Cargador Enercell cr623x
Cargador Enercell cr623x
Cargador Enercell cr623x
Mb: 130 2665 7250
Tel 0755 3303 4733
High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Up to 5% Precision for Constant Control with Primary Side Feedback
Voltage Regulation and Constant Built-in Secondary Constant Voltage
Current Regulation at Universal AC Sampling Controller
input Program Cable Drop Compensation
Primary-side Sensing and Regulation Rich Protections For System Reliability
Without TL431 and Opto-coupler including
Flyback Topology In DCM Operation VDD Under Voltage Lockout with
Soft-start Hysteresis (UVLO)
Built-in Leading Edge Blanking (LEB) Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
Frequency Jitter to Reduce System EMI and Peak Current Protection (OCP)
Programmable CV and CC Regulation Over Temperature Protection (OTP)
Adjustable Constant Current and VDD Over Voltage Protection (OVP)
Output Power Setting VDD Clamp
Built-in Secondary Constant Current Lead-free SOP-8L & DIP-8L
Cell Phone /Digital Cameras Charger Auxiliary Power for PC, TV etc.
Small Power Adaptor Linear Regulator/RCC Replacement
General Description
CR623X is a high performance offline PWM In CC mode, the current point and maximum
power switch for low power AC/DC charger output power setting can be adjusted by the
and adaptor applications. It operates in sense resistor RS at CS pin. In CV mode,
primary-side sensing and provides constant CR623X captures the auxiliary flyback
voltage (CV) and constant current (CC) signal at Pin INV and then regulates the
regulation without TL431 and opto-coupler. output voltage. IN this mode, multi-mode
A typical output CC/CV curve is shown as in operations are utilized to achieve high
the Fig.1. performance and high efficiency. In addition,
built-in cable drop compensation further
enhances output accuracy.
CR623X offers power on soft-start control
and ensures safe operation with complete
protections against all the fault conditions.
Built-in protection circuitry includes
Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting, peak current
protection, OTPVDD OVP, VDD clamp and
UVLO. Excellent EMI performance is
Fig.1. Typical CC/CV Curve achieved with frequency jitter and soft-drive.
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Pin Description
Pin Num Pin Name I/O Description
1 VDD P Power Supply
2 COMP I Loop Compensation for CV Stability
The voltage feedback from auxiliary winding. Connected
to resistor divider from auxiliary winding reflecting output
voltage. PWM duty cycle is determined by EA output
COMP and current sense signal at pin 4.
4 CS I Current sense input
HV MOSFET Drain Pin. The Drain pin is connected to the
primary lead of the transformer
7/8 GND P Ground
Typical Application
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Block Diagram
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Electrical Characteristics
(Ta=25C unless otherwise noted, VDD = 16V)
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage (VDD) Section
IDD_ST Standby current VDD=13V 5 20 uA
Operation supply
IDD_OP Operation Current current INV=2V,CS=0V, 2.5 3.5 mA
CR6235S 12 15
Static Drain to Source On
RDS(on) CR6236T 9.2 12
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Operation Description
CR623X is a cost effective PWM power a level set by the internal current limiting
switch for off-line low power AC/DC circuit, the CR623X enters current limit
applications including battery chargers and condition and causes the secondary output
adaptors. Its designed for the flyback voltage to drop. As the output voltage
topology working in a discontinuous decreases, so does the flyback voltage in a
conduction mode (DCM). It operates in proportional manner. An internal current
primary-side sensing and provides constant shaping circuitry adjusts the switching
voltage (CV) and constant current (CC) frequency based on the flyback voltage so
regulation without TL431 and opto-coupler. that the transferred power remains
Built-in secondary constant voltage proportional to the output voltage, resulting
sampling controller can achieve high in a constant secondary side output current
precision CC/CV control. profile. This is the CC principle.
In charger applications, a discharged battery
Startup Operation charging starts in the CC portion of the
VDD is the power supply terminal for the curve until it is nearly full charged and
CR623X. The startup resistor from the smoothly switches to operate in CV portion
rectified high voltage DC rail supplies of the curve.
current to the VDD bypass capacitor. During In CR623X, the CC portion provides output
startup, the CR623X typically draws only current limiting. CR623X regulates the
lower than 20uA, so that VDD could be output current constant regardless of the
quickly charged up above UVLO threshold. output voltage drop in CC operation mode.
A large value startup resistor can be used to The CC point and maximum output power
minimize the power loss in standby mode. can be externally adjusted by external
As soon as VDD is beyond the UVLO(OFF), current sense resistor RS at CS pin as
the chip will begin to soft-start. It will ramp illustrated in Typical Application Diagram.
peak current voltage threshold gradually The output power is adjusted through CC
from nearly zero to 0.90V. This control mode point change. The larger RS, the smaller CC
is use to minimize the component electrical point is, and the smaller output power
over-stress during power on startup. After becomes, and vice versa as shown in Fig.2.
switching start, the output voltage begins to
rise. The VDD bypass capacitor must supply
the CR623X internal circuitry until the output
voltage is high enough to sustain VDD
through the auxiliary winding.
Principle of CC Operation
CR623Xs CC/CV control characteristic is
shown as the Fig. 1. CR623X is designed to
operation in DCM mode for flyback system.
Under normal operation, when INV is less
Fig.2. Adjustable output power by changing RS
than 2.0V, the system works in CC mode,
otherwise the system works in CV mode.
When the secondary output current reaches
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Principle of CV Operation
In constant voltage operation, the CR623X Via a resistor divider connected between the
captures the auxiliary flyback signal at INV auxiliary winding and INV (pin 3), the
pin through a resistor divider. The signal at auxiliary voltage is sampled at the end of the
INV pin is pre-amplified against the internal demagnetization and it is hold until the next
reference voltage. This error signal is then sampling by the internal algorithm control
amplified by the internal error amplifier. circuit.
When the secondary output voltage is above The sampled voltage is compared with Vref
regulation, the error amplifier output (2.0V) and the error is amplified. The error
COMP decreases to reduce the switch amplifier output COMP controls the PWM
current. Otherwise, the error amplifier output duty cycle to regulate the output voltage,
COMP increases to ramp up the switch thus constant output voltage can be
current to bring the secondary output back achieved.
to regulation.
In an AC/DC adapter, the normal operation Program Cable drop Compensation
occurs only on the CV portion of the curve. The voltage drop due to cable loss will
In CV operation, the output voltage is increase as the load current increases. It
regulated through the primary side control. causes the output voltage to fall off. An
In the DCM flyback converter, the output internal cable drop compensation circuit is
voltage can be sensed via the auxiliary designed to compensate the drop due to the
winding. During MOSFET turn-on time, the cable loss.
load current is supplied from the output filter When adding to the cable drop, the auxiliary
capacitor CO, the current in the primary voltage reflecting the output voltage will be
winding ramps up and the energy is stored corrected comparing with the equation (1).
in the magnetic core of the transformer. Its given by
When MOSFET turns off, the energy stored N AUX
VAUX = (VO + V + Vcable ) (2)
in the magnetic core of the transformer is NS
transferred to output.
Where VCable indicates the drop of the cable.
The auxiliary voltage reflects the output
To compensate the cable drop, an offset
voltage as shown in fig.3 and it is given by
voltage is generated at INV by an internal
VAUX = (VO + V ) (1) current I C flowing into the resister divider.
The control circuit is shown as Fig.4.
Where V indicates the drop voltage of the
output Diode.
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
The current I C is inversely proportional to Fsw is constant, thus the maximum output
power is limited.
the output COMP of the error amplifier. As a
result, it is inversely proportional to the
Current Sensing and Leading Edge
output load current. Thus the drop due to the
cable loss can be compensated. The
CR623X detects primary MOSFET current
integrate equation is shown as below.
from the CS pin, which is not only for the
R1 N
Vref (1 + ) I C R1 = AUX (VO + V + Vcable ) (3) peak current mode control but also for the
cycle-by-cycle current limit. The maximum
As the load current decreases from full-load
voltage threshold of the current sensing pin
to no-load, the offset voltage at INV will
is set as 0.9V. Thus the MOSFET peak
increase. It can also be programmed by
current can be calculated as:
adjusting the resistance of the divider to
compensate the drop for various cable lines I peak (max) = (4)
used. This feature allows for better output RS
voltage accuracy by compensating for the A 540 ns leading-edge blanking (LEB) time
output voltage droop due to the output cable is included in the input of CS pin to prevent
resistance. In CR623X, cable drop the false-trigger caused by the current spike.
compensation is implemented to achieve So that the external R-C filter can be
good load regulation in the CV mode. eliminated. The current sense input voltage
and the EA output COMP determine the
Switching frequency switch duty cycle, and then regulation the
In CR623X, the switching frequency is output voltage.
adaptively controlled by the load conditions
and the operation modes. The maximum EMI improvement
operation switching frequency is set to 60 To improve EMI of the CR623X system, two
KHz internally. methods are designed in the chip. One is
For flyback operating in DCM, The the frequency jitter. This control is achieved
maximum output power is given by by changing the operation frequency. The
1 oscillation frequency is modulated so that
PoMAX = LP FSW I P2 (3)
2 the tone energy is spread out. The spread
Where LP indicates the inductance of spectrum minimizes the conduction band
primary winding and IP is the peak current of EMI. The other one is soft drive which is
primary winding. designed to open the power MOSFET
The primary-side sensing topology must gradually. The internal power MOSFET in
work in DCM. Refer to the equation 3, to CR623X is driven by a dedicated gate driver
prevent from working in continuous for power switch control. Too weak gate
conduction mode (CCM), the switching drive strength will result in higher conduction
frequency is locked by an internal loop such and switch loss of MOSFET, while too
that the switching frequency is strong drive will produce EMI problem. A
1 good tradeoff is achieved through the built-in
FSW = (4) totem pole driver design with right output
strength control. In this way, the EMI will be
Since TDemag is inversely proportional to the improved much better.
inductance, as a result, the product LP and
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Protection Control
CR623X ensures safe operation with clamp, power on soft start, and under
complete protection against all the fault voltage lockout on VDD (UVLO).
conditions. When these protections are VDD is supplied by transformer auxiliary
triggered, the MOSFET will turn off. CR623X winding output. The output of CR623X is
has several protections, such as shut down when VDD drops below UVLO
Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting, peak current (ON) limit and then switcher enters power
protection, over temperature protection on start-up sequence thereafter. Every
(OTP), over voltage protection (OVP), VDD restart is a soft-start.
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Characterization Plots
The characteristic graphs are normalized at TA=25.
8 9/ 2 R Q 9
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Package Dimensions
Millimeters Inches
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A 5.334 0.210
A1 0.381 0.015
A2 3.175 3.302 3.429 0.125 0.130 0.135
b 1.524 0.060
b1 0.457 0.018
D 9.017 9.271 10.160 0.355 0.365 0.400
E 7.620 0.300
E1 6.223 6.350 6.477 0.245 0.250 0.255
e 2.540 0.100
L 2.921 3.302 3.810 0.115 0.130 0.150
eB 8.509 9.017 9.525 0.335 0.355 0.375
0 7 15 0 7 15
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CR623X High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
Millimeter Inch
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A 1.346 1.752 0.053 0.069
A1 0.101 0.254 0.004 0.010
b 0.406 0.016
c 0.203 0.008
D 4.648 4.978 0.183 0.196
E 3.810 3.987 0.150 0.157
e 1.016 1.270 1.524 0.040 0.050 0.060
F 0.381X45e 0.015X45e
H 5.791 6.197 0.228 0.244
L 0.406 1.270 0.016 0.050
0e 8e 0e 8e
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