Altman Eoc I Syllabus 2019 1
Altman Eoc I Syllabus 2019 1
Altman Eoc I Syllabus 2019 1
Fall 2019
Course Information
This course is for students who need to retake the English I EOC, which is required for a high school diploma.
This is a single semester course that will focus on the mastery of reading and writing skills covered on the EOC
test. Students will review literary terms, learn high level vocabulary words, write expository essays, and read
poems, short stories, and non-fiction articles in order to respond to them through multiple choice and short
answer response questions.
It is recommended that both the student and the parent check grades regularly via Skyward. Parents are strongly
encouraged to email me with any questions as they arise. Additionally, students are encouraged to respectfully
speak with the teacher in person at an appropriate time regarding any grading concerns. For reminders about
tests, assignment due dates, etc., I’ve set up a Remind account. Students will sign up for it, and parents also
strongly encouraged to sign up as well. Instructions on how to sign up to receive reminders are written below.
Participation grades are also given as daily grades. Participation grades are based on group activities and class
discussions. During these activities, students will be required to engage in group and class discussions, actively
listen to video clips or exercises, and play along in review games. Students who choose to not participate will
not receive credit for the assignment.
Lastly, students are expected to include their first AND last name on EVERY assignment. Failure to do so will
result in a zero in Skyward until the assignment is claimed and the student’s first AND last name has been
listed. Additionally, 30 points will be deducted for late submission of the assignment.
Attendance, Tardiness, and Make Up Work Policy
Per campus policy, students are required to have their student ID visible prior to entering the classroom. Any
student without a student ID will be sent to the library to obtain one. Additionally, that student will be marked
Tardy in Skyward. Any opening activities that are missed due to the student’s tardiness will be expected to
be made up.
Students are expected to arrive to class on time, with his/her class materials, wearing his/her student ID. Upon
entrance into the classroom, students must be seated in their assigned seat and ready to work when the bell
rings. Each day class will begin with clear step-by-step instructions posted on the front screen. It is the teacher’s
expectation that students will follow the classroom procedures listed on the screen in a timely manner so that
instructional time may be maximized. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the student’s participation grade.
Students are tardy when they enter classroom without a pass after the bell. School policy requires a referral
on the third tardy, as well as each tardy following. School policy requires a student to be marked absent if
20 or more minutes tardy, or if the student leaves the classroom for 20 minutes or more without approval.
Students who are absent must obtain their missed work from the “Absent Work” Bin located in the green
bin on the cart in the front of the classroom. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to bring make up work to
the students. Make up work (daily work, tests, quizzes, and major grades) should be completed and turned in
within two school days, unless more time is needed for a longer absence. Major projects are assigned in steps.
If a student misses a step in a project, such as an outline for an essay, he or she is only given extra time to make
up the missed step. The absence does not allow the student to push back all following assignments, and it
does not change the other due dates. Some lessons, as well as tests, quizzes, or timed writings, may require a
tutorial session to be made up. Students are expected to retrieve their work immediately when they return
to class after an absence. Once the Make Up Work has been completed, students should place it in the white
“Absent Work” Tray on the teacher’s desk.
Plagiarism Policy
Academic integrity is imperative! Students must complete their own work. Students who plagiarize or cheat
on a test, quiz, or writing assignment will receive an automatic zero for that assignment and will not be
permitted to re-submit the assignment. The teacher also reserves the right to issue the student an office referral
for academic dishonesty.
Academic Dishonesty Statement: A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to
grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the MISD Student Code of
Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and
unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a student has
engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising
professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students.
In addition, per campus policy, all students in the school are required to have ONE 3-ring binder with tabs that
will be used in all classes.
Remind and Canvas
To sign up for my Remind group to receive texts about tests and major assignments, text 81010.
To have access to all lesson calendars and assignments, enroll in my Canvas course. During the first weeks of
school, I will invite students to my course and help them enroll during class. Dates for exams, quizzes, and
essays will be included on all 6 weeks calendars in my Canvas course. The calendars will be updated weekly as
needed. It will be required for students to join this course because some grades will be taken through it. Parents
are encouraged to join the course so that they can have access to their students’ class.
Food and drinks are strictly prohibited from the classroom, as many students have various food allergies. Water
will be permitted with a medical excuse ONLY. All other general policies, practices, and procedures will be
followed according to the Mansfield ISD Policies indicated in the student handbook.
Locker Passes: As mentioned previously, students are expected to be prepared when they arrive to class.
Therefore, locker passes will not be given.
Extra credit: At the end of each six weeks, students may submit their unused restroom passes to the teacher for
15 extra credit points (per pass) on their lowest graded assignment for the six weeks. Restroom passes MAY
NOT be traded or exchanged with other students, and extra credit WILL NOT be given to those who
have lost their passes.
***Please complete the form below and detach it by cutting across the
line above. Return to Mrs. Altman by A-Day 8/20/19, B-Day 8/21/19
I have read, understand, and agree to adhere to the information and expectations listed in Mrs. Altman’s Syllabus.
Student’s Signature:______________________________________________Date_______________________