IGCSE (Complete Biology) Chapter 1
IGCSE (Complete Biology) Chapter 1
IGCSE (Complete Biology) Chapter 1
To understand that living things differ from You may see other similar lists of these characteristics
non-living things using slightly different words. You can remember
To be able to list the characteristics of living things this particular list using the word RINGER. It gives
To understand that energy must be expended to Ringer’s solution its name. This is a solution of ions
maintain life and molecules that physiologists use to keep living
tissues in – it keeps the cells alive.
As well as the characteristics in the ‘ringer’ list,
The dawn of life
living things have a complex organisation that is
Scientists believe that the Earth was formed from an
not found in the non-living world. A snowflake or a
enormous cloud of gases about 5 billion years ago.
crystal of quartz is an organised collection of
Atmospheric conditions were harsh (there was no
identical molecules, but even the simplest living cell
molecular oxygen, for example), the environment
contains many different complex substances
was very unstable, and conditions were unsuitable
arranged in very specific structures.
for life as we know it.
Living things also show variation – the offspring
Many scientists believe that the first and simplest
are often different from one another and from their
living organisms appeared on Earth about 2.8 billion
parents. This is important in adaptation to the
years ago. These organisms probably fed on molecules
environment and in the process of evolution.
in a sort of ‘soup’ (called the primordial soup)
which made up some of the shallow seas on the
Earth at that time. A question that has always
How the characteristics of life depend
on each other
intrigued scientists, philosophers and religious
Each of the characteristics of life is linked to the
leaders is:
others – for example, organisms can only grow
What distinguishes these first living organisms
if they are nourished. As they take nourishment
from the molecules in the primordial soup?
from their environment, they may also produce
In other words, what is life? waste materials which they must then excrete.
To respond to the environment they must organise
Characteristics of living organisms their cells and tissues to carry out actions. Because
You know that a horse is alive, but a steel girder is of the random nature of reproduction, they are
not. However, it is not always so obvious whether likely to show variation from generation to
Characteristics and classification of living organisms
R espiration is the process by
which living cells release energy
from organic molecules. The
form of respiration that releases
the most energy uses oxygen.
Many organisms have gaseous
exchange systems that supply
their cells with oxygen from
their environment.
1 2 The variety of life
To appreciate why classification is necessary put all living organisms into categories. The science
To understand the use of a key of placing organisms into categories on the basis
To be able to name the five kingdoms, and describe of their observable characteristics is called
their distinguishing characteristics classification. There are so many different types of
To understand the hierarchy of classification living organism (i.e. an enormous variety
To know why a binomial system of nomenclature of life) that the study of these organisms
is valuable would be impossible without an ordered way
of describing them.
Five Kingdoms
Using the key opposite, it is possible to place any convention amongst scientists. The lion is called
living organism into one of five very large groups. simba in Swahili, león in Spanish and leu in
These groups, distinguished from one another by Romanian but is known as Panthera leo to
major and obvious characteristics, are called the scientists in each of these countries. This
five Kingdoms. Each of these kingdoms contains an convention of giving organisms a two-part name
enormous number of different species, and keys can made up of their genus and species was introduced
be used within a kingdom to place any individual by the Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus. He gave
species into further groups. The diagram below every organism known to science a two-part name
shows the names of these groups, and how the lion based entirely on the body structure of the
is classified within the Animal Kingdom. The organism. This binomial system of nomenclature
sequence of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, is still in use today (binomial = ‘two name’). New
genus and species is called a hierarchy of species today may be given names based on
classification. characteristics such as chromosome number or gene
sequence, which Linnaeus knew nothing about.
Notice that each classification group is given a
name. Lions belong to the class Mammalia and the The pages that follow describe the characteristics
order Carnivora, for example. The final two group that distinguish living organisms in some of the
names are written in italics – this is a worldwide most important phyla and classes.
1 The scientific names for the weasel and mink are b Which two animals are most closely related?
Mustela nivalis and Mustela vison, respectively. Both c Which animal is the most different from the other
of these animals belong to the order Carnivora, as do three?
the fox (Vulpes vulpes) and otter (Lutra lutra). The d Suggest one feature that places all of these
otter, mink and weasel all belong to the family organisms in the Animal Kingdom.
Mustelidae. 2 The scientific name for the human is Homo sapiens.
a Which feature must they have in common to Try to find out the meaning of this name.
belong to the order Carnivora?
1 3 Bacteria and viruses
To know the structure of a typical bacterial cell
and a typical virus
Cocci (singular
To know the requirements for bacterial growth coccus) are
To know how bacteria reproduce spherical
To understand some of the ways in which bacteria Staphylococcus Pneumococcus
and viruses affect human activities (causes boils) (pneumonia)
To understand why viruses do not fit into the five
kingdoms of living organisms
Bacilli (singular
bacillus) are rod-
Bacterial structure shaped bacteria
Bacteria (singular: bacterium) are single-celled
Lactobacillus Salmonella typhi
organisms that have no true nucleus. Bacterial cells (sours milk) (typhoid)
do not contain organelles like those found in typical
animal and plant cells (see page 23), but are able to
carry out all of their life processes without them. A
few can photosynthesise, but most feed off other Spirilli (singular
organisms. They may be parasites, feeding off spirillum) are
living organisms, or saprotrophs, feeding off dead spiral bacteria
The importance of bacteria
Virus and bacteria compared
Bacteria are important to humans in many ways.
Virus Bacteria
Some are pathogenic – they cause disease (see
page 258). All pathogenic bacteria are parasites. Covered by Protein coat Cell wall
Cell membrane No Yes
Some are involved in nutrient cycles (see Cytoplasm No Yes
pages 240–3). Genetic material DNA or RNA – DNA – enough for
Some are exploited by humans in food only a few genes several hundred genes
production and in biotechnology (see page 48). Living or Non-living unless Living
non-living? in host
Bacteria are probably the organisms that carry out
the largest number of different activities, and are the Viruses and bacteria also differ in the method of nutrition: all
viruses are parasitic, but some bacteria feed as parasites, some as
most numerous organisms on Earth. There may be as
3 photosynthesisers and some feed like animals (as heterotrophs).
many as 5000 undiscovered bacterial species in 1 m
of woodland soil, and more bacteria live on or in
your body than all of the humans that ever existed!
Coat of
spiral protein
When the five-kingdom system of classification was
devised, no one was able to find a place for the
group of organisms called the viruses. This is
cut-away view
because viruses do not show the typical features of
living things – respiration, nutrition and TMV (tobacco mosaic virus) infects
reproduction, for example – unless they are inside the leaves of tobacco plants.
1 4 Fungi
To know the structure of a fungus
To understand the methods of nutrition used Sporangium
by fungi
To appreciate the impact of fungi on the lives
of humans
Vertical hypha
Reproduction in fungi
Single-celled yeasts reproduce asexually by binary
fission (see page 164), but all other fungi reproduce
by the production of spores, as shown above right. Spore lands on food source – it can
germinate and a new mycelium can develop.
Cell wall
Cytoplasm may
release digestive
The mycelium is made up of enzymes
branching hyphae, and
penetrates throughout the food Insoluble
source. The food may be the compounds Digestive
products of
remains of an animal or plant. in food enzymes digestion
absorbed by
fungus by
diffusion or
active transport
Saprotrophic nutrition involves external digestion by enzymes.
Requirements of fungi Single cell of a fungus such as yeast
Fungi have very similar requirements to those of
bacteria, that is:
a moist environment, so that they can absorb the
soluble products of digestion of their food source Cell wall containing
in solution
a warm environment, so that enzymes can work Cell membrane
at their optimum temperature
Cytoplasm, containing
a nutrient source to provide the raw materials organelles and many
and energy required for growth vacuoles with digestive
Fungi do not require light since they do not rely
on photosynthesis for the production of food
compounds. This means that fungi are rarely
found in light environments, since such
environments are usually too warm and dry for Yeast is a single-celled fungus.
fungal growth.
Parasitic fungus
Parasitic fungi Feeding mycelium
Fungi may also feed by parasitic methods. These penetrates to vascular
fungi produce digestive enzymes, but only once bundles of the host tree.
they have killed the host and can no longer obtain
soluble foods directly from its tissues. An example
of a parasitic fungus is shown right.
1 Suggest why toadstools are likely to be found in dark areas of woodland where green plants are very limited.
2 Some fungi are saprotrophs, and secrete enzymes onto their food source. Suggest three such enzymes and name
their substrates and products.
3 List, with examples, four ways in which fungi affect the lives of humans.
1 5 Plants
To recall that all plants are autotrophs, and are Fungus or plant?
able to absorb light energy to drive photosynthesis
Fungus Plant
To understand some of the steps in the adaptation
of plants to life on dry land Nucleus in cell Yes Yes
Cell wall Yes, but not made Yes, made
To recall the characteristics of the four main
of cellulose of cellulose
plant groups Movement No No
Chlorophyll present No Yes
Method of nutrition As saprotroph By photosynthesis
Plants are autotrophs or parasite
As autotrophs, plants manufacture food molecules
from simple, inorganic sources by the process of
photosynthesis using light as a source of energy.
Plants all contain the light-absorbing pigment to absorb water from cold soil). They do not rely on
chlorophyll (or similar molecules which perform the insects for pollination (flying insects are uncommon
same function) inside cells which have a definite in cold areas) – conifers reproduce using structures
cellulose cell wall. called cones.
Angiosperm adaptations
Growth, particularly of reproductive structures, can be very rapid.
For example, pollination, pollen tube formation and fertilisation
may take only one hour (compared with one year in some conifers),
and some bamboos can grow 1m per day.
Roots form beneficial associations with other Specialised supporting tissues (air has a low density and does
organisms. For example, legumes such as peas not offer support as water does)
and beans form root nodules with nitrogen-
fixing Rhizobium bacteria. See page 242. Extensive root systems anchor the shoot systems and
absorb water and ions
1 Name the four different plant groups. Why are algae 2 Seed plants are well adapted to live and to reproduce
confined to water, whilst ferns are well adapted to in dry environments. What major adaptation allows
life on land? reproduction on dry land?
1 6 Invertebrate animals
To know the difference between a vertebrate
animal and an invertebrate animal Annelids
Annelids such as the earthworm have a long
To be able to describe the main characteristics of
four invertebrate groups – annelids, nematodes, segmented body and chaetae.
molluscs and arthropods Single segment Clitellum – used to bind two worms
Mouth can bite together during sexual reproduction.
To be able to distinguish between different classes
of arthropods off pieces of
fallen leaves
To understand the importance of metamorphosis
in insects
Vertebrates and invertebrates
All animals share one characteristic – they feed on
organic molecules (see page 76). Members of the Chaetae (bristles) are found on each
segment – used during movement.
Animal Kingdom can be divided into two large
groups based on whether they have a backbone as Cross-section of
worm, showing Long, cylindrical body
part of a bony skeleton. Animals with a backbone covered with a mucus layer
are called vertebrates and those without a backbone helps to stop drying out
are called invertebrates.
Four groups of invertebrates are described here: Molluscs have a hard shell protecting a soft body
with no limbs.
Nematodes Snails have a
Shell - hardened by calcium
Hookworms are nematodes with bodies that are carbonate. Protects the soft body
single, coiled shell.
of the snail from predators and
specialised for feeding and reproducing; often they from drying out. The whole body
are parasites inside the gut of another animal. can be withdrawn into the shell.
Eye on tentacle
Mouthparts to
Mouth with sucking mouthparts
scrape at vegetation
Characteristics and classification of living organisms
The arthropods are the most numerous of all
e.g. housefly, mosquito (page 274)
animals, both in terms of the number of different
species and the number of individuals in any one The body is segmented, with the
segments grouped into
species. The insects are arthropods that show an head thorax and abdomen.
interesting adaptation in their life cycle called Compound eyes
metamorphosis that allows them to use the detect food Two pairs of
and avoid wings for flying
resources of their habitat to the maximum. predators (rear set may
Antennae: be absent
Apart from insects, the arthropod phylum includes sense or not used
chemicals for flying).
three other classes: in the The adult
environment blowfly is
Crustacea Mouthparts: highly
adapted for
Crabs are slightly unusual because many of their very specialised
for feeding
segments are tucked under their body. e.g. piercing by (aids dispersal)
mosquitoes and reproduction.
Hardened, serrated edge to claw:
can hold onto slippery food, and
Three pairs of legs, Metamorphosis (means ‘change
break open shells of molluscs
attached to the thorax. of body form’) allows different
Jointed limbs: flexible Eyes: important sensors Allow walking
to help with feeding in aquatic environment stages which:
movements, over do not compete for the same
food or to avoid food sources
predators. can be highly specialised for
different functions. The larva
Carapace: a thick, is adapted for feeding and
Gills under shell: hardened shell for growth, and the adult for
allow uptake of protection against locomotion and reproduction.
oxygen from water predators
Head and thorax are combined into Powerful, piercing jaws
Antennae: these are important Mouthparts: these are one body part, the cephalothorax. – all spiders are predators
sense organs in the modified legs! Have hard
millipedes' dark, damp edges for biting vegetation Simple eyes (but more than one
environment. They can (millipedes) or other animals pair) help to detect prey
'sense' chemicals and the (centipedes)
Four pairs of legs attached towards
level of moisture in the
the rear of the cephalothorax. Allow
environment chasing prey or holding onto web
Hard exoskeleton: protection
against predators Abdomen
Many body segments:
Walking legs: have many
body is flexible for
joints and internal muscles, Spinneret which produces
movement and
and allow movement over long, thin strands of silk.
wriggling around
rough surfaces (The word arachnid comes
and under leaves
and stones from the Greek goddess Spider silk is so strong and thin that it
Body covering: waterproof,
Arachne who was skilled has been used to make the cross hairs in
helping animal to live on land
at spinning.) the telescopic sights of rifles.
1 Copy and complete the following paragraph. Characteristics and classification of living organisms
All animals have one common characteristic – . The invertebrates are animals that do not have .
Examples of important invertebrate groups are , which are very clearly segmented with bristles called
to aid in movement; , which have a soft body inside one or two hard shells; and , which are the most
numerous of all.
2 The arthropods include four classes – insects, arachnids, crustaceans and myriapods.
a List three features that all of these classes possess.
b List three features that only insects possess.
c Compare insects and spiders under the headings ‘Number of legs’, ‘Number of body sections’, Number of wings’
and ‘Type of eyes’.
3 Insects are the most abundant of all animals on land. Many of them show an adaptation called complete
metamorphosis. What does this term mean, and how does it help to explain why there are so many insect species?
1 7 Vertebrate animals: five classes
To know the characteristics of the vertebrates Fish
To understand how different classes of vertebrates Scales Lateral line contains sense
show increasing adaptation to dry land covered in mucus help organs to detect vibration
streamlining for
To know the five classes of vertebrate, and to swimming
provide examples of each
Scales on skin?
Dry, scaly skin -
limits water loss
Tail can be used
for swimming,
as in crocodiles
Limbs efficient
for crawling
and climbing
Forelimbs are Nostril, leading to lungs which The heron has typical bird features of feathers and a beak. It is well
modified as wings. are the organs of gas exchange adapted to capture fish and frogs as it has large eyes to spot its
prey, a long pointed beak to grab its prey and large feet for walking
over soft, muddy ground.
Questions on characteristics and classification
1 South Uist is a small island which provides one of the few remaining summer
habitats for a bird called the Corncrake (Crex crex). It lives in grass fields,
which are cut in the late summer for hay, where it feeds on insects, worms and
seeds. South Uist provides a good habitat because there are plenty of grass
fields where the Corncrake can nest and there are few predators.
Keys and classification
LIVING ORGANISMS A key enables identification of an organism by
*the FIVE KINGDOMS observation of its characteristics. Close observation
1 allows a series of questions (the branch points in
this key) to be answered, eventually leading to
Made up of Made up of the organism being studied.
single cells many cells
2 3
Cells have an
Cells have Cells have Cells have
obvious cell wall
no obvious an obvious no cell wall
nucleus nucleus ANIMALS*
Cells contain chlorophyll in Cells do not contain
BACTERIA* PROTOCTISTANS* chloroplasts (so organism chlorophyll (so organism
e.g. Salmonella e.g. Plasmodium feeds by photosynthesis) feeds by absorption)
FUNGI* e.g.
bread mould
4 13
6 7
Organism has Segmented body Soft body with Organism has No separate Stem, leaves Stem, leaves
hard exoskeleton, with chaetae no limbs – covered internal skeleton, root, stem but no roots and roots
jointed limbs, (bristles) by shell non-segmented body and leaves
e.g. earthworm e.g. snail
yourself as a mammal.
Spores Seeds
5 8 produced produced
Three body Two pairs of Two body No covering on Skin covering FERNS SEED PLANTS
segments (head, antennae segments (head– skin (smooth, e.g. oak tree
thorax, abdomen). thorax, abdomen). moist skin)
Three pairs of legs. Four pairs of legs.
c In what way are humans special mammals?