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Liferay Portal on Windows

This guide will show you how to install Liferay Portal on a server (VM or dedicated hardware) with the
following configuration:

Web Server: Apache HTTP Server

Application Server: GlassFish Community
Database: Oracle

Please read through ALL of the steps before beginning the installation.


VM or dedicated hardware has a server-grade operating system installed and the person installing Liferay
Portal has local admin rights to the machine / VM.
Server OS is patched with the latest security updates.
A JDK is required on the server to precompile the JSPs. If server is already running JDK (version 5 (1.5)
or later), you can skip the JDK installation step below. If it's running a version lower than 5 (1.5), update it
to the latest version.
If server is running Windows and there are no existing applications using IIS, it's recommended to install
and use Apache for Windows (for uniformity and maintenance purposes). If IIS is in use on the machine,
you can skip the Apache installation step below and use IIS instead. Note: The steps in this guide use
The steps in this guide are using a VM with Windows Server 2003 installed. The steps may differ
slightly for other operating systems.
The steps in this guide are using the default GlassFish domain1 domain. If you want Liferay Portal
installed on a different GlassFish domain, you will need to substitute the domain1 references below with
your domain.


1. Install JDK (version 5 (1.5) or later):

a. Download the JDK installer (latest stable version):
b. Install JDK on the server:
i. When the installer loads, place a check in the "Change destination folder"
ii. Click "Install >" to begin the installation.
iii. Click "Browse" and change the default installation folder to a folder near the root
folder on your machine, such as C:\Java. Use the subfolder name that it gives
you (i.e., jdk1.6.0_17) so that the full path looks something like
iv. Save the new installation path and install JDK following the prompts. When
prompted for a JRE path, change the default installation folder to a folder near
the root folder on your machine, such as C:\Java so that the full path looks
something like "C:\Java\jre6\"
v. When the installation completes, open a Command Prompt window. Type java -
version and press Enter. If you get a message telling you the version of Java,
you've correctly installed JDK.
c. Configure JDK on the server:
i. Add a new system variable (not a user variable) called JAVA HOME, and point it
to the directory to which you installed JDK (i.e., C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_17). For more
details on how to create system variables, visit the Microsoft Support site at
ii. Edit the Path variable: At the beginning of the variable,
add %JAVA_HOME%\bin; and save your change.
iii. Click Start > Run. Type %JAVA HOME% and click OK. If the Java JDK (not
JRE) directory opens, you've correctly configured the JDK. If not, check your
JAVA_HOME variable to see if you have it pointing to the location of your JDK
install correctly, and make sure your syntax is correct in your Path variable.
2. Install Apache HTTP Server (version 2 or later) -- note: see assumption above for Windows
a. Download Apache HTTP Server: -- note: for
Windows servers, use the "Win32 Binary without crypto" version
b. Install Apache HTTP Server on the server:
i. When prompted, change administrator's email to a Raytheon email.
ii. When prompted, change the default destination folder to somewhere closer to
the root directory (i.e. C:\Apache)
iii. Use the default settings for the remaining screens. For more detailed installation
instructions see:
c. When the installation completes, open a web browser on the server and browse to -- it should say: It works!
3. Install GlassFish (version 2 or later):
a. Download the GlassFish Community installer:
b. Install GlassFish Community:
i. Change the installation directory to somewhere closer to the root directory (i.e.
ii. On the Administration Settings screen, change the radio button to "Provide
username and password"
iii. Keep the default Admin Port (4848) and HTTP Port (8080)
iv. Use admin for username
v. Create a strong password according to company security guidelines and store
the password in an approved, encrypted location.
vi. Click Next
vii. On the Update Configuration screen, uncheck the "Install Update Tool"
viii. Click Next and then Install to install GlassFish
ix. After GlassFish installs, skip the registration. You should see a "Complete"
message. Click Exit
c. Configure GlassFish Community:
i. After GlassFish installs, open C:\Documents and Settings\<your user id>
ii. Copy the .asadminpass file to the C:\Documents and Settings\Default User
iii. Right-click the .asadminpass file in the Default User folder and select
iv. Click on the Security tab and then click on the Advanced... button
v. On the Permissions tab, uncheck the checkbox that says "Allow inheritable
permissions from the parent to propagate..."
vi. On the resulting Security pop-up, click the Copy button
vii. Click OK to close the Advanced Security Settings window
viii. In the Properties window, remove all users except Administrators and SYSTEM
ix. Click OK to apply the changes.
x. Download (contains appservService.exe from Glassfish v2 and some
batch files to create/remove the service):
xi. Extract the contents of the zip file to C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1
xii. Open C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\service and double-click
install_service.bat -- you should see a SUCCESS message. Press any key to
xiii. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services
xiv. Find Liferay Portal in the list, right-click it and select Start
xv. Once the service has started, open a web browser on the server and browse to -- it should say: Your server is now running
xvi. Close the web browser.
xvii. In the Services utility, right-click Liferay Portal and select Stop
xviii. Once the service has stopped, open a web browser on the server and browse
to -- it should say: The page cannot be displayed
xix. Close the web browser and leave the service stopped for now.
4. Create and configure Oracle database:
a. Create an Oracle database called LPORTAL and a database user account named
lportal with at least SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions (preferably
also include CREATE, MODIFY, and DROP permissions).
b. Download the "Liferay Portal <version> SQL Scripts" zip file here:
c. Extract the zip file contents, open the create-minimal folder, and run (using TOAD,
RapidSQL, etc.) the create-minimal-oracle.sql script. Note: You can ignore any errors
from the first 5 lines of the SQL script.
5. Configure Oracle database drivers:
a. Connect to the Oracle LPORTAL database (using TOAD, RapidSQL, etc.) and determine
your database version by running this query: select * from v$version where banner
like 'Oracle%';
b. Browse to the Oracle JDBC drivers page: jdbc/index.html
c. Click on the link appropriate for your database version.
d. Locate the section on the page that relates to your database version and download
ojdbc##.jar, ojdbc##dms.jar, and orai##n.jar to the
C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\lib folder.
6. Create GlassFish data source for Oracle database:
a. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services
b. Find Liferay Portal in the list, right-click it and select Start
c. Open a web browser on the server and browse to
d. Once the GlassFish login page appears, login with admin username and password.
(Click the "Never Register" button, if prompted to register.)
e. On the Common Tasks page, find the Other Tasks section and select Create New JDBC
Connection Pool
f. In the first screen, give it a name of LiferayPool, a resource type of
javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource, and Oracle as the Database Vendor.
g. Click the Next button
h. Scroll down to the Additional Properties section
i. Clear all default entries in the Value column
j. In the User value field, enter the database username (i.e. lportal)
k. In the Password value field, enter the database password in the Password field
l. In the URL value field, type: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server>:<port>:<sid> (replacing
<server>, <port> and <sid> with your server information)
m. Click the Finish button
n. When the list of database pool connections appears, click the LiferayPool link
o. Click the Ping button -- you should get a Ping Succeeded message
p. Click the Logout button and close your web browser
q. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services
r. Find Liferay Portal in the list, right-click it and select Restart
s. Open a web browser on the server and browse to
t. Once the GlassFish login page appears, login with admin username and password.
u. In the left-hand menu, find Resources and click on the JDBC submenu
v. Click on the JDBC Resources link
w. Click the New... button
x. In the JNDI Name field type: jdbc/LiferayPool
y. In the Pool Name dropdown, select LiferayPool
z. Click OK
aa. Click the Logout button and close the web browser.
bb. Open the C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\config folder
cc. Create a text file in that folder and rename it to (Warning: make
sure the file extension is .properties and NOT .properties.txt -- when you double-click
the file it should ask you what program you want to use to open it)
dd. Open the file in Notepad (or any text editor) and type:
ee. Save and close the file.
7. Create GlassFish mail session:
a. In the left-hand menu of GlassFish, find Resources. If the JavaMail Sessions submenu
option is available, do the following:
i. Select JavaMail Sessions and click the New... button
ii. Give the JavaMail Session a JNDI name of mail/MailSession, and fill out the
rest of the form with the appropriate information for your mail server.
iii. Click OK
iv. Open the C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\config folder
v. Open the file in Notepad (or any text editor), create a new
line below any existing text, and type the following:
vi. Save and close the file.
b. If the JavaMail Sessions submenu is not available, you will have to use the Liferay mail
i. Open the C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\config folder
ii. Open the file in Notepad (or any text editor), create a new
line below any existing text, and type the following (you will likely need to alter
the values for your specific environment):<server or IP address>
mail.session.mail.smtp.auth=false<server or IP address>

iii. Save and close the file

8. Prepare for Liferay Portal installation:
a. Open the C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml file with Wordpad.
b. Change <jvm-options>-Xmx512m</jvm-options> to <jvm-options>-Xmx1024m</jvm-
c. Add another line after this line with the following JVM option: <jvm-options>-
d. Add another line after this line with the following JVM option: <jvm-options>-Xrs</jvm-
e. Save and close the domain xml file
f. Open the C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\docroot folder
g. Delete the index.html file
h. Download the "Liferay Portal <version> Dependencies" zip file found here:
i. Extract the dependencies zip file to a temporary location and copy the jar files to the
C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\lib folder
j. Download the "Liferay Plugins SDK <version>" zip file found here:
k. Extract the Plugins SDK zip file to a temporary location and copy the log4j.jar,
serializer.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, and xml-apis.jar files to the
C:\glassfish\glassfish\domains\domain1\lib folder. Warning: If these .jar files are not
added, you will receive a java.lang.ExceptionInInitialization error when deploying the
l. Restart the Liferay Portal service
9. Install Liferay Portal .war file:
a. Download the "Liferay Portal <version> WAR" war file found here:
b. Open Task Manager (Start > Run > taskmgr)
c. Login to GlassFish:
d. On the Common Tasks page, find the Deployment section and select Deploy Web
Application (.war)
e. Ensure the "Packaged file to be uploaded to the server" radio button is selected and click
f. Browse to the location of the Liferay .war file and select it
g. Change the Context Root field to a back-slash ( \ ). Note: Unix installations should use a
forward-slash ( / ). Warning: A forward slash ( / ) on Windows may cause a Null Pointer
Exception error when deploying the portal.
h. Place a check in the Precompile JSPs checkbox
i. Leave the rest of the defaults and click OK to deploy the war file. It will take up to 45
minutes to precompile and deploy the war file -- you can monitor the progress with Task
j. After the war file has been deployed, click on the Launch link to verify the portal is
functional (default initial login is [email protected] and password is test)
10. Verify database and email functionality:
a. Create a Liferay user (Liferay Control Panel > Users)
b. Verify the new user was created in the Oracle database (USER_ table)
c. Verify an email was sent to the new user (sender: Joe Bloggs | subject: "
Your New Account")

You’re done! Congratulations!


Note: Once you create a new admin, you should disable the default accounts:

update lportal.user_ set active_ = 0 where firstname = 'Test' and lastname='Test';

update lportal.user_ set active_ = 0 where firstname is null and lastname is null;

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