A Handbook of Werewolfism

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Lycanthropy: A Handbook of Werewolfism

by Frater D.
Disclaimer Introduction art ! : "heory !# "he Werewolf $# Why the Werewolf% &# "he ower of Lycanthropy '# A (rief Warnin) art $ : ractice *# reliminary +,ercises -# "he (lueprint .# "he +n/ironment 0# 1ther oints of Interest 2# +ffectin) the "ransformation Conclusion

Neither the author nor the publisher will assume any responsibility for the use or misuse of the theories and instructions contained herein, or the misinterpretation of the same. You were warned!

This book contains the basic elements for exploration into a fascinating, yet largely untouched, facet of occultism; Lycanthropy !erewolfism". #n this book # ha$e outlined the basic theories and instructions for lycanthropy. # ha$e summed up years of personal work with this sub%ect here, and now # present to you the &meat& of my work. 'ut before we go on, let me introduce myself. (y initiatory name is )rater *, and # ha$e been a practicing magician for se$eral years. (y work has taken me to many fascinating places and fields of study. +o it was ine$itable that the sub%ect of werewolfism would cross my path. (y initial in$estigation into the sub%ect was admittedly ,half-hearted.. /owe$er after a more serious look, it seemed as though this was more and more becoming a part of my achie$able reality. The myths are somewhat exaggerated, but a type of physical transformation is possible, as you will soon see. # wrote this book primarily because a good text on the sub%ect of actual

transformation has ne$er been written 0s far as # know.", and # wanted to co$er some new ground. +o $enture forward, and suspend your disbelief long enough to learn.

"he Werewolf: a brief description

!ebster1s 23th 4entury *ictionary defines a !erewolf thusly5 & #n folklore", a person changed into a wolf, or one capable of assuming the form of a wolf at will.& This is a fairly good definition considering the current scientific dogma. 'ut for our purposes, # need to gi$e a clearer, more accurate definition. +o for this book we will define a !erewolf as5 0 person who has regressed, by force of will and desire, to a feral or wolflike state, both physically and mentally. Let me expand in detail5 &0 person who has regressed, by force of will and desire, to a feral or wolflike state..5 'y this # mean a person who has temporarily cast off the societal chains that repress the id #n psychoanalysis the &id& is the part of the psyche responsible for basic animal instincts.". # say regression, because the ,higher. or ,ci$ili6ed. mind takes a secondary position in the consciousness. !ill is a great factor in the transformation, it takes a profound force of will to transform. Yet this is a worthwhile task for the magician, as the animal state is desirable on occasion, because of its liberating and stress purging effects. The word feral refers to a wild or untamed state. #ndeed you are 7uite wild while in this state, which is why certain precautions must be taken !hich will be explained in a later chapter." The wolf is the archetype of all that is wild and untamed. Yet it remains a noble and beautiful creature. 8f course if you identify more with another animal, you can choose that one instead. &'oth physically and mentally..5 The transformation first takes place as a sub%ecti$e shift in the consciousness of the person, but then proceeds to manifest itself in more physiological ways. This is not to say that you will grow fur and fangs, but rather that your body will act in a manner that is different from its natural state. Now that # ha$e explained what a werewolf is, let1s explore why we would wish to achie$e this state.

Why the Werewolf%

0s you all know, the !erewolf is a fascinating and pre$alent &myth&. +tories of the !erewolf can be found around the world. This powerful creature seems to be ri$aled in popularity only by the 9ampire. There are se$eral reasons for this pre$alence, but # feel that the basic scientific:sociological reasons are the most fascinating. #nside man1s brain there are certain tissue masses that control his primal desires; hunger, sex, etc. These parts appear to ha$e been added onto in the process of e$olution. That is to say that at one point these were &front seat& functions, that dominated our entire being. 0s man e$ol$ed and grew more complex, these functions began to take a &backseat& position. 8f course we continue to need food, sex, etc., but in our highly technological society these are $iewed as being of secondary importance to say, running a computer ;xcept for eating, which is $iewed as necessary to maintain health and energy, so that you can run the computer!". Now we are in a worldwide state where our primal instincts are being repressed by ma%or religions" and ignored by technology". 'ut the instinct is still there, ne$er dying, %ust hidden. # am not saying that you should drop on all fours, abandon higher reasoning and run wildly into the forest, #1m %ust saying that

we must appreciate the entire being, including the animal within. This appreciation can be accomplished through lycanthropic metamorphosis. #t1s easy to see why achie$ing the animal state from time to time can be both liberating and fun. <ust as long as we don1t let it dominate our being. #t is only one small part of the entire psyche, and to neglect the other parts would %ust put us back into the situation we1re trying to a$oid.

"he ower of Lycanthropy

+o now that we know what Lycanthropy is and why it is a desirable state, let us explore what we can expect from the experience of metamorphosis. /ere is a list of some of the powers that you may experience while in a state of lycanthropy. The experience will be different for e$eryone, but here are some of the more common experiences. 0ugmented +enses5 !hile in this state, one usually finds that e$ery physical sense is enhanced. The colors are more $i$id. The sounds are sharper and clearer. You can detect scents that you couldn1t while in human form. Taste is richer both good and bad". Your skin becomes highly sensiti$e to stimulus. #ncreased =hysical =rowess5 !hile in this state, one usually finds that they ha$e increased agility and strength. #ncreased +ex *ri$e5 This is a ma%or experience in lycanthropy. /owe$er you must refrain from sexual #ntercourse unless you ha$e a willing partner, of legal age, who understands ;>04TLY what is going on. 0s for other powers:experiences, they will be different for e$eryone. +o %ust experience the experience, so to speak, and keep in mind that with power comes responsibility. !erewolfism is no different.

A (rief Warnin)
Lycanthropy can be dangerous if misused. +o # will now outline the conditions under which the transformation must take place to insure its proper use. ?" Ne$er use lycanthropy while angry, unless you are in a safe uninhabited en$ironment. *oing this could cause a $iolent reaction, which will %ust make the situation worse. 2" 8nly use lycanthropy around people who you trust, and fully understand what you are doing. /owe$er it is best that you use it alone, as this better facilitates uninhibited release. @" 8nly use lycanthropy in a proper en$ironment, such as your own property, away from prying eyes. This better facilitates the transformation, and will help keep police calls about &wild animals roaming the neighborhood&, down to a dull roar.

A" *o not let lycanthropy dominate your life. 8bsession is a possibility, so you must, from time to time, examine yourself from the standpoint of an ob%ecti$e obser$er. Treat lycanthropy as something special, and don1t o$er do it. #f you follow these guidelines you should be all right. This is an en%oyable experience, but caution must be taken. 8nce again # must repeat5 Neither the publisher nor # will take any responsibility for the use or misuse of the theories and practices contained herein, or the misinterpretation of the same.

reliminary +,ercises
'efore we get into the actual techni7ues for effecting the transformation, there are 2 preliminary exercises that must be mastered. *e$ote an hour, A days a week no more, no less", to practicing these exercises. *o not go on to the actual transformation until these ha$e been mastered 0t least 2 weeks practice.". 0fter you ha$e transformed for the first time, it is suggested that these exercises be continued, howe$er, according to your own schedule. )orm 0ssumption5 =osition yourself in a manner that you feel a werewolf 8r other were-beast if you are not using a wolf." would stand while resting. Then see your form become that of a werewolf. <ust close your eyes, and imagine your body becoming that of a werewolf. +ee the transformation of your body. #t is important that you experience this behind your eyes, meaning as if you were watching yourself transform from your normal perspecti$e. Not from the perspecti$e of an obser$er. (ind 0ssumption5 )or this exercise, you must think and feel how you belie$e a werewolf would. +hift your consciousness to that of an animal. ;xperience your world through the eyes of a werewolf. ;xperience the urges and instincts of an animal. 0fter you ha$e mastered these exercises and created the proper en$ironment, you are ready for the transformation.

"he (lueprint
You will find it extremely useful to use a prop or costume in your practice of lycanthropy. The costume will ser$e as a blueprint for what you will become. # would not recommend using a full costume, but rather some artificial fur that can be affixed to your body. #t is also up to you whether or not you will work nude with the fur, or clothed with the fur. #t is much a matter of what you are comfortable with. #t will also ser$e you well to use the same costume for e$ery transformation. 'e $ery thorough and selecti$e when creating your blueprint. )or the more ad$enturous and experienced occultist, # would e$en recommend attaching a lycanthropy thoughtform or astral pattern to the costume, as this can greatly aid the process.

"he +n/ironment
#n the practice of lycanthropy it is essential that you create the proper en$ironment for the transformation. The following is a proper outline to work with.

?" )irstly the en$ironment needs to be secure from prying eyes and intrusion # do pity the unsuspecting intruder who encounters the lycanthrope while in werewolf cycle." 2" The best en$ironment is outdoors, in a natural forest setting 8r the natural en$ironment of your particular animal, if you do not choose the wolf." /owe$er it is often difficult to get both this and a secure en$ironment in one package, so you may ha$e to impro$ise according to your ingBnue. @" You may wish to consider placing some food within your en$ironment. # would recommend a plate of cooked meat such as steak. This appeals directly to a powerful primal urge. A" 'e thorough and in$enti$e.

1ther oints of Interest

#n your practice of lycanthropy you may wish to use elements from $arious systems of occult thought to augment the experience. /ere are two suggestions5 #n$ocation5 You may wish to perform a ritual in$ocation of a lupine deity, spirit or principal to aid in your work. +ince in$ocation in and of itself is beyond the scope of this small text, # suggest that you study a book that outlines this practice in detail. 0s for the godform itself, # highly recommend )enris of Norse (ythology. !hile on the sub%ect of Norse mythology, # must suggest that you also learn of the 'erserkers. 'erserkers were special warriors that would don the skins of animals and fight with a wild animal rage against all enemies." The (oon5 You may wish to time your transformations according to the lunar cycle. # ha$e found this be particularly effecti$e in my practice of this art. 8f course there are many more possibilities and a$enues to be explored. # ha$e included these because they ha$e pro$en their effecti$eness to me. 0s with all magical art, imagination and experimentation are essential. Therefore treat these instructions as a beginning for your exploration into this sub%ect, and not the final word.

+ffectin) "he "ransformation

# will now gi$e you a techni7ue for transforming yourself into a werewolf. You will probably ha$e to practice and experiment a little with the techni7ue to effect the transformation completely. =erse$erance is the key. 3 "he "ransformation 3 0" =ut on the animal &blueprint& costume. '" Co to your designated area, and find a comfortable spot to sit. 4lose your eyes and clear your mind. (editate upon the 7ualities of the animal that you wish to become. +ee it hunting, mating, etc. 'ecome aware of your desire to be this animal, and let that desire grow in intensity.

4" Now examine the present stressors in your life, and think what it would be like if you could cast off the responsibilities of society, and become this beast. Let the stress that you feel fuel your desire to become the animal. *" 9isuali6e as intensely as possible, your chosen animal standing behind you. +ee it, feel it, con%ure this image powerfully. !hen you can actually &feel& the creature, see it step into your body. #n this step you are actually creating an astral archetype to aid in the process." ;" Now see your form become that of the animal. 9isuali6e this as intensely as possible. !ill yourself to become the animal. )" Now take on the mind of the animal as in the preliminaries. #gnore all thoughts that are not those of an animal. *on1t think in words, but rather pictures and experiences. !ill a total consciousness merger with the animal. C" !hen you ha$e achie$ed a good degree of success with this, get up and mo$e like a werewolf or your particular animal". (o$e exactly how you feel that a werewolf should mo$e. 0ct like the animal, sniff the air, listen to the sounds around you, and search with a piercing stare into dark corners and shadowed areas. Dun, snarl, howl, do whate$er it is that you feel is right. 'ecome the animal in thought and action. #f the moon is in $iew, it can ser$e as a powerful focal point. /" 0s you are acting like the animal, find the dominant emotion that you are feeling and try to intensify it #f it is lust, then sexually stimulate yourself. #f it is %oy, then more fully re$el in what you are becoming." #" !hen you are at the &peak& of this exercise #n the case of lust, this would be orgasm.", feel yourself transform completely. You are now the animal. You may find that your body transforms. 0gain, This not to say that you will grow fur and claws, but rather your body will use itself in a manner that you are not used to. This is a sign of great progress, %ust go with it. <" !hen you are ready to return to your normal human state, %ust sit down, and separate yourself from the animal. Take on your normal consciousness, go get something to eat, take a nap, and relax. There you ha$e it! That was simple wasn1t itE 8f course it will get easier each time, but it was probably much easier than you anticipated. You now ha$e a great gift, use it wisely. # recommend that you experiment with your own ideas. 'e original, inno$ati$e and passionate with your application of lycanthropy. #t has been said before and 7uite wisely so!", that there is no room for authority in occultism.

#t is my hope that this short text has broadened your studies and awakened your imagination to the possibility of new experiences. #t is my opinion that the liberating effects of lycanthropy can pro$e indispensable to the magician. ;specially those who work in a ,darker $ein. of the art such as myself. There is still much to be explored

on the sub%ect. /opefully in the future # will publish further findings and points of interest pertaining to this and related sub%ects.

)irstly, # would like to thank )rater Feht and the 8.L.N., whose teachings ha$e aided me greatly with my work on this sub%ect. # also wish to extend the deepest gratitude to all of my teachers and students who continue to instruct and inspire me. 0nd lastly to my wife and son for their infinite patience and understanding as # #n$oke the (ysteries. #nfernally, )rater *.

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