Career Management Syllabus
Career Management Syllabus
Career Management Syllabus
Lowney F 141 1st Period 8:00 am 9:25 am (other times by appointment) After school until at least 3:30 pm 252-426-5778 ext. 251 [email protected]
CAREER MANAGEMENT Career development is a process in which skills are acquired, applied, and transferred from one activity or job to another throughout the life span. Continuous learning and up-dating will be required. Knowing the career planning process will assure that citizens know how to obtain and use quality career information. GRADE LEVEL: 9 12 CREDIT: 1 Course Description This course is designed to prepare students to locate, secure, keep, and change careers. Competencies for this course are based on the National Career Development Guidelines. Strategies for this course include teamwork, technology, problem-solving, decision-making, goal setting, and self-management. Prerequisite: None Course objectives Listed below are the objectives that will be covered this year. Students will receive an outline that will be used through out the year to record their level of mastery as we complete the individual units. This course is a state-tested course. There are no exemptions from the VoCATS test at the end of the course. Personal/Social Development 1.00 Evaluate individual characteristics/traits, interests/preferences, ability levels, skill acquisition, talents/aptitudes, and values in relation to setting and achieving personal, social, lifestyle, educational and career goals. 2.00 Evaluate positive interpersonal skills in a variety of workplace settings. Educational and Career Exploration 3.00 Evaluate career goals in terms of the experience, knowledge and skills needed to achieve them. 4.00 Evaluate career information in relation to career goals. (CAREER RESEARCH PROJECT) Decision Making/Career Planning 5.00 Create a career plan that leads to the achievement of career goals. (CAREER PLAN) 6.00 Create a job application package and career portfolio. Methods of evaluation and grading procedures The course is operated like a business. Students will be compensated (graded) on the basis of their production (class participation, completed assignments projects, quizzes, examinations and special course requirements). Quizzes and examinations will be given on materials covered in assignments and in class. Quiz Grades will count as 4 grades Test and Special Project Grades will count as 10 grades At the end of each unit students will be evaluated on their knowledge of the material. This evaluation will be in the form of a written test and applications. Lab work, class work, and homework will count as 1 grade unless otherwise indicated by the teacher.
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Student responsibility In addition to grades given for assignments completed in class on a daily basis students will also receive a Responsibility grade everyday. The grade will be either a 0 or a 100. At the end of each week the grades will be averaged and the students will receive a Responsibility Grade. (The average will count as 1 grade once a week) Like any business, this class has policies and procedures. All students must follow all of the following policies and procedures in order to receive a 100 responsibility grade for the day. Be in assigned seat working on the warm up activity when the tardy bell rings. Have required materials out. (Notebook, pen, sharpened pencil, homework assignment) On task, engaging in class discussion. (Not sleeping or working on a project for another class) Adhering to the classroom rules. (Rules are listed on Classroom Procedure sheet) Respect for each others, equipment, teacher and school. Maintain workstation do not write on workstation, leave workstation neat (books at far right corner with stand on top, mouse on mouse pad beside computer, chair pushed in)
Students will receive a 0 responsibility grade for the day if they fail to meet any of the above motioned expectations. These activities provide reinforcement of the lesson and increase student accountability. Measuring growth At the beginning of the unit each student will take a pre-assessment. We do this for multiple reasons: It lets the student know the topic of the unit It lets the student know what they already know about that topic It helps me with planning and scheduling of activities It helps in measuring the growth in student knowledge. Late work /make up work policy Late work - Students are to turn in most assignments in Moodle. Any assignment that is not turned in on the due date is late. Late work will not be accepted unless an adequate excuse is presented with a 10-point deduction per day. Students must complete all assignments to successfully complete this course. Responsible students, like responsible employees, should not submit late work. Make up work All students who are absent from class have the opportunity to make up work within three days of their absence. All course work is posted on the course Moodle website. It is the students responsibility to inquire about missed work. This should be done before class, after class, or before and after school. It should not interfere with the class. If a students is absent from class on the day of a test he/she will need to set a time after school to make up the test. Students are also responsible for participating in planned activities on their return to class. Materials Needed 3-ring 2-inch binder (suggested) Flash Drive - required Pen and pencil - required Paper - required Discipline Plan It is important for students to remember that THEIR behavior is THEIR responsibility. Each student CHOOSES weather or not to follow the guidelines. Please be aware that a choice to ignore a guideline will result in consequences that have been outlined in the student handbook. Parents will be contacted for repeated offences and student could receive ASD or ISS depending on the offenses and the severity of the offense. Severe disruptions will be automatically referred to the office at the time of incidence.
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Students that exhibit behaviors that interrupt the instructional process will be removed from class immediately so that they behavior does not interfere with the learning opportunities of their peers.
Each time we distribute progress reports or report cards students may be eligible to get an item of Pirate Booty. To be eligible you need to have completed all assignments for that 3 week period and have no absences or tardies.
Equipment use If a student is involved in any inappropriate activities including hacking into locked programs, changing system settings, downloading files without teachers permission the student will be removed from the computer and accommodations will be made. If a student is found viewing, downloading, or searching for inappropriate materials over the Internet, their privileges will be revoked as in accordance with the schools Internet Use Policy.
P-pride because we work to be the best because we have earned it because were freakin pirates, dude! I-integrity we are the most honest pirates you will ever meet we do not plagiarize we do not cheat R-respect we respect ourselves we respect fellow crewmembers we respect our ship we respect our Captain A-attitude we work gladly we are happy to help others in the crew T-teamwork we are a crew we leave no crew member behind we win as a crew or lose as a crew if a crew member needs help, we help them E-enthusiasm we love to learn we attack our work with happy hearts