How To Use LSMW
How To Use LSMW
How To Use LSMW
What is LSMW?
LSMW is one of SAPs best data conversion and master data creation tools. It is available for most R ! master and transactional data. LSMW can be "sed for most conversion and mi#ration tas$s and can be accom%lis&ed 'it& standard f"nctionalit(. Wit& a little A)AP codin#* (o" can "se LSMW for more com%le+ data conversion activities. T&e information belo' 'ill 'al$ (o" t&ro"#& t&e %rocess of creatin# a sim%le LSMW. Once (o"ve done t&is (o"ll be able to see &o' "sef"l t&e tool can be and &o' LSMW is t&e ri#&t c&oice for most conversion and mi#ration,
STEPS FOR CREATING AN LSMW. -. Lo# on to SAP /. Enter transaction code 0LSMW1
!. If (o" receive t&e follo'in# screen eit&er c&ec$ t&e '&ite bo+ dis%la( t&e messa#e t&en clic$ t&e #reen c&ec$ c&ec$ to contin"e.
to no lon#er
3. Once t&e screen belo' a%%ears* (o" are no' read( to be#in (o"r LSMW scri%t creation.
6. If (o" receive t&e screen belo'* clic$ t&e #reen c&ec$ and contin"e.
--. 9e+t (o" #et t&is screen. T&is allo's (o" to set "% t&e LSMW. Since 'e dont "se I>O5s (o" can remove all t&e c&ec$s at t&e bottom of t&e screen.
-!. ?o" 'ill be ret"rned to t&e main screen s&o'n belo'. 5lic$
-3. 9o' (o" 'ill be#in t&e creation of t&e LSMW. STEP 1. MAINTAIN OBJECT ATTRIBUTES -4. 9e+t clic$ on t&en select 0)atc& In%"t Recordin#1.
-6. 9e+t In%"t t&e 9ame of t&e recordin#. In t&is case its KS 1. T&en clic$
-8. In%"t recordin# fields as belo' t&en clic$ t&e 0#reen c&ec$1.
/;. 9e+t (o"re read( to bein# creation of t&e master data for (o"r LSMW. In o"r e+am%le "sin# @S;- (o" see t&e follo'in# screen.
//. 9e+t fill in all information needed for (o"r scri%t. In t&is case for cost center creation.
/!. Save t&e Recordin# . On t&e follo'in# screen (o" see t&e field names and t&e defa"lt val"es for t&e field names t&at 'ere created from t&e recordin#.
/3. 9e+t 'e need to remove t&e defa"lt val"es. T&e %"r%ose is to create %arameter im%ort names. To do t&is (o" m"st do"bleAclic$ into eac& defa"lt val"e name.
/4. After do"ble clic$in# into a 0field1 (o" 'ill see a screen similar to t&e one belo'.
/6. Remove t&e defa"lt val"e t&en in%"t t&e field name and t&e descri%tion of t&e field name. 5lic$
/:. 5lic$
!;. 9e+t
!-. <rom t&is screen (o" 'ill no' move on to Ste% / of t&is %rocess. 5lic$ !/. T&en clic$ 0c&an#e1
!3. ?o" 'ill receive t&e screen belo'. In%"t (o"r data t&en clic$
!6. ?o" 'ill ret"rn to t&e Main Screen as belo'. Please note (o"re no' read( for Ste% !. 5lic$ Mai"tai" S#$%&e Fie'(s.
!8. ?o" 'ill receive t&e screen belo' since 'e &ave not com%leted ste% !. T&is is a 'arnin#. 5lic$ .
!:. 5lic$ 05&an#e1 and (o" 'ill receive t&e 'arnin# a#ain. 5lic$ t&e #reen c&ec$ and contin"e.
3;. 5lic$ * t&en . 3-. ?o"re no' on t&e initial screen. A"tomaticall( ste% 4 is selected or (o" ma( man"all( ma$e t&e selection. 5lic$ 0E6e&$te1.
3/. On t&e screen belo' all fields t&at (o" created 'ill be listed. In o"r e+am%le 'e onl( selected one field 7KOSTL8 as a %arameter in t&e first ste% and all ot&er fields 'ere $e%t as defa"lts.
3!. Ma$e a list of all t&e fields or co%( to an E+cel file. ?o" 'ill "se later in t&e e+ercise. T&e format of (o"r E+cel file s&o"ld a%%ear as belo'.
T&e 5&aracter and Len#t& fields 'ill be obtained from Tec&nical &el%. To do t&isB
33. O%en a ne' SAP Session* enter transaction code @S;-. 5lic$ in t&e 5ost 5enter field t&en clic$ 0<- &el%1. T&e screen belo' a%%ears. 5lic$ on 0Tec&nical Information.
36. Locate eac& of (o"r field names and #et t&e 0>ata T(%e1 and 0Len#t&1. In o"r e+am%le 0>ata T(%e C 5&ar &o'ever in LSMW selection co"ld be different. <or instance 5HAR C 051* etc.
37. In%"t (o"r data to (o"r E+cel file as belo'. Save t&e file as a 0.t+t1 format. T&is is al'a(s reD"ired '&en im%ortin# data to LSMW.
38. After t&e e+cel s&eet is com%lete 'e can no' #o to t&e t&ird ste%. 5lic$ ste% ! t&en e+ec"te.
4;. Select 0So"rce Str"ct"re1 clic$ for 0Table Maintenance. 4-. ?o" 'ill see t&e screen belo'. ?o" 'ill need to in%"t t&e 0field name1* 0t(%e1* 0len#t&1. T&e field label 'ill defa"lt. T&is information is ta$en from t&e E+cel S&eet t&at (o" created earlier.
* t&en
47. 5lic$ 05&an#e1* t&en clic$ once on t&e Str"ct"re 9ame* t&en 5lic$ 0E+tras1=A"toA<ield Ma%%in#=
48. ?o" 'ill see t&e screen belo'. 5lic$ 09o 5onfirmation1* t&en 0ret"rn1.
6/. T&e screen belo' a%%ears. It offers several o%tions of im%ortin# data. In o"r e+am%le 'e 'ant to im%ort data saved on o"r P5. T&erefore 'e need to select t&e first o%tion 0Le#ac( >ata On t&e P5 G<rontend. t&en clic$ 9&ha"1e:
63. On t&e screen belo' (o" 'ill select t&e file to im%ort from (o" >es$to% GPlease remember t&e location of t&e file.. 9e+t %"t in t&e file name Gin t&e 09ame1 field. Select 0Tab"lator1. Under <ile Str"ct"re ens"re t&at bot& items are c&ec$ed. 5lic$ Eenter=.
67. On t&e screen belo' clic$ Ec&an#e=* Select t&e s#$%&e st%$&t$%e* t&en Esave=* t&en Eret"rn=.
68. ?o" can no' test to see if LSMW 'ill read (o"r data on t&e 0te+t1 file. E6e&$te Ste% 8.
6:. <rom t&e screen belo'* clic$ 9e6e&$te:. LSMW 'ill read t&e data from (o"r te+t file.
7;. T&e screen belo' s&o's t&at 'e &ave #"e %e&#%( bein# read from o"r 0.t+t1 file. 5lic$ Eret"rn= t'ice to ret"rn to t&e Main Screen.
7-. ?o" are no' read( to e6e&$te Ste% :. T&is ste% dis%la(s t&e data.
7P'ease N#te* I, .#$ /ish t# ;$st $se +a%ti&$'a% 'i"es i" .#$% LSMW &a" $se the <F%#m Li"e= a"( <T# Li"e= t# te'' LSMW /hi&h 'i"es ,%#m .#$% ,i'e that .#$ /ish t# +%#&ess. LSMW /i'' #"'. se'e&t th#se 'i"es.8
7!. T&e screen belo' s&o's t&at 'e 'ill load one cost center. In t&is e+am%le t&e cost center is <>CLLSMW 1=. T&e %"r%ose &ere is to verif( t&at all t&e data t&at (o" 'is& to load is bein# ca%t"red. 5lic$ Eret"rn=.
73. 9e+t (o"re read( to convert t&e data. T&at is t&e data is bein# converted from (o"r .t+t file to t&e LSMW lan#"a#e. E6e&$te Ste% -;.
74. <rom t&e screen belo'. 5lic$ 9e6e&$te:. 9OTE TO <ILE EHPLAI9 THE 9UM)ER O< RE5OR>S 5O9FERTE>.
76. T&e screen belo' s&o's t&at in o"r e+am%le one record is bein# converted. 5lic$ 9%et$%": t'ice to ret"rn to t&e main screen.
77. 9o' (o"re read( to dis%la( t&e data t&at (o" &ave converted. 5lic$ 9e6e&$te:.
7:. ?o" 'ill no' see t&e data converted. In t&is e+am%le cost center 0>5LLSMW;-1 is bein# dis%la(ed. 5lic$ 9%et$%": to t&e main screen.
8;. 9e+t (o" 'ant to 05reate )atc& In%"t Session1. E+ec"te Ste% -/.
8-. T&e screen belo' a%%ears. 5lic$ Ee+ec"te=. T&is 'ill create an SAP )>5 session GSM!4..
8/. T&e messa#e belo' a%%ears t&at (o" &ave created a )atc& In%"t session. 5lic$ Eenter=.
8!. ?o" are no' read( to %rocess t&e )>5 session. ?o" do t&is b( e6e&$ti"1 ste% -! 0R"n )atc& In%"t Session1.
83. ?o" are a"tomaticall( ta$en to transaction SM!4. ?o" no' need to %rocess t&e )>5 session b( clic$in# on EProcess=.
84. Select t&e session* 5lic$ Process* and a dialo# bo+ a%%ears. ?o" need to c&oose (o"r %referred %rocessin# mode. In o"r e+am%le 'ere c&oosin# to %rocess t&e session in 0)ac$#ro"nd1. 5lic$ 9P%#&ess:.
T&e LSMW can be e+%orted and im%orted to ot&er SAP 5lients for e+ec"tion. 9o trans%orts are necessar( as in t&e case of 5ATT e5ATT. <ollo' t&e instr"ction on t&e follo'in# %a#es to do t&is.
6. Select a location on (o"r local drive to store t&e file and save it t&ere.
8. 5lic$
IMPORTI9I LSMW :. To Im%ort LSMW lo# on to t&e client in '&ic& (o" 'is& to im%ort to. -;. Io to Transaction code LSMW. --. C'i&A :E6t%as:Im+#%t P%#;e&ts
-/. 5&oose t&e file from t&e location (o" e+%orted it to.
-!. ?o" 'ill receive t&e screen belo'. 5lic$ t&e #reen c&ec$ and contin"e.
-4. ?o" 'ill see t&e screen belo'. 5lic$ t&e #reen c&ec$.
-6. ?o" are no' read( to e+ec"te t&e LSMW in t&e client.