Biology-Igcse FULL Notes
Biology-Igcse FULL Notes
Biology-Igcse FULL Notes
Samuel Lees
Words in red are words where in the syllabus it says define aerobic
respiration as ... so I copy pasted the definition, therefore you
should probably memorise these definitions.
Important vocabulary is normally in bold.
I have put all the section and sub-section names in bold and
underlined e.g. 1. Characteristics of living things so that you can
find the corresponding section in the syllabus easily.
Any information marked with a * is not necessary, but can make
other stuff make more sense, or I used it on diagrams where I
couldnt remove a label without ruining the diagram.
As far as I can remember, I have written on top of a diagram if you
have to know the diagram or the position of the labelled parts etc.
Bacteria: Virus:
Types of invertebrates:
Arthropods: have jointed legs, a hard exoskeleton (carapace), body
divided into segements, there are different types:
a. Insects: 6 legs, 3 body parts (head, thorax and abdomen), made
of many segments, and two antennae e.g. bees.
b. Crustaceans: many legs, 4 antennae, 2 body parts (head-thorax
and abdomen), made of many segments e.g. crabs.
c. Arachnids: 8 legs, no antennae, 2 body parts (head-thorax and
abdomen) e.g. spiders.
d. Myriapods: many legs, many segments, 2 antennae e.g.
Annelids: ringed worms, no legs, chaetae (bristles) e.g.
Nematodes: un-segmented worms, no legs, no chaetae e.g.
Molluscs: un-segmented, have gills and one muscular foot e.g.
3. Simple Keys
Dichotomous key: uses visible features to classify organisms. It is which
gives you a choice of two features and you follow the one that applies:
each choice leads to another choice until the organism is narrowed down
to its genus and finally species.
Section II: Organisation and maintenance of the
1. Cell structure and organisation
All living things are made of cells.
All (typical) cells have: (i.e. some for example the red blood cell do not
have all these things, no nucleus)
Cell Membrane: a membrane that controls the entry and exit of dissolved
substances and separates the cells contents from its surroundings.
Cytoplasm: contains water and dissolved substances such as sugars and
Nucleus: contains the genetic material (DNA). This carries the coded
instructions for controlling the activities and characteristics of the cell.
Mitochondria: organelle where aerobic respiration happens.
A typical animal cell (e.g. the liver cell) has all the above things.
Only plant cells have:
Chloroplast: Small organelle which contains chlorophyll (dye used for
light absorption) and enzymes necessary for the production of glucose by
(Large permanent) Vacuole: contains water necessary to provide turgor
pressure and may store ions and molecules.
Cellulose cell wall: provides structural support, permeable for dissolved
substances and water and prevents damage when the cell is in a
hypotonic solution i.e. cell cant explode.
A typical plant cell (e.g. the palisade cell) has all the above things.
2. Levels of organisation:
Adapted Cells:
Cell: Function: Adaptations: Appearance
Red blood cell transport of -biconcave
oxygen shape
-no nucleus
Muscle cell contracts to get -long
structures closer -many protein
together fibres in
cytoplasm to
shorten cell
when energy is
Ciliated cell move and push -tiny hairs called
mucus cilia
Organelle: a specialized part of a cell that has its own function, e.g. the
nucleus or the mitochondrion
Cell: the smallest part of a living structure that can operate as an
independent unit e.g. the red blood cell
Tissue: a group of cells with similar structures, working together to
perform a shared function e.g. muscle tissue
Organ: a structure made up of a group of tissues, working together to
perform specific functions e.g. the heart
Organ system: a group of organs with related functions, working together
to perform body functions e.g. respiratory system
Organism: an individual made of organ systems which work to keep that
organism alive e.g. a cat
3. Size of specimens
Magnification = size of drawing (mm) / size of specimen (mm)
In plants:
Carbon dioxide:
Required materials
2 Potted plants
2 Bell-jars
A Candle
Dish containing Caustic soda
Petroleum jelly
Glass sheets
Iodine solution to test leaves for starch
Estimated Experiment Time
Approximately 10 minutes to set up the apparatus and 8-12 hours to carry
out the observations
Step-By-Step Procedure
1. Take two young potted plants.
2. Apply petroleum jelly on two glass sheets.
3. Place the potted plants on these glass sheets.
4. On one glass sheet, along with the potted plant place a burning candle.
5. In the other, place a dish containing caustic soda.
6. Cover them with the bell jars.
7. Leave undisturbed for a few hours and test the leaves from each pot for
the presence of starch.
Potted plants must ideally have been kept in the dark to make the leaves
starch-free before including them in this experiment.
The petroleum jelly makes the bell jars airtight.
Investigating what happens when varying the factors affecting
NOTE: this diagram is from an IGCSE paper 6 (and the gas is oxygen and
the pondweed is in water)
Light intensity: (NOTE: I copied this from the model answer) First a
lamp is placed as close as possible to the apparatus, then the experiment
is repeated several times, each times with the lamp further away from the
apparatus. Heat from the bulb is prevented from affecting the result by
placing a clear glass sheet between the lamp and the apparatus, and the
pond weed used is left for several minutes in each new light intensity to
allow it to adjust to new conditions before rate is measured.
Carbon dioxide: vary the amount of hydrogen carbonate in the solution,
this supplies the plant with carbon dioxide for photosynthesis (light
intensity and temperature are controlled variables)
Temperature: set up the apparatus in several different-temperature
(For each experiment you measure the volume of oxygen produced per
amount of time, or how long it takes to make a certain amount of oxygen.)
Limiting factor: is something present in the environment in such short
supply that it restricts life processes.
Limiting factors in photosynthesis: plants need water, magnesium for
chlorophyll, CO2, the right temperature, light of the right wavelength, and
a good intensity and duration and the amount of any other reactant
needed for a reaction, so these can all be limiting factors.
Greenhouse systems: to increase the crop yield, farmers control the
limiting factors:
-CO2 enrichment: paraffin is burnt to increase the CO2 concentration (*by
three times the original amount and doubling the yield)
-optimum temperature: thermostatically controlled heaters make the
temperature right for the enzymes to work
-optimum light: the light has a high intensity for more photosynthesis, the
correct wavelengths (red and blue not green) and duration controls
production of fruit
6.2.2 Leaf Structure
1. The cuticle is a waxy non-living layer that prevents water loss from
the top of the leaf.
2. The upper epidermis is a thin layer of cells that protect the cells
3. The palisade mesophyll cells are column-shaped and full of
chloroplasts for photosynthesis. They are close to the top of the leaf
so they get a lot of light.
4. The spongy mesophyll cells are irregularly
shaped to create air spaces to allow gases to
diffuse and have many chloroplasts (fewer
than the palisade mesophyll). They are lower
so they get less light.
5. The lower epidermis is on the bottom of the
6. The bottom of the leaf also contains stomata
(little holes) that can open and close for gas
exchange (mostly, to let in CO2 and let out
O2). The stomata can close to prevent water
loss, and open to let gases come in and out.
When guard cells LOSE water, the stoma CLOSE (at night), while the
stoma OPEN when guard cells gain water & swell (during the day).
Mouth: contains teeth used for mechanical digestion, and is the area
where food is mixed with salivary amylase, it is where ingestion takes
Salivary glands: produce saliva which contains amylase and helps to
make the food slide down the oesophagus
Oesophagus: tube-shaped
organ which uses peristalsis to
transport food from the mouth
to the stomach.
Stomach: has pepsin (a
protease) to break down
proteins into peptides, it also
kills bacteria with hydrochloric
Small intestine: tube shaped
organ composed of two parts
-duodenum: where fats are
emulsified by bile, and
digested by pancreatic lipase
to form fatty acids and
glycerol, pancreatic amylase
and trypsin (a protease) break
down starch and peptides into maltose and amino acids
-ileum: maltase breaks down maltose to glucose. This is where absorption
takes place. It is adapted by having villi and microvilli.
Pancreas: produces pancreatic juice (you dont say) which contains
amylase, trypsin and lipase and hydrogencarbonate.
Liver: produces bile, stores glucose as glycogen, interconversion of
glucose and glycogen to keep glucose concentration constant,
interconversion of amino acids: converting amino acids into others
(transamination), deamination (defined later) and removal of old red
blood cells and storage of their iron. The liver is also the site of the
breakdown of alcohol and other toxins.
Gall bladder: stores bile from liver
Large intestine: tube shaped organ composed of two parts:
-colon: organ for the absorption of some minerals and vitamins, and
reabsorbing water from waste to maintain the bodys water balance
-rectum: where faeces are temporarily stored
Anus: a ring of muscle which controls when poop is released.
6.3.4 Mechanical and physical digestion
Digestion: the break-down of large, insoluble food molecules into small,
water soluble molecules using mechanical and chemical processes
Incisors (4): rectangular
shape, sharp for cutting
and biting
Canine (2): sharp-
pointed for holding and
Premolar (4): blunt for
chewing and crushing
Molar (6): blunt chewing and crushing (note the number of roots)
Tooth Decay: Sugars in the food we eat stay trapped in between teeth.
Bacteria use the sugar for their own life processes. The bacteria produce a
sticky matrix which traps food particles and forms a coating of plaque on
the teeth. Bacteria convert sugars into acids. Acids remove calcium and
phosphate from the enamel, allowing bacteria to reach the dentine
beneath. This is the start of dental decay. Dentine decays rapidly and
pulp cavity may become infected.
-eating food with low sugar content
-regular and effective teeth brushing to remove
-finishing a meal with a crisp vegetable and a
glass of water
Structure of tooth:
-enamel: the strongest tissue in the body made
from calcium salts
-cement: helps to anchor tooth
-pulp cavity: contains tooth-producing cells,
blood vessels, and nerve endings which detect pain.
-dentine: calcium salts deposited on a framework of collagen fibres
-neck: in between crown and root, it is the gums
Fluoridation: helps teeth by A) promotes tooth
remineralisation by attracting other minerals like calcium
B) it helps to make the tooth decay-resistant and C) slows
down production of acids by bacteria.
The arguments for:
-helps to strengthen tooth enamel
-available to all / treats whole population
-free (to people) / cheap to supply
The arguments against:
-allergies/ side effects such as gastric disturbance,
cardiovascular problems, head ache, fits
-bad taste
-dosage not controlled for individuals / no individual
-mottled / discoloured teeth / fluorosis
Chewing: to grind up food or other material with the
action of the teeth and jaws, also called mastication.
Peristalsis: the waves of involuntary muscle contractions that transport
food, waste matter, or other contents through a tube-shaped organ such
as the intestine. The organ contains circular muscles (rings) and
longitudinal muscles (lines). Circular muscles contract on either side of
the bolus to push it downwards but not letting it fall. Longitudinal muscles
contract to shorten the organ.
Bile: is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder, its role is to
emulsify fats, to increase the surface area for the action of enzymes.
6.3.5 Chemical Digestion
Chemical digestion: is where enzymes are used to break down large
insoluble substances such as proteins into smaller soluble substances like
amino acids so that they can be absorbed.
These are the three enzymes you have to know:
Amylase: breaks down starch into maltose, it is produced in the pancreas
(but also in the salivary gland?)
Protease: breaks down proteins to peptides (this is done by pepsin, a
protease) then into amino acids (this is done by trypsin, another protease).
Pepsin comes from the stomach and trypsin comes from the pancreas.
Lipase: breaks down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol, produced by the
6.3.6 Absorption
Absorption: the movement of digested food molecules through the wall
of the intestine into the blood or lymph. The small intestine is the region
for the absorption of digested food.
The small intestine is folded into many villi which increase the surface
area for absorption. One villus will have tiny folds on the cells on its
outside called microvilli. More surface area means more absorption can
Capillary: transports glucose and
amino acids
Vein: delivers absorbed products to
the liver via the hepatic portal
*Gland: produces enzymes
*Epithelium: only one cell thick for
faster transport. The cells of the
epithelium are folded to form
Small intestine and colon: absorb
water (the small intestine absorbs
510 dm3 per day, the colon 0.30.5
dm3 per day)
6.3.7 Assimilation
Assimilation: the movement of digested food molecules into the cells of
the body where they are used, becoming part of the cells. The liver
releases nutrients in ideal concentrations through the hepatic vein (not
the hepatic PORTAL vein) to tissues around the body.
The liver in metabolism: converts glucose into glycogen as a means of
storage (because glycogen is insoluble) and converts amino acids into
proteins, and destroys excess amino acids.
Fat is an energy storage substance.
Deamination: as removal of the nitrogen containing part of amino acids
to form urea, followed by release of energy from the remainder of the
amino acid.
The liver is also the site of the breakdown of alcohol and other toxins.
7. Transportation
7.1 Transport in plants
The xylem and phloem vessels have two functions: 1) to transport
substances from sources (where they are taken in or made) to the sinks
(where they are used or stored) and 2) to support the stem.
You need to be able to identify the positions of the xylem and phloem in a
cross section of:
7.1.1 Water uptake
The root hair cell:
Function: to absorb water and minerals from the soil. They have an
elongated shape for more surface area.
The PATH of water in plants is as follows:
1. Water enters the root hair cell for the moist soil because the water
potential is higher in the soil, than in the cytoplasm.
2. Water passes through the cortex cells by osmosis but mostly by
3. Water (and dissolved substances) is forced to cross the endodermis.
4. Water enters the xylem then leaves when it gets to the mesophyll cells.
The uptake of water is caused by water loss in leaves through the stoma
lowering the water potential in leaves, then water moves from xylem to
enter leaf tissues down water potential gradient, then water moves up the
stem in the xylem due to the tension (because of cohesion / sticking of
water molecules to each other) caused by water loss from the leaves, and
ends with the gain through roots. The upward flow of water is called the
transpiration stream.
Investigating the pathway of water
through the above-ground parts of a
plant (using celery as an example):
1. Cut a piece of celery and stand it
in a coloured solution (suitable stains
include red eosin and methylene
2. Leave for a few hours
3. Carefully cut off about 5 cm of
celery, to get a cross-section then,
use a hand lens to look for the stain.
The coloured solution has been
carried up the xylem (diagrams page
88) but it should be similar to the
diagram above, in this section, for
the cross section of a stem.
7.1.2 Transpiration
Transpiration: evaporation of water at the surfaces of the mesophyll cells
followed by loss of water vapour from plant leaves, through the stomata.
Water leaves the mesophyll cells, into the air spaces created by the
irregular shape of the spongy mesophyll cells, and then diffuses out of the
Factors affecting the rate of transpiration are:
-temperature: higher temperatures increase water-holding capacity of
the air and increases transpiration rate
-humidity: low humidity increases the water potential gradient between
the leaf and the atmosphere, and increases transpiration rate
-light intensity: high light intensity causes the stomata to open (to allow
more photosynthesis) which allows transpiration to occur.
-*Wind moves humid air away
Wilting: occurs if water loss is greater than water uptake cells become
flaccid, the tissues become limp and the plant is no longer supported.
Adaptations of stem leaf and/or root in a:
-desert: the cacti has a green stem which carries out photosynthesis,
leaves reduced to spines to reduce surface area for water loss, stomata
are sunk in grooves to avoid drying winds, swollen stem stores water,
shallow roots to absorb lightest rainfall and deep roots penetrate to very
low water table.
-pond: aquatic plants have little lignin in xylem, since leaf is supported
by water, a very thin cuticle since water is plentiful, and stomata on the
upper surface to allow carbon dioxide uptake from the atmosphere.
-garden: wilting and leaf fall:
a. wilting: leaves collapse and stomata close to reduce heat absorption
and transpiration of water.
b. leaf fall: in very severe conditions, e.g. when water is frozen during
winter, plants allow the leaves to fall off so that no water loss can occur.
No photosynthesis can take place, but the plants can remove chlorophyll
from leaves for storage before allowing leaves to fall (why leaves go
yellow/brown/red in autumn)
Investigating transpiration rate: the potometer (page 91)
1. Leafy shoot must be cut, the apparatus filled and the shoot fixed to the
potometer, all under water to prevent air locks in system. Capillary tube
must be horizontal otherwise the bubble will move because of its lower
2. Allow plant to equilibrate (5min) before introducing air bubble. Measure
rate of bubble movement at least 3 times, and use reservoir to return
bubble to zero each time. Record air temperature and find mean of
3. Find out leaf area to calculate rate of water uptake per unit of leaves.
Variables: temperature (propagator vs. fridge), air humidity (boiling water
nearby vs. normal air), light intensity (lamp in a variable potential divider?)
and wind (using a fan vs. no fan, I guess).
7.1.3 Translocation
Translocation: the movement of sucrose and amino acids (*and
hormones) in phloem; from regions of production (sources) to regions of
storage OR to regions of utilisation in respiration or growth (sinks).
Transpiration and translocation in different seasons:
-In spring: sucrose in transported from stores in the roots to leaves
-In summer and early autumn: sucrose goes from photosynthesizing
leaves to root stores,
but always from source to sink.
Aphids (greenfly) insert their mouthpiece into the phloem to take
nutrients. Systemic insecticides are sprayed onto plants and are
absorbed into the phloem. They are used to kill only the pests (the aphids)
instead of killing the useful insect species (pollinators).
7.2 Transport in humans
Circulatory system: a system of tubes (veins, capillaries and arteries)
with a pump (the heart) and valves (in heart and in veins) to ensure one-
way flow of blood.
Double circulation system: a low pressure circulation to the lungs and a
high pressure circulation to the body tissues. One circulation has higher
pressure because it has to travel a further distance (all the way around the
body) while the other is lower pressure (since the lungs are very close to
the heart). Blood passes through the heart twice per complete circuit.
7.2.1 Heart
Muscular wall: is thicker on the right
side (the left ventricle) because blood
has to be pumped further.
Septum: partition dividing the left and
right ventricle
Chambers: there are atriums (on the
top) and ventricles (on the bottom)
the right atrium and ventricle are on
the left and vice versa (since, for
example, you right hand is on the left
when someone is looking at you from
Valves: there are four valves: the
mitral valve, aortic valve, pulmonary
valve and tricuspid valve. They stop
the back flow of blood.
Blood vessels: there are two veins:
the vena cava (deoxygenated blood from the body) and pulmonary vein
(oxygenated blood from the lungs) and two arteries: pulmonary artery
(deoxygenated blood to the lungs) and the aorta (oxygenated blood to the
1. The heart beat begins when the heart
Physical activity makes the heart beat more quickly and more deeply, for
an increased circulation of blood so that more oxygen and glucose can get
to the muscles.
Coronary Heart Disease: coronary artery becomes blocked, interrupting
the supply of blood to the heart muscle. The heart muscle cells are
deprived of oxygen and glucose, and poisonous wastes such as lactic acid
build up. Part of the heart muscle stops contracting, causing a heart attack
poor diet high levels of cholesterol or saturated fatty acids in the
poor lifestyle smoking, lack of exercise, stress
genetic factors being male (sigh), having a family history of
heart disease
Prevention method:
-dont smoke
-avoid fatty foods
-take aerobic exercise often
7.2.2 Arteries, veins and capillaries
Blood vessels to know:
-Lungs heart = pulmonary vein
-Heart lungs = pulmonary artery
-Liver heart = hepatic vein
-Heart liver = hepatic artery
-Heart kidneys = renal artery
-Kidneys heart = renal vein
Function: transport high pressure blood away from the heart
Structure: 1) elastic walls expand and relax as blood is forced out of the
heart. This causes the pulse. 2) Thick walls withstand the high pressure of
blood. Rings of muscle can narrow or widen the artery and control the
blood flow in it according to the bodys needs.
Function: transport low pressure blood to the heart
Structure: 1) Valves prevent the backflow of blood. Blood is at low
pressure, but nearby muscles squeeze the veins and help push blood back
towards the heart. 2) Large diameter and thin walls reduce resistance to
the flow of blood.
Function: allow substances to diffuse into cells
Structure: 1) one cell thick walls for easy diffusion 2) highly branched
giving an enormous surface area 3) the capillary beds are constantly
supplied with fresh blood, keeping up the concentration gradients of
dissolved substances between blood and tissue, so diffusion can occur.
Useful substances move out of the plasma of the capillaries into the
tissue fluid (fluid in between cells in tissues). The cells need oxygen and
nutrients such as glucose and amino acids, and produce waste products
such as CO2 and useful products such as hormones. The capillaries are
constantly supplied with new blood, otherwise diffusion could not occur.
7.2.3 Blood
Blood = red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma
red blood cells syllabus says haemoglobin and oxygen transport,
but haemoglobin is a characteristic not a function
white blood cells phagocytosis and antibody formation
platelets causing clotting (no details)
plasma transport of blood cells, ions, soluble nutrients, hormones,
carbon dioxide, urea and plasma proteins
White blood cells (must be able to identify from picture/diagram):
Inhaled (inspired) air: 21% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide, 78% nitrogen
and water vapour varies to climate
Exhaled (expired) air: 18% oxygen, 3% carbon dioxide, 78% nitrogen,
and saturated water vapour.
Demonstrate CO2s presence in exhaled air: blowing bubbles through a
straw into a test tube with limewater (aqueous calcium hydroxide) giving a
white precipitate (calcium carbonate).
Physical activity increases the breathing rate more breaths per minute,
and the tidal volume more air per breath, this is measured with a
spirometer to produce a spirogram. During exercise, tissues respire at a
higher rate, the change in breathing volume and rate helps to keep CO2
concentration and pH at safe levels.
Breathing in:
1) external intercostal muscles contract pulls rib cage upwards and
2) diaphragm muscles contract diaphragm moves upwards
3) Lung volume increases and pressure falls (Boyles law: pressure and
volume are inversely proportional)
4) Air rushes in to equalise pressures.
Breathing out:
1) external intercostal muscles relax rib cage falls downwards and
2) diaphragm muscles relax returns to dome shape
3) Lung volume decreases and pressure increases
4) Air is forced out
Internal intercostal muscles: are used in coughing and sneezing.
Mucus & cilia: goblet cells produce sticky mucus to trap and eliminate
particulate matter and microorganisms. Ciliated cells have cilia: little
hairs which sweep back and forward in a coordinated way to brush mucus
up the lungs into the mouth (yummy mucus, nom nom nom).
9. Excretion in humans
Excretion: the removal from organisms of toxic materials, the waste
products of metabolism (chemical reactions in cells including respiration)
and substances in excess of requirements. Substances should include
carbon dioxide, urea and salts.
Kidney function: the removal of urea and excess water and the re-
absorption of glucose and some salts (details of kidney structure and
nephron are not required).
Urea is formed in the liver from excess amino acids
Alcohol, drugs and hormones are broken down in the liver.
You need to be able to state the relative positions in the body of the
following in a diagram:
Know the structure of the kidney:
Cortex: contains Bowmans capsules
and coiled tubules
Ureter: carries urine from kidney to
Medulla: contains loops of Henl
and collecting ducts
1. Loop of Henl selectively
absorbs water/solutes
2. Collecting ducts reabsorbs water into blood and store wastes until
they are passed into ureter
Urethra: carried urine from bladder to the outside.
Bladder: stores urine
Renal capsule: filters from blood: water, glucose, urea and salts.
Tubule: (yellow) reabsorbs 100% of glucose, most of the water and some
salts back into the blood (red), leading to concentration of urea in the
urine as well as loss of excess water and salts into the tubule.
Renal artery brings wastes and water from blood
Renal vein reabsorbs water and useful molecules and leaves wastes
(Page 133 for diagrams)
Dialysis: when a kidney machine takes a patients blood and cleans it,
then returns the blood to circulation. This is how it works:
1) Blood is taken from artery and goes through a pump to regulate
2) it flows into a machine which has dialysis fluid which has a
composition which means that urea and salts diffuse into it from blood but
useful solutes and water do not, separated from the blood by a partially
permeable membrane so that urea can pass but not blood cells and
large proteins.
3) Blood then flows through a chamber which removes blood clots and
warms blood (page 135)
Dialysis Transplant
more expensive in the long run less expensive
very disruptive (three 6-8 hour long not very disruptive (only have to
sessions per week) take medication)
do not need to find kidney need a kidney
need a machine & must live near can go anywhere, anytime
- risk of rejection
Rods & cones: rods provide low detail, black and white images, good for
seeing in low intensity light (at night). Cones provide detailed, coloured
images; they work in high light intensity. Rod cells are packed most tightly
around the edge of the retina so you can see things most clearly when not
looking directly at them. Cones are most tightly packed at the centre of
the retina, so objects are seen most clearly when being directly looked at.
10.2 Hormones
Hormone: a chemical substance, produced by a gland, carried by the
blood, which alters the activity of one or more specific target organs and is
then destroyed by the liver.
Adrenaline: a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland. It increases the
pulse rate, makes the glycogen in muscles get converted to glucose, and
released into blood, makes you breath deeper and more rapidly, airways
become wider, and makes skin become pale as blood is diverted away. It
increases the concentration of glucose in the blood for respiration.
Adrenaline is secreted for example: while bungee jumping or riding a
Other experiments:
Auxin: plant hormones/plant growth substances. It controls phototropism.
The auxin is produced in the tip because if the tip is removed it doesnt
respond to stimuli. Auxin makes the shaded side of the shoot grow more. It
also causes geotropism. Auxin reduces cell expansion in roots but
stimulates cell expansion in shoots. If you take a horizontal root, the auxin
will be in higher concentration on the bottom side, so the bottom side
expands less so the root curves downwards.
Homeostatic organs:
1. cells: change composition of blood as they remove nutrients and O2
and add wastes and CO2
2. Heart: keeps blood pressure constant to deliver oxygen and
nutrients around body
3. Skin: to maintain heat exchange with external environment
4. kidneys: regulate water and salt levels (osmoregulation) and the
removal of wastes like urea (excretion)
5. lungs: regulate gas exchange
6. intestines: supply soluble nutrients and water to blood
7. liver: regulates blood solutes and removes toxins
10.5 Drugs
Drug: any substance taken into the body that modifies or affects chemical
reactions in the body.
Antibiotics: a product made by one organism to kill another, it is used to
treat a bacterial infection. Antibiotics do not work on viruses because
viruses are not alive. A bacterium is a living, reproducing life form. A virus
is just a piece of DNA (or RNA). A virus injects its DNA into a living cell and
has that cell reproduce more of the viral DNA. With a virus there is nothing
to "kill," so antibiotics don't work on it.
Effects of the abuse of heroin: a powerful depressant
-problems of addiction
-malnourishment as drug depresses appetite
-financial problems stealing, loss of job
-infection from sharing needles e.g. HIV/AIDS and hepatitis
-danger from other substances mixed with drugs
Effects of excessive consumption of alcohol a depressant:
-causes CHD
-reduced self-control
-effect on reaction times
-damage to liver cirrhosis
-cancer of tongue and oesophagus
-social implications: sex organs do not work well haha
Some effects of tobacco smoke:
1) drying effect and heat irritate lungs
2) nicotine is addictive, it is also a stimulant, it increases pulse rate
and narrows blood vessels which can cause damage
3) tar causes cancer, and is an irritant so causes coughing. There are
other irritants in tobacco smoke including: smoke particles, ammonia, and
sulfer dioxide
4) Emphysema: walls between alveoli break making large sacs, reducing
surface area massively and making you breathless after a couple of steps
5) Loss of limbs due to poor circulation, CHD and lower sperm-count
6) Carbon monoxide irreversibly bonds with haemoglobin which can lead
to oxygen starvation
7) Cancer of the stomach, pancreas and bladder and so on...
Section III: Development of the organism and the
continuity of life
1. Reproduction
1.1 Asexual reproduction
Asexual production: the process resulting in the production of
genetically identical offspring from one parent.
Bacteria: reproduce by binary fission, each bacterium divides into two.
The generation time is the time taken for a cell to divide into 2.
Fungi: single-celled yeast reproduces by binary fission. All other fungi
produce via spores. When the sporangium bursts it spreads the spores.
Spores land and grow mycelium (roots) for example mushrooms
Potatoes: The shoot from a potato goes back
underground and the stem swells to form a new
genetically identical potato. The swollen stem
acts as a storage organ. Being identical, if one is
susceptible to disease, they all are.
Insect pollinated flowers might also have stripes which act as guide-lines
for insects.
Pollen tube: pollen grain lands on stigma and creates a tunnel down the
style, through the micropyle, to the ovules.
Structure of non-endospermic seed:
Artificial insemination:
By donor: mans sperm has a problem, making impregnation impossible,
so a donor gives his sperm.
In vitro fertilisation: an ovum is fertilised outside a womans body. The
fertilised ovum is implanted into the uterus.
Fertility drugs: drugs which enhance reproductive fertility. For women,
fertility medication is used to stimulate follicle development of the ovary.
The side effect is multiple pregnancies. They contain varying amount of
FSH and LH.
1.5 Sexually transmissible diseases
Gonorrhoea (*a bacterial infection, so it can be treated by antibiotics, if
it were a virus it that would not work) caused by penetrative sex through
the mouth, vagina or anus
Symptoms/signs: pain or burning when passing urine, a creamy discharge
from the penis or vagina, inflammation of the testicles
Effects: in men the urethra becomes infected, in woman it is the cervix. If
left untreated, the disease can travel through the reproductive tract
(causing sterility) and spread to the bloodstream, infecting the brains,
heart valves, and joints. Treatment: once diagnosed (an easy test in a
clinic), treatment is straightforward, involving a course of antibiotics.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): the immune system become
significantly weakened until an infection, from then on it is called AIDS
(acquired immune deficiency virus).
Transmission: unprotected sex with an infected person, contact with an
infected persons blood, from mother to child during pregnancy or
childbirth or sharing syringes while injecting drugs
Prevention from spreading: physical ways - use a condom (or Femidom),
dont come in contact with other peoples blood, dont share needles, or
get an education about STDs, but there is no cure, it can only be slowed
2. Growth and development
Growth: a permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell
number or cell size or both
Development: increase in complexity.
Germination (*a process controlled by enzymes) conditions stating and
Water activates enzymes to turn insoluble food stores into soluble
substances, and makes tissues swell so that the testa splits.
Method: Seeds placed with micropyle pointing down on 1) wet paper
towels in dish 2) dry paper towels in dish.
Oxygen enters through the gaps in the testa (along with water), and is
used in aerobic respiration.
Method: seed is held by cotton wool completely submerged in water
Water is boiled and oil placed on top to stop oxygen getting in no
(I think an aquatic plant might need to be used)
Temperature must be suitable for enzymes to work (at optimum
Apparatus: a large group (e.g. 10) of seeds placed on damp cotton wool
inside a jar with the lid open OR seeds placed on a damp paper towel in a
dish 2
Set 1 is placed in a temperature controlled propagator for growing seeds
(or other warm place). Set 2 is placed in the refrigerator at about 4C. Both
sets are watered daily. Only the seeds in the propagator should germinate.
3. Inheritance
Inheritance: the transmission of genetic information from generation to
(the next) generation.
3.1 Chromosome
Chromosome: a thread of DNA, made up of a string of genes
Gene: a length of DNA that is the unit of heredity and codes for a specific
protein. A gene may be copied and passed on to the next generation
Allele: any of two or more alternative forms of a gene
Haploid nucleus: a nucleus containing a single set of unpaired
chromosomes (e.g. sperm and egg)
Diploid nucleus: a nucleus containing two sets of chromosomes (e.g. in
body cells)
Inheritance of sex (gender) in humans: the womans gamete can only
carry an X chromosome, and a male gamete can carry either an X or
Y chromosome, so the male chromosome determines the sex of the
child. So if you do a Punette square the results will be XX, XX, XY, XY so
there is a 50% chance of getting a boy and vice versa.
3.2 Mitosis
Mitosis: the nuclear division giving rise to genetically identical cells in
which the chromosome number is maintained by the exact duplication of
chromosomes (details of stages are not required).
Mitosis is needed for:
-Growth: in animals each tissue provides its own new cells when they are
needed. In plants cell division in the cambium increases girth (the plant
gets thicker), and cell division in the meristems at the tips of the roots and
shoots leads to an increase in length.
-Repair of damaged tissues: for example when you cut your skin, mitosis
provides the new cells to cover up the cut.
-Replacement of worn out cells
-Asexual reproduction: in plants, vegetative propagation is done by
forming a new miniature plant by copying the cells from the parent plant
by mitosis.
3.3 Meiosis
Meiosis: reduction division in which the chromosome number is halved
from diploid to haploid (details of stages are not required)
Gametes are the result of meiosis
Meiosis results in genetic variation so the cells produced are not all
genetically identical.
3.4 Monohybrid inheritance
Genotype: is the genetic makeup of an organism in terms of the alleles
present (e.g. Tt or GG)
Phenotype: the physical or other features of an organism due to both its
genotype and its environment (e.g. tall plant or green seed) *blood type is
one of them
Homozygous: having two identical alleles of a particular gene (e.g. TT or
gg). Two identical homozygous individuals that breed together will be pure-
Heterozygous: having two different alleles of a particular gene (e.g. Tt or
Gg), not pure-breeding
Dominant: an allele that is expressed if it is present (e.g. T or G)
Recessive: an allele that is only expressed when there is no dominant
allele of the gene present (e.g. t or g)
Homozygous dominant + homozygous recessive 100% heterozygous
Homozygous dominant + heterozygous 50% homozygous dominant +
50% heterozygous
Homozygous dominant + homozygous dominant 100% homozygous
Homozygous recessive + homozygous recessive 100% homozygous
Heterozygous + heterozygous 25% homozygous dominant + 50%
heterozygous + 25% homozygous recessive
Co-dominance: when neither of two alleles is dominant to each other.
There are three alleles for blood group given by the symbols IA, IB and IO.
IA and IB are co-dominant giving blood group AB or IAIB, and both dominant
to IO.
3.5 Variation
Continuous variation (variation which is usually quantitive, it has a
range of intermediate classes) is influenced by genes and environment,
resulting in a range of phenotypes between two extremes, e.g. height in
Discontinuous variation (variation which be classified as one thing or
another, you are either blood group O, A, B or AB, nothing else, for
example) is caused by genes alone and results in a limited number of
distinct phenotypes with no intermediates
Mutation: a change in a gene or chromosome (*caused by mistakes in
copying the DNA before cell division pairing with the incorrect base, or
damage to DNA for example by radiation, or uneven distribution of
chromosomes in cell division).
Mutation is a source of variation for example in Downs syndrome, where
a parents chromosomes are unevenly distributed in meiosis (e.g. one
chromosome has 22 and the other has 24). In fertilisation, a zygote with a
number of chromosomes that is not 46 is created (e.g. 23 + 24 gives 47
chromosomes). This causes a variation in characteristics: broad forehead,
short neck, fold in eyelid, spots in iris, downward-sloping eyes, short nose,
protruding tongue, congenital heart defects and mental retardation.
Sickle cell anaemia: is a disease in which the red blood cell has a sickle
shape instead of a round biconcave shape, controlled by a recessive allele,
which causes weakness, aching joints and poor circulation. The fact that it
is recessive means that a heterozygous person can be a carrier: they
have the allele but it is not expressed. Being a carrier of sickle cell
anaemia makes you resistant to malaria (WIN!). In equatorial Africa, being
sickle cell anaemic causes death, malaria causes death, but the carriers
have immunity to malaria and (according to the book:) have some
symptoms of anaemia, in severe cases they are very weak (but do not
Rate of mutation increases with:
-chemicals - tars in tobacco smoke, high concentrations of some
preservatives and some plant control hormones
-radiation gamma, ultraviolet and X-radiation can damage and cause
mutations because they have an ionising effect.
*These factors are called mutagens.
3.6 Selection
Artificial selection: is breeding the organisms with the valued
characteristics together in order to try to produce offspring which shares
those useful characteristics (selective breeding). This can be used to
produce organisms which are more economically valued (i.e. they will earn
you more money) for example Jersey cattle produce milk with a high
cream content, domesticated dogs are bread for appearance, or hunting or
because they are aggressive therefore make good guard dogs, and wheat
has been bred so that all the stems are the same height to make
harvesting easier and the ears separate easily from the stalk (making
collection of grains easier).
Natural selection: the greater chance of passing on of genes by the best
adapted organisms.
Variation is natural or random changes in all living organisms. Variation
leads to survival of the fittest since the variations in certain organisms
allow that organism to have an advantage over the others in its species in
that area (*for example the peppered moth which is white-bodied had a
variation producing black-bodied peppered moths. During the industrial
revolution, pollution prevented lichen from growing on trees. The lichen
previously camouflaged the peppered moth. The trees became blackish
from pollution so the black-bodied moth survived better from its predators
since it was now better camouflaged.) The surviving organisms reproduce,
since they dont get eaten up, so the variation has caused the species to
evolve. Evolution is caused by natural selection which is caused by a
change in the environment.
Example to know: Strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are developing as
the use of antibiotics is increasing. In a group of many, many bacteria, one
might mutate to be resistant to the antibiotic, as a result it reproduces and
the others die making a new strain of bacteria, which is resistant to
*A selection pressure is something in the environment which causes
only some organisms to survive (e.g. an antibiotic)
*A survival advantage is a characteristic which allows the organism to
survive instead of the others (e.g. resistance to an antibiotic)
3.7 Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering: taking a gene from one species and putting it into
another species.
The gene coding from a pancreas cell for the production of human insulin
is cut from chromosome fragments (*using a specific restriction
endonuclease enzyme). The plasmid (circle of DNA) from a harmless
bacteria cell is cut to remove a part. They are combined (*using another
enzyme) to form a recombinant DNA. The bacteria are put in a fermenter
or bioreactor to get a large population, and then the product is processed.
3. Nutrient Cycles
Carbon cycle and Water cycle:
The nitrogen cycle: (page 243)
1) nitrogen-fixing bacteria provide usable nitrogen for plants, these
may exist in the root nodules where they live in symbiosis with the plants
(nitrogen fixation), or this can happen because of lightning, or
microorganisms provide them through decomposition.
2) Nitrifying bacteria convert nitrogen-containing substances into better
nitrogen-containing substances for the plants (nitrification).
3) plants absorb these substances and convert them into proteins
4) Primary consumers eat the plants and can make their own proteins,
secondary consumers eat primary consumers and so on.
5) Death and decay happens at each trophic level leading to stage one
(the decomposers bit)
6) Denitrifying bacteria carry out denitrification: they convert
nitrogen-containing substances into atmospheric nitrogen
oxygen carbon why?
concentrati dioxide
on in air concentrati
on in air
Combustio decreases increases -burning uses up oxygen, and
n of fossil produces carbon dioxide
Deforestati decreases increases -fewer trees means less
on photosynthesis
-trees are usually burnt
-decomposition of tree trunks
other effects not needed (page
4. Population size
Population: a group of organisms of one species, living in the same area
at the same time
Factors affecting rate of population growth:
Food supply: quantity and quality, for example snails need calcium to
reproduce to make a shell (food quality).
Predation: if predator population falls, the prey population will rise and
visa versa
Disease: causes organisms to die so a high death rate partly cancels out
the birth rate meaning less population growth, especially if the organism
dies before giving birth, or even population decline
-creates pollution
-consumes energy and resources from the environment in the search for
Hunting big game (tigers, rhinoceros, elephants, whales) going extinct
Fishing certain fish are going extinct due to over-fishing (Atlantic cod,
Pacific halibut, herring, etc.)
a. Smoke carbon in air causes cancer
b. CO takes the place of O2 in haemoglobin, oxygen starvation
c. sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen cause acid rain (more
details later)
d. herbicides - damage surrounding environment and can be harmful
for animals eating the plants
e. nuclear fallout damages DNA and causes cancer and radiation
f. CFCs destroys ozone layer (now banned though)
g. Sewage: spreads disease such as cholera and typhoid
h. Chemicals: mostly heavy metals (lead, mercury) = poisons to
humans and other organisms; also cyanide etc.
Problems with fish farming:
-very high food costs
-lots of research necessary
-pollution by pesticides may kill other organisms which are food for wild
-faeces and excess nutrients sink out of nets and stimulate bacterial
growth creating an increased biological oxygen demand.
5.1 Agriculture
-reduced biodiversity/destroys habitats/extinction
-loss of CO2 fixation, thus increase in CO2, thus global warming
-soil erosion: tree roots can not retain soil, goes into rivers making
the water dirty & causes blockages, soil becomes less fertile
-flooding: usually 75% of water is absorbed by foliage, root systems
or evaporates. After deforestation water may accumulate in river valleys.
Eutrophication: when water plants receive too many nutrients. Plants
need minerals such as nitrates and phosphates. They absorb these from
the soil. In general, the more they have, the better they can grow. It works
like this:
1) Fertilisers put in soil by farmers
2) Fertilisers with nitrates / detergents with phosphates leach into rivers
and lakes after rain
3) Water plants grow more than usual
4.1) they block sunlight and kill plants underneath
4.2) they die and sink to bottom
5) Bacteria/fungi decompose remains using the O2 and decreasing the O2
6) Fish and other creatures die from oxygen starvation
5.2 Pollution
-chemical waste and sewage in rivers water is not drinkable and
eutrophication can occur
-sulfer dioxide acid rain lowers pH (increases acidity) of lakes/ponds and
leaches aluminium out of the soil causing:
-the fishes gills to be damaged eventually killing them, this is fixed by
adding calcium hydroxide (slaked lime)
-destroys the top of the trees and the aluminium damages tree roots =
dead tree, important nutrients leached away
-SO2 poses health hazards for humans (asthma sufferers)
-damages limestone buildings and sculptures
-fewer crops can be grown on an acidic field (fixed by adding lime)
-CO2 and methane greenhouse gases trap heat inside the atmosphere,
contributing to global warming
-insecticides (kill insects): are meant to kill the annoying insects
(the ones which eat the plants), but can kill other, useful insects such as
bees which are pollinators, or by bioaccumulation (the increase in dose of
toxin from one level of the food chain to the next) for example DDT:
DDT Wat Plankt Daphi Fis Bird
er on na h
concentration in 0.02 5 50 25 150
parts per million 0 0