IGCSE BIOLOGY Biological Molecules-Notes

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Biological molecules

n, cellulose and starch are all made from glucose molecules
Structure of a triglyceride
General amino acid structure

Amino acids join together to form proteins

4.2.1 Food Tests

The Benedict's test for glucose

The iodine test for starch

Testing a potato to prove the presence of starch

The Biuret test for protein
The ethanol test for lipids
The DCPIP test for vitamin C

4.3.1 DNA Structure

DNA, chromosomes and the nucleus

 The individual units of DNA are called nucleotides

A nucleotide
DNA base pairs
The phosphate and sugar section of the nucleotides form the ‘backbone’ of the DNA strand
(like the sides of a ladder) and the base pairs of each strand connect to form the rungs of
the ladder

 The DNA helix is made

from two strands of DNA held together by hydrogen bonds
 It is this sequence of bases that holds the code for the formation of proteins

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