Event Pairs Handle

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EventPairHandle as Anti-Dbg Trick

Author: Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa' E-Mail: evilcry {AT} gmail {DOT} com Website: http://evilcry netsons org ! http://evilco"ecave #or"press com

An EventPair Object is an Event constructe" $y t#o %KE E!T structures #hich are conventionally name" High an" "o# Event&airs are use" for synchroni'ation in $uick "P%( they allo# the calle" threa" to continue the current )uantum( re"ucing sche"uling overhea" an" latency *o# $y loo+ing to the $asic operations that a "e$ugger nee" to accomplish( #e can see that these tas+s are conceptually simple( #hen the target is normally running( the "e$ugger is sleeping( $ut #hen certain events occur D$g ,a+es -p Became clear that there is a strict relation $et#een generic Event Objects an" De$uggers cause they have to create a custom Event calle" DebugEvent a$le to han"le e.ceptions Due to the presence of Events o#ne" $y the De$ugger( every information relative to the Events of a normal process "iffers from a "e$ugge" process This is the struct that "escri$es an Event&air: t&'ede( struct )KE E!T)PA*+ , -.HO+T T&'e/ -.HO+T .i0e/ KE E!T Event1/ KE E!T Event2/ 3 KE E!T)PA*+4 5PKE E!T)PA*+/ *othing more than a couple of )KE E!T. !t%reateEventPair is the responsi$le of Event&air creation( here the prototype: !T.6.AP* !T.TAT-. !TAP* !t%reateEventPair7 O-T PHA!D"E *! A%%E..)MA.K *! PO89E%T)ATT+*8-TE. EventPairHandle4 DesiredAccess4 ObjectAttributes OPT*O!A" :/

PA+AMETE+. hEventPair: &ointer to the varia$le that receives han"le to the event!pair o$/ect AccessMask: Type of access re)ueste" to the event!pair o$/ect a com$ination of any of the follo#ing flags: E0E*T%1-E23%4TATE( E0E*T%5OD673%4TATE( an" E0E*T%A88%A99E44 This can $e

ObjectAttributes: &oints to the OB:E9T4%ATT26B-TE4 structure containing the information a$out the event!pair o$/ect to $e create"( such as name( parent "irectory( o$/ectflags( an" so on Event&airs are use" $y the ,in;< su$system to provi"e notification #hen the client threa" has copie" a message to the ,in;< server( or vice versa 8&9 messages are passe" in the section o$/ect( an" synchroni'ation is performe" $y the event!pair o$/ect The event!pair o$/ect eliminates the overhea" of using the port o$/ect to pass messages containing pointers an" lengths "P% #as use" into 7Kernel;-ser:-<ode Debug .u''ort $efore ,in"o#s =& for various

notifications The ne# De$ugging 4upport ma+es use of )DE8-=)O89E%T This struct is a #rapper aroun" the event use" $y Wait>orDebugEvent( conse)uently #e nee" to see ho# )DE8-=)E E!T is structure"( here the struct: t&'ede( struct )DE8-=)E E!T , "*.T)E!T+6 Event"ist/ KE E!T %ontinueEvent/ %"*E!T)*D %lient*d/ PEP+O%E.. Process/ PETH+EAD Thread/ !T.TAT-. .tatus/ -"O!= >lags/ PETH+EAD 8ackoutThread/ D8=KM)M.= A'iMsg/ 3 DE8-=)E E!T4 5PDE8-=)E E!T/

As you can see $et#een the mem$ers of this struct #e have the last one that soun"s really intersting D8=KM)M.= that $y the name #e can un"erstan" is referre" to De$ug 5essaging >5essaging means implications #ith 8&9 mechanism?( so let's see D8=KM)M.= struct: t&'ede( struct )D8=KM)M.= , PO+T)ME..A=E h/ D8=KM)AP*!-M8E+ A'i!u<ber/ -"O!= +eturned.tatus/ union , D8=KM)E?%EPT*O! E@ce'tion/ D8=KM)%+EATE)TH+EAD %reateThread/ D8=KM)%+EATE)P+O%E.. %reateProcess/ D8=KM)E?*T)TH+EAD E@itThread/ D8=KM)E?*T)P+O%E.. E@itProcess/ D8=KM)"OAD)D"" "oadDll/ D8=KM)-!"OAD)D"" -nloadDll/ 3/ 3 D8=KM)M.=4 5PD8=KM)M.=/

PO+T)ME..A=E "efines the "P% Message Header that is use" for every communication $et#een client an" server Became clear that( "espite to the fact that 8&9 is not use"( the presence of &O2T%5E44AGE reveals that 8&9 is supporte" an" conse)uently influences Event&air count( rea" as Event&air @an"le ,e have seen that 8&9 is use" into De$ugging 4ystem( so a "e$ugge" process #ill present an Event&air @an"le "ifferent from a not "e$ugge" 6've teste" this fact into a ,in"o#s =& sp< machine an" this metho" #or+s >on OllyD$g( other "e$uggers are unteste"? @ere the 9o"e:

Ade(ine W*!B2)"EA!)A!D)MEA! Ainclude CstdioDhE Ainclude CstdlibDhE Ainclude C#indo#sDhE Ainclude Fde(sDhF A'rag<a co<<ent7lib4FntdllDlibF: A'rag<a co<<ent7lib4F'sa'iDlibF: void $uer&ProcessHea'Method7void: , PDE8-=)8->>E+ bu((er/ bu((er G +tl%reate$uer&Debug8u((er7H4>A".E:/ +tl$uer&ProcessHea'*n(or<ation7bu((er:/ i( 7bu((er-E+e<ote.ection8ase GG 7P O*D: H@IHHHHHJ2: Message8o@A7!-""4FDebuggedF4FWarningF4M8)OK:/ else Message8o@A7!-""4F!ot DebuggedF4FWarningF4M8)OK:/ i( 7bu((er-EEventPairHandle GG 7P O*D: H@HHHH2bKL: Message8o@A7!-""4FDebuggedF4FWarningF4M8)OK:/ else Message8o@A7!-""4F!ot DebuggedF4FWarningF4M8)OK:/ 'rint(7FEventPairHandleG M@F47int:bu((er-EEventPairHandle:/ 3 int <ain7: , $uer&ProcessHea'Method7:/ 3 return 7E?*T).-%%E..:/

2eferences: http://www.alex-ionescu.com/dbgk-3.pdf 7eel free to contact me( test this feature an" ma+e me +no# #ith a mail if you can 2egar"s( Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa' The rest of the #orl" as 6T suc+ers that trie" to "eceive me #ith their fa+e #or+ proposal can "ie

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