Basic Guide To Extend Health.20140411.201320
Basic Guide To Extend Health.20140411.201320
Basic Guide To Extend Health.20140411.201320
Basic Guide To Extend Health Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The WHO definition has not been amended since 1946. It implies that all the basic needs of an individual are met, whether emotional, nutritional, social and cultural rights. These extend health requirements start from the embryo stage or gamete to old age. The definition presents an objective rather than some utopian ideal as it may sound to some, depending on the country studied. It is a relative concept, sometimes presented as a corollary associated with the absence of disease. People carrying various diseases are sometimes considered healthy if their disease is controlled by treatment. Some diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time, such that patients who feel healthy may not be really well. Mental wellness can be seen as a very important factor as considering physical health effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns the emotional and cognitive welfare. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as state in which a person understands his own capabilities, and is in a position to deal with normal stressful situations, and is capable of contributing positively to those around him. There are different types of mental health problems, some of which are common, these include depression and anxiety disorders, as well as other non-common conditions, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Determinants are factors influencing the wellness status of a population, either exclusively or in combination with other factors. Hygiene is the set of behaviors that contribute to keeping people healthy. Hygiene seeks to make it less likely or less frequent for microbes to become pathogenic in certain circumstances. Following the hygienist phase whose short-term effectiveness is indisputable, appeared an increase in allergies, autoimmune diseases, antimicrobial resistance and nosocomial diseases. Seeking fair balance between risk exposure and medical solutions is difficult considering an increase in complex cocktails of pollutants (pesticides in particular) and hormone disruptors in addition to global climate changes. The fight against nosocomial infections in a hospital setting, or against foodborne infections, for example, was started following the discovery of asepsis. Individual and collective behavior is of paramount importance in the fight against epidemics or pandemics. So this discipline entails controling environmental factors that may contribute to ill-health, such as pollution. Public health refers to both the status of a population shown through indicators (quantitative and qualitative) as regards all collective means to heal, promote wellness as well as improve living conditions.
Numerous risks and hazards related to health as regards the evolution of man and also changes in lifestyle are not without consequences. Food and new technologies are also risk factors. Rhythms and pace of work are very important factors on health. They may lead to psychosomatic disorders and disabilities. Four factors would significantly extend the duration of life: no tobacco consumption, limited beer drinking (less than half a glass a day), eating five fruits as well as vegetables a day, half an hour of physical exercise per day. All offers hope an increase in life expectancy of 14 years compared to non-compliance with these factors.