How To Use RKEM For Testing GCSS

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How to use RKEM for testing GCSS.

RKEM RKEM is a mainframe application which records the status and movements of containers. The system we normally use (RKEMTest) has slightly relaxed validation to enable us to use it for testing. The test version is currently controlled by Evan und! "rian #ensen and #onas $edersen. %n cases where you cannot resolve problems yourself you should contact one of the above for help. The user interface is an old fashioned! almost green&screen! set&up. 'n&screen validation usually prevents input of incorrect data! though there are a few exceptions. Why use RKEM? RKEM and ()** have a number of interfaces. 'ne of these! for 'perational +ctivities! has a dummy interface for use in testing. 'thers can use stub files to replicate data movement. *o why learn how to use RKEM, -. 'perational *plit re.uires the moves to come from RKEM otherwise the split will not wor/. 0. 1riting into the database using the '+ (enerator tool can miss some processing that is needed. 2. 3se of stub files can fail to address mismatches between the two systems. 4. *ome tests re.uire the e.uivalent data set&up in RKEM 5. The '+ generator appears not to provide information for )+M. 6. There is always the chance that using the generator or a stub file will fail to address all the code normally used by RKEM. Ta/en together these reasons ma/e me believe it is better to RKEM whenever possible. Even though it may increase the time ta/en on test execution it at least exercises the code the way it was meant to! so you can be more confident that any problems seen arise from code errors rather than mismatches in the use of test tools. 7owever! where the need for correct matching between RKEM and ()** is not imperative it is still perfectly 'K to use the '+ generator! or even close the OA tasks using the button in the Activity Plan. What is it used for? Testing the following activities in ()**. E.uipment movement8 'perational +ctivities E.uipment matching (and )+M E.uipment +ssignment) E.uipment Trac/ing E.uipment $rofile Replication. E.uipment +vailability chec/ (export haulage). Most of the above are tested using the same activities in RKEM (e.g. E.uipment Moves) so this is the first thing we9ll loo/ at! and as 'perational +ctivities covers most moves we9ll start with them.

Equipment Movement GCSS perationa! "#tivities

1hen ME$) return a product )(** will then determine the se.uence of operational activity moves re.uired to bring a container from the place of receipt to the place of delivery. These moves are shown in the +ctivity $lan with the letters :'$*9 starting each tas/. The moves are updated when e.uipment moves are received for the boo/ing from RKEM. There are two main se.uences for operational activities which depend on the service mode ; either *< or )=. The service mode determines how a container is moved on the intermodal! or land based! part of the route! for both export and import. The activities reflect what ()** needs to /now about the container movement for the duration of the boo/ing. They do not show all moves a container may ma/e. The service modes can be used in combinations of *<8*<! *<8)=! )=8)=! )=8*< but below %9ll only show )=8)= and *<8*<. 1here )= is stated the same rules apply to )>*. Example <E"R? to 3*@1K. %f a boo/ing is created with the service modes *<8*< then the $roduct returned for this is in the formA >romA "remerhaven @orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven @ewar/ *ealand ToA @orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven @ewar/ *ealand @ewar/

This is reflected in the following 'perational +ctivitiesA RE)E%$T %@ '3T %@ '3T <E %?ER= %n the +ctivity $lan they would appear li/e thisA '$* ("remerhaven! RE)E%$T ) '$* (@orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven! "remerhaven! %@) '$* (@orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven! "remerhaven! '3T) '$* (@ewar/ *ealand! @ewar/! %@) '$* (@ewar/ *ealand! @ewar/! '3T) '$* (@ewar/! <E %?ER=)

()** expects to receive certain moves from RKEM to close these activities. + .uery is made against certain templates which are the responsibility of the customer to /eep up to date. + copy of the .uery can be found in +ppendix +. This can be run in a *B window and will give and idea of the moves you need to ma/e in RKEM when testing. >or a boo/ing with the product shown as above the results of running the .uery should loo/ li/e thisA
$% -C6-C6--5C --64 --2E --EF --0E --0E RKEM&S 'RCE S$(E RKEM M'? RKEM M'? RKEMM'?E RKEMM'?E RKEMM'?E RKEMM'?E RKEM M'? RKEM M'? null null <E"R?TM <E"R?TM 3*@1K* 3*@1K* null null "RE" <E"R? <E"R? <E"R? <E"R? 3*@1K 3*@1K 3*@1K 3*@1K H"') (R"*S&M "+ R EM,(- (E.( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ RE)E%$T RE)E%$T %@ '3T %@ '3T <E %?ER= <E %?ER= "C( $%)K)3*T <E$+RT)3 (+TE&%@ '+< <%*)7+R( (+TE&'3T <R'$)3*T +RR%?E)3

5 >ull e.uip delivery terminal TRK 5 >ull e.uip delivery terminal TRK TRK M?* M?* TRK 0 )argo <elivery TRK 0 )argo <elivery TRK

4 ED$ 5 %M$ 5 %M$ 5 %M$

The column TEDT can be seen to hold the same values as the +ctivity $lan! though without the specific site8area references. The reason the tas/s RE)E%$T and <E %?ER= appear twice in the .uery is because ()** allows the tas/ to be closed by either of the two RKEM activities shown alongside. 'ther information is also shown of which the most important is where the move needs to ta/e place. The diagram below is a visual representation of what these moves mean for a *<8*< boo/ing. @ote that two of the moves are not numbered ; this is because they are not operational activity moves for *<8*< boo/ings.

6. +t )ustomer Move 2. )ustomer " oad

@orth *ea Terminal ! "remerhaven 0. (ate&%n (ate&'ut

(ate&%n 5. (ate&'ut @ewar/ *ealand Terminal ! @ewar/ )ustomer + -. +t )ustomer Move

4. <ischarge

%f the same route <E"R? to 3*@1K is created with the service modes )=8)= then the $roduct returned for it is in the formA >romA @orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven ToA @ewar/ *ealand

This is translated into the following 'perational +ctivitiesA EB3%$ME@T $%)K3$ RE)E%$T '3T %@ <E %?ER= +nd in the +ctivity $lan they would appear li/e thisA '$* (EB3%$ME@T $%)K3$) '$* (@orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven! "remerhaven! RE)E%$T) '$* (@orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven! "remerhaven! '3T) '$* (@ewar/ *ealand! @ewar/! %@) '$* (@ewar/ *ealand! @ewar/! <E %?ER=) This time the result of running the expected moves .uery on the boo/ing givesA
$% RKEM&S 'RCE S$(E "RE" H"') (R"*S&M "+ R null null null null M?* M?* null 4 ED$ 4 ED$ 4 ED$ 4 ED$ 5 %M$ 4 ED$ 5 %M$ EM,(- (E.( = @ @ @ @ @ @ EB3%$ME@T $%)K3$ RE)E%$T RE)E%$T RE)E%$T '3T %@ <E %?ER= "C( (+TE& '3T (+TE&%@ <%*)7R( '>>&R+% '+< <%*)7R( (+TE& '3T -CC0 RKEMM'?E -CC5 -CC5 -CC5 -C-F RKEMM'?E RKEMM'?E RKEMM'?E RKEMM'?E <E"R?TM <E"R? 2 Empty e.uipment pic/up <E"R?TM <E"R?TM <E"R?TM <E"R?TM 3*@1K* 3*@1K* <E"R? 5 >ull e.uip delivery terminal <E"R? 5 >ull e.uip delivery terminal <E"R? 5 >ull e.uip delivery terminal <E"R? 3*@1K 3*@1K


+ visual representation of the moves for )=8)= as shown below differs from *<8*< in that no customer moves are recogniGed but the initial gate&out isA
@orth *ea Terminal ! "remerhaven 0. (ate&%n (ate&%n 5. (ate&'ut @ewar/ *ealand Terminal ! @ewar/ -. (ate&'ut



4. <ischarge

RKEM Equipment Movement 3sing the two examples of *<8*< and )=8)= above as templates we will see below how to ma/e the corresponding moves in RKEM. >irst though some more bac/ground. RKEM and ()** transfer information between each other using MBseries. There are a number of .ueues which connect the two systems and which cater for different aspects of information. *ee +ppendix < for an outline of these ; for more detailed /nowledge chec/ with support (currently D$R or M1$). >or 'perational +ctivities the .ueue which we need to be concerned with is the <atastream. This provides the means for R@%) replication from RKEM to ()**. This is the transfer of all e.uipment movement data. 'nce received by ()** the data is held in the EDT<+T+ schema in the tables or views named. R@%)EE"H R@%)EE)H R@%)E MH R@%)EM?. The movements will all have a timestamp of when the activity occurred. This is used by the '+ listener to determine if the move should be processed. >or 'perational +ctivities testing it is not always necessary to have the tables in any particular state to start with! which is why the '+ (enerator test tool can wor/. 7owever! as it can be important for some of the other tests % always try to use a new container each time! which means doing some initial RKEM wor/ which is unrelated to a particular boo/ing. RKEM(est. The test system for RKEM has many containers present in various stages of movement. +ny of these containers can be used on a test boo/ing in ()**. % prefer though to have a new container on a new test boo/ing as it reduces the chance of getting any conflict between tests. =ou will need to purchase the container first and then gate it in to the container yard you want to use on your test. 7owever! % will explain a way you can search for containers! although it does re.uire you to /now the first part of the e.uipment number.

)ogon >irst though! how to log on to RKEM. 3nfortunately there seems to be some variation on what you can do here depending on the set&up of your account on the mainframe! so all % can do is show what has wor/ed for me and most others in the current set&up following I@et migration. Most movement in RKEM is by the function (>@) /eys or by pressing :Enter9. The relevant /eys to press are mostly shown on the RKEM screen but % will state which ones should be used. @ote that the /ey most often used if >2 which allows exit from the screen and goes bac/ up through the various menu levels to the main menu! so this can be used to get bac/ to a menu you recognise at any time. +lso note that we are (generally) @'T TE*T%@( RKEM. This guide is to help you use RKEM when needed to test ()** and is not meant to be an exhaustive study of RKEM and is not proscriptive ; if there is a better way to do things is found then add it to the /nowledge pool. -. 0. 2. 4. 5. 6. 'pen your terminal emulator (mine is named 20EC ) There will be a re.uest to :Enter *ystem9. Type :applied logon (mdcittC-)9. $ress :Enter9. + sign&on screen is displayed. Type in the user%< and password which you normally use for accessing TR*. $ress :Enter9. + menu is displayed of the test system to which you have access. 'ne of these should be RKEM. Type the number relating to RKEM at )ommand prompt. $ress :Enter9. The RKEM :E.uipment Management Main Menu9 is displayed (see below).
Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RK*>CC8RKEMME@3 E.uipment Management Main Menu -. E.uipment Movements 0. E.uipment %nformation

E.uipment Management

)ommand JJJK Enter >-J7elp >2JExit

,ur#hase Move for a new #ontainer To purchase e.uipment first get the container numbers you want to use (%9ll show in +ppendix ) how to create new containers which you can then use whenever you want). @ormally % would chec/ in the e.uipment trac/ing screen first to see if the container had already been used! but ma/e the assumption that the container has been chec/ed and has not yet been used. Move to the E.uipment $urchase screen. To do this! enter the re.uired numbers at the prompt. >rom the main menu type - and press :Enter9. The Movement Main Menu is displayedA
Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RK*>CC8M'?EME@T Movement Main Menu E.uipment Management -. and 'peration 0. ?essel 'peration 2. *tatus 8 +ttachment 4. >orced input 5. %nto 8 'ut of >leet E. Trac/ing 8 Revision F. 'utput ('n&line 8 $rint) I. Tables )ommand JJJK Enter >-J7elp >2JExit

@ext type 5 and press :Enter9. The E.uipment >leet menu screen is displayedA
Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RK*>CC8> EET E.uipment fleet E.uipment Management -. E.uipment $urchase 0. E.uipment easing 4. E.uipment *eries 5. )hassis icense %nformation 6. E.uipment 'ut of >leet E. Refurbishment 8 Redelivery 7unt F. $re&<ischarge ist I. ?*+8*'82rd "asic )ommand JJJK Enter >-J7elp >2JExit

@ow type - and press :Enter9. The E.uipment $urchase screen is displayedA
3pdate(3) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM<-8$3R)7+ E.uipment $urchase E.uipment Management %nspection oc.A <K )$7 +ccept <ateA %nspectorA


RKEMFCC) %nput is mandatory )ommand JJJK Term.idA TM<)5R'4 3T)A C68C68C5 -2A54 Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >IJ3pdate

The value shown in the :%nspection ocA9 field (<K)$7) is defaulted from your wor/ location. %f you want to purchase somewhere else (e.g. "remerhaven) you need to change this to the relevant value (e.g. <E"R?). =ou need to complete the fields :+ccept <ate9H :%nspector9 and :$roduction year8month9. Ma/e the +ccept date within the last -0 months. %t is in the format yymmdd. =ou can try using your userid for the inspector! but % /now mine won9t wor/ because it9s 4 characters long. 'nes which have always wor/ed so far are M"R and E 3! so you can use them. The $roduction year month Must needs to be input as it states i.e. yymm. $ut the e.uipment you want to purchase at the site in the relevant spaces under the E.uipment columns. 3p to 5C can be done at one time. $ress >I to insert the move! then press >2 to exit the screen. @ext tab to the command prompt ()ommand J J J JK E.uipment Trac/ing screen is displayedA ) and type tr then press :Enter9. The

<etails(<) (eneral(() (ate&3pd(+) *tatus(*) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEME-8TR+)K%@( E.uipment Trac/ing E.uipment Management E.uipment %d.A LLLLLLLLL "8 J<8"oo/J"8+JallA @oA *hipper Ref. A Moves from <ateA C5C6C5 to <ateA C6C6C6 )onsignee Ref.A +ctivity Emp8>ull ocation <ate Receipt <elivery Transport +ttachment *tat >or <am

RKEM5-6@ $lease input trac/ing /ey )ommand JJJK Term.idA TM<)5R'4 3T)A C68C68C5 -4A2F >-J7elp >2JExit >4J*tatus >5J<etails >6J(eneral >EJ3p >FJ<own >-6J(ate&3pd

Type in the container number in the E.uipment %< field and press >4. + line similar to that shown below will appear in the screenA
+ $3R)7+*E E @ <E"R? C5-0C- <E"R?

$nitia! Gate/$n move for a new #ontainer @ext you need to bring the container to the container yard by doing a gate&in move. This represents the newly bought container actually being brought to the container yard ready to go out on a boo/ing. $ress *hiftN>4 (J>-6) and the (ate Movement screen is displayed similarly to belowA
*tatus(*) (eneral(() Trac/(T) Mult(M) Reef(R) $ +($) %M'(%) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+-8(+TE (ate Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment %d.A ) 73I5-C0EC <amageA L 'perA LL 0C <R=8FO6P8M*K8'1@8*T 800()hassisA LLLLLL L <amage(chassis)A LL %n8'utA % EmptyA = >orA LLL @ext oc.A LL LLL <ateA LLLLLL #ournal oc.A <K )$7 <ateA C6C6C5 TimeA -60E T%R8E%RA LLLLLL "oo/ing @oA LLLLLL 1.'rderA LLLLLL )ust.RefLLL LL L )arrier )odeA LLLLLL L )argo 1eight(K(s8 "s)A LLLLL L L +ct8Est8Tot8*caA L "8 @oA L L LL LL %M'A @ Rec8<elA LLL 8 L L ''(A @ Routing ?essel8?oyageA LLL LLL Receipt LLL LLL oad $ortA LLL LL L <sch.$ortA LLL L L <eliveryA LLL LL L @ext ?sl8?oyA LLL LLL @xt. <schA LLL L L >in.<sch.A LLL LL L 'ptional <iscA LLL LL L Route )odeA LL <el.ModeA LLLLLL *tatus -A LLLL ocal-A LLLLL ocal0A LLLLL *potA LLLLL "eamsA LLLL RailcarA LLLLLL T8)ofcA LL *towage codeA LLLL *eals M LLLLLL * LL LLLL L ) L LLLLL L ? LLLLLL L @ote LLLLLL L 3pdated byA +QQM"'4 <ateA C6C5-C TimeA -04E RKEM452@ %@*ERT of new move assumed & hit >I to insert )ommand JJJK Term.%dA TM<)5R'4 3T)A C68C68C5 -5A0E >4J*tatus >6J(eneral >IJ3pd >-2J oc >0CJ''( >0-J$ + >00JReef >02JMult >04JTrac/

The only fields that need to be completed for this move are the :#ournal oc.9A :<ate9A and :)arrier )odeA9 )hange #ournal oc to the one you intend to use as a place of receipt e.g. <E"R?TM. )hange <ate alongside #ournal oc to one which gives you time to use for a number of moves (this is because if you start by using the current date8time when you need to ma/e a move across the international dateline RKEM will translate it as being earlier than the other moves. *etting these dates to allow further moves to be made applies to all moves in RKEMTest). %n )arrier )ode insert a valid carrier e.g. *+>M+R or ME%TRK. $ress >I to update! then >5 to return to E.uipment Trac/ing. There should now be an additional line shownA + (+TE&%@ E @ <E"R?TM C6C5C*+>M+R + $3R)7+*E E @ <E"R? C5-0C- <E"R? The container is now ready to be used for a boo/ing. %f the boo/ing is a )=8&& then it9s from this point that the RKEM moves can affect ()** 'perational +ctivities. %f it is *<8&& then there needs to be one more move before 'perational +ctivities is affected. 7owever! the boo/ing number should be used from now on for all the movements.

S%0S% 1oo2ing. 3. Gate/out for E4port5 The first 'perational +ctivities tas/ to be closed for the *<8&& boo/ing will close is RE)E%$T. >rom the s.l .uery you can see that the expected moves that can close this are $%)K)3*T or <E$+RT)3. 7owever! any attempt to ma/e those moves on the container Must gated&in as above will produce an error in RKEM. The first move you need to ma/e is a gate&out for export. 'n an *< boo/ing this will be replicated to the ()** tables! but will have no effect on the boo/ing. %t is simply needed to proceed further in RKEM. The same move on a )=8&& boo/ing would close the EB3%$ME@T $%)K3$ tas/. The gate&out move is done in the (ate Movement screen. +ccess this screen by pressing *hiftN>4 from the E.uipment Trac/ing screen. The differences between the screen now and the previous time are the time defaulted and that the %n8'ut field will this time be defaulted to '. The details you should enter are shown below in green. @ote that the #ournal oc will default again to <K )$7! % show it changed to <E"R?TM below.
*tatus(*) (eneral(() Trac/(T) Mult(M) Reef(R) $ +($) %M'(%) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+-8(+TE (ate Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment #ournal "oo/ing )arrier )argo Routing %d.A ) 73I5-C0EC <amageA 'perA 0C <R=8FO6P8M*K8'1@8*T 800()hassisA LLLLLLL <amage(chassis)A %n8'utA ' EmptyA = >orA Exp @ext oc.A <E "R?TM <ateA C6C5-C oc.A <E "R?TM <ateA C6C5-C TimeA -F4C T%R8E%RA @oA -02-02-02 1.'rderA )ust.RefA )odeA *+>M+R 1eight(K(s8 "s)A +ct8Est8Tot8*caA "8 @oA %M'A @ Rec8<elA 8 ''(A @ ?essel8?oyageA 45@ 6C-2 ReceiptA LLLLLLL oad $ortA <E "R?TM <sch.$ortA 3* @1K* <eliveryA LLLLLLL @ext ?sl8?oyLLLLLLL @xt. <schLLLLLLL >in.<sch.ALLLLLLL 'ptional <iscLLLLLLL Route )odeLLLLLLL <el.ModeA LLLLLL -A LLLLLLL ocal-A LLLLLL ocal0A LLLLLLL *potA LLLLL "eamsA LLLLLLL RailcarA LLLLLLL T8)ofcA LLLLLLL *towage codeA LLLLLLL M LLLLLLL *LL LLLLL ) LLLLLL L ? LLLLL LL

*tatus *eals @ote

3pdated byA +QQM"'4 <ateA C6C5-C TimeA -04E RKEM452@ %@*ERT of new move assumed & hit >I to insert )ommand JJJK Term.%dA TM<)5R'4 3T)A C68C68C5 -5A0E >4J*tatus >6J(eneral >IJ3pd >-2J oc >0CJ''( >0-J$ + >00JReef >02JMult >04JTrac/


The vessel and voyage details as shown above should be returned from ()** if you press :Enter9 after completing the )arrier )ode. 7owever! because of the nature of the .ueues in MB*eries it can only point to one of our test environments at any one time. This means that you will usually have to complete these details yourself. The information you need for this can be ta/en from the *hipment @ote screen for the Reason TypeA $roduct. The comments for the latest change to a product will give details of the vessel8voyage and route e.g.A The $roduct has changed fromA The $roduct has changed toA <E"R? "remerhaven TRK %E6R7(M @orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven M?* 89* M+ER*K @+**+3 :;3< 'S*WKS) @ewar/ *ealand TRK 3*@1K @ewar/ The details you need to complete the gate movement are shown in bold. +lso note that the example shown is a simple product with one water leg. 1ith products of more than one water leg you will need to complete fields such as @ext ?sl8?oyH @ext <sch.. 1hen the input is completed press >I to update. The screen is returned as below. @'TEA sometimes there will be an error because the vessel8voyage is not scheduled ; see +ppendix " for how to overcome this.
*tatus(*) (eneral(() Trac/(T) Mult(M) Reef(R) $ +($) %M'(%) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+-8(+TE (ate Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment #ournal "oo/ing )arrier )argo Routing %d.A ) 73I5-C0EC <amageA 'perA 0C <R=8FO6P8M*K8'1@8*T 800()hassisA <amage(chassis)A %n8'utA ' EmptyA = >orA Exp @ext oc.A <E "R?TM <ateA C6C5-C oc.A <E "R?TM <ateA C6C5-C TimeA -F4C T%R8E%RA @oA -02-02-02 1.'rderA )ust.RefA )odeA *+>M+R 3*E< >'R *+>M+R%@E %@%T%+ '+< 1eight(K(s8 "s)A +ct8Est8Tot8*caA "8 @oA %M'A @ Rec8<elA 8 ''(A @ ?essel8?oyageA 45@ 6C-2 M+ER*K @+**+3 Receipt oad $ortA <E "R?TM <sch.$ortA 3* @1K* <eliveryA @ext ?sl8?oyLLLLLLL @xt. <schLLLLLLL >in.<sch.ALLLLLLL 'ptional <iscLLLLLLL Route )odeLLLLLLL <el.ModeA LLLLLL -A LLLLLLL ocal-A LLLLLL ocal0A LLLLLLL *potA LLLLL "eamsA LLLLLLL RailcarA LLLLLLL T8)ofcA LLLLLLL *towage codeA LLLLLLL M LLLLLLL *LL LLLLL ) LLLLLL L ? LLLLL LL

*tatus *eals @ote

3pdated byA +QQM"'4 <ateA C6C5-C TimeA -04E RKEM25I@ Move successfully inserted )ommand JJJK Term.%dA TM<)5R'4 3T)A C68C68C5 -5A0E >4J*tatus >6J(eneral >IJ3pd >-2J oc >0CJ''( >0-J$ + >00JReef >02JMult >04JTrac/

$ress >5 to return to the e.uipment trac/ing screen. There should now be an additional line shownA + (+TE&'3T ED$ E @ <E"R?TM C6C5-C *+>M+R + (+TE&%@ E @ <E"R?TM C6C5C*+>M+R + $3R)7+*E E @ <E"R? C5-0C- <E"R?



"t Customer move for E4port +s this is a *< service mode the next move has to be an :+t )ustomer9 move. To get to the screen for this first go to the :Movement Main Menu9 screen ; $ress >2 twice from the trac/ing summary. Type - as shown below on the menu selection and press :Enter9
Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RK*>CC8M'?EME@T Movement Main Menu E.uipment Management - -. and 'peration 0. ?essel 'peration 2. *tatus 8 +ttachment 4. >orced input 5. %nto 8 'ut of >leet E. Trac/ing 8 Revision F. 'utput ('n&line 8 $rint) I. Tables )ommand JJJK Enter >-J7elp >2JExit

The : and 'peration9 screen is displayed. Type F at the prompt as shown and press :Enter9
Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RK*>CC8 +@< and operation E.uipment Management F -. (ate movement 4. 'n Rail 5. 'ff Rail 6. %nter )hange "etween )arriers E. Rail %nterchange *creen F. +t )ustomer Movements

)ommand JJJK Enter >-J7elp >2JExit


The :+t )ustomer Movement9 screen is displayed

3pdate(3) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+F8 +@<M'?E* +t )ustomer Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment #ournal %d. LLLLLLLLL +ctivityA LLLLLLL >orA LL Empty L




)ommand JJJK LLLLLLLLLLL Term.%dA TM<)5R$0 3T)A C68C68-E -CA26 Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >5J*um >IJ3pdate

This screen re.uires a .uery to be made before it will allow an update. 7owever! this won9t be obvious until you press >I when it will return a warning and clear away some of the data you9ll have entered. To pre&empt this simply type in the container number then press >I. %t will return the warning as shownA
3pdate(3) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+F8 +@<M'?E* +t )ustomer Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment #ournal %d. ) 73I5-C0EC +ctivityA LLLLLLL >orA LL Empty L



@oteA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 3pdated byA <ateA TimeA RKEM+5-@ $lease enter date R time with move information and press >I to insert )ommand JJJK LLLLLLLLLLL Term.%dA TM<)5R$0 3T)A C68C68-E -CA26 Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >5J*um >IJ3pdate


)omplete the rest of the details as shown in green below.

3pdate(3) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+F8 +@<M'?E* +t )ustomer Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment #ournal %d. ) 73I5-C0EC +ctivityA $%)K)3*T >orA ED$ Empty @ ocA <E "R?LL <ate(==MM<<)A C6C5-CTime(CCCC&025I)A -0CC *treet +ddressA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL )ity8$rovinceA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL *tate8$rovinceA LL Qip )odeA LLLLLL )ountryA LL "oo/ing @oA -02-02-021or/orderA LLLLLLLLL "8 @oA -02 -02-02 )arrier )odeA *+>M+R Truc/er8)ustomer ReferenceA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL <elivered ToA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


@oteA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 3pdated byA <ateA TimeA RKEM+5-@ $lease enter date R time with move information and press >I to insert )ommand JJJK LLLLLLLLLLL Term.%dA TM<)5R$0 3T)A C68C68-E -CA26 Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >5J*um >IJ3pdate

$ress >I & a confirmation of the update is returned to the screen. %n ()**! when the move has been received! the +ctivity Tas/ S'$* ("remerhaven! RE)E%$T )T will be set to closed (or to %n$rogress if other containers on the boo/ing have yet to be moved).



Gate/$n for E4port move Tab to the )ommand prompt and type :tr9 then press :Enter9 to return to the trac/ing summary. >rom here press *hiftN>4 again to return to the (ate Movement screen. This time the screen should default to a (ate&%n movement. )omplete the gate&in move for the container as shown ; details changed or added are shown in green! <etails defaulted and unchanged are shown in red. %f you complete the fields up to )arrier )ode then press :Enter9 the Route details will be returned and a message indicating mandatory fields re.uiring completion. The field M in the *eals section is not displayed as mandatory but it has to be completed for some countries before a oad move will wor/. %t is safest to input it for all countries. The format in the example is what you should follow ; the country code followed by a series of numbers! any numbers are 'K.
*tatus(*) (eneral(() Trac/(T) Mult(M) Reef(R) $ +($) %M'(%) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+-8(+TE (ate Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment %d.A ) 73I5-C0EC <amageA L 'perA LLL 0C <R=8FO6P8M*K8'1@8*T 800()hassisA LLL LL <amage(chassis)A LL %n8'utA % EmptyA @ >orA ED$ @ext oc.A LL LLLLL <ateA LLLLLL #ournal oc.A <E "R?TM <ateA C6C50C TimeA -0C5 T%R8E%RA LLLLLL "oo/ing @oA -02-02-02 1.'rderA LLLLLLLLLLLL )ust.RefA LLLLLLLLLLLL )arrier )odeA *+>M+R )argo 1eight(K(s8 "s)A -5CCC +ct8Est8Tot8*caA + "8 @oA LL LLLLL %M'A @ Rec8<elA *< 8 *< ''(A @ Routing ?essel8?oyageA 45@ C6-2 Receipt <E "R?TM oad $ortA <E "R?TM <sch.$ortA 3* @1K* <eliveryA 3* @1K* @ext ?sl8?oyA LL LLLLL @xt. <schA LL LLLLL >in.<sch. LL LLLLL 'ptional <iscA LL LLLLL Route )odeA LL LLLLL <el.ModeLL LLLLL *tatus -A LL ocal-A LLLLL ocal0A LLLLL *potA LL LLL "eamsA LLLLL RailcarLLL LLL T8)ofcA L *towage codeA LLL *eals M <E-4-505I * LLLLLLLLLL ) LLLLLLLLLLLLLL ?LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL @ote LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 3pdated byA +QQM"'4 <ateA C6C6-E TimeA -C-F RKEM452@ %@*ERT of new move assumed & hit >I to insert )ommand JJJK Term.%dA TM<)5R$0 3T)A C68C68-E --AC5 >4J*tatus >6J(eneral >IJ3pd >-2J oc >0CJ''( >0-J$ + >00JReef >02JMult >04JTrac/

The product being demonstrated is a simple! one lin/ product. %f there are more water lin/s remember to complete the @ext ?sl8?oy! @xt <sch and >in <sch fields. There are for the next vessel and voyage! the next discharge port and the final discharge port. $ress >I and the successful update message is returned to the screen. $ress >5 to return to the Trac/ing *ummary. + new move is displayedA + (+TE&%@ + (+TE&'3T + (+TE&%@ + $3R)7+*E ED$ > @ ED$ E @ E @ E @ <E"R?TM <E"R?TM <E"R?TM <E"R? C6C50C <E"R?TM 3*@1K* C6C5-C C6C5CC5-0C- <E"R? *+>M+R *+>M+R *+>M+R

%n ()**! when the move has been received! the +ctivity Tas/ S'$* (@orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven! "remerhaven! %@)T will be set to closed (or to %n$rogress if other containers on the boo/ing have yet to be moved).



)oad Move The next move will be a load move. This is the loading of the container onto the vessel. There can often be problems with the vessels which cause difficulties when trying to complete the moves. %t is probably best to get one of the RKEM testers to chec/ things if you have any problems on the oad move. This example will Must show what happens when everything is 'K. >rom the E.uipment Trac/ing screen press >2 twice to return to the Movement Main Menu screen. *elect 0 for ?essel 'peration and press :Enter9. The ?essel 'peration menu screen is displayedA
Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RK*>CC8?E**E ?essel 'peration E.uipment Management -. E.uipment oad by "ay 0. Multiple oad 2. "rea/ "ul/ Killed *lots 4. +utomatic E.uipment <ischarge 5. Multiple <ischarge E. Release *tatus F. Multiple E.uipment *hifting I. ?*+ oad +ctivation -C. "ayplan 'verview --. "ayplan *hift Moves )ommand JJJK Enter >-J7elp >2JExit

*elect 0 (for multiple load) and press :Enter9. The Multiple E.uipment oading screen is displayed ; again the field #ournal oc has defaulted to the local areaA
7elp(7) *earch(*) 3pdate(3) Exit(D) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM"08 '+<M3 T Multiple E.uipment oading E.uipment Management #ournal *election oc.A <K )$7 <ateA C6C6-I TimeA -4C5 ?oucherA ?sl8?oyA @ext ?8?A <sch.portA @xt.<sch.A ?*+ *iGeA *ubtypeA E.p. $refixA 1or/orA %nput E.uipment *lot ?*+ E.uipment *lot ?*+ E.uipment *lot


)ommand JJJK Term.%dA TM<)5R*( 3T)A C68C68-I -2AC5 Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >4J*earch >IJ3pdate


)omplete the screen in the following way & details changed or added are shown in greenA
7elp(7) *earch(*) 3pdate(3) Exit(D) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM"08 '+<M3 T Multiple E.uipment oading E.uipment Management #ournal *election oc.A <E "R?TM <ate C6C50C TimeA -4C5 ?oucherA ?sl8?oyA 45@ C6-2 @ext ?8?A <sch.portA 3* @1K* @xt.<sch.A ?*+ *iGeA 0C *ubtypeA <ry E.p. $refixA 1or/orA %nput E.uipment *lot ?*+ E.uipment *lot ?*+ E.uipment *lot ) 73I5-C0EC IIIIII


)ommand JJJK Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >4J*earch >IJ3pdate

Term.%dA TM<)5R*( 3T)A C68C68-I -2AC5

This is based on a simple product! if more than one sea leg is returned remember to complete the @ext ?8? and the @xt <sch fields. $ress >I to update ; the screen will be returned with a confirmation of update. %n ()**! when the move has been received! the +ctivity Tas/ S'$* (@orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven! "remerhaven! '3T)T will be set to closed (or to %n$rogress if other containers on the boo/ing have yet to be moved). 9. %is#harge Move >rom the Multiple oad screen press >2 to return to the ?essel 'peration menu screen. >rom there select 5 for multiple discharge and press :Enter9. The Multiple E.uipment <ischarge screen is displayed (@ote ; the location and <sch $ort will be defaulted to your wor/ location).


)omplete the screen as in the example shown below! ma/ing sure you set the location and posrts correctly. +gain details changed or added are shown in greenA

$ress >I to update. The screen is returned with a successful update message. %n ()**! when the move has been received! the +ctivity Tas/ S'$* (@ewar/ *ealand! @ewar/! %@)T will be set to closed (or to %n$rogress if other containers on the boo/ing have yet to be moved). %f you tab to the command line and type in :tr9 then press :Enter9 you will be returned to the E.uipment Trac/ing screen. Enter the container number and press >4. The moves for oad and <ischarge are now displayedA + <%*)7+R( > @ 3*@1K* C6C605 <E"R?TM 3*@1K* 45@8C6-2 + '+< > @ <E"R?TM C6C505 <E"R?TM 3*@1K* 45@8C6-2 + (+TE&%@ ED$ > @ <E"R?TM C6C50C <E"R?TM 3*@1K* *+>M+R + (+TE&'3T ED$ E @ <E"R?TM C6C5-C *+>M+R + (+TE&%@ E @ <E"R?TM C6C5C*+>M+R + $3R)7+*E E @ <E"R? C5-0C- <E"R?



Gate/ ut for $mport The next move se.uenced for the container is a gate&out for %M$'RT from the delivery port. This is pretty similar to the export moves and should have the necessary defaults set if you9ve made the moves in the correct se.uence. >rom the E.uipment Trac/ing screen press *hift&>4 (>-6) to go to the gate movement screen. The screen should default as below (note ; again the location will be set to your wor/ location despite the expected move being somewhere different)A
*tatus(*) (eneral(() Trac/(T) Mult(M) Reef(R) $ +($) %M'(%) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+-8(+TE (ate Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment %d.A ) 73I5-C0EC <amageA L 'perA LL 0C <R=8FO6P8M*K8'1@8*T 800()hassisA LLLLLL L <amage(chassis)A LL %n8'utA ' EmptyA @ >orA LLL @ext oc.A LL LLL <ateA LLLLLL #ournal oc.A <K )$7 <ateA C6C6C5 TimeA -04E T%R8E%RA LLLLLL "oo/ing @oA LLLLLL 1.'rderA LLLLLL )ust.RefLLL LL L )arrier )odeA LLLLLL L )argo 1eight(K(s8 "s)A LLLLL L L +ct8Est8Tot8*caA L "8 @oA L L LL LL %M'A @ Rec8<elA LLL 8 L L ''(A @ Routing ?essel8?oyageA LLL LLL Receipt LLL LLL oad $ortA LLL LL L <sch.$ortA LLL L L <eliveryA LLL LL L @ext ?sl8?oyA LLL LLL @xt. <schA LLL L L >in.<sch.A LLL LL L 'ptional <iscA LLL LL L Route )odeA LL <el.ModeA LLLLLL *tatus -A LLLL ocal-A LLLLL ocal0A LLLLL *potA LLLLL "eamsA LLLL RailcarA LLLLLL T8)ofcA LL *towage codeA LLLL *eals M LLLLLL * LL LLLL L ) L LLLLL L ? LLLLLL L @ote LLLLLL L 3pdated byA +QQM"'4 <ateA C6C6C5 TimeA -04E RKEM452@ %@*ERT of new move assumed & hit >I to insert )ommand JJJK Term.%dA TM<)5R'4 3T)A C68C68C5 -5A0E >4J*tatus >6J(eneral >IJ3pd >-2J oc >0CJ''( >0-J$ + >00JReef >02JMult >04JTrac/

Ma/e changes as in the following example. +gain details changed or added are shown in greenA
*tatus(*) (eneral(() Trac/(T) Mult(M) Reef(R) $ +($) %M'(%) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+-8(+TE (ate Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment %d.A ) 73I5-C0EC <amageA L 'perA LL 0C <R=8FO6P8M*K8'1@8*T 800()hassisA L@'@E L <amage(chassis)A LL %n8'utA ' EmptyA @ >orA %M$ @ext oc.A 3* @1K* <ateA C6C6C5 #ournal oc.A 3* @1K* <ateA C6C52C TimeA -04E T%R8E%RA LLLLLL "oo/ing @oA -02-02-02 1.'rderA LLLLLL )ust.RefLLL LL L )arrier )odeA *+>M+R )argo 1eight(K(s8 "s)A -5CCC L L +ct8Est8Tot8*caA + "8 @oA L L LL LL %M'A @ Rec8<elA *< 8 *< ''(A @ Routing ?essel8?oyageA LLL LLL Receipt LLL LLL oad $ortA LLL LL L <sch.$ortA LLL L L <eliveryA LLL LL L @ext ?sl8?oyA LLL LLL @xt. <schA LLL L L >in.<sch.A LLL LL L 'ptional <iscA LLL LL L Route )odeA LL <el.ModeA LLLLLL *tatus -A LLLL ocal-A LLLLL ocal0A LLLLL *potA LLLLL "eamsA LLLL RailcarA LLLLLL T8)ofcA LL *towage codeA LLLL *eals M LLLLLL * LL LLLL L ) L LLLLL L ? LLLLLL L @ote LLLLLL L 3pdated byA +QQM"'4 <ateA C6C6C5 TimeA -04E RKEM452@ %@*ERT of new move assumed & hit >I to insert )ommand JJJK Term.%dA TM<)5R'4 3T)A C68C68C5 -5A0E >4J*tatus >6J(eneral >IJ3pd >-2J oc >0CJ''( >0-J$ + >00JReef >02JMult >04JTrac/

@ote the word :@'@E9 in the )hassis field ; this is re.uired for certain moves inside +merica. %f you press >I now the screen should return with a message indicating a successful update and the rest of the fields defaulted.


Return to the E.uipment Trac/ing screen by pressing >5. The moves for the (ate&'ut for %mport is now displayedA + (+TE&'3T %M$ > @ 3*@1K* C6C606 <E"R?TM 3*@1K* *+>M+R + <%*)7+R( > @ 3*@1K* C6C605 <E"R?TM 3*@1K* 45@8C6-2 + '+< > @ <E"R?TM C6C505 <E"R?TM 3*@1K* 45@8C6-2 + (+TE&%@ ED$ > @ <E"R?TM C6C50C <E"R?TM 3*@1K* *+>M+R + (+TE&'3T ED$ E @ <E"R?TM C6C5-C *+>M+R + (+TE&%@ E @ <E"R?TM C6C5C*+>M+R + $3R)7+*E E @ <E"R? C5-0C- <E"R? %n ()**! when the move has been received! the +ctivity Tas/ S'$* (@ewar/ *ealand! @ewar/! '3T)T will be set to closed (or to %n$rogress if other containers on the boo/ing have yet to be moved). >. "t Customer move for E4port The last move on this *<8*< boo/ing is the delivery to the customer. This again is an :+t )ustomer9 move. Return to the :Movement Main Menu9 then go to the and 'peration menu. >rom here type in F for :+t )ustomer Movements9. The :+t )ustomer Movement9 screen is displayed
3pdate(3) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+F8 +@<M'?E* +t )ustomer Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment #ournal %d. LLLLLLLLL +ctivityA LLLLLLL >orA LL Empty L




)ommand JJJK LLLLLLLLLLL Term.%dA TM<)5R$0 3T)A C68C68-E -CA26 Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >5J*um >IJ3pdate


Remember the need to ma/e a .uery before completing all the details (enter the container number in the e.uipment %< field and press :Enter9). )omplete the details as shown in green below.
3pdate(3) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RKEM+F8 +@<M'?E* +t )ustomer Movement E.uipment Management E.uipment #ournal %d. ) 73I5-C0EC +ctivityA <R'$)3*T >orA %M$ Empty @ ocA 3* @1KLL <ate(==MM<<)A C6C60ETime(CCCC&025I)A -0CC *treet +ddressA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL )ity8$rovinceA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL *tate8$rovinceA LL Qip )odeA LLLLLL )ountryA LL "oo/ing @oA -02-02-021or/orderA LLLLLLLLL "8 @oA -02 -02-02 )arrier )odeA *+>M+R Truc/er8)ustomer ReferenceA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL <elivered ToA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


@oteA LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 3pdated byA <ateA TimeA RKEM+5-@ $lease enter date R time with move information and press >I to insert )ommand JJJK LLLLLLLLLLL Term.%dA TM<)5R$0 3T)A C68C68-E -CA26 Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >5J*um >IJ3pdate

$ress >I to update. The screen should return with a message for successful update. %n ()**! when the move has been received! the +ctivity Tas/ S'$* (@ewar/! <E %?ER=)T will be set to closed (or to %n$rogress if other containers on the boo/ing have yet to be moved). This is the end of RKEM moves for 'perational +ctivities in an *<8*< boo/ing. %n more complex products the main difference is usually additional water legs! which means there are more load8discharge moves. There can also be rail moves but generally all that9s needed is gate& out8gate&in moves. %f there is space available an example of rail moves will be added in the appendices.


C-0C- 1oo2ing. 3. Gate/out for E4port5 >ollowing on from a gate&in after purchase! the first tas/ for 'perational +ctivities that the )= boo/ing needs to close is EB3%$ME@T $%)K3$. This is a tas/ which is not present on an *< boo/ing. >rom the s.l .uery you can see that the expected move that closes this is (+TE&'3T. This is the main difference for a )=8&& boo/ing because for the *<8&& boo/ing this move has no effect on 'perational +ctivities. %n RKEM however the action ta/en is the same for )= as for *< for this move type. *o see the move under *<8*< boo/ing for details of what to do. The only difference for )=8&& will be that in ()**! when the move has been received! the +ctivity Tas/ S'$* (EB3%$ME@T $%)K3$)T will be set to closed (or to %n$rogress if other containers on the boo/ing have yet to be moved). =. Gate/in for E4port5 The next move on a )=8&& boo/ing is a gate&in for export. This differs from the *<8&& boo/ing where the second move would be a )ustomer Move. The gate&in move in RKEM is the same as the gate/in for e4port shown for the S%0&& boo/ing. The only difference for )=8&& will be that in ()**! when the move has been received! the +ctivity Tas/ S'$* (@orth *ea Terminal "remerhaven! "remerhaven! RE)E%$T)T will be set to closed (or to %n$rogress if other containers on the boo/ing have yet to be moved). @ote that the RKEM move for )= has closed a different activity type to the same RKEM move for *<. )oad Move This is exactly the same as for *<8&& boo/ings. %is#harge Move This is exactly the same as for *<8&& boo/ings. Gate/ ut for $mport This is the same as for *<8&& boo/ings except that the tas/ in ()** that gets closed by this move is S'$* (@ewar/ *ealand! @ewar/! <E %?ER=)T

<. 8. 9.


Equipment (ra#2ing E.uipment trac/ing in ()** is done by a read against the latest move held in RKEM. +ll of the above moves for operational activities will also result in an entry in the E.uipment Trac/ing panel on the "oo/ing *ummary. "elow is an example.

The information in this panel is updated by the B--8B-0 interface from RKEM. %t9s possible for these .ueues to be running when the operational activity services are not. %f the B--8B-0 interface is not wor/ing then a message saying :RKEM currently unavailableU9 will appear in this panel. The trac/ing panel gives direct e.uipment movement information to ()** users without the need to .uery RKEM. There are a set of tests on this panel but it is not a very complex area. +s far as testing with RKEM is concerned you need to /now that the move in RKEM is reflected in this panel! although it is used for matching containers and for )+M testing which are described below. The trac/ing details screen will give more information including any seals data entered in RKEM. The seals information will also appear in the shipment references screen but that9s a small aspect of the RKEM8()** interface and will not be mentioned any further in this document. Equipment Mat#hing ?in#!uding effe#t on C"M@ E.uipment matching can be done either automatically or manually. %t is generally done automatically (as long as the server is running and the relevant .ueue is not stopped) when certain moves are received from RKEM. *ome specific moves (gate&in! stuffing) will cause additional matching criteria to be chec/ed! which can cause a previously matched container to become unmatched. To test manual matching the automatch listener must not be running. )hec/ this by opening a "ac/ End session on the test user environment (e.g. gcss-tst) and running the followingA ps ;ef V grep ;i match %f the server process is running a row will be returned similar to the followingA gcss0tst 0025 - C #ul C2 , CAC6 svrRKEM+utoMatch istner &) domJ()**3-CL()**0T*T &g 0C &i 0IC- &u gcssu-C &3 8op *ometimes several rows may be returned on different test users. =ou will then need to chec/ these users9 gcssexport.ini files to see if they are running against the same schemas as the test user environment you are wor/ing in. %f they are then you will need to stop the listener on all these users. ogon as! or switch to! each user and run the following statementA


tmshutdown ;s svrRKEM+utoMatch istner 1hen these services are all shut down then any moves from RKEM should not automatch the e.uipment on the boo/ing. This then leaves the e.uipment available for testing of the manual matching feature. "ut also note that the B--8B-0 interface must be wor/ing for manual matching to succeed as this is the view into the RKEM database against which the match ta/es place. There are tests written for manual and automatic matching so those together with this section should allow for successful tests. The only aspect of how matching affects ()** that %9m aware of is in the production of )ontainer +nnouncement Messages ()+M). The initial trigger for )+M is the creation of Export 7aulage. 7owever! there are several other characteristics which are affected by matching (assigning) the e.uipment. *pecifically there is a characteristic S$er )ontainerT which means a )+M is issued for each container and a characteristic for S1hen +ssignedT which means to issue a )+M when the e.uipment from RKEM is matched to the :logical9()** container. %f you leave the automatch listener running containers will only be assigned on an individual basis! so to test that the characteristics can wor/ together you need to be able to match the containers in the same transaction! which means stopping the listener and ma/ing the moves on two or more containers and then matching all at once using the match feature. e.g.A


Equipment "vai!a1i!ity This is in effect a totally separate part of RKEM to that used for e.uipment movement and has no bearing on 'perational +ctivities. The interface is called B-4. %t was developed as an interim solution for M to be able to identify if a particular yard had! or had access to! the containers on a boo/ing8arrangement. The original concept was fairly dynamic but the final implementation is reliant upon user update to ensure the stoc/ position is correct. This means that in production the data is probably not up to date and therefore of little use and often an impediment. (iven that the Empty )ontainer <epot is not a mandatory item on a haulage order you can assume that too much testing on this as it stands would be wasteful. %f the full solution is ever developed! however! then understanding the limited process may help in testing the full version. Essentially the interface consists of a loo/up for a container yard ()=) based upon the $lace of Receipt. 7owever! there are a se.uence of rules which dictate what should be returned and these should be tested in RKEM. %t is feasible to create a string and put it on a .ueue but the loo/up is more dynamic than that implies! and testing using RKEM is more robust even though this area can be subMect to data change when the RKEM testers are chec/ing their load processes. This section shows what to loo/ for and how to change some things! but is only a pointer. +ny tests you loo/ at should indicate what the actual set&up should be. The main problem you will face is the complexity of relations between container yards and e.uipment pools. +ll % can say is that if you get an unexpected result when testing always assume at first that you9ve missed something in the set&up. 3se the extdata tables geoLsite or geographicLarea to identify the container yards causing problems. The rectify it using the methods shown here. ogon to RKEM is done in the same way as for e.uipment movement. 'n the :E.uipment Management Main Menu9 type :RK*T-C9 and press :Enter9. The :"asic %nformation9 screen is shown as belowA
3pdate(3) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RK*T-C8"+*%) ') "asic information *tandard Tables ocation )ode @ame *treet A LL LLLLL RK)) )odeA LLLLL ?alidity<ateA LLLLL A LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL A LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL )ity A LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Q%$&code A LLLLL *tate8prov A LLL +rea code A $rinter %dA LLLLL 'nline(=8@)A L RK)) )ountryA )urrency codeA Measur. unitsA LL )ontinent A LLLL RegionA LLLLMetrop. +reaA LLLL <oc. )enterA LL )oordinates A LLL LLL LLL L LLL LL LL LL Time Gone A LLLL ( 3T) N 8 & in half hours ) <aylight *aving A LLLL & LLLL half hours Time differenceA LLLL LLLLLL


E.uip. pool A LL LLLLL %ntermodal *ystemA )=-A LL LLLLL )=0A LL LLLLL )=2A LL LLLLL Merch.7au. <rop @earest )=A L

RK*TC5C@ $lease Enter ocation )ode )ommand JJJK LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >IJ3pdate >-EJRK*T-- >-FJ&-0 >-IJ&-2 >0CJ&-4 >0-J&-5


Type in the code for the city you are using as a place of receipt (e.d nlrot as below for Rotterdam) then press enter
3pdate(3) Exit(D) 7elp(7) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RK*T-C8"+*%) ') "asic information *tandard Tables ocation )ode @ame *treet A nl rotLL RK)) )odeA LLLLL ?alidity<ateA LLLLL A LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL A LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL )ity A LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Q%$&code A LLLLL *tate8prov A LLL +rea code A $rinter %dA LLLLL 'nline(=8@)A L RK)) )ountryA )urrency codeA Measur. unitsA LL )ontinent A LLLL RegionA LLLLMetrop. +reaA LLLL <oc. )enterA LL )oordinates A LLL LLL LLL L LLL LL LL LL Time Gone A LLLL ( 3T) N 8 & in half hours ) <aylight *aving A LLLL & LLLL half hours Time differenceA LLLL LLLLLL


E.uip. pool A LL LLLLL %ntermodal *ystemA )=-A LL LLLLL )=0A LL LLLLL )=2A LL LLLLL Merch.7au. <rop @earest )=A L

RK*TC5C@ $lease Enter ocation )ode )ommand JJJK LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Enter >-J7elp >2JExit >IJ3pdate >-EJRK*T-- >-FJ&-0 >-IJ&-2 >0CJ&-4 >0-J&-5

The full details held are returnedA

1hat you are interested in is the section labelled :RelatedU9 This gives details of the e.uipment pool the city is associated with and container yards associated to the city. >or nlrot it can be seen that the e.uipment pool is nlams (+msterdam). %t is also clear that there are 2 container yards lin/ed to Rotterdam. =ou will need to chec/ on all of these sites8cities to ma/e sure you /now about the container availability at the $'' level not Must the container yard. *o you need to note all the values shown (e.g. nlams! nlrotC-! nlrotC5! nlrotC0) and repeat the search on this screen for each of them. This is because testing will need to show that various options are produced in the correct


way. >or instance it may be that nlrotC- has 0C9 <ry containers but no 0C9 'pen whereas nlrotC5 has both 0C9 <ry and 0C9 'pen containers. %f we create a haulage arrangement with both types of container and Rotterdam as the place of receipt! then RKEM will send an error to ()** stating that the containers are only available at different depots and so a depot cannot be selected automatically. This seems silly from our point of view because we /now that nlrotC5 could supply both containers! but this is a result of the limited change that was implemented and so has to be tested forW * continue lets see what nlams holdsA

+s you can see! there are three different container yards associated to the e.uipment pool nlams when loo/ed at in this way. 7owever! this does not mean that your chec/s are finished. =ou also need to chec/ that the container yard itself has a reference bac/ to the e.uipment pool8city. oo/ing at the first )= for nlrot which is nlrotC- we can seeA


This means that nlrotC- is pointing to )openhagen e.uipment poolW @ow it starts to get confusingW 'bviously a lot of this it test data set up specifically to chec/ the paths through the RKEM code. %t should never be li/e this in reality so if it gets too complicated really consider whether the test is worthwhile. +lso remember that the tests should outline how the pool8cy setup should be done for the expected results. To change the value of an e.uipment pool or container yard for a site is very easy. *imply type in8over the relevant space in the screen and press >I to update. The screen shot below shows the resulting screen when %9ve changed the e.uipment pool and )=0 for @ R'T to @ R'T and @ R'TC4 respectivelyA

The next chec/s for e.uipment availability are to see what is held in the pool or )=. This is done in screen RK*T4F. *imply put the cursor on the command line! type in :RK*T4F9 and press :E@TER9. The screen is displayed as below.


The top line on the screen represents your search criteria. =ou can enter from one to all criteria. 7owever! if you fail to put in at least an e.uipment pool 'R a location you will get lots of rows returned. Even with these you may get several pages of results. The )= code goes in the ocation search field. The e.uipment pool code goes in the field with that nameW 'ne thing to be careful of is searching based on the )= only. #ust because a container shows8doesn9t show for a )= it doesn9t mean that other )=s related via the e.uipment pool may give an unwanted result. This is why you need to note the related pools and yards as shown earlier! so you can search for these also. Enter the search criteria you wish to use ; in the example below % want to /now about 0C9 containers as @ R'TC-.

$ress :Enter9 when you9ve typed in the search criteria.

=ou can see how the confused test setup would affect what you could see. %f you9d Must .ueried @ R'T as e.uipment pool you would have been unable to see that no :'$E@9 containers were available at nlrotC-.


To change the criteria there are a couple of things you are allowed to do. =ou can insert! delete or update. >irst ; delete. $lace a :<9 in the+ct. (action) field on the row you want to delete.

Then press >I ; this returns the screen as belowA


To insert a new record. Enter the details you want to insert in the relevant fields of the edit criteria.

@ext press :>I9. +ll the records held are returned to the >EA&


%f you now do a search though! on the location Must used you can see that the record has been insertedA

@ote that the E.uipment $ool value was not entered ; this has been set because the )= points to that particular pool in RK*T-CA&


To update is slightly more complex. This is because we can9t simply change a record! we have to create a new one then remove or alter the original. *o to change the record Must created at @ R'TCE first place :s9 on the +ction column for the recordA

$ress :Enter9 and the line is replicated in the editable sectionA


>rom here if you (for example) change the dates and press >I to update! then the original row is not updated! rather a new row is inserted with the different information as shown (to date was changed to year C6)A

This serves to highlight an important point. The dates above are overlapping and RKEM does not handle the search well when there are overlapping dates for the date being searched. %f this happens ()** should receive an error RKEM returned error message: 'MULTIPLE INSTANCES FOR SIZE/T PE FOUN!" PLS"UP!ATE RKST#$ %IT&IN RKEM '' X This is not exactly unhandled but there9s no defined business process and it9s not in the haulage ><*. #ust be aware it can happen. %deally change the values to ma/e sure dates don9t overlap. 7aving seen how to ma/e adMustments an explanation is needed for what the results mean. >irstly! the absence of a record for a particular )= means that the container types +RE +?+% +" E there. *o if % search for location R'TC6 and get the following screenA


%t actually means that this )= has available + )'@T+%@R T=$E*. The only issue would be where it falls in regards to associations to e.uipment pools etc! %f % search for @ R'TC5 and get the following screen resultsA

1hat this means is that where the =8@ field is set to =! then that container type %* +?+% +" E for those dates. %f there is no other entry for the container type (as in both the reef types shown) then it means that the containers are also available outside those datesW =es % /now! it doesn9t ma/e much sense but it9s due to a late change ($'*T TE*TW) on the )R. #ust as long as you understand it. 1hat this all means is that the most relevant entry is one where the =8@ field is set to :@9. This is what would cause RKEM to return a message to ()** stating that the container type is unavailable. The gist of all this is thatA -. %f a record is held stating :@9 then the container type is not available at that yard for those dates. 0. %f a record is held stating :=9 then the container type is available at that yard for those dates. 2. %f a record is not held for the container type then the container is available at that yard for all dates. +pologiaWWW %9m sorry! %9ve not had time to detail here how the e.uipment profile replication can be done. The tests though! do try and detail all steps as it is fairly intricate! so hopefully they are all that should be re.uiredW


+ppendix + Expected Moves *B ; replace the string boo/ingno with the boo/ing you are searching for.
select templ.instance_id as id, templ.rkem_source_entity_type as rkem_source, site.code as site, area.code as area, rtrim(templ.fk_haulage_site_type) || ' ' || as haul, templ.fk_mepc_transport_mode_link as trans_m, rtrim(templ.fk_cont_actfor_def_rkem) || ' ' || actfor.actfor as afor, templ.stempty_rkem as empty, templ.activity_display_text as text, cadr.act as act from shipment_reference sh_ref, shipment sh, shipment_version sh_vers, activity_task sh_task, cont_act_expect exp, cont_act_template templ, cont_act_template_act cata, cont_act_def_rkem cadr, route_point rp, geo_site site, geographic_area area, haulage_site_type haul, cont_actfor_def_rkem actfor where (sh_ref.reference_string = 'bookingno') and (sh_ref.fk_shipment_version = sh_vers.instance_id) and (sh.instance_id = sh_vers.fk_shipment) and (sh.fk_shipment_status = '1') and (sh_task.fk_shipment = sh_vers.fk_shipment) and (sh_task.instance_id = exp.fk_activity_task) and (exp.fk_cont_act_template = templ.instance_id) and (cata.fk_cont_act_template = templ.instance_id) and (cata.fk_cont_act_def_rkem = cadr.instance_id) and (exp.fk_route_point = rp.instance_id) and (rp.fk_geo_site = site.siteid(+)) and (rp.fk_geographic_area = area.geoid(+)) and (templ.fk_haulage_site_type = haul.instance_id(+)) and (templ.fk_cont_actfor_def_rkem = actfor.instance_id(+)) order by sh_task.presentation_sequence


+ppendix " %f the ?essel8voyage combination is not held in RK*T you will get an error message when you try and update the move! as in the screen shot belowA

%f you receive this message you will need to reset a value for the vessel in the RK*T?E* table. To do this you need to use a mainframe session! so % suggest opening another terminal emulator session! as belowA -. 0. 2. 4. 5. 'pen your terminal emulator (mine is named 20EC ) There will be a re.uest to :Enter *ystem9. Type :tso49. $ress :Enter9. ogon to tso4 as normal (enter your id then password then press enter until the Time *haring *ervice screen is displayed). 6. Type in :db09 at the prompt and press :Enter9. E. +t the next screen type :09 and press :Enter9. F. +t the next screen type :09 and press :Enter9. I. +t the next screen type :09 and press :Enter9. -C. =ou are then presented with an Edit screen as shownA


--. Tab to the fields )RE+T'R and type in RK*T. Tab to '"#E)T @+ME and type RK*T?E*Y as shown below! then press :Enter9A

-0. + list of columns on the RK*T?E* table is shownA


-2. Type a *B .uery for the number of the vessel! e.g.A

and press :Enter9 -4. The following screen is displayedA

-5. +ll you need to do now is overtype value :=9 in column 2 (*)73*E<) to :n9 and press :Enter9. This will update the schedule and allow the vessel to be used on the move


+ppendix ) To create new containers in RKEM you need to have the container profile for the type of containers you need. =ou can do this by getting a container of the type you need and searching for the profile. +n earlier document %9ve written on RKEM goes into this! but you shouldn9t need to do this as long as you /eep to a reasonable set of container types. "elow is a list of profiles currently in RKEM Test. These can be used for the container types shown. @'TE ; be careful about using these in RKEM <emo as the profiles are set up differently and you may end up with a container of a type you didn9t wantWWW.
=: %ry A ; ,rofi!e B C,(E=:%C",

=: pen A ; ,rofi!e B M"E';:;C 6

=: Reef A ; ,rofi!e B M"E'>39MC$

=:C +!at A ; ,rofi!e B H%)'3::S$* Co!!apsi1!e B -

8: %ry A ; ,rofi!e B G )E8:%G)%

8: ,E* A ; ,rofi!e B M"E';=>C 6

8: %ry D ; ,rofi!e B SE"'8>:H-'

8: Reef D ; ,rofi!e B ",M'>>;GR"

3sing these profiles you can create e.uipment numbers as detailed here.


>rom the RKEM Movement Main Menu enter :59 as shownA

%n the next screen :E.uipment >leet9 enter :49

The :E.uipment *eries9 screen is shown. $ E+*E @'TE ; the print detail fields are not populated if you9ve never used this screen before. =ou must input the values as shown here when you update the screen. =ou should only need to do this the first time you use the screen.


%nput the profile for your container type in the designated field an press :Enter9. The screen returns as belowA

=ou need to complete the fields as shown below. This is shown for purchasing Maers/ )ontainers so the flag is set to =! it could be @ for *hippers 'wn containers. +lso please note that containers should have a valid four letter prefix such as M*K3! M+E3 or +$M3. *ometimes you can get away with any letter but often the containers may not be useable for some things. Try and find out what valid prefixes are. =ou could do a .uery in the database for this. +lso note that other people will also be using containers so you may inadvertently use numbers already used. This can be seen when you get the numbers from the print spool! but it is annoying. % use prefix ) 73 in the example shown belowA


This returns the screen with the notification messageA

To get the container numbers you have to logon again as if to the old TR* system as shown in the previous appendix. ) G$* ( *EW SESS$ * "S 5 T=$E A T*'4 )trl 3ser id and pwd +nd then 'n the Time *haring *ervice screen though you should type in :esf9 and press :Enter9


The first time you enter this area you will have to set some values. The screen you first see is thisA

*et the printer prefif to $M<)---4 by typing at the command line :pp pmdc---49 and pressing enterA

@ext type :R( E29 and press EnterA


To see the file of containers you now need to type :fa9 and press enterA

This brings up the files awaiting printing. There will often be many more than shown hereA

To chec/ the file is the one you want press >-- until you can see the $rogrammers @ame and )reated values for the file. These should be your user id and the time you created the containers (in (MT)A


Tab to the +ction field and type :s9 thereA

$ress Enter and you can see the file contentsA

$ress >F to scroll down and see the container numbersA

+s it indicates if you9ve got number that already exist they are mar/ed with an asteris/. @ow you have containers which you can save and use when you need themW (ood uc/W


+ppendix < ()**&RKEM Bueues.

To chec/ the datastream is wor/ing (on ()**3-C). ogon to gcssu-C. Type ps ;ef V grep ;% rni. %t should return processes for R@%'(+). <atastream. E.uipment gate moves! customer updates etc.!

()** Extdata
R@%)EM? R@%)E M R@%)EE) R@%)EE"

'+ istener. Moves R@%) data to )ontLactLactual updates contLactLlatest '+ *ervices. Matches actual against expected moves to update '+ tas/s

(Multiple %nstances) 'n R55 BM(R J ()*DT+C2. Bueue J R@%).R@<E.RE$ %)+T


RKEM matching Moves matching (against ()** *chema)


RKEM oo/up to ()** ((eneral Buery)

(eneral Buery istener (against ()** *chema)

(Multiple %nstances)

B--8B-0 (Trac/ing). B-2 ("loc/ *towage). B-4 ( +vailability)



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