7 RUE ANCELLE, 92200 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, FRANCE AGAUD REPORT 800 The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear (la Conception, la qualification et la maintenance des trains d'atterrissage sans vibration) I Papers presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD Struciures and MaterinIr Panel held u1 Banff; Cam& 4-5 October 1995 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION -@- I Published March 1996 Distribution and Availabilify on Back Cover e 1 1 AGARD-R-800 ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 7 RUE ANCELLE, 92200 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, FRANCE . AGARD REPORT aoo The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear (la Conception, la qualification et la maintenance des trains d'attenissage sans vibration) Papers presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGAFUI Structures and Materials Panel, held in Banff, Canada 4-5 October 1995. I - North Atlantic Treaty Organization Organisation do Trait6 de I'Aflanfique Nard I The Mission of AGARD According to its Charter, the mission of AGARD is to bring together the leading personalities of the NATO nations in the fields of science and technology relating to aerospace for the following purposes: - Recommending effective ways for the member nations to use their research and development capabilities for the common benefit of the NATO community; - Providing scientific and technical advice and assistance to the Military Committee in the field of aerospace research and development (with particular regard to its military application); - Continuously stimulating advances in the aerospace sciences relevant to strengthening the common defence posture; - Improving the co-operation among member nations in aerospace research and development; - Exchange of scientific and technical information; - Providing assistance to member nations for the purpose of increasing their scientific and technical potential; - Rendering scientific and technical assistance, as requested, to other NATO bodies and to member nations in I connection with research and development problems in the aerospace field. The highest authority within AGARD is the National Delegates Board consisting of officially appointed senior representatives from each member nation. The mission of AGARD is carried out through the Panels which are composed of experts appointed by the National Delegates, the Consultant and Exchange Programme and the Aerospace Applications Studies Programme. The results of AGARD work are reported to the member nations and the NATO Authorities through the AGARD series of publications of which this is one. Participation in AGARD activities is by invitation only and is normally limited to citizens of the NATO nations. The content of this publication has been reproduced directly from material supplied by AGARD or the authors. Published March 1996 Copyright 0 AGARD 1996 All Rights Reserved ISBN 92-836-1032-6 Printed by Canada Communication Group 45 Sacre'-Ceur Blvd., Hull (Que'bec), Canada KIA OS7 ii The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear (AGARD R-800) Executive Summary Aircraft landing gears are crucial for safety, comfort (both for passengers and pilots) and for weight considerations. As the element responsible for safely moving the aircraft on the ground, the landing gear has to fulfill several, sometimes conflicting, requirements. Landing gears that shimmy (shimmy can be defined as a self-excited instability during take-off, landing or taxiing, involving up to three vibration motions: angular wheel motions about a vertical axis - yaw -, and a fore and aft axis - roll -, and lateral displacement of the wheel) are unacceptable. In fact, a severe occurrence of shimmy can damage the landing gear and its attaching structure, resulting in significant repair costs and airplane down time. Some assurance is therefore needed that landing gear designs will be free from shimmy under all operating conditions including the normal wear and tear experienced in service. One of the difficulties of shimmy analysis is that real landing gear systems exhibit many non-linear characteristics. Tests on life-size aircraft are obviously expensive and risky, and tests on test-rigs (namely drop-test facilities) allow only for limited information about the landing gears dynamics; the interaction between aircraft and landing gear is especially difficult to assess. On the other hand, simulation offers a means to examine the behaviour of the landing gear as part of a complex system at a reasonable cost. Both rigid and elastic body motions can be modelled. In view of the problems involved in correcting landing gear vibrations emerging late in the design process or even after delivery of the aircraft to service, the Workshop participants concluded that the state of the art of analyzing landing gear vibrations is not quite up to other similar subjects and that the cooperation of experts across aircraft, landing gear and tyre industry institutions is badly needed. Workshop participants did not expect rapid progress unless there was a well planned and coordinated approach to the problem. They unanimously identified AGARD as the only institution which had enough power and authority to promote such a coordinated effort in the interest of NATO member nations. Lktude, lhomologation et la maintenance des trains datterrissage ii amortissement (AGARD R-800) Synth6se Le train datterrissage dun aCronef est un ClCment dkterrninant pour la sCcuritC et le confort des passagers et des Cquipages, en plus des considCrations de coefficient de chargement. Cest le train datterrissage qui autorise le dCplacement de lavion au sol dans des conditions de sCcuritC acceptables. I1 doit, par condquent, satisfaire B plusieurs critkres, qui sont parfois contradictoires. Les trains datterrissage sujets au shimmy sont inacceptables (le shimmy &ant dCfini c ome une instabilid auto-excitCe qui se produit lors du dkcollage, de latterrissage ou du roulement au sol et qui comprend jusquh trois mouvements: les mouvements angulaires de roue autour dun axe vertical, cest ii dire de lacet, les mouvements autour dun axe longitudinal, cest B dire le roulis, et le dCplacement IatCral de la roue). En effet, un phCnomkne grave de shimmy peut occasionner lendommagement du train datterrissage et de ses points de fixation, nCcessitant des rCparations cooteuses entrainant limmobilisation de lappareil. Par conskquent, certaines assurances sont recherchkes pour que les trains datterrissage soient exempts du shimmy dans toutes les conditions du service, y compris lusure normale. Lun des problkmes posCs par lanalyse du shimmy vient de ce quen pratique, les trains datterrissage prksentent un certain nombre de caractkristiques non-1inCaires. Des essais effectuCs sur avions reels seraient, bien entendu, trop cooteux et trop dangereux, tandis que les essais effectuCs sur des installations fixes (et notamment les Cpreuves de chute) ne donnent que des informations limitCes sur les CaractCristiques dynamiques du train; linteraction entre 1aCronef et le train datterrissage est particulikrement delicate B Cvaluer. En revanche, la simulation permet dCtudier le comportement du train datterrissage en tant quClCment constitutif dun systkme complexe, et ce, pour un coot abordable. La simulation permet la modClisation des mouvements rigides et Clastiques du fuselage. Etant donnC les problkmes posCs par 1Climination des vibrations des trains datterrissage qui ne se manifestent que tardivement dans le processus de conception voire meme aprks la livraison de lappareil, les participants ont conch que 1Ctat de lart de lanalyse des vibrations des trains datterrissage nest pas tout B fait comparable aux progrks rCalisCs dans dautres domaines analogues et quil est urgent dobtenir la coopCration des spCcialistes des differents secteurs de lindustrie akronautique, et en particulier les fabricants des cellules, des trains datterrissage et des pneumatiques. Pour les participants B lAtelier, des progrks rapides dans ce domaine ne seraient rialisables que moyennant une approche du problkme bien planifiCe et bien coordonnCe. 11s Ctaient unanimes B reconnaitre 1AGARD comme &ant la seule instance ayant la capacitk et 1autoritC nCcessaires B la promotion dun tel effort coordonnC pour le plus grand bien des pays membres de IOTAN. I iv Contents Executive Summary Synthbe Preface Structures and Materials Panels Technical Evaluation Report by A. Krauss SESSI ON I: LANDI NG GEAR DY NAMI CS Preliminary Design Optimization of Carri er and Land Based Fighter Landing Gears by B.M. Crenshaw and S.C. Brown A Review of Aircraft Landing Gear Dynamics by W.E. Krabacher Self-I nduced Oscillations of Landing Gear as an I ntegral Landing Gear Aircraft System - - Probl em by W. Luber, G. Kempf and A. Krauss Analysis and Control of the Flexible Dynamics of Landing Gear in the Presence of Antiskid Control Systems by E. Denti and D. Fanteria Fuselage Vibration Control Using Semi-Active Front Gear by H. Wentscher, W. Kortum and W.R. Kriiger Dynamic Behaviour of Motorbikes by F. Bohm and H.P. Willumeit Page iii iv vi vii T Reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 SESSI ON 11: LANDI NG GEAR SHI MMY Landing Gear Shimmy - De Havillands Experience by J . Glaser and G. Hrycko 2 Unsteady Ti re Dynamics and the Application Thereof to Shimmy and Landing Load Computations by K. Koenig I nfluence of Nonlinearity on the Shimmy Behaviour of Landing Gear by P. Woerner and 0. Noel A Nonlinear Model for Landi ng Gear Shimmy with Applications to the McDonnell Douglas FIA-18A by J. Baumann 9 10 V Preface Fully reliable procedures for designing vibration-free landing gear still do not exist. This is in large part due to the absence of accurate dynamic models for describing the tyres in ground contact, the complexity of the (generally non-linear) dynamic behaviour of the structural systems involved as well as the dynamic interactions with steering and braking systems which are contributing stability factors. The Workshop focused on the various vibrational and stability problems (e.g. shimmy, antiskid induced vibrations) that must be considered in the early design phase of landing gear systems, thereby especially addressing problems which are related to vibrations of the combined structural system formed by the landing gear, its tyres and the flexible aircraft structure. The intention was to indicate the impact of (combined) landing geadaircraft vibration problems on aircraft design and operations. A further aim of the Workshop was to bring together specialists from aircraft, landing gear and tyre manufacturers to discuss the state-of-the-art technology in this area and to define possible future steps of development. Dr. R. Freymann Workshop Chairman vi ~l - . Structures and Materials Panel Chairman: Prof. 0. Sensburg Deputy Chairman: Prof. S. Paipetis Chief Engineer Daimler Benz Aerospace Militaerflugzeuge LM2 Postfach 80 11 60 81663 Munich 261 10 Patras Germany Greece Prof. of Applied Mechanics School of Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Patras SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chairman: Dr. R. Freymann Ministkre de la Force Publique, LU Bahnhofstrasse 27 85386 Eching Germany Members: D. Chaumette - FR H. Perrier - FR L. Chesta - IT C. Perron - CA M. Curbillon - FR 0. Sensburg - GE H.H. Ottens - NE l - PANEL EXECUTIVE Dr. J.M. CARBALLAL, SP Mail from Europe: 7, rue Ancelle PSC 116 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine APO AE 09777 France Mail from US and Canada: AG ARD-OT AN AGARD-NATO/SME' Tel: 33 (1) 4738 5790 & 5792 Telefax: 33 (1) 4738 5799 Telex: 610175F vii . - I T- I Technical Evaluation Report A. Krauss INTRODUCTION Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG Military Aircraft LME24 8 1663 Munich Germany Landing gear is an invaluable aircraft system, albeit quite unpopular 'with most aircraft designers: In extended position, i t spoils the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. Retracted, i t uses internal space which "could much better have been devoted to fuel or other useful things". Moreover, its dead weight impairs flight performance. Looking at landing gear from a structure point of view, it pro- duces large concentrated loads and provides for a lot of difficulties by requiring voluminous landing gear bays and doors interrupting the smooth flow of loads and stress. There is also the possibility that the optimal position of the landing gear with regard to e.g. nosewheel liftoff differs from that required for a satisfactory behaviour as a ground vehicle, and both positions might be unfavourable with regard to structural attachment. Another stanza to this lamentation could be devoted to the themes of wheel size, brake accommodation, tyre size, tyre mechanical characteristics, and tyre pressure. Present author has spent almost thirty years of his professional life in aircraft and landing gear design and analysis. It appeared to him that to arrive at a design satisfying straightforward and clearly written physical requirements was hard enough. It was even harder to defend such design from the particular interests of other design disciplines. However, at least in military landing gear performance and design requirements the situation with regard to "vibration-free" landing gear was even more difficult. There was not only a lack of guidance with regard to acceptabl e methods of desi gn and analysis, the requirement for a vibration-free landing gear itself was compromised by accepting "shimmy" to the extent that pilots could still control the aircraft, that shimmy loads did not exceed structural limits, and that the phenomenon was ade- quately taken into account in fatigue analysis (see for instance British requirements). What wonder that budgets for shimmy analyses were limited at best and that an analytical prediction of landing gear shimmy was not considered a hard fact. Hence the landing gear designer did not get much support in striving for a landing gear free of shimmy, especially not if this aspect would have led to aircraft interface or even redesign problems. Therefore, the idea brought forward by AGARD SMP to perform a workshop on "THE DESIGN, QUALIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE OF VIBRATION-FREE LANDING GEAR" was highly appreciated and widely supported. Present author then volunteered for "Recorder", hoping to be able to draw up a fairly consistent picture of the state of the art as well as of a viable path to be followed from early design to trouble-free operation of vibration-free landing gear. The author's initial intention was to arrange this technical evaluation report in parallel to the workshop title. However, having browsed through the papers several times, it appeared more appropriate to concentrate on crucial technical subjects along all the development process and to provide a view on more general subjects al ong wi th a summary of the Round Tabl e Discussion. TYPE AND CAUSE OF VIBRATION I n summary, most attenti on was pai d to conventional shimmy, which implies a combined lateral / torsional / tilting motion of the wheel (3 degrees of freedom). In particular, [2], [8], and [I O] concentrate on this type of landing gear vibration. Cases of fore/aft osci l l ati ons ( 1 d.0.f.) were presented at [3] and [ 4] . Though not a case of self- induced oscillations, there was a study on the use of semi-active landing gear technology (control of stroke damping force coefficient) to damp fuselage vertical bending osci l l ati ons of a passenger transport aircraft [ 5 ] . A view on forced (vertical) potenti al l y resonant ai rcraft/l andi ng gear oscillations on rough ground is given at [I ]. In one of the two classical shimmy cases presented at [7], the analytical model included a stick model of the wing which the landing gear is attached to. At [2], there is also evidence that a predictedly stable l andi ng gear exhi bi ted shi mmy because of neglecting attachment/fuselage flexibility in the analysis. Starting from isolated front wheel shimmy of motorcycles, [6] also considers oscillations of the complete vehicle. T-2 I t became evident that the classical problem of shimmy is becoming increasingly complex due to coupling with other aircraft systems. [5] indicates that a fully active landing gear could cause stability problems in vertical (stroking) direction; in view of [I ]. [31, [41, [6l,and [71 present author expects a lot of additional problems if a fully active landing gear were to be proven to be vi brati on- f ree, notwithstanding ground coupling of flight control system. The coupling of the flexible dynamics of landing gear and antiskid feedback dynamics to cause fore-aft vibrations ("gearwa1k")is studied at [ 4] . A rel ated case of strong braki ng force osci l l ati ons (i nvol vi ng virtually rigid wheel suspension) is being described at [3]. At (71 there is indicated a case involving feedback from the steering actuator. The author's conclusion is that latest at the time of qualification the designer will have to substantiate that the landing gear is vibration-free in all possible degrees of freedom. Furtheron he will have to show this for all active systems with direct or indirect coupling with the landing gear. To prepare for this task he should have at his disposition a wide range of proven and accepted models and he should start to apply these models as early as possible in the design stage. However i t appears that the development of vibration-free landing gear is still far from that. TYRE MODELS Without any doubt, a well proven tyre model along with a reliable set of tyre parameters for this model is of vital importance for expedient and successful development of vi brati on-free l andi ng gear. However there appears to be no commonl y accepted. much less a validated dynamic tyre model for application to a full-size analysis of all kind of landing gear vibration (viz. 6 d.0.f. wheel motion with arbitrary deviations from steady state). As a natural consequence of this situation. there is an almost complete lack of routinely measured and published (e.g. along with a tyre catalogue) tyre model parameters. [ 2] is an example where linearized tyre models (3 d.0.f.) attributed to von Schlippe and Moreland are applied to study shimmy stability of three different aircraft landing gear data sets. Both Moreland and von Schlippe tyre models were used by [7] to represent tyre dynamic properties in solution of one existing and one predicted shimmy problem. [7] prefers the von Schlippe model due to difficulties encountered in defining the Moreland tyre time constant. Paper [ 101 refers to the Moreland point- contact tire model in a study on shimmy problems on a service aircraft. [a] presents a derivation of a 6 d.0.f. unsteady dynamic tyre model which in its puristic version would require measurement of 36 transfer functions at a number of well defi ned working points of the tyre. A comprehensi ve comparison of published theories (v. Schlippe + Dietrich, Smiley, Pacejka, Rogers +Brewer) with regard to their definition of model parameters is also presented at paper [8]. [9] contains a very short description of a dynamic tyre frequency domain model whi ch was conveyed by the tyre manufacturer together with 9 elementary transfer functions derived from manufacturer dynamic tyre tests. With application to motorcycles, [6] not only deals with more than 3 d.0.f. but also reviews SO- called "tire magic formulas'' (i.e. fitting mathemati- cal functi ons to graphi cal representati ons of (nonlinear) physical tyre behaviour). Besides, [6] di scusses a number of tyre transfer functions measured on 2 each motorcycle and passenger car tyres. A review of models and methods for the wheel simulation is presented at [4], also including a view on "Magic Formula" tyre models. The bulk of paper [4] deals with development and discussion of "brush models" for application to numerical investigation on "gear walk". In summary, there is definitively a lack of consistent tyre dynamic models for arbitrary wheel motion, both in the nonlinear and linearized field. As long as this lack persists. shimmy calculations proper will be blind to e.g. gear walk and vice versa. Present author's impression is, that of the existing limited models none has ever been subject to a comprehensive and formal process of validation. NONLINJZARITIES One of the great di ffi cul ti es in l andi ng gear vibration analysis is the large number of nonlinear effects. Not only that these effects impede use of straightforward linear models, the large scatter of every single nonlinearity (e.g. friction, freeplay) in combination with scatter of all the other model parameters (both linear and nonlinear) does cer- tai nl y not i ncrease rel i abi l i ty of anal yti cal predictions. As a consequence, practically all papers presented deal with probl ems posed by the extraordinary accumulation on landing gear of nonlinear physical phenomena (most prominent: Coulomb friction and freeplay, but also velocity- squared damping, tyre out-of-round, etc.). Paper [2] treats the relative influence of model parameter variations on shimmy stability predic- tions: i t also presents practical experience w.r.t. predictiodreality discrepancies and reasons thereof. Paper [3] treats a case of apparent shimmy (which, T-3 according to the explanation given in the paper. is rather a case of camouflaged gear walk), which vanishes at increased speed presumably due to nonlinearity of tyre circumferential force charac- teristics. Also i n [3] there is descripted a rig test case (virtually rigid) where tyre and brakelantiskid system nonlinearities prohibit linear treatment. [4] describes a similar phenomenon observed on aircraft, and embarks on development of a nonlinear (ti me domai n) model for calculation of tyre longitudinal force. [5] discusses feasibility of linearization in context with control optimization of a semi-active nose landing gear. Both linear and nonlinear differential equations are developed at [ 6] for the wobble (shimmy) of a motorcycle front wheel: nonlinear effects arise from inclusion of wheel unbalance and periodic tyre radial force variation. In studying shimmy having occurred in flight trials, nonlinear effects were also accounted for by [7] in time domain analyses. Paper [8] pre- sents a complete set of nonlinear equations of unsteady tyre dynamics. Paper [9] di scusses influence of nonlinearities on shimmy, presenting model s for typical nonlinearities as stick-slip friction and freeplay. Inclusion of nonlinearities in a simulation model of a cantilevered landing gear geometry is presented at [IO]. From a scan of the subject of nonlinearities, present author got the impression that there is widespread concern about the reliability of linearized landing gear models. However, increased modelling effort and cost of computati on appear to i mpede application of nonlinear models except i n cases when shimmy occurred on existing hardware, notwithstanding cases where linearization is inap- propriate (landing, braking). Interesting enough to present author none of the papers mentioned shimmy under nonsymmetric basi c condi ti ons, e.g. a wheel runni ng at a geometrically or elastically induced pre-set slip angle ("toe-in") or tilt angle. CORRECTIVE MEASURES In spite of all effort spent on design of supposedly vibration-free landing gear, the workshop was presented with some practical examples of landing gear shimmy ([2], [3], [7], [IO]). It was interesting to note that in most cases the landing gear affected could not really be cured. Rather in most instances the burden had to be put on maintaining close tolerances w.r.t. freeplay and tyre pressure, on costly early tyre replacement, on frequent checks of tyre unbalance and out-of-round, and on pilots having to observe special operating procedures. In some instances there has also mass been added to the landing gear, either in form of landing gear reinforcement for increased stiffness or in form of mass balance for changing vibration modes andor frequencies. There was not one serious attempt reported to modify geometry of a landing gear affected, for in- stance to implement a more suitable leg inclination and/or trail arm. It appears that volume and form of landing gear bays are being defined to the last millimeter at a much too earl y ti me i n the devel opment process, l eavi ng l andi ng gear desi gners at both ai rframe and l andi ng gear manufacturers at a loss to re-establish a truly vibration-free landing gear. This again emphasizes the necessity of preparation and as early as possibly application of qualified and commonly accepted methods of design for vibration-free landing gear. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION The Workshop was concluded with a Round Table Discussion led by Dr. R. Freymann. The discussion was characterized by deep concem about present state and future development of "THE DESIGN, QUALIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE OF Compared wi th ef f ort spent on aero- (servo)elasticity i t is obvious that the field of landing gear vibrations has been neglected badly for a long time. There was also some discussion about the reasons therefor. However, in view of the cost involved in correcting landing gear vibration problems emerging late in the design process or even not before ai rcraft del i very to servi ce, discussion turned to future. It became clear that the state of the art of treating landing gear vibrations was not quite up to other similar subjects and that cooperation was needed of experts widely distrib- uted across aircraft, landing gear and tyre industry (the latter was not represented at the workshop), institutions, and authorities. Workshop participants did not expect the rapid progress needed, unless there was a well planned and coordinated approach to the probl em. Unani mousl y, AGARD was identified the only institution which had enough power and authority to promote such a coordinated effort in the interest of NATO member nations. The format of a Working Group was considered most suitable to achieve the progress necessary within a reasonable time. Dr. Freymann was asked to convey this proposal to the appropriate AGARD body. It was considered useful to have tentative "Terms of Reference" written for this task. J ohn Glaser of de Havi l l and, Wi l l i am E. Krabacher of Wri ght Laboratory, and Arnulf Krauss of Daimler-Benz Aerospace were nominated for an informal "Point of Contact" group. VIBRATI 0 N - FR E E LAND IN G GEAR 'I. T-4 PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE WORKSHOP r11 VI [31 r41 "Pre I i m i nary Design 0 p tim i zati on of Carrier and Land Based Fighter Landing Gears", B. M. Crenshaw and Susan C. Brown, Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems. 86 South Cobb Drive. Marietta Ga. 30063 USA "A Revi ew of Ai rcraft Landi ng Gear Dynami cs 'I. W i 11 i am E. K ra b ac he r . WL/FIVMA, Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB. Ohio 45433 USA "Self-Induced Oscillations of Landing Gear as an Integral Landing Gear Aircraft System Problem", W. Luber, G. Kempf, A. Krauss. Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG, Military Ai rcraft L ME24, D- 8 1663 Muni ch, Germany "Analysis and Control of the Fl exi bl e Dynamics of Landing Gear in the Presence of Antiskid Control Systems", E. Denti and D. Fanteria. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospazi al e, Uni versi ta di Pi sa, Vi a Diotisalvi 2,56126 Pisa, Italy "Fuselage Vibration Control Using Semi- Active Front Gear", H. Wentscher, W. Kortum. W. R. Kruger. DLR - Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut fur Robotik und Systemdynamik, D- 82234 Wessling, Germany "Dynamic Behaviour of Motorbikes", F. Bohm and H. P. Willumeit, Department of Traf f i c Engi neeri ng and Appl i ed Mechanics, Technical University Berlin, Germany. Paper was presented by P. Bannw i tz. " L andi ng Gear Shi mmy - D E HAVILLAND's Experience". J ohn Glaser and George Hrycko, Structural Dynamics Group, de Havilland I nc.. 123 Garratt Blvd., Downsview, Ontario, M3Kl Y 5, Canada "Unsteady Ti re Dynami cs and the Appl i cati on Thereof to Shi mmy and Landi ng Load Computati ons", Kl aus Koenig, Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus GmbH, Hunefel dstraSe 1-5, Bremen, Germany [9] "Influence of Nonlinearity on the Shimmy Behaviour of Landing Gear", P. Woerner and 0. Noel. Messier-Dowty S.A.. Vtlizy, France [IO] "A Nonlinear Model for Landi ng Gear Shi mmy wi th A ppl i cati ons to the McDonnel l Dougl as F/A- 18A", J eff Baumann, Seni or Engi neer, Structural Dynamics and Loads, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace, P.O. Box 5 16, St. Louis, MO 63 1666-05 16, USA 1-1 SUMMARY PRELIMINARY DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF CARRIER AND LAND BASED FIGHTER LANDING GEARS B. M. Crenshaw Susan C. Brown Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems 86 South Cobb Drive, Marietta Ga. 30063 USA The differences in requirements of land based (LB) and carrier based (CB) aircraft landing gear are reviewed with respect to landing impact and ground surface roughness. Frequently the issue of operational roughness requirements vs. "taxi" requirements arises. More often, i t seems, attention is being focused on operational runway roughness requirements. The MIL- SPEC roughness amplitudes and wavelengths may not represent the operational capability of an aircraft when combined sources of loading are considered. There are severe loads on both main and nose gears during landing rollout on a rough runway surface if braking is used; however, levels of braking and roughness combinations are not always clearly defined in - procurement specifications. The more robust landing gears sized for carrier operations are examined to determine their potential operational performance for land based roughness levels when combined loads from rollout braking are considered. While the weight penalty associated with carrier qualified landing gears is commonly recognized, and weight efficiency requirements of fighter aircraft may ultimately outweigh cost considerations for commonality of landing gear components, i t is nevertheless worthwhile to consider methods for reducing costs through multiple application designs and parts usage. Although without great previous success, multi-service application of designs has long been an attractive concept. If severe runway roughness capability is considered as an operational requirement for land based gears, the weight obstacles to common landing gears may diminish. ~ - A hypothetical future fighter aircraft is utilized to compare runway roughness capability of gears sized for carrier landing and arrestment loads with gears sized exclusively for land based use, to compare relative landing gear weights, and to develop concepts of landing gears with the potential of multi-service usage. A simple forward retracting vertical post strut arrangement has been examined from a conceptual standpoint for low cost production in two stroke lengths. LIST OF SYMBOLS g L N S V W 8, '7x '7t acceleration of gravity -in./sec. squared aerodynamic lift (per strut) - lb. load factor - nondimensional strut stroke - in. sink speed - in./sec. weight per strut - lb. tire deflection - in. strut efficiency - nondimensional tire efficiency - nondimensional 1. INTRODUCTION An effective general approach to minimizing vibration effects on landing gear and preventing transmission of ground generated high frequency loads into other aircraft structure is to utilize the lowest practical tire pressures, and to keep the strut airspring constants low. To achieve these goals, thorough preliminary analysis is needed to avoid later "fixes" which can make the gears marginal energy absorbers for ground operations. All too frequently, landing gears and their retraction/extension mechanisms become overly complicated or compromised because the implications of structural requirements were not studied thoroughly enough during the initial aircraft layout to lay claim to the space and volume necessary to accommodate all landing gear needs. Sometimes inevitable aircraft growth or mission changes can require a tire size change or stroke adjustment, only to have an interfering bulkhead preclude a straightforward change. I n the tightly packed wheel wells of fighter aircraft, any unconservative gear sizing may even prevent such changes as slight casterkamber adjustments to improve tire wear life or trail adjustment to optimize shimmy stability. I t is therefore important to exercise all available computing and simulation techniques early in the aircraft preliminary design stage to ensure sufficient gear stroke and wheel well clearances to support the aircraft design maturing process without undue cast penalties to the landing gear or the necessity for compromise solutions. For a long period, landing gear loadhtroke characteristics were determined primarily by landing impact energy absorption requirements. Taxi loads Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on "The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear", held in Banfi Canada from 4-5 October 1995, and published in R-800. 1-2 were defined by a 2.0g requirement. Presently, specifications MIL-A-8862 and MIL-A-8863 include roughness definitions in terms of (1-cosine) dips or bumps plus requirements for steps and other obstacles. Transport aircraft designers usually concentrate on maximizing step bump capability and operations from semi-prepared surfaces. Because of the low landing and takeoff speeds of large transports, only the shorter (1-cosine) wavelengths (below perhaps 100 ft.) usually produce a speed/wavelength combination near enough to resonance to produce high gear and wing loads. At these short wavelengths, amplitudes are low. There is little published information available indicating how designers have addressed the longer wavelength roughness that becomes important at the higher landing and takeoff speeds of modem fighters. I t is particularly perplexing how gears are designed with enough damping to meet the MIL-A-8863 requirement if the aircraft is assumed to operate through resonant speed on a surface of "continuous" (1-cosine) bumps. Conversations with procurement representatives, with design and structures personnel, with test pilots, and with potential users have not indicated a consensus of opinions with respect to "design roughness" as contrasted with "operational capability." In almost all instances, current specification wording is generally vague in this respect, in some places using the term -- "operate to and from --I1 and in other places referring to taxi only, without braking. With this uncertainty as to operational requirements vs. aircraft capability in mind, i t was decided to select two sets of landing gears, one sized for carrier operation, and one sized for conventional land based operations for studying potential roughness capability as a function of strut stroke and design load level. The ground rules for carrier based gears and land based gears have been generally followed at a preliminary design level, concentrating on vertical strut loads. Thus other load sources such as tuming, pivoting, jacking, etc. have been ignored as they can be determined in connection with establishing gear strength, setting wall thicknesses, lug sizes, etc. No study of launch bar or holdback mechanisms has been made. Vertical struts have been assumed for computational simplicity. Non-vertical or articulated struts are expected to yield similar results for equivalent vertical axle strokes. 2. SI NK RATES AND LANDING GEAR ENERGY ABSORPTION The first step in sizing a landing gear is to establish the stroke length. For vertical struts, Currie, (Reference 1, p35) shows that: To calculate the gear stroke required vs. sink speed and load factor, the landing impact is assumed to occur at l g wing lift, and the term: W goes to zero. I f it is further assumed that a tire will be selected to produce 40% as much deflection as the shock strut, and that strut and tire efficiencies are 85% and 45% respectively, Equation 1 becomes: V 2 S = (3) . _ 0 45 0.85 1 +0.4(-)(2)(386)(0.85)N V 2 S = 795.16 N (4) Using Equation 4, a plot of stroke requirements for several load factors and sink rates can be developed as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 may be used as a guide in selecting strut strokes; however, a carrier based gear with a sink rate requirement of 20-25 fps. would not be designed for the lowest load factor shown because the stroke would be excessive, nor would a land based gear with a sink rate requirement of 10 fps. be designed to the highest load factor shown, because of the lack of sufficient stroke to absorb runway roughness. In keeping with current acceptable aircraft strut sizing, a preliminary design 25 inch stroke for carrier gears and a 12 inch stroke for land based gears was selected for further study. 1-3 Once preliminary stroke values are obtained, tires must be chosen. Reference 2 suggests that tires should have a deflection capability from static to fully compressed equal to the step bump height to be traversed; however, this is only practical for steps and short wavelength bumps. For longer roughness wavelengths with their large amplitudes, i t is believed to be reasonable to choose a tire with a total deflection capability of around 40 percent of the strut stroke as used in Equation 4. During preliminary designs, i t is usually sufficient to consult tire manufacturers' handbooks and select an existing tire if possible. For single tire struts, the tire must have the required maximum static load rating. A little more freedom exists for multiple tires in that there may be more sizes available which together will have the necessary load rating. I t is desirable to utilize as much tire deflection capability as practical, yet keep the volume occupied by the tires small enough to fit in a minimal size and crowded wheel well. For this preliminary study, an F-111 main tire was the only listed size found with both reasonable tire diameter and the required static load rating for the main gear. Dual C-130 size nose tires were selected, keeping in mind the heavy nose gear loading resulting from the carrier loading condition of free-flight engagement by the arresting cable. To maximize roughness amplitude capability of the study gears, the same tire sizes are used for both carrier and land based designs. - 3. RUNWAY ROUGHNESS Once strut stroke lengths and tire sizes have been selected, runway roughness response must be addressed. The procurement authority specifies roughness requirements, usually in terms of existing military specifications. I n the future the requirements will likely be those in MIL-A-87221. Figure 2 compares portions of these specifications for (1-cosine) discrete bumps for surfaces defined as either prepared or semi-prepared at wavelengths up to 400 ft. Further breakdowns in speeds below and above 50 knots are are made in MIL-A-87221; however, only speeds above 50 knots are considered in this study. Takeoff or landing dictates responses for higher speeds; but at 50 knots and lower "taxi" conditions, speed limitations are feasible for controlling roughness induced loads. Table 1 summarizes several requirements in addition to amplitude and wavelength. Of the three specifications considered (References 3-S), only MIL-A-8863 explicitly requires combined braking simultaneously with loads from the rough surfaces; however, it does not specify a level of braking to be used. MIL-A-8862 defines the profiles as "acceptable runway roughness" but does not mention braking. In addition, an altemative 2.0 x MLG static load and 3.0 x NLG static load criteria isallowed by MIL-A-8862. These alternate load levels allow very little energy absorption reserve to be used for braking. MIL-A-87221 is also considered ambiguous because i t specifies taxi analysis without braking in the taxi load section, but requires consideration of runway roughness in the braking section. A review of the structural design criteria for several modem fighter aircraft did not reveal any allowance for combined braking with taxi loads. I t should not come as a surprise, with the pressure to minimize landing gear weight, that gears designed to these specifications provide little braking capability over the defined runways, and "operational" roughness capability today remains largely an undefined quantity. I t is recommended that procurement documents in the future provide more specific definitions as to the level of "operational" runway roughness capability required. Any additional roughness capability above that achieved by current land based aircraft must come with some weight penalty. The next section of this paper attempts to quantify this penalty by comparisons with a gear sized for MIL-A-8863 carrier landing criteria based on a hypothetical aircraft. This comparison is done only at a preliminary design level and is intended to help quantify the potential weight penalty. I t remains a customer's decision to accept higher landing gear weight to achieve increased operational capability. 4. AIRCRAFT AND LANDING GEAR CONFIGURATION A hypothetical aircraft has been configured for this landing gear comparative study. The aircraft is not representative of any existing aircraft; however, an effort was made to achieve realistic proportions, weights, and size anticipated for future fighters. In addition to landing gear characteristics, the required parameters are landing and takeoff weight, pitching moment of inertia, wheel base, and main gear tread width. Tread width was chosen to ensure tumover requirements are met. An artist's concept of the aircraft is shown in Figure 3. Two single tire, forward retracting main gear struts are used. A dual tire nose strut is used for compatibility with carrier nose gear catapults. These configurations are illustrated in Figure 4. Both struts have simp]; forward retraction mechanisms, and are mounted laterally between spherical bearings to reduce bending loads transmitted to the airframe. On each gear, one bearing is locked. The lateral positioning of the side brace should isolate any spin-uphpringback and 1-4 antiskid vibrations from transmission into the aircraft structure through installed bearing tolerances. No details were considered for catapult attachment. Pertinent aircraft data is shown in Table 2. Figure 5 shows the struts in more detail. Gas separator pistons are used in each strut to minimize any pressure loss potential from gas going into solution in the hydraulic oil. There is no significant pressure differential across this separator to cause leakage. Although metering pins are shown, computations were carried out assuming a constant orifice size. Metering pins should offer some improvement in efficiency, with resultant lower loads, but would not be expected to affect relative comparisons of gear capability. Rebound damping using a flap valve below the strut upper bearing is used in all gears. Rebound damping generally follows recommendations given in Reference 6. Both main and nose struts are assumed to be of the same diameter for computational convenience. For a given Ioad/stroke curve, the strut diameter does not determine vertical load, i t establishes strut internal pressures. 5. LANDING LOADS Landing impact loads for land based gears are established for 10 fps sink rates. Sink rates for carrier landing gears are based on the multivariate analysis outlined in MIL-A-8863. For the study aircraft, this analysis results in a sink rate of 24.5 fps as shown by Figure 6, based on an approach speed of approximately 125 knots. Besides the landing impact loading, allowance must be made for tire encounters with carrier deck obstructions. Thus, additional tire deflection capability equal to the deck obstruction height needs to be provided. The main gear drop weight is calculated for an aft c.g. at design landing weight. The nme gear drop weight is calculated for the most forward c.g. plus a forward acting c.g. acceleration of 10 fps squared, to account for pitching following impact with a tail down aircraft attitude. Carrier nose gears are very highly loaded by the "free- flight engagement" condition where the tail hook catches an arresting cable at the instant of main gear contact while at low sink speed and a high angle of attack. For this design point, the nose gear must react impact loads plus absorb a large amount of aircraft rotational energy introduced by hook loads. Figure 7 shows landing impact load/stroke calculations for both land based and carrier based nose and main gears along with nae and main tire load deflections. Figure 8 shows drop test simulations for nose and main gears and free flight engagement simulation loads for the nose gear. Since aerodynamic characteristics of the hypothetical aircraft were not defined, a conservative tail down angle of 16 degrees was used for the free flight engagement simulation. 6. LANDING GEAR GROUND ROUGHNESS CAPABILITY COMPARISONS Evaluations of the roughness capability of these gears during landing rollout have been based on techniques developed for evaluating existing aircraft to operate from bomb damage repaired runways as reported in Reference 7. In this method, a matrix of aircraft velocity and roughness wavelength combinations is simulated and the maximum landing gear vertical loads are tabulated. For purposes of this comparison, the runway roughness amplitude is defined by the equations of MIL-A-8862 that express the roughness amplitude as a function of the wavelength. Velocity increments of five knots were used from 50 to 150 knots, along with wavelengths from 50 ft. to 400 ft. in 50 ft. increments. MIL-A-8862 specifies use of single and two bumps. I n this study, two bumps were assumed. Also only dips were simulated as dips are usually found in other studies to produce higher loads than corresponding bumps of equal amplitude. From the resultant 3-dimensional table of velocity, wavelength, and maximum gear load, contours of constant load level can be drawn, producing a graphical description of load trends. Contours of loads equal to or higher than limit load define combinations of roughness wavelength and airplane speed that must be avoided. For full capability over the entire speed/wavelength range, no load contour can exceed the limit vertical load of the landing gear. I f limit load exceedances are found, the bump amplitude can be reduced until the gear loads are within the limit load envelope. To minimize the number of computer simulations required, the amplitudes have been reduced by an equal percentage over the entire wavelength range studied. Thus when the results are discussed in terms of a percentage of the specification roughness amplitude, the quoted percentage represents the point at which the highest load wcurred, and more capability exists for other noncritical combinations of speed and wavelength. Initial simulations were made using conventional static to compressed 3:l compression ratio strut sizing. The land based gears sized for the alternate 2@3g criteria could not achieve more than approximately 55% of the semi-prepared roughness requirement based on single bumps and the carrier based gear could not reach 100% of the semi-prepared surface single bump requirements. The airspring curves were then recomputed using 1-5 increased inflation pressures and lower compression ratio values. Because of high preload pressures, these modifications represent what is believed to be the maximum capability for conventional single chamber gears with these stroke lengths. Figure 9 shows strut capability for these gears where sufficiently high roughness levels have been used to produce at least limit gear load over some portion of the speed/wavelength range studied. Unrestricted operations would require a lower roughness level where no limit loads would occur. Figure 9 (a) shows the land based 12-inch stroke gear results without braking. The roughness level was 45% of the MIL-A-8862 semi-prepared surface. High load levels were produced for both main and nose gears in the wavelength range above 300 ft. Since only limited semi-prepared surface roughness capability exists for the land base gear, braking simulations were made assuming only prepared surface roughness as shown in Figure 9 (b). A braking coefficient of 0.4 was assumed. Main gear loads were well below limit, but nose gear loads did exceed limit at the highest speeds around a wavelength of 100 ft. As configured in this study, the carrier sized 25-inch stroke gear could not achieve 2-bump capability to speeds and wavelengths. Figure 9 (c) shows that limit loads are reached in the 300 ft. and above wavelength range at 75% of the semi-prepared surface roughness level without braking. The carrier sized gear does have substantial braking capability over roughness as compared to the land based design. Figure 9 (d) shows that limit loads are just reached at 50% of the MIL-A- 8862 roughness level. - 100% of the MIL-A-8862 roughness level at all - Undoubtedly, additional changes could provide some improvement in the roughness tolerance of these gears; however, i t is not believed that the changes would affect the relative capabilities of the carrier and land based designs. One potential method of obtaining additional roughness capability is the use of double chamber struts. I n recognition of objections to double chamber struts by maintenance and gear overhaul personnel, this survey was limited to single chamber gears only. 7. WEIGHT COMPARISONS I t is not possible to estimate accurate landing gear weights until all load components, including drag, side, and miscellaneous loads are known and the gear design has progressed at least through the detail layout task. Consequently, parametric weight estimating techniques have been used to compare these gears as shown in Figure 10. For quantifying the weights, i t is believed that the conventional land based design would be in the range of 2.2% of aircraft weight. The 0.9% relative increment shown for the carrier based design is believed to approximate the additional landing gear weight necessary for 25 inch stroke gears to achieve full takeoff/landing/RTO capability on MIL-A-8862 paved runways and limited operational capability on semi-prepared surfaces. Full operational capability with braking over MIL-A-8862 semi-prepared surfaces with two bumps or over the MIL-A-8863 continuous (1-cosine) bumps could not be achieved with these struts as configured on the hypothetical aircraft. 8. REDUCING ROUGH FIELD LANDING GEAR COSTS Escalating costs of aircraft procurement requires that all possible methods of cost reduction be examined. For landing gears, this means design simplicity and commonality wherever possible. Cost and weight optimization must be considered jointly. Forging costs represent as much as 5 - 10% of total cost of modem landing gears. Applying design initiatives to maximize commonality of forgings between land and carrier based gears, and possibly between nose and main gear components can reduce production costs. To do so, the general arrangements of the land based and carrier based gears should be as similar as is practical. Using the same basic geometry and trunnion attach points can facilitate commonality of components and maximize interchangeability. Major structural components such as the shock strut cylinder and piston could perhaps be machined from common forgings. Forging dies cut to produce forgings for a 25 inch stroke gear could have excess material removed when producing 12 inch stroke gears. Common strut diameters could be achieved by machining to different wall thicknesses as necessary for higher carrier landing loads. Navy requirements now indicate Aermet 100 material, and this steel is presently a significant cost factor. Aermet 100 material removed during machining can be recovered to recoup some raw material cost. Minor structural components such as drag and side braces may also be made from common forgings, again being sized for the heavier gear design. Allowances for wider lugs should be made during the design process. Common trunnion pins may be used with a larger inner diameter for the land based gears and a smaller diameter for the carrier based gears. Retract and steering actuators may also be made from common forgings, allowing for larger piston areas for heavier gears. 1-6 Many nonstructural components may be designed to be interchangeable from carrier based to land based designs. By using equal piston diameters, common components such as separator pistons, gland nuts, and strut bearings may be incorporated. Also, system type components such as steering valves may be completely common. To benefit from design commonality, both carrier based landing gear requirements and the maximum operational runway/taxiway roughness should be considered at the beginning of the design process. History has shown that landing gears initially designed for land base use are impractical for carrier operations and entirely new designs are required. If carrier requirements are considered initially, the landing gear may be more easily adapted to multi role uses in the future and at the same time much higher roughness tolerance potential can be achieved. 9. CONCLUSIONS Specifications for landing gear design ground loads are not always explicit in describing operational requirements on rough runways. The lack of clarity of operational requirements with respect to braking levels while on rough surfaces can lead to designs with reduced operational capability, i. e. limited to unbraked taxi or free rollout where the possibility of roughness resonance exists. Navy carrier based aircraft specifications (MIL-A- 8863) require landinghakeoff operations from lower amplitude rough surfaces than the corresponding MIL- A-8862 surfaces; however, additional capability is inherent over corresponding Air Force gears from other requirements associated with Navy shipboard operations. When severe roughness combined with other load sources is considered, weight differences in Navy and Air Force landing gears may diminish. Airfield roughness capability of two landing gears with different stroke lengths using MIL-A-8862 roughness specifications have been compared for a hypothetical aircraft. The landing gears were sized by Air Force and Navy Landing Impact Criteria. The landing gear weight penalty to provide operational capability with braking to Air Force gears has been estimated from this comparison at approximately 0.9 percent of aircraft weight. 10. Recommendations Landing gear design and user technical personnel need to improve, clarify, and develop realistic ground roughness performance requirements definitions to avoid potential problems in landing gear/vehicle integration. Wheel well sizing should be based on the maximum stroke lengths and tire sizes that could be anticipated for future, perhaps multi service usage of the airframes. Future studies should focus on the inherent capabilities of gears designed for shipboard operations to establish benefits for use on rough runways. Additional work is needed to rapidly quantify landing gear weight as a function of required capability through improvements in automated loads and stress analysis. Modeling tools of this type must be available and utilized from the earliest design stages. I t is recommended that cost reduction methods, including simplified gear retraction geometry, be given high priority in the initial gear design. Sizeable cost savings might be realized, both in development and manufacturing with more progress toward standardized gear arrangements, and by reduced gear complexity which enable the use of common parts and forgings. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. REFERENCES Currie, Norman S., "Aircraft Landing Gear Design: Principles and Practices," A I M Education Series, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. , Washington, D. C., 1988, p.35. Williams, W. W., Williams, G. K., and Garrard, W. C. J. , "Soft and Rough Field Landing Gears," SAE Paper 650844, October, 1965. Airplane Strength and Rigidity, Landplane Landing and Ground Handling Loads, MIL-A- 8862A, March,l971. Airplane Strength and Rigidity, Ground Loads for Navy Acquired Airplanes, MIL-A- 8863B(AS), 6 May 1987. Aircraft Structures, General Specification For, MIL-A-87221, 28 February, 1985. Conway, H. G., "Landing Gear Design," Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, 1958. , p. 184 Anon, "Aircraft Operation on Repaired Runways," Report of Working Group 22 of the Structures and Materials Panel, NATO/AGARD, Pans France, AGARD-R- 731, August, 1990. 1-7 - - - - Figure 1. Stroke Requirements as a Function of Sink Rate and Load Factor. / 0 8862 25 f L; 20 n 3 k J 15 a I a m g 10 3 5 0 Braking Plus Roughness Landing Impact on Roughness 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 BUMP WAVELENGTH - FT. 87221 (a) Prcpared Surfaces Different Amplitude Requirements for Single and Double Bumps f 9 5 s [r W Y I- v) 0 5 10 15 20 25 SINK RATE - FT./sEC. 25 f L;1 20 L3 3 t -I 15 a I a 10 f m 5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 BUMP WAVELENGTH - FT. (b) Semi-prepared Surfaces Figure 2. Military Specification Roughness for Prepared and Semi-prepared Surfaces. TABLE 1. ADDITIONAL RUNWAY ROUGHNESS REQUIREMENTS MIL-SPEC Number of Bumps or Dips 8863 Continuous None Defined I No.. Taxi without Braking Braking over Roughness r 1-8 L& Large Roll and Pltch Anglea Hlgh Catapult and Arresting Loads Loads Free Fllght Engagement Deck Obstructlon Loads 1-9 MaximumWeight Landing Weight TABLE 2. STRUCTURAL DETAILS OF HYPOTHETICAL AIRCRAFT 100,000 Lb. 75,000 Lb. (65,000 CB) Landing Weight Pitch Inertia Longitudinal Distance, Nose Gear to Main Gear Main Gear Tread Width MaximumWeight Pitch Inertia I 1.13 E+09 Lb.-in. I 0.848E+09 Lb. in. 330 in. 180in. ~~ Forward C. G. Position Aft C. G. Position 61.8 in. forward of Main Gear 26.8 In. forward of Main Gear. C. G. Height Above Ground Tailhcok Location 100.78 in. 190.76 in. aft of C. G., 32.34 in. below C. G. I MinimumStatic Nose Gear Load I 8,121 Lb. Tipback Angle Turnover Angle (Forward C. G.) ~ ~~ MaximumStatic Nose Gear Load 15 Degrees 53.819 Degrees I 18,727 Lb. I Nose Gear Load with Braking (10 ft.1sec. Deal.) 28,211 Lb. MIL-A-8863, Soft Strut Single Chamber, GasIOil Separated MAIN GEAR NOSE GEAR ITEM MIL-A-8862, Soft Strut Single Chamber, GaslOil Separated MAIN GEAR NOSE GEAR Stroke Piston Dia.1Area Extended Pressure 25 in. 25 in. 12 in. 12 in. 6 in.128.274 in. 6 in.128.274 in. 6 in.128.274 in. 6 in.128.274 in. 844 psi 426 psi 886 psi 313 psi Extended Volume Tire Sizemumber Tire Pressure I 245 psi I 165 psi I lapsi I 60 psi 903 in.j 794 in.3 466 in.3 402 in.3 47 x 18 36PRl1 39 x 13 22PRf2 47 x 18 36PRl1 39 x 13 14PRl2 Unsprung Wt. (Est.) Orifice Coefficient 650 Ib. 275 Lb. 600 Lb. 200 Lb. 2.65 1.43 4.6 2.9 A, Tire Coefficient A2 Tire Coefficient 9918.0 17,710 (2 Tires) 7406.5 4742. (2 Tires) 1.259 1.022 1.237 1.269 Strut Preload Strut Bottoming Load 23,863 Lb. 12,045 Lb. 25,051 Lb. 8,850 Lb. 109,8S7 Lb. 109,736 Lb. 92,128 Lb. 56,729 Lb. Tire Static Load Rating 54,000 Lb. 24,600 Lb./Tire 54,000 Lb. 24,600 Lb./Tire 1-10 Front View (a) Main Gear Main Gear Retracted Front View (b) Nose Gear Figure 4. Landing Gear Arrangement. 1-1 1 \I SPACER I - METERING PIN UPPER BEARING SEPARATOR PISTON LOWER BEARING , AIR CHAMBER SPACER / Figure 5. Landing Gear Strut Concepts. 1-12 Figure 6. Carrier Based Sink Speed as a Function of Approach Speed. 25 1 20 to .r X m A 15 W o a: g 10 5 6 5 a: 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 STRUT STROKE - IN. (a) Nose Struts 10 2 0 !!! n z I- o LL W W E 0 5 10 15 20 TIRE FORCE - LB. X I O4 (c) Nose Tire Curves '- 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 APPROACH SPEED - KNOTS P 20 x z 15 W o a: 8 10 5 a: I- a 5 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 STRUT STROKE - IN. (b) Main Struts 12 2 0 !!! n z I- o LL W 0 5 10 15 20 TIRE FORCE - LB. X I O 4 (d) Main Tire Curves Figure 7. Strut and Tire Load-Deflection Characteristics. 1.28+5 24.5 FPS Drop CB Gear 1.48+5 1-13 - - - - - - 1.68+5 , I Main Limit Load Nose Limit Load 57, Lb. I I I I I I I I I 1 .Oe+5 8.0e+4 W 0 U 0 6.08+4 U. I- 3 E 4.0e+4 v) 2.08+4 6 U O.Oe+O 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 .....-.-.. I- 2 6.0e+4 f,,,..-,- :: I- v) 10 FPS Drop LB Gear 4.0e+4 2.08+4 O.Oe+O 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 STRUT STROKE IN. STRUT STROKE - IN. (a) Nose Gear (b) Main Gear Figure 8. Drop Test and Free-Flight Engagement Simulations. AIRCRAFTVELOCITY - KNOTS Nose Gear AIRCRAFT VELOCITY - KNOTS Main Gear Figure 9 (a). Land Based Gear Capability over Two Bumps at 45 Percent MIL-A-8862 Semi-prepared Roughness. 1-14 350 - 300 - 250 - 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Main Limit Load 92,000 Lb. 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140150 AIRCRAFT VELOCITY - KNOTS Nose Gear $ 250 - 6 3 200 - cn f 150 - 3 z 2 100 - 50 400 ; Nose Limit Load 130,000 Lb. I I I I I I I I I I 250 - a 3 200 - 3 z g 100 - cn f 150 - 50 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140150 AIRCRAFT VELOCITY - KNOTS Main Gear Second Contour: 150K ... Main Limit Load 180,000 Lb. I I I I I I I I I Figure 9 (b). Land Based Gear Capability over MIL-A-8862 Prepared Surface Roughness with 0.4 Braking Coefficient. 400 t 350 I 5 300 LL! W Figure 9 (c). Carrier Based Gear Capability over 75 Percent MIL-A-8862 Semi-prepared Roughness. 1-15 400 k 350 300 $ 250 a 200 v) v) W 5 150 2 8 100 50 Second Contour: 90K Nose Limit Load 130,000 Lb. I I I i I l l l l 400 k 350 300 250 s a ; 200 W i f 150 s g 100 50 Second Contour: 150K Main Llmk Load 180,000 Lb. I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140150 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130140150 AIRCRAFTVELOCITY KNOTS AIRCRAFTVELOCITY - KNOTS Nose Gear Main Gear Figure 9 (d). Carrier Based Gear Capability over 50 Percent MILA-8862 Semi-prepared Roughness with 0.4 Braking Coefficient. 3.5% I I 3.0% Figure 10. Landing Gear Weight Comparisons. 2- I A REVIEW OF AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR DYNAMICS SUMMARY WILLIAM E. KRABACHER WL/FIVMA Building 45 WRIGHT LABORATORY WRIGHT PATTERSON AFB 2130 Eighth Street, Suite 1 Ohio 45433-7542, USA A review of two different landing gear shimmy mathematical models is presented. One model uses the Moreland tire model and the other model uses the Von Schlippe-Dietrich tire model. The results of a parametric study using these models is presented indicating the sensitivity of various parameters to numerical variation. An identification of stability critical parameters in the models is given. Three different aircraft landing gear shimmy data sets are reviewed and model stability predictions are discussed. A comparison is made with actual experimental results. One of these data sets indicates the nonlinear variation of various input parameters as a function of strut stroke. In the course of the presentation some design rules and cautions are . - suggested. LIST OF SYMBOLS The definitions of the various parameters used in the mathematical models are defined below. Except as noted, the parameters are used in both the Moreland and the Von Schlippe-Dietrich models. C - Tire Yaw Coefficient (radllb) (Moreland Model Only) C, - Moreland Tire Time Constant (sec) (Moreland Model Only) h - Half Length of the Tire Ground Contact Patch (in) (Von Schlippe-Dietrich Model Only) L, - Tire Relaxation Length (in) (Von Schlippe-Dietrich Model Only) C, - Structural Rotation Damping Coefficient (Rotation of Mass about the Trail Arm Axis) (in-lb-sechad) CD - Tire Lateral Damping Coefficient (lb-sec/in) C, - Structural Lateral Damping Coefficient (lb-sedin) C, - Rotational Velocity Squared Damping Coefficient (Rotation about the Strut Vertical Axis) (in-lb-sec2/rad2) OR Linear Viscous Damping Coefficient (in-lb-sechad) CFl - Friction Torque (in-lb) CF2 - Coefficient of Friction Torque as a Function of Side Load at the Ground (in-lbAb) FP - Peak to Peak Torsional Freeplay of the Gear about the Strut Vertical Axis (rad) I - Mass Moment of Inertia of the Rotating Parts about the Axle (in-lb-sec2/rad) I, - Equivalent Mass Moment of Inertia of the Lumped Mass System about the Trail Arm Axis (in-lb-sec*/rad) I, - Equivalent Mass Moment of Inertia of the Lumped Mass System about the Strut Vertical Axis (in-lb-sec2/rad) K, - Rotational Spring Rate about the Trail Arm Axis Measured at the Wheel/Axle Centerline (in-lb/rad) K, KD - Cross Coupled Spring Rate (lb) - Tire Lateral Spring Rate (lb/in) K, - Lateral Spring Rate of the Structure at the Trail Arm and Strut Vertical Centerline Intersection (lb/in) K, - Torsional Spring Rate of the Structure about the Strut Vertical Centerline with the Damper Locked (in-lbhad) Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear, held in Ban8 Canada from 4-5 October 1995, and published in R-800. 2-2 K,, - Torsional Spring Rate of the Steering Actuator about the Strut Vertical Centerline (in-lb/rad) L - Mechanical Trail Length, defined as the Normal Distance from the Axle Centroid to the Strut Vertical Centerline (in) Lo - Geometric Trail =R+sin(y) m - Equivalent Lumped Mass of the Wheel, Tire, and Fork (lb-sec2/in) -. m, - Equivalent Lumped Mass of the Fork (lb-sec2/in) R - Rolling Radius of the Wheelmire (in) V - Aircraft Forward Taxi Velocity (idsec) W - Landing Gear Vertical Reaction (lb) H - Tire Moment Coefficient (in-lb/rad) y - Attitude of the Gear, Positive Wheel Forward (rad) Other symbols used in the analysis FN - Ground Reaction Normal to the Wheel Plane (lb) T - Torque Moment about the Strut Vertical Axis due to Torsional Spring Rate of the Structure (in-lb) 1. INTRODUCTION In an earlier paper (1). a rudimentary outline was presented for the development of an international standard for dealing with various types of landing gear dynamics problems such as shimmy, gear walk, judder. antiskid brake induced vibrations, dynamic response to rough runways, tire-out-of-round, and wheel imbalance. The purpose of the present paper is to sharpen the focus of the previous paper by presenting a detailed analysis of the specific problem of landing gear shimmy. The main content of this paper will be to review two different landing gear mathematical models, to present the results of a parametric study performed on a fighter aircraft nose gear indicating the sensitivity of various parameters in the model to variation', to discuss a few parameters critical to gear stability, to review some aircraft landing gear data sets indicating in one case the non- linear variation of the various input parameters as a function of strut stroke, and to review mathematical model stability predictions for these data sets. 2. THE MATHEMATICAL MODELS Seventeen years ago the author developed a mathematical analysis for determining the shimmy stability boundaries of an aircraft nose landing gear. Over the intervening years, this analysis has evolved into a user friendly, robust computer program that has been quite useful in the prediction of aircraft landing gear shimmy problems. In presenting these mathematical models, it should be made clear that no claim is made to these models being the best or most sophisticated ones that can be used. The only claim made is that these models have been consistently successful in the prediction of shimmy problems on the aircraft studied. From the landing gear structural standpoint, the two models to be presented are completely identical. The only difference between the two models is that one uses the Moreland tire model (2) and the other uses the Von Schlippe-Dietrich tire model (3)(4). The mathematical equations of motion for the Moreland tire model are given by 1. m+dv/dt2 - (m - m,)+L+d%/dtZ = FN - K,*y - K,+a - C,+dy/dt 2. I s+d20/dt2 =T +(V/R)+I +dddt - H+W - FN*(L +Lo) +(m - a+L +dy/ dtZ - W+(A - R+a)*sin(y) 3. I,*dzddt2 =- K, +a - K,*y - C,+dddt - (V/R)+I+dO/dt - F,+R*cos(Y) - W*(A - R+a)+cos(y) 4. C,'d2A/dt2 =- dyfdt - dNdt +R*dddt +(L +Lo)+dO/dt - V+O - C,+d5/dtz +C,*R+d2ddtz +C,+(L +L0)*d%/dt2 - C'+V+dO/dt V+C+FN ~ ~~ ' Due to space limitations, a discussion of how each parameter in the mathematical models is obtained will be deferred to another paper. (Note: For a general layout of the coordinate system used refer to Figure 1 below. Both models use the same coordinate system.) 2-3 5. T = - KT*[ 10- 0, I - FP]*[O - 0, I/[ 10- 0, I ] - [ CFl +CF2*FN]*[dO/dt]/[ IdWdt) ] 7. FN =KD*A +CD* dNdt 8. VI = (lN)*[dy/dt +dA/dt - R*da/dt - (L. +Lo)*dO/dt +V*O J where the degrees of freedom of the model are y - Strut Lateral Deflection at the Intersection of the Strut Vertical Centerline and the Centerline of the Trail Arm 0 - Torsional Rotation about the Strut Vertical Centerline 0, - Torsional Rotation at the Steering Actuator /Damper a - Tire Roll Rotation about the Fore-Aft Axis through the Trail Ann i - VI - Tire Torsional Rotation about the Vertical 1 - I Axis through the Axle Centerline A - Tire Contact Patch Centerline Lateral Deflection with respect to Wheel Center Plane Intersection at the Ground 1 - ~ The mathematical equations of motion for the Von Sohlippe-Dietrich tire model are given by 1. m*d%/dtz - (m - mJ *L*dzO/dt2 = F, - K,*y - K,*a - C,*dy/dt 2. I,*dzO/dt =T +(V/R)*I*da/dt - H*\V - FN*(L +Lo) +(m - mJ *L*d%/dt2 -W*(yo - y +(L +Lo)*@ -R*a)*sin(y) 3. Ip*dza/dtz =- K,*a - K,*y - C,*dddt - (V/R)*I*dO/dt FN*R*cos(~) - W*b0 - y +(L +Lo)*@ -R*u)*cos(~) 4. {[(3*LR +h)*h2]/[ 6*V]}*d3yyddt3 = - yo +y (L +Lo)*@ +(LR +h)*O - [(LR +h)NI *dY ddt - [(2*L, +h)/(2+V2)]*d%ddt2 5. T = - KT*[ 10- 0, I - FP]*[O - 0, I/[ 10- 0, I ] - [ CFl +CF2*FN]*[dO/dt]/[ IdO/dtl ] 7. FN =KD*Qo y +(L +Lo>*@) +C,*(dyddt - dy/dt +(L +LJ *dO/dt) 8. VI =[l N]*[ dyddt - R*da/dt +V*O] It is noted for reference (See Figure 1) that a special equation can be derived which connects the Moreland Tire Model parameter A with the Von Schlippe- Dietrich parameter yo. This equation is I -4 v I FIGURE 1 A*cos(@) yo - y +(L +L&*sin(O) or, making the small angle assumptions, cos(@) =1.0 and sin(@) =0, it follows that The degrees of freedom of this model are y - Strut Lateral Deflection at the Intersection of the Strut Vertical Centerline and the Centerline of the Trail Arm 0 - Torsional Rotation about the Strut Vertical Centerline 0, - Torsional Rotation at the Steering ActuatorDamper a - Tire Roll Rotation about the Fore-Aft Axis through the Trail Arm - Tire Torsional Rotation about the Vertical Ax i s through tha AxleCenterhe yo - Lateral Distance from the Fore-AI? Axis of Undeflected Forward Motion to the Center Point of the Ground Contact Area The method of initial excitation in both models is to give 8 an initial valw. of 5.0 degrees. In comparing these two mathematical models, it will benoted that the only difference between them is essentially which equation is used to describe the tire motion. when t hi s shimmy snalysis was originally developed, only the Moreland Tire Model was UgCd md most of the landing gears analysed with this analysis had Momland tire data available. About ten years after the original analysis was developed, a landing gear needed to be analysed for which only Von Schlippe-Dietrich tire data was available. Due to the prior -sa of the origbl analysis, it was decided to retain theoriginal structural analysis portion md only modify the tire model portion. The result is the Von Schlippe-Dietrich version presented in this pper. An important result of obtaining this second analysis is that now a direct comparison of the accuracy of the two tire models can be obtained since all structural considerations am exactly identical for the two anal yses. Recently, it became known that an empirical procedure existed which could approximate either tire model's shimmy pnrameters from the availability of thia prowdurc londs itself to providing a basis for a direct wmparison of the two models' prediction capabilities. Some preliminary comparisons of analysis predictions have been conducted on a fighter known to have shimmy problems. However, at this timeit is felt that these wmpisom are too few to make any general statements on trends found in these comparisons. To provide examples of the type of output hMwnrofti rssi z. andi nEl ati onp~(5). Ths obtained from the two computer analyses based upon the above two sets of differential equations, reference is made to Figures 2, 3,4. and 5 below. These four graphs are plots of the y - L*O variable for the cases of a stable landing gear, a gear in linut cycle oscillation. a gear in divergent shimmy. and a gear in severe divergent shimmy. The two computer analyscs also output the 8, e,, a, A or y, and torque T variables in similar graphical plots. S H I M DAMPED OUT TIME (SEC) I FIGURE 2 LIMIT CYCLE SHIMMY 1 TIME (SEC) FIGURE 3 MVERGENTSHIW FIGURE 4 2-5 FIGURE 5 3. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF PARAMETER VARIATION About fifteen years ago, a sensitivity analysis was conducted using some fighter nose landing gear data and the Moreland Tire Model version of the shimmy analysis. While the results of this study are only totally accurate for the aircraft analysed, it has been found that the general trends in this study have been a valuable guide in analysing other nose landing gear. The data defining this nose landing gear from a shimmy standpoint is presented in Table 1 under the - - - - column for Fighter A.' Defining the values in this table as the nominal values of the gear, the parametric study was conducted by incrementally varying one parameter at a time and increasing its value until its value was 1.5 times its nominal value. The computer output from the variation of each parameter was reviewed for stability effects and graded according to the scale: greatly increases stability, increases stability, slightly increases stability, no change, slightly decreases stability, decreases stability, greatly decreases stability. Using this scale the following results were obtained. C - Increases Stability C, - Increases Stability C, - Slightly Increases Stability C, - Increases Stability C, - Increases Stability C, - Slightly Decreases Stability I - Decreases Stability until I =1.6 and then Increases Stability - Decreases Stability - Decreases Stability until I, =2.25 and then Increases Stability - Greatly Increases Stability - Decreases Stability - Increases Stability - Increases Stability - Greatly Decreases Stability - Greatly Decreases Stability' - Greatly Increases Stability - Decreases Stability until m =.225 and then Neutral Stability - Increases Stability - Slightly Decreases Stability - Greatly Decreases Stability - Greatly Increases Stability - Slightly Increases Stability - Slightly Increases Stability - Decreases Stability 4. LANDING GEAR STABILITY CRITICAL PARAMETERS In one particular shimmy investigation involving a trainer nose landing gear a problem was uncovered that identified stability critical parameters". Specifically, the vendor supplied a complete set of * The some of the original values used in the parametric study were accidentally lost. The values listed in Table 1 are approximately correct. However, they should not be used in the analysis in an attempt to reconstruct the results cited here. The results of this study should be viewed simply as a general indicator of how dynamic response may change as a parameter value is altered. Since the nominal value of L for this landing gear is 0.8 inches, the maximum value used in this sensitivity study is 1.2 inches. Therefore, greatly decreasing stability makes physical sense in this case. Generally, positive trail values below 3 inches tend to be destabilizing. ' The term stability critical parameter is taken to mean that this parameter will produce greatly varying analysis prediction results for small changes in the parameter value. ' The actual experimentally measured data for this trainer is presented in Table 1. n 2-5 I' landing gear shimmy analysis data which was entered into a data fde for the shimmy analysis. When the adysi s was executed, the analysis indicated the gear would shear off in the f i t qwter-cycle. ( Refer to Figure 5 above for a plot of the actual dynamic response predicted by the analysis.) Since this level of unstable dynamic response had never been encountered before, it was d e t e b d that something must be wrong with the data. After the vendor supplied four addi ti o~l data sets, all of which alw predicted the gear would-shear off in the f i t quarter- cvcle. an investination wna conducted bv comuarina 5. SETS AND STABILITY PREDICTIONS REVIEW OF LANDING GEAR DATA Table 1 below provides the shimmy data sets for t wo different fighter (Fighter B and Fighter C) and one trainer aircrnft that have been analysed for shimmy behavior. These three aircraft were selected t i e ~BI UCS of the-data in these five data-sets with ti e data sets from other aircraft nose landing gears to determine the physical realism of the data. Using theabove introduced parametric study as a guide, focua quickly narrowed onto the value of the parameter K, since its vnriation greatly alters the analysis predictions. The " I t determined was that in nll five data sets supplied the value of K,, dati ve to the values of K, for other Innding gem was in error by Wig two orders of magnitude too large. It was decided t o mensure the &ess values of & , K, , K, , and IC, na well na the torsional freeplay of the gear on an actus1 aircraft (6). The outcome of this measurement process was that in all five sets of vendor supplied data, these four stitfnosaes were grossly at odds with what was experimentilly measured on the actual aircraft. Thc experimentally mensured d u e s of I<r. K,, and K, were approximately one order of magnitude smaller and the K, parameter was two orders of magnitude smaller thanthe values supplied in the dnta sets. While thir psrticul.r vendor did not have a tinite element analysis capability for detedni ng these parameha. it should be pointed out that subsequent encountem with thew parameters on other aircraft nose landing gem has generally established that fi ate element analyses tend to error on the high side in deumrinirrg these four parameters. Therefore, since these parameters arc stability critical, considerable caution should be used in determining values for them in the design stage of the gear. As an additional caution, a band around each such determined value should be established md investigated in theanalysis to insure no stability boundaries are crosssd within t hi s band or in the combination of bands of these parameters. In I 7m I IU IOPRTXII PO I TABLE 1 because of a desire to pvi de examples of both shimmying and non-shimmying Innding gear. Each of these dnta sets will be reviewed and their shimmy charncteristics discussed. The Trainer data set is an example of a stable 2-7 landing gear when the values listed in Table 1 are used in the shimmy analysis. An example of the typical dynamic response of this landing gear is provided in Figure 6 below for the 0 variable. (Note: 0 in this figure is in degrees.) It is noted that this gear is very stable as there is little dynamic response to the initial 5 degree deflection of 0. FIGURE 6 The Fighter B data set is one of the most complete data sets for a landing gear that the author possesses. This set contains 11 charts that show the nonlinear variation of 11 of the input parameters to the shimmy analysis. Also included are charts 12 and 13 which show the load stroke curve of the shock strut and the load on the gear as a function of aircraft forward ground speed. In an earlier paper (3, an investigation was conducted to determine the overall effect of these nonlinear variations on the predicted stability boundaries of the analysis in comparison to the experimentally determined shimmy stability boundaries of the gear. The manner in which this investigation was conducted was to have the analysis execute 5 knot increment runs starting with 15 knots and incrementing up to 150 knots. At each speed increment, the analysis would determine the load on the gear from chart 13. Depending on the particular parameter, the analysis would either then calculate the parameter directly or it would determine the stroke position from chart 12 and then calculate the desired parameter. After all 11 parameters were so calculated, the analysis would execute and the dynamic response of the gear would be determined. From the analysis results, the shimmy speed was then taken to be the lowest speed at which the analysis indicated sustained limit cycle oscillation of the gear. This procedure was repeated at increments of 0.05 degrees of torsional freeplay from 0.5 to 1.2 degrees. As a comparison, a static analysis of the gear was also performed to evaluate the prediction variations. The static analysis was conducted by selecting the 11 parameter values at the static stroke position of the gear and incrementing the taxi speed in 5 knot increments from 15 to 150 knots while holding these 11 parameters constant. Again the shimmy speed was taken as the lowest speed at which the analysis indicated sustained limit cycle oscillation of the gear. The comparison between the dynamic and static analyses predictions are shown in chart 14. Also included in this chart are the actual experimentally determined shimmy boundaries of the gear. The lower experimental boundary shows when shimmy onset occurred in the gear and the upper experimental boundary indicates strong limit cycle oscillation shimmy. It is particularly interesting to note that the dynamic analysis boundary follows the contour of the shimmy onset boundary quite closely and consistently errors slightly on the conservative side. Whereas, the static analysis boundary lies above the shimmy onset curve below 0.85 degrees of freeplay and errors increasingly on the conservative side as the torsional freeplay increases from 0.85 degrees to 1.20 degrees. Both the dynamic and static analyses indicated the shimmy frequency to be 27 HZ and this was conf i i ed in experimental measurement. The overall implication of these findings seems to suggest that the dynamic modelling of the gear as described above will significantly improve the accuracy of the analysis predictions and that nonlinear parameter variation is an important consideration in obtaining an accurate shimmy analysis of a landing gear. The Fighter C data set in Table 1 is provided for the 4 inch stroke position which corresponds to the static stroke position of the gear. Figures 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 show typical dynamic response of this nose gear. Figures 7, 8, 9, and 10 are plots of the y - L*O or lateral displacement variable at the point A for the taxi speeds of 80, 90, 95, and 100 knots respectively. (Note: In these figures what is called the x - L + 0 variable is identical to what is referred to as the y - L * 0 variable in this paper.) Figures 11, 12, 13, and 14 are the plots of the 0 or torsional rotation about the strut vertical axis variable at these same taxi speeds. (Note: 0 in degrees.) 2-8 I - t I mURE7 FIGURE 8 FIGURE 9 I - t .. I i FIGURE 11 b H k FIGURE 12 FIGURE 13 FIGURE 10 FIGURE 14 2-9 In comparin these graphs it is noted that as the taxi speed increases from 80 to 90 knots a progressively longer period of time is required for the vibration to damp out. At 95 knots the gear has the onset of limit cycle shimmy. At 100 knots the limit cycle shimmy is definitely established. From these time histories it is seen that the shimmy oscillation frequency is about 27.06 HZ at 95 knots. When the actual aircraft was tested, it was found that the nose gear went into a sudden onset of shimmy at 92 knots and had a frequency of 27.5 HZ. Repeated testing of this landing gear, yielded reasonably consistent repeatability at this shimmy speed and frequency. In the course of the shimmy investigation for Fighter C, one very important pi nt came to light concerning the measurement of landing gear shimmy parameters. The vendor's original analysis consistently indicated that this landing gear was stable at all taxi speeds. The analysis provided by the author indicated the 95 knot shimmy event at 27.06 HZ. The question arose as to what was different between the two analyses. After review of the input data a primary cause of this difference was established. The stability critical parameters KT, K,, IC,, and K, used in the vendor's analysis were obtained by rigidly mounting the landing gear in a fixture and measuring the resulting parameters. Whereas, the author's analysis took into consideration the softening effects of the landing gear mounted in a flexible fuselage and reduced the stiffness values supplied by the vendor. The amount of this reduction was largely based on experience with other landing gear. - - - - - - The reason for taking fuselage flexibility effects into consideration was based on some data obtained in another landing gear shimmy investigation. UT CRA L l ? RWO RATE 0 2 4 8 8 10 12 14 16 81ROK1-IWCUCB FROM FULLY Bl TeUDED FIGURE 15 Referring to Figure 15, it is seen th t the lateral stiffness values obtained for a landing gear rigidly mounted in a fixture (in the chart, strut only (measured)) vary from one and a half to three times the values of the lateral stiffness actually measured on a landing gear mounted on the aircraft. This comparison establishes the fact that backup structural flexibilities of the airframe must be taken into consideration when the four stability critical stiffness values are determined. In addition to this primary cause of the difference between analysis predictions, a secondary cause was also established. The vendor's analysis assumed a value of 6% of critical damping as the magnitude of the structural damping available. Whereas, based upon personal experience with the variablity of available structural damping, the author decided to assume that the maximum amount of available damping was 1% of critical. At the time, the main reason for this selection was a desire to select a damping value that would expose any potential sensitivities the gear may have toward shimmying. Further support for this position was established after the fact when Denis J. Feld published his results on an analytical investigation of landing gear shimmy damping (8). The essential conclusion of the analytical investigation was that the amount of available damping at any instant during a taxi run could vary from 1% to 10% of critical viscous damping. Therefore, at the beginning of any landing gear shimmy investigation an assumption of 1% critical damping is a reasonable starting point. Before departing from Figure 15, another subject is in need of mention. In the discussion of landing gear stability critical parameters above in section 4, it was pointed out that caution should be exercised when obtaining stability critical stiffness values because the finite element analysis predictions for these values tend to error on the high side. The proof of this error is established in the above figure for the strut only (calculated) case where it is seen that the largest error in stiffness values occurs between the calculated values and the strut mounted on an actual airframe. 6. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, a detailed analysis of the specific problem of landing gear shimmy was presented in which the two mathematical models described have been consistently successful in the prediction of landing gear stability characteristics to date. One of 2-10 these models uses the Moreland Tire model and the other uses the Von Schlippe-Dietrich Tire model. A classification of the various types of analysis output was given which consisted of a stable gear, a gear with limit cycle oscillation shimmy, a gear with divergent shimmy, and a gear with severe divergent shimmy. The results of a sensitivity study based on Fighter A's landing gear data was given. The parameters KT, K,, K,, and K, were identified as being stability critical in the analysis of gear shimmy. The Trainer data set described a stable landing gear. The Fighter B data set described a gear with limit cycle oscillation shimmi at a frequency of 27 HZ which was verified experimentally. Finally, the Fighter C data set analytically described a gear also with limit cycle oscillation shimmy at 95 knots with a frequency of 27.06 HZ. Experimentally, this gear went into limit cycle oscillation at 92 knots with 43 frequency of 27.5 HZ. In the course of the presentation a number of important points were made. First, the Fighter B data set indicated the nonlinear variation of 11 input parameters to the shimmy analysis and suggested'that dynamic modelling of the gear will significantly improve the accuracy of the overall analysis predictions. The Fighter C data set established the importance of taking into consideration the backup fuselage flexibilities when determining the stability critical parameters KT, K,, IC,, and IC,. This data set also suggested that an initial assumption of 1% of critical viscous damping is a good manner in which to expose the potential senstivities of a landing gear to shimmy. Lastly, the tendency of finite element analyses to error on the high side when calculating the stability critical parameters was established. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR DYNAMICS PRESENT AND FUTURE, William E. Krabacher, SAE Technical Paper Series 93 1400 (1 993). 2. Moreland, J ournal of the Aeronautical Sciences, THE STORY OF SHIMMY, William J . pp. 793-808 (1954). 3. Von Schlippe and R. Dietrich ATI-18920 (1941) Subsequently printed as NACA TM 1365 SHIMMYING OF A PNEUMATIC WHEEL, B. 4. CORRELATION, EVALUATION, AND EXTENSION OF LINEARIZED THEORIES FOR TIRE MOTION AND WHEEL SHIMMY, Robert F. Smiley NACA TR 1299 (1957) 5. EMPIRICAL ESTIMATION OF TIRE PARAMETERS, Raymond J. Black, paper presented at S a Committee A-5 Meeting, 28 April 1980, Renton, Washington 6. THE EXPERIMENTAL. MEASUREMENT OF THE T-46 NOSE LANDING GEAR SHI MMY PARAMETERS, William E. Krabocher, ASDENFSL, Wright Patterson AFB, OH (1986) (In-House Publication) 7. E. Krabacher, ASDENFSL, Wright Patterson AFB OH (1 98 1) (In-House Publication). A DYNAMIC SHIMMY ANALYSIS, William 8. AN ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF DAMPING OF LANDING GEAR SHIMMY, Denis J. Feld, SAE Technical Paper Series 902015 (1 990). C TI RE YAW COEFFI CI ENT x 0 . q : : : ~ : ~: : : ~ : , O Q 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 NL G VERTI CAL LOAD Xl O" 3 LB C 1 TIRE TI ME C O N S T A N T b 2 E l 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 NLG V E R T I C A L L OAD X1 0 + + 3 LB 2-1 1 P 6 - - Y 5-- r 4- - 23- Y 1 - 2 - 0 7 - - - I CD - TI RE LATERAL DAMP IN G 5 T U O 1 t 0 q 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 LOAD X l O 3 LB I -T3 I K3 TORSI ONAL STI FFNESS n r a 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 NLG STRUT STROKE (INCHES FROM FULLY EXTENDED) KD TIRE LATERAL SPRING RATE 2000 500 x 0 - 0 2 4 6 8101214 NGVwTl CAL LQAD X lO3 LB CF1 FRI CTI ONAL TORQUE 700 600 500 400 300 100 ii 200 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 NLG VERTI CAL LOAD Xl O 3 LB K4 CROSS COUPLED SPRI NG RATE 3 45 40 1 3 5 7 9 1 1 1 3 1 5 NLG VERTICAL LOAD X10nn3 LB KS LATERALSPRING RATE 2-12 KT TORSI ONAL SPRI NG RA TE n 2 400 3 300 k p 200 ;;; 100 4 0 0 - E 0 2 -4 6 8 10 12 14 16 NLG ST RUT STROK E ( I NCHES FROM FULLY EXTENDED) 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 NLG VERTICAL LOAD X 10.3 LB MUT TI RE MOMENT COEFFICIENT TAXI SPEED - LOAD CURVE m 12000 9 10000 2 8000 6000 0 - d 4000 2000 ' 0 0 40 80 120 160 GROUND SPEED (KNOTS) RR TIRE ROLLING RADIUS 10.5 10 n 5 9.5 U = 9 -.-. . , . , . . . . 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 NLG VERTICAL LOAD X10^'3 LBS 40 35 5 30 25 b jz 20 3 l5 5 10 5 L 04 I I ,Tm I I I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 NLO STROKE (I NCHES FROM FULLY EXTENDED) SHI MMY ONSET \ J STRONG SHI MMY / 0 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 12 TORSIONAL FREEPLAY (DEG) I CHART13 I 3- 1 - Total Length 10.90 m Height 3.91 m SUMMARY Range Self-Induced Oscillations of Landing Gear as an Integral Landing Gear Aircraft System Problem 800 nm W.Luber, G.Kempf, A.Krauss Owration Ceiling Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG Military Aircraft LME24 8 1663 Munich Germany 3 1 .ooo ft Present paper is treating ,.ree topics: Load Factor Two of the topics deal with seemingly self-induced oscillations observed during aircraft and subsystem development tests. The third topic gives a short overview on procedures to treat shimmy as a "flexible landing gear on flexible aircraft'' problem. The topic treated in section 2 (Shimmy on Nose Landing Gear) presents a case observed in taxi tests of a prototype aircraft. Although specific shimmy calculations were not performed for this case. there are indications that a purely lateral/torsional tyre model would possible not have shown the instability observed. Appendix A gives some evidence therefor. Section 3 (Brake Torque Oscillations at Brake Initiation) treats a case, where quasi self-induced oscillations are caused by interaction of tyre circumferential force characteristics with the brake control system. Usual means to suppress shimmy (e.g. dampers, modification of landing gear geometry) are ineffective in this case. Landing gear vibrations may cause a variety of problems in the rest of the aircraft. Section 4 (Integral Landing Gear/Aircraft Problem) presents a summary of potential problem ramifications. It also gives a short overview on a viable approach to treat landing gear shimmy in context with aircraft structure. - - - - 4 1 - 3 g 1. INTRODUCTION Static Thrust at Take Off An aircraft landing gear system has to be designed to meet various requirements covering all ground-based operations. I t is a complex non-linear system which incorporates many sub-components often procured of sources which can produce structural dynamics and loading effects on the gear as well on the aircraft. The landing gear must be capable to carry heavy weight for take off operations, hard impact of the landing as well as the kinetic energy of forward motion on landing to bring the aircraft safely to rest. Due to the long terms of developing an aircraft reducing the risk of redesign and 14.2 kN the cost of testing it is desirable to be able to predict the dynamic behaviour of landing gear systems. I n the past methods were used to cal cul ate vi a mathematical criteria, Ref. 1-1 and 1-2. the stability of the nose landing gear against shimmy. Since landing gear are very non-linear systems a time domain simulation code must be applied to show the behaviour of the landing gear itself and also the involved subsystems. An integrated approach to the modelling of the subsystems of the landing gear and the interaction of the elastic aircraft is required to accomplish the task. To get reliable results, which can also be validated by tests various components must be considered and introduced in the calculations like tyre, wheel, bogie, leg, oleo, braking system, anti skid control, steering and flexible aircraft. This report presents the straight forward trial to integrate the elastic aircraft into the shimmy investigation for nose landing gear of a fighter type.aircraft development phase. 2. SHIMMY ON NOSE LANDING GEAR Table 1 Technical Data Advanced Training Aircraft The aim of the development was to take .part on the competition of the next generation of the Air Force and Navy training aircraft. The design of the aircraft was Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on "The Design, Qualijkation and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear", held in Ban& Canada from 4-5 October 1995, and published in R-800. 3-2 Elevator Rotation therefore based on the requirements of the 'I J oint Primary Advanced Training - System 'I. To keep the development of the A/C i n time attention was paid to a new aerodynamic design with good handling and performance quality. Reducing the risk of redesign proven components of similar aircraft were used for fast prototyping. Therefore the nose landing gear from T-46A training aircraft was used. The modified nose landing gear is shown i n Fig. 2-2 with the most specific data. This paragraph describes the investigation to prove the modified nose landing gear on the advanced training aircraft is free of shimmy. 3.65 2.1 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS MODEL Rudder Rotation For structural dynamics analysis a NASTRAN finite element model (FEM) with about 9000 degrees of freedom for the half aircraft was established (Ref. 2-1). Thi s model does not include the el asti ci ty of the undercarriage for shimmy investigations due to the large variety of possible state variables. The major eigenmodes with respect to nose landing gear shimmy are vertical and lateral fuselage bending modes due to the displacements of x- and y- direction on the attachment points as well as the fuselage torsion mode which generates camber angle of the nose landing gear. Some important eigenmodes are summarised in table 2. 3.55 I Mode I Frequency I Fin 1st Bending 7.02 Fuselage I st Vertical Bending Aileron Rotation Antisymmetric Wing 1 st Bending Antisymmetric 12.62 15.37 16.15 Fin 1 st Torsion 20. I 6 Table 2 Major Eigenmodes and Frequencies 2.2 NOSE LANDING GEAR The nose landing gear strut is a single axle f Aileron Rotation Symmetric rwa 26.20 i retracting gear with an oil filled, nitrogen charged shock strut. The gear was originally developed for the Fairchild Republic T-46A Trainer A/C. I t was designed for a sink rate of 13 fps limit and 16.2 fps ultimate cases. To maintain the same trail of the nose landing gear,as on T - 46A aircraft the original actuator rod end has been modified by Daimler Benz Aerospace. The nose landing gear wheel and tyre is from the Pi l atus PC-9 and delivered via BFGoodrich, Ohio, because the original wheel and tyre was not more available. Wing 1 st Torsion 2.3 TAXITEST 36.59 Several taxi tests were performed on the smooth runway at Dasa flight test centre Manching to show that the nose landing gear is free of shimmy. During the test no special equipment for shimmy excitation was installed on the runway. The aircraft was equipped with 13 transducers on wing and tail to measure the important dynamic eigen modes. Two additional transducers were installed on the nose landing gear to measure the x- and y- acceleration ( Fig. 2-2 ). The result of a low taxi test is shown in Fig. 2- 3. This time history reveals a heavy oscillation in x- and y- direction at a frequency of 25.7 Hz. 2.4 EXPLANATION Shimmy onset was measured at an aircraft speed of 35 kts during deceleration of the aircraft. The speed was stabilised and the aircraft was moving straight forward with no pilot input on the stick. Fig. 2-3 shows the time history of the measured nose landing gear transducers as well as the wing tip and ailerons. The analysed frequency is at 25.7 Hz and the maximum recorded accelerations are f log in x-direction and f 7g in y-direction. From these accelerations it is suspected that a primary forelaft oscillation induces y- oscillations due to asymmetry of nose wheel suspension (see Fig. 2-2 and Appendix). All other pick ups show no change in the time history before and during shimmy. The oscillation lasted about 2.4 seconds. The speed of the aircraft was slightly decreased to 32 kts. A more detailed sketch of the pure shimmy, only the x- and y- behaviour of the nose landing gear is depicted in Fig. 2-4. It should be mentioned that a rigid body mode of about 3 Hz is overlapped this shimmy oscillation. This aircraft mode were always measured during taxi tests and is not responsible for this landing gear oscillation. Fig. 2-5 shows the Power Spectral Density of the ailerons. The dominant frequencies are the fuselage bending , aileron rotation. - - - 2.5 SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM To avoid shimmy on the nose landing gear the following points were considered: I a) Change of trace line Comparison of the original nose landing gear on T-46A aircraft shows that the inclination of training aircraft landing gear leg is the same. To change the inclination of the nose landing gear either the actuator rod end or the attachments of the strut must be modified. b) Due to the shimmy frequency of 25.7 Hz it is assumed that the eigen-modes of the fuselage, 1 st( 12.6 Hz) and Influence of elastic fuselage modes 3-3 2nd (5 I .4 Hz) vertical bending are not involved in this oscillation problem. c) Tyre Pressure Under the circumstances that the original tyre was not available and the used tyre has a different characteristic, an increase of pressure could solve the problem due to shorten the relaxation line. d) Installation of shimmy damper The shimmy damper is a hydraulic unit which reduces the tendency of the wheel to oscillate from one side to side. This dampers are usually constructed in one of two general designs, piston type and vane type, both of which might be modified to provide power steering as well as shimmy damper actions. e) Mounting of massbalance Tuni ng the ei genfrequenci es of the landing gear massbalance weights have to be mounted on an arm forwards or rearwards on the strut. Massbalance is a useful tool if there is enough space to mount the weights. f) Landing gear torsion stiffness Possible effects of torsional backlash is a reduced effective torsional stiffness of the strut. Generally there is an undue sensitivity by reduction in torsional stiffness. Taxi tests after increasing the tyre pressure reveals no shimmy. Fig. 2-6 shows this sufficient improvement because the nose l andi ng gear i s al most free of oscillation. No further changes were investigated. I t should be noticed that worn and cold tyres made undercarriages less stable than it was with new tyres. This was reported by pilots during taxi tests and is likely due to the change in tyre stiffness as the tread wears away. There is also a possibility that out of balance forces in the worn tyre i nduces high frequency oscillations which nullifies the effect of friction i n the landing gear. - . . - - 3. BRAKE TORQUE OSCILLATIONS AT BRAKE INITIATION The case following demonstrates that not only unsuitable combinations of structural stiffness, damping, and pneumatic tyre characteristics may lead to unexpected vibration problems on landing gears. Rather, an unlucky combination of brake system design with the peculiarities of circumferential force development by a tyre can also produce a serious vibration problem. 3.1 THE SITUATION In a series of development rig tests for a fighter aircraft brake system, some test, were scheduled to demonstrate fastest ossibl brake force rise at high speed. A fast brake force rise was considered to yield. at least i n theory. shortest possible landing ground run distance. The test set-up "dynamometer"consisted of one main wheel with brake running within a heavy drum. where the rotational inertia of the drum was to represent respective mass per braked wheel of the aircraft. This arrangement not only gives a representative picture of aircraft deceleration by the brake but also provides correct kinetic energy to be dissipated by the brake. The brake was actuated by representative hydraulic components. Brake control was performed by one lane of the brake control computer, pilot's pedal input being replaced by a synthetic signal. Anti-skid functions of the brake control computer were implemented and active. 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PHENOMENON At brake initiation ("pilot" quasi "jumping" onto brake pedal) there was not the expected crisp yet steady rise of brake force with eventual subsequent anti-skid system activity. Rather there was a sequence of rapid on/off switching of the brake which lasted for about 1.5 seconds at a frequency of about 6 Hz. Thereafter the system stabilised to a normal behaviour. Fig. 3-1 shows a principal sketch of those three test measurement traces which are considered essential for description and explanation of the phenomenon. From top to bottom, these are Wheel Speed. Brake Pressure (i.e. pressure on brake piston face), and Brake Torque. The very first increase of brake pressure is needed to overcome the piston lifting spring. To arrive at the net pressure acting on the brake pad, that "spring pressure" is to be subtracted from the value measured: thus, at the first three troughs in Brake Pressure trace, brake pads are practically unloaded. This becomes apparent in Brake Torque trace, where for all practical purposes torque reduces. to zero at the corresponding non-zero troughs of Brake Pressure. The initial phase of Brake Pressure deserves a further comment: While brake servo valve output pressure (not shown) follows solenoid current with negligible delay, this is not true for the brake pressure proper as long as brake pistons are moving to close the gaps between rotor and stator disks of the brake package. The flow of hydraulic fluid from servo valve to brake is restricted by a quite narrow Restrictor orifice 'which limits loss of hydraulic fluid in case of e.g. rupture of a flexible hose. The Restrictor leads to a pressure drop between servo valve output and brake piston as long as the piston is moving. This pressure drop is the larger the faster the pilot tries to actuate the brake. However, when fluid flow stops, pressure drop across the Restrictor vanishes and ful l servo valve brake pressure gets through to brake 3-4 pistons within fractions of a second. Thus indirectly the safety feature "Restrictor" is responsible for the extremely steep brake pressure rise following on the brake filling phase. 3.3 EXPLANATIONS From measurement traces not shown here i t became apparent that oscillations observed were produced by anti-skid system action. However, given the software and the parameters for skid identification installed i n the control algorithm, the anti-skid system worked correctly. The real reason for that disagreeable and inappropriate series of anti-skid actions at brake initiation is a mismatch of brake system control and tyre physics. 3.3.1 Physics of Tyre Braking Force Explanations followirig aim for a basic understanding of tyre mechanics with regard to developing circumferential force. When a tread element of a straight-rolling tyre enters the ground contact patch i t will stick to that ground element. On a tyre rolling exactly at the forward speed of the wheel axle, the position in space of tyre tread element and ground element will be practically identical at entry to and exit from ground contact patch. Nevertheless within the patch there will be slight distortion due to the tyre tread being forced from originally circular shape to straight (ground) shape. Contact patch distortion changing sign at half patch length leads to approximately zero net circumferential force on the wheel. Non zero net circumferential force develops when wheel circumferential speed differs from axle ground speed. Due to speed difference the tread point and the ground point which coincided at entry to the contact patch depart from each other on their travel through the contact patch. As long as the relative distance of the two points is not too large, tread rubber will adhere to the original entry ground point: elastic deformation of the tread element increases on its travel through the contact patch, thereby increasing the local circumferential load on the tyre. I f wheel circumferential speed is sufficiently less than ground speed, at some point along the contact patch shear force on the tread element will exceed adhesive friction capacity of the element. As a consequence, the tread element will start to slide on the ground. Sliding friction of rubber in quite complex manner depends. amongst other parameters. on sliding distance covered and sliding speed. I n general it may gradually fall well below adhesive friction with increasing sliding distance and speed. This admittedly coarse view of rubber tyre mechanics leads to the following conjectures about circumferential force on a braked wheel: a) At low speed differences, circumferential force on the tyre should be approximately proportional to the distance between corresponding tread and ground points at exit from the ground contact patch. This "exit" distance de is. under stationary speed conditions, calculated to be 1, d, =( v s - VJ- v c where vg groundspeed vc wheel circumferential speed I p length of ground contact patch Please note that circumferential force in this regime is dependent on a speed ratio rather than on actual speed. b) At increasing speed difference, adhesive friction capability will be exceeded in small portions of the footprint mainly at the exit end of the ground contact patch. Within the footprint spots affected, rubber will start to slip relative to ground albeit at a very l ow slip speed and for very short distance. Thi s means that circumferential force will still increase with increasing speed difference. However, rise rate will decrease with friction limited areas covering increasing portions of the tyre footprint. c) At speed difference approaching ground speed practically all of the rubber in the footprint will be skidding at nearly ground speed and for extended distance. Since skidding friction depends on skidding - - speed and distance covered. circumferential force of a non-rotating tyre (full skid) will be less at high ground speed than at low ground speed. Furthermore, at fixed ground speed circumferential force of a skidding tyre will also be less than the maximum achievable at a lower differential speed, where almost all of the footprint area may also be skidding yet at a higher coefficient of friction. - - - Circumferential coefficient of friction (pc) of a tyre usually is presented as a function of "Slip Ratio" (SR), where vn. - v, v 8 SR = This presentation compresses all tyre angular rates from rolling at ground speed (SR 0) to full skid (SR - I ) into an abscissa from 0 to 1. However. as shown above pc with an increase of slip ratio becomes increasingly dependent on ground speed. Hence there will be different pc vs. SR curves for different values of ground speed. Fig. 3-2 presents a qualitative picture of this speed effect on circumferential coefficient of friction. Figures concerning tyre circumferential force are in essence modifications of figures presented at Ref. 3-2. 3-5 Ref. 3-2 treats this subject in much more detail than i t is done in present paper. 3.3.2 Conclusions with Regard to Sensible Brake Control Brake Control during Braking Fig. 3-3 is an somewhat exaggerated variation of Fig.3-2. However, the ordinate has been renamed "Wheel Torque" after, in ideas, having multiplied circumferential friction coefficient with wheel load and ground-to-axle distance. Best possible deceleration of the aircraft by wheel braking could certainly be achieved if retarding moment produced by the brake ("brake torque") was just equal to the maximum driving moment achievable by the tyre ("wheel torque"). However, this maximum point will move around very quickly due to wheel load fluctuation on uneven ground, due to fluctuation of ground to tyre friction on varying ground roughness. due to variation of ground-to-axle distance. and due to other effects (e.g. side load on a braked wheel). Although brake torque is measurable directly, wheel torque is not. Hence it is virtually impossible to exploit 100 percent of achievable wheel torque throughout the braked ground run. Therefore, brake control systems in general are aiming for a working point below the maximum wheel torque on the left (stable) branch of the wheel torque vs. slip ratio curve. However, if by chance maximum wheel torque falls below brake torque or if brake torque is increased beyond maximum achievable wheel torque, this statically unbalanced torque difference will decelerate the wheel and thereby increase slip ratio. Provided torque difference is large enough and is acting for sufficiently long time, slip ratio will be increased to the unstable part of the wheel torque curve. - . I - - In order to avoid this critical situation it is necessary i n the first place to timely recognise an incipient skid and to reduce brake torque fast enough such that slip ratio is kept on the stable side. However, a backup procedure is needed in case that slip ratio has eventually reached the unstable side of the wheel torque vs. slip ratio curve. If this happened the wheel would continue to decelerate to an eventual standstill as long as brake torque is larger than actual wheel torque. even if maximum achievable wheel torque had meanwhile recovered beyond actual brake torque. To recover from this "deep skid" the safest way is to l i ft brake completely until wheel speed has returned to the stable part of the wheel torque vs. slip ratio curve. For better understanding of the case presented i t is necessary to explain the principal method applied here to recognise an incipient skid: Wheel angular deceleration is the most important parameter used for skid detection. Duri ng perfectl y steady braki ng wheel angul ar decel erati on i s proporti onal to ai rcraft l i near deceleration. Hence, on first view one could assume that any wheel deceleration beyond this value could be interpreted as an incipient skid. In theory this assumption holds only if the brake is operating at the maximum wheel torque transmittable to ground, because any loss of transmittable wheel torque will drive the working point to the right (unstable) side of the curve (Fig.3-3 and 3-4). If the brake operates on the stable side somewhere below maximum transmittable wheel torque a reduction of transmitted wheel torque will be followed by a "useful" increment of wheel deceleration which brings transmitted wheel torque back to brake torque. Therefore, anti-skid action should only be triggered on exceedance of this "useful" wheel deceleration increment. As stated above, admittable trigger level is zero if brake torque equals transmi ttabl e wheel torque; tri gger l evel ri ses (progressively) with the ratio of transmittable wheel torque to brake torque. Assumed that a brake control system in its anti-skid branch contains a fixed wheel deceleration trigger criterion, the control system should also provide for the appropriate torque reserve between brake torque and maximum transmittable wheel torque. Since maximum transmittable wheel torque is not measurable directly, anti-skid systems of the type considered here contain algorithms which reduce brake pressure output from the servo valve according to frequency and intensity of previous anti-skid actions. Brake pressure will be cautiously re-i ncreased (eventual l y to the l evel corresponding to pilot's command) if no more anti-skid action was triggered in a sufficiently long time interval. Brake Initiation Up to the point of brake initiation, the wheel rolls freely at negligible wheel torque just balancing rolling drag. Therefore at brake initiation, rise of brake torque cannot immediately be counteracted by wheel torque. Rather, momentary difference between wheel torque and brake torque leads to angular deceleration of the wheel. This effects an increase of slip ratio and wheel torque. If brake torque i s l i mi ted to a val ue bel ow maxi mum transmittable wheel torque. slip ratio will eventually tune in to stationary balance of brake torque by wheel torque. Wheel deceleration occurs during brake initiation as well as during a skid. Hence, if during brake initiation wheel deceleration exceeds the threshold set for skid detection, anti-skid control will unnecessarily lift the brake. The wheel wi l l recuperate to or nearly to freely rolling conditions. When brake pressure is re-applied by anti- skid control another undue skid prevention cycle may occur. For sake of a vibration-free brake onset it appears useful to gain insight into the factors influencing wheel angular 3-6 deceleration during brake initiation. To this end quite basic considerations may be helpful: a) Step increase of brake torque: I f brake torque is assumed to follow a step function then extremum wheel deceleration will occur at t =0 and will equal brake torque divided by wheel moment of inertia. b) Creeping increase of brake torque: If brake torque is appl i ed very sl owl y, this will l ead to low wheel deceleration values as well. because the wheel is being given ample time to adapt to the slowly increasing demand on slip ratio. c) Influence of "brakes on" aircraft speed: In a diagram showing wheel torque versus slip ratio (see e.g. Fig. 3-3) the initial linear part is virtually independent of ground speed. However, analysis of the equation defining slip ratio. viz. indicates that wheel torque rise rate over time will reduce with an increase of ground speed. Assumed wheel torque is linearly dependent on slip ratio, i.e. v s - v, WT = K . S R = K - - R or 0 !I' . r,,. ) WT = K *(1-- v R then wheel torque rise rate becomes From this equation i t is easily concluded that wheel deceleration will increase proportionally to "brakes on" ground speed (brake torque ri se rate assumed independent of speed). I t is also concluded that wheel deceleration may vary with tyre type. e.g. if different tyre construction and/or tread material changes the slope K of the wheel torque vs slip ratio. K may also change with operating conditions, e. g. dry or wet ground (Ref. 3-2) Furtheron. wheel deceleration increases on transition from the quasilinear part of the wheel torque slope into the degressive part while approaching maxi mum transmittable wheel torque. Fig. 3-5 shows simulation results of a braked wheel during brake initiation. The model used is quite simple. It contains just one degree of freedom representing rotation of a wheel moving at constant ground speed. Brake torque is assumed to form a ramp type function of time while K is assumed constant. i.e. brake torque is assumed to not exceed the linear part of wheel torque vs slip ratio function. Eventual dynamic deviations of wheel torque VS slip ratio from quasi-stationary behaviour were not taken into account. Numerical results from simulation confirmed principal considerations presented above. Hence a systematic evaluation of simulations was performed and summarised in Fig. 3-6. This figure presents kind of a design chart. With maximum design "brake on" speed given it shows which brake torque rise rate is at best admissible if skid detection threshold shall not be exceeded during brake initiation. This type of diagram can easily be set up for a specific aircraft using its tyre and wheel characteristics (mainly moment of inertia and wheel torque curve) in combi nati on wi th brake and anti -ski d control characteristics (primarily skid detection threshold). In developing Fig. 3-6 it was tacitly assumed that brake torque shall not exceed the straight part of the wheel torque vs slip ratio curve. However. in reality this is rather improbable, because maximum brake torque achievable is mostly close to or even beyond maximum wheel torque achievable on dry runways. If brake torque ceiling is below maximum wheel torque achievable, - . wheel angul ar decel erati on will i ncrease on the degressive slope and fall sharply off to the val ue corresponding to aircraft deceleration when brake torque - - ceiling is reached. If brake torque ceiling is beyond maxi mum wheel torque achi evabl e, then wheel deceleration will not fall off at brake torque reaching its ceiling; rather it will progressively increase on the negative slope of the wheel torque vs slip ratio curve. Unless skid detection level had been exceeded already on the degressively positive slope of the curve, it will be exceeded here, provided it is small enough. In addition, since brake torque rise rate is not at all perfectly controllable (e.g. due to brake temperature influence on brake torque vs brake pressure characteristics), variations of rise rate will al so lead to vari ati ons of wheel deceleration. - . Assumptions taken for Fig. 3-6 are therefore on the optimistic side. It is advisable to apply more realistic assumptions (especially on wheel torque vs slip ratio) in developing brake and anti-skid control system algorithms and parameters. Nevertheless, the simplified approach which was taken here yields sufficient insight into the oscillation problem observed during dynamometer tests of rapid brake application at high aircraft speed. 3-1 3.4 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS I n the case treated here, both brake pressure and brake torque rise at enormous rates. Brake torque rise rate alone would have been sufficient to trigger anti-skid action. In addition. presumably due to slight time delays in the system. brake torque is allowed to by far overshoot maximum wheel torque achievable. Although in the next cycle the brake torque ceiling is lowered i t is still too high due to the excessive overshoot in the previous cycle. In cycles following i t is hard to decide whether sharp rises of brake torque or brake torque overstressing wheel torque capacity lead to further anti-skid actions. In any case. a substantial reduction of brake pressure and brake torque rise rates during initial brake application would be beneficial in two ways: First, undue anti-skid action could be reliably avoided thereby. Second. eventual brake torque overshoot could be drastically reduced with the effect that brake pressure ceiling could adapt to wheel torque capacity within a single step and with significantly less pressure amplitude. In summary, reduced brake torque rise rate is suited to overcome the brake torque / brake force oscillation treated here. From all insight gained into the problem there is no solution to be expected from any kind of bolt-on structural damping device. 3.5 POINTS OF IMPROVEMENT IN THE BRAKE SYSTEM The brake torque oscillations observed in dynamometer tests at extreme "brakes on" speed and at extreme step input to the system can be avoided through improvement by design as well as through improvement by operation. I mprovement by operati on means that pilots are instructed to initiate brakes such that brake torque rise rate is kept below critical values. I mprovement by operation is viable as long as an average pilot is not overcharged by the operati on required. At best. oscillations should not occur i f the pilot just avoids "jumping" onto brake pedals. Nevertheless there are aspects of the problem rendering improvement by design a desirable altemative. Experience shows that aircraft get heavier in course of time. As a consequence maximum "brakes on" speed shows tendencies to increase, too. If safety margins against oscillations shall be kept constant then brake torque rise rate and/or skid detection threshold must be changed. If brake torque rise rate is a hardware constant then the necessary lifting of skid detection threshold will lead to reduction of skid detection quality. In turn. reduced skid detection quality reduces anti-skid system efficiency throughout all braked ground roll. Ground roll distance lost at soft yet non- oscillatory brake initiation is only a fraction of that which can be gained by improvement of brake efficiency by correspondingly lower skid detection threshold. Quickest possible brake reaction at braking onset appears desi rabl e wi th regard to f l i ght performance. However, nose diving provoked by abrupt braking will eventually produce critical loads and/or reduce aircraft capability to cope with rough ground (e.g. aircraft operation on bomb damaged and provisionally repaired runways)[Ref.3. I ]. If brake torque rise rate is reliably controlled by brake system control then this can be advantageously used in structural design (Fig. 3-7). Adjustable control of brake torque rise rate is considered a sensible means not only to avoid oscillatory anti-skid action at brake initiation but also to improve aircraft ground handling and performance. 4. INTEGRAL LANDING GEAWAIRCRAFT PROBLEM Sustained (e.g. self-induced) landing gear vibrations often are considered to form an exotic and rather local class of dynamic stability problems. However, the ramifications of a vibration problem on landing gear may well extend across the entire aircraft. First of all. that vibrations can present severe problems with regard to dynamic loads on landing gear and its attachments. Even if oscillatory landing gear loads do not exceed loads determined by quasi-static load cases, they may well become a problem with regard to structural fatigue (e.g. Ref. 4. I ). Furtheron, landing gear vibrations may impair pilot's ability to control the aircraft. Excessive aircraft on landing gear vibrations deteriorate passenger comfort. Early and comprehensive consideration of landing gear vibration is therefore an indispensable part in the development of a successful aircraft. "Shimmy" is not the only but one of the most frequent and most dangerous sources of landing gear vibration. Shimmy is an oscillatory wheel mode induced by a mechanism similar to that of a wing in flutter. The shimmy mode is important because i t can lead to a dynamic stability problem. Primary source of the phenomenon is the flexibility between tyre footprint and the wheel plane. Other factors such as wheel speed, tyre geometry and torsional constraints have a contributing effect. From flutter calculations we know that a component investigation show general existence of instability. Total aircraft analysis reveal al ways the same fl utter mode as component calculation but very often at lower speed. 3-8 Through interference of aerodynamic and interaction of coupled components new flutter modes are possible. Similar to this flutter behaviour i t is believed that the eigenmode of the flexible aircraft can influence the stability of landing gear. The ai m of the l andi ng gear dynami c behavi our programme is to obtain dynamic data to support the design specification of an aircraft. To do this sufficiently the code must be capabl e to reconci l e di fferent subsystems (structure. flight control system, hydraulic etc.) and improve data with test results. At the beginning of a project the data available for sub systems are very limited. The analysis can be used to obtain preliminary results by assumed or old data and can be updated with more detailed information during the development. The analysis at Dasa is now organised as a series of individual modules for dynamic investigation for components and subsystems. This system allow easy but time intensive upgrading of modules and trend calculation by using generalised modes. Each full analytical model of the leg has about 50 eigenmodes, depending on the configuration selected. The high order of the model is a direct consequence of including all the features that are necessary to represent the interactions with other sub-systems during landing and ground roll simulation. Lower order models are required to permit efficient time response evaluation. Reduction in modal order is achieved by removing the dynamics with the higher frequencies modes. This can be achieved by dynamic condensation of the mass and stiffness matrix. For this application, with relatively small finite element models, the method is preferable to that of R. Guyan, because the dynamic condensation or also the residual flexibility methods preserves the mode shapes very well and permits a simple procedure for the selection of modes. Up to the lowest five modes of the leg model. selected in the manner described above are retained by transforming the equations into modal coordinate system. It is also possible to determine the lowest eigenmodes on a free Ground Vi brati on Test (GVT) wi th retracted undercarriage. With those derived modes a stiffness matrix can be calculated, which corresponds to the mass matrix but is not useable for static calculations. A damping matrix corresponding to the generalised co- ordinates can be easily established. because each mode is selectable. This generalised matrices are used as input to the stability criteria of R. Smiley in connection with the linearised tyre characteristic and the applicable ground force. Generally speaking i t turned out that the most important parameter in the shimmy investigation is the relaxation length of the tyre, because changes of this length results in large changes of the landing gear stability. Second. the torsion (friction) damping of the piston against the cylinder, which is derived from measurement of the landing gear producer has also an imminent influence to shimmy. Third. it turned out that the elastic fuselage modes are not important, if the leg mode frequencies are well separated from the aircraft mode frequencies. [ 1.2 [ 2.1 i 3. 1 1 REFERENCES Smiley R.F. Correlation. Evaluation and Extension of Linearized Theories for Tyre Motion and Wheel Shimmy NACA TR 1299; 1957 Pacejka H. B. The Wheel Shimmy Phenomenon A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation with Particular Reference to the Non Linear Problem Technical University Delft, Netherlands Schweiger J., Weiss F., Dobbs S. Aeroelastic Design and Flight Test Evaluation of the RANGER 2000 Training Aircraft International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamic 1995 Manchester U.K. Krauss, A. J. Considerations on Optimality of Landing Gear Arrangement and Design. Paper #8 from AGARD Conference ~ Proceedings 484 Landing Gear Design Loads - - Brewer, H. K. Parameters Affecting Aircraft Tire Control Forces. AIAA Paper No. 74-966 McBrearty, J. F. A Review of Landing Gear and Ground Loads Problems. AGARD Report I18 Guyan.R. Reduction of Stiffness and Mass Matrices AIAA J ournal February 1965 3-9 APPEND1 X guiderail. I n reality this would mean a reduction of landing gear leg forward rake. Consider a wheel equipped with a pneumatic tyre. The wheel axle shall be connected to a straight guiderail by a linear spring/damper element. This guiderail shall be moved across the ground at constant speed; furtheron the guiderail shall be inclined against the ground. Motion of the wheel axle relative to the guiderail is influenced by radial tyre force (also represented by a linear spring/damper element) and by circumferential tyre force. Modeling of circumferential force depends on assumptions made. A 1. 'I Cog-Wheel It Assumption The wheel is assumed to rotate at that angular velocity which is defined by the ratio of ground speed to deflected tyre radius. Circumferential force is then defined by rotational acceleration of the wheel enforced by tyre radius variations. Since this radius depends only on the coordinate of the wheel axle relative to the guiderail. the equation of motion reflecting the "Cog- Wheel" assumption has one degree of freedom, viz the linear displacement of the wheel axle on the guiderail. With regard to potential self-induced oscillations of this system i t is interesting to study the various damping terms in that equation of motion. - - - with DC Damping coefficient of the guiderail spring DT Damping coefficient of tyre radial spring IWWheel moment of inertia VG Ground speed XB Axle displacement relative to guiderail RR Distance axle to ground p - - Inclination of guiderail (positive front end up) the complete damping term reads D =DC+ DT-sin' p - ZW sin p cos p (VG +XB cos p ) ( RR +XB.sin p)' - The damping term resulting from the "Cog-Wheel" assumption is negative (destabilizing). Since it increases approxi matel y proportional to ground speed, the equation indicates that there might exist a critical ground speed at which overall damping becomes negative. Improvement can also be achieved by a quasi "software" modification. i.e. by pumping up the tyre to increase RR. A2. The "Slip Ratio" Assumption As already discussed in present paper, circumferential force on an almost freely rolling tyre is approximately proportional to slip ratio SR. If this assumption is introduced to the model then linear displacement of the wheel axle and rotation of the wheel are two separate degrees of freedom which are coupled by the circumferential force. This system is not as readily analyzed as the "Cog- Wheel" system. However, from the main part of this paper i t is concluded, that one and the same axle linear velocity relative to the guiderail will effect different slip ratio rates, slip ratio rates becoming smaller with increasing ground speed. That means that the ratio of circumferential force oscillation amplitude to axle displacement amplitude reduces with increasing ground speed. Apart from any phase shift effects it is therefore expected that an eventual destabi l i zi ng ef f ect of tyre circumferential force on axle fore/aft motion will cease with speed. A3 Conclusion Comparation of the "Cog-Wheel" model and the "Slip Ratio" model perception lead to the conclusion that sustained fore/aft bending oscillations may well occur under unfavourable landing gear design parameters. However, this type of self-induced oscillation should be limited to the low to medium aircraft speed range. I n a realistic analysis of the phenomenon. care should be taken that all important effects are included in the model. For instance, effective "guiderail" inclination can be influenced by fuselage bending and / or by stroking motion of the oleo strut. This critical speed can be increased by a "hardware" modification to the model by reducing inclination of the 3-10 n \ Fig. 2-1 Advanced Training Aircraft S T A 1 4 4 . 4 0 6 3 L I N E Fig. 2 - 2 Nose Landing Gear n .. G n - _ .;....I . . : : - f S g ... _. 4. : 6. i Fig. 2 - 3 Time Hi story Nose Undercarriage - * $ g u - I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . . . . ~. ... . . . . . . . . ^. . . . . . . . . . , . . ! . , - : i . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . ,..; .... : . . i : . , . , R Ig I - 1 second 7 Fig. 2 - 4 Shimmy 3-12 6882 I 1 +19.464 F t i R - I- a. aaaa Hz 64. aaE 0603 +16.312 I I/ - - t2.4379m - a. aaaa Hz Fig. 2 - 5 Power Spectral Density ................................ ................................ ....... X-nose U/C i-- ..... . . . . . . .......................... ................................. ................................. ' . on ... ..:_ ............................................ ........ :.. ....................... ....................... ....................................................... ; - - Y-nose U/C - '? +I - ...................... ........................................... .... ..... ............. .... .............. ............. ............ ...... .............. ............... ............... ............ .................... .:........I ;. .:, _:, ................. . _ _ _ 1 second Fig. 2 - 6 Time History after Modification 3-13 WHEEL S?EED m a P 0 c 1 second * Fig. 3-1 Measurement Traces from Brake Dynamometer Test I \ LOV SPEED EICH SPEED '--- W. ACEIEVABLE \ --\ UNSTABLB W. ACEIEVABLE BRAKE TOROW ST'4EI.E UNSTABLB SR Fig. 3-3 Brake Working Points in Relation to Wheel Torque versus Slip Ratio 0 0.2 0.0 0.6 0. 8 1.0 SR Fig. 3-2 Circumferential Friction Coefficient Dependence on Slip Ratio and Speed X I Fig. 3-4 Wheel Torque Gradient K versus Slip Ratio 3-14 11s' 300. 200. -1 W w X a 100. 0 Fig. 3-5 I Wa 15. 10. w 3 0 w s ! 5. 0 [istograms of Wheel Deceleration "BRAKES ON" SPEED FACTOR ETECTION SKID THRES BRAKE TOROUE RISE RATE Fig. 3-6 Design Chart for Brake Torque Rise Rate 3-15 l a - I = r - - 2 T 4- 1 ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF THE FLEXIBLE DYNAMICS OF LANDING GEAR IN THE PRESENCE OF ANTISKID CONTROL SYSTEMS E. Denti, D. Fanteria Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Universith di Pisa Via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 PISA, Italy Tel. +39.50.550200 - Fax +39.50.553654 SUMMARY This work is part of research carried out to investigate the vibration problems due to coupling betweeti the ,fle.vible dynamics of aircraft landing gear nnd the dynamics of antiskid control systems. The last objective is the rle~~elopnrent of new antiskid devices for the suppression of landing gear vibrations during braking. In the paper the above mentioned problems are described together with the models and methods availukle f o r their. investigation. Preliminaql results of the research are also presented. Namely, an analytical and nurnericcil nroclel of the tyres in runway contact dynamics, that is one of the most critical models involved, is developed A lineurized nrorlel of the system composed of the wheel and the landing gear is developed arid the system poles are itn~estiguterl. LIST OF SYMBOLS Vertical ground force Longitudinal ground force Vertical ground load distribution Effective rolling radius Slip coefficient Braking torque Aircraft speed Wheel centre speed Wheel circumferential speed Wheel slip speed Local sliding velocity Long. deflection of landing gear leg Tyre friction coefficient Theoretical slip coefficient Wheel spin velocity 1 . INTRODUCTION The growth i n aircraft size and landing speed has led to the development of braking control systems to protect tyres from skid damage and to reduce the stopping distance. Early antiskids were on-off systems developed only as tyre savers to prevent lock-up skids; later, with the introduction of the proportional servo- valve, it became possible to develop improved systems with modulated braking control. Modern antiskids are complex electronic systems that can actually improve landing performance on dry and wet runways. This performance may however be compromised by the coupling of the flexible dynamics of landing gear and antiskid feedback dynamics that may cause large wheel- hub acceleration and landing gear vibrations known as gear walk. The subject of the present paper is the development of mathematical and numerical models for the study of this phenomenon, with the final aim of developing new antiskid control laws for the reduction of vibrations and loads on landing gear during braking. To achieve this objective a numerical code, for the dynamic simulation of the whole system (antiskid- landing gear-aircraft), is needed. Accuratc analytical models of system components are also fundamental i n order to design new control laws. In literature models and methods are mainly developed around automotive problems while few specific works on aircraft braking are available. The difference between the automotive and the aeronautical point of view is mainly in the elasticity of the link between the vehicle and the wheel; wheel-hub vibration due to the elastic motion of the aircrafts landing gear has in fact a great influence on the dynamic behaviour of the wheels. This paper is composed of three parts. I n the first part (sec. 2, 3, 4) the above mentioned problems are described, together with a review of the literature on available models and methods for investigation. Suitable models for numerical simulation are also critically discussed. The second part (sec. 5 , 6 ) is focused on the tyres in runway contact dynamics. A dynamic brush numerical model, based on a Lagrangian point of view, is developed and investigated. The Eulerian version of the basic equations is analytically solved and a method to obtain the transfer function of braking forcc for small parameter variations, both at free rolling and i n generic conditions, is given. Finally (sec. 7) a linearized model of the landing gear-wheel system is developed and a preliminary investigation into the system polcs is presented. 2 . COUPLING PROBLEMS On aircraft equipped with antiskid devices a dynamic instability phenomenon, known as gear walk, may occur. This is reported in detail in [MOSEL] and [ENRIC]. The gear walk consists i n strong vibration of the landing gear, typically below 20 Hz, that involves large wheel- hub accelerations and seems due to a negative matching between the frequency spectrum of the longitudinal ground force and the natural frequencies of the gear. Further documentation on gear walk, collected during a braking test on a turboprop executive, is given i n Fig. 2-1 and Fig. 2-2; when the antiskid current sharply decreases (and the braking torque rises) strong undanipcd Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on The Design, Quali3cation and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear, held in Ban& Canada from 4-5 October 1995, and published in R-800. 4-2 0 i o TIME ( s ) 20 Fig. 2-1 An example of the gear walk phenomena 2000 RPM 0 20 9 -20 20 9 -20 5.5 TIME (s) 6.0 Fig. 2-2 Zoom of the critical zone wheel-hub vibration starts. In [MOSEL] the gear walk also occurred i n tests where the braking level was below the antiskid working threshold. The hypothesis put forward in [MOSEL] is that the wheel-hub fore-aft elastic motion causes high wheel angular speed variations that can be interpreted as an impending wheel skid by the antiskid system. Another problem can be the lag between the real angular speed of the tread and the angular speed measured at the rim; this lag is due to the torsional elastic mode of the tyre whose natural frequency is of the order of 30 Hz. A further possible cause of gear walk may be brake torque oscillations, due to the random behaviour of brake friction [TANNE, MOSEL]. In any case, a possible solution might be an antiskid with a feedback on aircraft and wheel-hub longitudinal acceleration, i n addition to wheel spin parameters. This allows evaluation of the real slip conditions and in any case makes the synthesis of a control on landing gear acceleration possible. Investigation into these phenomena is quite difficult. The collection of experimental results is expensive and critical from the point of view of correct data measurement and interpretation. Furthermore numerical simulation needs a very accurate modelling of all system components because physical reasons for gear walk are unknown and it might be impossible to simulate gear walk if it is due to neglected details of the behaviour of these components. On the other hand accurate analytical and numerical models of system components are also fundamental for analysi and synthesis laws for the suppression of gear walk. 3 . SYSTEM MODELLING f new ntiskid The dynamic system to be studied is composed of: aircraft, landing gear, wheels, the braking system and the antiskid control system, connected as shown i n Fig. 3- I . Starting from the simulation code described in [DENTI]. a computer program has been developed for the numerical simulation of the system. This program is based on the following preliminary choices. The dynamics of the aircraft is represented by a 3 degrees of freedom (DOF) rigid model. The elastic dynamics of the landing gear is represented by a I DOF second order linear model. The vertical and horizontal ground forces are computed as functions respectively of tyre deformation and slip coefficient; these functions are supplied to the program by tables as input data. The dynamic model of the wheel spin takes into account the horizontal ground force, the rolling friction and the braking moment. The braking system model takes into account only the servo-valve dynamics, represented by a second order linear model, while the braking moment is assumed to be proportional to the output pressure of the servo-valve. The antiskid control box implements a basic control strategy and it is possible to build othcr strategies of the users choice. The time history of the pilots braking command is an input datum. All these models are discussed in the following. Fig. 3-1 Antiskid-landing gear-aircraft system Aircraft dynamics has been taken into account in order to evaluate the time histories of aircraft speed and vertical ground loads, so as to consider the modifications of the working conditions of the antiskid control system. For this purpose the model chosen seems adequate. Note that the aircraft pitch model gives the vertical loads, on nose and main landing gear. as a function of the longitudinal braking force. working as a low-pass filter. The landing gear elastic dynamics model mentioned above seems adequate for research purposes [ENRIG]. Anyhow, if previous modal analysis of the landing gear is possible, a n-DOF second order linear model based on modal superimposition can be used. Braking system. Literature on brakes and braking systems is limited. Useful data about braking systems are to be found in [GERDE, GILES, TANNE] and about brakes i n [ENRIG, MOSEL, PERRO, TARTE]. Howcver. these papers contain little information for the system modeller, especially on the physical phenomena that I 4-3 govern the dynamic generation of the braking moments. Friction is a non linear phenomenon depending upon temperature, with histeresis and random components. So a lot of work would seem necessary to improve the simple model chosen. In any case, the way of modelling this system is not essential for the present work because it does not affect the dynamics of the wheel-landing gear subsystem. However it becomes fundamental when the antiskid control loop is eventually closed. Antiskid control box. The antiskid system is a dynamic box that allows simulation of both basic and newly designed antiskid control laws. Recent research on antiskid control systems mainly concerns ground vehicles (cars, bikes and trucks). For example new antiskid control laws are studied i n [LINDO, MIYAS, WATAN], where experimental and simulation results are given, too, and i n [TANCH, YEH-I, YEH-21 from a more theoretical point of view. In [HOHNO, MAUER] systems based on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks are presented. Practical data for car antiskid device simulation are also available i n [BOWMA, FANCH]. In the aeronautical field the development of antiskid, from the early antilock on-off systems (1950) to the modern digital antiskid devices, is described in [CURRE, HIRZE] and NASA research on antiskid is reviewed in [TANNE]. But the strategic importance of the matter leads to a virtually total lack of recent research and detailed information and data about commercial antiskid devices. So, an accurate simulation of these devices may be difficult and may need a new synthesis based on what is known about their control logic. Wheel. The classical wheel model adopted so far is quite good for the evaluation of the ground behaviour of aircraft, but not for the simulation of wheel transient dynamics; so, improvements are necessary for the study of gear walk phenomena. In the following a review of the literature on this subject is given and improved models are developed and examined. . - - 4 . REVIEW OF MODELS AND METHODS FOR WHEEL SIMULATION Ample literature exists in which several tyre models are developed from different points of view. Recent developments in classical models and advanced models are briefly reviewed in the following. Advanced models are divided i n two classes: the first concerns models of contact forces, the second load transfer from contact patch to wheel hub. Global models resulting from the integration of the above mentioned aspects are described too. Classical models. In classical modelling it is assumed that tyre structure conveys the whole load, from contact patch to wheel hub, without any lag [CLARK, DUGOF, PACE2, SAKA 11. Longitudinal forces, arising i n the wheel contact patch, closely depend upon the distribution of the local sliding velocity of the tread i n relation to the ground. Steady state experiments show that, at free rolling, the absolute velocity of the tread i n contact is zero and the EfSective Rolling Radius ( R e ) may be defined [CLARK, PACE21 as the ratio between wheel hub velocity ( V C ) and spin velocity (R), thl: are both measurable quantities; Re depends upon V c , vertical load on the hub ( F N ) and tyre features. I n generic braking conditions, circumferential velocity ( V,.) is defined as the product R Re , while slip velocity is given by the relationship: V, =V c - V, . (Fig. 4- I ). Fig. 4-1 Classical model Local sliding velocity and longitudinal global force are linked to wheel dynamic variables such as V C, R, F N , braking torque (T) and time; so, i n steady state conditions, we have p =p ( FN, T , V c , R ) wi th F, =pFN. Since F, , T and R are linked by the wheel spin equation of motion, the previous relationship may be wri tten agai n as p =p ( F N, V c , R ) or p =p ( FN, Vc , VS ) . In literature [CLARK, PACE2, SAKAI] global friction coefficient p is given as a function of FN , V , and slip coefficient s.,= V s / V c (or of FN , V c and theoretical slip coefficient (T= V,/V,. ). These curves, known as tyre stationary characteristics, depend upon working conditions such as: inflation pressure, environmental temperature, soil status. They can be used to evaluate longitudinal forces i n quasi stationary vehicle dynamics simulation, but their experimental evaluation is heavy work and need adequate tools. Recent developments. In order to synthesise tyre stationary characteristics an empirical formulation has been proposed i n [BAKKl, BAKKZ], whose coefficients have a physical meaning. Since this model, known nowadays as the Magic Formula tyre model, gave good resultsand was easy to use, i t has been improved upon [OOSTE, PACEI] and implemented i n computer simulation facilities [SHURI]. Recently, in [SLAGM] a Magic Formula tyre model was suggested to represent wheel dynamics in computer simulation for landing gear parameter estimation and ground load prediction. Contact and Force Generation Models (Brush Moclels) are divided into two main categories: Steady State ( or quasi steady state), for slowly varying conditions, and Unsteady state, capable of simulating high frequency phenomena. - The steady state brush niodel is an idealised representation of the tyre contact region that results from the following basic hypotheses [CLARK, PACE2, SAKAI]: 1) the vertical ground load distribution is an input data evaluated experimentally or numerically by means of other models; 2) rolling resistance is disregarded nor is the model 4-4 itself able to predict it; 3) belt and tread are considered to be flat i n the contact zone and tread is undeformable orthogonally to the ground; 4) the belt velocity, i n the contact zone, is assumed to be uniform and equal to slip velocity V s ; 5) at free rolling ( Vs=O) the tread is longitudinally undeformed and no shear stress exists; 6) i n generic braking conditions (Vs#O), for the adhering part of the contact patch, the horizontal shear stress is assumed to be linearly dependent on the local longitudinal tread deformation, while for the sliding part, shear stress depends on the local sliding velocity ( Vs L) on the basis of the dynamic friction law [PACE2]. To discretize the problem the tread i n contact may be regarded as a brush (Fig. 4-2) whose bristles are attached to the belt and move through the contact zone with the relative velocity V,.. At least one bristle is always adhering at the beginning of the contact patch and the adhering zone extension is determined by the static friction threshold. The brush model, whose first formulation can be found i n [DUGOF] (1970), gives good results and is widely used, both in its simplest form [DUGOF, PACE21 and with experimental or empirical improvements [SAKA I , SAKA2, SAKA3, SAKA41. Fig. 4-2 Brush model - Utisteady Models of contact force generation are rare i n literature. Examples can be found i n [ ZANTI ] and [ ZANT2] where the model adopted for computer simulation is an unsteady brush model, implemented from an Eulerian point of view, which gives very good matching between experimental and numerical results. It was developed from the above mentioned basic hypothesis extended to unsteady motion by [CLARK]. An interesting point of view on the subject appears in [ZEGEL] where a simplified unsteady contact model is presented. Finally it should be noted that all contact models and their results are closely connected to the modelling of rubber-soil friction phenomena. Reviews on this subject are to be found in [ SAW21 and [CLARK]; furthermore in [PACE21 simplified models for analytical studies or for reducing the computational load i n numerical simulation are discussed. Tyre Structure and Transmission Property Models may be divided into the following main categories: A elastic link between elastic belt & rim B elastic link between rigid belt & rim C elastic link between rigid belt & rim +residual stiffness A) An elastic ring tyre model was developed by [ SGONG, ZEGEL] to solve the problem of corrcctly representing the high frequency vibrational phcnomena of the tyre belt. Particularly, the need for a model capable of simulating the observed Standing Waves phenomena was felt [CLARK, HUANI , HUAN21. The model consists of an elastic ring, treated as a circular elastic beam, a mass, representing the wheel rim, and radial and torsional springs, connecting the ring to the rim, whose aim is to reproduce tyre side-wall and pressurised air behaviour (foundation st ring is assumed to have the radius of the belt and ground loads are concentrated at the intersection between the ring itself and a straight line perpendicular to the ground and passing by the undeformed ring centre. The modcl gives good results [SGONG, ZEGEL] and makes i t possible to take into account the fundamental clastic in- plane dynamics of the wheel. On the other hand, if one is not interested i n high frequency modes. only translational and rotational rigid displacements of the belt with respect to the rim are really important and the model becomes too sophisticated. B) I n this case the ring modelling the tyre belt is linked to the rim by radial and torsional springs as i n thc previous model but it is assumed to be rigid [CLARK. SAKAI, ZANTI, ZANT21. The ring radius is assumed to be equal to the effective rolling radius [ZANTI ~ ZANT21 to fit the kinematic relationships at free rolling [PACEZ] and the previous hypotheses about load introduction are retained. The rigid ring model provides good results i n wheel dynamics simulation as demonstrated i n [ZANTI] and [ZANT2]. C) Recently, an intermediate model has been proposed in [ZEGEL]. The first test results show a good agrcenient with experimental data for medium range frequency phenomena. The ring is rigid and it has the radi x of the undeformed belt, but, between the load introduction point and the ring, more elasticity has been introduced. Such elasticity (referred to as residual stiffness) consists of vertical, longitudinal and torsional springs whose stiffnesses are calibrated on the basis of experimental wheel elastic properties [ZEGEL]. Integrated Global Models Combining the previously described Tire Srrrrcrrrre Model s and the Coriract Models, integrated global models capable of describing the whole tyrc-wheel system can be obtained. Several steady state models are described i n Pacejkas 1991 review [PACE2]. At onc extreme, there are detailed physical models with both tyre structure and tread-ground interaction represented [ SAKAI , SAKA2, SAKA3, SAKA41, while at the other. there are classical tyre and Magic formula models. I n the middle a simple physical model can be found. essentially obtained by combining the wheel spin equation of motion with the above cited Brush Model. Unsteady models combining a B or C tyre structure model with the unsteady brush model give a very good fi t between simulation and unsteady experimental results [ZANTI, ZANT2, ZEGEL]. Recently, a global dynamic 4-5 MCK Model CK Model K Model tyre model has been proposed in [NEGRU]; it consists of a complex representation of the elastic and dumping features of tyre structure (Fig. 4-3) with detailed contact modelling. It makes it possible to evaluate the vertical ground load distribution and to take into account rolling resistance phenomena disregarded i n all physical models reviewed. The price to pay is in terms of computational load and complexity i n the interpretation of results. Sl i di ng Non sliding bri stl e bri stl e F v s L =( ~) ~f ( ~) <+$ VsL =o =v.7 Fx =4 P( VS L) F;. =K{ +C{ vsL=vs-($)<-% VSL =0 ; i =v, Fx =FzP ( VS L ) F;. =K<+C< VSL =vs ; 5 =5 5, =6 P ( VS L ) VSL =0 ; 5 =v, F;. =K{ K Fig. 4-3 Radial spring-damper model Conclusions For the numerical analysis of gear walk, a B or C tyre structure model coupled with the unsteady brush model (Fig. 4-4) seems to give a fairly good representation of the physical phenomena. From the point of view of the analytical modelling of the system, in all the works reviewed, a constant wheel forward speed Vc is assumed. Since such a hypothesis cannot be accepted if the wheel hub is connected to an - elastic landing gear leg, improvements are then necessary to obtain dynamic characteristics of the system - (zeroes and poles). The poles of the brush subsystem are - given i n [ZEGEL] but only at free rolling; so, poles i n generic braking conditions must be determined i n order - to synthesise antiskid control systems. Rigid bell Fig. 4-4 The model selected 5 . A LAGRANGIAN BRUSH MODEL FOR CONTACT DYNAMICS SIMULATION 5 . 1 Bristle models The first step in order to build a Lagrangian brush model is to make certain dynamic models of the bristles available. A sketch of the bristle is shown in Fig. 5.1-1 together with the physical model being considered. Three possible parameter choices, referred to as the MCK Model (with M,C,K#O), the CK Model (with M=O) and the K Model (with M=O,C=O), have been investigated by numerical simulation. The K Model is Brush sketch , $ XS - Belt s Physical model ,F? 4-6 In Fig. 5.1-3 qualitative res mses t step i sliv 5 . 2 Brush models and software structure velocity ( Vs ) are shown for the three models presented above. The K Model (Fig. 5. 1-3 a) behaves i n a rather simple way even if it is quite unphysical; as bristle sliding happens, the sliding velocity VsL suddenly reaches its steady state value ( V s ) , while the relative displacement of the bristle shows a discontinuity due to the fact that the spring force (proportional to the relative displacement of the bristle) must balance ground friction which decreases as V s ~ increases. The CK Model (Fig. 5.1-3 b) avoids the discontinuity of the kinematic quantities, by introducing a V ~ L dynamic transient before the steady state value Vs is gained. The MCK Model (Fig. 5.1-3 c) shows very complex dynamics whose effects i n a dynamic brush model simulation are not valuable a priori. t Velocity I xsL EX, (imposed) Time Position Force Time * Time a) &Model t Velocity Time Position Time Force 0 7 b) CK-Model Time c) MCK-Model Time Fig. 5.1 -3 Bristle responses The software represents a brush built with a set of bristles behaving according to one of the three previously described models. The basic hypotheses are the same as those mentioned i n sec. 4 for brush models. with the assumption of a parabolic distribution of vertical forces (see Fig. 4-2). The simulation is performed by means of a Lagrangian approach: each bristle is followed as an independent dynamic system during its motion along the contact patch. The roots of the bristles are attached to the belt and equally spaced: they move all together with the slip velocity ( V s ) that is one of the two inputs of the system, the other being wheel centre velocity ( Vc) . When a bristle exits from the contact patch, a new bristle enters, at the same time. from the other side. 5 . 3 Results from the Brush K Model In this section the numerical results obtained with the brush model based on the bristle K Model are reported. Data for sirmilation were taken from various sources [CLARK, SAKA2, ZEGEL] constituting a set dcscribins a reasonable tyre. The values used for the tyre parameters are listed below while the function giving rubber lriction versus sliding velocity is shown i n Fig. 5.3- I : - Vertical force ( FN ) = 3200 N/m - Footprint half length ( a ) = 0.08 m - Bristle stiffness ( K ) = 1.0 I O6 N/m3 Po- & l VSLl ......................... v,, Pr = P - + ..................... 0.2 0.1 . ............ -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 /I- =0.1 -10 -5 0 5 10 Fig. 5.3-1 Rubber-soil friction law -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 /I- =0.1 -10 -5 0 5 10 Fig. 5.3-1 Rubber-soil friction law Braking test. Fig. 5.3-2 shows transient responses on total longitudinal force F;. (per tyre width uni t) to step inputs i n Vs , with constant Vc=3O m/s. The unusual shapes of the transient responses are understandable i f the time histories of longitudinal force distributions along the footprint shown in Fig. 5.3-3 are analyzed. Two opposite phenomena happen whose balance depends on the intensity of the braking input: increases i n Fv values are due to the growth of bristle deformation i n the adhering part of the contact patch, while reductions i n 4. values depend upon the increase in the extension of the sliding zone. For small steps of s . ~ ( As.\.= 0.0303) 4. increases gradually to its steady state value because the sliding zone is negligible. For greater steps, the Fv time history shows an overshoot which becomes stronger as the steady state extension of the adherins part of the contact patch decreases. From the steady state values of the time histories i n 1201 1001 - E 801 Z ' . - 201 I 4-1 I occurs when the sliding zone is about 60% of the footprint length with sx =0.15. The integral valucs 01' the graphs in Fig. 5.3-5 were analytically calculated, too, by the means of the relationships [PACE2]: ...................... r x =Q. 0 3 0 3 - ! ........... Tim* ( 5) Fig. 5.3-2 Transient response in longitudinal force to a braking step input Fig. 5.3-2, p(a) , p(s,) and p ( Vs ) curves were built for V,=30 m/ s and are shown in Fig. 5.3-4. The shape of these curves is fully understandable on the basis of steady state longitudinal force distributions along the footprint shown in Fig. 5.3-5. The integral value of such distributions depends upon the extent of the sliding portion of the contact patch (where long. stress has a parabolic shape) with respect to the non sliding one (where long. stress has a linear shape). A maximum ,o,c.../. : ............. ...... : ...... : .... ; .<A .... . I . \ . %I 4000 ........... 2000 0 12000 10000 8000 A P E 5 6000 . .U 10 0 2 4000 2000 0 I I I I I I I p=-!,iLL<FL> , I =00018 ' .... : :)\ : .... .; .; . . . * ............ . 1. . ......... .; .... 2 Ka' with 7,,=2a(l- 170); q=- ( 2 ) 3p o FN solving Eq. ( I ) , the following function Fv =Fv ( 0) was obtained: F,=F,{3p,rlo(l-rla)*+p[3(rlcr)' - 2 ( qa)']}. (3) In Fig. 5.3-4 the results of the analytical calculation lor V, =5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 m/s are shown. The 30 m/s curves coincide with the ones obtained by numerical simulation. It is interesting that, when plotting p as a function of slip velocity Vs, at high slip values p depends only upon Vs. Transient response analysis. Fig. 5.3-6 shows the F, responses for small steps of s , ~ starting from different steady state braking conditions; tests have been carried out at constant V,=30 m/s. These tests aim at deepening system behaviour for small perturbations about steady state conditions, both at free rolling and i n any braking stationary condition whatever. --I x (m) Fig. 5.3-3 Transient variation of longitudinal load distribution over the contact patch for a braking step input ...... _j ............................... : s x 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 ........................................ 0.05 y : : : . : .... . I . . ........... I . . ................... Y o i 2 3 4 5 6 r 8 Fig. 5.3-4 Friction coeff. versus slip c0eff.s and slip vel. in steady state cond. The steady state values of F variations are of course different according to the local shape of the. g(sx) curve at the point corresponding to the initial steady state condition. The shape of the transient responses on 6 are obviously linked to the time hstories of load Fig. 5.3-5 Long. load distribution over the contact patch in steady state cond. distribution along the contact patch. In order to ohtain a deeper understanding of this influence. tests for higher s, step inputs were carried out and both the transient responses and the time histories of the load distribution obtained are shown in Fig. 5.3-7. The initial down step is clearly due to the sudden variation i n local friction forces on sliding bristles g(VsL). caused by the sudden change of VsL from its initial value to the final one (jump from condition I to 2 in fig. 5.3-7). The increase and decrease in the Fx value (passing from condition 2 to 3, 4. etc. i n fig. 5.3-7) is essentially due to the balance between the rise in the number of sliding bristles (due to the advance of the transition point) and the rise in the deformation of the adhering ones. The investigation carried out also shows that the cr response reaches its steady state values at a time which depends on the non sliding percentage of the contact patch. Such a time is equal to the replacement time necessary to replace all the bristles that are not sliding at the initial stationary state, given by: The variation of rr versus sx is shown in Fig. 5.3-8. Finally, to complete the analysis of the system dynamics, Fx responses for little steps of s., . with constant Vs, were evaluated. starting from the same steady state braking conditions considered above. The results are given in Fig. 5.3-9. The response starting from ~4 . 3 3 3 3 is not given because, at such high slip values, Fx does not depend on Vc if Vs=constant (see Fig. 5.3-4). r =ztr/ (v~ - VS) (4) Conclusions The brush model presented, based on the bristle K Model, is not able to adequately represent sliding velocity VsL which, at the transition point, suddenly changes from zero to the value of slip velocity Vs. This unphysical behaviour does not fit in with experiments that show (at least for small s x ) a linear shape variation of VsL along the sliding zone [ CLARK] . However all the above does not seem to affect too much the system response on the total longitudinal force which fits experimental measurements quite well [ZANTI]. This may be due to the fact that for small s1 values. the sliding zone is very small, while. for larger slip coefficients, the sliding zone is larger hut the badly modelled one is confined to a restricted region after the transition point. In conclusion, the model seems to be able to represent contact dynamics in a numerical simulation of wheel behaviour. Besides, the bristle K Model is simple enough to permit the development of analytical models of contact dynamics (see section 6). 5.4 Brush models based on the bristle MCK and CK Model. have not been investigated in detail yet. J udging from preliminary results. the CK Model seems to be interesting when a constant FN distribution is used. while, with parabolic FN distribution. it produces large sliding zones at the beginning of the contact patch that do not exist in experimental observations. The MCK Brush CK and MCK Models 4-9 780 760 - 5 - - - .e n r m 680 - - + 640- . 1 7 0 ~ .......................................... ..... ..... 7 4 0 - - - - - 7 2 0 - - - - . 7 M ) - - . - . ..... 6 6 0 - . . . . ... E z lMl 720- .......................................... - 620 600 ! @ : 710 - 1561 I- 6 ............... @ .......................... 1% t ....... ................................... ... . . . . 776 - ............................................ 775.5 ................................................ 775 ................ ...................... . . , . . . , . E 774, 5- . . . . . . . .:. . . . . . . . . . .-. . . .Q . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . ....... . _ - - - -. ...... ....................... I I. I 771.5 ....... 1. . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . I . . ...... :. ....... t I I 1 I I I I I J 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 O.dl8 771 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 150! 0.008 Ti me (s) Ti me (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ti me (s) Ti me (s) Fig. 5.3-6 Transient variation of the longitudinal force for small braking steps 800 ........................................ 8M). ........................................ . - . w ... i ....... p; ................. 7wpf ....... i ........ i ........ i ....... _i ........ ....... ............. ........ ............................... .Q -8.. 780 0 : _ _ . ............... ............. : 0 : ............. ............. i / i ....................... Time ..... Vc =30 ml s .. 730 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 ........... 0 0.02 004 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 x (m) x (m) Fig. 5.3-7 Transient responses to non small braking steps 4-10 158. Model seems to give satisfactory VsL distributions over the sliding zone even if it is very difficult to calibrate. .......................................... 6 r - - - - - - I I 1 Fig. 5.3-8 Replacement time vs. slip coefficient c 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 1 0 Time (P) %.d,6 0.01 ................ .. ....................... 772 ....... 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 Time 1s) .......................................... . . . . . . ...... ...... 5762.5 ....... ....... I r 762 ...... ....... ......... Sx o s O. l 534 ASx=O.OOl Vs =const . Time (5) Fig. 5.3-9 Transient variation of the long. force for small steps in wheel speed 6 . AN ANALYTICAL MODEL OF CONTACT DYNAMICS 6 . 1 p(o) model If F, is expressed as a function of Vc and Vs by means of p curves, a linear model can be obtained as shown i n the sketch i n Fig. 6.1-1. I n this case variations are simply proportional to VC and Vs variations; therefore to simulate the transient behaviour of F, a more refined model is needed. Non Lineer cont acl dynamics Lineanred ~ o n t s c t dynamics Fig. 6.1 -1 Contact dynamics p(o) model 6.2 Brush model In this section the dynamics of the braking force. for small disturbances from steady state conditions. is analytically investigated. If we approach the tread as a continuum, adhering tread motion is governed by the following equation [CLARK]: 2 5 3t: 3- 5 - Vc-RR, -RR,- at d s where { ( x , t ) is the longitudinal deformation of the tread, (0; x , z ) is a frame of reference moving with the footprint (see Fig. 4-2) and the initial and boundary conditions are: Linearization of Eq. ( 5 ) with conditions (6) (with the assumption that Re is constant) leads to the equations: <(x,O)= <,,(x,O); < ( O J ) = O . ( 6) - e(x,O) =0 ; e( 0, t ) =0 (8) where the symbols with subscript 0 indicate the reference steady state condition quantities and the lower case symbols indicate small variations around the reference condition, i.e.: e(x,t)=A<(x,t); vc EAVC; WEAR. Close to the free rolling condition o,,=O and the tread sliding portion can be disregarded; so Eq. (7) is valid over the whole footprint and can be solved, using the Laplace transform technique, yielding the following result: e(s,x)= vs(s)[l-exP[-(xs)/(Re ~ o ) ] } / s (9) where e(x,s) is the Laplace-transform of e ( s , t ) and v s (s) V C ( S ) - Re o ( s ) the Laplace-transform of the input. Now, with the same assumptions as i n the K- Model, by integrating the product K e( s , s ) along the footprint, the following transfer function for the longitudinal force (f, ) can be obtained: with z9=2a/R,RfI . Fig. 6.2-1 shows the time response to a vs step obtained from Eq. (I O); i t should be noted that this response is identical to that shown i n Fig. 5.3-2, evaluated numerically for an s,. variation from zero to 0.0 123. 4-1 1 . 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 ,( ) x - rc t, ............ .:. ......... .{ Yr. Fig. 6.2-1 Analytical response on the longitu- dinal force to a vs step at free rolling 'nearized transfer function and system poles Linearizing Eq. (10) by means of a first order Pad2 technique, the following expression can be obtained: which can be written in the form: or, since 2Ka2 =*I (see Eq. (3)), in the form: as., S,,=O Eq.s (13) and (14) give the transfer function of the contact dynamics and its correlation with the rolling tyre stationary characteristics at free rolling. It is not difficult to demonstrate that these Eq.s are equivalent to the "relaxation system" proposed in [ZEGEL]. The transfer function i n generic braking conditions (a,#O) can be determined by extending the above mentioned procedure to the case of a non-negligible sliding zone, still with the same assumptions as i n the K-Model. The dynamic displacement of the transition point AZ,,.(t ) from the steady state reference position can be evaluated by linearizing the equation: that represents the static friction threshold condition. The contribution of the adhering part to f x can then be evaluated by applying Eq. (7) between 0 and X,,(O), the contribution of the sliding part integrating the function p( VS) PN( x) between Fr, . ( t ) and 2 a . This procedure leads to the linear model of the contact dynamics shown in the sketch in Fig. 6. 2- 1, where: K<( xr r , t ) =p, PN( FIr) (15) 0 0 0 =0 , J, F., Fig. 6.2-2 Contact dynamics brush model Note that i n a free rolling condition 2 +m. Furthermore, K,=O and V, remain the only input of the system (see Eq. (13)); this does not mean that the system does not respond to Vc , as V, =Vc - OR,. 7 . LINEARIZED MODELS OF THE LANDING GEAR-WHEEL SYSTEM In this section a preliminary analysis of the linear dynamics of the landing gear-wheel system shown i n Fig. 7-1 is presented. Certain assumptions are made in order to simplify the analysis. Since the aim of this linearized model is to provide a tool for anti-lock system design, a constant aircraft speed VA together with a constant vertical load on the gear leg is considered. Such hypotheses seem quite reasonable, since both vertical load and aircraft speed are slowly varying with respect to gear walk frequencies. Besides, the wheel niodel is simplified by disregarding both foundation and residual stiffness. :j 7 Ai 2 Ad AFX - + WHEEL DYNAMICS LANDING GEAR DY NAMlCS Fig. 7-1 Landing gear-wheel system The transfer functions of the blocks i n Fig. 7- 1 are: I LANDING GEAR kL = 4 M ~ . S ? + C ~ S + K , ; 1 AR =1 -AT - F AX,. +AFVh SJ,,. ( No WHEEL SPIN DYNAMICS ROLLING FRICTION For the box of the contact dynamics, both the p(o) 4-12 model and the brush model (see sec. 6. I and 6.2) may be used. In generic braking conditions, poles and zeroes of the whole landing gear-wheel system, based on the brush model of the contact dynamics, have not been investigated in detail yet. When the p(0) model is used, the presence of the wheel augments the period and the dumping of the two complex poles of the landing gear; a third real and stable pole, due to the wheel spin dynamics, is also present and moves towards the origin as ca,/a,k increases, becoming unstable when ( dp/ &~) l , , c . When the brush model is used, at free rolling one more pole, real and stable, due to the contact dynamics, is present. It is interesting to note that, with the simplifying hypotheses assumed, i t is possible to analytically express the poles of the wheel system as functions of system parameters. 8 . CONCLUSION The review of the literature has shown that investigation into gear walk is difficult and few papers on specific problems of aircraft braking are available. Concerning tyre modelling, a rigid ring model with residual stiffness, for tyre structure, coupled with an unsteady brush model, seems to be a good choice for numerical investigation into gear walk. In the present paper a numerical unsteady brush model, based on a Lagrangian approach, and an analytical model of the tyre i n contact dynamics have been developed. The numerical model has been extensively tested providing a good qualitative understanding of contact phenomena. The analytical model is an extension of the ones in the literature, as it is able to take velocity variations of the wheel hub into account; this is essential when such a hub is connected to an elastic landing gear leg. Furthermore the poles of the brush subsystem in generic braking conditions are given. REFERENCES [BAKKl] E. Bak ke r, L.Nyborg, H.B.Pacejka, Tyre Modelling for Use in Vehicle Dynamics Studies, SAE Paper no 87042 1, 1987, i n SAE Transactions 1987. [BAKK2] E. 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Kortum, W.R. f i ger DLR - Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fir Luft- und Raumfahrt lnstitut f i r Robotik und Systemdynamik, Postjach 11 16 D - 82234 Wessling, Germany Summary: This paper presents results of research performed in the field of semi-active suspensions for advanced landing gears and opti- mization of their associated design parameters to achieve mini- mumweight, maximumcomfort under strict requirements with respect to safety and even increase lifetime by reducing the loads during landing impact and taxiing. A detailed mechanical model is derived for an existing aircraft (AIRBUS A300) which will be used for simulating the stan- dard design as well as the active optimized landing gear. The simulation is performed with SIMPACK, DLRs prime multi- body computer code. Results will be presented on using the multi-objective parame- ter optimization software ANDECS. The design case study will concentrate on taxiing of a flexible aircraft. Reduction of the so-called beaming effect (e.g. dynamic coupling of runway excitation with elastic fuselage eigenmodes) is the major design goal. 1. Introduction 1.1 Landing Gear Requirements Among the numerous complex components that make up an aircraft the landing gear is often regarded only as a bothersome, but necessary attachment. It must not be forgotten that, while the predominant task of an aircraft is without doubt to fly with the best performance achievable, it will also spend a good part of its life on the ground. Typical cases are taxiing as well as take-off and landing. According to todays airlines specifica- tions an aircraft should reach up to 90 000 take-offs and land- ings as well as 500 000 kmof ground roll during its life time. Statistics also show that accidents prior to or directly after take- off and touchdown relate their fair share (more than 50%) to the overall numbers. Hence, the importance of aircraft ground handling and therefore of landing gear design should not be underestimated. Tests on life-size aircraft are obviously expensive and risky, and tests on test-rigs (namely drop-test facilities) allow only limited deduction of information about the landing gears dynamics; especially the interaction between aircraft and land- ing gear is difficult to assess. On the contrary, simulation offers a means to examine the behavior of the airplane as a complex systemin its environment at a reasonable cost. With a modem computer mechanical systems with a large number of degrees of freedom, both for rigid and elastic body motion, can be mod- elled. The conventional landing gear type for large aircraft, consist- ing of a set of tires, sometimes a bogie, and almost always an oleo pneumatic shock absorber (often abbreviated as oleo) today is a highly sophisticated device that leaves only limited roomfor improvement. With the advent of microelectronics both in digital computers and in controller development the idea of a controlled landing gear gained new momentum. Both systems controlling strut stiffness and damping coefficient (fully active) and controlling only the damping parameters (semi-active) are subjects of current research. As stated above, aircraft landing gears are crucial for safety, comfort (both for passengers and pilots) and for weight consid- erations. As the device responsible for safely moving the air- craft on ground, the landing gear has to fulfill several, sometimes conflicting, needs. Jenkins, [l] and Young, [2] have given a detailed presentation of those requirements. In short, the landing gear must on one hand absorb vertical and horizon- tal energy during landing impact, and on the other hand keep the aircraft in a stable position during ground manoeuvres. Commercial aircraft should also provide a smooth ground ride during taxiing both for passenger comfort and safety reasons. 1.2 Landing Gear Simulation The design of a new aircraft takes a long time span which can last up to a decade fromthe first proposals to customer deliv- ery. The development process includes different manufacturers and suppliers who provide many components to the aircraft. Simulation has long been a necessary step in the development process. In addition to mechanical simulation (e.g. test rigs) numerical computer simulation gains more and more impor- tance and acceptance. The simulation used in the work presented in this paper was based on the Multi-Body-System (MBS) simulation tool SIM- PACK. SIMPACK is the central MBS-tool of DLR and it is being applied there for aircraft (landing gears), robots, space- craft structures, railway and road vehicles. SIMPACK offers fast numerical analysis capabilities due to an extended O(N)-algorithmfor tree-configured rigid body MBS. Dealing with closed loop systems the equations of motion are accompanied by a minimal set of algebraic constraint equa- tions, resulting in a differential-algebraic description of the sys- tem. For the examination of elastic vibration control it is of course necessary to use elastic instead of rigid bodies in the model setup. In SIMPACK the kinematics of elastic bodies as well as stress stiffening effects of elastic deformations are taken into account. Extensive libraries of coupling elements like joints and force elements as well as excitations aid the engineer in setting up a model. This includes the kinematics of different suspension systems or other complex joints, force models for hydraulic components, various tire models etc.; subsystem modelling techniques enable the user to establish complex non-standard kinematic and force laws. User written subroutines extend the modelling options. Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear, held in Banfi Canada from 4-5 October 1995 and published in R-800. 5-2 7 1 ProENGINEER 1 M ATRIXx MATLAB ANDECS I I I I Figure 1: SIMPACK and its Interfaces SIMPACK Inte$aces: One of the most important features of SIMPACK is the fact that SIMPACK is an open system which possesses various inter- faces to external standard software products (see figure 1) from the domain of finite element (FEM), computer aided design (CAD) and control system analysis (CACE) programs. FEM: To read in arbitrary flexible geometry a file interface to FEM- programs was developed. This gives access to mass, stiffness and damping matrices and to the above mentioned terms of second order. Vice versa, loads computed by SIMPACK can be transferred to the FEM-code. CAD: For the purpose of incorporating physical and graphical CAD- data, SIMPACK can belinked by a function call interface to CAD-packages. This means an addition to the interactive SIM- PACK model setup tool. The link enables data consistency between MBS- and CAD-data at each step of the model estab- lishing process. In general this feature is not guaranteed by just using file interfaces. Control System Design and Analysis: Due to its ability to numerically linearize the system equations, SIMPACK can beused as a simulation block within linear con- trol design tools. SIMPACK may also belinked as a fully non- linear block into nonlinear optimization and control tools like MATRIXx, MATLAB, ANDECS, etc. (figure 2 shows these links for the connection of SIMPACK to MATRIXX). This gives the user the possibility to use SIMPACK and its parameter variation capability in a closed optimization loop to efficiently design dynamical systems. Level 1 Level 2 T++-h Block I SystemBuid Figure 2: SIMPACK - MATRlXx Interface 1.3 Landing Gear Control Active control of vehicle suspensions is not only an issue in the aircraft landing gear development. Cars, trucks and railway vehicles are the major applications to profit from active suspen- sions, and great efforts are made among the respective manu- facturers to develop reliable and affordable systems. employment. Although passive suspensions, mostly consisting of a spring and a damping device, today have a high standard, they suffer from a disadvantage that lies in their principle. Optimized to isolate the vehicle body from the ground best at a certain frequency range, their performance often diminishes at other frequencies. Additionally, the need to retain tire ground contact at all times poses a design conflict with comfort requirements. For an aircraft the implications of the phenomena mentioned above is noteworthy: designed to absorb the energy of a hard landing impact, aircraft suspensions perform quite poorly in reduction of ground-induced loads during taxi and take-off. Not surprisingly, supersonic aircraft and a new generation of stretched civil transport aircraft suffer the most under ground- induced structural vibration because of their increased struc- tural flexibility inherent in their design with slender bodies and, at supersonic aircraft, their relatively thin wings. Active and semi-active suspensions promise a solution to this problem. An active suspension can be defined as a suspension layout which controls the forces acting in the shock absorber by control of energy dissipation, or, if required by the control law, by generating additional force. The usual means of control is a closed-loop control with a control law acting with respect to measured states (often velocities or accelerations) at certain points of reference. A suspension termed semi-active has the restriction that it cannot input energy into the system. Usually realized as damping control, it is therefore only able to control the amount of energy dissipation. Only forces of the same direction as that of the instantaneous relative damper velocity can begenerated. Nevertheless, since fully active control sys- The principles are largely independent of the specific vehicle - - .. - 5-3 low weight good performance tems usually require a heavy and costly force generation device (for aircraft landing gears mostly pressurized oil reservoirs have been proposed) they are unlikely to be quickly introduced in production aircraft. Semi-active suspension systems offer considerable advantages of light weight and less complicated mechanical requirements without suffering a great loss in per- formance. low weight high weight good performance good performance Summarizing, the main reasons for the introduction of semi- active landing gear control are: . 1. Minimize the load on the airframe structure, minimize force peak values and vibrations that can result in fatigue and reduce the life of the airframe. 2. Minimize accelerations acting on pilot and passengers since the induced vertical and horizontal accelerations and vibrations can lead to passenger discomfort and crew disorientation. only for design case relative low corn- plexity 1.3.1 Activities There have been several preceding efforts to the improvement of aircraft of ground ride. A typical measure to adopt the land- ing gear force-deflection curve toward a lower slope is the use of a two-chamber-oleo. In 1977, Somm/Straub/Kilner [4] pro- posed an adaptive landing gear system for several military transport aircraft to improve taxi performance on rough run- ways. They worked with a secondary air chamber that could be pressurized shortly after touchdown in order to generate the desired softer pneumatic spring rate as a function of aircraft weight. Today, with reliable, inexpensive and powerful elec- tronic signal processing available, research has moved toward computerized closed-loop control. In 1984 a feasibility study for a series-hydraulic active control landing gear intended for supersonic military aircraft was published by McGehee and Morris, [5]. Additionally to theoretical analysis a number of tests had been performed on a test-rig to permit experimental verification of the concept. The setup is typical for a fully active control system and has before and since been investi- gated several times. The gear force applied to the airframe is regulated by the hydraulic pressure in the piston of the oleo which is used as an actuator. The results obtained led to the modification of a F106 nose landing gear which was also tested in test-rig setups, [6]. Another investigation that combined an analytical and an experimental approach was conducted by Freymann, [7]. Object of research was the simulation of a nose gear oleo. Again the force generation was realized by pressurized oil, even though the valve layout was different. A laboratory setup was used to experimentally verify the basic control concept. Even though the results obtained in both cases might be overly optimistic when it comes to application to a realistic aircraft, the investigations showed nevertheless that a fully active land- ing gear is feasible and can lead to significantly reduced air- frame loads. Another somewhat more recent approach is the analysis of improvements gained with closed loop semi-active oleo control. Studies by Karnopp [SI for automotive applica- tions show that the performance of a semi-active damper is only marginally smaller than that of a fully active system, pro- vided that an adequate control law is used. Catt/Cowling/Shep- herd [9] come to a similar result in a simulation study of aircraft suspensions. The semi-active damping device is usu- ally proposed to be an oleo with a modulated damping orifice cross-section, completely omitting the metering pin. over broad range over broad range mediumcom- high complexity plexity A study of the properties of fully and semi-active oleos led to the decision to take the semi-active damper as the system of choice (see table 1) for the work presented here, see [ 101. stable 1 passive I semi-active I active I stable potentially un- stable Table 1 : System Features Comparison The semi-active damper seems to provide the best compromise between performance and additional weight handicap. The investigations of ground-load reduction are concentrated on the nose gear, since results show that this has the most potential for ride quality improvement. 1.3.2 Control Laws Different control laws are investigated in the literature, mostly for cars and trucks. During aircraft operations, however, associ- ated parameters change during a wide range. Take-off weight will always differ drastically from landing weight, aircraft ground velocities vary between very low speed at taxi and 60 to 80 m/s at take-off and landing. Oleo and tire properties may vary depending on age and maintenance. Finally, runway qual- ity differs from airport to airport. Suitable control laws have to be robust against these changes. Several solutions to the problemexist and have been discussed thoroughly, ranging from sky-hook damping to nonlinear and adaptive control laws (for a state-of-the-art review see [ 111). For many problems the algorithms have to go further than to solely observe center of gravity motion. Other points influenc- ing the results are maximumapplicable actuator force and sus- pension travel limitations. For the problemdiscussed in this paper, the sky-hook damping approach has been chosen. 1.3.3 Hardware Since the idea of active and semi-active landing gear is rela- tively new, and no system for aircraft is as yet in the production stage, the hardware is still in the phase of concept evaluation. In the field of fully active oleo control so far heavy laboratory setups have been used to validate simulation results. For semi-active control systems, some manufacturers, espe- cially in the domain of heavy-duty trucks, have proposed and built technically feasible layouts. Other suggestions include dry friction damping (which, for large aircraft, is likely to be unre- alistic due to the large energy dissipation). A relatively new proposal is the use of electro-rheological fluids, i.e. fluids that change their viscosity in response to an electrical field. Objectives for the final choice of a system will surely be led by a consideration of performance against penalty. Surely low weight is desirable, and high safety against failure is essential. A good performance also requires a high bandwidth, low reac- 5-4 tion time actuator. The possible achievable actuator peak force might also bea decisive criterion. 2. Motivation 2.1 The Problem 2. I . I Ride Comfort Assessment In chapter 1 it could beseen that the improvement of crew and passenger ride comfort will beof growing concern for manu- facturers of large aircraft. As base measurement for ride comfort assessment the vertical accelerations are widely used. Since the individual perception is additionally influenced by other factors of the biomechanical human system, scales have been developed to weight the fact that certain frequencies are perceived to be more uncomfort- able than others for a given amplitude. In IS0 263 1, [ 121 the frequencies between 4 and 8 Hertz are denoted as the most cru- cial for comfort (figure 3). Ride comfort improvement has Acceleration a, (rms), [m/s2] 8. .. 1. 2. 4. 8. 1 6. 32. Frequency [Hertz] Figure 3: Fatigue-Decreased Proficiency Boundary (IS0 263 1- 1974(E)) therefore to concentrate on vertical accelerations in this fre- quency range, measured in the cockpit and passenger compart- ment. 2.1.2 Airframe Eigenfrequencies Normal accelerations of the airframe originate in longitudinal rigid body modes as well as in elastic airframe eigenmodes. Rigid body eigenmodes: The important rigid body eigenmodes are found at frequencies where humans are less susceptible. The rigid airframe eigen- modeof large aircraft in vertical direction is likely to beat a frequency below one Hertz, whereas the eigenfrequency of the unsprung mass (i.e. wheels, brakes, bogies), also denoted as wheel hop frequency, is found in the range above 50 Hertz. Elastic airfame eigenmodes: Five eigenmodes display frequencies where the human body is most sensitive, with an additional four eigenmodes in a two Hertz band above and below the critical range. A list of the rigid and flexible eigenmodes can be found in [IO]. An active controlled landing gear introduced to improve the ride quality of a large aircraft would therefore have to concen- trate on reduction of vertical accelerations due to elastic body oscillations in the 4 to 8 Hertz frequency range. The excitation of these oscillations is caused by runway roughness either due to wear and tear or to other unavoidable reasons. Qpical exci- tations used in the simulations are presented in chapter 3.1.4. 2.2 A Proposed Solution Recent research indicates (see chapter 1) that active gear tech- nology may pose a possible solution to the problems of aircraft ground loads and that the semi-active controlled front landing gear promises to bethe most likely solution to beincorporated in a production aircraft by the aircraft industry. The proposal of this paper to solve the ride comfort problemis therefore: design the controller for a front landing gear, modify a conventional landing gear to incorporate controlled damping (thus creating a semi-active front landing gear), analyze it and compare it with the conventional gear. 2.2. I Multi-Objective Parameter Optimization using MBS Models The main part of the controller design, the optimization of the controller parameters, was performed using ANDECS, [ 131, developed also at the DLR. ANDECS is an open Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) software for the analysis and design of controlled systems. I t offers interfaces with other CAE-tools, in particular with modelling environments such as SIMPACK, ACSL and DYMOLA. Besides these interfaces ANDECS pro- - - vides as its core design environment MOPS (Multi-Objective Programming System). Multi-objective parameter-optimization has become more and more a central design strategy for complex dynamical systems where best solutions are searched in the parameter space such that certain - sometimes conflicting - performance specifi- cations have to bemet, [ 141. The design strategy for multi-objective parameter optimization is briefly sketched in figure 4. As usual the dynamic system is - - Engineer Desision Domain design problem, system modelling. final design decicion I I A Figure 4: Synthesis Loop of Optimization defined by the plant and the controller models; both are com- pletely free and can be linear or nonlinear as appropriate. A number of so-called synthesis-parameters, e, are set free within certain limits; they are tuned to yield an optimal design. I t is indeed arbitrary whether these are some (or all) 5-5 control law parameters or some parameters characterizing the mechanical system, e.g. damping or stiffness parameters of passive suspension. The various performance criteria ci, with respect to which the parameters should be optimized (mini- mized), are summarized in a criteria vector: - C ~ I c =[ c 1 , c2, ...) The complete strategy exists of two imbedded loops. The outer loop is initialized by the system definition and the criteria. The inner loop starts on the basis of simulation and analysis initial- ized by a provisionary parameter vector po with a correspond- ing criteria value CO. The desired design-direction is defined by a design parame- ter vector (design director), d: m 1 d =[ d l , d 2 , ..., di ] where di is a chosen design command level corresponding to criterion ci ; di are upper limits for the desired stepwise descent of the corresponding criteria: c . ( p ) < d i i = l 1 - As a design comparator for detecting function C . 1 i = a =max - di .., 1 (2.3) better designs the max- , ...) 1 (2.4) . - is chosen. The strategy is to find a minimumfor this a in vary- ing the synthesis parameters p: (2. 5) The implemented strategy in MOPS does not only guarantee the monotonous descent of all criteria but also tries to solve efficiently the optimization goal for which a@) is minimal. After a sufficient number of steps within the automatic synthe- sis iteration loop, an improved design is reached which is Pareto-optimal, i.e. no criterion can be further improved with- out deteriorating others. At this stage certain decisions are possible, e.g. to change the design director in order to change the design direction. Thereby the designer gains experience which criteria can be easily improved and where the critical design conflicts (within the chosen structure) are located. Other decisions may be the change of the criteria or of the controller structure or the syn- thesis parameters. Within a number of such experiments the potentials of the chosen structure is accumulated. The software modules and their interrelations as used for this paper are shown in figure 5. The overall control of the computational process is done by MOPS; time-simulation of the nonlinear model is executed by DSSIM (Dynamic Simulation Module); the generation of the MBS and controller equations is performed by SIMPACK. The end product of the optimizing process, the satisfactory compromise, is then used to visualize the final model behavior. The following chapter will cover the model setup, the optimal controller design as result of the optimization process will be presented in chapter 4. Figure 5: Software Interaction in the ANDECYSIMPACK Design Environment 3. Modelling 3.1 Aircraft Model Built-up 3.1.1 Modelling Approach The AIRBUS A300, which was selected for the model buildup, represents a configuration widely used for commercial airlin- ers: two wheel front gear, two four wheel bogie main gears, wide body fuselage, two engines and a maximumtake off weight around 140 metric tons. The literally central body of the AIRBUS model is the wing spur frame, the fuselage frame situated at the connection of the aft wing spars to the fuselage. I t is modelled as a rigid body without mass or geometric extent. It serves as connection point between the elastic airframe bodies and the Inertial Reference Frame. The landing gears, built up by several smaller entities, are linked up to the airframe bodies on the one side. On the other side no joints, but tire force laws form the attachment to the runway surface. 3.1.2 The Elastic Airframe Bodies For the incorporation of elastic bodies, the MBS package SIMPACK contains the possibilities to include FEM and beam- like structures. For the use of the BEAM preprocessor the body is divided up into several sections with piecewise constant stiff- ness, damping and distributed mass. This feature and the shape of the four airframe members modelled as elastic bodies (two wings, front and aft fuselage) made its usage feasible for the A300 model. Fuselage: The fuselage model consists of front fuselage part with con- nection to the front landing gear and the aft fuselage part with the rigid elevator and horizontal stabilizer bodies. Both parts are linked to the wing spar frame with zero degrees of freedom joints. They are divided into five sections each. The character- istics of the fuselage were derived fromdesign material pro- vided by the airframe manufacturer. Wings: Like the fuselage, the wing is partitioned into five sections, connected to the wing spar frame on the inner side and left free on the outer. The engine is linked rigidly to the third node, the second node includes the attachment point for the main landing gear. Only bending in z is taken into account for the wing bod- ies. Fed with this data. the BEAM preprocessor calculates the desired eigenmodes of the four airframe members. These eigenmodes are then used by SIMPACK to evaluate the aircraft eigenmodes implemented in the simulation. The selection of the number of eigenmodes plays an important role. High struc- tural vibrations result in small integration stepsize and thus increase CPU work. On the other hand the SHANNON theo- remdetermines the maximumeigenfrequency implemented in a certain model to be at least twice the maximumfrequency under consideration ( [15] and [16]). The eigemnodes for the taxi analysis were chosen in a way to guarantee a safe analysis up to 25Hz. n L Figure 6: First and Second Fuselage Bending Eigenmode In figure 6. the ti nt two fnselage bending eigenmodes are shown. 3.1.3 Force Laws To simulate the dynamical behavior of the A300 airplane. SLM- PACK had to be given a set of force laws. With the ad of the relative displacements and velocities at the specified node points of the multi body system, the according forces were derived. The force laws are realized as user routines within SIMPACK and are explained in detail in [lo]. lire force Lnu: The tire force model has to yield the longitudinal and lateral form and the torque moment acting between the mad surface and the wheel and depending on the slip between tire and ground. Nevefieless. even with a relatively simple model. computational effort has proven to be substantial for an aircraft with ten or more wheels. Depending on the simulation case it proved to be helpful to linearize the tire behavior if possible. For an aircraft taxiing on ground without Cornering M brakina a linear spring model was incorporated The following supposi- tions apply: * negligible slip (no brsking), * 110 side slip, * no loss of ground contact for any tire, * load variations small enough to allow linearization of deflec- This tire model was used for most of the taxi simulations. tion curve. Oleo-Pneumatic Shock Absorber Force Law: Conventional (Passive) System: As primary force generating element each aircraft landing gear is equipped with one central olw. acting on the principle of a one stage or single slope oleo like those used in the landing gears of the A300 aircraft. l l ~ passive oleo displays two sepa- rate force generating elements. the gas chamher that generates the spring force and the set of orifices responsible for the damping force. The total olw force is composed of a gas spring pan (calculated using the general gas law). a damping pm and a tiiction parr The damping force was calculated using the squared value of the relative velocity of the sliding oleo member and the main fitting attached to the fuselage. It is dependent on the direction of the relative motion because of different damping coefficients for compression and for extension. The values for theses coeffi- cients, depending on the olw orifice moss mtions, were deter- mined in tests by the landing gear manufacturer. Friction forces are difficult to assess and depend on a multitude of parameters. eSpecially for the landlng impact case. longitu- dinal forces increase the friction and can in fact bloclr the gear and prevent spring deflection. leading to high structural loads and even s mr al failure. The gas chamber pressure influ- ences the fitting pressure on the outer oleo wall, resulting also in higher friction forces. For the taxi condition the gas pressure variation and applied x-forces remain small. so a constant frit- tion term supplied by the landing gear manufacturer was incor- . porated. S d - A e t f ~ Sptem: The main difference between a semi-active and a conventional oleo is found in the oil orifices responsible for the damping force. To provide control over the damping force, the oil flow and thereby the damping coefficient is regulated. This can be achieved by variable diameter orifices or by implementation of a servo valve. Since the actual design may exhibit quite differ- ent oil Bow regulators. but all of them wntrol the damping coefficient this coefficient was chosen as control variable. The control range, i.e. the maximum and minimum damping coeffi- cient values achievable, was deliberately chosen to liebetween U) and 500% of the original value used in the conventional A300 oleo because this range was considered to be technically feasible. Aemdynamics Force Imu: Stationary motion of an aircraft through the air results in an aemdynamic force acting on the aircraft. Wen into account the small influence of the aerodynamic forces and moments on the overall dynamics of the system. the aerodynamic force user routines were limited to the longitudinal motion. To BCEOW~~ for non-stationary moments, the pitch damping coefficient was cal- culated. . . 3.1.4 Runway surfoce To analyze the dynamic behavior of a general nonlinear MBS model. time histories have to be evaluated for a broad range of frequencies. The excitations used on the model should include a wide frequencies range. Additionally, single frcquencies of special concern might be agitated separately. 5-7 - - The following existing runway disturbances have been taken into account in the present investigation: General roughness: Especially on older airports and on airports in the countries of the former Warsaw Pact, the run- and taxiways display undulations of all frequencies and with higher amplitudes than those measured on air- ports in western countries, [17]. These conditions have reportedly led to dangerous situations. Pilots of aircraft equipped with Cathode Ray Displays (so called glass cockpits) experienced difficulties to read the instru- ments due to vertical accelerations during the take-off run. Concrete Plate Deforming: A widely used method to construct fortified runways is the casting of large plates using liquid concrete. These plates are separated from each other by gaps filled with rubber. Aging of concrete runways causes the plates to settle unevenly, leading to long wavelength bumps and steps at the gaps. Center Line Lights: All run- and taxiways are equipped with lights indicating the middle line during night time operation. These lamps extend a few centimeters from the ground (figure 7) and exert a shock when hit by a tire. They are spaced regularly and can induce oscilla- tions. a: Housing Height (2 ... 5 cm) b: Length (1L.30 cm) c: Spacing (5.. 15 m) Figure 7: Center Line Light Housings in a Runway To simulate these runway surface conditions, the following three distinct models have been programmed. Quasi-stochastic Runway Model Thompson [17] gave a list of a number of measured Power Spectral Densities (PSD) of runways in NATO countries. These were used to build up a deflection curve using a set of harmonic functions. The runway elevation curve resulting fromthis pro- cess is displayed in figure 8. Elevation Iml I 40. 80. 120. 160. 200 Runway x-coordinate [m] -0.1 J Figure 8: Quasi-stochastic Model Runway Surface A comparison between four measured runway PSDs (thin lines) and the PSD of the implemented model runway (solid line) is shown in figure 9. - Model Runway Measured Runway t - 10-2 10-1 1 00 IO Reduced Frequency [radiadft] Figure 9: Power Spectral Density of Measured and Model Runway Multiple Pulse Runway Model: Step and pulse model inputs are especially suitable to induce a broad band of frequencies into a model. In practical ground operation, pulse inputs can result from concrete plate gaps or from center line light housings. In figure 7, a light housing built into the runway is sketched. In reality, the tire hitting the hous- ing will deform, so that the impact of the heave motion of the bottomof the tire spring will be muffled. The multiple pulse runway model uses this kind of pulse shape. Housing dimen- sions and spacing are programmed as variables and are defined in the experiment model setup. Harmonic Wave Runway Model: The harmonic wave as excitation was included in the system analysis to performa sort of worst case evaluation. With this runway model, a distinct frequency acts on the landing gear to induce potentially problematic oscillations like the main fuse- lage bending eigenfrequencies. A simple sinusoidal wave was used for the model. In figure I O, an example runway surface is n , . Elevation [ml I 40. 80. 120. 160. 200 -0.1 J Runway x-coordinate [m] Figure 10: Harmonic Model Runway Surface 5-8 given used for the excitation of the 3.6 Hertz fuselage bending eigenmode of the A300 at a speed of 20 ds. 4 Control Concept Andysis 4.1 Control System Lay-Out During the selection process of a control law to be imple- mented. the rigorous safely nquirements in aircraft design have to be taken into consideration Thus, low system com- plexity is one of the design drivera for the control system. A single input single output (SISO) control system requires the minimumof one sensor signal and one actuator element and was therefm chosen. A i d cumntly in commercial operation are in pm already equipped with acceleration sewn. To keep additional system requirements low. a single acceleration sensor at the cockpit position was assumed and used for the feedback signal. Figure 11 shows the resulting system layout. Sensor n ' semi-active Olea Figure 11: Control System Sensor and AcNator Location The block diagram in figun I2 shows the general principle of the feedback system. The Oleo Closure Rute remains the main 4 Figure 12: Control System BI& Di ag" input for the Landing Geor Oleo. It determines the f orm applied on the Aircrqtl Structure depending on the Runway Pm$le inputs and the Damping O w e Area Actuator. The Air- cmJI Response coming from the Aimrqtl Strucfure is fed back using the Sensor Signal Pmeessutg and the control algorithm implemented in the Connolkr. "he velocity feedback used as controller input makes the cho- sen control concept a variation of the sky-book approach. 4.2 Optimization Roccss 4.2.1 Criteria Selection The goal of the i mpl emdon of a controlled front gear is to increaac passenm and pilot comfort by reduction of fuseIage viition. The criterion vector c must take into acalunt the nee essmy states. The a i d stateveetor Y P = (4.1) contains the statcs describing the aircraft motion. Here, y, =[ y i ] , i =1. ..., no (4.2) denotes the position states for each of the no joints, Y,, =[Y:,], i =1, ..., no (4.3) stands for the velocity states of the joints, I q =[ q ] , i =1, ..., nK (4.4) descni the deformation position coordinates for each elastic body nK and (4.5) 1 q =[ q 1, i =1, ..., nK expresses the deformation coordinatw in the velocity domain. For calculation and analysis the states of several distinct loee tions on the elastic bodies are needed. Unlike on rigid bodies, where states of any location can easily be derived if thestates of the reference system of the body are known, the states of arbiwry locations on the elastic body depend on the deforma- tion position and velocity coordinates. To observe all intensting eigenmode s hep it is nesessq to introduce "cnts of suitable locatiom on all elastic bod- ies (fuselage and wings). For example. the 6rst fuselage bend- ing mode can be observed by "ats in the far front or far rear end ofthe fusel age. whereas f a the second eigenmode additional information is needed from stations between the fmnt and the center of gravity of the a i d . As a compromise betwmn the resolution of bigb fquency eigenmodes and sim- ulation time, 16 locations have been selected on the AUX) air- frame. me semi-active landing gear influences primarily the vertical motion of the aircraft Vertical accelmtion was therefore picked as criterion state to be measIved The Root Mean Square (RMS) value is calculated using 5-9 The acceleration itself is determined as with (4.6) (4.13) with xz =vertical acceleration at sensor i xm= reference value for acceleration evaluation, to be se operator ci,RMFRMS-criterion for sensor i to =start of time integration interval t , =end of time integration interval Besides the Root Mean Square value (RMS value), which rates amplitudes and their duration time, peak values are includes as well: c ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ =max( abs( j i , - x, , , ) ) (4.7) where Ci,p& denotes the peak-criterion value. With this double criterion strategy, a trade-in of low RMS val- ues for very high but short peaks is avoided. RMS values and peak values of all sensors were weighted equally, with slight emphasis on the front fuselage part. 4.2.2 Optimization Method The numerical procedure used to solve this nonlinear multi objective multi parameter optimization problemis based on the technique of Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) described in [18] and [19] in an implementation in the ANDECS Control Systems Design Environment ( [20], [21]). The aim is to determine a set of parametersp in a way that min- imizes a cost function f ( x) under consideration of different equality and inequality constraints g(x). The general form of the cost function can be stated as f ( x ) =min ; X E 91'' (4.8) where u(t ) stands for the model input, a function dependent on time t and the controller parameters p. To derive the free system parameters, the optimization strategy shown in figure 13 was used. The system was subjected to the with the constraints g j ( x ) =0 ; j =1,2, ..., mG (4.9) g j ( g ) > o ; j = m G + l , 2 ,..., m (4.10) Criteria q: 3 * 16 RMS values of vertical accelerations 3 * 16 maximumamplitudes of vertical accelerations Design Parameters di: 3 * 32 weighting factors Figure 13: Multi Model Optimization Process three different excitation cases which were described in chapter 3 earlier. In the following step, a complete and self-contained simulation run of the nonlinear model was performed for each excitation case. The criteria were evaluated using the steady state time response. After being weighted with the design parameters d, the optimization run was evaluated and the next optimization run initiated using changed parameters. and the parameter domain boundaries 5. Results Cost function and constraints have to be continuous, but no specific structure is required. For the acceleration minimiza- tion, the cost function can now be stated as 5.1 Final Design Evaluation The optimization process described above was used to derive a set of controller parameters best suited to minimize the design parameters di. On the following pages the system performance using those controller parameters is shown for the three excita- tion cases. The performance is subsequently compared with that of the original conventional type landing gear. A complete presentation and discussion of the results can befound in [lo]. 5-10 - l C . 5.2 Quasistochastic Excitation Per.mnance In figure 14 the vertical cockpit acceleration response of both -Conventional Nose Gear - Semi-active Nose Gear Vertical Cockpit Acceleration [m/s2] The frequency domain response for the harmonic excitation in figure 17 shows that a high level of accelerations at the fre- quency of the exciting undulations of the runway for the con- ventional gear has to be expected (thin line). Therefore the PSD in this frequency range exhibits high levels. The semi-active gear (bold line) transforms the response into small amplitudes over a wide frequency range, leading to higher PSD levels at higher frequencies than the conventional gear. I t must be taken into account, though, that the total absence of higher frequencies in the excitation was deliberately chosen to analyze this excitation form and will be accompanied by higher or lower levels of distributed runway inputs in each real run- way excitation. Nevertheless it can be stressed that the semi-active system per- formance displays an impressive lead in the low frequency range over the conventional gear. This result is even more important bearing in mind the susceptibility of the human body with its emphasis on the low frequency range. I gear can especially beseen for the first fuselage bending eigen- mode at 3.6 Hertz and for the second symmetric and antimetric wing bending eigenmode at 5.6 and 5.7 Hertz, respectively. 5.3 Center Line Light Excitation Figure 16 shows the system behavior for the repeated pulse excitation as exerted by center line light cases or concrete plate gaps. Power Spectral Density of Cockpit Acceleration [m2/ s3] i Figure 14: Time Domain Response for Quasistochastic Excitation -Conventional Nose Gear - Semi-active Nose Gear the conventional gear (thin line) and the semi-active gear (bold line) in the time domain are shown for a total simulation time of five seconds. The system state at the beginning of the simu- lation was determined by a pre-analysis time integration to guarantee a steady state response throughout the whole analy- sis period. I t can beseen that no fading oscillations are present. The controlled gear performs well, the amplitudes of the accel- eration are diminished by a factor of five. The power spectral density (PSD) of the cockpit accelerations of this time history, shown in figure 15 for the frequency range Power Spectral Density of Cockpit Acceleration [m2/ s3] 10' 10-1 - Conventional Nose Gear - Semi-active Nose Gear I I 0 10 20 30 Frequency [Hertz] Figure 15: Power Spectral Density of Quasistochastic Excitation Response from0.1 to 30 Hertz, displays significant improvements over the whole frequency range. The influence of the semi-active 0 10 20 30 Frequency [Hertz] Figure 16: Power Spectral Density of Center Line Light Excitation Response While the system response of the semi-active gear remains below the one of the passive gear over the whole frequency range, two distinct peaks can be seen below IOHz for the air- craft structural eigenmodes. At those points the system perfor- mance of the semi-active oleo retains only a small advantage over the conventional system. This behavior differs from the one seen for quasistochastic excitation and may be amplified by the total absence of inputs between the bumps and on the main gears. - - 5.4 Harmonic Excitation 5-1 1 Power Spectral Density of Cockpit Acceleration [m2/ s3] 10' - Conventional Nose Gear - Semi-active Nose Gear 10-3 1 0 I O 20 30 Frequency [Hertz] Figure 17: Power Spectral Density of Harmonic Excitation Response (3.6Hz) To assess the impact of the excitation of the main gears, com- parative simulations were performed. The results are presented in the next subchapter. 5.5 All-Gear Excitation The general approach to the results obtained above was to excite the nose gear only. There are several reasons for this assumption. First, it is a contribution to the fact that the center line lights hit by the rolling aircraft would mostly be encoun- tered by the nose landing gear only. The main landing gear is supposed to run on smooth surfaces. This argumentation is, with some restrictions, also valid for the harmonic excitation, due to the wide aircraft track of 9.6 m. Second, the excitation of all three landing gears adds considerably to the model size, translating into higher numerical simulation time. The time dif- ference to the single gear simulations are substantial, since the main gears represent a highly nonlinear subsystem. Therefore it was decided that the system performance would be evaluated using the single gear excitation case for the optimization runs as well as for the subsequent evaluation simulations. The following investigation was made to verify the justification of this assumption. It compares the A300 aircraft model with the conventional nose gear oleo with the model equipped with the semi-active nose gear oleo. For the main gears conventional oleos are implemented in both cases. The nose gear is subjected to the center line light excitation as described in chapter 3, the main gears are moved by the quasistochastic excitation described in the same chapter. The maximumpeak values for both simulations, caused by the center line light bumps, appear in both responses as nearly equivalent. The difference between the excitation cases lies at the interval between two bumps. Here the single excited case experiences almost no acceleration whereas the excitation of the main gears for the all gear excitation case causes long wavelength accelerations in the cockpit region. Thus, for low frequencies higher PSD levels can be expected. Comparing the performance of the conventional gear with the semi-active gear (see figure 18), practically no difference is found for frequencies higher than 10 Hertz. In the range between 0.1 and 10 Hertz, the response to the all-gear excita- - - Power Spectral Density of Cockpit Acceleration [m2/ s3] 10-31 i - Single Gear Excitation - All Gear Excitation I I 0 10 20 30 Frequency [Hertz] Figure 18: Comparison of Power Spectral Densities of Nose- Gear-Only and All-Gear Excitation Responses tion shows higher amplitudes than the response to the single- gear excitation. Nevertheless, the relative improvements of the all-gear-excita- tion, semi-active gear against the all-gear-excitation, passive gear are at least as good as for the nose-gear-only excitation case (see [lo]). This gave rise to the decision to use the single gear excitation for optimization and evaluation, reducing the computation time to levels compatible with existing hardware without risking to produce overly optimistic results. 6. Summary In the development of newer aircraft a tendency can be seen towards more flexible airframe structures and particularly towards smaller fuselage bending stiffness. During ground operations, this led to an increasing number of feedback prob- lems between elastic structure eigenmodes and landing gear dynamics, induced by runway unevenness. The aim of this work was therefore to analyze the performance potential of a semi-active nose landing gear oleo to reduce fuselage resonance motion. This oleo is derived froman exist- ing oleo for the aircraft used for the analysis, an AIRBUS A300. It consists of the original gas spring and a modified oil orifice capable of changing the damping coefficient at a high frequency. A controller was derived and optimized which cal- culates the necessary damping following the "sky-hook" damp- ing approach. Here the absolute fuselage vertical acceleration is measured and processed by the controller. The analysis was performed using state-of-the-art simulation technology. A Multibody Simulation (MBS) model was derived, including the highly nonlinear kinematics and force laws of the landing gears and oleos and the airframe structure elasticities. The controller was optimized using multi criteria multi objective optimization software on three models with excitations representing different runway surfaces and excita- tion cases. The performance of the semi-active system was assessed by time domain analysis with numerical integration as well as with frequency domain analysis using power spectral densities. The behavior of the proposed system showed significant improvements for all cases under consideration and for the 5-12 whole frequency range of interest. The results highlight the multi objective parameter optimization approach for finding a well performing parameter set. Since an indisputable depen- dency of the system fuselage acceleration in the frequency domain on any parameter cannot be established it seems to be difficult to come up with a satisfying controller layout by man- ually tuning its parameters. Both optimization and performance evaluation simulations are based on the highly nonlinear and complex MBS model. It lines out a representation of the real aircraft in many aspects affecting the dynamical behavior. Nevertheless it has to be remembered that also this complex model uses assumptions that may or may not influence the dynamic behavior. 7. References [ I ] S.F.N. Jenkins: Landing gear design and development. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engi- neers, Vol203, 1989 [2] Donald W.S. Young: Aircraft landing gears: the past, present, and future. 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Proceedings of IUTAM-Sympo- sium of Optimization of Mechanical Systems, Stuttgart 1995 [23] W. Kortiimand R. S. Sharp (Eds): Multibody Com- puter Codes in Vehicle System Dynamics. Vehicle System Dynamics, Supplement to Vol. 22. Swets & Zeitlinger, 1993 [20] G. Griibel, H.-D. Joos, M. Otter: The ANDECS [22] H. Wentscher and W. Kortiim: Multibody model- - - . . - 6- 1 Dynamic Behaviour of Motorbikes F. Bohm and H. P. Willumeit Department of Traffic Engineering and Applied Mechanics Technical University Berlin, Institut fur Fahrweugtechnik Sekr. TIB 13, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 13355 Berlin, Germany Abstract Dynamic behaviour of motorcycles front wheel are not different to similar wheel suspension motion of airplanes and road vehicles. In every case self excited oscillations caused by the tire occur. Only the different design of wheel suspension produces some different coupling. The deviation of a moving wheel on a horizontal plane from straight rolling is caused by unstable lateral contact forces. The kinematical generation of such forces can be imaginated looking on the elastic tire. A first order time-depending behaviour together with inertia mass and damping of the wheel using the HURWITZ stability criterion gives important insight into the main parameters of the problem. Nevertheless the nonlinearities of the system overshadow this clear insight. Cornering force and cornering moment are nonlinear functions of cornering angle, so the use of the well known Magic Formula together with the black box method of control theory is a logical extension. The problem of instability arises again when the wheel is excited from wavy surface or similar from mass unbalances of the tire. A direct time depending of the lateral tire forces can be used to show parametric instability of the system (MATHIEU equation). The rolling of the wheel on a non-smooth surface needs then to introduce methods of discrete system approach. The paper presents an overview of the problem of shimmy. 1 Introduction The pneumatic tire as a rolling suspension is intended, on the one hand, to ensure that track unevennesses are traversed with as little vibration as possible, and, on the other, to guarantee the driving direction and stability of the vehicle. I n sharp bends, the pneumatic ti re should also withstand the centrifugal forces, and it should generate the appropriate longitudinal forces during braking and acceleration. These manifold requirements, however, can only be met by means of a constructive compromise, wherein an unavoidable coupling arises, by virtue of the elasticity of the tire i n all three dimensions, between the longitudinal, lateral and vertical forces and between their associated dynamic deformations. These couplings lead to non-linearities, which complicate mathematical treatment. A first attempt to solve the problem starts out from the premise that the track is even and the tire ideally round, and also assumes, with regard to the contact time of a tire particle wi th the ground, that the associated slippage between tire and ground occurs in linear fashion, from the entry point of the contact surface to the exit point thereof. If one additionally takes i nto consideration an average deformation of the contact surface, due to the effective lateral force S, then a linear elastic deformation equation can in principle be wri tten down for the lateral deformation as a function of lateral force: s = cs g. (1) Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear, held in Banfi Canada from 4-5 October 1995, and published in R-800. 6-2 The associated lateral spring coefficient cs can be determined experimentally. The linearly increasing deformation from the entry point to the exit point, by contrast, is assigned to the travelling surface (shear deformation) and is superposed onto the deformation g. This enables one to write down a kinematic equation for the slip angle of the tire to which the lateral force S is assigned, of the form This effective slip angle 6 , j f , which is a function of the elastic lateral deformation of the tire carcase, is equal to the stationary slip angle for the case S = constant. The function S is non- linear, since it describes the partial sliding of the tire, and even progressively decreases overall once it has passed beyond the sticking state. If one only takes into consideration small slip angles in the region of zero (driving straight ahead, equation (2)), then the increase Po c' in the cornering force function at the zero point yields the following linear differential equation of first order, whose eigenvalue is negative and therefore exhibits damping behaviour. Any disturbance of the stationary rolling state is therefore damped along the direction of rolling, wherein the damping distance is approximately equal to the tire radius. Since, however, the stationary slip angle characteristic curve is largely a function of the length of the contact area, which in turn is a function of the possibly dynamic wheel load, there is automatically a coupling between the horizontal and vertical dynamics of the tire. 2 Analytical investigation of the stability of shimmy - . - Let us now consider a wheel elastically mounted on a large mass in accordance with the examples of figure 1, and investigate the stability of small vibrations of a wheel that can be rotated around a vertical axis. In actual technical realisations the pivot point of the steering axle is always in front of the contact patch, see figure 2. Let the wheel be elastic mounted to the straight-ahead position by means of an elastic attachment (torsion spring coefficient CL). There is a principal moment of inertia I about the vertical axis. For the pneumatic tracking we designate n p = 9. In the case of damping proportional to velocity (steering damping), a coefficient kL is used. The characteristic curves for the tire are displayed in figure 3. Analytically, the use of n p has the advantage of a simpler mathematical description. The equations of motion are as follows: 1 1. Angular momentum about the steering axle: ( I -t m a2) + = -CL cp - kL cp ' - S ( a + n p ) . 2. Lateral guiding force S for small slip angles 3. The effective slip angle: (3) (4) a d ij a Q mit 6Rim = cp + -. 5 6,ff = 6Ri m - - = c p + - - - 2) 2) 2) 2) 6 3 I C) I Figure 1: Ezamples of wheel suspension: a) moiorcyele, b) moior car and e) aeroplane (afier [VolkSS]) Figure 2 kineiic and dynamic guaniities of the steered wheel 2cQ 100 0 6 0 2 O Lo 6 O E" loo 12O14O Figure 3: frackinglength Laieral guiding force and pncumafic After linearisation (np no - see figure 3), it follows that: ( I +maZ) q+kL. +cL. D( a+no) Pod (.++) a d = 0, With - ex t, that leads to the characteristic determinant solutions ( I . = I + m a'): 1. Az + [ k ~ + (a + no) Po d] Pad (1 + A) -cs - Po dg + CL + ( a + no) Po d -(a + no) = 0. (8) 6-4 The expansion 01 this gives: 2.1 The unconstrained wheel If, for example, one sets CL = kL = 0, the characteristic equation obtained is: - 0. a cs v cs - x2 + ( a + no) - + ( a + no) - - Ill I4 x3 + ioc; In the case of a wheel free to rotate around the steering axle CL = 0, kL = 0, the ROUTII- HURWITZ stability conditions for the bow wheel of an aeroplane or for the steering of a motorcycle give a cs - Po d > 0. (11) 2.2 Elastic mounted wheel with steering tolerance If, by contrast, one considers a steered wheel, tolerance can arise in the steering, which can be represented in a simple equivalent linearisation by a steering stiffness c l as a function of the torsional vibration amplitude. The steering tolerance is represented by an angle of rotation f cpo (see figure 4). For the equivalent linearisation of the function cp = A cos(v t ) Figure 4: Dependence of fhe steering iolerance Figure 5: Shape funcfion of roiaiional oscillaiion am- plitude dependend sieering sfiffness holds: !!1 f(Acos(v t ) ) cos(v t ) dt = cL(A) cos(v t ) . 7i- In both of the partial domains A < cpo and A 2 cpo, or for Q = 1&1 with cy < 1 and Q 2 1, the following equivalent torsion spring coefficients shall be taken into account a < l : c;, = 0 CY21: (13) c i = CL (I - k( Q) ) The shape of the function k ( a ) is given in figure 5. From the polynomial of third degree for the characteristic value A 6-5 for c; #0 but k~ = 0, we obtain the HURWITZ determinant A20 = ( a+no) [" - 11. I, Po c' The determinant vanishes for cr = 5, the relaxation length. For kL #0 (and c l #0), the HURWITZ determinant is from which it can be gathered that there is an additional term proportional to the factor ci . From these formulae it can be seen that 1. without steering damping there can be no stabilisation and 2. if there is steering damping, sufficient stabilisation can also be provided with a dimi- nished steering stiffness c t . 3. Since in general the geometric tracking length is significantly smaller than the relaxa- tion distance, the additional terms in equation (9) must compensate for the negative effects of the stability condition (equation (15)). Thus steering tolerance is frequently not immediately recognised, since the graph of the function k(a) only slightly diminishes the effect of the steering damping. Thus a maintenance problem arises from the fact that, even with a very small amount of steering tolerance, vibrations are amplified. 2.3 Taking friction into consideration In order to avoid the effect of steering tolerance, therefore, friction is introduced into the steering by means of constructive measures. If one considers the effect of friction (figure 6), f$ 'p Figure 6: Dependency of steering restislance on fric- tion this can be represented by an eqivalent linear term of the form 6-6 where MR represents the frictional moment in the steering. For the case where CL = 0, but k; #0, the characteristic polynomial is now: The HURWITZ determinant is given by: Here one can also see that irrespective of whether A,,, i.e. the HURWITZ determinant for the case cL = kL = 0, is positive or not, a suitably dimensioned frictional moment or k; compels st ability. This simple analytic investigation makes it clear that every rotating but elastically mounted wheel is capable of exhibiting self-excited rotational vibrations about the axis of steering. Even if wheel load variations are not taken into consideration, and thus an even ground is assumed, there is a tendency towards so-called wobble vibrations in case of a motorcycle. The effect of the non-linearity of the system on the amplitudes of vibration alone is also exhibited, wherein more exhaustive efforts with the aid of harmonic balances also take into consideration the non-linearity of the cornering curve. Unfortunately this effect is in principle non-linear, also with respect to the vertical dynamics of the wheel, leading to states of motion at several frequencies. The method of harmonic balances is thereby rendered useless for dealing with the problem. Notably the tire width and curvature of the contact area have a stabilising effect [Boe77]. 3 Steer-Shimmy of Motorcycles Instabilities of the steering system are known for several types of vehicles, e. g. the tail- or mainwheel of airplanes and the (steer-)shimmy of automobiles. This instability also accurs at single-track vehicles as bicycles, scooter, and motorcycle. It describes the resonance movements of the steering-system around the steering axis. Several authors examined this phenomenon of motorcycles (e. g. [Pac66], [Sha71], [Sha77], and [Koch80]). The modelling of the motorcycle by means of a linear differential equation system of 20. order provides the main (eigen) figures of the driver - single-track vehicle system. [Sha71] indicated the terms for three eigen-values: 0 capsize mode, as vibration-free movement of tilting (tipping) of the whole motorcycle to one side, which is stable in the lower velocity range, and constantly instable in the medium and higher velocity range. 0 wobble mode, which is called shimmy at other vehicles, and is steer motion which occurs at motorcycles as a frequency between 7 and 10 Hz almost independent from the vehicle velocity, and is good damped in the lower and medium velocity range. 0 weave mode, as vibration of the whole motorcycle around the yaw axis with an incre- asing frequency at lower driving speed and in the medium and higher velocity range movement tending towards a limit value between 2 and 3 Hz. 6-7 The linear theory, however, does in comparison with measurements on the motorcycle not come up with real-world condition results for the wobble mode, since the whole calculation model for the medium velocity range calculates a well damped vibration then, the mea- surements show that especially here just very low, respectively no damping exists. Other mechanical couplings are, therefore, effective as they are enclosed in the linear vehicle model. From the observation of a real vehicle showing that shimmy movements are very much cou- pled with the balancing condition of the wheel, [Koch801 developed a model, which contains the steering system of the motorcycle alone, without the rear frame. As a fundamental addi- tion compared to previous modelling, he encludes the periodic wheel load oscillation, which comprise a force component around the steering axis, supplying the energy for exciting the wobble mode. These wheel load oscillations occur through pitching and vertical motions of the vehicle and front wheel which are connected with the radial deformation of the tire. These oscillations are produced by road irregularities, as well as by the periodic forces of a poor balanced wheel. [Koch80], herewith, got a mechanical backup system, which encludes the radial deformation of the tire in the wobble mode. Result of this modelling is a non-linear differential equation system, which can be transformed to a MATHIEU differential equation, so that the kinetic ranges of instability of the wobble mode can be demonstrated. 1. Solution of the vertical motion Fig. 7 may be used as model. The following differential equation gives the force-balance I Figure 7: model of the vertical motion in the vertical direction: mG C +C R Y = CRZ, (20) ji+w;y = w i z , (21) (22) 2 C + WR y = 20 cos(0 t ) ( m ~ : Mass of wheel, CR: Tire radial stiffness, y: vertical motion of wheel axis, z: vertical motion of road surface). With y = yo cos(0 t') one gets: Yo = 20 9 (23) w; - 0 2 U; - 02 y = yo cos(R t ) = 4 20 cos(s2 t ) . (24) 6-8 The reactam force coming from the road exc tation results as radial force to FR = CR ( y - 4 at the center of the tire contact. 2. Solution of the pitching motion A road irregularity at the front wheel produces a pitching motion of the vehicle. Fig. 8 may be used as model. The following differential equation for the center of gravity b$y> 1' Figure 8: Model of the pitching motion of vehicle results from the torque balance (77: pitch angle, cRVIR: front/rear wheel stiffness, z: vertical motion of road surface, U,: Eigenfrequency of pitch motion) so finally the solution is Zo cos(R t ) . CRV aG 'I = ' I o cos(R t ) = e, (q - n2) The following superposed movement results from the pitching and vertical motion of the whole vehicle for the front wheel out of which the radial force can be calculated: 3. Equation of motion around the steering axis This torque balance around the steering axis gives the following differential equation, the model is shown in fig. 9 6-9 n Figure 9: Model for the motion around the sieen'ng axis + (FN n - mv Zv g - mG e g) sing sinX + - .. 8 1 + 9-1 + n Fsv + Mzv cos^+ FR n sinX = 0, 8 = IVZ + mv 1; + IGZ + mG e2. Linearization for small steering angles and with CA = ( FNn- mv I vg-mGeg)si na+ncv,+cMzva COSQ 2 CA wx = - 8' results in X + ~ W ~ D ; \ + W : ( 1+- :n) x=O. If the radial force from the pitching and vertical motion are introduced into the quations of motion around the steering axis the following nonlinear equation results out of it: j; + 2 o x D i + w: x (1 + 2 /.l cos(s2 t ) ) = 0, the MATHIEU differential equation. = 0, (40) The interesting part of this equation is that unlimited expanding solutions for particular values of its coefficients are given These values produce ranges of instability. 6-10 Although the solution of he MATH EU differential equation demonstrates especially at dou- ble excitation frequency its main range of instability, the chape of the non-linear function, however, dictates what happens. The shape of this function is shown in fig. 10 using the data of a motorcycle as function of the driving speed v, respectively wheel frequency 0. The shape of the front axle amplitude I Vehicle Speed v (kml h) I 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 I 2 13 U 1 5 1 6 17 Wheel Frequency f (Hz) Figure 10: Ki net i c ranges of instability of t he st eeri ng s ys t em vs vehi cl e speed ( af t er [KochdO]) as function of the driving speed, respectively wheel frequency is shown in fig. 11 showing two resonances of the vertical and pitching eigenfrequency. Since the resonance of the pitching- lil %In:0,33m q129,8? 11s 3 L.75 Hz 9 : L E. g 11s: 7.18 Hz I I Vehicle Speed v (kml h) Wheel Frequency f (Hz) I I 2 3 L 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 I 4 IS I 6 17 Figure 11: Ampl i t ude rat e of the vert i cal front -axl e t rack ( af t er [KochdO]) eigenfrequency (wv = 7,78 Hz) approximately coincides with the medium range of instability, also instable wobble motion is to be expected within this velocity range. The measured frequency and velocity during the wobbling of this vehicle agrees with theo- retically gained values of the nonlinear stability analysis. These results show beautifully that the wobble mode can also be determined as a characteristic value with the help of the linear theory, though it does not agree with measurements at the motorcycle, with respect to either frequency or damping. Only by including in the modelling the vertical dynamics 6-1 I of the wheel together with the lateral dynamic characteristics, which leads to a non-linear differential equation, results in regions of instability that can be confirmed by measurements. A first- or higher-order theory of tires for the lateral characteristics and a radial tire stiffness dependent on the tire speed may further refine the results. Even if [Koch801 only used the balanced masses in its model as an excitation, the broad spec- trum of road unevennesses also provides excitations. This is also confirmed by measurements wherein greater instability arises with an unbalanced front wheel. Also G. Nybakken is engaged in work in his dissertation [Nyb73] on investigating the stability of rheolinear aeroplane landing gear. 4 Tire Magic Formulas Simulation of systems in general but also of tires can be done for two goals: 1. Description of the physical happening in a system by using physical laws: 2. Imitating the physical behaviour - in the meaning of a black-box view - by appro- ximating the behaviour. Engineers use both methods for simulation, whereby the imitation of the physical behaviour must be done by system identification on the basis of estimated and anticipated describing rules; e.g. by theoretical control assessments. Both methods deliver also different statements. Using physical laws, precise predictions about non existing systems, and their influence by physical parameters are possible. On the other hand the computation effort is generally very high. The advantage, and very often, also the goal of the second method is the real time ability for a complex dynamic system combined with the disadvantage not to entirely comprehend the influences of physical parameters of that system. The method to imitate the physical behaviour by its approximation on the basis of behaviour equivalent formulas is called in the last time magic formula. On one hand in the area of vehicle development but also for driving simulators a real time ability or at least a very quick statement about the system behaviour of the total vehicle is necessary without for instance to accomplish a physically exact description of a shock absorber. In the following two of these approximating formulas are described, one could be used for calculation of the tires static and the other for the calculation of the tires dynamic behaviour. 4.1 Static behaviour of tires Since the static behaviour with respeckt to side force, self aligning torque, camberforce etc. for braking and tracking forces of all tires are similar the effort to build up a physical model1 and the effort to estimate all necessary physical parameters is enormous, so the idea of using only some mathematical functions which fits the measured results by changing only some of function parameters came up. [Bak87] and [Bak89] presented a paper in which they proposed a formula with coefficients which describe some of the typifying quantities of a tire, such as slip stiffness at zero slip and force and torque values. The formula is capable of describing the characteristic of side force, 6-12 brake force and self with great is limited to steady-state conditions. digni torqu curac That mathem tical represent at ion Figure 12 shows the basic form of each characteristic o::he tire. Bakker et al. took over the Figure 12: St eady-st at e iire charactens;,s (after [Bak87]) idea by Ruf [Ruf83] to approximate these tire behaviourby special angular functions. The demands for that formula was expressed 0 to be able to describe all steady-state tire characEristics, 0 being easily obtainable from measured dates, 0 being physically meaningful; its parameters sho-,:i characterize in some way the ty- pifying quantities of the tire, 0 being compact and easy to use, 0 contributing to a better understanding of tire bezviour, and 0 being accurate. These demands were found for all tire characteristics i: :he expression y(s) = D sin {C arctan [B z - E ( I z - arctan(B s))]} , (42) Y ( X ) = Y(Z) t s v , (43) x = X t S h (44) with Y(X) standing for either side force, self aligning ccque or brake force and X denoting slip angle (a) or longitudinal slip ( K ) . D in equation (42) is the peak value and the produc. D C B equals the slip stiffness at zero slip. The coefficient C governs the shape of the crve and the coefficient E makes it possible to accomplish a local extra stretch or compression w remain uneffected. 6-13 ile stiffness and peak value Due to ply steer, conicity, rolling resistance and camber, the characteristics will be shifted in horizontal and/or vertical directions. These shifts are represented by Sh and S, respectively. By these approximating functions Bakker et al. got in parts excellent fitting results of measured and calculated tire behaviour as shown in Fig. 13 and 14. BRAKE FORCE -FE SIDE FORCE -FI (N) r t = r t n 8'0008 6,000 YCASUREYENTS: b U, f - 2 DEO. 0 U. =- 5 DEO. c1 = OOCO. 0 1 0 20 3 0 ,b 6 0 0 0 7 0 80 Q0 100 -LONClTUDINAL SLIP - K (11 Figure 13: Brake and side force us slip (after [Bak87]) SELF ALIONINC TORQUE -Mr INml 2ooi MEASUREMENTS 2600 4000 6000 0000 BRAKE FORCE - i r IN) 0 Figure 14: self aligning iorpue us break force (after [Bak87]) 4.2 Measured Transfer Properties of the Tire at time varying side slip angle and its approximation by control theory trans- format ions. [Wi1189], [Nastgl) and [Will951 reported about the dynamic behaviour of tires due to dynamic changes of side slip angle and wheel load. 6-14 For simu,d,ion respectively pre-calculation of the dynamic driving behaviour o single ant double track vehicles, the knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of the tire is necessary, without time consuming sub-routines for a tire model. [Schu87) reports in detail on the latter. Easier and without time consuming appliance the transfer properties on a test stand with time varying exitation signals can be evaluated. This leads to no explanation, and realization on the physical processes inside the tire respectively in the contact area though, but enables the vehicle engineer to easily integrate the tire dynamic into a model of vehicle dynamic or driving dynamic. When measuring the tire with time varying exitation, the simultaneously occurring inertia forces and gyroscopic torques, which do not occur at static measurements, have to be corrected carefully. On this procedure, and the following description of the transfer function by means of control equations reported [Wi1187], and [NastSl] applied to 4 different tires, two motorcycle, and two passenger car tires. The time varying side slip angle a(t) was described with a frequency limited white noise up to approximately 17 Hz with a variance of 0,21" (see fig. 15). AMPLITUDE fdearee'deareel 1 10 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 15: Power spectral density of side slip angle (afier [Nast Sl ]) If one applies the corrected dynamic self aligning torque, and the corrected dynamic side force to the stationary values, that are these values, which occur at side slip angles (f = 0 Hz) constant with time, so one will come to non-dimensional self aligning torques and side forces. By computing the power spectral densities, one finally gets the transfer function MQ/a of the self aligning torque, and Fa/a of the side force. The fig. 16, and 17 show this exemplarily as Bodeplot. 10 1 rM PLITUDE (l l deg ree) J3 J2 Ji 0.1 1 10 20 FREQUENCY (Hz) PHASE (degree) 90. 45 - 0 v3 -45- v* vl -=- v1 = 5 m/s -135. v2 = 20 m/s . v3 =50m/s -1 80 1 10 20 FREQUENCY(&) Figure 16: Measured transfer function of self aligning torque relative t o side slip angle (after [NastSl]) 6-15 6-16 10 1 MPLITUDE (l/degree) I v- 1 FREQUENCY (Hz) 10 20 0.1 45 0 "3 -45 "2 "I -90 10 20 FREQUENCY (Hz) 1 Figure 17: Measured transfer function of side slip force relative t o side slip angle (after [Nas 1 91 J) A PD2-behaviour (proportional plus double derivative action controller) is assumed as ap- proximation equation for the transfer function, which reproduces both amplitude channels appropriately. Merely the phase has to be adapted by another approximation term - a dead time term. That means that the dynamic behaviour of self aligning torque, and side force has to be adapted by higher terms as 2nd order. The approximation equation in the time domain for the self aligning torque are and for the side force 8Cy(t - Ts) da (t - Ts) + c s Q ( t - Ts) = F,(t) Ms dt2 +Ds dt Fig. 18 to 20 show each time the mass factors MR and Ms, damping factors DR and Ds, stiffness factors CR and Cs for the 4 measured tires depending on the wheel load, and wheel speed. The index R refers to the self aligning torque, the index S to the side force. The types were: 6-17 stilfnes factor CR (Nm/deg] Damping factor DS [Ns/dcg] 1s.r 2 2s Whecl load FN) st i f f new factor Cs [N/dcg] J ..- I I I 100 0 1.3 2 ad Whcel load [kN] J Damping factor DR [Nms/deg] vclocity [m/s] l yr e 1; A l yr e 2; X l yr e 3; H l yr e 4 Figure 18: Stiffness factors CR and Cs as function of wheel load; damping factors DR and Ds as func- tion of wheel speed: 1. Bn'dgestone 120/80 V 16 (motorcycle); 2. Bn'dgestone 150/80 V 16 (motorcycle); 3. Conti Contact 155 R 13 (automobile); 4. Conti Contact 175/70 R 19 (automobile) (after [NastSl]) Masstactor MR [Nms*/degr.] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4 45 50 Velocity [mls] Stiffness factor CR [Nm/degr.l 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4 45 50 Velocity [m/s] tyre 1; A t yre 2; X t yre 3; I tyre 4 Figure 19: Mass factor MR and stiffness factor CR as I ncfion of wheel speed (afler [Nastgl]) 6-19 DedUnm7 Irl s 0, a 0.02 0,or 0 0 5 IO 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 Vs & r 3 l l W tyre 1; A tyre 2; X tyre 3; W tyre 4 ~~ Figure 20: Dead i i me as function of wheel speed ( af t er [Nast Sl ]) result there can be concluded: 0 the stiffness factor increases on increasing wheel load for the side force as well as for the self aligning torque. 0 the damping factors DR and Ds increase on increasing speed. 0 the dead time of the side force reduces on increasing speed. 0 CR is constant for motorcycle tires (cross bias type) over the speed, for passenger car tires (radial tires) the stiffness factor and CR increases degressively on increasing speed. 0 MR increases progressively over the speed. 0 an influence of the inflation pressure of the tire on the factors could not be measured. On further measurements at time varying wheel load F. Sun [Sun901 also reports in his Ph.D. thesis, and reached similar results, in which he additionally determined the dynamic transfer characteristics for time varying wheel load. Since the whole transfer behaviour is still very much depending on the wheel velocity, except the stiffness factor CR for the self aligning torque of the motorcycle tire (cross bias type), one can assume that non linear effects, i.e. because of gyroscopic effects can not fully be recorded by means of the linear approximation formulation. Assuming black-box-formulas are available as break-, sideforces and torques are described in their dynamic behaviour a straight forward integration procedure is possible which will be shown here. 6-20 and possibly a mass compensation term. These, however, does not render impossible the correct assessment of short-wave surface unevennesses, with regard to their effect on P( t ) and on S( t ) . As a result, the high-frequency rolling process cannot be treated further by means of analytical mechanics. Since further investigations of an analytic kind are not possible, one is compelled to resort to numerical methods. In these, the contact surface is modelled as discrete, and the sequence 5 Numerical method of investigating wobble , For every non-linear function S(S,f,, P) , an implicit differential equation of first order can be given'for the non-stationary process: A stabilisation of the numerical or piecewise linear integration in the case achieved through an extension of the equation by a damping term > 0 can be (49) (50) y, = Yf + (s - l o) COSX (51) J L f i + ICL a + cL p = My cos X - M, sin X + a F, mF g + kF i + CF s = Fy cos X - F, sinX In addition, there are also the lateral motion and longitudinal motion of the motor vehicle mass itself. The contact forces generated while traversing the ground unevennesses follow from the equations of motion for the tire structure, which are not given here [Boe93]. The sample calculation given in figure 21 shows the dynamic effect of wheel load variations on a stable steering system that is nevertheless capable of damped wobble. The non-linearities taken into account in the numerical integration are the deformations of finite magnitude, the unilateral contact, i.e. local lifting and settling of the running surface on rough obstacles, and the effects of traction and sliding friction. The model does not take into account the effects of tire width or of cross-sectional bending. Wobble damping, however, is markedly influenced by enlarging the tire width and increasing the length of the contact surfaces. The resultant moment of pivoting has the effect of diminishing wobble. Thus, not surprisingly, for small contact surfaces, which arise,,under low wheel loads, have an especially critical effect on wobble. A surface-oriented theory of non-stationary rolling contact has been analytically developed for perfect roadholding, taking into account the bending of the trajectories of the 6-2 1 Example: Contact with plane including a rectangular ( 1x 2 cm) obstacle distance 120 cm V=30km/ h . A= 3 c m, pH=l.,pG=.8(Friction) Force Distribution along contact Distribution of Contact-Force I =long., v =vertical U Figure 21: Sample calculation for the steering system of the front wheel of a motorcycle contact particles of a flattened tire. Wobble vibrations produced on the testing stand show that the phase angle between the amplitude of wobble and the restoring torque of the tire can certainly pass beyond 90") which cannot be represented by tire behaviour of the first order. The tendency of the system to auto-excitation is thereby markedly reduced when there is a sufficient area of contact between the tire and the ground. If the ground is uneven, however, so that the contact surface is at times considerably reduced, one speaks of a transition to hard auto-excitation, since the stabilisation is now only produced by the kinematic terms of first order. At high speeds, therefore, the reduction of load on the front wheel due to the air resistance of the vehicle necessarily leads to critical states of wobble, while the axial load is sufficiently large in the normal driving state. The non-linear coupling between the horizontal and vertical dynamics of the wheel also calls for numerical treatment here, since an analytic procedure only permits calculation in the case of perfect roadholding. Such a 6-22 numerical procedure, however, is very costly in terms of computing time, and has only been carried out until now with coarse substitute models with few degrees of freedom. If, however, one starts out with an analytically based strategy, then the destabilisation effect can also be demonstrated here by means of numerical examples for integrating the rolling action on rough ground. 6 Conclusion Starting from that given overview furture theoretical investigation should include. It is possible to stabilise the system even in case of small contact area using the main influencing parameters found by linear theory. If the parameters are near stability border the nonlinear effects may suddenly disturb the rolling wheel and self-excitation occurs due to vanishing of vertical spin effects in contact area. In any case also for nonlinear computation the linear theory can be used as a guideline. All possible non-smooth surfaces could be taken into account using discret system modeling for the tire. Literatur [ B ak8 71 [Bak89] [Boe77] [Boe93] [Koch801 E. Bakker, L. Nyborg, and H. B. Pacejka: Tyre Modelling for use in vehicle dynamics studies. SAE-P 87 04 21, Society of Automotive Studies, Inc., 1987. E. Bakker, H. B. Pacejka: A new tire model wih an application in vehicle dynamics studies. SAE-P 89 00 87, Society of Automotive Studies, Inc., 1989. F. Bohm: Computing and measurements of the handling qualities of the belted Tyre. Proc. 5th VSD 2nd INTAM Symposium, Vienna, pp 85-103, Swets and Zeitlin- gen, Amsterdam and Lisse, 1978. F. Bohm: Reifenmodell fur hochfrequente Rollvorgange auf kurzwelligen Fahrbahnen. (Tire model for high-frequency rolling processes on short-wave tracks.) (Bericht Sonderforschungsbereich 181, Teilprojekt B 1) VDI-Berichte Nr. 1088, pp 65-81, VDI-Verlag, Dusseldorf/Germany 1991 J . Koch: Experimentelle und analytische Untersuchungen des Motorrad-Fahrer-Systems (Experimental and analytical assessment of the Motorcycle-Driver-System; PhD- Thesis 1978). Fortschr.-Ber. VDI-Z., Reihe 12, Nr. 40, 1980. [NastSl] [NYb731 [Pac66] [Ruf83] [Schu87] [ S ha7 11 [Sha77] [Sun901 [Valk93] 6-23 R. Nut, Chr. Teubert and H.-P. Willumeit: Messungen der Ubert ragungseigenschaften von Luftrei fen bei zei t lich veriindert en Schraglaufwinkeln und anschlieilende Nachbildung dieser GriiBen durch Approxi- mat ionsgleichungen (Measurement of transfer properties of pneumatic tires under time varying side slip angle and followed by modelling using approximation equations.) VDI-Berichte Nr. 916, pp 321-344, VDI-Verlag, Dusseldorf/Germany, 1991. G. Nybakken: Investigation of Tire Parameter Variations in Wheel Shimmy. PhD-Thesis, The University of Michigan, 1973. H. B. Pacejka: The wheel-S himmy phenomenon. PhD-Thesis, Technische Hogeschool, Delft, 1966 E. Ruf Theoretische Untersuchungen des Federungsverhaltens von Vierrad-Straflenfahr- zeugen. (Theoretical investigations into the suspension behaviour of four-wheel road ve- hicles.) Fortschr.-Ber. VDI-Z., Reihe 12, Nr. 44, S. 104-105, Dusseldorf, 1983. D. H. Schulze: Instationare Modelle des Luftreifens als Bindungselement in Mehrkorpersystemen fur fahrdynamische Untersuchungen. (Non-stationary models of the pneumatic tire as a linkage element in many-body systems for investigations into the dynamics of driving.) VDI-Fortschritt-Berichte, Reihe 12, Nr. 88, VDI-Verlag, Dusseldorf, 1987. R. S. Sharp: The Stability and Control of Motorcycles. J . Mech. Engin. Sci., 13 No. 5, pp 316 - 329, 1971. R. S. Sharp and C. J . J ones: The straight running stability of single track vehicles. Proc. 5th VSD 2nd INTAM Symposium, Vienna, pp 334-342, Swets and Zeitlin- gen, Amsterdam and Lisse, 1978. F. Sun: Dynamic Properties of Motorcycle Tires. Dissertation, Beijing Institute of Technology, 1990. R. van der Valk, H. B. Pacejka: An analysis of a civil aircraft main gear shimmy failure. Vehicle System Dynamics, 22, Swets and Zeitlingen, BV Lisse, Netherlands, 1993. 6-24 [Will871 [ Will89] [Will951 H.-P. Willumeit und Ch. Teubert: Dynamische Eigenschaften von Motorradreifen bei zeitlich verkderlichem Schrzglaufwinkel. (Dynamic properties of motorcycle tires at slip angles varying with time.) VDI-Berichte Nr. 657, pp 127-136, VDI-Verlag, Diisseldorf, 1987. H.-P. Willumeit and F. Sun: Dynamische Eigenschaften von Motorradreifen bei zeitlich veranderlicher Radlast (Dynamic properties of motorcycle tires under time varying, wheel-load). VDI Berichte Nr. 779, pp 389401. VDI-Verlag, Diisseldorf/Germany, 1989. H.-P. Willumeit and F. B6hm: Wheel Vibrations and Transient Tire Forces. Vehicle System Dynamics, 24, Swets and Zeitlingen, BV Lisse, Netherlands, 1995. 7- 1 LANDING GEAR SHIMMY - DE HAVILLANDS EXPERIENCE John Glaser and George Hrycko Structural Dynamics Group de Havilland Inc. 123 Garratt Blvd. Downsview, Ontario, M3K 1Y5 Canada 1. SUMMARY Landing gear shimmy is an unacceptable situation which, at the very least, leads to increased maintenance costs and at the worst could result in catastrophic failure of the gear andor the attach- ing structure. Two landing gear shimmy problems experienced by de Havilland are presented. one in service and the other pre- dicted during design. While these problems occurred over I O years ago, i t is the authors contention that little progress has been made in this design discipline in the intervening years. It is recommended that advisory material is needed in this important but often neglected subject. 2. LIST OF SYMBOLS C T ~ tire lateral damping coefficient C T ~ tire torsional damping coefficient Cy tire cornering power D damping matrix Fc tire comering force Ft tire side force Fy side force Fz F,L FF G gyroscopic matrix h half footprint length I inertia matrix 10 K stiffness matrix K T ~ tire lateral spring constant K T ~ tire torsional spring constant Kz tire vertical stiffness kyy structural torsion stiffness landing gear vertical force (static) vertical force on left tire vertical force on right tire polar moment of inertia of wheel assembly L LG LR MI MO Mv R RT t U V Y Y Q Z mechanical trail geometric trail half axle length moment due to tire torsional stiffness roll moment yaw moment tire (deflected) rolling radius undeflected tire radius time displacement vector [ y, Q, yIT ground speed lateral displacement tire equator coordinate at forward end of contact patch tire equator coordinate at aft end of contact patch tire lateral defection at forward end of contact patch 2 A tire lateral deflection (elastic) AM@ incremental roll moment AMY incremental yaw moment & gear ti l t angle h~ yawed-rolling relaxation length p friction coefficient 6 critical damping ratio 6, structural damping ratio T~ (Moreland) tire time constant T$ $ roll displacement y yaw displacement yt o circular frequency tire lateral deflection at aft end of contact patch pneumatic trail parallel to ground equals 5, at 100 kts (Reference 3) tire elastic twist deflection in yaw 3. INTRODUCTION Landing gears that shimmy are unacceptable, causing consider- able discomfort and annoyance to passengers and crew. In fact, a severe occurrence of shimmy can damage the landing gear and its attaching structure, resulting in significant repair costs and air- plane down time. The prevention of shimmy on an airplane with a shimmy-prone gear increases maintenance costs and may bur- den the pilot with self-established shimmy avoidance procedures. Some assurance is therefore needed that landing gear designs will be free fromshimmy under all operating conditions taking into account normal wear and tear experienced in service. Two examples of landing gear shimmy are presented in this report; the first involving the DASH 7 nose landing gear and the second the DASH 8 main landing gear. The DASH 7 airplane is a 4-engined turboprop, seating 54 passengers, that is no longer in production but is still in service. Nose landing gear shimmy appeared early in the flight development phase of this aircraft and re-appeared again after its introduction into service. The DASH 8 airplane is a twin turboprop that seats 36 passen- gers in its earliest version, the series 100. Landing gear shimmy did not occur physically in this case, but was predicted to occur during the design phase. What is troubling about this example is that i t took an inordinate amount of time for de Havilland and the landing gear vendor to settle on a design considered to be shimmy free. Obviously, the design process was costly and, despite the time spent, the structural efficiency of the design remains an open question: ie.. the landing gear may beheavier than necessary. Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear, held in Banfi Canada from 4-5 October 1995, and published in R-800. 1-2 These examples occurred over I O years ago. While this may be considered ancient history by some standards - the computer industry, for example - i t is the authors opinion that there has been little progress in the state of the art of shimmy design in the intervening years. The authors havereason to believe that the shimmy problem is perceived by many to be a black art with no basis in sound engineering methods. The authors disagree and are concemed that this black art perception has hindered progress in shimmy design unnecessarily. The shimmy problem is no more myste- rious than. say, aircraft flutter with which the authors have expe- rience. What is lacking is the accumulation, integration and dissemination of currently available analytical and experimental experience to support the development of practical design pro- cesses. These, in tum, would yield structurally efficient, shimmy- free designs. The authors are optimistic that practical design pro- cesses are feasible and believe that the aerospace industry would benefit if those processes were formulated and made generally available. Presented in this report are reviews of the DASH 7 and DASH 8 shimmy problems experienced by de Havilland. The report out- lines the analysis models and methods used and presents the sta- bility results obtained fromthose methods. The report concludes with a recommendation for the development of advisory material on shimmy design. 4. DASH 7 NOSE LANDING GEAR SHIMMY EXPERI- ENCE 4.1 The Occurrence of Shimmy The nose landing gear on the DASH 7 airplane (see Figure 1) has two modes of operation, a castering mode with high angular damping - sometimes referred to as the high damped mode - and a steering modewith relatively low angular damping. Set for castering at touchdown, the nose gear automatically transitions to the steering modeby a weight-on-wheels switch. In 1976, during the flight development trials, nose landing gear shimmy was experienced in the lower-damped steering mode. This resulted i n two modifications to the design: (1) the introduction of a 0.75 second time delay between the nose wheel weight switch closure and power steering activation to allow the spin-up transient to subside before switching into the lower damped steering mode. (2) the introduction of a 0.01 inch diameter cross bleed damper in the steering modeto increase the angular damping i n that mode. Further additional damping was prohibited by steering torque requirements. The shimmy problemwas thought to have been solved by these modifications as there were no further occurrences during the flight trials. However, bythe Fall of 1980, reports of nose wheel shimmy were accumulating fromaircraft in service. These prob- lems took two forms, one involving feedback fromthe steering actuator and the second, the more classical process addressed during airplane development. In the first case. shimmy occurred at relatively low speed and produced alarmingly large lateral oscillations of the airplane nose. One report tells of tire marks on the runway indicating angular deflections of up to 40 fromcentre in one direction and up to 35degrees in the other. This rather violent formof shimmy was caused by backlash at the tiller input potentiometer to the steering actuator and a modification was introduced to eliminated the backlash. This type of systeminduced shimmy problemwill not be discussed further. The second type of shimmy, unlike the first, occurred at rela- tively high speed and with fairly modest amplitude oscillations of the gear assembly at a relatively high frequency (approxi- mately 20 Hz). It usually occurred with the steering systemON (ie., the modewith lower damping), but there were reports of shimmy with the steering systemOFF as well. This latter shimmy problemstimulated a broad range of immedi- ate and longer termactions, all intended to achieve an expedient and lasting solution. The actions taken were: (1) Introduce (large) unpaved runway tires across the fleet because there were fewer reported incidents of shimmy involving these tires. (2) Recommend operational procedures for curtailing shimmy onset until a solution was found; specifi- cally, that steering be left off during landing and that steering engagement be avoided at high speed. (3) Undertake inspections of the nose landing gear to ensure that its modification status is current and its maintenance condition is to specification (e.g.. wheels within balance, tires in good condition, etc.). (4) Institute a questionnaire style reporting procedure to accumulate information on shimmy occurrences in service. (5) Undertake taxi trials using a typically womlanding gear to obtain quantitative information on nose gear shimmy. (6) Measure the frequency response characteristics of the steering actuator in an isolated test rig to estab- lish its (dynamic) stiffness and damping properties as a function of frequency. (7) Develop an in-house analytical methodology cali- brated to the results obtained fromthe above tests. This analytical capability could then be used to eval- uate the benefit of design treatments; such as. a torque link damper, torsionally coupled nose wheels (live axle), changes in trail, mass balance, etc. It is not the purpose of this report to review each and every action taken to resolve the DASH 7 nose gear shimmy problem: rather. 1-3 the purpose for presenting the above list is to indicate the effort required to resolve a shimmy problemwhen it is experienced in service. Following are some experimental and analytical results which were important in helping us develop a physical under- standing of our nose gear shimmy process and in establishing our analysis methods. 4.2 Shimmy Test Results The test results presented in Figures 2, 3 and 4 are instructive. In all cases, the ground speed is about 55 knots. Figures 2 and 3 apply to a tight gear for which free play in the scissors - the only significant source of free play - was removed using shims. In the case of Figure 2, the weight-on-wheels switch was deacti- vated to allow excitation by the spin-up transient and steering was ON at the outset. The result clearly shows the landing gear is fundamentally unstable at 55 kts in this low-damped configura- tion. I n Figure 3, the landing was made with the time delay circuitry operating in order to eliminate excitation by the spin-up tran- sient. With steering OFF at touchdown, the large transient oscil- lations due to spin-up are observed to attenuate quickly, due to the relatively high damping in the castering mode. While small randomvibrations persist, there is no evidence of shimmy after the time delay period when steering is ON, showing that the time delay was effective in circumventing the excitation of shimmy by the wheel spin-up transient. Figure 4a shows results for which the shims in the torque scissors were removed to produce approximately 1/8 inch of free play in the scissor apex. Again, steering was OFF at touchdown and the transient oscillations are observed to decay to limit cycle oscilla- tions within the free play range wherein, steering actuator damp- ing has negligible effect. With steering ON - activated after the 0.75 second time delay - and with torsion damping thus decreased, the oscillations within the free-play band cause the gear to go unstable, that is, to shimmy (Figure 4b). 4.3 Analysis Model The analysis model used to investigate shimmy follows the approach used by Lockheed in Reference 1. It consists of a tor- sion model defined relative to the inclined leg axis and a side dis- placement model (Figure 5). The torsion model is made up of 4 concentrated inertias to give the freedoms required to represent free play (backlash), bearing friction (coulomb damping) and torque scissor stiffness and free play (both functions of stroke). Fuselage torsion stiffness and trunnion attachment free play are also included i n this model. Initially, the steering actuator stiff- ness was defined solely by the value of bulk modulus for hydrau- lic fluid which was assumed to have a value of approximately 100,000 psi (with typical air entrainment). This value was subse- quently reduced to about 34,000 psi to account for the flexibility of the steering actuator structure determined froman isolated shake test of that unit. The side displacement model used eliminates the y independent degree of freedomby assuming an infinitely stiff leg free to roll ($ ) about an effective rotation point as illustrated in Figure 5b. As indicated in that figure, effective values for rotation arm length, inertia, damping and frequency are dependent on the length of the shock strut. Coulomb damping or free play is not included in the side displacement model. The equations of motion for shimmy analysis, including the von Schlippe and Moreland tire models, are presented in Appendix A. The tire coefficients used in the equations derive directly from Reference 2, except for Morelands tire time constant, r, , which was selected to conformwith test results. The structural damping ratio, 5, , was assumed to lie in the range zero to 0.03. 4.4 Results Stability analysis results for both the von Schlippe and Moreland tire models are presented in Figure 6 for the case of steering sys- temON and no free play. As noted, all curves except one apply for a single point model of the nose gear. Also plotted in Figure 6 is the damping result obtained fromthe test data given in Figure 2, a single point at 55 knots ground speed with a damping value of 0.007. The predicted frequencies are not shown but lie in the 26 Hz range. This is about 20% higher than the value measured and is attributed to mass and stiffness modelling inaccuracies. The effect of this higher torsion frequency was determined by analy- sis to increase the predicted stability by 0.01; i.e., to lower the curves in Figure 6 by that amount. With respect to damping, three curves are indicated to give rea- sonably good agreement to the test result in the 55 knot speed range: the von Schlippe single point result for 5, =0, the von Schlippe distributed mass model result for 5, =0.03 and the Moreland single point result for 5, =0.03 and rt =0.002. Clearly, much better agreement with this single test point could have been obtained both in frequency and damping by applying arbitrary adjustments to the parameter values initially chosen. However, this was not pursued because the problemremained that no conclusion could be drawn as to which structural and tire models would give the most reliable result due to the lack of test data. The analysis was extended to investigate the effect of free play using the distributed mass model (Figure 5a) and the von Schlippe tire model. These results demonstrate why free play must be avoided in landing gear design. Its presence can result in limit cycle vibrations at speeds lower than the classical shimmy speed -the speed obtained fromthe solution for a tight gear. The addition of mass balance to the shock strut, was investi- gated as a means for improving nose gear stability. The results presented in Figure 8 show that the forward placement of weight has a stabilizing effect and that the most effective armlength, at least for this landing gear, is equal to the tire radius. This approach ultimately led to a modification -using a 25 pound bob weight - which was made available to operators as an option. While the increase in stability is predicted to be only 0.01, i t is the authors opinion, based on reported performance, that the mass balance modification is more effective than predicted. 1-4 5. DASH 8 MAIN LANDING GEAR SHIMMY EXPERI- ENCE 5.1 The Occurrence of Shimmy Early in the design phase, the vendor for the main landing gear, using analysis methods which they considered reliable, reported that shimmy would occur within the operating speed range of the airplane and that torsion and side bending stiffnesses would have to be increased to achieve stability. Because of the weight increase involved, many months of intense analysis effort and debate wererequired before de Havilland and the landing gear vendor agreed on final design values. 5.2 Analysis Models The main landing gear for the DASH 8 airplane is shown in Fig- ure 9. The DASH 8 is a high wing aircraft with the main landing gear supported fromwithin the nacelle. As a result, the landing gear is relatively long and flexible and therefore may be more prone to shimmy. During the course of the shimmy investigation, a variety of gear structural models were developed ranging fromsimple stick (Figure I O), to full finite element. In all cases, except for the modal analysis discussed below, these structural models were used to define a 3x3 stiffness (or flexibility) matrix defined at the axle centreline in the single point analysis method. In the modal analysis method, the finite element model for the landing gear and nacelle structure was extended to include a stick model for the wing with distributed mass and stiffness properties. The modeshapes and frequencies forthis systemwere calculated and the shimmy equations were then set up and solved in modal form. The single point analysis method was extended to include free play. Its effect was simulated (in a global sense) by replacing the linear stiffness matrix defined at the wheel axle centreline with a non-linear stiffness matrix having low angular stiffness, kqtv , within the free play range and full predicted stiffness outside that range. These equations were solved in the time domain. Both Moreland and von Schlippe tire models were used to repre- sent tire dynamic properties. However, the Moreland model was considered less reliable for absolute stability results because there was no empirical method for defining the tire time constant, T,, (see comments i n Appendix A). For structural damping, a typical value of 5, =0.03 was assumed i n the computations. However, no allowance for this damping was given in defining stability; that is, stability curves had to have a margin of 0.03 to beconsidered shimmy free. 53 Analysis Results In January 1981, using the simpler stick models shown in Figure IO, de havilland confirmed that the landing gear would be unstable within the operating speed range and that the most effective way to increase the shimmy speed was to increase the torsion stiffness of the gear (at the time 1.13~10~ Ib-inhad). Increasing the side bending stiffness was also determined to be important but not as important as increasing the torsion stiffness. It was also determined that shimmy stability could be improved by increasing the mechanical trail so the design was changed to increase the mechanical trail to the maximumextent possible. The results frommore elaborate analysis models indicated that a torsion stiffness of 2.2x1O6 Ib-idrad and a side bending stiffness i n the range of 6,000 to 8,000 lblin would be required to preclude shimmy. By mid 1981, these stiffness requirements grew to a high of 2 . 4 ~ 1 0 ~ Ib-idrad and 14,000 Ib/in. As noted above, i t was only after a long, protracted period that the final design val- ues of approximately 1. 8~10~ Ib-idrad and 7,600 Ib/in. with nacelle flexibility included, were agreed to by both the vendor and de Havilland. Final analysis results are presented in Figures I I and 12. Stabil- ity in the side bending mode is of little interest because the damping values in this mode are high and increasing at speeds above the no-slip speed. Regarding torsion stability, Figure I 1 shows the rigid wing giving generally conservative results com- pared to the full finite element analysis. Figure 12 shows stability in the torsion mode increases with stroke. The results indicate the landing gear to be stable for the complete operating speed range of interest with a damping margin of 0.03. Summarized in Figure I3 are the results of a non-linear analysis to establish the influence of bearing friction and free play on shimmy. These results contributed to the specification of free play limits in the main landing gear design. 6. DISCUSSION In the case of the DASH 7, it appears that the nose landing gear problemhas been contained provided the tires are matched and in good condition, the wheels are kept in good dynamic balance, free play is limited and nose gear touchdown and taxi speeds are kept low. Nose gear mass balance is generally considered to be beneficial by those operators who elected to have that option. Obviously, the containment of nose gear shimmy has increased the maintenance cost, pilot workload and in some instances, the airplane weight. In the case of the DASH 8, with over 400 airplanes i n service, all shimmy free, it is safe to say that the main landing gear design has now been proven. However, the main concerns in this case are the time and effort required to establish the final design requirements and the degree of over-design (weight penalty) that may have been included in the final product. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS At the time the DASH 8 was being designed, there was no well established consensus on what constituted a reliable shimmy design methodology. This still appears to bethe case today. For this reason, it is recommended that some guidance information be provided - similar to an advisory circular issued by aircraft airworthiness authorities. This advisory material should: Establish standardized terminology Give guidelines on structural modeling Define tire models. including the assumptions and limitations Review and update tire properties and ranges of parameter variation Provide expressions for the tire terms appearing in the equations of motion for a variety of wheel con- figurations Recommend design analysis guidelines taking into account free play, recommended stability margins, structural and tire parameter variability, etc. (Table 1 suggests variances for some parameters appearing in the equations of motion and indicates whether they have a stabilizing or destabilizing effect on shimmy.) Provide guidelines on component and vehicle test procedures: tire properties structural properties (static and dynamic) complete installed system Provide practical design information on anti- shimmy tires, live axle, etc. Provide standardized analysis cases for a variety of landing gear configurations Provide information on related vibration processes and problems - sometimes confused with shimmy - such as wheel unbalance, tire out-of-round, judder, anti-skid processes, steering feedback processes, gear walk, etc. Some of these processes may warrant separate advisory material of their own. Provide landing gear maintenance guidelines, based on analytical and experimental data, for minimizing landing gear vibrations Provide a bibliography 8. CONCLUDING REMARKS As a consequence of the DASH 7 and DASH 8 shimmy prob- lems experienced at de Havilland, the authors were required to develop analytical tools for problemsolving and design. This work was accomplished successfully despite the lack of a stan- dardized industry accepted methodology at the time. It is the authors contention that reliable shimmy design procedures are required and that it is feasible to do so. Had advisory material been available during the design of the DASH 7 and DASH 8 landing gears, de Havilland may not have had the problems out- lined herein. At the very least, their resolution would have been more expeditious. REFERENCES (I ) Active Shimmy Control System, AFFDL-TR-75-136. Lockheed-California Company, Burbank California, December, 1975. (2) Smiley, R. F., Home, W. B. Mechanical Properties of Pneumatic Tires with Special Reference to ModemAircraft %res, NASA TR-R-64, 1960 (3) Leve, H. L., Designing Stable Dual Wheel Gears, AIAA 69-769, July 1969 (4) Moreland, W.J., The Story of Shimmy, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, pp. 793 - 808 (1954). (5) Collins, R. L.. Frequency Response of Tires using the Point Contact Theory, J. Aircraft, June 1972. (6) Clark, S. K., Dynamic Properties of Aircraft Tires, J. Air- craft, March 1974. ( 7) Collins, R. L. and Black, R. J., Tire Parameters for Land- ing-Gear Shimmy Studies, J. Aircraft, May-June 1969 ( 8) Grossman, F-15 Nose Landing Gear Shimmy, Taxi Test and correlative Analyses, SAE Paper, No. 801239. (9) Shimmy Analysis Addendumto QTR No. ATR 923, 13.5 x 6.00 - 4, DR17922T 14 PR Outrigger Tire, Dunlop Manu- facturing, England, September 1981. (IO) von Schlippe, B., Shimmy of a Pneumatic Wheel, NACA TM-1365, August 1954 APPENDIX A. SHIMMY ANALYSIS MODELS This Appendix describes the shimmy analysis methods devel- oped at de Havilland. A.l Equations of Motion A much simplified model for a single or dual wheel landing gear is illustrated in Figure AI which shows an inclined shock strut with mechanical trail, L. measured parallel to the torsion axis and geometric trail, LG =R x sines, where Os is the inclination angle and R is the deflected tire radius. Also shown in Figure A1 are two equally valid coordinate analy- sis systems, one located at the apex of the shock strut and the mechanical trail armand aligned with the strut, and the other located at the wheel axle with axes orthogonal to the ground plane. The former systemsimplifies the mechanical terms in the equations of motion while the latter simplifies the tire force and moment terms. In order to expose more clearly the less familiar tire terms, the latter coordinate systemis used in this report to 7-6 develop the equations of motion. These equations are written in terms of the lateral ( y), roll ( 4) and yaw (w) degrees of free- domdefined at the wheel axle; I U+ DU+ GU+ KU = lFyl MQ where and where I =inertia matrix D =damping matrix G =gyroscopic matrix K =stiffness matrix A.2 Structural Terms Formulations for the left hand side terms are not given in this report but they can be found in References 1 and 3. It is impera- tive that utmost care be taken in defining and verifying the assumptions made in establishing the analysis model and in developing the data used. For instance, if a landing gear is assumed to be a uniformstructure, its mass and inertia effects can belumped at the wheel axle and a single point model ana- lyzed. In this case the mass and inertias of the wheel rolling assembly should be supplemented with appropriate effective masses and inertias of the supporting gear structure. The 3x3 mass matrix, M, will contain (off-diagonal) terms that couple the three degrees of freedom, y. 4 and w. I f it is important to include detailed representations of bearing friction or free play (backlash), then a distributed mass model will be required to pro- vide the additional degrees of freedomneeded to represent these characteristics. The damping matrix, D, should include both structural and bear- ing friction damping terms, if appropriate. As indicated above, this may require the development of a more complex gear dynamic model than can be expressed by a single point formula- tion with 3x3 matrices. The gyroscopic matrix contains roll-yaw coupling terms with coefficients l ox ( V/RT) , where IO is the polar moment of inertia of the wheel rolling assembly, V is the ground speed and RT is the tire undeflected radius. As in the case of the mass matrix, if the gear structure is assumed to be uniform, its stiffness properties can be represented by a 3x3 stiffness matrix, K, defined at the wheel axle. Once again, if it is important to include detailed representation of bearing friction or free play, then additional degrees of freedomand stiffness terms will be required. Finally, the mass, stiffness and damping effects of the landing gears supporting structure should be included in the equations of motion because they can have a strong effect on the stability results. A.3 TireTerms During shimmy, the motions of the gear axle are coupled not only through the gear structure as expressed by the terms on the left hand side of equation ( A I ) but also through the interaction between the tire and ground, as represented by the tire forces and moments appearing on the right hand side of that equation. Two tire models were considered, the Moreland Point Contact model and the von Schlippe Stretched String model. Both models are presented below in a coordinate systemorthogonal to the ground plane. This was done in order to develop the simplest possible expressions for the tire forces and moments. Formula- tions for single and dual wheel assemblies are included. A.4 The Moreland Point Contact Model (Single Wheel) The Moreland point contact model (Reference 4) expresses the tire contact forces and moments in terms of the tire cornering force, Fc , and pneumatic trail, E ~ , as follows (Figure A2): where I (A4) I Fc =K T ~ A +CT,A and where K T ~ =tire lateral spring constant C T ~ =tire lateral damping coefficient ep =pneumatic trail parallel to ground A =tire lateral deflection (elastic) R =tire (deflected) rolling radius To enable a solution of the shimmy equations, Moreland postu- lates an alternate expression for the tire comering force in terms of a tire comering power, Cw, and time constant, q, , as follows: ( A 3 - Fc =CwW, +CwTuVt where wt =the tire elastic twist deflection Finally, Moreland assumes the absence of slipping or scrubbing between the tire and ground by imposing the kinematic relation- ship; y+A+v(w+wt) =0 (A6) I Embodied in the above kinematic relation is the assumption of no slipping or scrubbing. According to the empirical data pre- sented in References 5 and 6, this assumption is invalid and therefore, classical shimmy is not likely to occur at ground speeds (A7) oh V<- 0.8 where o is the shimmy frequency and h is half the tire footprint length. (The von Schlippe model described below also assumes that no slipping or scrubbing occurs between tire and ground and therefore i t too is subject to the same speed limitation.) Empirical values for the tire parameters appearing in the above equations can be obtained fromReference 2 with one notable in terms of the yawed-rolling relaxation length, k ~ . This geo- metric relationship can also be deduced fromFigure A4. exception - the tire time constant.TU. Choosing a reliable value for T,, is generally a problembecause no consistency can be found in the literature for this parameter as illustrated by the compiled data of Figure A3. Since T,, has a strong influence on the results, i t is recommended that the value used should be vali- dated in some way if the results are to be accepted in absolute terms. Empirical values for all of the parameters required by the von Schlippe tire model can be obtained fromReference 2. It might be noted that some analysts also extend the expression for Mt by including the tire torsion damping term, C T ~, viz; Also, while empirical values for the pneumatic trail, E ~ , are available, some analysts prefer to base the tire torsion moment, Mt , directly on the tire torsional stiffness K T ~, viz; instead of using the expression proposed by Moreland. This vari- ation has not been used in the present report. This variation has not been used in the present report. A.6 Dual Wheel Gears The Moreland and von Schlippe tire models given above apply for a landing gear with a single wheel. The following steps extend those formulations to ciual wheel landing gears: A.5 The von Schlippe Stretched String Model (Single Wheel) The von Schlippe tire model (References 10 and 1) assumes that the tire equator is represented by a stretched string that takes on the deflected shape shown in Figure A4 due to out-of-plane motions. Inthis model the tire forces and moments are: (1) Factor the force and moment expressions by2 (2) Add the following rolling moment termto account for the vertical ground reaction forces. Assuming the total static force, Fz , is shared equally, the ground reaction force on each tire is comprised of a static force and a dynamic force due to roll displacement $ . Thus, lMYl I-MII where L A L J and where the tire elastic lateral and torsional deflections are given by: where the (upward acting) ground reaction forces on the right and left tires are, respectively; Z+2 A =- 2 L - L Wt =2h As before, h equals half the footprint length. Z and 2 are defined in Figure A4 fromwhich the following geo- metric relationships can be deduced. and where LR =half axle length Kz =the tire vertical stiffness Z =Y-y-Ro-hW 2 =?-y-R$+hW (3) Add the following yawing moment termto account for the ground friction force; P(t) =+-?) AM^=~ ~ c ( ( F,L - FF) Finally, the kinematic relationship that assumes no slippage between the tire and ground is given by the following expression where p =tire rolling friction coefficient. 7-8 1 I i I - E 3 i 7-10 a . 7-1 1 - ....... E 8 '-7 ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : I . . . . . . . . . . j ; * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44- t 8 8 6 E O I ~ e * a o a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 d d d d : ' s ' s ' ....... ....... ....... m- : : : : : 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . : , I I I I I o o o s ; ? ! 0 1 - 0 ? ? ? ? D ? ......I ....... f B ...... "T \ ......,..... ..... - ....... i c. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....I ....'.',... .... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... (........ 1 ........ a.. . . .w . . : . . : $0 . . .......... - ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 1 .... " ...... t....... . . . . . . .\ ...... / ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .^.._ ............. ~ ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i . i 3 3 3 ; - ..... .... ..... .... .I.. L.. 7-12 8 q-; 4- 4 f > i - 1 1 -~ - - 1 - - i 8- 1 Unsteady Tire Dynamics and the Application Thereof to Shimmy and Landing Load Computations Klaus Koenig Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus GmbH HunefeldstraBe 1-5 28199 Bremen, Germany SUMMARY A complete set of nonlinear equations of unsteady tire dy- namics for all the 6 degrees of freedom of the wheel move- ment is presented. The coefficients of these equations are based on available publications and may need some im- provements. The influence of some of the coefficients which are new or controversely discussed is shown revealing areas of caution and stressing the necessity of adequate tire tests. Nevertheless it could be demonstrated that reasonable shimmy analyses are possible with these equations and that the computation of realistic unsymmetric landing im- pacts require their inclusion as a must. 1. INTRODUCTION The wheel - without example i n nature- is one of the most efficient inventions of human spirit and a fundamental ele- ment of technical constructions. The inflated tire is a rela- tively new additive to the wheel but most probably its best Modern civilization is inconceiveable without wheels and tires. Millions of them are rolling on the streets every day and every minute . But in spite of the huge application of tires no comprehensive mathematical description of their characteristics is available. It is nearly unbelievable but it seems that all the progress of modern transportation technique was possible without a qualified theory of tire dynamics. There are early publi- cations with rather good results already 50 years ago but there is no reliable up-to-date theory available (s. ref. 8). What are the reasons? Is there really no need for a better theory? Was it too expensive to establish one? Was it just not published or available or was it too difficult for the en- gineers? - improvement. . - Tire dynamics is characterized as the dynamics of any or- dinary vibrator by the interaction of elasticities and masses. But superimposed i n this special case is the creep- ing process within the contact area between tire and ground -the so called relaxation mechanism. One of the earliest studies of tire behavior was performed by Fromm at the German university of Danzig. The first real shimmy theory was published by von Schlippe and Dietrich (s. ref. 1). The last fundamental collection of ap- plicable data was presented by Smiley and Home (s. ref. 2) i n 1960. So what is available in 1995 can only be called a substitute or stopgap but not an applicable theory of modern tires for reliable dynamic studies of dynamic structures. Therefore i n the following first some thoughts are spent on how to get qualified tire data. After that published shimmy theories are compared. Based on this and together with some amendments from other sources a complete set of equations for tire dynamics is given. Eventually, its ap- plication to shimmy and landing loads computation is stu- died. 2. GENERAL TIRE DYNAMICS The most simple way to establish reliable tire dynamics at least applicable to shimmy or linear stability studies would be to put a rolling wheel with tire on a drum to excite the wheel at its centre by frequency sweeps of deflections and to measure the load response. If this is done at a well de- fined working point of the tire and subsequently for all the 6 components of the deflection applicable at the wheel centre 36 transfer functions (frequency response func- tions) for all the 6 possible perturbations of the steady state movement of the wheel centre will be available. Each transfer function can be linearly approximated by a frac- tion of polynominals of the imaginary Fourier frequency. If one uses as a first approximation the same denominator polynomial for the same load component and accepts that for linear systems superposition is possible, then Fourier transformation allows to establish with the polynomial co- efficients the simple matrix equation*: n m is the perturbation vector of loads and & its derivative to the time rlA =[XIA, YtA, z ~ ? $am* err? q ml l is the perturbation vector of wheel centre deflections Bn,Wm are coefficient matrices.The diagonal Bn contains the denominator and the complete Wm the nominator coefficients of the nth or mth order polynomials That is all, at least for the small perturbations of shimmy. *The more general solution would result in 36 scalar dif- ferential equations which must be solvedfirst to allow a summation of the 6 load portions of each load component caused by the 6 diyerent excitations. By the way, f or second order polynomials one would get 2 times 36 eigenvalues. That would allow 36 possible tire load oscillations without wheel movement perturbations and 36 wheel movement oscillations without tire load per- turbations. Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear, held in Ban8 Canada from 4-5 October 1995, and published in R-800. 8-2 For larger deformations as they occur at landing impact further investigations with larger amplitudes and with and without rolling velocity are necessary. But this should be a second step to be defined i n detail after successful execution of the first one with small perturba- tions. Partially such studies have already been performed (s. ref. 5) but no complete test result is known to the author. Nevertheless, since no principle obstacle to such an ap- proach to establish reliable equations of tire dynamic is ev- ident, it can be hoped that perhaps in another 50 years such data will be available for the benefit of future engineers and of technical progress - if further progress is ever wanted at that time. 3. The following publications will be compared: COMPARISON OF SOME PUBLISHED TIRE EQUATIONS - von Schlippe, and Dietrich, (s. ref. 1) - Smiley, (s. ref. 3) - Pacejka, (s. ref. 4) - Rogers, and Brewer, (s. ref. 5) with the Moreland theory. If the equations of movement as given i n these publica- tions are transformed to the coordinate system of Fig. 3-1 and linearized by series developments up to elements of second order coefficients for matrices B and W as defined i n chapter 2 can be derived as given i n table 3-1. These equations are given i n their original symbols with- out further explanation of the symbols. Nevertheless some basic conclusions can be drawn: - There are really only diagonal elements i n the B matrices. - B.,, =B.,, =B.,, are equal for all theories . This may mean that the tire can vibrate i n itself with a single mode, showing at least 3 different load camp+ nents same places. - The different theories dont place coefficients at the - A larger portion of the matrices is non-symmetric. - Von Schlippe and Dietrich do not study the tilt. - Remarkable are the missing coefficients W1, Pacejka does not give tilt moments . W2,, i n the theories of Smiley and Pacejka, the mis- sing coefficient W2-,, WOy,, WO,+,+, WO,, in More- lands theory and the missing coefficient W2,+,, in Pacejkas theory. - The absence of the elements WO,,, WO,, WO,, is caused by the relaxation mechanism. Loadings caused by sideward deflections will disappear with time. - The theories of von Schlippe and Dietrich, Smiley and Pacejka look rather similar, they are based on equal basic thougths. The Moreland theory is funda- mentally different - Moreland introduces a time constant CI [sec] for de- scription of the relaxation mechanism while the other theories use a relaxation length [m]. This leads to the fact that e.g. B2.. depend only on the rolling velo- city v in the Mooreland theory but on vz i n the other theories. - Moreland originally only studied 9. The extension by y was introduced by Rogers and Brewer, and the extension by c$ by Edman (9). 4. A COMPLETE SET OF TIRE EQUATIONS For the following, Smileys equations as given i n chapter 3 will be used as a basis. They are modified by neglection of minor unknown elements (t=O) inclusion of informa- tion from ref. 2 (WO,,+, WO,+,, WO,,), assumption of sym- metry (WI,+,, W2,+,) and some other simplifications (WO?, : analog to WI,, and W1,+,, W2,,+: reduction to the main element). But this is not sufficient. Even for tire rolling in steady state one needs information for the x,z and 6 com- ponents. They are taken from ref. 2 and 6 and mainly based on radial tire stiffness and respectively the assumption that x loads depend on a friction coefficient and that this coeffi- cient itself depends on the slip ratio as shown i n Fig. 4- 1. For the not free rolling tire in the spin up phase of landing the situation is more complicated. Nearly nothing is known. The only fact is, that for the pure sliding, all hori- zontal ground loads depend on the vertical load and a fric- tion coefficient while their direction is opposite to the movement. To have at least something i n hand a very crude assump- tion was made. It defines that during the spin up phase both types of loads are acting but the one for pure rolling with a factor between 0 and 1 increasing with the slip ratio and the other one for pure sliding decreasing in the same way down from 1 to 0 until the slip ratio reaches its zero for the first time. More details of the derivation should not be given here to avoid any boredom. But the final result is presented i n table 4-1. These are rather complicated non linear equations but they should be valid for the whole landing process of horizontal landings. - . - - I I 5. SHIMMY ANALYSES 5.1. Tire Equations First linearized tire equations should be derived from the nonlinear set given i n table 4- 1. Details are given in table 5.1-1. This leads to extended equations of unsteady tire loads for all the 6 degrees of wheel freedom. 5.2. Influence of Tires on Shimmy To study this it is reasonable to look at a rigid undercar- riage to avoid coupling of structure and tire elasticity. For the most simple rigid model of Fig. 5.2-1, after some rear- rangements, one obtains the equations of motion 8-3 +$sl * (Wlqq-LR. (Wlqy +W1,) +L i * Wl yy) + +G,, * (w2qq-LR * (w2qy +w2,) +L i * w2,,) with * P =pqr(R1) +pq(R2) - LR * (py(R1) +py(R2)) 8 =8,(R2) - 8,(R1) I w =IR +mw 1, =radial moment of inertia of wheel including tire I, =polar moment of inertia of wheel including tire d, =swivel damper constant (di +Li ) An eigenvalue analysis of these equations delivers fre- quencies and modal dampings. Different cases were ana- lyzed and compared. Variant S : Kk =44 145 N/m & =298.224 /rad L1= 0.142222 m L2=5.1 1 36. 1 0- 3 m2 IR =0.051993 kg.m2 m, =2.4525 kg K,= 0 Wl,, =0 These are the original data from ref. 3 case I approxima- tion B. They are based on a test performed by v. Schlippe and Dietrich. Fig. 5.2-2 shows eigenfrequencies and modal dampings over the rolling velocity for the single wheel case dR =0, LR =0,08m, d, =0,06 Nm/(rad/sec).The eigenvalues of the decoupled tire mode are included. One can discern that the frequencies of the tire modes in- crease with velocity, while the frequencies of the shimmy mode remains about constant. The dampings of the tire modes are rather large. The damping of the shimmy mode crosses zero at about 3,7 m/ s. At larger velocities the system is instable. Fig. 5.2-3 shows the stability areas and the shimmy fre- quencies on the stability boundary for different swivel damping values d, together with the test results of v. Schlippe and Dietrich and theoretical results from Smiley ref. 3. Smileys results were computed without swivel damper. The agreement is rather good. With d, =0,6 Nm /(rad/see) the computation fits to the test results. approach to rariant S. Used are (Variant E) : Type 111 zp =0.02 m ro =0.13 m Q =0.12 m pi =225630 N/m2 p~(0) =1765.8 N dR =0.085 m Pr =Pi =o pk =0.8 sk =0.2 m, =2.4525 kg IR =0.051993 kg m2 I, =0.0981 kg m2 mt=O For the single wheel case the estimation did not lead to ex- actly the same stability areas as Variant S. For the double wheel first only the wheel distance dR was introduced to show the influence of the increased swivel inertia$. Then the polar inertia I, of the wheel was introduced and the influence of the swivel damper shown. Finally the tire coefficients W(x,e) are added. As one can see there are some influences. The shimmy ve- locity of the double wheel is smaller than that of the single wheel. Both the swivel and polar inertia contribute to this effect. For smaller trails there is no influence of the tire coeffi- cients W(x,O) while for larger trails the influence is strong and increases the shimmy velocity. Fig. 5.2-5 shows the influence of some other coefficients. Basis is again Variant S. First W1, is studied since it was W1, #O i n the More- land theory. W1, =WlV, was tried (case a) but a com- pletely different stability boundary occurred, absolutely not i n agreement with the test results. Next by analogy with W2,,/ Wl,, it was set W1, =Kk.L2/v (case b) but with the same result. Even the inclusion of a swivel dam- per did not help. Another critical element is W& which is not included in Morelands theory. But with Wqq =0 the whole stability area for smaller trails disappears. Eventually a different influence of v i n W2,, and W2,, was studied (case c) to allow better comparison with the Moreland theory. It was assumed that W2,, and W& were measured at 3 m/s and that these coefficients depend only on l/v but not on 1/v2. The result was not very different as one can see i n Fig.5.2-5. So the final conclusion is that detailed tests are necessary to check W1, and W&. Caution is necessary and if nothingbetter is known the co- efficients given by Smiley should be chosen. In Fig. 5. 24 the influence of x and 8 movement is studied. Unfortunately no measured tire data are available to do this. So an estimation, Variant E was necessary which should 8-4 6. COMPUTATION OF THE LANDING IMPACT- For the landing impact often just the vertical stiffness of the tire and a friction coefficient are considered. But that is not adequate i n our times. With modern computers equations as given i n table 4-1 can be handled without problems. Of course the inclusion of such tires is only reasonable if also the elasticity of the Undercarriage structure is ade- quately modelled. At least 6 degrees of freedom for each wheel centre should be available and the variation with shock absorber deflec- tion should be included. Ref. 7 gives some indications how to do this. Fig. 6-1 gives an example of a computation. Loads at the right and left main undercarriage together with shock ab- sorber deflection (U) and parameters of the aircraft move- ment are shown. The results belong to a smaller aircraft with one wheel per undercarriage. The landing conditions are 2.44 m/ s sink speed (is), 69.5 m/ s horizontal speed (is), 9 degrees pitch (eft) and 8 degrees yaw ($ft) angle. @ft is the bank angle and y , ~ the lateral velocity of the air- craft centre of gravity. pL is the total lift. The tire loads are PX~R, pyl ~, pzIR and the undercarriage loads at the wheel centre are px,~, pyuu, pz,~. The ptR are measured parallel to the ground, the p. , ~ are measured in a coordinate system of the undercarriage. The undercarriage loads include the tire loads and the wheel inertia loads. In Fig. 6-1 one can see first of all how different the loads of the two undercarriages are. Further, one can clearly discern that the loads oscillate and that this oscillation was obviously induced by the wheel spin up 1 spring back effect. The large sideloads are remarkable. They reach their max- imum after spin up - on the rolling tire. They are nearly doubled on the undercarriage if compared with the loads on the tire and they don't always decay with the vertical loads. They are mainly caused by the tire dynamics and can not be predicted without such a complete set of equa- tions as presented above i n table 4-1. Since the whole movement of the aircraft in this unsymmetric landing case is determined by the sideloads one can conclude that no prediction of the unsymmetric impact loads which is i n the least reliable can be computed without inclusion of the complete tire dynamics of the rolling tire under varying vertical deflections. A measurement on the flying aircraft instead comes com- paratively late and is tremendously more expensive. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Von Schlippe, B. and Dietrich, R. "Zur Mechanik des Luftreifens" ZWB Verlag Oldenbourg, Munchen, 1942 Smiley, R.F. and Horne, W.B. "MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PNEUMATIC ERN TIRES" NASA TR-64, 1960 TIRES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MOD- Smiley, R.F. SION OF LINEARIZED THEORIES FOR TIRE MOTION AND WHEEL SHIMMY" "CORRELATION, EVALUATION AND EXTEN- NACA-TN-3632,1956 Pacejka, H.B. "THE WHEEL SHIMMY PHENOMENON' Dissertation TH Delft, 1966 Rogers, L.C. and Brewer, H.K. "Synthesis of Tire Equations for Use i n Shimmy and Other Dynamic Studies" J ournal of Aircraft Vo1.8 No.9, Sept.1971, p.689-697 Horne, W.B. and Leyland, T.J .W. "INFLUENCE OF TIRE TREAD PATTERN AND RUNWAY SURFACE CONDITION ON BRAKING FRICTION AND ROLLING RESISTANCE OF MODERN AIRCRAFT TI RE' NASA-TN-D 1376 Koenig, K. "Die Lasten des LandesstoSes" ZFW 3 (1979) H6, p.344-360 Krabacher, W.E. "Aircraft Landing Gear Dynamics Present and Future" SAE-paper 931400 (1993, Dayton Conference) Edman,J .L. "Experimental Study of Moreland's Theory of Shimmy" WADC Techn. Rep. 56-197 (J uly 1958) Finally it should be said that also a shimmy analysis to- gether with the landing impact may be more realistic and would cover a larger area of possible instabilities includ- ing nonlinear effects. 8-5 cn W LL 0 z 0 cn z a e 8-6 total tire loads at the centre of the wheel WI,, =K, - z,/X, WOw =- K, Wl,, =- K, W2,, =- K, W2,, =K, * LI * Z, LI * X, L2 /XL Stiffnesses K, =0.8 - 2 - ro (pi +4 pr) i - + +Kxmin (fore/aft) b, +KUmi, (torsion) Kzl =2.4 * (pi +0.08 pr) * J - (radial) K, =(pi +0.8 - p,) - d: - b, K, =2 * m, - ro (Lh +L, ,/%/ Ky =0,57 * PR /(3 n (Lf +ri)) (gyroscopic) * bm (lateral) lengths LI = Lr +Lh (damping length) Lz =(( 2 ' Lr +Lh ) * Lh / 2) (inertia length) KA =bi * do (pi +0.24 * pr) * (1 - 0.7 ZJdO) Lr =(2.8 - 0.5 * pi/pr) (1 - 4.5 zJ(2 * ro)) * do relaxation Lh =0.85 (1/2 foot print) general tire factors b, =1 +m, - XL/(4 n - ri * do pi) centrifugal b, =250 * z$/(2 - ro)2 (Type 111and VII) torsion if Zpe (2 - ro) < 0.03 =15 (z,/(2 ro) - 0.015) if zpe / (2 . ro) >0.03 =475 z$/(2 - ro)2 (Type I) if z e/ (2* ro) 10. 02 =19 *(z,/(2 - ro) - 0.01f if zpe / (2 ro) >0.02 2 * ro Jzp./(2 - ro) - z$/(2 - ro)2 by =0.21 (Type I); b, =0.02 (Type I); =0.15 (Type III and VII) =0.03 (Type 111and VII) =3 (Type I); =2 (Type 111and W) side vertical side by =0.48 - do tilt bA deflections zpe =zp - zpx - zpy - zp, effective 2 0 zp =ro +ro +z, visible 2 0 re =0.01 - m, - ),/pi centrifugal zpr =0.1 I px,/K, I x loading 'py =by * I PYLA ' bdKA I y loading zPy, =0.1 * I p'II,, b, * L,/K, I 'II, loading friction coefficient .z p =pr +(pt-pr) sk ; i f - sks s< sk =pk +(ps - pk) (s - Sk) / ( l - sk) if not slip ratio s =1 +6, (r0-zp/3)/~, but always Is1 1 1 indicator of spin up period a =1 at the beginning of a horizontal landing =0 all time after s passed first time s =0 Table 4 - 1 Complete Tire Equations 8-7 wheel centre A (axle, non rotating) R (wheel, rotating) +a V plane with ground plane Fig. 3-1 WHEEL COORDINATES P Fig. 4-1 FRICTION COEFFICIENT DEPENDING ON SLIP RATIO Constants (input data) TYP tire type do tire width nominal (undeflected) Kz2 mt tire mass m, wheel mass including tire radial tire stiffness after bottoming Pi tire pressure Pr rated pressure r0 tire radius nominal (undeflected) Sk zpk bottoming deflection slip ratio with maximal friction Pk maximal friction coefficient PS full gliding friction coefficient Pr full rolling friction coefficient Kxmin f 0 minimal fore/aft stiffness Gmin z 0 minimal torsional stiffness Table 4 - 1 Complete Tire Equations (continued) de iition of working point: Pr = O (free rolling) a = O (free rolling) s(0) =0 (free rolling) y,(O) =z, ( O) =$,(O) =$,,,,(O) =0 (straight on) conditions of linearization: zpc (no bottoming) ro =zpx =zpy =zpv =0 (simplification) b, =0 (linear vertical stiffness) w .... =w .... (0) (as would be measured) B .... =B .... (0) (as would be measured) Zpk l/X, c (1 - AX,/V)/V abbreviations: X,(O) =v ztA(0) - 0,25 pR(O)/Kx(O) =Z, rr =ro - zp(0)/3 additional tire coefficients for the extended unsteady tire loads wl xx =- Pk PR(o)/(Sk =- Pk PR(o)/(3 * sk * rr) Table 5.1-1 Definitions and Coefficients for Linearized Shimmy Analyses Fig. 5.2-1 SIMPLIFIED SHIMMY MODEL 8-8 Fig. 5.2-2 EIGENFREQUENCIES AND MODAL DAMPINGS single wheel ; rigid uk Smiley case I approx. 6 d, =O.O6"/(rad/sec) ; LR =0.08 m Fig. 5.2-3 STABILITY DIAGRAM single wheel variations : 0 single wheel W(x.8) =dR=d. =0 0 double wheel W(x.8) =Ip =ds =0 X " " W(x.8) =d s =O + " W(x.e)= I p = 0; ds=0.06 A " vari antE;&=O.(W = s s s s s s c = s s s s s s s - 0;s a b b b 0;s 0;s = s s s o s s s = s s s o s s s Fig. 5.2-5 INFLUENCE OF y AND q COEFFICIENTS single wheel o test resul ts - =- d, =0.6 " /(rad/sec) 8-9 q~f i (nose to the right) I V lyfi triose to the right) Fig. 6-la LANDING IMPACT, LEFT MAIN UNDERCARRIAGE Fig. 6-1 b LANDING IMPACT, RIGHT MAIN UNDERCARRIAGE INFLUENCE OF NONLINEARITY ON THE SHIMMY BEHAVIOUR OF LANDING GEAR P. WOERNER, 0. NOEL Messier-Dowty SA. Zone Atronautique Louis Breguet BP 10, 78142 Vtlizy Cedex France ABSTRACT One of the most critical vibratory phenomena which may occur on a landing gear is called I shimmy. It is typically unstable oscillations that could reach such a level of instability that major landing gear structural components may be damaged or destroyed. For many years, Messier-Dowty SA. has studied this phenomenon in order to perform more accurate predictions of the dynamic behaviour of landing gear. Several models have been developed taking into account many parameters, and especially the non-linear ones, in agreement with test measurements. Simulations have been performed, which show the sensitivity of shimmy stability to variations of these parameters, and therefore the importance of taking account non-linearities in shimmy landing gear models. 1. INTRODUCTION Airplane landing gear shimmy can be defined as a self-excited instability during take-off, landing or taxiing, involving up to threevibration motions : angular wheel motion about a vertical axis (yaw), angular motion about a fore and aft axi s (roll), and lateral displacement of the wheel. The basic cause of shimmy is an energy aaosfer from the contact force between the t i r es and the ground to the vibratory modes of the landing gear system. The vibration stability depends on the dynamic characteristics of the gear, t i r es and fuselage, as well as the degree of coupling that exists between the modes of these components. At certain speeds, small motions may be unstable, and in most severe cases, the pilot can not take corrective action, and failure of the gear structure may occur. One of the difficulties of a shimmy analysis is that real landing gear systems exhibit many non-linear characteristics : swivel friction from the action of the upper and lower bearings of the shock strut, steering collar friction, non-linear viscous damping from the steerdamp unit, mechanical deadband associated with the strut lateral motion, and slippage of the tires : some non-linear characteristics are dependent on landing gear wear. Nonlinear behaviour of landing gear makes the shimmy phenomenon less predictable : if a test is performed to reproduce conditions of a severe landing gear vibration, nothing out of the ordinary may occur. It is therefore necessary to evaluate and model landing gear non-linearities in order to improve the predictability of the shimmy phenomenon; an accurate shimmy analysis must take into account a range of non-linearities values as wide as necessary, in order to reveal the most unstable configurations. Messier-Dowty SA. has performed many analyses on a landing gear which showed some instabilities under certain conditions, due to the appearance of coupling between torsion and lateral flexion. These analyses have permitted the identification of parameters that influence the phenomenon, in particular aircraft speeds and loads, and have validated the improvement achieved by increasing the sti ffhess of this landing gears toque link, to increase torsion frequency and move it away from lateral flexion hquency, thus reducing coupling tendanc y. These analyses are still in progress in Messier-Dowty SA., in order to take more precisely into account the non-linearities of the landing gear and to improve the knowledge of their effects, which will permit to anticipate early in the design the landing gears shimmy stability. This paper describes the methods developed in order to build such a model, namely an analytical way to describe these nonlinear effects, as well as an experimental determination of its numeric coefficients, and simulations results and conclusions. 2. GENERALITIES ABOUT MODAL ANALYSIS AND TESTS 2.1 Concept of eigenmode for linear models In theory, the notion of mode of a linear structure is introduced from the equation of motion : Mx +CX +K X = F (1) - X , X , X : vectors of displacements, velocities, - M , C , K : matrices of mass, damping and stiffness of -F accelerations the structure Eigenmodes of the structure are defined as the roots of equation (1) without righthand term, which caracterizes the free structure : : vector of excitation forces Mx +cx +KX=o (2) The determination of these modes constitutes an intermediate calculation to solve equation (l), whose general solution is the sum of general solution (2) and of a particular solution dependent on F. Physical interpretation of modes is not obvious, because the solutions of (2) correspond to complex motions such as damped vibratory : because of damping influence, an imaginary quantity appears, from which the denomination of complex modes. This damping term can be suppressed in equation (2) to obtain the equation of the conservating system associated : Mx +KX=o (3) Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear, held in Bans Canada from 4-5 October 1995, and published in R-800. 9-2 Solutioos o :3) correspond to pure sinusoidal motions, and are denominated "real modes" : all the nodes of the struchlle are in phase or opposite phase, whereas, for a complex mode, vibration nodes move independently f rom each other, and make the observation of motion more difficult. Equation (3, which governs real modes, has a solution of the form : x =X e+", WM I leads to find eigenvalues - eigenvalues wi z are the squares of mode pulsations wi - eigenvectors #; represent eigenshapes or mode deform of: ( JM+K) ~=O With the variable change : X =#q (4) - #matrice of eigenshapes #, - q generalized coordinates in modal basis we obtain, after pre-multiplication by #T : # I ~ M # q" +#TC# q' +#TK# q =#TF M and K are symetric matrices, and modes are orthogonal relating to them ; we obtain : m q" +cq' +k q =q T F (5) - m : diagonal matrix of generalised masses mi - k : diagonal matrix of generalised stifbesses ki with IC. =ai 4 - c : damping matrix, symetric, non diagonal in general Wecao assume c to be diagonal (terms ci ) if the structure is weakly damped (Basile hypothesis) ; we can define a reduced damping 6; , without dimension, as: 2 Equation (5) clearly shows the parameters to determine during a modal test : - eigen pulsations w; - eigenshapes $i - generalised masses m; and generalised stiffnesses ki - damping coefficients of matrix c, assumed to be symetric When those terms are known, equation (5) allows to calculate q as a function of F, then equation (4) allows to calculate motion of structure X sollicitated by forces F: X is obtained by taking all modes into account. Equation (5) is matricial, but can be expressed as N scalar equations upon each eigenmode ; for the i-th mode : 4 qi" +c; qi' +4 q; =j , with the notation : f =#TF Generalised masses mj can be normalised, and be chosen to equal I : generalised stifnesses ki are therefore equal to w,2 Mer substituting ci by 2 withn&=1: m; w, and 4 by 4 w,2 , and qi" +2 (; w; qi' +wi z q; -1: It can beexpressed as Laplacian variables : (s2 +2 Ij wi s +wi z ) qi =1: After substituting s by j w (for frequency response) : ( w i 2 - ~ 2 + j 2 t i w ; w ) q i = j Wecan r e m to a matricial expression between q andf: q =diag ( [ wi 2 - w2 +j 2 6; oi w ] - I ) f =A f Wecan express X as a function of excitation F : X =#q =#A f =#A#T F =H F H matrix has the si pfi cati on of a transfer matrix between input F and output X, whose expression is : H(w)= #A #T H(w)= #diag ( [ wi 2 - w2 +j 2 6; w; w 1") #T If HQ and &j are the i H term of matrices H and #, the product of above matrices, taking into account the presence of a diagonal matrix, leads to : If the modes of the system are well spaced, this expression evaluated at a natural frequency 0, will be dominated by the term corresponding to that frequency, with an amplitude depending on its modal damping : , - - I This expression in modal basis (after variable change) leads to less voluminous calculations than a direct method, because of the limited number of parameters : we can choose the number of modes N to be ret&& which is the dimension of matrices m , c and k. I 2.2 Modal tests classification in linear configuration We first assume that the structure is linear, or weakly non-linear. There are two main categories of modal tests : - tests with appropriation of the excitation, which allow the isolation of each mode and the direct measurement of rheir characteristics. - tests with transfer functions measurements, to sollicite a group of modes which are determined by means of post-processiag measurement results. 2.2.1 Tests with appropriation of the excitation The structure is loaded by the means of a sinusoidal excitation sent to an excitator, whose level is tuned in order to isolate each mode. 'Ibe domain of excitation frequencies is known by the means of a previous frequency sweep to locate the interesting modes. The theoretical explahation of this method follows from solving equation (1) with a sinusoidal sollicitation : IW" +CX + K X = F =f&" The solution is of the form : X =x #', which leads to : ( K - w 2 M+ j o C ) x = f Isolating an eigenmode by the means of an appropriate excitation consists of realising o =ob&, where WIDL is the Rth eigen pulsation, from the excitation amplitudeff. This leads to : ( K - wok2 M +j c ) X& =fi wk and x;s are roots of the associate conservative system, thus: ( K- O0k2M) &+ = o We deduce the expression of 10- which excites the wok mode: fi = j w k C Xk With an appropriate excitation, the loading force compensates internal dissipation forces, and has a 9o'phase with the response : the criterion for appropriation is a phase criterion. For an isolated mode, all responses are in phase quadrature with excitation, which can be easily shown during testing by examination of Lissajous's curves. The advantage of this method is tbe ease of exploitation of results, which are based on a physical approad& however, experimental procedure may be delicate : phase criteria for al l meafllres may be difficult to adjust for some modes. 2.2.2 Tests wi t h transfer functi ons measurements The structure is loaded on one or many excitation nodes. The input signal is sinusoidal, transient., or random, and is multifrequency : all the modes can be simultaneously excited. The modal analysis is performed by transfer function measurement and processing : the theoretical explanation of this method follows from solving equation (4) and (5) with whatever load form : X = $ q (4) m q " + c q ' + k q = f = @ T F (5) According to 2.1, this can be explained as a transfer matrix between input F and output X , whose terms are of the form The term Hi j ( 0) l i nks the dynamic in the accelerometer localized in d.0.f. i , to the excitation applied in d0.f. j . When the transfer matrix between input and output is measured, we have to lind an analytical expression such as mentioned above, which best fits the experimental result (identification process), tben to deduce eigen pulsations % and damping coefficients & . The determination of & t em can be ma& easier by measuring responses 011 the same points as excitation : we have i =j , t hus : 9-3 The advantage of this method, as opposed to the appropriation method, is the comparative simplicity of experimental proceedings, which imposes few restraints on choice of excitation; however, this method requires a more complex method to exploit measured results, which are based on a mathematical, rather than physical, approach; moreover, accelerometers must be located near mode antinodes, in onder to achieve better measurement precision. 3. LANDXNG GEAR NON-LINEARITIES THEORETICAL DESCRIPTION The shimmy analyses in progress in Messier-Dowry SA. show that most important non-linearities are friction and freeplay along torque l i nks, with non-linear effects in torsion motion. This chapter presents a theoretical description of those effects, and their experimental determination. 3.1 Theoretical description of friction "Coulomb friction" or "stick-slip friction" is a wnlinear function of relative velocity between the two bodies in contact inside the landing geiu. Such contact surfaces are never completely smooth : when two "peaks" come into contact, the corresponding force is similar to a rigid mass-spring system, a function of position but not of velocity; on the other had, with no contact between such peaks, slipping occurs, and this force depends only on the velocity. A good model must take both aspects into account : cf reference [l]. Elementary representation of friction as a function of relative velocity alone is shown below. Stondard stichlipfriction modcl There is a strong nonlinearity around 5- 0, with a multiple evaluation of friction between -Fh and Fh : this is unacceptable for numeric computations, which impose the linearization of such a zone. 9-4 3.2 Numerical simulation of friction The friction nonlinear model must have a good physical interpretation of its parameters, as well as an easy implementation in numerical software : a satisfactory representation for friction is the DUM model (1%8), described in reference [2], in which friction force is the solution of following first order differential equation : Such a system is in fact a combination of a stiffness and a Coulomb friction, whose parameters are 4 and fo : e w The significance of these parameters appears when solving the above differential equation : we obtain an hysteresis curve F as a function of 19 : F ti Kf Such a system behaves as "stick-slip" friction, with 2 parameters4 and fo: - Kf is the system's apparent stiffness, which occurs during friction initiation, which is a sticking phase (9 dF is small) ; the friction equation becomes - = Kf de around F=O: Kf is the zero point slope of above w e . -fo is the level of sliding friction ; when F= ffo, we obtain dF = 0 : friction force depends on 9' only, not on 9, during this slipping phase. de This model requires identification of parameterfo and Kf from test results. 3 3 Numerical simulation of landing gear torsion freeplay and friction Freeplay nonlinearity is classically described as a variable stiffness, which poses no paxticular problem to model. According to above, we can model a nonlinear torsion link of a landing gear with a straightforward 1 d0.f. model : Fext(t) 8 If m is the i "a moment relative to torsion, described by wheel masses with respect to vertical, we have a system of 2 equations with 2 unknown values F and 8, with 2 valuesfo and 4 to identify : a!F - f o 4 Kf (F - fo sign(d))z = 0 (a) c(8) and 48) depend on the angular limit of freeplay j. Such behaviour can be described with a aon-linear model with torsion freeplay and friction, whose parameters are in agreement with experience, taking into account that stifEness and damping depend on torsion angle 8. I 4 As far as I 8 I <j / 2 , the system is in h e motion, with C(e)=&e)=o, SO only friction force F OCCUIS. For greater amplitudes, freeplay limits are reached, with non-zero stiffness k and damping c, coming principally from torque link flexion characteristics. 3.4 Numerical simulation of non-linearities with - , sweeping frequency. ( - - ! To characterize aon-linear parameters, tests were I performed by Messier-Dowty SA. with sinusoidal I excitations. Before describing these test proceedings, we show a few tbeoretical results from the numerical resolution of equations (6) and (7) with FJ f ) =F sin of, which shows a physical interpretation of such tests when 0 varies. To make it easier, we solve separately two straightforward 1 d.0.f. models, with fiction only and with freeplay only. 3.41 Nonl i near f ri ct i on madel md +Ce +A8 +F = Fs i not m = O l ; c = Ol ; k = 3 ; F 0 = 2 ; k j = l O We obtain the following result with this model : 9-5 I I /\loo I i lr OB - 0.0. 0.4 - 0 2 . Fmquency msponser of j i ct i on model for diflerent exaht i on levels (between OJ and 100 Nm) This system has two characteristic frequencies : - the first one, associated with lower excitation levels (cf curve with 0,s Nm), when the threshold force before sliding is not reached: the friction model is in fact a stiffness model, with value 4.. which is the zero point slope of the above curve. (cf3. 2). This frequency is: fi =2 JT ,therefore : jj =1.81 HZ - the second one, associated with higher excitation levels (cf curve with100 Nm), when sliding can appear ; the stiffness 4 does not OCCUT any more. This frequency is : fi =& & , therefore : Ji =0.87 Hz The system gets less s t i f f when excitation level grows: it progressively slides between fi and when excitation level grows (fi <fi J . K + k 3.4.2 Nonlinear freeplay model me +~e +R(ep =Fsin(or) m=0. 1 ; c=O. I ; & = 3 ; k j = 1 0 Weobtain the following result with this model : ,A, 03 ' 4 tat i \, I \ / I i 10 ,n\ 0.4- 1.6 2 25 O o - - 0 3 Frequency mrponu of f i epl oy mods1 f or dilemnt excitation luvelr (bstween 0,S and 100 Nm) This system also has two characteristic hquencies : - the first ow, associated with lower excitation levels, when the threshold freeplay is not reached . Tbis frequencyis:fi =Lp m , therefore : fi =0.87H~ - the second one, associated with higher excitation levels, when tbe threshold freeplay is reacbed This 1 Jgl'i frequency is : fi = m, therefore : 4 =1.81 Hz The system gets more stiff when excitation level grows; the fresuency suddenly moves from fi to when the excitation level grows ( d >fi , which is often called the "jump" phenomenon. This freeplay behaviour is not the same as friction behaviour, which helps to characterize these two kinds of non-linearity during sweeping frequencies tests. 4. MEASUREMEN'IS AND IDENTIFICATION OF LANDING GEAR NON-LINEARITIES 4.1 Landing gear test description The shimmy analysis, mentioned in the introduction, has required several tests to mea" dynamic characteristics of this main landing gear, in linear and non-linear domains. A preliminary test campaign was performed to verify the closeness of the two hquencies set in evidence with the one (cf introduction); insofar as tbe order of size of such frequencies was known, tests with appropriation were suitable. initial ~n6gurarion, and their spreading out wi th tbe new 9-6 A second test campaign was performed to obtain a more complete dynamic characterization of the landing gear, in order to validate the numerical model on many modes and to make it more accurate. Tests with transfer function measurements we= well-suited, to measure many frequencies initially unknown. 4.2 Identification of non linearities with respect to tests with appropriation 43.1 Experimental characterization of Ianding gear with appropriation Messier-Dowry SA. has performed a modal analysis on a clamped main landing gear with no contact between wheels and ground, by means of appropriation of the excitation on a wheel center, with 10 levels of excitation force. Landing gear experimental curves show a non-linear behaviour in torsion, with dependance of frequencies and displacement on excitation amplitude : in particular, for low values of excitation, frequency decreases, but reaches an asymptote for higher values of excitation, for which the phenomenon becomes quasi-linear. ISt rOnC: I I .' I ! I I/ i t.' Appr opht i on test : torsion amplitudes OndfnquenciSs Such a curve shows 3 zones, successively reached for increasing excitation values, whose physical interpretation is : - the f bt zone is govemed by friction : low excitation levels do not allow the system to reach freeplay thresholds : it behaves like a 1 d0.f. oscillator with fiction, which produces a frequency drop when the excitation level increases (cf nonlinear friction model : fi >f2) - the second zone is governed by freeplay : -lacement increases a lot, which shows a strong non-linearity ; friction influence is less sensitive : fmquency drop noted in first zone fades. dql acement increases lineary, and frequency reaches an asymptotic value. These tests with appropriation have shown that, when the studied landing gear has this linear behaviour, torsional frequency is about 16 Hz and lateral flexion frequency about 14 Hz, which are close values. 'Ibis result will be recalled further in non-linear simulation analyses (cf 5.3) Furthermore, this test permits the deduction of damping C in linear behaviour from force and displacement measurements, according to relatioo shown in 2.2.1 when thewokmodeisexcited: fi = j w k C Q 4.2.2 Friction parameter identification In addition to linear characterization of landing gear, this kind of test permits the identification of non-linear parameters to be introduced in a numeric model to fit the three zones previously identified. In particular, we have to determine& and 4 values so that the solution of above equations (6) and (7) (cf 3.3) fits tests measurements with frequency sollicitation : one possibility is to solve this equation analytically from& and +values , and looping on those 2 values to minimize the gap between numerical solution and test result : t hi s leads to relatively long computations. A better way consists of finding a straightforward approximated solution of these equations, insofar as the extemal loading is sinusoidal : the assumption is that response will be harmonic too, with the same pulsation : this is the "harmonic linearization method", or "Ritz averuging criterion" : cf references [3] and [8]. If Fud ( t ) =Fdsinwt, we have F andoin the form : - the third zone approaches linear behaviour : F =Fc cos at +Fs sin at 8 =Uccoswt +Ussincut = o md i + c ( e ) 4 + ~ ( e p + ~ - ~ . , , s i o ~ t = o (7) These expressions of F and 8 are only approximate solutions, so their substitution in equations (6) and (7) leads to non-zero values. However, according to Rib criterion, weighting factors Uc, Us, Fc and Fs can be determined in such a manner that, over tbe period 2 R / a, the weighted averages of those non-zero values vanish, with the same weight functions cos wt and sin at as definedin F and8expressions; ify =I$/S2, and with the above expression of F and 8, we have the cot.ditions: (m9" +c(B)fY +k(8N)+F-F, sin 01) sin WI dr =0 0 9-1 E 3 = f0(F-y 8(F -fo E4 = f0(F-y 8 (F -fo cos wt dt =0 sin wt dt =0 These 4 integrations can be computed numerically by substituing F and 8 by their approximate expressions : they cancel out for optjmised values of weighting factors U,, Us, F, and F,, which define F and 8 solutions. 4.2.3 Example of experimental fitting of nonlinear landing gear model The experimental landing gear torsion frequency response curve is shown as a solid line: t hi s frequency varies between 16 Hz (in the linear zone) and 24 Hz. For each excitation level, friction parameters were adjusted to fit the experimental curve : stars indicate the frequency level reached from these values. 28 1 torsion frequncy (Hz) 24 - 22 - 20 - la ~ Idant i f i at i on of the experimental torsion frequency msponse Experimental frequency evolution is well respected, especially around the asymptotic frequency for higher force levels; the most important gap between the experimental curve and computed points is around the median zone, seen above as the most nonlinear zone of the system, which makes it more difficult to model precisely. It is possible to improve the non-liaear behaviour of t hi s model, for example by defining forcefo as an exponential function of angular velocity : its maximum absolute value is greater than slipping value fo0 , which represents maximum sticking before sliding. Such an improvement wiU be testa analysis. in future shimmy 4.2.4 Limitations of tests with appropriation . Despite the relative easiness of thesetest procedure, many limitations exist : -in order to reach asymptotic values for frequency and damping, the excitation level must be sufficiently high, al l the more as the landing gear has a more non-linear behaviour : as long as frequencies depend on excitation level, linear behaviour is not reached. - if excitation level is not sufficient, identification of friction parameters becomes less accurate. -during this test campaign, some modes were difficult to appropriate : their measured frequencies and damping were not accurate enough. Besides, the identification of friction parameters shown above may not beaccurate enough when coupling appears between modes if corresponding friction is not negligeable, insofar as its hypothesis is the behaviour like a single 1 d.0.f. model, uncoupled with other d.0.f. 4.3 Identification of non linearities with respect to tests with transfer function measurements 4.3.1 Experimental characterization of non-linearities with transfer function measurements To reduce the limitations mentioned above, Messier-Dowty SA. performed a second modal test campaign on the same landing gear with transfer function measurements, in order to obtain more eigenfrequencies (around 10) in free-free boundary conditions. The landing gear was instrumented with 19 accelerometers, whose localization allowed the measurement of modes beyond the first one. YJ Accelerometers f or tnansfer funcl i ons measumments. Several frequency responses were tested with different excitation levels, in order to detect non-linearities : each frequency response is obtained from a constant excitation level. Weshow below experimental results. 9-8 I response 1 Frequency responses for &feerent excitation levek The following elements can be noticed from this experimental result : - the first frequency peak is independent of excitation level, but its amplitude value, which characterizes damping value (cf ffij (U,) expression in 2.1), depends on t hi s excitation level, which shows a nonlinear behaviour. - the second frequency peak depends on the excitation level, with a "jump" between two frequencies, which also shows a nonlinear behaviour, identical to the freeplay 1 d.0.f. model seen in 3.42. Other tests on this system showed nonlinear behaviour: - when exciting the system with a single frequency equal to this first peak, the response showed harmonic components of that frequency, which should not appear in a linear system. - when exciting the system with a swept sine, some peak frequencies depend on the direction of sweeping (increasing or decreasing sine), which shows freeplay nonlinear behaviour, with a "jump" phenomenon between these frequency values. 43.2 function measurements Identification of non-lineanties from transfer The identification of non-lineaxities consists of finding a model whose FRF (Frequency Response Functions) agree with all the experimental FRF for each accelerometer : this identification is obtained with specific software, integrated into the measurement chain. There are several ways to examine the measured frequency response function to extract these data, which are described in reference [4]. The numerical method used here is called "Polyxeference Time Domain Technique " (cf reference [ 5] ), and allows the extraction of modal parameters, namely modal damping and frequencies, from experimental data. Instead of using a frequency response function, like many frequency domain algorithms, this method is formulated from the impulse function (due to Dirac impulse), which may be obtained from the inverse Fourier transform of the frequency response function; the theoretical identification process is the same as shown in 2.2.2, but expressed in the time domain. One of the advantages of this method is the possibility to take many excitation sources more easily into account. Transfer function measurements are today in progress, so we have not yet obtained all these characteristics. We show below an example of such identification, in agreement with the first 3 modes of an experimental FRF Expedmental and identiled FRF with 3 f i s t modes As shown in 43.1, such identification must be made from tests with different excitation levels and different sine sweeping directions, necessary for detecting non-linearities. - . 5. SHIMMY NUMERICAL MODEL 5.1 Shimmy model hypothesis 5.1.1 Degrees offreedom of shimmy model A complete shimmy numerical model has been developed from previous structural characteristics, including linear and non-linear behaviour of the main landing gear, in agreement with test measurements mentioned above. This model takes into account 3 d0.f. of the landing gear, located on the center of wheel axle : lateral displacement U,, rotation M, about ox longitudinal axis, which represent both lateral flexion, and rotation M, about oz vertical axi s, which represents torsion. This model must take into account the following elements: - structural description of landing gear - gyroscopic effects - dynamic tire - landing gear non-linearities - applied excitation 9-9 5.1.2 Structural description of landing gear Landing gear structure is taken into account with : - 2 matrices 3x3 [M] and [K] obtained from a dynamic condensation (Guyan method) on the center of wheel axle of the landing gear finite element model, whose calculated modes agree with modal tests with appropriation when linear behaviour is reached (cf 4.2.1) - a damping matrix 3x3 [C] , directly built from measured damping coefficients with the same modal tests (cf 4.2.1) 5.1.3 Description of gyroscopic effects We must take into account gyroscopic effects due to rolling wheels of the gear, in the form of a 3x3 matrix [GI which contains a term J *V / R : J is the moment of inertia for the system "wheel +tye", R is the tire radius, Vi s the longitudinal airplaae velocity. 5.1.4 Description of dynamic tire A dynamic tire frequencial model was conveyed by its manufacturer, in the form : Fpncu(S) =P(s) u(s) =P(s) [uy(s) MJs) MAS)] P(s) is a 3x3 transfer matrix (s is Laplace variable), ma& up with 9 elementary transfer functions, whose terms agree with manufacturer dynamic tire tests, and depend explicitly on airplane velocity. 5.1.5 Landing gear non-linearities Experimental results show more frequency variations in torsion tests than in flexion : consequently landing gear non-linearities, which are principally friction and freeplay, are only localized in torsional d.0.f. M,, with the expression described in 3.3 : cf equations (6) and (7) . 5.1.6 Applied excitation An excitation in moment along the oz axi s is introduced in the model, to load the landing gear in torsion : t hi s load will be applied in future shimmy tests. 5.2 Shimmy model numerical resolution This non-linear shimmy model must be solved with a temporal analysis. Insofar as frequential analysis with a Laplace variable is limited to linear models, we must express the tire model in temporal variable, which requires the inverse Laplace transformation of each of the nine transfer functions of the above transfer matrix P(s): this leads to a temporal expression Fpncu(t). The general form of the 3 d0.f. shimmy model is : M(ez) U'' +( C+G) U' +&ez) U +Fpncu(t) + [O 0 F*t] =F e ~ , with U =[U, M, Mz] and &ez) depend on 4 because of torsional freeplay. The scalar form of F*, comes from equation (6) : This non-linear system is solved iteratively, with a discretisation of the derived temporal terms (Newmark schema) and friction forces (Crank-Nicholson schema). The solution depends on aircraft velocity, which appears in the gyroscopic matrix G and in the frequential tire model P(s). 5.3 Results of model computation From the previous temporal equation, we can obtain torsion responses of landing gear, for different non-linear parameter values and airplane velocities : - torsional freeplay values : correspond to a translation freeplay measured of a standard point of measure, whose values are 0, 0. 5, I, 1.5 mm. - torsional friction values : maximum forcefo values are 0,25 ,50 Nm, with a constant fiction slope 4 in agreement with modal tests (cf 4.2.2). - airplane velocity values : 45,55,65,75,85 m/s. The torsional damping can be deduced from logarithmic decrement of temporal torsion response. The results can be summarized in diagrams showing torsional damping versus airplane velocity : each diagram corresponds to one freeplay value, with the 3 friction values: x : ONm; A : 25Nm; + :50Nm I 1 I I 1 6 4 2 - 2 40 50 60 70 80 90 Freeplay 0 mm -2 ' I I I I I 40 50 60 70 80 90 Freepiby O j mm 81 I I I I I 6 4 2 0 -2 40 50 60 70 80 90 Freeplay 1 mm 9-10 o-$--+ A 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -40 50 60 70 80 90 FreaprOy 1,S mm The results can be also summarized in diagrams showing torsional damping versus airplane velocity : each diagram corresponds to one friction value 0 or 25 Nm, with the 3 freeplay values : x : freeplay value 0 mm A : freeplay value 0,5 mm. +: freeplay value 1 mm : freeplay value 1.5 mm. 2 4L -2 ' 40 50 60 70 80 90 Frierion 0 6 4 2 0 -2 40 50 60 70 80 90 Frietion 25 5.4 Influence of nodi nemi t i es on stability These diagrams show that the linearized landing gear (freeplay and friction equal to zero) appears to be stable, but non-linearities lead to zero damping, which corresponds to limit cycles, and even to negative damping, which corresponds to divergence in torsion, hence the importance of taking non-linearities into account in shimmy models. In general, this landing gear gets more stable when friction increases, and when freeplay decreases: this can be explained from the general results of the 1 d.0.f. non-linear model shown in 3.4.1 and 3.42 , and from flexion and torsion frequency values : - when friction increases, the excitation level becomes insufficient to reach the limit forcefo before sliding: friction behaves like an additional stiffness Kj, so the torsional kequency increases comparatively to its quasi-linear value. - when freeplay increases, the excitation level becomes insufficient to reach the &play thresholds: this system gets less stiff, so the torsional frequency decreases Comparatively to its quasi-linear value. As shown in 4.2.1, the studied landing gear, when behaving in a quasi-linear manner, has close frequencies in torsion (16 Hz) and in lateral flexion (14 Hz), which may occur coupling between these 2 modes. When non-linear friction increases, the torsional frequency increases too, so the 2 frequencies move aside : the coupling decreases and this landing gear gets more stable. Inversely, when non-linear freeplay increases, the torsional frequency decreases, and becomes closer to the lateral flexion frequency, which renders this landing gear more unstable : so this landing gear gets more stable when non-linear freeplay decreases. This qualitative influence of non-linearities gets less clear when both freeplay and friction become important, as shown in the diagram for freeplay I, 5 mm : in particular, for a friction value of 25 Nm, the system becomes alternatively stable or unstable when aircraft velocity increases. This result is also shown in the following temporal curves for velocities values of 65,75 and 85 m/s v=6sm/ s I 0 5 1 1.1 4 a;- . . oT-- . - Such unpredictability caused by non-linearities can also be found in theoretical examples, such as the "Duffing spring", whose behaviour is highly sensitive to initial conditions, so far as to become chaotic, in spite of a comparatively simple behavioural expression : x" +0.05X" +A? =7.5 cos t 4 - L a s 10 IS m 2s 30 as 40 46 60 DuDng spting sensitivity to initial condilions solid l i ne : X(0) =3 X'(0) =4 &shed line : X(0) =3.01 X'(0) =4.01 Moreover, such chaotic behaviour has been expressed in previous landing gear nonlinear studies, in particular in reference [6] paragraph 4. However, it is important to notice that this qualitative influence of non-linearities cannot apply to all landing gears, insofar as torsion and lateral flexion frequencies can be more or less close to each other, for instance, if frequencies in linear behaviour are 10 Hz in torsion and 15 Hz in lateral flexion, increasing fiction increases torsion frequency, which gets closer to lateral frequency: the system may become more unstable, in opposition to this studied landing gear. 6. CONCLUSIONS Calculation results shown above prove the importance of non-linearities in shimmy phenomena, and their influence on landing gear stability. 9-1 1 Some numerical procedures, such as shown in this text, enable one to obtain, from tests results, non-linearity values to be introduced into a shimmy model : however, these values are not intrinsic to the landing gear, insofar as they are highly dependant on its wear. For this reason, it is important to continue shimmy studies by exploring non-linear parameters inside their possible range of variations, in order to define the most unfavourable con.6gurations in terms of shimmy stability. This is currently in progress at Messier-Dowty SA., with a more accurate non-linear characterization of the studied main landing gear from tests with transfer function measurements, and with the development of a complete shimmy numerical model, in agreement with modal test results. Future shimmy tests on a flywheel will enable the validation of this non-linear numeric model, and the tests of configurations able to improve landing gear stability. This improved modelization of the landing gear will allow to analyse its dynamic behaviour in its development. At this stage, it will be therefore convenient to define and qualify possible improvement of the design if necessary to achieve the requested dynamic stability of the landing gear in its range of operation conditions. 7. REFERENCES [l] Computer Simulation of stick-slip friction in Mechanical Dynamic Systems - D. Kamopp - J oumal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control - March 1985, Vol. 107 [2] On the modelling and simulation of friction - D.A. Haessing, Jr. B. Friedland - J oumal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control - Transactions of the ASME -September 1991, Vol. 113 [3] Engineering Vibrations - J acobsen, Ayre [4] Modal testing : theory and practise - D.J. Ewios -J ohn Wdey, 1984 [5] The plyreference time domain technique - F. Deblauwe, D.L. Brown, R.J. Allemang - IMAC 1987 p. 832,845 [6] Modeling and Analysis of a Dual-Wheel Nosegear : Shimmy Instability and Impact Motions - G. Li [7] F15 Nose Landing Gear Shimmy Taxi Test and Correlative Analyses - D. Grossmann [8] The behaviour of Non-linear Vibration Systems - W. SzemplinskaStupmca - Kluwer Academic Publisher [9] Engineering Vibrations - D. Inman - Prentice Hall [lo] L'essai de vibration des struc~es imparfaitement lindaires - R. Dat - Revue Fnqaise de Mdcanique no 1987-3 10-1 - - A Nonlinear Model for Landing Gear Shimmy with Applications to the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Jeff Baumann Senior Engineer, Structural Dynamics and Loads McDonnell Douglas Aerospace P.O. Box 516 St. Louis, MO 63166-0516 USA SUMMARY This paper discusses a nonlinear shimmy model that includes components and features typically found in the nose landing gear of fighter aircraft. The gear structural model includes inertia, coulomb and viscous damping, stiffness, and torsional freeplay. Single and dual non-corotating wheels are considered. The tires are represented with the Moreland point-contact tire model. Qualitative analytical results from modeling the nose landing gear of the McDonnell Douglas F/A-l8A are presented. This landing gear, in the normal US Navy carrier-based configuration, is stable. When the launch bar and its power unit are removed for land- based versions of the aircraft, the nose gear may, under certain adverse conditions, experience shimmy. This condition can be aggravated by rotating forces due to tire unbalance or other irregularities. A number of corrective modification have been attempted with varying degrees of success. These range from relatively simple measures, such as increasing attention to tire maintenance, to more complicated schemes, such as adding a friction collar, adding mass dampers or even adding a dummy launch bar. For the most severe cases, the dummy launch bar seems to be required, however, the friction collar with mass dampers does show a significant improvement. NOMENCLATURE Z C 2 =acceleration, in / sec =tire coefficient of yaw, 1 / lb =tire yaw time constant, sec =tire lateral damping, lb sec/ in CD CPC =Cleveland Pneumatic Company CsD =exponential steering damper coefficient, MSD in 16 sec CTL =torque link structural damping, in 16 sec D DEAD =deadband function =distance between piston bearings, in - Fo =force the strut must transmit to the wheel at point 0 for dynamic equilibrium, lb point A, lb lb =force of the strut on the effective rigid body at =resultant force in the lower piston bearing, FL FMS =foreign military sales FP =freeplay, rad(deg) Fu H =overall length of the strut, in =angular momentum, in lb sec [ Z] body =effective inertia tensor for the rotating lower =resultant force in the upper piston bearing, lb 2 strut, i nl bsec ZD =diametral moment of inertia of the wheel, 2 in lb sec Zp =polar moment of inertia of the wheel, 2 in lb sec J,,,, =collar/launch bar moment of inertia, 2 KO =tire lateral stiffness, lb / in KSD =steering damper torsional stiffness, in lb KTL =torque link torsional stiffness, in lb Kw =tire radial stiffness, lb / in L =trailing armlength, in Lp =length of the piston, in a. =moment the strut must transmit to the wheel at point 0 for dynamic equilibrium, in lb HA =moment of the strut on the effective rigid MDA =McDonnell Douglas Aerospace me =effective mass of the strut, lb sec / in MR =rotating unbalance, lb sec in lb sec body point A, in lb 2 2 Paper presented at the 81st Meeting of the AGARD SMP Panel on The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear, held in Ban8 Canada from 4-5 October 1995. and published in R-800. 10-2 MSD =steering damper exponent 2 mW =mass of the wheel, l b sec I in R =wheel radius, in Rsr =static wheel radius, in R =position vector, in RL RROu =tire rolling radius, in & S sgn =signum function t =time, sec & =spring torque on steering damper, in lb T2 =required torque in exponential damper, in l b TA =torque of torque linkagelsteering damper at Tcp =total Coulomb friction torque at piston, in lb TpcoN =Coulomb friction torque at piston (constant), TsD =steering damper Coulomb friction torque, TsF =Coulomb seal friction, in l b 1; =unit vector aligned with the axle U, =position of the CG, S component, in USN =United States Navy 7 =velocity, in I sec V, =position of the CG, j . component, in VTuI =taxi speed, in I sec (knots) W =aircraft weight on the strut, l b W, =position of the CG, & component, in x =lateral strut tip deflection, in a =strut tip bending angle, rad (deg) a =angular acceleration, rad I sec p =position of rotating unbalance, rad (deg) y =constant strut caster angle, rad (deg) A =lateral tire deflection, in 8 =steering angle, rad (deg) 8 =collar angle, rad (deg) O D =damper angle, rad (deg) h =tire camber angle, rad (deg) p =coefficient of friction at piston bearings pR =coefficient of rolling resistance pT =tire moment coefficient, in lb CJ =angle between the coordinate system at the strut tip and the one at the tire, measured about the axle, rad - =lower piston bearing radius, in =upper piston bearing radius, in =position(s) of the wheel(s) on the axle, in point A, i nl b in lb in lb 2 - Q R =tire yaw angle, rad (deg) =tire drift angle, rad (deg) =wheel spin rate, rad I sec - o =angular velocity, rad/ sec 1. INTRODUCTION As efforts are made to increase the performance and to decrease the weight of modern aircraft landing gears, shimmy problems often result. Much effort has gone into predicting the shimmy stability of landing gear designs and in studying ways to stabilize shimmy prone gears. One of the most important factors in the shimmy model is the modeling of the tires. Two main theories have been used to describe the interaction between the tire and the ground. The stretched string tire model, proposed by vonschlippe and Dietrich [ 13analyzes the tire as if it were a taut string on an elastic foundation. The point-contact tire model was proposed by Moreland [2] In this model, the effects of the ground on the tire are assumed to act at a single idealized contact point. The lateral displacement of the contact point and the tire drift angle are related by the model to the lateral restoring force and the vertical restoring moment. Many researchers have since examined and compared these models. Collins [3], for example, finds that the point contact tire model is adequate for qualitative and, in most cases, quantitative studies. Also, Black [4] has shown that the point contact tire model can be derived from the stretched-string tire model. Since the point-contact tire - - model is much easier to implement and the required parameters are better understood, it is used for this work. - - Since some of the original analysis and verification of the analysis program was related to the nose landing gear of the McDonnell Douglas F-15 it is worth special mention at this time. The original nonlinear analysis of the F-15 nose gear was performed by Cleveland Pneumatic Company (CPC), the gears manufacturer. Southerland [ 5] describes the original analysis and computer simulation of the gear. Both this early analysis and subsequent dynamometer testing suggested that no problems existed with the design. As aircraft were put into service and began to wear, however, shimmy problems developed. These instabilities were traced to the presence of larger than anticipated values for the torsional freeplay. When shims were added to reduce this freeplay, the shimmy disappeared. Grossman [6] describes experimental and analytical shimmy tests performed as part of the modification to the design of the F-15. In the first phase of the study, a series of taxi tests were performed with a specially instrumented aircraft. Vibrations were measured as the aircraft was taxied at a variety of speeds and conditions. 10-3 UPPER PISTON BEAR LOWER PISTON BEARIN MOTOR f LINKS Fig. 1 a. Model Geometry for Cantilevered Landing Gear Fig. lb. Cantilevered Landing Gear The second phase of Grossmans study involved repeating the CPC analysis with more realistic values for the parameters. An attempt was also made to linearize the nonlinear terms in the equations. The analysis correlated well with the shimmy speed - freeplay relations found in the taxi tests. Absolute stability was obtained for torsional freeplay less than 0.75 degrees. Also, the linearized models were shown to agree with the nonlinear model for the range of parameters tested. 2. NONLINEAR LANDING GEAR MODEL The objective of this work was to develop software that would aid landing gear engineers in assessing the shimmy stability of a more general class of landing gear designs. With this analysis capability, potential problems could be identified early in the design process. I t was also desired to be able to predict how changes to existing design would affect the shimmy stability. Special care was taken to realistically model the torsional components that are typically found in fighter aircraft nose landing gears. Three different landing gear geometries were studied: cantilevered, fully-levered and semilevered. Only the cantilevered type, as pictured in Fig. 1, will be discussed here. The strategy employed was to analyze the landing gear structure and the tire separately from each other. The structural model and tire model were programmed as separate computer subroutines that would share information as the simulation ran. This made the simulation modular in that new tire or structural models could be added later. Since the details of this analytical model have been presented elsewhere (Baumann, Barker and Koval[7] and Baumann [8], a more general description will follow. Table 1 lists the degrees of freedodstate variables used for this model. 2.1. Kinematics 2.1.1. Coordinate systems The inertial coordinate system XoYoZo is attached to the runway (see Fig. la). The Zo axis point upwards, the Yo axis is aligned with the runway axis and points aft, the Xo axis completes the right-handed triad and points to the port side of the aircraft. A moving Xl r, Z, is fixed to the top of the aircraft strut. It is rotated away from the XoYoZo about the negative Xo axis by the constant caster angle y . The X, Y2Z2 system is fixed to the bottom of the strut and accounts for bending of the strut. It is rotated away from the X1&Zl about the Yl axis by the variable strut bending angle a . The X3Y3Z3 system is fixed to the bottom of the strut and accounts for rotations of the strut. It is rotated away from the X2Y2Z, about the Z2 axis by the variable steering angle0 , 10-4 TABLE 1 - Degrees of Freedom Strut Model x a!x i =- dt a d a cj , =- dt 8 =lateral strut tip deflection, in =strut tip bending angle, rad (deg) =steering angle, rad (deg) fj =- dt 8 =collar angle, rad (deg) 8, =damper angle, rad (deg) Tire Model p A w =position of rotating unbalance, rad (deg) =lateral tire deflection, in =tire drift angle, rad (deg) away from the X2Y2Z2 about the Z2 axis by the variable steering angle8 . 2.1.2. Rotational Kinematics The angular velocity of the bottom of the strut is equal to the angular velocity of the X3Y, Z3 coordinate system. This angular velocity accounts for the strut bending rotation a plus changes in the steering angle 8 and is given by c3 =(cisin8)& +(cic0se)j3 +e&. The corresponding angular acceleration is a3 =(i i ~i n8+&f j cos8)~~ +(ticos8+cifjsin8)j3 +8k3 A .. A - 2.1.3. Translational Kinematics The position, velocity and acceleration of four key points on the strut are needed for this analysis. Reference is made to Fig. la. Point B is at the intersection of the strut axis and the trunnion axis. This point is assumed to remain a constant height above the runway and have a constant taxi speed VTm. Point A, the reference point at the bottom of the strut is separated from point B by the strut of length H which is held constant over the simulation. Also, the strut may bend laterally, with the tip (Point A) deflecting a variable distance x . Point 0, at the intersection of the strut and the axle, is separated from Point A by the trailing armlength L . The motion of this point will also be subject'to the variable strut bending angle, a ,and steering angle, 8 . The centex of mass of the effective rigid body, Point CG, of the effective rigid body which represents the swiveling mass of the landing gear is located with respect to point A by the arbitrary vector Thus, motion of this point will also be subjected to the three flexible degrees of freedom described above. 2.2. Tire Effects Based on a complete kinematic description of the axle, a separate tire model is used to determine the force and moment that the strut must exert on the tire(s) to maintain dynamic equilibrium. This force may include suspension, traction, rotating unbalance, and inertia effects. One such tire model is described in detail i n Section 3. For convenience, it is assumed that the force and moment act at point 0, no matter where the tire is mounted on the axle. Any transformations that are required are included in the tire model. The force and the moment will generally be of the form which requires that previously defined expressions for xo and iT3 be substituted into the moment expressions. 2.3 Strut Forces 2.3.1. Elastic Restoring Forces and Moments. The restoring force ( Fs ) and moment ( Ms ) due to the bending ( x , a ) of spring element AB is given by a 2x2 stiffness matrix and a 2x2 structural damping matrix. This force acts at point A in the ( i3 ) direction. The moment also acts at point A about the (- j 3 ) axis. 2.3.2. Shock Strut Bearing Forces Considering the forces and moments acting on the pistonhpring at Point A (due to bending and the weight of the aircraft on the nose gear) statics can be used to determine the forces in the upper and lower piston bearings ( Fu and FL , respectively). The resulting torque exerted on the piston (and hence on 10-5 I 2.4.3. Torque Models the lower strut) is ~ c p =( ~ p c o h r +C L [ R ~ ~u +RLFL ]}w(~ ) where TpcoN is an additional friction torque arising from Coulomb friction between the piston and cylinder walls (independent of loading at point A). I 2.4 Dynamic Analysis At point A, the force FA and the moment aA represent the force and moment of the strut on the rigid body. At point 0, the force Fo and the moment a0 represent the force and moment required by the wheels for static equilibrium. 2.4.1. Translational Dynamics I From Newtons second law applied to the strut rigid body, - G = F o + m , ACG - where m, is the effective translational mass of the strut. 2.4.2. Rotational Dynamics From Newtons second law for rigid body rotations about the mass center of the strut rigid body, - - Since shimmy involves rotations about the strut axis and since most corrective measures involve torsional components (often torsional dampers), a good torsional model is very important. Figure 2 shows how the system of Fig. l b is modeled. Starting at the bottom of Fig. lb, the interaction between the tire and the ground plays a large role in I *A T LOWER STRUT I TIRE MODEL w I GROUND Fig. 2. Model for Torques any torsional model. The modeling of the tire is discussed in Section 3. The lower shock strut can translate along the strut axis with motion restricted by oleo-pneumatic forces within the strut. Coulomb friction will be present in the upper and lower piston bearings. This friction will oppose translation as well as rotation of the lower shock strut. Gross rotations of the lower shock strut is prevented with intemal splines or with an extemal torque linkage, as shown in Fig. l b. The upper arm of the torque linkage is connected to the steering collar. For carrier based aircraft, such as the F/A-l8A described below, a launch bar would also be attached to this steering collar and its effects would have to be included in the torque model. The steering collar is driven by a steering motor. When not actively steering, this motor will serve as a shimmy damper. This damper is modeled with a spring, a Coulomb damper and an exponential damper. The exponential damper will generate a damping torque proportional to the relative angular velocity across the damper raised to some exponent. If this exponent were 1 .O, the damper would be a linear viscous damper. If this exponent were 2.0, the damper would be a velocity-squared damper. The connection between the steering collar and the damper will often have some freeplay. This freeplay, caused by gear backlash and clearance between mating parts, will allow some relative motion across the connection between the collar and the damper. 10-6 A total of three degrees of freedom are required to describe the full torsional model described above. These degrees of freedom are the collar angle 8 , its derivative6 , , and the damper angle 8 . The torque model will contain the derivatives of these three quantities as well as the torque TA which the above components will apply to the lower strut rigid body. Since some of these components may not be present or may have only minimal effect, provisions are made to remove one or more of the degrees of freedom from the model. Six separate cases involving various combinations of degrees of freedom were analyzed. Each of these special cases are treated separately in numerical computations. Only the first of these cases, the full model as pictured in Figs. l b and 2, is discussed here. It is first necessary to determine if the steering damper is engaged to the collar. This depends on the absolute difference between the collar angular position, 8 and the damper angle, 8 D . a)Steering damper disengaged: lqc - The torque of the strut on the wheel, T A , is transmitted through the torque links, so that C FP. TA =KTL(e -e,)+ cTL(6 - e c ) If no structural damping is present in the torque links, CTL can be set to zero. Summing torques in the disengaged steering damper requires KS D8 , + c s ~ p ~ I ~ ~ ~ S g n ( 6 D ) + T s D S g n ( 6 D ) = O This can be solved for 6 by first defining and T2 =I& 1- TSD* If T2 is greater than zero, then the spring torque ( will overcome the Coulomb friction and need to be reacted by the exponential damper. If T2 is less than zero, the Coulomb friction alone will be sufficient to react the spring torque. Summarizing: ) for T2 4 0 Note that the latter expression requires a nonzero steering damper coefficient, CsD . If this coefficient is set to zero, 8 is no longer considered to be a degree of freedom and one of the other torque models would be used. Applying Newtons second law of motion for rotations to the collar yields e c =$( ec) Note that this equation requires that collar rotary inertia be present ( j COLLAR #0 ). If the rotary inertia is zero, 8 ci s not considered to be a degree of freedom and again one of the torque models would be used. The final state variable derivative is already defined since it is also a state variable. b) Steering damper engaged: le - 8 D I 2 FP. As before, the torque of the strut on the wheel, TA , is transmitted through the torque links and is given by TA =KTL(e - ec) + cTL(e - e c ) If no structural damping is present in the torque links, CTL can be set to zero. Because the steering damper is connected to the collar, - - Since 6 Applying Newtons second law of motion for rotations to the collar, is a state variable, this is already defined. d e, =x(6c) Again notice that JCOL- must be nonzero for this model to apply. This expression uses the deadband function to account for freeplay. This function is given by X +F P for X c (-FP) X - FP f or X >F P for 1x1c FP 10-7 3. MORELAND POINT-CONTACT TIRE MODEL This model computes the effects of a single non- corotating wheel on the strut. Moreland's point- contact theory [2] is used to describe the cornering and drift of the tire. It is assumed that the torque about the axis of rotation is negligible. This means that no bearing friction or braking of the wheel is permitted. A rotating unbalance in the center plane of the tire is considered. 3.1 Kinematic Analysis The following information regarding the strut axle is required by the tire model: Eo, vo, li, o, , , S. The acceleration of point 0 and the angular velocity of the lower strut will generally not be known to the tire model. They are assumed to be of the form: xo =A ~ Z ' ~ +Ai 3 0 +A0 ko, z - - a,, =axilo +a,jo +azi o. 3.1.1. Coordinate Systems Three coordinate systems are employed in this tire model. The first XoYoZo is an inertial system aligned with the ground. The Yo axis points to the left side of the runway, the Xo axis is aligned with the runway axis and points to the rear of the aircraft and the Zo axis points up. This corresponds to the XoYoZo axis of the landing gear strut model. The second coordinate system Xl Yl 2, is rotated from the XoYoZo about the Zo axis by the yaw angle$ (Fig. 3). The third coordinate system X2Y2Z2 is rotated from the XIY,Zl about the Y, axis by the camber angle h (Fig. 4). Note that i2 =li is the unit vector aligned with the axle. Since li is specified in the strut model, it is possible to solve for the angles $ and h : tang =uy I ux tank =-uz sing I u y . - - - . - 3.1.2. Rotational Kinematics The angular velocity of the axle used in this tire model accounts for changes in the yaw angle d, and changes in the camber angle i and is DIRECTION OF WHEEL HEADING DIRECTION OF WHEEL TRAVEL \\ \ \ \ P Fig. 3. Top of Wheel Fig. 4. End View of Wheel - 0 2 =-I $sink> +ij2 +&c0sAi2 The angular velocity of the axle is specified by the strut model as - o ~ R W =oxi o + 0 y j 0 +COZko. Generally, it will not be possible to find values for d, and i that will satisfy z2=C ~ R , for all three components (there are three equations but only two unknowns). The difference between thetwo angular velocities is a relative rotation about the li axis. This rate 6 , and acceleration 6 can be solved and used to account for the discrepancies between the strut and wheel system. 10-8 3.1.3. Translational Kinematics Point CG, the wheel center of mass is separated from point 0 by a distance S along the axis. Thus, R,-GIo =5% =Si2 . - The general position, velocity and acceleration equations can be used to determine the motion of CG. 3.2. Kinematic Constraints Three kinematic constraints must be satisfied. They are the following: 3.2.1. Tire Rolls Without Slipping I This can be used to define R , the spin rate of the wheel. This condition is where RRou is the rolling radius of the tire. The left side of the equation gives the component of the wheel CG velocity in the direction of the wheel heading. Differentiating with respect to time, -&G '31 =~~~~h , where fi is the time rate of change of the wheel spin rate. I 3.2.2. Vertical Constraint This constraint sets the geometric radius, R , of the tire by requiring that the tire always maintains contact with the ground at the contact point. The appropriate equation is Differentiating, I These two equations can be solved for R and R . 3.2.3. No Side Slip A tire under the action of a side force will drift or yaw (as it rolls) from the direction in which it is pointed (see Fig. 3). This angle is called the side-slip angle or the drift angle and is denoted by u~ . A standard condition is to require that as the wheel rolls and side slips, the component of the velocity normal to the path of travel becomes zero, i.e., vp .in =0 where in is the unit vector indicated in Fig. 3, and P is the contact point. The unit normal vector, in can be written as in =cos(+ +w)ilo +sin(+ +yl)jo . The position of point P, the contact point, is given by Ep =Eo +Si2 - i 2 +Ai ; . The velocity of P is found by differentiating. This constraint is used to solve for the unknown A . 3.3. Forces and Moments Acting on the Wheel 3.3.1. Ground Forces and Moments The moment exerted by the tire on the ground, by virtue of side slip and the twist is given by Moreland P I as JG =CLTuIiO * There are also forces applied to the tire: where FuD =W - K , ( R - RsT ) =tire radial force, FN =KD A +CD A =Moreland tire side force and FD =pR(FMD cosh) =tire drag force. The final element of Moreland's model relates yaw to side force: 1 \ir =---(cF~ +w) . Cl where p is the rotation of the unbalance mass and is equal to (Qt +p o ) ; p is the initial wheel position. 10-9 Fig. 5. F/A-18 NLG (USN) 3.4. Tire Dynamics Summing forces by Newton's second law. the force exerted by the shut on the wheel is Summing Moments about the wheel's mass center and applying Newton's second law for rotations yields the moment of the shut on the wheel The condition of no wheel bearing friction is imposed by requi hg that a0.;=0. 4. TEE FIA-lSA 4.1. Description of the F/A-lSA The F/A-l8A is a single place cauier-based fighter attack aircraft built by McDonnell Douglas, originally for the US Navy. First flight occurted in November 1978. Since then, theFIA-18A and its two-seat variant the F/A-I8B have also been sold to Canada (with the landing gear in the origiial USN confiinration) and to Australia and Spain (in a land- based foreign military sales, or FMS. configuration). The landing gear is in the tricycle configuration with a dual wheel cantilevered nose landing gear (Fig. 5 ) and fully levered single wheel main landing gears. A nose wheel steering ( NWS) unit has three modes of operation: high gain steering (for low speed taxiing), low gain steering, and off/passive damping. The low gain mode is antomatically active for landing and rollout but can be deselected by the pilot using a switch on the contrul stick. Fig. 6. F/A-18 NLG (FMS) 4.2 Cnnfignration Differences (USN vs. FMS) The launch bar is used to connect the aircraft to the shuttle of a catapult and launch the aircraft off the deck of an aircraft Carrier. When the aircraft is intended tobe solely land-based, weight savings and reduced maintenance expense could be realized by deleting the launch bar (about 35 pounds) and associated systems (Fig. 6). The launch bar power unit manifold. Fig. 7, is a collar thatrotates with the torque links and wheels. This manifold provides the hydraulic power necessary to raise and lower the launch bar. Seals which contain this hydraulic pressure provide a stabilizing friction torque. FMS versions may also include taxi lights and other minor differeoces not relevant to the present work. Numerical analysis of the FMS landing gear by the landing gear vendor prior to fabrication suggested no problems would result f" removing the launch bar alone or in combmation with the manifold collar 4.3 General Observations Mostreports of shimmy in theF/A-18 have been described as pilot annoyance and decreased comfort. In the most severe conditions, however. safety-of- flight concerns have been raised, primarily due to vibration levels sufficient tomake cockpit instrumentation (excluding the head-updisplay) difficult to read. Wide variations arefound in the ages of the aircraft and the tires where shimmy is reported. 4A. Tires The condition of theti res appears to play a large role in s k y . One common, apparently effective. short term maintenance correction is to change thetires 10-10 FIXED ADAPTER Fig, 7. Steering Manifold Fig. 8. Mass Damper when shimmg is reported. As this reduces the tire Life, thismakes the airaaff momcostly to opaatc. Two specific f actors have been observed to be impartant. These factomlead to cyclic forcing of the nose gear and, while this is not shimmy,it can drive similar vibrations. The first effect is rotating Walsnffi. The wheels and ti res are checked to insure apeciacarion compliance but tbe combined assembly is not. Apmdudion tire-wheel assembly was tested by MDA on a commercial automotive wheel balsncing &e and the unbalance was measured at 12 incb- ounces. While (his is a severe unbalance, it is roughly the sum of the two onbalancecl allowed by the s ~ w ~ E ~ o M . Since the tires wear quidfly with use, it would seemimpractioal to balsnffi the assembly on a routine basis. The mn d factor is cold set of the rub& mulling in natspots. his canresult fmm loading the tire before the rubber is fully seetched by the Mation pressure, or by leaving the air& parked on the h a for several days. This was observed during a winter fiight test in St. Louie. The ti res wexei nadvmtl y allowed to cold set and shimmy resulted. Several modifications to the FMS landing gear mnfignration have been pmpoacd andlor attempted to mrnd shimmy. These will be disceased in order of increasing cost and complexity. 4.6.1. InereaaedAtkn~n to Tire Moi nt cMnce As eaer discussed, the condition of the ti res has a big maintenance can do a lot to mitigate shimmy. on shimmy a08 i nad emphasis on WhiIe the wheels are not balanced, the ti res are marked by the manufacturer with a balance mark that c m be aligned with the valve stem on the wheel to minimize static unbslance. Additionally. the ti res should be Mated with dry air or nihogen (to ize intemal moisbm) and be allowed to grow for at least 12 hours before loading. ?his ensum an even s t t e a of the rubber. An effort should also be made to match tire diameters and pressures for the two nose gear ti res. The tire pressure should be regularly checked. To prevent formation of flat spots. the aimafl should be moved evay 48 how or jacked if unused for long pexicds of time. - - . 4.5.2. Addition of a Friawn Collar to Replace the buneh Bar Power Unit Man$old The seals of the launch bar power unit manifold represent about 20% of the -out toque and about 10% of the running torque required to swivel the wheels. This damping (along with some stabilizing mass) can be regained by adding a collar whse the manifold is usually situated. 4.5.3. Addition of Simple Masses in Conjunction with the CoUor Assembly Additional weights can be added to the above collar. as sbowu in Fig. 8. to replace some or all of the mass removed with the launch bar. Since this mass has m mechanical f uncti oo it can be placed where it will not interfere with gear stowage. Dne to the smalls radius of gyration, this mass adds up to about 30% of the origioal rotational inda The weights can be 10-1 1 modular in design and be added incrementally to correct the problem with a minimum of increased weight. 4.5.4. Reduce Freepluy As discussed above, freeplay has previously been shown to be a significant factor in causing shimmy. Closing the tolerances in the torque links by adding special bushings has been suggested. Another possible source of freeplay is gear backlash between the steering motor/damping unit and the ring gear on the strut. 4.5.5. Addition of u Dummy h u n c h Bur This solution is more complicated than the simple masses since it must be moved for the gear to retract. As the USN Configuration is quite stable, this will solve shimmy problems. The Spanish F/A-18 problem was: corrected by incorporating a collar with a simple mass damper as described in item three, above. A flight test program was undertaken to evaluate this correction. Qualitative pilot comments were used as a basis for comparing different arrangements and to select a final design. The Australians have had a more chronic problem. This is believed to be due, at least in part, to operating the aircraft from rougher runways. A flight test program was flown from May through October 1991 and examined the five corrective actions described above (Ranson, et al., [9]). The flight test instrumentation included triaxial accelerometers attached near the bottom of the nose gear strut and on the fuselage near the nose gear trunnion. Also, high- speed motion picture cameras were mounted on the aircraft keel and at the wing tips. Nearly 300 touch- and-go landings were performed over almost 60 flights as part of this test. In the flight test program flown by the Royal Australian Air Force, they identified a shimmy mode as well as a speed-dependent vibration mode of the gear, with a frequency equal to the wheel rotation rate. At typical landing speeds, this speed-dependent vibration mode is very close to the second harmonic of the shimmy mode, explaining why the wheel unbalance and flat spots seem to aggravate shimmy. The NWS was deselected for about half of the landings performed. This decreased the severity of shimmy only slightly. Of the above solutions, only the addition of the dummy launch bar was found to be acceptable. The Australians are currently considering this retrofit. 4.6. Qualitative Analytical Coniparison To demonstrate the analytical model presented in sections 2 and 3, simulations of the USN and FMS F/A- 18 landing gear configurations were run under identical conditions. A limited amount of correlated input data was available (much of it came from the gear vendors original analysis). For this comparison, the aircraft is taxiing at 110 knob and the gear is disturbed with an initial 40 inlsec lateral deflection rate. Figure 9 shows the lateral deflection of the axle as a function of time. As shown in Fig. 9a, the USN configuration with a launch bar is stable and the oscillations decay. When the launch bar inertia and collar damping friction are removed, as for the Spanish FMS gear (Fig. 9b), the model predicts a limit cycle oscillation will result for this condition. 5. CONCLUSIONS Based on experiences described here with the FMS F/A-l8A, the current FMS version of the FlA-18CID retains the launch bar to ensure dynamic stability of the nose gear. The analytical model described was developed partially in response to the problems encountered with the F/A-l8A. The model has demonstrated good qualitative agreement with the F-15 and F/A-18A nose landing gears and stands ready to aid designers and dynamicish in assessing the shimmy properties of future MDA landing gear designs. Future analytical work may center on correlating the model with quantitative test data and in developing guidelines for assigning values to the parameters. The large amount of data required by this model is regarded as a drawback. Sensitivity analysis could be used to determine the relative importance of each parameter to the final result. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank Prof. C. R. Barker and Prof. L. R. Koval of the University of Missouri-Rolla, who were the principal investigators in developing the analytical model described here; and Jeff Pew and Suresh Pate1 who were involved with the design and analysis of shimmy corrections for the FMS F/A-18 gear. Thanks also to Craig Beebe, Pauline Bowermaster, Tom Burkhart, Matt J ansen, and Bill Macy of MDA who have been involved in the analysis and correction effort and who offered comments and suggestions for this paper. The encouragement of Terry Rodewald and J ohn Coyle, both also of MDA, is acknowledged. 10-12 0 - o.smE*m 0.000E+00 0 - -o.5ooE*m T I E - O . ~ * O O TIHE- o.sooE*w Fig. 9b. Simulation of F/A- 18A (FMS) , F., Shimmy Analysis for the F- 51 SoutherlanL. Nose Landing Gear Report, McDonnell Aircraft Company Report MDC A0932, March 1971. Shimmy, Taxi Test and Correlative Analysis, SAE Paper 801239, October 1980. Nonlinear Model for Landing Gear Shimmy, presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, December 1-6, 1991. 0 - o.5oot+oo [6] Grossman, D. T., F-15 Nose Landing Gear [7] Baumann, J. , Barker, C. R., Koval, L. R., A O.oooE+OO ASME 9 1 -WA-DSC-14 [8] Baumann, J ., Aircraft Landing Gear Shimmy, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Missouri-Rolla, o - -0.50OC+M 1992. 0~500E*oo [9] Ranson, S . M., J urd, K. W., and Ford, N. J., T I E - o. m*w T I E - Fig. 9a. Simulation of F/A-lSA (USN) REFERENCES [l] vonschlippe, B., and Dietrich, R., Shimmying of a Pneumatic Wheel, Papers on Shimmy and Rolling Behavior of Landing Gears presented at the Stuttgart Conference, October 16-17, 1941. NACA TM 1365, August 1954. [2] Moreland, W. J., The Story of Shimmy, J ournal of the Aeronautical Sciences, December 1954, pp. 793-808. [3] Collins, R. L., Theories on the Mechanics of Tires and their Applications to Shimmy Analysis, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 8, No. 4, April 1971, pp. 271-277. Aircraft Landing Gear Design Analysis, NASA CP-2264, Workshop on Tire Modeling, at Langley Research Center, September 7 - 9, 1982, [4] Black, R. J., Application of Tire Dynamics to pp. 71-93. Hornet Nose Wheel Shimmy Evaluation, July 1992, Royal Australian Air Force Report AR-006-562. 5 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. Recipients Reference 2. Originators Reference 3. Further Reference AGARD-R-800 ISBN 92-836-1032-6 5. Originator Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development North Atlantic Treaty Organization 7 rue Ancelle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France 4. Security Classification of Document UNCLASSFIED/ UNLIMITED 6. Title The Design, Qualification and Maintenance of Vibration-Free Landing Gear 7. Presented athponsored by The 81st Meeting of the AGARD Structures and Materials Panel, held in Banff, Canada 4-5 October 1995. 8. Author(s)/Editor(s) Multiple 10. Authors/Editors Address Multiple 9. Date March 1996 11. Pages 156 12. Distribution Statement There are no restrictions on the distribution of this document. Information about the availability of this and other AGARD unclassified publications is given on the back cover. ~_ _ _ 13. Keywords/Descriptors Landing gear Aircraft landing Aircraft Vibration Damage Stability Landing simulation Design Maintenance Vibration analysis 14. Abstract The Structures and Materials Panel of AGARD sponsored a Workshop focusing on the various vibrational and stability problems (e.g. shimmy, antiskid induced vibrations) that must be considered in the early design phase of landing gear systems, especially problems which are related to vibrations of the combined structural system formed by the landing gear, its tyres and the flexible aircraft structure. The intention was to indicate the impact of (combined) landing gear/aircraft vibration problems on aircraft design and to discuss the state-of-the-art technology in this area and to define possible future steps of development. I . - c NATO -@- OTAN DIFFUSION DES PUBLICATIONS I 7 RUE ANCELLE 92200 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE FRANCE Telecopie (1) Telex 610 176 I AGARD NON CLASSIFIEES Aucun stock de publications naexist6 B AGARD. 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