Kodak DirectView CR 500 - Troubleshooting Guide

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CR500 Trouble Shooting Guide

Follow steps below to solve problem


Talk to the customer and have them describe the problem.

When did the problem start ?
How often does it occur ?
Does it occur on all cassette sizes ?
What does the Error Log show (recent, frequent error codes) ?
What has been done so far ?
See if customer description translates to one of the Top 10 Problems ( listed below ), if not goto step 10.
Look up corresponding Error Code on Error Description tab.
Trouble shoot per the Error Description suggestion, goto step 12.
Check Error Log for repeating codes, see manual for remedy or go to step 11.
Complete CALL FOR HELP tab questions, send to Pat Hanley.
Feed back solution info to SCAN.

Customers Descriptions
Screen doesn't come out of cassette when scanned
Screen doesn't return to cassette, have to manually retrieve from erase area.
Screen doesn't return to cassette, returns after hitting continue button on pop-up message
Screen doesn't return to cassette, can see screen in cassette opening of scanner
Screen not fully in cassette, some portion hanging outside of closed cassette door

Top 10 CR500 Problems

Official Error Description

Screen Start timeout, screen did not enter scanner

Slow Scan stopped, position error while not scanning
Screen did not fully enter Erase Assembly
Screen did not return to cassette
Roller Pair 3 Cam Motor timeout
Roller Pair 2 Cam Motor timeout
Slow Scan frequency locked range error while not scanning
Slow Scan frequency locked range error while scanning
Slow Scan stopped, position error while scanning

Error Code

Pop-up Error



See # 1 of Top 10 Problems

See # 3 of Top 10 Problems
See # 4 of Top 10 Problems
See # 2 of Top 10 Problems
See # 10 of Top 10 Problems


Screen not fully in cassette on return


No Error Code generated for this problem

CR500 Common Error Codes

cannot home cassette guides
cannot activate cassette load switch
cannot clamp the cassette correctly
cannot retract feed pin
cannot home feed motor
retrying clamp cassette with guides
retrying extract screen from cassette


Slow scan ER1 frequency locked range error (scanning)

Slow scan stopped ER2 position error limit (scanning)
Slow scan ER3 frequency lock motion stalled (scanning)
Slow scan ER1 frequency locked range error (transport)
Slow scan stopped ER2 position error limit (transport)
Slow scan E3 frequency lock motion stalled (transport)
Slow scan +24v malfunction during screen transport


RP1 cam timeout

RP2 cam timeout
RP3 cam timeout
screen start sensor blocked
no screen start, screen did not enter reader
screen not fully in erase assembly
screen failed to return to the cassette


all erase lamps malfunctioned


MSC initialization failed

MSC initialization successful
MSC initialization started
side door opened


possible light leak

possible light leak during autozero, imaging system contains out of range noise


cassette task timeout

load plate timeout, did not receive a load screen command
MSC fatal error state
MSC undefined error
Transient 24v loss (happens on occasion)


entered service diagnostics

exited service diagnostics
unable to enter service diagnostics
MCPU application software download complete
MSC application software download complete
Slow Scan boot and application software download complete
Slow Scan application software download complete
Slow Scan parameters download complete





Roller Pair 1 Cam Motor Timeout -- A motor and drive pulley rotate a cam which opens and closes the roller pair. A flag on the cam
shaft is used with an optical emitter/detector sensor to determine the location of the cam. The cam shaft is linked to the motor by a
drive belt. This error will occur if the detector does not sense the rotation of the cam shaft before the prescribed time expires.
This error does not alert the customer in anyway of a problem, it is an Error Log entry only.
Belt broken or came off pulleys
Replace broken belt or investigate why belt came off pulley. Check
alignment of pulleys, mounting of motor and cam shaft
Broken gear

Replace broken gear, if it is the drive gear it is replaced as an

assembly with the motor pinned to it.

Defective motor, wiring harness or circuitry on MSC Bd

Trouble shoot using diagnostics and replace the appropriate part

If error is intermittent the cause may be a RP1 cam flag/sensor

tolerence issue or the sensor mounting screw may be over

Replace RP1 cam sensor, torque lightly until sensor is secure.


Roller Pair 2 Cam Motor Timeout -- A motor and drive pulley rotate a cam which opens and closes the roller pair. A flag on the cam
shaft is used with an optical emitter/detector sensor to determine the location of the cam. The cam shaft is linked to the motor by a
drive belt. This error will occur if the detector does not sense the rotation of the cam shaft before the prescribed time expires.
This error does not alert the customer in anyway of a problem, it is an Error Log entry only.
Belt broken or came off pulleys
Replace broken belt or investigate why belt came off pulley. Check
alignment of pulleys, mounting of motor and cam shaft
Broken gear

Replace broken gear, if it is the drive gear it is replaced as an

assembly with the motor pinned to it.

Defective motor, wiring harness or circuitry on MSC Bd

Trouble shoot using diagnostics and replace the appropriate part

If error is intermittent the cause may be a RP2 cam flag/sensor

tolerence issue or the sensor mounting screw may be over

Replace RP2 cam sensor, torque lightly until sensor is secure.





Roller Pair 3 Cam Motor Timeout -- A motor and drive pulley rotate a cam which opens and closes the roller pair. A flag on the cam
shaft is used with an optical emitter/detector sensor to determine the location of the cam. The cam shaft is linked to the motor by a
drive belt. This error will occur if the detector does not sense the rotation of the cam shaft before the prescribed time expires.
This error does not alert the customer in anyway of a problem, it is an Error Log entry only.
Belt broken or came off pulleys
Replace broken belt or investigate why belt came off pulley. Check
alignment of pulleys, mounting of motor and cam shaft
Broken gear

Replace broken gear, if it is the drive gear it is replaced as an

assembly with the motor pinned to it.

Defective motor, wiring harness or circuitry on MSC Bd

Trouble shoot using diagnostics and replace the appropriate part

Screen Start Timeout, Screen did not enter scanner -- This error will occur when the screen is not detected by the Screen Start
Sensor within the prescribed time. The Screen Start Sensor is located between Roller Pair 1 and the Scan Line. The scanner will try
to extract the screen from the cassette up to three times, the first two failures will result in a 10038 error code (retrying to extract
screen from cassette) the third failure to extract the screen from the cassette will result in a pop-up error message on the customers
display indicating a 12265 error.
No screen in cassette
Insert screen in cassette
Screen under the transport pad in cassette

Insert screen correctly such that it is on top of the transport pad

Static attraction between the screen and the cassette

Clean both sides screen with Kodak Min-R Screen Cleaner Wipes. TL5280094

Curled or non-flat screens

Check curl and flatness using field service gage, replace screens
if out specification.

Screen Start Sensor defective

Check operation of Screen Start Sensor using diagnostics, replace

if necessary.

Screen did not full enter the Erase Assembly -- This error indicates that while moving in the scan direction the trail edge of the screen
did not pass the Erase Lamp photo detector. This error will cause a pop-up message indicating a 12266 error, however, does not
alert the customer to manually remove the screen from the erase chimney. The error recovery does not return the screen to the
cassette, it will remain in the erase assembly. This can cause subsequent 12265 (no screen in cassette) or 12300 series (transport

error due to 2 screens in scanner) errors.



Erase lamps flicker but do not fully illuminate

Verify lamp and ballast wire connections are tight and secure, if
problem persists replace lamps or ballast as necessary

Erase photo detector not aligned in hole in erase guide


Erase photo detector covered by debris


If error is intermittent the cause may be a RP1 or RP2 cam

flag/sensor tolerence issue or the sensor mounting screw may
be over torqued.

Replace RP1 & RP2 cam sensor, torque lightly until sensor is secure.

Screen did not return to cassette -- This error indicates that while the screen was returning to the cassette either the trail or the lead
edge did not pass under the Start of Scan sensor. This error will cause of pop-up message on the customer display indicating a
12267 error occurred





Screen jam in the erase assembly

Check erase assembly RP3 nip for proper operation

If error is intermittent the cause may be a RP1 or RP2 cam

flag/sensor tolerence issue or the sensor mounting screw may
be over torqued.

Replace RP1 & RP2 cam sensor, torque lightly until sensor is secure.

Slow Scan frequency locked range error while scanning -- This error indicates that the prescribed speed range has been exceeded
while scanning a screen. This is an Error Log entry only and is not displayed to the customer. The scanned image will be in spec.
and no image artifacts should result from this error. It should be considered as a warning that the slow scan system may have a
problem in the future.


System tolerance


Slow Scan Stopped, position error while scanning -- This error indicates that the Slow Scan Motor stopped prematurely during its
move instruction while scanning a screen. This will result as a pop-up message on the customers display indicating the error and
that the scanned image may be unusable.





Screen jam in part of transport path used to scan image

Check for an obstruction in the path for the specific size of the
screen for which the error occurred. Horizontal line image artifacts
may be a clue to the location of the obstruction

Defective Slow Scan Motor

Using diagnostics check Slow Scan current and velocity profiles

Slow Scan Stopped, frequency lock motion stalled error while scanning -- This is the most severe error indicating that the Slow Scan
Motor stopped abruptly during its move instruction while scanning a screen. This will result as a pop-up message on the customers
display indicating the error and that the scanned image may be unusable.

Screen jam in part of transport path used to scan image

Check for an obstruction in the path for the specific size of the
screen for which the error occurred. Horizontal line image artifacts
may be a clue to the location of the obstruction

Defective Slow Scan Motor

Using diagnostics check Slow Scan current and velocity profiles

Slow Scan frequency locked range error while not scanning -- This error indicates that the prescribed speed range has been
exceeded while not scanning a screen. This is an Error Log entry only and is not displayed to the customer. No image artifacts will
result from this error. It should be considered as a warning that the slow scan system may have a problem in the future.
System tolerance



Slow Scan Stopped, position error while not scanning -- This error indicates that the Slow Scan Motor stopped prematurely during its
move instruction while scanning a screen. This will result as a pop-up message on the customers display indicating the error.
No image artifacts will result from this error.



Screen jam in part of transport path down stream from were

the image is scanned or during the return of the screen to the

Check error log to see if the error is specific to 1 cassette, if so

check cassette for obstruction or door open failure.

Screen jam near cassette entrance due to a skewed screen

returning to the cassette.

This can be verified by removing the top cover of the scanner, then
watching a screen return into a cassette (top cover removed) which
frequently shows the problem. As the screen moves into the cassette
the trail edge of the screen may pucker upward, indicating the screen
edge has hit the side wall of the cassette due to skew. Mod 2 fixes
a known skew problem.

Screen jam near cassette entrance due to cassette door being

pushed closed by trail edge of returning screen.

This can be verified by removing the top cover of the scanner, then
watching a screen return into a cassette (top cover removed) which
frequently shows the problem. As the screen moves into the cassette
the trail edge of the screen may pick up the door and push it closed,
stopping the screen at the cassette entrance outside the door and
stopping the Slow Scan motor. With the cassette removed from the
scanner, the screen will stick out approx. 0.400 inches from the
cassette interface face plate. This problem is fixed by software
included in Mod 3 and Mod 4. If the problem exists with the Mods
installed, it may be a specific to a defective cassette door identified
in the error log.

RP1 drive roller bearing not seated in bore

Clean and lubricate (light silicone grease) the RP1 drive roller
shaft in the area of the bearings, reassemble in bore.

Defective Slow Scan Motor

Using diagnostics check Slow Scan current and velocity profiles


Slow Scan Stopped, frequency lock motion stalled error while not scanning -- This is the most severe error indicating that the Slow
Scan Motor stopped abruptly during its move instruction while not scanning a screen. This will result as a pop-up message on the
customers display indicating the error.



Screen jam in part of transport path down stream from were

the image is scanned or during the return of the screen to the

Check error log to see if the error is specific to 1 cassette, if so

check cassette for obstruction or door open failure.

RP1 drive roller bearing not seated in bore

Clean and lubricate (light silicone grease) the RP1 drive roller
shaft in the area of the bearings, reassemble in bore.

Defective Slow Scan Motor

Using diagnostics check Slow Scan current and velocity profiles

13009 This error occurs when electrical current is not sensed in the lamp ballast circuit. Use diagnostics to actuate the lamp, the relay will
click when the circuit is turned ON. The lamps should light up approx 1-2 seconds later.



Relay clicks but lamps don't turn ON. May be caused by a bad
lamp. If one lamp is bad ,neither will light.

Replace lamps as a pair.

Relay does not click when lamp turn on is initiated.

Check for signal at the relay, if none check wiring, MSC BD is the
source of the signal. Replace relay, MSC Bd or repair wiring as

If error is intermittent the cause may be a RP1 or RP2 cam

flag/sensor tolerence issue or the sensor mounting screw may
be over torqued.

Replace RP1 & RP2 cam sensor, torque lightly until sensor is secure.

Screen not fully in cassette on return, some part of the screen is outside of the cassette enterance. During the screen return RP1 will
transport the screen into the cassette leaving it approx 1 inch outside of the cassette, the motion of the Feed Motor will cause the


Transport Pad inside the cassette to carry the screen fully into the cassette and lock the cassette door.
Viewing the operation of the CR500 with the top cover off and the top of a problem cassette removed is a good way to observe this



Transport Pad not carrying screen into cassette

If carrier pad is worn or has debris (gray appearance) inbedded in it,

there may not be enough friction to transport the screen into the
cassette the final 1 inch. Replace the Transport Pad or Cassette.

Screen has excessive non-flatness (bowl shaped or domed)

Loss of screen contact with the Transport Pad results in less friction
between the screen and pad, the slippage may cause part of the
screen to be left outside of the cassette. Replace the non-flat screen.

Answer the questions below and have the information ready when making your call for help.

Name of site?
Location (city, state) ?
S/N of CR500 with problem ?
Mod #'s installed ?
Actuation Count ?

What is the problem?

When was the CR installed?
When did the problem start?
How often does it occur?
What are the software versions? (read from diag screen to get actual versions downloaded and running
on embedded boards)
What do the error logs show?
What has been done so far?
If the problem is an image artifact, is it in the artifact database?
Are all screen sizes effected by the artifact?
Common to one cassette?
Has the Total Quality Tool (TQT) been run?
For help call Pat Hanley 585-477-2581 or Lotus Notes ins. # 319406

CR500 Scan Sequence

In normal operation mode, insert a cassette then watch and listen for the following sequence of events.
1. Beep once.
2. Turn on the system LED.
3. If guide home sensor is not blocked, run guide motor home until it is.
4. Run guide motor to close guides until guide load sensor is blocked. Leave the guide motor energized
at 75% power to hold the guides shut.
5. Run side actuator motors to engage side actuators. Leave motors energized at 50% power to hold
the side actuators in position.
6. Run the pin motor to extend the feed pin into the cassette. Leave the motor energized to hold it in
that position.
7. Run roller pair one cam motor until roller pair one is closed.
8. Read the barcode on the cassette.
9. Run the slow scan motor at the appropriate speed for the cassette size.
10. Turn on the screen start sensor.
11. Run the feed motor to move the pin towards the mouth of the cassette and push the screen out of th
cassette into roller pair one.
12. Stop the feed motor and remove power from it.
13. When the screen start sensor sees the leading edge of the screen, note the time.
15. Turn off the screen start sensor so its light does not interfere with the scan.
16. Flash the system LED to show data transfer is in progress.
17. Wait until the leading edge of the screen has reached roller pair two. This occurs 5201 to 8710 ms
after the leading edge passes the screen start sensor, depending upon the screen size.
18. Run the roller pair two cam motor to close roller pair two.
19. Once roller pair two is fully closed, turn on the erase lamps.
20. Once roller pair two is fully closed, run the roller pair one cam motor to open roller pair one.
21. Wait until the trailing edge of the screen passes the scan line. This occurs , 18030 to 25330 ms after
the leading edge passes the screen start sensor, depending upon the screen size.
22. Stop flashing the system LED. The scan is complete.
23. Start the erase motor running at the appropriate speed for the cassette size.
cam motor
until roller
is closed.
25. Run
the erase
and remove power from the erase moto
For some plate sizes, we allow the screen to move a little farther into the erase unit before we stop the
erase motor.
26. Stop the slow scan motor.
27. Wait an appropriate amount of time for the last part of the screen to be fully erased.
28. Run the roller pair one cam motor to close roller pair one. All three roller pair are now closed.
29. If the screen had a high exposure, run the erase motor and slow scan motor slowly in the reverse
direction to provide extra erase exposure to the screen.
30. Turn on the screen start sensor.
31. Run the slow scan and erase motors at high speed until the screen has completely passed the screen
start sensor.
32. Stop and remove power from the erase motor.
33. Turn off the erase lamps.
34. Wait a while for the tail of the screen to get through roller pair.
35. Run the pin motor to extend the pin yoke to receive the pin block.
36. Increase the holding current of the side actuator motors to 100%.
37. Run the feed motor to move the feed pin to the lock (over travel) position. Stop and hold it there wit
full motor current.
38. Stop the slow scan motor.
39. Run the pin motor to retract the pin from the cassette. Leave the pin motor energized to hold the pi
in the retracted position.

40. Run the feed motor to move the pin to the home position ad remove power from the feed motor.
41. Run the side actuator motors to disengage the side actuators then remove power from the side
actuator motors.
42. Run the guide motor until the guide home sensor is blocked. Remove power from the guide motor.
43. Beep two times.
44. Run all three cam motors until the respective roller pairs are open.
45. Run the slow scan motor to seat the drive belt.
46. Turn off the system LED.
47. Remove power from the slow scan motor.

Screen Curl and

Flatness Info




Mod Kit
Part #

S/N Range

Start Date

MFG to Blacken Active/

Mod #

Version 3.60.09 CP10 Software. (Selective Mod)


337, 343 & Greater




Erase Timing Belt changed from P/N 936096 to P/N 559174.

(Mandatory Mod)


359 & Greater




Version 3.60.09 CP12 Software. (Mandatory Mod)


336, 378 & Greater




Version 3.60.09 CP15 Software, Parts for Erase Lamp

Update, Erase Assembly, Top Cover Update, Access Cover
Addition, and Slow Scan Update. (Mandatory Mod)


550 & Greater




Reserved for Version 4.1 S/W but not used.



MS Software Security Patch 02-04-03





MS Software Security Patch 04-04-03





Addition of UHMWPE tape to edge of Erase Lamp Housing







Addition of Cowling Part No. 6F9015


=/>590 for US
=/>3000 for KEPS
=/> 800 for US
=/> 3200 for KEPS`

customer description

Words the customer may use to describe a problem.

pop --up error

Error message displayed on customers monitor

pop --up message

Message displayed on customers monitor

screen lead edge

Screen edge that leaves the cassette first regardless of transport direction, this
is the edge nearest the cassette door

screen trail edge

Screen edge that leaves the cassette last regardless of transport direction, this
is the edge furthest from the cassette door


Roller Pair, example RP1, transport rollers in the Slow Scan assembly

Debris Artifact

A negative density artifact, the debris may be a dust fiber, fingerprint, spot,
verticle or horizontal line. Debris artifacts can be removed by cleaning with a lint
free cloth or for more stubborn problems cleaning with Kodak Min-R Screen
Cleaning Wipes.

Depression Line Defect (DLD)

The appearance of a depression in the phosphor surface when viewed in

reflected light at some angle. The depression line or lines are in the direction of
transport and correlate to heavy localized scratches on the backside of the
screen. This defect by itself will not cause an image artifact and the screen
does not need to be replaced.

Depression Line Artifact (DLA)

A plus density line or lines in an image in the direction of transport that correlate
to heavy localized scratches on the backside of the screen. Some form of
chemical contamination on the screen surface is required for the artifact to be
seen. If the artifact is permanent the screen should be replaced.

Stub Line Artifact

This is a horizontal line (perpendicular to the direction of transport) artifact in an

image caused by a momentary screen speed change, such as the lead edge of
the screen hitting an obstacle in the screen transport path. It should appear as
an edge to edge positive density line. The position of the line on the image will
correlate to where the lead edge of the screen was when the stub occurred.
May be caused by excessive positive lead edge screen curl or problem in the
transport path.

Horizontal White Line Artifact

A negative density artifact (perpendicular to the direction of transport) that may

not be uniform edge to edge 2 to 5 mm in width. This may be debris (try
cleaning screen) or screen speed loss caused by chemical contamination. If
cleaning does not remove artifact, replace screen.

Verticle White Line Artifact

A negative density artifact (parallel to the direction of transport) that may not be
uniform top to bottom 2 to 5 mm in width. This may be debris (try cleaning
screen) or screen speed loss caused by chemical contamination. If cleaning
does not remove artifact, replace screen.

Calibration Artifact

A vertical line or lines (parallel to the direction of transport) running top to

bottom in the image. May be positive or negative density, and will correlate to
the collector profile of a specific screen size. My be caused by calibrating with a
dirty or chemically damaged screen or dust particles in the optics (usually top or
bottom aperature of the collector).

Chemical Artifact

An image artifact that causes a permanent speed loss on the screen. May be in
the shape of a fingerprint, puddle, streak or swipe mark in a non-vertical or nonhorizontal direction.

Horizontal White
Line Artifact

Microsoft Photo
Editor 3.0 Picture

Chemical Artifact 1

Chemical Artifact 2

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