Exploratory Study On Agricultural Practices On The Bamboutos Mountains

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Exploratory Study on Agricultural Practices on the

Bamboutos Mountains
Ngimdoh Marline Mirene, University of Dschang
Tchekote Herve, University of Dschang
Achamoh Victalice Ngimanang, University of Bamenda

Abstract:- The paper intends to examine the logic of I. INTRODUCTION

agricultural practices on upper slopes of the Bamboutos
Mountainswhich cut across the South West, West and Agricultural practices are collection of principles to
North West regions of Cameroon. The zone is located apply for farm production processes to facilitate farming and
between latitude, 5o32’ and 5o51’N, longitude, 9o56 and to get better agricultural products. On the Bamboutos
10o09’ E and it extends from an altitude of 2000m to Mountains, there has been a great change in the agricultural
2700m. After developing a conceptual framework that practices and techniques as the main actors are increase in
reviews the key concepts and theories of agricultural size and spheres. In the past before the economic crises
practices. Both primary and secondary data were which saw the prices of main cash crops of the area which
collected from the eight localities which constitute the were rubusta coffee and Arabica coffee in the lower slopes
area under study to collect data effectively from 162 of upper slopes of the mountains respectively, the main
respondents. Analysis was done with the help of SPSS,`1 actors were farmers and Cooperative (CAPLAMI) who
Excels 2016 and the result is presented in tables, charts acted as buyers and the techniques use were characterized
and graphs. Correlation and regression techniques are with the use of rudimentary tools.
used. The results of the study revealed that Agricultural
practices is the likelihood of the Bamboutos mountains Agricultural practices contribute immensely in
dwellers. Majority of the respondents are male, age sharpening socioeconomic life of the population. Poor
between 30-40 years, and holder of just FSLC.Farmers agricultural practices mainly due to illiteracy and
experience has positive and significant correlation with increasingly high population pressure of Bamboutus massif
method of conserving farm products, types of farm tools area has forced dwellers to farm on the steep slopes of the
used and applicability of chemicals but a weak rank mountain, leading to erosion and further loss of fertility. In
correlation between crop rotation and level of education. addition, the forest has witnessed rapid loss of its coverage
Equally, crop rotation and mixed farming is significantly due to increasing agricultural practices.
and positively influenced by education attainment of
farmers. Five distinctive steps were identified for The post crises period also described as the post coffee
successful farming in the area like elsewhere. For the era inflicted poverty to the population which push to find
third objective of the article, a good number of problems alternative activities which today has become a blessing as
plaguing the agricultural practice on the Bamboutos there was a population drift as reported in Ngoufo (1992) to
mountain were identified ranging from frequent farmer- the upper slopes of the mountains where market gardening
grazer conflict, insecurity, to more general problem as and other crops are intensively cultivated nowadays. The
resistance of farmers to adapt to new techniques, intensity of the agricultural activities is this area has
expensive nature of farm input, poor farms to market attracted the attention of many as the actors have extended
roads, acute short of funds and personnels. Improving to international level.
farms infrastructures, training and recruiting more
personnels, reestablishing agricultural banks, and According to Wilfred et al, (2016), Cameroon has
breaking land tenure obstacle among other strategies since early 1990s began spending billions of francs CFA to
can go a long way to stimulate agricultural practice in import large quantities of food items (rice, maize, onion,
the mountain area. tomatoes, milk and poultry) even though relying on national
products has a clear comparative advantage. This has been
Keywords:- Agricultural Practices, Evolution and very worrisome as it undermines local production potentials
Challenges, Bamboutos Mountains. and pushes many producers out of the production chain as a
result of unfair competition. The challenges are numerous
(but not impossible) including low levels of input. Studying
the practices of agriculture on the Bamboutos caldera is thus

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 1
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This paper is therefore reserved to shed light to various and beyond, thus contributing towards feeding the world's 9
agricultural practices and change. Specifically, the article billion people. Until the late 80s, Cameroon was considered
sought to: self-sufficient in agricultural production and played a role of
 Examine the evolution of agricultural practices on the food garret for its neighbouring countries.
 Shed light on the various steps of agricultural practices Eva (2017) identified five indigenous farming
cycle practices that have helped shape sustainable farming
 Explore the problems of agricultural practices systems and practices all over the world highlighted in the
celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Declaration on the
To accomplish these objectives the remainder of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Food Tank
paper is arranged as followed: Having introduced the paper included: Agroforestry, Crop Rotations, Mixed-/Inter-
in Section 1, Section2 focuseson conceptual and theoretical cropping, Polyculture, Water Harvesting.
review, section 3 is reserved for brief methodology and
section 4 is for presentation and discussion of result whereas Trend in agricultural practices has greatly been
section 5 conclude the article. modified with the adoptions of modern technologies in
agriculture like tractors and pump sets. Even the livestock
II. CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL REVIEW production has been totally changed into industrial type of
production from backyard system. Animals provide manure,
 Concept of Agriculture Practice food and income and are used for cultivation and transport
Agricultural practices are collection of principles to economically. Different animals can be fed on farm wastes
apply for farm production processes to get better agricultural efficiently, which provide financial security at the time of
products. In other words, agriculture practices are simply distress. In Indian culture, cattle are treated as an integral
techniques used in agriculture to facilitate farming. Plowing part of the family. After undergoing the huge losses from
the soil is an agriculture practice, minimum tillage, free adapting crossbred cows like Holstein, Frisien and Jersey,
range raising of poultry, pigs and cattle rearing as well as farmers are fast changing towards indigenous cattle, since
organic farming and sustainable agriculture are equally their maintenance is cheaper and the male calves can be
considered as agricultural practices (Eva, 2017). used for cultivation and transport.

Etymologically, the word agriculture is a late Middle Agriculture in most developing countries was an
English adaptation of Latin agricultūra, from ager, "field", integrated cultivation of crops, animals and trees to meet
and cultūra, "cultivation" or "growing". Agriculture usually most of the family and community needs rather than market.
refers to human activities, although it is also observed in Trees played an important role in providing green manure,
certain species of ant, termite and ambrosia beetle. To fodder, fruits, fuel and timber besides conserving soil water
practice agriculture means to use natural resources to and hosting beneficial insects and birds. Now, it is necessary
"produce commodities which maintain life, including food, to revive the traditional knowledge on seed selection and
fiber, forest products, horticultural crops, and their related preservation to bring back the self-reliance and seed
services. This definition includes arable farming or availability at the time of sowing. Similarly, rural population
agronomy, and horticulture, all terms for the growing of is fast changing their medical treatments since synthetic
plants, animal husbandry and sometimes forestry. drugs have become more expensive and found to create side
effects. They now started growing medicinal plants like
Agriculture sector in Cameroon is amongst the main Neem, for medication of both humans and their livestock.
occupations for over 70% of citizens and contributes
enormously to the country's economy (Wilfred. Abia,  Classification of agricultural practices
Conalius Shum, Richard Fomboh and Markjovert Ageh, Agriculture is one of the most widespread activities in
2016). The lack of access to adequate amounts of safe and the world, but it is not uniform throughout. There are a
nutritious food is a public health concern worldwide and number of ways to classify agriculture, and some of the
particularly in Cameroon. Due to its agro-ecological major criteria which can be adopted as noted by Dilip
diversity, Cameroon has great potentials for agricultural Chandra (2018), Syed Asif (2018), and Bouville, (2014) are
production to contribute towards its over 23 million people as summarized in the following figure

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1:- Classification of agricultural practices

Source: Adapted from Dilip (2018), Syed (2018) and Bouville, (2014)

 Concept of Agricultural Techniques and methods Based on modern agricultural techniques, four criteria
Modern agriculture depends heavily on engineering, of classifying agriculture are evident (Syed-Asif, 2018). The
technology and the biological and physical sciences. first classification is on agriculture types based on water
Irrigation, drainage, conservation and channeling are all dependence, the second classification of agricultural
important fields to guarantee success in agriculture and techniques is in accordance to the scale of production and its
require the expertise of agricultural engineers. Agricultural relation to the market where two types are identified. The
chemistry deals with other issues vital to agriculture, such as third category is in accordance to maximum or minimal
the use of fertilizers, insecticides and fungicides, soil production which has two sub types. Then, the fourth
structure, analysis of agricultural products and the category based on method and objectives enable us to
nutritional needs of farm animals. classified agriculture into traditional agriculture
andindustrial agriculture.

Fig 2:- Classification of agricultural techniques

Source: by the author adapted from Syed-Asif, (2018)

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Agriculture has been subjected to several changes over without any conservation measures in the upper part of this
the recent years with causes linked to globalization, eastern slope may enhance degradation of soils in the area.
liberalization, Vertical coordination and Urbanization The objective of this study is to evaluate the degradation rate
(Gerdien & Roza, 2007). Globalisation is the increasing and vulnerability potential of soils, and suggest ameliorative
integration of economies around the world, particularly measures for improve soils productivity in the upper part of
through trade and financial flows. The term sometimes also the eastern slope of the Bambouto Mountains.
refers to the movement of people (labour) and knowledge
(technology) across international borders. When a country According to Tsozué and Tamfuh (2016), Mounts
liberalises its economy and trade policies, it can participate Bambouto constitute the third largest volcano with
more easily in the international economy. Urbanisation has approximate surface of 800 square kilometer of the
been increasing steadily over the past decades thereby Cameroon Line after Mounts Cameroon and Manengouba.
increasing the market for agricultural (food) products This massif is situated between longitudes 09°33'E and
reduces land dispute/pressure on rural land resource. These 10°13'E and latitudes 05°30'N and 05°50'N. Volcanic
are very prominent on the Bamboutos Mountain as products of the massif are composed of basalts, basanites,
cultivable land is in acute shortages. trachytes, phonolites, rhyolites, tephrites, hawaiites,
mugearites, tuffs and ignimbrites (Marzoli et al., 1999;
Another importance cause of change in agriculture is Nono et al., 2004; Gountié et al., 2012), largely dominated
through vertical coordination. Swinnen and Maertens, by basalts and trachytes. Their ages range from 21.12 Ma to
(2006) iterated that new forms of vertical coordination (VC) 0.50 Ma (Youmen et al., 2005; Nkouathio et al., 2008;
have recently emerged, through private vertical coordination Kagou Dongmo et al., 2010).
systems. Vertical coordination according to Swinnen and
Maertens, (2006) take various forms, which can be thought Tsozué and Tamfuh (2016), study area corresponds to
of as institutional arrangements varying between the two the upper part of the eastern slope of this massif, above 1800
extremes of spot markets exchanges (no coordination) to full m of altitude. The climate, which is pseudotropical with
ownership integration (full coordination). temperate characteristics due to altitude (Morin, 1988), is
fresh and humid, characterized by frequent mists and fogs
Hazell, (2009) underlines that the boundaries between which impede visibility. Temperatures vary from 1012°C
rural and urban areas are disappearing in many areas, as and mean annual rainfall is 2507 mm. Relief is uneven and
rural and urban areas are becoming increasingly integrated, natural vegetation is a lawn grass of Sporobolus prairies
not only geographically (with urban sprawl into rural areas) typical of temperate environments. This vegetation is
but also economically. The impact of HIV/AIDS like the strongly degraded by human activities. The main soil types
recent outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic certainly has an identified in this part of the Bambouto Mountains are
increasing impact on many rural areas in developing Andosols (Tematio et al., 2004; Tsozué et al., 2009).
countries and affecting agricultural production in these areas
(Topouzis, 1999). These pandemic which are yet to be  Evolution of agricultural practices on Bamboutos
curable are increasingly becoming disastrous on agricultural Mountains
activities in many developing countries with Cameroon Agricultural and rural development has been the
inclusive. The impact of COVID 19 and AIDS on concern of countries in sub-Saharan Africa For several
communities is deep and tragic. These pandemics like others decades. According to Dufumier (1986), the important place
often affect the active men and women and thus raise of the agricultural sector in developing countries is justified
dependency ratio, lower the agricultural labour force, create by the fact that agriculture provides agri-food products and
unnecessary “stay home” holidays. (FAO, 2020). agricultural raw materials;help to bring a large amount of
capital to other sectors of the economy;constitutes a labour
Another problem of agriculture is linked to increasing pool; and has a large population which constitutes a
limits to natural resource use. In many countries, the potential market for industrial goods.
combination of population growth, a lack of technical
development and ineffective allocation mechanisms have led In Cameroon, since independence in 1960, the
to a rapidly decreasing availability of natural resources for agricultural sector has been regarded as the foundation of
many poor farmers. Soil fertility is still declining in many the economy and the basis of its growth (Engola, 1984).
areas, due to a lack of nutrients (mineral or organic) of Cameroon’s agricultural economy has been built on export
which the availability is impeded by imperfect markets or crops. In each region, the state has promoted a crop adapted
lack of purchasing power. Water is becoming increasingly from an agro-ecological point of view and intended for
scarce around the world, as water resources such as rivers export. Until the mid-1980s, the development strategy for
are being increasingly used for different purposes, such as the agricultural sector was called "interventionist". In
agriculture, hydro-power, or drinking water. several regions of the country, the State had set up missions
and development companies as well as agricultural
Ngoufo (1988) reported that in 1968, more than 50% cooperatives which were responsible for supplying rural
of the eastern slope of the Bambouto Mountain was areas with the means necessary for agricultural production
occupied by grazing land and today only some rare relicts and setting up infrastructure for marketing. and to improve
subsist in the upper zone of the massif. The high population living conditions in rural areas so as to limit the rural exodus
pressure and the intensification of agricultural activities of young people.

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 4
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The agriculture of the Western highland region of In total, Kuete and Dikoume(2000), already quoted,
Cameroon where Bamboutos mountains is situated, was speaks of a recomposition against the background of
inclined in growing arabica coffee. In 1959, from local decomposition of social life in the highlands of West
cooperatives, the State set up the Central Union of Cameroon. Summarily, until the mid-1980s in West
Agricultural Cooperatives of West Cameroon, UCCAO Cameroon, coffee was the main crop grown in the region.
(Champaud, 1969; Courade et al, 1991) which was UCCAO, the departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and
responsible for the supervision of coffee planters, mainly peasant leaders were the three main actors involved. With
technical management, supply of agricultural inputs and the coffee crisis, the economic crisis and its implications,
marketing. farms are developing adaptation strategies, new players are
emerging and old ones are changing, relations between
stakeholders are changing.

Plate 1: Creation of new coffee farm at the lower slope of Bamboutos mountains (1980s)
Source: Azemafac phto 1999

In the mid-1980s, the Cameroonian economy entered a liberalization amid the abandonment of support from public
recession due mainly to the fall in world prices of the main funds. This contributes to putting an end to the monopoly
export products: coffee, cocoa and petroleum. Most of the held by the UCCAO for these questions in West Cameroon.
development structures created by the state go bankrupt. In
West Cameroon, the UCCAO, which thus derived its The period after the economic crisis was marked by
resources from the sale of Arabica coffee, is experiencing several changes which affected the actors of the agricultural
financial problems and its supervisory activities are slowing sector in the Western highlands of Cameroon: - the collapse
down. The State adopts a so-called policy of disengagement of the coffee economy has led farmers to gradually diversify
from activities previously undertaken in favor of the rural their production (Janin, 1996; Kamga, 2002). Coffes stems
world: supply of agricultural inputs, technical advice, are witnessed been uprooting for the cultivation of highly
marketing. The agricultural sector then experienced demanded crops (Foko, 1999; Kamga, 2002).

Plate 2: Abandoned Arabica coffee farm at the slope of bamboutos mountains

Source: Azemafac, (1999)

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 5
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In replacement for the coffee which was a dominant tomatoes, potatoes, corn, plantains, beans, etc. (Hatcheu
crop, several other crops are grown and are intended for Tchawé, 2000; 2006).
national and regional marketing in Central Africa including

Potatoes Farm at Marita Leek farm at Kombuh

Cabbage farm at Bafou Carrot farm at Santa

Plate 3: Main types of crops on different slopes of Bamboutos mountains
Source: Field Work, (2019)

The agriculture practiced in the region has also from documentary sources. Data were collected effectively
undergone profound changes. The coffee tree no longer from 162 respondents out of 200 targeted (81 percent).After
occupies a central place. New production systems have collecting all the necessary data descriptive and inferential
emerged (market gardening, corn, plantain, etc.), but are techniques were adopted. Regression analysis and
unable to provide the decent income and security that the correlation were conduct with the help of excel 2016 and
coffee growing.In this context of change, there are profound using SPSS version 25. Results was presented in tables,
social changes as well as a differentiation in peasant charts, photographs and maps.
responses to the coffee crisis. This distinction is due to
differences in their individual capacities which is described Upper slopes of Bamboutos Mountain are located in
as composite capital combining technical know-how, the Western High Plateau of Cameroon and it is located
economic capital, open-mindedness, level of education, between latitude, 5o32’ and 5o51’ North of the equator and
physical strength, and potential for the environment. These longitude, 9o56 and 10o09’ East of the Greenwich Meridian.
qualities make a farmers very complete and there are and extending from an altitude of 2000m to 2700 m above
described as typical profiles of farmers. sea level, is typical of a multi-agricultural production system
in the western highlands of Cameroon. The zone covers part
III. METHODOLOGY of the three Cameroon administrative regions: West region,
South West region and North West region. Bamboutos
The present research article adopts a mix research Mountain is a large volcanic complex extending in a north
design where use is made of both quantitative and east-south west direction for over 50 km, with the highest
qualitative variables. The research technique adopted is peaks rising to 2,679 m around the rim of a caldera with
generally descriptive. Both primary and secondary Data diameter 10 km. Lava dating gives ages from 23 to 6 million
were collected through field observation, interviews with years ago, with a lower basaltic series and an upper series of
stakeholders through an exploratory semi-directed method, trachytes, trachyphonolites and phonolites (Alan, 2001).
use of focus group discussions at village/quarter and equally

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION land, profit generated, and farmer’s knowledge of crop and
for posterity (cash crops). Farm produce are sold at the farm,
Results of socio-economic background of respondents, in the communities, in the markets withon the
reviewed many respondents are within the active age group BamboutosMountains area and at some markets outside the
(25 to 65 years) with majority falling within the age of 25 region such as in Dschang, Bafoussam and beyond to get
and 45 (45.9%) and this obviously influence the many and better prices. Since most crops are perishable, they are sold
type of agricultural practice. Male farmers accounts for over right after harvest and only garlics and beans are stored in
54.9% of which over 78% were married with polygamy barns to be sold at a higher price in the lean season. Land
dominating as the regime. Equally that 69.7% of farmers are cultivated for farming belonged to either family (74.6%) or
holder of FSLC. rented (25.4%). With regards to farm labour used, majority
of large scale farmers used hired labour especially on the
Crops cultivated at the upper slopes of western slope of the mountain around the Mmuock and
BamboutosMountain region include food crops such as Bafou communities (field survey, 2018).
potatoes, cocoyam, Maize and exotic vegetables carrot,
cabbage and green pepper. Cash crops such as Arabica A. Types of crops cultivated by farmers
coffee have long been abandoned. The type of crops grown Most of the farmers are engaged in the cultivation of
depends largely on regular supply of income, fertility of food crops

Types of farmers Number in sample population Percentages

Food crop farmers 23 14.2
Cash crop farmers 56 34.6
Food crop and Cash crop farmers 83 51.2
Total 162 100.0
Table 1:- Types of crops cultivated by farmers

In the eight communities where data were collected on quantities of such fertilizers and application timings. Has he
the Bamboutos Mountains, majority were engaged in both the required infrastructure for irrigation or it has to be
food and cash crop farming (over 51%). . Regarding the type created and if so at what cost. How much can be grown on
of crop cultivate on the Bamboutos area. Six top ranking his land and what would be the average expected yield.
types of crops cultivated from field observation and Does the potential irrigation requirement fulfillment
interview include Irish potatoes, carrots, cabbages, leeks, capacity exist? Availability of Disease resistant seeds and
green pepper and celeries in that orders. control methods for diseases and pests. What land
preparation is required for this crop to be sown? Farmer
B. Steps for Agricultural Practice by Farmerson the would be well advised to consult the weather conditions and
Bamboutos Mountains forecasts. How the harvest would be made, stored and
The agricultural cycle is the annual cycle of activities marketed.
related to the growth and harvest of a crop. The main steps
for agricultural practices include preparation of soil, sowing,  The second step focuses on method of land preparation.
adding manure and fertilizers, irrigation, harvesting and After selecting the crop, the farmland suitable for this
storage. Farmers, the following five stages of agricultural crop is prepared. The basic has always been to break the
practices could be distinguished in our study area. earth for the depth required by a particular seed to establish
itself. Presently, almost everywhere in the world, farmers
 First step is concerned with the choice of crops selection employ powered mechanical means e.g. tractors for tilling
Farmer fist decide on what crop is more profitable, the operations, though manual and animal tillage is also
potential market demand for this crop Is the crop suitable for practiced in some parts due to local conditions. The tractors
the climate and land? What fertilizers would be required, themselves come in different shapes and sizes.

Plate 4; farm preparation on the Bamboutos mountains

Source: Field Work, (2019)

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 7
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Tillage Practices starts with Ploughing – this is first grow. The cost of land preparation is much less than in
pass of the tractor or manual effort over the soil so as to cut, conventional tillage. Best benefit is that there is no burning
break and invert the soil. Organic manures and full dose of of the crop residue which is highly detrimental to the
phosphates are mixed with soil at this stage. Harrowing is environment and also harms the soil content as well friendly
the second step in tillage done to a shallow depth for bacteria in the field.
smoothing and pulverizing the soil. Here weeds would be
drawn out of soil and also mix fertilizers with the soil. This  Planting of seeds is the third vital step of agricultural
step would also bring soil moisture up. Leveling is the third practice
step for improvement in value of land and to make Cautions in planting of seeds include, the use of good
arrangement for application of water, uniform moisture over quality seeds and treatment with chemicals so as to assist in
the soil. A question arises what sort of tillageis required by easy germination. These are very essential aspects for the
the crop. Is it deep tillage, a shallow tillage, tillage with success of agricultural practices. Other important aspects
earlier crop residue still in the earth. Tillage is required to be involved in planting of seeds are to ensure that the Soil is
done as it makes it softer for seeding of crops, uproot all moist and well compacted to enables that the seed gets the
weeds and old crop residues, permit irrigation water to go required moisture. Seeding must be done evenly and to the
deeper, and equally helps in leveling and planning of the required density for that particular crop. Over seeding does
land.Mulch cover provides many benefits to the ground not produce a good crop. Weed control chemicals need to be
surface like it will prevent compaction of the soil, decrease applied soon after seeding of the crop. Application of DAP
virus and diseases of the plants, and not allow weeds to di-ammonium-phosphate just below the seed is to be done.

Plate 5: Nursing of seeds

Source: Field Work, (2019)

Other fertilizer like urea and some potassium should In temperate and tropical areas rainfall and snowfall
also be spread beforehand and watered. Another method of are the main suppliers of irrigation water, but in dry places
weed control using zero tilling and/or conservation tilling is with unfavourable weather conditions, groundwater serves
to first make a false furrow in the ground. This will make as an essential source. Groundwater collects in basins made
weeds grow. Now apply chemicals to kill weeds. After this up of gravel and aquifers which are water-holding rocks.
re-furrow and plant seeds. Dams also act as an essential distributive source of irrigation
water. There are many ways how crops can be irrigated by
 Forth step involves irrigation, fertilization and applying artificial water drop by drop, sprinkling or
maintenance of crop growth applying the water on the entire field surface. There are two
After the seeds have sprouted, monitoring is needed of types of irrigation techniques: spray irrigation and drip
the moisture content in the soil so as to prevent any water irrigation. Drip irrigation is regarded more efficient as less
stress in the plants. Irrigation is the process of artificially water evaporated as in spray irrigation.
applying water to soil to allow plant growth. This term is
preferably used when large amounts of water is applied to Once water stressed, plants become highly
dry, arid regions in order to facilitate plant growth. The unproductive. Fertilizers need to be applied as per the need
process of irrigation not only increases the growth rate of the of the crop. To maintenance crop growth at different stages,
plant bust also increments the yield amount. defense against onset of any pests, virus is put in place.

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 8
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Plate 6: Fertilization, mulching and maintenance of crops growth

Source: Field Work, (2019)

A good rule is to apply urea in three equal parts i.e. in  The last step is on harvesting, Storage and Marketing
the beginning of seeding and twice thereafter after the crop It is the end of the labors of the farmer and to realize
is growing. Phosphates are given once in the beginning. the worth of his crop. Mechanical and manual methods to
Potash may be required at later stages. Farmer would need harvest are utilized depending on the resources at the
to consult the advisory on crop basis. command of the farmer and from country to country and
place to place.

Plate 7: harvesting of crops (cabbages, beans, potatoes, leeks, poivron and carrots)
Source: Field Work, (2019)

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 9
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Repartition of agricultural zones on the upper slope of Bamboutos Mountains
Reparation of agricultural zone clarifies doubt of general types of crops at the different portion of Bamboutos

Fig 3: Repartition of agricultural zones on the upper slope of Bamboutos Mountains

Source: Agricultural map of Cameroon (atlas of Cameroon, 2013), National Institute of Cartography, Open street map data- field

The result of the study presented by the map reveals that a dominants agriculture zone is that of potatoes, followed by that
for vegetable and Fruit in that order.

Plate 8: Partial view of farms around the residents

Source: Field work (2018)

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 10
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Relationship between farmers experience and farming practices
To investigate the link between farmers’ experience and extent of farm application, farm tools used and conservation
methods applicable, Pearson correlation was used. The results depict and very significant but weak relations. A strong correlation
is reported between farmers’ experience and methods of preserving farm products with the coefficient of over 80% (0.839) on the

Pearson Correlations Year of starting the activities

Application of chemical Pearson Correlation 0.425**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 162
Types of farming tools used Pearson Correlation 0.292**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 162
Conservation methods Pearson Correlation 0.839**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000
N 162
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 2:- Pearson Correlation results of farmers experience with other variables

The results of Pearson correlation reported in the proceeding table revealed that farmers experienced captured by years of
starting the activities is positive and significantly correlated with method of conserving farm products, types of farm tools used
and applicability of chemicals. It is noticed that methods of conserving the crops is strongly related farmers experience. Ancient
farmers (farmers with over 20 years of farming experience) better preserve their crops and suffer less from spoilage when prices
are less attractive in the market than your farmers’ colleagues. The linkage between the type/ method of applying chemicals and
farmers experienced is weak (less than 0.5) just like the coefficient of correlation between farming tools and farming experience.
This is explained by the fact than most young farmer are more educated and therefore have more knowledge of the application of
chemical (good dosage, precautions, time and type of pesticides and fertilizers to apply) just like experience farmers.

C. Results of agricultural techniques on the Bamboutos Mountains

Almost all the farmers used at least one type of chemical. Field survey report that, 93.4% of the respondents used chemical
on the Bamboutos area. This corresponds to 151 farmers. For crop rotation practices, the following table summarises the results.

Crop rotation Number of farmers Percentage

Frequently practised 65 40.1
Practice rarely 79 48.8
Not practiced at all 18 11.1
Total 162 100%
Table 3:- Agricultural techniques on the Bamboutos Mountains

The results of farming techniques on the extent of practice of crop rotation, summarized in percentages, shows that only 40%
of the farmers in the area frequently rotate crops in their farms. Crops rotation has been identified as agricultural sustainability
measure, yet up to 48% of farmers on the Bamboutos area do practice it according to the results of this study. This is explained by
lack of knowledge on the importance of this practiced, small farm sizes and equally due to lack of means.

Crop rotation Education attainment
Spearman's Crop rotation Correlation Coefficient 1.000 0.285**
rho Sig. (2-tailed) . 0.000
N 162 162
Education Correlation Coefficient 0.285** 1.000
attainment Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 .
N 162 162
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 4:- Spearman's rho coefficient for farm techniques and education

Spearman's rho coefficient has reported a weak rank correlation between farm techniques captured by crop rotation and level
of education. Both educated and uneducated farmers behave the same way when it comes to crop rotation.

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
D. The nature of Farm inputs on the Bamboutos Massif area
Agricultural inputs are products permitted for use in farming whichthey are usefully subdivided into three:Fertilizers and
chemicals,seeds and planting materials, and machinery and equipment. The result the table above reveal that over 70 percent of
farmers used both crude and modern tools on the Bamboutos Mountains.

Types of tools used Number of respondents Percentage

Local or Crude 33 20.3
Modern tools 9 5.5
Both crude and modern tools 121 74.2
Table 5: Nature of farm tools used on the Bamboutos Mountains

Utilizing only modern tools is farfetched due to lack of capital one part and poor terrain on the other hand. The terrain
cannot support the use of tractors which could facilitate agricultural process even if there are means to acquire such machine.
Evidence can be seen from the partial view of the BamboutosMountain in the figure below.

Plate 9: partial view of faring at the crest of Mount Bamboutos

Source: Field work (2018)

Partial view of agricultural farms shows that farm sizes are small and cultivated on the slope. Due to the three main
constraints (rough terrain, financial needs and small farm sizes), majority of the farmers used both rudimentary tools and modern
but not sophisticated tools and farming system is partly subsistence and commercial.

 Regression model of Agricultural practice on the Bamboutos Mountains

Agricultural practice is captured in the ongoing research using the Practice of mixed cropping and also using Practice of
Crops rotation.

Agricultural practice variables

Practice of mixed cropping Practice of Crops rotation
Independent Variables Coefficients p- values Coefficients p-value

Constant 0.606*** 0.001 0.751*** 0.000

Education attainment 0.273 0.001 -0.125** 0.014
Farmer’s experience 0.212 ***
0.001 0.319*** 0.001
Parcels of land cultivated -0.006 0.895 -0.121 0.253
Agricultural profitability -0.071*** 0.003 0.129** 0.023
R-squared 0.853 0.513a
Adjusted R-squared 0.849 0.263
F-stat (from ANOVA table) 227.542*** 0.001 14.006*** 0.001
S.E. of regression 0.168 0.041
Table 6: Regression model of Agricultural practice
Note: The superscripts ***, and **indicate levels of significance at 1%, and 5% respectively

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 12
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Fisher statistics for both indicators of agricultural agriculture were dropped to improve on the adequacy of the
practices used in this thesis were reported to very significant model.
at 99% confidence level and 1% significant level as the
calculated F-value is greater than the critical value implying E. Specific and general problems of agricultural practices
that the model is significant in explaining the relationship. on the Bamboutos Mountains
The regression results of the agricultural practice captured From the interview and questionnaire issued to the
by the practice of mixed cropping on the Bamboutos delegate of agriculture and rural development, environment
Mountain is globally significant and adequate as 84.9% of and local authorities in the month April 2019 in the different
variations in the model is explained by the independent part of the study area (Bamboutos Mountains), a snap shot
variables. Agricultural practice model proxy by practice of of the following problem and suggested solutions were
crop rotation is highly significant but only 26% of variations gathered.
in the model is explained by the independent variables
meaning that the model is not really adequate. Regarding the specific Problems of agricultural
practices on the Bamboutos, we noticed that, frequent
Education attainment, Farmer’s experience, and conflict between farmers and grazers (agropastoral problem)
Agricultural profitability are identified as significant on the Bamboutos Mountains is one of the specific problems
correlates of agricultural practices on the as is the case of Bacham and Galim sub divison where
BamboutosMountainswith all the variables displaying the cows, goats and ship from Bacham eat and destroy carrot,
hypothesized positive relation except the variable for corn and pear in Galim, like wise a similar problem is
agriculture profitable captured quantitatively through Likert witnessed in upper Bafou and Marita where cattle constantly
scale. Two variables: Sex of respondent and purpose of invade carrot, potatoes and cabbage farms.

Plate 10: Farmer- Grazer problem in Komboh)

Source: Field Work, (2019)

Insecurity that mount fear on farmers in the Mmock the Bamboutos mountain zone are resistant to change due to
zone of the Lebialem division, Matazem in Babadjou their consecutive or primitive nature. Despite the advice and
Subdivision and Pinyin is the santa subdivision and number of seminars agric-technicians organized to sensitize
Fimmock in the Bafou (koungni subvision), where farmers farmers on more sustainable farming techniques all across
are constantly been killed, kidnapped or intimidated in the area, the rate of adaption or assimilation remain very
farms. Also, flooding is another problem witnessed in the insignificant.
Kombuh locality especially at the Damaniac plains. The
plain experiences a lot of flood which has caused serious Also, there is the problem of inadequate high yielding
damage in many hectares of farms in the area. and more resistance seeds to satisfy the demands of the
population especially the demand for carrots, potatoes, corn,
The general problems of agricultural practices on the and beans seeds. Despite all the effort put in place by the
Bamboutos are numerous. A greater number of farmers on Government to provide these as a strategy to boost

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 13
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
agricultural productivity in the area and Cameroon at large,
less than two-third of demand by farmers is satisfied. Difficulties in mechanizing agricultural practices on
the Bamboutos area reduce farmers' productivity, increase
The expensive nature of farm input ranging from labour cost, and sometime over stress up farmers in the
chemical fertilizer, fowl dropping and others which are process. It was noticed from the questionnaire dished out to
heavily used on the Bamboutos agricultural zone is another various delegations in the area that the main obstacle to
serious problem in this zone. The problem is compounded mechanization of farming process on Bamboutos Mountains
by falling prices of agricultural product. It is noticed that is not just the problem of inadequate capital as it may be
since the advent of bird flow in Cameroon, poultry farming believed from the first sight but rather that of the accidental
has not yet regained its stability creating shortage in the nature of the terrain in some areas, narrow and hilly natures
supply of it bi-product (fowl dropping) couple with crisis in of farm roads in other areas and small farm holdings in
north West region which use to provide a steady market for almost the whole Bamboutos Mountains farming zone.
The topographical map in figure (4) shows clearly that
Shortage of government budget is a great obstacle in the hilly nature of the upper slopes of the mountain (above
realizing their earmarked annual projects and on time. As a 2000 m above sea level) where are our study focused posed
consequence, most farms to market remain impracticable for serious problems on the use mechanized farming method,
over years thereby increasing the cost of farming in such quick and efficient means of transporting farm inputs, labour
locality with the end results being to abandon the farm and output, and exposes the farms to high rate of erosion.

Fig 4: Altitude of the upper slope of Bamboutos Mountains

Source: Digital elevation model 12m (earth explorer).

IJISRT20OCT027 www.ijisrt.com 14
Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Farmers do not equally have access to credit. Banks on of the 180 needed.The government should equally apply
their part shy from financing agricultural activities, as, agricultural reforms like structural adjustment programs in
farming is considered a very risky business venture whose order to resolve some of these problems.
success relies so much on weather conditions and worse
still, one can never predict its proceeds in advance. The To enable the young able farmers, have access to farm
farmers on their part face difficulties in obtaining loans from land or plots, one of the delegate gave as suggestion that,
the bank which is very necessary to intensive, expand or age limit has to be removed for the acquisition of land titles.
mitigate pests due to inadequate, inappropriate or absent of This will go a long way to reduce the ill of land tenure,
collateral security. In the Garoua agric show, few years ration land to optimal use and thus boost agricultural
back, the government did promise the establishment of productivity on the Bamboutos Mountains.
agricultural bank which is still hanging. Most farmers resort
to Njangi houses which does not meet up with up to twenty V. CONCLUSION
percent farmers’ desires in term of quality of service
rendered and amount of fund needed. The objective of this paper was to explore the logic of
agricultural practices on the Bamboutos Massif area. The
Over farming due to high population pressure on farm upper slopes of the Bamboutos Mountainscut across three
leads to loss of soil fertility in the area. Over grazing or administrative regions of Cameroon including the South
cultivation of same piece of land over many years with little West, West and North West regions. Agricultural practices
knowledge of agricultural sustainability exposes the soil to have been the likelihood of the Bamboutos Mountains
great danger. As iterated by the delegate of agriculture and population, thanks to its rich and vast area of fertilize soil
rural development of Bamboutos division, salary cut in and lack of alternative means of subsistence.
public service as one of the structural adjustment program in
Cameroon in the 1990s forced civil servants to farms where After developing a conceptual framework that reviews
Bamboutos Mountains fertile soil attracted many. Since the key concepts and theories of agricultural practices. Both
then, this area has been farmed continuously up to the primary and secondary data were collected from the eight
margin lands which has greatly depleted the soils coupled localities which constitute the area under study. Multistage
with climate change. sampling technique constituting of the cluster sampling,
stratified sampling and random sampling methods were
The elites in some of the area have monopolised jointly used to target a sample of 200 of which 162 were
almost all the farm plots which posed a major problem to the effectively collected. The data were analyzed with the help
youths. An attempt to acquire part of the plot for farming in of SPSS version 25 and Excels 2016 and presented in tables,
any form (purchase, lease, rent, beg) sometimes end through charts and graphs. Statistical tests conducted include
court action. It is shared and cultivated by relatives and correlation testing, regression analysis and Fischer test.
where the instructions are not strictly respected, it is
forcefully allowed to fallow (land tenure obstacle). Results of the study revealed that the modal age group
of farmers in the locality is 30-40 years, 69 percent of
Another serious problem especially on the part of respondents are holders of just FSLC and agriculture is
MINADER is that of insufficient personnels, inadequate instead practiced mainly by male population (55%) and
materials/equipment, poor communication (language majority of the farmers are married.Majority of the farmers
problems). have many year of farming experience which has be
statistically tested to have positive and significant
As proposed Solutions to the problems plaguing correlation with method of consuming farm product, farm
agricultural practices, first, the government should reduce tools used and prudence in apply chemicals. On other
cost on modified seeds, chemical fertilizers and other agriculturally practice, it was found that only 40 percent of
essential farm inputs by giving subvention or direct material the farmers practice crop rotation, bush fallowing method
or financial assistance to farmers in the area.The was very negligible and finally it was noticed that 74 percent
government should create special banks meant only for of the farmers used both modern tools and crude tools in the
farmers and make the banks effective for it to suit each locality.
farmer’s level and specialty.
Result of regression model of farm practice captured
The government should disenclave some agricultural by practice of crop rotation and mixed farming is
zone by digging, enlarging, and maintaining farms paths or significantly and positively influenced by education
routes by making them more accessible all year round. This attainment of farmers, farmers experienced but negatively
is the case of Guaya and Bamock areas with vast fertile land affected by profitability. The results of the article show that
but it enclaves nature, characterized with poor routes hinder over 70 percent of farmers used both crude and modern tools
effective agricultural practices. on the Bamboutos Mountains. It was also noticed that
farmers experienced has a positive and significant
Government should put in place the training and the correlation with method of conserving farm products, types
recruitment of personnels in order to increase the farmers- of farm tools used and applicability of chemicals but a weak
technician’s ratio. Example, on the Bamboutos division, rank correlation between crop rotation and level of
there is a total of 40 personnels which is less than one- third education.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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