up to which back-up protection is required, with
the minimum plant in service. The settings must be high
t' 0.4t 0.15 seconds
enough to avoid relay operation with the maximum probable
Equation 9.4 load, a suitable margin being allowed for large motor starting
where t is the nominal operating time of the fuse. currents or transformer inrush transients. Time settings will be
chosen to allow suitable grading margins, as discussed in
Section 9.20.1 gives an example of fuse to relay grading.
Section 9.12.
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and time grading to improve the overall performance of the the protection of plain feeders with the zero sequence source
relay. behind the relaying point.
The procedure begins by selection of the appropriate relay Ia
characteristics. Current settings are then chosen, with finally
the time multiplier settings to give appropriate grading
margins between relays. Otherwise, the procedure is similar to
Zero torque line Va
that for definite time delay relays. An example of a relay
setting study is given in Section 9.20.1. MT
When fault current can flow in both directions through the 30°
relay location, it may be necessary to make the response of the
relay directional by the introduction of a directional control Vbc
In a digital or numerical relay, the phase displacements are 90°-45° characteristic (45° RCA)
obtained by software, while electromechanical and static relays
The A phase relay element is supplied with current Ia and
generally obtain the required phase displacements by
voltage Vbc displaced by 45o in an anti-clockwise direction.
connecting the input quantities to the relay. The history of the
The relay maximum sensitivity is produced when the current
topic results in the relay connections being defined as if they
lags the system phase to neutral voltage by 45o. This
were obtained by suitable connection of the input quantities,
connection gives a correct directional tripping zone over the
irrespective of the actual method used.
current range of 45o leading to 135o lagging. The relay
sensitivity at unity power factor is 70.7% of the maximum
9.14.2 90° Relay Quadrature Connection torque and the same at zero power factor lagging; see Figure
This is the standard connection for static, digital or numerical 9.13.
relays. Depending on the angle by which the applied voltage is
This connection is recommended for the protection of
shifted to produce maximum relay sensitivity (the Relay
transformer feeders or feeders that have a zero sequence
Characteristic Angle, or RCA), two types are available.
source in front of the relay. It is essential in the case of parallel 90°-30° Characteristic (30° RCA) transformers or transformer feeders, to ensure correct relay
operation for faults beyond the star/delta transformer.
The A phase relay element is supplied with Ia current and Vbc
voltage displaced by 30o in an anti-clockwise direction. In this
case, the relay maximum sensitivity is produced when the
current lags the system phase to neutral voltage by 60o. This
connection gives a correct directional tripping zone over the
current range of 30o leading to 150o lagging; see Figure 9.12.
The relay sensitivity at unity power factor is 50% of the relay
maximum sensitivity and 86.6% at zero power factor lagging.
This characteristic is recommended when the relay is used for
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
R1 R'1
R2 R'2
I> I>
Figure 9.13: Vector diagram for the 90o-45o connection (phase A Figure 9.14: Directional relays applied to parallel feeders
For a digital or numerical relay, it is common to allow user- 9.15 RING MAINS
selection of the RCA within a wide range. A particularly common arrangement within distribution
networks is the Ring Main. The primary reason for its use is to
Theoretically, three fault conditions can cause maloperation of
maintain supplies to consumers in case of fault conditions
the directional element:
occurring on the interconnecting feeders. A typical ring main
x a phase-phase-ground fault on a plain feeder with associated overcurrent protection is shown in Figure
x a phase-ground fault on a transformer feeder with the 9.15. Current may flow in either direction through the various
zero sequence source in front of the relay relay locations, and therefore directional overcurrent relays are
x a phase-phase fault on a power transformer with the
relay looking into the delta winding of the transformer In the case of a ring main fed at one point only, the settings of
the relays at the supply end and at the mid-point substation
These conditions are assumed to establish the maximum
are identical. They can therefore be made non-directional, if,
angular displacement between the current and voltage
in the latter case, the relays are located on the same feeder,
quantities at the relay. The magnitude of the current input to
that is, one at each end of the feeder.
the relay is insufficient to cause the overcurrent element to
operate. The possibility of maloperation with the 90o-45o It is interesting to note that when the number of feeders round
connection is non-existent. the ring is an even number, the two relays with the same
operating time are at the same substation. They will therefore
9.14.3 Application of Directional Relays have to be directional. When the number of feeders is an odd
If non-unit, non-directional relays are applied to parallel number, the two relays with the same operating time are at
feeders having a single generating source, any faults that different substations and therefore do not need to be
might occur on any one line will, regardless of the relay directional. It may also be noted that, at intermediate
settings used, isolate both lines and completely disconnect the substations, whenever the operating time of the relays at each
power supply. With this type of system configuration, it is substation are different, the difference between their operating
necessary to apply directional relays at the receiving end and to times is never less than the grading margin, so the relay with
grade them with the non-directional relays at the sending end, the longer operating time can be non-directional. With
to ensure correct discriminative operation of the relays during modern numerical relays, a directional facility is often available
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for little or no extra cost, so that it may be simpler in practice direction. The directional relays are set in accordance with the
to apply directional relays at all locations. Also, in the event of invariable rule, applicable to all forms of directional protection,
an additional feeder being added subsequently, the relays that that the current in the system must flow from the substation
can be non-directional need to be re-determined and will not busbars into the protected line so the relays may operate.
necessarily be the same – giving rise to problems of changing
Disconnection of the faulted line is carried out according to
a non-directional relay for a directional one. If a VT was not
time and fault current direction. As in any parallel system, the
provided originally, this may be very difficult to install at a later
fault current has two parallel paths and divides itself in the
inverse ratio of their impedances. Thus, at each substation in
the ring, one set of relays will be made inoperative because of
9.15.1 Grading of Ring Mains
the direction of current flow, and the other set operative. It
The usual grading procedure for relays in a ring main circuit is will also be found that the operating times of the relays that
to open the ring at the supply point and to grade the relays first are inoperative are faster than those of the operative relays,
clockwise and then anti-clockwise. That is, the relays looking with the exception of the mid-point substation, where the
in a clockwise direction around the ring are arranged to operating times of relays 3 and 3’ happen to be the same.
operate in the sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6 and the relays looking in
the anti-clockwise direction are arranged to operate in the The relays that are operative are graded downwards towards
sequence 1’-2’-3’-4’-5’-6’, as shown in Figure 9.15. the fault and the last to be affected by the fault operates first.
This applies to both paths to the fault. Consequently, the
faulted line is the only one to be disconnected from the ring
and the power supply is maintained to all the substations.
When two or more power sources feed into a ring main, time
graded overcurrent protection is difficult to apply and full
discrimination may not be possible. With two sources of
supply, two solutions are possible. The first is to open the ring
at one of the supply points, whichever is more convenient, by
means of a suitable high set instantaneous overcurrent relay.
The ring is then graded as in the case of a single infeed. The
second method is to treat the section of the ring between the
two supply points as a continuous bus separate from the ring
and to protect it with a unit protection system, and then
proceed to grade the ring as in the case of a single infeed.
Section 9.20.4 provides a worked example of ring main
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
frequent of all faults, but may be limited in magnitude by the sensitive earth fault protection must be used.
neutral earthing impedance, or by earth contact resistance.
9.16.1 Effective Setting of Earth Fault Relays
The residual component is extracted by connecting the line
current transformers in parallel as shown in Figure 9.16. The The primary setting of an overcurrent relay can usually be
simple connection shown in Figure 9.16(a) can be extended by taken as the relay setting multiplied by the CT ratio. The CT
connecting overcurrent elements in the individual phase leads, can be assumed to maintain a sufficiently accurate ratio so
as shown in Figure 9.16(b), and inserting the earth fault relay that, expressed as a percentage of rated current, the primary
between the star points of the relay group and the current setting is directly proportional to the relay setting. However,
transformers. this may not be true for an earth fault relay. The performance
varies according to the relay technology used.
Phase fault overcurrent relays are often provided on only two
phases since these will detect any interphase fault; the Static, digital and numerical relays
connections to the earth fault relay are unaffected by this
When static, digital or numerical relays are used the relatively
consideration. The arrangement is shown in Figure 9.16(c).
low value and limited variation of the relay burden over the
relay setting range results in the above statement holding true.
The variation of input burden with current should be checked
to ensure that the variation is sufficiently small. If not,
substantial errors may occur, and the setting procedure will
have to follow that for electromechanical relays.
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Secondary voltage
process that is set out in Table 9.5, with the results shown in
Figure 9.17.
The effect of the relatively high relay impedance and the
summation of CT excitation losses in the residual circuit is 10
augmented still further by the fact that, at setting, the flux Current transformer
density in the current transformers corresponds to the bottom excitation characteristic
bend of the excitation characteristic. The exciting impedance 0 0.5 1.0 1.5
under this condition is relatively low, causing the ratio error to Exciting current (amperes)
be high. The current transformer actually improves in
performance with increased primary current, while the relay 100
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
countries, the resistivity of the earth path may be very high due Cable gland
to the nature of the ground itself (e.g. desert or rock). A fault
Cable box
to earth not involving earth conductors may result in the flow
of only a small current, insufficient to operate a normal
protection system. A similar difficulty also arises in the case of
Cable gland /sheath I >
broken line conductors, which, after falling on to hedges or dry ground connection
metalled roads, remain energised because of the low leakage
current, and therefore present a danger to life. (a) Physical connections
methods. With the incorrect method, the fault current in the Figure 9.18: Positioning of core balance current transformers
sheath is not seen as an unbalance current and hence relay
operation does not occur. 9.17 DIRECTIONAL EARTH FAULT
The normal residual current that may flow during healthy
conditions limits the application of non-directional sensitive Directional earth fault overcurrent may need to be applied in
earth fault protection. Such residual effects can occur due to the following situations:
unbalanced leakage or capacitance in the system. x for earth fault protection where the overcurrent
protection is by directional relays
x in insulated-earth networks
x in Petersen coil earthed networks
x where the sensitivity of sensitive earth fault protection
is insufficient – use of a directional earth fault relay
may provide greater sensitivity
The relay elements previously described as phase fault
elements respond to the flow of earth fault current, and it is
important that their directional response be correct for this
condition. If a special earth fault element is provided as
described in Section 9.16 (which will normally be the case), a
related directional element is needed.
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9.17.1 Relay Connections star point of the primary windings of the interposing voltage
The residual current is extracted as shown in Figure 9.16. transformers must be connected to the star point of the
Since this current may be derived from any phase, to obtain a secondary windings of the main voltage transformers.
directional response it is necessary to obtain an appropriate The residual voltage will be zero for balanced phase voltages.
quantity to polarise the relay. In digital or numerical relays For simple earth fault conditions, it will be equal to the
there are usually two choices provided. depression of the faulted phase voltage. In all cases the
residual voltage is equal to three times the zero sequence
9.17.2 Residual Voltage voltage drop on the source impedance and is therefore
A suitable quantity is the residual voltage of the system. This is displaced from the residual current by the characteristic angle
the vector sum of the individual phase voltages. If the of the source impedance. The residual quantities are applied to
secondary windings of a three-phase, five limb voltage the directional element of the earth fault relay.
transformer or three single-phase units are connected in The residual current is phase offset from the residual voltage
broken delta, the voltage developed across its terminals will be and hence angle adjustment is required. Typically, the current
the vector sum of the phase to ground voltages and hence the will lag the polarising voltage. The method of system earthing
residual voltage of the system, as shown in Figure 9.19. also affects the Relay Characteristic Angle (RCA), and the
A following settings are usual:
B x Resistance-earthed system: 0 RCA
x Distribution system, solidly-earthed: -45 RCA
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
The absence of earth fault current for a single phase-earth phase-earth fault is present. The relays on the healthy feeders
fault clearly presents some difficulties in fault detection. Two see the unbalance in charging currents for their own feeders.
methods are available using modern relays. The relay in the faulted feeder sees the charging currents in the
rest of the system, with the current of its’ own feeders
9.18.1 Residual Voltage cancelled out. Figure 9.21 shows the phasor diagram.
When a single phase-earth fault occurs, the healthy phase
voltages rise by a factor of 3 and the three phase voltages
no longer have a phasor sum of zero. Hence, a residual
voltage element can be used to detect the fault. However, the
method does not provide any discrimination, as the
unbalanced voltage occurs on the whole of the affected section
of the system. One advantage of this method is that no CTs
are required, as voltage is being measured. However, the
requirements for the VTs as given in Section apply.
Grading is a problem with this method, since all relays in the
affected section will see the fault. It may be possible to use
definite-time grading, but in general, it is not possible to
provide fully discriminative protection using this technique.
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
IROF Faulted
IROH feeders
Key :
IROF = Residual current on faulted feeder
IROH = Residual current on healthy feeder
It can therefore be seen that :-
IOF = IL - IH1 - IH2 - IH3
So :-
IROF = IL - IH1 - IH2
Figure 9.25: Zero sequence network showing residual currents
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9.19.1 Sensitive Earth Fault Protection quantities instead of zero sequence ones. The resulting values
To apply this form of protection, the relay must meet two are therefore nine times the zero sequence quantities as the
requirements: residual values of current and voltage are each three times the
corresponding zero sequence values. The equation used is:
x current measurement setting capable of being set to
very low values Vres u I res u cosM M c
x an RCA of 0o, and capable of fine adjustment around 9 u VO u I O u cosM M c
this value
Equation 9.5
The sensitive current element is required because of the very
low current that may flow – so settings of less than 0.5% of where:
rated current may be required. However, as compensation by Vres = residual voltage
the Petersen Coil may not be perfect, low levels of steady-state
Ires = residual current
earth fault current will flow and increase the residual current
seen by the relay. An often used setting value is the per phase VO = zero sequence voltage
charging current of the circuit being protected. Fine tuning of
IO = zero sequence current
the RCA is also required about the 0o setting, to compensate
for coil and feeder resistances and the performance of the CT = angle between Vres and Ires
used. In practice, these adjustments are best carried out on
C = relay characteristic angle setting
site through deliberate application of faults and recording of
the resulting currents. The current and RCA settings are as for a sensitive earth fault
9.19.2 Sensitive Wattmetric Protection
It can be seen in Figure 9.26 that a small angular difference
exists between the spill current on the healthy and faulted GRADING
feeders. Figure 9.27 shows how this angular difference gives This section provides details of the time/current grading of
rise to active components of current which are in antiphase to some example networks, to illustrate the process of relay
each other. setting calculations and relay grading. They are based on the
use of a modern numerical overcurrent relay shown in Figure
9.28 with setting data taken from this relay.
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
4 u 500
Z R1 100%
x Cable C1
Z C1 u2 0.038:
On 500MVA base,
ZC 2 , ZC3 0.158:
On 500MVA base,
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Network Protection & Automation Guide CT Ratio Selection The relay must discriminate with the longest operating time
This requires consideration not only of the maximum load between relays F1, F2 and fuse FS2 (being the largest fuse) at
current, but also of the maximum secondary current under the maximum fault level seen by relays 1 and 2. The
fault conditions. maximum fault current seen by relay 1 for a fault at Busbar C
occurs when only one of cables C2, C3 is in service. This is
CT secondaries are generally rated to carry a short-term because the whole of the fault current then flows through the
current equal to 100 x rated secondary current. Therefore, a feeder that is in service. With two feeders in service, although
check is required that none of the new CT secondaries has a the fault level at Busbar C is higher, each relay only sees half of
current of more than 100A when maximum fault current is the total fault current, which is less than the fault current with
flowing in the primary. Using the calculated fault currents, this a single feeder in service. With EI characteristics used for
condition is satisfied, so modifications to the CT ratios are not relays F1 and F2, the operating time for relay F1 is 0.02s at
required. TMS=0.1 because the fault current is greater than 20 times
relay setting, at which point the EI characteristic becomes Relay Overcurrent Settings – Relays 1/2 definite time (Figure 9.4) and 0.05s for relay F2 (TMS=0.25).
These relays perform overcurrent protection of the cable
Hence select relay 1 operating time = 0.3+0.05=0.35s, to
feeders, Busbar C and backup-protection to relays F1, F2 and
ensure grading with relay F2 at a fault current of 9.33kA.
their associated fuses FS1 and FS2. The settings for Relays 1
and 2 will be identical, so calculations will only be performed With a primary setting of 480A, a fault current of 9.33kA
for Relay 1. Consider first the current setting of the relay. represents
Relay 1 must be able to reset at a current of 400A – the rating 9330/480 = 19.44 times setting
of the feeder. The relay has a drop-off/pick-up ratio of 0.95, so
Thus relay 1 operating time at TMS=1.0 is 0.21s. The required
the relay current setting must not be less than 400/0.95A, or
TMS setting is given by the formula:
421A. A suitable setting that is greater than this value is
450A. However, Section 9.12.3 also recommends that the Operation Time Required / Actual Operation Time @ TMS=1
current setting should be three times the largest fuse rating
(i.e. 3 x 160A, the rating of the largest fuse on the outgoing ?TMS 1.66
circuits from Busbar C), leading to a current setting of 480A, 0.21
or 96% of relay rated primary current. Note that in this If this value of TMS is outside the settable range of the relay
application of relays to a distribution system, the question of (maximum setting was 1.2 in historical variants), changes
maximum and minimum fault levels are probably not relevant must be made to the relay current setting. This is necessary to
as the difference between maximum and minimum fault levels bring the value of TMS required into the range available,
will be very small. However in other applications where provided this does not result in the inability of the relay to
significant differences between maximum and minimum fault operate at the minimum fault level.
levels exist, it is essential to ensure that the selection of a
By re-arrangement of the formula for the EI characteristic:
current setting that is greater than full load current does not
result in the relay failing to operate under minimum fault
§ 80 ·
current conditions. Such a situation may arise for example in a I srIf ¨ 1¸
self-contained power system with its own generation. © t ¹
Minimum generation may be represented by the presence of a Where
single generator and the difference between minimum fault
level and maximum load level may make the choice of relay t= the required operation time (sec)
current settings difficult. IsrIf = setting of relay at fault current
The grading margin now has to be considered. For simplicity, Hence, with t= 0.35, IsrIf = 15.16
a fixed grading margin of 0.3s between relays is used in the
calculations, in accordance with Table 9.3. Between fuse and 9330
Or, I srI 615.4 A
relay, Equation 9.4 is applied, and with fuse FS2 pre-arcing 15.16
time of 0.01s (from Figure 9.30), the grading margin is 616
0.154s. So, I srI 1.232
Consider first the IDMT overcurrent protection. Select the EI
Use 1.24 = 620A nearest available value
characteristic, as fuses exist downstream, to ensure grading.
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
At a TMS of 1.0, operation time at 9330A 5.3kA represents 5300/1060 = 5 times setting for relay 3, and
thus the time multiplier setting of relay 3 should be 0.33 to
0.355s give an operating time of 1.11s at 5 times setting. Thus
§ 9330 · condition 1 represents the worst case and the time multiplier
¨ ¸ 1
© 620 ¹ setting of relay 3 should be set at 0.84. In practice, a value of
0.85 is used as the nearest available setting on the relay.
Hence, required TMS = 0.35/0.355 = 0.99, for convenience,
use a TMS of 1.0, slightly greater than the required value. Relay 3 also has an instantaneous element. This is set so that
it does not operate for the maximum through-fault current
From the grading curves of Figure 9.30, it can be seen that seen by the relay and a setting of 130% of this value is
there are no grading problems with fuse FS1 or relays F1 and satisfactory. The setting is therefore:
1.3 x 12.2kA = 15.86kA Relay Overcurrent Settings - Relay 3 This is equal to a current setting of 14.96 times the setting of
This relay provides overcurrent protection for reactor R1, and relay 3.
backup overcurrent protection for cables C2 and C3. The
overcurrent protection also provides busbar protection for Relay 4
Busbar B. This must grade with relay 3 and relay 5. The supply authority
Again, the EI characteristic is used to ensure grading with requires that relay 5 use an SI characteristic to ensure grading
relays 1 and 2. The maximum load current is 1000A. Relay 3 with relays further upstream, so the SI characteristic will be
current setting is therefore: used for relay 4 also. Relay 4 must grade with relay 3 at Bus A
maximum fault level of 22.7kA. However with the use of an
feederFLC instantaneous high set element for relay 3, the actual grading
I sr 3 !
CTprimary u 0.95 point becomes the point at which the high set setting of relay 3
operates, i.e. 15.86kA. At this current, the operation time of
Substituting values, Isr3>1052A relay 3 is
Use a setting of 106% or 1060A, nearest available setting
above 1052A. u 0.85s 0.305s
14.962 1
Relay 3 has to grade with relays 1/2 under two conditions:
Thus, relay 4 required operating time is
x Condition 1: for a fault just beyond relays 1 and 2
where the fault current is the busbar fault current of 0.305 + 0.3 = 0.605s at a fault level of 15.86kA.
12.2kA Relay 4 current setting must be at least
x Condition 2: for a fault at Bus C where the fault current
seen by either relay 1 or 2 is half the total Bus C fault 98%
current of 10.6kA, i.e. 5.3kA 3000 u 0.95
Examining first condition 1. With a current setting of 620A, a For convenience, use a value of 100% (=3000A). Thus relay 4
TMS of 1.0 and a fault current of 12.2kA, relay 1 operates in must operate in 0.605s at 15860/3000 = 5.29 times setting.
0.21s. Using a grading interval of 0.3s, relay 3 must therefore Thus select a time multiplier setting of 0.15, giving a relay
operate in operating time of 0.62s for a normal inverse type
0.3+0.21=0.51s at a fault current of 12.2kA
At this stage, it is instructive to review the grading curves,
12.2kA represents 12200/1060 = 11.51 times setting for relay which are shown in Figure 9.30(a). While it can be seen that
3 and thus the time multiplier setting of relay 3 should be 0.84 there are no grading problems between the fuses and relays
to give an operating time of 0.51s at 11.51 times setting. 1/2, and between relays F1/2 and relays 1/2, it is clear that
Consider now condition 2. With settings of 620A and TMS of relay 3 and relay 4 do not grade over the whole range of fault
1.0 and a fault current of 5.3kA, relay 1 operates in 1.11s. current. This is a consequence of the change in characteristic
Using a grading interval of 0.3s, relay 3 must therefore operate for relay 4 to SI from the EI characteristic of relay 3 to ensure
in grading of relay 4 with relay 5. The solution is to increase the
TMS setting of relay 4 until correct grading is achieved. The
0.3+1.11=1.41s at a fault current of 5.3kA
alternative is to increase the current setting, but this is
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
undesirable unless the limit of the TMS setting is reached, must operate in
because the current setting should always be as low as
0.3 + 0.93 = 1.23s at 22.7kA
possible to help ensure positive operation of the relay and A current setting of 110% of relay 4 current setting (i.e. 110%
provide overload protection. Trial and error is often used, but or 3300A) is chosen to ensure relay 4 picks up prior to relay 5.
suitable software can speed the task – for instance it is not Thus 22.7kA represents 6.88 times the setting of relay 5.
difficult to construct a spreadsheet with the fuse/relay Relay 5 must grade with relay 4 at a fault current of 22.7kA,
operation times and grading margins calculated. Satisfactory where the required operation time is 1.23s. At a TMS of 1.0,
grading can be found for relay 4 setting values of: relay 5 operation time is
IsrI4 = 1.0 or 3000A; TMS = 0.275
At 22.7kA, the operation time of relay 4 is 0.93s. The revised
6.880.02 1
grading curves are shown in Figure 9.30(b).
Therefore, the required TMS is 1.23/3.56 = 0.345, use 0.35
nearest available value.
The protection grading curves that result are shown in Figure
10.00 9.31 and the setting values in Table 9.6. Grading is now
In situations where one of the relays to be graded is provided
by a third party, it is common for the settings of the relay to be
specified and this may lead to a lack of co-ordination between
0.10 this relay and others (usually those downstream). Negotiation
is then required to try and achieve acceptable settings, but it is
often the case that no change to the settings of the relay
100 1000 10000 100000
provided by the third party is allowed. A lack of co-ordination
Current (A) between relays then has to be accepted over at least part of
(a) Initial grading curves. the range of fault currents.
Relay Settings
Relay Load
Fault Current Setting
or current
Current CT Fuse
Characteristic TMS
10.00 Fuse Ratio Rating
Primary Per
(A) kA
Amps Cent
F1 190 10.6 200/5 EI 100 100 0.1
F2 130 10.6 150/5 EI 150 120 0.25
FS1 90 10.6 - 125A
Fuse FS2 Relay 5
Relay 5 must grade with relay 4 at a fault current of 22.7kA.
At this fault current, relay 4 operates in 0.93s and thus relay 5
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
100.00 detect and isolate low level earth faults not seen by the phase
fault elements. Following the guidelines of Section 9.16,
relays 1/2 can use a current setting of 30% (150A) and a TMS
10.00 of 0.2, using the EI characteristic. Grading of relays 3/4/5
Time (sec)
The procedure for setting the earth fault elements is identical IF4 IF3
to that for the overcurrent elements, except that zero sequence Source I>
Bus P
220kV F4 F3
impedances must be used if available and different from
If IF1
positive sequence impedances to calculate fault levels. T2
220/110kV Bus Q I>
50MVA 110kV F1
However, such impedances are frequently not available, or Ie
known only approximately and the phase fault current levels 5 3
have to be used. Note that earth fault levels can be higher I> I>
On the circuit with fuse F2, low-level earth faults may not be 6
Bus P
of sufficient magnitude to blow the fuse. Attempting to grade Source
I> F4 F3
the earth fault element of the upstream relay with fuse F2 will IF1
not be possible. Similarly, relays F1 and F2 have phase fault Bus Q I>
settings that do not provide effective protection against earth Ie Z=0.25pu Ib
relays upstream of circuits with only phase fault protection (i.e. Figure 9.32: System diagram: Parallel feeder example
relays with only phase fault elements or fuses) will have to be
Fault System Currents (A)
set with a compromise that they will detect downstream earth
Position Configuration Fault Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If
faults but will not provide a discriminative trip. This illustrates
the practical point that it is rare in anything other than a very F1 2 fdrs 3888 1944 1944 0 972 972 1944
simple network to achieve satisfactory grading for all faults F1/F2 1 fdr 2019 2019 0 0 1009 0 1009
throughout the network. F2 2 fdrs 3888 1944 1944 0 972 972 1944
F3 2 fdrs 3888 1944 1944 1944 972 972 1944
In the example of Figure 9.29, the difference in fault levels
between phase to phase and phase to earth faults is probably F4 1 fdr 26243 0 0 0 26243 0 26243
very small so the only function of earth fault elements is to Table 9.7: Fault currents for parallel feeder example
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If relays 2 and 3 are non-directional, then, using SI relay x relay 4 is graded with relay 1 for faults at location F1
characteristics for all relays, grading of the relays is dictated by with one transformer feeder in service
the following: x relay 4 is graded with relay 3 for faults at location F3
x fault at location F1, with 2 feeders in service with two transformer feeders in service
x fault at location F4, with one feeder in service x relay 6 grades with relay 4 for faults at F4
The settings shown in Figure 9.33(a) can be arrived at, with x relay 6 also has to grade with relay 4 for faults at F1
the relay operation times shown in Figure 9.33 (b). It is clear with both transformer feeders in service – relay 6 sees
that for a fault at F3 with both transformer feeders in service, the total fault current but relay 4 only 50% of this
relay 3 operates at the same time as relay 2 and results in total current
disconnection of Bus Q and all consumers supplied solely from Normal rules about calculating current setting values of relays
it. This is undesirable – the advantages of duplicated 100% in series apply. The settings and resulting operation times are
rated transformers have been lost. given in Figure 9.34(b) and(c) respectively.
4 220/110kV 2
I> 50MVA I>
Id Ia Ic
Bus P
I> 220kV F4 F3
T2 1 IF1
Source 220/110kV Bus Q
10000MVA 50MVA I>
110kV F1
Ie Ib
5 3
I> I>
(a) Circuit diagram
Relay CT Primary TMS Characteristic
1 300 1 0.2 SI
2 300 0.42 0.1 SI
3 300 0.42 0.1 SI
4 300 0.6 0.275 SI
5 300 0.6 0.275 SI
6 300 0.7 0.475 SI
By making relays 2 and 3 directional as shown in Figure Current (A) - referred to 110kV
9.34 (a), lower settings for these relays can be adopted – they (i) Fault current 3888A - faults F1, F2, F3 - 2 feeders Relay 1
Relays 2/3
(ii) Fault current 2019A - faults F1, F2 - 1 feeder
can be set as low as reasonably practical but normally a (iii) Fault current 26243A - fault F4 - 1 feeder
Relays 4/5
Relay 6
current setting of about 50% of feeder full load current is used, (c) Relay characteristics
with a TMS of 0.1. Grading rules can be established as Figure 9.34: Relay grading for parallel feeder example – directional
follows: relays
In practice, a complete protection study would include
instantaneous elements on the primary side of the
transformers and analysis of the situation with only one
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
transformer in service. These have been omitted from this Figure 9.36 shows the impedance diagram for these two
example, as the purpose is to illustrate the principles of parallel cases. Three-phase fault currents I1 and I1c can be calculated
feeder protection in a simple fashion. as 2.13kA and 3.67kA respectively, so that the worst case is
with the ring open (this can also be seen from consideration of
9.20.4 Grading of a Ring Main the impedance relationships, without the necessity of
Figure 9.35 shows a simple ring main, with a single infeed at performing the calculation). Table 9.8 shows the fault currents
Bus A and three load busbars. Settings for the directional at each bus for open points at CB1 and CB8.
relays R2-R7 and non-directional relays R1/R8 are required. For grading of the relays, consider relays looking in a clockwise
Maximum load current in the ring is 785A (maximum direction round the ring, i.e. relays R1/R3/R5/R7.
continuous current with one transformer out of service), so
1000/1A CTs are chosen. The relay considered is a MiCOM
P140 series.
° Z Z CD Z A D °½
Z S ®1 BC ¾ Z BC Z CD Z A D
°¯ Z AB °¿
I 1'
Clockwise Anticlockwise
Open Point CB8 Open Point CB1
Bus Fault Current kA Bus Fault Current kA
Figure 9.35: Ring main grading example – circuit diagram
D 7.124 B 3.665
The first step is to establish the maximum fault current at each
C 4.259 C 5.615
relay location. Assuming a fault at Bus B (the actual location
B 3.376 D 8.568
is not important), two possible configurations of the ring have
Table 9.8: Fault current tabulation with ring open
to be considered, firstly a closed ring and secondly an open
ring. For convenience, the ring will be considered to be open Relay R7
at CB1 (CB8 is the other possibility to be considered, but the
conclusion will be the same). Load current cannot flow from Bus D to Bus A since Bus A is
the only source. Hence low relay current and TMS settings
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
ª 0.14 º
0.05 u « »s 0.24 s
¬ 4 . 22 0.02
1 ¼ Relay R5
This relay must grade with Relay R7 at 3376A and have a 1.00
Relay R1
minimum operation time of 0.54s. The current setting for
Relay R3
Relay R5 must be at least 110% that of relay R7 to prevent
unwanted pickup. Therefore select relay R5 current setting of Relay R5
0.88 (880A CT primary current).
Relay R5 operating time at TMS = 1.0 Relay R7
ª 0.14 º 1000 10000 100,000
« »s 5.14 s
¬ 3.84 1¼
0.02 Current (A)
Figure 9.37: Ring main example – relay grading curves. Clockwise
grading of relays (ring open at CB8)
Hence, relay R5 TMS = 0.54/5.14 = 0.105
Let’s assume that we have, for example, an earlier version of
the relay whose available TMS settings were less granular in
steps of 0.025. In this case use the nearest settable value of
TMS of 0.125. Table 9.9 summarises the relay settings while
Figure 9.37 and Figure 9.38 show the relay grading curves.
Max Fault Current
Relay CT Load 10.00
Bus Relay Current (A) Setting TMS
Characteristic Ratio Current
(3.3kV base) p.u.
D R7 SI 1000/1 874 3376 0.8 0.05
C R5 SI 1000/1 874 4259 0.88 0.125
B R3 SI 1000/1 874 7124 0.97 0.2
A R1 SI 1000/1 874 14387 1.07 0.275
A R8 SI 1000/1 874 14387 1.07 0.3
Relay R8
D R6 SI 1000/1 874 8568 0.97 0.2
Relay R6
C R4 SI 1000/1 874 5615 0.88 0.125
Relay R4
B R2 SI 1000/1 874 3665 0.8 0.05
Table 9.9: Ring main example relay settings
Relay R2
1000 10000 100,000
Current (A)
Figure 9.38: Ring main example – relay grading curves. Anticlockwise
grading of relays (ring open at CB1)
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Chapter 9 Overcurrent Protection for Phase and Earth Faults
9.21 HI-Z - HIGH IMPEDANCE DOWNED too can pose fault detection problems due to the natural good
CONDUCTOR PROTECTION insulating properties, especially if the road is dry.
High impedance (“Hi-Z”) faults are generally defined as the It has been explained that such a downed conductor will tend
unwanted contact of an electrical conductor with a non- to strike a fault arc. This offers a real advantage in terms of
conductive surface like asphalt road, concrete, tree limbs, detection of such faults, because arcs have particular
sand, wooden fences or some other surface or object which characteristics:
restricts the fault current to a level below that which can be
x Arcs are rich in harmonics, with a persistence and
reliably detected by conventional overcurrent and earth fault
randomness of the harmonic profile which is not
relays. In some cases even sensitive earth fault protection
typically seen in normal load current.
cannot reliably detect such low levels of fault current flow.
Undetected high impedance faults such as downed conductors x The heat and energy in the arc, plus any wind and
are dangerous for nearby staff, the public, and livestock. The remaining tension in the wire, tend to cause movement
primary objective of clearing such faults is therefore towards of the conductor – this leads to randomness in the flow
protection of human and animal life, and property, and not of fundamental current too.
towards the integrity and selectivity of the power system. x On certain surfaces, the heat from the arc will affect the
Therefore, high-impedance fault detection is becoming insulating properties, and any moisture in the contact
increasingly important for utilities and protection engineers, as area – this will further induce randomness in
moral and legal challenges press them to take a greater duty of harmonics, fundamental current, and the persistence of
care and social responsibility for all that may be in the any fault current flow.
proximity of their power assets. Modern feeder management relays offer numerical algorithms
The typical fault scenario is where a distribution overhead line which react to (1) prolonged intermittency in current flow, and
conductor has fallen, for example where corrosion or wind (2) unusual levels or prevalence of harmonics, to be used
and/or ice loading over time have caused the conductor to independently, or in combination, as a reliable method to
break free from its retaining clamp at the tower or pole. detect high impedance faults such as downed conductors.
Repeat failures of jumpers or previously-repaired spliced These techniques can be directionalised using power-based
sections may also give rise to a downed conductor, which then techniques.
will fall under a combination of gravity and any remaining
tension to rest on whatever surface lies below it. 9.22 REFERENCES
As previously described, non-conductive surfaces will tend to [9.1]. Directional Element Connections for Phase Relays.
limit the fault current which flows. This is due to their high W.K Sonnemann, Transactions A.I.E.E. 1950.
resistivity, and the need for the earth fault current to flow back
to the source of supply, and a legitimate zero sequence current
source. Typically, this will necessitate the current returning to
the nearest adjacent earthed tower, for the return current then
to flow in any aerial earth wire. If the circuit has no earth wire,
the fault current will need to return typically to the earthed
star-point of the upstream distribution transformer. In the
case of a conductor falling onto rock or sand, the challenge is
made all the harder in that the initial contact surface, and
many metres of fault current flow in the same material
composition which can drastically limit the prospective fault
current. In the case of a conductor falling onto a fence, if the
wood is dry this may have a high resistivity, but that high
resistance may only apply for a few metres, until the current
can flow in moist soil underground.
Sand poses a particular problem, because once a conductor
falls onto it and arc current strikes, the heat in the arc can
cause clumps of the surrounding sand to turn to glass, which
partially insulates the conductor from the earth. Asphalt roads
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Chapter 10
Unit Protection of Feeders
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
similar current transformers at each end of the protected zone, negative at H, while the infeeds to the faulted section HJ are
as shown in Figure 10.1. Current transmitted through the both positive.
zone causes secondary current to circulate round the pilot
circuit without producing any current in the relay. For a fault
within the protected zone the CT secondary currents will not
balance, compared with the through-fault condition, and the
difference between the currents will flow in the relay.
An alternative arrangement is shown in Figure 10.2, in which
the CT secondary windings are opposed for through-fault
conditions so that no current flows in the series connected
Figure 10.3: Convention of current direction
relays. The former system is known as a ‘Circulating Current’
system, while the latter is known as a ‘Balanced Voltage’ Neglect of this rule has often led to anomalous arrangements
system. of equipment or difficulty in describing the action of a complex
system. When applied, the rule will normally lead to the use of
identical equipments at the zone boundaries, and is equally
suitable for extension to multi-ended systems. It also
conforms to the standard methods of network analysis
10-2 © 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
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Chapter 10 Unit Protection of Feeders
with currents IPg and IPh being identical. If a low impedance 10.4.2 Bias
relay is used, voltage FF’ will be very small, but the CT exciting The 'spill' current in the relay arising from these various
currents will be unequal due to the unequal burdens and relay sources of error is dependent on the magnitude of the through
current IR will still be non-zero. current, being negligible at low values of through-fault current
but sometimes reaching a disproportionately large value for
more severe faults. Setting the operating threshold of the
protection above the maximum level of spill current produces
poor sensitivity. By making the differential setting
approximately proportional to the fault current, the low-level
fault sensitivity is greatly improved. Figure 10.5 shows a
typical bias characteristic for a modern relay that overcomes
the problem. At low currents, the bias is small, thus enabling
the relay to be made sensitive. At higher currents, such as
would be obtained from inrush or through fault conditions, the
bias used is higher, and thus the spill current required to cause
operation is higher. The relay is therefore more tolerant of spill
current at higher fault currents and therefore less likely to
maloperate, while still being sensitive at lower current levels.
I1 I2
Figure 10.4: Equivalent circuit and potential diagram for circulating
current scheme
= I1+ I2 + I3
10.4.1 Transient Instability
It is shown in Section 6.4.10 that an asymmetrical current bias k2
applied to a current transformer will induce a flux that is
greater than the peak flux corresponding to the steady state
alternating component of the current. It may take the CT into
saturation, with the result that the dynamic exciting bias k1
impedance is reduced and the exciting current greatly Restrain
When the balancing current transformers of a unit protection
Is2 I1 + I2 + I3
system differ in excitation characteristics, or have unequal Ibias =
burdens, the transient flux build-ups will differ and an
Figure 10.5: Typical bias characteristic of relay
increased 'spill' current will result. There is a consequent risk
of relay operation on a healthy circuit under transient
conditions, which is clearly unacceptable. One solution is to
include a stabilising resistance in series with the relay. Details This section is included for historical reasons, mainly because
of how to calculate the value of the stabilising resistor are of the number of such schemes still to be found in service – for
usually included in the instruction manuals of all relays that new installations it has been almost completely superseded by
require one. circulating current schemes. It is the dual of the circulating
current protection, and is summarised in Figure 10.2 as used
When a stabilising resistor is used, the relay current setting in the ‘MHOR’ scheme.
can be reduced to any practical value, the relay now being a
voltage-measuring device. There is obviously a lower limit, With primary through current, the secondary e.m.f.s of the
below which the relay element does not have the sensitivity to current transformers are opposed, and provide no current in
pick up. the interconnecting pilot leads or the series connected relays.
An in-zone fault leads to a circulating current condition in the
CT secondaries and hence to relay operation.
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Chapter 10 Unit Protection of Feeders
Boosting the turns ratio to 6 for the neutral end of the winding which delivers the reference e.m.f. The secondary windings of
serves to increase the earth fault sensitivity of the scheme, as the conjugate relays are interconnected as a balanced voltage
is shown in the bracketed performance below. system over the pilot channel, the lower electromagnets of
both relays being included in this circuit.
Unbalanced fault currents will energise different numbers of
turns, according to which phase(s) is/are faulted. This leads to Through current in the power circuit produces a state of
relay settings which are in inverse ratio to the number of turns balance in the pilot circuit and zero current in the lower
involved. If the relay has a setting of 100% for a B-C fault, the electromagnet coils. In this condition, no operating torque is
following proportionate trip thresholds will apply: produced.
x A-B 80% An in-zone fault causing an inflow of current from each end of
x B-C 100% the line produces circulating current in the pilot circuit and the
energisation of the lower electromagnets. These co-operate
x C-A 44%
with the flux of the upper electromagnets to produce an
x A-B-C 50% operating torque in the discs of both relays. An infeed from
x A-N 19% (or 12% for N=6) one end only will result in relay operation at the feeding end,
x B-N 25% (or 14% for N=6) but no operation at the other, because of the absence of upper
magnet flux.
x C-N 33% (or 17% for N=6)
Bias is produced by a copper shading loop fitted to the pole of
10.7 EXAMPLES OF ELECTROMECHANICAL the upper magnet, thereby establishing a Ferraris motor action
AND STATIC UNIT PROTECTION SYSTEMS that gives a reverse or restraining torque proportional to the
square of the upper magnet flux value.
As mentioned above, the basic balanced voltage principle of
protection evolved to biased protection systems. Several of Typical settings achievable with such a relay are:
these have been designed, some of which appear to be quite x Least sensitive earth fault - 40% of rating
different from others. These dissimilarities are, however,
superficial. A number of these systems that are still in x Least sensitive phase-phase fault - 90% of rating
common use are described below. x Three-phase fault - 52% of rating
10.7.1 ‘Translay’ Balanced Voltage Electromechanical 10.7.2 Static Circulating Current Unit Protection
System System - ‘MBCI Translay’
A typical biased, electromechanical balanced voltage system, A typical static modular pilot wire unit protection system,
trade name ‘Translay’, still giving useful service on distribution operating on the circulating current principle is shown in
systems is shown in Figure 10.8. Figure 10.9. This uses summation transformers with a neutral
section that is tapped, to provide alternative earth fault
sensitivities. Phase comparators tuned to the power frequency
are used for measurement and a restraint circuit gives a high
level of stability for through faults and transient charging
currents. High-speed operation is obtained with moderately
sized current transformers and where space for current
transformers is limited and where the lowest possible
operating time is not essential, smaller current transformers
may be used. This is made possible by a special adjustment
Figure 10.8: ‘Translay’ biased electromechanical differential protection (Kt) by which the operating time of the differential protection
system can be selectively increased if necessary, thereby enabling the
The electromechanical design derives its balancing voltages use of current transformers having a correspondingly
from the transactor incorporated in the measuring relay at decreased knee-point voltage, whilst ensuring that through-
each line end. The latter are based on the induction-type fault stability is maintained to greater than 50 times the rated
meter electromagnet as shown in Figure 10.8. current.
The upper magnet carries a summation winding to receive the Internal faults give simultaneous tripping of relays at both ends
output of the current transformers, and a secondary winding of the line, providing rapid fault clearance irrespective of
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whether the fault current is fed from both line ends or from A facility for vector/ratio compensation of the measured
only one line end. currents, so that transformer feeders can be included in the
unit protection scheme without the use of interposing CTs or
defining the transformer as a separate zone increases
versatility. Any interposing CTs required are implemented in
software. Maloperation on transformer inrush is prevented by
second harmonic detection. Care must be taken if the
transformer has a wide-ratio on-load tap changer, as this
Ic Ic results in the current ratio departing from nominal and may
cause maloperation, depending on the sensitivity of the relays.
The initial bias slope should be set taking this into
Tuned measurement of power frequency currents provides a
high level of stability with capacitance inrush currents during
line energisation. The normal steady-state capacitive charging
current can be allowed for if a voltage signal can be made
available and the susceptance of the protected zone is known.
Figure 10.9: Typical static circulating current feeder unit protection
circuit diagram Where an earthed transformer winding or earthing
transformer is included within the zone of protection, some
10.8 DIGITAL/NUMERICAL CURRENT form of zero sequence current filtering is required. This is
DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION SYSTEMS because there will be an in-zone source of zero sequence
A digital or numerical unit protection relay may typically current for an external earth fault. The differential protection
provide phase-segregated current differential protection. This will see zero sequence differential current for an external fault
means that the comparison of the currents at each relay is and it could incorrectly operate as a result. In older protection
done on a per phase basis. For digital data communication schemes, the problem was eliminated by delta connection of
between relays, it is usual that a direct optical connection is the CT secondary windings. For a digital or numerical relay, a
used (for short distances) or a multiplexed link. Link speeds of selectable software zero sequence filter is typically employed.
64kbit/s (56kbit/s in N. America) are normal, and up to 2 The minimum setting that can be achieved with such
Mbit/s in some cases. Through current bias is typically applied techniques while ensuring good stability is 20% of CT primary
to provide through fault stability in the event of CT saturation. current.
A dual slope bias technique (Figure 10.5) is used to enhance
The problem remains of compensating for the time difference
stability for through faults. A typical trip criterion is as follows:
between the current measurements made at the ends of the
I bias I S 2 feeder, since small differences can upset the stability of the
For scheme, even when using fast direct fibre-optic links. The
I diff ! k1 I bias I S 1 problem is overcome by either time synchronisation of the
measurements taken by the relays, or calculation of the
propagation delay of the link continuously.
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Chapter 10 Unit Protection of Feeders
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10.8.2 Application to Mesh Corner and 1 1/2 Breaker directly on the communication medium. Instead a relaying
Switched Substations quantity may be used to vary the higher frequency associated
with each medium (or the light intensity for fibre-optic
These substation arrangements are quite common, and the
systems), and this process is normally referred to as
arrangement for the latter is shown in Figure 10.11. Problems
modulation of a carrier wave. Demodulation or detection of
exist in protecting the feeders due to the location of the line
the variation at a remote receiver permits the relaying quantity
CTs, as either Bus 1 or Bus 2 or both can supply the feeder.
to be reconstituted for use in conjunction with the relaying
Two alternatives are used to overcome the problem, and they
quantities derived locally, and forms the basis for all carrier
are shown in the Figure. The first is to common the line CT
systems of unit protection.
inputs (as shown for Feeder A) and the alternative is to use a
second set of CT inputs to the relay (as shown for Feeder B). Carrier systems are generally insensitive to induced power
system currents since the systems are designed to operate at
Bus 1 Bus 2
IF B2 IF B1 much higher frequencies, but each medium may be subjected
to noise at the carrier frequencies that may interfere with its
correct operation. Variations of signal level, restrictions of the
F bandwidth available for relaying and other characteristics
Id > unique to each medium influence the choice of the most
Id > appropriate type of scheme. Methods and media for
communication are discussed in Chapter 8.
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Chapter 10 Unit Protection of Feeders
End G End H Figure 10.13: Polar diagram for phase comparison scheme
Signal transmission is usually performed by voice frequency
Signalling equipment and
communication channel channels using frequency shift keying (FSK) or PLC
Summation Squarer B Transmitter
Transmitter Squarer Summation
D' Receiver Receiver
Voice frequency channels involving FSK use two discrete
E comparator
Phase frequencies either side of the middle of the voice band. This
Pulse length comparator
Discriminator arrangement is less sensitive to variations in delay or frequency
F Pulse length
Discriminator response than if the full bandwidth was used. Blocking or
Load or through fault Internal fault
GIG IH H GIG IH H permissive trip modes of operation may be implemented. In
A. Summation voltage at end G addition to the two frequencies used for conveying the squarer
information, a third tone is often used, either for channel
B. Squarer output at end G 1 1
0 0 monitoring or transfer tripping dependent on the scheme.
C. Summation voltage at end H For a sensitive phase comparison scheme, accurate
D. Squarer output at end H 1
compensation for channel delay is required. However, since
(Received at end G via
ideal carrier system as D' both the local and remote signals are logic pulses, simple time
E. Comparator output at end G 1
delay circuits can be used, in contrast to the analogue delay
F. Discriminator output at end G 1 1 circuitry usually required for current differential schemes.
0 0
Stability setting
The principles of the Power Line Carrier channel technique are
Figure 10.12: Principles of phase comparison protection shown in Figure 10.14. The scheme operates in the blocking
Since the carrier channel is required to transfer only binary mode. The 'squarer' logic is used directly to turn a transmitter
information, the techniques associated with sending 'on' or 'off' at one end, and the resultant burst (or block) of
teleprotection commands. Blocking or permissive trip modes carrier is coupled to and propagates along the power line
of operation are possible, however Figure 10.12 shows the which is being protected to a receiver at the other end. Carrier
more usual blocking mode, since the comparator provides an signals above a threshold are detected by the receiver, and
output when neither squarer is at logic '1'. A permissive trip hence produce a logic signal corresponding to the block of
scheme can be realised if the comparator is arranged to give carrier. In contrast to Figure 10.12, the signalling system is a
an output when both squarers are at logic '1'. Performance of 2-wire rather than 4-wire arrangement, in which the local
the scheme during failure or disturbance of the carrier channel transmission is fed directly to the local receiver along with any
and its ability to clear single-end-fed faults depends on the received signal. The transmitter frequencies at both ends are
mode of operation, the type and function of fault detectors or nominally equal, so the receiver responds equally to blocks of
starting units, and the use of any additional signals or codes carrier from either end. Through-fault current results in
for channel monitoring and transfer tripping. transmission of blocks of carrier from both ends, each lasting
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for half a cycle, but with a phase displacement of half a cycle, 10.11 PHASE COMPARISON PROTECTION
so that the composite signal is continuously above the SCHEME CONSIDERATIONS
threshold level and the detector output logic is continuously
One type of unit protection that uses carrier techniques for
'1'. Any phase shift relative to the through fault condition
communication between relays is phase comparison
produces a gap in the composite carrier signal and hence a
protection. Communication between relays commonly uses
corresponding '0' logic level from the detector. The duration of
PLCC or frequency modulated carrier modem techniques.
the logic '0' provides the basis for discrimination between
There are a number of considerations that apply only to phase
internal and external faults, tripping being permitted only when
comparison protection systems, which are discussed in this
a time delay setting is exceeded. This delay is usually
expressed in terms of the corresponding phase shift in degrees
at system frequency s in Figure 10.13.
10.11.1 Lines with Shunt Capacitance
The advantages generally associated with the use of the power A problem can occur with the shunt capacitance current that
line as the communication medium apply namely, that a flows from an energising source. Since this current is in
power line provides a robust, reliable, and low-loss addition to the load current that flows out of the line, and
interconnection between the relaying points. In addition typically leads it by more than 90°, significant differential
dedicated 'on/off' signalling is particularly suited for use in phase shifts between the currents at the ends of the line can
phase comparison blocking mode schemes, as signal occur, particularly when load current is low.
attenuation is not a problem. This is in contrast to permissive
or direct tripping schemes, where high power output or The system differential phase shift may encroach into the
boosting is required to overcome the extra attenuation due to tripping region of the simple discriminator characteristic,
the fault. regardless of how large the stability angle setting may be.
Figure 10.15 shows the effect and indicates techniques that
The noise immunity is also very good, making the scheme very are commonly used to ensure stability.
reliable. Signal propagation delay is easily allowed for in the
stability angle setting, making the scheme very sensitive as
End G End H
Line trap Line trap Tc
Line trap Line trap
Ms IC Through fault
Coupling Coupling
Summation filter filter
IL reference
Squarer Transmitter B Identical
C Receiver to end G
Pulse length
D Trip Trip Squarer threshold
1 Load or through fault 1 Internal fault
A. Squarer output at end Starter threshold
0 0
B. Composite carrier signal at end G where M s tan 1
C. Carrier detector output 1 1
0 0 Characteristic of system with amplitude dependent
1 1 CompensationM s angular compensation for current of
D. Discriminator output 0 0 magnitude OA
Stability setting § 1 IC ·
¨ 2 sin for squarer threshold IC ¸¸
Figure 10.14: Principles of power line carrier phase comparison ¨
© OA ¹
IL = load current
Figure 10.15: Capacitive current in phase comparison schemes and
techniques used to avoid instability
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Chapter 10 Unit Protection of Feeders
10.11.2 System Tripping Angles In the absence of pre-fault load current, the voltages at the
two ends of a line are in phase. Internal faults are fed from
For the protection scheme to trip correctly on internal faults
both ends with fault contributions whose magnitudes and
the change in differential phase shift, o, from the through-
angles are determined by the position of the fault and the
fault condition taken as reference, must exceed the effective
system source impedances. Although the magnitudes may be
stability angle of the scheme. Hence:
markedly different, the angles (line plus source) are similar and
T 0 t Is T c seldom differ by more than about 20°
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For three phase faults, or solid earth faults on phase-by-phase approximately in phase at the ends of the line and therefore
comparison schemes, through load current falls to zero during could form an ideal modulating quantity. To provide a
the fault and so need not be considered. For all other faults, modulating signal during three phase faults, which give rise to
load current continues to flow in the healthy phases and may positive phase sequence (PPS) currents, I1, only, a practical
therefore tend to increase T G T H towards the through modulating quantity must include some response to I1 in
addition to I2.
fault reference value. For low resistance faults the fault
current usually far exceeds the load current and so has little Typical values of the ratio M : N exceed 5:1, so that the
effect. High resistance faults or the presence of a weak source modulating quantity is weighted heavily in favour of NPS, and
at one end can prove more difficult, but high performance is any PPS associated with load current tends to be swamped
still possible if the modulating quantity is chosen with care out on all but the highest resistance faults.
and/or fault detectors are added.
For a high resistance phase-earth fault, the system remains
well balanced so that load current IL is entirely positive
10.11.4 Modulating Quantity
sequence. The fault contribution IF provides equal parts of
Phase-by-phase comparison schemes usually use phase
current for modulation of the carrier. Load and fault currents positive, negative and zero sequence components .
are almost in antiphase at an end with a weak source. Correct 3
performance is possible only when fault current exceeds load Assuming the fault is on 'A' phase and the load is resistive, all
current, or sequence components are in phase at the infeed end G.
for I F I L , T G T H | 180
? I mG NI L ?T G | 0
3 3
for I F ! I L , T G T H | 0
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Chapter 10 Unit Protection of Feeders
M 6 and N 1, 6
? IE IL 1 .1
5 0 .9
Comparing this with Equation 10.4, a scheme using NILH ImH TH 0
NIE TH 0 1 .1
summation is potentially 1.667 times more sensitive than one 0 .9 3
using phase current for modulation.
I mG
Even though the use of a negative value of M gives a lower o 1 .1 0
TG 180 3
value of IE than if it were positive, it is usually preferred since 0 .9
the limiting condition of Im = 0 then applies at the load 3 NIE NIE
0 .9 1 .1
infeed end. Load and fault components are additive at the 3 3
outfeed end so that a correct modulating quantity occurs there,
TG T H 180 o TG T H 0o
even with the lowest fault levels. For operation of the scheme
it is sufficient therefore that the fault current contribution from NIE
the load infeed end exceeds the effective setting. 3 NILH
For faults on B or C phases, the NPS components are TH 3
values of but the scheme then becomes more sensitive to
differential errors in NPS currents such as the unbalanced
components of capacitive current or spill from partially
saturated CTs.
Techniques such as capacitive current compensation and
M Figure 10.16: Effect of load current on differential phase shift g-H
reduction of at high fault levels may be required to ensure for resistive earth faults at the effective earth fault sensitivity IE
stability of the scheme.
10.11.5 Fault Detection and Starting
For a scheme using a carrier system that continuously
transmits the modulating quantity, protecting an ideal line
(capacitive current = 0) in an interconnected transmission
system, measurement of current magnitude might be
unnecessary. In practice, fault detector or starting elements
are invariably provided and the scheme then becomes a
permissive tripping scheme in which both the fault detector
and the discriminator must operate to provide a trip output,
and the fault detector may limit the sensitivity of the scheme.
Requirements for the fault detectors vary according to the type
of carrier channel used, mode of operation used in the phase
angle measurement, that is, blocking or permissive, and the
features used to provide tolerance to capacitive current.
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10.11.6 Normally Quiescent Power Line Carrier loaded and has a low fault level at the outfeed end, some faults
(Blocking Mode) can be accompanied by a fall in current, which would lead to
failure of such fault detection, resulting in sequential tripping
To ensure stability of through faults, it is essential that carrier
(for blocking mode schemes) or no tripping (for permissive
transmission starts before any measurement of the width of
schemes). Although fault detectors can be designed to
the gap is permitted. To allow for equipment tolerances and
respond to any disturbance (increase or decrease of current), it
the difference in magnitude of the two currents due to
is more usual to use phase sequence components. All
capacitive current, two starting elements are used, usually
unbalanced faults produce a rise in the NPS components from
referred to as 'Low Set' and 'High Set' respectively. Low Set
the zero level associated with balanced load current, whilst
controls the start-up of transmission whilst High Set, having a
balanced faults produce an increase in the PPS components
setting typically 1.5 to 2 times that of the Low Set element,
from the load level (except at ends with very low fault level) so
permits the phase angle measurement to proceed.
that the use of NPS and PPS fault detectors make the scheme
The use of impulse starters that respond to the change in sensitive to all faults. For schemes using summation of NPS
current level enables sensitivities of less than rated current to and PPS components for the modulating quantity, the use of
be achieved. Resetting of the starters occurs naturally after a NPS and PPS fault detectors is particularly appropriate since,
swell time or at the clearance of the fault. Dwell times and in addition to any reductions in hardware, the scheme may be
resetting characteristics must ensure that during through characterised entirely in terms of sequence components. Fault
faults, a High Set is never operated when a Low Set has reset sensitivities IF for PPS and NPS impulse starter settings I1s
and potential race conditions are often avoided by the and I2s respectively are as follows:
transmitting of an demodulated (and therefore blocking)
carrier for a short time following the reset of low set; this Three phase fault I F I 1S
feature is often referred to as 'Marginal Guard.'
Phase-phase fault I F 3 I2S
10.11.7 Scheme without Capacitive Current Phase-earth fault I F 3 I2S
The 'keyhole' discrimination characteristic of depends on the 10.12 EXAMPLES
inclusion of a fault detector to ensure that no measurements of This section gives examples of setting calculations for simple
phase angle can occur at low current levels, when the unit protection schemes. It cannot and is not intended to
capacitive current might cause large phase shifts. Resetting replace a proper setting calculation for a particular application.
must be very fast to ensure stability following the shedding of It is intended to show the principles of the calculations
through load. required. The examples use the Alstom MiCOM P54x Current
Differential relay, which has the setting ranges given in Table
10.11.8 Scheme with Capacitive Current 10.1 for differential protection. The relay also has backup
Compensation (Blocking Mode) distance, high-set instantaneous, and earth-fault protection
When the magnitude of the modulating quantity is less than included in the basic model to provide a complete ‘one-box’
the threshold of the squarer, transmission if it occurred, would solution of main and backup protection.
be a continuous blocking signal. This might occur at an end
Parameter Setting Range
with a weak source, remote from a fault close to a strong
source. A fault detector is required to permit transmission only Differential Current Setting Is1 0.2 – 2.0 In
when the current exceeds the modulator threshold by some Bias Current Threshold Setting Is2 1.0 – 30.0 In
multiple (typically about 2 times) so that the effective stability Lower Percentage Bias Setting k1 0.3 – 1.5
angle is not excessive. For PLCC schemes, the low set element
Higher Percentage Bias Setting k2 0.3 – 1.5
referred to in Section 10.11.6 is usually used for this purpose.
If the fault current is insufficient to operate the fault detector, In = CT Rated Secondary Current
circuit breaker tripping will normally occur sequentially. Table 10.1: Relay Setting Ranges
10.11.9 Fault Detector Operating Quantities 10.12.1 Unit Protection of a Plain Feeder
Most faults cause an increase in the corresponding phase The circuit to be protected is shown in Figure 10.17. It
current(s) so measurement of current increase could form the consists of a plain feeder circuit formed of an overhead line
basis for fault detection. However, when a line is heavily 25km long. The relevant properties of the line are:
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Chapter 10 Unit Protection of Feeders
I s2 2.0 pu
k1 30% K1
k2 150% 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
To provide immunity from the effects of line charging current, Ibias
the setting of Is1 must be at least 2.5 times the steady-state Figure 10.18: Relay characteristic; plain feeder example
charging current, i.e. 4.1A or 0.01p.u., after taking into In cases where the capacitive charging current is very large
consideration the CT ratio of 400/1. The nearest available and hence the minimum tripping current needs to be set to an
setting above this is 0.20p.u. This gives the points on the relay unacceptably high value, some relays offer the facility of
characteristic as shown in Figure 10.18. subtracting the charging current from the measured value.
The minimum operating current Id min is related to the value of Use of this facility depends on having a suitable VT input and
Is1 by the formula knowledge of the shunt capacitance of the circuit.
I d min
k1 I L I S1 10.12.2 Unit Protection of a Transformer Feeder
1 0.5k1 Figure 10.19 shows unit protection applied to a transformer
for I bias I s2 feeder. The feeder is assumed to be a 100m length of cable,
such as might be found in some industrial plants or where a
and short distance separates the 33kV and 11kV substations.
I d min
k2 I L k2 k1 I S 2 I S1 While 11kV cable capacitance will exist, it can be regarded as
negligible for the purposes of this example.
1 0.5k2
I bias ! I s 2
where IL = load current and hence the minimum operating
current at no load is 0.235p.u. or 94A.
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HV: 1.14
LV: 1.19
transformer rated primary current = 350A
transformer rated secondary current = 1050A
With the line charging current being negligible, the following
relay settings are then suitable, and allow for transformer
efficiency and mismatch due to tap-changing:
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Chapter 10 Unit Protection of Feeders
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Chapter 11
Distance Protection
115 u10
I F1 7380 A
3 u 5 4
115 u10 3
IF2 6640 A
3 u10
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with high-speed auto-reclosing, for the protection of critical 11.3.1 Electromechanical/Static Distance Relays
transmission lines. With electromechanical and earlier static relay designs, the
magnitude of input quantities particularly influenced both
11.2 PRINCIPLES OF DISTANCE RELAYS reach accuracy and operating time. It was customary to
Since the impedance of a transmission line is proportional to present information on relay performance by voltage/reach
its length, for distance measurement it is appropriate to use a curves, as shown in Figure 11.2, and operating time/fault
relay capable of measuring the impedance of a line up to a position curves for various values of system impedance ratios
predetermined point (the reach point). Such a relay is (S.I.R.s) as shown in Figure 11.3, where:
described as a distance relay and is designed to operate only
for faults occurring between the relay location and the selected ZS
S .I .R
reach point, thus giving discrimination for faults that may ZL
occur in different line sections.
The basic principle of distance protection involves the division
of the voltage at the relaying point by the measured current. Z S = system source impedance behind the relay
The apparent impedance so calculated is compared with the location
reach point impedance. If the measured impedance is less
Z L = line impedance equivalent to relay reach setting
than the reach point impedance, it is assumed that a fault
exists on the line between the relay and the reach point.
The reach point of a relay is the point along the line impedance
locus that is intersected by the boundary characteristic of the 100
relay. Since this is dependent on the ratio of voltage and
current and the phase angle between them, it may be plotted 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 65
on an R/X diagram. The loci of power system impedances as % relay rated voltage
seen by the relay during faults, power swings and load (a) Phase-earth faults
variations may be plotted on the same diagram and in this 105
manner the performance of the relay in the presence of system
faults and disturbances may be studied. 100
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
Fault position (p.u. relay setting ZL)
§ ZS ·
¨¨ ¸¸ 1
© ZL ¹
Equation 11.1
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VR Vl n
§ Z S ·§ 2 p ·
¨¨ ¸¸¨¨ ¸¸ 1
© Z L ¹© 2 q ¹
Equation 11.3
ZS 2Z S1 Z S 0 Z S 1 2 p
ZL 2Z L1 Z L 0 Z L1 2 q
Z S1
Z L0
Z L1
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
measure in the reverse direction. Typical settings for three Z3JR Z3JF
forward-looking zones of basic distance protection are given in Time Z2J
the following sub-sections. To determine the settings for a Z1J X Z1L
particular relay design or for a particular distance Source Source
teleprotection scheme, involving end-to-end signalling, the Z1H Z1K
relay manufacturer’s instructions should be referred to. X
11.6.1 Zone 1 Setting
Electromechanical/static relays usually have a reach setting of Zone 1 = 80-85% of protected line impedance
up to 80% of the protected line impedance for instantaneous Zone 2 (minimum) = 120% of protected line
Zone 2 (maximum) < Protected line + 50% of shortest second line
Zone 1 protection. For digital/numerical distance relays,
Zone 3F = 1.2 (protected line + longest second line)
settings of up to 85% may be safe. The resulting 15-20% safety Zone 3R = 20% of protected line
margin ensures that there is no risk of the Zone 1 protection X = Circuit breaker tripping time
over-reaching the protected line due to errors in the current Y = Discriminating time
and voltage transformers, inaccuracies in line impedance data Figure 11.6: Typical time/distance characteristics for three zone
provided for setting purposes and errors of relay setting and distance protection
measurement. Otherwise, there would be a loss of
discrimination with fast operating protection on the following 11.6.3 Zone 3 Setting
line section. Zone 2 of the distance protection must cover the Remote back-up protection for all faults on adjacent lines can
remaining 15-20% of the line. be provided by a third zone of protection that is time delayed to
discriminate with Zone 2 protection plus circuit breaker trip
11.6.2 Zone 2 Setting time for the adjacent line. Zone 3 reach should be set to at
To ensure full coverage of the line with allowance for the least 1.2 times the impedance presented to the relay for a fault
sources of error already listed in the previous section, the reach at the remote end of the second line section.
setting of the Zone 2 protection should be at least 120% of the On interconnected power systems, the effect of fault current
protected line impedance. In many applications it is common infeed at the remote busbars will cause the impedance
practice to set the Zone 2 reach to be equal to the protected presented to the relay to be much greater than the actual
line section +50% of the shortest adjacent line. Where impedance to the fault and this needs to be taken into account
possible, this ensures that the resulting maximum effective when setting Zone 3. In some systems, variations in the
Zone 2 reach does not extend beyond the minimum effective remote busbar infeed can prevent the application of remote
Zone 1 reach of the adjacent line protection. This avoids the back-up Zone 3 protection but on radial distribution systems
need to grade the Zone 2 time settings between upstream and with single end infeed, no difficulties should arise.
downstream relays. In electromechanical and static relays,
Zone 2 protection is provided either by separate elements or by 11.6.4 Settings for Reverse Reach and Other Zones
extending the reach of the Zone 1 elements after a time delay Modern digital or numerical relays may have additional
that is initiated by a fault detector. In most digital and impedance zones that can be utilised to provide additional
numerical relays, the Zone 2 elements are implemented in protection functions. For example, where the first three zones
software. are set as above, Zone 4 might be used to provide back-up
Zone 2 tripping must be time-delayed to ensure grading with protection for the local busbar, by applying a reverse reach
the primary relaying applied to adjacent circuits that fall within setting of the order of 25% of the Zone 1 reach. Alternatively,
the Zone 2 reach. Thus complete coverage of a line section is one of the forward-looking zones (typically Zone 3) could be
obtained, with fast clearance of faults in the first 80-85% of the set with a small reverse offset reach from the origin of the R/X
line and somewhat slower clearance of faults in the remaining diagram, in addition to its forward reach setting. An offset
section of the line. impedance measurement characteristic is non-directional.
One advantage of a non-directional zone of impedance
measurement is that it is able to operate for a close-up, zero-
impedance fault, in situations where there may be no healthy
phase voltage signal or memory voltage signal available to
allow operation of a directional impedance zone. With the
offset-zone time delay bypassed, there can be provision of
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‘Switch-on-to-Fault’ (SOTF) protection. This is required other type. For example, comparing V and I in an amplitude
where there are line voltage transformers, to provide fast comparator results in a circular impedance characteristic
tripping in the event of accidental line energisation with centred at the origin of the R/X diagram. If the sum and
maintenance earthing clamps left in position. Additional difference of V and I are applied to the phase comparator the
impedance zones may be deployed as part of a distance result is a similar characteristic.
protection scheme used in conjunction with a teleprotection
signalling channel. 11.7.2 Plain Impedance Characteristic
This characteristic takes no account of the phase angle
11.7 DISTANCE RELAY CHARACTERISTICS between the current and the voltage applied to it; for this
Some numerical relays measure the absolute fault impedance reason its impedance characteristic when plotted on an R/X
and then determine whether operation is required according to diagram is a circle with its centre at the origin of the co-
impedance boundaries defined on the R/X diagram. ordinates and of radius equal to its setting in ohms. Operation
Traditional distance relays and numerical relays that emulate occurs for all impedance values less than the setting, that is,
the impedance elements of traditional relays do not measure for all points within the circle. The relay characteristic, shown
absolute impedance. They compare the measured fault in Figure 11.7, is therefore non-directional, and in this form
voltage with a replica voltage derived from the fault current would operate for all faults along the vector AL and also for all
and the zone impedance setting to determine whether the fault faults behind the busbars up to an impedance AM. A is the
is within zone or out-of-zone. Distance relay impedance relaying point and RAB is the angle by which the fault current
comparators or algorithms which emulate traditional lags the relay voltage for a fault on the line AB and RAC is the
comparators are classified according to their polar equivalent leading angle for a fault on line AC. Vector AB
characteristics, the number of signal inputs they have, and the represents the impedance in front of the relay between the
method by which signal comparisons are made. The common relaying point A and the end of line AB. Vector AC represents
types compare either the relative amplitude or phase of two the impedance of line AC behind the relaying point. AL
input quantities to obtain operating characteristics that are represents the reach of instantaneous Zone 1 protection, set to
either straight lines or circles when plotted on an R/X diagram. cover 80% to 85% of the protected line.
At each stage of distance relay design evolution, the
Line AC Line AB
development of impedance operating characteristic shapes and
sophistication has been governed by the technology available C A B
and the acceptable cost. Since many traditional relays are still
in service and since some numerical relays emulate the Z
11.7.1 Amplitude and Phase Comparison
Relay measuring elements whose functionality is based on the L
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
x it is non-directional; it will see faults both in front of IF1 to IF2 when C opens could then result in incorrect tripping
and behind the relaying point, and therefore requires a of the healthy line if the directional unit RD operates before the
directional element to give it correct discrimination impedance unit resets. This is an example of the need to
x it has non-uniform fault resistance coverage consider the proper co-ordination of multiple relay elements to
attain reliable relay performance during evolving fault
x it is susceptible to power swings and heavy loading of a
conditions. In older relay designs, the type of problem to be
long line because of the large area covered by the
addressed was commonly referred to as one of ‘contact race’.
impedance circle
Directional control is an essential discrimination quality for a 11.7.3 Self-Polarised Mho Relay
distance relay, to make the relay non-responsive to faults The mho impedance element is generally known as such
outside the protected line. This can be obtained by the because its characteristic is a straight line on an admittance
addition of a separate directional control element. The diagram. It cleverly combines the discriminating qualities of
impedance characteristic of a directional control element is a both reach control and directional control, thereby eliminating
straight line on the R/X diagram, so the combined the ‘contact race’ problems that may be encountered with
characteristic of the directional and impedance relays is the separate reach and directional control elements. This is
semi-circle APLQ shown in Figure 11.8. achieved by the addition of a polarising signal. Mho
X impedance elements were particularly attractive for economic
element RZ<
reasons where electromechanical relay elements were
employed. As a result, they have been widely deployed
worldwide for many years and their advantages and limitations
P Operates
are now well understood. For this reason they are still
Restrains Q emulated in the algorithms of some modern numerical relays.
The characteristic of a mho impedance element, when plotted
element RD on an R/X diagram, is a circle whose circumference passes
through the origin, as illustrated in Figure 11.9. This
(a) Characteristic of combined directional/ demonstrates that the impedance element is inherently
impedance relay
directional and such that it will operate only for faults in the
A IF1 B forward direction along line AB.
Source Source The impedance characteristic is adjusted by setting Zn, the
impedance reach, along the diameter and , the angle of
C D displacement of the diameter from the R axis. Angle is
known as the Relay Characteristic Angle (RCA). The relay
operates for values of fault impedance ZF within its
(b) Illustration of use of directional/impedance relay: circuit characteristic.
The self-polarised mho characteristic can be obtained using a
& phase comparator circuit which compares input signals S2 and
RAD Trip relay S1 and operates whenever S2 lags S1 by between 90 and
270, as shown in the voltage diagram of Figure 11.9(a).
Combined directional/impedance relay
RAZ<: distance element at A
The two input signals are:
RAD : directional element at A
S2 = V-IZn
(c) Logic for directional and impedance elements at A
Figure 11.8: Combined directional and impedance relays
S1 = V
If a fault occurs at F close to C on the parallel line CD, the
directional unit RD at A will restrain due to current IF1. At the V = fault voltage from VT secondary
same time, the impedance unit is prevented from operating by I = fault current from CT secondary
the inhibiting output of unit RD. If this control is not provided, Zn = impedance setting of the zone
the under impedance element could operate prior to circuit
breaker C opening. Reversal of current through the relay from
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cosT I
Due to the physical nature of an arc, there is a non-linear
relationship between arc voltage and arc current, which results
in a non-linear resistance. Using the empirical formula derived
by A.R. van C. Warrington, [11.1] the approximate value of arc
resistance can be assessed as:
Ra L
I 1.4
Equation 11.4
T where:
M Ra = arc resistence (ohms)
L = length of arc (metres)
I = arc current (A)
On long overhead lines carried on steel towers with overhead
earth wires the effect of arc resistance can usually be
neglected. The effect is most significant on short overhead
M lines and with fault currents below 2000A (i.e. minimum plant
condition), or if the protected line is of wood-pole construction
T without earth wires. In the latter case, the earth fault
resistance reduces the effective earth-fault reach of a ‘mho’
Figure 11.9: Mho relay characteristic Zone 1 element to such an extent that the majority of faults
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
are detected in Zone 2 time. This problem can usually be Third Zone and Busbar Back-Up Zone
overcome by using a relay with a cross-polarised mho or a In this application it is used in conjunction with mho
polygonal characteristic. measuring units as a fault detector and/or Zone 3 measuring
Where a power system is resistance-earthed, it should be unit. So, with the reverse reach arranged to extend into the
appreciated that this does not need to be considered with busbar zone, as shown in Figure 11.10, it will provide back-up
regard to the relay settings other than the effect that reduced protection for busbar faults. This facility can also be provided
fault current may have on the value of arc resistance seen. with quadrilateral characteristics. A further benefit of the Zone
The earthing resistance is in the source behind the relay and 3 application is for Switch-on-to-Fault (SOTF) protection,
only modifies the source angle and source to line impedance where the Zone 3 time delay would be bypassed for a short
ratio for earth faults. It would therefore be taken into account period immediately following line energisation to allow rapid
only when assessing relay performance in terms of system clearance of a fault anywhere along the protected line.
impedance ratio. Carrier Starting Unit in Distance Schemes With
11.7.4 Offset Mho/Lenticular Characteristics Carrier Blocking
Under close up fault conditions, when the relay voltage falls to If the offset mho unit is used for starting carrier signalling, it is
zero or near-zero, a relay using a self-polarised mho arranged as shown in Figure 11.10. The carrier is transmitted
characteristic or any other form of self-polarised directional if the fault is external to the protected line but inside the reach
impedance characteristic may fail to operate when it is of the offset mho relay, to prevent accelerated tripping of the
required to do so. Methods of covering this condition include second or third zone relay at the remote station. Transmission
the use of non-directional impedance characteristics, such as is prevented for internal faults by operation of the local mho
offset mho, offset lenticular, or cross-polarised and memory measuring units, which allows high-speed fault clearance by
polarised directional impedance characteristics. the local and remote end circuit breakers.
If current bias is employed, the mho characteristic is shifted to Application of Lenticular Characteristic
embrace the origin, so that the measuring element can operate
There is a danger that the offset mho relay shown in Figure
for close-up faults in both the forward and the reverse
11.10 may operate under maximum load transfer conditions if
directions. The offset mho relay has two main applications:
Zone 3 of the relay has a large reach setting. A large Zone 3
X reach may be required to provide remote back-up protection
for faults on the adjacent feeder. To avoid this, a shaped type
of characteristic may be used, where the resistive coverage is
restricted. With a ‘lenticular’ characteristic, the aspect ratio of
Zone the lens ¨ ¸ is adjustable, enabling it to be set to provide the
1 maximum fault resistance coverage consistent with non-
operation under maximum load transfer conditions.
Busbar zone
Figure 11.11 shows how the lenticular characteristic can
(a) Busbar zone back-up using an offset mho relay tolerate much higher degrees of line loading than offset mho
and plain impedance characteristics. Reduction of load
impedance from ZD3 to ZD1 will correspond to an equivalent
increase in load current.
H 3
Carrier start
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
Mho unit
(not cross-polarised) X
S'2 = ZL1 - Zn1
30° ZS1
S'1 = ZL1 + Zn2
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current measured by the relay. This will be the case where the impedance vector, as shown in Figure 11.16.
local and remote source voltage vectors are phase shifted with
The ohm impedance elements divide the R/X impedance
respect to each other due to pre-fault power flow. This can be
diagram into three zones, A, B and C. As the impedance
overcome by selecting an alternative to use of a phase current
changes during a power swing, the point representing the
for polarisation of the reactance reach line. Polygonal
impedance moves along the swing locus, entering the three
impedance characteristics are highly flexible in terms of fault
zones in turn and causing the ohm units to operate in
impedance coverage for both phase and earth faults. For this
sequence. When the impedance enters the third zone the trip
reason, most digital and numerical distance relays now offer
sequence is completed and the circuit breaker trip coil can be
this form of characteristic. A further factor is that the
energised at a favourable angle between system sources for
additional cost implications of implementing this characteristic
arc interruption with little risk of restriking.
using discrete component electromechanical or early static
relay technology do not arise.
Zone 3
Zone 2
Zone 1
s 1&
Zone 3
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
can be executed significantly faster than the conventional type of relay is commonly referred to as a reach-
distance algorithm, resulting in faster overall tripping times. stepped distance relay
Faulted phase selection can be carried out by comparing the x each zone may be provided with independent sets of
signs of the changes in voltage and current. impedance measuring elements for each impedance
Relays that use the ‘Delta’ algorithm generally run both this loop. This is known as a full distance scheme, capable
and conventional distance protection algorithms in parallel, as of offering the highest performance in terms of speed
some types of fault (e.g. high-resistance faults) may not fall and application flexibility
within the fault detection criteria of the ‘Delta’ algorithm. Furthermore, protection against earth faults may require
different characteristics and/or settings to those required for
11.8 DISTANCE RELAY IMPLEMENTATION phase faults, resulting in additional units being required. A
Discriminating zones of protection can be achieved using total of 18 impedance-measuring elements or algorithms
distance relays, provided that fault distance is a simple would be required in a full scheme distance relay for three-
function of impedance. While this is true in principle for zone protection for all types of fault. With electromechanical
transmission circuits, the impedances actually measured by a or static technology, each of the measuring elements would
distance relay also depend on the following factors: have been a separate relay housed in its own case, so that the
distance relay comprised a panel-mounted assembly of the
x the magnitudes of current and voltage (the relay may
required relays with suitable inter-unit wiring. Figure 11.17(a)
not see all the current that produces the fault voltage)
shows an example of such a relay scheme.
x the fault impedance loop being measured
x the type of fault
x the fault resistance
x the symmetry of line impedance
x the circuit configuration (single, double or multi-
terminal circuit)
It is impossible to eliminate all of the above factors for all
possible operating conditions. However, considerable success
can be achieved with a suitable distance relay. This may
comprise relay elements or algorithms for starting, distance
measuring and for scheme logic. The distance measurement
elements may produce impedance characteristics selected
from those described in Section 11.7. Various distance relay
formats exist, depending on the operating speed required and
cost considerations related to the relaying hardware, software
or numerical relay processing capacity required. The most
common formats are:
x a single measuring element for each phase is provided,
that covers all phase faults
x a more economical arrangement is for ‘starter’
elements to detect which phase or phases have suffered
a fault. The starter elements switch a single measuring
element or algorithm to measure the most appropriate Figure 11.17a: Static distance relay
fault impedance loop. This is commonly referred to as a
switched distance relay
x a single set of impedance measuring elements for each
impedance loop may have their reach settings
progressively increased from one zone reach setting to
another. The increase occurs after zone time delays
that are initiated by operation of starter elements. This
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x superimposed current comparisons, comparing the step x the power system minimum fault current for a fault at
change of level between pre-fault load, and fault the Zone 3 reach of the distance relay must not be less
than 1.5 times the setting of the overcurrent starters
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
used. I bc a 2 I 1c a2 a I 1c
The type of under-impedance starter used is mainly dependent I cc aI 1c a a2 I 1c
on the maximum expected load current and equivalent
V ac Z L1 I 1c 2 Z S1 Z L1 I 1c
minimum load impedance in relation to the required relay
setting to cover faults in Zone 3. This is illustrated in Figure V bc a Z L1 I 1c
2a2Z L1 Z S1 I 1c
11.11 where ZD1, ZD2, and ZD3 are respectively the minimum V cc aZ L1 I 1c 2aZ L1 Z S1 I 1c
load impedances permitted when lenticular, offset mho and
impedance relays are used. 1
I 1c I ac aI bc a 2 I cc
I c and V c
11.9 EFFECT OF SOURCE IMPEDANCE AND Figure 11.19: Phase currents and voltages at relaying point for 3-phase
EARTHING METHODS and double-phase faults
For correct operation, distance relays must be capable of Applying the difference of the phase voltages to the relay
measuring the distance to the fault accurately. To ensure this, eliminates the dependence on ZS1. For example:
it is necessary to provide the correct measured quantities to
the measurement elements. It is not always the case that use Vbc' a a Z I for 3 phase faults
2 '
L1 1
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K 1½
Z L1 ® I a' I a' I b' I c' ¾
¯ 3 ¿
Equation 11.5
The voltage appearing at the relaying point, as previously
mentioned, varies with the number of infeeds, the method of
system earthing and the position of the relay relative to the
infeed and earthing points in the system. Figure 11.20
illustrates the three possible arrangements that can occur in
practice with a single infeed. In Figure 11.20(a), the healthy
phase currents are zero, so that the phase currents Ia, Ib and Ic
have a 1-0-0 pattern. The impedance seen by a relay
comparing Ia and Va is:
K 1 ½
Z ®1 ¾Z L1
¯ 3 ¿
Equation 11.6
In Figure 11.20(b), the currents entering the fault from the
relay branch have a 2-1-1 distribution, so:
Z Z L1
Figure 11.20: Effect of infeed and earthing arrangements on earth
fault distance measurement
In Figure 11.20(c), the phase currents have a 1-1-1
distribution, and hence:
If there were infeeds at both ends of the line, the impedance
measured would be a superposition of any two of the above
examples, with the relative magnitudes of the infeeds taken
into account.
This analysis shows that the relay can only measure an
impedance which is independent of infeed and earthing
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
arrangements if a proportion K N
K 1 of the residual
application. Many of them have been overcome in the latest
3 numerical relays. Nevertheless, an awareness of the problems
current IN = Ia + Ib + Ic is added to the phase current Ia. This is useful where a protection engineer has to deal with older
technique is known as ‘residual compensation’. relays that are already installed and not due for replacement.
Static distance relays compensate for the earth fault conditions 11.10.1 Minimum Voltage at Relay Terminals
by using an additional replica impedance ZN within the
To attain their claimed accuracy, distance relays that do not
measuring circuits. This compensation is implemented in
employ voltage memory techniques require a minimum
software in numerical relays. Whereas the phase replica
voltage at the relay terminals under fault conditions. This
impedance Z1 is fed with the phase current at the relaying
voltage should be declared in the data sheet for the relay.
point, ZN is fed with the full residual current. The value of ZN is
With knowledge of the sequence impedances involved in the
adjusted so that for a fault at the reach point, the sum of the
fault, or alternatively the fault MVA, the system voltage and
voltages developed across Z1 and ZN equals the measured
the earthing arrangements, it is possible to calculate the
phase to neutral voltage in the faulted phase.
minimum voltage at the relay terminals for a fault at the reach
The required setting for ZN can be determined by considering point of the relay. It is then only necessary to check that the
an earth fault at the reach point of the relay. This is illustrated minimum voltage for accurate reach measurement can be
with reference to the A-N fault with single earthing point attained for a given application. Care should be taken that
behind the relay as in Figure 11.20(a) both phase and earth faults are considered.
Voltage supplied from the VT’s:
11.10.2 Minimum Length of Line
I 1 Z 1 Z 2 Z O I 1 2Z 1 Z O To determine the minimum length of line that can be protected
by a distance relay, it is necessary to check first that any
Voltage across replica impedances:
minimum voltage requirement of the relay for a fault at the
I A Z1 I N Z N Zone 1 reach is within the declared sensitivity for the relay.
Secondly, the ohmic impedance of the line (referred if
I A Z 1 Z N necessary to VT/CT secondary side quantities) must fall within
the ohmic setting range for Zone 1 reach of the relay. For very
I A Z 1 Z N 3I 1 Z 1 Z N short lines and especially for cable circuits, it may be found
that the circuit impedance is less than the minimum setting
Hence, the required setting of ZN for balance at the reach point
range of the relay. In such cases, an alternative method of
is given by equating the above two expressions:
protection will be required. A suitable alternative might be
3 I 1 Z 1 Z N I 1 2Z 1 Z 0 current differential protection, as the line length will probably
be short enough for the cost-effective provision of a high
Z O Z1 bandwidth communication link between the relays fitted at the
?ZN ends of the protected circuit. However, the latest numerical
distance relays have a very wide range of impedance setting
Z O Z1 ranges and good sensitivity with low levels of relaying voltage,
Z1 K N Z1 so such problems are now rarely encountered. Application
3Z 1
checks are still essential, though. When considering earth
Equation 11.7 faults, particular care must be taken to ensure that the
Z O Z1 appropriate earth fault loop impedance is used in the
With the replica impedance set to , earth fault calculation.
measuring elements will measure the fault impedance
11.10.3 Under-Reach - Effect of Remote Infeed
correctly, irrespective of the number of infeeds and earthing
points on the system. A distance relay is said to under-reach when the impedance
presented to it is apparently greater than the impedance to the
PROBLEMS Percentage under-reach is defined as:
Distance relays may suffer from a number of difficulties in their
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x 100%
ZR = intended relay reach (relay reach setting)
ZF = effective reach
The main cause of under-reaching is the effect of fault current
infeed at remote busbars. This is best illustrated by an
In Figure 11.21, the relay at A will not measure the correct
impedance for a fault on line section ZC due to current infeed Figure 11.21: Effect on distance relays of infeed at the remote busbar
Care should also be taken that large forward reach settings will
For a fault at point F, the relay is presented with an not result in operation of healthy phase relays for reverse earth
impedance: faults, see Section 11.10.5.
ZA ZC 11.10.4 Over-Reach
A distance relay is said to over-reach when the apparent
So, for relay balance: impedance presented to it is less than the impedance to the
I A I B Z fault.
C Percentage over-reach is defined by the equation:
Therefore the apparent impedance is ZF ZR
x 100%
§I I ·
Z A ¨¨ A B ¸¸ Z C Equation 11.9
© IA ¹
Equation 11.8
ZR = relay reach setting
It is clear from Equation 11.8 that the relay will underreach. It
is relatively easy to compensate for this by increasing the reach ZF = effective reach
setting of the relay, but care has to be taken. Should there be An example of the over-reaching effect is when distance relays
a possibility of the remote infeed being reduced or zero, the are applied on parallel lines and one line is taken out of service
relay will then reach further than intended. For example, and earthed at each end. This is covered in Section 13.2.3.
setting Zone 2 to reach a specific distance into an adjacent line
section under parallel circuit conditions may mean that Zone 2 11.10.5 Forward Reach Limitations
reaches beyond the Zone 1 reach of the adjacent line
There are limitations on the maximum forward reach setting
protection under single circuit operation. If IB = 91A and the
that can be applied to a distance relay. For example, with
relay reach is set to see faults at F, then in the absence of the
reference to Figure 11.6, Zone 2 of one line section should not
remote infeed, the relay effective setting becomes ZA + 10ZC.
reach beyond the Zone 1 coverage of the next line section
relay. Where there is a link between the forward reach setting
and the relay resistive coverage (e.g. a Mho Zone 3 element), a
relay must not operate under maximum load conditions. Also,
if the relay reach is excessive, the healthy phase-earth fault
units of some relay designs may be prone to operation for
heavy reverse faults. This problem only affected older relays
applied to three-terminal lines that have significant line section
length asymmetry. A number of the features offered with
modern relays can eliminate this problem.
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
11.10.6 Power Swing Blocking may maloperate if one or more voltage inputs are removed due
Power swings are variations in power flow that occur when to operation of these devices.
the internal voltages of generators at different points of the For these types of distance relay, supervision of the voltage
power system slip relative to each other. The changes in load inputs is recommended. The supervision may be provided by
flows that occur as a result of faults and their subsequent external means, e.g. separate voltage supervision circuits, or it
clearance are one cause of power swings. may be incorporated into the distance relay itself. On
A power swing may cause the impedance presented to a detection of VT failure, tripping of the distance relay can be
distance relay to move away from the normal load area and inhibited and/or an alarm is given. Modern distance
into the relay characteristic. In the case of a stable power protection relays employ voltage supervision that operates
swing it is especially important that the distance relay should from sequence voltages and currents. Zero or negative
not trip to allow the power system to return to a stable sequence voltages and corresponding zero or negative
conditions. For this reason, most distance protection schemes sequence currents are derived. Discrimination between
applied to transmission systems have a power swing blocking primary power system faults and wiring faults or loss of supply
facility available. Different relays may use different principles due to individual fuses blowing or MCB’s being opened is
for detection of a power swing, but all involve recognising that obtained by blocking the distance protection only when zero or
the movement of the measured impedance in relation to the negative sequence voltage is detected without the presence of
relay measurement characteristics is at a rate that is zero or negative sequence current. This arrangement will not
significantly less than the rate of change that occurs during detect the simultaneous loss of all three voltages and
fault conditions. When the relay detects such a condition, additional detection is required that operates for loss of voltage
operation of the relay elements can be blocked. Power swing with no change in current, or a current less than that
blocking may be applied individually to each of the relay zones, corresponding to the three phase fault current under minimum
or on an all zones applied/inhibited basis, depending on the fault infeed conditions. If fast-acting miniature circuit breakers
particular relay used. are used to protect the VT secondary circuits, contacts from
these may be used to inhibit operation of the distance
Various techniques are used in different relay designs to inhibit protection elements and prevent tripping.
power swing blocking in the event of a fault occurring while a
power swing is in progress. This is particularly important, for 11.11 OTHER DISTANCE RELAY FEATURES
example, to allow the relay to respond to a fault that develops
A modern digital or numerical distance relay will often
on a line during the dead time of a single pole autoreclose
incorporate additional features that assist the protection
engineer in providing a comprehensive solution to the
Some Utilities may designate certain points on the network as protection requirements of a particular part of a network.
split points, where the network should be split in the event of Table 11.1 provides an indication of the additional features
an unstable power swing or pole-slipping occurring. A that may be provided in such a relay. The combination of
dedicated power swing tripping relay may be employed for this features that are actually provided is manufacturer and relay
purpose (see Section 11.7.8). Alternatively, it may be possible model dependent, but it can be seen from the Table that
to achieve splitting by strategically limiting the duration for steady progression is being made towards a ‘one-box’ solution
which the operation a specific distance relay is blocked during that incorporates all the protection and control requirements
power swing conditions. for a line or cable. However, at the highest transmission
voltages, the level of dependability required for rapid clearance
11.10.7 Voltage Transformer Supervision of any protected circuit fault will still demand the use of two
Fuses or sensitive miniature circuit breakers normally protect independent protection systems.
the secondary wiring between the voltage transformer
secondary windings and the relay terminals.
Distance relays having:
x self-polarised offset characteristics encompassing the
zero impedance point of the R/X diagram
x sound phase polarisation
x voltage memory polarisation
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Alternative setting groups R2ph Phase fault resistive reach value - Zone 2 78 :
CB condition monitoring R1G Ground fault resistive reach value - Zone 1 104 :
Measurement of voltages, currents, etc. R3G Ground fault resistive reach value - Zone 3 104 :
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
Z 0 Z1 83.27579.41D :
3Z 1 Use a setting of 83.2780 : , nearest available setting.
0.8x 48.4279.41D 38.7479.41D
is 200-500ms.
The considerations for the Zone 3 element are the same as for
Use 38.7480 : nearest settable value. the Zone 2 element, except that the downstream fault
clearance time is that for the Zone 2 element of a distance
11.12.4 Zone 2 Phase Reach relay or IDMT overcurrent protection. Assuming distance
Ideally, the requirements for setting Zone 2 reach are: relays are used, a typical time is 800ms. In summary:
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x it must be greater than the maximum expected phase- This completes the setting of the relay. Table 11.2 also shows
phase fault resistance (principally that of the fault arc) the settings calculated.
R1 ph 78:
R2 ph 78:
R3 ph 78:
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Chapter 11 Distance Protection
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Chapter 12
Distance Protection Schemes
Relay B
End Zone
(a) Stepped time/distance characteristics
Z2 Z2T 0
t1 Trip
Z3 Z3T 0
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in the possibility that a transient fault will cause 12.2 ZONE 1 EXTENSION SCHEME (Z1X
permanent lockout of the circuit breakers at each end of SCHEME)
the line section
This scheme is intended for use with an auto-reclose facility, or
Even where instability does not occur, the increased duration where no communications channel is available, or the channel
of the disturbance may give rise to power quality problems, has failed. Thus it may be used on radial distribution feeders,
and may result in increased plant damage. or on interconnected lines as a fallback when no
Unit schemes of protection that compare the conditions at the communications channel is available, e.g. due to maintenance
two ends of the feeder simultaneously positively identify or temporary fault. The scheme is shown in Figure 12.2.
whether the fault is internal or external to the protected section The Zone 1 elements of the distance relay have two settings.
and provide high-speed protection for the whole feeder length. One is set to cover 80% of the protected line length as in the
This advantage is balanced by the fact that the unit scheme basic distance scheme. The other, known as 'Extended Zone
does not provide the back up protection for adjacent feeders 1’ or ‘Z1X’, is set to overreach the protected line, a setting of
given by a distance scheme. 120% of the protected line being common. The Zone 1 reach is
The most desirable scheme is obviously a combination of the normally controlled by the Z1X setting and is reset to the basic
best features of both arrangements, that is, instantaneous Zone 1 setting when a command from the auto-reclose relay is
tripping over the whole feeder length plus back-up protection received.
to adjacent feeders. This can be achieved by interconnecting On occurrence of a fault at any point within the Z1X reach, the
the distance protection relays at each end of the protected relay operates in Zone 1 time, trips the circuit breaker and
feeder by a communications channel. Communication initiates auto-reclosure. The Zone 1 reach of the distance relay
techniques are described in detail in Chapter 8. is also reset to the basic value of 80%, prior to the auto-reclose
The purpose of the communications channel is to transmit closing pulse being applied to the breaker. This should also
information about the system conditions from one end of the occur when the auto-reclose facility is out of service.
protected line to the other, including requests to initiate or Reversion to the Z1X reach setting occurs only at the end of
prevent tripping of the remote circuit breaker. The former the reclaim time. For interconnected lines, the Z1X scheme is
arrangement is generally known as a 'transfer tripping established (automatically or manually) upon loss of the
scheme' while the latter is generally known as a 'blocking communications channel by selection of the appropriate relay
scheme'. However, the terminology of the various schemes setting (setting group in a numerical relay). If the fault is
varies widely, according to local custom and practice. transient, the tripped circuit breakers will reclose successfully,
but otherwise further tripping during the reclaim time is
Z3A subject to the discrimination obtained with normal Zone 1 and
Zone 2 settings.
Z1A Z1extA
The disadvantage of the Zone 1 extension scheme is that
A B C external faults within the Z1X reach of the relay result in
tripping of circuit breakers external to the faulted section,
Z1extB Z1B increasing the amount of breaker maintenance needed and
Z2B needless transient loss of supply to some consumers. This is
Z3B illustrated in Figure 12.3(a) for a single circuit line where three
(a) Distance/time characteristics circuit breakers operate and in Figure 12.3(b) for a double
circuit line, where five circuit breakers operate.
Reset Zone 1ext
1 Trip
Zone 1
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Chapter 12 Distance Protection Schemes
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Figure 12.5: Permissive under-reach transfer tripping scheme The PUP schemes require only a single communications
channel for two-way signalling between the line ends, as the
A variant of this scheme, found on some relays, allows tripping channel is keyed by the under-reaching Zone 1 elements.
by Zone 3 element operation as well as Zone 2, provided the
fault is in the forward direction. This is sometimes called the When the circuit breaker at one end is open, or there is a weak
PUP-Fwd scheme. infeed such that the relevant relay element does not operate,
instantaneous clearance cannot be achieved for end-zone
Time delayed resetting of the 'signal received' element is faults near the 'breaker open' terminal unless special features
required to ensure that the relays at both ends of a single-end are included, as detailed in Section 12.3.5.
fed faulted line of a parallel feeder circuit have time to trip
when the fault is close to one end. Consider a fault F in a 12.3.3 Permissive Under-reaching Acceleration
double circuit line, as shown in Figure 12.6. The fault is close
to end A, so there is negligible infeed from end B when the
fault at F occurs. The protection at B detects a Zone 2 fault This scheme is applicable only to zone switched distance relays
only after the breaker at end A has tripped. It is possible for that share the same measuring elements for both Zone 1 and
the Zone 1 element at A to reset, thus removing the permissive Zone 2. In these relays, the reach of the measuring elements
signal to B and causing the 'signal received' element at B to is extended from Zone 1 to Zone 2 by means of a range
reset before the Zone 2 unit at end B operates. It is therefore change signal immediately, instead of after Zone 2 time. It is
necessary to delay the resetting of the 'signal received' element also called an ‘accelerated underreach distance protection
to ensure high speed tripping at end B. scheme’.
The under-reaching Zone 1 unit is arranged to send a signal to
the remote end of the feeder in addition to tripping the local
circuit breaker. The receive relay contact is arranged to extend
the reach of the measuring element from Zone 1 to Zone 2.
This accelerates the fault clearance at the remote end for faults
that lie in the region between the Zone 1 and Zone 2 reaches.
The scheme is shown in Figure 12.7. Most quality modern
distance relays do not employ switched measuring elements,
so the scheme is likely to fall into disuse.
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Chapter 12 Distance Protection Schemes
Figure 12.12: Signal logic for BOP Z2 scheme
Operation of the scheme can be understood by considering the
faults shown at F1, F2 and F3 in Figure 12.11 along with the
signal logic of Figure 12.12.
A fault at F1 is seen by the Zone 1 relay elements at both ends
A and B; as a result, the fault is cleared instantaneously at both
ends of the protected line. Signalling is controlled by the Z3
elements looking away from the protected section, so no
transmission takes place, thus giving fast tripping via the
forward-looking Zone 1 elements.
A fault at F2 is seen by the forward-looking Zone 2 elements at
ends A and B and by the Zone 1 elements at end B. No signal
Figure 12.11: Ideal distance protection blocking scheme transmission takes place, since the fault is internal and the
fault is cleared in Zone 1 time at end B and after the short time
The single frequency signalling channel operates both local and
lag (STL) at end A.
remote receive relays when a block signal is initiated at any
end of the protected section. A fault at F3 is seen by the reverse-looking Z3 elements at end
B and the forward looking Zone 2 elements at end A. The
12.4.1 Practical Blocking Schemes Zone 1 relay elements at end B associated with line section B-
A blocking instruction has to be sent by the reverse-looking C would normally clear the fault at F3. To prevent the Z2
relay elements to prevent instantaneous tripping of the remote elements at end A from tripping, the reverse-looking Zone 3
relay for Zone 2 faults external to the protected section. To elements at end B send a blocking signal to end A. If the fault
achieve this, the reverse-looking elements and the signalling is not cleared instantaneously by the protection on line section
channel must operate faster than the forward-looking B-C, the trip signal will be given at end B for section A-B after
elements. In practice, this is seldom the case and to ensure the Z3 time delay.
discrimination, a short time delay is generally introduced into The setting of the reverse-looking Zone 3 elements must be
the blocking mode trip circuit. Either the Zone 2 or Zone 1 greater than that of the Zone 2 elements at the remote end of
element can be used as the forward-looking element, giving the feeder, otherwise there is the possibility of Zone 2 elements
rise to two variants of the scheme. initiating tripping and the reverse looking Zone 3 elements
failing to see an external fault. This would result in Blocking over-reaching protection scheme using instantaneous tripping for an external fault. When the
Zone 2 element signalling channel is used for a stabilising signal, as in the
This scheme (sometimes abbreviated to ‘BLOCKING’ or BOP above case, transmission takes place over a healthy line
Z2) is based on the ideal blocking scheme of Figure 12.11, but section if power line carrier is used. The signalling channel
has the signal logic illustrated in Figure 12.12. It is also should then be more reliable when used in the blocking mode
than in tripping mode.
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It is essential that the operating times of the various relays be Blocking over-reaching protection scheme using
skilfully co-ordinated for all system conditions, so that Zone 1 element
sufficient time is always allowed for the receipt of a blocking This is similar to the BOP Z2 scheme described above, except
signal from the remote end of the feeder. If this is not done that an over-reaching Zone 1 element is used in the logic,
accurately, the scheme may trip for an external fault or instead of the Zone 2 element. It may also be known as the
alternatively, the end zone tripping times may be delayed BOP Z1 scheme, although it is rarely used.
longer than is necessary.
If the signalling channel fails, the scheme must be arranged to 12.4.2 Weak Infeed Conditions
revert to conventional basic distance protection. Normally, the The protection at the strong infeed terminal will operate for all
blocking mode trip circuit is supervised by a 'channel-in- internal faults, since a blocking signal is not received from the
service' contact so that the blocking mode trip circuit is weak infeed terminal end. In the case of external faults behind
isolated when the channel is out of service, as shown in Figure the weak infeed terminal, the reverse-looking elements at that
12.12. end will see the fault current fed from the strong infeed
In a practical application, the reverse-looking relay elements terminal and operate, initiating a block signal to the remote
may be set with a forward offset characteristic to provide back- end. The relay at the strong infeed end operates correctly
up protection for busbar faults after the zone time delay. It is without the need for any additional circuits. The relay at the
then necessary to stop the blocking signal being sent for weak infeed end cannot operate for internal faults, and so
internal faults. This is achieved by making the ‘signal send’ tripping of that breaker is possible only by means of direct
circuit conditional upon non-operation of the forward-looking intertripping from the strong source end.
Zone 2 elements, as shown in Figure 12.13.
The permissive over-reach scheme described in Section 12.3.4
can be arranged to operate on a directional comparison
unblocking principle by providing additional circuitry in the
signalling equipment. In this scheme (also called a ’deblocking
overreach distance protection scheme’), a continuous block (or
guard) signal is transmitted. When the over-reaching distance
elements operate, the frequency of the signal transmitted is
shifted to an 'unblock' (trip) frequency. The receipt of the
unblock frequency signal and the operation of over-reaching
distance elements allow fast tripping to occur for faults within
the protected zone. In principle, the scheme is similar to the
permissive over-reach scheme.
Figure 12.13: Blocking scheme using reverse-looking relays The scheme is made more dependable than the standard
Blocking schemes, like the permissive over-reach scheme, are permissive over-reach scheme by providing additional circuits
also affected by the current reversal in the healthy feeder due in the receiver equipment. These allow tripping to take place
to a fault in a double circuit line. If current reversal conditions for internal faults even if the transmitted unblock signal is
occur, as described in Section 12.3.2, it may be possible for the short-circuited by the fault. This is achieved by allowing aided
maloperation of a breaker on the healthy line to occur. To tripping for a short time interval, typically 100 to 150
avoid this, the resetting of the ‘signal received’ element milliseconds, after the loss of both the block and the unblock
provided in the blocking scheme is time delayed. frequency signals. After this time interval, aided tripping is
permitted only if the unblock frequency signal is received.
The timer with delayed resetting (td) is set to cover the time
difference between the maximum resetting time of reverse- This arrangement gives the scheme improved security over a
looking Zone 3 elements and the signalling channel. So, if blocking scheme, since tripping for external faults is possible
there is a momentary loss of the blocking signal during the only if the fault occurs within the above time interval of
current reversal, the timer does not have time to reset in the channel failure. Weak Infeed terminal conditions can be
blocking mode trip circuit and no false tripping takes place. catered for by the techniques detailed in 12.3.5 Weak Infeed
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Chapter 12 Distance Protection Schemes
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Chapter 13
Protection of Complex Transmission
13.1 Introduction Chapters 10-12 have covered the basic principles of protection
13.2 Parallel Feeders for two terminal, single circuit lines whose circuit impedance is
13.3 Multi-Ended Feeders – Unit Protection due solely to the conductors used. However parallel
Schemes transmission circuits are often installed, either as duplicate
circuits on a common structure, or as separate lines
13.4 Multi-Ended Feeders - Distance Relays
connecting the same two terminal points via different routes.
13.5 Multi-Ended Feeders – Application of Distance Also, circuits may be multi-ended, a three-ended circuit being
Protection Schemes the most common.
13.6 Protection of Series Compensated Lines
For economic reasons, transmission and distribution lines can
13.7 Example be much more complicated, maybe having three or more
13.8 References terminals (multi-ended feeder), or with more than one circuit
carried on a common structure (parallel feeders), as shown in
Figure 13.1. Other possibilities are the use of series capacitors
or direct-connected shunt reactors. The protection of such
lines is more complicated and requires the basic schemes
described in the above chapters to be modified.
The purpose of this chapter is to explain the special
requirements of some of these situations in respect of
protection and identify which protection schemes are
particularly appropriate for use in these situations.
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Chapter 13 Protection of Complex Transmission Circuits
Z Sc 1 ,Z SO
c Z Scc1 ,Z SO
Z L1
IA The true impedance to the fault is nZL1where n is the per unit
fault position measured from R and ZL1 is the positive
sequence impedance of a single circuit. The 'error' in
measurement is determined from the fraction inside the
bracket; this varies with the positive and zero sequence
currents in circuit A and the zero sequence current in circuit B.
I B1 Z L1
These currents are expressed below in terms of the line and
Z Sc 1 Z Scc1 source parameters:
I A1
I B0 nZ S'' 0 1 n Z S' 0
nZ L1 1 n Z L1 I A0
2 n Z S'' 0 1 n Z S' 0 Z L 0 Z M 0
2 n Z S'' 1 1 n Z S' 1 Z L1 I
I A1
2 Z S' 1 Z S'' 1 Z L1
Z SO nZ M O 1 n Z M O cc
Z SO 2 n Z S'' 0 1 n Z S' 0 Z L 0 Z M 0 I
I A0
2 Z S' 0 Z S'' 0 Z L 0 Z M 0
n ZLO Z M O 1 n Z LO Z M O and
ZM0 = zero sequence mutual impedance between two
Figure 13.3: General parallel circuit fed from both ends NOTE: For earth faults I1 = I0
As the current distribution in the two circuits is unaffected by
All symbols in the above expressions are either self-explanatory
the presence of mutual coupling, no similar variation in the
from Figure 13.3 or have been introduced in Chapter 11.
current applied to the relay element takes place and,
Using the above formulae, families of reach curves may be
consequently, the relay measures the impedance to the fault
constructed, of which Figure 13.4 is typical. In this figure, n’
incorrectly. Whether the apparent impedance to the fault is
is the effective per unit reach of a relay set to protect 80% of
greater or less than the actual impedance depends on the
the line. It has been assumed that an infinite busbar is located
direction of the current flow in the healthy circuit. For the
at each line end, that is, Z’S1 and Z”S1 are both zero. A family
common case of two circuits, A and B, connected at the local
of curves of constant n’ has been plotted for variations in the
and remote busbars, as shown in Figure 13.3, the impedance
source zero sequence impedances Z’S0 and Z”S0.
of Line A measured by a distance relay, with the normal zero
sequence current compensation from its own feeder, is given
§ I B0 · ½
° ¨¨ ¸¸ M °
° © I A0 ¹ °
ZA nZ L1 ®1 ¾
§ I A1 ·
° ¨
2¨ ¸
¸ K°
° © I A0 ¹ °
¯ ¿
Equation 13.1
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100 VR
Limit of n' =0.67
Z L1
50 when y f 0 .6 IR
x 0 n' = 68
n '=
7 For a solid phase to earth fault at the theoretical reach of the
n' =
75 relay, the voltage and current in the faulty phase at the
10 0.
n' = .8 relaying point are given by:
=0 85
n' 0.
VA I A1Z L1 I A 2 Z L 2 I A0 Z L 0 I B 0 Z M 0
cc º
ª Z SO
y « »
I A1 I A 2 I A0
¬ Z LO ¼
Equation 13.2
Limit of
The voltage and current fed into the relay are given by:
when y 0
IR I A K R I A0 K M I B 0
0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100
ª Z SO º Equation 13.3
x « »
¬ Z LO ¼
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Chapter 13 Protection of Complex Transmission Circuits
except when the feeder that is not in service is earthed at both of earth fault relays to around 0.65ZL1 when lines are taken
ends. In this case, the zero sequence impedance network is as out of service for maintenance. However, the probability of
shown in Figure 13.5. having a fault on the first section of the following line while
one line is out of service is very small, and many Utilities do
Humpage and Kandil [13.2] have shown that the apparent
not reduce the setting under this condition. It should be noted
impedance presented to the relay under these conditions is
that the use of mutual compensation would not overcome the
given by:
over-reaching effect since earthing clamps are normally placed
I A0 Z M2 0 on the line side of the current transformers.
I R Z L0 Typical values of zero sequence line impedances for HV lines in
the United Kingdom are given in Table 13.1, where the
Equation 13.4
§Z ·
where: maximum per unit over-reach error ¨¨ M 0 ¸¸ is also given.
I R is the current fed into the relay © Z L0 ¹
The over-reach values quoted in this table are maxima, and
I A K R I A0 are found only in rare cases. In most cases, there is generation
at both ends of the feeder and the amount of over-reach is
FO therefore be reduced. In the calculations carried out by
Humpage and Kandil, with more realistic conditions, the
IO maximum error found in a 400kV double circuit line was
Z SO 1 n Z LO cc
Z SO 18.6%.
I GO Zero sequence
Zero sequence line
Conductor size mutual
Relay mZ LO 1 n Z M O impedance ZL0 Per unit
Location Line impedance ZM0 over-reach
volts Metric error
I HO Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms (ZM0/ZL0)2
Z LO (in2) equiv.
2 /mile /km /mile /km
(mm )
0.3 + 0.19+ 0.41+j 0.25+
132kV 0.4 258 0.264
j0.81 j0.5 1.61 j1.0
0.18+ 0.11+ 0.24+ 0.15+
NO 275kV 2 x 0.4 516 0.292
j0.69 j0.43 j1.3 j0.81
Figure 13.5: Zero sequence impedance network during single circuit 0.135+ 0.80+ 0.16+ 0.1+
operation 400kV 4 x 0.4 1032 0.2666
j0.6 j0.37 j1.18 j0.73
Table 13.1: Maximum over-reach errors found during single circuit
I A0 working
The ratio varies with the system conditions, reaching a
maximum when the system is earthed behind the relay with 13.3 MULTI-ENDED FEEDERS – UNIT
no generation at that end. In this case, the ratio is equal
IR A multi-ended feeder is defined as one having three or more
Z L1 terminals, with either load or generation, or both, at any
to , and the apparent impedance presented to the relay terminal. Those terminals with load only are usually known as
Z L0
The simplest multi-terminal feeders are three-ended, and are
§ Z M2 0 · generally known as tee’d feeders. This is the type most
ZR Z L1 ¨¨1 2 ¸¸
Z L0 ¹ commonly found in practice.
The protection schemes described previously for the protection
It is apparent from the above formulae that the relay has a
of two-ended feeders can also be used for multi-ended feeders.
tendency to over-reach. Care should be taken when Zone 1
However, the problems involved in the application of these
settings are selected for the distance protection of lines in
schemes to multi-ended feeders are much more complex and
which this condition may be encountered. To overcome this
require special attention.
possible over-reaching effect, some Utilities reduce the reach
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The protection schemes that can be used with multi-ended feeder. When the phase angle difference exceeds a pre-set
feeders are unit protection and distance schemes. Each uses value, the ‘trip angle’, a trip signal is sent to the corresponding
some form of signalling channel, such as fibre-optic cable, circuit breakers. To prevent incorrect operation for external
power line carrier or pilot wires. The specific problems that faults, two different detectors, set at different levels, are used.
may be met when applying these protections to multi-ended The low-set detector starts the transmission of carrier signal,
feeders are discussed in the following sections. while the high-set detector is used to control the trip output.
Without this safeguard, the scheme could operate incorrectly
13.3.1 Balanced Voltage Schemes for Tee’d Circuits for external faults because of operating tolerances of the
Although pilot wire schemes are uncommon in the protection equipment and the capacitive current of the protected feeder.
of transmission circuits (as per the strict title of this chapter), This condition is worse with multi-terminal feeders, since the
they are discussed here for completeness. currents at the feeder terminals can be very dissimilar for an
external fault. In the case of the three-terminal feeder in
The balanced voltage scheme is a modification of the Figure 13.7, if incorrect operation is to be avoided, it is
MHOA04 / H0A4 scheme described in Section 10.7.1. Since necessary to make certain that the low-set detector at end A or
it is necessary to maintain linearity in the balancing circuit, end B is energised when the current at end C is high enough to
though not in the sending element, the voltage reference is operate the high-set detector at that end. As only one low-set
derived from separate quadrature transformers, as shown in starter, at end A or end B, needs to be energised for correct
Figure 13.6. These are auxiliary units with summation operation, the most unfavourable condition is when currents IA
windings energised by the main current transformers in series and IB are equal. To maintain stability under this condition,
with the upper electromagnets of the sensing elements. The the high-set to low-set setting ratio of the fault detectors needs
secondary windings of the quadrature current transformers at to be twice as large as that required when the scheme is
all ends are interconnected by the pilots in a series circuit that applied to a plain feeder. This results in a loss of sensitivity,
also includes the lower electromagnets of the relays. which may make the equipment unsuitable if the minimum
Secondary windings on the relay elements are not used, but fault level of the power system is low.
these elements are fitted with bias loops in the usual way.
The plain feeder settings are increased in the tee'd scheme by
50% for one tee and 75% for two.
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Chapter 13 Protection of Complex Transmission Circuits
I diff ! K I bias
I diff ! I S
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
operations. The system measures individual phase currents the currents IA and IC are in phase and their ratio is a real
and so single phase tripping can be used when required. number. The apparent impedance presented to the relay in
Relays are provided with software to re-configure the this case can be expressed in terms of the source impedances
protection between two and three terminal lines, so that as follows:
modification of the system from two terminals to three
terminals does not require relay replacement. Further, loss of ZA Z LA Z LB Z
a single communications link only degrades scheme Z SC Z LC LB
performance slightly. The relays can recognise this and use
The magnitude of the third term in this expression is a function
alternate communications paths. Only if all communication
of the total impedances of the branches A and B and can
paths from a relay fail does the scheme have to revert to
reach a relatively high value when the fault current
backup protection.
contribution of branch C is much larger than that of branch A.
Figure 13.12 shows how a distance relay with a mho
characteristic located at A with a Zone 2 element set to 120%
RELAYS of the protected feeder AB, fails to see a fault at the remote
Distance protection is widely used at present for tee'd feeder busbar B. The ’tee’ point T in this example is halfway between
protection. However, its application is not straightforward, substations A and B Z LA Z LB and the fault currents IA
requiring careful consideration and systematic checking of all
and IC have been assumed to be identical in magnitude and
the conditions described later in this section.
phase angle. With these conditions, the fault appears to the
Most of the problems found when applying distance protection relay to be located at B' instead of at B so the relay under-
to tee’d feeders are common to all schemes. A preliminary reaches.
discussion of these problems will assist in the assessment of
the performance of the different types of distance schemes.
Figure 13.11: Fault at substation B busbars
so the impedance ZA seen by the distance relay at terminal A is
given by: X
Equation 13.5
or T
The apparent impedance presented to the relay has been A
Figure 13.12: Apparent impedance presented to the relay at
§ IC ·
modified by the term ¨¨ ¸¸ Z LB . If the pre-fault load is zero, substation A for a fault at substation B busbars
© IA ¹ The under-reaching effect in tee’d feeders can be found for any
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Chapter 13 Protection of Complex Transmission Circuits
kind of fault. For the sake of simplicity, the equations and the reduction in zero sequence current. However, the solution
examples mentioned so far have been for balanced faults only. has two possible limitations:
For unbalanced faults, especially those involving earth, the
x over-reach occurs when the transformer is not
equations become somewhat more complicated, as the ratios
connected so operation for faults outside the protected
of the sequence fault current contributions at terminals A and
zone may occur
C may not be the same. An extreme example of this condition
is found when the third terminal is a tap with no generation x the inherent possibility of maloperation of the earth
but with the star point of the primary winding of the fault elements for earth faults behind the relay location
transformer connected directly to earth, as shown in Figure is increased
13.13. The corresponding sequence networks are shown in
Figure 13.14. 13.4.2 Effect of Pre-fault Load
In all the previous discussions it has been assumed that the
power transfer between terminals of the feeder immediately
before the fault occurred was zero. If this is not the case, the
fault currents IA and IC in Figure 13.11 may not be in phase,
and the factor IC / IA in the equation for the impedance seen
by the relay at A, is a complex quantity with a positive or a
negative phase angle according to whether the current IC
leads or lags the current IA. For the fault condition previously
considered in Figure 13.11 and Figure 13.12, the pre-fault
load current may displace the impedance seen by the distance
' '
relay to points such as B1 or B2 , shown in Figure 13.15,
Figure 13.13: Transformer tap with primary winding solidly earthed according to the phase angle and the magnitude of the pre-
fault load current. Humpage and Lewis [13.3] have analysed
Z SA1 Z LA1 T1 Z LB1 Z SH1
the effect of pre-fault load on the impedances seen by distance
A1 I A1 B1 relays for typical cases. Their results and conclusions point out
some of the limitations of certain relay characteristics and
Z T1
Z M1
Z SA 2 Z LA 2 T2 Z LB2 Z SB2
G1 I A2 Z LC2 B2
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B. Under some conditions, however, the current at one of 13.4.4 Maloperation with Reverse Faults
these terminals may flow outwards instead of inwards. A Earth fault distance relays with a directional characteristic tend
typical case is shown in Figure 13.16; that of a parallel tapped to lose their directional properties under reverse unbalanced
feeder with one of the ends of the parallel circuit open at fault conditions if the current flowing through the relay is high
terminal A. and the relay setting relatively large. These conditions arise
A B principally from earth faults. The relay setting and the reverse
fault current are now related, the first being a function of the
ZA ZB maximum line length and the second depending mainly on the
impedance of the shortest feeder and the fault level at that
terminal. For instance, referring to Figure 13.18, the setting of
the relay at terminal A depends on the impedance ZA+ZB and
the fault current infeed IC, for a fault at B, while the fault
current IA for a reverse fault may be quite large if the T point is
IC I'C near the terminals A and C.
As the currents IA and IC now have different signs, the factor Incorrect operation for an external fault, due to
5 13.19
high current fed from nearest terminal
IC / IA becomes negative. Consequently, the distance relay at
Table 13.2: Main problems met in the application of distance
terminal A sees an impedance smaller than that of the protection to tee'd feeders.
protected feeder ZA+ZB and therefore has a tendency to over-
reach. In some cases the apparent impedance presented to 13.5 MULTI-ENDED FEEDERS – APPLICATION
the relay may be as low as 50% of the impedance of the OF DISTANCE PROTECTION SCHEMES
protected feeder, and even lower if other lines exist between
The schemes that have been described in Chapter 12 for the
terminals B and C.
protection of plain feeders may also be used for tee'd feeder
If the fault is internal to the feeder and close to the busbar B, protection. However, the applications of some of these
as shown in Figure 13.17, the current at terminal C may still schemes are much more limited in this case.
flow outwards. As a result, the fault appears as an external
Distance schemes can be subdivided into two main groups;
fault to the distance relay at terminal C, which fails to operate.
transfer trip schemes and blocking schemes. The usual
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Chapter 13 Protection of Complex Transmission Circuits
considerations when comparing these schemes are security, requirements mentioned later on, make transfer trip over-
that is, no operation for external faults, and dependability, that reach schemes unattractive for multi-ended feeder protection.
is, assured operation for internal faults.
13.5.3 Blocking Schemes
In addition, it should be borne in mind that transfer trip
schemes require fault current infeed at all the terminals to Blocking schemes are particularly suited to the protection of
achieve high-speed protection for any fault in the feeder. This multi-ended feeders, since high-speed operation can be
is not the case with blocking schemes. While it is rare to find obtained with no fault current infeed at one or more terminals.
a plain feeder in high voltage systems where there is current The only disadvantage is when there is fault current outfeed
infeed at one end only, it is not difficult to envisage a tee’d from a terminal, as shown in Figure 13.17. This is case 4 in
feeder with no current infeed at one end, for example when the Table 13.2. The protection units at that terminal may see the
tee’d feeder is operating as a plain feeder with the circuit fault as an external fault and send a blocking signal to the
breaker at one of the terminals open. Nevertheless, transfer remote terminals. Depending on the scheme logic either relay
trip schemes are also used for tee’d feeder protection, as they operation is blocked or clearance is in Zone 2 time.
offer some advantages under certain conditions. The directional unit should be set so that no maloperation can
occur for faults in the reverse direction; case 5 in Table 13.2.
13.5.1 Transfer Trip Under-Reach Schemes
The main requirement for transfer trip under-reach schemes is 13.5.4 Signalling Channel Considerations
that the Zone 1 of the protection, at one end at least, shall see The minimum number of signalling channels required depends
a fault in the feeder. To meet this requirement, the Zone 1 on the type of scheme used. With under-reach and blocking
characteristics of the relays at different ends must overlap, schemes, only one channel is required, whereas a permissive
either the three of them or in pairs. Cases 1, 2 and 3 in Table over-reach scheme requires as many channels as there are
13.2. should be checked when the settings for the Zone 1 feeder ends. The signalling channel equipment at each
characteristics are selected. If the conditions mentioned in terminal should include one transmitter and (N-1) receivers,
case 4 are found, direct transfer tripping may be used to clear where N is the total number of feeder ends. This may not be a
the fault; the alternative is to trip sequentially at end C when problem if fibre-optic cables are used, but could lead to
the fault current IC reverses after the circuit breaker at problems otherwise.
terminal B has opened; see Figure 13.17.
If frequency shift channels are used to improve the reliability of
Transfer trip schemes may be applied to feeders that have the protection schemes, mainly with transfer trip schemes, N
branches of similar length. If one or two of the branches are additional frequencies are required for the purpose. Problems
very short, and this is often the case in tee'd feeders, it may be of signal attenuation and impedance matching should also be
difficult or impossible to make the Zone 1 characteristics carefully considered when power line carrier frequency
overlap. Alternative schemes are then required. channels are used.
Another case for which under-reach schemes may be
advantageous is the protection of tapped feeders, mainly when 13.5.5 Directional Comparison Blocking Schemes
the tap is short and is not near one of the main terminals. The principle of operation of these schemes is the same as that
Overlap of the Zone 1 characteristics is then easily achieved, of the distance blocking schemes described in the previous
and the tap does not require protection applied to the terminal. section. The main advantage of directional comparison
schemes over distance schemes is their greater capability to
13.5.2 Transfer Trip Over-Reach Schemes detect high-resistance earth faults. The reliability of these
For correct operation when internal faults occur, the relays at schemes, in terms of stability for through faults, is lower than
the three ends should see a fault at any point in the feeder. that of distance blocking schemes. However, with the
This condition is often difficult to meet, since the impedance increasing reliability of modern signalling channels, directional
seen by the relays for faults at one of the remote ends of the comparison blocking schemes offer good solutions to the many
feeder may be too large, as in case 1 in Table 13.2, increasing difficult problems encountered in the protection of multi-ended
the possibility of maloperation for reverse faults, case 5 in feeders. For further information see Chapter 12 and specific
Table 13.2. In addition, the relay characteristic might relay manuals.
encroach on the load impedance.
These considerations, in addition to the signalling channel
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Chapter 13 Protection of Complex Transmission Circuits
substations A and B, Line 1 being selected for this purpose. All Default residual compensation
KZO (ang) 7.8 deg
factor (phase angle)
relevant data for this exercise are given in the diagram. The
MiCOM P441 relay with quadrilateral characteristics is used to Zone 1 reach impedance setting
Z1 (mag) 17.56
provide the relay data for the example. Relay quantities used
Zone 1 reach impedance setting
in the example are listed in Table 13.3, and calculations are Z1 (ang)
(phase angle)
66.3 deg
carried out in terms of actual system impedances in ohms,
Zone 2 reach impedance setting
rather than CT secondary quantities. This simplifies the Z2 (mag) 30.73
calculations, and enables the example to be simplified by Zone 2 reach impedance setting
Z2 (ang) 66.3 deg
excluding considerations of CT ratios. Most modern distance (phase angle)
relays permit settings to be specified in system quantities Zone 3 reach impedance setting
Z3 (mag) 131.8
rather than CT secondary quantities, but older relays may (magnitude)
require the system quantities to be converted to impedances as Z3 (ang)
Zone 3 reach impedance setting
66.3 deg
seen by the relay. (phase angle)
Phase fault resistive reach value -
R1ph 84.8
Zone 1
Phase fault resistive reach value -
R2ph 84.8
Zone 2
Phase fault resistive reach value -
R3ph 84.8
Zone 3
Zone 1 residual compensation
KZ1 (mag) 0.426 -
factor (magnitude)
Zone 1 residual compensation
KZ1 (ang) 9.2 deg
factor (phase angle)
Zone 2 residual compensation
KZ2 (mag) not used -
factor (magnitude)
Zone 2 residual compensation
KZ2 (ang) not used deg
factor (phase angle)
TZ1 Time delay - Zone 1 0 s
TZ2 Time delay - Zone 2 0.25 s
TZ3 Time delay - Zone 3 0.45 s
Earth fault resistive reach value -
R1G 84.8
Zone 1
Earth fault resistive reach value -
R2G 84.8
Zone 2
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impedance, the impedance seen by the relay in the case of a ii. 21.9566.236D 0.5 u 40 u 0.43966.236D :
fault involving earth is different to that seen for a phase fault.
Therefore the reach of the earth fault elements of the relay
It is clear that condition (ii) governs the setting, and therefore
needs to be different.
the initial Zone 2 reach setting is:
For the relay used, this adjustment is provided by the residual
(or neutral) compensation factor Kzo, set equal to: Z2 30.7366.3D :
The effect of parallel Line 2 is to make relay 1 underreach for
Z 0 Z 1 faults on adjacent line sections, as discussed in Section 11.9.3.
3Z1 This is not a problem for the phase fault elements because Line
1 is always protected.
K Z 0
Z 0 Z1
3Z 1 Zone 3 Reach
For Lines 1 and 2, The function of Zone 3 is to provide backup protection for
uncleared faults in adjacent line sections. The criterion used is
Z L1 0.177 j 0.402: that the relay should be set to cover 120% of the impedance
0.43966.236 : D between the relay location and the end of the longest adjacent
line, taking account of any possible fault infeed from other
Z L0 0.354 j1.022: circuits or parallel paths. In this case, faults in Line 3 results in
1.08270.895 : D the relay under-reaching due to the parallel Lines 1 and 2, so
the impedance of Line 3 should be doubled to take this effect
Hence, into account. Therefore,
KZ0 0.490 Z 3 1.2 u 21.9566.3D 100 u 2 u 0.43966.3D :
K Z 0 7.8D 131.866.3D : Zone Impedance Reach Settings – Phase Zone Time Delay Settings
Faults Proper co-ordination of the distance relay settings with those
Firstly, the impedance reaches for the three relay zones are of other relays is required. Independent timers are available for
calculated. the three zones to ensure this.
For Zone 1, instantaneous tripping is normal. A time delay is Zone 1 Reach used only in cases where large d.c. offsets occur and old circuit
Zone 1 impedance is set to 80% of the impedance of the breakers, incapable of breaking the instantaneous d.c.
protected line. Hence, component, are involved.
Z1 0.8 u 50 u 0.43966.236D : The Zone 2 element has to grade with the relays protecting
Lines 3 and 4 since the Zone 2 element covers part of these
0.8 u 21.9566.236D : lines. Assuming that Lines 3/4 have distance, unit or
instantaneous high-set overcurrent protection applied, the
17.5666.236D : time delay required is that to cover the total clearance time of
Use a value of 17.5666.3 : the downstream relays. To this must be added the reset time
for the Zone 2 elements following clearance of a fault on an Zone 2 Reach adjacent line, and a suitable safety margin. A typical time
delay is 250ms, and the normal range is 200-300ms.
Zone 2 impedance reach is set to cover the maximum of:
The considerations for the Zone 3 element are the same as for
i. 120% of Line 1 length
the Zone 2 element, except that the downstream fault
ii. Line 1 + 50% of shortest line from Substation B clearance time is that for the Zone 2 element of a distance
i.e. 50% of Line 4 relay or IDMT overcurrent protection. Assuming distance
From the line impedances given, relays are used, a typical time is 450ms. In summary:
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R3G = 84.8
R2G = 84.8
R1G = 84.8
This completes the setting of the relay. Table 13.3 also shows
the settings calculated.
[13.1] Some factors affecting the accuracy of distance type
protective equipment under earth fault conditions.
Davison, E.B. and Wright, A. Proc. IEE Vol. 110, No. 9,
Sept. 1963, pp. 1678-1688.
[13.2] Distance protection performance under conditions of
single-circuit working in double-circuit transmission
lines. Humpage, W.D. and Kandil, M.S. Proc. IEE. Vol.
117. No. 4, April 1970, pp. 766-770.
[13.3] Distance protection of tee'd circuits. Humpage, W.A.
and Lewis, D.W. Proc. IEE, Vol. 114, No. 10, Oct.
1967, pp. 1483-1498.
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Chapter 14 Auto-Reclosing
14.2 APPLICATION OF AUTO-RECLOSING ensuing loss of supply to a number of healthy sections. Auto-
The most important parameters of an auto-reclose scheme reclosing allows these circuit breakers to be reclosed within a
are: few seconds. With transient faults, the overall effect would be
loss of supply for a very short time but affecting a larger
x dead time number of consumers. If only time-graded protection without
x reclaim time auto-reclose were used, a smaller number of consumers might
x single or multi-shot be affected, but for a longer time period.
These parameters are influenced by: When instantaneous protection is used with auto-reclosing,
the scheme is normally arranged to inhibit the instantaneous
x type of protection protection after the first trip. For a permanent fault, the time-
x type of switchgear graded protection will give discriminative tripping after
x possible stability problems reclosure, resulting in the isolation of the faulted section.
Some schemes allow a number of reclosures and time-graded
x effects on the various types of consumer loads trips after the first instantaneous trip, which may result in the
The weighting given to the above factors is different for HV burning out and clearance of semi-permanent faults. A further
distribution networks and EHV transmission systems and benefit of instantaneous tripping is a reduction in circuit
therefore it is convenient to discuss them under separate breaker maintenance by reducing pre-arc heating when
headings. Sections 14.3 and 14.4 cover the application of clearing transient faults.
auto-reclosing to HV distribution networks while Sections 14.5 When considering feeders that are partly overhead line and
to 14.9 cover EHV schemes. partly underground cable, any decision to install auto-reclosing
The rapid expansion in the use of auto-reclosing has led to the would be influenced by any data known on the frequency of
existence of a variety of different control schemes. The various transient faults. Where a significant proportion of faults are
features in common use are discussed in Section 14.10. The permanent, the advantages of auto-reclosing are small,
related subject of auto-closing, that is, the automatic closing of particularly since reclosing on to a faulty cable is likely to
normally open circuit breakers, is dealt with in Section 14.11. aggravate the damage.
x instantaneous fault clearance can be introduced, with x system stability and synchronism
the accompanying benefits of shorter fault duration, x type of load
less fault damage, and fewer permanent faults
x CB characteristics
As 80% of overhead line faults are transient, elimination of loss x fault path de-ionisation time
of supply from this cause by the introduction of auto-reclosing
x protection reset time
gives obvious benefits through:
These factors are discussed in the following sections.
x improved supply continuity
x reduction of substation visits System stability and synchronism
Instantaneous tripping reduces the duration of the power arc To reclose without loss of synchronism after a fault on the
resulting from an overhead line fault to a minimum. The interconnecting feeder, the dead time must be kept to the
chance of permanent damage occurring to the line is reduced. minimum permissible consistent with de-ionisation of the fault
The application of instantaneous protection may result in non- arc. Other time delays that contribute to the total system
selective tripping of a number of circuit breakers and an disturbance time must also be kept as short as possible. The
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problem arises only on distribution networks with more than mechanism to reset before applying a closing impulse.
one power source, where power can be fed into both ends of Where high speed reclosing is required, a latch check
an inter-connecting line. A typical example is embedded interlock is desirable in the reclosing circuit
generation (see Chapter 17), or where a small centre of x Closing time: This is the time interval between the
population with a local diesel generating plant may be energisation of the closing mechanism and the making
connected to the rest of the supply system by a single tie-line. of the contacts. Owing to the time constant of the
The use of high-speed protection, such as unit protection or solenoid and the inertia of the plunger, a solenoid
distance schemes, with operating times of less than 0.05s is closing mechanism may take 0.3s to close. A spring-
essential. The circuit breakers must have very short operation operated breaker, on the other hand, can close in less
times and then be able to reclose the circuit after a dead time than 0.2s. Modern vacuum circuit breakers may have a
of the order of 0.3s - 0.6s to allow for fault-arc de-ionisation. closing time of less than 0.1s
It may be desirable in some cases to use synchronism check The circuit breaker mechanism imposes a minimum dead time
logic, so that auto-reclosing is prevented if the phase angle has made up from the sum of (a) and (b) above. Figure 14.3
moved outside specified limits. The matter is dealt with more shows the performance of modern HV/EHV circuit breakers in
fully in Section 14.9. this respect. Older circuit breakers may require longer times
than those shown. Type of load Arc Time (s)
On HV systems, the main problem to be considered in relation Contacts Contacts
to dead time is the effect on various types of consumer load. separate make
Trip Breaker fully open:
x Industrial consumers: Most industrial consumers initiation closing circuit energised
operate mixed loads comprising induction motors,
lighting, process control and static loads. Synchronous t1
t3 t4
motors may also be used. The dead time has to be long t2 t6
enough to allow motor circuits to trip out on loss of t5
supply. Once the supply is restored, restarting of drives
can then occur under direction of the process control Oil Vacuum Oil Air SF6 SF6
system in a safe and programmed manner, and can 11kV 15kV 132kV 380kV 132kV 380kV
t1 0.06 0.038 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.02
often be fast enough to ensure no significant loss of t2 0.1 0.053 0.06 0.045 0.07 0.05
production or product quality t3 0.08 0.023 0.2 0.235 0.03 0.01
t4 0.16 0.048 0.35 0.065 0.08 0.06
x Domestic consumers: It is improbable that expensive t5 0.24 0.28 0.55 0.3 0.11 0.07
processes or dangerous conditions will be involved with t6 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.02 0.12 0.04
domestic consumers and the main consideration is that Note: 380kV data applicable to 400kV also. All times in seconds
of inconvenience and compensation for supply Figure 14.3: Typical circuit breaker trip-close operation times
interruption. A dead time of seconds or a few minutes
is of little importance compared with the loss of cooking De-ionisation of the fault path
facilities, central heating, light and audio/visual As mentioned above, successful high speed reclosure requires
entertainment resulting from a longer supply failure the interruption of the fault by the circuit breaker to be
that could occur without auto-reclosing followed by a time delay long enough to allow the ionised air to
disperse. This time is dependent on the system voltage, cause Circuit breaker characteristics of fault, weather conditions and so on, but at voltages up to
The time delays imposed by the circuit breaker during a 66kV, 0.1s - 0.2s should be adequate. On HV systems,
tripping and reclosing operation must be taken into therefore, fault de-ionisation time is of less importance than
consideration, especially when assessing the possibility of circuit breaker time delays.
applying high speed auto-reclosing. Protection reset time
x Mechanism resetting time: Most circuit breakers are
‘trip free’, which means that the breaker can be tripped If time delayed protection is used, it is essential that the timing
during the closing stroke. After tripping, a time of the device shall fully reset during the dead time, so that correct
order of 0.2s must be allowed for the trip-free time discrimination will be maintained after reclosure on to a
fault. The reset time of the electromechanical I.D.M.T. relay is
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Chapter 14 Auto-Reclosing
10 seconds or more when on maximum time setting, and dead are rarely used in practice, to relieve the duty on the circuit
times of at least this value may be required. breaker.
When short dead times are required, the protection relays Spring winding time
must reset almost instantaneously, a requirement that is easily
met by the use of static, digital and numerical I.D.M.T. relays. The reclaim time of motor-wound spring-closed breakers must
be at least as long as the spring winding time, to ensure that
14.4.2 Reclaim Time the breaker is not subjected to a further reclosing operating
with a partly wound spring.
Factors affecting the setting of the reclaim time are discussed
in the following sections.
14.4.3 Number of Shots Type of protection There are no definite rules for defining the number of shots for
any particular auto-reclose application, but a number of factors
The reclaim time must be long enough to allow the protection
must be taken into account.
relays to operate when the circuit breaker is reclosed on to a
permanent fault. The most common forms of protection Circuit breaker limitations
applied to HV lines are I.D.M.T. or definite time over-current
and earth-fault relays. The maximum operating time for the Important considerations are the ability of the circuit breaker to
former with very low fault levels could be up to 30 seconds, perform several trip and close operations in quick succession
while for fault levels of several times rating the operating time and the effect of these operations on the maintenance period.
may be 10 seconds or less. Maintenance periods vary according to the type of circuit
breaker used and the fault current broken when clearing each
In the case of definite time protection, settings of 3 seconds or fault. Use of modern numerical relays can assist, as they often
less are common, with 10 seconds as an absolute maximum. have a CB condition-monitoring feature included that can be
It has been common practice to use reclaim times of 30 arranged to indicate to a Control Centre when maintenance is
seconds on HV auto-reclose schemes. However, there is a required. Auto-reclose may then be locked out until
danger with a setting of this length that during a maintenance has been carried out.
thunderstorm, when the incidence of transient faults is high,
the breaker may reclose successfully after one fault, and then System conditions
trip and lock out for a second fault within this time. Use of a
If statistical information on a particular system shows a
shorter reclaim time of, say, 15 seconds may enable the
moderate percentage of semi-permanent faults that could be
second fault to be treated as a separate incident, with a further
burned out during 2 or 3 time-delayed trips, a multi-shot
successful reclosure.
scheme may be justified. This is often the case in forest areas.
Where fault levels are low, it may be difficult to select I.D.M.T. Multi-shot schemes may also be applicable where fused ‘tees’
time settings to give satisfactory grading with an operating are used and the fault level is low, since the fusing time may
time limit of 15 seconds, and the matter becomes a question not discriminate with the main I.D.M.T. relay. The use of
of selecting a reclaim time compatible with I.D.M.T. several shots will heat the fuse to such an extent that it would
requirements. eventually blow before the main protection operated.
It is common to fit sensitive earth-fault protection to
supplement the normal protection to detect high resistance
earth faults. This protection is usually set to have an operating TRANSMISSION LINES
time longer than that of the main protection. This longer time The most important consideration in the application of auto-
may have to be taken into consideration when deciding on a reclosing to EHV transmission lines is the maintenance of
reclaim time. A broken overhead conductor in contact with dry system stability and synchronism. The problems involved are
ground or a wood fence may cause this type of fault. It is dependent on whether the transmission system is weak or
rarely if ever transient and may be a danger to the public. It is strong. With a weak system, loss of a transmission link may
therefore common practice to use a contact on the sensitive lead quickly to an excessive phase angle across the CB used for
earth fault relay to block auto-reclosing and lock out the circuit re-closure, thus preventing a successful re-closure. In a
breaker. relatively strong system, the rate of change of phase angle will
be slow, so that delayed auto-reclose can be successfully
Where high-speed protection is used, reclaim times of 1
second or less would be adequate. However, such short times
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Network Protection & Automation Guide
An illustration is the interconnector between two power 14.6 HIGH SPEED AUTO-RECLOSING ON EHV
systems as shown in Figure 14.4. Under healthy conditions, SYSTEMS
the amount of synchronising power transmitted, P, crosses the
The first requirement for the application of high-speed auto-
power/angle curve OAB at point X, showing that the phase
reclosing is knowledge of the system disturbance time that can
displacement between the two systems is 0. Under fault
be tolerated without loss of system stability. This will normally
conditions, the curve OCB is applicable, and the operating
require transient stability studies to be conducted for a defined
point changes to Y. Assuming constant power input to both
set of power system configurations and fault conditions. With
ends of the line, there is now an accelerating power XY. As a
knowledge of protection and circuit breaker operating
result, the operating point moves to Z, with an increased phase
characteristics and fault arc de-ionisation times, the feasibility
displacement, 1, between the two systems. At this point the
of high-speed auto-reclosing can then be assessed. These
circuit breakers trip and break the connection. The phase
factors are now discussed.
displacement continues to increase at a rate dependent on the
inertia of the two power sources. To maintain synchronism,
14.6.1 Protection Characteristics
the circuit breaker must be reclosed in a time short enough to
prevent the phase angle exceeding 2. This angle is such that The use of high-speed protection equipment, such as distance
the area (2) stays greater than the area (1), which is the or unit protection schemes, giving operating times of less than
condition for maintenance of synchronism. 40ms, is essential. In conjunction with fast operating circuit
breakers, high-speed protection reduces the duration of the
fault arc and thus the total system disturbance time.
It is important that the circuit breakers at both ends of a fault
line should be tripped as rapidly as possible. The time that the
line is still being fed from one end represents an effective
reduction in the dead time, and may well jeopardise the
chances of a successful reclosure. When distance protection is
used, and the fault occurs near one end of the line, special
measures have to be adopted to ensure simultaneous tripping
at each end. These are described in Section 14.8.
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Chapter 14 Auto-Reclosing
If single-phase tripping and auto-reclosing is used, capacitive Air blast circuit breakers
coupling between the healthy phases and the faulty phase Air blast breakers have been developed for voltages up to the
tends to maintain the arc and hence extend the dead time highest at present in use on transmission lines. They fall into
required from the values given in the Table. This is a particular two categories:
problem on long distance EHV transmission lines. However
where shunt compensation is applied, a neutral reactor can x pressurised head circuit breakers
often be used to balance system inter-phase capacitance and x non-pressurised head circuit breakers
thus reduce the arcing time.
In pressurised head circuit breakers, compressed air is
maintained in the chamber surrounding the main contacts.
14.6.3 Circuit Breaker Characteristics
When a tripping signal is received, an auxiliary air system
The high fault levels involved in EHV systems impose a very separates the main contacts and allows compressed air to
severe duty on the circuit breakers used in high-speed auto- blast through the gap to the atmosphere, extinguishing the
reclose schemes. The accepted breaker cycle of break-make- arc. With the contacts fully open, compressed air is
break requires the circuit breaker to interrupt the fault current, maintained in the chamber.
reclose the circuit after a time delay of upwards of 0.2s and
then break the fault current again if the fault persists. The Loss of air pressure could result in the contacts reclosing, or, if
types of circuit breaker commonly used on EHV systems are a mechanical latch is employed, restriking of the arc in the de-
oil, air blast and SF6 types. pressurised chamber. For this reason, sequential series
isolators, which isolate the main contacts after tripping, are Oil circuit breakers commonly used with air blast breakers. Since these are
comparatively slow in opening, their operation must be
Oil circuit breakers are used for transmission voltages up to
inhibited when auto-reclosing is required. A contact on the
300kV, and can be subdivided into the two types: ‘bulk oil’ and
auto-reclose relay is made available for this purpose.
‘small oil volume’. The latter is a design aimed at reducing the
fire hazard associated with the large volume of oil contained in Non-pressurised head circuit breakers are slower in operation
the bulk oil breaker. than the pressurised head type and are not usually applied in
high-speed reclosing schemes.
The operating mechanisms of oil circuit breakers are of two
types, ‘fixed trip’ and ‘trip free’, of which the latter is the most SF6 circuit breakers
common. With trip-free types, the reclosing cycle must allow
time for the mechanism to reset after tripping before applying Most EHV circuit breaker designs now manufactured use SF6
the closing impulse. gas as an insulating and arc-quenching medium. The basic
design of such circuit breakers is in many ways similar to that
Special means have to be adopted to obtain the short dead of pressurised head air blast circuit breakers. Voltage
times required for high-speed auto-reclosing. Various types of withstand capability depends on a minimum gas pressure
tripping mechanism have been developed to meet this being available, and gas pressure monitors are fitted and
requirement. arranged to block CB operation in the event of low gas
The three types of closing mechanism fitted to oil circuit pressure occurring. Sequential series isolators are normally
breakers are: used, to prevent damage to the circuit breaker in the event of
voltage transients due to lightning strikes, etc. occurring when
x solenoid the CB is open. Provision should therefore be made to inhibit
x spring sequential series isolation during an auto-reclose cycle.
x pneumatic
14.6.4 Choice of Dead Time
CBs with solenoid closing are not suitable for high-speed auto-
At voltages of 220kV and above, the de-ionisation time will
reclose due to the long time constant involved. Spring,
probably dictate the minimum dead time, rather than any
hydraulic or pneumatic closing mechanisms are universal at
circuit breaker limitations. This can be deduced from Table
the upper end of the EHV range and give the fastest closing
14.1. The dead time setting on a high-speed auto-reclose
time. Figure 14.3 shows the operation times for various types
relay should be long enough to ensure complete de-ionisation
of EHV circuit breakers, including the dead time that can be
of the arc. On EHV systems, an unsuccessful reclosure is more
detrimental to the system than no reclosure at all.
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14.6.5 Choice of Reclaim Time x three-phase trip and lockout for phase-phase or 3-
Where EHV oil circuit breakers are concerned, the reclaim time phase faults, or if either of the remaining phases should
should take account of the time needed for the closing develop a fault during the dead time
mechanism to reset ready for the next reclosing operation. x use of a selector switch to give a choice of single or
three-phase reclosing
14.6.6 Number of Shots x combined single and three-phase auto-reclosing; single
High-speed auto-reclosing on EHV systems is invariably single phase to earth faults initiate single-phase tripping and
shot. Repeated reclosure attempts with high fault levels would reclosure, and phase-phase faults initiate three-phase
have serious effects on system stability, so the circuit breakers tripping and reclosure
are locked out after one unsuccessful attempt. Also, the
Modern numerical relays often incorporate the logic for all of
incidence of semi-permanent faults that can be cleared by
the above schemes for the user to select as required. Use can
repeated reclosures is less likely than on HV systems. Multi-
be made of any user-definable logic feature in a numerical
shot schemes have, however, occasionally been used on EHV
relay to implement other schemes that may be required.
systems, specifically to deal with bush fire faults prevalent in
Africa. The advantages of single-phase auto-reclosing are:
x the maintenance of system integrity
x on multiple earth systems, negligible interference with
Single phase to earth faults account for the majority of the transmission of load. This is because the current in
overhead line faults. When three-phase auto-reclosing is the unfaulted phases can continue to flow until the fault
applied to single circuit interconnectors between two power is cleared and the faulty phase restored
systems, the tripping of all three phases may cause the two
systems to drift apart in phase, as described in Section 14.5. The main disadvantage is the longer de-ionisation time
No interchange of synchronising power can take place during resulting from capacitive coupling between the faulty and
the dead time. If only the faulty phase is tripped, healthy lines. This leads to a longer dead time being required.
synchronising power can still be interchanged through the Maloperation of earth fault relays on double circuit lines owing
healthy phases. Any difference in phase between the two to the flow of zero sequence currents may also occur. These
systems will be correspondingly less, leading to a reduction in are induced by mutual induction between faulty and healthy
the disturbance on the system when the circuit breaker lines (see Chapter 13 for details).
For single-phase auto-reclosing each circuit breaker pole must
be provided with its own closing and tripping mechanism; this
is normal with EHV air blast and SF6 breakers. The associated The importance of rapid tripping of the circuit breakers at each
tripping and reclosing circuitry is therefore more complicated, end of a faulted line where high-speed auto-reclosing is
as it must be inherently phase-selective. employed has already been covered in Section 14.6. Simple
distance protection presents some difficulties in this respect.
On the occurrence of a phase-earth fault, single-phase auto-
reclose schemes trip and reclose only the corresponding pole of Owing to the errors involved in determining the ohmic setting
the circuit breaker. The auto-reclose function in a relay of the distance relays, it is not possible to set Zone 1 of a
therefore has three separate elements, one for each phase. distance relay to cover 100% of the protected line – see
Operation of any element energises the corresponding dead Chapter 11 for more details. Zone 1 is set to cover 80-85% of
timer, which in turn initiates a closing pulse for the appropriate the line length, with the remainder of the line covered by time-
pole of the circuit breaker. A successful reclosure results in the delayed Zone 2 protection.
auto-reclose logic resetting at the end of the reclaim time,
ready to respond to a further fault incident. If the fault is
persistent and reclosure is unsuccessful, it is usual to trip and
lock out all three poles of the circuit breaker.
The above describes only one of many variants. Other
possibilities are:
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Chapter 14 Auto-Reclosing
Two methods are available for overcoming this difficulty. 14.9.1 Scheme Operation
Firstly, one of the transfer-trip or blocking schemes that
The sequence of operations of a delayed auto-reclose scheme
involves the use of an intertrip signal between the two ends of
can be best understood by reference to Figure 14.6. This
the line can be used. Alternatively, a Zone 1 extension scheme
shows a transmission line connecting two substations A and B,
may be used to give instantaneous tripping over the whole line
with the circuit beakers at A and B tripping out in the event of
length. Further details of these schemes are given in Chapter
a line fault. Synchronism is unlikely to be lost in a system that
12, but a brief description of how they are used in conjunction
employs delayed auto-reclose. However, the transfer of power
with an auto-reclose scheme is given below.
through the remaining tie-lines on the system could result in
the development of an excessive phase difference between the
14.8.1 Transfer-Trip or Blocking Schemes
voltages at points A and B. The result, if reclosure takes place,
This involves use of a signalling channel between the two ends is an unacceptable shock to the system. It is therefore usual
of the line. Tripping occurs rapidly at both ends of the faulty practice to incorporate a synchronism check relay into the
line, enabling the use of high-speed auto-reclose. Some reclosing system to determine whether auto-reclosing should
complication occurs if single-phase auto-reclose is used, as the take place.
signalling channel must identify which phase should be
tripped, but this problem does not exist if a modern numerical
relay is used.
Irrespective of the scheme used, it is customary to provide an
auto-reclose blocking relay to prevent the circuit breakers
auto-reclosing for faults seen by the distance relay in Zones 2
and 3.
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Chapter 14 Auto-Reclosing
14.10.2 Type of Protection closed on to a fault and the closing pulse is longer than the
On HV distribution systems, advantage is often taken of auto- sum of protection relay and circuit breaker operating times.
reclosing to use instantaneous protection for the first trip, Circuit breakers with trip free mechanisms do not require this
followed by I.D.M.T. for subsequent trips in a single fault feature.
incident. In such cases, the auto-reclose relay must provide a
means of isolating the instantaneous relay after the first trip. 14.10.6 Reclaim Timer
In older schemes, this may be done with a normally closed Electromechanical, static or software-based timers are used to
contact on the auto-reclose starting element wired into the provide the reclaim time, depending on the relay technology
connection between the instantaneous relay contact and the used. If electromechanical timers are used, it is convenient to
circuit breaker trip coil. With digital or numerical relays with employ two independently adjustable timed contacts to obtain
in-built auto-reclose facilities, internal logic facilities will both the dead time and the reclaim time on one timer. With
normally be used. static and software-based timers, separate timer elements are
generally provided.
For certain utility companies, it is the rule to fit tripping relays
to every circuit breaker. If auto-reclosing is required, self or
14.10.7 CB Lockout
electrically reset tripping relays must be used. If the later is
used, a contact must be provided either in the auto-reclose If reclosure is unsuccessful the auto-reclose relay locks out the
logic or by separate trip relay resetting scheme to energise the circuit breaker. Some schemes provide a lockout relay with a
reset coil before reclosing can take place. flag, with provision of a contact for remote alarm. The circuit
breaker can then only be closed by hand; this action can be
14.10.3 Dead Timer arranged to reset the auto-reclose relay element automatically.
Alternatively, most modern relays can be configured such that
This will have a range of settings to cover the specified high-
a lockout condition can be reset only by operator action.
speed or delayed reclosing duty. Any interlocks that are
needed to hold up reclosing until conditions are suitable can be Circuit breaker manufacturers state the maximum number of
connected into the dead timer circuit. Section 14.12.1 operations allowed before maintenance is required. A number
provides an example of this applied to transformer feeders. of schemes provide a fault trip counting function and give a
warning when the total approaches the manufacturer's
14.10.4 Reclosing Impulse recommendation. These schemes will lock out when the total
The duration of the reclosing impulse must be related to the number of fault trips has reached the maximum value allowed.
requirements of the circuit breaker closing mechanism. On
auto-reclose schemes using spring-closed breakers, it is 14.10.8 Manual Closing
sufficient to operate a contact at the end of the dead time to It is undesirable to permit auto-reclosing if circuit breaker
energise the latch release coil on the spring-closing closing is manually initiated. Auto-reclose schemes include the
mechanism. A circuit breaker auxiliary switch can be used to facility to inhibit auto-reclose initiation for a set time following
cancel the closing pulse and reset the auto-reclose relay. With manual CB closure. The time is typically in the range of 2 - 5
solenoid operated breakers, it is usual to provide a closing seconds.
pulse of the order of 1 - 2 seconds, to hold the solenoid
energised for a short time after the main contacts have closed. 14.10.9 Multi-Shot Schemes
This ensures that the mechanism settles in the fully latched-in Schemes providing up to three or four shots use timing circuits
position. The pneumatic or hydraulic closing mechanisms are often included in an auto-reclose relay to provide different,
fitted to oil, air blast and SF6 circuit breakers use a circuit independently adjustable, dead times for each shot.
breaker auxiliary switch for terminating the closing pulse Instantaneous protection can be used for the first trip, since
applied by the auto-reclose relay. each scheme provides a signal to inhibit instantaneous tripping
after a set number of trips and selects I.D.M.T. protection for
14.10.5 Anti-Pumping Devices subsequent ones. The scheme resets if reclosure is successful
The function of an anti-pumping device is to prevent the circuit within the chosen number of shots, ready to respond to further
breaker closing and opening several times in quick succession. fault incidents.
This might be caused by the application of a closing pulse
while the circuit breaker is being tripped via the protection
relays. Alternatively, it may occur if the circuit breaker is
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14.11 AUTO-CLOSE SCHEMES scheme. The auto-close relay used in practice is a variant of
Auto-close schemes are employed to close automatically circuit one of the standard auto-reclose relays.
breakers that are normally open when the supply network is
healthy. This may occur for a variety of reasons, for instance 14.12 EXAMPLES OF AUTO-RECLOSE
the fault level may be excessive if the CBs were normally APPLICATIONS
closed. The circuits involved are very similar to those used for The following sections describe auto-reclose facilities in
auto-reclosing. Two typical applications are described in the common use for several standard substation configurations.
following sections.
14.12.1 Double Busbar Substation
14.11.1 Standby Transformers A typical double busbar station is shown in Figure 14.8. Each
Figure 14.7 shows a busbar station fed by three transformers, of the six EHV transmission lines brought into the station is
T1, T2 and T3. The loss of one transformer might cause under the control of a circuit breaker, CB1 to CB6 inclusive,
serious overloading of the remaining two. However, and each transmission line can be connected either to the
connection of a further transformer to overcome this may main or to the reserve busbars by manually operated isolators.
increase the fault level to an unacceptable value. Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
T1 T2 T3 T4 T2
Figure 14.7: Standby transformer with auto-closing Figure 14.8: Double busbar substation
The solution is to have a standby transformer T4 permanently Bus section isolators enable sections of busbar to be isolated in
energised from the primary side and arranged to be switched the event of a fault and the bus coupler breaker BC permits
into service if one of the others trips on fault. sections of main and reserve bars to be interconnected.
The starting circuits for breaker CB4 monitor the operation of Basic scheme – banked transformers omitted
transformer protection on any of the transformers T1, T2 and
Each line circuit breaker is provided with an auto-reclose relay
T3 together with the tripping of an associated circuit breaker
that recloses the appropriate circuit breakers in the event of a
CB1 - CB3. In the event of a fault, the auto-close circuit is
line fault. For a fault on Line 1, this would require opening of
initiated and circuit breaker CB4 closes, after a short time
delay, to switch in the standby transformer. Some schemes
CB1 and the corresponding CB at the remote end of the line.
The operation of either the busbar protection or a VT Buchholz
employ an auto-tripping relay, so that when the faulty
relay is arranged to lock out the auto-reclosing sequence. In
transformer is returned to service, the standby is automatically
the event of a persistent fault on Line 1, the line circuit
breakers trip and lock out after one attempt at reclosure.
14.11.2 Bus Coupler or Bus Section Breaker Scheme with banked transformers
If all four power transformers are normally in service for the
Some utilities use a variation of the basic scheme in which
system of Figure 14.7, and the bus sections are interconnected
Transformers T1 and T2 are banked off Lines 1 and 2, as
by a normally-open bus section breaker instead of the isolator,
shown in Figure 14.8. This provides some economy in the
the bus section breaker should be auto-closed in the event of
number of circuit breakers required. The corresponding
the loss of one transformer, to spread the load over the
transformer circuits 1 and 2 are tee'd off Lines 1 and 2
remaining transformers. This, of course, is subject to the fault
respectively. The transformer secondaries are connected to a
level being acceptable with the bus-section breaker closed.
separate HV busbar system via circuit breakers CB1A and
Starting and auto-trip circuits are employed as in the stand-by CB2A.
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Chapter 14 Auto-Reclosing
Auto-reclose facilities can be extended to cover the circuits for recloses again, followed by B1, so that both transformers T1
banked transformers where these are used. For example, a and T2 are then supplied from Line 2.
fault on line 1 would cause the tripping of circuit breakers CB1,
A transformer fault causes the automatic opening of the
CB1A and the remote line circuit breaker. When Line 1 is re-
appropriate transformer isolator, lock-out of the transformer
energised, either by auto-reclosure of CB1 or by the remote
secondary circuit breaker and reclosure of circuit breaker 120.
circuit breaker, whichever is set to reclose first, transformer T1
Facilities for dead line charging or reclosure with synchronism
is also energised. CB1A will not reclose until the appearance
check are provided for each circuit breaker.
of transformer secondary voltage, as monitored by the
secondary VT; it then recloses on to the HV busbars after a
14.12.3 Four-Switch Mesh Substation
short time delay, with a synchronism check if required.
The mesh substation shown in Figure 14.10 is extensively used
In the event of a fault on transformer T1, the local and remote by some utilities, either in full or part. The basic mesh has a
line circuit breakers and breaker CB1A trip to isolate the fault. feeder at each corner, as shown at mesh corners MC2, MC3
Automatic opening of the motorised transformer isolator IT1 and MC4. One or two transformers may also be banked at a
follows this. The line circuit breakers then reclose in the mesh corner, as shown at MC1. Mesh corner protection is
normal manner and circuit breaker CB1A locks out. required if more than one circuit is fed from a mesh corner,
A shortcoming of this scheme is that this results in healthy irrespective of the CT locations – see Chapter 15 for more
transformer T1 being isolated from the system; also, isolator details.
L1 must be opened manually before circuit breakers CB1 and
CB1A, can be closed to re-establish supply to the HV busbars
via the transformer. A variant of this scheme is designed to
instruct isolator L1 to open automatically following a persistent
fault on Line 1 and provide a second auto-reclosure of CB1
and CB1A. The supply to Bus C is thereby restored without
manual intervention.
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Breaker 420 recloses in sequence, with a synchronism check. be energised from each diameter, shown as Line 1 and Line 2.
Breakers G1A, G1B reclose with a synchronism check if It can therefore be seen that the ratio of circuit breakers to
necessary. lines is one-and-a-half, or breaker and a half. The advantage
of such a topology is that it reduces the number of costly Persistent fault on Line 1 circuit breakers required, compared to a double-bus
Circuit breaker 120 trips again after the first reclosure and installation, but also it means that for any line fault, the
isolator 103 is automatically opened to isolate the faulted line. associated protection relay(s) must trip two circuit breakers to
Breakers 120, 420, G1A, and G1B then reclose in sequence as isolate it. Any autoreclose scheme will then need to manage
above. the closure of two breakers (e.g. CB1 and CB2 for reclosing
Line 1). Transformer fault (local transformer 1A) Utilities usually select from one of three typical scheme
Automatic opening of isolator 113A to isolate the faulted philosophies in such a scenario:
transformer follows tripping of circuit breakers 120, 420, G1A
and G1B. Breakers 120, 420 and G1B then reclose in x Autoreclosure of an 'outer' (or 'diameter') breaker,
sequence, and breaker G1A is locked out. leaving the closing of the centre breaker for manual
remote control Transformer fault (remote transformer) x A leader-follower autoreclosing scheme
For a remote transformer fault, an intertrip signal is received at x Autoreclosure of both breakers simultaneously
the local station to trip breakers 120, 420, G1A and G1B and
Bus 1
inhibit auto-reclosing until the faulted transformer has been VT
isolated at the remote station. If the intertrip persists for 60
seconds it is assumed that the fault cannot be isolated at the CB1 x
remote station. Isolator 103 is then automatically opened and
circuit breakers 120, 420, G1A and G1B are reclosed in Line 1
sequence. Line VT
CB2 x 3 Transient mesh corner fault A/R Relay
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Chapter 14 Auto-Reclosing
check is made. For this reason, the relay requires two bus
synchronising voltages as inputs, in addition to the three-
phase line VT input shown. CB1 can be permitted to close
only if the voltage checks between Bus 1 and the Line VT are
favourable, CB2 can be permitted to close only if the checks
between Bus 2 and the Line VT are favourable
If a utility opts for a scheme which closes two circuit breakers
simultaneously, the line voltage checks against both bus
voltages need to be satisfied before the relay issues
synchronised closing commands.
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Chapter 15
Busbar Protection
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cover the busbars, or when, in order to maintain power system years, it is clear that unless the stability of the protection is
stability, high-speed fault clearance is necessary. Unit busbar absolute, the degree of disturbance to which the power system
protection provides this, with the further advantage that if the is likely to be subjected may be increased by the installation of
busbars are sectionalised, one section only need be isolated to bus protection. The possibility of incorrect operation has, in
clear a fault. The case for unit busbar protection is in fact the past, led to hesitation in applying bus protection and has
strongest when there is sectionalisation. also resulted in application of some very complex systems.
Increased understanding of the response of differential systems
15.2 BUSBAR FAULTS to transient currents enables such systems to be applied with
The majority of bus faults involve one phase and earth, but confidence in their fundamental stability. The theory of
faults arise from many causes and a significant number are differential protection is given later in section 15.7.
interphase clear of earth. In fact, a large proportion of busbar Notwithstanding the complete stability of a correctly applied
faults result from human error rather than the failure of protection system, dangers exist in practice for a number of
switchgear components. reasons. These are:
With fully phase-segregated metalclad gear, only earth faults x interruption of the secondary circuit of a current
are possible, and a protection scheme need have earth fault transformer will produce an unbalance, which might
sensitivity only. In other cases, an ability to respond to phase cause tripping on load depending on the relative values
faults clear of earth is an advantage, although the phase fault of circuit load and effective setting. It would certainly
sensitivity need not be very high. do so during a through fault, producing substantial fault
current in the circuit in question
x a mechanical shock of sufficient severity may cause
Although not basically different from other circuit protection, operation, although the likelihood of this occurring with
the key position of the busbar intensifies the emphasis put on modern numerical schemes is reduced
the essential requirements of speed and stability. The special
x accidental interference with the relay, arising from a
features of busbar protection are discussed below.
mistake during maintenance testing, may lead to
15.3.1 Speed
Busbar protection is primarily concerned with: In order to maintain the high order of integrity needed for
busbar protection, it is an almost invariable practice to make
x limitation of consequential damage tripping depend on two independent measurements of fault
x removal of busbar faults in less time than could be quantities. Moreover, if the tripping of all the breakers within a
achieved by back-up line protection, with the object of zone is derived from common measuring relays, two separate
maintaining system stability elements must be operated at each stage to complete a
tripping operation.
Some early busbar protection schemes used a low impedance
differential system having a relatively long operation time, of The two measurements may be made by two similar
up to 0.5 seconds. The basis of most modern schemes is a differential systems, or one differential system may be checked
differential system using either low impedance biased or high by a frame-earth system, by earth fault relays energised by
impedance unbiased relays capable of operating in a time of current transformers in the transformer neutral-earth
the order of one cycle at a very moderate multiple of fault conductors or by voltage or overcurrent relays. Alternatively, a
setting. To this must be added the operating time of any frame-earth system may be checked by earth fault relays.
tripping relays, but an overall tripping time of less than two
If two systems of the unit or other similar type are used, they
cycles can be achieved. With high-speed circuit breakers,
should be energised by separate current transformers in the
complete fault clearance may be obtained in approximately 0.1
case of high impedance unbiased differential schemes. The
seconds. When a frame-earth system is used, the operating
duplicate ring CT cores may be mounted on a common
speed is comparable.
primary conductor but independence must be maintained
throughout the secondary circuit.
15.3.2 Stability
The stability of bus protection is of paramount importance. In the case of low impedance, biased differential schemes that
cater for unequal ratio CTs, the scheme can be energised from
Bearing in mind the low rate of fault incidence, amounting to
no more than an average of one fault per busbar in twenty either one or two separate sets of main current transformers.
The criteria of double feature operation before tripping can be
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Chapter 15 Busbar Protection
adequate rating and low resistance ensures sufficient current frame is also sub-divided, the sections mutually insulated, and
for scheme operation and limits the rise in frame potential. each provided with a separate earth conductor, current
When the system is resistance earthed, the earthing transformer and relay.
connection from the switchgear frame is made between the
Ideally, the section switch should be treated as a separate
bottom of the earthing resistor and the earthing electrode.
zone, as shown in Figure 15.4, and provided with either a
Figure 15.3 illustrates why a lower limit of 10 ohms insulation separate relay or two secondaries on the frame-leakage
resistance between frame and earth is necessary. current transformer, with an arrangement to trip both adjacent
zones. The individual zone relays trip their respective zone and
feeder Switchgear the section switch.
Switchgear frame
Frame-leakage bonding bar
IF=I1+I2 transformer
Earth resistor
I1 I2
Frame insulation Earthing
resistance to electrode
earth resistance
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Insulation barriers
Zone J
Zone G Zone H
g1 j1 h1 j2
Zone H
Zone G I
+ _
Figure 15.5: Frame-earth scheme: bus section breaker insulated on L1
one side only
For the above schemes to function it is necessary to have a
least one infeed or earthed source of supply, and in the latter N
case it is essential that this source of supply be connected to
the side of the switchboard not containing the section switch. G HJ j2
Busbar isolator
Further, if possible, it is preferable that an earthed source of D.C. zone auxiliary switches
supply be provided on both sides of the switchboard, in order bus wires
to ensure that any faults that may develop between the Figure 15.6: Frame-earth scheme for double busbar substation
insulating barrier and the section switch will continue to be fed
with fault current after the isolation of the first half of the 15.6.4 Frame-Earth Protection - Check System
switchboard, and thus allow the fault to be removed. Of the On all but the smallest equipments, a check system should be
two arrangements, the first is the one normally recommended, provided to guard against such contingencies as operation due
since it provides instantaneous clearance of busbar faults on all to mechanical shock or mistakes made by personnel. Faults in
sections of the switchboard. the low voltage auxiliary wiring must also be prevented from
causing operation by passing current to earth through the
15.6.3 Frame-Earth Scheme - Double Bus Substation switchgear frame. A useful check is provided by a relay
It is not generally feasible to separately insulate the metal energised by the system neutral current, or residual current. If
enclosures of the main and auxiliary busbars. Protection is the neutral check cannot be provided, the frame-earth relays
therefore generally provided as for single bus installations, but should have a short time delay.
with the additional feature that circuits connected to the When a check system is used, instantaneous relays can be
auxiliary bus are tripped for all faults, as shown in Figure 15.6. used, with a setting of 30% of the minimum earth fault current
and an operating time at five times setting of 15 milliseconds
or less.
Figure 15.7 shows a frame-leakage scheme for a metalclad
switchgear installation similar to that shown in Figure 15.4
and incorporating a neutral current check obtained from a
suitable zero sequence current source, such as that shown in
Figure 15.2.
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Chapter 15 Busbar Protection
+ Trip relays - isolating switches - one switch per zone - are provided in the
In Out 64A-1 GH 64CH-1 trip supply circuits and an alarm cancellation relay is used.
CSS-G 64B-1
The Merz-Price principle is applicable to a multi-terminal zone
such as a busbar. The principle is a direct application of
Kirchhoff's first law. Usually, the circulating current
arrangement is used, in which the current transformers and
interconnections form an analogue of the busbar and circuit
L5 connections. A relay connected across the CT bus wires
represents a fault path in the primary system in the analogue
64CH-2 64A-2
I > and hence is not energised until a fault occurs on the busbar; it
64B-2 then receives an input that, in principle at least, represents the
fault current.
The scheme may consist of a single relay connected to the bus
wires connecting all the current transformers in parallel, one
In Out L3 set per circuit, associated with a particular zone, as shown in
Figure 15.8(a). This will give earth fault protection for the
L4 busbar. This arrangement has often been thought to be
L3 adequate.
To enable the protection equipment of each zone to be taken Figure 15.8: Circulating current scheme
out of service independently during maintenance periods, The phase and earth fault settings are identical, and this
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scheme is recommended for its ease of application and good other and also the individual circuit protections. The overlap
performance. should occur across a circuit breaker, so that the latter lies in
both zones. For this arrangement it is necessary to install
15.7.1 Differential Protection for Sectionalised and current transformers on both sides of the circuit breakers,
Duplicate Busbars which is economically possible with many but not all types of
switchgear. With both the circuit and the bus protection
Each section of a divided bus is provided with a separate
circulating current system. The zones so formed are over- current transformers on the same side of the circuit breakers,
the zones may be overlapped at the current transformers, but a
lapped across the section switches, so that a fault on the latter
will trip the two adjacent zones. This is illustrated in Figure fault between the CT location and the circuit breaker will not
be completely isolated. This matter is important in all
switchgear to which these conditions apply, and is particularly
Tripping two zones for a section switch fault can be avoided by important in the case of outdoor switchgear where separately
using the time-delayed technique of section 15.6.2. However mounted, multi-secondary current transformers are generally
instantaneous operation is the preferred choice. used. The conditions are shown in Figure 15.10.
(a) (b)
Zone A Zone B
Bus protection
Zone C
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Chapter 15 Busbar Protection
has opened but that the fault current is still flowing. Under 15.8 HIGH IMPEDANCE DIFFERENTIAL
these conditions, the protection can initiate an intertrip to the PROTECTION
remote end of the circuit. This technique may be used,
This form of protection is still in common use. The
particularly when the circuit includes a generator. In this case
considerations that have to be taken into account are detailed
the intertrip proves that the fault is in the switchgear
in the following sections.
connections and not in the generator; the latter is therefore
tripped electrically but not shut down on the mechanical side
15.8.1 Stability
so as to be immediately ready for further service if the fault can
be cleared. The incidence of fault current with an initial unilateral transient
component causes an abnormal build-up of flux in a current CT locations for mesh-connected substations transformer, as described in section 15.8.2. When through-
fault current traverses a zone protected by a differential
The protection of busbars in mesh connected substations gives
system, the transient flux produced in the current transformers
rise to additional considerations in respect of CT location. A
is not detrimental as long as it remains within the substantially
single mesh corner is shown in Figure 15.11(a). Where only
linear range of the magnetising characteristic. With fault
one connection to the mesh is made at a corner, CTs located
current of appreciable magnitude and long transient time
as shown will provide protection not only to the line but the
constant, the flux density will pass into the saturated region of
corner of the mesh included between them. However, this
the characteristic; this will not in itself produce a spill output
arrangement cannot be used where more than one connection
from a pair of balancing current transformers provided that
is made to a mesh corner. This is because a fault on any of the
these are identical and equally burdened. A group of current
connected circuits would result in disconnection of them all,
transformers, though they may be of the same design, will not
without any means of determining the faulted connection.
be completely identical, but a more important factor is
Protection CTs must therefore be located on each connection,
inequality of burden. In the case of a differential system for a
as shown in Figure 15.11(b). This leaves the corner of the
busbar, an external fault may be fed through a single circuit,
mesh unprotected, so additional CTs and a relay to provide
the current being supplied to the busbar through all other
mesh-corner protection are added, as also shown in Figure
circuits. The faulted circuit is many times more heavily loaded
than the others and the corresponding current transformers
Mesh corner are likely to be heavily saturated, while those of the other
(Note 1)
circuits are not. Severe unbalance is therefore probable,
which, with a relay of normal burden, could exceed any
acceptable current setting. For this reason such systems were
Line protection at one time always provided with a time delay. This practice
is, however, no longer acceptable.
Note 1: Only 1 connection to the mesh corner permitted It is not feasible to calculate the spill current that may occur,
(a) CT arrangements for protection including mesh corner
but, fortunately, this is not necessary; an alternative approach
provides both the necessary information and the technique
required to obtain a high performance.
An equivalent circuit, as in Figure 15.12, can represent a
Transformer circulating current system.
Mesh corner
(Note 2)
Mesh corner
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Vf I f ( RLH RCTH )
Equation 15.3
or alternatively:
RCTG RLG RLH RCTH Equation 15.4
It is clear that, by increasing RR, the spill current IR can be
RR reduced below any specified relay setting. RR is frequently
increased by the addition of a series-connected resistor which
ZEG ZEH is known as the stabilising resistor.
Id >
It can also be seen from Equation 15.4 that it is only the
voltage drop in the relay circuit at setting current that is
Figure 15.12: Equivalent circuit of circulating current system important. The relay can be designed as a voltage measuring
device consuming negligible current; and provided its setting
The current transformers are replaced in the diagram by ideal voltage exceeds the value Vf of Equation 15.4, the system will
current transformers feeding an equivalent circuit that
be stable. In fact, the setting voltage need not exceed Vf, since
represents the magnetising losses and secondary winding
the derivation of Equation 15.4 involves an extreme condition
resistance, and also the resistance of the connecting leads.
of unbalance between the G and H current transformers that is
These circuits can then be interconnected as shown, with a
not completely realised. So a safety margin is built-in if the
relay connected to the junction points to form the complete
voltage setting is made equal to Vf.
equivalent circuit.
It is necessary to realise that the value of If to be inserted in
Saturation has the effect of lowering the exciting impedance,
Equation 15.4 is the complete function of the fault current and
and is assumed to take place severely in current transformer H
the spill current IR through the relay, in the limiting condition,
until, at the limit, the shunt impedance becomes zero and the
will be of the same form. If the relay requires more time to
CT can produce no output. This condition is represented by a
operate than the effective duration of the d.c. transient
short circuit, shown in broken line, across the exciting
component, or has been designed with special features to
impedance. It should be noted that this is not the equivalent
block the d.c. component, then this factor can be ignored and
of a physical short circuit, since it is behind the winding
only the symmetrical value of the fault current need be entered
resistance RCTH.
in Equation 15.4. If the relay setting voltage, VS , is made
Applying the Thévenin method of solution, the voltage equal to Vf, that is, If (RL + RCT), an inherent safety factor of
developed across the relay will be given by: the order of two will exist.
Vf I f RLH RCTH In the case of a faster relay, capable of operating in one cycle
Equation 15.1
and with no special features to block the d.c. component, it is
the r.m.s. value of the first offset wave that is significant. This
The current through the relay is given by: value, for a fully offset waveform with no d.c. decrement, is
Vf I f ( RLH RCTH ) 3If. If settings are then chosen in terms of the symmetrical
IR component of the fault current, the 3 factor which has been
ignored will take up most of the basic safety factor, leaving
Equation 15.2 only a very small margin.
If RR is small, IR will approximate to If, which is unacceptable. Finally, if a truly instantaneous relay were used, the relevant
On the other hand, if RR is large IR is reduced. Equation 15.2 value of If would be the maximum offset peak. In this case,
can be written, with little error, as follows: the factor has become less than unity, possibly as low as 0.7.
It is therefore possible to rewrite Equation 15.4 as:
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Chapter 15 Busbar Protection
15.8.2 Effective Setting or Primary Operating Current In order to achieve high-speed operation, it is desirable that
The minimum primary operating current is a further criterion settings should be still lower, particularly in the case of the
of the design of a differential system. The secondary effective solidly earthed power system. The transient component of the
setting is the sum of the relay minimum operating current and fault current in conjunction with unfavourable residual flux in
the excitation losses in all parallel connected current the CT can cause a high degree of saturation and loss of
transformers, whether carrying primary current or not. This output, possibly leading to a delay of several cycles additional
summation should strictly speaking be vectorial, but is usually to the natural operating time of the element. This will not
done arithmetically. It can be expressed as: happen to any large degree if the fault current is a larger
multiple of setting; for example, if the fault current is five times
IR I S nI eS the scheme primary operating current and the CT knee-point
e.m.f. is three times the relay setting voltage, the additional
Equation 15.6
delay is unlikely to exceed one cycle.
The primary operating current is sometimes designed to exceed
IR = effective setting the maximum expected circuit load in order to reduce the
IS = relay circuit setting current possibility of false operation under load current as a result of a
broken CT lead. Desirable as this safeguard may be, it will be
IeS = CT excitation current at relay voltage setting seen that it is better not to increase the effective current
n = number of parallel connected CTs setting too much, as this will sacrifice some speed; the check
feature in any case, maintains stability.
Having established the relay setting voltage from stability
considerations, as shown in section 15.8.1, and knowing the An overall earth fault scheme for a large distribution board
excitation characteristic of the current transformers, the may be difficult to design because of the large number of
effective setting can be computed. The secondary setting is current transformers paralleled together, which may lead to an
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interconnections will cause an unbalance in the system, Figure 15.13: D.C. circuits for high impedance circulating current
equivalent to the load being carried by the relevant primary
circuit. Even though this degree of spurious output is below
the effective setting the condition cannot be ignored, since it is
likely to lead to instability under any through fault condition.
Supervision can be carried out to detect such conditions by
connecting a sensitive alarm relay across the bus wires of each
zone. For a phase and earth fault scheme, an internal three-
phase rectifier can be used to effect a summation of the bus
wire voltages on to a single alarm element; see Figure 15.14
and Figure 15.13.
The alarm relay is set so that operation does not occur with the
protection system healthy under normal load. Subject to this
proviso, the alarm relay is made as sensitive as possible; the
desired effective setting is 125 primary amperes or 10% of the
lowest circuit rating, whichever is the greater.
Since a relay of this order of sensitivity is likely to operate
during through faults, a time delay, typically of three seconds,
is applied to avoid unnecessary alarm signals.
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Chapter 15 Busbar Protection
Zone R
c1 c2
Zone M1 Zone M2
a1 b1
c1 c2
a1 b1
Zone M1 A
Bus wires B
B Zone M2
C Bus wires
Zone R A
Bus wires C
Check zone B
Bus wires C
95 CHX-2
95 CHX-3
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IR I S nI eS Equation 15.8
If = fault current
IS = relay circuit setting current
Iek = exciting current at knee-point voltage
IeS = CT excitation current at relay voltage setting
Vk = knee-point voltage
n = number of parallel connected CTs
Any burden connected across the secondary will reduce the
For the primary fault setting multiply IR by the CT turns ratio.
voltage, but the value cannot be deduced from a simple
combination of burden and exciting impedances. Current transformer secondary rating
It is clear from Equation 15.4 and Equation 15.6 that it is These formulae are therefore to be regarded only as a guide to
15-14 © 2011 Alstom Grid. Single copies of this document may be filed or printed for personal non-commercial use and must include this
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Chapter 15 Busbar Protection
the possible peak voltage. With large current transformers, addition of a stabilising resistor, having a value which may be
particularly those with a low secondary current rating, the calculated as follows.
voltage may be very high, above a suitable insulation voltage.
The through current will increase the effective relay minimum
The voltage can be limited without detriment to the scheme by
operating current for a biased relay as follows:
connecting a ceramic non-linear resistor in parallel with the
relay having a characteristic given by: IR I S BI F
V CI E where:
where C is a constant depending on dimensions and is a IR = effective minimum operating current
constant in the range 0.2 - 0.25.
IS = relay setting current
The current passed by the non-linear resistor at the relay
IF = through fault current
voltage setting depends on the value of C; in order to keep the
shunting effect to a minimum it is recommended to use a non- B = percentage restraint
linear resistor with a value of C of 450 for relay voltages up to
As IF is generally much greater than IS, the relay effective
175V and one with a value of C of 900 for setting voltages up
current, IR = BIF approximately.
to 325V.
From Equation 15.4, the value of stabilising resistor is given High impedance relay by:
Instantaneous attracted armature relays or numeric relays that I F RLH RCTH RLH RCTH
mimic the high impedance function are used. Simple fast- RR
operating relays would have a low safety factor constant in the
stability equation, Equation 15.5, as discussed in section It is interesting to note that the value of the stabilising
15.8.1. The performance is improved by series-tuning the resistance is independent of current level, and that there would
relay coil, thereby making the circuit resistive in effect. appear to be no limit to the through fault stability level. This
Inductive reactance would tend to reduce stability, whereas the has been identified [15.1] as ‘The Principle of Infinite Stability’.
action of capacitance is to block the unidirectional transient
The stabilising resistor still constitutes a significant burden on
component of fault current and so raise the stability constant.
the current transformers during internal faults.
An alternative technique used in some relays is to apply the
An alternative technique, used by the MBCZ system described
limited spill voltage principle shown in Equation 15.4. A tuned
in section 15.9.6, is to block the differential measurement
element is connected via a plug bridge to a chain of resistors;
during the portion of the cycle that a current transformer is
and the relay is calibrated in terms of voltage.
saturated. If this is achieved by momentarily short-circuiting
the differential path, a very low burden is placed on the current
transformers. In this way the differential circuit of the relay is
PROTECTION prevented from responding to the spill current.
The principles of low impedance differential protection have
It must be recognised though that the use of any technique for
been described in section 10.4.2, including the principle
inhibiting operation, to improve stability performance for
advantages to be gained by the use of a bias technique. Most
through faults, must not be allowed to diminish the ability of
modern busbar protection schemes use this technique.
the relay to respond to internal faults.
The principles of a check zone, zone selection, and tripping
arrangements can still be applied. Current transformer 15.9.2 Effective Setting or Primary Operating Current
secondary circuits are not switched directly by isolator contacts
For an internal fault, and with no through fault current
but instead by isolator repeat relays after a secondary stage of
flowing, the effective setting IR is raised above the basic relay
current transformation. These switching relays form a replica
setting IS by whatever biasing effect is produced by the sum of
of the busbar within the protection and provide the complete
the CT magnetising currents flowing through the bias circuit.
selection logic.
With low impedance biased differential schemes particularly
where the busbar installation has relatively few circuits, these
15.9.1 Stability
magnetising currents may be negligible, depending on the
With some biased relays, the stability is not assured by the value of IS.
through current bias feature alone, but is enhanced by the
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The basic relay setting current was formerly defined as the prevent the busbar protection from operating spuriously from
minimum current required solely in the differential circuit to load current should a secondary circuit wiring fault develop.
cause operation – Figure 15.15(a). This approach simplified This consideration is particularly important where the check
analysis of performance, but was considered to be unrealistic, feature is either not used or is fed from common main CTs.
as in practice any current flowing in the differential circuit
must flow in at least one half of the relay bias circuit causing 15.9.3 Check Feature
the practical minimum operating current always to be higher For some low impedance schemes, only one set of main CTs is
than the nominal basic setting current. As a result, a later required. This seems to contradict the general principle of all
definition, as shown in Figure 15.15(b) was developed. busbar protection systems with a check feature that complete
Conversely, it needs to be appreciated that applying the later duplication of all equipment is required, but it is claimed that
definition of relay setting current, which flows through at least the spirit of the checking principle is met by making operation
half the bias circuit, the notional minimum operation current in of the protection dependent on two different criteria such as
the differential circuit alone is somewhat less, as shown in directional and differential measurements.
Figure 15.15(b). In the MBCZ scheme, described in section 15.9.6, the
Using the definition presently applicable, the effective provision of auxiliary CTs as standard for ratio matching also
minimum primary operating current provides a ready means for introducing the check feature
duplication at the auxiliary CTs and onwards to the relays. This
N I s B ¦ I es @ may be an attractive compromise when only one set of main
CTs is available.
Where N = CT ratio
Iop Iop 15.9.4 Supervision of CT Secondary Circuits
In low impedance schemes the integrity of the CT secondary
) IS )
circuits can also be monitored. A current operated auxiliary
(B % (B % relay, or element of the main protection equipment, may be
ine ine
IS sL I’S sL applied to detect any unbalanced secondary currents and give
Bia Bia
IB IB an alarm after a time delay. For optimum discrimination, the
current setting of this supervision relay must be less than that
of the main differential protection.
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Chapter 15 Busbar Protection
particular link by providing multiple communications paths. The feeder units have responsibility for collecting the required
The development process has been very rigorous, because the data, such as voltages and currents, and processing it into
requirements for busbar protection in respect of immunity to digital form for onwards transmission to the central processing
maloperation are very high. unit. Modelling of the CT response is included, to eliminate
errors caused by effects such as CT saturation. Disturbance
A philosophy that can be adopted is one of distributed
recording for the monitored feeder is implemented, for later
processing of the measured values, as shown in Figure 15.20.
download as required. Because each feeder unit is concerned
Feeders each have their own processing unit, which collects
only with an individual feeder, the differential protection
together information on the state of the feeder (currents,
algorithms must reside in the central processing unit.
voltages, CB and isolator status, etc.) and communicates it
over high-speed fibre-optic data links to a central processing The differential protection algorithm can be much more
unit. For large substations, more than one central processing sophisticated than with earlier technology, due to
unit may be used, while in the case of small installations, all of improvements in processing power. In addition to calculating
the units can be co-located, leading to the appearance of a the sum of the measured currents, the algorithm can also
traditional centralised architecture. evaluate differences between successive current samples, since
a large change above a threshold may indicate a fault – the
Feeder 1 Feeder 2
threshold being chosen such that normal load changes, apart
CT CT CT CT from inrush conditions do not exceed the threshold. The same
DFU CB DFU CB DFU CB CB considerations can also be applied to the phase angles of
currents, and incremental changes in them.
Fibre optic link
Personal CFU
One advantage gained from the use of numerical technology is
Central Processing Unit the ability to easily re-configure the protection to cater for
System Communication Network
changes in configuration of the substation. For example,
addition of an extra feeder involves the addition of an extra
DFU: Distributed Feeder Unit
CFU: Central Feeder Unit feeder unit, the fibre-optic connection to the central unit and
Figure 15.20: Architecture for numerical protection scheme entry via the HMI of the new configuration into the central
processor unit. Figure 15.21 illustrates the latest numerical
For simple feeders, interface units at a bay may be used with
technology employed.
the data transmitted to a single centrally located feeder
processing unit. The central processing unit performs the
calculations required for the protection functions. Available
protection functions are:
x protection
x backup overcurrent protection
x breaker failure
x dead zone protection (alternatively referred to as ‘short
zone’ protection - see section 15.7.2)
In addition, monitoring functions such as CB and isolator
monitoring, disturbance recording and transformer supervision
are provided.
Because of the distributed topology used, synchronisation of
the measurements taken by the Feeder Units is of vital
importance. A high stability numerically-controlled oscillator is
fitted in each of the central and feeder units, with time
synchronisation between them. In the event of loss of the
synchronisation signal, the high stability of the oscillator in the
affected feeder unit(s) enables processing of the incoming data
to continue without significant errors until synchronisation can
be restored.
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