Getting To The Optimal: Timing and Financing Choices: You Can Take It Slow.. or Perhaps Not
Getting To The Optimal: Timing and Financing Choices: You Can Take It Slow.. or Perhaps Not
Getting To The Optimal: Timing and Financing Choices: You Can Take It Slow.. or Perhaps Not
The hurdle rate The return How much How you choose
should reflect the The optimal The right kind
should reflect the cash you can to return cash to
riskiness of the mix of debt of debt
magnitude and return the owners will
investment and and equity matches the
the timing of the depends upon depend on
the mix of debt maximizes firm tenor of your
cashflows as well current & whether they
and equity used value assets
as all side effects. potential prefer dividends
to fund it. investment or buybacks
Aswath Damodaran
Now that we have an optimal.. And an actual..
What next?
Aswath Damodaran
A Framework for Getting to the Optimal
Is the actual debt ratio greater than or lesser than the optimal debt ratio?
Yes No Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Take good projects with 1. Pay off debt with retained
new equity or with retained earnings. Take good projects with
earnings. 2. Reduce or eliminate dividends. debt.
3. Issue new equity and pay off Do your stockholders like
debt. dividends?
Pay Dividends No
Buy back stock
Aswath Damodaran
Disney: Applying the Framework
Is the actual debt ratio greater than or lesser than the optimal debt ratio?
Pay Dividends No
Buy back stock
6 Application Test: Getting to the Optimal
Assets Liabilities
Cash Debt
Assets in place
Growth Assets
Aswath Damodaran
The mechanics of changing debt ratios over time…
¨ To change debt ratios over time, you use the same mix of
tools that you used to change debt ratios gradually:
¤ Dividends and stock buybacks: Dividends and stock buybacks will
reduce the value of equity.
¤ Debt repayments: will reduce the value of debt.
¨ The complication of changing debt ratios over time is
that firm value is itself a moving target.
¤ If equity is fairly valued today, the equity value should change
over time to reflect the expected price appreciation:
¤ Expected Price appreciation = Cost of equity – Dividend Yield
¤ Debt will also change over time, in conjunction as firm value
Aswath Damodaran
Designing Debt: The Fundamental Principle
Aswath Damodaran
Firm with mismatched debt
Firm Value
Value of Debt
Aswath Damodaran
Firm with matched Debt
Firm Value
Value of Debt
Aswath Damodaran
Design the perfect financing instrument
Fixed vs. Floating Rate Straight versus Special Features Commodity Bonds
Duration/ Currency * More floating rate Convertible on Debt Catastrophe Notes
Define Debt - if CF move with - Convertible if - Options to make
Maturity Mix
Characteristics inflation cash flows low cash flows on debt
- with greater uncertainty now but high match cash flows
on future exp. growth on assets
Design debt to have cash flows that match up to cash flows on the assets financed
Aswath Damodaran
Ensuring that you have not crossed the line
drawn by the tax code
Aswath Damodaran
While keeping equity research analysts, ratings
agencies and regulators applauding
Can securities be designed that can make these different entities happy?
Aswath Damodaran
Debt or Equity: The Strange Case of Trust
Aswath Damodaran
Debt, Equity and Quasi Equity
Aswath Damodaran
Soothe bondholder fears
Aswath Damodaran
And do not lock in market mistakes that work
against you
Aswath Damodaran
Designing Debt: Bringing it all together
Start with the Cyclicality &
Cash Flows Duration Currency Effect of Inflation
Growth Patterns Other Effects
on Assets/ Uncertainty about Future
Fixed vs. Floating Rate Straight versus Special Features Commodity Bonds
Duration/ Currency * More floating rate Convertible on Debt Catastrophe Notes
Define Debt Maturity Mix - if CF move with - Convertible if - Options to make
Characteristics inflation
- with greater uncertainty
cash flows low
now but high
cash flows on debt
match cash flows
on future exp. growth on assets
Design debt to have cash flows that match up to cash flows on the assets financed
Can securities be designed that can make these different entities happy?
Consider Information
Aswath Damodaran Uncertainty about Future Cashflows Credibility & Quality of the Firm
Asymmetries - When there is more uncertainty, it - Firms with credibility problems
may be better to use short term debt will issue more short term debt 115
Approaches for evaluating Asset Cash Flows
I. Intuitive Approach
¤ Are the projects typically long term or short term? What is the cash
flow pattern on projects?
¤ How much growth potential does the firm have relative to current
¤ How cyclical are the cash flows? What specific factors determine the
cash flows on projects?
II. Project Cash Flow Approach
¤ Estimate expected cash flows on a typical project for the firm
¤ Do scenario analyses on these cash flows, based upon different macro
economic scenarios
III. Historical Data
¤ Operating Cash Flows
¤ Firm Value
Aswath Damodaran
I. Intuitive Approach - Disney
Consumer Projects are likely to be short- to medium-term and linked to the success of the Debt should be
products movie division; most of Disney’s product offerings and licensing revenues are 1. Medium-term
derived from their movie productions 2. Dollar debt
Interactive Projects are likely to be short-term, with high growth potential and significant risk. Debt should be short-term,
While cash flows will initially be primarily in US dollars, the mix of currencies will convertible US dollar debt.
shift as the business ages.
Aswath Damodaran
6 Application Test: Choosing your Financing
¨ Based upon the business that your firm is in, and the
typical investments that it makes, what kind of
financing would you expect your firm to use in terms
a. Duration (long term or short term)
b. Currency
c. Fixed or Floating rate
d. Straight or Convertible
Aswath Damodaran