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Bought-Out Items

(Fasteners & Tower Accessories)

By : Sachin Patel
Fasteners : A fastener is a hardware device that mechanically joins or affixes two or
more objects together. In general, fasteners are used to create non-permanent joints; that is,
joints that can be removed or dismantled without damaging the joining components.
Type of Fasteners :
Hex Bolt & Nut Flat/Pack washer
Anti theft Bolt & Nut Step bolt
Spring washer ACD Rod

Various National & International Standards :

IS-12427, IS-14394, IS-1367 (P-3 & 6), IS-3063, IS-1572, IS-1367 (P-13), IS-2016 , IS-10238 etc…
ISO-898 (Part-1 & 2), ISO-4034, ISO-4016, ISO-1461 etc..
DIN-7990, DIN EN-24024, DIN-127, DIN-267 (P-26), DIN-126, DIN-7989-1 etc…
ASTM A394, A563, A153, F436, F2329 etc…
ASME B18.2.1 & 2 etc…
AS/NZS 1559 etc…

Various Sizes:- Various Grades:-

Metric - M12, M16, M20, M24, M27, M30 4.6, 5.6, 6.8, 8.8, 9.8, 10.9
Inches - 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 1 Type – 0, 1 & 3

Hex Bolt Anti Theft Bolt

Manufacturing Process:-

Steel Wire Rod  Wire Draw  Heading making Trimming  Thread Rolling
 Galvanizing
Inspection criteria :-
Visual Inspection :-

Tool Marks Shear Burst

Forging Burst Voids

Inspection criteria:-
Visual Inspection :-

Line Marks Forging Crack

Dimensional Check :-

s = Across Flat e = Across Corner

k = Head Thickness d = Shank Diameter
b = Thread Length l = Total Length

Chemical Analysis :- (e.g. M16 Grade 5.6 as per ISO 898 (P-1)
Carbon = 0.13 to 0.55 %
Phosphorus = 0.050 % max
Sulfur = 0.060 % max
Mechanical Tests :- (e.g. M16, Grade 5.6 as per ISO 898 (P-1)
Wedge Tensile Test : Proof Load Test :
(Requirement - 500 MPa min.) (Requirement – 44 KN for 15 Sec.)
Mechanical Tests :- (e.g. M16, Grade 5.6 as per ISO 898 (P-1)
Shear Test : Hardness Test :
(Requirement – 310 MPa min.) (Requirement – 79 to 99.5 HRB)
Mechanical Tests :- (e.g. M16, Grade 5.6 as per ISO 898 (P-1)
Impact Test :
(Requirement – 27 J min. @ -20° C (Sample size - 10x10x55)
Galvanizing Tests :- (e.g. as per ISO 1461)
Coating Thickness : Adhesion Test :
(Requirement – 40 micron local & (Requirement – No Flaking/Peeling)
50 micron Mean)
Galvanizing Tests :- (e.g. as per ISO 1461)
Preece Test/Copper Sulfate Test:
(Requirement – No Red deposit observed)

Embossing : (Manufacturing Identification Mark & Property class)

Normal Embossing Embossing with size Sweden Embossing


Hex Nut

Various Grades:-
Metric – 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 & 12
Inches – A & DH

Manufacturing Process:-

Steel Wire Rod  Wire Draw  Nut Forging  Tapping

 Galvanizing  Re-Tapping
Inspection criteria:-

Visual Check :- Same defects as per Bolt slides

Dimensional Check :-

Chemical Analysis :- (e.g. M16 Grade 5 as per ISO 898 (P-2)

Carbon = 0.58 % max.
Phosphorus = 0.060 % max
Sulfur = 0.150 % max
Mechanical Tests :- (e.g. M16, Grade 5 as per ISO 898 (P-2)
Proof Load Test : Hardness Test :
(Requirement – 95.8 KN for 15 Sec.) (Requirement – 71 to 107 HRB)
Galvanizing Tests :- Same tests as per Bolt slides

Embossing : (Manufacturing Identification Mark & Property class)


Manufacturing Process:-

Steel Hex Wire Rod Machining  Tapping 

Galvanizing  Re-Tapping
Inspection criteria:-

Visual Check :- Same defects as per Bolt slides

Dimensional Check :-

Chemical Analysis :- Same requirement as per Nut slides

Mechanical Tests :- (e.g. M16, Grade 5 as per ISO 898 (P-2)
Torque Test
(Requirement – 10 to 16 N-m)

Hardness Test : Same requirement as per Nut slides

Galvanizing Tests :- Same tests as per Bolt slides


Manufacturing Process:-

Steel wire / Plate  Forging / Punching  Galvanizing

Inspection criteria:-

Dimensional Check :-

Galvanizing Tests :- Same tests as per Bolt slides


Manufacturing Process:-

Steel wire  Wire Draw  Cutting  Heat Treatment

 Galvanizing (Hot Dip OR Electro Plating)
Inspection criteria:-

Dimensional Check :-

d = ID S = Thickness
d2 = OD h = Free Height
s = Width

Chemical Analysis :- (e.g. M16 as per IS 4072 Gr 70C6)

Carbon = 0.65 to 0.75 % Silicon = 0.10 to 0.35 %
Phosphorus = 0.050 % max Manganese = 0.50 to 0.80 %
Sulfur = 0.050 % max
Mechanical Tests :- (e.g. M16 as per IS 3063 Type-B)
Permanent Set Test (2 Minute) : Permanent Load Test (48 Hours) :
(Requirement – 56.3 KN, Free Height to be checked) (Requirement – 56.3 KN, Washer
should not be Crack/Fracture)
Mechanical Tests :- (e.g. M16 as per IS 3063 Type-B)
Twist Test (90°) : Hardness Test :
(Requirement –No fracture) (Requirement – 43.6 to 51.7 HRC)
Galvanizing Tests :- (e.g. M16)
Hot Dip Galvanizing (ASTM A153) : Electro plated (IS 1573 , SC-4) :
Coating thickness Coating thickness
(Requirement – 36 micron Individual) (Requirement – 25 micron Individual)
43 micron Average) 38 micron Average)
Preece Test
Adhesion Test
STEP BOLT (Set of NUT, FW & SW):

Various Sizes:- Various Grades:-

Metric - M12, M16, M20, M24, M27, M30 4.6, 5.6, 6.8, 8.8, 9.8, 10.9
Inches - 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 1 Type – 0, 1 & 3

Manufacturing Process:-
Cold Forging
Steel Wire Rod  Wire Draw  Heading making  Thread Rolling  Galvanizing
Hot Forging
Steel Wire Rod  Wire Cutting  Heating  Forging  Trimming 
 Thread Rolling  Galvanizing
Visual Check :- Same defects as per Bolt slides

Dimensional Check :- (As per Drawing)

Head Dia Thread Length

Head Thickness Total Length
Shank Diameter

Chemical Analysis :- (e.g. M16 Grade 4.6 as per IS 10238 & IS 1367 (P-3)
Carbon = 0.55 % max Sulfur = 0.060 % max
Phosphorus = 0.050 % max Boron = 0.003 % max
Mechanical Tests :- (e.g. M16 Grade 4.6 as per IS 10238 & IS 1367 (P-3)

Tensile Test (Requirement - 400 MPa min)

Hardness Test (Requirement - 67 to 99.5 HRB)
Cantilever Test (150 kg load for 10 sec. Deflection not greater than 30 micron)

Embossing :- Same as per Bolt slides

Galvanizing Tests :- Same tests as per Bolt slides
Anti Climbing Device ROD
(Set of Nut, FW & SW):

Manufacturing Process:-
Steel Wire Rod  Wire Draw  Cutting  Bending
Thread Rolling  Galvanizing
Dimensional Check :- (As per Drawing)

Rod Diameter Thread Length Length between thread and bending angle
Bending Angle Total Length Cutting Angle

Chemical Analysis :- (As per required standard/drawing)

Mechanical Test (Tensile Test) :- (As per required standard/drawing)
Galvanizing Test :- (As per required standard/drawing)
Bag Packing Box Packing

Pallet Packing
Tower Accessories

Manufacturing Process:-
Steel Sheet Cutting, Punching  Galvanizing
Dimensional Check :- (As per Drawing)

Chemical Analysis :- (As per required standard/drawing)

Mechanical Test (Tensile Test) :- (As per required standard/drawing)
Galvanizing Test :- (As per required standard/drawing)
Number plate Circuit plate Phase Plate

Arial plate Danger plate

Manufacturing Process:-
Steel Sheet  Cutting  Punching  Backing  Pickling  Enamel color applying  Backing  Printing  Backing

Visual Check:-
Improper Edges Back Side Patches
Dimensional Check :- (As per Drawing)
Color Retention Test & its Procedure :-

On the sample selected from the lot several drops of aged Cupric Sulphate solution placed on
plate and immediately cover with a clean 25mm-dia watch glass having free polished edges.

Place the sample with watch glass in position in the test chamber at 27±2°C.
After 20 hours samples taken out of from test chamber and rinse the samples with water after
removal of watch glass.

Darkening not to be observed on tested portion.


Manufacturing Process:-
Black Pipe  Cutting  One side angle cutting  One side heating 
One side Pressing  Punching  Drilling  Galvanizing
Dimensional Check :- (As per Drawing)
Chemical Analysis :- (As per IS 1161 Gr NB25)
C – 0.16 % max S – 0.040 % max
Mn – 1.20 % max P – 0.040 % max

Mechanical Test (Tensile & Bend Test) :- (As per IS 1161 Gr NB25)
Yield strength - 210 N/mm² min.
Ultimate tensile strength - 330 N/mm² min.
Elongation - 20% min.
Bend test – 2t

Galvanizing Test :- (As per required standard/drawing)

Adherence test as per IS 2629
Preece test as per IS 2633
Thickness of zinc coating and Mass as per IS 4759/IS 6745

Manufacturing Process:-
Galvanized Wire  Wire Cutting  Crimping Lugs
Dimensional Check :-
Wire Dimension (As per IS 12776)

Lug Dimension (As per Drawing)

Chemical Analysis :-

For Wire:- As per IS 12776 For Lug :- As per IS 2062 E250A

Carbon = 0.55 % max Carbon = 0.23 % max
Manganese = 0.40 % to 1.10 % Manganese = 1.50 % max
Sulfur = 0.050 % max Sulfur = 0.045 % max
Phosphorus = 0.050 % max Phosphorus = 0.045 % max
Silicon = 0.15 % to 0.35 % Silicon = 0.40 % max

Mechanical & Galvanizing Test for Wire :-

Galvanize Wire Testing Snaps :-
KPTL Inspection Procedure :-
Offer given by Supplier/Purchase.
Send person for Inspection.
Review BN test certificate, Internal test record and Raw Material Test Certificate.
Verify material as per provided Packing list.
Sampling as per QAP/Standard/KPTL procedure.
Visual, Dimensional check, Mechanical test, Chemical test and Galvanize test perform
as per QAP/Standard.
After completion of all tests, witness report to be verified with all documents provided
by supplier before start inspection.
If all tests correlated with provided documents based on that dispatch clearance to be
given to supplier/purchase.
Inspection detail send to all relevant department.

In case of waiver due to urgency, Internal tests records is reviewed and dispatch
clearance is given.
Once material is received at our plant, we will perform all tests as per QAP/Standards
as our plant.
If all tests are satisfied, we will clear the material for further process.

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