Writing Space or Example of Writing in Terms of Dorothy Winsor (1992) ?

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Bill Wolff

Technologies and the Future of Writing, Fall 2011

Names of All Group Members: Shannon Parry, Erin O'Malley, Rebecca Crawford, Cynthia Delgado

Writing Space or
Example of
# Function Name Definition Writing in terms
of Dorothy
Winsor (1992)?
Users have the ability to setup an
account on Twitter. "New To Twitter?
Join Today" is displayed on twitter.com.
1 Account Setup Users start by signing up with their first Yes
and last name along with their email
and username they want to be known

Users have the ability to change

2 Languages languages. Twitter is accesable to 17 No
different languages and counting.
Users have the ability to send and
receive private messages to other
users of Twitter. Users create a new
message by clicking on the "New
3 Messages Tab Yes
Message" button and typing in another
users name. You can only send/receive
messages from people who are
following you.
Users have the ability to browse
through other users profiles who Twitter
suggests you may know or may have
interest in knowing. There is also a
space where you can search users or
4 Who To Follow Tab browse the internet for friends. In the Yes
top right corner, you are able to see
who you have recently started
following. In the bottom right corner,
you are able to search for users on
Twitter via their e-mail address.
Under the user name in the top right
corner, you are able to find a drop
5 Settings No
down menu which allows you to click
on the settings link.

Under the Account Section you are

able to do multiple things. Change or
6 Settings: Account edit your username, email, language, Yes
and time zone, tweet Location, Tweet
Media, Tweet privacy, HTTPs only.

If you click the password tab that

means that you are interested in
changing your password information.
7 Settings: Password Yes
This is a very suitable tab to use in the
case that someone figured out your
password, or hacked into your account.

Users have the ability to enter their

mobile number and get texts from
8 Settings: Mobile Twitter. These texts are tweets from the Yes
users that you wanted mobile
notifications from.
Under the notifications tab on your
Settings section, you are able to
9 Settings: Notifications No
change or check off any messages,
activities, or updates.
Users add their information here. They
upload their picture, tell their name,
10 Settings: Profile Yes
location, website, and also a mini bio
about themselves.

Here you can personalize your very

own profile page with a background
that suites you. You can either choose
to select a theme that was provided my
11 Settings: Design Yes
twitter, or your own that you search for
under the, Choose File section. Be
creative and have fun ! This is the
place where you can be yourself.
There are many applications that go
along with Twitter. Some are for
website attachments, some are to
share pictures, some are websites that
allow tweets to extend longer than they
12 Settings: Applications would on a regular tweet. In the No
Applications tab, these applications are
stored. You are able to go into the tab
and revoke access so that these
applications will no longer be in tune
with your twitter account.

When you suddenly feel that urge that

it is either time to stalk the life of a
celebrity, see what your girlfriend is up
to, or where your ex boyfriend is, you
can simply log in to your twitter
account. All you need to do is type,
twitter.com into your URL. From here,
on the top right corner of the screen
will be two rectangular formed boxes.
13 Log In/ Password Yes
In those boxes you will solely typing in
your username and password, and
boom youre in the twitter world! I think
that twitter made this sign in section as
quick and easy as possible. I like that
you do not have to type in an entire
email address to sign in, just a
username & password. It makes the
process go by much quicker.

If you accidentally forgot your

username and/ or password, not to
worry, twitter will take care of it. All you
need to do is click the, Forgot
Remember Me/ Forgot password underneath the Log in box.
14 My Username or That will then bring you to the page Yes
password where you 1) type in your username, 2)
prove you are human, 3) and then they
send you certain instructions to your
email you have set up with your
The @ mentions are available on your
home page and if you click it,
underneath will pop up all of the posts
that you were, mentioned in. To
15 "@" Mentions mention someone in your tweet, all you Yes
need to do is click the at sign on your
computer along with the Shift button.
After this purely choose a name and
post away.
16 Sorry Line
In the Retweet section of your home
page, you can click and find retweets
by others, by you, or your tweets
retweeted. For instance, if someone is
17 Retweets attending the same function as Yes
someone else, they may post the same
@something as someone else did. RT
is the abbreviation used when users
manually retweet others tweets.
If you are interested in particular tweets
from that specific day or time that you
were reading them, you can, search
18 Searches them. This means that you will simply Yes
save them. Once you have some
saved, you are able at any time to go
back and search them.

Under the Lists tab, you can either

choose to create a list or click lists
19 Lists following you. To create a list, you Yes
decide on a list name, description and
whether or not you want it to be private.

Your profile is youre own personal

page where you can have your own
background, picture & description/bio
of yourself. This is where you can show
what type of person you are and share
20 Profile your interests, thoughts, and beliefs Yes
with the world. Only your personal
tweets can be seen here. On your
profile page there are five different drop
down options. They are, Tweets,
Favorites, Following, and Lists.
On your profile is where all of your
21 Tweets tweets are located. They are in order of Yes
date and time published.
Say you really like something that
someone has tweeted, you can easily
make it known that you like it by
22 Favorites No
clicking, favorite. That tweet will then
be posted on your profile under the
favorite tab.
Under the following section is a list of
all of your twitter friends that you follow.
23 Following To follow a person, you must just type No
in their name to the search bar, and
then click, follow this person.

Under the followers section on your

24 Followers profile page is the section where you No
are able to view who follows you.

Users can find HELP in the drop down

25 Help menu under their username at the top No
right of the screen.

This is your user guide within the

website. Twitter guides you through the
26 Help: Twitter Basics No
basics and allows you to easily
manuover through Twitter.

If you are unable to login, didn't receive

an email notification, are missing
Help: Something Is Not tweets, having following problems or
27 No
Working you are having search failure, this is
the place to go to. It provides frequently
asked questions and support.
Users are able to report a violation. For
example, hacked accounts, spam,
28 Help: Report A Violation Yes
trademark violations, and
How to connect your mobile device to
Help: Apps, SMS, &
29 twitter. Also, frequently asked questions No
pertaining to SMS text messaging.

How to guide to get started advertising

30 Help: Advertising yourself or your business on Twitter. No
Also profides tutorials.
Users are able to tweet "@support"
31 "@" Support any questions concerning Twitter. You Yes
will get a reply from Twitter support.
Twitter also blogs! You will be up to
date on the latest twitter news if you
32 Twitter Blog No
follow the blog. I learned of the new
languages added just last week!
Twitter also has a status blog where
33 Status Blog "@twitter"'s statuses are posted and Yes
able to be commented on.
Must be unique and contain fewer than
34 Username 15 characters. It's used to identifiy you Yes
on Twitter for replys and @mentions.
The personal image uploaded to your
Twitter profile. Allows users to
recognize who the person is that is
tweeting. The avatar or personal
35 Avatar No
image, shows on the left side of your
profile screen. The smaller image of
your image appears to the left of all of
your personal tweets.
A process whereby a user's Twitter
account is stamped to show that a
legitimate source is authoring the
Consists Tweets. Used
a Whats for accounts
happening box No (button), but
36 Verification who
to experience
allow identity
you to tweet, confusion
located on theon Yes for other
top (usually
of your home seen
page. on Also
the profile
showsof purposes
your starts and has
timeline, athletes). The
tabs called
symbol is a white
@username, checkmark
activity, searches, in aand
blue circle.
lists. A recommendation on who to
37 "Home" follow appears on the right side of No
your page. On the right side of your
A message
page posted
there is via top
also the Twitter
trends, the
38 Tweet Yes
containing 140 characters
number of how many tweets or you
where you create your tweet.
posted, youre most recent tweet, and You
numbers to make surewho
of those youryouupdate
are is
fewer than 140 characters.
following and who are following Twitter
counts the characters for you!
39 What's Happening Box Remaining characters show up as a Yes
number below the box. Click the tweet
button to post the tweet to your profile.
You will immediately see your Tweet in
the timeline on your homepage.
Favorites, follows, retweets, and more
40 Activity No
by people you follow.
URLs will automatically be shortened
41 Shortened URLs when posted into the "Whats Yes
Happening" box.








, Cynthia Delgado

Website & Group Members portions








Was Being Weird :-)



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