Socio-Economic Determinants of Cassava Production in Benue State, Nigeria.
Socio-Economic Determinants of Cassava Production in Benue State, Nigeria.
Socio-Economic Determinants of Cassava Production in Benue State, Nigeria.
21 – 30 11 6.1
31 – 40 33 18.3
41 – 50 46 25.6
51 – 60 54 30.0
> 60 36 20 48.3
Marital Status
Single 17 9.4
Married 163 90.6
Widowed - -
Divorced - -
Level of Education
No formal education 44 24.4
Primary education 53 29.4
Secondary education 42 23.3
Tertiary education 41 22.8
Mean of years spent in 13.1
Household size
6 – 10 14 7.8
11 – 15 77 42.8
16 – 20 54 28.6
>20 19 10.1
16 8.5
Major occupation 18
Fishing 178 98.9
Farming/Trading - -
Hunting 2 1.1
- 0
Farming experience(years)
6 – 10
11 – 15 23 12.8
16 – 20 63 35.0
>20 30 16.7
26 14.4
38 21.1 13.1
Socio-economic Characteristics Influencing Rural .305; t = -6.779; p<.05) and fertilizer use (β = -.305; t = -
Farmers’ Production Level 1.065; p<0.05) were significant at predicting respondents’
Table 2 revealed that socio-economic characteristics of production level .
farmers had significant influence on farmers’ production Table 2 further revealed the extent of prediction of each of
level in the activities (F(9,350) = 28.089; p≤0.05). The result the socio-economic characteristics of farmers at different
showed that the variables jointly predicted farmers’ levels were ranks based on the t values. The rating is as
production level in activities (R = .419), and jointly shown: farming size (t = 6.779; p<.05) >age (t = 3.939;
accounted for 40.4% variance (adjusted R2 = 0.404) in p<.05)>level of education (t = 3.804; p<.05)> farming
predicting farmers’ production level when all the socio- experience (t = 2.694; p<.05) >household size (t = 2.507;
economic characteristics were taken together. This implies p<.05) >major occupation (t = 2.023; p<.05)> fertilizer use
that other characteristics not taken into consideration in (t = 1.065; p<0.05). Farm size was the socio-economic
this model may have accounted for the remaining 59.6% characteristics that mostly predicted farmers’ production
variance. level and was followed by age, level of education, farming
Table 2 revealed the relative contribution of socio- experience, household size, major occupation while the
economic characteristics to farmers’ production level in least predicted socio-economic characteristic was fertilizer
activities. The relative contributions of sex (β = -.078; t = - use.
1.677; p>0.05), marital status (β = .049; t = 1.058; Farm size mostly predicts farmers’ production level and
p>0.05), membership of organisations (β = .030; t = .723; this agrees with Giroh et al. (2007) who noted that 86.7%
p>0.05), on-farm income (β = .032; t = .743; p>0.05), off- of respondents cultivated between 1-3 hectares, this
farm income (β = .052; t = 1.220; p>0.05) planting implies that majority are small holder farmers. Farm sizes
materials (β = .007; t = .166; p>0.050 ) and labour input (β were found to be factors with significant influence on the
=0.0.80; t= 0.842; p> 0.05) were not significant at farmers’ production level. Indicating that farmers with
predicting respondents’ production level. larger farm holdings were more likely to be highly aware
The relative contributions of age (β = -.190; t = -3.939; of information than those with small farm size.
p<.05), level of education (β = -.202; t = -3.804; p<.05), Age was significant and age is considered to be an
household size (β = -.108; t = -2.507; p<.05), major important characteristic in decision process of an
occupation (β = .099; t = 2.023; p<.05), farming innovation (Agbamu, 2006). This further revealed that
experience (β = .117; t = 2.694; p<.05), farming size (β = -
Table.2: Multiple Regression Analysis on the Determinants of cassava production in Benue State, Nigeria
Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficient
Variables B Std Error Beta T
(Constant) 31.194 3.351 9.308
Sex -1.194 0.712 0.-078 -1.677
Age 0.-591 0.150 0.-190 -3.939*
Marital Status 1.212 1.146 0.-049 1.058
Level of Education -1.307 0.343 0.-202 -3.804*
Household size 0.-602 0.240 0.-108 -2.507*
Major occupation 6.789 3.357 0.099 2.023*
Farming experience 0.485 0.180 0.117 2.694*
Farm size -2.285 0.337 0.-305 -6.779*
Membership of organization 0.759 1.050 0.030 0.723
Fertilizer use -2.484 2.332 0.-144 -1.065*
On farm income 0.387 0.-521 0.032 0.743
Off farm income 0.334 0.273 0.052 1.220
Planting materials 0.086 0.517 0.007 0.166
Labour input 0.869 1.120 0.080 0.842
* denotes the level of significance at 0.05
A dependent variable production level of production activities, R Square = 0.419,
R square adjusted = 0.404, F value = 28.089; P<0.05.