Coe Syllabus 2016-2017
Coe Syllabus 2016-2017
Coe Syllabus 2016-2017
Concepts of Engineering
Jose Rebollo
[email protected]
Academic Time:
Phone Number:
Textbook: NONE but would refer to Texas Assessment review and practice for both Science and Math
Subject Overview: Engineering Is the discipline, art, skill and profession of acquiring and applying scientific,
mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and build structures, machines,
devices, systems, materials and processes that safely realize improvements to the lives of people. In our course we
will learn about the most common and popular type of engineering playing special emphasis on those occupations
that have a higher demand:
Teaching Methodology:
This is a year long course and the student will receive credit for High School. Our course assignment will be
mostly online using different application programs that includes(but is not limited to) the following systems:
Schoology, PITSCO Modules, Khan Academy, Google Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, 3D Architecture, Quick Basic
MS Office (word, excel, power point, access), Think Thru Math, Compass Learning and Synchroneyes.
Overview of all
Overview of all
Overview of all
Overview of all
Overview of all
Overview of all
Branches of
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Branches of
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Subject Supplies:
1. (1) Homework folders (pocket folder with fasteners, any color)
2. (1) USB Flash Drive
3. Notebook, pen and pencil
4. Color Pencils
5. Box of wipes
BISD Grading Policy: : Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct (It is available on our school website if you misplace your copy):
66% Tests, Quizzes and Special Assignments **a minimum of 4 test grades will be collected per six weeks period**
33% Daily Work: Classwork and Cooperative Learning Assignments. ** a minimum of 6 daily grades will be collected per six
weeks period**
Homework Policy: The purpose of all types of homework is to promote high-quality student learning and achievement. Homework is
an out-of-classroom learning experience assigned by a teacher to enhance student learning. Homework shall be reviewed by teachers
to ensure an accurate assessment of students skills and knowledge to better direct them towards their learning goals. Homework shall
target specific learning outcomes, reinforce TEKS taught in the classroom, and provide practice in specific skills. Students shall be
provided sufficient information and direction needed to complete homework independently. Homework shall be sufficient but not
excessive to its intended purposes. Homework will be assigned a minimum of 4 days out of the week. Student should make time to
complete the homework and turn it in the following school day.
Make-Up Work & Test : A student must make arrangements for makeup work on the day he/she returns to school. If any student has
been absent the day prior to an announced test and if nothing new has been covered, the student will be expected to take the test at
the regularly scheduled time. If the student has been absent two or more days the student will immediately make arrangements with the
teacher for the makeup tests. Any student who does not appear for a prearranged makeup test or does not meet his prearranged due
date for other work, may receive a zero (0) on that test or work. Any student missing work due to participation in extracurricular
activities must make arrangements with the teacher for work that will be missed prior to the absence. If a student has been sent to in
school suspension (ISS), he/she is to receive credit for assigned work completed while there. If a student does not complete the
assigned work, he/she will not receive credit.
Late Work: Each student will have one class day past the due date to turn in late homework and will receive a maximum of 70. All
students must show their work on each assignment or the assignment will be returned to the student and it will be graded as late work.
Retesting: 1. Retesting will take place upon student failure on a major assessment (test, project, writing assignment, etc.) administered
during a six weeks or marking period grading period. Six Weeks Tests and Semester Exams do not qualify for retesting. 2. The student
must schedule the retest within five (5) school days after earning the failing grade, except under extenuating circumstance determined
by the principal. 3. The student may raise his/her score only to a maximum of 70 by taking the retest. 4. A student may not be retested
more than one time for any given original major assessment, except with the specific authorization of the principal.
Cheating: A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and
disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of
another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The penalty for cheating will
be a zero for work involved and the student will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action in cheating offenses. All students involved
will be subject to disciplinary action. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on
the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials,
observation, or information from students.
Passes: A restroom log will be kept daily and all passes, including restroom passes, must be used only for the reason they were
Class/Team Rules:
1. Be on time.
2. Be prepared (school supplies, planner and assignments).
3. Respect others and property.
4. Food, gum and drinks are prohibited.
5. Electronics are STRICTLY prohibited.
Severe Infraction: Referral to administration
Each student is expected to:
1. Demonstrate courtesy and respect for others, even when others do not.
2. Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline.
3. Attend all classes, regularly and on time.
4. Prepare for each class; take appropriate materials and assignments to class.
5. Meet District and campus standards of grooming and dress.
6. Obey all campus and classroom rules.
7. Respect the rights and privileges of other students, teachers, and other District staff.
8. Respect the property of others; including District property and facilities.
9. Cooperate with or assist the school staff in maintaining safety, order, and discipline.
10. Adhere to the requirements of the Student Code of Conduct.
In addition to class rules, students are expected to abide by campus rules, in particular, the dress code. Failure to abide by classroom
and/or campus rules will result in consequences that range from a warning to lunch detention, parent/teacher conferencing and
ultimately referral to administration.
Tardy Policy:
1st Violation- Verbal Warning
2nd Violation- Verbal Warning / Review 360 Documentation
3rd Violation- Review 360 Documentation / Call Parents / Lunch Detention
4th Violation- Review 360 Documentation / Parent Conference
5th Violation- Review 360 Referral
Please sign and return this sheet with your son/daughter no later than Friday, August 26, 2016.
I have read and discussed the above information with my son/daughter. We understand that consequences are in place
should my son/daughter make the choice to break any of the classroom and/or campus rules (including dress code).
Furthermore, I, the parent/guardian understand that I may e-mail Mrs. Elliott any time I have a question about my
sons/daughters progress.
Student Signature
Cell #