Computer Pioneer
Computer Pioneer
Computer Pioneer
Tim Berners-Lee
Wen !eo!"e using teir #e$ $ro#ser to sur% on internet and ta"&ing
a$out te com!uter #or"d' te( coincident"( mention Bi"" )ates' *icae"
De""' or Ste+e ,o$s' $ut not man( !eo!"e actua""( &no# a$out Tim
Berners-Lee' #o as created te #or"d %irst #e$ $ro#ser- .ot on"( tat'
e !u$"ised te #e$ $ro#ser and made it %ree %or an(one #o #ant to
use it' and tat !used te com!uter net#or&ing to a iger "e+e"-
Li%e /+ent and 0ontri$ution
Tim Berners-Lee' a"so &no#n as 1TimBL2' is a Britis com!uter scientist
#o a+e in+ented te #or"d3s %irst #e$ $ro#ser 1Wor"dWideWe$2- Tim
#as $orn in London' /ng"and' on ,une 8
o% 1445- Bot o% is !arents are
!ioneers in com!uter science' #o as #or&ed on te %irst commercia""(-
$ui"t com!uter' so e #as curious a$out #at is !arent3s #ere doing' and
a%ter is !arent to"d im a$out com!uters' Tim got interested in te
com!uter tecno"og(-
In 1453' e entered te Queen3s co""ege in 67%ord' Tim decided to stud(
8(sics' and graduated #it %irst c"ass !(sics degree- Wi"e in te
co""ege' e constant"( tin&ing a$out creating a !oint' 9ust "i&e uman
$rain using neurotransmission to automatica""( !er%orm reaction $ut #it
a com!uter' #ic as noting to do #it te 8(sics course e #as
stud(ing- :%ter graduation' e earned is %irst 9o$ as an engineer in a ig
tecno"og( com!an( in 8oo"e' #ere e #as ma&ing e;ui!ment %or
Te"ecommunication- T#o (ears "ater' e mo+ed to D-)- .as Ltd'
o#e+er tis time e3s a so%t#are #riter #ic is res!onsi$"e %or #riting
t(!e-setting so%t#are %or !rinters and o!erating s(stems-
<rom ,une to Decem$er 1480' e a"so too& a so%t#are engineer 9o$ in
0/=. #i"e #it D-) .as' te 0/=. is an internationa" organisation
$ased in te nort#est o% )ene+a on te <ranco S#iss $order- 0/=.
a+e tousands o% researcers #or&ing in te organisation' and Tim got
anno(ed #it te #a( is com!uter stores is in%ormation' $ecause tere
is no net#or& saring s(stem at tat time- Ten te com!uter stores is
data in di%%erent data$ases' and not "i&e o# uman3s neurotransmission
#ou"d #or&' tere%ore e decide to #rite a !rogram tat #ou"d !er%orm
te simi"ar %unction-
:%ter Tim got te $asic idea o% te so%t#are' e !ro!osed a !ro9ect a$out
te so%t#are $ased on te idea o% (!erte7t' #ic $ecause e #ant to
im!ro+e e%%icienc( o% saring and u!dating in%ormation #it oter
researcers' so e #rote is %irst so%t#are tat #as ne+er !u$"ised ca""ed
/.Q>I=/- Te /.Q>I=/ is not a #e$ $ro#ser' $ut it contains some
e;ui+a"ent %eatures o% modern #e$ $ro#ser' %or instance' it as !ages tat
a+e (!er"in&s #itin tem- Te (!er"in&s contains some in%ormation
a$out tem' suc as te creator o% te !age' content o% te !age' and te
resu"t o% de"ete te !age- Te ad+antage o% te /.Q>I=/ is e+er(one
#o use te /.Q>I=/ can +ie# !ages inside /.QI>=/ and e+er(one
#as a""o#ed to add ne# !ages-
In1481' Tim #ent to #or& in ,on 8oo"e3s Images0om!uter S(stems'
Ltd' in Bournemout' /ng"and- He #or&ed as te director o%
Images0om!uter S(stem' e a""ocated is 9o$ on te tecnica" !art o% te
com!an( %or tree (ears' and e #or&ed on a"" di%%erent &ind o% com!uter
tecno"og(' and gained some e7!erience in #at it3s "i&e in com!uter
net#or&ing %ie"d-
Tim returned to 0/=. in 1484- Wi"e in te 0/=.' Tim #ant to ma&e a
so%t#are tat a""o#s a"" te /uro!ean nuc"ear !(sics researcers to use
di%%erent t(!e o% com!uter to communicate and transmit in%ormation %or
teir researces? so tat a"" te researc data' in%ormation and +isua" data
can $e sared in e+er( researc "a$s in eac countr(- Tat is $ecause at
tat time' tere #ere man( researcers #or&ing in 0/=. using di%%erent
e;ui!ments' %or e7am!"e some researcer used Windo#s and some used
*ac' a"so te on"( #a( to sare data around is using emai" and %i"e
intercange to transmit %i"es- Ten te researcers a+e to &ee! record o%
#or&s tat in+o"+es #or&ing #it oters' so i% a researcer a+e cou!"e
!ro9ects tat in+o"+es #it oter de!artment' e #i"" a+e "ots
in%ormation to record' #ic is a !ain and #aste o% time-
In 1484' tere are "ots (!erte7t essa( %"(ing around in te countr('
o#e+er' no one actua""( tougt a$out com$ine te (!erte7t
tecno"og( #it com!uter net#or& %ie"d- 6ne da(' Tim #as reading a
(!erte7t document' a%ter read te !a!er' e sa#ing a cance to connect
(!erte7t #it te Internet- Ten e got an ins!iration- since saring data
in a sma"" area is not a dream an(more' #( not !u$"is te data saring
tecni;ue to te #o"e #or"d@ So Tim !ro!osed is idea to 0/=.' te
idea is !ut te (!erte7t tecno"og( #it' T08AI8B#ic is !u$"ised to
#or"d in 1484C and domain name s(stem togeter' ten connect a"" te
0/=. "a$s to togeter' and it ma( e+en e7tend te connection to te
#or"d a%ter te s(stem is com!"ete- Tis e7citing idea soc&ed e+er(one
in te 0/=. organisation' o#e+er e+en toug tere are !eo!"e
su!!orting tis idea $ut it didn3t !ass te congress' $ecause tis is a
nuc"ear !(sics researc "a$' not a com!uter researc center-
Tim didn3t gi+e u! so eas(' so e s!end a$out t#o mont to a"ter te idea
$( adding de+e"o!ment ste! to (!erte7t and e7!"aining te %unction tat
so%t#are #ou"d $ring' %or instance' remote access net#or&' it a""o#s
e+er($od( to access te in%ormation %rom an(#ere tat connect to
0/=. net#or&- Tis time' e %ina""( got su!!ort %rom is em!"o(erD So
Tim manage to get some %und and assistant %rom is em!"o(er' and
$roug a ./ET macine to testing te s(stem-
In 6cto$er o% 1440' He start to #or&ing on o# to connect tose
tecno"ogies togeter' $ecause e+en toug te tree tecno"og( are
a"read( $een designed' it3s sti"" ard to get tem #or&ing togeter in a
sta$"e condition- 6ne nigt in Decem$er 1440' e managed to get
(!erte7t' transmission contro" !rotoco" and domain name s(stem to
coo!erati+e #it eac oter' and e success%u""( created te #or"d %irst
#e$ $ro#ser' and a"so created te %irst #or"d #ide #e$ ser+er' 0/=.
HTT8d- #ic made a $ig ste! out in te com!uter net#or&ing-
:"toug te #e$ $ro#ser "oo&s +er( ug"(' on"( ran in te .eETSte!
s(stem' and it acted "i&e a te"e!one director(' #ic a""o# te user to
enter te main%rame to cec& e+er( researcer3s !one num$er' $ut it3s
sti"" (!erte7t $ro#ser- :%ter te Wor"dWideWe$ as $een created' Tim
a"so designed te HT*LBH(!erTe7t *ar&u! LanguageC'
HTT8BH(!erTe7t Trans%er 8rotoco"C' a"so B>=LC >ni%orm =esource
Locator- Ho#e+er Tim didn3t sto! is #or& on im!ro+ing te #e$' e
continues to #or&ing on te suggestions %rom user %eed$ac&- So as te
Wor"dWideWe$ start to s!read around te #or"d' is HT*L' HTT8' and
oter #e$ tecno"ogies constant"( im!ro+ing- Later on' te
Wor"dWideWe$ $ro#ser canged it3s name to .e7us' $ecause it #ou"d $e
mi7 u! #it te Wor"d Wide We$-
In 1441' te WWW #as made to te !u$"ic- Tim decide to sare te
WWW3s code #it oter !rogrammers' tere%ore te( cou"d get some
conce!t o% te WWW $ro#ser' and ma($e created teir o#n $ro#ser-
Tat ga+e a $ig !us to te com!ute net#or&' and te net#or&
tecno"og( is mo+ing %or#ard e+er(da(-
During 1444' Tim set u! te Wor"d Wide We$ 0onsortiumBW30C in te
La$orator( %or 0om!uter Science at te *assacusetts Institute o%
Tecno"og(- He #or&ed as te Director o% te W30 ti"" 1444' #en e
$ecame te o"der o% te %ounder cair at L0S' and e3s te Senior
=esearc Scientist in te La$- :"so in 1444' Time magaFine named Tim
one o% te *ost Im!ortant 8eo!"e o% G0t centur(' $ecause e ad $ig
in%"uentia" in te 0om!uter %ie"d- Ten in *arc o% G000' e #as a#arded
#it a onorar( degree %rom te 6!en >ni+ersit( as te Doctor o% te
>ni+ersit(- In Decem$er G004' Tim #en to #or& as te ead o%
0om!uter Science in Soutam!ton' /ng"and' and #or&ing on Semantic
We$- >nti" toda(' Tim sti"" continues is #or& on !romoting te We$ %or
e+er(one to use-
He as recei+ed man( a#ards %rom organisations' tere are some
!ersona" a#ard-
6%%icer o% te 6rder o% te Britis /m!ire %or ser+ice to com!uter
net#or&ing - 1445-
Te =o(a" 8otogra!ic Societ(3s 8rogress *eda" and Honorar(
<e""o#si! %or contri$ution to#ards scienti%ic and tecno"og(
de+e"o!ment - G003
: &nigtood #en e #as !romoted to Hnigt 0ommander o% te
6rder o% te Britis /m!ire - G004-
Te :cadem( o% :cie+ement3s )o"den 8"ate :#ard - G005-
Inducted to te Internet Ha"" o% <ame $( te Internet Societ( - G01G-
Doctor o% Science degree %rom te >ni+ersit( o% St :ndre#s - G013-
W( I cose im
Tim Berners-Lee3s in%"uents #as ne+er $ig as Bi"" )ates or Ste+e ,o$s'
$ut e3s te ido" o% a"" te /-commerce se""ers' and a"" te #e$ user #o
&no#s im- His is te %irst !erson #o created te #e$ ser+er and #e$
$ro#ser' ten "aunced te %irst WWW #e$site- Te WWW is canging
!eo!"e3s 9o$' entertainment' communication and socia" acti+ities-
Wen e+er(one is ta"&ing a$out te strengt and $eaut( o% Internet' no
one tougt a"" tese #as made #it !o#er o% one man- Tim ad a dream
o% creating a common in%ormation s!ace' #ere !eo!"e can communicate
#it eac oter $( saring in%ormation' and "in& to oter com!uter so
te( can instant"( send and recei+e in%ormation %rom eac oter- Ten e
created a so%t#are #ic is eas( to !rogram and encode' "in&ing and
addressing documents tat are in te #or"d #ide #e$' on"( 9ust $ecause
e #ant to im!ro+e te net#or& %or e+er(one and imse"%- Ho#e+er te
greatest contri$ute is e made it %ree %or e+er(one #i"e e cou"d ma&e a
%ortune %rom it' and un"i&e tose !eo!"e #o made a mi""ion o+er a nigt'
Tim sti"" #or&ing and researcing on te !otentia" o% %uture #e$ #i"e
oters #ou"d sit in o%%ice and re"a7ing- I #as tin&ing' i% Tim #ou"d ma&e
a com!an( tat se"" is $ro#ser' e !ro$a$"( a+e te same in%"uentia" as
Bi"" )ates-
During te 1440' (!erte7t #asn3t a ne# tings to e+er(one' and tere are
actua""( man( com!anies a+e (!erte7t $ased s(stems- Wen Tim
decide to use (!erte7t #it Internet' tose com!anies didn3t #ant to
coo!erate #it Tim' $ecause te( don3t tin& idea #ou"d #or&- But Tim
sti"" !u$"ised te WWW %ree to !u$"ic and encourage oter
!rogrammers to #rite teir o#n $ro#ser and e7!and te #e$ tecno"og(
#itout s!ending ridicu"ous !rice to $u( te !rogram- Is it $ecause Tim
didn3t see te +a"ue o% WWW $e%ore e !u$"ised it %ree to te #or"d@
Te ans#er is no- In %act' ear"( in 144G' Tim #as considering to esta$"is
a We$so%t com!an( to se"" #e$ $ro#ser so%t#are' $ut e ga+e u! tis
decision- Because Tim %oresees i% is $ro#ser is u! on mar&et' it #ou"d
start u! a We$ so%t#are #ar' and Wor"d Wide We$ #ou"d $e s!"it u! $(
di%%erent com!anies' tere%ore e decided not to do tat- Witout Tim3s
se"%"ess' #e ma( not a$"e to a+e te com!uter net#or& #e a+e toda(' or
e+en #orse' te com!uter net#or& migt $e contro""ed $( di%%erent
com!anies' and ci+i"ian #ou"d a+e to !a( a ridicu"ous !rice to $u( a
Tim a"so created te HT*LB(!erte7t mar&u! "anguageC #ic is used to
create #e$ !ages- He tin&s since it3s %ree to te !u$"ic #or"d' #( not
ma&e a too" tat a""o#s !eo!"e to create te #e$!age to go #it it' ten
te "anguage #as created- Te HTT8B(!erte7t trans%er !rotoco"C #as
de+e"o!ed so tat !eo!"e can t(!e #ords or s(m$o"s' and te !rotoco"
#ou"d con+ert tose #ords or s(m$o"s into a "anguage tat com!uter
$ro#ser can understand' and ta&e user to te #e$!age te( #ant-
Tose de+e"o!ments are not te on"( contri$ute' since e didn3t on"(
cange te #a( #e communicate' a"so made a uge im!act in $usiness
#or"d- Wit te com!uter net#or& im!ro+ed' tere are "ots / so!s on
Internet' #ere made so!!ing muc easier %or !eo!"e- <or e7am!"e' i%
someone "i+es $( imse"% as $eing in9ured' and can3t so!!ing #itin
te reco+ering !eriod' e can using Internet to $u( %ood' su!!"( and oter
tings' #ic is ca""ed ome so!!ing-
Ten Tim created te W30' and in+ited a"" te signa"iFed com!anies to
ma&e a WWW tecni;ue to standard agreement' ten mo+e te #e$
tecno"og( a ste! %or#ard' $ecause Tim insist te W303s $asic tas& is to
maintain Wor"d Wide #e$3s order- He constant"( re!eating te reason to
create te WWW is %or e%%icienc( and creati+e' and it #ou"d !ro+ide te
user a $etter data saring en+ironment-
Tere are arguments a$out te %act tat te WWW tecno"og( made
uman "aF(- It3s said $ecause o% te WWW tecno"og( in%ected a $ig
im!act on te $oo&stores' man( ig street so!s are ena$"e to sur+i+e'
e+er(one can access te internet and read /-$oo&s- Some a"so targeted at
te ea"t !ro$"ems' suc as te %act tat more and more !eo!"e a+ing
o$esit( !ro$"em' !eo!"e are "ess interested in outside #or"d since te(
a+e te +irtua" #or"d a+ai"a$"e to entertain tem' and tat inc"udes e"der
and (oung ci"dren- Did Tim caused tis@ .o' Tim on"( created a
!"at%orm tat !eo!"e can used to entertain' to "earn and gain $ene%it %rom
it' te creation is to im!ro+e and made net#or& more con+enience to te
#a( o% communication-
Witout is contri$ute' e+en i% #e sti"" a+e te com!uter net#or&' $ut
#ou"d it $e ad+anced "i&e toda(3s net#or&@ Te ans#er is un&no#n' $ut
it3s un"i&e"( to $e- :s a matter o% %act' te Internet #as $orn in 14I0' $ut
it #as ne+er !u$"ised due to te series o% com!"e7 o!eration it as- In
tat time' (ou #ou"d a+e to go troug a series o% con%iguration' #it a
"imits o% autorit(' and te !resentation o% #e$ content is e7treme"(
$oring- But toda(3s Internet a+e %unctions tat 14I0s ne+er dreamed
$e%ore' suc as +ideo streaming' #e$cam' recording and "ots more
Due to te Wor"dWideWe$ is o!erated on te .eETSte! o!erating
s(stem' te coding is di%%erent %rom oter o!erating s(stem' so it3s +er(
ard to !ort te origina" $ro#ser to oter 6S' and tat is #(
Wor"dWideWe$ is not used as te standard $ro#ser toda(- But e didn3t
regret not to %orm a #e$ so%t#are com!an(' and e tin&s te We$ #ou"d
gi+e dreamer a en"igtenment' tat i% (ou can a+e a dream' ten (ou
a+e te !o#er to ma&e it true- Tat is o# te com!uter net#or& $een
$rougt u! under man( com!uter !ioneer3s e"!-
Tim Berners-Lee3s contri$ution is not on"( te #e$ $ro#ser tat e
created' it3s a"so tat e sared te $ro#ser %ree #it e+er(one- Tat is
not a !ersona" !oint o% +ie# #en e t#eeted 1Tis is %or e+er(one2'
#ic #as s!e""ed out in L0D "igts attaced to te cairs o% te 80'000
audience in London 6"(m!ic Stadium in G01G-
2541 words without Bibliography
Bi$"iogra!( -
:utor o% #e$!age: *ar( Be""is?
Tit"e o% te #e$!age: Te istor( o% te Internet?
Date o% !osted #e$!age: Didn3t so# in #e$!age?
:+ai"a$"e at:tt!:AAin+entors-a$out-comAodAistartin+entionsAaAinternet-tm?
Last accessed date: G013 -10 -G1-
:utor o% #e$!age: Wo"%gang *u"Fer?
Tit"e o% te #e$!age: Te ma&ing o% te Wor"d Wide We$?
Last u!date on ,u"( G
:+ai"a$"e at : tt!:AA###-in%-%u-$er"in-deA"ereASS01AcA###A###G-tm"?
Last accessed date: G013 -10 -G1
:utor o% te $oo&: Tim Berners-Lee #it *ar& <iscetti?
Tit"e: JWea+ing te We$J'0inese Bcom!"e7 caractersC?
8u$"iser: 0ommercia" 8ress?
8u$"ised date: 1444?
8u$"ised !"ace: Internationa" !u$"ication?
:utor o% te #e$site: Tim Berners-Lee?
Tit"e: W30BWor"d Wide We$ 0onsortiumC?
Date o% created #e$site: Since 6cto$er o% 1444?
Last accessed date:G013-10-GG
:+ai"a$"e at: tt!:AA###-#3-orgA0onsortiumA?
:utor o% te #e$!age: Tim Berners-Lee?
Tit"e: <re;uent"( as&ed ;uestions?
8u$"ised date: Since 1444?
Last accessed date:G0-13-10-GG?
:+ai"a$"e at: tt!:AA###-#3-orgA8eo!"eABerners-LeeA<:Q-tm"K=o"es