(C. Christopoulos, A. Wright (Auth.) ) Electrical PDF
(C. Christopoulos, A. Wright (Auth.) ) Electrical PDF
(C. Christopoulos, A. Wright (Auth.) ) Electrical PDF
2nd Edition
Electrical Power System
2nd Edition
C. Christopoulos
Professor of Electrical Engineering,
University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, UK
A. Wright
former Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering,
University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, UK
ChristopouloS, Chrlstos.
Electrical power system protection / C. Christopoulos and A.
p. cm.
Wright's name appears first on the earlier edition.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4419-4734-5 ISBN 978-1-4757-5065-2 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4757-5065-2
1. Electric power systems--Protectlon. 2. Electric power
transmisslon--Equlpment and supplies--Protectlon. I. Wright, A.
(Arthur) II. Title.
TK1055.C474 1999
621.31'7--dc21 99-14201
ISBN 978-1-4419-4734-5
Acknowledgements xv
List of Symbols xx
1 Fuses 1
1.1 Historical background 1
1.2 Basic requirements 5
1.3 Fuse types and constructions 6
l.3.l Cartridge fuses 7
l.3.2 Semi-enclosed fuses 8
l.3.3 Expulsion fuses 8
1.3.4 Liquid fuses 8
1.4 The behaviour of cartridge fuselinks 9
l.4.l The pre-arcing period 9
l.4.2 The arcing period 10
1.4.3 Determination of fuselink performance 13
l.5 The construction of cartridge fuses 14
l.5.1 Fuse elements 14
l.5.2 Fuselink bodies 16
l.5.3 Filling material 16
l.5.4 Mountings and ratings 16
l.6 Semi-enclosed fuses 18
l. 7 Expulsion fuses 18
1.8 Liquid fuses 21
1.9 The application of fuses 21
l.9.l Time/current relationships 22
l.9.2 J2 t 23
l.9.3 Virtual time 24
1.9.4 Published time / current characteristics 24
l.9.5 Cut-off characteristics 25
l.9.6 Operating frequency 25
vi Contents
1.9.7 Discrimination and co-ordination 26
1.9.8 The protection of power-system equipment 28
1.1 0 The future 36
References 36
Further reading 37
2 Current transformers 39
2.1 Historical background 39
2.2 Conventional current transformers 42
2.2.1 Equivalent circuits 42
2.2.2 Behaviour under normal steady-state conditions 44
2.2.3 Behaviour under abnormal conditions 49
2.2.4 The effects of core saturation on transformation
behaviour 59
2.2.5 Remanent core flux 62
2.2.6 Operation with a secondary circuit open or of a
high impedance 68
2.2.7 The construction of current transformers 71
2.3 Linear couplers 77
2.3.1 The output of a linear coupler with a burden of
infinite impedance 78
2.3.2 The output of a linear coupler with a burden of
finite impedance 79
2.4 Current transformers with air-gapped cores 81
2.5 Non-conventional current transducers 82
2.6 Specifications and testing 84
2.7 The future 85
References 85
Further reading 86
3 Voltage transformers 87
3.1 Historical background 87
3.2 Electromagnetic voltage transformers 88
3.2.1 Behaviour during steady-state conditions 89
3.2.2 Behaviour during abnormal conditions 90
3.2.3 Voltage transformer construction 91
3.3 Capacitor-voltage transformers 94
3.3.1 Capacitor dividers 95
3.3.2 Circuit of a capacitor-voltage transformer 96
3.3.3 Steady state behaviour 96
3.3.4 Behaviour during abnormal conditions 97
3.4 Recent developments 98
3.5 Specifications and testing 99
3.6 The future 100
Contents VB
References 100
Further reading 101
Index 599
Figure 4.26 is reproduced from BS 142: Section 3.2: 1990 with the
permission of BSI. Complete copies of the standard can be obtained by
post from BSI sales, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, MK14 6LE.
Preface to the second edition
Several books have been produced over the years about the protective
equipment which is incorporated in electrical power systems and
manufacturers continually produce detailed literature describing their
products. Recognizing this situation and accepting that it is no longer
possible in a single volume to provide a complete coverage of the
protective equipment now available and the many factors which have to be
considered when it is being developed and applied, we have concentrated
on basic principles and given examples of modern relays and schemes in
this work.
Chapter 1 deals with electric fuses, which were the earliest protective
devices. The chapter begins with a historical introduction, as do all the
chapters, and then information is provided on the construction and
behaviour of fuses and finally the factors which must be taken into account
when they are to be applied to circuits are examined.
Chapters 2 and 3 deal respectively with conventional current and voltage
transformers and modern transducers. In each case, details are given of
the constructions and behaviours of theses devices, which play important
roles in supplying protective equipment.
Chapter 4 deals with relays which have constant operating times and
those which have inverse time/current characteristics. After tracing their
development, modern relays are described and then the factors which must
be considered when applying them are considered in some detail.
The principles of current-differential schemes are set out in Chapter 5
and the causes of the imbalances which can arise in them when protected
units are healthy are examined. The biasing features provided to enable
satisfactory performance to be obtained are outlined.
The later chapters are devoted to the protection of the main components
of the networks, namely transformers, busbars, rotating machines and
transmission and distribution lines and cables. The presentation is similar
to that in the earlier chapters. In each case information is provided about
the construction and behaviour of the plant being protected and then the
appropriate protective schemes, including current-differential, phase com-
parison, distance and travelling wave, are described and examined.
Appendices dealing with per-unit quantities, symmetrical components
and other modal quantities are included.
Preface to the first edition xix
We express our appreciation of the assistance given to us by Dr
D.W.P. Thomas during the preparation of this book and during research
into travelling-wave protective schemes. We also wish to thank Miss S E
Hollingsworth for typing the manuscript.
We hope that this book will prove of value to those involved in the
study, development, production and application of protective equipment
and that they will enjoy working in a challenging field in which new
problems continuously arise.
Arthur Wright and
Christos Christopoulos
List of symbols
A cross-sectional area (m 2)
B magnetic flux density (T)
C capacitance (F)
e instantaneous e.m.f. (V)
E r.m.s. or constant e.m.f. (V)
instantaneous current (A)
I r.m.s. or constant current (A)
L inductance (H)
M mutual inductance (H)
N turns in a winding
R resistance (0)
t time (s)
v instantaneous voltage (V)
V r.m.s. or constant voltage (V)
q> magnetic flux (Wb) or phase angle
~ permeability of magnetic material (Wb/ Am)
a, b,c phases of three-phase system
p primary circuit or winding
pk peak value of alternating current or voltage
s secondary circuit or winding
t tertiary circuit or winding
1,2,0 positive, negative and zero-sequence quantities
Fuses, which were introduced over one hundred years ago, were the first fonn
of protection used on electrical networks. Extremely large numbers of them
have been produced since that time and they are still used extensively in the
lower voltage sections of power systems around the world. Fuselinks are
simple and therefore relatively cheap devices, their cost being very low
relative to that of the plant being protected by them. They thus satisfy a basic
requirement which applies to all protective equipment.
The underlying principle associated with fuses is that a relatively short piece
of conducting material, with a cross-sectional area incapable of carrying cur-
rents quite as high as those which may be pennitted to flow in the protected
circuit, is sacrificed, when necessary, to prevent healthy parts of the circuit
being damaged and also to limit damage to faulty sections of the circuit to the
lowest level possible.
Fuses incorporate one or more current-carrying elements, depending on their
current ratings. Melting of the elements, followed by arcing across the breaks,
occurs when overcurrents flow through them. They can interrupt very high
fault currents and because of the rapidity of their operation in these circum-
stances, they limit the energy dissipated during fault conditions.
Fig. 1.1 Fuse developed by Professor S. P. Thompson. (Reproduced from Wright and
Newbery, 1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
period of time, the ball melted and the wires swung apart to form an adequate
break in the circuit.
A variation on the above construction was patented in 1883 by C. V. Boys
and H. H. Cunyngham. In their arrangement the element consisted of two leaf
springs which were soldered together at their tips as shown in Fig. 1.2. Again
the passage of an overcurrent for a sufficient period of time caused the solder
to melt, after which the springs flexed away from each other to provide the
quick and adequate separation needed to ensure current interruption.
Demonstrations of incandescent filament lamps were given by 1. Swan (later
to become Sir Joseph Swan) in Britain in 1878 and at about the same time in
the USA by T. A. Edison. These led to a great demand for the installation of
electric lighting in both public and private buildings. Initially individual con-
sumers had their own generating plants, but shortly afterwards small central
generating stations were provided to supply their own surrounding areas.
Some interesting and detailed information about early installations is given
in letters written by J. H. Holmes to H. W. Clothier in 1932. An excerpt from
one of these letters, which was included in Clothier's book entitled Switchgear
Stages [2], is reproduced below. It clearly indicates that the identity of the
person who first introduced fuses is not known.
Fig. 1.2 Fuse patented by Boys and Cunyngham. (Reproduced from Wright and New-
bery, 1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
Historical background 3
Letter from Mr J. H. Holmes:
Regarding the origin of fuses, I have always been uncertain as to who is entitled
to the credit of being the first inventor, and am ofthe opinion that this is very clearly
the case of 'Necessity is the Mother of Invention'.
I have been looking up some records of what was known about fuses in the early
'eighties' (1880's), and in the first volume of 'Electric Illumination', compiled by
J. Dredge and published in August 1882 at the Offices of 'Engineering', on page
630 it is stated that Edison's British Patent of April 1881 appears to have been the
first notification of lead safety wire. It also appears that Edison's device was called
a 'safety guard'.
I think however that Swan used a device for the same purpose and before April
1881, because 'Cragside' near here, the seat of Sir W. G. (afterwards Lord) Arm-
strong was lighted with Swan lamps by the middle of December 1880. Swan used
tinfoil for the fuse and a strip of this was jammed between two brass blocks, so as
to form part of the circuit, by a plug of wood and later of steatite, and I have samples
of a combined switch and fuse, and a fuse only made in this way, and which were
in use at Cragside. In a Swan United Electric Light Co's catalogue dated 1883, I
found such fuses illustrated and called 'safety fusing bridges'.
In the description of the Electric Lighting, on the Swan system, of the Savoy
Theatre in 'Engineering', March 3rd 1882, fusible safety shunts are referred to as
'not intended so much to guard against a danger which is next to impossible to
occur in practical working, but to protect the lamps themselves from destruction
from too powerful a current being transmitted through them. This seems to confirm
what Campbell Swinton says about the Drawing Office at Elswick in 1882*, which
you quote, and I note he also says that at the Paris Exhibition of 1881 there was' a
vast array of switches, fuses, cut outs and other apparatus'.
Factors, including the concern for public safety, the cost and fragility ofthe
lamps, referred to earlier, and the increasing level of available volt-amperes
under fault conditions, made evident the need for protective equipment. As
there were no obvious alternatives to fuses at that time, a number of workers
endeavoured to develop reliable fuses.
Much work was done to understand the processes involved during the melt-
ing of fuse elements, a particularly significant contribution being made by
Cockburn [1]. He attempted to put the design of fuses on a sound engineering
basis. He studied the effects of the heat conducted away from fuse elements
by their terminals and connecting cables and investigated the properties of
conductors in an attempt to select the materials most suitable for use as fuse
elements. He recognized that materials which oxidize significantly would be
It is perhaps not generally known that fuses, as originally introduced by Swan, were designed
not as a safeguard to protect the wires against overloading on short circuits, but in order to prevent
the lamps from over-running. When I went to the Armstrong works at Elswick in 1882, part of
the drawing office had been electrically lighted by the Swan Company, and each incandescent
lamp was fitted with a separate tinfoil fuse for this purpose. The precaution was, perhaps a
necessary one, as the lamps then cost 25 s [1.25] each and were very fragile, while the arrange-
ments for keeping a constant voltage were very crude.' (Campbell Swinton at the lEE Commemora-
tion Meetings, February 1922, lEE Journal, 1922, Vol 60, p. 494).
4 Fuses
unsuitable because the characteristics of fuses containing them would change
with time. Tests which he did on a range of fuses showed that they were not
being applied satisfactorily. He found instances where the minimum fusing
currents were many times the rated currents of the circuits and pieces of
equipment being protected. He suggested that fuses should operate at 150-
200% of the rated current of the circuit being protected.
Most of the early fuses were mounted in wooden boxes, but the individual
elements were not separately enclosed. As early as May 1880, however, T. A.
Edison patented a fuse in which the element was enclosed in a glass tube. This
was done to protect the surroundings from the effects of the rupturing of the
element rather than to affect or control the fuse perfonnance. Undoubtedly the
credit for developing the filled cartridge fuse must go to W. M. Mordey, who
patented the device in 1890. His patent described a fuselink with a fusible
copper conductor, of either thin foil or one or more small diameter wires,
enclosed in a glass tube or similar vessel. It was stated that the tube should be
wholly or partially filled with finely divided, semi-conducting or badly-con-
ducting material, which should preferably be incombustible or non-flammable.
The fuse produced by Mordey is illustrated in Fig. 1.3.
Fuses were the only fonn of protective equipment available during the final
decade of the nineteenth century. That they were produced in large ratings is
evident from Clothier's paper entitled 'The construction of high-tension con-
trol-station switchgears, with a comparison of British and foreign methods'
[3]. A relevant extract from this paper reads as follows:
The High-Tension Fuse most extensively used in Germany is not unlike the
well-known Bates fuse consisting of an open-ended tube of porcelain, ambroin,
Fig. 1.3 Cartridge fuse patented by Mordey. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery,
1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
Basic requirements 5
stabilit, or similar insulating material with plug terminals at each end. The fuse wire
of copper or alloy is threaded through the tube and clamped by screws and plates
or soldered to the terminals. For potentials of 2,000 to 10,000 volts, the length of
these tubes varies between 8 inches and 15 inches. Several fine wires are connected
in parallel for the higher voltages, each wire being enclosed in a separate internal
tube or otherwise partitioned by insulating materials, so that each wire has a column
of air to itself. Unlike the Bates fuse, there is no handle moulded with the tube, but
flanges are provided at the ends, and moreover, in most cases, it is customary to
have a long pair of tongs close by the switchgear with which any fuse can be
clutched while the operator is at a safe distance from it. Considering the massive
tube fuses-from four to five feet long-used at Deptford and Willesden, and also
expensive designs such as the oil-break fuses of home manufacture, it would appear
that either we overestimate the destructive effects caused in breaking high tension
circuits or else the necessity of blowing a fuse without destroying the fuse holder
is not considered a matter of importance in Germany.
In 1882 an Electric Lighting Act was passed by the British Parliament and it
was amended six years later to form what was known as the Electric Lighting
Acts 1882 and 1888. A feature of these acts was that they required the UK
Board of Trade to introduce regulations to secure the safety of the public and
ensure a proper and sufficient supply of electrical energy. The early regula-
tions included clauses stating that a suitable fuse or circuit-breaker must be
present in each service line within a consumer's premises. In 1919, British
Standard Specification 88, which covered fuses for rated currents up to 100 A
at voltages not exceeding 250 V, was introduced. It included definitions of
terms such as 'fuse carrier' and 'fusing current' and specified the maximum
short-circuit currents that fuses of various rated currents should be able to
interrupt and also the corresponding minimum currents at which they should
Over the years there have been revisions of BS88 and other standards have
been produced in Britain, the United States and European countries. To clarify
the situation, the International Electrotechnical Commission (1EC) has pro-
duced standards which require that:
6 Fuses
1. each fuse is so designed and produced that it will, throughout its life, allow
the circuit in which it is included to operate continuously at currents up
to its rated value;
2. each fuse will operate in a sufficiently short time when any current above
a certain level flows, because of an overload, to prevent damage to the
equipment being protected;
3. in the event of a fault developing on a network or piece of equipment,
fuses will operate to limit the damage to a minimum and confine it to the
faulted item.
These requirements, which equally apply to all other types of protective equip-
ment, infer that fuses must have inverse time/current characteristics and that
they must be applied so that discrimination is achieved during fault conditions.
.Jr--Fuse base
Fig. 1.4 Low-voltage cartridge fuse. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery, 1982,
Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
Fuse types and constructions 7
1.3.1 Cartridge fuses
These are designed for high voltage, low voltage and miniature applications.
The fuselink, which is replaceable, is often fitted into a fuse holder that
consists of a fuse carrier and fuse base, an example being shown in Fig. 1.4.
Fuselinks for low current ratings contain a single element, while those for
higher ratings have a number of parallel-connected elements. The elements
are usually of silver or silver-plated copper, it being necessary to ensure that
oxidation will not occur, as stated earlier. Wire elements are used in fuses with
ratings below 10 A, but for higher ratings strips with one or more sections of
reduced cross-sectional area are used. The elements are attached to plated
copper or brass end caps which together with the body form an enclosure or
cartridge. The bodies, which must be good insulators, must also be robust and
able to withstand the conditions which occur during interruption. They were
Asbestos disc _ _ _-{fj~~~~~~~~~r--Outer cap
Inner cap---~n.
o I - - - - E n d tag
Fig. 1.5 Cross-sectional view of a cartridge fuselink. (Reproduced from Wright and
Newbery, 1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
8 Fuses
almost exclusively of ceramic or glass in the past but glass-reinforced plastics
have been introduced in recent years.
For high-breaking capacity fuselinks, the space within the body is usually
filled with quartz of controlled grain size and chemical purity. A cross-
sectional view through a typical fuselink is shown in Fig. 1.5.
_ _ _ _ Fuse base
Fig. 1.6 Semi-enclosed fuse. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery, 1982, Electric
Fuses with the permission of lEE).
The behaviour of cartridge fuse links 9
These fuselinks incorporate one or more elements which melt and then
vaporize when currents above a certain level flow through them for a certain
time. Thereafter the arc or arcs which result have to be extinguished to
complete the interruption process. The operating time is therefore made up of
two periods, designated the pre-arcing and arcing periods. The behaviour
during these periods is considered in the following sections.
,. .... \ ,. ....
I I \
I \ I \
I \ I \
\ I \ I \ Time
\./ '-.J
Fig. 1.7 Schematic of prospective (broken line) and actual (solid line) currents.
At the instant when arcs are initiated in a fuse link there is a rapid increase
in the voltage drop across it. This voltage then rises as the arcs lengthen due
to more material being vaporized from the element.
Consideration of the circuit shown in Fig. 1.8, assumed to apply for a fault
condition, shows that the following relationship applies:
e =iR + :t (L . i) + Vf
in which e is the source e.m.f., Rand L are the resistance and inductance of
the circuit, Vf is the voltage across the fuselink and i is the current.
When the current is positive as arcing commences, it is necessary that the
rate of change of current (dildt) should become negative so that the current
falls to zero. Clearly this situation will obtain more quickly and more rapid
extinction will be obtained, the greater the voltage across the fuse arcs. These
conditions are illustrated in Fig. 1.9, from which it can be seen that the current
which flows during fault conditions is lower than that which would have
flowed had the fuse not been present. Fuses therefore have the beneficial effect
~ /
o I
> I
Fig. 1.9 Electrical conditions during a short circuit. (a) pre-arcing period; (b) arcing
period; (c) fuselink voltage; (d) source e.m.f. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery,
1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
Circuit Make
L R breaker switch
Voltaget .... Fuse under
source I test
They claimed that the simulation technique is useful for screening prelimin-
ary designs and investigating the effects of system parameters such as fre-
Such methods are not based on the phenomena taking place and do not assist
in understanding the behaviour. They may not be applicable if the use of other
element or filling materials are being investigated. For this reason Wright and
Beaumont [8] developed a model based on a number of simplifying assump-
tions. They considered it to be superior to earlier models because it was based
on the processes occurring during arcing and took account of energy changes.
Work of this type is still proceeding to enable the amount of testing currently
required to be reduced greatly in the future. Details of work done recently in
this field were given in papers presented at the Fourth International Con-
ference of Electrical Fuses and their Applications [9]. It must be accepted,
however, that it will be necessary to determine fuselink characteristics ex-
perimentally for many years.
Fig. 1.11 Various fuse element designs. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery.
1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
16 Fuses
'M' effect alloy
Fig. 1.12 Fuselink element with 'M' effect alloy. (Reproduced from Wright and
Newbery, 1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
the restrictions on the notched strip, an example being shown in Fig. 1.12.
This method resulted from work done by Metcalf who published an article
entitled 'A new fuse phenomenon' [10] in 1939.
Fig. 1.13 Fuse-switch unit. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery, 1982, Electric
Fuses with the permission of lEE).
18 Fuses
Whilst some high voltage fuselinks are mounted in air, it is nevertheless
common practice for them to be immersed in oil in the pieces of equipment
they are protecting. This is advantageous because the cooling effect of the oil
allows a given current rating to be achieved in a smaller fuselink than that
required for use in air. The smaller fuselink also operates more rapidly at very
high current levels.
Fuselinks suitable for use in systems operating at voltages up to 33 kV (line)
at a range of rated current values are produced. As an example, voltage ratings
of 3.6-7.2 kV with current ratings up to 500 A are available.
\ Washer
Fig. 1.14 Sectional view of an expulsion fuselink. (Reproduced from Wright and
Newbery, 1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
Fig. 1.15 Expulsion fuse assembly. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery, 1982,
Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
20 Fuses
connections in power supply networks in Britain and other countries. Vari-
ations do occur in the designs produced in different countries but nevertheless
the practices are broadly similar. Some specialized designs such as the boric-
acid fuses produced in the United States have not been described nor have
miniature and domestic fuses which are used in great quantities. Information
about these and other fuses is available in other works devoted entirely to
fuses [11, 12].
fAiilil!~IiIii~--- Diaphragm
J.::..-...g;;:'------ Element
...r:::... . . . g . - - - - Spring
Fig. 1.16 Sectional view of a liquid fuse. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery,
1982, Electric Fuses with the penn iss ion of lEE).
The application of fuses 21
In many early fuses the arcs were quenched in liquid and this principle is
used in present-day liquid fuses. In all designs, these fuses have a glass tubular
body which is mounted vertically. The short element of silver wire or strip
is positioned near the top of the tube. The element is held in tension by a
spring anchored to the lower end of the fuse, the tube being filled with an
arc-extinguishing liquid, usually a hydrocarbon. When the element melts dur-
ing operation, the spring collapses and the arc is extinguished in the liquid. A
cross-sectional view of a typical fuse of this type is shown in Fig. 1.16. These
fuses are only used outdoors and provision is made for removing them from
and replacing them into their mountings from the ground. They are mostly
used to protect 11 or 33 kV pole or pad-mounted transformers in rural systems
and also for spurs feeding several transformers.
The breaking capacity of these fuses is lower than that of expulsion fuses
and although they have been produced in signifi~ant numbers and are still
giving good service, they are no longer recommended for new installations.
1. The minimum-fusing current of the fuse should be slightly less than the
current which can be carried continuously by the source, the supply and
connecting cables and the piece of equipment.
Supply cable
Fuse A
/ Withstand curve of
/ protected circuit
Fuselink characteristic
1.9.2 1 2 t
Fuses operate very rapidly under short-circuit conditions when the current
levels are extremely high, clearance times being typically only a few millisec-
onds. Under these conditions, the current wave shapes depend on the para-
meters of the protected circuit, the instant in the voltage cycle at which the
fault occurs and the current-limiting effect of the fuselink itself. Only a small
portion of a cycle of power-frequency current flows before interruption occurs
24 Fuses
and transient components are present. Such currents cannot be assigned a
single value which may be used to determine the corresponding operating time
from the time/current characteristic. Because of this, use is made of a quantity,
termed [2 t, which is the time integral of the square of the instantaneous current
which passes through a fuselink between the incidence of a circuit fault and
the instant at which the fuse arc is extinguished, i.e.
L:....-------- } for different
L~-------- rated currents
Load 1
Supply -F~-+-+--+----l Load 2
Load 3
10 IMax breaking
. current of
Iexpulsion fuse
Fig. 1.21 Combined characteristic of two fuses. (a) back-up fuse characteristic; (b)
current-limiting fuse characteristic. (Reproduced from Wright and Newbery, 1982,
Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Publication 364 deals with
Electrical Installations in BUildings. In the UK, the Institution of Electrical
Engineers (lEE) produced the 15th Edition of its Regulations for Electrical
Installations in 1981, this being based on IEC Publication 364. In these regu-
lations, the term overcurrent covers both short-circuit currents and overloads,
an overload being defined as an overcurrent which flows in a circuit which is
perfectly sound electrically.
The current-carrying capacities of cables, which are dependent on many
factors including the environments in which they are to operate, have been
The application of fuses 29
determined under a range of conditions and tabulated in the regulations
referred to above. A cable can, of course, carry currents above its continuous
current-carrying capacity for limited periods and they therefore have inverse
withstand time/current characteristics. Clearly, the characteristic of each fuse
should be such that fault clearance at any current level will be effected within
the period for which the protected cable can carry that current. In addition,
the minimum fusing current should be below the continuous current-carrying
capacity of the cable. To comply with these conditions and taking account of
the fusing factor (say 1.5) would require a cable to operate at only about 66%
of its current capacity. This practice could be unacceptably expensive and
regulations, which are intended to ensure that the life of cable insulation is
not significantly shortened as a result of running the conductors at high tem-
peratures, permit the minimum operating current of protective devices to be
up to 1.45 times the current-carrying capacity of the cable.
To provide adequate protection under short-circuit conditions, fuselinks
should have let-through ]2t values lower than those which can be withstood
by the cables. These latter values can be determined from the recent edition
of the lEE Regulations. In practice it is satisfactory to check whether satisfac-
tory coordination will be achieved using the ]2 t value of the fuselink needed
to provide clearance in 5 s. Further information is available on the above
topics in reference [11].
It is well known that motors draw surges of current on starting, the magnitude
and duration of the surges depending on the motor, the starting method in use
and the load on the motor. As an example, three-phase a.c. induction motors
up to 2 MW rating operating at line voltages up to 11 kV and employing
direct-on starters may draw 5 to 6 times their full-load currents on starting. In
such applications, current-limiting cartridge fuselinks with rated currents up
to twice the full-load current of the motors to be protected are used, to ensure
that fuse operation does not occur during the starting period. Such highly-rated
fuses provide protection against the very high currents associated with short
circuits, but either air-break or vacuum contactors must also be included with
settings such that they will clear the lower currents associated with overload-
ing. The fuses must be able to carry three times their rated currents during
starting periods and they will reach higher temperatures at these times than
they do when carrying their rated current continuously. The expansion and
contraction which results could cause long elements, such as those used for
high voltage applications, to fail mechanically after a number of starts and
therefore special fuselinks with corrugated elements are produced for motor
protection in these cases. Normal low voltage fuselinks are satisfactory for
this duty, however, because their elements are relatively short and sufficiently
30 Fuses
When other methods of starting which cause the surges to be smaller are
employed, fuselinks with lower current ratings may be used. Again, these
levels are exceeded during motor starts and fuselinks with special elements
are needed for high voltage applications. It is also necessary for such fuselinks
to have current ratings of at least 125% of the rated current of the protected
motor to limit the temperatures of the elements under normal running condi-
tions to acceptable levels.
To completely protect a motor may require the use of fuses and also several
other devices including inverse-definite-minimum time (IDMT) overcurrent
relays, instantaneous overcurrent and earth fault relays, all the relays operating
a contactor. Clearly these various items must be correctly coordinated.
Power transformers
Many step-down transformers in distribution networks and industrial premises
utilize fuses for their protection on both their high voltage and low voltage
In Britain high voltage fuses are used in the primary circuits of three-phase,
11 kV/415 V transformers rated up to 1.5 MV A and low voltage fuses are
included in the secondary circuits. High voltage fuses are also included on
both sides of three-phase, 33/11 kV transformers rated up to 5 MV A.
Factors which influence the selection of these fuses are considered
1"" __
Fig. 1.22 Exciting current of a power transformer. (Reproduced from Wright and
Newbery, 1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
should not begin in less than 10 ms when they are carrying 25 times the
rated current of the protected transformer.
3. A further factor which should be considered is that power transformers
may be deliberately operated above their rated-current levels for predeter-
mined periods, often of several hours, this being allowable because of their
long thermal time constants. To allow this practice, the fuses should have
ratings based on the maximum currents which may flow.
4. In those applications where a transformer is supplied by overhead lines,
the possibility of overvoltages being impressed on its windings in the
event of lightning strikes should be considered. The fuses in the primary
circuit should ideally be able to withstand the resulting high currents
without operating, but this often requires such highly-rated fuselinks that
adequate protection is not provided for other conditions. A compromise
has to be struck and some degree of risk must be accepted in most cases.
5. To enable faults within a protected transformer to be cleared rapidly, the
currents needed for operation in the 10 s region should be as low as
6. The minimum-fusing current of the primary-circuit fuselinks should be as
low as possible to enable them to clear as many internal faults as possible.
It must be accepted, however, that some conditions, such as interturn
faults, may cause primary currents of less than the full-load value to flow
and clearly these will not cause fuse operation.
7. Correct discrimination between the fuselinks on the high and low voltage
sides of a transformer and between the transformer fuses and other pro-
tective devices on a network should be achieved under all conditions.
Account must be taken of the fact that the transformation ratio is not fixed
if a transformer is fitted with tap-changing equipment and that various
32 Fuses
a b
Fig. 1.23 Fuselink characteristics. (a) low-voltage fuse; (b) high-voltage fuse. (Repro-
duced from Wright and Newbery, 1982, Electric Fuses with the permission of lEE).
Voltage transformers
Electromagnetic voltage transformers are used on systems operating at volt-
ages up to about 66 kV (line) to provide outputs up to a few hundred volt-
amperes to measuring equipment and relays at low voltages, now standardized
at 63.5 V per phase (110 V line) in Britain and many other countries.
Their step-down ratios are high and therefore the primary windings carry
very small currents under normal conditions. Because the transformers are
The application of fuses 33
small physically, compared with power transformers, they have magnetic
cores of small cross-sectional area and consequently they have primary wind-
ings of many turns of fine wire. They are thus more vulnerable than most other
Providing protection against all possible faults within a voltage transformer
would necessitate the use of fuselinks, in the high voltage side, with rated
currents so low that their elements would be extremely fragile and liable to
break because of factors such as vibration. This would be completely unac-
ceptable because it would cause vital protective and control equipment to be
de-energized and therefore either inoperative or even worse, causing incorrect
tripping or control of power circuits.
A compromise must therefore be accepted and it is now standard practice
for high voltage fuselinks to have minimum rated currents of 2-3 A at all
voltage levels. Such fuselinks only operate when relatively large faults occur
within a transformer. They do not prevent damage occurring and it is expected
that small internal faults will develop until fuse operation is initiated. Some
users feel that the measure of protection provided by such fuses is not suffi-
cient to warrant their installation and they prefer to rely solely on other
protection in the system.
Fuses are included in the secondary circuits of voltage transformers to
provide protection in the event of faults in the burdens. There is no difficulty
in selecting suitable fuselinks for this duty because the secondary circuits
usually carry currents of a few amperes. Coordination with the protection on
the high voltage side does not cause any problems because the referred rated-
current levels of the secondary fuselinks are very low.
Power-system capacitors
Capacitors are used quite extensively to achieve power factor improvement.
In low voltage situations it is usual to have a single capacitor in each phase.
Fuse manufacturers are usually prepared to provide simple recommendations
in these cases. These are based on past experience and take into account the
high transient inrush currents which may flow when the capacitors are
switched into circuit and also the significant harmonics which may be present
in the capacitor currents because of their reduced reactances at higher frequencies.
As an example, when protecting capacitors of ratings greater than 25 kVA,
using fuselinks satisfying BS88 : Part 2, it is recommended that the fuse
ratings be at least 1.5 times the full-load current of the capacitors.
In large installations for operation at higher voltages, each phase contains
several units made up of individual capacitors connected in series and parallel
groups. The units may also be connected in series and parallel groups. Both
star- and delta-connected three-phase capacitor banks are produced for ratings
up to 1 MV A and for voltages up to 11 kV (line). For higher voltage systems,
however, banks are usually connected in star.
34 Fuses
In most European countries it is the practice to provide a fuse for each of
the individual capacitors forming the units, the fuses having the appropriate
relatively low current-rating and breaking capacity. In Britain however it is the
practice to provide only one fuse for each unit, rather than for each capacitor,
and frequently a line fuse for each phase is also included. Clearly either an
individual capacitor fuse or a unit fuse in' British installations should operate
when necessary to isolate only part of the complete capacitor bank so that the
remainder may be left in service.
Fuselinks, associated with capacitors, must meet the normal requirements
of fast operation in the event of faults and also be able to carry the rated
currents of the capacitors they protect as well as transient currents. The latter
will flow if the voltage across a bank changes suddenly, a condition that may
arise at instants when the supply is connected to a bank or when system faults
affect the network voltages. The magnitudes of these transient charging or
discharging currents and their durations are dependent on the capacitances
and the parameters of their associated circuits. To prevent undesired
fuselink operation under these conditions it is usually necessary to select
fuselinks with rated currents significantly greater than the normal current
through them.
In the event of a breakdown within an individual capacitor or a short circuit
across a unit, current will flow into it from other healthy capacitors and units.
Considering, as an example, a bank of four units connected in series-parallel
as shown in Fig. 1.24, it can be seen that the discharge current (idf) of the
short-circuited unit would not flow through its associated fuse link. Each of
the two lower fuselinks would carry the current (ich) needed to double the
voltage across its associated unit and the upper healthy unit would carry the
current (idh) required to reduce the charge on it to zero. In practice, if each of
the units were of the same capacitance, then the surge currents idf, ich and
idh would be of approximately equal magnitudes and the fuselink associated
with the faulted unit would carry three times the currents flowing in each of
the other fuses. Following the transient surges, the fuse link protecting the
faulted unit would carry four times its normal current to feed twice normal
current to each of the lower units which would then have their voltages
doubled. In these circumstances, correct discrimination would be readily
A further factor for which allowance must be made is that when the fuselink
associated with the faulted unit operates, the voltage across the other upper
unit will rise, for this example to 133%, of its earlier value, and the current
through it will also rise similarly. The VAR input would thus rise by 77%.
Clearly similar situations would arise whichever unit in the bank became
short-circuited and all the units would have to be capable of operating above
their normal VAR level. Actual arrangements with other series/parallel com-
binations of the capacitors should be considered in a similar way to determine
the conditions which will arise during and after fuse operation.
The application of fuses 35
Other equipment
Fuses are used to protect many items in the load circuits of power systems,
very large numbers being associated with semiconductors employed in the
expanding field of power-electronic equipment. As in all applications, the
characteristics and behaviour of each fuse link should be such that costly items
will not be damaged in the event of faults. In this connection semiconductors
tend to require more rapid fuse operation at high currents than items such as
motors, because their thermal capacity is relatively low. Information about the
withstand abilities of their components is provided by manufacturers and it
should be used to enable the necessary fuselinks to be selected for particular
Special requirements arise in some applications because of mechanical or
environmental conditions. As an example, the rectifiers in the field-winding
circuits of brushless alternators and their associated fuselinks are mounted on
the rotor, which may revolve at speeds up to 50 or 60 rev/so Special fuselinks
which can withstand the vibration and the large forces encountered in this
situation are necessary.
36 Fuses
Because of the variations in the requirements which must be met by fuses
to be used in the many applications which exist, the IEC has produced applica-
tion guides. These guides explain the basis of the ratings and how to relate
them to practical situations.
Other detailed information on topics such as special applications, testing,
manufacture, quality control and International and National Standards, which
cannot be included in this work, is given in references listed under Further
Reading at the end of this chapter.
Such work should eliminate much of the testing associated with trial and
error methods of producing fuselinks for new applications. It should also
enable better protection to be provided for existing equipment as well as
enabling products such as new semi-conductor devices, to be adequately
The production and use of fuselinks has risen dramatically over the last
hundred years and it seems likely, because of their attractive qualities, that
they will continue to be used for many years to protect items of equipment in
the lower voltage sections of power systems.
l. Cockburn, A. C. (1887) On safety fuses for electric light circuits and on the
behaviour of the various metals usually employed in their construction. J. Soc
Te/eg Eng, 16,650-665.
2. Clothier, H. W. (1933) Switchgear Stages, (printed by G. F. Laybourne and Unwin
3. Clothier, H. W. (1902) The construction of high-tension central-station switch-
gears, with a comparison of British and foreign methods, Paper presented to the
Manchester Local Section of the lEE, 18 February, 1902. Printed in reference [2],
pp 1-19.
Further Reading 37
4. Gibson, 1. W. (1941) The high-rupturing-capacity cartridge fuse, with special
reference to short-circuit perfonnance. J. lEE, 88, (1), 2-24.
5. Leach, J. G., Newbery, P. G. and Wright, A. (1973) Analysis of high-rupturing-
capacity fuselink prearcing phenomena by a finite-difference method, Proc. lEE,
120, (9), 987-993.
6. Wilkins, R. and McEwan, P. M. (1975) A.C. short-circuit perfonnance of unifonn
section fuse elements, Proc. lEE, 123, (3), 85-293.
7. Gnanalingan, S. and Wilkins, R. (1980) Digital simulation of fuse breaking tests,
Proc. lEE, 127, (6), 434-440.
8. Wright, A. and Beaumont, K. J. (1976) Analysis of high-breaking-capacity fuse-
link arcing phenomena, Proc. lEE, 122, (3), 252-260.
9. Proc. of Fourth Int Conf on Electric Fuses and their Applications, 22-25 Sept
1991, Nottingham, England, ISBN 0 95 148 28 15
to. Metcalf, A. W. (1939) A new fuse phenomenon, BEAMA. J., 44, 109-151.
11. Wright, A. and Newbery, P. G. (1982) Electric Fuses, Peter Peregrinus.
12. Wright, A. (1990) Construction, behaviour and application of electric fuses,
Power Eng. J., 4, 141-148, (1990) Application of fuses to power networks, ibid.,
4, 298-296; (1991) Application of fuses to power-system equipment, ibid., 5,
Wright, A. and Newbery, P. G. (1982) Electric Fuses, Peter Peregrinus, ISBN 0
Miniature fuses
lEe Publications
127 (1974), 127A (1980), 127-3 (1984); 257 (1968), Amendment No 1 (1980).
British Standards
2950 (1958); 4265 (1977).
lEe Publications
British Standards
88, Parts 1 (1975),2 (1975), 4 (1976),5 (1980); 646 (1977); 714 (1978); 1361 (1971);
1362 (1973); 3036 (1978).
38 Fuses
British Electricity Supply Industry Standards (ES/)
12-10 (1978).
British Standards
2692, Parts 1 (1975),2 (1956).
Because of this situation and the fact that systems could not really be left
unprotected, so-called cut-outs, which had contacts capable of interrupting
fault currents, were developed. They incorporated magnetic devices which
operated when overcurrents above certain levels flowed. Subsequently, cir-
cuit-breakers with trip coils were produced. By this time power system volt-
ages and currents had reached levels at which existing fuses could not be used.
One method of dealing with this situation was to connect a fuse, of low current
rating, across the trip coil of a circuit-breaker and to feed this combination
from a current transformer, as shown in Fig. 2.1. The alternative of using a
current transformer to feed a relay, which in tum operated the trip coil, was
also possible. Current transformers therefore became essential components in
power systems, feeding both measuring and protective equipment.
Although current transformers were probably used several years earlier, as
suggested above, the first indication of their use which the authors have been
able to trace was in a paper presented to the lEE in 1902 by Clothier [4]. Figure
Historical background 41
Is Trip coil
Rp Lp Rs
Np Ns
1v, ept tes Burden
- ip s s
Start __ t.e.r!.o
Burden (Zo)
It will be seen that the exciting current (ie) is dependent on the exciting
impedance, presented by Re in parallel with Lm and the secondary e.m.f. (e s)
needed to drive the secondary current (is) through the total secondary-circuit
impedance. Because the secondary current of a current transformer may vary
over a wide range, i.e. from zero under no-load conditions to very large values
when there is a fault on the primary circuit, the secondary e.m.f. and excitation
current may also vary greatly and in this respect the behaviour is very different
from that of voltage transformers.
Because of the non-linearity of the excitation characteristics of the magnetic
materials used for transformer cores, the exciting impedance of a given current
transformer is not constant, both the magnetizing inductance (Lm) and loss
resistance (Re) varying with the core flux (<p), needed to provide the secondary
e.m.f. (e s )' Allowance may be made for this non-linearity, if necessary, when
determining the behaviour of a particular transformer under specified condi-
tions, calculation then being done using step by step or other methods. If great
accuracy is not required, however, simplifications can be effected by assigning
constant values, the averages over a cycle, to Re and Lm.
An alternative method of representing a current transformer is to employ
the concept of mutual inductance (Mps )' By definition and based on the con-
ventions used above:
es = - Mps dip/dt
when there is zero current in the secondary winding. It has been shown [7]
that the circuit shown in Fig. 2.5 is equally as satisfactory a model as that
shown in Fig. 2.4.
The self-inductance, Lss of a secondary winding is given by:
Lss = Ls - Mps Ns/Np
44 Current transformers
in which Ls is the leakage inductance used in the circuit of Fig. 2.4. It is clear
therefore that the value of Ls for a given transformer may be determined
experimentally by measuring its self (Lss) and mutual (Mps) inductances.
Current error = K per unit (2.3)
The phase error is defined as the angle (9) between the phasor representing
the primary m.m.f. IpNp and the secondary m.m.f. reversed (-IsN s). It is
regarded as positive when the secondary m.m.f. reversed leads the primary
m.mJ. It has been shown [7] that current transformers which have a turns ratio
equal to the desired ratio (i.e. NslNp = K n ), have positive current errors, i.e.
IIs I < IIp INp INs, unless the secondary circuit has a leading power factor of
less than cos 0, in which 0 is tan - 1 lIe lIm I and their phase errors are also
positive unless the secondary circuits have a lagging power factor of less than
cos (1t/2 - 0).
Turns compensation
Consideration of the equivalent circuit and the phasor diagram shown in Figs.
2.4 and 2.7 respectively shows that the excitation current (Ie) would, for a
Circuit breaker
which is to be
large (low impedance) source. In this event the value of Ippk in equation (2.4)
would be many times the full-load rating of the circuit and the value of the
time constant of the transient term ('t) could be of the order of 0.1 s or more.
Clearly similar currents would flow in circuits after the incidence of a short
circuit. The behaviour of a current transformer carrying such current waves is
now considered.
Effective source
impedance Busbar
Circuit breaker
which is to be
Thus for the current given by equation (2.4), <I> would be:
IppkNp Rs
<1>= (-cos(cot+a)+cotsinaexp(-tlt)}+k (2.5)
in which k is a constant of integration.
A limiting case occurs when a = rr./2. For this situation:
IppkNp Rs
<I> = 2 (sin cot + cot exp (- tit) + k }
If the core flux is assumed to have been zero at the incidence of the fault,
a reasonable assumption even if load current had been flowing before the fault,
because the associated flux variations would have been small, then the core
flux would be:
<1>= 2 (sincot-cot(l-exp-tlt)} (2.6)
Equations (2.5) and (2.6) show that the core flux has three components, the
sinusoidal one being the steady state variation. The resultant of the constant
and exponentially-decaying components rises and in the limiting case reaches
a value equal to COt times the peak steady state excursion. This is illustrated
in Fig. 2.10 using a time constant (t) of 0.1 s.
The variations of the ratios of the maximum flux level reached, relative to
the steady state peak values with the point on wave of switching or fault
incidence (a), for various values of COt, are shown in Fig. 2.11. It will be seen
that the maximum flux level may lie between twice and (1 + COt) times the
peak steady state value.
52 Current transformers
' ...../ '_/~ \ ..../ ' ... 1
~ Steady-state component
Transient component
-8 Core flux
To induce this e.mJ. the core flux would be:
1>=-- LsNp
es dt=--lp+k
Ns N s2
Again, as in the previous section, the flux levels during normal conditions
will be very low, in which event the constant of integration may be taken to
be zero and the required flux variation would be proportional to the primary
current ip, i.e.
I>=--i (2.7)
2Ns p
As a result, much smaller flux variations are needed with inductive burdens
than with a resistive burden of the same VA, i.e. of the same impedance, and
Fig. 2.11 Variation of maximum flux with time of incidence of faults and circuit
roL/R ratio.
54 Current transformers
the maximum flux density will not normally exceed double that of the peak
value of its steady state component.
When secondary circuits contain both inductance and resistance the flux
variations may be determined by summing the fluxes given in equations (2.5)
and (2.7) in the correct proportions. The ratio of maximum flux density to the
peak value of its steady state component will never exceed that which would
be needed for a purely-resistive burden of the same VA.
. Np .
Is = - Ns Ip
and the secondary e.m.f. needed to drive the secondary current is through the
capacitance (C s) would be:
es =-.L
f is dt =- ~
Ns C s
f ip dt
f Np
N s2 Cs
f (ipdt)dt (2.8)
Line energized from a source providing a direct voltage It is well known that
the input current to a healthy, single-phase, loss-free line when connected to
an infinite source by the closing of a circuit-breaker would be as shown in
Fig. 2.12(a) if the remote end of the line was open-circuited. Should the same
0 1 2 3 4 5 Time
2 x Ii ne length )
(units =
vela city of light
.'!l 8
:50 4
0 L--L-r~----~------~----~----~~----~---:~
2 x line length
. = ______
(Units --':0-_
velocity of light
Z source =Zo 12
Note: short circuit occurs at time t =0
Fig. 2.12 Input currents to an ideal line energized from a source of direct voltage.
56 Current transformers
E Time
~ -1 (ms)
"S -2
Source voltage = Vpk cos rot ; Zsouree =0
20 25 Time
~ O~L-------------~--~-------.
5 10 15 20 25
~ Time
"S -1 (ms)
Fig. 2.13 Input currents to an ideal line energized from a source of alternating voltage.
Conventional current transformers 57
line be suddenly short-circuited at its remote end, however, the input current
would be as shown in Fig. 2.12(b).
<I> =_.l
f es dt = N~ . Rs
f ip dt (2.9)
When carrying a step function current, the flux would increase linearly and
clearly the core would inevitably become saturated. To sustain the rectangular
primary current wave shown in Fig. 2.14(a), the flux wave would be triangular
as shown in Fig. 2.14(b) and this clearly indicates that the step-current changes
would be correctly reproduced in the secondary circuit.
In the more practical situations encountered in systems energized from
sources providing sinusoidal e.m.f.s, the current waves tend to contain sinu-
soidally-varying sections and steps. Effectively unidirectional components
may be present during fault conditions and these tend to decrease slowly in
58 Current transformers
cu rrent l/pPk
- (a)
circuits in which the resistances are low. In these circumstances, the core
fluxes of current transformers would be driven towards saturation. This is clear
from the limiting case, for a loss-free circuit, illustrated earlier in Fig. 2. 13(c).
In this instance, the current would contain a constant direct component requir-
ing a linearly-changing flux component which would ultimately cause satura-
tion to occur.
It was shown earlier (page 53) that the flux variation needed in the core of
an ideal current transformer with a purely-inductive secondary circuit (Ls)
would be:
N s2
This is clearly a much less onerous condition than that encountered with
resistive secondary circuits because the flux will not tend in practice to contain
a linearly-changing component.
The above treatment has been presented to indicate the core-flux variations
which may be needed in current transformer cores to ensure accurate trans-
When determining the suitability of current transformers which are to oper-
ate with particular protective schemes, modem computing techniques should
be used to determine the currents which will actually flow during abnormal
conditions and then, using the appropriate secondary-circuit parameters, the
core flux and secondary current variations should be determined, allowance
being made for the core excitation characteristics [8,9].
Conventional current transformers 59
2.2.4 The effects of core saturation on transformation behaviour
In many applications, as indicated above, impractically large core-flux vari-
ations might be needed under certain circumstances to approach ideal trans-
formation, i.e.
. Np
1 =--1
s Ns p
As a result, saturation of transformers must, on occasion, be accepted and the
associated protective equipment must be so designed that it will nevertheless
function correctly. To enable this to be done it is necessary to determine the
secondary current errors or distortions which will be introduced when core
saturation occurs.
Core flux
Fig. 2.16 Behaviour when core saturation occurs in a transformer with a resistive
secondary circuit.
Conventional current transformers 61
(is=0) and the primary m.m.f. will maintain saturation until the magnitude of
the flux needs to reduce again and this will not occur until the polarity of the
required e.m.f. reverses. When the secondary circuit is resistive this will be at
the next current zero. As an example, if saturation occurs during a positive
half cycle of the secondary current, the e.m.f. will not become negative until
after the next current zero. Considering sinusoidal primary current conditions,
the behaviour would be as shown in Fig. 2.16(a) from which it will be seen
that the tails of the half cycles of secondary current are chopped off, and the
greater the desired flux excursion, the greater the portions of wave lost in each
half cycle.
This pattern of behaviour is repeated whatever the primary current wave-
form including situations where transient components are present, an illustra-
tion being provided in Fig. 2.l6(b).
Clearly the effect of saturation is to distort the waveform of the secondary
current and also to reduce its r.m.s. value.
(] f1
[) [)
Fig. 2.17 Behaviour when core saturation occurs in a transformer with an inductive
secondary circuit.
Fig. 2.18 Behaviour when core saturation occurs in a transfonner with a resistive and
inductive secondary circuit.
64 Current transformers
----""'pS /
/T I
/ I
I : Major
I I hysteresis
I I loop
, I'm:t ..
-0.6 ,WN",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ft"""""'''''''''''''''
the remanent flux, cause the core to saturate. Those shown in Fig. 2.23(b) are
for a fault of the opposite polarity which cause the flux to swing in the opposite
direction to the initial remanent flux.
The deviations of the secondary currents of current transformers from their
ideal values (is =- Np/Ns ip) as a result of saturation of their cores would cause
some protective equipments fed by them to maloperate. This is clearly unac-
ceptable and therefore, in these applications, the flux range between the maxi-
mum possible remanent flux value (OR) in Fig. 2.21 and the saturation value
must be great enough to allow the flux swings needed when large asymmetric
fault currents are flowing. Clearly core materials with high saturation flux
densities and excitation loops with relatively low flux densities at exciting
current zeros, as shown in Fig. 2.24 (curve a) are desirable rather than almost
rectangular loops of the form shown in Fig. 2.24 (curve b). The ratio of
maximum-possible remanent-flux density to the saturation density is referred
to as remanence factor.
2<1>sat =- -
ft s
es dt
Ns 0
From the above three equations, it can be shown that the peak secondary
e.m.f. (Espk ) which occurs at the time ts is given by:
Espk = 2 [<I>sat roNp IppkRe P: (2.10)
An alternative treatment which may be used when the hysteresis and eddy
current losses in a core are very low is to assume that the resistor Re has an
infinite value. In these circumstances, the primary referred current must al-
ways flow through the magnetizing inductance (Lm). Whenever the current is
above a certain value, the core will be saturated and as a result the incremental
inductance Lm will then be zero. Near current zeros, however, the magnetizing
inductance, as before, may be taken to have a constant non-zero value. At
these times the secondary e.m.f. is given by:
For a primary current of ip = Ippk sin rot, the secondary e.m.f. would have a
maximum value at the current zeros of:
Conventional current transformers 71
Stalloy laminations
0.015m thick
Stalloy laminations
0.03m thick
In practice, the behaviour will lie between the two limiting conditions
described above. More accurate modelling can be performed by using non-
linear components with values related to the core flux and its rate of change.
The normal reason for determining the peak voltages which may be pro-
duced is to ensure that the insulation of a transformer and its burden, including
the connecting cables, is adequate or suitably protected by voltage-limiting
devices. As it is usual to allow a significant factor of safety on insulation
levels, highly-accurate determination of the voltages which may be produced
by current transformers is not justified. It is probably better to make use of
experimentally-derived results such as those shown in Fig. 2.26 which were
obtained by Wright [7].
:- --~....""""'-::
Transformers used in circuits with high rated currents, say 500 A and above,
usually have a single-tum primary winding. For lower current levels, however,
multi-tum windings are commonly used to enable greater transformation ac-
curacies to be obtained. This improved performance, as explained earlier, is
obtained because, for a given ratio, the number of secondary winding turns is
proportional to the primary winding turns, and the greater the number of
secondary turns, the smaller is the flux variation and thus the exciting current
needed to provide a given secondary e.m.f.
Many modem protective schemes monitor the zones between the sets of
current transformers associated with them, and as any fault within a protected
zone is cleared by opening circuit-breakers to isolate the unhealthy section of
the system, discrimination approaching the ideal can only be achieved when
the current transformers are near the contacts of the circuit-breakers. This
topic was treated in detail in reference [8].
When very high voltage switchgear incorporates bushings through which
the main conductors enter and leave, the above desired proximity is achieved
by mounting the secondary wound current transformer cores over these bush-
ings. In addition to the transformers which are needed to feed the main
protective equipment, others are needed to feed back-up protective relays and
indicating instruments and possibly accurate measuring equipment. In prac-
tice, therefore, several wound cores may be stacked together on each phase
bushing, a typical arrangement being shown in Fig. 2.29.
This arrangement is not only ideal operationally, but it is very economic as
it reduces the total amount of costly high voltage dielectric material to a
minimum. It does however, limit the primary winding to only one tum.
Conventional current transformers 75
~ ___ B
B---~r-'ffirt.-J~I--- D
~I--__ E
I-I.-k----- F
P==9-- G
"" D
"" E
act on them during short-circuit conditions. In addition they must comply with
regulations concerned with their current-carrying capability. As an example,
BS 3938 requires that a current transformer with an integral primary winding
must be capable of carrying its rated short time current, for its rated time, with
50% of the rated burden connected to the secondary terminals, without suffer-
ing any damage such as would adversely affect it either electrically or mech-
The rated short-time current of a transformer is the rupturing capacity of the
circuit-breaker with which it is associated and the time rating is the maximum
period for which the transformer may be subjected to the full short-circuit
current, and this depends on the protective equipment fitted to the circuit.
in which Np and Ns are the turns of the primary and secondary windings
respectively, Ae is the cross-sectional area of the core and Ie is its magnetic
path length.
During steady state conditions with a sinusoidal primary current ip =
Ippk sin (rot + ex) the output e.mJ. would clearly be:
es = - roMps Ippk cos (rot + ex)
-{isRs+Ls dis+-.l
dt e s
f isdt}=Mps'~(ip+
l dt
Ns is]
ro Mps Ippk
is = 1 sin (rot + ex - ~)
Mps Ippk cos ex ( R
exp - --.X t
Ns Lp
Ls + Mps - - (Lp RsIRp) + Lp/Rp es
2 2
+ ka exp (- mt) + ke exp (- nt) (2.13)
80 Current transformers
in which:
and m and n are given by:
m =[R,/2 (1, + M,. Z;lH [Ri/4 (L' + M,. Z;Jl-[ lIC, (1, +M" Z;II
n +12 (1, Z;ll-{[
+ M" Ri/4 (1, + M,. Z;Jl- [lIC. (1, + M" Z;II
Examination of equation (2.13) shows, as would be expected, that as the
mutual inductance approaches infinity, the secondary current approaches the
value normally regarded as the ideal (is = ip Np/Ns). The low permeability of
the core of a linear coupler prevents a high mutual inductance from being
achieved, however, and there is consequently always a considerable diver-
gence from the performance which is expected of a conventional current
The steady state sinusoidal behaviour of a linear coupler can be determined
from the first term in equation (2.13). The ratio of the magnitude ofthis output
to that of the sinusoidal component of the primary current is given by:
. .
Transformation ratIO =-Is =. - - - - - -roMps
Ip [ R; + { ro(Ls + MpsNs/Np) - ro~s }2]!
A.!! '
."..."..~ ......
" ,.
~ .... :-: ~..... Combination
ensure that the gapped sections have the correct reluctances. The so-called
distributed air-gap transformer (abbreviated to DAG), which was developed
many years ago, has several gaps uniformly distributed around its core, this
being considered preferable to a core with only One relatively long gap.
1. Shadin, H. I (1963) The Making of the Electrical Age, Abelard-Schuman, New York.
2. Parson, R. H. (1940) Early Days of the Power Station Industry, Cambridge
University Press.
3. Andrews, L. (1898) The prevention of interruptions to electricity supply, J. Inst
Elec. Eng., 27, 487-523.
4. Clothier, H. W. (1902) The construction of high-tension central station switch-
gears, with a comparison of British and foreign methods, J. lEE, p. 1247.
5. Edgcumbe, K. and Punga, F. (1904) Direct reading measuring instruments for
switchboard use, lEE, 33, 620--66.
86 Current transformers
6. Young, A. P. (1910) The theory and design of current transformers, 1. Inst Elec.
Eng., 45, 670-678.
7. Wright, A. (1968) Current Transformers - their transient and steady state per-
formance, Chapman and Hall.
8. Gray, W. and Wright, A. (1953) Voltage transformers and current transformers
associated with switchgear, Proc. lEE, 100, 223.
9. Poljac, M. and Kolibas, N. (1988) Computation of current transformer transient
performance, Trans. IEEE, PD-3, 1816-1822.
10. Mathews, P. and Nellist, B. D. (1962) The design of air-cored toroids or linear
couplers, Proc. lEE, 109, (A), 229.
11. Blatt, D. W. E. (1989) Monitoring and fault protection of high voltage switchgear
by the REMMIT method, Fourth Int Conf on Developments in Power System
Protection, 11-13 April 1989, Edinburgh, UK, lEE Conf Publ., vol. 302, pp.
12. Mercure, H. P. (1987) Development of a novel measuring device: the dynamic
current transducer, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, PWRD-2, pp. 1003-1007.
13. Erickson, D. C. (1980) The use of fibre optics for communications, measurement
and control within high voltage substations, lEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and
Systems, PAS-99, pp. 1057-1065.
14. Kanoi, M., Takahashi, G., Sato, T., Higaki, M., Mori, E. and Okumura, K. (1986)
Optical voltage and current measuring system for electric power systems, lEE
Trans. on Power Delivery, PWRD-l, pp. 91-97.
15. Nojima, K., Nishiwaki, S., Okubo, H. and Yanabu, S. (1987) Measurement of
surge current and voltage waveforms using optical-transmission techniques, Proc.
lEE 134, (C) 415-422.
16. Mitsui, T., Hosoe, K., Usami, H. and Miyamoto, S. (1987) Development of
fibre-optic voltage sensors and magnetic field sensors, IEEE Trans. on Power
Delivery, PWRD-2, pp. 87-93.
17. ESI Standard 35-15, April 1989, Protection and measurement transformers for
H.V. distribution systems up to 33 kV, 58 pages.
18. Supplement to IEC Publication 185 (1966), Current transformers for protection
systems for which transient performance is significant.
19. Schwartz, H. and Hudasch, M. (1994) Optical current transformers - successful
first field test in a 380 kV system, ABB Rev., 3, 12-18.
20. Chatrefou, D. (1997) Application of optical sensors in extra high voltage
substations, GEC Alsthom TandD Rev., 111997,17-24.
IEC Publication
185 (1966), 'Current transformers '; IEEE Relaying Committee Report (1990)
Gapped core current transformer characteristics and performance IEEE Trans. on
Power Delivery, 5, (4), 1732-1740.
Voltage transformers
in 1904, a paper by Edgcumbe and Punga [3] contained a section dealing with
both current and voltage transformers. It is therefore clear that voltage trans-
formers were being used to supply measuring instruments and protective
devices before that date.
Designs basically similar to those produced originally have been used in
very large numbers up to the present time on circuits operating at voltages up
to about 66 kV (line). For higher voltage applications, transformers incorpor-
ating capacitor dividers, known as capacitor voltage transformers, are used.
The name capacitor voltage transformer was suggested by Wellings et al. [4]
in a paper presented to the lEE in 1936.
Information about the behaviour, construction and use of both electromag-
netic and capacitor voltage transformers is provided in the following sections
of this chapter.
I ~
Vp Np Vs + Burden
Voltage error = V
Kn Vsl - Vp
per unit
per unit
90 Voltage transformers
Fig. 3.3 Phasor diagram. Note: To increase clarity of the diagram, voltage drops, such
as Is Rs, are shown to be much greater than those which occur in practice.
The phase displacement error, shown in Fig. 3.3, is - a. rad (VS lags its ideal
position) and for the small values normally encountered in practice it may be
expressed as:
The core-flux variation required to induce the necessary e.m.f. in the prim-
ary winding (Np turns), assuming the latter to have zero impedance, would be:
<I> =~
Jepdt = ~p Jvp dt
V ppk
{cos rot - k}
in which the constant of integration (k) would be equal to unity if the initial
core flux was zero.
This flux would then reach a peak value of 2Vppk/roNp, i.e. twice the normal
steady state peak excursion. This condition would usually cause the core to
Electromagnetic voltage transformers 91
As stated earlier, three-phase voltage transformers usually have star-connected
primary and secondary windings. They may also have tertiary windings con-
nected in star or broken-delta. Single-phase transformers are also produced
92 Voltage transformers
and in many cases they are used on three-phase systems with the above
connections. In some countries an alternative arrangement that is popular is
to use two such transformers with their primary windings connected between
pairs of phases so that they are each energized at a line voltage. Their second-
ary windings are connected in open delta and thus outputs proportional to the
three-line voltages are provided. The phase voltages cannot however be deter-
mined from these outputs unless it is known that they do not have zero-
sequence components.
Magnetic cores
Cores constructed from laminations of silicon-iron alloy are produced in both
single-phase and three-phase forms.
While three-phase, three-limb cores would allow satisfactory operation to
be obtained when the three-system phase voltages add to zero at every instant,
they would not provide acceptable transformation in the event of faults to earth
on the system. In these circumstances, the phase voltages do not add to zero,
i.e. a zero-sequence component is present, and in consequence the fluxes in
the three limbs do not add to zero. An extra flux path must therefore be
provided. Often, to provide symmetry, two extra limbs of small cross-sectional
area are added, the five-limb configuration commonly adopted being shown
in Fig. 3.5(a)
Single-phase transformers use either the well known, core- or shell-type
cores shown in Fig. 3.5(b).
Primary windings
Each primary winding is normally energized at the rated voltage of the circuit
to which it is connected, i.e.
Up = Vppk sin (rot + a)
Neglecting the voltage drop in the winding, there must therefore be an e.m.f.
induced in the winding of ep = - up and this must be produced by a core-flux
variation of:
cI> = - ~
f ep dt = ~
f up dt
= - - - cos (rot + a)
The peak flux density should not exceed the saturation density of the core
(B sat ) and therefore:
Electromagnetic voltage transformers 93
Extra limbs
Secondary windings
These windings present no difficulties because they have relatively few turns
of conductor capable of carrying a few amperes.
94 Voltage transformers
Fig. 3.6 Typical oil-filled voltage transformer. (Reproduced from Low oil volume
voltage-transformers, GEe High Voltage Switchgear Limited with the permission of
Instrument Transformers Limited).
Tertiary windings
These may be provided and connected in open- or broken-delta to give an
output under earth fault conditions which can be fed to protective equipment.
This output is proportional to the sum of the three zero-sequence voltages
present on the system.
Vout= C[ + C2 vp (3.2)
lv~ Burden
+C2 p
t '" Burden
Fault Fault
applied cleared
(ii) Fault A
(ii) Fault B
Fig. 3.10 Output voltage waveforms from voltage transformers under fault conditions.
(Reproduced from Gray and Wright, 1953, Proc.IEE, 100 with the permission of the lEE).
98 Voltage transformers
obtained experimentally using an unloaded resistor divider. The outputs of an
electromagnetic voltage transformer and a capacitor voltage transformer ob-
tained at the same time are shown in traces (ii) and (iii) respectively in Fig.
3.1O(a). In both cases the transformers were unloaded. A further set of traces
obtained with the rated burdens connected to the transformers are shown in
Fig. 3.1O(b). These results clearly indicate that the response of the electro-
magnetic transformer is close to the ideal, whereas the capacitor voltage
transformer generates undesirable damped oscillations when the sudden
changes of system voltage occur. These oscillations, which arise because of
the tuned nature of the transformer circuit, together with sustained oscillations
which can arise because of ferro-resonance, can affect the behaviour of pro-
tective equipment. To counteract these undesirable transient errors, Harder [5]
developed compensating circuitry which he patented in the United States in
1950. Subsequently, Hughes [6] studied the behaviour of distance-relaying
equipment supplied from basic capacitor-voltage transformers and from those
fitted with compensating equipment. All capacitor-voltage transformers are
regarded, however, as having a narrow bandwidth and an alternative developed
to provide a wide bandwidth was the cascade voltage transformer which was
made up of several individual electromagnetic transformers, the primary wind-
ings of which were connected in series. In this way, the primary voltage was
broken down into sections, each of the transformers having sufficiently low
voltages across them to enable satisfactory primary windings to be produced.
I H.V. Electromagnetic
c2 Amplifier
Fig. 3.11 Capacitor-divider voltage sensor.
In addition to having to comply with the above steady state limits, capacitor
voltage transformers also have to meet conditions associated with their tran-
sient response and effects produced by ferro-resonance. They are required, one
cycle after a short circuit is applied across their primary terminals, to have a
secondary output voltage of less than lO% of the peak value which existed
before the short circuit. Also with their secondary terminals on short circuit
and zero volt-ampere burden, ferro-resonance should not be sustained for more
than 2 seconds after the short circuit is removed, and when 120% of rated
voltage is applied the secondary voltage should revert to a value which does
not differ from its normal value by more than lO% within lO cycles after a
short-circuit across the secondary winding is removed. Methods of conducting
type tests, commissioning tests and routine tests are described in specification
1. Andrews, L. (1898) The prevention of interruption to electricity supply, J. Inst.
Elec Eng., 27, 487-523.
2. Clothier, H. W. (1902) The construction of high-tension central station switch-
gears, with a comparison of British and foreign methods, J. lEE, p. 1247.
Further reading 101
3. Edgcumbe, K. and Punga, F. (1904) Direct reading measuring instruments for
switchboard use, lEE, 33, 620-66.
4. Wellings, J. G., Mortlock, 1. R. and Matthews, P. (1936) Capacitor voltage trans-
formers, J. lEE, 79, 577.
5. Harder, E. L. (1950) Transient compensation of potential-device burdens, US
Patent 2510631.
6. Hughes, M. A. (1974) Distance relay performance as affected by capacitor voltage
transformers, Proc. lEE, 121, 1557-1566.
7. Stalewski, A. and Weller, G. C. (1979), Novel capacitor-divider voltage sensors
for high voltage transmission systems, Proc. lEE, 126, 1186-1195.
8. Kanoi, M. Takahashi, G., Sato, T., Higaki, M., Mori, E. and Okumura, K. (1986)
Optical voltage and current measuring system for electric power systems, Trans.
IEEE, PWRD-1, 91-97.
9. Najima, K., Nishiwaki, S., Okuho, H., Yanabu, S. (1987) Measurement of surge
current and voltage waveforms using optical-transmission techniques, Proc. lEE,
10. Mitsui, T., Hosoe, K., Usami, H., Myamoto, S. (1987), Development of fibre-optic
voltage sensors and magnetic field sensors, Trans. IEEE, PWRD2, 87-93.
11. Chatrefou, D. (1997) Application of optical sensors in extra high voltage
substations, GEe Alsthom T and D Rev., 111997, 17-24.
lEe Publication
186 (1987), Voltage Transformers.
Fuses are a very satisfactory form of protection for the lower voltage and
current sections of power networks because their operating time/current char-
acteristics are similar in form to the withstand time/current characteristics of
the circuits they protect. Their use enables circuits to be kept in service until
times when faulted or overloaded parts of a network must be disconnected to
ensure that healthy equipment does not suffer consequential damage.
Fuses are not capable, however, of interrupting large currents in high volt-
age circuits and they have the disadvantage that they cannot be tested regularly
after installation, a facility which is usually required in protective equipment
associated with major plant. As a result, relays with inverse operating
time/current characteristics, similar to those of fuses, were developed to pro-
vide overcurrent and earth fault protection. These relays, which are supplied
by current transformers, initiate the opening of circuit-breakers, when neces-
sary, by completing trip-coil circuits. They may therefore be used to protect
circuits operating at voltages up to the highest levels. Over the years such
relays have been installed around the world in very large numbers to provide
either the main protection of circuits or to give secondary or back-up protec-
tion to other more complex protective schemes.
The current and time settings of these relays are adjustable to allow them
to be applied in a similar way to fuses so that correct discrimination may be
achieved during fault or overload conditions. In some applications, however,
the use of time grading alone may not be sufficient to ensure correct operation
under all possible system conditions, and to improve protective performance
in such circumstances relays monitoring the direction of current flow, i.e. direc-
tional relays, are used in conjunction with overcurrent and earth fault relays.
Following the next section (4.1), which traces early relay developments,
details are provided of modern relays used in time-graded protective schemes
together with methods of applying them.
Fig. 4.2 An early over-current relay type A2 produced by Brown Boveri and Co Ltd.
(Reproduced with the permission of ABB Relays AG, Baden, Switzerland).
this relay had a solenoid plunger fitted with a miniature diving bell with two
superposed compartments, the lower one being bottomless. Small holes were
pierced in the top and middle partitions. The upper chamber dipped into oil
and the lower one into mercury. This mechanism delayed the lifting of the
Relays with both definite time lags and with inverse time/current charac-
teristics were referred to in an article entitled 'Protective features of high-
tension system' [4] which appeared in Electrical World in 1909. This article
showed time/current characteristics which could be obtained using relays
which incorporated bellows to provide the time delays, one such relay being
shown in Fig. 4.3.
The use of eddy-current braking was referred to by Murphy during the
discussion on a paper on protective equipment presented to the lEE by Wed-
more [5] in 1915.
Reference was made to induction-type relays by Edgcumbe in a paper [6]
presented to the lEE in 1920. He stated that such relays are to be preferred to
fuse-shunted solenoids and went on to say that a fuse is 'at best' a capricious
piece of apparatus.
106 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
1 1
10= 3" (fa + Ib + Ie) = 3" la
If = la = 3/0
Positive Negative _ _ _ Total fault
sequence sequence current
If = 11a + !2a + lOa
Current transformers
s W f
Earth-fault relay
Current transformers
currents in two of the phases, say a and c. This arrangement, which is shown
in Fig. 4.S(b), is commonly used although other arrangements are sometimes
Instantaneous relays
These relays are relatively simple, employing, for example, a hinged armature
which is attracted to the pole of an electromagnet when the current in the
operating coil exceeds a certain value. The armature is coupled, via a linkage,
to the contacts. The attractive force on the armature is dependent on the current
and therefore the time taken for the closure of the air gap does vary with
current, but it is so short, a few milliseconds, that it is regarded as instant-
aneous. The operating coil is often tapped, connections being brought out to
a plug board so that a range of current settings is available. As an alternative,
the air gaps may be varied by moving the armature back stop to provide the
desired current setting.
Typical relays of this type are shown in Fig. 4.6(a-c).
n=:i 1
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 4.6 Attracted-armature relays. (a) D.C. relay; (b) Shaded loop modification to
pole of relay (a) for a.c. operation; (c) Solenoid relay. (Reproduced from Protective
Relays - Application Guide, 3rd edn, GEC Measurements, 1987 with the permission
of GEC Alsthom Protection and Control Ltd).
110 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
Relays with definite time-lag operation
Various forms ofrelay have been produced for this purpose. They clearly must
monitor the current supplied by their associated current transformers and
trigger a timing system whenever the current exceeds the set value. A relay
of the type described in the previous section could be used, closure of its
contacts causing the energization of a timing device which would in turn
initiate the opening of an appropriate circuit-breaker after a fixed (definite)
In such an arrangement the timing device should instantly return to its initial
position if the current-sensing relay resets as a result of the circuit current
falling to an acceptable level before operation is completed.
To enable such relays to be applied to systems, both the current and time
settings must be adjustable.
Timing has been achieved in various ways including dashpots, mechanical
escapements and eddy-current braked discs.
Electromagnet 1
Electromagnet 2 Permanent
L.=:======::...J magnet
Table 4.1
Multiple of current setting 1.3 2 5 10 20 or more
time (s) 10 4.3 3.0 2.2
112 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
To allow flexibility in the use of these relays, tappings were provided on
the main input windings, either a current value or percentage being assigned
to each tapping. Overcurrent relays for use with current transformers having
secondary windings rated at 5 A were provided with tappings marked either
50% to 200% in 25% steps or 2.5 A to 10 A in 1.25 A steps. Earth fault relay
tappings were marked 20% to 80% in 20% steps (1, 2, 3, 4 A) or 10% to 40%
in 10% steps (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 A). In addition, to allow time gradings to be
achieved, the operating times of a relay could be adjusted using a control knob
labelled 'time multiplier'. Rotation of this knob moved the back stop of the
disc and varied the travel needed to cause the contacts to close. Calibration
was provided in decimal form up to a maximum of 1.0 (full travel). The times
quoted in Table 4.1 were for a time multiplier setting of 1.0 and therefore the
times quoted would be halved if a time multiplier setting of 0.5 was used.
These practices are still in use today.
As an illustration, an overcurrent relay for use with a current transformer
having a ratio of 400/5 could be used to protect a circuit, required to carry a
maximum current of 300 A initially, but suitable for eventual uprating to 500
A. The relay would therefore be given a 75% current setting, corresponding
to 300 A, on installation, but this would be changed to 125% (500 A) later
when the load developed. These settings would be acceptable because opera-
tion would not occur below about 1.3 times the settings, i.e. 390 A initially
and 650 A later.
To enable time grading to be achieved, a time multiplier setting of 0.5 might
be used. In these circumstances, and with a 75% current setting in the above
application, operation would occur after 1.5 s for a fault current of 3000 A,
i.e. 10 times the current setting.
Relays with the same ranges of current and time settings were also produced
for use with current transformers having secondary windings rated at 1 A.
The alternative design of IDMT induction relays has a single shaded-pole
electromagnet of the basic form shown in Fig. 4.8. It has the same time/current
characteristic and time and current setting controls as the two-magnet design
Fig. 4.9 Modem IDMT relay. (Reproduced from Protective Relays - Application
Guide, 3rd edn, GEC Measurements, 1987 with the permission of GEC Alsthom
Protection and Control Ltd).
described above. Both types of relay have been widely used up to the present
day and they are interchangeable.
Since the early induction relays were produced, attempts have been made
to modify their designs, one aim being to increase the driving power obtained
for a given volt-ampere input. Such work has not been very successful how-
ever, because drives with greater efficiency have not allowed the earlier
time/current characteristics, on which standards were based, to be obtained.
Some improvements have however been made to simplify production, a mod-
ern element being shown in Fig. 4.9.
A factor of significance associated with induction-type relays is that their
discs and other moving parts acquire kinetic energy during operation and in
consequence they do not come to rest or reset instantly in the event of their
input currents reducing to rated or lower before contact closure occurs. A relay
could therefore overshoot and cause undesired tripping of its circuit-breaker
when an adjacent relay operates correctly to initiate the removal of a fault. To
ensure that this situation will not arise, allowance must be made for this effect
when the time-grading intervals between relays are being selected.
Vw Max
" t?rque
' ....Ime
Fig. 4.10 Voltages associated with a directional relay . (VA is the voltage provided by
the VT and Vw is the voltage applied to the relay winding).
Relay connections and operation 115
terminals of a relay and its voltage winding. Clearly, maximum torque can be
produced in this way at any desired angle between the input voltage and current.
A further important factor which must be recognized is that the torque
produced on a relay disc is proportional to the magnitude of the input voltage.
As a consequence, very small torques are likely to be produced for faults near
a relaying position, the voltage of a faulted phase being very depressed under
such conditions.
This situation would occur for faults in either direction from the relaying
position and correct discrimination might not be achieved. To minimize the
zone in which a relay may not correctly detect faults, directional relays cap-
able of operating satisfactorily at voltage levels down to 3% or less of the
normal level have been produced and indeed such requirements are included
in national and international standards. A practice which can improve perform-
ance in this respect is to connect the current and voltage windings of individual
directional relays to different phases. As an example, a relay may have its
current winding energized from phase 'a' but its voltage winding supplied with
a voltage proportional to that between phases 'b' and 'c'. With such connec-
tions, the relay voltage would not be depressed in the event of an earth fault
on phase' a'. Account must clearly be taken of such connections when setting
the phase angle between the voltage and current at which a relay is to produce
maximum torque.
Modern induction-type directional relay elements are generally similar to
those produced early this century, an example being shown in Fig. 4.11.
Fig. 4.11 A modem directional element. (Reproduced from Overcurrent and Earth
Fault IDMTL Relays. 1989, with the permission of ReyroUe Protection).
116 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
4.2.5 Thermal inverse time/current relays
These relays, which have been produced for many years, operate as a result
of the heating of elements. In this sense they are similar to fuselinks. Each
relay contains an element which is fed from a current transformer in the circuit
being protected, the input power therefore being proportional to the square of
the current. The heat produced is transmitted to a bimetal strip, fixed at one
end. The strip bends as it heats and after a certain deflection has been produced
it causes contacts to close and thus energizes the trip coil of its associated
circuit-breaker. The time taken for operation to occur at a particular current
level can be adjusted by varying the deflection needed to cause contact
It will be appreciated that the bimetal strip deflects whenever the heater
carries current and therefore the deflection associated with the rated current
of the circuit being protected must not cause contact closure.
Because of this factor, the operating time of a thermal relay, unlike that of
an induction-type relay, depends not only on the overcurrent flowing but also
on the current which was flowing earlier. In some applications, this behaviour
is desirable because it matches the behaviour of the protected circuits, namely
that the periods for which they can tolerate overcurrents is dependent on the
currents they have been carrying earlier.
The deflections of the bimetal strips in these relays are affected by the
ambient temperature and this could affect the time/current behaviour obtained.
To eliminate this effect, many designs incorporate pairs of bimetal strips, only
Fig. 4.12 A modern three-phase thermal relay movement. (Reproduced from Power
System Protection, the Electricity Council, 1981 with the permission of the lEE).
Electronic relays 117
one of the pair having a current-fed heater adjacent to it, the differential
movement between the strips being used to control the operating time.
As with other relays, it is necessary that a range of current settings should
be available. This can be achieved by including a tapped interposing current
transformer to feed the heater.
A typical modern thermal relay is shown in Fig. 4.12 in which the bimetal
strips are of spiral form.
A limitation of relays of this class is that they do not reset instantly when
the currents supplied to them fall to the rated value or less after an overcurrent
has been flowing. They are not therefore very suitable for inclusion in time-
grading schemes unless they are associated only with load circuits. They are,
however, particularly suitable for the protection of small motors because they
can be set so that they do not operate during current surges caused by starting,
but nevertheless they will operate when faults or sustained overcurrents occur.
"0 I
- , ,_ ...... ,-
",- 1",
Ci I
. - Q)
a. "O~
E .s
:s .s
- "-'-'-'~'-'-i
1111 I
a: r::T-+-----'
~ p.=;T-+--9-------i
c::, al
al (,,)
Fig. 4.15(a) GEC Alsthom directional relay METI II, (Reproduced from MITI II,
GEC Measurements with the permission ofGEC Alsthom Protection and Control Ltd),
122 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
Peak value
of intergrated
o~te!J!... _______
in Fig. 4.1S(b)(i). As a result zero inputs are always applied to the 'or' gate
and a zero signal is provided to the integrator.
When the inputs to the squarers are in antiphase with each other then the
inputs to the 'and' gates will alternate between 1,1 and 0,0 as shown in Fig.
4.1S(b)(ii). As a result the 'or' gate inputs are either 0,1 or 1,0 and a continu-
ous output signal is fed to the integrator which then provides a ramp output.
For the intermediate condition, shown in Fig. 4.1S(b)(iii), in which the
squarer outputs are displaced by n/2 rad, each 'and' gate produces an output
Electronic relays 123
for only a quarter of each period (1t/2 rad) and as a result the 'or' gate produces
an output (1) for half of each period.
It will be appreciated that the 'or' gate produces an output (I) for a fraction
of 9/21t of each period in which 9 is the phase displacement either lagging or
leading between the signals supplied to the squarers and that the output from
the integrator rises during a cycle to a peak value proportional to the value of
the phase displacement 9. This behaviour is illustrated in Fig. 4.15(c).
The angular width of the operating zone of the relay can be controlled by
adjusting the setting of the level detector. As an example, if a setting of
0.5 Vmal< were used, relay operation would occur for values of 9 in the ranges
1t/2 ~ 1t and - 1t/2 ~ - 1t or with a setting of 0.25 Vmal<, operation would occur
A+-t----r------+-lh------- L3
N L...L.------<I-f 1operation
~t -- ~~~ll~~?TIhtr~IlIf.RIJ
@ 1
rrrr'I rrrr'I
/ ~
6 16 20
17 19 11 15 18 10 14 8
-- - -----
4 12
+1-< _"\....J"-----,
+ 1-< _"\....J"-----,
Fig. 4.16 Block diagram for the directional-overcurrent relays SPAS lKI 13 and
SPAS lK5 J3 manufactured by ABB. (Reproduced fromABB Buyer's Guide 1989-90,
with the permission of ABB Relays AG, Baden, Switzerland).
124 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
for values of e in the ranges 'It/4 ~ 'It and -'It/4 ~ -'It. These operating zones
are shown in Fig. 4.15(c).
The operating zones can then be set in the desired positions by selecting the
appropriate phase shift in the voltage circuit and a shift of 'It radians can
be obtained by reversing the connections from either the current or voltage
Whenever circuit conditions cause the phase displacements between the
voltage and current to fall within the operating zone of the relay, the level
detector produces an output signal which may be used directly to open a
circuit-breaker or it may be used in logic circuitry which also takes account
of overcurrent or earth fault signals.
A block diagram of an alternative design produced by Asea Brown Boveri
[11] is shown in Fig. 4.16.
The output of the main voltage transducer is supplied to a threshold detector
in this relay. It is then phase-shifted before being applied to the input of a
band-pass filter, the output of which is then squared before being fed to a
comparator. The second input to the comparator is obtained after similar
processing of the signal provided by the main current transducer. As in the
GEC-Alsthom relay described above, an output signal is provided when the
phase difference between the initial voltage and current signals is within
desired limits. Again the output signal may be used in conjunction with signals
obtained from current-operated relay elements.
Further information on microprocessor-based relays, which it has not been
possible to provide in this work, may be obtained from references [12, 13] and
manufacturers' literature.
Es= 1pu ~ y
Fig. 4.17 Power network. Zsl =0.05 pu. Zs2 =0.02 pu. ZtI =0.2 pu. Z. =0.2 pu.
126 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
The above values are based on the rating of the main feeder. If each of the
loads had the same VA rating, the rating of the main feeder would be four
times that of each of the load circuits and therefore, in the event of faults at
point F l , the per-unit value of the current in the load circuit would be four
times that for the feeder cable, i.e. for three-phase and phase-to-phase faults
at point Flo the per-unit currents in the faulted cable would be 16 pu and 14.76
pu respectively.
In the above circumstances instantaneous overcurrent relays could be used
in the load circuits with current settings of say 150% or 1.5 pu to protect
against faults and sustained overloads. To obtain correct discrimination how-
ever and give rapid clearance for large faults, instantaneous relays set at 500%
or 5 pu could be used on the main feeder circuit. In addition, relays with fixed
or inverse time/current delays might be included to clear sustained overloads
from the main feeder circuit.
With a delta-star step-down transformer as shown in Fig. 4.17, zero-
sequence currents would not flow in the main feeder circuit as a result of earth
faults on the load circuits. Because of this, instantaneous earth fault relays
with low current settings could be used on the main feeder and load circuits
without loss of discrimination.
It will be realized that current grading can only be relied upon in a
limited number of applications but, because of their simplicity, instanta-
neous relays with suitable current settings should be used whenever possible.
Certainly they can often be used on the load circuits of radially-fed networks,
time grading or other methods being employed on the circuits nearer the
Relay s
t o.5
Relay 1
time Relay 2 to.5s
Relay 3
Fig. 4.18 Discrimination achieved by time-graded relays.
above the rated currents of their circuits. Similarly earth fault relays may be
set independently at levels of the desired sensitivity.
It must be recognized that relays used near the sources in networks with
several sections connected in series may have unacceptably high operating
times for faults in the sections they protect because such faults may be of
current levels which can only be allowed to persist for short periods. It is
evident therefore that although it is very easy to select the operating times
needed to ensure that correct discrimination will be achieved when relays with
definite time lags are used, they have the weakness that their use must be
restricted to networks with relatively few series-connected sections.
Q) Longtime standy
E earth fault
"" t= 120
Definite 2 seconds
Standard inverse
Very inverse
t= 13.5
/ -1
Extremely inverse
t= -...!!lL
/2 -1
, =[2ER100
+ ECT] f + fCB + fo + fs, seconds
~ ::l
0 0"
al CD
a. "0
al CD
~ E
> al
~*tD .r::.r::!!?
C\J I'- -.r:: a. a. al
- ~~
~::: OOe:
~ ~OOOal
_ C\J
-" -
C\J C\J C\J "0
- CD
(; ~ ~ a. 0
~ C') ~ C') .~ ..t
~g~C\J- fl e:
CD -" - e:
ex: -.5 X CD-"C')~LO(X)Q)
~,.... . rn ::J ~
...J L ::l~C')CDQ)CDO"
~~~:5:5:5~Q) a..
i!? > E
* *
e: lii
al ~
~ 0
> a..
~ 4
~ 3
Fig. 4.23 Conditions associated with relay R2 (Fig. 4.22) when a fault is present on
Ene A and during healthy conditions.
/zh = typical current during healthy conditions
2 =current when line A is faulty
Ir = fault current
V2 =voltage applied to relay.
priate side of the relaying position, i.e. on line A or B in the above example.
In applications in which IDMT induction-type elements are being used, the
directional element contacts are connected in the circuits of the windings on
the second electromagnets or in the shading-winding circuits. In this way the
disc of an induction element will not rotate unless the current is in the direction
for which operation should occur.
If the alternative of energizing both a directional element and its associated
IDMT element at the same time were adopted and the contacts of the two
elements were connected in series in the trip-coil circuit, incorrect tripping
could result. This might happen, for example, if an overcurrent element com-
pleted its operation while its associated directional element was restraining
during a fault in the reverse direction. If after clearance of the fault current
flowed in the opposite direction before the overcurrent element began to reset,
maloperation would occur.
Directional elements should clearly be suitable for operation over the same
current ranges as their associated elements and, as stated earlier in section
4.2.4, they should be capable of operating correctly even when the voltages
applied to them are very depressed. This feature would be essential in the
unlikely event of a three-phase fault near the relaying position when all
the voltages available would be low. For other types of faults, however, the
situation may be imporoved by obtaining the polarizing voltages for elements
from a phase or phases different to that from which their currents are supplied.
Clearly there are several possible connections available and these were con-
sidered in detail by Sonnemann in a paper entitled 'A study of directional
element connections for phase relays' [15].
Directional and current-operated relays 137
As an example, one connection is considered below. As stated earlier in
section 4.2.4, an induction-type directional element may be set to provide
maximum operating torque at any desired phase angle between the current and
voltage supplied to it, by introducing the necessary phase shift in the circuit
of the voltage winding. The term maximum torque angle (MTA) was intro-
duced, this angle being defined as the angle by which the current must lag the
voltage fed to an element to produce maximum torque, say 30 or 1t/6 radians.
A connection which is often used because it tends to ensure an acceptable
voltage level during faults is to connect the current windings in one phase (say
phase a) and the voltage windings between the other two phases (say b to c).
This is termed a 90 or 1t/2 connection because the voltage Vbc is normally in
quadrature with the 'a' phase voltage. In these circumstances when using an
element with an MTA of - 1t/6 radians, the maximum torque would occur
when the element current (/a) lagged its phase voltage (Va) by 1t/3, a condition
likely to be present under fault conditions. This arrangement, which is illus-
trated in Fig. 4.24, is described as a (90-30) or (1t/2-1t/6) characteristic.
Although static or electronic relays clearly do not have maximum torque
angles, they nevertheless do have operating zones corresponding to those of
electro-mechanical relays and they may be specified in the above manner.
The necessary time and current settings of the overcurrent and earth fault
elements to be used on a given network could be determined using the methods
described earlier in section 4.4.3. In addition the optimum settings of direc-
tional relays could readily be found.
Directional overcurrent and earth fault relays are widely used to protect ring
mains and therefore this application is considered below to show how satis-
factory discrimination can be achieved.
A ring-main circuit with a single source and five substations is shown in
Fig. 4.25.
The double-headed arrows shown adjacent to the relays Rio R2 and R5
Fig. 4.24 Condition which provides maximum torque in a directional element with an
MT A of - n/6 rad.
138 Overcurrent and earth/ault protection
--7SlOS-- --
0.15 0.55
1. Q9s
~ ~ ~
X X---.I.........-X
Source ~
-- --
CLX 0.15 0.55
~B1 Ms
~ I
indicate that these relays would operate for current flows in either direction,
i.e. these relays do not incorporate directional elements. This is acceptable
because these relays have higher minimum operating times than the others,
the values being 1.7 sand 2.1 s, i.e. the times shown adjacent to the arrows.
In this connection it will be appreciated that current would not be fed back through
circuit-breakers CB2 and CBS in the event of a fault on or near the source.
The other relays (R4-R7) each have directional elements so that operation
is obtained in short times for current flows in the directions indicated by the
single-headed arrows and longer times for current flows in either direction.
As an example, relay R3 would operate in a minimum time of 0.1 s for currents
flowing towards the source (right to left) and a minimum time of 1.3 s for
current flowing in either direction. To achieve this, two current-operated
relays and one directional relay are needed.
It will be seen that a discriminating margin of 0.4 s has been allowed
between the relays at adjacent substations.
For the short circuit shown between the circuit-breakers CB3 and CB4,
correct discrimination would be obtained. Circuit breaker CB4 would open
after a minimum time of 0.5 s followed by circuit-breaker CB3 opening after
at least a time of 1.3 s to clear the fault. The remaining circuits would remain
in service and all loads would continue to be supplied. Similar conditions
would obtain for faults in other positions.
It must be appreciated, however, that completely satisfactory behaviour
cannot be obtained in highly-interconnected networks fed from several sources
because the directions of current flow and the current levels at the individual
relaying positions do not enable the positions of faults to be correctly deter-
Current and voltage transformers 139
It is clearly essential that the accuracies of transformers supplying relays
should be high enough to ensure that satisfactory performance will always be
obtained. The requirements, which depend on the types of relays being used,
are considered below.
in which
t is the theoretical operating time,
G is the relay current,
Gb is the basic or setting value of the current and
k and a. are constants characterizing particular relays.
For the standard normal-inverse, the very-inverse and extremely-inverse
relay characteristics, which are shown in Fig. 4.19, the values of k and a. are
as given in Table 4.2.
Manufacturers are required to specify the minimum or threshold operating
current level which must not be greater than 1.3 times the basic or setting
value. They must also specify the tolerances or error bands within which their
relays will perfonn. This must be done by declaring an assigned error as either:
(a) a percentage of the theoretical time; or
(b) a percentage of the theoretical time or a fixed maximum time error (where
this may exceed the percentage value), whichever is the greater, eg 5% or
20 ms; or
(c) a fixed maximum time error.
Table 4.2
k a
Normal Inverse 0.14 0.02
Very Inverse 13.5 1
Extremely Inverse 80 2
142 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
Effective range
,, Limiting error
_:::_-_-_-_-_-_-_...;.::_~ Theoretical
2 Gs 20 Gs
Lower limit Upper limit
Gs"'G r "'1.3G s
Characteristic quantity
Table 4.4
Multiple of Normal Permissible error Permissible
basic value operating time operating time
(s) (s)
2 10 2.5 x 5% = 1.25 s 8.75-11.25
5 4.3 1.5 x 5% = 0.32 s 3.98-4.62
10 3.0 5%=0.15s 2.85-3.15
or 0.15 s
20 2.2 5%=0.11 s 2.05-2.35
or 0.15 s
(b) when with zero voltage applied, currents up to 15 times the rated value
are applied or switched off.
1. Andrews, L. (1898) The prevention of interruption to electricity supply, J. Inst.
Elec. Eng., 27, 487-523.
2. Andrews, L. (1904) Automatic protective devices for electrical circuits, Electrical
Review, 54 933-935 and 972-975.
144 Overcurrent and earth fault protection
3. Frey, H. E. (1924) Relays for the protection of distribution systems, The Brown
Boveri Review, 11, 235-242.
4. Schuchardt, R. F. (1909) Protective features of high-tension systems, Electrical
World, 53, 1539-1543.
5. Wedmore, E. B. (1915) Automatic protective switchgear for alternating current
systems, J. Inst. Elec. Eng., 53, 157-183.
6. Edgcumbe, K. (1920) The protection of alternating-current systems without the
use of special conductors, J. Inst. Elec. Eng., 58, 391-416.
7. Wagner, C. F. and Evans, R. D. (1933) Symmetrical Components, McGraw-Hill.
8. Edgeley, R. K. and Hamilton, F. L. (1952) The application of transductors as
relays in protective gear, Proc. lEE, 99, 297.
9. Overcurrent relay for phase and earth faults, Type MCGG, GEC Alsthom, Publ
10. Directional relay, Type METI, GEC Alsthom, Publ R-6003H.
11. Single-phase directional overcurrent relay, Type SPAS lK1J3, Asea Brown
Boveri, Publ34 SPAS 3ENI.
12. Sachdev, M. S. (ed.) Microprocessor relays and protection systems, IEEE Tutorial
Course, 88EH0269-I -PWR.
13. Phadke, A. G. and Thorp, J. (1988) Computer relaying for power systems, RSP
and John Wiley.
14. Protective Relays - application guide (1987) (3rd edn), GEC Measurements,
15. Sonneman, W. K. (1950) A study of directional element connections for phase
relays, Trans. AlEE, 69, (II).
16. British Standard Specification on Electrical Protection Relays, BS142: 1982.
It will be clear from the previous chapter that overcurrent and earth fault
protective equipment employing time grading and directional detection cannot
provide correct discrimination on all power networks and in many instances
the clearance times for some faults would not be acceptable.
An alternative protective scheme which has been in use for many years to
protect individual sections of networks or pieces of equipment, such as alter-
nators, detects the difference between the current entering a section and that
leaving it. Such schemes are designated as 'current-differential' or 'Merz-
Price', the latter being a combination of the names of the two persons who
proposed the basic principle of the scheme, which is expressed in Kirchhoff's
first law, namely that the sum of the currents flowing to a node must equal
the sum of the currents leaving it.
One phase of a basic current-differential protective scheme is illustrated in
Fig. 5.1. Under normal conditions, the current entering the protected unit
would be equal to that leaving it at every instant as shown in Fig. 5.1(a). The
two current transformers, if ideal, would have equal secondary currents which
would circulate around the interconnecting conductors, which are often called
'pilot wires'.
In the event of a fault on the protected unit, the input current would no
longer be equal to the output current. For such a condition the input current
would clearly be equal to the sum of the output and fault currents as shown
in Fig. 5.1(b), i.e. iPA = iPB + ie. The ideal current transformers would drive
secondary currents (iPA Np/Ns and iPB Np/Ns), proportional to their primary
currents, and these could not circulate through only the interconnecting con-
ductors. An interconnection must therefore be provided as shown, and this
would carry the difference current, i.e. it Np/Ns. A relay included in the inter-
connection would therefore carry a current proportional to the fault current at
every instant and circuit-breaker operation could be initiated instantly for any
fault current above a certain minimum level.
Should a fault occur at a point beyond the protected unit, that is at a point
which is not between the current transformer primary windings, then each
current transformer would carry the same primary current (ipA = i pB )' This
situation is shown in Fig. 5.1(c). As a result, no current would flow in the
End A End B
-h I lif[ ~
Fig. 5.1 Basic current-differential protective scheme. (a) healthy circuit; (b) internal
fault; (c) external fault.
relay under ideal conditions, relay operation would not occur and correct fault
discrimination would be achieved.
It will be clear that differential protective schemes provide the possibilities
of rapid fault clearance coupled with correct discrimination. It must be recog-
nized, however, that they only protect the circuit or zone between their current
transformers and do not provide a measure of back -up protection to other parts
of the network. They are therefore categorized as unit protective schemes.
Whilst the above principle is simple, several factors have to be taken into
account when applying current-differential schemes to actual sections of net-
works or particular items of equipment. These will be considered both in this
chapter and later chapters. Initially, however, some historical information is
provided in the following section.
Historical background 147
In 1904, Charles H. Merz and Bernard Price obtained a British patent (No.
3896) entitled 'Improvements in the method and means for protecting appara-
tus on alternating current systems'. In the introduction of the patent specifi-
cation it was stated that the 'cut-outs', based on detecting overcurrents, which
were then in use had sometimes failed to act when they ought to have done
and acted when they ought not to have done so. It was proposed that one or
more electromagnetic devices or contact makers (relays) be connected by one
or more conductors, referred to as a pilot wire or wires. Current transformers
were to be used and so connected that no current would flow in the pilot wire
or wires under normal conditions, but would do so in the event of a fault on
the protected equipment.
It was stated that 'protective devices to act in the manner described can be
variously constructed and arranged and be used not only in connection with
high pressure (voltage) feeders, transformers or other apparatus, but also with
any part of a distributing system'.
Because of its great historical significance, the circuit proposed in the patent
specification, to protect a single-phase feeder, is shown in Fig. 5.2.
The proposed scheme required that the current transformers produce equal
secondary winding e.m.f.s during normal or external fault conditions and that
the connections be such that e.m.f.s opposed each other thus causing no
current to flow in the interconnecting conductors (pilot wires) and relay wind-
ings. Because of this, the term 'voltage balance' was introduced to differen-
tiate such schemes from those introduced later, in which the current
transformers produce equal secondary currents during normal conditions.
These currents flow in the interconnecting conductors and zero current flows
in a relay connected between the interconnecting conductors as explained in
the introduction to this chapter. The term 'circulating-current' is used in
connection with these schemes.
a d
Fig. 5.2 Protective scheme proposed by C. H. Merz and B. Price. a, feeder; b, genera-
tor; c, substation; d, primary winding of CT; e, secondary winding of CT; t, earth or
return conductor; g, pilot wire; h, relay windings; i, circuit breakers; k, t, movable and
fixed relay contacts; m, circuit; n, battery; 0, electromagnetic device with armature p.
148 Current-differential protective schemes
The advantages of the scheme proposed by Merz and Price were soon
recognized and it was applied to many circuits. This is clear from an article
published in the Electrical Review of 28 August 1908 [1] under the title 'The
Merz-Price system of automatic protection for high-tension circuits', in which
it was stated that about 200 miles of high-tension network in the North of
England were then protected by the scheme. It was further stated that Merz-
Price protective gear had been in use for several years and that numerous faults
had been isolated without visible shock on the system and, better still, without
opening healthy sections even though the switches were closed repeatedly on
to already matured faults. It was also stated that the scheme was in use to
protect transformers on the same scale.
In spite of these early comments, which indicated that correct operation
would be obtained under all conditions, difficulties did arise in later years as
line lengths and current levels increased. Maloperations evidently occurred on
occasions when protected units were healthy, due to several factors. Among
these was the mismatching of current transformer outputs caused by them
operating at different core permeabilities during healthy conditions. In an
endeavour to overcome this particular problem current transformers having
multi air-gapped cores, capable of performing linearly at primary current
levels up to 10000 A, were developed and introduced by 1925.
The introduction and use of special cables containing compensated pilot
wires by 1925 indicates that incorrect operation must also have been caused
by the currents which can flow in the capacitance between the interconnecting
conductors of balanced-voltage schemes. During external faults these conduc-
tors may have quite high voltages between them and their capacity current is
fed through the operating windings of the relays. This behaviour is considered
in more detail in section 5.2.4.
Over the years various methods have been developed to ensure that correct
operation will be obtained under all conditions, examples being the inclusion
of biasing proportional to the current flowing through a protected unit and to
the harmonics in power-transformer exciting currents.
transformer lpA
s N.p f -
- - -
_ Current
ROO X----{I====r-....:..L...-X-uVllV.l.R,..-__
Protected unit
Rc!2 Rc!2
Fig. 5.3 Conditions in a scheme with a matched pair of current transformers when an
internal fault is present. R" secondary winding resistance; Rc resistance of each con-
150 Current-differential protective schemes
As a result, sufficient unbalance current could flow in the relay to cause it to
operate incorrectly.
To minimize these effects, it is desirable that current transformers with
relatively low errors and cores with low flux retentivities should be used.
In an application where the maximum current which may be fed to a fault
external to the protected zone is 15 times the rated current of the circuit, the
connecting cables have a total resistance of 6 Q. When using current trans-
formers with 5 A secondary windings, each of 1Q resistance, a balancing pair
would have to provide a total e.m.f. of 600 V, i.e. 15 x 5(2 + 6) V. Current
transformers with secondary windings rated at 1 A and each of resistance
25 Q would have to provide a total e.m.f. of 840 V, i.e. 15 x 1(50 + 6) V.
Because of the greater number of secondary turns on the lower rated trans-
formers, the flux variations in them would only be 0.28 of those in the 5 A
transformers, i.e. 1/5 x 840/600. Indeed, cores of a cross-sectional area equal
to 0.28 of that needed in the 5 A transformers could be used.
It will be seen from the above example that the e.m.f.s which must be
produced by the transformers do tend to rise as their secondary winding ratings
are reduced and the windings costs also rise significantly. The possible reduc-
tions in core area do, however, become very small as ratings are lowered
further and, in practice, the optimum situation is likely to be achieved using
transformers rated at 0.5 A or 1 A.
Current Current
transformer transformer -=-
End A s
~p -i
___-X G~~ s f ] ~nd B
Protected unit
0.15 0.40
'es (A)
Current Current
transformer transformer
End A s m
--. Np f X-----[===:J----,v
I I 'A
s o~~ f ~ B
Protected unit
Current Current
transformer - transformer
End A s Np f
~A = "
f1l - "J;,B = 0 B
s Np fEnd B
~;";";'--'oDOID00'--X----I===JIr-..:.-.L..-X 0 DO
200/1 - Protected unit 200/1
s N f,
~ ~--I--r---~--~~-r--~
Current Current
transformer transformer _
End A s Np f -
Protected unit
4 ~
s Np f End B
---...w..-XI - - -
Restraing windings I
s Nfl I _______________
s ~~rl~~----~-----0~r+--~
- - - - - - - - ______ 1
IpA = 1.2 pu
-t I, = 0.2 pu
~B_ = 1.0 pu
End A A - Protected unit End B
1- - - - "Reiay - - - - I
1- __________ I
Fig. 5.9 Conditions in a biased protective scheme when an internal fault is present
(minimum operating current of the relay without bias 0.178 A, bias 2%).
158 Current-differential protective schemes
Clearly similar performance can be achieved using a relay with only one
restraining winding, but to obtain the same percentage bias its restraining
winding must have twice the number of turns of each of the two restraining
windings considered above and there is little advantage to offset the asym-
metry introduced into the scheme.
b X'" rX
-c X'" rX ,....-
s Np f s N. f s o~~ f
s o~~ f s o~~! --..uL- Current transfrmers
"" ~~f J'" .!~~f~
s 000 f r-'GGGT - GGG T - 000 i s 000 f s 000 f
Ns s Ns s Ns s Ns Ns Ns
;.., ;~
________ J
It is clearly desirable that schemes should only require two rather than four
interconnecting conductors when the ends of a zone are a considerable dis-
tance apart. Independence of the phase comparisons cannot, however, be
retained using two conductors, because only one quantity can then be con-
veyed between the ends of a zone. This single quantity must be produced from
the three phase currents at one end of a protected zone for comparison with a
corresponding quantity produced at the other end. Such a quantity could be
obtained by feeding the output currents of the three transformers to a network
which would provide an output related to one or more of the sequence com-
ponents of the input currents. Because positive-sequence components are pres-
ent during all faults, signals derived from only this component could be used.
During single-phase to earth faults, however, which occur much more fre-
quently in practice than other types of faults, the positive-sequence component
is only one third of the magnitude of the actual fault current and therefore the
relays would have to be given very sensitive settings. As an example, to detect
a fault current of 20% of the rated current of a protected circuit, the relays
would have to be set to operate at 67 rnA if current transformers with second-
ary windings rated at I A were used. This would increase the difficulty of
meeting the requirement that relay operation should not occur when external
faults, including large interphase faults, are present. A similar situation would
160 Current-differential protective schemes
arise if a signal related to the negative-sequence component of the currents
were used and clearly a signal related to the zero-sequence component alone
could not be used as it would not enable interphase faults clear of earth to be
detected. In practice, therefore, a signal produced from two or three of the
components must be used.
While such techniques have been used in some protective schemes, se-
quence networks tend to be somewhat complex because phase shifting is
necessary to c!etermin~ the 'a' phase positive- and negative-sequence current
components (/Ia and Iza) as can be seen from the following equations:
in which a is the operator 112n/3 and la, Ib and Ie are the phase currents.
In addition, the above equations are only valid when the currents are sinu-
soidal and therefore not applicable during the periods when transient compo-
nents are present.
Simpler alternatives, which are suitable for all current waveshapes, have
been widely used in current-differential schemes.
The simplest arrangement, which has been employed since the earliest years
of the century, is to sum the outputs of transformers having different ratios in
the three phases, say 300/1.25, 300/1 and 300/0.8 in phases 'a', 'b' and 'c'
respectively, i.e. 240/1, 300/1 and 375/1.
As shown in Fig. 5.11, this would give the following output signals for
primary currents of 300 A of each of the sequences.
2" ~-125A
- - - 039A
12a + 12~+
12c .
0.46 rad
21t13 11a = 300 A - ---
0.39 A
12c= 0.8 A
Another alternative, which has been used widely for many years, is to feed
the outputs of current transformers, of the same ratio in each of the three
phases, to a summation transformer arranged as shown in Fig. 5.12. Assuming
...----X----L..__----'t-- - - - -
r+--I---X____ll...._ _---'t-- - - --
r+~-+-f-~-+--X____ll...._ __Jt-- - - - -
Current transformers
...... DDD T sOoo f s D~O tl-/sa
_I. -
s N. N.
Nab So
b ~
_/sc c~
Ncn Summation
f C
V= 0 R 2 =50. V= 75 V
Fig. 5.13 Alternative relay connections. (a) parallel; (b) series. Rc is the resistance of
each conductor.
ing healthy and external fault conditions. Such behaviour tends to require that
the e.m.f.s which must be produced by the current transformers become very
high for applications where the ends of protected zones are quite long distan-
ces apart, i.e. several miles, and therefore alternative schemes based on the
original proposal by Merz and Price and designated as 'balanced voltage' or
'opposed Voltage' are preferred for such applications.
A basic scheme of this class is shown in single-phase form in Fig 5.14(a),
from which it will be seen that the secondary windings of the current trans-
formers at the two ends of a unit are connected, via interconnecting conduc-
tors, in opposition to each other. In the event of a fault within the protected
zone, both the primary currents and the e.m.f.s induced in the secondary
windings of the transformers will be unequal and current will circulate through
the interconnecting conductors. To enable the circuit-breakers at the two ends
of the protected zone to be opened when this condition occurs, two relays,
with their operating windings connected in series with the interconnecting
conductors, are included. When the protected unit is healthy, however, and
current is flowing through it, the current transformers will each have the same
164 Current-differential protective schemes
primary current and will produce e.m.f.s which oppose each other. Provided
that the transformers are identical and performing at the same points on their
excitation characteristics, they will produce equal instantaneous e.m.f.s, as
shown in Fig. 5.14(b), and current will not circulate through the secondary
windings and interconnecting conductors. It will be clear that the voltage
between the two interconnecting conductors will then be equal to the e.m.f.
provided by each current transformer and this will cause a capacitive current
to flow between the conductors, its magnitude increasing with the length of
the conductors. Half this current will be fed from each end of the circuit
through the operating windings of the relays and unlike the situation which
occurs with circulating-current schemes, the relay currents cannot be reduced
to zero by making the circuit symmetrical. -
As in the schemes described earlier, the relays may be set to operate for
internal faults with current levels below the rated value of the circuit. Again,
however, relay operation must not occur during external faults up to the
highest level possible on the protected network. To satisfy this requirement
Current . ..
transformer IpA = If + IpS
41L IpS
~~ fr-:x:------[I:::::JI--~--L-~~~~
Protected unit ~
"'-mryA ;,. R'OlaYB .m-~
~ esA*esB
ipA ipS = ipA
E!2~..t N~ fr-:X:
~ _ ~
Protected unit
I ~~~~
N~ f~
~ -Nr-Y-A------------R..,Cr ~
ipA = 4+ ipS 1[ ~
4 ipB
N~ fr-:X: I 1-- EndB
Protected unit
'),Operating 1
Restraining~ 1winding 1
winding 1 ___ I 1
Restraining winding
transformer Operating winding
when low relay settings are used it is essential that the current transformers
be well matched. In addition, biasing must be employed, this being achieved
by connecting the restraining windings of each of the relays between the
interconnecting conductors at their respective ends of the protected zone. This
arrangement is shown in Fig. 5.14(c) and it will be realized that the voltages
across the restraining windings will be high when large currents are flowing
through protected units to faults outside their zones. The percentage of bias
applied must be sufficient to ensure that maloperation will not be caused by
imbalances in the protective circuit and current transformers and by the capa-
citive currents between the interconnecting conductors. In practice the per-
centage of bias may be varied using tappings on the restraining windings or
by varying the impedances of the restraining-winding circuits.
Balanced-voltage schemes may be implemented for three-phase applications
in similar ways to those used with the circulating-current schemes described
earlier. Summation-transformers are widely used, a typical arrangement which
only requires two interconnecting conductors being shown in Fig. 5.15.
trans~rmer End B
x-------, F ---;+-
End A
. I A X Current
trans~rme ~
such circumstances, the e.m.f.s to be produced and the flux variations should
be the same in a balancing pair of transformers.
These conditions do not apply, however, when the outputs of more than two
transformers are required to balance. Such situations arise when teed feeders
or busbars are to be protected. Considering the teed feeder shown in Fig. 5.16,
it can be seen that the input current (ipA) must be equal to the sum of the output
currents (ipB and ipc) at every instant when the protected unit is healthy. Under
these conditions, the three current transformers would be producing different
e.m.f.s at any instant and therefore operating over different flux ranges. As a
result, zero current would only flow in the relay if the transformer cores were
infinitely permeable or if their excitation characteristics were linear and the
permeabilities of the cores were the same. Such conditions do not obtain in
practice and a degree of unbalance must always exist. Clearly the resulting
relay currents will be greater, the higher the currents flowing in the feeder.
The behaviour is, however, dependent on the ratios of the currents flowing in
the sections of such a feeder and in practice the current levels for different
fault and operating conditions should be determined when such schemes are
to be applied. Two examples are considered below to indicate the situations
which can arise.
N, Current
P transformers
F3 F3F~fF3~1~~
Busbar I I
Current ~
transformers ;:J
1/1 = -20 pu I I
I I, I I I I
Busbar Operating
_--I--_--I--_-.. . .- . . . - . . . - . . . ---,lindin g
5 pu
L-+-~4-~~~~~+~40 pu tI
Fig. 5.18 Current distribution during faults and a biasing arrangement.
Earth fault protective schemes 169
Two similar fault conditions would therefore produce very different levels
of bias. This situation is clearly undesirable and in practice the larger value of
40 pu could be produced for a fault on any of the circuits by rectifying each
of the circuit currents before summing them to obtain the biassing current.
This arrangement is shown in Fig. 5.18(c).
Line current
Power transformer
s Np f ----I
s Current
Relay ~p transformers
Line current
s Np f
Neutral current
Np t3/0p
Li ne cu rrent
I = 41 N IN transformers
~esp sNpf
4= Ip Protected
- - - 1transformer
l _ _ _ _1
s Neutral
Np current
f transformer
With these protective schemes it is necessary that the voltage setting of the
relay be high enough to ensure that maloperation will not occur when faults
occur at points external to the protected zone. Clearly, the relay setting must
be determined by considering the most onerous condition that may be en-
countered in service. Although such a situation could not arise in practice, the
behaviour which would be obtained if high zero-sequence currents flowed as
Schemes employing high-impedance relays 173
a result of an external fault is considered below because this represents a
particularly onerous condition which may be readily examined and it is a
condition which is often used in proving tests in laboratories, because of its
For such a fault, the primary windings of the three current transformers in
the phases would each carry currents of the same magnitude and phase whilst
the primary winding of the neutral transformer would carry the sum of these
three currents as shown in Fig. 5.21(a). As a result, the neutral current trans-
former should, under ideal conditions, produce an e.m.f. three times that
produced in each of the other transformers. If it is further assumed that this
situation would in practice cause the core of the neutral current transformer
to be saturated throughout each half cycle, whilst the other transformers did
not saturate, the most unbalanced condition possible would exist. Under this
condition, the neutral current transformer would produce zero e.m.f. and
each of the transformers in the phases would produce the e.mJ. needed to
drive their secondary currents through their own individual circuits, i.e.
los Rs = lop Np Rs/Ns, and in addition to drive the sum of their currents through
the secondary circuit of the neutral transformer, i.e. 3Ios Rs =3Iop Np Rs/Ns.
It is clear from Fig. 5.21(a) that this latter voltage would also appear across
the relay circuit and that operation would not occur if the setting voltage
exceeded the above value. It will be appreciated that the limiting conditions
assumed above will not obtain in practice. For example, the neutral trans-
former will produce some e.m.f. and not only zero-sequence currents will
flow, and therefore a factor of safety would exist if the above relay settings
were used.
Having determined the minimum relay-setting voltage needed to maintain
stability, the current needed to cause operation during internal faults must be
determined to ensure that it is sufficiently sensitive. When high-impedance
relays are used the fault setting is basically dependent on the excitation char-
acteristics of the current transformers, as can be seen from Fig. 5.21(b).
When the setting voltage (Vs) is present across the relay it is also present
across the secondary windings of each of the current transformers, each of
which must then have an exciting current, referred to the secondary winding,
of Ie. In the event of an 'a' phase to earth fault, the current transformers in
phases 'b' and 'c' and in the neutral must each have secondary currents of Ie,
supplied by the 'a' phase current transformer, i.e. its secondary winding must
carry a current of 3Ie. Because it also needs an m.m.f. of Ie Ns, it will need a
primary current of 4/e Ns/Np to cause relay operation.
It is clear that satisfactory operation would thus be obtained if the proposed
transformers had an excitation characteristic where for Ie =Irmin Np/(4Ns) the
induced e.m.f. is equal to Vs, and the minimum fault current at which operation
is required is given by:
174 Current-differential protective schemes
If the above setting is lower than that required, then the proposed current
transformers could be used but the relay setting voltage would have to be
increased so that higher exciting currents would flow. If, however, the setting
determined (IrmirJ is higher than that required then transformers with the lower
exciting currents needed would have to be used.
In practice electro-mechanical relays require a finite operating current (IR)
and therefore they cannot be of infinite impedance. As a result, the expression
for the minimum fault setting given in equation (5.1) must be modified to
include the current supplied to relay, as follows:
transformer ipA = ips Ips
End A A 7:---[1==::::Jlr--~X End B
~ Protected unit ~
fore ideally the relay should have zero impedance so that the current through
it tends to be proportional to the fault current.
Simple relays, with hinged armatures, of the form shown in Fig. 5.23 typi-
cally require 2 VA at the operating current and therefore a relay with a 0.2 A
setting would have an impedance of son, i.e. the operating voltage would be
Whilst relays of this type are suitable for some applications, they cannot
present near zero or infinite impedances, i.e. they are not truly current or
voltage operated, and therefore over the years more complex relays capable
of operating with lower volt-ampere inputs have been produced. One such
relay, which is shown in Fig. 5.24, was designated as being 'rotary sensitive'
by its manufacturers, A. Reyrolle and Co Ltd. It is described in some detail
below to illustrate the constructional features which it incorporated to enable
the desired performance to be obtained. The armature, which was a vane
mounted on a vertical spindle, was able to rotate in its own plane. The spindle
had hardened pivots working in jewelled bearings, the lower bearing being
spring loaded to reduce the stress on the pivot. The field-system consisted of
two electromagnets in opposition so that when the operating windings were
energized, the resulting flux threaded the armature, causing it to rotate, against
the restraint of the control spring, into slots in the magnets. The ends of the
armature were so shaped that, as it moved, the driving torque increased more
rapidly than the restraining torque so ensuring positive operation at the mini-
mum operating current.
176 Current-differential protective schemes
Torsion head _ _ _ _ _ __
Flux path
~..,...... __ Armature
Rotation of the annature and of the spindle closed sensitive leaf contacts,
the contact travel being limited by two adjustable stops which, acting on both
sides of the annature, balanced the operating shock and reduced the stress on
the pivots when large currents relative to the operating value flowed in the
windings during internal fault conditions. To relieve the leaf contacts of the
full tripping-current duty, an auxiliary d.c. operated contactor was included.
Because of its construction, this relay required an input of only 30 m VA at
its minimum setting.
Biasing features were possible by including an extra electromagnet which
produced flux opposing rotation of the armature in the operating direction.
This electromagnet had either a single tapped winding to allow the percentage
of bias needed to be selected or a number of windings could be provided to
allow biasing from several circuits to be effected. The burden of the restraining
windings was lower than 0.5 VA.
Further reading 177
In addition weights could be placed on a pan fitted to the spindle to increase
the mass of the movement and thereby slow the relay operation slightly to
ensure that it would be less liable to maloperate when high surges of current
were experienced.
Relays of this type have been widely used in both balanced-voltage and
circulating-current schemes.
Simple hinged-armature relays are used in high-impedance schemes, such
as balanced earth fault protection. As stated earlier, such relays must operate
at low current levels and therefore have windings of many turns. They there-
fore have quite a large impedance. An impedor (usually resistive) is connected
in series with the winding to set the operating voltage level to that needed to
maintain stability during external faults.
Modern electronically-based relays capable of operating at either particular
current or voltage levels may also be used in current-differential schemes and
because such relays have external power sources they may be arranged to have
imput impedances of any desired values including zero and infinity.
1. Electrical Review, 28 August 1908, The Merz-Price system of automatic protection
for high tension circuits.
GEC Measurements, Protective Relays Application Guide (3rd edn), 1987, Chapter to.
Power System Protection, Vol 3, edited by The Electricity Council, 1981, (2nd
edn), Peter Peregrinus Ltd.
Royle, J. B. (1990) Differential relay concepts and applications, Canadian Electrical
Association - Transaction of Electrical and Operating Division, Vol 29, Paper
Further references are included in chapters dealing with applications.
The protection of transformers
It was stated in Chapter 2 that power transformers were first included in power
supply systems in the last decade of the nineteenth century to enable electricity
to be distributed from central stations at relatively high voltages to consumers
spread over quite wide areas. This practice, which proved to be economically
sound, has been continued around the world.
As the demand for electricity has grown, large generating stations have been
built, each containing a few large three-phase alternators of high volt-ampere
ratings, a typical value being 600 MV A. Because the output windings of these
machines are fitted in slots in the steel stators, it is not practical to insulate
their conductors to withstand the voltage levels which are used to obtain high
efficiency transmission over long distances. Consequently, alternators are now
wound to generate voltages of the order of 25 kV (line) and these are stepped
up to transmission levels, such as 400 kV (line), by a transformer directly
connected to each alternator, the combination forming a generator-trans-
former unit. Clearly the volt-ampere rating of a transformer must be the same
as that of its associated alternator.
A so-called unit transformer is also connected to each alternator to step
down the machine voltage and provide supplies to the auxiliary plant associ-
ated with the driving turbine and boiler or hydro plant. The electrical layout
of a typical generator-transformer unit is thus of the form shown in Fig. 6.1.
In recent years relatively small gas-turbine driven alternators and machines
in combined heat and power plants providing relatively low voltage outputs
have been commissioned and again they are connected to large high voltage
networks or loads via transformers.
Transformers of various sizes and ratings are provided to step down voltages
from transmission to distribution levels, e.g. 400 kVj132 kV and further trans-
formers are used to provide the voltage levels used by consumers (e.g. 415 V
(line) for domestic supplies).
Many other transformers, both three-phase and single-phase, are used within
power systems.
The behaviour of transformers and methods of protecting them are examined
in this chapter after the following section in which historical information is
---L..- Auxiliary service
6.2.1 Construction
All transformers whether they be required to step-up or step-down voltage
levels, operate on the principle enunciated by Michael Faraday, namely that
an e.m.f. is induced in a winding when the magnetic flux linking with it
changes, i.e. the well-known relationship:
e=-N dq>/dt (6.1)
By having two windings with different numbers of turns (Np and Ns), both
linking with the same changing flux (q, two different e.m.f.s may be pro-
duced, i.e.
ep = - Np dq>/dt and e s = - Ns dq>/dt.
Physical dimensions
In practice the windings are usually mounted concentrically around a limb of
a core made up of laminations of a magnetic material. Such materials may not
be operated satisfactorily at flux densities above about 1.7-1.8 T. As a result,
cores of large cross-sectional areas and windings with large numbers of turns
are needed in transformers which are to be connected to high voltage trans-
mission networks. This is illustrated below:
Equation (6.1) may be rewritten as e=-NAcdB/dt in which Ac is the
cross-sectional area of a core and B is the flux density in it. For sinusoidal
conditions the flux density must be of the form:
B = Bpk sin (2nft)
allowing an e.mJ. e =- 2nfNAc Bpk cos (2nft) to be produced.
The r.m.s. value of this e.m.f. is:
E = ...J2nfNAc Bpk V
Phase b Phase c
/ /
(a) (b)
/ /
~, ~~ ~,....I J: J:...I
~~ ~~
Phase a
Fig. 6.2 Transfonner constructions. (a) core-type, (b) shell-type and (c) three-phase
transfonner with a three-limb core.
Construction and behaviour of transformers 183
transported from the manufacturer's premises to the sites where they are to be
installed. In such cases, three separate single-phase transformers are produced
and installed.
The windings of three-phase transformers may be connected either in star
or delta, the arrangements adopted in particular applications being governed
by the conditions which will exist in the network in which they are to be used.
It is normal practice for windings which are to operate at very high voltages
to be connected in star. The star points are usually solidly earthed and, as a
result, the voltages to earth at points on the windings increase linearly with
their distances from the star point. This enables the insulation to be graded along
the windings and minimizes the total amount of insulating material needed.
In many applications, lower voltage windings are connected in delta. This
practice is, for example, almost invariably adopted on the transformers directly
connected to the alternators in power stations. The output voltages of the
machines are typically of the order of 25 kV (line) and the machine star points
are earthed. It will be appreciated that no points are at earth potential on
delta-connected windings, the two ends of each phase being at full phase
voltage to earth and the centre points at half that value. This increases the
amount of insulation needed above that required on a star-connected winding
but at relatively low voltage levels the resulting extra cost is not great.
An advantage obtained by having delta-connected low voltage windings on
the step-up transformers is that any third or higher-order triplen harmonic
voltages produced by the alternators are not transmitted to the high voltage
network. A further advantage is that the zero-sequence current components
which will flow in the star-connected, high voltage windings in the event of
an earth fault on the transmission network will be counterbalanced by a
zero-sequence current circulating around the delta-connected, low voltage
windings and no current will flow in the neutral connection of the alternator.
These advantages are considered to be great enough to justify the extra insu-
lation costs referred to above.
Whilst the majority of single-phase and three-phase power transformers are
of the two-winding type, there are applications where the use of other types
may be advantageous. As examples, three-phase auto transformers are used to
interconnect high voltage transmission networks because they are cheaper than
equivalent two-winding transformers and in some cases three-phase, three-
winding transformers connected in star-delta-star are used.
Tapping 3
Tapping 2
Tapping 1
LS1 ~~o--------1--------~
Centre-tapped inductor
Fig. 6.3 Tap-changing arrangement. Note: The situation shown occurs during the
change from tapping 1 to tapping 2.
Tap-changing equipment
. Np
and ls =--. lp
Because the windings of practical transformers possess resistance and in-
ductive reactance, the latter, as a result of fluxes which do not link both
windings, and because there are power losses in cores and also that m.m.f.s
are needed to set up the necessary core fluxes, the above ideal transformations
are not achieved. The actual behaviour that will be obtained during any
particular condition can be determined by using the well-known equivalent
circuit shown in Fig. 6.4(a). The corresponding phasor diagram for steady state
sinusoidal conditions is shown in Fig. 6.4(b).
In steady state, the exciting currents (Ie) are small relative to the rated
currents, this being particularly the case with very large transformers; for
example, values of 1%, i.e. Ie = 0.01 pu, are typical. The equivalent circuit
components Re and Xm therefore have high values.
The series resistors (Rp and Rs) have very low values in highly efficient
transformers but the series inductive reactances (Xp and Xs) are usually signi-
ficant, particularly in large transformers, being made sufficiently large to limit
the currents which will flow during external faults to acceptable levels. It is
\ ill (rad/s)
Fig. 6.4 Equivalent circuit and the steady-state phasor diagram of a two-winding
186 The protection of transformers
Fig. 6.5 Conditions when the output is at unity power factor. Note: The per-unit values
of the phasors are shown.
Excitation-current surges
It has been stated above that many transformers are so designed that symme-
trical flux swings between levels approaching the saturation flux densities of
the core materials are present during steady state operation, to enable their
costs and sizes to be minimized. It must therefore be accepted that saturation
Construction and behaviour of transformers 187
densities will be reached in the cores of such transformers during some normal
and abnormal operating conditions. Particularly severe saturation may occur
in periods after a transformer is connected to a source of supply, the degree
of saturation being dependent on the instant in the supply voltage cycle at
which the transformer is energized.
The flux-density variation (B) which would be required in the core of an
ideal loss-free transformer after energization is given by:
B = -1 - It Vp
V ppk
dt=--- [cosa- cos (rot + a)] + Bres (6.2)
NpAc 0 roNpAc
Vppk 1
roNp Ac + Bres
and eventually become zero. It must be recognized, however, that the rate of
reduction of this component is very low in large transformers with very high
efficiencies and consequently the durations of their exciting-current surges are
long. Figure 6.6(b) shows a typical exciting-current waveform.
The above treatment, which was based for simplicity on a single-phase
transformer, shows that the greatest current surges are experienced when
transformers are energized at an instant when the voltage is zero. The same
situation arises with three-phase transformers but with these there are six
voltage zeros per cycle, i.e. two on each phase, and therefore it is highly likely
that saturation associated with one of the phases will occur. A further factor
which must be recognized is that whilst the fluxes of the three phases will
188 The protection of transformers
2<\1pk ('.ie .,
-----r~/. ., /./-.i,
/ I .,
/ .I \
I . '
\ ,
'-. "
always sum to zero and may therefore circulate in the magnetic material of
the cores of three-limb transformers, the permeabilities of the limbs and yokes
will differ considerably at any given instant. The m.m.f.s provided by the
phase windings must clearly allow the required fluxes to be set up, but it must
be appreciated that the phases are not independent of each other, and as a result
the windings mounted on the limbs with higher permeabilities will contribute
m.m.f.s to supplement that provided by the winding on a deeply-saturated
in which Np and Ns are the numbers of turns in the low voltage and high voltage
windings respectively. In addition, pairs of low voltage and high voltage line
currents are displaced in phase from each other by 5rc/6 or -5rc/6 rad depending
on the connections of the windings. This situation is illustrated in Fig. 6.7(a,b).
Clearly the general relationships which apply under all conditions, except
when core saturation occurs, for the connections and conventions shown in
Fig. 6.7, are:
-+ -+
ipa isa
-+ -+
ipb isb
-+ -+
ipc isc
\00 (rad/s)
-I+--r-,k----- Isa
Fig. 6.7 Conditions in a delta-star connected transformer and the steady-state phasor
Construction and behaviour of transformers 191
ipb = -ifNsINp -
s Np f
-iSbNs1Np = 0
s Ns
isa = 0
ipc = -
s Ns
- -
s Ns f
ipa = 24 NsINp
ipb = - 4Nsl Np
s Ns f
- iSb
ipc= -4NJNp
--2., o~so f
isc= 0
Fig. 6.8 Conditions when faults are present on the secondary side of a delta-star
connected transformer.
0 'TIT' 0
Ns Ip
n 1;
- -
Fig. 6.9 Conditions when an earth fault is present on a winding.
Clearly the current in the healthy winding is more affected by the position
of a fault than that in the faulted winding. As an example, if an earthing
resistor was fitted to permit full-load current (1 pu) to flow for an earth fault
at the end of the winding remote from earth, then a fault current of 0.2 pu
would flow for a fault 20% along the winding (NelNs =0.2) but a current of
only 0.04 pu would flow in the healthy winding.
Obviously much higher currents flow in the event of earth faults on wind-
ings which are solidly earthed. Whilst the resistance of a section of a winding
through which a fault current flows is proportional to the turns affected (Ne),
the leakage reactance does not vary in such a simple manner, tending to vary
with the square of the number of turns affected and also the path through
which the leakage flux passes. The leakage reactance normally exceeds the
resistance and thus has the greater effect on the fault current. When necessary,
information on the variations of fault current and current in the healthy wind-
ing with fault position should be obtained from the transformer manufacturer
so that the suitability of protective schemes may be determined.
Very similar conditions obtain when earth faults occur on earthed star-
connected windings of three-phase transformers. As stated in section 6.2.2
Construction and behaviour of transformers 193
(page 189), equal and opposite currents flow in two of the line connections if
the other winding is connected in delta.
Delta-connected windings which are fed from earthed sources or which feed
earthed loads have no points on them which are at earth potential and therefore
currents will flow in any earth faults which occur on them. Faults at the ends
of the phase windings will normally cause large currents to flow to earth, the
actual levels being dependent on the impedance in the earthing connections
and that of the source or load. The voltage to earth at the mid-point of a phase
winding is normally half the phase voltage and again quite large currents
should flow in the event of a fault in such a position. This fault level, which
is the lowest that may be experienced, during an earth fault on a delta-
connected winding may be calculated in any given case, using the appropriate
system parameters. Little difficulty should be experienced in setting protective
equipment to operate at levels which will detect these faults.
lnterturn faults
Steep-fronted voltage surges propagated along transmission lines to the termi-
nals of transformers may, as explained later in section 6.2.4 (page 197), over-
stress the insulation of the end turns of windings and cause interturn faults.
The low leakage reactances of such groups of faulted turns may permit large
currents to be driven through them by the power frequency e.m.f.s induced in
them. As in the cases considered earlier, the m.m.f. produced in the faulted
turns of a winding must be cancelled by one resulting from a current flowing
through the whole winding. Once again, this current will usually be small, its
magnitude decreasing as the number of faulted turns reduces.
Although the input currents to windings may be small when interturn faults
are present, the current flowing in the fault path will nevertheless be high, as
stated above, and as a result local heating will occur. If the condition were
allowed to persist, further damage to the winding insulation would occur and
a fault to earth would be established. This in turn could cause the core to be
damaged. Clearly, therefore, it is desirable that the presence of interturn faults
should be detected soon after their inception to keep the resultant damage and
the associated repair costs to a minimum.
lnterwinding faults
The windings of small single-phase transformers are usually concentrically
positioned or they may be mounted in several sections adjacent to each other
along the axial length of a limb of the core. Adequate insulation is provided
between the individual windings and therefore faults rarely occur between
them. When they do so, however, quite large currents may flow, because of
the large voltages which may exist between the fault points on the windings.
Interwinding faults may also occur between the windings on one limb of a
three-phase transformer. Very high voltages may be present between points
on the affected windings and therefore large currents could flow in such
circumstances. The likelihood of faults of this type is very low, however,
because there is always much insulating material between the windings, this
including spaces through which oil flows to cool the windings.
Transformers may be operated at currents above their rated values for limited
periods. The power losses in the winding conductors are proportional to the
square of the currents in them and therefore overcurrents cause the tempera-
tures of the conductors to rise to cause extra energy to be dissipated from them
to their surroundings. The rate of rise of temperature tends to be very low,
however, this being particularly so in large transformers and, as a result, low
levels of overloading may be permitted to continue for fairly long periods
without unacceptably high temperatures being reached. The actual periods
allowable are dependent on the designs of the transformers and the operating
conditions prior to overloading. Clearly if a transformer has been lightly
loaded for a long period before it is overloaded then the temperatures of the
parts within it will all be well below the limiting values when overloading
commences and it may then be allowed to continue for a long period before
the temperatures which can be produced under full-load conditions are
reached. If, however, a transformer has been operating at its rated output level
for several hours before it is overloaded then this new condition may only be
allowed to continue for a limited period.
In practice, the permissible operating temperatures and their durations are
dependent on the insulating materials which are used, because their lives are
shortened if they are heated to temperatures above certain levels and indeed
the deterioration is dependent on the periods of operation at high temperatures.
It will be appreciated, therefore, that regular overloading for long periods
will eventually lead to breakdowns within insulation, even at normal voltage
levels and that faults between windings, between turns or to earth may occur
as a result.
Guidance on permissible overloading should be obtained from transformer
manufacturers if it is not included in the original specification documents.
Overvoltage operation
When a transformer is operated in steady state at its rated frequency the flux
density in its core is proportional to the e.m.f.s which must be induced in its
windings and therefore to the voltages at its terminals.
Overvoltage operation of a transformer, because of the greater flux density
swings associated with it, causes increased eddy-current and hysteresis power
losses in the core material and therefore in tum it causes the temperatures of
the core and other parts to reach above normal levels. In addition, the winding
196 The protection of transformers
currents may also be increased by the overvoltages and certainly in large
transformers, which operate over large flux ranges during normal conditions,
the exciting currents will be relatively high and distorted because of the
measure of saturation which will be caused. In addition, flux may be diverted
away from the saturated sections of cores into iron paths in which the flux
densities are normally very low. For example, core clamping-bolts, around
which insulation is provided to ensure that the core laminations are isolated
from each other, have low flux densities in them under normal conditions
because of the high reluctance presented by the insulation. When core satura-
tion is present, however, the flux densities in the bolts may be much higher
leading to large power losses and heating in the bolts. If this condition was
allowed to persist, the bolt insulation could be damaged to such an extent that
currents might flow between the core laminations during subsequent normal
operation causing further overheating which could damage the windings.
Mechanical failures
Many transfonners are mounted in oil-filled tanks, the oil being needed to
maintain the insulating materials in good condition and also to conduct heat
from the windings. In large transfonners the oil usually circulates through
air-cooled radiator pipes and in many cases the circulation rate is raised to the
necessary level by pumps.
Clearly a reduction of the effectiveness of the cooling caused by the block-
age of pipes by sludge or by a pump failure would not affect the transfonner
perfonnance immediately but it would lead eventually to unacceptable heating
and damage to insulation.
198 The protection of transformers
Similar unacceptable conditions would arise if oil leaked, for example, from
a faulty drain valve.
Np sNppf
To reduce the number of current transformers and relays required and also
provide more complete protection, a modified form of differential protection
is used in transformer applications, the principle employed being of m.m.f. or
ampere-turn balance. The basic scheme and factors which must be taken into
account when applying it to a single-phase transformer are examined in detail
below and then its application to three-phase transformers is considered in
later sections.
The basic scheme, as indicated above, employs two current transformers with
their primary windings in series with the primary and secondary windings of
the protected transformer as shown in Fig. 6.12. The current transformer ratios
must be related as follows:
Settings Relays must have a minimum operating current which will ensure
that faults on most of each of the windings will be detected. Clearly the
percentages of the windings protected in the event of earth faults is dependent
on the method of earthing. When solid earthing is employed very high per-
centages are protected by a relay with a setting of 20%, i.e. 0.2 A when current
transformers with 1 A secondary ratings are used. It was shown, however, in
section 6.2.3 (page 191), that should an earthing resistor be used, which would
allow rated current to flow for an earth fault at the high voltage end of a
winding, then a fault at a point 20% along the winding from its earthed end
would cause a current of only 0.04 pu to flow in the other (healthy) winding.
As a result a relay setting of 4% (0.04 pu) would be required to ensure that
faults on 80% of the earthed winding would be detected.
Biassing windings
- -
I s i
Current ip I
s Current
transformer Npp I Nsp transformer
f I f
L _______ J
a current of 0.15 pu will flow in the relay, i.e. 0.15 A when current trans-
formers with secondary ratings of 1 A are used. In such circumstances, a 20%
relay setting (0.2 A) would not provide a significant margin to allow for other
possible mismatching.
Whilst higher relay settings could be used, this would have the serious
disadvantage of increasing the amount of the windings on which earth faults
would not be detected. The alternative of using higher amounts of percentage
bias is preferable.
s of~ f
Is Np f
00_0 -
s Ns isb
r--ooo f - s o~sf f b
sOoo f
-is-;;!;Np - 000
s Nss
t nSisb
* npipb N ipc N
s off f - s OODp - f
N isc
S f- ~SfJ-o c
~ooo s
~ ~rps f -isJ!jNp
5 Nsso f t
+ npipc
i=O+Y Y yRelays
. Nsp Ns Npp
Nss Np Nps
Note: The above assumes that the power transformer and the current transformers are
and the interconnections between the two groups of current transformers must
be as shown in Fig. 6.13.
The relays should be set as sensitively as possible whilst ensuring that they
will not operate during healthy conditions including exciting-current surges or
when faults are present at points external to the protected zone. To enable this
208 The protection of transformers
objective to be achieved, both percentage and harmonic or other biasing must
be employed.
Operation of one or more of the relays should be obtained for all types of
faults on the delta-connected winding, for interwinding faults, and for inter-
phase and earth faults on a high percentage of the star-connected windings.
A factor which must be recognized when a transformer has a delta-
connected winding is that zero-sequence currents and triplen harmonic
currents may circulate around it. In these circumstances third harmonic com-
ponents in exciting current surges may be confined to a delta-connected wind-
ing and not be present in the current transformers included in the input and
output line connections to a star-delta connected transformer. As a result, no
third harmonic components can be derived for biasing purposes.
r-:---...---I S Ns
s f s
s f
- Summation
m.m.f. balance transformer ~ Restricted
1-------, t.c=]J earth-fault
Fig. 6.15 Combined m.mJ. balance and restricted earth fault protective scheme ap-
plied to a delta-star connected power transformer. Note: For simplicity only one m.m.f.
balance relay is shown.
Protective schemes and devices 211
schemes from the same line current transformers. As a result, the number of
current transformers may be reduced from ten to seven. One arrangement
which is commonly adopted to achieve this reduction when protecting a three-
phase, delta/star connected power transformer is shown in Fig. 6.15, from
which it will be seen that an auxiliary summation current transformer is
included to supply the operating winding of the earth fault relay. Clearly the
summation transformer and the other current transformers must be so designed
that the necessary current balances will be achieved in both protective schemes
unless faults are present within the protected zone.
._ m~'nn
Gas detector (a)
- --
Trip contacts
- --
Surge detector
Normal condition Alarm condition
In addition, an alarm would be given if the oil level fell below that of the
Buchholz relay as a result of a small leakage from the main tank.
Buchholz relays are provided with valves or cocks to allow samples of gas
collected in them to be analysed. This is a valuable feature because it allows
the cause of gas generation to be determined and may assist in determining
the remedial action which is needed. As examples, the presence of H2 and
C2H2 indicates arcing in oil between constructional parts and the presence of
H2, C2~' CO2 and C3H6 indicates a hot spot in a winding.
Major winding faults, either to earth or between phases or windings, invol-
ving severe arcing, cause the rapid production of large volumes of gas and oil
vapour which cannot escape. They therefore produce a steep build up of
pressure and displace oil, setting up a rapid flow towards the conservator. Such
flows cause either a vane or a second bucket or float in a Buchholz relay to
move and close contacts which initiate the tripping of the appropriate circuit-
breakers. Whilst such relays do not operate as rapidly as those in current-dif-
ferential schemes, they nevertheless operate much more quickly than IDMT
relays, and they therefore provide a very satisfactory back-up feature.
The physical size and the settings of a Buchholz relay are clearly dependent
on the transformer to which it is to be fitted. Firstly, it must be suitable for
mounting in the pipe between the main tank and the conservator of the trans-
former. Secondly, it must be set to provide an alarm when a particular volume
of gas has been collected and thirdly it must initiate circuit-breaker tripping
when the oil velocity exceeds a particular value. These values tend to increase
with the ratings of transformers, typical values being shown in Table 6.1.
A number of factors have to be taken into account when selecting the
settings of Buchholz relays, in particular the oil-velocity setting must be high
enough to ensure that relay operation will not occur as a result of pressure
surges which may be produced when oil-circulating pumps are started. This
and other factors are considered in more detail in reference [11].
It is now European practice to provide Buchholz protection on all trans-
formers fitted with conservators and suitable relays are either recommended
Table 6.1
Transformer rating Pipe diameter Alarm Volume of gas Trip min. oil velocity
MVA (in) (em3) (em/s)
up to 1 110 70-130
1-10 2 200 25-140
>10 3 250 90-160
216 The protection of transformers
Power transformer
fo fo fo
s S S
Ne Ne Ne
f f f
Earthing transformer
s s s
t. hio
(b) (c)
When an earth fault occurs on the low voltage circuit, positive- and nega-
tive-sequence current components are fed by the power transformer and the
fault current, which is equal to the sum of the zero-sequence currents, flows
into the neutral ofthe earthing transformers as shown in Fig. 6.19(c). Because
of the distributions of the currents in the windings, no resultant m.m.f.s are
produced by the currents and therefore no zero-sequence fluxes or e.m.f.s are
produced. As a result, the earthing transformer effectively presents zero reac-
tance to the earth fault current.
"___ la_= 3/0 s Nsp f
, 0UUU~-------oa
s Nss f
Ib=O I NSPfl
~----~----r----~~=~O---rI~~11 oc
... ...~
N N N N Io'
10' = ~ 10 and ~ = _s .--.P.
Nss Nss Np Nps
transformers - 10~l/o~1
2 /0'
Fig. 6.20 (a) Arrangements of current-differential protective schemes when an earth-
ing transformer is present. To simplify the diagrams. only one phase of the current-
differential relays is shown.
Auto transformers and their protection 219
An earthing transformer, when it is mounted near a power transformer, may
be included in the zone of a current-differential protective scheme. When this
is done, the sum of the three zero-sequence current components flowing to an
earth fault on the distribution network through the line current transformers
will return up the neutral connection of the earthing transformer. To ensure
that these components will not cause imbalance an extra current transformer
must be included in the neutral connection of the earthing transformer. This
transformer may have the same ratio as the line current transformers on the
delta-connected side of the power transformer, in which case its secondary
winding must feed three auxiliary current transformers with a step-down ratio
of 3 to 1 to provide the appropriate zero-sequence currents to balance with
those in secondary windings of the line current transformers. This arrangement
is shown in Fig. 6.20(a).
An alternative arrangement, which may be adopted when the current-dif-
ferential protection applied to a transformer is not combined with restricted
earth fault protection, filters out the zero-sequence components present in the
secondary windings of the line current transformers on the delta-connected
side of a power transformer by including a three-phase, star-delta-star-con-
nected interposing transformer, as shown in Fig. 6.20(b).
Should an earthing transformer be mounted at some distance from a power
transformer or if it is felt desirable to exclude it from the zone of the current-
differential scheme protecting a power transformer, it must be provided with
its own protection. Because of its relatively low rating, the use of a separate
current-differential scheme is not justifiable. A relatively simple scheme
which is used in these applications employs three current transformers whose
primary windings are connected in the lines between the network and the
earthing transformer, as shown in Fig. 6.21. The secondary windings, being
connected in delta, allow the zero-sequence currents which are present when
there are earth faults on the network to circulate around them and do not cause
currents to flow in the relays during these conditions. The relays may therefore
be given relatively low current settings, which enables operation to be ob-
tained for most of the faults which may occur within the earthing transformer.
IDMT overcurrent relays are usually employed in these applications because
rapid operation is not necessary unless fault current levels are very high.
~. , I~;..UL ob
Interposing rl ~ rl
,,,,",,,,,me, ~
Current differential N
r..::..:-_-. - -=..::. 1
Current N.
transformers ~ Relays
Earthing transformer
Ne Ne
f f
ageous to use auto transfonners. This can be seen by comparing the ideal auto
and two-winding transfonners, shown in Fig. 6.22, which both provide a
step-down ratio of 2: 1. The auto transfonner has a total of Np turns of
conductor capable of carrying a current of I p, whereas the two-winding trans-
former has a primary winding of Np turns which must carry a current of Ip and
also a secondary winding of Np /2 turns which must carry a current of 2Ip. The
volume of conductor needed for the auto transformer in this case would be
half that needed for the two-winding transfonner and the power loss in the
auto transformer would also be half that in the two-winding transfonner. The
advantages of the auto transformer clearly increase as the required transfonner
ratio reduces towards unity but decrease as it rises above two.
(a) (b)
Current N.
transformers PP
Auto N. ~----~~~~-+~C
transformer P f N. s
windings PP
1. BS171 Power Transformers, Parts 1 to 5: 1978, British Standards Institution
(equivalent to IEC 76: 1976).
2. Kennedy, L. F. and Hayward, C. D. (1938) Harmonic restrained relays for dif-
ferential protection, Trans. AlEE, 57, 262-271.
3. Hayward, C. D. (1941) Prolonged inrush current with parallel transformers affect
differential relays, Trans. AlEE, 60, 1096-1101.
Further reading 225
IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, PD3, 525-533.
GEC Measurements, Transformer protection, Publication R-4025.
Murty, Y. V. V. S. and Smolinski, W. J. (1988) Design and implementation of a digital
differential relay for a three-phase power transformer based on Kalman filtering
The protection of rotating machines
7.2.1 Fuses
The operation of fuselinks results from the heating of their elements to their
melting temperatures and they therefore have operating time/current charac-
teristics similar in form to the withstand time/current characteristics of ma-
chines. Cartridge fuselinks are therefore an inherently suitable form of
protection for small and medium-sized machines. As a result, many are pro-
duced annually for this purpose and a vast number must now be in use around
the world.
For some applications, standard cartridge fuselinks are suitable, indeed
domestic fuses with current ratings of 13 A or less are used to protect motors
fitted in the many appliances present in homes and other buildings.
For other applications, special motor-protection fuselinks are produced with
voltage and current ratings up to 11 kV and 1000 A respectively. These fuse-
links, which have special elements to enable them to cope with the current
surges which will flow through them when the motors they are protecting are
started, are described in section 1.9.8 (page 29).
Current Current
Interturn Interturn
transformers i i transformers
sNpf p~B fault Np ip~B fault
11 11
CT Protected \
s Np f
I Current balance
L.-____........- . J I relay
____ J
Fig. 7.1 Current balance arrangements. (a) iR * 0 when ipA * ipB. (b) Relay does not
balance when ipA ipB.
Protective devices and schemes 233
tively, a current-balance relay with two windings energized from the two
current transformers as shown in Fig. 7.I(b) would be unbalanced as a result
of an interturn fault.
If a winding had three parallel paths (1, 2 and 3) then two current-balance
relays would be needed to compare the currents in, say, paths 1 and 2 and 1
and 3 respectively.
Many motors must be provided with control equipment to ensure that the
correct starting sequences are used. As examples, the main windings of three-
phase motors may be connected in star during starting periods and then con-
nected in delta when the speeds are approaching the running value or resistors
may be connected in either the stator or rotor winding circuits during starting.
This equipment, which is often supplied by the manufacturers of machines, is
usually housed in a cabinet or case which is mounted near to the machine it
controls. In these situations protective equipment, such as overcurrent and
field-failure relays, is often also housed with the control equipment.
It will be clear from the above that there is a range of relays and schemes
available for protecting machines and whilst only one device, such as a fuse,
may provide sufficient cover for a small machine, a combination of devices
234 The protection of rotating machines
and/or schemes is usually needed to protect a large machine. Guidance on the
practices currently adopted is provided in the following sections.
Stator-winding insulation
All insulating materials deteriorate with age and the speed of this process
increases with the temperature of the insulation. As a result prolonged opera-
tion at high temperature is undesirable. In the case of a motor, heat is generated
as a result of the power loss in the stator windings. Clearly the flow of high
currents for short periods produces relatively small amounts of energy and
only small temperature rises because of the mass of the conductors being
heated. Such conditions, which can occur during starting, can therefore be
accepted. On the other hand, currents above the rated level flowing for long
periods because of overloading can cause the insulation to reach high tempera-
tures which will be maintained until the overloading ceases. Such conditions,
especially if repeated regularly, will significantly damage the insulation,
which could then break down.
The temperature levels at which insulation may be operated safely are
dependent on the insulants being used. The motor industry has established
standards, those associated with induction motors being given in NEMA
MGI-1987 [3].
It will be appreciated that the withstand time/current curve for any motor is
inverse and protective equipment must ensure that the limits are not exceeded.
As stated earlier, unacceptably high-temperature levels may be reached in
the stator of a machine due to defects in the ventilating system, such as
blocked ducts or a faulty fan, and these could arise even though the current
levels were at rated values or less. It is therefore desirable that stator windings
be protected by three-phase overcurrent relays and thermal devices.
Guidance on suitable relay settings is provided in manufacturers' literature
and standards such as ANSI/NFPA 70-1987 [4]. Depending on the design and
duty of a motor, its relay should initiate tripping at currents in the range
115-125% of the rated value of the motor. These relays may have either
thermal elements or induction-type movements.
Relatively small machines operating at voltage levels such as 415 V (line)
and currents up to 20 A may incorporate thermal protectors containing bimetal
elements. These are capable of directly interrupting currents somewhat above
the rated values of their motors when overheating occurs. Larger machines
incorporate temperature detectors embedded in their stators. These detectors,
forms of which were described in section 7.2.3, initiate the opening of their
motor circuit-breakers when necessary.
236 The protection of rotating machines
Faults on stator windings
Conditions which may affect the insulation of the stator windings of induction
motors have been considered and protective arrangements, which may be used
to try to ensure that consequential damage will not result from them, have been
examined. Nevertheless, breakdowns of the insulation of stator windings,
although not common, are experienced and these can be quite serious in
machines operating at relatively high voltages. It is desirable that they should
be cleared quickly and for this reason current-differential protective schemes
are applied to large machines.
As explained in section 5.2.5 (page 154), these schemes may be set to detect
fault currents of magnitudes much lower than the rated current of the protected
equipment. They do not operate if faults occur external to their zone or when
high currents are flowing as a result of overloading and they must therefore
be used in conjunction with overcurrent protective relays.
The application of current-differential schemes to three-phase motors is
clearly affected by the connections of the stator windings, i.e. star or delta.
Star-connected windings may be protected using the arrangement shown in
Fig. 7.2(a). All six current transformers, which will have the same ratios,
should ideally be produced by the same manufacturer and have identical
characteristics. The three transformers on the supply side of the machine
should be mounted on the incoming connections to the switchgear so that the
motor supply cables and the stator windings are in the protected zone and the
other three transformers should be mounted in the machine as near as possible
to the neutral or star-point connection.
The protection of delta-connected windings is not so simple and in practice
several arrangements are used. Six current transformers may be connected as
shown in Fig. 7.2(b) and (c). With the arrangement shown in Fig. 7.2(b) the
six transformers have the same ratios and should ideally be identical. Each
phase winding of the motor is protected by its group of two transformers and
relay, but no protection is provided for the supply cables to the motor or the
connections between the phase windings of the stator.
With the arrangement shown in Fig. 7.2(c), three current transformers are
mounted in the supply circuit to the motor on the incoming side of the switch-
gear. Their secondary windings are connected in star. The other three trans-
formers are connected in the phases of the stator windings with their secondary
windings connected in delta. All the current transformers have the same step-
down ratio and the secondary output current of each of the transformers in the
supply circuits balances with the difference of the output currents of two of
the transformers mounted in the motor under healthy conditions, e.g.
lR2 = Np/Ns(Ja - lab + lea). This arrangement has the advantage that the protected
zone includes the supply cables and switchgear, but the achievement of the
necessary balance is more difficult than with the scheme shown in Fig. 7.2(b)
because the current transformers in each balancing group will normally be
Bias winding~ -1 Operating winding
Current Current
.... ....
transformers Motor transfDmlers
s ~f s ~ f ~
'N. f
I s'N; f
s \
- ~
I \
s~ f
S f
s N. f I
5 Ns f
S..~f ~
\ I f
Bias ,~Clt / / '"
~ Windi~~__ ~
operati '
winding-1- __ etay
,,,-~ ,
~ __ __ 1
(a) (b)
Np f
N. f
N" f
_ _ _ _ _1
Motor { Retay
Stator Rotor
:::3 t--'TIO'-~+-f
windings windings
s s
Fig. 7.3 The detection of rotor flashovers.
The protection of motors 239
Failure to start
An induction motor may fail to start for several reasons including those below:
1. A mechanical fault such as a seized bearing.
2. Excessive load torque.
3. A low supply voltage.
4. An open circuit in a winding.
When a motor is started, the motor is stationary initially and its windings
are cut by the rotating magnetic field set up by the stator. A large e.m.f. of
the same frequency as that of the voltage supplied to the stator is induced in
the rotor, the action being the same as that in a transformer, i.e.
Ns Ns
Es=-Ep=-- Vp
Np Np
in which Np and Ns are the turns in the stator and rotor windings respectively,
Ep and Es are the induced e.mJ.s in the stator and rotor windings and Vp is the
supply voltage. Relatively large currents (/p and Is) flow in the stator and rotor
windings, their relationship being given by:
Is =- Ns Ip
The actual current values in any given application are dependent on the
arrangements used to start the motor, such as star connection of the stator
during starting and delta connection for running, or the progressive removal
of resistance included in the rotor circuit during accelerating periods. In all
cases, the initial current levels are significantly above the rated current, multiples
of three to seven being common. If a motor does not accelerate from standstill
for any reason, these above normal currents will persist and cause unaccept-
able heating. This situation is also aggravated by the fact that the cooling
effect produced by the rotation of the rotor is not provided.
It will be evident that these stalled conditions can be detected by a relay
which operates when the initial motor starting current persists for more than
a certain time. This time must be great enough to allow normal starting to take
place but it must, in addition, be short enough to ensure that conductors and
insulation do not suffer consequential damage. Alternatively, or in addition,
the condition may be detected by thermal devices set in the stator and/or in
the proximity of the rotor and these can initiate the disconnection of the
machine before unacceptable temperature rises are produced. In practice, the
stator of a machine may reach its limiting temperature before its rotor, during
locked-rotor conditions. This is designated stator limiting and thermal devices
should clearly be embedded in the stator of such a machine.
It is necessary that the time for which a motor can remain connected to its
supply with its rotor locked be determined from its manufacturers, to enable
240 The protection of rotating machines
the necessary time delays associated with overcurrent and thermal devices to
be selected. In cases when the permissible locked-rotor time is shorter than
the normal acceleration time, shaft speed sensors may be used to detect this
Unbalanced operation
Unbalanced operation may occur in several ways. The supply voltages may
be unbalanced and in these circumstances they will contain significant nega-
tive- and zero-sequence components. An extreme condition could occur if one
phase of the supply became open circuited, as shown in Fig. 7.4.
The application of negative-sequence voltages to a motor causes a magnetic
field to be set up rotating in the opposite direction to that set up by the
positive-sequence voltages. As is well known, such a field induces very large
e.m.f.s in the rotor windings of a machine rotating in its normal direction and
consequently large negative-sequence currents flow in both the stator and rotor
windings. In addition, e.mJ.s of nearly double the supply frequency are in-
duced in the magnetic material of the rotor. These conditions can cause quite
rapid heating of machines even though the total input currents are not very
high and, because of this, the operating times of overcurrent relays may be
too long to afford the necessary protection.
i /,...-,
a o~
(000 ..
4, I
b - \
ic \
" .... _ / I
Fig. 7.4 Operation with one phase on open circuit. ia =0, ib =- ie, Iil.1 = Iilb I =
The protection of motors 241
Similar unbalanced effects can be produced by faults such as short-circuited
turns in a winding. In such cases, negative-sequence currents flow because of
physical unbalance and will do so even though the supply voltages to the
machine are balanced.
It is evident that the above conditions cannot all be detected by fitting relays
which detect the negative-sequence components in the supply voltages to
machines and therefore relays which monitor the stator-winding currents and
detect the negative-sequence components in them should be used. Because the
damage which results from unbalanced operation is caused by overheating,
the period for which unbalance may be allowed to persist is dependent on the
magnitude of the negative-sequence current in the windings, the relationship
clearly being inverse. To ensure that relays with suitable time/current charac-
teristics are chosen for particular applications, it is necessary that the appro-
priate withstand-abilities of motors are obtained from the manufacturers.
I starting
Locked rotor
Fig. 7.5 Withstand time/current curves used in the coordination of protective equipment.
A further requirement is that the relays must not operate during normal
starting periods. This latter requirement must always be achievable because
motors must be so designed that they will not be damaged as a result of
carrying their starting currents for the periods associated with load torques up
to the rated values.
Thermal relays are particularly suitable for protecting motors because their
operation is caused by heating and therefore their operating time/current char-
acteristics tend to be similar in form to the withstand time/current charac-
teristics of motors. When using such relays, it can be advantageous to omit
compensation for ambient temperature variations because the times for which
motors can withstand particular overcurrents are affected by the temperature
of their surroundings, as also are the operating times of uncompensated relays.
It can also be advantageous to omit instantaneous-reset features as relay
operation is then dependent on the current levels over a significant period and
because of this a motor could be prevented from making several normal starts
in a short period, a condition which cannot normally be allowed because of
the progressively higher temperatures it would produce in a motor. Clearly, a
relay which reset instantaneously would not provide the necessary protection
in these circumstances because each motor start would be sensed inde-
pendently and allowed to take place.
A typical arrangement of the protective equipment applied to an induction
motor is shown in Fig. 7.6.
In the past such arrangements were implemented by providing separate
relays to operate for each of the various forms of protection being applied, i.e.
inverse-time overcurrent, instantaneous overcurrent, etc. Whilst this practice
is still adopted today, electronic relays, which process information and are
capable of performing several functions simultaneously, are being produced
[5]. As a result, although the same forms of protection are being applied to
motors, the number of separate relay units is reducing.
244 The protection of rotating machines
Undervoltage relay 27
Iinverse overcurrent 1511
Unbalanced current 46
Loss of synchronism
Non-synchronous running, which is clearly unacceptable, may be caused by
the factors considered below.
I ,E
- - --
,, /
temporarily exceeds the input power and the rotor decelerates for a period. As
a result, the phases of the rotor e.mJ.s fall further behind those of the supply
voltages, causing the input currents and power to rise until equilibrium is
established and synchronous running is re-established. Such a condition is
shown in Fig. 7.7 (b). At a particular load, which causes the phases of the stator
e.m.f.s to be about n/2 radians behind those of the supply voltages, the limit
of synchronous running is reached and any further increase in load will cause
the motor to fall out of step. In these circumstances, slip-frequency e.m.f.s are
induced in the rotor winding and the deceleration of the rotor increases. The
stator-winding currents vary as shown in Fig. 7.8 and when the rotor reaches
standstill they are very high, the conditions being similar to those in a stalled
induction motor. As the conditions during deceleration cannot be allowed to
persist, it is necessary that they be detected so that the motor can be discon-
nected from its supply.
1 I-
o IV V~ v
-1 I-
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Time (s)
Synchronous motors, as shown above, can only run satisfactorily at synchron-
ous speed and arrangements must be provided to enable them to be started.
One arrangement employs a small starting motor, often called a pony motor,
which is coupled to the synchronous machine. During starts the synchronous
motor is not connected to its supply and provides no driving power. The pony
motor therefore provides the torque to accelerate the combination up to syn-
chronous speed. When this speed is reached and the stator-winding e.mJ.s of
the synchronous motor are close enough in magnitude and phase to the volt-
ages of the supply sytem, it is connected to its supply. It is subsequently
controlled to provide the required output. The stator-winding currents of the
synchronous motor should not be abnormal during this process and should not
affect the protective equipment. The pony motor must of course be provided
with its own protective equipment.
The protection of motors 247
An alternative starting method which is often adopted is to run up a motor
in the induction-motor mode, special rotor windings being provided for the
purpose, or alternatively the normal rotor windings may be short-circuited.
When the speed has almost reached the synchronous value either the extra
windings are open-circuited and the normal rotor winding is energized with
direct current or the short-circuit is removed from the normal rotor winding
and then it is fed with direct current. In either case, the motor will pull into
step and run synchronously. During such starts, a large current surge flows
initially as the motor accelerates from standstill, this surge clearly being of
the form associated with normal induction motors and then a second smaller
current surge flows as the machine is pulled into the synchronous mode.
In recent years, developments in the field of power electronics have enabled
power-supply units with variable frequency outputs to be produced. Such
units, with relatively low power outputs, are now being used to supply some
synchronous motors during starting periods. The frequency output of a unit is
increased gradually in a controlled way until the motor supplied by it is
running at its synchronous speed and thereafter the motor is disconnected from
the supply unit and connected to the main power-supply network.
In such cases, no high current surges should flow in the motors during
starting periods.
d.c. supply
Rotor winding
Slip rings
s Np f
c;J Relay
Power Synchronous-motor
supply field winding
centre, unbalance will occur causing one lamp to be brighter than the other,
because of the unequal voltages across them. As an alternative, the lamps may
be replaced by two equal resistors and a voltmeter may be connected from
their junction to earth.
Should it be considered desirable to disconnect a motor in the event of a
single earth fault on its rotor winding then the second arrangement described
above may be used, a voltage-operated relay being included rather than a
voltmeter. This scheme has the slight disadvantage, already referred to, that
operation cannot be obtained for faults near the mid-point of a winding.
Alternative schemes have been developed to eliminate this limitation. One
simple arrangement, shown in Fig. 7.11, includes a varistor in series with one
of a pair of divider resistors. Again there is a point on the field winding at
which an earth fault would not cause the relay to operate. Should the supply
voltage subsequently change, however, the fault would then be detected, be-
cause the varistor resistance would have altered and the fault would not then
be at the point on the rotor winding at which operation would not now be
obtained. These and other possible arrangements are discussed later in section
Power Synchronous-motor
supply field winding
supply .....-_ _-, Field
Field winding
Normal operation
Alternating e.m.f.s are induced in the conductors of an armature winding as
they rotate in the constant magnetic field set up by m.mJ.s provided by the
field windings. As a result of the commutator action, a direct e.m.f. is effect-
ively present between the brushes, its magnitude being dependent on the
current in the field windings.
This so-called back e.m.f. is almost equal to the applied voltage in a well-
designed machine. As a result, the speed of a shunt-connected machine with
a fixed field current remains almost constant for all normal loads. Lowering
of the field current causes such a machine to run at a higher speed, so that the
necessary back e.m.f. can be produced.
The field currents of series-connected machines cannot be separately ad-
justed and they are governed by the mechanical load applied to them, because
the greater the load, the greater the motor current. Increase of load therefore
increases the field and for a constant e.mJ. to be produced the machine speed
must fall.
Compounding enables intermediate load speed characteristics to be obtained.
More detailed information on the normal behaviour of these machines may
be obtained from reference [10].
Undervoltage operation A motor operating at its rated load will run at re-
duced speed and draw currents above the rated value if the supply voltage is
below its normal level. Such a condition clearly may not be allowed to persist.
D.C. circuit
1----1 breaker
Three-phase ~ ~Converterl
supply - IXI ____ 1 1
[ x~
~ r--~~~~I 1
A.C. circuit ~ ____ 1
breaker or
D.C. link
a b c
AlternatorI ..-
windings " ..- /
Inadequate excitation
The output of an alternator connected to busbars is dependent on its excitation
and the power supplied by its prime mover. For a given power input the power
output per phase must be almost constant, i.e. I cos q> must be almost constant
and therefore the current locus may be taken to be a straight line vertical to
the phase voltage (V), as shown in Fig. 7.16. With relatively weak excitation,
the phase e.m.f. (E) is lower than the terminal voltage (V) and as a result the
machine operates at a leading power factor. As the excitation is varied, the
locus of the e.m.f. must be the straight line shown in Fig. 7.16. It is evident
that synchronous running will not be maintained if the excitation is reduced
below that required to produce the limiting e.m.f. (Ed at point A on the locus.
Such situations should not normally occur, but they could arise because of
faults in exciters or excitation circuits.
Asynchronous operation
Insufficient excitation considered above can lead to a machine running at a
constant speed, above the synchronous value as an induction generator, the
Locus of current tip I
/ -
Locus of e.m.f. E
I X COS!P1 =const.
Fig. 7.16 The operation of an alternator. (Note: The resistances (R) of the windings
of alternators are very much lower than the inductive reactances (X) and they have
been neglected in the figure. In practice the locus of E slopes slightly from the vertical.
Two operating conditions are shown, designated by the suffixes 1 and 2.
The protection of alternators 259
main field then being produced by the reactive components of the stator-wind-
ing currents. In this mode, e.mJ.s are induced in the rotor core, and in the
damper bars and the slot wedges, causing significant heating. Such operation
cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely, the permissible periods being of
the order of a few minutes. The precise withstand times, which are dependent
on the machine design, should be obtained if necessary from the machine
An alternator with a healthy excitation system may also fall out of step and
operate asynchronously because of faults on the network being supplied by it.
For example, an interphase fault on a transmission line may cause the terminal
voltages of a machine to be depressed and the power transferred to the loads
may then be severely affected. As a result of the e.m.f. phasors moving relative
to the terminal voltages, the magnitudes and phases of the stator-winding
currents may vary widely and unacceptably. The machine may not return to
synchronous operation when the fault has been cleared, in which event it must
be disconnected and then reconnected after completion of the synchronizing
Unbalanced loading
In the case of motors, unbalanced operation only normally occurs if the supply
voltages are unbalanced, whereas with alternators it is normally caused by
unbalanced loading of the network supplied by the machine or by faults.
An alternator, like a synchronous motor, overheats quite rapidly if it carries
even relatively low currents of negative sequence, because such currents set
up a magnetic field rotating in the opposite direction to that of the rotor. They
therefore induce significant e.m.f.s at double the operating frequency in both
the rotor core and winding.
The amount of negative-sequence current which a machine can carry de-
pends on its construction and factors such as the cooling methods it employs.
Because unbalanced loading may continue for long periods, machines are
assigned continuous negative-sequence ratings which are expressed as per-
centages of their continuous ratings. These values, which should be obtained
from machine manufacturers when selecting protective schemes, are typically
in the range from 10% to 15% for turbine-driven alternators with cylindrical
During fault conditions, large negative-sequence currents may be provided
by an alternator. As examples, an interphase fault current, say phase a to phase
b, has a negative-sequence component with a magnitude of 57.7% of that of
the fault current and a single-phase to earth fault has a negative-sequence
component equal to one third of the fault current. The magnitudes of these
component currents, which can be quite large, may be calculated using the
sequence impedances of machines which are to be protected.
Type Continuous
Type and Curve Ilt
cooling medium
lit rating
number value
machine % F.L.C.
Turbo Direct
alternator hydrogen 1 10 7
30 Ib I in 2
Turbo Conventional
alternator hydrogen 2 15 12
30 Ib I in 2
Turbo Conventional
alternator hydrogen 3 15 15
Turbo Conventional
alternator air or hydro~en 4 15 20
0.51b I in
salient pole Conventional 5 40 60
machine air
CD 10
E 8
1.0 5
Fig. 7.17 Typical negative sequence current withstand levels of alternators with dif-
ferent forms of cooling. (Reproduced from Protective Relays - Application Guide, 3rd
edn, GEC Measurements, 1987 with the permission of GEC Alsthom Protection and
Control Ltd).
The protection of alternators 261
Because fault durations are short, it may be assumed that little heat is lost
by a machine while they are present. In addition, it is the heating caused
by these currents which may cause damage and therefore it is the input
energy which must be limited. As a result, the time integral of the square of
the negative-sequence current must be kept below a particular value, i.e.
Is2 t ~ constant. A typical withstand time/current characteristic for a hydrogen-
cooled machine is shown in Fig. 7.17.
Mechanical equipment
Current Current
transformers Alternator transformers
N. windings N. Busbars
.-...!.OO~ f 000
s oo~ f
rg 0N.s0 f ~
S Ns f
F- - N.
!. oo~ f
s 0N.0 f
s oo~ f
sO/./s f
N. N.
!. oo~ f 000
s oo~ f
s 0N.0 f 0.00 f
s windi~g~_ -:, s Ns
000 ,
Operating' 000
, 000
000 :1
L __ J
, r~ ,
000 000 ,
L __ iO
~ __ J
E 20
CD Trip
~::J 10
,::10 Non-trip
a. o 2 4 6
Per unit through current
Alternator stator
Current ~--~~---------------oc
~ Earth-fault
r-;---..,..._-I S Ns
Fig. 7.21 The protection of an alternator and its associated transfonners (the relay for
one phase only is shown).
To obtain balance Npp = Np Nsp = Nup Nusp
Nps Ns Nss Nus N uss '
266 The protection of rotating machines
effected in each phase, during healthy conditions, between the outputs of three
transformers of different designs and ratios. For the rated values in the
example shown in Fig. 7.21, the current transformers associated with the
alternator, main and unit transformers could have ratios of 5000/5, 500/5/...J3
and 10 000/5/...J3 respectively and it will be noted that they must be connected
in star and delta configurations to allow for the connections of main and unit
transformers. This situation is clearly similar to that examined in section 6.3.2
(page 198) of the previous chapter except that in the case of power transformer
protection there are normally only two sets of balancing current transformers.
As in those applications, either biased or high-impedance relays may be used
in schemes protecting alternator-transformer units and, because of the import-
ance of these units, it is vital that their protective schemes should perform
correctly at all times.
It is essential, first, that the settings of the relays should be such that they
will not operate in the event of faults on the networks connected to the
secondary (output) windings of the main and unit transformers. To enable this
to be achieved, fault calculations should be done to determine the most ex-
treme conditions which might occur. It should be recognized that the current
transformers in the balancing groups will normally all be operating at different
points on their excitation characteristics at each instant and therefore their
transformation errors will not balance out. If high-impedance relays are to be
used, their settings should be determined assuming that the core of one trans-
former will be continually saturated during external faults while the others are
producing their ideal secondary currents.
Having selected the relay settings, the percentages of the various windings
on which earth faults will not cause relay operation should be determined, in
a similar way to that described above, to ascertain that they are sufficiently
low to be acceptable.
Similar checks should be made if biased relays are to be used, to determine
that the optimum percentage bias is selected.
In the previous chapter it was pointed out that current-differential schemes
should incorporate features such as harmonic-biasing, to prevent them oper-
ating during the exciting current surges which may occur when a power
transformer is initially energized. Exciting current surges are less likely to
occur, however, when alternators and transformers are directly connected
together because during run-up the voltage applied to the primary windings
of a transformer increases as the exciting current of the alternator increases,
i.e. there is no sudden application of a high voltage. When a unit is sub-
sequently synchronized to the busbars, the transformer secondary voltages are
made almost equal in magnitude and phase to those of the busbars and there-
fore, when the circuit is closed, any associated current surge will normally be
very small.
It is, however, possible that significant exciting current surges may occur
as a result of faults on the network connected to a transformer. For example,
should a short-circuit occur on the network fed by a transformer at a point
The protection of alternators 267
Duration of fault
011( ~
close to it, the secondary voltage could collapse to zero. If this happened at
an instant when the voltage had been small, the transformer core flux would
have been near its maximum value. If the fault was subsequently cleared at a
time when the voltage would have been at its maximum value, i.e. a current
zero in an inductive circuit, then a further flux variation could be required
which would take the core into saturation, thus causing an exciting current
surge. This condition is illustrated in Fig. 7.22. Because of the possibility of
such events occurring it is desirable that the current-differential protective
scheme should have the same features as those used to protect large power
transformers which are not associated directly with alternators.
A further limitation of overall current-differential protective schemes is that
they may not detect faults in the unit transformers. Such transformers have
relatively low ratings and therefore have impedances which restrict the cur-
rents which can be fed to faults on their windings. Because of this, unit
transformers are often protected by their own schemes.
s~s transformers
Ns Ns Ns
f f f
Zero-sequence voltage
operated relay
1= E- V and Va = E _ . j Xa (E - V)
j~+~ J~+~
The apparent input impedance (Zap), seen at terminal A, is:
- -V '-1- EZs + j V Xa
Zap- a -
With zero excitation the machine e.m.f (E) would be zero, in which event
the apparent impedance (Zap) would be:
With weak excitation, the magnitude of the e.m.f. E would be less than that
of the voltage V. As an example, if E = 0.5 V, i.e. the e.m.f. has a magnitude
half that of the voltage and they are of the same phase. In this case the apparent
impedance (Zap) would be given by:
Zap = - (2j Xa + Zs) n
270 The protection of rotating machines
E/V= 1
(a) (b)
Half a slip cycle later, when E = - 0.5 V, the value of Zap would be:
Z=_),- -.2_X_a_-_Z_s Q
In practice the impedance Zs will be smaller than 2Xa and therefore the above
impedance will always appear to be capacitive when the e.m.f. E is less than
the voltage V. It can be shown that the loci of the apparent impedances as the
e.m.f. E rotates relative to the voltage V will always be circular, examples
being shown in Fig. 7 .24(b).
Clearly, therefore, a relay energized with a current and voltage proportional
to those at the stator terminals of a machine, and set to operate when the
apparent impedance is abnormal, may be used to detect asynchronous opera-
tion caused by low excitation. It will be clear that only one relay, associated
with one phase of a machine, is needed for this purpose because the behaviour
of each of the phases is the same for this condition.
Relays with circular operating zones in the impedance plane, the zone
centres being displaced from the origin as shown in Fig. 7.25, are commonly
used to detect asynchronous operation. These relays which are described as
mho type, are considered in some detail in section 11.3.2. To enable them to
Radius 0.25 ~
Fig. 7.26 Relay characteristic used to detect pole-slipping.
acteristics may prove satisfactory but it may be found necessary, after examin-
ing the various impedance loci, to employ relays with quadrilateral
characteristics of the form shown in Fig. 7.26.
In attended stations, the relay could initiate the opening of the field circuit-
breaker to enable the machine to establish asynchronous running and thus
remove the damaging stresses. The power input to the prime mover could then
be reduced to a level where the machine might resume synchronous operation.
If this did not occur, the field circuit-breaker could be reclosed to allow a low
exciting current to flow. This should normally cause the machine to become
synchronous. The alternative is to arrange that relay operation will initiate the
opening of the main circuit-breaker to disconnect the machine from the net-
work, after which it could be resynchronized.
In unattended stations, the latter practice must usually be adopted, unless
the control systems are highly automated and capable of initiating the proced-
ures outlined above.
Alternators in attended stations are not likely to be overloaded. Firstly the
power they can provide is limited to the maximum rating of their prime movers
and the operators will ensure that their excitations do not allow them to
provide excessive VAr outputs. It is not usual therefore to provide protective
equipment to detect the overloading of such machines.
Alternators in unattended stations may, however, supply excessive currents
at times due to failures of control equipment, such as voltage regulators, and
overload relays with suitable operating-time characteristics are often fitted to
such machines.
Overcurrent protection
Although the synchronous positive-sequence impedances of alternators are
usually high, values of 1 pu or more being normal on large machines, the
sub-transient and transient values are much lower, as also are the negative and
zero-sequence impedances. The currents which will flow in them to faults on
The protection of alternators 273
the networks they supply can therefore be quite high initially. They will,
however, decay to the normal rated values or less if a fault persists, the actual
rate of decay, in a given case, being dependent on the decrement characteristic
of the machine and the behaviour of its voltage regulator.
IDMT relays may be used to provide a back-up feature to the protective
equipment on a network. The time and current settings of such relays must be
selected after studying the characteristics of the machines to which they are
to be applied. When these relays are to be used in a network fed by a single
machine, the current transformers feeding the relays should be in the neutral
connections of the machine so that operation will occur for faults, both internal
and external to it. In those situations where several machines operate in
parallel, the current transformers should be in the output connections of the
machines, operation for both external and internal faults then being obtained
because of the currents that will be fed into a faulted alternator from the other
Alternator field
~ Alternator field
Alternator field
winding dI
supply winding
d.c. ~
[a.c. source
-=- reJay
(a) (b)
different point on the potentiometer which would then enable a fault near the
centre of the field winding to be detected. This check would be made manually
every few hours.
More complex arrangements involving auxiliary supplies are used on large
motors and alternators, two being shown in Fig. 7.28 (a) and (b). In each,
current will flow through the relay in the event of an earth fault on the field-
winding circuit and an immediate indication of its presence can be provided.
current protection.
Ne ative sequence
breakers to be opened to ensure that the unit is disconnected from the network
and also that its excitation is removed. In addition, the steam or water supply
to the driving turbine should be cut off or reduced by operating the appropriate
control valves.
An arrangement suitable for the complete protection of a large alternator-
transformer unit is illustrated in Fig. 7.29. More examples may be found in
references [6, 7, 16, 17]. A typical tripping arrangement for an alternator-
transformer unit is shown in Fig. 7.30.
276 The protection of rotating machines
~~~~~~~~n~t-----f~:-t~~ ___
Low power
+----+-1 Field
niques which will ensure that the appropriate actions are initiated when ab-
normal conditions occur. Details of modern communication and digital
signal processing techniques may be found in Chapters 13 and 14 of this
Examples of manufacturers' products which employ numerical relays
and digital signal processing techniques of the type described in Chapter
14 are available. Typical features of these relays are that they are
multifunctional and have comprehensive self-monitoring and communi-
cations facilities. In [IS] a digital integrated generator protection relay,
LGPG111, is described which incorporates 14 separate protection
functions. These are:
1. Creek, F. R. L. (1990) Power Eng. Journal.
2. Ray, W. F., Lawrenson, P. J., Davis, R. M. et al. (1986) High performance
switched reluctance brushless drive, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, IA-
22, pp 722-30.
3. NEMA MGI-1987, Motors and Generators.
4. ANSI/NFPA 70-1987, National electrical code.
5. Type MCHN02 Motor protection relays, in GEC Measurements Modular Protect-
ive Relays, 1, 155-64.
6. Protective Relays Application Guide, Third Edition, 1987, GEC Measurements.
7. Motor Protective Relays in Protective Relays, Catalog R. 1989, pp 14/1-14/18,
published by Siemens Actiengesellschaft.
8. Generator and Motor Protection, Section 4 in HV Protection and Protection
Systems, Buyer's Guide 1989-1990, Vol I, Asea Brown Boveri Relays.
9. IEEE Guide for AC motor protection, ANSI/lEEE C37.96-1988.
10. Say, M. G. and Taylor, E. O. (1980) Direct Current Machines, Pitman.
11. Finney, D. (1988) Variable frequency AC motor drive systems, Peter Peregrinus.
12. Protective relays application guide, 3rd edition, 1987, GEC Measurements, p. 301.
13. Pope, J. W. (1984) A comparison of 100% stator ground fault protection schemes
for generator stator protection, IEEE Trans. PAS-I03, pp 832-40.
14. Marttila, R. J. (1986) Design principle of a new generator stator ground relay for
100% coverage of the stator winding, IEEE Trans, PWRD-l, pp 41-51.
15. Type RAGEA 100% generator stator ground-fault relay in Asea Brown Boveri
Buyer's Guide B03-4012E.
16. Generator Protection: Application Guide, Asea Relays AG03-4005 Dec 1986.
17. IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection, IEEE C37.102-1987.
18. GEC Alsthom T and D (1996) Digital integrated generator protection relay,
Publication R4J06F.
19. Reyrolle Protection (1996) Reygen-30 generator protection, Publication
20. ABB (1992) Type REG216 generator protection, Publication IMDB02005-EN.
21. liar, M. and Stranne, G. (1993) Numerical protection systems for generators
and generator transformer units, ABB Rev., 1/93, 27-38.
IEEE Relaying Committee Report (1988) Survey of experience with generator protec-
tion and prospects for improvements using digital computers, IEEE Trans. on
Power Delivery, 3, 1511-22.
GEe Measurements, Industrial generator protection application guide, Publ R-
IEEE Tutorial on the protection of synchronous generators (1995), Publication 95
TP 102.
The protection of busbars
Busbars are vital parts of power networks because they link incoming circuits
connected to sources, to outgoing circuits which feed loads. In the event of a
fault on a section of busbar all the incoming circuits connected to it must be
opened to clear the fault. In practice, because of the amount of interconnection
of circuits and the possibility of back feeds from load circuits, all the circuits
connected to a faulted section of bus bar are disconnected. Such disconnection
clearly causes considerable disruption and the greater the operating voltage
and current levels of a busbar, the greater will be the loss of supply resulting
from a fault. It is therefore necessary that busbars should be so designed and
constructed that the incidence of faults occurring on them is reduced to a very
low level and it is also essential that the protective schemes applied to busbars
are highly discriminative so that they will not wrongly cause a busbar, or a
section of it which they are protecting, to be disconnected when faults occur
on circuits external to it. In addition, because of the severe and extensive
damage which may result from bus bar faults it is necessary that they should
be detected by protective schemes and then cleared very rapidly.
The following section provides some historical background and then infor-
mation on busbar layouts and constructions and protective arrangements is
provided in the later sections of this chapter.
Busbars, because they interconnect several circuits, are associated with cir-
cuit-breakers and therefore they are mounted within switchgear units produced
for systems operating up to medium voltage levels. When circuits operating
at very high transmission-voltage levels were introduced, the above practice
was not possible because of the spacings needed between the conductors, and
in these applications the busbars were normally mounted in air, connections
then being taken to the circuit-breakers. This practice is still used extensively
but recently fully-enclosed switchgear containing gaseous insulants has been
produced for use at very high voltage levels and the busbars are housed within
these units, as described later.
Constructional features associated with these arrangements are examined in
the following section and then busbar configurations are considered.
Fig. 8.1 800 kY GIS substation produced by ABB, in operation since February 1988
in the 800 kY system of ESCOM in South Africa. (Reproduced from ABB Review 6/91,
with the permission of ABB Relays AG, Baden, Switzerland).
Because of the practices described above, the number of faults which occur
on busbars and the connections to them represent only a tiny fraction of the
total number of faults which occur on power systems in given periods. Never-
theless it must be accepted that some busbar faults will occur and therefore it
is the general practice to sectionalize busbars to reduce the number of circuits
which must be opened to clear a fault and at the same time enable a significant
part of the network to continue in service.
The simplest and cheapest arrangement is to include one bus-section circuit-
breaker to divide a busbar into two sections as shown in Fig. 8.2(a). With this
arrangement it is usual to operate with the bus-section circuit-breaker closed
and should a fault occur on one of the sections all the circuit-breakers associ-
ated with the faulted section and also the bus-section circuit-breaker must be
opened to clear the fault. For this arrangement to be effective each of the
sections should contain about equal numbers of incoming and outgoing cir-
cuits and where possible important loads should be fed by two circuits, one
connected to each of the busbar sections.
Where it is thought to be desirable, busbars are provided with two or more
bus-section circuit-breakers, thus creating three or more sections. These prac-
tices, of course, increase the initial cost of an installation but they reduce the
amount of disconnection which will occur in the event of busbar faults.
Busbar faults can cause severe damage which may necessitate extensive
repairs and, as a consequence, consumers connected to a faulted section of a
bus bar could be left without supplies for a considerable time. To alleviate such
situations, it is usual to have duplicate busbars in important installations, a
typical arrangement b~ing shown in Fig. 8.2(b). The primary purpose of this
practice is to allow circuits, which become disconnected because of a fault on
Sectionalization 285
----1--.. 1--
Section 1 circuit breaker Section 2
x---I---I--~I- Phase a
breakers XXX XXX XXX
Ii: ::::
Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3 Circuit 4 Circuit 5 Circuit 6
circuit breaker
Phase a
Phase b
I I Phase c
X - I Phase a
Main I X Phase b
X Phase c
.b Bus-section
circuit breaker
f fff
Circuit 1 Circuit 2
Bus-coupler Bus-section
Reserve circuit breaker circuit breaker
Main X X
busbar X
I I ~ Fault
Fig. 8.3 Fault on an outgoing circuit. Circuit shown in single line form for simplicity.
breaking capacity. If, however, the faulted circuit was connected to a source,
its circuit-breaker would have to clear a current somewhat less than the total
fault current. In practice, however, it is usual, in the interests of stand-
ardization, for all the circuit-breakers associated with a set of busbars to have
the same breaking capacity, namely that needed to clear the maximum-
possible fault current.
It will be appreciated that current-differential protective schemes associated
with busbars have to be set sensitively enough to detect internal faults and yet
not operate in the event of external faults involving currents up to the highest
levels possible.
Circuit X
breakers s~ s
Current f [
This topic was examined in more detail in section 2.2.7 (page 71), as was
the positioning of the current transformers feeding the protective schemes
associated with the outgoing circuits.
ii, I I , , I I I
I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Protected zone - - - - - - - - - - - Bu;b~r;1
I_ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Xbreake~s
_ _ _ _ _ _
I II _
I Circuit i
___ J
I , I
r , I I I
X X X X X breakers
, Circuit
(J) (J)
:s~ I
Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3 Circuit 4 Circuit 5
It will be evident that only one relay will operate in the event of a single
phase to earth fault but two or all three relays may operate when interphase
faults occur. In each case, however, relay operation will initiate opening of
the circuit-breakers associated with the faulty section which will thus be
completely isolated.
Should the switchgear be so designed that there are earthed barriers between
the phases, thus eliminating the possibility of interphase faults clear of earth,
then the secondary windings of all the current transformers could be connected
in parallel and connected to a single relay as shown in Fig. 8.6(b). The
protected zone would again include the connections on the busbar side of the
current transformers, the circuit-breakers and the busbars.
292 The protection of busbars
With this arrangement the number of current transformers operating in
parallel is three times the number of circuits connected to the bus bars. It will
be appreciated that greater imbalance is likely to be caused by mismatching
when the number of balancing current transformers is increased. In addition,
obtaining a given fault setting may require the operating current of a relay to
be reduced because of the increased total of the exciting currents of the
transformers. Such schemes may therefore require greater biasing to ensure
that correct discrimination will be achieved. In some circumstances it may be
preferable to segregate the current transformers into phase groups and use
three relays, i.e. use the arrangement shown in Fig. 8.6(a).
: Zone 3 Bus-section :
: circuit breaker :
Bus-coupler I
circuit-breakers I
Main busbar ~1"""+--"'9'""-+-~-t ........
Selector I
switches I
: ,
Circuit-breakers I X X X ,. X X X
Zone 1 i - I+-'
-hZone2 h
~~L Bus-coupler
X ciraJ~-breaker
Main busbar
circuit-breakers x Bus-section
Main busbar ~--~~--~~~---rX~----~--~~r----+
transformers s
each 01 the f [ ] s [ ] s [ ] ; ; [ ] s [ ] s [ ] s
same ratio
t t t t t t
Fig. 8.9 Current-transformer connections without auxiliary switches_
296 The protection of busbars
8.6.4 Interconnections in current-differential schemes applied to
Switchgear produced for relatively low voltage and current operation tends to
be compact and the interconnections between the current transformers associ-
ated with current-differential protective schemes are usually quite short and
therefore of low resistances. In addition, the primary current ratings of the
current transformers are not high and therefore low secondary current ratings,
e.g. 1 A, can readily be provided. As a result, the voltage drops on the con-
nections, even during external faults involving high currents, are not great and
the imbalances caused by mismatching and current transformer errors will be
On large outdoor switching sites, however, the connections between the
current transformers may be quite lengthy and the current ratings are high, e.g.
current transformers with primary windings rated at 2000 A are used in large
British generating stations. In such applications current transformers with 5 A
secondary ratings would be used if possible to limit the number of secondary
winding turns, but the voltage drops that would be produced in busbar protective
schemes with such transformers might not be acceptable and the extra expense
of producing 1 A secondary windings is often considered to be justified.
Main current
transformer (a)
D D D D (c)
Fig. 8.10 Detection of current transformer saturation. (Reproduced from MBCZ 10,
GEC Measurements with the permission of GEC Alsthom Protection and Control Ltd).
Relays in current-differential schemes 301
parallel with a rectifier-capacitor circuit. A voltage (up) proportional to the
rectified current is produced across resistor R as shown in Fig. 8.1O(b). A
voltage (uQ) derived from the rectifier capacitor circuit is provided at point Q
in the circuit. This voltage is approximately equal to half the voltage (up)
during the earlier part of each half cycle as shown in Fig. 8.1 O(b). The voltages
Up and uQ are applied to the inputs of a comparator which provides an output
when the voltage uQ exceeds the voltage Up and this output is used to close a
switch which short circuits the interconnecting conductors and thus the oper-
ating winding of the relay.
It will be appreciated that inhibiting pulses are produced at each zero
crossing of the current waveform but these will be of short duration when
saturation of the transformer core does not occur. However, when significant
core saturation occurs longer inhibit pulses will be obtained as shown in Fig.
8.1O(c). Clearly this will ensure that operation will not be caused by the effects
of core saturation when faults are present outside a protected zone. Similar
action would occur should a current transformer saturate during a fault within
a protected zone, and in these circumstances inhibit signals would also be
generated. However, a large current would have to be flowing to cause the
saturation of a core and therefore the current levels during the period when
there were no inhibit signals would be great enough to ensure that relay
operation would be obtained.
Further details of this particular scheme and other modem bus bar protective
schemes can be obtained from reference [2].
An alternative scheme, which will not be affected by the saturation of
current transformer cores, is currently being studied. In this scheme, the
currents in the circuits of a protected zone would be sampled many times
during each half cycle. Each group of samples would be summed algebraically
and clearly under healthy conditions the sums should always be zero. If the
core of a transformer saturated, however, its secondary current would be
affected and during such periods the groups of samples would not sum to zero.
This is somewhat similar to the scheme described above but in this case relay
operation would not be initiated if more than a certain percentage of the sums
was zero. Clearly it is not likely that the sums would be zero if a fault was
present within the protected zone.
Protected zone
Reserve ~-----------------------------l
busbar I
Bus-coupler I I
x Bus-section
x I
I circuit-breaker I
Main ~1~~-+~--~4---X--~-r--~~~1-~-
bus bar
Guide for protective relay applications to power buses, ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.97-
The protection of overhead lines and
cables by current-differential schemes
Current Current
X E2f] J[
transformer A transformer B
End A Protected circuit End B
~ ----~~~~~---
iCA = icl2
Pilot wire -
iCB = ic/2
Current Current
transformer A IpA IpB transformer B
End A EndB
~ E2f]
Pilot wire Fault
Fig. 9.1 Operation when an external fault is present. C is the pilot wire capacitance
to earth in (a), and Cs is the pilot wire capacitance to the sheath in (b).
r-----------CD ~ ----------~
Fig. 9.2 Split-pilot protective scheme. (Reproduced from Leason and Leybum, 1931,
CIGRE Conference, Paper /06 with the permission of CIGRE.)
(1) Common pilot No.1. (2) Split-pilot No.2. (3) Split-pilot No.3. (5) Split-pilot transformer.
(6) Relay. (1) Mid-point trillling connection. (8) Small tuning condenser. (9) Current transformers.
(10 Air-gap summation transformer. (11) Diverter reactor.
Sequence networks
Sequence networks of various forms may be used to determine the positive-
and negative-sequence components of sets of three-phase currents and the
zero-sequence component may be derived by simply summing the three-phase
Zero-sequence and negative-sequence components are not present in the
currents associated with balanced three-phase faults and therefore neither of
these components could be used on their own or together for comparison
purposes. Positive-sequence components are present however in the currents
associated with all types of faults. They represent only one third of the mag-
nitude of the current which flows in the event of a single phase to earth fault
and therefore it would be difficult to provide sensitive earth fault settings if
only this component was used. In practice, therefore, comparison quantities
obtained from at least two of the sequence outputs are needed to provide
acceptable performance.
A factor which should be appreciated is that the magnitudes of the output
signals derived from two sequences are dependent on the phases on which
faults are present and this would clearly cause the sensitivity to such faults to
Current-differential protective schemes 313
'a' phase
/1C 11a ="3 +
)b ' ':-'-
3 +
'b' phase
'c' phase
Fig. 9.3 Output current derived from positive- and zero-sequence currents in the ratio
1 to 4, for single phase faults on phases 'a', 'b' and 'c'.
vary. As an example, if a signal were derived from the 'a' phase positive-
sequence current and the zero-sequence current, in the ratio of I to 4, then the
ratios of the magnitudes of the outputs for single phase to earth faults of a
given magnitude on phases a, band c would be 5, ...)13, ...)13, respectively as
shown in Fig. 9.3.
A comprehensive study of the possible quantities which can be used for
relaying purposes was undertaken by Adamson and Talkan [3].
Variations of sensitivity can be accepted, but the networks needed are quite
complex when signals are derived from symmetrical components because
phase shifting of two of the input currents must be performed to determine the
positive and/or negative sequence components.
This situation has been accepted and such networks have been used in
differential protective schemes in the United States. In Britain, however, the
use of summation transformers or summation techniques has been preferred
and they are still used in differential schemes.
Summation transformers
A summation transformer may have three input windings supplied with the
currents from the secondary windings of the current transformers associated
with the three phases of a protected system or network. These input windings,
314 Protection by current-differential schemes
which each have a different number of turns, would be mounted together with
an output winding on a magnetic core.
The usual, and more economical, arrangement of summation transformers,
which may be used when the current transformer secondary windings are
connected in star, has a single, tapped input winding, and one or more output
windings. Such a transformer is shown in Fig. 9.4. It will be seen that the
common or neutral connection of the secondary windings of the current trans-
formers is connected to one of the tappings (x, y, z) on the primary winding
of the summation transformer. The other ends of the secondary windings of
the current transformers are connected to the terminals a, band c of the
primary winding of the summation transformer. Because of the asymmetry of
the arrangement, different sensitivities are obtained for the various current
combinations which may be experienced during power-system faults.
The input m.m.f.s to a summation transformer are proportional to the num-
ber of turns of its primary winding through which the input currents flow.
When phase to phase faults of a given magnitude (I) are present, the input
m.mJ.s are as follows:
[Nab for a fault between phases 'a' and 'b'.
[(Nab + Nbc) for a fault between phases 'a' and 'c'.
[Nbc for a fault between phases 'b' and 'c'.
It is usual for the turns Nab and Nbc to be the same, in which case the
sensitivity to faults between phases a and c will be twice as great as it is for
the other interphase faults.
For a three-phase balanced fault of magnitude I, i.e. I/a I = lIb I = I/c I = I,
the input m.m.f. is I/aNab -/cNbc I. For a transformer in which Nab = Nbc this
m.m.f. would have a magnitude of -,J3INab , i.e. the sensitivity to three-phase
faults would be --/3 times as great as that to faults between phases a and b and
band c.
The sensitivities to phase to earth faults, which are normally higher than
Current transformer Summation
secondary windings transformer
E seCOndary
S winding
I winding
Primary winding
End A
A X--...;..;.;;.;.;=;.;;..;;=::.:.:..._-X
transformer 'PA
Protected circuit
Ips transformer
B End B
= =
Pilot wire
Pilot wire
Pilot wire
End A
Protected circuit
~ --...;..;.;;.;.;=;.;;..;;=::.:.:..._- I:,R~~;J
End B
s Ns f Pilot wire
~ ~,-~~--~~~~--~~--~~
Relay Rop
Pilot wire
connecting the relay between the mid points of the interconnecting cables, so
that Ral =Ra2 =RbI =Rb2, it would be remote from both ends of the protected
zone and in a position where it might not be readily accommodated. In addition
cables would have to be run to enable the relay to initiate the tripping of the
circuit-breakers. The alternative arrangement, shown in Fig. 9.5(b), in which
two relays are connected in series with each other and in which Ral = Rb2 and
RbI = Ra2 = 0, would provide both the necessary balance and position the relays
near the circuit-breakers. It has the disadvantage, however, that an extra
interconnecting conductor is needed.
An alternative arrangement in which a measure of imbalance is accepted is
shown in Fig. 9.5(c). The relays, which are mounted at the ends of the pro-
tected zone, have their operating windings connected across the interconnect-
ing conductors at points where the voltages are not zero during healthy or
Current-differential protective schemes 317
external fault conditions. The application of restraint to the relays by biasing
windings carrying the current which circulates during such conditions can
ensure that the relays will not operate. The necessary perfonnance may never-
theless be obtained when faults occur within the protected zone.
In general, circulating-current schemes have not been widely applied to
overhead lines or cables in the past, the balanced-voltage schemes described
in the following section having been preferred. Some relatively modern
schemes, however, do operate on the circulating-current principle.
i i I . I i iS r:- i TC
I SB-SoIkor box
I TC-Trip-coil
I ~I ________________
<D I ~I
I ____ ~
Fig. 9.6 Connections of Solkor plain feeder protective scheme. (Reproduced from
Solkor protective schemes, Pamphlet 80613-54, with the permission of Reyrolle Pro-
Current-differential protective schemes 319
During healthy conditions or when faults were present external to the pro-
tected zone, balance had to be maintained between the e.m.f.s induced in the
secondary windings of the summation transformers. To ensure that this would
be achieved, the summation transformers had to be well matched. For condi-
tions such as earth faults of high current levels, large m.m.f.s were applied to
the summation transformers. To prevent the r.m.s. values of the secondary
winding e.m.f.s of the summation transformers being very high in these cir-
cumstances and very large voltages thus being present between the pilot wires,
the summation transformers were so designed that their cores saturated at
these levels. As a result, the higher secondary e.mJ.s were not sinusoidal but
contained harmonic components and a limited fundamental component. The
relationship of r.m.s. voltage to current was as shown in Fig. 9.7.
Ideally, no current should have circulated in the interconnecting conductors
during the above conditions but in practice, because of inevitable mismatch-
ing, a current containing fundamental and harmonic components did flow. In
addition, the presence of a large balancing e.m.f. caused significant current to
flow in the capacitance between the interconnecting conductors and half of
this current was fed from each end of the scheme. Clearly the magnitudes of
these capacitance currents were proportional to the length of the protected
zone, i.e. the length of the pilot wires. A further factor which had to be
recognized was that the presence of harmonic components in the balancing
e.m.f.s caused corresponding components to be present in the capacitance
current and indeed, because of the inverse relationship of the reactance asso-
ciated with the capacitance between the pilot wires to frequency, the resulting
harmonic components of the capacitance current increased with their order.
To cope with the above situation, the scheme incorporated relay trans-
formers at the ends of the balancing loop and capacitors were connected across
the primary windings of these transformers to form tuned circuits (RT, C in
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Straight-through earth-fault current in red phase
(times full-load current) with current-transformers connected to Y1 tap
Fig.9.7 Relation between pilot voltage and primary current. (Reproduced from Solkor
protective schemes, Pamphlet 806/3-54, with the permission of Reyrolle Protection.)
320 Protection by current-differential schemes
Fig. 9.6). Because of this feature large proportions of the harmonic compo-
nents of the imbalance currents flowed through the parallel-connected capa-
citors and as a result the currents fed to the operating windings of the relays
were predominantly produced by the limited fundamental components of the
summation transformer e.m.f.s.
It nevertheless had to be accepted that currents would flow in the operating
windings of the relays when faults were present outside a protected zone and,
to counteract this effect, the relays were provided with biasing windings
connected to tertiary windings on the summation transformers. The amount of
restraint was dependent on the currents flowing in the primary windings of the
summation transformers, but it was not a fixed percentage bias because of the
core saturation which occurred at high current levels.
When a fault was present in the protected zone, the e.m.f.s produced by the
summation transformers did not balance and a current circulated in the pilot
wires. As an example, in the event of an earth fault on one of the phases,
currents would have flowed to it from each end. E.m.f.s were induced in the
secondary windings of the summation transformers and these e.m.f.s caused a
current to circulate in the pilot wires. As a result, currents flowed in the
operating windings of the relays. Clearly these currents and those in the pilot
wires were dependent on the impedance of the path around which the current
circulated and therefore the fault currents needed to cause operation increased
with the length of circuit to be protected and in practice there was an upper
limit to the impedance which could be present. It was usual to use conductors
with seven strands of 0.029 inch diameter copper and these had a resistance
of about 5 n per 1000 yards. They enabled satisfactory operation to be ob-
tained in applications in which the length of the protected zone did not exceed
15 miles. Whilst the impedance of longer pilot wires could be kept down to
the necessary levels by using cables with conductors of greater cross-sectional
areas, their costs tended to be unacceptably high and, in addition, the effects
of the high capacitances between such conductors would have made it neces-
sary to use very high percentage biasing to prevent incorrect operation.
To enable the necessary sensitivity to internal faults to be obtained in Solkor
schemes, rotary-sensitive relays of the form described earlier in section 5.7
(page 174) were employed. These relays could be set to operate with currents
in the range 35-80 rnA in their operating windings, the required value being
obtained by adjusting the travel and thus the initial air gaps between their
armatures and electromagnets. Restraining windings, supplied from the ter-
tiary windings of the summation transformers, enabled the percentage biasing
needed to ensure that correct discrimination would be obtained up to the
maximum fault-current levels likely to be encountered. To further assist in this
process, weights could be placed on pans mounted on the relay spindles. These
increased the inertias of the movements and thereby slightly increased the
operating times and reduced the possibility of operation due to transient im-
Current-differential protective schemes 321
It will be clear from the above that the fault settings obtainable with this
scheme were dependent on both the minimum current at which the relay would
operate and the interconnecting conductors. As an example, if the scheme were
applied to an overhead line of length 6 miles, with interconnecting conductors
of seven strands of 0.029 inch conductor, and the relays were set to operate
at 55 rnA and if the least sensitive tappings on the summation transformers
(i.e. Ncx = minimum value) were used, the fault settings were as shown in
Table 9.1.
Figures 9.8 and 9.9 show the effects of the lengths of the pilot wires and
the operating currents of the relays on the fault settings.
Because the summation transformers included in Solkor schemes saturated
when their input currents were high, the demands on the main current trans-
formers were limited.
To ensure that acceptable balance would be obtained in the event of high-
current faults outside a protected zone, it was nevertheless necessary that the
current transformers installed at the two ends of a scheme were able to provide
adequate secondary winding e.m.f.s. A large number of the original Solkor
schemes and variants of it were installed around the world and many are still
in use and performing satisfactorily.
Q) 1.15
'iii 1.10
g 1.05
~ 1.00
3l 0.95
o 40 200 240
Pilot-loop resistance (ohms)
Fig. 9.8 Variation of fault setting with pilot length. (Reproduced from Solkor protect-
ive schemes. Pamphlet 806/3-54. with the permission of Reyrolle Protection.)
322 Protection by current-differential schemes
> 1.2
c 1.1
:e 1.0
Relay-setting (milliamperes)
Fig. 9.9 Variation of fault setting with relay setting. (Reproduced from Solkor protec-
tive schemes, Pamphlet 806/3-54, with the permission of Reyrolle Protection.)
Table 9.1
Type of fault Fault setting (percentage of
primary rating)
'a' phase earth fault 40%
'b' phase earth fault 48%
'c' phase earth fault 60%
'a-b' phase-fault 240%
'b-c' phase-fault 240%
'a-c' phase-fault 120%
Three-phase fault 140%
Current-differential protective schemes 323
whether a fault was within a protected zone or not and, most importantly, it
reduced the number of pilot wires needed to a minimum, namely two.
In the Translay scheme, however, induction-type relays were employed and
the secondary windings on their main E-shaped electromagnets and the wind-
ings on the lower C-shaped electromagnets were connected in series via the
pilot wires, as shown in Fig. 9.1O(a).
During healthy conditions or when faults were present external to the pro-
tected zone, the m.m.f.s applied to the main electromagnets of the two relays
by the currents in the summation windings, would ideally have been of the
same magnitude at each instant, as would the e.m.f.s (e sr ) induced in the
secondary windings. Because the e.m.f.s were connected in opposition, no
current should have flowed in the pilot wires or the windings of the lower
electromagnets of the relays and therefore no torque should have been pro-
duced on the relay discs.
In practice, significant currents could circulate in the comparison circuit
because of mismatching when external faults involving high currents were
present. To ensure that these did not cause the relays to operate, the relays
were biased by copper shading loops fitted to the main E-shaped electromag-
nets. These provided restraining torques proportional to the square of the flux
magnitudes in the main magnets. In addition, permanent magnets were fitted
to provide eddy-current damping of the discs and this feature further improved
the performance of the relays.
Again, capacitance currents (ic) flowed between the interconnecting conduc-
tors during healthy conditions and they would be quite high when external
faults involving high currents were present. These currents flowed in both the
Current Current
End A transformers transformers End B
winding ~ri--4::::::jr---' wires L.-----i--1---.;::::t--.....
Bias loop
Fig. 9.10 (a) Translay differential protective scheme. (Reproduced from Protective
Relays - Application Guide, 3rd edn, GEC Measurements, 1987 with the permission
of GEC Alsthom Protection and Control Ltd.)
324 Protection by current-differential schemes
secondary windings of the main electromagnets and the windings on the lower
electromagnets as shown in Fig. 9.1 O(b). In the absence of resistance in the
comparison circuit, the capacitance currents would have lead the e.mJ.s (e sr )
by nl2 rad and they would thus have been in phase with the fluxes in the centre
limbs of the main electromagnets of the relays. In these circumstances, the
fluxes set up by the lower electromagnets would have been in phase with those
in the main electromagnets and the resultant torques produced on the discs
would have been zero. The presence of significant resistance in the pilot wires
affected the above conditions because it caused the capacitance currents to
lead the e.m.f.s (e sr ) by less than nl2 rad and caused the fluxes set up by the
relay electromagnets to be out of phase with each other, the displacement
increasing with increase of the resistance of the pilot wires. This situation was
counteracted by the shading loops fitted to the main electromagnets, which
displaced the phase of the pole-tip fluxes from that of the main fluxes in the
centre limbs of the main electromagnets. The phase adjustment so produced
increased the capacitance current which could be allowed and so enabled the
scheme to be applied to relatively long lines and cables.
In the event of a fault occurring within the protected zone in which currents
were fed to the fault from each end of the line or cable, as shown in Fig.
9.lO(c), fluxes would have been set up in the centre limbs of the main elec-
tromagnets of both relays and a current would have circulated in the compari-
son circuit and in the windings of the lower electromagnets of both relays.
Provided that the faults currents at both ends of the protected zone were above
the fault-setting levels, both relays would have operated and initiated the
opening of their associated circuit-breakers. If, however, a fault occurred
End A End B
Pilot wire Secondary windings on
h upper electromagnets
Windings on lower
tiJ2 Pilot tiJ2 electromagnets
Pilot wire
Circuit Circuit
breaker breaker
End A X Protected line End B
transformer f
Current-differential protective schemes 327
when lines are to be protected. They did, however, operate relatively slowly
when internal faults occurred and the relays used in them were quite complex.
As a consequence several other schemes, which employ different techniques,
have been introduced. One of these is the Solkor Rf scheme [6] produced by
NEI Reyrolle, which incorporates simple polarized relays and several recti-
fiers. The basic arrangement of this scheme, which employs the circulating-
current principle, is shown in Fig. 9.11(a).
The resistors R are of greater resistance than half the total resistance of the
two pilot wires (Rpw). When an external fault is present the output windings
of the summation transformers produce equal e.mJ.s which assist each other
and thereby cause a current to circulate around the loop formed by the pilot
wires, causing the voltage distributions during the alternate half cycles to be
as shown in Fig. 9. 11 (b). Because of the arrangement of the rectifiers the
voltages across the relays are always of the opposite polarites to those needed
to cause current to flow in them. In effect the relays are negatively biased, the
bias being dependent on the amount by which the resistance RA exceeds that
of the pilot wires (Rpw).
When faults are present on a protected line the above conditions do not
obtain and the relays at both ends of the scheme operate when the fault-setting
level is exceeded if current is being fed into only one end of the line. In the
event of a current being fed from each end of a line to a fault, operation occurs
at levels below the setting values.
Typical fault settings are given below for the various types of fault:
Phase a to earth 25 %
Phase b to earth 32%
Phase c to earth 42%
V 1
c" \.. "oga'"
NB "'B
Fig. 9. 11 (b)
~0''''J'j f..;.)
~ ::3 1Ji N
;l ::i 00
ers ~
(JQ "0 N ~~m ~~m
3 a ..., transformers Circuit Circuit transformers C:l
. < .... ~
3 0: Np breakers breakers Np
~ ('1) t/} oEnd A s 000 f X Protected line X s ou fEnd 8 0 a .....,c:;.
0;- ;:s
o ~
e v; ..,;:::
o I'\.JW..,' ~000'1 ob
&."Slo X - - - - - - - - - - - - -X
3 ~
.........-'Orr' ;:s
? ~. s Ns f s Ns f ...~
..., til Np f I X " Np f i
\: ("l 0---,IS __
000_~Ir-r- ---+I-II~~ Jll..; 1 0 c ...
X ~
3 g 11..-rnDf ;:s
'" 3 s Ns f s Ns
<:;!'t [
., Z
o ..,""
::I ff ~
5-..., Auxiliary ~
o \: ~
transformers ""
~ 3til TA
:=:~ Pilot
~"" wire
Q 0 Summation I~ Summation
... ::l transformer f R f transformer
::l 5- Pilot
'"O'~ wire
0 ~
.... ;.
'" ....
0 ::r
o ,
Current-differential protective schemes 329
Phase a to b 125%
Phase b to c 125%
Phase c to a 62%
Further information may be obtained from reference [6].
It will be clear from the foregoing that the pilot wires form crucial parts of
current-differential protective schemes.
In many cases special cables are provided for this duty and they may include
additional conductors for other purposes. The individual conductors must be
insulated to withstand the voltages which may be applied between them or to
330 Protection by current-differential schemes
earth. As shown earlier, the r.m.s. voltages between pilot wires in balanced-
voltage schemes may be limited to relatively low levels because of saturation
occurring in the cores of summation transformers but nevertheless high peak
levels may be reached when high currents are flowing in a protected circuit.
It is therefore recognized that the insulation on the conductors and any equip-
ment directly connected to them, such as summation transformers or relay
windings, should be capable of withstanding voltages of standard levels such
as 5 kV or 15 kV. It will be appreciated that devices such as voltage limiters
or diverters may not be connected between the pilot wires used with some
protective schemes because they would cause high currents to flow between
the conductors and could thus affect the operation of the protective scheme
when a high current was flowing to a fault outside the protected zone.
Whilst overhead air-insulated conductors could be used, they are particular-
ly vulnerable to damage because of their exposure to atmospheric conditions.
They are therefore not normally used for this purpose, buried cables being
preferred in spite of their extra cost.
As an alternative, it is sometimes more economical to rent circuits from a
telephone company. When this is done the circuits must be dedicated, i.e.
connected continuously and solely to the protective scheme, because of the
element of unreliability which would be introduced if circuit switching were
permitted. Special contracts are necessary with clauses guaranteeing that no-
tice will be given of any work that is to be done on the circuits by the telephone
company. The maximum voltages which may be applied to the circuits and
the currents which may flow in them are normally specified by the telephone
company, typical values being 130 V (peak) and 60 mA (r.m.s.) and these may
only be present during fault conditions.
Circuits available for rental have conductors of relatively small cross-
sectional areas, their weights typically being 20 lb per mile and 40 lb per mile.
Their resistances are therefore higher than those of the conductors which are
specially provided for current-differential schemes.
Whilst the schemes described earlier may be capable of operating satisfac-
torily with relatively high resistances in their comparison circuits, they may
not able to comply with the limiting voltage and current conditions set by
telephone authorities. Such protective schemes are not generally suitable for
operation with rented circuits and therefore special or modified schemes which
may use them have been developed, one being described in detail in the next
The Solkor Rf and Translay S schemes both satisfy the various conditions
outlined above. Special transformers are available to isolate the telephone-
circuit conductors and adequate high voltage insulation is included in the relay
circuits and the summation transformers.
Equipment is always provided with the schemes to monitor the telephone-
circuit conductors.
~A ~B
....;E;.;.n~d..;.A;.....s..9.o.iJ~fl..-f _ _~
Current Current
differential I~l
__ J differential
relay relay
Pilot wire I
d.c. supply
End A EndS
Current Circuit
N. transformers breaker
~X ______~Pr~o~te~ct~e~d~lin~e~______ X
fibre line
Fig. 9.14 Scheme incorporating relay DL91F. (Reproduced from ABB Buyer's Guide
1989-90, with the permission of ABB Relays AG, Baden, Switzerland.)
Current-differential protective schemes 335
opposite direction. As with protective schemes using interconnecting conduc-
tors, the opening of the appropriate circuit-breakers is initiated by the relays
when the e.m.f.s being compared are sufficiently different.
The fibre-optic system units (FOX6) contain monitoring circuits to ensure
that the digital signals are transmitted without error and to provide blocking
signals to the relays in the event of false operation. In addition, both the relays
and the fibre-optic system units are able to detect an interruption of the
optical-fibre link and they will initiate the operation of alarms about 3 seconds
after such an occurrence.
It is recommended that multi-mode graded optical fibres 50/125 ~m stand-
ardized by lEe for the wavelength 900 nm be used with this scheme and these
should allow satisfactory performance to be obtained on circuits up to 8 km
long. By using a variant of the fibre-optic system unit, which is designated
FOX6L operating at 1300 nm, circuits up to 16 km long may be protected
The above scheme, which may be applied to circuits operating at frequen-
cies of 50 Hz or 60 Hz and which may be supplied from current transformers
with secondary winding ratings of 1 A or 5 A, operates in 25 ms or less for
faults of twice the setting values.
Further detailed information about this scheme is provided in reference [10].
Other schemes which are now available are described in references [11], [12]
and [13].
stable transient characteristics, can be expressed as:
Is=~ ~] sinnwLlt in
336 Protection by current-differential schemes
in which
N = number of samples per cycle
ro = fundamental angular frequence (rad/s)
at = sampling time (s)
in = instantaneous value of signal at time of sample n
Is = Fourier sine integral of signal i
Ie = Fourier cosine integral of signal i
If the fundamental component of signal i is given by I sin (rot + 9) then
Is=Icos9 and Ie =1 sin9
From this information the instantaneous value of each phase current can be
determined at any instant.
Data messages are sent between the ends of a protected line at regular
intervals. As an example, a message will be sent about the phase a current
(I A ) at end A of a line at a particular instant to end B of the line. The
propagation time is known for the particular communication channel and
therefore the current at end B (lB) at the instant when the message was sent
from end A can be determined. Differential and bias currents (ldiff and Ibias)
can then be determined as:
IIdiffl = IIA+IBI
in which IS2 is the threshold at which the increased bias becomes effective and
k2 is the increased pu bias setting. This characteristic is shown in Fig. 9.15.
Typical settings are:
lSI = O.2pu
kl =O.3pu
IS2 = 2.0pu
k2 = 1.0pu
Application to multi-ended circuits 337
'S1 pu bias k1
Bias current 'bias
iAa iBa
~ X--.-:;..---<r------ X~
-X X-
-X X-
each phase must sum to zero at each instant, i.e. iAa + iRa + ica =0 or
iAa = - (iBa + ica). The magnitude of one of these currents must clearly be
different to those of the others and indeed one current could be twice as great
as each of the others. Because of this, linearity must be maintained in the
components of a protective scheme up to the highest current levels which may
be encountered during faults external to its zone. Saturable summation trans-
formers, such as those used in the schemes described earlier, may not be used
and air-gapped cores must be used to provide linear voltage-current charac-
teristics. Other factors for which provision must be made in protecting multi-
ended circuits are referred to in the next section.
Current Current
End A translormers Circuit Circuit translormers End B
breakers breakers s Np I
~R~g I
X X""""" RRR oa
s Ns I s Ns I
s Np I s Np I
X X b
s Ns I
s Np I
X X c
s Ns I
Current s
translormers sl
R, R,
Fig. 9.17 Teed-feeder protective scheme. Rop, relay operating winding; Rr, relay re-
straining winding; ST, summation transformer (all have the same number of turns).
340 Protection by current-differential schemes
To achieve this the e.m.f.s provided by tertiary windings on the summation
transformers may be rectified and connected in series via two interconnecting
conductors (2 and 3). As a result a direct current will circulate and flow in the
restraining windings of each of the relays. Clearly, the restraint will then be
proportional to the sum of the magnitudes of the currents flowing at the ends
of the protected zone and it will not be dependent on their directions.
Other devices such as diverter reactors may be included in schemes to assist
further in obtaining the required discrimination between internal and external
faults. Such reactors have two windings on a magnetic core, one of the wind-
ings being connected in the restraining circuit and the other across the opera-
ting winding of one of the relays. When external faults of high-current levels
are present, the cores of the reactors saturate because of the high direct
currents flowing in them and consequently the impedances of the windings
connected across the relay operating windings decrease. As a result, increasing
percentages of the imbalanced currents flowing in the relay operating wind-
ings tend to be shunted through the diverter reactors as the current levels of
external faults increase.
The above techniques were used in the early Solkor and Translay schemes.
FJ r J)-
!!! _dill-
.... Q) -
~ J=~ <:0
.. ~<:~
~<:~ l~ ~ll':.
t:::: o~fI1
::l1i)<' ~' ~.
o c:
,-,; = <:0
- ~VI
~ <:0
~= !'VI
... -m
I-LVl OOO 000- orr;:
c: Q) :;'J til
VI _
X X co ...
cbUic: cx:!l- ~
o co
-~ -~ <II
;! ~ ~
<:0.1 <:<11
.~ .~
VlO0 0-
1. The 'Merz-Price' system of automatic protection for high-tension circuits, Elec-
trical Review, August 28, 1908.
2. Leeson, B. H. and Leyburn, H. (1931) The principles of feeder protection and
their application to three modern systems, CIGRE Conference, Paris 18-27, June
paper 106,pp. 6-33.
344 Protection by current-differential schemes
3. Adamson, C. and Talkan, E. A. (1960) Selection of relaying quantities for dif-
ferential feeder protection, Proc. lEE, 107A, 37-47.
4. Solkor Protective Systems. Pamphlet 806, A Reyrolle and Co Ltd, 1954.
5. Protective Relays - Application Guide (1987) (3rd edn) GEC Measurements,
Chapter 10.
6. High speed pilot-wire feeder protection Solkor-R and Solkor-Rf, Pamphlet pub-
lished by NEI Reyrolle Ltd, 1990. Also' Digital feeder protection - Solkor M',
Data Sheet Solkor - M, 6/91.
7. Translay 'S' differential feeder and transformer feeder protection - Type MCBI,
GEC Measurements, publication R6011.
8. Pilot supervision equipment for Solkor R and Solkor Rf pilot-wire feeder protec-
tion, Data Sheet RIRf SUP (1985), NEI Reyrolle Ltd.
9. Supervision of AC pilot circuits - Relay type MRTP, R-6026, GEC Measure-
10. Differential line protection with fibre optics-type LD91-F (1987), Asea Brown
Boveri, Publication CH-ES 63-54.10.
11. Sun, S. c., Ray, R. E. (1978) A current differential relay system using fibre optic
communications, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-I02,
410-419, February.
12. Takagi, T., Yamakoshi, Y., Kudo, H., Miki, Y., Tanaka, M., and Mikoshiba K.
(1980) Development of an intrastation optical-fibre data transmission system for
electric power systems, Trans. IEEE, PAS-99, 318-327, Jan.-/Feb.
13. Sugiyama, T., Kano, T., Hatata, M. and Azuma, S. (1984) Development of a PCM
current differential relaying system using fibre-optic data transmission, IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-I03, 152-159, January.
14. LFCB digital current differential relay, Publications R-4054B and R-4028A, GEC
Measurements, England.
15. Kitagawa, M., Andow, F., Yamaura, M. and Okita, Y. (1978) Newly developed
FM current-differential carrier relaying system and its field experience, Trans.
lEE, PAS-97, 2272-2281.
16. Akimoto, Y., Matsuda, T., Matsuzawa, K., Yamaura, M., Kondow, R. and Mat-
sushima, T. (1981) Microprocessor based digital relay application in TEPCO,
Trans. IEEE, PAS-IOO, 2390-2398.
17. AlEE Committee Report (1961) Protection of multi-terminal and tapped lines,
Trans. AlEE, PAS-SO, pp 55-66.
18. Aggarwal, R. K. and Johns, A. J. (1986) The development of a new high speed
3-terminalline protection scheme, Trans. IEEE, PWRD-l, 125-134.
19. Aggarwal, R. K., Hussein, A. H. and Redfern, M. A. Design and testing of a new
microprocessor-based current differential relay for EHV Teed feeders, 91 WM
/65-1 PWRD.
Interlock and phase-comparison
schemes for the protection of
overhead transmission lines
Protective schemes based on Kirchhoff's first law, namely those which deter-
mine the location of faults by comparing the instantaneous currents entering
and leaving protected zones, were considered in Chapters 5-9. Their applica-
tion to overhead lines and cables was described in Chapter 9, in which it was
shown that there are factors which limit the lengths of circuits which may be
protected when the comparisons are effected over interconnecting conductors
(pilot wires). These limitations arise because of the need to convey continuous
infonnation with fairly high accuracy between the ends of protected circuits.
To eliminate this need, alternative schemes were introduced in which only
relatively simple signals need to be sent between the ends of protected zones,
and because significant attenuation of these signals may be allowed it is
possible to apply such schemes to very long circuits.
Interlock schemes which employ directional relays sited at each end of a
protected zone initiate the opening of the circuit-breakers at each end of a line
if both sets of relays indicate that currents are flowing into both its ends.
Clearly, information must be conveyed between the ends of protected circuits
but it is only of a yes-no nature, e.g. are the directional relays detecting current
flow into the circuit or not? The magnitudes of the received signals in such
schemes do not matter provided they are above particular threshold levels.
Phase-comparison schemes are somewhat related to Merz-Price schemes in
that they compare the currents at the two ends of a protected circuit, but they
do so by taking into account only the phases of the currents. Basically a signal
is sent whilst the current at an end has a particular polarity, say positive, and
this is compared with a similar signal at the other end. When the circuit is
healthy the two signals will coincide because the currents at the two ends will
be of similar phases whereas the phases will be considerably different if a fault
is present within the protected circuit and in this event the signals will be
displaced from each other. Clearly in these circumstances the opening of the
circuit-breakers at the ends of the line must be initiated.
Earth conductor
a b
- - V
IA =IB cosh yl + _B sinh yl (10.2)
in which
VA and VB are the r.m.s. voltages at ends A and B respectively
IA is the current flowing into end A
IB is the current leaving end B
Features of interlock protective schemes 349
1 is the line length
'Y the line propagation constant
andZo the line surge (or characteristic) impedance.
If an interlock protective scheme incorporating directional relays were to be
applied to the above single-phase line the magnitudes of the voltages and
currents would not be important. The angular zones over which the relays were
set to operate would, however, have to be such that both relays would never
indicate that currents were entering both ends of the line unless there was a
fault on it. To ensure that this condition would be satisfied, the displac~ments
Eetwee~ the voltages and currents at each end of the line, i.e. between VA and
IA and VB and IB' would have to be examined for healthy and external fault
Should a phase-comparison scheme be applied to a single-phase lin~ then
!.he only quantities of significance would be the phases of the currents hand
IB and clearly their phase displacements, when the line was healthy, should
never be in the range in which tripping of the circuit-breakers would be
initiated. In addition, the phase displacements possible during all internal
faults should ideally cause operation.
In practice, long overhead lines are invariably three-phase and their protec-
tive schemes must be set so that the principles outlined above will obtain under
all conditions. The behaviour of overhead lines is considered in more detail
in sections 10.3.1 and 10.5.1, in which details of particular protective schemes
are provided.
a F2 N.
--+ F1
--l.i;~ f
s Ns N.
Si~~ f
Ib = 0
s Ns N. le= 0
8---X s ~~~ f ~
r----I Nvs
f f f
~ s s s
directional relay: ,..r,.~_
1 Auxiliary
V, = k( Va+ Vb+ Ve) _ Va
- 4
Vb Vb
Earth fau It at F1 Earth fault at F2
(b) (c)
a.8~'~ 0.9,
(a) (b)
could be used. In each case a current would be provided to energize the relay
and a corresponding voltage would have to be provided.
The relay current (ir) would be equal to the sum of different fractions of the
currents in the phases of a protected line, i.e.
X b
-::~ End A
~v O~8'
Va O.9Vb
the 'a' phase at end A could be depressed and the currents for the two faults
would be approximately in antiphase with each other. A directional relay could
clearly be set to differentiate between the two conditions.
Summations of the above type produce outputs from the positive-, negative-
and zero-sequence components of the voltages and currents present during
fault conditions. The outputs caused by zero-sequence components of a given
magnitude are much greater than those produced by the other sequences, as
shown in Fig. 10.6. The actual outputs are dependent on the ratios kh k2 and
k3 and thus the turns in the primary winding sections when summation trans-
External fault
O .2C: Q 8
Negative sequence
- - -... Voa
- - -... VOb
- - -... Vac VOa O.9VOb O.8Vac
Zero sequence
formers are used. Whatever ratios are used, however, the sensitivities to
positive- and negative-sequence inputs are equal to each other.
Clearly, the same performance could be obtained from sequence networks
connected to current and voltage transformers of the same ratio in each phase.
In addition, however, the outputs obtained from quantities of a given magni-
tude of each of the sequences could be different from each other and, of
course, zero output could be obtained from one or more of the sequences if
desired. Outputs could be obtained for all types of faults from positive-
sequence networks but the outputs provided by such networks during phase to
earth faults are only one third of those obtained for three-phase faults of the
same current or voltage magnitudes. The resulting low sensitivity to earth
faults is normally unacceptable and therefore it is usual to employ networks
which provide relatively low outputs when their inputs are of positive-
sequence but higher outputs when the inputs are of zero sequence, e.g.
Ir = kIll + kola, ko being larger than k l.
Whatever methods are used and however many directional relays are used,
the angular operating and restraining zones of the relays must be such that
they will discriminate between faults within protected zones and those external
to them.
Relay settings
On very high voltage transmission networks, the neutral points are usually
earthed solidly and in these cases earth fault currents lag their phase voltages
Features of interlock protective schemes 355
by angles (q approaching n/2 rad. A typical condition during a short circuit
to earth on phase a of a line is shown in Fig. 10.7. The voltage of the faulted
phase (Va) could be low but the voltage between phases b and c (Vbc) would
be unaffected.
In a protective scheme with three earth fault and three phase-fault induc-
tion-type relays at each end, the earth fault relays could be set to provide
maximum torque for short-circuits to earth, e.g. maximum torque would be
provided when la lagged Va by q> rad. As these relays would have angular
operating zones approaching n rad, boundary conditions would exist near the
line PQ in Fig. 10.7. Should the 'a' phase relay be supplied with a voltage
proportional to that between the healthy phases (Vbc), it would have to be set
to operate whenever the fault current (/a) lead the voltage Vbc by an angle less
then (n - q rad or lagged by an angle less than q> rad.
The phases of the currents relative to the input voltages of a line on which
an interphase short-circuit is present are dependent on the line impedance
between its input and the fault. As a result, fault currents lag the corresponding
voltages by angles (q approaching nl2 rad, i.e. for a fault between phases a
and b, the current (/a) will lag the voltage Vab by almost nl2 rad and the current
h will be in antiphase with the current la as shown in Fig. 1O.8(a) and (b).
Again the voltages between faulted phases could be very depressed and there-
fore the relays are usually energized with the voltage of the unaffected phase.
As an example, the relay which is to detect faults between phases a and b
could be supplied with a current proportional to that in the 'a' phase of the
line (/a) and a voltage proportional to that of the 'c' phase of the line (Vc). In
these circumstances the operating angular zone of the relay would be posi-
tioned as shown in Fig. 1O.8(c).
It will be appreciated that all the voltages may be depressed in the event of
a symmetrical three-phase short-circuit near the end of a line and, in these
circumstances, the above cross-polarizing measures will clearly not be effec-
Fig. 10.7 Conditions when a single-phase to earth fault is present.
356 Interlock and phase-comparison schemes
breaker la= If
ao----X __~~~~L~in~e~~,_--------
I~f If +[Short-circuit
(b) (c)
tive and relays might not operate. This situation might be thought acceptable
in some applications because of the unlikelihood of such faults. If this is not
so, however, some form of memory action, such as tuned circuits, could be
included to ensure that the voltages supplied to the relays will not collapse
suddenly when faults occur, but decay slowly, thus enabling the relays to
operate if necessary.
It was stated in the previous section that the number of directional relays
needed at each end of a scheme could be reduced from six to three by so setting
each of the relays that it will determine the directions of both a phase to earth
fault and an interphase fault. As an example, a relay could be supplied with
inputs proportional to the 'c' phase voltage and the 'a' phase current of a line.
In the event of a short-circuit to earth on the 'a' phase of the line, the fault
/.)F--Jc:..::...::~ Va
Vb la
Fig. 10.9 Conditions when a single-phase to earth and an interphase fault are present.
Features of interlock protective schemes 357
current (fa) would lag the 'a' phase voltage by an angle approaching nl2 rad,
as shown in Fig. 10.9. Should a fault occur between phases a and b, the fault
current (lab) would lag the line voltage (Vab) by a similar angle. The angle
between the 'a' phase currents for the two faults would be of the order of
nl6 rad and the operating zone of the relay could be set to operate for both of
them, as shown in Fig. 10.9.
When a single relay fed with summated quantities is used at each end of a
scheme, suitable angular operating zones can be readily provided.
Relay sensitivity
In the previous section, the phase displacements between the currents and
voltages associated with transmission lines during short-circuit conditions
were considered and it was clear that the displacements when faults occur
within a protected zone are very different to those encountered when faults
are present on or beyond the bus bar near the relaying position. As a result, the
angular operating zones of directional relays can be set so that correct dis-
crimination will always be achieved for such conditions.
It must be recognized, however, that directional relays may not operate in
ways which will enable internal faults of limited current magnitudes to be
detected. To illustrate this in a simple manner, the behaviour obtained in the
event of a resistive fault to earth on a single-phase line is examined below.
To further simplify the treatment it is assumed that the fault is at the
mid-point of the line, as shown in Fig. 1O.1O(a) and that the line conductor
has no resistance. For the short-circuit condition (Rf = 0), the currents hand
IB would flow. The current IA would lag the voltage VA by nl2 rad, whereas
the current IB would lead the voltage VB by n!2 rad, as shown in Fig. 10.1 O(b)
and the currents would be given by:
The directional relays would be set so that the presence of an internal fault
would be detected.
In the extreme case of a fault with a resistance approaching infinity
(Rf ~ 00), the currents IA and IB would be almost the same, i.e.
V -V
I~I~-' A B
A B } 2x
This condition is shown in Fig. 10.1 O(c). It is very different from that shown
in Fig. lO.lO(b) and the relays would not indicate an internal fault.
Conditions as the fault resistances increase from zero are shown in Fig.
1O.l0(d), from which it can be seen that the phase displacement at end B would
increase from nl2 rad as the fault resistance rose from zero to a peak value of
about 2.8 rad. Thereafter the phase displacement would fall with increase of
358 Interlock and phase-comparison schemes
fx -
jx jx
,;---------------------------- R
-2 (d)
Fig. 10.10 Conditions when resistive faults are present-on a single-phase line.
(a), (b), (c), (d)
Features of interlock protective schemes 359
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5pu
~---------------------------- R
-1 '
fault resistance, the change for resistances between 1 pu and infinity being
At end A, however, the displacement decreases continuously from a value
of about 1t/2 rad. when the fault resistance is zero.
Similar results would occur for faults at a point quarter the way along a line,
as is shown in Fig. 1O.10(e) and it is therefore clear that directional relays
cannot be set to detect internal faults with resistances above certain levels, i.e.
internal faults of current levels below particular values would not be detected.
It will be appreciated from the preceding sections that several factors have
to be considered when the operating zones of directional relays are being
selected for particular applications. Because of their experience, manufac-
turers should be able to supply interlock schemes which incorporate relays
with settings which will enable given lines to be adequately protected. If
desired, however, the suitability of the proposed operating zones of relays
360 Interlock and phase-comparison schemes
could be determined by using either the three-phase long-line equations or
approximate methods to calculate the phase relationships between the various
voltages and currents which could be present during healthy conditions and
also those possible during both internal and external fault conditions.
If an interlock scheme associated with a transmission line has only one direc-
tional relay at each of its ends, then each relay should detect that current is
flowing into its end when a fault is present within the protected zone. In these
circumstances, opening of the circuit-breakers should be initiated.
When the line and the network of which it forms a part is healthy or when
faults are present outside the zone covered by the line protective scheme, one
relay should detect current flowing into the line, whereas the other relay
should detect current leaving the line. For these conditions the line circuit-
breakers should not be opened.
The above performance could be obtained by using one of the following
signalling arrangements.
Permissive signalling
In this method, also referred to as the transfer trip method, a signal is sent
when a directional relay detects current flowing into its end of a line. On
receipt of this signal at the other end of the circuit, tripping of the circuit-
breaker at that end is initiated if its directional relay also detects current
flowing into the line.
With this method, signals have to be sent from each end of a protected line
when a fault occurs on it so that tripping of the circuit-breakers at each of the
ends is initiated.
A disadvantage of this method is that the non-arrival of the signals would
prevent an interlock scheme from initiating the opening of the circuit-breakers
when internal faults were present. In these circumstances, reliance would then
have to be placed on the operation of other protective equipment or an alter-
native method of permitting tripping, such as that described later in section
10.4.2, must be used.
Because current normally flows into one end of a healthy line a signal would
be transmitted continuously unless the directional relays were prevented from
operating at currents up to levels somewhat above the rated values. It is clearly
desirable, however, that signals should only be sent when faults are present
and therefore current-sensitive starting relays must normally be provided. The
settings of these relays are considered later in section 10.3.3 ('Permissive
signalling' ).
Features of interlock protective schemes 361
Blocking signalling
In this method, signals are sent to prevent or block the tripping of circuit-
breakers when necessary. These signals are transmitted when a directional
relay detects that current is leaving its end of a protected circuit. Clearly this
method has the advantage that the non-arrival of a signal cannot prevent circuit-
breakers being opened when internal faults are present, but it could cause a
circuit-breaker at the end of a healthy line into which current is flowing, to be
allowed to open incorrectly.
Under healthy conditions, current must be flowing out of one end of a
protected line and a blocking signal could be sent out continuously, and indeed
such a signal would be required to prevent the directional relay at the other
end of the line from initiating the opening of its associated circuit-breaker.
This is clearly undesirable because any interruption of a blocking signal could
cause the opening of a circuit-breaker. For this and other reasons which are
considered later, current-operated starting relays must be included in interlock
schemes which use this type of signalling.
Blocking signalling
When this method of signalling is used it is imperative that the directional
relays at the end of a line to which a signal is being sent should not be allowed
to initiate the tripping of their associated circuit-breaker at a current level
Circuit Circuit
Current breaker breaker
~p~r~ot~e~ct~ed~lin~e___ X______
B End B
Stage 1
Starting relay (SR1)
Voltage Stage 2
transformer Starting relay (SR2)
breaker A
Trip circuit
- 0---
Send signal
to end B
Fig. 10.11 Blocking signalling. Contact BSI opens when a blocking signal is received
from end B. Contact DRI closes when current flows from the line to the busbar at end
A. Contact DR2 closes when current flows into the line from the busbar at end A.
Contact SRI closes when fault currents are above the Stage I level. Contact SR2 closes
when fault currents are above the Stage 2 level.
Features of interlock protective schemes 363
below that at which the signal may be sent. To meet this requirement and
ensure that a margin of safety will exist, relays, termed Stage 1, should be
provided to allow signals to be sent and a second set of starting relays, with
higher current settings than the Stage 1 relays, must be provided at each end
of a line. One or more of these latter relays, which are termed Stage 2 starting
relays, must operate at an end of a line before the circuit-breaker at that end
may be tripped.
A typical arrangement of the circuitry needed at each end of a line to ensure
correct operation is shown in Fig. 10.11. It will be seen that the receipt of a
blocking signal must cause the trip circuit to be opened, i.e. contact BS 1 must
open. It is essential that the trip circuit should not be completed before the
blocking signal has had time to arrive and to achieve this an adequate time
delay must occur before the Stage 2 relay allows tripping to be initiated. This
requirement prevents such schemes from operating very rapidly in the event
of internal faults including those of high current magnitudes.
This arrangement does, however, have the advantage that should a fault on
a line be fed from only one end, then it will be cleared by opening the
circuit-breaker at that end.
_ x : _....-...w.,-_.....__...;.p.;,;ro;.;,te;,;c;.;,;te;;,;d;.;l;;.;,;ine a
Transmit/receive signals
Optical-fibre links
Optical-fibre links are now employed for the transmission of interlocking
signals, and because such links are separate from the conductors of lines being
Interlock protective schemes 365
protected, they are not directly affected by system faults. Both permissive and
blocking signals can therefore be sent over these links. Again, reliable power
supplies must be provided for the equipment associated with this method of
signalling. Information about an interlock scheme employing optical links is
provided later in section 10.4.2. A review of protective relaying using fibre-
optic communications may be found in reference [3].
Microwave links
Line-of-sight communication links may be established using microwave sig-
nals at frequencies ranging from 1 to 10 GHz. Such links can rarely be justified
for protective purposes alone and thus when they are used they perform a
number of protection, monitoring and control functions.
A summary of the various protection signalling methods is given in refer-
ence [4].
81 18
< ~-f-~
Fig. 10.13 Diagram illustrating the 'Interlock' protective scheme. (1) Three-phase
directional stabilizing element. (2) Three-phase over-current element. (3) Trip circuit.
(4) Interlock relay. (5) Telephone. (6) Pilot. (7) Tripping element with time lag.
(Reproduced from Leeson and Leyburn, 1931, CIGRE Conference Paper 106 with the
permission of CIGRE.)
The principle involved in comparing the phases of the currents at the two ends
of a line is related to that of comparing the instantaneous values of the current,
as in Merz-Price type protective schemes. It is also related to the directional-
interlock principle because the phase of the current at an end of a line changes
significantly when the direction of the current flow reverses to feed a fault on
a line.
Phase-comparison schemes have an advantage over current-differential
schemes in that only information about the phases of the currents must be
transmitted between the ends of lines and therefore attenuation of signals is
acceptable. They also have an advantage over directional-interlock signals in
that they do not require information about the line voltages and therefore
voltage transformers are not needed to supply them.
As stated earlier in section 10.1, phase-comparison schemes in which high-
frequency signals were transmitted along the conductors of protected lines
were introduced about 1950, by which time suitable electronic equipment was
Several factors which affect phase-comparison schemes are considered in
the following sections.
368 Interlock and phase-comparison schemes
10.5.1 The phase displacements of line currents
If there was no capacitance or leakage resistance between the conductors of a
healthy transmission line, then the currents at the two ends of each of its
phases would be the same at every instant and therefore they would be in phase
with each other.
If either a phase to earth or an interphase short circuit was present on such
a line this condition would not hold and the phase currents would be displaced
from each other by considerable angles. As an example, the currents for a short
circuit to earth at the mid-point of one phase of a line would be almost in
antiphase with each other.
The phase-displacements between the currents in the event of highly-resistive
faults could however be quite small as was shown earlier in section 10.3.1 and
Fig. 10.10.
In practice, of course, significant capacitance is present between the phase
conductors of long lines and therefore, although the leakage resistances are
very high, the instantaneous currents in each phase at the two ends of lines
are not the same. As an example, the capacitive current per phase of a British
400 kV line, 100 miles long, is about 140 A and the resultant phase displace-
ment between the currents at the two ends when operating at rated current is
approximately 0.036 rad.
It will be clear from the above that phase comparison schemes must be so
arranged that they will not initiate tripping of the circuit-breakers when the
phase displacements are less than a certain set value but that circuit-breaker
opening will be initiated when displacements exceed the set value.
The phase-displacement settings provided by particular manufacturers are
quoted later in section 10.6 and experience has shown that these provide
satisfactory discrimination and also enable internal faults above certain current
levels to be detected. If it is felt to be necessary the phase displacements which
may occur in particular applications may be calculated using either the full
three-phase long-line equations [(10.1) and (10.2)] or simpler approximate
equations and in this way the suitability of proposed angular settings may be
Comparison of the phases of each of the currents at the ends of a line would
require three separate signals to be sent in each direction, and whilst this could
be done it is clearly preferable that only a single signal should be transmitted,
when necessary, from each end.
Summation processes using current transformers of different ratios or sum-
mation transformers fed from current transformers of the same ratios, as
described earlier in section 10.3.1, could be used to provide a single output at
each end of a line. It has, however, been the usual practice to use symmetri-
Phase-comparison protective schemes 369
cal-component sequence networks for this purpose. The sensitivities to the
separate components of the networks used in practical schemes are quoted in
section 10.6.
at end
rot rot
at end
rot rot
Fig. 10.14 Conditions when faults are present on a line and external to it.
Phase-comparison protective schemes 371
End A End B
Output Output
at end at end
wt wt
at end A from end B at end B end A
\ \
end when the network output was positive whilst signals would be sent from
the other end when the corresponding output was negative.
This scheme was developed jointly by A. Reyrolle and Co Ltd, and GEC
(Telephones) Ltd, prototype equipments [10] being produced in 1945. After
these were operated on an experimental basis, a final production version was
applied to one of the transmission lines between Loch Sloy Hydro-Electric
Station and Windyhill Switching Station, north of Glasgow in 1950. This line
was about 40 miles in length.
The equipment, which was supplied by current transformers with secondary
windings rated at 1 A, incorporated sequence networks. The connections were
such that their outputs were in antiphase with each other when the phase
currents at the ends of the protected line were in phase with each other.
The sequence networks produced voltage outputs given by:
in which ft. and lz. are the 'a' phase positive- and negative-sequence currents
respectively and k is a constant.
The general arrangement of the equipment was as shown in Fig. 10. 16(a).
When the output of a network exceeded the level needed to operate its asso-
ciated Stage I relay, the high frequency signal produced in the oscillator was
modulated by the output signal of the sequence network, and a high frequency
signal of constant amplitude was injected into the line conductors, via coup-
ling equipment, during those periods when the output of the sequence network
was positive. Because of the tuned-line traps, inserted in series at each end of
the line, the injected signal travelled to the other end of the line, where after
passing through the line-coupling equipment it was fed to a receiver. Each
receiver not only received signals from the other end of the line but also the
high frequency signals produced at its own end.
As a result, signals would have been received continuously by each receiver,
as shown in Fig. 10.16(b) if the currents in the two ends of the line were in
phase. When the line currents were not in phase, however, the signals over-
lapped as shown in Fig. 1O.16(c) and there were periods during each power-
frequency cycle when the receivers did not receive signals. When the duration
of a period in which no signal was received exceeded I/lth of a cycle of power
frequency, i.e. rc/6 rad, an output relay operated. This relay then initiated the
opening of the associated circuit-breaker provided that the local Stage 2 relay
supplied by the sequence network had operated.
The phase-displacements between the currents at the ends of a healthy line
tend to be considerably less than rc/6 rad. As an example, the phase displace-
ment on a three-phase, 400 kV 3800 A line of 100 miles in length is 0.036 rad.
Should a fault occur on a circuit connected to such a line, the voltage at the
end near the fault would be depressed below normal, causing reductions in the
capacitive current and phase displacement.
Experience has shown that the above angular range of rc/6 rad in which
DF-Directional-filter. F-Wave-filtec. R-Output-relay. St-Starting-relay.
I SrStarting-relay. T3-Transformer. Ts-Transformec. TFt-Summation-transformer.
I TFrSummation-transbmer. TR-Tripping relay. V t-Oscil1ator. Vz-Modulator.
VrAmplifier. V4-Amp1ifier. V4-Mixer. V"Amplifier.
o rJ)
<I) rJ)
'- c:
.!: <I)
~ -~
~ E
Fig. 10.16 (a) Telephase protective scheme, (b) basic operating principle when cur-
rents are in phase, (c) and out of phase. (Reproduced from The Reyrolle Review, No
142, Jan-Mar 1950, with the permission of Reyrolle Protection.)
External fault Internal fault
End A End B End A End B
Table 10.1
Type of fault Setting (percentage of current
transformer secondary rating)
Phase 'a' to earth 75
Phase 'b' to earth 90
Phase 'c' to earth 90
Phase 'a' and 'b' 45
Phase 'b' and 'c' 60
Phases 'c' and 'a' 45
Three-phase 225
Phase comparison schemes 377
zero under normal healthy conditions, the detectors could be given settings
well below the value corresponding to the rated current of the protected line.
The other low-set and high-set detectors were fed with the output of the
positive-sequence network via impulse networks which only provided outputs
when the line currents changed suddenly. This second set of detectors was not
therefore sensitive to the passage of normal load currents and could thus be
set to detect relatively small three-phase fault currents, unlike the earlier
Various forms of Telephase have been applied to many transmission lines
over the years and they have performed well, operating for internal faults in
times of about 20 ms.
The latest form of Telephase protection which is designated T3 [11], is
produced by Reyrolle Protection, NEI Electronics Ltd. It incorporates the
above impulse-detection arrangements and is arranged as shown in Fig. 10.17.
As a result it can provide the range of fault settings shown in Table 10.2.
Because the scheme utilizes modem electronic equipment, several facilities
such as automatic checking procedures are incorporated. A further feature of
this scheme is that the angular zone in which operation will not occur, i.e. the
stabilizing zone is not fixed as in the early schemes, but increases as the line
current decreases. It varies between limits of about 'It/6 rad to 'It/3 rad. It
thus takes account of the fact that the phase displacement caused by the
capacitive current of a line decreases as the current fed through it increases.
The operating time of this scheme is somewhat dependent on the levels of
fault currents and also on the transient components present and as can be seen
from Fig. 10.18 it may vary between about 18 ms and 40 ms.
To ensure that incorrect operation will not occur because of saturation of
the cores of current transformers feeding Telephase T3 schemes, it is recom-
mended that the secondary knee-point voltage of the transformers should
satisfy the following conditions:
Vk ;;;;. 1.5 -lr (A + B + C)
in which
1.5 is a stability factor,
Table 10.2
Type of fault Fault setting (percentage of current
transformer secondary rating)
Balanced Three-phase 30 40 50 60 70
Unbalanced Phase to earth 36 48 60 72 84
Phase to phase 20 27 34 41 48
-" I-/-X 1f'l'Pt I - 50 HzlPLC intertace
50 Hz circurts PLC circurts
t-- .... t
(J? I
~~ I
I:> t::C I
'"~ g -
.... ...
~. 3
;:, 0
~ -l
~ ~
" 0
5 -g.
;:, I
~ g.
::." ::s
_. 8-
o (")
= 0
o..., Q.
50 Hz circurts ---+----1
Phase comparison schemes 379
~ 50
.!: 40
C, 30
a. 20
Minimum current transient
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(a) Multiples of current-setting
Fig. 10.18 Overall operating time/current characteristic (a), and typical operate
time/point-on-wave initiation b-e fault at three times fault-setting (b).
380 Interlock and phase-comparison schemes
X/R = Inductive reactance/resistance ratio of the power-system impedance
corresponding to the maximum through-fault conditions,
If is the maximum through-fault in the secondary winding of the current
transformers (A),
A is the resistance of the current-transformer secondary windings (0),
B is the resistance of the connection between each current transformer and
the sequence network (0),
C is the impedance of the sequence network (0), which has maximum
values of 0.1 0 and 0.2 0 respectively when current transformers with
1 A and 5 A secondary current ratings are used. The value of C is
normally very small compared with A + B.
in which
X/R is the primary system reactance/resistance ratio,
It is the maximum through-fault current (secondary A),
ReT is the resistance of the secondary winding (0),
Rw is the resistance of leads between the current transformers and the
protective equipment (0).
Many of the faults which occur on overhead lines are caused by flashovers
between phase conductors or between one or more of the phase conductors
and earthed metal or the ground. After the initial breakdown quite large
currents flow in the arcs which are formed and considerable ionization is
Such conditions cannot be allowed to persist and they must therefore be
detected by protective equipment which will initiate the qpening of the cir-
cuit-breakers associated with the faulted line.
Clearly the arc or arcs will extinguish after the line is de-energized and the
ionized products will then disperse. As a result, the line could be fe-energized
after a certain period, which is termed the dead time.
382 Interlock and phase-comparison schemes
It will be appreciated, however, that the disconnection of a line connected
between sources affects power transfers and it could lead to asynchronous
operation, i.e. instability. It is therefore necessary that dead times be so chosen
that the line circuit-breakers will be reclosed before instability will occur. In
most cases a dead time of about 0.2 s proves sufficiently long to allow arc
products to disperse and yet enables stability to be maintained.
The above process, which is referred to as auto-reclosing, is now widely
used on both transmission and distribution lines. It is implemented in several
different ways. In each case, operation of the protective equipment associated
with a faulted line initiates the opening of the circuit-breakers which then
automatically reclose after the pre-set dead time. Should the isolation of the
line clear the fault then no further action is initiated and the line is left in
service. If, however, the fault is not cleared at the end of the dead time, either
because it is a solid fault, i.e. direct contact between conductors or to ground,
or because the products of arcing have not dispersed sufficiently, then the
protective equipment detects the presence of the fault when the line is reclosed
and initiates the opening of the circuit-breakers again. Because it is clearly
undesirable to repeatedly reclose a major circuit on to a fault, schemes are
arranged so that either only one reclosure is possible, i.e. if a fault has not
been cleared when the circuit-breakers reclose initially, then when they are
opened for the second time a further reclosure will not occur. Two or more
reclosures are allowed, however, on less important circuits such as distribution
lines. To differentiate between the arrangements described above, they are
referred to as single shot reclosing and multi-shot reclosing.
It will be appreciated that the disconnection of a major transmission line
significantly affects other parts of the network of which it forms a part and,
as stated above, it can lead to asynchronous operation after a relatively short
period of time. Clearly the effect of opening only one phase of a line is less
than that caused by opening all three phases because power can be transferred
on the two unopened phases and therefore instability might not be caused or
it will not occur as quickly as it would with three-phase opening. It is therefore
advantageous, when single-phase to earth faults occur on a line, to open only
the faulted phase and then to use one of the reclosure methods described above
and this is the usual practice when suitable circuit-breakers are provided, i.e.
those in which the phases may be operated independently.
To enable this arrangement to be implemented, it is clearly necessary that
the protective schemes should be able to determine the types of faults which
may occur on a transmission line, e.g. interphase and single-phase to earth,
and the phases on which they are present so that the appropriate circuit-breaker
operation and reclosure procedures may be initiated.
Faults involving all three phases are relatively rare and when they do occur
it is usually because of errors, such as the failure to remove earths, applied
while maintenance work has been done, before a line is re-energized. Reclo-
sure in such circumstances is undesirable and, as a result, some users prefer
References 383
to inhibit automatic reclosing when three-phase faults are detected by the
protective equipment.
In some cases, when voltage transformers are present on a network in
positions which enable the voltages on both sides of line circuit-breakers to
be measured, check-synchronizing equipment is provided to ensure that auto-
matic reclosures do not take place unless the phase displacements across
circuit-breakers are within acceptable limits. It will be appreciated that when
a line is disconnected at both ends to clear a fault, the voltages on the line
sides of both its circuit-breakers will be zero and therefore the phase displace-
ments at neither end can be determined. It is thus necessary that the circuit-
breaker at one end be allowed to close after the necessary dead time and that
check-synchronizing equipment at the other end should determine whether
conditions are suitable for the second circuit-breaker to be reclosed. Further
details of problems associated with auto-reclosing may be found in reference [14].
It will be evident from the preceding sections that both interlock and phase-
comparison schemes have been used successfully to protect transmission lines
for many years and modem versions of these schemes are being implemented
using the latest electronic circuitry and equipment. It therefore seems likely
that they will continue to be applied in the foreseeable future and although their
hardware and that of the communication links will continue to be up-dated,
the basic principles and features will not be changed.
1. Pilot relaying performance analysis - IEEE Committee Report, (1990) IEEE
Trans, PWRD-S, 85-102.
2. Eggimann, F., Senn, W. and Morf, K. (1977) The transmission characteristics of
high voltage lines at carrier frequencies, Brown Boveri Review, 8, 449-459.
3. Fibre optic channels for protective relaying, report prepared by the Fibre Optics
Relay Channels Working Group for the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee
(1989): lEE Trans, on Power Delivery, 4, (1),165-176.
4. Power System Protection. Vol 1 Principles and Components (1981), (ed. Elec-
tricity Council), Peter Peregrinus 2nd edn, Chapter 7.
5. Clothier, H. W. (1931) Overhead line and feeder protection, CIGRE Paris, 1931,
Paper No. 88.
6. Leeson, B. H. and Leybum, H. (1931) The principles of feeder protection and
their application to three modem systems, CIGRE Paris, 1931, Paper No. 106.
7. Chamia, M. and Liberman, S. (1978) Ultra high speed relay for EHV/UHV
transmission lines - development design and application, Trans. lEE, PAS-97,
8. Johns, A. T. (1980) New Ultra-high-speed directional comparison technique for
the protection of ehv transmission lines, Proc. C, lEE, 127, 228-229.
384 Interlock and phase-comparison schemes
9. Vitins, M. (1981) A fundamental concept for high speed relaying, Trans. lEE,
PAS-lOO, 163-168.
10. Lackey, C. H. (1950) A review of British practice in the protection of electric
power systems, The Reyrolle Review, No 142, pp 1-19.
11. Telephase T3, PLC Phase-Comparison Protection, Pamphlet T3.4186, (12 pages),
NEI Reyrolle Ltd.
12. Type Contraphase PlO/p40, Phase Comparison Carrier Protection, Publication
R-5247B (11 pages), GEC Measurements.
13. Phase Comparison Protection Relay 7SD32, Protective Relays, Siemens Catalog
R.1989, pp 6/25-6/33.
14. Automatic reclosing of transmission lines - an IEEE Power Systems Relaying
Committee Report (1984), Trans. lEE, PAS-103, 234-245.
Distance-type protective schemes for
overhead lines and cables
In Chapters 7-10 various schemes which are used to protect overload lines
and cables have been considered. All of these schemes are of the unit type in
that they should operate whenever faults above certain levels of current occur
on the protected units, i.e. between the current transformers mounted at each
of the ends of the units, and they should not operate when external faults are
present or during any healthy conditions. In each case this desired performance
is obtained by making use of information about the conditions at both ends of
a protected unit at any time. As examples, the instantaneous input and output
currents of lines are compared in current-comparison (Merz-Price) schemes,
the phases of currents are compared in 'phase-comparison' schemes and the
directions of currents are taken into account in interlock schemes. To effect
the necessary comparisons, signals must be sent between the ends of protected
units which may, of course, be quite long distances apart, and either pilot wires
or optical fibres or other high frequency electronic communication equipment
may be required for this purpose.
An alternative method of protecting overhead lines and cables, without the
need for comparisons between the quantities at both ends of the protected
units, is based on measuring the input impedances of lines and cables and to
do so clearly requires that information about both input currents and voltages
be available. It will be clear, therefore, that such schemes must be fed from
both current and voltage transformers mounted near the ends of protected
It is shown later that it is not possible to measure impedance with such
accuracy that discrimination can be achieved between faults a short distance
from the end of a long line and those just beyond its end, and therefore these
schemes are not of the unit type and hence features, such as time delays, must
be incorporated to enable correct discrimination to be obtained between inter-
nal and external faults.
The input impedance of a short-circuited line or cable varies from zero for
a fault at its input end to a finite value for a fault at its remote end, the actual
impedance value increasing with the distance to the fault; therefore schemes
This impedance clearly increases linearly with the distance to the fault (x)
until it reaches its maximum value for a fault at the remote end of the line,
i.e. Zin = (R + jroL) lQ. This variation is shown in Fig. 11.1(b). On most lines,
the ratio of the inductive reactance to resistance, (roL/R), is high and therefore
the phase angle <p of the input impedance is quite high. As an example the
roL/R ratio of the 400 kV transmission lines in Britain is 16 and the corre-
sponding value of <p is 1.508 rad.
If the line P supplied a similar line Q on which a short-circuit occurred at
a point a distance XQ along it, then the input impedance to line P would be
given by:
Clearly therefore, an input impedance (Zin) in the range between the points 0
and M on Fig. 11.1 (b) would indicate a fault on line P and a value above the
388 Distance-type protective schemes
lin x
0 RI
value at point M would indicate that line P was healthy. This is one of the
simple principles on which distance- or impedance-measuring schemes are
It will be appreciated that discrimination must also be achieved between
short-circuits on a protected line and normal healthy operating conditions.
During the latter conditions a protected line (P) may be supplying a range of
loads connected to the busbar at its remote end (B). Should these loads be
resistive then the input impedance (40) to line P would be given by:
Zin = (R + jroL)x+Rf
in which Rf is the fault resistance.
The range of input impedances which may occur when faults with resistan-
ces up to a certain value (Rfmax) occur on a protected line will thus be within
the shaded parallelogram shown on Fig. 11.2(a).
It will be seen from Figs. 11.1(b) and 11.2(a) that correct discrimination
could be achieved for faults with resistances up to a particular value at which
the part of the parallelogram to the right of the vertical through the point RL
in Fig. 11.2(a) lies in the shaded semicircle in Fig. 11.1(b), i.e. when the
vertical height OA in Fig. 11.2(a) is greater than the height OU in Fig. 11.1 (b).
This condition is shown in Fig. 11.2(b).
Should a protected line form part of a highly interconnected network, then
current may be fed through it in the reverse direction to normal when faults
occur on the circuits connected to its input end. This situation is illustrated in
.E A
o RI
Resistance 0
(a) (b)
End A _ End B
vJ I
Ql Ql
> 0
::J 0
Fig. 11.3. In the~ circumstances the fault current (IF) would usua.!!y lag the
busbar voltage (VA) and the apparent input impedance of line P (Zin) would
then have both a resistance and inductive resistance which are negative, an
example being shown in Fig. 11.3(b). Should the fault be on busbar A then
the apparent impedance would be zero.
It will be clear from the above that faults on a protected line could be
detected and that correct discrimination could be achieved in this simple case
by providing an impedance-measuring relay which would operate for imped-
ances in a section of the Z plane, such as that shown in Fig. 11.2(b).
~o= ~A =~ tanh yx n
The form of the variation of 40 with the distance x is shown in Fig. 11.4(a),
from which it can be seen that the input impedance becomes very large at a
Zin 0
-4 (a)
t 200
Fig. 11.4 (a) Typical input impedance of a line with a short circuit fault at a distance
x. (b) Variation of input impedance with fault resistance.
392 Distance-type protective schemes
particular distance which is dependent on frequency. For the frequencies used
in power systems, however, these distances are great, for examples 1500 km
for 50 Hz operation and 1250 km for 60 Hz operation.
In practice, therefore, the positions of short circuits on all the lines in use
today could be determined by impedance measurement and the non-linearity
of the input impedance variation with fault position does not pose problems.
Should resistl!.!lce (Rr) be present in the path of a fault on a long line then
the value of Vx/fx would be Rf an~ it can be shown from equations (11.1) and
(11.2) that the input impedance (Zin) would then be given by:
Relays which operated rapidly when impedances were below set levels
The above relays did not provide rapid clearance of faults on protected lines
and the operating times clearly increased with the distance of a fault from the
relaying position. This was not always acceptable because high fault currents
could persist for quite significant periods and therefore relays were produced
which operated rapidly for all faults which caused the magnitudes of the input
impedances to protected circuits to be below appropriate set levels. In early
distance-protection schemes, relays with a pair of electromagnets above which
was a balanced beam were used. The basic form of such relays is shown in
Fig. 11.6(a).
The beam, because of its inertia, could not respond to the power-frequency
variations of the fields set up by the two electromagnets. Under normal con-
ditions the voltage applied to the winding on the left electromagnet was high
and a current flowed in the winding producing a large m.m.f. (/yNI ) and
therefore a large flux <PI' The current in the protected line at such times would
be relatively low and therefore both the m.m.f. (IN2 ) in the right electromagnet
and the flux <pz would be low. During these conditions the beam was restrained
by the backstop.
Impedance measurement 395
\ Operation I R
\ within "
\ circle I
Beam relay \ " /
"- .... ..- /
During periods when faults were present on the line, the voltage (V) would
be depressed and the current (I) would be above normal and as a result the
magnitude of the flux CP2 would exceed that of the flux CPh causing the beam to
tilt and close the contacts. These relays were therefore amplitude comparators.
Because of the air gaps in the magnetic circuits, almost linear behaviour was
obtained and operation occurred when the ratio of the magnitude of the m.m.f.
IN2 to that of m.m.f. Iv!V.J !.xceeded a set value. As a result operation occurred
when the magnitude of I IV exceeded a set value. This provided an impedance
setting, independent of phase, below which operation occurred.
These relays therefore had a circular impedance characteristic centred on
the origin of the Z plane, as shown in Fig. 11.6(b) and not offset characteristics
of the forms shown earlier in Fig. 11.2. They did not therefore have directional
properties and had to be used in conjunction with separate directional elements
so that the combination operated only in semicircular zones of the form shown
in Fig. 11.6(c).
k lIN
2 3
I ~ I klNI V~ - k2 IN2 I
( 11.3)
BackstoR::=i::::::::J:!::;==:::::;r:==::r-~g C,zrtact x
I \
/ \
I \
, b
\ I
\ /
\ I
" a // R
kNZ ..... - - - - /
Restraining Operating oa = -LL!. cos ~
electromagnet electromagnet k,N,
k2N2Z, . R
ob =--Sln",
r =--
(a) (b)
and centre
V~+k IN I ~ I klNI
V~_k IN I
3 2 2
By again substituting R = V cos oJI and X = V sin 0./1, the following express-
ion is obtained:
R ZI k2 (N2 - N3)
X = - R cot I-' + ---'---=--'-----=----"..:... (11.6)
2 kl NI sin~
The resulting operating characteristic of these relays is therefore of the
general form shown in Fig. 11.8(a).
It will be clear that the characteristic would pass through the origin, as
shown in Fig. 11.8(b), if the current windings had the same number of turns,
i.e. N2 =N3, and such a relay would operate for currents varying in phase over
7t rad relative to the applied voltage, i.e. it would behave as a directional relay.
It will also be clear that a horizontal ohm characteristic could be produced
by making the phase angle ~ equal to 7t/2 rad. A relay with such a charac-
teristic could be set to operate when the inductive reactance component of the
input impedance of a line fell below a particular value and it would therefore
not be affected by the presence of resistance in a fault path. Relays with this
characteristic, which were described as reactance relays, were produced using
induction type elements, and were employed to detect earth faults in early
protective schemes.
x x
OA = Z1 k2(N2 - N3)
2k1N1 sin ~
(a) (b)
Fig. 11.8 Ohm characteristic.
Impedance measurement 399
The above characteristics can be produced by other forms of relays in which
the amplitudes of the quantities on the two sides of equation (11.5) are compared.
and operation occurs when the phase angle between the quantities is rr.!2 rad
or larger, either lagging or leading, then the limiting condition would occur
Ivl =W
lIT ki
i.e. such a relay would have a plain-impedance characteristic.
As a further example, a 'mho' characteristic can be produced by a relay
which operates when the following two quantities are displaced in phase by
rr./2 rad or less:
- --
SI=kr/+kvV and S2=~/-kvV
and therefore to provide the necessary setting the magnitude of the impedance
of the voltage circuit of the relay must be:
(11. 7)
2k2 N3
in series with an inductance
then the transient and sinusoidal components of the current in the voltage
winding of the relay will match those in the current windings at all instants.
As an example, should the voltage at the input to a line remain sinusoidal
during a short circuit condition, i.e. v = Vpk sin (rot + a) in which t is measured
402 Distance-type protective schemes
from the time of fault occurrence, then the instantaneous line current would
be given by:
i= Vpk ] {sin(oot+O;-~)-Sin(o;-~)exp(-!it)}
f(R 2 + 002L2) Z L
and the quantities on both sides of equation (11.3) would be equal at all
As a result the m.mJ.s applied to the two electromagnets would be the same.
The impedance Z] given in equation (11.7) is thus a replica of that in the line
and its use would ensure that in practice only the small errors caused by
neglecting the capacitive current of the line would occur during transient
conditions. In addition the behaviour would not be affected by the relay
operating time and operation would not therefore need to be delayed to allow
r.m.s. values to be determined.
It will be clear that errors will occur, however, in the assessments of the
distances to short circuits if the phase angle of the impedance Z] is not the
same as that of the line impedance.
It can be shown that accurate assessments of the distances to short circuits
can be obtained with relays having the other characteristics considered earlier
and this is so when either amplitude or phase comparators are used.
It must be recognized that significant errors may be made in determining
the input impedances of lines on which resistive faults are present because
under such conditions the ratio of the inductance to resistance in the replica
impedor (Z]) will not be the same as that in the line input impedance. In these
circumstances, the waveforms of the currents in the voltage circuits of the
comparators will not be the same as those in the current circuits when transient
components are present and certainly those in the current circuits will decay
more rapidly than those in the voltage circuits. As a result, the values being
compared will not be in a constant ratio and the phase differences will not be
Behaviour during transient conditions which result from faults on long lines
The capacitive current between the conductors of long lines tends to be small
relative to the normal or fault currents in lines, but nevertheless the input
impedances when short circuits occur on lines do not increase linearly with
the distances to faults as shown in section 11.2.2. In addition the phase angles
of the impedances are affected by the distances to faults.
Basic schemes 403
Clearly, a relay could be set to detect when the input impedance of a line
fell below a certain value during steady state conditions, but the technique of
matching the impedance in the voltage circuit of a relay to that of the protected
line does not enable completely accurate assessment of the positions of faults
to be achieved. This is basically because the distributed nature ofthe impedors
in a long line cannot be matched by a single impedor.
The behaviour of a line would be approximately mirrored by making allow-
ance for its capacitance by connecting a replica capacitor in the voltage circuit
of a relay as shown in Fig. 11.10. In this way a T-section modelling of the
line up to the distance at which short circuits should be detected would be
produced. This would provide improved accuracy of measurement but it would
not be completely accurate because the current (Ir) in the relay winding would
not contain the components caused by the travelling waves which are present
under fault conditions.
In practice a degree of error in the assessment of the distances to short
circuits or long lines must be accepted [6] and errors will again be present
when resistive faults occur.
EndA D
st D 1
_ _ xl,v-st2----s-t2SJ=rX-
_A Protected line A
st2, End A
------------- -r----
"-"-l"-'~t2, 'End '6-"
c: i
st1, End AL.
st1, End B
0.2/ 0.8/
Such a relay does not have a single operating characteristic in the Z-plane
because it is controlled by four variable terms, i.e. Valla, Vab/la, 'Yand a., unlike
a mho relay which is ,only controlled by two of these terms, namely Valla
and 'Y.
Basic schemes 407
It can be seen, however, that in the event of a short circuit on the 'a' phase
near the current and voltage transformers, for which the voltage Va would be
zero the equation (11.8) would reduce to that of an ohm relay, i.e. equation
(11.5), and it would pass through the origin of the Z plane. It would thus act
as a directional relay and the angle of the linear characteristic could be set at
the required angle in the Z plane by choosing an impedor Z3 with the necessary
phase angle.
For short circuits on phase a of a line near the point beyond which operation
is not to occur, the voltage Va would be quite high and provided that the
magnitude of the term k3N3/Z3 is very much less than that of the term
k\NtfZh the effect produced by the polarizing voltage Vbc would be small
compared with that produced by the phase a voltage (Va). As a result the
behaviour would approach that of an mho relay. Such relays are referred to as
being cross-polarized and clearly the same performance can be obtained by
providing the necessary inputs to other forms of amplitude or phase comparators.
It will be evident that neither self- or cross-polarized relays would operate
correctly in the unlikely, but nevertheless possible, event of a three-phase
short circuit on a line at a point near the current and voltage transformers
because under such a condition all the voltages would collapse to near zero levels.
In the past, so-called memory circuits were connected at the outputs of the
voltage transformers. These were oscillatory circuits which would continue to
provide power-frequency voltages that would decay in amplitude slowly
should the power-system voltages collapse. These voltages which were related
to the pre-fault system voltages were then used to provide polarization to the
various relays.
More recently, with the introduction of modern electronic equipment, volt-
ages have been continuously sampled and stored for short periods and these
have been used to provide a measure of polarization in the event of system faults.
It will be appreciated that the basic circular mho characteristic is distorted
by the use of cross-polarization and clearly the degree of distortion increases
as the amount of cross-polarization is increased. This feature is utilized on
occasions and the amount of cross-polarizing is so set that the circle is dis-
torted to increase the value of the intercept on the R axis of the Z plane
diagram whilst retaining the cut-off impedance value at the characteristic
angle ~. In this way, relay operation for relatively high-resistance faults at
points along a protected line can be obtained.
To differentiate between the types of mho characteristics, the term 'self-
polarized' mho is now used for relays with a single voltage input, the term
'cross-polarized' being used for those with two voltage inputs.
Phase to earth/aults
If a line had a completely symmetrical conductor configuration and it was
supplied from an earthed source, as shown in Fig. 11.12(a), and there were no
other earths on the system, then the conditions during a short circuit between
phase a and earth could be determined from the sequence network shown in
Fig. 11.12(b). This is demonstrated in Appendix 3. The fault current would be
given by:
- - - - 3 Via
la =Iia + lu + loa =----==-----==---,=-
X (ZI + Z2 + Zo)
and therefore the apparent input impedance to phase a (Ze) would be given by:
in which Zo, ZI and Z2 are the sequence impedances up to the fault position.
Each of the earth fault impedance-measuring relays could be set to operate
at impedances up to the value given by the above expression for a fault at the
desired cut-off or reach, say 80% of the line length.
In practice, lines are not symmetrically spaced in triangular configurations
and therefore the impedances per unit length of the phases differ and measur-
ing errors would be present if the above setting was used on all phases. The
- Line impedances/unit length
- r-- are 2'1' ~ and Zo V1a
x_ a
x b
~ X---+--c ~a=T2a=foa
It =1a
(a) (b)
A relay set to operate up to this latter value would thus assess the distance
to the fault incorrectly and it could either under-reach or over-reach.
in which
~~- X -
- -
VA1a (a)
(I-x)Zo -leoa
- -
101!!4 sNout f 'out a
""--./YY'>t"'--- - J "........" ' - - _ ..J'"YlnI"",-" ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~
- -
101!!4. sNout flout b
n.../YY'lr...... U--r>nC'lr"'- L...L.r'X'X'"J(~ ~ ~
I ~~1 I
(c) (d)
W.!!ilst ac~ount should strictly be taken of the phase angles of the impedan-
ces ZI and Zo, this form of compensation does enable earth fault relays to
perform with acceptable accuracy because the line resistances are much lower
than the reactances and the assessments of the positions of faults are not
therefore significantly affected by the distributions of the currents in the
phases. _ _
To give an output current of I out = X I A (ZI + Z2 + Zo) when there are no
currents in the healthy phases the turns ratio N31NI must be unity.
Residual compensati~n _ The ~quation above relating the voltage VA. to the
three-phase currents I., Ib and Ie may also be expressed in the form:
N2 INI i
= I Zo ZI l
Interphase faults
In the event of a short circuit between two phases of a line, as shown in Fig.
11.14(a), the sequence network would be connected as shown in Fig. 11.14(b).
The magnitude of the fault current would be given by:
~ ~=b
7 \j :
Line impedances/unit length
are 21 and 22
In practice, the positive and negative sequence impedances of lines are equal
and therefore IZbc I = 2x I I.
During a three-phase fault the fault currents are given by:
The magnitude of the apparent input impedance Zbc in these circumstances
would be:
It can be seen from this that phase-fault relays would operate for three-phase
faults at distances up to 2/...[3 times those for which they would operate for
phase to phase faults. As a result, if Stage 1 phase-fault relays were set to have
a reach of 80% of the length of a protected line in the event of a three-phase
fault, then they would only detect phase to phase faults on 69% of the line
Basic schemes 413
This situation may be avoided by supplying each of the phase-fault relays
with a line voltage and the difference of two phase currents. Considering again
a short circui!....between phases b and c, the magnitude of the apparent input
impedance ( IZbe I) would be determined from the expression:
12bel == IVbel
For this fault
- - -
For this condition the magnitude of the apparent input impedance (I 2be I)
would be:
As ZI = (ZI + Z2)/2, the relays would operate for all interphase faults up to the
same distance from the relays and therefore this method of measurement is
now used in most schemes.
__~~L~in~e_P_________ x
~ Ip
~X To Ip+/e
Source A
_ Is Source B
End A .. x Jjault End B
VA = loZsx+ IpZmx
VA = 7p [z,,(2/-x)-2Zm(I-x))
+ To Zm x + le(Zs-Zm)(/-x)
- if - - IQ- 1 - -
ZioP = _A =Zs (U -x) - 2Zm(t' -x) +=- ZmX+ _8 (Zs - Zm)(t' -x) (11.11)
~ ~ ~
It will be seen that the input impedance of the faulted line (ZinQ) js_not
directly proportional to the distance to the fault (x) because the ratio Ip/IQ is
affected by this distance. It is clear, however, that the correct distance to the
fault could nevertheless be determined from equation (11.10) if the ratio of
the two currents was known and in practice this could be achieved by feeding
the relays with the currents from both lines~
The input impedance to the he~lth}'. lin~ (ZioP) is dependent on the distance
to the fault (x) and also the ratio IQ/ (/p + 18). This ratio varies in practice with
the operating conditions of the sources and as the current input at end B (/8)
cannot readily be provided as an extra input to the relays at end A, the distance
to the fault (x) cannot be determined by the relay on the healthy line when it
is only compensated with the current at end A of the_other line (IQ).
When an uncompensated relay, i.e. one in which Ip is taken to be zero in
equation (11.10), is present on a line on which a fault occurs, it will clearly
not determine fault positions correctly and the errors will increase with in-
crease in the value of the current (/p) in the healthy line. These errors will
cause the distance to the fault to appear greater than the actual value and
therefore the reach at any given setting will be less than the nominal cut-off
value unless the current in the healthy line (/p) is zero. The relay would
therefore never over-reach.
When a line is protected by a relay which is compensated only with the input
current from the other line, i.e. IQ in equation (11.11) then errors will be
present in the determinations of the distances to faults as stated earlier, but in
this case operation can occur during faults beyond the nominal cut-off position
and indeed Stage 1 operation could occur for faults beyond the remote end of
the protected line. Such over-reach is not acceptable and it is therefore much
more serious than the under-reach, referred to above, which can occur with
uncompensated relays.
The behaviour of both uncompensated and compensated relays applied to
three-phase, parallel-connected lines was examined in detail by Davison and
Wright [7] in 1963 and it was concluded that the normal arrangements used
416 Distance-type protective schemes
on single-circuit lines should be used on double-circuit lines and that compen-
sation for the mutual effects should not be provided. The study showed that
over-reach could occur with certain faults but that maloperation would not
result whatever first-stage setting was adopted.
In the past, some schemes produced by manufactures in the USA did incor-
porate compensation dependent on the currents in parallel lines, but today
uncompensated relays are usually employed.
The micromho relay [8] produced by GEe does, however, include provision
for compensation derived from the zero-sequence current in the parallel cir-
cuit. It is occasionally applied to long double circuit lines but care must be
taken when choosing the settings.
1=_ Vs_
The voltage (Vin) at the input end of the line would be
- -- Zx -
Vin =1 Zx ==--=-' Vs (11.12)
The impedance seen by an impedance-measuring relay would be given by:
and it would thus assess the fault position correctly but both the voltage and
current would decrease with increase in the effective source impedance. As a
Basic schemes 417
Vs ~
Source impedance angle = 88 lag
90 Line impedance angle = 70 lag
80 Relay characteristic angle = 70 lag
Q) 50
." 40
c: 30
~ 20
~ 10
00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fault position (% relay setting)
~============~==~~=--- ........ ,
" Relay boundary
c: 80 \characteristic
-=.,., \
~ I
~ 60
~ I
,g 40 Operating time curves ......4~~=====}_)
iii I
8. I
'3ca I
LL 20 I
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 4050 100
Source to line impedance ratio :~
Fig. 11.16 Effects of source impedance. (a) Network configuration. (b) Typical oper-
ating characteristics for Zone 1 phase-fault mho relay. (c) Isochronic time charac-
teristics for mho relay (three-phase faults).
418 Distance-type protective schemes
105 Phase-earth faults
=:CD 100
!Il ~
!Il 105 Phase-phase faults
0 100
:>!! 950
~ Three phase and three
ph...-,.,,,, "'"Us
.E 95 I I I I I I
o 20 40 60 80100120
Fig. 11.16 (d) Typical reach to relay voltage relationship. (Reproduced from Protec-
tive Relays - Application Guide, 3rd edn, GEC Measurements, 1987 with the per-
mission of GEC Alsthom Protection and Control Ltd.)
consequence, the relay operating time would increase with source impedance.
It is therefore customary to present information on relay operating times either
~n graphs of the time variation with distance to a fault for several ratios of
ZS/ZL as shown in Fig. 11.16(b) or in the contour form shown in Fig. 11.16(c).
In addition to affecting the relay operating times, the reductions of the
voltages and currents applied to relays, caused by the presence of source
impedance, can also affect the distances up to which they can detect faults,
i.e. the cut-off or limiting distances may vary. Because account must be taken
of such variations, curves showing cut-off distance to relay voltage relation-
ships, of the type shown in Fig. 11.l6(d), are produced.
It will be appreciated from equation (11.12) that the effect of a given source
impeclance increases the shorter the length of a protected line, because the
ratio Zs/ZL increases and particular account must be taken of this factor when
impedance-measuring relays are to be applied to very short lines.
SIR= IZLI = . or 50%
If therefore, a relay were required to operate with a CIR value of 24, then
it would have to maintain its prescribed accuracy of say 5% at voltages
(Vin) down to Vs/25, i.e. if the rated secondary voltage provided by the
voltage transformers was 110 V then the relay would have to maintain its
accuracy at input voltages down to 4.4 V.
Because of the significant changes in relaying in recent years, such as the
use of digital processing, the above standard was thought to be inappropriate
and it has therefore been withdrawn. If necessary, manufacturers should now
be approached for details of the performances of their schemes to ensure that
they will be suitable for application to particular circuits.
End B
I X-t-x----0
VB __
(a) VB
Fig. 11.17 Conditions during asynchronous operation. (a) Network configuration. (b)
Locus of VA - VB. (c) Loci of I and Zin for various values of k= IVA/vB I
Asynchronous system operation 421
It will be seen that the magnitudes of the impedances vary between very
large and very small values when the voltages at the two ends are almost equal
and when the frequency differences are small, the apparent input impedance
changes slowly. In these circumstances, tripping of the line circuit-breakers
would be initiated when the apparent impedance came within the Z plane
operating zone of an impedance relay.
Now although two sources which are operating asynchronously should be
disconnected from each other, it would not be satisfactory if the whole net-
work was split into several sections because of the operation of several dis-
tance-protection schemes and ideally the separation should be effected by
opening circuit-breakers near the mid-point between the sources. It is therefore
necessary that the instability should be detected and the appropriate actions
then be taken.
A method which has been used for many years is to include in a distance-
protection scheme an extra relay element (A) with a characteristic within
which the operating zones of the other measuring elements all lie. As an
example an offset-mho characteristic could be used, as shown in Fig. 11.18.
It will be appreciated that system instability affects all the phases in a similar
manner and that its presence can be detected by a single element supplied for
example by the 'a' phase voltage and current. In the event of instability the
apparent input impedance to a line changes quite slowly initially around its
particular circular locus, as shown in Fig. 11.18. As a result the instability
detector element A would operate a significant time before any of the other
impedance-measuring elements. Subsequently, the measuring element with
the greatest reach, either Stage 3 in a three-zone scheme or Stage 2 in a
two-zone scheme, would operate. This behaviour, which would clearly indicate
the onset of instability, would be used to prevent the impedance-measuring
x x
x I
(a) (b)
Transfer tripping
Considering the situation shown in Fig. 11.21, operation of a Zone 1 element
at end B could cause a signal to be sent to end A to initiate the tripping of the
circuit-breaker at that end directly. This arrangement, which is referred to as
a 'transfer trip under-reaching scheme' requires high security signalling equip-
ment and coding of signals to avoid maloperation.
An alternative scheme may be used in which the tripping of the circuit-
breaker at end A is only initiated on receipt of a signal from end B if at least
a Zone 2 or 3 element at end A has detected a fault. This scheme is termed a
'permissive intertrip under-reaching scheme'.
A further alternative which may be used is to detect faults within the Zone 2
reach instantly and send intertripping signals to the other end. Should a Zone 2
element or an extra directional element at the second end have also detected
the fault then tripping of the circuit-breaker would be permitted and this
process would clearly occur at both ends. These schemes are known as
'permissive intertripping over-reaching' or 'directional-comparison' schemes.
It will be clear that Zone 1 elements should not be needed when these inter-
_xix_En-rdA_pro_tec_tio_n---t-- ~X-
I. ~FA~~
Zone 1 reach of
End B protection
Fig. 11.21 Network configuration used to illustrate tripping arrangements.
The protection of teed lines 429
tripping arrangements are used but such schemes would be very dependent on
the signalling channel and equipment. To provide greater security Zone 1
elements are therefore often provided.
Acceleration schemes
A further alternative is to arrange for a signal to be sent when a Zone 1 relay
operates at one end of a line. Receipt of this signal at the other end then
extends the reach of the elements at that end from Zone 1 to Zone 2 immedi-
ately. This scheme, which is termed an 'acceleration scheme', does not operate
quite so rapidly as the permissive intertrip schemes because time is required
for the measuring elements to operate after their range has been extended, but
it is not prone to maloperation.
Blocking schemes
When these schemes are used, reverse-looking directional relays are provided
at each end of a protected line to detect faults on circuits connected to it, i.e.
external faults. Should these relays operate at one end (B) of the line then
blocking signals are sent to the other end of the line (A) to ensure that the
circuit-breaker at that end will not trip. In the absence of such a signal, tripping
of the circuit-breaker at end A is initiated by the Zone 3, or Zone 2 elements
in two-zone schemes, at end A when they detect faults.
It will be appreciated that time must be allowed for the operation of the
reverse-looking directional relays and the transmission of the blocking signal
before tripping may be initiated by the Zone 2 or 3 relays.
It will be apparent that the schemes described above all have advantages
and disadvantages. A factor which must be recog9ized when schemes are used
in which signals have to be sent when faults are present on a protected line is
that should the line be used as the signalling channel, then the signals may be
attenuated significantly at the fault position.
More detailed information is provided on these schemes in reference [13].
' ~
EodA - EndC
-"'f~!I---- End B
Fig. 11.22 Network containing a teed line.
section of line will not be directly proportional to the distance of a fault from
the relaying position. This can also be seen from Fig. 11.22 by considering a
short circuit on the section of line to busbar B.
If current could be fed to the fault from busbars A and C, i.e. IA and Ie, then
the voltage at bus bar A would be:
It can be seen that the magnitude of the apparent input impedance would
increase with increase in the infeed from busbar C. As a result, the length of
the section of line to busbar B on which faults would be detected by the
protection on line A would decrease with increase of the current fed by bus bar
C, but it would never fall to zero.
Such conditions would cause delayed tripping of one or more of the circuit-
breakers for faults in significant sections of the lines because they would be
within the Zone 2 reaches. In some applications this performance may be
acceptable, but where this is not so, one of the forms of inter-tripping described
in the previous section may be provided to accelerate the clearance of faults.
. VA . VB
If VB is taken as the reference phasor, then the power output of the line
would be:
p=Re(-j VB VA)
This clearly has a value of zero when the voltage VA is in phase with the
voltage VB and it has a maximum positive value when the voltage at end A
leads that at end B by n/2 rad. In addition, the maximum power is inversely
proportional to the inductive reactance of the line.
Similar behaviour occurs on actual three-phase lines and transfer powers
would be unacceptably low on many very long lines because of their high
inductive reactances and the fact that operation cannot be permitted near the
limiting value because of the possibility of instability. To improve the behavi-
our, it is now common practice to connect capacitors in long lines to effec-
tively reduce the overall reactance between their ends and thus increase their
power transfer capabilities.
The ratios of the capacitive reactances to the effective series inductive-
reactances of lines used in installations vary, but a typical figure is 0.5. Such
degrees of compensation on high voltage lines require that very large voltages
be present across the capacitors when their lines are carrying their rated
currents and therefore unacceptably high voltages would be produced across
the capacitors if they carried high fault currents. It was therefore the practice
to limit the voltages across capacitors by connecting arc gaps across them but
metal-oxide varistors (MOYs), which have been produced in recent years, are
now usually employed. These latter devices, which have resistances which
decrease with increase of currents, have the advantage that they are self-ex-
tinguishing when normal current conditions are re-established and they pro-
vide significant damping to the power systems in which they are installed.
It will be appreciated that the capacitors remain in circuit for short periods
after the incidence of faults and are then effectively short-circuited. As a
result, protective schemes are presented with two different sets of conditions
during the period when a fault is present on a line.
Considering the single-phase line shown in Fig. 11.23(a), in which a capa-
citor C is installed at the mid-point to provide 50% compensation, i.e.
l/mC = 0.5.(mL, the steady state input impedance at end A (Zin) for a short
circuit at a point on the line at a distance x from end A would vary as shown
in Fig. 11.23(b) when the capacitor was in circuit. The variation would,
however, be as shown in Fig. 11.23(c) when the capacitor was short circuited.
In practice, the situation is further complicated by the fact that the voltages
and currents would contain transient components initiated both by the fault
and by the short-circuiting of the capacitor.
In the above consideration, the capacitor was taken to be at the mid-point
of the line. Whilst such arrangements are used, it is common practice to install
432 Distance-type protective schemes
Busbar A Busbar B
~R. L per metre II~12
c X
2in (a)
o 112
1 0 112
X} End A
I-FI~:::.-n_ _ _,.1
Line (R and L per metre)
End B
-X rm+
[ Voltage
transformer transformer
- - - - - - - - - - --
0"'1"''''1 ~
o (b) 1 7 o 1 ~
Totaf compensation = 70% (c)
Fig. 11.24 Conditions in a line with series compensation at the two ends.
Protection of series compensated lines 433
capacitor is connected at some point in a line and satisfactory operation can
certainly be achieved when accelerating or transfer-tripping features are in-
cluded. It must be recognized, however, that two sets of transients will be
present whenever a capacitor is short circuited. Further details may be found
in references [14, 15].
It will be clear from these comments that many factors must be considered
when distance-type protective schemes are to be applied to series-compen-
sated lines. To ensure that satisfactory performance will be obtained it is
desirable that studies be performed in which systems are accurately modelled
on computer-based test benches, capable of dynamically testing proposed
Newbold and Taylor described studies performed in the above way in a
paper presented at an lEE Conference in 1989 [16]. The results of a study of
the behaviour of the series-compensated lines of the West Coast, USA were
provided and it was shown that distance-type protective schemes could be set
so that they would provide satisfactory performance under all conditions.
A similar procedure may be followed for the current signal and an imped-
ance estimate is then obtained from:
This value is then compared with the required tripping characteristic in the
impedance plane and the appropriate action is taken. The number of samples
that should be processed before a secure decision is reached is a compromise
between speed of operation and immunity to noise. Sophisticated methods are
available which can make allowances for the presence of noise in the sampled
waveforms so that a rapid estimate is made with the minimum error. An
example of this technique is Kalman filtering. This is an example of an
adaptive method where after each sample an update of the expected error is
made so that estimates improve rapidly [18].
An alternative approach to parameter estimation based on a model wave-
form, is one based on a model of the system. It may, for example, be assumed
that the system may be presented by a series R-L combination. Then the
voltage v (t) and the current i (t) seen by the relay are related by [19].
v(t) = Ri(t) + Ldt
v (t)dt =.1 [v (I + At) + v (t)] At
where At is the time interval between consecutive samples.
The future 435
Implementing equation (11.13) between time intervals kilt to (k + 1) Ilt and
(k + 1) Ilt to (k + 2) Ilt and solving for Rand L gives:
R= (Vk+1 - vk)(ik+2 - ik+l) - (Vk+2 - Vk+l)(ik +2 - ik)
(ik+ 1+ ik)(ik+2 - ik+ I) - (ik+2 + ik+ I) + (ik+ 1- ik)
Communication module
Back ~ane
Power board
Buffer supply
board 16biAOC
72 sample~cycle
Host processor
- -
r=:=Q] In Im/lpol
r=:=Q] Ves
Indicator LEDs
Fig. 11.25 Electrical structure of type LFZR high speed numerical distance relay.
(Reproduced with the permission of GEe Alsthom T and D.)
Fig. 11.26 The front panel of type LFZR relay. (Reproduced with the permission
of GEe Alsthom T and D.)
I. Ackerman, P. (1922) Journal of the Engineering Institute of Canada, Dec. 1922 (also
New radial relay protection, Electrical World, 81, March 17, 1923, pp. 619- 623).
2. Crichton, L. N. (1923) The distance relay for automatically sectionalising electrical
networks, Trans. lEE, XLII, 527-537.
3. McLaughlin, H. A. and Erickson, E. O. (1928) The impedance relay development and
application, Trans. lEE, July 1928, 47,776-784.
4. George, E. E. (1931) Operating experience with reactance type distance relays, Trans.
lEE, SO, 288-293.
5. Ellis, N. S. (1982) Distance protection of feeders. In Power System Protection Manual,
Reyrolle Protection, (ed. D. Robertson), Oriel Press, pp. 149-179.
438 Distance-type protection schemes
6. Wright, A. (1961) Limitations of distance-type protective equipment when' applied to
long extremely high voltage power lines, Proc. lEE, (C), 108, 271-280.
7. Davison, E. B. and Wright, A. (1963) Some factors affecting the accuracy of distance-
type protective equipment under earth fault conditions, Proc. lEE, 110, 1678-1688.
8. Micromho-Static distance protection relay, GEC Measurements, Pub/. R5406.
9. Power Swing Blocking Relay, Type LU91, Asea Brown Boveri, (1987), Publ. CH-ES-
10. Reyrolle Ratio Balance Distance Protection Type XZA Pamphlet 1044 (1951).
11. Type LFZP Optimho Static distance protection relay, GEC Measurements, Publ. R-4056 C.
12. High-speed distance protection relay 7SL32, Siemens Protective Relays, Catalog R-
1989, pp. 5/21-5/26.
13. Distance protection schemes, In Protective Relays Application Guide, GEC Measure-
ments (3rd edn), 1987, Chapter 12.
14. Mathews, C. A. and Wilkinson, S. B. (1980) Series compensated line protection with a
directional comparison relay scheme, 2nd lEE Int. Con! on Developments in Power
System Protection, lEE Conf. Publ. No. 185, pp. 215-220.
15. EI-Kaleb, M. M. and Cheetham, W. J. (1980) Problems in the protection of series
compensated lines, 2nd lEE Int. Con! on Development in Power System Protection, lEE
Conf. Publ. No. 185.
16. Newbold, A. and Taylor, I. A. (1989) Series compensated line protection: system
modelling and relay testing, 4th lEE Int. Con! on Developments in Power System
Protection, lEE Conf. Publ. No. 302, pp. 182-186.
17. Mann, B. J. and Morrison, I. F. (1971) Digital calculation of impedance for transmission
line protection, Trans. lEE, PAS-90, 270-279.
18. Girgis, A. A. and Brown, R. G. (1981) Application of Kalman filtering in computer
relaying, Trans. IEEE, PAS-lOO, 3387-3397.
19. McInnes, A. D. and Morrison, L. F. (1970) Real time calculation of resistance and
reactance for transmission line protection by digital computer, Elec. Eng. Trans., IE,
Australia, EE7, (1), 16-23.
20. Ranjibar, A. M. and Cory, B. J. (1975) Algorithms for distance protection, Developments
in Power System Protection, lEE Conf. Publ. 125, London, March 1975, pp. 276-283.
21. Sanderson, J. V. H. and Wright, A. (1974) Protection scheme for series-compensated
transmission lines, Proc. IEEE, 121, 1377-1384.
22. Microprocessor relays and protection systems, lEE Tutorial Course, (Course coordinator
Ms Sachdev), 88EH0269-I-PWR.
23. Phadke, A. G. and Thorpe, J. S. (1988) Computer Relayingfor Power Systems, RSP.
24. Holweck, C. (1990) Design and performance of PXLN digital protection devices for
EHV /UHV power systems, GEC Alsthom Technical Review, No.2, pp. 23-24.
25. GEC Alsthom Tand D (1992) Digital Distance Protection PXLN, Publ. N16869A-02/92.
26. GEC Alsthom T and D (1995) Type LFZR High-Speed Numerical Distance Relays,
Publ. R-4117C.
27. Reyrolle Protection (1997) Ohmega Numeric Distance Protection, Publ. REY3/9703-
28. Siemens, A. G. (1996) 7SA5I3 Line Protection Relay, Publ. LSA 2.1.12, Apr. 1996.
29. ABB (1995) REL 531 Line Distance Protection, Publ. IMRK 506 004-BEN.
30. Saha, M. M., Wikstrom, K. and Lindahl, S. (1997) A new approach to fast distance
protection with adaptive features, Proc. Int. Con! On Developments in Power System
Protection, 25-27 March, University of Nottingham, pp. 32-35.
Analysis of distance protection, V. Cook, RSP 1986, 188 pages.
Protection aspects of multi-terminal lines, lEE Power Eng. Soc. Publ, IEEE Report No
79, TH 0056-2-PWR, 1979, pp. 1-17.
Determination of time settings in a distance protection scheme based on statistical
methods, J. De Haas, ClGRE-report 31-05.
Ultra-high-speed schemes for the
protection of long transmission lines
It has been made clear in earlier chapters that unit-type protective schemes
which compare the quantities at the two ends of transmission lines can provide
the necessary discrimination between faults on the circuits they protect and
both healthy conditions and faults on other circuits. Such schemes cannot
however operate extremely rapidly because time must be allowed for the
interchange of signals between the ends of the protected lines.
These factors do not arise when impedance- or distance-type protective
schemes are used and the tripping of circuit-breakers may be initiated for
faults within the Zone 1 reaches without delays being introduced during which
information is obtained about conditions at the remote ends of the protected
lines. To achieve the required measurement accuracies, however, a significant
portion of a power-frequency cycle must be monitored after fault inception
and therefore circuit-breaker tripping cannot usually be initiated in times much
less than 20 ms on systems operating at a frequency of 50 Hz.
In many applications the performance provided by these schemes is accept-
able but there has long been a desire to obtain more rapid clearance of faults
on long major transmission lines. Such performance would reduce the damage
which can be caused by high currents flowing in healthy equipment and in
addition it would reduce the possibility of asynchronous operation being in-
itiated as a result of faults on transmission lines. It will be appreciated that the
incidence of a fault on a line will reduce the power transmitted by it and should
it be connected between two sources then the machines at one end will supply
less power whilst those at the other end will supply more. As a result one set
of machines will accelerate whilst the others will decelerate and their angular
displacements will increase. If this situation were allowed to persist, asyn-
chronous operation would occur and, as stated above, the likelihood of such
behaviour is reduced if the time needed to clear faults is reduced.
In recent years the possibilities of producing protective schemes using mod-
ern electronic-processing equipment to analyse the travelling waves present
vJo.c. Characteristic
vt~] Load
"=4 I-v
Fig. 12.1 Voltage and current waves on a d.c. line following a short-circuit.
442 Ultra-high-speed schemes
under healthy conditions. Each of the capacitors per unit length (C) would be
charged to the system voltage (V) and there would be no voltage drops across
the series inductors per unit length (L).
In the event of a short-circuit between the conductors of a line at a point F,
travelling voltage waves of magnitude V and negative polarity would be
propagated from point F at a velocity of ...Jl/LC mis, as shown in Fig. 12.1(b).
The accompanying current waves would have a magnitude of V/Zo, where the
characteristic impedance Zo is equal to ...JLlC Q. The polarities of the travelling
waves of voltage and current which would reach both ends of the line would
all be the same, i.e. negative in the above example.
Should two such lines be connected in series as shown in Fig. 12.2(a) and
a short-circuit occurred on one of them, say line P, then the above waves
would again be propagated. At both ends of line P the arriving voltage and
current waves would again have the same polarities, i.e. negative. As these
waves propagated into line Q, the voltage wave would retain its negative
polarity but a device detecting the current flowing to the bus bar from line Q
would regard the current wave as positive. These conditions are illustrated in
Fig. 12.2(b). It will therefore be clear that the arrival of voltage and current
waves of the same polarity at the end of a line would indicate a fault on the
line or beyond its remote end whereas the arrival of waves with opposite
polarities would indicate a fault in the opposite direction, i.e. on line P in the
above example.
- --
Positive Positive
current current Line Q
Line P
Positive Short
current circuit
"1 I-v
"1 I -1HZ,
Fig. 12.2 Voltage and current waveforms for conventional positive current reference
Travelling waves 443
It must be recognized that the travelling waves exist in addition to the
pre-fault voltage and current and therefore to produce a directional detector
the pre-fault, i.e. steady state quantities, must be subtracted from the actual
fault currents and voltages to obtain the travelling-wave components.
An important feature of this technique is that it enables correct operation to
be obtained under all conditions, unlike other types of directional relays which
may not operate when voltages collapse to very low levels during faults.
impedance Zo
Short circuit
te = Vpksin(rot + a)
"=c==c=:F" I-v~
Fig. 12.3 Voltage and current waves on an a.c. line followin~ a short-circuit.
444 Ultra-high-speed schemes
As a result, travelling waves of voltage and current would propagate in both
directions from the fault position. Again these waves would travel at the
velocity of light on ideal lines and they would not be attenuated as they
travelled. Unlike the waves on d.c. lines, however, their amplitudes at given
positions would vary with time after the wavefront had passed the various
positions but the amplitudes at the wavefronts would be constant. This behavi-
our is illustrated in Fig. 12.3(b) for a condition in which a short-circuit has
taken place at an instant when the voltage at the fault position was positive
and of its peak value, i.e. v = Vpk.
The accompanying current would again be given by i = e/Zo and it would
thus have the same waveform as the voltage. As in the case of d.c. lines, the
polarities of the travelling waves of voltage and current which would arrive
at the ends of the faulted line would be the same but, as before, they would
be of opposite polarities in the event of faults on other lines. The directions
of faults could therefore be determined as before.
A factor which must be recognized, however, on an a.c. line is that the initial
magnitudes of the travelling waves of voltage and current may be very small
or even zero if faults occur at or near instants when the voltage at the fault
position is zero. Clearly the directions of faults could not then be determined
immediately a fault occurred.
It will be clear from equations (12.1) and (12.2) that the amplitudes of the
travelling waves reduce with increase of the resistance in the fault path.
Busbar A Busbar B
-x Line P characteristic x-
~____~im~e~da~n~ce~z~__ X
(b) (c)
VI =- 2o+2Rf Vf
and II = - 20 + 2Rf . Vf
As there are invariably several connections to a set of busbars, any waves,
such as those above, would initiate reflected waves (Vrl and I rl ) when they
arrived at the discontinuity presented by the busbar. This situation is shown
in Fig. 12.4(b).
It is well known that the voltage and current reflection coefficients for the
waves arriving at bus bar A would be:
kVA = [R A - Zo]/[R A + 20] (12.3)
kiA =- [RA - 2o]/[RA + Zo] =- kVI (12.4 )
In both these equations, RA is the input resistance presented at busbar A to the
incident waves arriving from line P. For the purpose of illustrating the prin-
ciple of the technique RA is assumed resistive.
Protective voltage and current transducers on line P near busbar A would
not detect the incident and reflected waves separately because their time
separation would be very short. They would therefore provide outputs propor-
tional to the sums of the initial values of the two sets of waves, i.e.
By determining the value of RA from the above equation and knowing the
characteristic impedance of the line (Zo), the reflection coefficients, kVA and
kiA, could be determined from equations (12.3) and (12.4) and then the initial
values of the incident at reflected voltages and currents (VI. Vrh II. I rl ) could
be found from equations (12.5) and (12.6).
The first wave reflected from busbar A (Vrh Irl ) would return along the line
P towards busbar B until it arrived at the fault position where further reflected
waves (Vr2, I r2 ) and transmitted waves (Vll, Ill) would be initiated as indicated
in the lattice diagram shown in Fig. 12.4(b).
The voltage reflection coefficient kvf at the fault position would be given
The reflected voltage wave Vr2 which would return to busbar A would
therefore have an initial value given by:
This wave would in turn reflect from busbar A to initiate a further reflected
voltage wave with an initial amplitude Vr3 given by:
The increment applied at this time to the voltage transducer on line P at its
end connected to busbar A would be equal to:
Having already determined the initial value of the reflected voltage wave
Vrl , the value of the coefficient kvf could be found from equation (12.9) and
this would then enable the fault resistance (Rf) to be determined from equation
( 12.8).
As shown in Fig. 12.4(b), the voltage increment VS2 would occur at a time
2tl seconds after the increment VSI produced by the first travelling wave (VI),
indicating that the distance x of the fault from busbar A would be given by:
The voltage and current variations at the end of a line when a fault occurs on it
The effects of reflections on the initial values of travelling waves were
considered under section 12.2.5. As stated in section 12.2.3, however, the
450 Ultra-high-speed schemes
transient voltages and currents at points on a line vary with time after faults
occur on it.
When a fault occurs on an a.c. line, therefore, the transient voltages and
currents at its end may have step changes at intervals and sinusoidal variations
between the steps. For simplicity the behaviour obtained when a short circuit
occurs on a loss-free line connected to an infinite source is examined below,
the circuit being shown in Fig. 12.5(a).
As stated earlier, a travelling voltage wave (VI) with an initial value of
- Vpk sin a. would propagate towards busbar A, the voltage at the fault position
at the instant of fault occurrence being Vpk sin a.. A travelling current wave
(il) with an initial value of - Vpk sin alZo would accompany the voltage wave.
The waves would reach busbar A at a time tl =x/u, after the incidence of the
fault, U being the velocity of light.
Busbar A x Busbar B
Infinite Short
source ]ircuit
i,+i" i,+i"t
t, I t,
-2Vpk -2VPk : - -
Zo (c)
i t, 3t, 5t, 7t,
Fig. 12.5 Current variations at the end of a line when a fault occurs on it.
Travelling waves 451
Because of the presence of the infinite source, no change in the level of the
voltage of the busbar would occur and therefore a reflected voltage wave
(Vrl) with an initial value of Vpk sin a would be propagated along the line
towards the fault, as shown in Fig. 12.5(b). The accompanying current wave
(irl) would have an initial value of - Vpk sin a/Zo, taking current flow into the
bus bar from the line to be positive. The current transformer in the line near
busbar A would therefore carry a current increment with an initial value of
h + Irl which would be equal to - 2 Vpk sin a/Zoo
These conditions are illustrated in the Bewley Lattice diagram shown in Fig.
12.5(b). The current in the primary winding of the current transformer would
then vary sinusoidally, i.e. i l + i rl = - 2 Vpk/ZO sin (rot + a). For faults occurring
at instants of voltage zero and at peak voltage, i.e. a =0 and 1t/2, the currents
would vary as shown in Fig. 12.5(c). The waves Vrl and i rl would travel to the
fault where they would be reflected, the initial values again being the same as
those of the arriving waves, the polarity of the voltage reversing but that of
the current remaining the same. The waves Vr2 and ir2 would then travel to
busbar A, causing further reflections, i.e. V r3 and i r3 The increment in the
current on this occasion would again be - 2Vpk sin a/Zoo This process would
continue indefinitely on a loss-free circuit and currents of the form shown in
Fig. 12.5(d) would result.
It will be seen from Fig. 12.5(d) that the polarities ofthe current increments
would always be the same as that of the initial voltage wave arriving at busbar A,
i.e. VI> and that the current would have a finite value after a short time even though
a fault occurred at an instant when the voltage at the fault position was zero.
It will also be seen that currents would reach high values very rapidly if
faults occurred near the end of a line, i.e. when x and therefore tl would have
small values. Clearly the build up of current would be slow when faults
occurred at more remote positions.
In practice, the travelling waves would attentuate as they travelled because
of the line losses and the successive steps would reduce and steady state
sinusoidal conditions would eventually be achieved. At this time, the current
levels would be controlled by the line series impedance and again the current
magnitude would decrease with increase of the distance to a fault, i.e. high
currents would flow for close-up faults and lower currents would flow when
more remote faults were present.
It will be appreciated that practical busbars are not infinite and that their
voltages are affected by the arrival of travelling waves initiated by faults. As
a result, the reflected currents do not have the same magnitudes as those of
the incoming waves and therefore currents steps of 2Vpk sin a/Zo are not
produced. Nevertheless quite rapid build-ups of current are produced when
short-circuits occur on a line at points near the busbar and in this connection
it is worthy of note that the time interval between the current steps would only
be 0.2 ms for a fault at a distance of 30 km from the busbars, i.e. tl = 0.1 ms
for propagation near the velocity of light.
452 Ultra-high-speed schemes
12.2.6 Travelling waves on three-phase lines
In the preceding sections, the propagation of travelling waves has been con-
sidered on d.c. and single-phase bases for simplicity. In such situations a line
has a single characteristic impedance (Zo) and velocity of propagation (u) and
under ideal loss-free conditions these parameters are given by:
in which Land C are the inductance and capacitance per unit length of the
The value of Zo is dependent on the diameter of the conductors and the
spacing between them. The inductance increases with increase in the spacing
and decrease in the conductor diameter, whereas such changes have the oppo-
site effects on the capacitance. As a result, the characteristic impedance be-
haves similarly to the inductance, i.e. it increases with increase in the spacing
and decrease in the conductor diameter. The velocity (u) is not, however,
affected by the line spacing and the conductor diameters, and under ideal
conditions the velocity of propagation is the same as that of light.
The behaviour of three-phase lines is, however, much more complex. Firstly
it must be recognized that some waves propagate only in the line conductors,
i.e. say the phase a and b conductors in the event of an interphase fault between
phases a and b. Such waves are said to propagate in an aerial mode. In the
event of a single-phase to earth fault, however, the current waves flow in a
single line conductor, say the phase a conductor, and return in both the earth
conductor or conductors which run above the line being supported on the tops
of the towers, and also in the ground. These waves are said to propagate in
the ground mode.
Aerial-mode propagation
Because the conductors of major transmission lines have very low resistances
per unit length and the leakage conductances between the phase conductors
are also very low, aerial-mode waves travel at almost the velocity of light and
therefore any errors caused by using the velocity of light to assess the positions
of faults in the manner described in the previous section would be very small.
The characteristic impedances presented to the waves set up when the
various types of interphase faults occur will not all be the same because of the
asymmetric positioning of the phase conductors and the fact that conductors
are not transposed on major lines because of the practical difficulties that
would be entailed in so doing.
Although the phase conductors of a line are each the same, the interphase
spacings vary with the configuration employed. As an example, for a horizon-
tal arrangement with equal spacings between the centre and outer conductors,
Travelling waves 453
the spacing between the outer phases, say 'a' and 'c', is twice that between
the other pairs of phases, 'a' and 'b' and 'b' and 'c'. In this case the charac-
teristic impedance for propagation on the outer phases (Zoac) would be greater
than those for the other phases, (Zoabo Zobc), which would both have the same
values. Because the inductances and capacitances per unit length are propor-
tional to the logarithms of the spacings and their inverses respectively, the
characteristic impedances are also proportional to the logarithms of the spa-
cings. They therefore do not vary as greatly as the spacings. For given lines,
they can be readily determined and the appropriate values could be used when
the particular interphase faults present have been identified from the initial
travelling waves.
Ground-mode propagation
As stated above, voltage and current waves are propagated in parallel along
the overhead earth conductors and in the ground when phase to earth faults
occur on a line. Because the earth conductors are effectively connected to
ground at each tower both sets of waves must propagate at the same velocity.
Clearly, in the absence of the ground, the waves would travel in the faulted
phase conductor and the overhead earth conductor and they would thus be of
the aerial mode. In the absence of earth conductors, the waves would have to
travel in a phase conductor and the ground. The current in the ground tends
to follow the route of the line but it is not confined to a particular cross-
sectional area and it is affected by the resistivity of the ground. In these
circumstances, the inductance per unit length of the conductor-ground loop
cannot be calculated simply from basic principles.
To assist in studying telephone and telegraph circuits in which signals were
transmitted via a single conductor and returned through the ground, W. Carson
produced a model circuit [6] in which the ground was represented by an image
conductor, of the same diameter as the aerial conductor, at a depth in the
ground given by:
dg=660~ m
in which p is the average resistivity of the ground and f is the system fre-
quency. For typical resistivities usually encountered, i.e. 10000m, the depth
of the image conductor in power applications, i.e. at frequencies of 50-60 Hz,
is 933 metres.
Using this model, the inductance per metre (L) of a conductor above ground
is given approximately by:
lio dg
L=-ln- Him
1t d
454 Ultra-high-speed schemes
in which d is the effective diameter of the overhead conductor and dg is an
effective height.
This modelling does not enable the capacitance between a conductor and
ground to be determined satisfactorily, and for this purpose it is common to
assume that the surface of the ground is an equipotential, i.e. at zero volts.
The capacitance is then determined assuming an image conductor with a
charge equal and opposite to that on the overhead conductor, the depth of the
image conductor below the ground surface being equal to the height of the
aerial conductor above the ground (h).
Using this technique, the capacitance to ground (C) of a conductor per metre
is given by:
C = In 4h/d F/m
in which d is the effective diameter of the aerial conductor and h is its height
above ground.
Because the depth of the image conductor (dg ) in the model used to deter-
mine the inductance is greater in practice than the depth of the image conduc-
tor in the capacitance model (h), the velocity of propagation of travelling
waves which flow in the ground tends to be significantly lower than the
velocity of light. As an example, for the line with the configuration shown
in Fig. 12.6, the velocity of propagation for waves travelling in a phase con-
ductor and returning through the ground and the overhead earth conductor
is 1.88Hf mis, i.e. about two thirds of the speed of light. It will be appreci-
ated that such velocities are so far removed from the velocity of light that
fault positions calculated using the latter value would be too inaccurate
and therefore the actual values for particular lines must be calculated and
The values of inductance and capacitance determined in this way must also
be used to calculate the ground-mode characteristic impedance.
1 111 11:
: -: I4+j
- --1- t- + -$ -I--- Earth wires
11 ~~ ~ ~ ~ Phase conductors
1 1 1
15 1 1 1
1 1 1
~'77;;0'77.mm77;~ Ground
Fig. 12.6 Typical line configuration. Dimensions in metres, steel earth wires 9.5 mm
diameter, phase conductors 76 mm effective diameter, resistance = 25 mO/km.
Travelling waves 455
Modal signals suitable for protective schemes
The general equation relating the steady state voltage drops and currents in
three-phase circuits is of the form shown below:
[ ~:l =
[Zl1 Z22
] . [~:]
in which Vh V2, Yo, 11'/2'/0, ZII, Z22 and Zoo are the positive-, negative- and
zero-sequence voltages, currents and impedances respectively.
A great advantage of this particular equation is that there are no mutual
effects between the sequences and as a result the three rows are independent
of each other.
The relationships between the positive- and negative-sequence voltages and
currents and the actual phase quantities are complex, as shown in Appendix
3. As an example
JV 3)=11 21t
V~ = [l~
[Va] t - _l]~. [va]
1 Vb
Vo 1 liVe
The same transformation applies to the currents and the following relationship
between the voltages and currents associated with travelling waves is pro-
End B
Transmission line
,..u..L.L..--=-L..I...l:~ - ,
Information link
Tr Tr
R= Receiver
Tr = Transmitter
Fig. 12.7 Block diagram of the RALDA scheme. (Reproduced from Chania and Liber-
man, 1978, IEEE Trans PAS-97, with the permission of the IEEE.)
To ensure that the above tripping and blocking signal outputs would not be
produced by minor disturbances on a system, for example, by a sudden loss of
one of the output voltages of the voltage transducers, the directional detectors
D were so arranged that the magnitudes of the transient current and voltage
inputs should both be above certain set levels before they provided output
Clearly this process had to be performed separately for the quantities
obtained from each of the three phases of a protected line and the outputs from
the directional detectors D were fed to logic circuits. These determined the
sequence of the To and Bo signals produced after the incidence of a fault to
establish whether the first signal was To or Bo. This was done to avoid errors
which could otherwise have arisen if the signals changed because of the arrival
of later reflected waves.
Protective schemes which detect travelling waves 459
The production of the TD and BD signals energized the communication link
between the ends and either permissive or blocking signals could be sent and
clearly tripping of the circuit-breakers at both ends of the protected line was
initiated if TD signals were present at both ends of the line or it was prevented
if a BD signal was present.
Because of the time delay introduced by the communication link, the time
between the incidence of a fault and the initiation of tripping of the circuit-
breakers was about 8 ms.
To enable the operating times for close-up faults to be shorter, the direc-
tional detectors I were included. These detectors only operated if the magni-
tude of the transient current was above a level which could only be present
for faults within a short distance along the protected line. For such a condition,
the current increases rapidly, as explained under section 12.2.5 (page 445),
because many waves travel between the fault and the end of a line in a very
short time. Operation of a directional detector I produced a TI signal which
directly initiated the tripping of the circuit-breaker at its end of the line without
energizing the communication link. This mode of operation was referred to as
the independent mode and this led to the designations directional detector I
and signal TI Its use enabled tripping of the circuit-breaker to be initiated in
4 ms or less.
The other mode of operation was referred to as the dependent mode and this
led to the terms directional detector D and signals TD and BD , used above.
It will be appreciated that the directional detectors I had to be set so that
they would only operate in the event of faults on a section of protected line,
i.e. they had to under-reach, whereas the directional detectors D had to operate
for all faults on the protected line and in consequence they had to over-reach.
It was necessary therefore, when applying the Ralda scheme, to do extensive
fault studies to ensure that the directional detectors I and D were set at levels
which would ensure correct operation.
The scheme was so arranged that the types of fault present were determined,
e.g. phase a to earth, phase b to c, three phase, and the logic circuits then
initiated the appropriate circuit-breaker operation, i.e. single-pole or three-
pole opening.
The communication equipment incorporated a single-tone transmitter-re-
ceiver which operated at a carrier frequency of 72 kHz I kHz, its general
arrangement being as shown in Fig. 12.8. This was an expensive arrangement
with four channel spaces which was suitable for use in schemes for application
to short lines where rapid fault clearance was needed. For longer lines where
8-10 ms relaying times would be acceptable in the event of faults near the
remote ends, an audio-tone communication equipment operating on a single
voice channel was adequate.
During the later stages of testing the prototype equipments, part of the
Bonneville Power Administration's 500 kV system was modelled on an ana-
logue transient-system simulator. System voltages and currents for a large
460 Ultra-high-speed schemes
> .... CD ....
.- CD
CD_ .!!l CD
~:E Z-
CI a:
til..>:: N
0 .... ,...
uj ~+I o 0 <0
u...>:: ~ T I
tii W8P lndlnO
uj .~
U.o Jall!J 1::I1\~1::I
a: ~
Fig. 12.8 Block diagram of the communication equipment used with the RALDA
scheme. (Reproduced from Chania and Liberman, 1978, IEEE Trans PAS-97, with the
permission of the IEEE.)
Protective schemes which detect travelling waves 461
number of conditions were recorded and these were later used to provide
inputs to the Ralda relays.
Subsequently two Ralda terminals were installed on the 500 kV John Day-
Grizzly No. I line of the Bonneville Power Administration in April 1976. The
setting procedures and one year's operational experience together with the
performance of the relays during staged fault tests were summarized in a paper
[7] presented by Yee and Esztergalyos at the IEEE PES Winter meeting held
in January and February 1978. In the conclusion of the paper it was stated that
the collected field data, combined with laboratory test results, prove that the
UHSR system is directional and that it has consistent high-speed performance
from 2-6 ms. It was further stated that the UHSR system reliability in the
forward direction and in the reverse blocking mode is 100%.
Since that time many series-compensated lines in the United States have been
protected by Ralda schemes and satisfactory behaviour has been obtained.
Line P (characteristic
X___i;;,;m.:.!:p..:.ed~a:;.n..:.ce:.....::lz911i-)_ _ _X
-1 h
Fault - Reference direction
for current
End A End B
x- _
Reference direction
for current
V,1 LineP V1-
- i,1 i1 - -=- Fault
Fig. 12.9 Voltage and current waves for fault at ends A and B.
462 Ultra-high-speed schemes
current (il) to be propagated into the protected line P. Taking the current flow
from busbar A to busbar B to be positive, the transient current would be given
. VI
This condition would persist until the waves had travelled to busbar Band
then returned to busbar A, the elapsed time being:
Signals 51 and 52 are given by:
. VI
with the above reference direction for the current.
Because several circuits would be connected to busbar A it would present
an impedance RA to the waves which would not be equal to the characteristic
impedance of the line (Zo). As a result reflections would occur at the busbar
and travelling waves Vrl and i rl would be propagated back along the line
towards busbar B.
As shown under section 12.2.5 (page 445), the incoming and reflected waves
would sum at busbar A to produce voltages and currents given by:
A + 0
. .. 2VI
lSI =II + IrJ =- -A RZ
+ 0
The voltage and current transducers near busbar A would not detect the initial
incoming waves but would give outputs proportional to the above quantities
(VSI and i sl )'
Under these conditions the signals SI and S2 would have the values:
Protective schemes which detect travelling waves 463
Comparison of these values with those obtained during reverse faults shows
that discrimination can be obtained because the magnitude of S1 is less than
that of S2 for a reverse fault but it is greater for faults on a protected line or
beyond it.
Clearly both signals would have zero magnitudes initially for both external
and internal fault conditions which occurred at instants of voltage zero but the
signals S1 and S2 would grow to significant levels for a fault on the protected
line before further reflected waves arrived, i.e. after a time of 1 lu s.
This detection process was used in the scheme developed at the University
of Bath and it was implemented using the a, ~, 0 modal quantities referred to
under section 12.2.6(page 452).
A block schematic diagram of the equipment required at one end of a line
is shown in Fig. 12.1O(a). The whole arrangement was initially analogue based
and the outputs of the voltage and current transducers were fed to mixing
circuits to produce the a, ~ and 0 components of both sets of quantities.
The asymmetry of the line configuration was neglected and a single char-
acteristic impedance was used for each mode of propagation, i.e. Zaa, Z~~,
Zoo and in fact these impedances were assumed to be purely resistive in the
surge-replica circuits. These circuits were fed with the three current compo-
nents and the quantities Zaa ia, ZI3I3 il3 and Zoo io were produced for subtraction
from and addition to the components of the voltages to obtain quantities such
as Va - Zaa ia and Va + Zaa. ia. These quantities contained steady state terms as
well as extra transient terms caused by faults and therefore the transient
components were extracted in the superimposed component circuits. This was
achieved by feeding differential amplifiers shown in Fig. 12.10(b), with the
V - Zi and V + Zi signals. A time delay of one period of the power system
frequency. i.e. T= l/f. was introduced in the connection to the negative input
of each of the six differential amplifiers so that the output would be the
difference of the input and its value one cycle earlier. This clearly provided
the transient components only for the first period after the incidence of a fault
and this was considered satisfactory because the fault direction would have
been determined within this time. The signals produced by pairs of these
circuits. e.g. Sal and Sa2 were fed to detectors which determined the fault
directions indicated by each of the modes and either trip or block outputs were
obtained. These outputs were fed to 'OR' gates so that a single trip or block
signal was provided by the equipment at an end of a line. In the event of a
fault being detected on the line or beyond its remote end, tripping of the local
circuit-breaker was initiated unless a blocking signal was obtained from the
communication link.
To evaluate the performance of the scheme the conditions which would
obtain on the network shown in Fig. 12.11 were determined using a digital
simulation technique described in reference [2]. Real-time signals proportional
to the system voltages and currents calculated for a wide range of different
conditions were supplied to a prototype relay in which the replica surge
d1+ 1
464 Ultra-high-speed schemes
ystem R X r.r.
R :-.~ .....
~ lCi[--""":
,Jl. -=- .ff-
...--------':;:- :;:-
Current- Voltage
mixing mixing
Similar arrangement
circuits circuits
to end R
,.g: M
;::. (\j
oc II:
'N 'M
ri rF rF
N C\i
jf ,.g:
t..:,-:J ~ ~
To similar arrangement r:r:.0 r:t To similar arrangement
for mode-1 signals ;::::. for mode-3 signals
- }Similar
Tripping , ,- arrangement
signal ,-'-
'< , ~---I to end R
Trip relay
Fig. 12.10 Block diagram of the Bath/GEe scheme, (Reproduced from Johns, 1980,
lEE Proc C, 127 with the permission of the lEE,)
Protective schemes which detect travelling waves 465
impedances were set to be proportional to the real component of the actual
characteristic impedances, the values of which were ZWJ. =Z~~ =266 nand
Zoo =585 n.
5 5
.s end
(i) (i)
4 ___ _-- end .s 4
Ol 3 --;><'::'---)R
~~ __
E 3 _--;_..-::.':::._----_.
~ ... fIII'" ........
c S
.~ 2 >S '0. 2
a. a.
~ a-earth ~ b-c
o~~--~~--~--~-- 0
o 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from R to point of Distance from R to point of
fault, % of line length fault, % of line length
E 3
C> _---------./R
'0. 2
c "-...S
o 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from R to point of
fault, % of line length
Fig. 12.12 Variation of relay operating times with fault position. (Reproduced from
Johns, 1980, lEE Proc C, 127 with the permission of the lEE.)
The scheme operated satisfactorily under all conditions and operating times
under 4 ms were obtained, the actual times for a range of conditions being
shown in Fig. 12.12.
Unlike impedance-measuring schemes, directional-comparison schemes are
not directly affected by the resistances present in fault paths, but nevertheless
the magnitudes of the travelling voltage and current waves set up by faults
reduce with increase in the fault resistance. Tests were done on this scheme
to determine the limiting fault resistances at which correct operation could be
obtained. Understandably, the values were dependent on the position of the
fault on the line and also the point in the cycle at which it occurred.
It was found that the limiting values were in the range 40-600 nand
therefore correct operation would always be obtained in the event of faults
with resistances below 40 n, a level considerably above that which could be
accepted by a distance-measuring scheme. A high-speed digital directional-
comparison relay using a signalling channel based on the above principles is
described in reference [9]. Typical operating times of half a power frequency
cycle plus signalling delays are possible with this relay. In addition to normal
relaying functions, the relay features continuous self-monitoring and diagnos-
Protective schemes which detect travelling waves 467
tic facilities, and can be interrogated from a remote location via an RS232
serial communication link.
The burdens imposed on the voltage and current transducers are very low.
Schemes of this type have been installed since about 1985 and they are now
in use in several countries including China where they have been applied to
several lines.
... 500
I Earth wire
1 C
____ '- ________ 1 b
1 .1.
E 1 1
1 1
:>: 1 1
1 1
12.03 --------~ a
It was further proposed that the values of fault resistances would be deter-
mined using the time intervals between the increments present in the aerial-
mode phase voltages because the velocity of propagation associated with the
aerial mode is constant and near that of light, whereas the propagation velocity
of the ground mode is dependent on the resistivity of the ground, which may
472 Ultra-high-speed schemes
vary along the length of a line and it may also be affected by climatic condi-
To evaluate the perfonnance of the proposed scheme its behaviour when
applied to transmission lines connected in various power networks was
studied. The various voltages and currents at the end of a line at which the
scheme was assumed to be mounted were determined for a variety of fault
conditions, using a frequency-domain, power-system simulation program pro-
vided by GEe Measurements. These quantities, which were sampled at 25 kHz
in all numerical computations, were processed as described above.
Studies were based on the network shown in Fig. 12.14(a) in which the lines
were assumed to be single circuit and untransposed with the conductor con-
figuration shown in Fig. 12.14(b). The protective scheme being studied was
taken to be associated with line P and to be mounted near bus bar A. Faults at
various points on the network were simulated and the responses of the scheme
were determined. In each case, the sampled voltages and currents were added
to the corresponding values of the previous half cycle and in this way the
presence of a disturbance was indicated by a set of non-zero values and these
and the subsequent values were the transient quantities produced by the dis-
turbance. The third set of non-zero quantities were taken to represent the
magnitudes of the initial voltage and current increments (VSh lSI) at the re-
laying point.
A set of aerial-mode transients caused by a symmetrical, three-phase fault
on a line P (of length 200 km) at a point 140 km from busbar A are shown in
Fig. 12.15. These were obtained assuming fault resistances of 600 between
each of the phases, the fault occurring at an instant of voltage maximum on
phase a at the fault position. Because the fault was beyond the mid-point of
the line, the initial waves and reflections which travelled between the fault
and bU1\bar A arrived at the times tl and t3, whereas the waves which went
from the fault to busbar B before returning to busbar 1 at time t 2
The two sets of estimates obtained of the fault resistances between the
phases using the voltage and current increments at times tl and t2 were as
Phase 'a': 760 and - 568 0
Phase 'b': 00 and 4590
Phase 'c': -600 and -5160
This lack of agreement indicated that the increments were not those referred
to earlier as VSI and Vs2 The estimates obtained using the increments at times
tl and t3 were:
I" .. I
2.0 21
I.. ..I
1.5 t1 ~t3
1.0 a
E 0
() -0.5
._........ _.-.
-1.0 '0_--.-0"",_".,
interval between tl and t3 corresponded with a fault 146 km from the relaying
position, i.e. an error of 6 km.
In this connection it should be noted that the use of a 25 kHz sampling rate
introduces an inherent 40lls uncertainty into the timing estimates and an
474 Ultra-high-speed schemes
associated 12 km uncertainty into the distance estimates, this being the dis-
tance travelled in one sampled interval at the aerial-mode velocity.
Satisfactory estimates were also obtained for phase to phase and most single
phase to earth faults. In a few cases, however, it was not possible to distinguish
between earth faults on line P and line Q when using aerial-mode quantities
but it was found that satisfactory discrimination could be achieved by incorp-
orating a further check feature based on the ground-mode waves.
Later studies based on circuits containing double-circuit lines also gave
satisfactory results.
Having established that the scheme was soundly based, it was felt that
features should be included to ensure that the necessary information would
always be extracted from the very complex waves which can be present on
protected networks and therefore the use of cross-correlation processing was
studied. As a result, an algorithm was developed which enabled correct
behaviour to be obtained for a wide range of test conditions. Details of this
algorithm, the performance obtained when using it and the influence of factors
such as window length are provided in reference [5]. Implementation of the
basic algorithms in real time using hardware based on a digital signal proces-
sor (DSP) confirms that the required processing can be done within a time
period not exceeding 2 ms and therefore a relay based upon this principle can
have a very fast operating time. To date, however, this scheme has not been
applied to an actual line.
End A End B
-X -_-:::-v-
Vc- -.
The initial magnitudes of the waves travelling from the capacitor towards
busbar A would therefore be v and i, but at any point behind the wavefronts
the voltages and currents would reduce with time as the voltage across the
capacitor increased. The form of these variations is shown in Fig. 12.16(b).
In practice the effects produced by the voltage across capacitors during the
periods in which ultra-high-speed relays are operating is small. As an example,
if a single-phase 100 kV, 50 Hz line of length 150 km and inductive reactance
of 0.3 n /km was provided with 50% series compensation, the capacitive
reactance required would be 22.5 n, i.e. 150 x 0.3 x 0.5 n. The capacitance
would therefore be 141.51lF.
In the event of a short-circuit at an instant of peak voltage a travelling
voltage wave of initial magnitude 141.4 kV would be propagated and for a
line with a characteristic impedance of 250 n the accompanying current wave
would have an initial magnitude of 565 A. This current flowing through the
capacitor would cause the voltage across it to rise at a rate of 4 kV/ms, i.e.
2.83% of the initial voltage per millisecond. The time taken for a wave to
travel the line length would only be 0.5 ms and therefore the presence of the
capacitor would only reduce the voltage surge magnitude by 1.4% in this time.
Clearly this would have no effect on schemes which detect the directions of
faults from the polarities of the first travelling waves arriving at the relaying
positions. Even in schemes which determine fault positions from later travel-
ling waves, the effects would not be significant; for example, the changes in
476 Ultra-high-speed schemes
the magnitudes of waves which have traversed the line length three times
would be less than 5%.
As stated in section 12.3.1 (page 457), Ralda directional-comparison
schemes have been applied to series-compensated lines and to date they have
performed satisfactorily.
The suitability of the scheme described in section 12.3.2 (page 468) for
application to series-compensated lines has been investigated in some detail.
This scheme, as explained earlier in section 12.3.2, discriminates by compar-
ing estimates of the resistances present in faults, one of the estimates being
obtained from data stored of the conditions prior to the incidence of a fault
and the other from post-fault conditions.
Because the changes in voltage across a capacitor in a short period after
fault incidence are small, its presence may be ignored in obtaining the second
estimate of fault resistance. During this calculation the time taken for waves
to travel between a fault and the end of a line is determined, and should this
indicate that the fault is between the capacitor and the relaying point, then the
first estimate of resistance obtained from the pre-fault data need not take
account of the presence of the capacitor. If, however, a fault appears to be
beyond the capacitor then the first estimate must be obtained from a three-sec-
tion model of the complete line because there may be quite large voltages
across a capacitor during healthy conditions. The capacitor forms the centre
section of the model and the two end sections represent the lines on each side
of the capacitor.
Apart from the above feature, the scheme operates in the same manner as
that described earlier for use with uncompensated lines.
Clearly the scheme could not operate satisfactorily if the voltage limiter
connected across a compensating capacitor operated within the time interval
required for the signals to be processed, but extensive investigations have
shown that this situation will not occur. It has also been confirmed that
accidental operation of voltage limiters would not generate travelling waves
of sufficient magnitude to significantly affect the operation of the scheme.
Operation of voltage limiters could occur, however, in the event of faults
external to protected lines when the series capacitors are sited near one of the
line ends. Various studies have shown, however, that these would not cause
the scheme to maloperate.
Further information about the above points and other details are provided
in a paper [16] which was presented at the IEEE Meeting held in July 1991.
1. Chamia, M, and Liberman, S. (1978) Ultra high speed relay for EHV/UHV
transmission lines-development design and application, Trans. lEE, PAS-97, 2104-
2. Johns, A. T. (1980) New ultra-high-speed directional comparison technique for
the protection of ehv transmission lines, Proc. lEE, 127 (C), 228-239.
3. Crossley, P. A. and McLaren, P. G. (1983) Distance protection based on travelling
waves, Trans. lEE, PAS-I02, 2971-2983.
4. Christopoulos, C., Thomas, D. W. P. and Wright, A. (1988): Scheme, based on
travelling waves, for the protection of major transmission lines, Proc. lEE, 135
5. Christopoulos, C., Thomas, D. W. P. and Wright, A. (1989) Signal processing and
discriminating techniques incorporated in a protective scheme based on travelling
waves, Proc. lEE, 136, (C), 279-288.
6. Wagner, C. F. and Evans, R. D. (1933) Symmetrical Components, McGraw-Hill.
7. Yee, M. T. and Esztergalyos, J. (1978) Ultra high speed relay for ehv/uhv trans-
mission lines-installation staged fault test and operational experience, Trans. lEE,
8. Johns, A. T. and Walker, E. P. (1988) Co-operative research into the engineering
and design of a new directional comparison scheme, Proc. lEE, 135 (C), 334-
9. Type LFDC digital directional comparison protection relay, Publication R-4078,
GEC Measurements.
10. Vitins, M. (1981) A fundamental concept for high speed relaying, Trans. lEE,
PAS-I00, 163-168.
11. Vitins, M. (1978) A correlation method for transmission line protection, Trans.
lEE, PAS-97, 1607-1617.
478 Ultra-high-speed schemes
12. Type LR91 ultra-high-speed directional relay, Publication CH-ES 63-85.11, Asea
Brown Boveri.
13. Cabeza-Resendez, L. Z., Greenwood, A. N. and Lauber, T. S. (1985): Evaluation
of ultra-high-speed relay algorithms, EPRI Report EL-3996.
14. Rajendra, S. and McLaren, P. G. (1985) Travelling-wave technique applied to the
protection of teed circuits: principle of travelling-wave technique, Trans. lEE,
IS. Shehab-Eldin, E. H. and McLaren, P. G. (1988) Travelling wave distance protec-
tion - problem areas and solutions, lEE Transaction on Power Delivery, 3, 894-
16. Thomas, D. W. P. and Christopoulos, C. (1991) Ultra-high speed protection of
series compensated lines, Paper presented at the IEE/pES summer meeting, San
Diego, California, Paper 91 SM 359-0 PWRD.
McLaren, P. G., Travelling wave and ultra high speed (UHS) relays Chapter 6 in lEE
Tutorial Course-Microprocessor relays and protection systems (ed M. S. Sach-
dev), 88 EH 0269-I-PWR.
Bollen, M. H. J. and Jacobs, G. A. P. (1988) Extensive testing of an algorithm for
travelling-wave-based directional detection and phase-selection by using TWON-
FIL and EMTP, Eindhoven University of Technology, EUT Report 88-E-206.
Bollen, M. H. J. and Jacobs, G. A. P. (1989) Implementation of an algorithm for
travelling-wave-based directional detection, Eindhoven University of Techno-
logy, EUT Report 89-E-214.
Johns, A. T., Martin, M. A., Barker, A., Walker, E. P. and Crossley, P. A. (1986) A
new approach to E.H.V. direction comparison protection using digital signal
processing techniques, Trans. lEE, PWRD-l, 24-34.
Crossley, P. A., Elson, S. F., Rose, S. J. and Williams, A. (1989) The design of a
directional comparison protection for ehv transmission lines, Fourth International
Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, lEE Con! Publ. 302,
pp. lSI-ISS.
Digital communications
- r-
- -
loE ~
Signal penod T
Fig. 13.1 Schematic of two waveforms, return to zero (RZ) and non-return to zero
Basic communication principles 481
13.1.1 Basic theorems
A binary sequence representation may be unipolar (voltage levels +V and
ovolts) or bipolar (voltage levels +V and -v volts) as shown in Fig. 13.1
for the binary sequence 1010.... In the former case the code is return to
zero (RZ) and in the latter non-return-to-zero (NRZ). Fourier has shown
that any periodic signal V(t) of period T may be decomposed into an
infinite series of sinusoidal components of frequencies which are multiples
of the fundamental frequency fo = 1/ T.
00 00
where n is an integer
roo = 2nfo = 2n/T
ao = T
JT V(t)dt
an = T JT V(t)cos(nroot}dt
b. = -2 JT V(t) sin(nroot) dt
T 0
It should be noted that in neither case there are even harmonics and that
there is a d.c. component for the RZ code. The amplitude of high-order
harmonics gets increasingly smaller. It therefore follows that if this signal
is passed through a communication system of a limited bandwidth some of
the higher order harmonics, and therefore some of the energy of the
original signal, will be lost. This loss of high frequency spectral content
means that the edges indicating transitions of the signal between two levels
may not be sharp enough. This may make it difficult to interpret correctly
the data at the receiving end. In addition to this limitation the signal may
be attenuated, delayed or corrupted by noise during its transmission [1-3].
An important parameter is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the
receiving end defined as
482 Digital communications
where S is the power in the received signal and N is the power associated
with noise. For the signal in Fig 13.1, the signal rate (lIn, the bit rate
(2/n and the data rate (which may be smaller than the bit rate when
additional bits are transmitted for control purposes) cannot be increased
indefinitely for a given channel bandwidth.
In 1924 Nyquist obtained a fundamental limit to the maximum data rate
for a noiseless channel which is
maximum data rate = 2(BW) log2 M bits per second (bps) (13.5)
where (BW) is the bandwidth in Hz and M is the number of discrete
voltage levels. This formula is obtained by observing that a symbol which
can be in M independent states carries information equal to log2 M and
that a signal of bandwidth (BW) requires at least 2(BW) samples for each
reconstruction (sampling theorem). Hence the information carried is the
product of these two expressions as shown in equation (13.5).
As an example, assuming a voice channel (BW) = 3 kHz, and binary
signals M = 2 gives
Max data rate = 6000 bps
Assume now that the bit rate is B and that to send a character 8 bits
are used. Then the time required is 81 B seconds, hence the fundamental
frequency is BI8 Hz. If B is chosen to be 19200 bps then the frequency
of the fundamental is 2.4 kHz. Hence a voice channel (BW = 3 kHz) will
just manage to propagate the fundamental frequency component. In the
presence of noise the maximum number of states that can be identified
is M = (I + SINi/ 2 hence in this case the maximum data rate is given
by the Shannon-Hartley law
maximum data rate (bps) = (BW)log2(1 + SIN) (13.6)
Assume as an example a voice channel with (BW) = 3 kHz, SNR = 25 dB,
hence SIN = 316. Then the maximum data rate is 3000xlog2317=
24925 bps.
Similarly, assume that a digitized signal is to be transmitted through
an analogue channel BW = 4 kHz and that an 8-bit code is used to
represent each sample. This represents 28 = 256 possible levels and hence
a quantization error of half a level. The signal-to-noise ratio is at best
256/1 or in power terms approximately 2562.
Substituting in (13.6)
Bit rate = 40001og(1 + 2562) = 64 kbitsl s.
This result may also be derived directly from the sampling theorem.
Since a 4 kHz signal requires 2 x 4000 = 8000 samples and since each
Basic communication principles 483
sample is coded by 8 bits, the required rate is 8 x 8000 = 64 kbitsl s. In
practice this is an upper limit and due to complex noise statistics much
lower bit rates should be expected [1,4]. Another quantity frequently
used in communication system is the baud rate. This is the number of
signal line transitions per second [2]. If for example there are 300 signal
transitions per second and 4 bits per signal then the bit rate is
300 x 4 = 1200 bps.
Fig. 13.2 Typical switched network (A to D are stations and 1 to 4 are nodes).
Guided transmission
The simplest arrangement is that of two parallel wires forming a
transmission line. As the bit rate and therefore the frequency increases,
current flows near the wire surface (skin effect) thus increasing resistance.
At high frequencies there are also losses due to radiation. As a result,
bandwidth is limited to a few kHz and the maximum transmission distance
to a few tens of metres. Moreover, this transmission line is highly
susceptible to crosstalk and coupling to incident radiated fields. This
causes difficulties with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the very
harsh electromagnetic environment of substations [6-8]. The flat ribbon
cable is an example of this type of transmission medium consisting of
several parallel lines.
A much better alternative is the use of a twisted pair of wires preferably
covered with copper tube or brass as an electromagnetic shield. The wire
twists minimize crosstalk and coupling to radiated fields. The use of shields
with low transfer impedance and suitable earthing arrangements can
increase immunity to and minimize emission of electromagnetic
486 Digital communications
interference. A further enhancement is the use of balanced transmission.
In normal unbalanced transmission, the signal is applied to one wire and
the reference to the other. However, the two wires are not in every way
identical in their proximity and coupling to adjacent circuits, grounds, etc.
Therefore, the degree of coupling to each wire due to crosstalk and
external fields differs. Assuming as an illustration that the induced
voltages, with respect to some reference, on each wire A and B, are VA and
Va respectively, then the interference voltage seen by the load connected
across wires A and B is VA - ViI, Only if the two wires are balanced with
respect to adjacent circuits is it likely that VA ~ Va and therefore that
interference is minimized. Control of interference and therefore of signal
integrity on transmission lines demands the restriction of EMI current
components both differential- and common-mode [6J. Twisted-pair wire
transmission has typically a bandwidth of 250 kHz, a maximum data rate
of 4 Mbps, with repeater stations to regenerate the signal every few km.
Screened, balanced twisted pair wire is used for interconnecting local
computer networks and teleprotection and telecommunication equipment.
Further details of this and other transmission media may be found in [1 J.
An alternative suitable for achieving higher data rates is the coaxial
cable. This has high immunity to EMI and is used extensively in telephone
and television long distance transmission and in local area networks. The
maximum bandwidth is approximately 400 MHz and the maximum data
rate 500 Mbps. Amplifiers or repeaters are required every few km. The
characteristic or surge impedance of coaxial cable is low, hence careful
interfacing to circuits is required.
Another alternative as a transmission medium is the optical fibre cable
[9J. It consists of a core of thin glass or plastic fibre surrounded by
cladding of a lower refractive index with an outer jacket of plastic for
mechanical and environmental protection. The fibre transmits a light beam
which is constrained, guided, by total refraction inside the core. It is the
medium of choice for long haul and high-speed transmission. Plastic fibres
are cheap but have much higher attenuation, i.e. 150dB/km, than glass
fibre which offers attenuation typically 100 times lower. Typical maximum
data rates are 2 Gbps and the bandwidth is 2 GHz. It is clear that optical
fibre cable has significant advantages in higher bandwidth and longer
distances between repeaters (tens of lan). It is also smaller, lighter and it is
immune to electromagnetic interference. It is however necessary to have
equipment converting electrical to optical signals and vice versa, thus
increasing costs and the risk of interference. Fibre optic cables are used
exclusively for long haul and/or high-speed transmissions. For protection
applications fibre optic cables may be installed as the core of a composite
overhead earthwire, wrapped around phase or earth conductors, as a self
supporting cable on existing towers, or in underground ducts and
Transmission media and interfaces 487
Free-space transmission
--- "
L..-------l~ protection
Other interfaces
There are a number of other interfaces to connect to the wide variety of
networks available. For more details the reader is referred to the
publication already cited. To summarize, specifications with prefix V refer
to connections to the existing Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN). Typical examples are specifications V.2 and X.33. Where public
networks specifically designed for data transmission (Public Switched Data
Network - PSDN) are used, specifications with the prefix X apply. A
typical example is the X.25 recommendation. For the emerging digital
networks (Integrated Services Digital Network - ISDN) specifications
with prefix I must be used. Other examples are time division multi-
plexed networks (prefix G), and Local Area or Wide Area Networks
(LAN/WAN) where IEEE 802.* and ISO 8802.* specifications apply.
o 1 o o o 1 1 1 Binary sequence
- + - - + - - - - + - - - ov NRZ-L
l nnn nnr-
u uuuuu
OV Manchester
o 1 o o o 1 1 1
Fig. 13.6 Encoding scheme for the G703 interface ('0' = 1010, '1' = 1100).
492 Digital communications
(ii) Analogue data ~ digital signal
This is essentially a process of sampling an analogue waveform. A codec
(coder-decoder) is a device that converts analogue data to digital signals.
A common technique for doing this is pulse code modulation (pcm)
whereby the data are sampled at regular intervals to produce pulses of
amplitude proportional to the original data. These amplitudes are then
quantized using an n-bit integer. The resulting binary sequence can be
coded for transmission using any of the techniques described earlier. An
alternative to pcm is delta-modulation.
Vool) \[V \[ool)
13.3.2 Multiplexing
Multiplexing is a technique which allows the sharing of the communication
system by more than one source. This means that the communication
system is utilized more efficiently. There are two approaches to
First, in cases where the communication system bandwidth exceeds the
required bandwidth of signals originating from different sources, it is
possible to use frequency-division multiplexing (FDM). This is depicted in
Fig. 13.8 and is a popular approach, e.g. TV and radio. Each source
modulates a different carrier (carrier frequencies ft,h, ... ,fN) and at the
de-multiplexer the different carrier frequencies are separated to obtain N
different signals originated from the N different sources.
A second approach is time-division multiplexing (TDM) whereby
samples from each source are taken in rotation and transmitted as shown
schematically in Fig. 13.9. Consider as an example the case of a voice
channel which is sampled 8000 times per second. This means that a sample
(8 bits) is taken every 1/8000 = 125 ~s. In the case of several such channels,
each channel may be assigned a separate time slot. If 32 channels need to
be multiplexed then the bit rate must be set at
(8000 samples/s) x (8 bits/sample) x (32 channels) = 2.048 Mbps
494 Digital communications
Source 1 Output 1
2 ~ g1ii t---- 2
+' "S
"S E
:::!! Q)
n o n
This probability may be plotted for the different values of the BER and
different combinations of n and x [II]. These plots show that there are
particular values of BER when the probability of an unwanted command
is maximum. Increasing the length of the message n and also the number
of different bits x between 'normal' and 'trip' messages reduces the
maximum value of Puc. Similarly, re-transmitting the trip message r times
reduces the probability of an unwanted command from the value given
above to Yoc. CIGRE guidelines for 64kbits/s power utility circuits, based
on the CCITT G.821 recommendation, state a BER < 10-6 for 98.5% of
time and BER < 10-3 for 99.97% of time.
The strict requirements for security of transmission in many applications
demand some form of error checking or correction to be implemented. A
common approach is the introduction of a parity bit. Taking the ASCII
character set as an example which is a 7-bit code, an 8th bit is added so
that the 8-bit word has either an even number of '1' (even parity,
commonly used in asynchronous transmission) or an odd number of , l'
(odd parity, commonly used in synchronous transmission).
If a parity violation is detected the receiver may reject the message or
request re-transmission. This scheme can cope with a single bit reversal but
it fails when two bits are corrupted. This is an example of a vertical
redundancy check (VRC). It is also possible to introduce additional parity
bits at the end of a block of characters (fixing the parity of the first, second
etc., bit for a group of characters) in what is known as a longitudinal
redundancy check (LRC).
A more complex but powerful approach is to use the cyclic redundancy
check (CRC). Here a k-bit long message is augmented by a frame check
sequence (FCS) consisting of n bits so that the k + n number is exactly
divisible by a predetermined number. The receiver performs this division
and if no remainder is detected then the transmission is assumed to be
error-free. Further details and formulae for the probability of not detecting
error bits in commonly used protocols, such as the HOLC with CRC error
detection, may be found in [13].
496 Digital communications
13.3.4 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model
Sending process Receiving process
Application Interfaces to the user Application
layer layer
Presentation Coding to the same format Presentation
layer layer
Session Establishes orderly dialogue Session
layer layer
Transport Makes sure message Transport
layer reaches destination layer
Network Routes packets to Network
layer destination layer
Data link Starts, or ends, frame Data link
layer layer
PhYSical Transports raw bits across Physical
layer network layer
Physical transmission path
1. Stallings, W. (1994) Fourth edn, Data and Computer Communications,
2. Halsall, F. (1994) Fourth edn, Data Communications, Computer Networks and
Open Systems, Addison-Wesley, NY.
3. Tanenbaum, A. S. (1996) Third edn, Computer Networks, Prentice-Hall, NJ.
4. CIGRE Report (1991) Application of Wideband Communication Circuits
to Protection - Prospects and Benefits, Working Group 05 of Study
Committee 34.
500 Digital communications
5. Aggarwal, R. and Moore, P. (1993) Digital communication for protection,
Part 1 - General principles, Power Engng J., pp. 281-287.
6. Christopoulos, C. (1995) Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic
Compatibility, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
7. Christopoulos, C. (1992) Electromagnetic compatibility - Part I (General
principles), lEE Power Engng J., 6, 89-94.
8. Christopoulos, C. (1992) Electromagnetic compatibility - Part II (Design
principles), lEE Power Engng J., 6, 239-247.
9. Aggarwal, R. and Moore, P. (1994) Digital communication for protection, Part
3 - Fibre optics, Power Engng 1.,241-246.
10. lEE Tutorial on Modern Techniques for Power Systems Protection, University
of Nottingham, 24 March 1997.
11. Hall, I. J. (1993) Performance assessment of digital teleprotection systems,
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Developments in Power System Protection, lEE Con!
Publication 368. York, 30 Mar.-l Apr., 1993, 1-4.
12. Hall, I. J. and Potts, S. (1996) Experience in the use of digital communication
links for protection, CIGRE Report 35/34-03.
13. Selga, J. and Rivera, J. (1981) HDLC Reliability and the FRBS Method to
Improve it, Seventh Data Comms. Symp. Proc., Mexico City, Oct. 27-29,
14. Guide on EMC in Power Plants and Substations, prepared by ClGRE Group
36.04, April 1997.
CIGRE WG 34.03, (1996), Communication requirements in terms of data flow
within substations, Final Report 96-12-01.
Digital signal processing (DSP) and
Data bus interface
logic unit
0----< GND
0----< Clock
Timing and
and buffers
Control inputs
and outputs
Address bus
(typically 16 bits)
D/A Digital
Data/address bus
M1 Ao
System IORQ A3
RFSH A7 Address
As bus
0 .-
control .-
3 Oata
ClK 4 .- bus
+5V 5 .-
output device read or write and interrupt acknowledge. For this particular
processor each of these basic operations can take three to six clock periods
to complete or even longer if an external device is slow. A typical sequence
of events during an 'instruction OP code fetch' is shown in Fig. 14.4. This
figure shows the timing diagram for an MI machine cycle consisting of four
clocks periods. The contents of the program counter (PC), which is one of
the internal registers and contains the start of memory location where the
next OP code is stored, are placed on the address bus at the beginning of the
MI cycle. Half a cycle later (to give time for address signals to stabilize)
the MREQ goes active (low) to enable the dynamic memory. Simul-
taneously, the RD signal goes active to indicate that the memory read data
should be placed on the CPU data bus. This is done with the rising edge
of T3 clock pulse which also turns off the RD and MREQ signals. During
T3 and T4 cycles the contents of the dynamic memories are refreshed.
Hardware and software environments 507
M1 cycle
t1 t2 ~ t4 t5
\ n I L-
RD -1"\ I
------ ------ - - - - - -
=======1 \. -----
------ ------
MI I \_----
Fig. 14.4 Timing diagram for the instruction 'op code fetch' for the Z80
The WAIT signal if active can be used to add delays (extra clock periods)
between T2 and T3. Virtually all operations involve a sequence of events
such as shown in Fig. 14.4 where appropriate control signals are used to
effect an orderly transfer of data between specific memory locations or
The CPU understands its own language (the 'machine code' which is a
long sequence of ones and zeros). Since it is difficult for humans to
program at this level they write 'source' programs in a high-level language.
These then are translated by another program into machine code readily
recognizable by the computer system. If the source program is written
using a symbolic 'assembly language' the program that translates the
source code is called an 'assembler'. If the source program is written using
high-level languages such as 'pascal', 'fortran' or 'C', the program doing
the translating is called 'compiler'. Normally, for time-critical real-time
applications, it is best to generate source programs in assembly code as this
gives higher efficiency and therefore speed. As an illustration, the
508 Digital signal processing (DSP) and protection
operations done by a computer system based on the Z80 processor
following the assembly language command shown below will be
LD A, (0200H)
This command means: load the contents of the memory location 0200
(given in hexadecimal) into register A (known as the accumulator). This
command may appear in the program as a line:
0102H LD A, (0200H)
Since binary number representation can get very long other number
systems are used to simplify reading. A popular one is the hexadecimal
number system (base 16) where binary numbers are represented in groups
of 4 digits. The letter H indicates that such a code is used, hence
0120H <=> 0000 0001 0000 0010
0200H <=> 00000010 0000 0000
3AH <=> 0011 1010
Data memory
A I 0000 0100 0000 0100 0200H
PC 0000 0001 0000 0010 or 0102H ...
~"~"I, A~"$
Program memory
0011 1010 or 3AH 0102H
0000 0000 0103H
0000 0010 0104H
Fig. 14.5 Operations involved when executing command LDA, (0200H).
Hardware and software environments 509
Figure 14.5 depicts the relevant registers and the contents of the data
and program memories. The program counter register contains the
location of the next line of the program to be executed, in this case 0102H.
This location contains 3AH which stands for 'load register A' (LD A) in
hexadecimal. The next two locations in program memory (0103H, 0104H)
contain the location (0200H) where the data to be loaded into register A is
located. In this case this location contains binary data 0000 0100 which is
then loaded into register A. The next program memory location (0105 H)
is loaded into PC ready for executing the next command. To execute this
instruction the following operations are required:
Fetch the op code: 4 cycles
Read low byte of address: 3 cycles
Read high byte of address: 3 cycles
Read contents of address indicated into the accumulator: 3 cycles
In total 13 cycles are required and if the clock frequency is say 5 MHz then
the time required is (! x 10-6 ) 13 = 2.6 ~s. This calculation indicates that
delays are inherent in processing data in a microprocessor system and that
a strict and orderly timing of all operations has to be maintained.
A typical numerical relay configuration is shown in Fig. 14.6. It consists
1- - - - - - - - - - - - -I r Ti-;;'i;;-g -;';olsign~s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --I
I ~--r-~~~~ I
I Isolation I
I 1 I
~i Micro- Man/machine
:I Va~ processor interface ROM/RAM
Vc~ Bus
la~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~: ,---''''''---,
I Digital Serial
I/O ports
I L.,--------...J
Sample n
during the 'sample' phase of the FET switch. The switch is then opened
and remains in the 'hold' phase until the next sample. During this period
the sample voltage remains stable across the capacitor C (except from
a slow leakage of charge through the input impedance of IC2 which is
however chosen very high).
The multiplexer is a multi-way switch which allows the selection of one
of several inputs as specified by digital signals from the microprocessor. It
removes the need for using a dedicated AID converter for each channel
which would be expensive but it also slows down the rate at which each
channel may be sampled.
At the heart of the data acquisition unit is the analogue-to-digital
converter. There are several techniques employed, the most common being
the successive approximation converter (SAC). In an SAC the input is
compared with various output codes starting with all bits set to '0'. Then
the most significant bit is set to '1' and if the output is smaller than the
input, is left at '1', otherwise is set to '0'. The process is then repeated for
the next most significant bit and so on. For an n-bit SAC n times the
setting time is required to complete conversion. An end of conversion
output from the SAC signals the completion of the conversion process.
Output is in the form of n bits in parallel or in a serial form. The number
of bits n varies, typical values being 8, 12 and 16. The AID converter is
connected to the microprocessor bus and operated under the control of
signals from the microprocessor.
The second part of typical numerical relay is the processing section. This
is based on a microprocessor and associated peripherals. In the case of
more complex relays more than one processor may be present to deal with
a multitude of tasks. In complex high-performance relays the second
processor is normally a specialized digital signal processor such as the
TMS320 produced by Texas Instruments. This type of processor is
optimized for DSP tasks. While in a general purpose processor multi-
plications are done in software (i.e. by implementing a multiplication
512 Digital signal processing (DSP) and protection
algorithm), in a DSP processor there is a dedicated hardware multiplier.
As a result, a multiplication which in a general purpose processor takes
several instruction cycles, in a DSP processor can be done in one
instruction cycle. This and other similar features make the DSP processor
particularly suitable for time-critical real-time protection tasks.
Finally, the actuation section transmits trip signals from the micro-
processor to the trip coil of the circuit breaker. A sensor at the
circuit breaker (CB) is used to ascertain its status so that this in-
formation is available at the relay. Some form of electrical isolation is
necessary to control electrical noise and interference between the CB and
the relay.
It is important to realize that in such a relay the signals from the VTs
and CTs are first converted into samples each represented by binary
numbers and are processed by the microprocessor system to extract
relaying information. For example, under instruction from the CPU a
sample of the voltage of phase 'a' may be placed in the accumulator then
compared with the value stored in memory and an action taken depending
on the result of this comparison. A whole sequence of such operations
may be programmed to effect a particular protection scheme. This allows
complicated algorithms to be implemented (in contrast to electromechani-
cal relays where comparisons and associated logic must be simple) and also
changed in a future date without any changes in hardware (in contrast to
solid-state relays where the protection function is embedded in the circuit
structure - in the hardware - and cannot be changed without circuit
modification). A new algorithm can be loaded into the memory of the
relay through one of its serial ports or from a remote location through
the communication system if one is available and if the relay is interfaced
to it. These features give numerical microprocessor-based relays their
In a microprocessor-based relay a certain amount of self-checking is
possible. There are many techniques for doing checks. As an illustration of
the techniques used the following are listed:
Add all data in the PROM memory and compare with the original fixed
value. If different then probably the PROM is corrupted. An alarm is
then raised to alert the operator to a potential problem.
Data is written in each memory location and then it is read back. If a
difference is detected an alarm is raised.
Check the in/ out circuits by taking data from output port, placing them
on the input port and comparing.
The integrity of software can be checked by an independent 'watchdog
timer' which raises an alarm if a certain operation takes too long to
complete (software locked in an everlasting loop). This checking is done
on-line during time intervals when the CPU is not engaged in processing.
Principles of digital signal processing (nsP) 513
These techniques allow for maintenance when .needed and avoid serious
faults with the relay which remained dormant and only became evident
when the relay failed to operate correctly.
Let us consider a continuous time-varying signal with a spectrum in
the frequency domain shown in Fig. 14.9(a). It is assumed that all the
energy in the signal is at frequencies less than f.. The sampling theorem
dictates that this signal should be sampled at a frequency I. ~ 'lfc to
recover information up to frequency f.. If I. = 21. then the spectrum of
the sampled signal is as shown in Fig. 14.9(b). Using a low-pass filter
with a cut-ofT frequency I. will recover the spectrum of the original
signal. If a lower sampling frequency is used if. < 21.) the situation is as
shown in Fig. 14.9(c) and the original signal cannot be recovered by
filtering (due to overlap between curves). In many practical problems
there are high-frequency signal components which are of no interest.
However, following sampling, they may corrupt the original signal by
overlapping with the desired part of the spectrum as shown in Fig.
14.9(c). This phenomenon is called aliasing. To avoid these problems,
after the sampling frequency I. is set, it is normal practice to introduce,
prior to sampling, an anti-aliasing low-pass filter with a cut-ofT
frequency equal to 1./2.
514 Digital signal processing (DSP) and protection
Fig. 14.9 Spectrum of continuous signal (a), spectrum of sampled version when
!, = 21. (b), and spectrum of sampled version when!, < 21. (c).
Digital filters
(a) 0 , Filter 0
o(t) h(t)
(b) 0 ..
Filter I ' 0
Vout(w) = H (w) Vin(w)
Fig. 14.10 Schematic of filter response in the time- (a) and frequency-domains
Principles of digital signal processing (nsp ) 515
described by their transfer function H(ru). Whichever domain is used to
describe the filter it gives complete information on its response as the
transfer function H(ru) may be obtained from the impulse response h(t) and
vice versa. H(ru) and h(t) are Fourier transform pairs thus each may be
calculated when the other is known.
Digital filters operate on sampled signals in contrast to analogue
filters which operate on continuous signals. In order to illustrate the
operation of digital filters and their relationship to analogue filters an
example is given here of a simple RC lowpass analogue filter and its
digital equivalent.
The analogue filter is shown in Fig. 14.11(a). Its response to a unit step
Vin(t) = 1, for t 2:: 0
IS v.,ut(t) = 1 - exp(-tjRC), for t 2:: 0
Let as now sample this input with a period T to produce a simple version
Vin(nT) which is defined at multiples n of the sampling period T. It will be
shown that the arrangement in Fig. 14.1 1(b) is a digital filter implementing
a function similar to that of the filter in Fig. 14.11(a) but on the discrete
In the digital filter, triangles indicate a multiplier by the factor indicated,
circles are adders and square boxes signify a delay of one sampling period
T. Inspection of the diagram in Fig. 14.1l(b) indicates that input and
output are related by
v.,ut(nT) = bVin(nT) + av.,ut(nT - T) (14.1)
Fig. 14.11 Schematic of an analogue (a) and its equivalent digital (b) filter.
516 Digital signal processing (DSP) and protection
Table 14.1 Comparison of analogue and digital filter responses
Let us now look at this output when the input is a sampled unit step
n=O v.,ut(OT) = bVin(OT) + aO = b
n=1 = b + ab = b(1 + a)
v.,ut(l T) = b Vin (1 T) + a v.,ut(O)
n=2 v.,ut(2T) = bVin (2T) + av.,ut(T) = b(1 + a + a2 )
In general
v.,ut(nT) = b(1 - an+1)/(l - a)
If we choose a = exp( - T / RC) and b = T / RC we can then compare the
response of the analogue and digital filters. For the case when RC = 1 s
and T = 0.05s the output is shown in Table 14.1.
Thus the two filters implement similar functions. The sampling period
must be short enough for high accuracy. The arrangements shown in
Fig. 14.11(b) may be regarded as a blueprint for a hardware implemen-
tation of the digital filter. Alternatively, the various blocks may be
regarded as indicating arithmetic operations on digital signals which may
be implemented in software in any microprocessor based system. It is clear
from this that a software implementation of the digital filter requires that
sufficient time is available between samples for the various arithmetic
operations to be completed and that fast dedicated processors may be
necessary in practical applications. In the filter shown in Fig. 14.11(b) and
the associated equation (14.1) the output at anyone time depends on inputs
and also a previous output. These filters are described as recursive.
Another of their features is that the response to a single impulse is an
infinite train of output pulses. They are thus described as infinite impulse
response (IIR) filters. It is possible to design non-recursive digital filters
where the current output does not depend on previous outputs. An
example of such an implementation is shown in Fig. 14.12. Its response to
an impulse is a finite length train of pulses and it is thus referred to as a
finite impulse response (FIR) filter. Its output is given by
v.,ut(nT) = h(O)Vin(nT) + h(l)Vin(nT - T) + ...
+h(N - l)Vin(nT - (N - I)T) (14.2)
An important parameter in the choice and design of filters is the time
Principles of digital signal processing (DSP) 517
taken for a signal to pass through the filter (the group delay). For fast
operating times the group delay must be short. In IIR filters it is not easy
to specify group delays during design. In contrast in FIR filters the group
delay never exceeds NT where N is the number of weights and T is the
sampling period. Thus FIR filters are much more commonly used in
protection applications. Another interesting property of digital filters is
the possibility of changing coefficients and weights to respond to changing
conditions in the power system. This results in adaptive filters which are
increasingly considered for protection application.
A full understanding of digital filtering requires more elaborate mathe-
matical tools such as the Z-transform and is outside the scope of this book.
The reader is referred to specialist texts [l2].
L V(nT)e-jk/lOo
V(kQ o) = T (14.3)
where the signal in the frequency domain is calculated at multiples of
Qo = 21t/(NT) radians and is repeated every 21t/T radians.
The index k determines at what frequency the OFT evaluates the signal.
In many protection applications only the 50 Hz component is required
and hence equation (14.3) is used to evaluate only this component. An
inverse OFT may also be calculated when required.
When all frequency components are required and provided the number
of samples is a power of 2 the fast Fourier transform (FFT) may be used.
The FFT is computationally very efficient especially for a large number of
This expression compares one signal with a shifted version (by 1) of the
other. Two identical signals which are however shifted in time by To will
have maximum R 12 (r) when r = To. In this way the time delay between
the two signals may be accurately determined. Such techniques are used
in connection with ultra-high-speed protection schemes, described in
Chapter 12.
Much of the noise observed in measurement and control circuits is
random in nature and special signal processing techniques are available
to characterize random processes and the response of circuits to them [13].
A technique which has been considered for application in protection is
Kalman filtering [14,15]. This is a form of adaptive filtering whereby
parameter estimates are improved as each measurement data point
becomes available. It appears to have advantages when initial estimates
are available and/ or noise does not remain constant during the
Many protection algorithms require the estimation of a parameter (e.g.
Principles of digital signal processing (DSP) 519
where polynomial fit to the curve of i + 1 coefficients C has been assumed.
In order to minimize E it is demanded that its derivative with respect to
the i + 1 unknown coefficients is zero, i.e.
aE aE aE
aco = aCt = ... = aCi = 0 (14.7)
2 T
= .J2vL: e
where the cosine in (14.9) has been replaced by the exponential represen-
Recognizing that
v,1- -..[iN
V e-jlp
hence the required phasor is
. 2V,
Ve llp = __
2 N-I
I = __
V(nT) e-J~
..[iN n=0
The samples V(nT) of the signal can be used in (14.10) to estimate the
fundamental phasor. This procedure may be repeated for other quantities
(e.g. fundamental current phasor) and thus the impedance to the fault may
be obtained to form the basis of a distance protection scheme.
The OFT method requires the sampling of a complete power frequency
Principles of digital signal processing (DSP) 521
period. A typical value of the nwnber of the samples per power frequency
period may be set at 72. If a faster determination of parameters is required
than other approaches are possible [19]. Consider as an example the
estimation of the peak current Ipk in a waveform
i(nT) = I pk sin.9 (14.11)
where .9 = co(nT), T is the sampling period and therefore qJ = coT is the
phase angle between consecutive samples; then,
~i(nT) = in + l)T) - in - I)T)
d.9 2 sin qJ
d.9 = Ipk cos.9 (14.13)
V ( ) = L dip(t)
dA.(t) (14.16)
pt Pdt+dt
Integrating this expression using the trapezoidal rule as explained in
section 11.15 gives
...... ......
...... ... ... ... "'I;ernal fault
1. Rockfeller, G. D. (1969) Fault protection with a digital computer, IEEE Trans.
PAS-88, No.4, pp. 438-464.
2. Gilcrest, G. B., Rockfeller, G. D. and Udren, E. A. (1972) High-speed distance
relaying using a digital computer, Part I: System description, IEEE Trans.
PAS-9J, pp. 1235-1243.
3. Rockfeller, G. D. and Udren, E. A. (1972) High-speed distance relaying using
a digital computer, Part II: Test results, IEEE Trans. PAS-9J, pp. 1244-1258.
4. Mann, B. I. and Morrison, I. F. (1971) Digital calculation of impedance for
transmission line protection, IEEE Trans. PAS-90, pp. 270-279.
5. Mann, B. I. and Morrison, I. F. (1971) Relaying a three-phase transmission
line with a digital computer, IEEE Trans. PAS-90, pp. 742-750.
6. IEEE Power Engineering Education Committee (1986) Microprocessor Relays
with Protection Systems, IEEE Tutorial Course 88EH0260-J-PWR.
7. IEEE Power Engineering Education Committee (1997) Advancements in
Microprocessor Based Protection and Communication, IEEE Tutorial Course
524 Digital signal processing (DSP) and protection
8. Christopoulos, C. (1995) Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic
Compatibility, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
9. Leventhal, L. A. (1979) Z80 Assembly Language Programming, Osborne/
10. Horowitz, P., Hill, W. (1980) The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University
11. Rabiner, L. R. and Gold, B. (1975) Theory and Application of Digital Signal
Processing, Prentice-Hall, NJ.
12. Poularikas, A. D. and Seely, S. (1988) Elements of Signals and Systems,
13. Phadke, A. G. and Thorp, J. S. (1988) Computer Relaying for Power Systems,
Research Studies Press, Taunton.
14. Girgis, A. A. and Brown, R. G. (1981) Application of Kalman filtering in
computer relaying, IEEE Trans. PAS-100, pp. 3387-3397.
15. Girgis, A. A. (1982) A new Kalman filtering based digital distance relay, IEEE
Trans. PAS-1OJ, pp. 3471-3480.
16. Johns, A. T. and Salman, S. K. (1995) Digital Protection for Power Systems,
Peter Peregrinus.
17. Sachdev, M. S. (ed.) (1997) Advancements in microprocessor based protection
and communication, IEEE Tutorial Course, 97TP120-0, Chapter 5 on
18. Sachdev, M. S. and Baribeau, M. A. (1979) A new algorithm for digital
impedance relays, IEEE Trans. PAS-98, pp. 2232-2240.
19. Keeling, D. A. and Pickering, S. D. A. (1997) High speed numerical techniques
for transmission line protection, Proc. 6th Int. Con! On Developments in Power
System Protection, 29-27 March 1997, University of Nottingham, UK, lEE
Publication No. 434, pp. 14-17.
20. Sachdev, M. S. and Giray, M. M. (1985) A least error square technique for
determining power frequency system, IEEE Trans. PAS-104, pp. 437-444.
21. Fromm, W., Halinka, A. and Winkler, W. (1997) Accurate measurement of
wide range power system frequency changes for generator protection, Proc. 6th
Int. Con! On Developments in Power System Protection, 27-29 March 1997,
University of Nottingham, UK, lEE Publication No. 434, pp. 53-57.
22. Phadke, A. G. and Thorp, J. S. (1983) A new computer relay flux-restraining
current differential relay for power transformer protection, IEEE Trans. PAS-
102, pp. 3624-3629.
New relaying concepts
The fundamental ideas in protection have developed over many years and
there is now a settled understanding and a maturity of approach to power
system protection. This however does not mean that new ideas cannot find
application in protection work. In recent years, advances in information
technology (IT) have given the impetus to protection engineers to re-
examine the way protection is practised and to seek to learn and benefit
from the new technologies. This process is slow as protection engineers
need to be reassured that the traditionally high reliability of relaying
systems is maintained and that any benefits that new technologies bring
are not accompanied by new and unexpected shortcomings. Therefore,
some of the ideas presented in this chapter have not as yet found
widespread practical application. They are however in the forefront of
considerations as the new generations of relays are designed initially at the
conceptual level and eventually through to prototyping and manufacture.
In the last two chapters two of the major areas where new technologies
have made an impact on the protection field were described. Digital
communications and advanced digital signal processing techniques have
been the prerequisite for considering new relaying concepts. The new
information technologies can make an impact in one of two ways. Firstly,
well established algorithms may be implemented digitally using techniques
described in Chapter 14. This may offer cost and/ or speed advantages over
conventional approaches. In addition, the enhanced processing ability
and flexibility offered when signals are in digital form means that more
complex and sophisticated algorithms may be implemented which were
either too cumbersome or simply impossible using older techniques. An
example of this is the ultra-high-speed schemes described in Chapter 12.
The implementation of old and new algorithms in digital form in the so
called numerical relays is not however the only way that the new
technologies impact on protection. A second possibility now arises which
is fundamentally different to the algorithmic processes typical of
current Very high current
Fig. 15.2 Typical membership functions for fuzzy variables (solid line). The broken
lines show a possible conventional (crisp) membership function.
Fuzzy logic 531
is the identification of suitable variables which for the particular example
are the current I, voltage V and the corresponding incremental values 11 V
The second step is the conversion of these variables into fuzzy variables
- a process referred to as fuzzification. This means that the variables are
expressed in linguistic terms which are essentially qualitative and vague.
For the voltage and current five ranges are defined:
Very large value (VL)
Large value (LV)
Normal value (NV)
Small value (SV)
Very small value (VS)
These ranges are shown schematically in Fig. 15.3(a) where at the centre
of each range the membership value is one.
Similarly six ranges are defined to fuzzify I1V and 111:
I or V
M or ~V
Fig. 15.3 Schematic of the membership functions for the fuzzy variables V, J(a),
and AV, M(b).
532 New relaying concepts
large positive value (LP)
medium positive value (MP)
small positive value (SP)
small negative value (SN)
medium negative value (MN)
large negative value (LN)
These ranges and their membership values are shown schematically in
Fig. 15.3(b).
The third step involves the fonnulation of a fuzzy matrix, based on
knowledge about the process, which relates the fuzzy inputs mentioned
above to a set of possible fuzzy outputs. These may, for example, be:
absolute trip (AT)
possible trip (PT)
possible no trip (PN)
no trip (NT)
This involves a substantial amount of work since a 5 x 5 x 6 x 6 = 900
input combinations must be related to the four fuzzy outputs. The type of
rules that may be available to do this are
IF, I is VL, III is LP, Vis VS and AVis LN, THEN the output is AT.
The inference procedure is used to obtain all the required elements of
the fuzzy matrix. The final step is to convert the fuzzy outputs into definite
(crisp) actions - a process described as defuzzification. Various approaches
are available to do this, for example the output with the highest
membership value may be chosen to represent the crisp output.
A block diagram of a fuzzy relay is shown in Fig. 15.4 [9,10]. A survey
reported in [4] indicates that the majority of fuzzy theory applications are
in real-time control and fault diagnosis in many cases in conjunction with
expert systems and artificial neural networks. Examples from fault
diagnosis are reported in [11] and from transfonner protection in [12].
Crisp output for Sensor
plant control data
H Inference
Rule base
Axon from
Axon neurone
U= L:Jt;x j (15.1)
where n is the total number of inputs. The sum U in equation (15.1) may
be positive (stimulus) or negative (inhibition). The quantity U is called the
activation of the neuron and must be processed further to determine the
final output. The normal approach is to make the output y a non-linear
function of the sum U
y =f(U) (15.2)
This is necessary, since U is the sum of many inputs multiplied by weights
and hence is potentially unbounded in magnitude. The non-linear function
f is chosen to restrict the output within specified limits. Several choices
are available as shown in Fig. 15.7. A hard limiting function is shown in
(a), a linear function in (b) and the popular sigmoid function defined by
feU) = 1/(1 + exp( -kU (15.3)
is shown in Fig. 15.7(c) for two values of parameter k.
An ANN consists of the interconnection of a number of such neurons
in several topologies. Training is the selection of the correct value of
weights to 'learn' a range of tasks. An example is presented here, adapted
from [14], showing in a simple way how a single neuron may be employed
as a pattern classifier.
Let us assume that we have a neuron with two inputs X., X 2 a bias Xo
and corresponding weights W;, Wz and Wo. Then
U = WoXo + WjX. + WzX 2
The hard limiting function shown in Fig. 15.7(a) is chosen as follows
..............................., . - - - -
Fig. 15.7 Schematic of non-linear (limiting) functions.
where the chain rule has been applied. From (15.4) the derivative of E with
respect to ~ is
Moving in the opposite direction to the gradient (to reach minimum) and
adjusting the weight by an amount proportional to the gradient
should get us closer to required weight. The parameter '1 is known as a
learning rate and is in the range zero to one. It is chosen smaller with each
538 New relaying concepts
search. Similar procedures may be used for the other weights to make
adjustments for a particular input test pattern. This process is repeated for
all the input test patterns so that learning by the network follows the
average gradient.
The unsupervised learning process is more difficult to explain. The
reader is referred to specialist texts [13].
Some of the common types for ANNs are the multilayered feedforward
with error back propagation learning shown in Fig 15.9 and the self-
organizing map shown in Fig. 15.10. The former example has the learning
strategy similar to the one described above. The network shown in
Fig. 15.10 is an example of unsupervised learning network and is known as
the Kohonen layer or map. Each input is connected to all the units forming
a two dimensional layer (only one input is connected for clarity). This self
organizing network can map multi-dimensional data into categories. If
two sets of input data are similar then they are mapped in units close to
each other on the Kohonen layer. During the learning stage, the weight of
the most active unit and its neighbours are modified to move closer to
the current input. Thus if patterns exist in the input data, these will be
mapped in distinct areas in the layer. This allows categorization of the
input data without the need to know what is the desired 'output'.
Networks like the one shown in Fig. 15.9 with supervised error back
propagation may display slow convergence or convergence to local
Sa. '"a.
c: :;
Fig. 15.10 The Kohonen layer architecture. The most active unit for a test pattern
and its neighbours are shown.
Power system
Primary plant
....----L.L...---, } bay
Sensors! Sensors! Sensors!
actuators actuators actuators
II /I II Substation
Protection! Protection! Protection!
monitoring! monitoring! monitoring!
n n
control control control
Communication bus
Parent 2
0000 / 1111 Child 2
'\. /
gene1/gene2 000011010
Another feature which may be introduced during reproduction is a
random mutation. One percent of bits in a chromosome may be changed
to guard against the possibility of the optimization process converging
to a local minimum .
The reproductive procedure is repeated for a fixed number of times or
when an acceptable solution is reached. Knowing when to stop is not a
simple matter and the computational effort to cover the problem space
and to evaluate solutions can be very considerable.
Examples of the application of GAs to generator protection have been
reported in [46]. GA techniques may be used for overcurrent relay co-
ordination. Further details of GA and SA techniques may be found in
HVDC link
Facts device
1. Nebendahl, D. (ed.) (1988) Expert System: Introduction to the Technology and
Applications, Siemens AG and John Wiley.
2. IEEE Working Group DlO, Power System Relaying Committee (1994)
Potential applications of expert systems to power system protection, IEEE
Trans. On Power Delivery, 9, No.2, 720-728.
3. Lo, K. I. and Nashid, I. (1993) Expert systems and their application to power
systems, Power Engng J. (in three parts): Part 1: Components and methods of
knowledge representation, Feb. 1993, 41-45; Part 2: Search methods and
languages, June 1993, 141-144; Part 3: Examples of application, Oct. 1993,
4. Dabbaghchi, I., Christie, R. D., Rosenwald, G. W. and Liu, C. C. (1997) AI
application areas in power systems, IEEE Expert Intelligent Systems and their
Applications, 12, No.1, 58-66.
5. Kimura, T., Nishimatsu, S., Ueki, Y. and Fukuyama, Y. (1991) Development
of an expert system for estimating fault reaction in control centers based
on protective system simulation, Proc. lASTED Con!, Tainan, March 1991,
91 SM 356-6 PWRD.
6. Fukuyama, Y. and Ueki, Y. (1991) Development of an expert system for
analysing faults in power system using artificial neural network based
waveform recognition, IEEE Int. Symp. On Circuits and Systems, Singapore,
June 1991, 1137-1140.
7. Young, D. J., Lo, K. L., McDonald, J. R., Howard, R. and Rye, J. (1992)
Development of a practical expert system for alarm processing, lEE Proc., C,
139, No.5, 437-447.
8. Chester, M. (1993) Neural Networks - A Tutorial, Prentice Hall, NJ.
9. Ross, T. 1. (1995) Fuzzy Logic and Engineering Applications, McGraw-Hill.
10. Song, Y. H., Aggarwal, R. K. and Johns, A. T. (1993) Fuzzy logic in the
development of new protection equipment for power systems, 28th Universities
Power Engineering Conference Proceedings, Staffordshire University, 21-23
Sept., 1993, Vol. 1,97-100.
11. Monsef, H., Ranjbar, A. M. and Jabid, S. (1997) Fuzzy rule-based expert
system for power system fault diagnosis, IEEE Proc. Gener. Transm. Distrib.,
144, No.2, March 1997, 186--192.
12. Wiszniewski, A. and Kasztenny, B. (1993) Fuzzy set approach to transformer
differential relay, Fifth Int. Con! in Development in Power System Protection,
lEE Conf. Publication 368, University of York, 30 March - 1 April, 1993,
13. Anderson, J. A. (1995) An Introduction to Neural Networks, MIT Press.
14. Sachdev, M. S. (coordinaror) (1997) Advancements in Microprocessor Based
Protection and Communication, IEEE Tutorial Course, 97 TP120-0.
15. Kohonen, T. (1990) The self-organising map, Proc. IEEE, 78, No.9, 1464-
16. lEE (various authors) (1997) Tutorial on Modern Techniquesfor Power System
Protection, University of Nottingham, 24 March 1997.
17. Hammesstrom, D. (1993) Working with neural networks, IEEE Spectrum, July
1993, 46--53.
552 New relaying concepts
18. Aggarwal, R. K., Johns, A. T., Song, Y. H., Dunn, R. W. and Fitton, D. S.
(1994) Neural network based adaptive single pole autoreclosure technique for
EHV transmission systems, lEE Proc. Gener. Transm. Distrib., 141, No.2,
19. Bo, Z., Aggarwal, R. K., Johns, A. T., Li, H. Y. and Song, Y. H. (1997) A
new approach to phase selection using fault generated high-frequency noise
and neural networks, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, January 1997, No. 12,
20. Song, Y. H., Johns, A. T. and Xuan, Q. Y. (1996) Artificial neural-network-
based protection scheme for controllable series-compensated EHV trans-
mission lines, IEEE Proc. Gener. Transm. Distrib., 143, No.6, 535-540.
21. Sidhu, T. S., Singh, H. and Sachdev, M. S. (1995) Design implementation and
testing of an artificial neural network-based fault direction discriminator for
protecting transmission lines, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, 10, No.2,
22. Perez, L. G., Flechsiz, A. J., Meador, J. L. and Obradovic, A. (1994) Training
an artificial neural network to discriminate between magnetizing inrush and
internal faults, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, 9, No.1, 434-441.
23. Sultan, A. F., Swift, G. W. and Fedirchuk, D. J. (1992) Detection of high
impedance faults using a multi-layer perceptron, IEEE Trans. On Power
Delivery, 7, No.4, 1871-1877.
24. Dalstein, T. (1995) Neural network approach to fault classification for high-
speed protective relaying, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, 10, No.2, 1002-1011.
25. Phadke, A. G. (1995) Adaptive protections and control, ClGRE Colloquium
SC 34, Stockholm, 11-17 June 1995, paper 34-212.
26. Thorp, J. S. (ed.) (1993) Feasibility of adaptive protection and control, IEEE
Trans. On Power Delivery, 8, No.3, 975-983.
27. Horowitz, S. H., Phadke, A. G. and Thorp, J. S. (1988) Adaptive transmission
system relaying, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, 3, No.4, 1436-1445.
28. Rockfeller, G. D., Wagner, C. L., Linders, J. R., Hicks, K. L. and Rizy, D.
T. (1988) Adaptive transmission relaying concepts for improved performance,
IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, 3, No.4, 1446-1458.
29. Eisman, J., Gomez, G., Torres, J. and Cobelo, F. (1995) ClGRE Colloquium
SC 34, Stockholm, 11-17 June 1995, paper 34-207.
30. Xia, Y. Q., Li, K. K. and David, A. K. (1994) Adaptive relay setting for
stand-alone digital distance protection, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, 9,
No. 1,480-491.
31. Stedall, B., Moore, P., Johns, A. T., Goody, J. and Burt, M. (1995) An
investigation into the use of adaptive setting techniques for improved distance
back-up protection, IEEE, 95 SM 435-8 PWRD.
32. Fitton, D. S., Dunn, R. W., Aggarwal, R. K., Johns, A. T. and Bennett,
A. (1995) Design and an implementation of an adaptive single-pole auto-
reclosure technique for transmission lines using artificial neural networks,
IEEE, 95 SM 432-5 PWRD.
33. Sachdev, M. S., Sidhu, T. S., Chattopadhyay, B., Ta1ukdar, B., McDonald,
G. and Chan, R. (1995) Design and evaluation of an adaptive protection
system for a distribution network, ClGRE Colloquium, SC 34, Stockholm, 11-
17 June 1995, paper 34-202.
References 553
34. Chattopadhyay, B., Sachdev, M. S. and Sidhu, T. S. (1995) An on-line relay
coordination algorithm for adaptive protection using linear programming
technique, IEEE, 95 WM 035-6 PWRD.
35. Booth, C., McDonald, J. R., Laycock, W. J. and Bennett, A. (1995)
Distributed intelligence within power systems: the future for substation control
and management systems, CIGRE Symp. on Integrated Control and Com-
munications Systems, August 1995, Helsinki.
36. Mitchell, B. C. (1996) Advanced features of the integrated control and
protection system used in Ontario Hydro substations, CIGRE 1996 Meeting,
August 28-30, paper 34-101.
37. Electricity Training Association (eds) (1995) Power System Protection, Vol. 4:
Digital protection and signalling, published by the lEE.
38. GEC Alsthom Protection and Control (1996) Publication R6500A.
39. SIEMENS AG, Protection and Substation Control Systems (1996) Publication
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40. ABB Network Control and Protection (1992) Publication IMDB00004-EN.
41. Kaplan, E. D. (1996) Understanding GPS - Principles and Applications, Artech
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52. Andersson. F. and Juhlin, L.-E. (1992) Power system protection in HVDC
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53. Jenkins, N. (1995) Embedded generation, Part 1, Power Engng J., 9, 154-150,
and Part 2, October 1996, 10, 233-239.
Appendix A
The testing and application of
power-system protective equipment
The capital costs of power-system equipment are high and this is particularly
so for major items such as large turbines, alternators, transformers and over-
head lines and cables. They represent investments which provide subsequent
income derived from the payments made for the electrical energy supplied to
consumers. It is therefore vital that the maximum continuity of supply be
maintained to consumers and that power-system equipments should not suffer
unavoidable consequential damage when faults occur within networks. Similar
considerations also apply to smaller installations such as those in manufactur-
ing plants.
To satisfy these requirements, protective equipments, such as those de-
scribed in the earlier chapters, must be provided and their not insignificant
costs may be considered to be insurance premiums, because they do not
directly increase the income from consumers. Having paid the premiums,
supply authorities and others understandably expect protective equipments to
operate correctly under all conditions. To achieve this goal it is necessary that
they and the suppliers of protective equipment ensure that the necessary
studies are conducted so that suitable protective schemes are applied and that
the appropriate fault settings are chosen for each application. In addition,
adequate development, production and site tests must be performed.
The procedures and tests which are undertaken to ensure that the various
types of protective equipments now available will meet these requirements are
examined in the following sections.
A.2.1 Fuselinks
Fuselinks should ideally operate at currents above their minimum-fusing
levels in times slightly shorter than those for which the items or circuits being
protected by them can withstand the currents without being damaged. Clearly,
therefore, the withstand time/current characteristics of items to be protected
must be known and at very high current levels the [2 t, i.e.
Variable impedance
CB switch
--rr-....~---:;;;ro...--X - - - - 0 -
Service checks
In general fuses do not require any regular maintenance but it is desirable that
those in important circuits be inspected physically at regular intervals to check
that the housing and fuse links are in good condition. In addition, fuse link
resistances can be measured and compared with the original values.
Further information on testing is provided in reference [1] and in National
and International Standard Specifications.
Development testing
Because protective schemes are required to operate when the conditions on
power systems are abnormal it is essential that their performances be deter-
mined during such conditions. Manufacturers have therefore to set up testing
facilities which will enable schemes to be subjected to the full range of
conditions which they may encounter in service. Over the years, facilities have
been developed and extended to meet the changing needs.
Supply transformer
Fig. A.2 Schematic diagram of a medium-current test plant. (Reproduced from Pro-
tective Relays - Application Guide, 3rd edn, GEC Measurements, 1987 with the
permission of GEC Alsthom Protection and Control Ltd.)
Testing ofprotective devices and equipment 563
Supply transformer
11 ,OOO/880-660-440V
II~ c
II _ _ _ _ _ _ Pomt-on-wave
control unit
-------_ ...
Fig. A.3 Circuit to achieve a high X/R ratio in current transfonner primary current.
(Reproduced from Protective Relays - Application Guide, 3rd edn, GEC Measure-
ments, 1987 with the pennission of GEC Alsthom Protection and Control Ltd.)
20/1 A and the effective knee-point voltages of the transformers can be varied
between 160 V and 2000 V by connecting one or more of them in series.
The nominal X/R ratio of the reactors is 30, but this value is reduced in
practice by the resistances of the connections, the windings of the current
transformers and the relays. It will be appreciated that current transformers
with the cores and secondary windings to be used in service, but with the
appropriate multi-turn primary windings, could be fed by test plants such as
that described above to enable completely conjunctive tests to be performed.
The increase in power-system fault levels and X/R ratios in recent years has
created conditions which cannot be simulated economically with these types
of equipment. Because of this Cavero et al [6] commenced investigations at
the University of Nottingham into alternative methods of generating the re-
quired test currents. This led to development of test plants with the basic
arrangement shown in single-phase form in Fig. A.3. In this plant, the transient
component of the test current is produced by discharging the capacitor C
through the resistor R2 and the primary winding of the current transformer
which supplies the protective scheme or relay. The desired transient current
is obtained by previously charging the capacitor to the appropriate voltage and
by setting the resistance (R 2 ) to the necessary value. The steady state compo-
nent of the current is supplied from a transformer, the desired magnitude being
obtained by choosing the appropriate voltage for the secondary winding of the
transformer and adjusting the resistance of resistor RI . This current also flows
through the primary winding of the current transformer. Current flow is in-
itiated at the appropriate instant in the cycle of the voltage provided by the
secondary winding of the transformer by firing the triac and thyristor.
564 Appendix A
The technique has been implemented on a three-phase basis and such plants
can be used in the development of protective schemes, and again the desired
currents can be fed to either current transformers similar to those to be used
in service or to built-in current transformers interconnected as described ear-
lier to achieve desired knee-point output voltages.
The most recent development has been the introduction of programmable
power-system simulators which can be widely used to test all types of protect-
ive equipment. These are described in some detail in the next section.
therefore the per-unit value of the equivalent impedor (Z.') is given by:
This has the same per-unit value as the actual secondary impedor,
IIs Zs I/Vs when
r - --j3vL
Zp = 0.05 L1tI3 pu ~p=0.1 1.zr!3pu ~=0.1L1tI3pu Zs= 0.05L1tI3 pu
Ip (pu)
1 Vp
Fig. D.2 Transformer (a) and its equivalent circuit in per-unit quantities (b).
Primary rated voltage and current: 500 V, 20 A. Primary winding impedance:
Zip = 2.511t/3 n. Exciting current at 500 V: 0.21-1t/3 A. Secondary rated voltage
and current: 200 V, 50 A. Secondary winding impedance: Zts = OAI1t/3 n.
572 Appendix B
ZL1 =O.48L1tIS pu
ZL2 =O.72L1tIS pu
~s = 0 .24L 1tIS pu
ZL3 = O.9SL 1tIS pu
Za= 20L1tI4 pu
Fig. B.3 Example of a network (a) and its per-unit equivalent (b).
Appendix B 573
transformer and Ze is its ex~ting impedance. The source, which provides an
e.m.f. Es, has an impedance Zs anj the connections b~tween the source and the
transformer have an impedance Zc. The impedance Zp shown in Fig. B.3(a) is
therefore given by:
- --
Zp = (Zs + Zc + 4p)O
The outgoing circuits have impedances of ZLl, ZL2 and ZLJ as shown.
The rated voltages of the primary and secondary circuits are 1000 V and
500 V respectively and the rated currents are as follows:
Rated current of load circuit 1 (ILl) = 50 A
Rated current of load circuit 2 (lu) = 40 A
Rated current of load circuit 3 (lLJ) = 30 A
Rated current of primary circuit = (50 + 40 + 30)/2 = 60 A.
The impedances in the circuit are:
- -
ZLl=2In/6 O;ZL2=3In/6 0
- -
ZLJ=4In/6 O;Zp=5In/3 0
- -
Ze = 1000/3In/4 0; 4s = Iln/6 0
zp= VA
Z = 60 x 1000. 51n/3 =0.3 In/3 u
1000 2 P
For lo~d circuit 1 the rated current = 50 A and at this current the voltage
drop on ZLl = 100 In/6 V.
- 100
:. ZLI = 500 In/6 pu at 500 x 50 = 25 kV A
- VA -
ZLl =
60x 103
ZLl = 5002 x 21n/6 = 0.48In/6 pu
574 Appendix B
- 60x 103
ZL2 = 5002 X 31 n/6 =0.72 In/6 pu
- 60x 103
ZL3 = 5002 X 41n/6 = 0.96 In/6 pu
- 60x 103
and Zts = 5002 x Iln/6 =0.24 In/6 pu
The equivalent circuit, using the 60 kVA base, is shown in Fig. B.3(b).
This circuit could be used more simply than the one shown in Fig. B.3(a)
to determine the behaviour over widely ranging conditions.
As an example, should load terminals 2 and 3 be open-circuited and the load
terminal 1 be short circuited to earth when the source e.m.f. (Es) was 1000 V,
i.e. 1 pu, and the small effect of the exciting impedance (Ze) was neglected,
then the short-circuit current (lsc) would be given by:
- 1 1
~= = ~
Zp + Zts + ZLl 0.3In/3 + 0.72ln/6
= 1.0181 - 0.676 pu
This is based on a 60 kVA base, i.e. 60 A in the primary circuit and 120 A
on the secondary side of the transformer.
The actual current in the primary circuit would therefore be 61.1 A and the
current in the short circuit would be 122.2 A.
Appendix C
Transformations of three-phase quantities
There are basically three degrees of freedom and each phase voltage is
dependent on the three phase currents. It will be clear that both the amount of
computation involved in determining the behaviour of power systems and the
processing in protective schemes can be reduced if equation (C.I) is trans-
formed so that the elements in the Z matrix, other than those in the principal
diagonal, all have a value of zero. In these circumstances, three independent
equations are provided by the rows of the matrix equation.
It will be evident that the voltage, current and impedance matrices in equa-
tion (C.l) must all be so transformed that the two sides of the resulting
equation are equal. The basic technique when dealing with steady-state r.m.s.
quantities is outlined in the following section.
in which [I] and [I'] are the original and transformed matrices respectively.
To ensure that the volt-amperes are not changed the original and trans-
formed ~~tities must be ~e same and because voltage-amperes are givenJ>y
[VA] = [Vt1[/*], in which [VtJ is the transpose of the voltage matrix and [/*]
contains elements which are the complex conjugates of the elements in the
576 Appendix C
current matrix, the following relationship must be maintained:
in which [V{] is the transpose of the transformed voltage matrix.
The relationship in equation (C.2) may be expressed as:
a*] = [Co][/'o]
and thus equation (C.3) may be expressed as:
[Vt']a'*] = [Vt1[C*][/'*]
and therefore:
When the matrix [C] is square and has an inverse [C] - 1 then the following
equations may all be used.
[C][C;] = [C;][C] = I
i.e. and
[I] = [C][I']
Transformation into symmetrical components 577
(V] = [C][V'] [V'] = [C;][V]
Again there are only three degrees of freedom and therefore the relationship
can be expressed in the form:
The matrix [C;] is therefore:
IC:l=[: ~
It must be recognized, as stated above, that when sequence quantities are
used, the three phase voltages are replaced by nine sequence voltage and
The volt-amperes associated with the actual phase voltages and currents are
given by:
578 Appendix C
and the voltage-amperes associated with the sequence quantities are given by:
VA= 3~'\.I7a + 3V2aI~ + 3VoaI~ = 3 [V(][I'*]
With this transformation therefore:
and as a result:
3 [Vt'] =[Vtl[C*]
or [V'] = 1/3 [C;UV] (C.IO)
The full transposed voltage matrix [V'] is therefore:
n~ n[~
Zm 1
=1/3 1
1 1
Zm tl
= 0 Zs-Zm (C.I2)
0 0
[V(Pl] = [SHV(e l ]
[I(Pl] = (QHI(e l ]
[S] = [Q] =[ 11 1
0 - 2
1 -1 1
The component or modal voltages and currents are then related by the expres-
[Z(c) =[542.4
- 3.2
293.2 -0.7 0.1~
-0.2 0.1 246.6
It will be seen that because an approximate S matrix was used the off-
diagonal elements are small but not zero and hence complete decoupling has
not been achieved. In practice the contribution from the off-diagonal elements
can be neglected.
Further details of transformation matrices may be found in references [1-3].
l. Wilson Long, R. and Gelopulos, D. (1982) Component transformations - eigen-
value analysis succinctly defines their relationships, Trans, lEE PAS-101, 4055-
2. Wasley, R. G. and Selvavinayagamoorthy, S. (1974) Approximate frequency re-
sponse values for transmission-line transient analysis, Proc. lEE, 121, 281-286.
3. Wedepohl, L. M. and Mohqwed S. E. T. (1969) Mu1ticonductor transmission lines
- theory of natural modes and Fourier integral applied to transient analysis Proc.
lEE 116, (C), 1553-1563.
Appendix D
The determination of power-system
behaviour using symmetrical components
Stator 'a' phase winding Motion of field
\ Motion of field produced by
produced by stator windings
stator windings
'c' phase
Field winding
(a) (b)
Fig. D.I Field set up by stator currents rotates at n, as shown for positive (a) and
negative (b) sequence currents.
ous reactance (Xd. The three windings each present the same resistance (R 1 )
to the currents and as a re~ult a machine can be assigned a positive-sequence
synchronous impedance (ZI). In practice this impedance is made relatively
high to limit the currents which may flow in the events of faults, but, of course,
the resistance is kept to a minimum to ensure that high efficiencies are ob-
tained. As a result XI R I
It will be appreciated that the magnetic field set up by positive-sequence
currents does not cut the field circuit of a machine. This is illustrated in Fig.
A set of steady-state negative-sequence currents in the windings of a ma-
chine sets up a magnetic field which rotates relative to the windings at syn-
chronous speed (ns) in the opposite direction to that produced by the
positive-sequence currents. This field, shown in Fig. D.l(b), cuts the three-
phase windings and induces e.m.f.s in them but it is of reverse or negative
sequence. This field rotates at twice synchronous speed relative to the field
windings of the machine and the core material associated with them, causing
hysteresis_effects and eddy-currents. As a result, the negative~equence im-
pedance (Z2) is not equal to the positive-sequence impedance (ZI).
A set of zero-sequence currents in the windings of a machine sets up three
time-varying magnetic fields which are stationary with respect to the wind-
ings. They induce equal e.m.f.s of the same phase in each of the windings, i.e.
a set of zero-sequence e.m.f.s with a magnitude dependent on the zero-
sequence current. These zero-sequence fields move at synchronous speed
relative to the field windings and the core material causing powerJosses within
them. A machine has therefore a zero-sequence impedance (Zo) , which is
different from the other two sequence impedances.
Sequence impedances 585
For a large turbo-alternator, typical values for the steady-state positive-
sequence reactance (synchronous reactance) range between 2 and 2.5 pu.
However, immediately after the incidence of a fault, the machine reactance is
much lower, typically 0.1-0.2 pu (subtransient) reactance. The subtransient
phase lasts for approximately one or two cycles and it is followed by the
transient phase when typical reactance values range from 0.15-0.28 pu. Steady
state is reached after typically four or five cycles. Typical values for negative-
and zero-sequence reactances range from 0.13-0.25 pu and 0.05-0.13 pu
D.1.2 Transformers
When positive-sequence currents flow in the primary and secondary windings
of a transformer, magnetic fields are set up in leakage paths and positive-
sequence e.mJ.s are induced in both sets of windings. This effect may be
allowed for by assigning a positive-sequence leakage reactance to the primary
and secondary windings (X lp and XIS)' The currents flow through the resist-
ances of the _windins..s and therefore the windings possess positive-sequence
impedances Zip and ZIS'
Similar effects are produced by negative-sequence currents and the imped-
ances which may be assigned have .,!he s.!IDe val~es a! those associated with
the positive-sequence currents, i.e. ~p =Zip and ~ =ZIS'
The passage of zero-sequence currents also causes magnetic fields to be set
up in leakage paths, but because these fluxes are in phase with each other they
may not follow the same paths as those set up bI the ot~r sequence currents
and as a result the zero-sequence impedances, Zop and Zos may not have the
same values as the other sequence impedances.
Typical per-unit positive- and negative-sequence impedances for trans-
formers rated at 10 MVA and above range between 0.05 and 0.2, depending
on their insulation levels. construction and winding connections.
The zero-sequence impedance depends on the type of the core used and
winding connections as described in section D.2.2. In general it has a value
which is smaller than the other sequence impedances as explained in more
detail in reference [1].
Line Z;
X-8 -
V1 =0
-EB1 Positive
~ ~ _ I
~l---~~ sequence
~l---~~ ~:eoc,
Fig. D.2 A network (a) and its three phase-sequence networks (b).
r---------o Va = 0
~ ~
Positive-sequence Negative-sequence
Primary Secondary
Fig. D.S A star-delta connected transformer (a) and its zero-sequence network (b).
o o
Fig. D.6 A star-star connected transformer with both star points earthed, and its
zero-sequence network.(All quantities are per-unit.)
Fig. D.7 A star-star connected transformer with only one star point earthed (a), and
its zero-sequence network (b).
Sequence networks 591
Fig. D.9 A three-winding transformer (a) and its zero-sequence network (b).
592 Appendix D
To enable the actual operating conditions of power systems to be determined,
the appropriate sequence networks must be interconnected in particular ways.
These are described below for a range of possible conditions.
- Z1gB
EgA 4t
- E9B
Fig. 0.10 A network (a) and its sequence network following a balanced fault (b). The
excitation impedance Zoe is neglected.
The interconnection of sequence networks 593
Ta=t;+L-~~ !1c=O
~ .."'f---_....--.. Ta = t;
(b) Ic=O
Positive-sequence Negative-sequence
Fig. D.ll Conditions and sequence network for an interphase fault. (All quantities are
594 Appendix D
the corresponding points. A numerical example is included later in section
(a) (b)
- -
) ",".li3, +
/1b /2c
Transformer TA
596 Appendix D
Fl ~1 = jO.15
N2 Negative
No Zero
Fo ~o=jO.4
Fig. D.13 Network (a) and sequence networks for a range of faults.
Reference 597
It is further assumed that the two generators produce voltages of the same
phases and of magnitude 1 p.u. The currents for faults near the secondary
terminals of transformer TA are determined below.
The positive-, negative- and zero-sequence networks are shown in Fig.
D.13b. These networks may be further simplified as shown in Fig. D.13c.
11 = V = 1 =-j3.15pu
Z Z2Z0 0230.18xO.17
I+ Z2 + Z0 J. +JO.18+0.17
- -
Similarly, 12 =j1.53 pu and 10 =j1.62 pu.
The phase currents at the fault may be found by substituting the above
values and are:
- - -
la = II + 12 + 10 = 0
Ib =/0 + crll + al2 = - 4.05+ j2.43pu
Ie =10 + all + a2/2 =4.05 + j2.43 pu
1. Roeper, R. (1985) Short-Circuit Currents in Three-Phase Systems, (2nd edn),
Siemens and A. G. and J. Wiley and Sons.
It was stated in the Preface to the first edition that all aspects of the
protection of power systems cannot now be covered in a single book. It is
hoped, however, that most of the important areas have been dealt with in
this volume and that the information provided will enable readers to cope
with any situations which may arise. Recent advances in information
technology and communications permit high levels of signal processing
and data availability across the entire range of power system functions
such as protection, monitoring and control. Innovative ways of extracting
relaying information from data gathered from the power system based on
artificial intelligence techniques are now being explored. Ways of co-
ordinating and integrating more closely protection with other power
system functions are being sought. All these developments must go hand in
hand with high levels of reliability traditionally expected from power
system protection relays.
It is not reasonable to expect from any single individual to have a
complete mastery of all the techniques which impact on protection today.
Hence, the first sentence appearing in these concluding remarks is more
true today than when it was first written five years ago. The second edition
of the book seeks to give the reader a sound grounding in protection and
maintain a balance between two essentials - grasp of fundamentals and
appreciation of technological opportunities.
Christos Christopoulos