Environmental Impact Assessment of Typical Road Project

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Typical Road Project

Draft Report. Version: 01 0E6. 2005

Environmental Impact Assessment of
Typical Road Project



The Project area state plays a very important role in the development of state.
The significance of good roads in the countrys quest for infrastructure and
industrial development is well recognized. However, wide range of environmental
problems resulting from uncontrolled industrial growth, urbanization and resource
exploitation today seriously threatens the natural environment. The consciousness
and concern about this is now worldwide and has necessitated a number of
international conventions and summits. Environment was described as the global
issue of the year in 1970.

This concern culminated in the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the environment.
Environmental issues have since gained prominence in national and international
statutes and conventions, amongst the latest of which arose from the Rio Global
Environmental Summit of 1992. All sectors of the global society now acknowledge
the centrality of environment to human existence. The promotion of human dignity
is linked to the right to a healthy environment, this right highlights the dynamics of
relationship between the individual and society, the danger of serious damage to
land and sea and to the climate, flora and fauna, calls for profound change in way
we manage the environment, particularly in the richer countries.

1.1 Background
Prior to embarking on any major project, activity or development in Nigeria it is
mandatory that the proponent carries out a study to ascertain the likely impacts,

Environmental Impact Assessment of Typical Road Project

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adverse and/or beneficial and the extent of these impacts on the physical,
biological and human socio-economic environment. Throughout all stages of the
project from its planning phase to operational and decommissioning phases the
proponent shall ensure that all identified adverse impacts addressed in different
stages of the project. One of the most important aspects of the E.I.A process is
consultation with the communities, stakeholders and the regulatory agencies.

1.1.1 Country Location.
Nigeria, lying between latitudes 4
and 14
North of the equator and longitudes 30
and 14
East of the Greenwich Meridian on the West coast of Africa, covers an
area of 923,768km2. Chad and Niger Republics to the North, Cameroon to the
East, Republics of Benin and Togo to the West and the Atlantic Ocean to the
South border it. With a population of about 130million, it is the most populous
black African nation in the world. Socio-economic activities include commerce,
agriculture (farming/fishing),

1.1.2 Project Location

The project traverses Local Government Areas viz: Askira/Project area Local
Government, Borno State (Fig. 1.1), and lies between latitudes 302220E and
268001E and between longitudes 1157159N and 1191258N. The route is on a dry
savanna terrain of light mangroves, bush and especially but gradually yielding to
encroachment by human activity. Agriculture is mainly subsistence farming, and
driving forms the main occupation of the people. The topography of the area is
relatively flat, and it is characterized by sandy clayey topsoil, and savanna

1.1.3 Vegetation

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Vegetation of the study areas are characterised by Sub sudan zone and the
Northern Guinea Savanna. The sub sudan zone marked by short grasses and
interspersed by short tree.The grassland along the bank depends to a large extent
on the floodplain boundaries during the rainy season.

1.1.4 Area Geology

The geology of the study area falls within the Bima Sandston of the lau basin. The
adjoining area is predominantly savanna ecosystem. The scattered trees along the
project area are mature and fully developed, with a height of over 25 m and a girth of
about 2 m. The entire zone is rich in species and therefore very highly fragile and
sensitive to development activities.

The proposed project lies within the Lau basin early Tertiary sediment build-up.
Geologically, Extensive deposits of sandstone occur north and south of the basin
underlie the study area and environs. This formation, which comprises chiefly soil
sandy, clay stone shaley, and granite, weathered and fractured.

Subsurface in the area is made up of a few metres thickness of sandstone fairly
cemented, clay stone shaley of the first 23 to 72 m. Between depths of 72 to 107m,
the lithology may include Mudstone, dark grey, granite, weathered and fractured.
Thin beds of fine sands may alternate with sandy clay beds.

Good aquifers may be encountered at depth below 60. In most cases, however, clean gravel
sand alternate with confining black greyish clays between depths of 55 to 70m. In fact, most
boreholes have gone as deep as 90 to 100 m tapping sand and gravel beds as aquifers.

1.1.5 Climate

The study area experiences a dry/hot tropical climate. The region experiences two distinct
weather seasons the dry season from November to March and the wet season from April

Environmental Impact Assessment of Typical Road Project

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to October although rain falls throughout the year. The rainfall pattern exhibits maxima with
peak in August. Average annual rainfall is about 750-1000mm distributed over every month
with 80% received during the rainy season. Wind speed is generally high with annual mean
of 6.7 m/second and is mostly in the south-westerly, southerly to westerly direction. Higher
wind speed tends to occur during the dry season months and at the beginning of the wet

1.2 The Proponent
The proponent is the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing Abuja. The ministry is
involved in the infrastructure and logistic aids development and maintenance. These
infrastructures such as roads and bridges are distributed throughout the Federation. More
than 32000 km of roads have been constructed or rehabilitated by the present

1.3 The Project
The Federal Ministry of Works proposes to embark on the development of new road
project within the Borno State. This is part of Federal Governments efforts at opening up
the area given its place as one of the main contributor to the economy of the country.
Borno is home to companies involved in the exploration and exploitation of minera
resources for domestic and commercial purposes.

It is now proposed by the FMW to construct a road that would cover Project area road
with paved shoulders and strengthening the existing one by

Existing cross-drainage structures on the route are proposed to be repaired/rehabilitated.
New cross-drainage structures would be provided on the new ne carriageway. In addition
to strengthening the existing carriageway, the project would improve the geometric
deficiencies including the improvement of any intersection encountered. The proposed
improvement aims at enhancing the riding quality, improving journey speed and reducing

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congestion of traffic on the highway. It is proposed to provide service roads, proper
drainage, grade-separation, road furniture, utilities and amenities wherever required. The
project highway passes through 5 major towns and 15 village settlements.

1.4 Legal And Administrative Framework
Some statutory regulations exists, which, require that a Development Permit for any new
project and those that require the proponent of a major/mandatory project to submit an
EIA, study report prior to the execution and before an approval for project execution. The
Project area is subject to many other specific statutes, guidelines and standards that
ensure compliance with environmental pollution abatement in facilities that generate
wastes, groundwater protection and surface impoundment, health and safety, and
hazardous substances. These statutory regulations are summarized or tabulated below:

1.4.1 Landuse Act 1978
The Landuse Act was promulgated in 1978 with commencement date of March 29, 1978.
It vests all land in each State of the Federation (except land already vested in the Federal
Government of Nigeria or its agencies) in the Governor of the State. It makes the State
Government the authority for allocating land in all urban areas for residential, agricultural,
commercial and other purposes, while it confers similar powers regarding non-urban
areas on the local governments in such cases. The governor of a State can revoke a
right of occupancy for overriding public interest (e.g. new road development purposes)

The following surface rights are permitted under Section 51 of the Landuse Act:

fishing rights
buildings and other structures, juju shrines, objects of worship
farms, cultivated crops, economic trees, roads
loss of use of the land.

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1.4.2 Federal Ministry of Environment, FMEnv
The Federal Ministry of Environment is now the apex institution in Nigeria charged with
the overall responsibility for the protection and development of the environment,
biodiversity conservation and sustainable development of Nigerias natural resources.
The Ministry grants permits for environmental and laboratory consultancies and must
approve an EIA study of a major development activity such as this one before the
proponent can implement execution.

1.4.3 Federal Environmental Protection Agency, FEPA, Act No. 58, 1988
The decree which was issued in 1991, provides National Interim Guidelines and
Standards for industrial effluents, gaseous emissions, noise, air quality and hazardous
wastes management for Nigeria

1.4.4 Environmental Impact Assessment Act No. 86, 1992
EIA Act No. 86 decree, became operational on 10
December 1992, provides guidelines
for activities, in which EIA is mandatory in Nigeria. Such developments include the

Coastal reclamation involving an area of 50 hectares or more;
Conversion of mangrove swamps for industrial use covering an area
of 50 hectares or more
New road development.

This process involves the undertaking of mandatory study/meditation or
assessment by a review panel and the preparation of a mandatory EIA

1.4.5 Former FEPA Regulations

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The Federal Ministry of Environment through former FEPA has the following
other regulations, policies and guidelines:

(a) The National Policy on Environment, FGN 1989

(b) National Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution Control
in Nigeria.

(c) National Effluent Limitations Regulations S.1.8, 1991, lists the
parameters in industrial effluents and gaseous emissions and their
limitations and standards for discharges into the environment.

(d) National Pollution Abatement in Industries and Facilities Generally
Wastes Regulations S.1.9 1991 requires every industry to install anti
pollution abatement equipment to treat effluent discharges and gaseous
emissions to the standards and limits prescribed in Regulations S.1.8

(e) Waste Management and Hazardous Wastes Regulations S.1.15

1.4.6 World Bank Guidelines and Requirements on Environmental Assessment

World Bank requires the execution of an EIA on a proposed industrial activity by a
borrower as a pre-requisite before granting any financial assistance in form of loans.
Details of World Banks EIA procedures and guidelines are published in the Banks EA
Source Book vols. I-III of 1991. Potential issues considered for EA include the following:

Biological Diversity
Coastal and Marine Resources Management
Cultural Properties
Hazardous and Toxic Materials and
International Waterways.

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This project is a Category A project, because of its cumulative magnitude of
environmental and social impacts, and therefore requires full environmental analysis and
assessment. The emphasis of the World Bank is an integration of the mitigation measures
into the project design and mainstreaming environment in all stages of planning,
implementation and operation.

It may also be pertinent to note that while the World Bank requirements now have been
modified and new projects must conform to the OD 4.01, this project was identified and
the individual environmental assessments were prepared within the framework of OD
4.01 only.

1.4.7 Forestry Law CAP 52, 1994

Forestry Law CAP 51 OF Lagos is the only substantive legislation applicable to all parts
of the federation. The law prohibits any act that may lead to the destruction of or cause
injuries to any forest produce, forest growth or forest property. The law prescribes the
administrative framework for the management, utilization and protection of forestry
resources in Nigeria. This law is applicable to the mangrove forest of the Niger Delta.

A list of Nigerian laws and regulations enacted at various times since 1963, that are
concerned with environmental protection are tabulated hereunder.

1.4.8 Federal Ministry of Works Regulations
It is in compliance with the above national and International regulations and the newly
established Ministry of Works HSE policy and guidelines that this EIA studies on the
proposed action is being undertaken.

FMW is committed to its environmental management policy by complying with relevant
legislation covering various environmental effects arising from the construction and
operation of the proposed road project, including noise, gaseous emission, particulate,

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liquid effluent and solid wastes. In this regard, FMW will ensure that effective mitigation of
the various impacts identified is undertaken.

1.4.9 FMW HSE Policies
(a) Principles
The principle requires all contractors involved in the day-to-day business of
the Ministry to pursue a policy of continuous improvement and take
measures to protect the health, safety and environment of those who may
be affected.

The FMWs business principle is also built around this framework, with the
objective of achieving first class workmanship and quality delivery of
products and services comparable to international standards.

To engage efficiently, responsibly and cost effectively in the search for the
development of infrastructures in the country and seeks a high standard
performance and aims to maintain a long-term enviable position in Nigeria.

(b) Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy
The Federal Ministry of Works
Has a systematic approach to HSE management designed to ensure
compliance with the law and to achieve continuous performance
Set targets for improvements and put in place measures to appraises
and report quality performance
Requires contractors to manage HSE in line with this policy

(c) Commitment to Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE)
In Federal Ministry of Works, we are all committed to :

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Manage HSE matters as any other activity
Promote a culture in which all FMW employees share this commitment.
Pursue the goal of no harm to people while executing its projects and
other activities.
Protect the environment
Use material efficiently to provide quality products and services.
Develop infrastructures, products and services consistent with these aims
Consult with our stakeholders and publicly report on our performance
Play a leading role in promoting best practice in our in the Ministry.

Some specific Nigerian Government Laws and regulation related to environmental,
conservation and safety in Nigeria includes but not limited to include the following:

Document Title And Description Date
1 Mineral Oils (Safety) Regulations 1963
2 Petroleum Regulations 1967
3 Petroleum Act. 1969
4 Trade Dispute Act. 1973
5 Earthing Code of Practice 1976
6 Electricity Supply Regulations (Including Electrical Supply
7 Wiring Regulations 1979
8 Labour Act 1987
9 Workmens Compensation Act 1987
10 Factories Act 1987
11 Harmful Waste (Special Criminal Provisions, Etc.) Act 1988
12 Federal Environmental Protection Agency Decree No 58 1988

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13 Gas Industry in Nigeria, Draft Regulations 1989
14 Director of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum
Industry in Nigeria
15 S.1.8: National Environmental Protection (Effluent
Limitation) Regulations
16 S.1.9: national Environmental Protection (Pollution
Abatement in Industries and Facilities Generating Waste)
17 Federal Environmental Protection Agency Interim
Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution
Control in Nigeria
18 Environmental Impact Assessment Decree No. 86 1992
19 S.1.14 Oil and Gas Pipelines Regulations 1995
20 Endangered Species Act No. 11 1985

1.5.9 Borno State Environmental Protection Agency, (BSEPA)

The Edict setting up the Borno State Environmental Protection Agency (BSEPA)
outlines the primary responsibilities of the agency, which is to protect and develop
the general environment of Borno State.

The EIA Act No 86 of 1992 is the substantive law that regulates the
siting of projects that impinge on environmental elements in Nigeria, the state in
which each project is located has a major role to play in the overall EIA process as
a matter of law.

Establishment and implementation of the numerous strategies of the
National Policy on Environment towards achieving sustainable

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Implementation of applicable existing edicts on activities related to
the environment.

Monitoring the implementation of EIA and Environmental audit (EAR)
guidelines and procedure on all developed policies and project within
the state.

Responsibility for general environmental matters in the state
including the negative effects of soil degradation due to oil and
mineral exploitation and exploration.
1.6 Environmental Impact Assessment Process in The Project

The environmental impact assessment for the project employed a reiterative approach in
which environmental issues have been identified in successive levels of detail and
specificity at each step in the process. Incorporation of feedback from the various
stakeholders as well as 'public hearings' and analyzing were essential features of this

The following were the stages of environmental impact assessment of the project

Initial Environmental and Social Screening (IESS): An IESS study of the project
had been carried out as part of the feasibility study, to categorise the corridor into
sections based on environmental and social sensitivity, and to screen significant
environmental and social issues that needed to be addressed.

Documentation of Baseline Conditions: The potentially affected area (PAA) was
defined and the baseline conditions were documented.
Assessment of Potential Impacts: Potential significant impacts were identified on
the basis of an analytical review of baseline data.

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Integration of Environmental Assessments in the Design Process: The design and
decision-making process integrated environmental and resettlement and
rehabilitation issues and prompted the early identification of appropriate actions, as
shifts in alignments based on awareness of the locations of cultural resources.
Assessment of Alternatives: Alternatives were continuously assessed throughout
the process. A more formal assessment was also undertaken as a part of the
environmental assessment process, including the assessment of the 'No Action'
Mitigation & Enhancement Measures: Positive actions to not only avoid adverse
impacts, but to capitalize on opportunities to correct environmental degradation or
improve environmental conditions were determined. The mitigation measures
would be directed towards the restoration of the dynamic balance of nature.
Community Consultation: Consultations with concerned officials, agencies and
potentially affected persons continued through out the process and will continue as
the project proceeds. The issues raised by the communities and the various
stakeholders were incorporated, as far as possible, in the design and
construction/operation plan of the project.
Environmental Management Plans (EMP): An EMP for the road section detailing
the measures to be taken for the implementation of the various measures
proposed. This includes the monitoring plan and gives details of the resources
budgeted and the implementation arrangements.

In addition to the EA process as adopted, a further in-depth study of the following issues
has been carried out as part of the OBSG:
Addressing of direct and induced impacts on the various environmental
Specific designs for the mitigation measures provided;
Site specific enhancement designs for elements along the corridor, including
cultural properties, water bodies, bus stops etc;
Redevelopment of borrow areas;

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Prediction of impacts due to the project on air quality, noise, and provision of
mitigation measures;
Traffic management plans during construction; and
Monitoring mechanisms and indicators during construction and operation periods.

This Environmental Impact Assessment of the proposed road project is part of the
environmental management strategy FMW adopts to ensure preservation of the Nigeria
environment and its resources through sound environmental practices.

The process encourages interacting with the public, government, leaseholders the
contractor and other planning group so that any identified unacceptable environmental
effects of the project are mitigated. Consultation among all stakeholders, especially
among EIA team will ensure that all relevant information regarding design, construction
and maintenance are jointly acceptable.

Acquisition of the baseline data for the assessment was through field surveys,
questionnaire administration/interviews supplemented with published data (literature). To
enable the establishment of the existing state of the environment using the criteria set out
in FMEnvs Sectoral EIA Guidelines.

1.6.1 Objectives Of EIA
Specifically, the objectives of conducting the EIA are to:
(i) Identify the existing biophysical, chemical and socio-economic setting
of the environment within the context of the road route;
(ii) Quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the impacts of the proposed
road construction and operations on the environment;
(iii) Recommend modifications and mitigations plans with change and
control measures to eliminate or decrease identified impacts; and
(iv) Identify means to or rehabilitate damaged environment, including
monitoring programmes.

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Generally the objective of the EIA is aimed at providing a sound basis for
decision making about the design of the project components that takes
environmental considerations into account, ensuring that the project is
implemented with awareness of environmental factors, and that potential
environmental impacts are recognized and addressed.

The work/studies for the full E.I.A consist of field and laboratory
assessments in the following headings:

Biodiversity and Wildlife
Health Risk
Community and Socio-Economic
Air Quality and Noise Level
Water and Soil
Aquatic Biology
Waste and Environmental Management

1.7 Terms of Reference, TOR
The objectives of the TOR are to:
collate baseline information available to bekebor and Siama and its
highlight the main environmental concerns to guide execution project.
serve as a liaison product in which the FMW contractors identify the
existing and proposed road
serve as an advance notification to the Regulatory Agencies
especially the Federal Ministry of Environment.

1.8 EIA Premises
The key EIA premises were established to provide general guidance, framework and a
commitment to standards, which are acceptable nationally and internationally. In line with

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this, the premises will be retained in this study and variations allowed only in
circumstances where there is absolute necessity to do so with supported facts and
evidences. Additional procedures, commitments and understandings necessary to resolve
environmental impact, were developed and adopted through the EIA process. The
premises are as follows:
Federal Ministry of Works recognises the Federal Ministry of
Environment (FMEnv) and the Department of Petroleum
Resources (DPR) National Environmental Guidelines and
Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria, 1991, and other
laws operating both nationally and internationally. Furthermore,
the project has adopted the best option relevant to the local
circumstances and situations.
The road has been designed to comply with these local and
national laws, together with all the international protocols,
agreements and conventions.
The understandings reached with environmental regulators,
during the course of the EIA process, will be respected and
Consultations have and will continue to be held with all
stakeholders at various levels (Federal, State and Local
Governments) together with all communities that will be affected
by the proposed project. Consultation meetings shall be
maintained on a mutually agreed basis.

An Environmental Management programme (EMP) has been
developed as part of the EIA process. The implementation of the
plan will be the responsibility of FMW.

1.9 Implementation Arrangements

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The OBSG Road Project has been initiated and is being carried out by the FMW,
established as an authority, as a part of the Government of Nigeria. The FMW, through
the Director of Roads in the Ministry will be responsible for the effective implementation of
the project activities. Project

Project Implementation Unit (PIU) with a Project Director as its head have been
established. The PlU would play a key role in implementation including the overall control
of construction activities and implementation of contracts. Consultants have been
appointed for carrying out the feasibility study and preparation of the Detailed Project
Reports and designs for the project packages. To ensure the effective implementation of
the project, Construction Supervision Consultants procured under Competitive Bidding
will support the FMW.

To assess, advise and monitor the environmental performance of the various projects
being planned, designed and implemented by the FMW, an Environmental Unit has been
established at the Corporate Headquarter of the Ministry in Abuja. The Environmental
Unit is responsible for the co-ordination of the environmental and social issues of the
various project packages and PlU, and work in close interaction with the environmental

Environmental Impact Assessment of Typical Road Project

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2.1 Declaration

The Federal Ministry of Works (FMW) on behalf of the Federal Government of
Nigeria hereby declares its intention to embark on a road construction project from
Project area traversing one local government area of Askira/Project area in Borno

Planning, construction and operational stages of this project shall involve the
Federal Ministry of Works:

complying with environmental regulations, laws, statues and edicts.
adopt appropriate measures to mitigate identified and predicted adverse
environmental impacts arising from or associated with the project.

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2.2 Project Execution Strategy/Plan

The execution of the road project will be integrated into the overall plan of the
Federal Government to construct more roads in the country. Engineering Design
Report for the project has been prepared. The approved Design will be tendered
and executed in a promptly manner. Field surveys for the conceptual design have
been concluded.

To achieve timely project completion the contracting strategy to be adopted will be
such that the selected contractor executes the detailed engineering, procurement,
construction and commissioning phases of the project.

2.2.1 Implementation Arrangements

The Project area Road Project has been initiated and is being carried out by the
FMW, which will be responsible for the effective implementation of the project
activities. Project Directors of the various project units, Project Implementation
Unit (PIU) with a Project Director as its head have been established for the project.
The PlUs would play a key role in implementation including the overall control of
construction activities and implementation of contracts. Consultants have been
appointed to carry out the feasibility study and preparation of the Detailed Project
Reports and designs for the project packages. To ensure the effective
implementation of the project, Construction Supervision Consultants will be
selected to support the FMW supervisors.

To assess, advise and monitor the environmental performance of the various
projects being planned, designed and implemented by the Ministry, an
Environmental Unit has been established at the Corporate Headquarters of the
FMW Abuja. The Environmental Unit is headed by an Assistant Director
(Environment), and is assisted by a manager responsible for Environment and

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Resettlement. The Environmental Unit is responsible for the co-ordination of the
environmental and social issues of the various project and work in close interaction
with the environmental managers of its contractors.

2.3 Operations and Maintenance

(a) Operations Philosophy

The road will be operated as an integral part of the existing Federal Road network
in Nigeria. The designs will incorporate features that will guarantee a desired level
of durability.

(b) Maintenance Philosophy

Maintenance philosophy shall be to minimize road failure and safeguard the
integrity of all Federal facilities. The asset management philosophy of
implementation of condition monitoring, preventive maintenance, corrective
maintenance and frontline inspection and maintenance plans will be adopted.

Construction process shall be greatly influenced by the drive to reduce their impact
on the environment and enable compliance with environmental regulations. The
road shall be constructed to a standard that ensures proper management and
canalization of storm water.

2.4 Road Design
The road is designed in accordance with the all relevant engineering standards
and specification enumerated in the document Engineering Design of the Project
area Road Project belonging to the Federal Ministry of Works. It is proposed to be
a two-lane (2 x 3.5m) bituminous carriageway, with paved/unpaved shoulders and
strengthening the existing road by overlays/rehabilitation/reconstruction (including,

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in places replacing the existing bituminous pavement by cement concrete rigid
pavement). Existing cross-drainage structures on the Project area to Mbalala
road are proposed to be repaired/rehabilitated. New cross-drainage structures
would be provided on the new 2-lane carriageway.

In addition to strengthening the existing carriageway, the project would improve the
geometric deficiencies including the improvement of any intersection encountered.
The proposed improvement aims at improving the riding quality, improving journey
speed and reducing traffic on the waterways. It is proposed to provide service
roads, proper drainage, grade-separation, road furniture, utilities and amenities
wherever required. To minimize the adverse impacts on the various settlements
and to minimize the land and structure acquisition, realignments have been

2.5 Project Cost Estimates

The unit rates of existing contracts have been used to derive cost estimates based
on a 50/50 time estimate current inflation trends.

2.6 Construction Waste Management

Vegetation cuttings generated from surface bush clearing can be systematically
utilized and disposed as allowed by governmental regulatory agencies. It could be
useful in the construction of dykes and temporal embankments. Local residents
will be allowed to collect any useful material such as firewood.

2.7 Project Justification

The project is needed to enable FMW
increase employment and create new jobs

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Generate additional revenue for the Federal Government of Nigeria through
possible evacuation of agricultural produce
meet its projected future road development plan
expand its existing road network in the country
facilitate linking the areas covered by the road to the national grid

2.8 Envisaged Sustainability

The project is expected to be sustained through proper inspection and routine
maintenance. The funding shall be through Federal Government allocation and
the proposed road tax when implemented.

2.9 Decommissioning/Abandonment

2.9.1 General

When the performance of the road usage scales to diminishing returns, a
decommissioning team is set up to plan and implement the laid down guidelines on
decommissioning by FMW. The following activities are involved in
decommissioning / abandonment:

Demolition and site clean-up;
Disposal of Wastes;
Rehabilitation of Sites.

2.9.2 Demolition and Site Clean-up

The demolition exercise is carried out with skill and diligence to avoid further
damage to the environment. At the end of demolition, various solid wastes are

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sorted according to their types and they are disposed of according to approved
waste disposal methods.

2.9.3 Rehabilitation of Site

After all manners of wastes have been satisfactorily disposed of, the topsoil may
be stripped and replaced with top-soil from un-impacted neighborhood. Seedlings
from the original vegetation are obtained from neighbouring vegetation and planted
as advised by landscaping experts.

3.1 Introduction
The Public Consultation has been carried out at various stages of project preparation,
including at the Environmental Screening stage, Feasibility stage and the Environmental
Assessment Preparation stage. Public Consultation was conducted along the various
project major towns including Project area , Wondio, Rumirgo,Yimirali,Askira and Mbalala

Consultation is the process of asking for information about the environmental implications
of projects subject to EIA process, from designated bodies, organizations or persons with
environmental responsibilities or interests, Lee and Wood, (1995). Provisions and
practices relating to consultation, and particularly to e course of public participation, must
be strongly influenced by the culture, the educational level and the political consciousness
in the jurisdiction concerned.

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The project proponent, the Federal Ministry of Works (FMW) consulted wildly with all
stakeholders before embarking on the project

3.2 Objectives of Consultation
The objectives are:
to avoid conflicts by addressing issues promptly,
to ensure that any fears or apprehensions about the project are fully
to avoid misunderstanding about full project implementation
to identify and mitigate impacts emanating from the existing project

3.3 Consultation Processes
3.3.1 Stake Holders
Stakeholders are those who are to be affected to varying degrees by the impact of the
proposed project. There are two classes of stake holders- Primary and Secondary. The
primary impact stakeholders range from those communities dotted along the proposed
Project area road.

Secondary impact stakeholders are the Local Government areas responsible for the
welfare of the affected communities, the naturalists, conservationists and the
environmental NGO groups all over the country.

3.3.2 Institutional Consultation
These are mainly regulatory bodies and are classified into primary regulatory and
secondary regulatory authorities are. FMEnv and DPR are examples of primary
regulatory authorities, while the secondary regulatory authorities are the BornoState EPA
and Relevant Local Government Environmental Authority.

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3.3.3 Public Involvement
The road route and their surrounding environment belong to the communities, hence
consultations were held with them During the meeting, the community was informed that
the purpose of conducting EiA was to comply with statutory requirement.

The Public Consultation has been carried out at various stages of project preparation,
including at the Environmental Screening stage, Feasibility stage and the Environmental
Assessment Preparation stage. Public Consultation was conducted along the various
project major towns including Project area , Wondio, Rumirgo,Yimirali,Askira and Mbalala

These included Door-to-Door Personal Interviews, Focus Group Discussions,
Stakeholders and Consultation Sessions. Consultation with the communities resulted in
arriving at design solutions, appropriate and conducive to the felt needs of the people.
Comprehensive documentation about ecosystem components, hotspots and community
networks enabled minimizing the possible impacts.

To redress the environmental issues likely to surface during construction and operational
phases, constant communication needs to be continued. This will be ensured by regular
progress monitoring of the construction and inviting suggestions/ complaints through
grievance redressal.

Meetings will be organized with the project affected people and the various stakeholders
at regular intervals at the potential hotspot/sensitive locations before and during project

During the consultations, the communities complained that as a result of lack of good
access road in their area over the years,

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they had lost a lot of their agricultural produce due to lack of adequate
they lost some of productive youths to other cities due to emigration,
their farmers have abandoned their farmlands and have become less
productive because everybody want to be seen as government worker.
No evidence of significantly improved quality of life in their community
because of lack of good road liking them with other parts of the country.

3.3.4 Community Consultations

Engineers carried out community consultations in the area. Various community
executives represented their individual communities.

Prior to the consultation process, the team had made arrangements to ensure that
all the relevant parties to the consultation process were well informed in advance
of our purpose of visit and the nature of project to be executed the following groups
were represented at the consultation sessions:

Community executive council
Youth groups and associations
The women groups and
Community members

Highlights from the consultation process in the study communities include the following:

The objectives of the consultation exercise was explained to all, and
these were: to explain the nature of the project to the communities,
enlighten them on environmental conservation as stakeholders,
solicit for social permit from them to execute the project as it will

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benefit them and thus ensure peaceful and harmonious relationship
between the project team and the benefiting communities.

Attendance at all the consultation were appreciable and cut across
the different strata of the communities

The team was well received at most of the study communities and

On the part of the communities, emphasis was placed on the need
for government to ensure that a competent company of repute is
considered for the project to ensure timely completion and avoid
abandonment of the project midway.

They also want the government to compel the company to consider
some of their youths for employment during project execution.

3.3.5 Future Consultations
Consultation is a continuous process and as such the Federal Ministry of
Works will continue to consult with all the relevant parties concerned, with
all stakeholders or those likely to be affected by its projects at all stages of
the project implementation.

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This chapter describes the baseline environmental conditions of the entire road
project route. The description of the field study methods and the key findings of the
survey (biophysical, social and health) are presented. It includes data gathered
from literature survey, field study and laboratory analysis. The purpose of this
environmental description is to provide qualitative and quantitative baseline
information on the existing status of the project area against which future
departures as a result of the emplacement of the proposed project will be weighed.


4.2.1 Quality Assurance/Quality Control
The quality assurance/quality Control programme covers all aspects of the study,
including sample collection, handling, laboratory analysis, data coding and
manipulation, statistical analysis, presenting and communicating results.

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4.2.2 Sampling Strategy
Sampling and data collection for the various environmental components and
parameters were in accordance with recommended procedures and practices for
environmental data collection in Nigeria (FMENV 1992 and DPR, 2002 Part vii D
sampling and handling of samples). Air Quality and Noise Studies.
Air pollution is becoming a major factor in the quality of life of urban and
rural dwellers, and it posses risk to both human health and the environment.
Therefore, it is necessary to study the background quality of the air prior to
any project and also to predict the impact such a project would have on the
air quality.

Thus, the following air quality parameters were sampled during the field
work viz: Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Sulphur Oxides (SOX),
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrogen Sulphides (H2S),
and Hydrocarbon gases using highly sensitive digital in-situ Gas Monitors.
Similaraly, the background noise levels were taken using a portable digital
sound level meter. Meteorological and Climatic Characteristics
The climatic and meteorological characteristics of the area were acquired
from existing literature. Geological, Geophysical and Hydro-geological Studies
Long spread Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding (VES) were used for
both near surface soil resistivity determination and subsurface stratigraphic
sequence delineation. The test points varied depending on the ease of

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accessibility. Available literature on the geology and hydrogeology of the
road project routes were also reviewed. Aquatic Studies
The hydrology of the project area consists of rivers, creeks and creeklets.
The major water body is the Forcados River. A total of twelve (12) stations
were sampled for water. A water sampler was used to collect water samples
at designated locations. Samples for BOD measurement were collected
Winklers bottles while samples for heavy metals analyses were collected in
glass containers and acidified with concentrated nitric acid to avoid
precipitation. Water samples for microbiology were collected in sterile
MacCartney bottles while water samples for benthos were collected in
plastic containers and preserved in 10% v/v formalin. All samples were
preserved in ice chest (coolers) prior to transportation to the laboratory for

Unstable physicochemical parameters of the water such as pH, DO,
temperature, salinity, turbidity and conductivity, were measured in-situ,
using pre-calibrated portable digital meters.

Sediment samples were also collected at the water sampling points using a
grab sampler. Sediment samples for physico-chemical analysis were
collected in Polythene bags while those for microbiological analysis were
collected in Aluminium foil.

Similarly, all the sediment samples were temporarily stored in ice packed
coolers prior to transfer to the laboratory.

Sampling was also carried out for phytoplankton and zooplankton
composition and diversity, in each of 12 (twelve) water-sampling stations.

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Planktons were collected using plankton net. The catches were removed
into a bottle and preserved in 5% formalin.

Benthic samples were collected using an Eckman grab. The bottom
samples were sieved using a set of Tyler sieves (between 500 650mm).

Data on fisheries and other aquatic resources were collected mostly through
oral interviews with local fishermen. These were complemented with
information from literature studies. Soil Studies
Soil samples were collected from each of the stations with the aid of a Dutch
Hand auger, hand gloves, a spool and hammer at depths of 0 15cm and
15 30cm, representing top and bottom samples. These are the soil depths
at which most (>80%) of the plants feeder roots and soil micro-organisms
are concentrated. Thus, most of the soil nutrients useful to plants and soil
micro-organisms are concentrated at these depths.

The samples for microbiological analysis were collected in McCartney
bottles and stored in an ice chest, while samples for hydrocarbon analysis
were collected in glass jars. Samples for physicochemical analysis were
collected in polythene bags. Vegetation.
Visual observations were used to assess the vegetation along the proposed
road routes. Inventory of plants species on either sides of the routes were
taken at about 1km intervals. The characterization, identification and
classification of the plant species and communities were undertaken both at

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the field and with reference to some taxonomic texts. Furthermore, analysis
of plant species within a 10m
area at each 1km interval was carried out to
determine the density and relative distribution of plant species. Wildlife
This involved a survey/census of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians
along the study areas. Direct count method, using a pair of binoculars, was
employed for the census of the reptiles, birds and other animals which
readily offered themselves for observation. The presence of some of the
animals were ascertained by probing such humid habitat like logs, heaps of
dead decaying leaves, forest undergrowths, ponds and burrows. Thus, all
sighted, captured or dislodged animals were identified, often on the spot, to
possible taxonomic levels using field guides and keys. (Walkey et al 1968;
Elgood 1960; Happold 1987; Brach 1988). The indirect method which
makes use of evidence of animals presence (Dasmann, 1963) was used for
species which do not offer themselves readily for observation. Such signs of
animal presence such as burrows, faecal pellets (droppings), hairs, foot
prints or tracks, sloughed skin, devoured food (cassava, yam, oil palm nuts,
etc) as well as vocalization, skeleton/carcass and trampled grass were of
immense use in the course of the investigation. Interviews with hunters also
provided further information on the wildlife diversity, abundance and use in
the areas. Socio-economics
The socioeconomic data gathered comprises historical information,
cultural norms, land tenure and land use pattern, population and
demographic characteristics; health, morbidity, mortality, and fertility,
occupations and income distribution, health social and other
infrastructure. This invol ved meetings with the communities,
questionnaires and oral intervi ews with local inhabitants.

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4.2.3 Laboratory Analysis
The methods of analysis used were those specified in DPR Guidelines and
Standards and other International Analytical Standards such as APHA for water
quality. Trace metal analysis was carried out using Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer duly calibrated with authentic standards. Physicochemical
parameters were determined using the DREL 2000 HACH Spectrophotometer,
duly calibrated with standards, as well as Flame Photometer.

4.2.4 Statistical Analysis
Errors in field data include those resulting from the instrument and those
introduced by the observer. With sustained calibration of the instrument and the
use of standardised observational procedures, equipment errors were brought to
acceptable minimum. However, other errors arise from the method of sampling.
Errors often arise from two-stage sampling or sub sampling, or even from the fact
that the samples collected are not representative samples of the medium. There
are also spatial variations of the same medium, e.g., soil and water. Thus, it is
necessary to determine the true mean and the estimated variance among the
number of samples taken, so as to establish a reasonable level of confidence in
the results obtained. A good result is obtained when the variance is within 5% of
the mean.

4.2.5 Data Coding and Manipulation
To ensure preservation of the integrity of data collected, data coding forms for use
in the field, were designed in such a way that field data could be directly entered
into computer data sheets.

Since their analysis may be required in legal proceedings, it is essential to
establish sample authenticity. Samples must be properly sealed and labeled. All
data collected were labeled and the following information provided among others:

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Identification code or sample number,
Date and time of sampling,
Description of sample,
Methods of sampling,
Particulars of any photographs taken.

Where samples were sent to another laboratory for examination, a duplicate copy
of this information was sent along with the sample to the laboratory, independent of
the sample. All movements of the samples were included on the samples record.
Basic information was recorded together with results of analysis, in a register.


4.3.1 Air Quality and Noise
The results of air quality measurements for the study areas are presented in the table
below. The monitored pollutant gases include Nitrogen Oxide (NO and NO
), Sulphur
dioxide (SO
), Carbon Monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulphide (H
S) and hydrocarbon gases
(HC) and suspended particulate matter (SPM). Generally, the concentrations of the
measured air pollutants in the ambient atmosphere suggest that the area is a relatively
pristine environment. More so, the values recorded were not significantly different and
were within acceptable regulatory limits, where detected. Result of air quality studies and
regulatory limits are presented in tables below. Nitrogen Oxide

Nitrogen oxides are products of high temperature combustion like vehicle engines,
domestic fires and industrial combustions. The Nitrogen Oxides of interest are nitric oxide
) and nitrons oxide (NO). Studies have shown that man or animal exposure to NO

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concentration above 0.563ppm may cause pulmonary diseases and increased
susceptibility to bacterial infection (ACGIH, 1995). Concentrations of NO
measured in
the area ranged from below detectable limit to 0.05 ppm and averaged 0.028 + 0.02 ppm.
Similarly, the concentrations of NO ranged from below detectable limit to 0.06 ppm.
Generally, the concentrations of the nitrogen oxides were below the maximum
permissible FMEnv. Limits of 0.075 to 0.113 ppm for daily average of 1-hour values. This
shows that no significant high temperature combustion of Nitrogen oxides was going on
along the project routes during the study. Sulphur Dioxide (SO

is a more important oxide of sulphur as a primary pollutant, and is formed from the
oxidation of sulphur containing fuels.

Exposure to SO
at concentrations above 13.0 ppm could stimulate broncho-constriction
(as in asthma), mucus secretion, and eye irritation in man and other animals (ACGIH,
1995). Long-term exposure to lower concentrations may result in death from cardiac
and/or respiratory diseases and increased prevalence of related symptoms. Also,
atmospheric Sulphur dioxide is oxidized forming sulphuric acid. Sulphuric acid may be
incorporated into rain or dry-deposited as fine droplets and in doing so, causes
acidification of soils and surface waters. This is termed acid rain.

were generally not detected in the area i.e. below the equipment detection limit,
during study. Carbon Monoxide.

Carbon Monoxide is a product of incomplete combustion (oxidation) of fossil fuels or
hydrocarbons. Ambient accumulation of CO of values greater than 228ppm could lead to

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suffocation and death as a result of the prevention of blood oxygenation and the formation
of carboxy-haemoglobin (OSHA 1989).

The measured CO values at the field range from 0.06ppm to 0.13 ppm, with an average
of 0.088 + 0.025 ppm. The values were within FMEnv. limit of 11.40 ppm for daily
average of hourly values in Nigeria. Hydrogen Sulphide (H

Hydrogen Sulphide gas is extremely toxic, odorous and corrosive and may be formed
during the oxidation or combustion of Sulphur containing fuels, mainly coal containing
Sulphur in the presence of air (oxygen). Exposure to concentrations above 0.15 ppm
could result in death (SIEP, 1995). H
S were generally not detected (below detection
limits) at the field during the study. Hydrocarbons (HC)

The sources of atmospheric hydrocarbon gases include incomplete combustion of fuels,
fugitive emissions and vents. The primary hydrocarbon contaminants include aromatics,
olefins, and paraffins, while the secondary contaminants include aldehydes, ketones,
and organic acids. The permissible limit is 0.160 ppm for daily average of 3 hourly
values. Most of the incomplete combustion products are very toxic, and exposure to
hydrocarbon gases above permissible limits could cause certain types of cancer and
leukemia (SIEP, 1995).

However, the field hydrocarbon gases concentration were very low and below the
maximum permissible limit. The values ranged from 0.001 to 0.002ppm (mean = 0.0016
+ 0.0007 ppm). This implies that no significant activity leading to hydrocarbon emission
was taking place in the vicinity of the project routes. Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)

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This comprises of light materials, solid and liquid matter of organic or inorganic
composition (usually dust and other particles) found suspended in the atmosphere, and
carried around by wind. The FMEnv regulatory limit for SPM is 0.250 ppm for daily
average of 1-hour values. Ambient concentrations of SPM above this in Nigeria may
cause or aggravate respiratory problems such as cough and asthma. However, the
measured SPM values were very low, probably because activity/vehicular movement
goes on in the area was minimal. The values ranged from 0.062 ppm to 0.089 ppm
(mean = 0.075 + 006 ppm). Noise

Prolonged exposure to noise of frequencies higher than regulatory limits can result in
temporary loss of hearing (temporary threshold shift), which disappears in a few hours or
days, or permanent loss (permanent threshold shift). The FMEnv permissible noise limit
for an 8-hour working period is 90dB. The measured noise levels at the proposed project
routes were low and mostly within natural background status of 20 to 50dB. The
contributing sources of the recorded noise levels include singing birds, other wild animals
within the vicinity of the project site, passing motor vehicles and community inhabitants
activities. The levels however were also within FMEnv permissible limits and ranged from
41.7 dB(A) to 67.7 dB(A), averaging 48.04 + 7.45 dB(A).

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Table : Results of Air Quality and Noise Studies for the EIA of the Areas.
0.03 0.05 BDL 0.17 BDL 0.001 0.021 51.7
BDL BDL BDL 0.11 BDL 0.002 0.024 67.7
0.03 0.06 BDL 0.08 BDL 0.001 0.012 46.7
0.01 BDL BDL 0.07 BDL 0.002 0.021 77.5
0.02 0.03 BDL 0.05 BDL 0.002 0.020 50.8
0.02 0.04 BDL 0.10 BDL 0.001 0.018 46.8
0.05 0.05 BDL 0.06 BDL 0.003 0.029 53.9
0.03 0.05 BDL 0.08 BDL 0.001 0.016 51.2
0.02 0.04 BDL 0.07 BDL 0.001 0.016 48.5
0.04 0.05 BDL 0.10 BDL 0.001 0.025 41.7
0.02 0.04 BDL 0.08 BDL 0.001 0.018 44.6
0.02 0.05 BDL 0.07 BDL 0.001 0.018 44.6
0.088 +
6 +
58.04 +

BDL 11.4 - 0.160 0.250 90.0

BDL = Below Detectable Limited (Not Detected)

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Table Nigerian Ambient Air Quality Standards (FMEnv, 1991)

Pollutant Time of Average Limit
Particulates Daily average of 1hr values 250 g/m
- *600 g/m

Sulphur oxides
(Sulphur dioxide)
Daily average of 1hr values 0.01 ppm (26 g/m
) -
0.1 ppm (260 g/m

Non-methane hydrocarbon

Daily average of 3hr values 160 g/m

Carbon monoxide Daily average of hourly values,
8hr average
10 ppm (11.4 g/m
20 ppm (22.8 g/m

Nitrogen oxides (Nitrogen dioxide) Daily average of hourly values
0.4 ppm - 0.06 ppm
- 113 g/m

Photochemical oxidant Hourly values 0.06 ppm

*Concentrations not to be exceeded f or more than once a year.

Table Noise Exposure Limits For Nigeria.

Duration per Day, Hour Permissible Exposure Limit
8 90
6 92
4 95
3 97
2 100
1.5 102
1 105
0.5 110
0.25 or less 115

Source: FEPA National Standards and Guidelines (1991).

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Table Ambient Concentrations of Heavy metal Pollutants in Air at
Some Locations In The Study Area (mg/m
Air Sampling Point









0.82 <0.0
1.44 <0.0

0.78 <0.0
1.54 <0.0

0.92 <0.0
1.63 <0.0

0.95 <0.0
1.78 <0.0

1.04 <0.0
1.46 <0.0

0.03 0.00
0.98 <0.0
1.45 <0.0

4.3.2 Climate and Meteorology

Climate and Meteorological factors play an important role in the dispersion,
transportation and concentration of air pollutants; the air borne cycle is initiated with the
emission of pollutants, followed by their transportation and diffusion through the
atmosphere by rainfall or wind action.

The climate of the area are influenced by the Sub-sudan and Savanna air masses
which are associated with the North East (Ojo, 1972) the movement of which results
in the two weather seasons the wet season from March to October, the dry season
from November to March typical of the area. Wind speeds are low with a maximum of

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42 Weather, Relative Humidity, Ambient Air Temperature Variations and
Winds Speed
The weather regime experienced at any given location in Nigeria during the year
is determined primarily by the geographical location in relation to the fluctuating
position of the ITF (Ayaode, 1982). In this regard, the predominant weather
regimes in the study areas are warm and humid. The weather and climate of the
project area like the entire Borno State area is closely tied to the general
mesocale trend in Nigeria. The Climate of Nigeria is influenced by the seasonal
changes of two air masses that blow over the country. These are the cold, dusty
savanna continental air mass and the associated harmattan winds which comes
from across the Sahara desert; and the warm, humid tropical maritime and the
associated south-westerly winds which blows from across the Atlantic Ocean
(Ayaode, 1982). Separating the two air masses is a zone commonly referred to
as the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Temperatures and relative
humidities are generally high, with ranges of 20
C and 38
C and 20% and 40%,
respectively. The mean minimum and maximum air temperatures within the
project area are generally high this is put at 27
C and 36
C respectively. During
the study the maximum air temperature was 33.2
C. The air temperature is
generally high but relatively stable varying over the seasons. Maximum humidity
was recorded during the morning hours of dry season when dew was high.

The prevalent wind direction in the study area is Northeast and this prevails for
about seven months in the year. Average wind speed in the study area is 2.7m/s. Rainfall
Rainfall in the project Region areas are generally low with an annual average of
about 890mm. Rain falls for over nine months (March November) in the areas.

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Table 4.3.2 below gives a summary of the extreme weather conditions in the area.

Parameter Mean
Temperature 34.5oC
Relative Humidity 30%

Rainfall 890mm

4.3.3 Soil Soil Fertility Evaluation
The samples picked from the field were subjected to physical and chemical analysis
for fertility evaluation. This evaluation is based on the classification of ISRIC (1995)
and other earlier investigations (Enwezor et al, 1981). Table and
show the mean values of the soil physical and chemical parameters respectively. Soil Physical Properties
The soil physical properties are mostly optimum for arable crop production except
for their sandy nature in some areas. The bulk densities of the soils are generally
very low (0.48-0.57 g/cm
). Also, the hydraulic conductivity values range from 43.0-
51.2 S/cm and 42.0-51.1S/cm at the top and bottom soil respectively. There is
relatively easy passage of water through the soils. The characteristic almost flat to
very gentle slope (0-1.3%) of most of the landscape and the sandy nature of the
soils enhance their susceptibility to erosion and further loss of fertility. The major
factors responsible for the low nutrient status of the soil include poor fertility
maintenance practices (e.g. burning of farm residues and over cropping) and the
high pressure on the available little land.

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i.) Particle Size Analysis
The results of the particle size analysis of soil samples are presented in table Evaluation of the field and laboratory analytical results of the soils shows
that the texture of soils in the field was mainly Loamy Sand and Sandy loam with
the Sand particles dominating the aggregates. The percent sand ranged from
56.9% to 76.1%, averaging about 67.57% and the top samples (0-15cm depths)
have more sand particles than the bottom or lower (15-30cm depths). Clay
particle had the least composition of between 2.4% to 18.6%. It had a mean
percent composition of 9.54%, which increased down the profile (Table4.3.3.1).
The highest percent clay was recorded at Bomadi. The higher values of clay at
the lower horizons could be attributed to the loss of these particles by the water
in filtration down the soil profile (Opara Nadi and Juo, 1986).

ii.) Porosity
In general, the porosity of the soils in the area was moderately high with a range
of 47-75% for the 0-15cm depth and 40-66% for the 15-30cm depths. Unlike the
bulk density, the porosity is higher on the surface. There was no area in the field
where the total porosity was within 9-10% that would have resulted in inadequate
supply of oxygen for good root development at field capacity.

iii.) Water Holding Capacity (WHC)
The WHC of the soils in the fields ranged from 10 - 70% in the top soil and 20-
45% in the lower 15-30cm depths. The upper depths recorded higher values as
a result of higher organic carbon, which increased the ability of the soils to hold
more water. Organic Carbon increases the ability of the soils to hold water. Chemical Properties
i.) pH- soil Reaction
The soils in the study areas are acidic (pH 5.53-5.9) both at the top and bottom
sapmles. This conforms to the findings of earlier workers (Ogunkunle, 1982; SSSN,
1981), who classified the soils of similar hydrogen ion concentrations as "acid
sands. The mean soil pH value for the upper (top Soil) 0-15cm depths was
higher than the lower depths. (Table This could be due to the higher

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organic matter, which contain exchangeable bases in the upper layers. The
acidic nature of these soils could be ascribed to the low rainfall of this area.

ii.) Exchangeable Cations (Na, K, Ca & Mg)
Calcium and sodium are the most abundant cations in the soil exchange
complex. This finding is in agreement with the observation that calcium is the
predominant cation in the soil complex because of its strong adsorption by the
soil (Beckeh, 1965). Magnesium and potassium were also abundant in the soils
in varying quantities. The values for calcium range from 2.41-4.63 meq/100g soil
in the 0-15cm and 2.83-4.71 meq/100g soil for the lower 15-30cm depths
respectively thus Calcium was followed by Sodium with a value in the range of
2.01-4.11meq/100g soil at the surface and 2.0-4.45 meq/100g soil at the
subsurface. Potassium is the least abundant exchangeable bases ranging form
0.01 0.09 meq/100g soil at the subsurface.

The contents of these cations were higher in the sub- soils than in the surface
soils and showed a high positive correlation with organic carbon. Generally, the
exchangeable bases, like the other nutrients, were high and above the 2.0
meq/100g soil of Ca and Mg required of a good soil in Nigeria and 0.2 meq/100g
soil for K and therefore will require straight Mg and K fertilization for optimum
crop production.

The mean values of the exchangeable cations were above the 2 meq/100g soil of
magnesium, calcium and 0.2 meq/100g of Potassium required for good crop
performance in most Nigerian soils (Odu et al, 1985).

Similarly, the anions SO
and NO
were detected in the ranges of 0.11-0.23 and

iv.) Total Organic Carbon and Nitrogen
The Total Organic Carbon and total nitrogen are contained in Table
While the values of organic matter could be said to be high considering the value
adjudged high (>1.45%) by Sobulo and Adepetu, (1987) the same can not be

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said of total nitrogen. The organic carbon value ranged from 0.84 2.88% with
higher values recorded mostly on the surface (0-15cm) samples. This may be as
result of the dense mass of decayed mangrove roots about 60cm thick in the
soils. The range of total nitrogen values was 4.60 8.33mg/kg with a mean of
about 6.2mg/kg. These soils were taken from project area with good ground
cover, which reduced raindrop erosion and leaching of mobile nutrients like
nitrogen. Nitrogen is the most important nutrient of plants and like the organic
carbon, the values in the field are generally high. This could be due to high
organic carbon contents (Agboola and Curey, 1973). Overall, except at some few
points with TOC values below the 1.5% critical level of Adepetu (1986), the rest
values are above 1.5% and high enough to maintain optimum yield of continuous
cropping of the land.

However, the total nitrogen contents showed a very high positive correlation with
organic carbon indicating that the reserve of this element was mainly in organic
matter (Okusami, 1986).

V.) Heavy Metals and hydrocarbon contents

According to the international standard, (Nature Conservancy Council NCC,
1991) and FEPA (1991) guidelines, the heavy metals contents of the soils are
generally below the critical levels to constitute hazard. The heavy metal
concentrations of the fields are shown in Table The values of these
metals are low which is an indication that industrial activities especially oil
activities are low along these routes. Despite the low acidity, the Iron and Mn
concentrations are low an indication that there are no pyrites in these soils (Dent,
1986). FAO (1972) reported that high value of Iron is peculiar to poorly drained
soils and a concentration of 20ppm has been reported to be toxic to rice plants
(Kyuma et al, 1986). Extremely high values, more than 1 x 10
ppm will be very
toxic to crop plants.

The Iron concentration was the highest among the heavy metals and the values
ranged from 5.94mg/kg in Project area to 16.61mg/kg in Mbalala. Generally, the
values were below 20mg/kg, considered toxic for rice as reported by Kosaki and

Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Ojobo- Bomadi -Siama- Gbekebor Road Project

Draft Report. Version: 01 0E6. 1998
Juo (1986). Next to Iron in abundance are Zinc (Zinc has been reported to be
involved in root-to-shoot translocation) and Manganese (Manganese is required
for sporulation in Aspergillus niger). Soils in the mangrove areas are known to
record high value of zinc. A 1.5 ppm critical level of Zn is reported by
Ponnamperuma (1974) and most values exceeded this limit. Toxicity of Mn can
be suspected if more than 100ppm. Mn is present in plant dry matter (Bear,
1965). The values ranged from 1.32 3.68mg/kg in the soil samples from the
study route. These values are within the accepted range for optimum crop
production. In a descending order of abundance, the heavy concentrations can
be written as follows: Fe>Zn>Mn>Cd> Cu > Ni >Cr>V>Pb.

Project area -1 0-15 6.3 07.9 76.1 Loamy Sand
Project area -2 15-30 10.2 14.8 62.2 Sandy Loam
Project area -3 0-15 12.4 25.3 62.4 Sandy Loam
Project area -4 15-30 5.4 33.8 60.8 Sandy Loam
Womdio-1 0-15 2.6 14.9 72.3 Loamy Sand
Womdio-2 15-30 5.5 23.9 60.7 Sandy Loam
Rumirgo 0-15 12.4 15.4 62.6 Sandy Loam
Yimir-Ali 15-30 12.4 15.2 62.4 Sandy Loam
Askira-1 0-15 2.6 14.9 72.3 Loamy Sand
Asskira-2 15-30 6.2 17.6 75.8 Loamy Sand
Mbalala-1 15-30 5.5 23.9 60.7 Sandy Loam
Mbalala-2 0-15 6.4 17.9 75.9 Loamy Sand

Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Ojobo- Bomadi -Siama- Gbekebor Road Project

Draft Report. Version: 01 0E6. 1998

Table Results of Chemical Properties of Soils in the Fields

Meq/100g of soil
























0-15 4.80 50.6 5.04 2.39 2.81 0.15 0.12 2.84 3.82 0.02 2.00 0.06 3.40 0.09 0.46 92.62

15-30 4.80 50.4 5.04 2.38 2.81 0.14 0.14 2.28 3.82 0.03 2.03 0.06 2.46 0.08 0.44 90.04

0-15 4.53 44.0 6.03 3.22 3.10 0.08 0.23 1.36 2.44 0.02 2.05 0.06 3.41 0.06 0.42 95.26

15-30 4.88 46.4 7.56 4.11 3.29 0.07 0.20 0.85 2.29 0.04 2.17 0.08 2.31 0.03 0.41 98.25

0-15 4.62 44.2 8.35 4.31 3.80 0.03 0.12 2.03 2.13 0.03 2.25 0.09 4.63 0.05 0.43 90.03

15-30 4.66 44.2 8.35 4.31 3.80 0.03 0.13 2.02 2.13 0.02 2.27 0.08 4.71 0.04 0.42 98.49

0-15 4.80 50.6 5.04 2.39 2.81 0.15 0.11 2.84 3.82 0.04 3.11 0.05 4.15 0.08 0.39 95.42

15-30 4.53 44.0 6.03 3.22 3.10 0.08 0.12 1.36 2.44 0.04 3.41 0.08 3.10 0.04 0.42 96.95

0-15 4.88 46.40 7.56 4.11 3.29 0.07 0.20 0.85 2.29 0.04 2.50 0.09 2.41 0.05 0.46 94.57

15-30 4.62 44.24 8.35 4.31 3.80 0.03 0.21 2.03 2.13 0.03 2.11 0.06 2.45 0.09 0.43 98.76

0-15 4.66 44.20 8.35 4.31 3.80 0.03 0.22 2.02 2.13 0.03 4.11 0.06 2.47 0.06 0.40 98.70

15-30 4.57 50.2 5.01 2.24 2.41 0.08 0.22 2.42 2.80 0.03 4.43 0.08 3.11 0.03 0.41 97.89

Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Ojobo- Bomadi -Siama- Gbekebor Road Project

Draft Report. Version: 01 0E6. 1998
Table Results of Heavy Metal Analysis of Soils from the Fields

Sample Location
Depth (Cm)
Fe Mn Cu Cr Pb Ni Cd V Zn

0-15 14.64 3.13 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.13 0.13 0.05 6.33

15-30 12.48 2.13 0.22 0.06 0.06 0.13 0.13 0.05 6.33

0-15 16.52 2.18 0.11 0.09 0.02 0.10 0.05 0.06 5.18

15-30 6.95 2.05 0.19 0.08 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.05 4.32

0-15 12.31 1.42 0.07 0.08 0.01 0.13 0.21 0.06 4.74

15-30 14.34 1.62 0.11 0.07 0.01 0.12 0.21 0.05 4.74

0-15 15.45 2.17 0.01 0.08 0.05 0.13 0.11 0.06 5.54

15-30 6.83 2.04 0.02 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.21 0.04 4.74

0-15 14.44 1.32 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.22 0.05 7.73

15-30 16.61 1.34 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.13 0.11 0.06 7.74

0-15 16.43 2.14 0.12 0.07 0.02 0.10 0.05 0.06 5.18

15-30 6.94 1.90 0.11 0.09 0.03 0.13 0.11 0.05 4.32


The summary (in mean and range) of the physico-chemical characteristics of the
sediments in the study area is presented in table

The sediments are slightly acidic to almost neutral with pH range of 5.23 6.97. the fertility
level of the sediments had ranges of 0.01 0.070, 0.46 20.47, 0.63 7.21, 0.18 2.22,
0.09 1.02, 0.02 0.40meg/100g, 5.30 41.0, 18.10 72.0ppm. The oil and grease
content of the sediment samples are Not Detected.

The heavy metals have a wide range of concentrations ranging as follows: Fe; 0.0412
32.31, Mn; 1.60 269.31, Zn; 1.10 09.86, Ni; 0.10 4.62, Pb; 1.90 4.02, and Cu; 0.70
5.03. These results were almost similar to those for soil.

Table Summary of the Physico-chemical/Heavy Metals Characteristics of
the Sediments in the Study area.

S/N Parameter Range
1. pH 5.23 6.97
2 Sand % 31 96
3 Silt % 2 38
4. Clay % 2 42
5 % Organic Matter 0.80 5.16
6. % Total Nitrogen 0.01 0.07
7. Phosphorus (ppm) 0.46 20.47
8. Exch. Ca (meg/100g) 0.63 7.21
9. Mg (meg/100g) 0.18 2.22
10 K (meg/100g) 0.09 1.02
11. Na (meg/100g) 0.02 0.40
12. Exch. Acidity (meg/100g) 0.40 0.70
13 Al uminium (ppm) 5.30 41.0
14 Sulphate (ppm) 18.10 -72.00
15. Chloride 6.0 21.00
16. ECEC 4.60 9.47
17. Oil & grease (ug/g) ND 720.95
18. Fe (ug/g) 0.0412 32.313
19. Mn (ug/g) 1.60 269.31
20 Zn (ug/g) 1.10 9.86
21. Ni (ug/g) 0.10 4.62
22. Pb (ug/g) 1.90 4.02
23. Cd (ug/g) 0.27 0.45
24. Cu (ug/g) 0.70 5.03

4.3.4 Land Use
Over the millennia, land use had been determined by tenurial systems evolved over time
and determined by the perceived demand as well as the potential and actual social
pressure associated with its supply and use (Powel, 1995; Swallow and Kamara, 2000).



As in the case of most communities in the Borno State, land ownership is vested in
families and communities, rather than on individuals (Alagoa and Tamuno, 1989). Land Use and Agricultural Systems:
The land use types in Project area is for agriculture during the raining season. The
settlement is large (about 450 1000 houses) although some are provided with modern
facilities such as schools, electricity and dispensaries. The main source of water for
domestic use is through wells and borehole. A group number of wells are dug at the
same location to provide suitable drinkable water for the community. There are little or no
much economic trees.

Agriculture is practiced on a small scale at the out sketch of the villages or on the opposite
bank. Crops grown are mainly arables. Small parts of the available land at the areas are
cultivated to food crops mainly guinea corn and millet. About 20-45% of the land is made up
of homesteads and the surrounding compound farms. Livestock is kept at the homestead
level except Fulani cattle rearers who moves around as usual with their cattle.

i.) Farming Systems
The traditional farming system in the study area is made up of land rotation with multiple
cropping systems. These crop production techniques have been developed by the peasant
farmers as conservation farming techniques under the minimum tillage practices
commonly adopted by the farmers in the study area. The major farm implements are hoes
and cutlasses, which can provide food for the farmers at subsistence level. The household
farm size is small (5-7.0ha) and fragmented.

ii.) Livestock
Most households keep some poultry birds on a free-range basis. Less than 65% of the
farmers keep sheep and goats because of the nearness of the farms to the housesteads.
Those farmers that can provide fence keep 2-3 goats or sheep and the children and
women provide browse plants for the animals. The animals are sometimes led to graze the
patches of grass, mainly Panicum maximum. The Fulani communities within the area
moves around with their cattle.



iii.) Land Clearing, Land Preparation and Crop Establishment
Land clearing and land preparation are usually done by men while planting, weeding and
harvesting operations are left to mainly women and children with men occasionally in
attendance. Period of cultivation depends mainly on rain establishment but usually Crops
are planted from March to September.

iv.) Cropping Patterns/Systems
The cropping pattern in the study area consists, mainly of mixed cropping with varying
number of crops in the mixtures.

The cropping systems involve compound farms, guinea corn-based, groundnut-based and
millet-based cropping systems.

v.) Compound Farms
The homesteads are surrounded with crops that are of immediate importance to the
household members. Such crops include: mango (Mangifera indica), oranges (Citrus spp.)
and cashew, vegetable crops.

The component crops in the compound farm are not planted in any definite pattern or
sequence. Manure is supplied to the crops from the household wastes.

vi.) Grain Based Systems
Farmers in the study area generally practice grain-based cropping system. The practice of
growing several crops on the same piece of land is an ancient strategy for crop production
among farmers in the tropics. Ruthenberg (1971) noted that mixed cropping is an
expression of African farmers desire to minimize risk. The system offers farmers insurance
against total crop failure. It brings about even distribution of farm labour. It also helps to
control soil erosion and weeds (Ikeorgu et al, 1989).



4.3.4 Vegetation (Aquatic and Terrestrial)
The vegetation pattern of the region is closely related to the soil distribution. This
derived from the fact that both, overtime, have been largely influenced by the nature
of the sediments, drainage characteristics as well as the prevailing climatic
conditions of the region. Plant Species Composition

The study area lies within the lowland savanna zone ecosystem. Natural vegetation covers
less than 5% of the land area and even then it is largely degraded.(Tables
The commonest plants within the zone consist of trees such as Adansonia digitata
(kuka),vitex domiana (dinya), which provide edible fruits and leaves, diospyros
mespiliformis (kanya), tamarindus indica (tsamiya), moringa oleifera (zogale).

Others species found in the area are parkia clappertoniana (dorawa) Anogeissus
Leicarpus (Marke) khaya segalensis (madaci) it is a good timber, fuel wood, medicinal and
provides fodder in the dry season.

Ziziphus spina-chrili (kurna), hyphaene the baica (goriba), Borrasus aethiopum (Giginya)
balanites aegyptiaca (Aduwa), acacia Senegal (dakwara) acacia nilotica (bagaruwa),
acavia seyal (dushe), acacia albida (gawo), guiera senegalensis (sabara), hyphaene the
bacia (kaba) and piliostigma thonningii (kalgo). Stable crops such as millet, guinea corn,
groundnut dominate the farms. Some farmers however go into the high bushto make new
farms because of better state of soil fertility. Vegetation Structure



The vegetation of the project area traversed by theoosed route consist of shrubs and grass
layer with minor tree components. The distribution of trees, shrubs grasses vary depending
on location and soil/ bedrock (e.g trees are more prominent on sand soils whereas in areas
of shallow soils over bedrock, grasses and shrubs are the more dominant vegetation).
Thorny shrubs such as Xeromphis nilotica and woody climbers (or spreading shrubs)
comreum micrathum and capparis corymbosa are abundant in this zone. The woody
climbers are also abundant often suppressing the herb layer on rock hills, which are not
grazed. The grasses are short (1.0 to 1.5m tall) and feathery in constrast to the Guinea
savannna grasses. Two distinct tree types occur in this zone

1.Large trees (8m to 15 tall) with wide spreading crowns (Anogeissus Leicarpus,
Sclerocaraya spp., Balanites aegyptiaca, lannea microcapa irosopis africana and baobab
(with very thick back)
2.Smaller trees( 3m to 6m tall)(e.g Combretum glutinosum, strychnus spinosa, acacia
senega, A. Seyal and other Acacia.

Under normal conditions, the vegetation burns every year in the dry season; therefore fire
resistant species tends to dominate the location. The vegetation has been largely cleared
for cultivation to form parkland. Small trees and shrubs are more common on fallow land
where regeration may take place.

Within the two broad types of vegetation identified, there are pockets of ther structural
types. Thicket vegetation is found along large river channals and floodplain and it is
described as impenetrable shrubby.

In the case of the surviving savanna woodland, the trees and limited shrubs form a light
canopy. Where the woodland reserve is degraded due to uncontrollable explotation it
changes into a shrub vegetation bush which is made of shrubs and herb and it is not
closed. Plant Population Density



The population density of the dominant economic plants species within the study area is
presented in Table The densities of the plant show a wide variation. The highest
density 24 plant per hectare was recorded for while the Plants with low population density
include Alstonia boonei (3 plants/hectare), Milicia escelsa (4 plants/ha) and Terminalia
superba (5 plants/ha). Fagara zanthozyloides and Pycnanthus angolense had 4 plants per
hectare and 3 plants/ha, respectively.

Table Population Density of Key Economic Plant Species in the study area.

1 Adansonia digitata 124
2 vitex domiana 103
3 diospyros mespiliformis 42
4 tamarindus indica 93
5 moringa oleifera 113
6 parkia clappertoniana 51
Anogeissus Leicarpus 42
8 khaya segalensis 32
9 Ziziphus spina-chrili 72
10 Borrasus aethiopum 73 Plant Health Status
The vegetations within the study areas are luxuriant. No endemic disease was











Aquatic Studies
4.3.5 Surface Water Quality

Fifteen (12) surface water samples obtained from the Project area , Askira and Mbalala
appear not too different significantly in their physico-chemical characteristics when
compared with background levels and normal concentration for clean aquatic environment.
The obtained value of Turbidity and TSS were within the regulatory limits of 10NTU and
50mg/l respectively characteristics of the waters of the area.

pH of water reflects generally near neutral to basic characteristics with few isolated case of
pH less than 7 was recorded. pH values of the surface water ranged from 6.28 and 7.58 in
compliance with regulatory value of 6-9, which is normal for most purposes. (See Table

All the 12 samples collected during this study were of high turbidity of 24-27 NTU above
regulatory limit of 10NTU with a correspondingly low to high TSS of 34-60mg/l. (see figure The quality of the surface water in places like Project area , Askira and Mbalala is
of great concern, since the local inhabitants sometimes depend on the river water for
domestic use. The gross organic pollution loads of the samples were generally low to
moderate. BOD values were low (3.99-6.84mg/l) and with a peak value of 9.68mg/l at WS1
and lowest value of 1.07 at WS10. COD values ranged from 24-36 mg/l, the lowest
concentration of 24mg/l was recorded at WS15 and the highest (36mg/l) at WS1. Water
samples indicate sign of good aeration. DO ranged from (5.3-7.9mg/l). The dissolved
oxygen of the Project area , Askira and Mbalala waters were generally higher than those
reported for most polluted inland waters in Nigeria (Edokpayi, 1988; Ogbeibu and Victor,



Fluctuations in the bicarbonate ion concentrations were similar at the study stations and
also similar to studies carried out elsewhere. It dominated as the major anion with
carbonate practically nil (Table The bicarbonate alkalinity values are in the range
14.0-32 mg/l for dry season measurements, reflecting the neutral pH and estuarine nature
of the waters. This is also indicative of well-buffered waters. High alkalinity values have
been recorded for this estuarine region in previous studies (Opute, 1990; Mac Gill, 1995).

Sulphates are widely distributed in nature and may be present in natural waters in
concentrations ranging from a few to several thousand milligrammes per litre. Sulphate,
which is normally low in fresh waters increases in values as the river makes its course
downstream to the coast. Sulphate ion concentrations were low to moderate (< 7.0ppm) at
the study stretch. Sulphate values of 3.38 to 6.09ppm were recorded. Generally high
(< 2.0ppm) phosphate values were observed at all stations during the study.

Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected.

Generally the background chemistry was rather constant with little or no variation. A one
season chloride levels of 32-62mg/l in the samples were within range that is normal for
fresh water. Conductivity measures the total ionic composition of water and it is a good
indicator of the overall chemical richness of water body. The moderate levels of conductivity
observed in this study could be related to the leaching of nutrients and minerals from
surrounding vegetation and farmlands (Odum, 1971).

Minimal variation in the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) content of the waters was observed
with the values obtained are typical of fresh water environment indicating absence of
occasional intrusion of salt water. The TDS values are between 76 and 127 mg/l with a
corresponding electrical conductivity of 119 to 255S/cm (see figure These values
may also have been influenced by tidal regime.

Levels of the major cations, Na
, K
, Ca
and Mg
were low and this is indicative of low
levels of dissolved solutes, as corroborated by the TDS values. The domination of cations
varies between Ca, Mg and Na ions. The calcium content of the Bomadi river was similar to



those of most Nigerian rivers (Holden and Green, 1960; Egborge, 1971; Imevbore, 1975;
Edokpayi, 1988, 1989). The peaty clays and soft muds common in the Niger-Delta contain
relatively higher calcium than other types of soil in Nigeria (Edokpayi, 1989). The high
calcium content may be due to contribution from drainage of the terrain through surface run-
off in addition to erosion of calcerous materials of biogenic origin. However the average Ca
and Mg load is also indicative of absence of hardness in the waters.

Nitrogen and phosphorus are indices of organic pollution in water and are mainly derived
from organic residues of plants, animals, sewage and fertilizers (Vollenweider, 1968; Lund,
1972; Zoeteman, 1973; Stewart et al., 1975). The nitrate (as NH
) levels observed here in
most cases were higher than those reported for most Nigerian rivers (Egborge and Sagay,
1979; Egborge and Benka-Coker, 1986; Ogbeibu and Victor, 1989). The high values of
nitrate (values) observed in the sampling stations in this study could be related to natural
process of organic mineralisation both in-situ and autochthonous input resulting from
surface run-off from adjacent forest and human communities.

Nitrate concentrations observed were in the range of 2.68 to 7.13mg/l. Nitrite was present
at concentrations in the range of 0.13-0.52mg/l, which appear normal for unpolluted
freshwater bodies.

Obtained value of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr, were generally low except for Iron. Iron
ranged from 0.76-0.94mg/l. Generally, the usual trend is a decrease in the Fe content of
surface waters in transitional zone depending on the conductivity of the water. At low
conductivity, as in the Gbekebor waters, the small colloidal iron particles are kept from
coagulating to larger particles (RPI, 1985). This encourages the iron particles to remain in
the water column rather than settle to the bottom sediment. This perhaps accounted for the
peak levels of iron in the water column of the Project area , Askira and Mbalala waters.

The other metals recorded values within the regulatory limit to support freshwater aquatic
life and recreation.



Generally, except for Turbidity and TSS, the physico-chemical characteristics of the Project
area , Askira and Mbalala surface water samples appear to be relatively clean and
unpolluted. (figures

Fig. Graphical Trend of pH,TSS and Turbidity of Surface

S a m p l i n g S t a t i o n s




Turbidity, NTU TSS, mg/l pH

Fig. 4.4.5. 2: Surf ace Water Conduct ivity, TDS and Salinity Trend

S a m p l i n g S t a t i o n s




TDS (mg/l) CND (S/cm) SALINI TY (mg/l)



Fig. Surface Water Trend of DO,COD and BOD

S a m p l i n g S t a t i o n s



BOD, mg/l COD, mg/l DO



4.3.6 Ground Water Quality
The physical and chemical composition of the groundwater samples as obtained from the
analyses is presented in Table Table lists the various guidelines or water
quality criteria, which may be used to assess the suitability of the water samples for
drinking, recreation and support of aquatic life.

Twelve (12) water samples were obtained from the monitoring boreholes, which were
installed during the cause of the study. Trend of physico-chemical characteristics of the
samples appears to be comparable.

pH values of the borehole waters were well within WHO limit (Table4.3.6.2) ranging from
6.29(BH-1) to 6.68(BH-10), no value was up to 7.0, the temperature was in the range 28.25

C (BH-4) to 30.5
C (BH-1).

The borehole waters indicate constant background chemistry. Sodium was the dominant
cation while calcium, magnesium, and potassium closely follows in that order
(Na>Ca>Mg>k). Chloride and bicarbonate are similar in dominance among the anions
followed by sulphate.

Phosphate recorded less than 0.2 mg/l and carbonate less than 0.05mg/l concentrations.
Phosphate value is in the range of 0.05-0.16 mg/l while nitrate ranged from 0.05-0.39. The
results of analysis indicate that the area covered by the study is a non-saline zone; Salinity
values range between 14.65 and 26.33mg/l. Salt-water intrusion not indicated. Bicarbonate
and sulphate ranged from 6.99 to 12.45 mg/l and 14.20 to 23.45mg/l, respectively.

Groundwater Turbidity range was 23-25 NTU and TSS 31-35mg/l vide figure Total
Dissolved Solid (TDS) values ranged from 71 to 110 mg/l. Conductivity ranged from 140-
220 S/cm (figure The values were adequately compensated for by salinity,
bicarbonate, sulphate and the cations. COD of the samples were high 13.45-16.41mg/l.
DO values ranged from 6.20 7.40mg/l. The high COD and BOD are probably influenced
by the presence of particulate matters of organic and inorganic origin.



Heavy metals concentrations in groundwater were generally low except for iron. High iron
is an inherent characteristics and normal for ground water found in the Niger-Delta region.
Iron concentration ranged from 1.11-3.40mg/l, while copper (0.004-0.061mg/l), zinc (0.004-
0.078mg/l), cadmium (<0.03mg/l), lead (<0.02mg/l) and chromium (<0.05mg/l).

Fig. Underground Water Graphical Trend of pH, Turbidity
and TSS
S a m p l i n g S t a t i o n s




Turbidity, NTU TSS, mg/l pH

Fig. 4.3.6. 2: Underground Water Relationship of Conductivity,
TDS and Salinit y
S a m p l i n g S t a t i o n s






TDS (mg/l) CND (S/cm) SALINI TY (mg/l)



Table Surface Water Physicochemical Characteristics
SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 SW-4 SW-5 SW-6 SW-7 SW-8
pH 7.5 7.4 7.10 7.11 7.44 7.02 7.16 7.17
Temperat ure,
29. 5 29. 5 29. 5 29. 5 28. 7 29. 5 33. 5 33. 6
Conducti vit y, S/cm 218.0 220.0 235.0 215.0 260.0 210.0 255.0 240.0
Turbidit y, NTU 25. 00 25. 00 27. 00 26. 00 195.00 24. 00 25. 00 27. 00
TSS, mg/l 53. 00 59. 00 57. 00 42. 00 60. 00 44. 00 39. 00 59. 00
DO, mg/l 8.9 8.9 5.3 5.4 6.3 6.5 6.4 6.6
, mg/ 6.84 6.10 5.98 4.25 5.66 4.48 6.02 4.88
COD, mg/l 36. 0 32. 0 31. 0 26. 0 34. 0 30. 0 32. 0 29. 0
Total Hydrocarbon, mg/l 4.28 3.02 2.93 1.60 2.80 2.36 2.58 2.60
TDS, mg/l 112.0 112.2 118 105 107 105 124 120
Oil & Grease Content, mg/l 8.38 6.42 6.94 3.10 5.82 4.96 5.54 4.89
Nitrate (NO
), mg/l 3.18 6.32 2.68 6.40 3.81 7.13 4.49 6.53
Sulphat e (SO
), mg/l
4.22 4.1 3.67 4.62 4.18 5.22 3.62 5.02
Salinit y (Cl
), mg/l
48. 3 49. 5 53 48. 0 54 55 64 59
Carbonate (CO
), mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Bicarbonat e (HCO
), mg/l
28. 00 24. 00 21. 00 16. 00 30. 00 14. 00 22. 00 18. 00
Nitrite (NO
), mg/l 0.22 0.20 0.13 0.26 0.22 0.28 0.34 0.22
Phosphate (PO
), mg/l 1.40 1.28 1.18 1.30 1.28 1.54 1.38 1.44
Sodium (Na
), mg/l
1.13 1.14 1.12 2.63
2.81 1.32 2.01
Potassi um (K
), mg/l
0.843 0.630 0.752 1.082 0.915 1.094 1.049 1.062
Calcium (Ca
), mg/l
0.252 0.263 0.232 0.400 0.514 0.412 0.291 0.366
Magnesium (Mg
), mg/l
0.124 0.106 0.103 0.183 0.884 0.174 0.334 0.123
Lead (Pb
), mg/l
0.015 0.028 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.025 0.022 0.028
Cadmi um (Cd
), mg/l
0.012 0.006 0.006 0.003 0.08 0.011 0.09 0.08
Zinc (Zn
), mg/l
0.842 0.603 0.802 0.385 0.44 0.572 0.223 0.715
Copper (Cu
), mg/l
0.062 0.054 0.046 0.050 0.056 0.062 0.038 0.040
Chromium (Cr
), mg/l
0.022 0.012 0.016 0.008 0.013 0.010 0.015 0.020
Manganese (Mn), mg/l 0.32 0.25 0.30 0.24 0.30 0.31 0.26 0.41
Total Iron (Fe
), mg/l
0.94 0.92 0.91 0.92 0.88 0.90 0.88 0.90
Nickel (Ni), mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Vanadium (V), mg/l <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002



Table Surface Water Physicochemical Characteristics (contd)
SW-9 SW-10 SW-11 SW-12 SW-13 SW-14/ SW-15
pH 7.00 7.43 7.58 7.57 6.86 6.85 6.28
Temperat ure,
29. 5 28. 6 29. 4 29. 3 29. 8 29. 7 29. 6
Turbidit y, NTU 255.00 26. 00 25. 00 25. 66 27. 00 25. 00 25. 00
Conducti vit y, s/cm 260 160.0 152.0 148.0 134.0 119.0 128.0
TSS, mg/l 45. 00 56. 00 58. 00 41. 00 45. 00 36. 00 34. 00
DO, mg/l 6.6 6.5 8.0 7.9 6.4 6.3 6.3
, mg/l 5.34 3.99 5.41 4.61 5.13 6.08 5.02
COD, mg/l 27. 0 28. 0 31. 0 26. 0 25. 0 31. 0 24. 0
Total Hydrocarbon, mg/l 3.28 1.80 1.95 2.0 2.4 2.6 2.3
TDS, mg/l 127 80 76 74 116 105 114
Oil & Grease Content, mg/l 5.29 3.76 4.91 4.57 5.61 5.35 5.41
Nitrate (NO
), mg/l 6.20 6.45 4.31 5.42 3.45 5.12 4.13
Sulphat e (SO
), mg/l
4.69 4.56 3.38 6.02 6.09 4.08
Salinit y (Cl
), mg/l
62 44 36 40 38 32 35
Carbonate (CO
), mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Bicarbonat e (HCO
), mg/l
32. 0 28. 1 30. 0 25. 0 23. 0 22. 0 18. 0
Nitrite (NO
), mg/l 0.31 0.33 0.36 0.49 0.33 0.44 0.52
Phosphate (PO
), mg/l 1.21 1.77 1.28 1.64 1.45 1.72 1.69
Sodium (Na
), mg/l
2.011 2.212 1.119 1.607 2.172 1.161
Potassi um (K
), mg/l
1.042 0.882 0.661 1.017 1.215 1.302 1.601
Calcium (Ca
), mg/l
0.342 0.261 0.391 0.241 0.269 0.400 0.272
Magnesium (Mg
), mg/l
0.144 0.792 0.755 0.152 0.204 0.119 0.115
Lead (Pb
), mg/l
0.031 0.040 0.024 0.032 0.018 0.027 0.035
Cadmi um (Cd
), mg/l
0.009 0.006 0.004 0.007 0.005 0.010 0.002
Zinc (Zn
), mg/l
0.695 0.34 0.47 0.55 0.72 0.69 0.81
Copper (Cu
), mg/l
0.080 0.033 0.061 0.042 0.051 0.045 0.311
Chromium (Cr
), mg/l
0.019 0.018 0.026 0.029 0.031 0.012 0.014
Manganese (Mn), mg/l 0.32 0.39 0.27 0.50 0.48 0.32 0.23
Total Iron (Fe
), mg/l
0.90 0.79 0.76 0.81 0.82 0.90 0.91
Nickel (Ni), mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Vanadium (V), mg/l <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002



Table Ground Water Physicochemical Characteristics
BH-1 BH-2 BH-3 BH-4 BH-5 BH-6
pH 6.29 6.32 6.30 6.40 6.45 6.50
Temperat ure,
30. 50 29. 60 30. 00 28. 25 29. 80 29. 10
Turbidit y, NTU 25. 00 24. 00 23. 00 23. 00 24. 00 23. 00
TDS, mg/l 110 81. 0 85. 2 83. 10 96. 0 71. 0
TSS, mg/l 32. 00 33. 00 31. 00 30. 00 31. 41 30. 90
DO, mg/l 6.60 6.20 6.50 6.30 6.55 6.70
BOD5, mg/l 8.35 13. 25 14. 00 7.89 9.80 13. 45
COD, mg/l 16. 20 14. 35 13. 65 15. 21 14. 30 14. 65
Oil & Grease Content, mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Conducti vit y, s/cm 220 160 170 165 190 140
Total Hydrocarbon, mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Nitrate (NO
), mg/l
0.15 0.09 0.05 0.13 0.62 0.53
Sulphat e (SO
), mg/l
12. 45 10. 59 11. 06 12. 01 11. 23 8.00
Salinit y (CI
), mg/l
26. 33 20. 10 23. 43 14. 65 20. 09 14. 9
Carbonate (CO
), mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Bicarbonat e (HCO
), mg/l
15. 35 14. 20 14. 90 23. 45 16. 07 14. 28
Nitrite (NO
), mg/l
<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
Phosphate (PO
), mg/l
0.05 0.66 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.06
Sodium (Na
), mg/l
8.50 7.20 8.10 7.35 8.45 8.40
Potassi um (K
), mg/l
2.00 2.10 3.10 2.39 2.66 2.45
Calcium Ca
( mg/l) 7.10 6.50 8.10 5.40 4.90 6.10
Magnesium (Mg
) mg/l 4.0 4.50 3.50 1.29 2.55 2.42
Lead (Pb
), mg/l
<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
Cadmi um (Cd
), mg/l
<0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03
Zinc (Zn
), mg/l
0.059 0.031 0.004 0.061 0.078 0.041
Copper (Cu
), mg/l
0.004 0.012 0.031 0.051 0.059 0.015
Chromium (Cr
), mg/l
<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Manganese (Mn), mg/l <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
Total Iron (Fe
), mg/l
0.140 1.500 3.400 2.290 1.990 1.891
Nickel (Ni), mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Vanadium (V), mg/l <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002



BH-7 BH-8 BH-9 BH-10 BH-11 BH-12
pH 6.30 6.50 6.60 6.68 6.45 6.61
Temperat ure,
28. 90 29. 11 28. 65 29. 10 30. 10 29. 77
Turbidit y, NTU 24. 00 25. 00 23. 00 24. 00 23. 00 24. 00
TDS, mg/l 106 95. 1 96. 50 80. 00 93. 0 95. 2
TSS, mg/l 31. 69 32. 40 33. 10 34. 10 35. 00 32. 40
DO, mg/l 6.90 7.40 6.50 6.39 6.70 6.80
BOD5, mg/l 12. 10 9.09 10. 45 12. 06 9.45 9.89
COD, mg/l 13. 45 16. 41 13. 39 15. 21 16. 04 15. 29
Oil & Grease Content, mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Conducti vit y, s/cm 210 185 193 159 185 191
Total Hydrocarbon, mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Nitrate (NO
), mg/l
0.28 0.39 0.24 0.04 0.06 0.09
Sulphat e (SO
), mg/l
6.99 7.45 8.01 10. 45 11. 23 10. 45
Salinit y (Cl
), mg/l
17. 25 16. 45 15. 90 17. 00 18. 00 16. 43
Carbonate (CO
), mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Bicarbonat e (HCO
), mg/l
16. 25 14. 31 13. 40 16. 01 17. 20 14. 10
Nitrite (NO
), mg/l
<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
Phosphate (PO
), mg/l
0.08 0.04 0.16 0.01 0.03 0.14
Sodium (Na
), mg/l
9.00 4.45 5.55 7.10 4.90 5.50
Potassi um (K
), mg/l
2.70 2.90 3.01 3.12 2.58 2.10
Calcium Ca
( mg/l) 5.55 4.65 4.50 4.80 4.70 4.80
Magnesium (Mg
) mg/l 2.43 4.10 3.50 3.60 4.10 3.50
Lead (Pb
), mg/l
<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
Cadmi um (Cd
), mg/l
<0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03
Zinc (Zn
), mg/l
0.051 0.037 0.051 0.061 0.071 0.043
Copper (Cu
), mg/l
0.011 0.061 0.034 0.051 0.061 0.033
Chromium (Cr
), mg/l
<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Manganese (Mn), mg/l <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
Total Iron (Fe
), mg/l
1.811 1.343 1.105 1.398 1.511 1.640
Nickel (Ni), mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Vanadium (V), mg/l <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002



Table Physicochemical characteristics of the ground water samples

Table Guidelines of Water Quality for Different Purposes

Aquatic Life
(DPR 1999)
pH 6.5-8.5 - 6.0-10.0 6-9 -
- - 50 30 -
Turbidity, NTU 5 - 50 10 -
TDS, mg/ l 1000 - - 2000 -
TSS, mg/l - - 100 50 -
DO, mg/l - - - - -
, mg/ l - - - 10 -
COD, mg/l - - - -
Oil & Grease, mg/ l - - 20 - -
Conductivity, s/cm - - - - -
THC, mg/ l - - - 20 -
Nitrate ( NO
), mg/l
45 - - - -
Sulphate (SO
), mg/l
400 - - - -
Salinity (CI
), mg/l
250 - - - -
Carbonate ( CO
mg/ l
- - - - -
Bicarbonate (HCO
- - - -
Nitr ite (NO
), mg/ l
- - - - -
Phosphate ( PO
mg/ l
- - - - -
Sodium ( Na
), mg/l
200 - - - -
Potassium (K
), mg/l
- - - - -
Calcium (Ca
, mg/l - - - - -
Magnesium ( Mg
mg/ l
- - - -
Lead ( Pb
), mg/ l
0.05 0.1 - - 0.05
Cadmium ( Cd
), mg/l
0.005 0.01 - - 0.01
Zinc (Zn
), mg/l
5.0 0.1 - 1.0 -
Copper ( Cu
), mg/l
1.0 - - 1.5 -
Chromium (Cr
), mg/l
0.05 0.05 - 0.03 0.05
Manganese (Mn), mg/l 0.10 - - - -
Total Iron (Fe
0.3 0.3 - - -
Nickel ( Ni), mg/ l - - - - -
Vanadium (V), mg/l - - - - -

4.3.7 Aquatic Ecology Zooplankton.

Zooplanktons are minute free-floating or weakly swimming animals within the
pelagic zone of the water column (Ross, 1970; Davis, 1972). They consist of the
Rotifera, Copepoda, Cladocera, and sometimes occur in larval forms. The
zooplankton community is subdivided according to its history patterns as follows:
Holoplankton: These are organisms whose entire life cycle is as
zooplankton, e.g., calanoid copepods.
Meroplankton: Those organisms that spend only part of their life cycle as
plankton, e.g., eggs and larvae of fish, shrimp, crabs, molluscs and
polychaete worms.

Table summaries the zooplankton species composition, density and
distribution in the water bodies at the rumirgo, Askira fields.

A total of 3 zooplankton types were recorded in the Project area , Askira and
Mbalala fields. These are Rotifera, Copepoda and Cladocera out of which twenty
species of Zooplankton were identified in the study location; they belong to the
following taxonomic groups Rotifera (8), Copepoda (4) and Cladocera (6). The
Zooplankton species Bosminopsis deiters, Bosmina longirostris and Brascionus
falcatus occurred in all the stations. Thirteen Zooplankton groups were further
isolated and identified from the 3 taxonomic groups. They are Brachionidae,
Asplanchinidae, Collurellidae, Epiphenidae, Euchlanidae, Filinidae,
Testudinellidae, Cyclopidae, Diaptronidae, Sididae, Daphinidae, Moinidae and
Bosminidae. These Zooplankton families were further classified into Rotifera (7),
Copepoda (2) and Cladocera (4).

The recorded lowest Zooplankton density count of 242 organisms 0.1m
, followed
by sampling 350 organism 0.1m
, while the highest density (count) of 1578
organisms 0.1m
was recorded. This was also closely followed another with 1194
organisms 0.1m
). The mean Zooplankton count was 630 organisms. The total
number of zooplankton speices (taxa) in the waters of the fields fluctuated
between 9 taxa and 25 taxa, with a mean of 16.5 species. The most dominant

group in the was Cladocera (40.23%) followed by Rotifera (38.7%), and
Copepoda (21.1%). This is experienced during the raining season and at the dry
season every of this water body gets dry within project area

The percentage composition of major order of zooplankton in the study area is
shown as Figure Zooplankton diversity ranged from 0.8563 - 0.4607.
The ver y low diversity at one of the stations may be due to the time of year and
temporary nature of the water body that derives mainly from storm water.
Surprisingly, this did not affect the abundance of cyclopoids, Arcata and copepod
naupli. These groups are known to dominate widely polluted waters, reducing the
overall faunal diversity (RPI, 1985).

Figure 4.3.7. 1: The Percentage Composition of the major Order of Zooplankton
in the study Fields
Rotifera Copepoda Cladocera
Cladocera Phytoplankton.
Phytoplanktons constitute the autotrophic microscopic plant organisms in water
bodies. These fix solar energy by the process of photosynthesis using carbon
dioxide and water to produce organic matter and oxygen. Phytoplankton
organisms are of great ecological significance because they comprise the major
portion of primary producers in the aquatic ecosystem. They are, like the plants
on land, the basic food in the water for all consumers such as zooplankton and
fish. They are not only the first stage in the food chain but also the main
producers of oxygen; the two (i.e food and oxygen) together form the life support
system or the basic requirements for the maintenance of aquatic life forms.

Table shows the phytoplankton community in the waters from the fields,
highlighting the species composition, density, and distribution of phytoplankton in
the study location. 17 phytoplankton species were recorded in this location. The
species belong to the following taxonomic groups (divisions) namely
Bacillariophyta (7), Chlorophyta (7), Cyanophyta (2), Dinophyta (1) and
Euglenophyta (2). Bacillariophyta (diatoms) is the dominant phytoplankton
species in terms of taxa richness in the study area. Followed by Chlorophyta
(green algae), Cyanophyta (blue-green), Euglenophyta (Euglenoids) and
Dinophyta (the lowest in species composition and richness). The contribution of
dinophyta and euglenophyta were not significant. Figure shows the
percentage Composition of the major division of Phytoplanktoon in the study area.
The composition are in the order Bacillariophyta (70.3%), Chlorophyta (17.8%),
Cyanophyta (7.5%), Euglenophyta (2.7%) and Dinophyta (1.7%). Euglenophyta
and Dinophyta were poorly represented and there contribution was therefore
insignificant. The species were mixture of fresh water and brackish assemblages.

Bacillariophyta were represented by Aulocosira sp, Coscinodiscas radiatus,
Gomphonema sp, Fragillaria sp, Leptocylindrus danicus, and Nitzschia obtusa.
While Chlorophyta were represented by Closterium sp, Desmidium quadrutum,
Spirogyra sp, Oedogonium sp, Coeastrum microporum, Volvox sp. Cynophyta
was represented by Oscillatoria sp and Microcystis sp. The Dinophyta and
Euglonophyta, which had 1 and 2 species respectively, recorded Peridium
cinctum, Euglena sp and Phacus sp. The bulk of phytoplankton species
belonged to the Bacillariophyta division and is of both marine and brackish forms.

Phytoplanktons have long been used as indicators of water quality. Because of
their short life cycles, they respond quickly to environmental changes, and hence
their standing crop (biomass) and species composition indicate the quality of the
water mass in which they are found. They strongly influence certain non-
biological aspects of water quality. Species distribution from station to station
within the field was sparse and typical of phytoplankton patchiness (Fig.
The low biomass (cells/litre) in most of the (stations 5 to 8) in minor drainage
channels is probably due to the level of turbidity and transparency, as a result of
their small volumes and stagnant nature (Table The much higher

biomass per unit area recorded for sampling stations 1 to 4 may not be unrelated
with the high transparency and low turbidity of these major waters during the

Figure Percentage Composition of the major Divisions of
Phytoplankton in the Fields

The dominance of desmids at the study waters is a characteristic feature of most
tropical freshwater bodies (Holden and Green, 1960; Imevbore, 1967; Odum,
1971; Wetzel, 1975). The ver y low occurrence of Cyanophyta and Euglenoids at
the study stretch reflects a relatively unpolluted nature of the study water. These
groups of phytoplanktons have been reported to be abundant in waters high in
organic pollutants (Lund, 1972; Wetzel, 1975; Stewart et al, 1975; APHA, 1989).
The dominance of desmids has been reported to be characteristic of freshwater
bodies with low to moderate nutrient load (Opute, 1991). Benthos

This component of the aquatic biota represents those animals, which are over 1.0
mm in size, living on or in the substrate or bottom sediment. They may be found
living wholly or partially buried in soft or hard substrates as infauna (e.g. bottom
dwelling annelids, chironomids and bivalve molluscs). They may also live on the
surface, either crawling as mobile benthic inhabitants or attached to different
types of substrates as epifauna (e.g. crabs, littorinid gastropods, barnacles and

oysters on the stilt roots of mangroves). Several groups of macrobenthic fauna
are of special interest to fisheries, parasitology and pollution monitoring studies.

The structure and function of benthic communities reflect the condition of the
biotic and abiotic environments. They delimit water types and indicate shifts in
water quality. Because of their fairly long life span and environmental sensitivity,
macrobenthic fauna are now widely used as reliable bioindicators in pollution and
impact assessment study (Colwel, 1971; Weber, 1973; Lee et al; 1978; Tsui &
McCart, 1981; Ogbeibu & Victor, 1989).

In order to effectively manage an ecosystem, and be able to evaluate possible
anthropogenic impact, it is imperative that basic information be obtained on the
fauna under relatively undisturbed conditions. This study examines the
macrobenthic communities of the Forcados area at the intertidal and subtidal
benthic environment. Composition, Abundance and Distribution of Fauna

The faunal composition and distribution at the supra-generic level in the hierarchy
of zoological classification encountered in fields are summarised in Table
A total of 14 benthic macrofaunal species were recorded. The fauna observed
can be categorised into Diptera (5), Ephemeropetra (4) and Annelida (5) with
almost equal representation except for Ephemetoptera, which had 4 species.
Generally, the benthic macrofauna were poorly represented in the study stations.
The nature of the substratum and physico-chemical parameters are major factors
that control the occurrence and distribution of benthic fauna. The movement of
vessels makes the bottom sediment unstable and this reduces the density and
diversity of benthos.

The number of organisms in the dry season ranged from 15 organisms 0.1m

(WS15) to 36 organisms 0.1m
at sampling stations WS16. While the total
number of species range from 7-10 species. The percentage composition of the
major order of benthic fauna in the study area is in the order Diptera (49.0%),
Ephemeropetra (25.0%) and Annelida (28.0%) for dry season. The most dominant
group was Diptera followed by Annelida and then Ephemeroptera. The

percentage composition of the major order of benthic macrofauna in the study
area is shown in figure Sampling station WS3, WS6 and WS14 did not
record any species of fauna in the family Ephemeroptera. A situation, which
contributed to the low flora and fauna counts.

Generally, the density and diversity of the macrobenthic fauna in the study area is
low compared to other studies in similar biogeographic environment (Ogbeibu,
1994; 1996 a & b) where between 54135 macro-invertebrates taxa were
recorded. The paucity of macrobenthic invertebrate in the study area could be
attributed to the instability of the sandy substratum arising mainly from the
constant sand search by the local community. generally, the nature and stability of
substratum have been reported as the most critical factor affecting distribution of
benthic fauna (Odum, 1971, Mann, 1980).

Malacostracan crustaceans were represented by Mysis sp. (Mysidacea),
Apseudes sp. (Tanaidacea), Sphaeroma terebrans (Isopoda) and several
decapods. Mysis had the highest abundance at station 8 where over 1000
individuals were caught in the grab samples. Sphaeroma was confined to the
sandy shore stations, 14 and 15. The decapods were the most widespread. The
diogenid Clibanarius (hermit crab) occurred in large numbers at the random
stations (R1, R2 and R3), inhabiting the empty shells of periwinkles and the og
whelk Thais. The grapsids were represented by sesarmid crabs living in burrows
among mangrove roots. The most prominent family was Ocypodidae. Ocypoda
africana (Sand crab) and O. cursor (ghost crab) were collected in the sandy beach
while Uca tangeri (fiddler crab) occurred in very high densities at stations 2, 9 and
the mudflat random stations. Relative Abundance of Fauna

The relative abundance of the major faunal groups at the study stations are
shown in Figure The contributions of different groups to the total faunal
abundance in each station showed distinct variations. There was a general trend
in which some groups dominated the total collection in most of the stations. In
general, the crustaceans were most dominant, ranking highest in almost all the

stations. Crustacean dominance was most remarkable at some stations (beach
stations) where the other groups were virtually absent. The next dominant group
was the Mollusca, represented mainly by the periwinkles, which were very
prominent at the creek and mudflat stations, but became insignificant at the beach

Annelids were not prominent; they however gained dominance at the station
where the other groups were absent. The pisces, controlled mainly by
Periphthalmus, were more represented at the creek stations than along the canal.
They disappeared at the sandy beach stations. The minor groups Coelentrata,
Chaetganatha and Insecta were not important components in all the stations,
except at station 8 where the Arrow worm, Sagitta was collected in high numbers.

15. 00%
30. 00%
45. 00%
Figure Percentage Composition of the major Order of
Benthic macrofauna in the fields
Annelida Density and Diversity of Fauna

The faunal taxa number and density calculated for each station are presented in
Table The number of taxa and density of macrobenthic fauna varied
considerably among the stations. The number of taxa varied between 0 (Station
5) and 9 (Station 2). The pattern of fluctuation was closely related to ecotype

classification (major creeks and minor drainage channels. The creek stations (1 to
4) were richer than those of the drainage channels. The three diversity indices,
Margalef (d), Shannon-Wienner (H) and Evenness (e) followed almost similar
fluctuation trends. Of these three, the Shannon index gave the most accurate
picture of faunal diversity. The major creek stations had high diversities, with
station 2 scoring the highest, while the lowest diversities were recorded at the
drainage channels; station 5 had the lowest diversity in the study area.

Table Distribution, abundance and occurrence of zooplankton community in the Water study stations. (figures are in

WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 WS5 WS6 WS7 WS8 WS9 WS10 WS11 WS12

Brachi onus fal catus 39 61 90 95 90 27 135 138 58 119 18 160
Brachi onus patul us 15 - 9 10 3 - 18 8 15 - 21 8
Brachi onus
4 2 22 - 8 11 3 3 - - - 5
Brachi onus cal yci florus
anuraei formi s
5 15 3 3 6 1 - - 44 1 3 -
Keratella tropi ca tropi ca 2 - 2 5 - - 2 5 - 2 - 2

Aspl anchna pri odonta 110 21 - 39 - 62 21 57 13 - 21 9
Aspl anchna herri cki 1 - 2 - 19 - 2 11 5 4 4 -
Aspl anchnopus mul ti ceps 3 4 - 2 - 2 10 - 1 - 3 2

Col urella sp. 1 - - 2 3 - 5 - - 2 14 5
Lepadella oval i s 1 3 - - - - 14 15 2 - - -

Epi phanes cl avulata 14 - 6 4 1 9 - - 21 3 6 -
Proal es deci piens - 3 - - - - 18 - 8 5 - 6

Euchl ani s dil atata 38 6 3 2 3 5 49 11 - 18 - 2
Fi linia opoli ensi s 9 - 17 2 6 21 - 15 - - 11 -

Testudinell a caeca 1 - - 47 10 - 16 - 48 - 51 6
Horael la brehmi - 2 1 1 - - 2 - 2 - 5 -

Table (Contd.)

WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 WS5 WS6 WS7 WS8 WS9 WS10 WS11 WS12
Cycl opidae

Eucyclops macrurus 82 19 14 75 - 67 8 45 26 16 85 70
Eucyclops speratus 162 75 36 - 24 12 - 15 37 - 12 6
137 26 122 15 - 32 39 27 21 15 39 -
Diaptomi dae

Tropodiaptomus sp. 15 21 12 - 9 4 33 34 - 41 13 39
Thermodiaptomus sp. - - 2 - 12 - 6 12 6 - 2 18
Naupii larvae 27 32 18 17 - 8 3 19 - 5 8 -
Si di dae

12 63 - 120 1 24 118 48 92 - 68 29
Diaphanosoma sarsi - 23 6 11 - 1 20 - 21 1 12 18
Daphini dae

Daphnia longispina 15 2 - 6 1 2 13 - - 8 1 3
Ceriodaphnia cornuta 12 3 2 2 - 18 9 3 6 - - 4
Moi nidae

Moina micrura 201 27 - 116 6 17 162 114 54 - 80 -
Moina daphnia
315 18 12 62 - - 144 128 109 65 - 1
Bosmi ni dae

Bosminopsis deitersi 88 100 66 61 111 42 128 58 100 93 47 141
Bosmina longirostris 170 57 32 60 23 15 116 184 31 54 107 15
Total number of
27 23 20 23 19 20 26 23 22 17 23 21
Total number of
1578 752 474 657 350 242 1194 950 784 462 682 559

Table Distribution, abundance and occurrence of phytoplankton community in the water study stations ( figures are
in numbers/m

WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 WS5 WS6 WS8 WS9 WS10 WS11 WS12
Oscill atoria sp. 2 1 - 6 3 - 2 - 2 3 - 5
Mi crocysti s sp. 3 1 3 2 2 3 4 7 2 2 - 2
ulothri x 2 1 3 2 1
Cl osterium sp. 1 - 1 1 5 - 2 2 2 4 - 2
Desmi di um quadrutum 2 1 - - 1 4 2 4 - 6 2 1
Spi rogyra sp. 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 2 1 -
Oedogoni um sp. 2 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 2
Coeastrum mi croporum 2 - 1 - 2 - - 2 - 2 1 -
Vol vox sp. - 1 - 6 - - 2 - - 2 - 2
Cosci nodi scus radiatus 8 4 - 4 11 - 18 16 6 16 17 16
Fragill ari a sp. - - 2 - - 2 2 - 2 - 2 -
Aul ocosi ra sp. 40 8 18 26 5 11 20 19 12 7 29 15
Gomphonema sp. 5 - - 2 - - - 3 2 - - 2
Leptocyli ndrus dani cus 20 7 11 20 1 3 14 22 12 2 10 19
Navi cula placenta 2 6 5 1 1 2
Ni tzschi a obtusa 7 1 - 4 1 - 10 3 1 8 3 5
Peridini um ci nctum 0 1 - 3 - 2 2 - 1 - 1 1
Eugl ena sp. 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 1 -
Phacus sp. 3 - 4 - - - - - 1 - - 2
Total number of speci es 15 10 7 13 18 7 13 8 11 12 10 13
Total number of
i ndi vidual s
92 34 39 78 31 26 47 78 47 53 53 74

Table Macrobenthic invertebrate distribution, occurrence and abundance (number/m
) in the water bodies from
the fields.

WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 WS5 WS6 WS7 WS8 WS9 WS10 WS11 WS12

Polypedilum sp. 5 - 6 - - 3 8 5 3 - 8 -
Chironomus sp. - 3 - - 3 - 5 - 3 5 - 3
Pentaneura sp. - 2 - - - - 2 2 - 2 - -
Pentaneura sp. - 2 - - - - 2 - - - 2 -
Chryptochironomus sp - - - 5 - - 3 3 - - - 5

Baetis sp. 5 2 - - 3 - - - 5 3 - 5
Cloeon bellum - - - 2 2 - - 2 - 2 - -
Renatra fusca 2 - - - - - 2 - - - 2 -
Nepa apiculata 2 - - - 2 - 2 2 - 2 - -

Lumbriculus sp. 3 - - 2 2 - - - 3 - 3 2
Chaetogaster sp. 5 2 - - 3 - 2 - 2 - - 5
Tubifex sp. 3 - 2 - 2 2 - 3 - 2 - -
Enchytraeus sp - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 -
Nais sp. 2 - - 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 - -
Total number of species 8 5 2 4 8 3 9 7 6 7 5 5
Total number of
24 11 8 11 19 7 28 19 18 18 17 20


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

4.3.9 Wildlife Studies

Existing information on the wildlife of the Borno state is Scanty. For reptiles,
amphibians and birds, there is no specific literature on the distribution of species of
these groups.(Powel, 1995). Few survey reports exist for mammals in the area
(Anadu and Oates, 1988; Oates, 1989; Powel, 1995). Wildlife species inventory for
the different faunal zones is necessary in order to provide basic information from
which subsequent assessment and evaluation could be based. The term wildlife as
used here refers to the animal resources of the project area which include the
aquatic reptiles, mammals, avian, amphibian and birds encountered in the wild.
Inventory of domestic livestock was also taken.

The results of the survey are presented in Tables Checklists l-4 shows the
total number of wildlife species encountered in the study and their conservation
status. Altogether there were 7 species of reptiles, 2 species of amphibians, 25
species of birds and 14 species of mammals.

Numerous beetles, ants and millipedes found along the riverbanks, represented the
invertebrate fauna. Cats and rodents dominated mammals. The wildlife commonly
observed in the area was birds of different variety. The giant African snail
Archachatina marginata sutaralis dominated the molluscs.

Checklist-1: Reptilian and Amphibian wildlife species in study fields .
- Red-headed Agama (Agama agama)
- Green Snake
- Iguana lizards
- Alligator
- Nile monitor lizard (Varanus niloticus)
- Carpet snake 6
- Tree snake (Boiga blandingii) 6


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
- Tree frogs (Hyperolius fusciventris)
- Brooks gecko

Checklist-2: Bird wildlife species in the study fields

- Pigeon
- Weaverbirds
- Heron (Family Ardedae)
- Large billed warbler
- Egret (Family Ardedae)
- White headed vulture (Neophron monethus)
- Kite (Milus nigrans)
- Harrier hawk (Family falconidae)
- Swallow-tailed kite (Family falconidae)
- Yellow-bellied parrot (Psittacidae)
- African grey parrot (Psittacidae erithacus
- Curlew sandpiper
- Common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)
- Dove
- Red-eyed Dove
- Yellow fronted canary
- Broun-backed woodpecker
- Red-headed weaver

Checklist-3: Mammalian Species in the study fields
- Antelope (Tragelophus scriptus)
- Duiker
- Bushbuck
- Bush mice,
- Ground squirrel (Epixerus sp)
- Giant African rat 6
- Cane rat
- African civet (Viverra civetta)


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
- Red Faced Patas monkey
- Mona monkey (Cercopitheaus petaurista)
- Brush Tailed Porcupine (Atherurus africana)

D = Dangerous species
E = Endangered species as listed under Decree No 11 1985 of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria.

The results of the survey show that reptiles are the most successful species, they
were present and dominant in all the habitats, followed by mammals, amphibians
and birds. The avian populations include land dwellers, strict arboreal forms. The
success and dominance of bird species may be due to fa vourable factors including
availability of food, good breeding ground and absence of predators.

The High Forest habitat had the highest wildlife species diversity (40.7%) followed by
Derived Grassland (29.3%), Residential / Industrial Grounds (23.3%) and
Aquatic/Shoreline (6.7%) respectively (Table 3.23). The result is expected, as it is
common knowledge that due to the complex structure of tropical rain forest, it
provides bountiful specialised niche for large assemblage of wildlife species.

Checklists 1 to 3 show the conservation status of the animals found in Project area -
Askira-Mbalala fields. The endangered species as listed under Decree No 11 1985 of
the Federal Republic of Nigeria include the monitor lizard, brush tailed porcupine,
palm tree, squirrel, sparrow, hawk and kites.

The others categorised as threatened species in the tables include antelopes. The
status is largely due to their large-scale exploitation for food, popularly known in
Nigeria as Bush meat.

The high diversity of wildlife observed in this study reflects the high wildlife potential
of the fields and is indicative of a relatively undisturbed ecosystem.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

4.3.10 Geology, Hydrogeology and Hydro-geophysical Investigation Geology:
The Geological studies were designed to provide information on the surface and
subsurface distribution of rocks in the area.

This was studied from lithologic logs that were collected from twelve (12) monitoring
boreholes drilled for hydrogeological investigation. The sitting of these boreholes
were determined by VES field results. Soil and water samples were taken from
these boreholes. Samples were collected at 1.6m depth intervals in each of the
monitoring boreholes.

Lithologic logs of the monitoring borehole and results of sieve analysis were used to
establish lithologic succession and correlation studies.

The topography of the area is relatively flat, and it is characterized by silty clayey
top-soil, coupled with Sudan Savanna vegetation. The geology of the study area
falls within the Bima Formation of the Lau Basin.

The Bima sandstone consists essentially of feldspathic sandstones, grits, pebble
beds and clays. Its highly cr ystalline and cemented. Under this condition it presents
the hydrogeological characteristics of basement complex rocks. Secondary
permeability is only developed by means of fracturing, weathering and solution. It is
not, generally a good water reservoir due to its poor permeability. Hydrogeology


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
The objectives of hydrogeological studies are to determine the groundwater flow
direction, mode of aquifer occurrence, static water level measurement, and hydraulic
conductivity and aquifer field.

Information requirement for the above parameters were gotten from twelve
monitoring boreholes that were drilled. Criteria used in sitting these monitoring
boreholes are drainage pattern, VES results and topography.

The percussion drilling method was used for drilling monitoring boreholes followed
by well development, flushing and field determination.

Total drilled depth ranged from 3.5 to 8.0m. Lithologic samples were collected in
labeled bags for grain size analysis and hydraulic conductivity determinations.
Static water levels were measured in the boreholes using sonic water level meter.

A total of twelve samples were collected from drilled boreholes and analysed for
various parameters.



Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
5.1 Social Environment
The social environment of the study is made up of Project area , Womdio, Rumirgo, Yimir-
ali,Askira and Mbalala These communities are situated linearly along the project road. The
Communit ies are principally within two local government of Askira / Project area loacal
government and Chibok local government.

5.1.1 Political and Social Organization

Each of the communit ies in the study area is well polit ically structured as described below.

Project area
The community, compr ises of two communities, there is Project area borno and Project area
Adamawa being separated by a main road. Each side look af ter their problems on their own. At the
apex of the rulership of this kingdoms are separate Sarkis. Traditional council chief s usually assist
the Sarki. The council chief s are about twelve (6) in number and their selection is rotational among
the community. Community executives in order of hierachy f ollow the traditional council chief s.

Appointing the Sar ki is also rotational among the Community. Appointing a Sarki is done by
nominat ion of an individual by the community whose turn it is to occupy the Sarki seat, which would
be ratif ied by all the people in the community. An intending Sarki must satisfy the f ollowing criteria.
He must be a nat ive of Project area Kingdom, Must not be a criminal or have a criminal record and
must have past good character and records.

Hierarchy of Rulership

His Royal Highness (sarki)

Tradit ional Council Chief s (6 in all)

Community Executive Councils

The current Sarki for Project area Borno is Alhaji yahaya while the one for Project area
Adamawa is Alhaji Samaila. the Sarki within our are of interest is Alhaji Yahaya of Project
area Borno.

Alhaji Seidu for Womdio community, Lawan Yusuf for Rumirgo community, Mohmodu
Askirama for Askiram community.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
The same follows for the other communites in respect to hierarchy of rulership but the
difference comes up with the name they call their royal Highness.and the number of

5.1.2 Religion

The inhabitants of these regions are mainly Muslim (60%) and Christain (32%) and
others (18%). The Christian denominations are Anglicans, Roman Catholics, White
Garment Churches and Pentecostals (deeper life,EYL, Baptist, Living Faith Mission)
were seen sporadically.

5.1.3 Population and Demographic Characteristics
The 1991 National population census f igures f or the study area is not available hence an
estimat ed populat ion of real dwellers (actual count) as seen in table 4 is made f or the
communities. There are, on average 6-8 persons per household. The numbers of
households are 2,825, 852, 980, 854, 1,530 and 1563, respectively f or Project area ,
Womdio, Rumirgo, Yimir-ali,Askira and Mbalala. The populat ion estimate is a product of the
number of households and the average persons per household.

Table 5.1.3 contains estimates of the population of the various communities as
dictated by respondents.

Table 5.1.3 Estimated Populations
Settlements Population Male (%) Female (%)
Project area 25,000 51.2 48.8
12,600 49.0 51.0
18, 600 48.0 52.0
Yimir-ali, 7,840 50.8 49.2
Askira 14,704 50.8 49.2
Mbalala 15, 864 49.65 50.35
Total Population
of proj ect area
49.91 50.09
* estimate **source Field Data


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
5.1.4 Social Infrastructure
Most of the communities have basic social infrastructures such as manageable road,
electricity, private hospitals, dispensary, hotels and petrol stations (all available at Project
area ) but lacks dedicated transport systems, good toilet facilities and portable water.

5.1.5 Education
There are primary and secondary schools (i.e Project area Borno Comprehensive secondary
school, Borno and Government secondary school Project area , Adawada) seen in the area and a
Nat ional Teacher Institute at Project area Borno. Womdio have two primary schools and a
secondary school (i.e Government day secondary school f or J.S.S 1-3 Class) only. Rumirgo has
only a one primary school and one secondary school (i.e Government day secondary school); Yimir-
Ali have one primary. Askira has only a one primary school and one secondary school (i.e
Government day secondary school) Only a primary school each was seen at Mbalala

5.1.6 Archaeological and Cultural Heritage

Development of cultural heritage and traditional belief systems such as shrines and
deity abound in the communities. Features of such cultural heritage and traditional
belief systems in the host communities include sacred groves and shrines and
festivals dedicated to deities.

This is much displaced in the area of marriage where, when a man likes a lady and
desire her for a marriage, he runs away with her for a period of 6 months after
which they return to legal for traditional marriage.

The people cherish their art and craft works, this makes them have a re-think of
their origin and a base for their togetherness.

5.1.7 Perceptions

The general perception of the Road Project is positive. This was supported by
93.33% percent (mostly youths) of the population. (Table 5.1.7a).

Table 5.1.7a General Perception of the Project


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Positive 280 93.33
Negative 15 5.0
Do not know 5 1.67
Total 300 100.00

This is mainly because it is perceived that the project would be of immense benefit
in terms of employment, at least in the short term. 83.33 percent of the community
believes it will provide them with employment. 13.33 percent believes it will provide
opportunities for scholarship and other social infrastructures in the communities,
such as water project, and building of health center, skill acquisition centre and

Table 5.1.7b: General Perception about Project Benefits.

Employment 250 83.33
Scholarship 40 13.33
Others 10 3.33
Total 300 99.99

High expectation amongst the populace from the project is illustrated in table 5.1.8b.
Positive outlook towards the project nothwithstanding, they are concerned that the
road project will affect their farming and fishing productivity.

5.2 Economic Environment

5.2.1 Occupational Distribution
The primary occupation of the indigenes is transportation, trading and f arming. This accounts f or
42.8%, 33.4% and 29. 4% of economic activit ies at Project area , Askira and Mbalala respectively.
Far ming is minimal in most cases and below subsistence level. Some of them engage in hunting. A
f ew numbers of them are small-scale contractors and some of the youths are unemployed.

Table 5.2.1: Occupation and Employment Structures of Respondent (%)
Sector Project
Womdio Askira Mbalala Yimir-Ali
Far ming 13.4 2.8 4.1 3 9.8


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Driving 42.8 8.7 33.4 29.4 11.3
Hunt ing 0.9 0.6 0.7 1.7 1.1
Civil Servant 3.8 2.3 1.1 4.1 0.4
Trading 18 31.9 2.2 19 27.8
Contractor 1.9 0.4 1.4 0.7 0.9
Student 9.2 14.4 20.9 16.4 12
Unemployed 10 13.7 16.4 25.7 36.7
100 100 100 100 100

5.2.2 Income Distribution of Respondents

The maximum income per annum is below N200, 000. Non-cash incomes (such as
hunting and farm produce) were given monetary values and the levels appear to
correlate well with the general average levels of income in the communities. These
levels of income reflect the widely acclaimed high levels of rural poverty in the
country. The net incomes are further depressed by the relatively high costs of
consumer goods and transport.

Table 5.2.2 Estimated Annual Incomes of Respondents
Income (N) Project area
Mbalal a (%) Rumi rgo(%) Aski ra (%)
5,000 20,000 35 8.0 8.3 14.3
21,000 40,000 23.3 8.6 8.3 14.3
41,000 - 60,000 7.0 26.0 25.0 14.3
61,000 - 90,000 9.3 7.3 8.3 0.0
91,000 110,000 14.0 8.3 8.3 14.3
111,000 -, 130,000 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
131,000 - 150,000 2.3 8.3 8.3 28.6
151,000 - 170,000 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
171,000 190,000 4.7 0.0 0.0 1.3
Above 200,000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
5.2.3 Social Infrastructure Electricity:
There is electricity supply by NEPA (National Electric Power Authority) and the
project area is connected to the national grid. Water:

Most people depend on dug well and bore holes for water supply. A group of well
are dug in the same location where the water table is within reach and there is
evidence of continuity in supply.. Roads:

Most part of the settlement are unplanned and congested but are having linear
settlement in respect to the existing road. The rehabilitation of the road will aid the
fast development of the communities within the prject area. Transportation:

Transportation is mostly by cars, motorcycles.and bicycle Transportation between
Project area and Mbalala community and other settlements is by vehiclar

5.3 Community Health Status

5.3.1 Housing
The settlements are unplanned; hence houses are built indiscriminately without
giving adequate consideration for proper drainage. Houses were built with concrete,
thatch, mud and corrugated iron sheets.

5.3.2 Life Style/Habit

Early marriage by the young girls is encourage in order to prevent immorality and
getting married to maximum of four ladies is not a sin.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Average number of cigarette smoked daily ranged from 4 to 5 sticks a day
amongst the youths mainly within the age bracket of 16- 20 years.

5.3.3 Disease Prevalence.
Disease prevalence based on the available data is divided into infective
(communicable disease), non-infective (non-communicable disease), injuries and

Infective diseases are by far the commonest of all the diseases. The five most
common of these infective diseases are malaria, diarrhoea, respiratory tract
infection, measles and febrile convulsion in children.

The commonest non-infective diseases are anaemia, hypertension and diabetes
mellitus. The injuries were due to assault, burns and road traffic accident especially
commercial motorcycle operators.

5.3.4 Knowledge, Attitude and Practices
We investigated the attitude of the people and their knowledge of sexually
transmitted infections and the practices that pre-dispose one to them.

Most of the respondents have heard of diseases transmittable by sexual
Their knowledge of the symptoms of STI in men and women is low. 30% of the
sampled population got the entire symptom correctly with men knowing more
than women.
All the respondents have heard of HIV/ AIDS with about 3% having had a relative
or friend dying from complications associated with HIV/AIDS related disease.
75% of the respondents are aware that people can be protected from contracting
HIV/ AIDS by abstinence and the use of condom (which is not very popular
among the respondents).
60% of the sample population believes that the project may increase the
incidence of HIV/ AIDS in the community, as the project will attract visitors and
migrant workers to the community. They believe the danger can be averted


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
through high moral behaviour and educating the people about the danger of the

5.3.5 Existing Health Facilities

Most of the functional health care institutions in the study are privately owned,
making health care delivery system very e xpensive for the common man. The
private health care institutions provided maternal and childcare basic healthcare
among other services. At least within the project area, every community have atleast
dispensary or health care center. Referral cases were usually referred to Specialist
General Hospitals in Marduguri and yola

5.3.6 Water and Sanitation

Source of clean water is grossly inadequate. The people rely mostly on dug-out
wells for source of drinking water. Sanitary conditions in the areas were poor. Only
few households can afford good toilet facilities, making most of the inhabitants to
defecate directly in the surrounding bushes. The health implications of such
unhealthy practices are many and could lead to out break of diseases such as
cholera, diarrhea, guinea warm, dysentery and other communicable infections.

5.3.7 Nutrition

The people are exposed to food rich in proteins, because of the abundance of
livestocks are readily available. Starchy foods such as cassava products (garri,
starch etc) maize, rice, yam etc are highly consumed in this area thus making fairly
balanced diet readily available in most households.

5.3.8 Health Risk Assessment

The following were the results of physical examination of 60 individuals assembled.

(a) Self-medication is popular among the inhabitants, as individuals purchase
certain drugs from nearby chemists and give to household members


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
whenever there is need. Native doctors or herbalists for treatment of some
illness practice use of herbs.
(b) Houses were not protected with mosquito net screens. Insecticides were fairly
used to get rid of mosquitoes.
(c) Faeces were disposed off in the bush, creek or open pit latrines. There was
thus high risk of transmission of air borne diseases or through contamination.
(d) Occasionally, public health workers from Askira/Project area and chibok L.G.As
move from house to house for immunization of children.
(e) There were no outbreaks of endemic diseases.
(f) Table 5.3.8 shows the result of physical examination and response to
(g) Some children born in the project area do receive immunization against
whooping cough, tuberculosis, measles, etc. However, most pregnant
mothers deliver in the general hospital or private health institutions.
(h) Twenty five percent of the children had ascariasis suggesting the infection might
be endemic.
(i) The two principal water-related diseases, malaria and dysentery, were the major
cases of disease in the area. Bathing, eating contaminated aquatic foods
and drinking contaminated water are the major exposure pathway leading to
illness from water-borne infectious diseases.

(j) About 10% of the people had difficulty breathing (dyspnoea) because of dust
and cloudy environment.
(k) Measles affected 10% of the children in the village.
(l) Five percent had scabies.
(m)One person had blood in urine suggesting schistosome infection.
(n) One person blind in one eye probably had river blindness or onchocerciasis.
(o) Some children had pneumonia (3.45%). One female was asthmatic.
(p) A young girl and a youth had physical deformity of their legs.
(q) There were no cases of people afflicted with tuberculosis, whooping cough,
chicken pox, tetanus, hepatitis, guinea worm and yellow fever.
(r) Blood pressures ranged from 110/80 to 160/110 mmHG, which were normal.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

Table 5.3.8 Health Risk Assessment at Bomadi Town

Health Indicator
Positive Negativ e
Physical deformities 60 2 58 3.33
Blood pressure
(mean( mmHG
20 132/100 - -
110 160
80 110
Asthma 60 1 59 1.67
Blurred Vision 60 3 57 3 3 old people
Chicken pox 60 0 60 0.0
Cholera 60 0 60 0.0
Diarrhea 60 6 54 10
Eye pain/Sore eyes 60 0 60 0.0
Excessive Sweating 40 2 38 5.0
Guinea worm inf ection 60 0 60 0.0
Hepatitis 60 0 60 0.0
Malaria 60 10 50 16.67
Measles (children) 20 2 18 10.0
Pneumonia 60 2 58 3.45
Scabies 60 3 57 5.17
Tetanus 60 0 60 0.0
Tuberculosis 60 0 60 0.0
River blindness 60 1 59 1.72 Blind in eye
Ear ache 35 0 0 0.0
Craw craw 40 2 38 5.0
Ascariasis (children) 20 5 15 25.0
Whooping cough 60 0 60 0.0
Yellow Fever 60 0 60 0.0


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
5.4 Waste Management

5.4.1 Waste Inventory

plastic bags for packaging sachet water constitute about 20% of total waste
generated. Other wastes such as garden waste, paper waste, food wastes also
constitute about 35% of the total wastes generated.

5.4.2 Existing Waste Management Practices

There was no defined waste management practices noticed in the area at the time of
this study. All manners of waste, biodegradable and otherwise, are thrown into the
few existing drainage channels, backyards, and street sides


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project



6.1 Introduction
The Environmental Impact Assessment focuses on the impacts associated with the
design and construction phases while outlining long term impacts. The impacts of the
proposed project are related to traffic, air quality, noise level, landslides and soil
erosion, visual landscape, socio-economics, construction waste management, water
supply, runoff water and drainage, fauna and flora, and safety. The potential impacts
of the proposed project on the ecosystem in the Borno savanna zone is of special
interest due to the unique value of this dryland on the biodiversity. The study
established the existing state of the environment through desktop studies, field
studies and laboratory analyses.

The EA was conducted in accordance to the provisions of World Bank Operational
Directive 4.01, Environmental Assessment which classifies the present project
under Category B mandating the preparation of a limited EA or Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) since anticipate negative impacts are mainly short term
and can be aptly mitigated. The main objective of the EA is to ensure that potential
environmental impacts are recognized and addressed.

The potential and associated impact assessment covers all stages of the project,
from site clearing and preparation through construction operation to demobilization,
decommissioning and closure.

The general approach adopted for the assessment is shown in Figure 6.1. The
chosen approach and methodology concedes that there can be uncertainties over a
number of issues that may arise such as natural variability of the environment,
particularly the occurrence of floods, insufficient understanding of the behaviour of
the environment and the associated socio-economic and health status.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Figure 6:1: Method of Assessment of Potential and Associated Impacts of
Proj ect area - Askira-Mbalala Road Project.

6.2 Impact Identification Methodology

Identification of potential and associated impacts of the proposed road project was
based on:
Expert group discussions and meetings.
Field investigation results;
Understanding of the environmental characteristics such as ecological, socio-
economic and health baseline conditions of the project area;
Knowledge of potential impacts of similar projects;
Knowledge of the project activities and various equipment to be involved.

Table 6.2a. listed the identified Various components of the project environment that
are likely to be impacted by each of the project phase and the associated impact
indicators for the various environmental components. The impact assessment
process was based on the assumption that these indicators will register many
changes in the environment as a result of the proposed project activities.

Use of Checklist Method to Identify
Associated and Potential Impacts
Predi ct Impact Magni tude and Importance

Proffer Mi ti gati on Measures

Ev aluate Significance of Impacts


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Table 6.2a: Environmental Components and Potential Impact Indicators
Env ironmental components
Potential Impact Indicators
1 Ai r Quali ty/Cl imate Parti cul ates, NO
2 Water Quali ty Sol ids (DS, SS); Turbidity, Oil and grease
3 Reli ef/Hydrol ogy Drai nage/Di scharge, Hydrologi c pattern,
Sedimentation, Erosi on, and Topography
4 Soi l/Land-use/sedi ment Physi co-chemi cal characteri sti cs, Erosi on tendency;
l and use pattern.
5 Vegetation/Forestry/Wi ldli fe Biodi versi ty, Envi ronmental l y sensi ti ve areas.
Wetl and/Swamps.
6 Fi sheri es, macrophytes, Benthi c
Di versi ty, Abundance, Producti vi ty, Catch/Yi eld.
7 Noi se Day and ni ght di sturbance, Heari ng i mpai rment,
Communi cati on Interference
8 Archaeol ogy Cul tural si tes and reli cs, cemetery.
9 Soci o-economi cs Populati on, i ncome, settlement pattern, heal th,
safety and security and infrastructure change.

Consideration was given to individual project activities in the light of their effects on
the environmental impact indicators, the potential and associated impacts. A
checklist of all likely project activities, a description of potential or associated impacts
and a qualitative description of the impact in terms of the adverse or beneficial
effects they are expected to have on the environment are presented in Table 6.2b.

Table 6.2b: Checklist for Potential Impact Identification

Adverse Beneficial Short
Reversible Irreve
Pre-Constructi on Adequate compensation
Loss of economic resource by
owners of acquired land

Landtake &
Unavailability of acquired land f or
alternative uses

Ecosystem alteration

Vegetation clearing
& topsoil removal
Habitat destruction


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Soil Erosion
Aesthetic & visual i mpacts
Loss of valued components (e.g.)
medical plants)

Communit y employment
Influx of people
Ecosystem alteration
Wat er pollution
Entert ainment
Habitat destruction
Landscape alteration
Communit y employment
Excavati on,
Sand winni ng,
and dredging
Influx of people
Noise polluti on from transport

Air pollution from exhaust gas

Disturbance of fishing acti vities
Ecosystem alteration Pilling (Bridges)
Habitats destruction
Unavailability of land for settl ement &
other uses

Noise pollution from construction
equipment (on-site)

Communit y employment
Influx of people
Ecosystem alteration
Infrastructural devel opment
Ecosystem alteration Piping of
wat er/sand
Landscape alteration
Land pollution
Wat er pollution
Communit y employment
Influx of people
Sand wining
Groundwat er contamination
Groundwat er contamination
Habitats destruction
Wast e disposal
Public healt h & saf et y
Wat er pollution
Land pollution
Oil & Chemical
Habitats destruction
Groundwat er contamination
Habitats destruction
Operati ons
Wast e disposal
Public healt h safet y
Public healt h and saf et y hazards
Availabilit y of land f or ot her uses
and Closure
Demobilization and
Ecosystem restorati on

6.3 Impact Magnitudes, Importance and Significance


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Potential impacts of the proposed project were evaluated using the modified impact
matrix, after Leopold et al (1971). The model relies on expert opinion on the worst
case scenario to predict and quantify impact magnitudes and on consensus opinion
to rank the predicted magnitude based on the (determine quantitatively), importance
of environmental components.

Ranking of Impact magnitude was carried out on the numerical scale stated below:
Severity Impact Score
No impact 0
Negligible 1
Minor (slight short term) 2
Moderate (reversible short-term) 3
Major (reversible long term) 4
Severe (permanent) 5

Table 6.3 presents the result of the potential impact prediction. Figures in cells in the
second column are the consensual importance values of environmental components.
Other figures represent magnitudes of impacts as determined by the expert panel
described earlier. Positive (+) and negative (-) signs are used to indicate beneficial or
adverse impact respectively using the opinion of several experts.

The panel of experts independently ranked the magnitude of each impact and the
results were statistically analyzed as follows:-
if variance of scores is less than or equal to 10% of mean score, the scores
are fair and acceptable;
if variance of scores is greater than 10% of any score, then the scores are
unacceptable and the scorers were given the opportunity to review their
scores and the process repeated till scores were acceptable.

The importance of environmental components was determined through 'consensus
of opinions'. Expert advice from relevant fields of science, engineering, health and
socio-economics were also obtained through discussions and meetings. This
approach took the following into consideration:


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

Expert judgment on the value of environmental components e.g. environmental
sensitivity, carrying capacity and environmental loading.
Economic values of environmental component.
Non-economic value of environmental component.
Ecological status listing of environmental component i.e. sensitive, endangered,
threatened or reserved.

Table 6.3 Weighted Potential Env ironmental Impact Evaluation of UAM road Proj ect
































Particulat e 2 -1 -1
3 -2 -1
s, 3 -1 -1
HC (VOC, BTEX ) 3 -1 -2
Drainage/discharge 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Shoreline Erosi on 3 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1
Landscaping/Topography 2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1
Solid (DS&SS) 3 -1 -2 -2 -2
Eutrophicati on 2 -1 -1 -1 -3
Physico-chem. Characteristics 1 -2 -1 -1 -2
Microbiological charact eristics 1 -1 -1 -1 -2
Toxicit y 1 -1 -1 -2
Groundwat er level 3
Groundwat er Quality 2 -1 -1
Soil Erosion 2 -2 -1 -1
Soil Struct ure/Charact er 1 -1 -1 -1
Soil Microbes 2 -1 -1 -1 -1
Farming 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Ind. /Res./I nstit utional 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2
Diversit y/Abundance 3 -1 -1 -1
Endangered/rare species 2 -1 -1 -1 +1
Forest Resources 4 -2 -1 -1 +1
Habitat 3 -2 -1
Diversit y & Abundance 2 -1 -1
Endangered species 1 -1 -1
Habitats 3 -1 -1
Productivit y 2 -1 -1 -1 -1
Catch and Yield 4 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1
Diversit y & Abundance 2 -1 -1 -1 -1
Bent hic Fauna 4 -2 -1 -1 -1
On site 2 -1 3
Off site 2 -1
Population 3 3
Occupation 4 -1 1 3 -1 -1
Income 4 -1 2 1 4 -1 -1
Education 3 2
Health and Safet y 4 -1 -1 2 -1 -1
Infrastructure 4 -1
Aesthetics 2 -1 -1

6.4 Potential Environmental Impacts of Proposed Project

Special effects of impacts such as site preparation direct or indirect effect, short or
long term effect, cumulative or beneficial and adverse effects and the potential
impacts of the proposed project on environmental components as identified and
evaluated above are discussed in this section.

6.4.1 Meteorological Parameters
a) Baseline Scenario
The Project taken up as part of the Project area Road Project is located in the sudan
savanna region. The weather generally remains dry and hot during dry season, while in wet
season rainy weather prevails. The dry season is usually dry with high temperatures
ranging between 32 to 35C. During rainy seasons the temperatures vary between 26.5 to
32C. January is coldest month with temperatures dipping to less than 26C.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
The project area receives most of its rainfall from the south-western Monsoon and enjoys a
high annual rainfall of about 890mm of which over 90% occur during four rainy months.
The region, on an average records a relative humidity of 30%.

b) Potential Impacts
Although no change in the macro-climatic setting is envisaged, the microclimate is likely to
be temporarily modified by vegetation removal, decrease in surface water bodies and the
addition of increased pavement surface. Hence the only climatic variable that will register
some impact is the length of sunshine hours. The impacting activity in the field is the
denuded vegetation. However, the impact will be localised.

Negative impacts on microclimate may be long term, but can be reversible if appropriate
mitigation measures are adopted. The negative impacts would be mainly restricted to the
areas adjacent to the road.

6.4.2 Natural And Biophysical Environment
Air Quality
a) Baseline Scenario
The monitoring of the ambient air quality for the various land uses along the project corridor
was carried out along the first row of potential receptors (approximately at 15m from the
edge of existing pavement), so as to establish the baseline concentrations. A comparison
of the baseline levels with the respective standards for the various locations, reveal that the
gaseous pollutants (CO, NO, and SO2) are all within the permissible limits. The SPM levels
exceed the permissible limits of 250 ug/m3, at major urban locations, and significant higher
levels have been observed in urban areas. The Carbon monoxide (a significant pollutant
from the exhaust of petrol driven vehicles) levels, is observed to be below 114.5 mg/im3 (or
0.1 ppm), at a distance of 15 m from the edge of the pavement.

The SPM value in the mangrove forest area was found to be slightly higher than expected.
This indicated the loss of quality in the forest environs and introduction of anthropogenic
activities in the forest The CO, NOx, NH4 and H2S levels were within the permissible
standard limits at all locations. The values were in the range of 75-141 ug/m3. The S02
levels were found to be in the range of 6 ug/m3 - 1 3.7ug/m3 well within the permissible
standard for S02 in sensitive areas.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

b) Potential Impacts
As the proposed project involves improvement of road geometrics and quality of the
pavement of the existing road, the air quality impacts shall be improved during the
operation stage as compared to the air quality which would have been in case the road
were not constructed.

During the construction stage, Increase in the concentration of air pollutants is likely during
the construction stage, especially from the hot-mix plants and the batching plants. As the
project involves limited bituminous construction, this impact has been minimized. During the
construction period, temporary impacts include generation of odour from construction
activities as well as from the construction camps.

Dust is likely to be generated due to the various construction activities including:
- Site clearance and use of heavy vehicles and machinery etc.
Procurement and transport of raw materials and quarries to construction sites
Stone crushing operations in the crushers
Handling and storage of aggregates in the asphalt plants
Concrete batching plants
In the asphalt plants due to mixing of aggregates with bitumen.

To assess the likely impacts on the Ambient Air Quality in the operation stage due to the
project, the prediction of pollutant concentrations along the corridor has been carried out
using Biu- Maiduguri Highway predicted traffic volumes likely and the surrounding land
uses. The predicted pollution levels have been plotted to a distance of 50m on either side
of the corridor and the pollution concentration contours for each of the pollutants worked

From the predicted concentrations, it is observed that maximum concentration of pollutants
occur with in a distance of 25 to 45m from the centerline of the proposed alignment.

6.4.3 Water - Hydrology And Drainage
a) Water Resources
Baseline scenario


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Drainage Channels: The project corridor falls and traverses across the drainage system.

b) Ground Water: Within the area, ground water is found in the confined and unconfined
zones and the water table varies between 5 - 9m

Water Bodies: There are numerous water resources including ponds located
along the ROW
Most of them are located in or alongside the ROW and are being used by the
local community for washing /bathing and other domestic purposes.

These surface water bodies can be subject to adverse impacts due to the various
construction activities as well as during the operation stage of the project. A few of these
water bodies are historically and culturally important.

c) Water Quality: The baseline water quality monitoring carried out at 15 locations, as part
of the consolidation/verification exercise indicates that concentrations of major physico-
chemical parameters, apart from turbidity, along the entire Road Project is within limits set
by the FMEn v and WHO drinking water and surface water quality for bathing.

Microbiological characterstics of water are, however, of concern. All surface water bodies
show bacterial presence and most of the samples also show faecal coliform presence
thereby indicating contamination by human discharges. This makes water from these
sources unsuitable for use without treatment.
The groundwater quality is satisfactory and all parameters of interest are within the
specified limits.

d) Potential Impacts
The following impacts are likely to occur along these flowing water resources where new
cross-drainage structures are to be constructed /Modifications to flow: Due to the massive
engineering works the river's waterway will have to be diverted. The waterway will be
constricted, increasing velocity downstream. This will mean increased sediment load with
the flow. The road, which is essentially a paved impervious surface, will cause increased
surface runoff along the roadsides.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Impairment to Water Quality: Increased load of light, difficult to settle, sediment will make
the water more turbid. Large, heavy sediment, particularly with slow moving water, may
smother algae and eventually alter the nature of the sub-stratum. The contamination of the
ground water resources due to the project are likely at the following locations: along
construction sites, camps involving moving of construction equipments and machinery, at
the various community water bodies and sources of water supply as hand pumps, drinking
water wells and along the entire length of the corridor especially around urban areas and
productive lands.

Water Quality: The short-term increase in runoff during the construction stage may also
occur due to the removal of trees, vegetative cover and compaction of the surrounding soil.
The construction activities around the surface bodies can affect the water quality due to the
disposal of solid and liquid wastes from labour camps, fuel and lubricant spills or leaks from
construction vehicles, fuel storage and distribution sites and from bitumen or asphalt
storage at hot-mix plants. The spoil heaps around the construction sites are also prone to
erosion and contribute to the increased sediment load in the near-by water bodies. The
major parameter of concern would be the sediment load from the spoils. The major
pollutants of concern are suspended solids, oil and grease, lead and other heavy metals.
Concentration of suspended solids is likely to be highest during the construction stage and
immediately after the construction when vegetation has not been fully established on the
embankment slopes. Oil and grease form a film on the water surface and hinder the
transfer of Oxygen into water. Though the compounds of lead are suspected to be
carcinogenic, it is unlikely that lead pollution will have significant effects as 90 95% of lead
in run-off is inert, and will be further diluted in the receiving water bodies, where the lead
concentrations are minimal.

Water Logging: The primary cause of water logging at certain stretches along the road is
due to previous borrowing operations. During rains, these borrow areas get filled up and
remains water logged due to inadequate local drainage. Places like yimir-Ali and Wmdio
are level with or below the surrounding terrain and are prone to get inundated.

Depletion of Water Source: The quantum of water to be used for road construction will be
around 1200 m
/d (of which 85-90% will be used for road marking, 7% for drinking and
domestic purposes, 1% for dust suppression, and the remainder for other uses) for the


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
entire project, peaking to about 1350 m
/d. The huge demand shall be met through
availability of ample supply both from surface sources and ground water (with water table
var ying from 4-9 m).

The project requirement of 1350 m3/d works out to only 0.05% of the total flow in the major
rivers. Thus, even by this comparison, it is apparent that the water requirement for the
project will not be a major impact on the environment

Loss of Water bodies/Ground Water sources: Many water bodies shall be partially filled
up due to the proposed project. Some water wells shall be relocated. Relocation of these
water resources have been worked out in consultation with the community, and all
community resources impacted due to the project will be relocated at suitable locations.
The typical designs and details of the relocation of the wells and the protection measures
for the various categories need to be worked out to minimise the impacts during both the
construction and operation stages of the project.

6.4.4 Land Resources
a) Physiography
Baseline Scenario
The project road traverses through the Sudan Savanna Region, which is also a flat plain.

b) Potential Impact
The proposed project would have measurable impact on the topography of the project
region. Significant cutting has been designed in this project, and impact on topography shall
be absolutely minimized. Moreover the waste material from the existing pavement is
proposed to be used in the filling to raise the proposed road level at areas where road

6.4.5 Geology and Seismicity


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Baseline Scenario
The topography of the area is relatively flat, and it is characterized by silty claye y top-soil,
coupled with Sudan Savanna vegetation. The geology of the study area falls within the
Bima Formation of the Lau Basin.

The Bima sandstone consists essentially of feldspathic sandstones, grits, pebble beds and
clays. Its highly crystalline and cemented. Under this condition it presents the
hydrogeological characteristics of basement complex rocks. Secondary permeability is only
developed by means of fracturing, weathering and solution. It is not, generally a good water
reservoir due to its poor permeability

Potential Impact
The entire stretch of the project highway traverses through seismic zone i.e., a zone of
relative stability. The project does not have any impact on the geological or seismic stability
of the area.

6.4.5 Soils
Baseline Scenario
The soil physical properties are mostly optimum for arable crop production except for their
sandy nature in some areas. The bulk densities of the soils are generally very low (0.48-0.57
). Also, the hydraulic conductivity values range from 43.0-51.2 S/cm and 42.0-
51.1S/cm at the top and bottom soil respectively. There is relatively easy passage of water
through the soils. The characteristic almost flat to very gentle slope (0-1.3%) of most of the
landscape and the sandy nature of the soils enhance their susceptibility to erosion and further
loss of fertility. The major factors responsible for the low nutrient status of the soil include poor
fertility maintenance practices (e.g. burning of farm residues and over cropping) and the high
pressure on the available little land.

The soils along the project packages are capable of producing high yields, largely due to
the rich soil nutrients.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Majority of the soils sampled along the Project area -skira-Mbalala Road project are neutral
to slightly acidic. Texturally, the y are classified as silty or silty loams and hence soil
expansion is not a concern.

a) Soil Quality:
Baseline Scenario
Soil quality assessment was conducted especially for e valuating heavy metal contamination
with respect to Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr) and Cadmium (Cd). Lead (Pb), usually the heavy
metal of concern from automobile exhaust was recorded below 0.001% (or 1 ppm) - the
limit set by the U.S. EPA for concentration in soil.

b) Potential Impact
Loss of Productive Soil: The entire corridor lies in a fertile agricultural belt, the adjoining
land use is predominantly agricultural. This loss of topsoil can be a long-term residual
impact. Though this is a genuine concern, the benefits of realignment in terms of increased
flows, safety and improvement in ambient air quality in settlements avoided will compensate
at least in part for the loss to the economy as a whole.

Soil Erosion: As the profile of the road is being raised (about 1m above the mean
maximum flood levels), erosion of the pavement embankment, if the side slopes are not
properly designed, will be an issue on most part of the project road. Erosion potential exists
mostly at high embankment areas of the road, especially at bridge-approaches and at
certain isolated patches. Once the trees are removed during pre construction stage and the
ground cover is cleared on the expanding side the problem due to erosion could increase

Soil Quality: Contamination of soil can take place in sites wherein construction vehicles are
parked and serviced due to leakage or spillage of fuel and lubricants. Pollution of soil can
also occur due to leakage or spillage of asphalt and bitumen and around hot-mix plants,
refuse and solid waste generated from labour camps or due to accidental vehicles spills. As
the proposed project enables smooth traffic-flow and removes traffic bottlenecks, it is
expected that the impact on soil quality, o verall, will be beneficial.

6.4.6 Quarries and Crushers
Baseline Scenario


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Existing quarries that are already in operation in a neighbouring State with the required
environmental clearances have been recommended for this project, and no new quarries
have been proposed. In this case, there is no suitable quarries and quarry materials in the
vicinity of the project highway stretch between. the locations with numerous quarries,
already operational of major sources of construction material.

a) Potential Impact
The excavation of quarries and borrow pits used for obtaining rocks, soil and aggregate
materials for road construction can cause direct and indirect long -term adverse impacts on
the environment. Though the quarry materials are to be transported over long distances to
the construction sites, almost all the quarries identified have proper access roads,
therefore, no major impacts during the hauling of materials is envisaged. As no new Quarry
needs to be opened for this project, therefore, no new impacts are likely to arise due to
quarrying operations

b) Impact due to Crushers within the Wild Life Sanctuary:
The baseline survey reported hot mix plants and crushers in full operation should be
located within the buffer area of the Wild Life Sanctuary. No impact during the operation
stage is likely, as all illegal hot-mix shall be stopped within the zone area.

6.4.7 Borrow Areas
Baseline Scenario
As the profile of the road is being raised (about 1m above the mean maximum flood levels),
significant borrowing of earth is required for the embankment fill material, and for the
construction of the pavement. The soils to be used, as sub-grade, select sub-grade and
shoulder materials need to be hauled from designated borrow areas. The above identified
borrow area can be categorized into the 3 following:
Barren Areas (or areas which are not cultivable)
Areas where the owners are willing to create ponds, or fishponds, and
Agricultural areas where the existing level of ground is higher than the surrounding
and the owners want these parcels of land to be lowered to facilitate irrigation.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
a) Borrowing in the Mangrove:
These activities are contributing to habitat fragmentation and discontinuity of the wildlife
corridors within the sanctuary. The project needs to ensure that quarrying and borrowing
operations are not carried out in the sanctuary, nor should the project encourage or
facilitate road construction through use of the crushing units and borrow areas located in
the buffer are of the sanctuary. In fact, the project needs to initiate the task of rehabilitating
these activities outside the buffer area of the sanctuary.

b) Potential Impacts
As the borrowing is to be carried out in accordance to the guidelines laid out in IRC-1 0-1
961, no major adverse impacts are anticipated. Also, productive agricultural areas have
been avoided for borrowing. However the borrow area pits, if not treated properly after the
borrowing is complete, can form stagnant pools and pose health hazards to prevent which
redevelopment of borrow areas need to be worked out.

At borrow area locations where the owners are willing to create ponds for fisheries etc,
proper protection measures for the drainage of the surrounding land and slope protection
measures need to be worked out. However, cartage of the borrow materials to the
construction sites can be of significance, as almost all such areas are accessible through
dirt tracks only and therefore, spillage and compaction of soil along these tracks will be a
significant impact. Proper protection measures need to be worked out for the minimizing of
such impacts during the haulage of borrow materials.

6.4.8 Noise Levels
Baseline Scenario
Barring a few exceptions, the nighttime noise levels were lower than the corresponding
daytime measures. A variation of as much as 15 dB (A) to as little as none was observed
at the monitoring locations between the day and nighttime noise levels. The corridor had
much lower noise levels. The contribution of other activities due to proximity to the urban
area of Project area is also evident from a difference of as much as 15 dBA between the
day time and night noise levels. Overall the noise levels ranged between 50 dBA and 88
dBA Noise in the project area.

Potential Impacts


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Due to the various construction activities, there will -be temporary noise impacts in the
immediate vicinity of the project corridor. The construction activities will include the
excavation for foundations and grading of the site and the construction of structures and
facilities. Crushing plants, asphalt production plants, movement of heavy vehicles, loading,
transportation and unloading of construction materials produces significant noise during
construction stage. However, these increased noise levels will prevail only for a short
duration during the pre-construction and construction stage.

Noise is a major area of concern, especially since a number of sensitive receptors have
been identified to be quite close to the road all along the project area..

6.4.9 Flora
Baseline Scenario
a) Roadside plantations
The number of trees existing on the RoW (or within 30m on either side of the existing road
centre line) are numerous and dominated by Adansonia digitata (kuka).

b) Potential Impacts
The cutting of trees shall have manifold impact. Most visible impact is the loss of shade.
Also, there is a possibility of the local people being deprived of tree products, such as
wood, fruits, leaves etc. Removal of roadside trees will reduce comfort levels for slow
moving traffic and pedestrians. The felling of these roadside trees may lead to temporary
increase in erosion (erosion will be controlled once construction occur at the area of trees
cut). Marginal impact would also arise with respect to air quality and ambient noise, as
trees attenuate air pollutants and noise at varying degrees.

6.4.10 Enhancement Measures
Road Landscape Plan: The road landscape has been developed envisaging a holistic
approach to the entire stretch. A concept has been evolved so as to maintain visual
characteristics and uniformity in terms of landscape along the stretch. To achieve this, the
entire stretch of the project corridor has been classified as homogenous in terms of
landscape based on similarity of soil conditions, climate (temperature and rainfall) and
topography. The landscape plan includes preparation of a detailed land use plan.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Enhancement of Junctions: As parts of the road landscape plan all the major and minor
road junctions are proposed to be enhanced. Typical enhancement drawings have been
prepared for
Cross roads
T Junctions
Y Junctions
And Traffic Islands

a) Enhancement of Incidental Spaces:
Many incidental or irregular spaces have been created along the especially at curves, at
start and end of bypasses, spurs etc. The project has identified some of these spaces and
prepared landscape and enhancement plans for these spaces to enhance the visual quality
of these spaces along the project road.

Though the alignment has been routed to minimise woodland acquisition, the acquisition of
some hectares of land has been unavoidable. The acquisition of woodland is being taken
up in accordance with the Forest (Conservation) Act. As the forest is already degraded with
illegal felling of trees, no further adverse impacts to the forest is anticipated.

b) Potential Impact
The major threat to the flora in the sanctuary area comes from deforestation for fuel,
overgrazing by cattle owned by people living within the sanctuary area, militant-illegal oil
traders nexus and fire rather than from the road construction activity itself. The road
construction activity itself will not have a further impact on the already degraded status of
the forest. However, the project needs to ensure that allied activities such as location of
construction camps, setting up of stockyard, hot mix plants etc are not carried out in the
woodland area.

Unless appropriate measures are taken to curb access into the sanctuary the issues such
as illegal tree felling, man made forest fires, and other anthropogenic activities shall prevail
and contribute to the degradation of the natural forest.

6.4.11 Fauna/Wildlife
Baseline Scenario


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Undomesticated animals constitute the major proportion of faunal density in the area
surrounding the project route. No endangered or rare species has been reported in the
area. The baseline study included identification of faunal species native to the study area
especially with reference to the RoW and adjoining areas.

Domesticated animals dominate fauna species all along the existing project road. Aquatic
birds are relatively present in the project area and no endangered species of avian fauna
has been recorded in the influence zone of the proposed project. The presence of
endangered fauna, in the area was a major driving force in ensuring less activities are
carried out where the animal are nesting. If however, the nesting site is unavoidable, the
animal will be relocated. lmportant species of fauna include the leopard, hyena, spotted
deer, grass cutter, deer, antelopes, Snakes. Other species recorded in the area are
Wildcat, Civets, Mongooses, Squirrels, Flying squirrels, Bats, Shrews etc. A number of bird
species have been recorded within the project area. It has 20 species of reptiles including
lizards, python and snakes like viper.

Potential Impact
The envisaged impacts during operation stage are disturbance to local fauna and cattle of
the surrounding areas due to noise generated by vehicles. In addition, there is also
likelihood of accidental deaths of cattle crossing the road. At no of locations near rural
areas cattle were observed crossing the road. Due to improved road geometric design and
capacity the speeds shall increase increasing the possibility of accidents with animals
grazing nearby the road.

Other Probable sources of wildlife impact are:
site survey (low impact)
site clearing/habitat loss (medium impact)
access road construction/excavation (low - medium impact)
fire accidents (bush burning),
excessive hunting and trapping
deforestation for farming and industrialization activities
movement, noise of machinery.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
increase in temperature around the site due to operation of the
machines as well as formation of new settlements due to expansion of the
city/ industrialization.

Both site survey and access road construction will have low to medium impact severity
because they produce noise that only temporarily scare wildlife away and hence are of
short duration. Site clearing will leave a more permanent loss of habitat, which is restricted
to areas delineated.

6.4.12 Archaeological and Cultural Properties
Baseline Scenario
The project highway traverses through a number of settlements and is often dotted with
religious and cultural properties most of which though not of archaeological significance are
nevertheless, significant to the community. Man y important cultural and historical
settlements lie along the existing road..

Potential Impacts
There is no adverse physical impact on the protected monument. Almost all monuments are
located outside the direct impact zone of the project road. No negative adverse impact is
envisaged on any archaeological and protected monument.

6.4.13 Other Amenities
Baseline Scenario
There are number of amenities and utility services located along the route like schools,
wellheads, drill slots, pipelines hospitals, etc. Of these, schools and hospitals are important
community facilities. A large number of schools are located within close proximity of the

There are number of amenities and utility services located along the highway like schools,
hospitals, Crude Pipelines, Drill Slots, Bus Stops etc. The location of these amenities along
the proposed highway is an issue of concern, as the siting of these amenities will contribute
to a major modification of the original route.

Potential Impacts


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
No significant Impact is expected from these amenities as they are met on the ground by
the proposed project.

6.4.14 Land Use and Land Speculation
Baseline Scenario
The proposed road route constitutes the most fertile agricultural belt and is
predominantly under agricultural land use.

Potential Impact
The development that the new road will bring with it will induce a chain reaction towards
change in land use. Change in land use will be sparked off as a result of land speculation.
The road, when completed will, will witness overnight selling of these lands for the prices
that they will fetch. Industrialisation of fringe areas of Towns is also a possible impact of a
road development scheme. The availability of cheap labour and easy access to markets in
the Maiduguri, biu, and yola and the environs will make roadside areas quite an incentive
for the industrialist.

Reduced transportation costs and availability of high-class transportation facilities for raw
materials and products will be the most important advantage of the new road. The
mushrooming of industrial and artisans areas on roadside will mean that the use of
whatever infrastructure facilities that may be available will preferentially go to the 'deep
pockets' of the industry. This will further strain these almost non-existent services. In
addition, in case of polluting industries, the environment will directly suffer if control
measures are not in place.

6.4.15 Human Health
Baseline Scenario
Inhabitants of urban areas mostly complain about the increase in respiratory and other
illness such as asthma, recurrence of cold and cough.

Potential Impacts
The proposed project would have both beneficial and adverse impacts on the human
health. The pollutants generated during construction period will have adverse impact on
the health of workers and nearby habitation area. However, this is temporary in nature.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
The project through construction worker may induce some new vector borne diseases
among the local communities, which is not in the area at the moment. During the operation
period, increasing traffic may add more pollutants to air and noise. In spite of these, the
project may bring positive impact on the human health if proper mitigation measures are

Immigrants invariably carry with them diseases to their destinations. This may impact
negatively on local peoples who have not developed resistance. A major fear arising from
this theory is that commercial sex work will increase the risk of the spread of HIV/ AIDS and
other STDs in the area. The impact associated with communicable diseases may not be
different from the existing status quo as most workers may be coming from the Towns and
other surrounding communities and villages. The check-list for health impact identification
is contained in Table 6.4.15

Table 6.4.15 Check-List For Health Impact Identification
Nature of Impact Project Phase Acti vi ties Impact Descri ption
Benefi cial Adverse

Communi ty
Assi stance

- Provi si on of social
- Increase i n empl oyment
opportuni ti es
- Schol arship awards
- Ski ll s acqui si ti on
- Trai ni ng of VHW, TBA.
- Building of heal th post
- Constructi on of publi c
toil ets, roads, water




Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

Pol luti on

- Ai r pol luti on
- Water poll ution
(oil /chemi cal spill )
- Noi se

- Acci dents (wor k rel ated)
- Populati on i ncrease
- STDs i ncludi ng HIV/AIDS
- Fi re



Demobi li zati on
and Closure
All associ ated
acti vi ties
- Safety hazard X

6.4.16 Road Safety
Baseline Scenario:
Pedestrians, cyclists, animals, herdsmen as well as fishermen, vehicles carrying hazardous
goods and other motorized and/or heavy vehicles use the project area. These
combinations create hazardous conditions for all the road users. Poor pavement structure
and lack of warning/informatory signs and incidental parking especially in urban stretches
seem to be the reasons for accidents on most Nigerian roads.

Potential Impacts
During the construction stage, dismantling of structure, cutting trees, haulage material
obstructing vision, spillage of lubricants on road generally causes road accidents. Similarly,
in operation stage, the increase in speed would tend to increase the severity of accidents.

the project would provide medians, improved existing road geometry, remove congestion,
provide facilities for pedestrian and non-motorised traffic.

In settlement stretches, service lanes would be provided. The safety benefits from the
project are quite significant and it could be even more if mitigation measures are
implemented in each phase of the project.

6.4.17 Shrines and Sacred Structures


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Baseline Scenario
These structures, though are not of any significance at the regional level, do have a
significant importance to the local communities. Most of these structures have come up
within and adjacent to the existing. A number of cultural properties such as Mosques,
Shrines, Churches and cemeteries have been identified along the project route. However,
it should be noted that some of these structures, especially shrines, are not permanently
located. At construction stage these structures may surface along the project route.

Potential Impacts
Shrines and Sacred Structures will be subjected to var ying degree of impact depending
upon their placement in the RoW. Structures, which are close to the proposed CW, are
likely to need relocation. One of the adverse impacts of the road construction project on the
cultural property located along the road edge is increased risk of damage to the property
due to likely vehicular collision during the operation stage.

6.4.19 Other Amenities/Infrastructures
Baseline Scenario
There are a number of amenities and utility services located along the highway like schools,
wellheads, drill slots, pipelines hospitals, etc. Of these, schools and hospitals are important
community facilities. A large number of schools are located within close proximity of the
There are number of amenities and utility services located along the highway like schools,
hospitals, Crude Pipelines, Drill Slots, Bus Stops etc. The location of these amenities along
the proposed highway is an issue of concern as the siting of these amenities will contribute
to a major modification of the original route.

Potential Impacts
The influx of workers to the area will result in over stretching the few infrastructures
available in the area. However it is expected that the proximity of fairly urban areas such
as Project area and Womdio to the proposed projected area will mitigate this as workers
may wish to operate either from their homes or choose to look for accommodation in the
neighbourhoods of Rumirgo. House rent is expected to rise, electricity consumption will
increase and shortage of portable water may likely arise. Hence the fewer available
infrastructures are likely to be overstretched.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

6.4.20 Human Use Values
Land Use and Land Speculation
Baseline Scenario
The proposed road route constitutes part of the agricultural belt of the Lau basin and is
some times under agricultural land use.

Potential Impact
The development that the new road will bring with it will induce a chain reaction towards
change in land use. Change in land use will be sparked off as a result of land speculation.
The road, when completed will, witness overnight selling of these lands for the prices that
they will fetch. Industrialisation of fringe areas of Towns is also a possible impact of a road
development scheme. The availability of cheap labour and easy access to markets in the
Maiduguri, Mubi, Biu and the environs will make roadside areas quite an incentive for the

Reduced transportation costs and availability of high-class transportation facilities for raw
materials and products will be the most important advantage of the new road. The
mushrooming of industrial areas on roadside will mean that the use of whatever
infrastructure facilities that may be available will preferentially go to the 'deep pockets' of
the industry. This will further strain these almost non-existent services. In addition, in case
of polluting industries, the environment will directly suffer if control measures are not in

6.4.21 Human Health
Baseline Scenario
Inhabitants of urban areas mostly complain about the increase in respiratory and other
illness such as asthma, recurrence of cold and cough.
Potential Impacts
The proposed project would have both beneficial and adverse impacts on the human
health. The pollutants generated during construction period will have adverse impact on
the health of workers and nearby habitation area. However, this is temporary in nature.
The project through construction worker may induce some new vector borne diseases
among the local communities, which is not in the area at the moment. During the operation


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
period, increasing traffic may add more pollutants to air and noise. In spite of these, the
project may bring positive impact on the human health if proper mitigation measures are

6.4.22 Impact on Fisheries:

The shallow creeks found in the project area supports commercial and artisinal fishing
activities and the water could be subject to pollution from construction activities. Those
activities with probable impact are:
* Site clearing
* chemical and spent oil spills and leaks
* sanitary waste disposal.

Since most of the surface water sources are not remote to activities adverse impacts are
expected. However the impact is expected to be low and short-term.

6.4.23 Socio-economic Impacts:
Socio-economic impacts associated with project are both positive and negative. The
impacts will be of short, medium and long term duration.
Significant impacts will result from:
Site preparation and construction
Equipment and other engine operations including waste generation and
disposal (spent filters).

Significant positive impacts will include the following:
Employment opportunities for unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled
indigenes of Project area , Askira Mablala and environs during site
preparation and project implementation phases. This is for a short term.
Boosting of petty trading during construction phase to provide food and
other daily needs for casual workers. This is also for a short term.
Negative impacts will include:
Loss of arable land to development;
Probable aggravation of erosion by construction activities;
Noise from engines and power generators (although minimal)


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Illumination from camp lights can attract harmful insects and reptiles,
which crawl out of the nearby bush to enjoy the warmth created by the lamps.

6.4.24 Economic Impacts
(a) Employment
Opportunities for employment will be created both in the formal and informal sector, when
project implementation commences.
(b) Loss of fishing areas and depletion of natural resources
Construction activity may reduce fishing activities since most of the creeks and creeklets
will be disturbed thereby increasing turbidity. Also some economic plants and animal
resources will be destroyed.

6.4.25 Demographic Impact.
Considerable influx of people both from the city and the hinterland into the area in search of
jobs and improved earnings is expected due to project. The structure of the population will
become more youthful as the new comers will be predominantly young persons. Local
economy will be energized.

6.4.26 Crime and Delinquency

With the population increase, these will be expected to increase. Major manifestation will
be attendant increase in prostitution, burglary and petty thievery, piracy, alcoholism, etc.

6.4.27 Health Risk Assessment
To rank the health risks associated with the proposed project on the community, a health
risk matrix is used as shown in Table 6.4.27.
Table 6.4.27: Health Risk Due To Construction Activities
(I) Communicable
Associated Risks
Suscepti bil ity i s high, mi grant workers may
i ntroduce parasi tes


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Ri sk from STDs i s high and i s l i kel y to
i ncrease due to i nflux of worker s and camp
followers and i ncreased number of unpai red
work force.
Respiratory Tract Infections
may increase i f no improvement in housi ng
(i .e. squatter settlements and overcrowdi ng)
Diarrhea Diseases
Ri sk wi l l decrease wi th provi si on of pi pe-
borne water and heal th educati on.
Skin Diseases
May increase due to poor hygi ene and over
(ii) Non-Communicable Diseases.
High Blood Pressure (HBP)
Health ri sk may increase due to i nflux of
peopl e who al ready have the di sease and al so
work rel ated stress.
may increase due to exposure to man-
made mi neral fi bres and associ ated gas and
chemi cal s.
Hearing loss
Health ri sk expected to be low except if
threshold for noi se of 85dB i s exceeded.
Depends on ski n exposure to i rri tants and
all ergen

6.4.28. Waste Management

The following are likely source of impact:
Improper waste management will have a major impact on the aquatic
Inappropriate disposal of garbage, domestic waste and sewage from
campsite will be a source of environmental pollution if FMWs recommended
waste management guidelines are not strictly adhered to.
Indiscriminate disposal of wastes in the open environment will result to
adverse ecological stability.

The impact have medium-high impact on both the aquatic and terrestrial
environment and are of short-term duration. The aftermath is decline in the water


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
quality, which can disturb or destroy aquatic biota as well as affect the health of
associated communities and terrestrial biota.

6.5 Environmental Sensitivities

The environmental sensitivities of the proposed Project area in terms of ecology,
economy, social and cultural values. Environmental components and processes match
environmental sensitivities so as to identify major environmental sensitivities with the
impacting activities and agents.

Table 6.5 Environmental Sensitivities for UAM

The land: ecology The land use:
The land users social and
cultural values
1. Climate High rainf all, slight seasonally
2.Hydrology (rivers) Seasonal high water, flooding
sensitive to: hy drological
Sensitiv e to: out of season
f looding, loss of arable
Sensitiv e to: loss of rev enues
3. Water quality
High silt load, sensitive to:
change in silt nutrient load and to

Sensitiv e to: erosion 4. Soils
riv erbanks
Generally lev el land, silty -clay or
sandy , high nutrient lev el
Physically suitable f or
agriculture, high on
nutrients, sensitive to:
nutrient depletion
Sensitiv e to: ov erexploitation and
conf licts ov er land tenure


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
5. Vegetation
mangrov e
f orest


Thick mangrove f orest, high
biodiv ersity sensitiv e to: loss of
species and biomass

Water hyacinth invading
Natural ecosystem,
sensitive to:
ov erexploitation

Sensitiv e to: blocking
access and f ishing
Traditional land use systems,
exploitation of common goods,
sensitive to: loss of rev enue and
conf licts ov er exploitation

6. fauna
High div ersity, sensitive to: loss
of productiv ity and species.
Harv esting from nature,
sensitive to:
ov erexploitation, pollution

f ood crops


f isheries
Low input, partly f allow f arming
sy stem, sensitive to: nutrient

High input land use

Creeks and river, sensitive to:
loss of productivity
Subsistence agriculture,
increase in demands,
sensitive to:
ov erexploitation, lack of
off farm employment large
areas market oriented,
completes with good
crops, employment
increasing pressure,
sensitive to: ov er f ishing
and pollution

8 Population Increase in population numbers Stagnant economic
conditions, sensitiv e to:
lack of employment and
rev enues
Sensitiv e to: social tension and
strif e
9. Infrastructure Roads, waterway s Lack of maintenance,
sensitive to: loss of
Communications, sensitive to:
impediment of communications.
10. Development

sensitive to: physical impacts
and aesthetics

Employ ment, revenues,
sensitive to: land take,
loss of source of income
Strong presence sensitiv e to:
inequity among other communities,



7.1 Introduction
A number of mitigation measures appropriate are proffered for the identified associated
and potential impacts of the Project area road project and the adjoining environment in
which the project is to be located. The Identified mitigation measures are discussed vis-a-
vis the impact to which they apply. Impact mitigation may involve all or some of the


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
avoiding the impacts altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an
minimising impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its
rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the affected
Compensating for the impact by replacing or providing substitute resources.

Table 7.1a and 7.1b present summary of mitigation plan for potential Project area

7.2 Project Alternatives

The assessment of impacts of the proposed road project considered these main options:
No project option
Project Relocation
Project execution as proposed

Panel of experts have reviewed these alterations with the project objectives in focus.

7.2.1 No Project Option
It is essential that the no project option be considered as a first step in mitigation.

The no project option implies that the proposed Project area road project will not be
carried out and the area allowed remaining in its present conditions. This will result in
inaccessibility of the remote inhabitants, non-evacuation of agricultural produce including
fish products, provision of other basic logistic aids and under utilization of land resources,
continued emigration of the working population to other areas in search of better working
environment, good roads and exposure of the inhabitants to water-borne operation

7.2.2 Project Execution as Planned
Significant environmental improvements will be achieved if the project is carried out as
proposed due to numerous benefits accruable to the inhabitants of that area. For instance,


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
evacuation of agricultural and aquacultural products will be easier thereby opening up the
markets and reducing cost of these products. Emigration will be checked, expansion of
other infrastructure development will be enhanced if the project is developed as planned.
The project is a development with minimal ecological and socio-economic impacts that
would assist averting possible natural disaster due to inundation

7.2.3 Project Relocation
Project relocation to another location is not a feasible option as doing so may result in
greater environmental impact than the present location and will not benefit the people of
Project area , Womdio, Rumirgo, Yimir-Ali, Askira, Mbalala. Beside it may also deny them
the opportunity to feel the presence of Federal Government in their day-to-day activities.

7.3 Mitigation of Environmental, Social and Health Impact

7.3.1 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Climate

The project has proposed replacement of trees felled in the ratio of 2 new trees to be
planted for every tree cut In addition, as part of the engineering design, additional measures
such as turfing of embankments and landscaping of the entire project road have been
proposed which shall minimise the adverse impacts on microclimate. Also transplantation of
trees (shifting trees from existing location to new is another measure to minimize cutting of
healthy grown trees, which provide shade and other benefits and help control the
microclimate along the roadside.

Enhancement Measures
A detailed landscape plan has been prepared for the project road, which proposed
plantation of suitable trees based on location in the available space in the RoW. This shall
more than restore the microclimate along the road to its baseline situation.

7.3.2 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Air Quality.

At critical sections removal of bottlenecks and relieving congestion in built-up stretches
were incorporated through improved design and improving road geometry and widening of
road to smoothen traffic flow. Bypassing settlements and consequent elimination of the


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
slow moving local traffic, will ensure smooth flow of traffic and reduce emission of
pollutants. The following table 7.3.2a and 7.3.2b shows the mitigation measures adopted
during the design stage to minimize various potential impacts including air pollution and
improve air quality.

The asphalt plants, crushers and the batching plants will be sited at least 1 km in the
downwind direction from the nearest human settlement. All precautions to reduce the level
of dust emissions from the hot mix plants, crushers and batching plants will be taken up.
The hot mix plant will be fitted with dust extraction units. To control emissions from the
stack, an adequate cyclone/scrubber will need to be provided in the event of the emissions
exceeding the FMEnv norms.

A vehicle management schedule prepared by the contractor and approved by the
Supervision consultant shall be adhered to. Water will be sprayed in the lime/cement and
earth mixing sites, asphalt mixing site and temporary service and access roads. Af ter
compacting the earthwork, water will be sprayed on regularly to prevent dust. To avoid dust
emissions likely to result from transporting crushed rock and earth, the vehicles delivering
construction material will be covered.

The concentrations of ambient air quality parameters obtained indicate that along the
concentrations of the pollutants of concern, especially SPM will exceed the limits for
residential areas, at least within 25 m of the centerline of the road. However, pollution
resistant species, which can grow in high pollutant concentrations or even absorb
pollutants, can be planted in the first row. Broad-leaf species can help settle particulates
with their higher surface areas along with thick foliage, which can reduce the distance for
which particulates are carried from the road itself. The pollution resistant species are
recommended for plantation along the project road traversing through the Project area -

Dry spell is not anticipated, but in the event of any form of dry spell during the construction
stage FMW shall spray water within the road route to moisten the soil and keep down dust.
In addition, workers will be provided with nose mask.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

The FMW shall ensure that any fuel combustion engine are maintained at optimal operating
conditions to minimize the emission of exhaust gases.

7.3.3 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Hydrology and Drainage
Protection of Banks and edges: Road run-off is let off into natural drains of adequate
capacity from ditches at the end of formation to prevent destabilization of the embankment.
Release of road run-off directly from the ditches can erode edges of the water body into
which the run-off is let off. To ensure that run-off does not damage the water body it enters,
cascading for scour protection has been proposed.

Cascade for Scour Protection: Letting off run-off directly could cause the scouring of the
bed of the drain. Cascade arrangement allows dissipation of the energy of the run-off and
traps some sediment within the spaces between adjacent bricks. Brick trays, each 1 brick
thick, are used to break the momentum of the flowing water and the brick weirs allow
uniform flow into the natural drain. The last of the weirs (made out of 1:4:8 P.C.C.) is so
constructed that the final tray lies 500 mm below the water surface.

Silt Fencing: Silt fencing will be provided to prevent sediments from the construction site
entering into the nearby watercourses. The silt fencing consists of geotextile with extremely
small size supported by a wire-mesh mounted on a panel made up of angle frame. The
frame will be installed at the edge of the water body along which construction is in progress.
The wire-mesh will provide structural stability and the 25x25x3 mm angle section will act as
posts for the silt fencing.

Sedimentation Chamber: Excessive sediment loads are expected from road run off as it is
discharged into the environment. To remove the sediment, a small sedimentation chamber
at the end of ditches before discharging into the watercourse has been proposed. The entry
into the chamber will be through a bar screen which can take care of large floating debris, if
it finds its way into the run-off.

Oil interceptor: Oil and Grease from road run-off is another major concern during
construction as well as operation. During construction, discharge of Oil and Grease is most
likely from vehicle parking areas of the contractors' camps. On the other hand, during the


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
operation stage, the discharge can be from anywhere along the entire road stretch. Thus,
the source is diffused and virtually unrestricted. In either case, the technique for the
separation of oil and water is the same: gravity separation. Enough retention time is
provided to run-off to allow oil to float on to the surface.

Siting of Activities: The location of all fuel storage and vehicle cleaning area will be at
least 300 m from the nearest drain/ water body. In addition, the maintenance and repairs of
vehicles will be carried out in a manner such that contamination of water bodies and
drainage channels can be avoided. The slopes of embankments leading to water bodies will
be modified and re-channelised to prevent entry of contaminants into the water body.

Cross Drainage Structures: Though during construction period, drainage alteration and
downstream erosion/ siltation is anticipated, due to the improved design and added
capacity of the cross-drainage structures, there should be an improvement in the drainage
characteristics of the surrounding area. Raising the road level has been proposed to avoid
future inundation in the inundated stretches along the corridor. Along the settlements, as
part of the engineering design, provision has been made for drainage along the sides of
road. These drains will be properly maintained by the FMW as part of its corridor
management plan. To ensure efficient cross-drainage and to prevent water logging along
the sides, adequate size and number of cross-drainage structures have been provided.

Recharging pit for roadside drain in urban areas: In urban areas too, the run-off in
roadside ditches needs to be disposed of. Provision has been made for urban recharging
pits along stretches where the road passes through large urban areas. These vertical drains
serve two purposes: they dispose of unwanted run-off and encourage recharging of
underground water resources. The drains have gravel columns and geosynthetic filter fabric
at about 2 m depth from the top of the bores and to prevent the transportation of
contaminants into the aquifer. The drains will be provided at the beginning and the end of
each settlement and near the outfall to a natural drain if the highway crosses one inside a
settlement. It should be pointed out that all the devices being suggested require periodic
maintenance and cleaning to operate at their design capacity.

Relocation of Water Supply Sources: As part of the design, all sources of community
water supply will be replaced as near to the existing source as practicable, after


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
consultation with the local community. A major benefit of the arrangements worked out for
the Project area is the prevention of stagnant pools of water around wells and hand pumps
which not only are a likely breeding ground for vectors but also cause of dirt, especially in
the silty soils through which the road passes. The various arrangements worked out to
prevent the adverse impact on the existing well structures or to enhance the existing ones
are described below.

Enhancement Measures
Hand pumps to be relocated: All replaced hand pumps will be provided with a proper apron
and drainage arrangement for the safe disposal of water. For hand pumps located within
the RoW or ver y close to it will include a flat apron and drain into the roadside ditch. The
length of the drain has been limited to 3 m and the width of the P.C.C. bed inside the drain
will depend on the width of the discharging area.

Defining space for Improved usage: Based on the existing use of the well the use level and
activities supported by the water source have been evaluated. For e.g., if washing clothes is
one of the activities being conducted at a particular well, the enhancement shall provide a
washing platform as part of the enhancement. Similarly small seating space has been
proposed at specific locations to enhance the social use of the spot. Additional paved
space provided shall facilitate better use of the space by the community.

Plantation: The communities wells, are not only significant community gathering spots but
also provide water for their domestic uses. At locations where it is feasible to plant trees
the project has proposed the plantation of shade and fruit trees. Tree bases built around
these trees shall not only provide seating space but also enrich the quality of the spaces for
the local and the road user.

Road construction activities can lead to increased run-off both during the construction and
operation stages. During the construction stage, the removal of vegetation and compaction
of soil can lead to increased run-off. Similarly, the area of open ground lost to the pavement
increases the run-off from the open ground.

Enhancement Measure


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Water Bodies to be Enhanced: Enhancements to water bodies include strengthening of
embankments of the water bodies, improving water quality and catchments characteristics,
creating informal spaces around the water body, parking facilities and other site specific
enhancements. Based on the significance and use values of the water bodies along the
project road, water bodies have been identified for enhancement along the project road.

7.3.4 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Land (Topography)
Durable facilities for drainage system to be installed on the site shall be such that with
elevated topography free storm water drains into the river and other creeks.
Road dressings shall ensure enhanced aesthetics through replanting some of the removed

7.3.5 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Geology
No mitigation measure necessary as the project does not have significant impact on
geology and seismic stability in the area.

7.3.6 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Soils
Minimising Land Acquisition: Land acquisition has been minimised in the proposed
project, especially along the stretches with pre-dominant agricultural land utilisation.
Though the impact on the productive soil is unavoidable, adequate measures have been
worked out for minimizing the loss of soil, as by the storing of topsoil to be laid back after
the construction period etc.

Reinforced Earth Walls: The project would improve the erosion situation by developing all
the road embankments at a slope of 1:2. All high embankments along the bridges and
ROBs are provided with reinforced earth walls. Gravity retum walls will be provided on all
bridges to encase the whole embankment, replacing the existing cantilever return walls,
and therefore reducing the probability of erosion.

Turfing of Slopes: Incorporating appropriate type of treatments of slopes has reduced the
potential for erosion of high embankments and bridge fills. The soil is assumed to have an
angle of repose corresponding to 1V: 2H. Slope protection is normally required only for
slopes steeper than this. The side slopes gentler than this will be turfed with shrubs and


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
grasses as per recommendations for the treatment of embankment slopes for erosion

Brick Pitching on Slopes: If slope protection is to be provided for slopes gentler than
1:2,brick pitching will be adopted. The advantage of this arrangement is that it allows the
growth of vegetation in the empty spaces created on the face of the slope, while providing
better retention.. A kerbstone and gabion box arrangement will be provided at the bottom, in
case the slope is abutting a water body.

Stone Pitching: If the slope is steeper than 1:2, stone pitching will be carried out. Stones
will be fixed on slopes by gentle hammering. A P.C.C. anchor will be provided which will
prevent sliding of stones on slope. The gaps between adjacent stones allow grass to grow
which will hold the soil firmly together.

Gabion Protection: Gabion structures will be provided in case the slope ends into a water
body. These structures are made up of wire mesh baskets and boulders. The utility of this
structure lies in void ratio of its boulders and strength of the mesh to keep them in place.
This structure also provides the opportunity or natural soil to get infiltrated and fill up the
voids. The voids in the structure retain water for longer time thus assisting vegetation to
grow. This structure will be used on edges of ponds, lakes or water bodies where slope
protection is required

7.3.7 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Quarries and Crushers

To ensure that quarrying operations do not have an indiscriminate impact on the
environment the material shall be procured only from licensed quarries and which have
proper quarry redevelopment plans in place, to be adapted once the quarrying operations
are over.

7.3.8 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Borrow Areas

The borrow areas selection and recommendations for borrow areas for use in the UAM
have been based on environmental as well as civil engineering considerations. The local


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
people themselves have suggested to borrow off their land either to develop or deepen their
ponds for aquaculture.

Non-Cultivable lands Borrowing of earth will be carried out to a depth of 1.0 m. The
borrowing of earth shall not be done continuously the slope of the edges shall be
maintained at not more than 1:4. Ridges of not less than 8m shall be left at intervals not
exceeding 300 m, small drains shall be cut through the ridges, if necessary, to facilitate
drainage. Productive lands: Borrowing of earth shall not be carried out on productive lands.
However, in the event of borrowing from productive lands, the contractor has to obtain the
prior permission of the site consultant. At such locations, the depth of borrow pits shall not
exceed 45 cm and if may be dug out to a depth of not more than 30 cm after stripping the
15 cm top soil aside.

Elevated lands: At locations where private owners desire their fields to be leveled, the
borrowing shall be done to a depth of 1 m or up to the level of surrounding fields.

Fish Ponds: At locations, where private owners (or in some cases, the community) desire
to develop lands (mostly low-lying areas) for aquaculture purposes and for use as

Borrow Areas near Settlements: Borrow pit location shall be located at least 0.8 km from
villages and settlements. If unavoidable, they should not be dug for more than 30 cm and
should be drained.

Enhancement Measures
Redevelopment of Borrow Areas: To avoid any embankment slippages, the borrow areas
will not be dug continuously, and the size and shape of borrow pits will be decided by the
Supervision Consultant. The borrow pits will be redeveloped by filling and providing 150
mm thick layer of preserved top-soil; by creating a pond for fisheries, etc; or by leveling an
elevated, raised earth mound and covering it with 150mm thick preserved top-soil.

Replantation of trees along the edges of borrow areas will be carried out.

7.3.9 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Noise


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

Enforcement Measures: Noise standards will be strictly enforced for all vehicles,
plants, equipment, and construction machinery. All construction equipment used for an 8-
hour shift will conform to a standard of less that 90dB(A). If required, machinery producing
high noise as concrete mixers, generators etc, shall be provided with noise shields.
Workers to wear earplugs, helmets and be engaged in diversified activities to
prevent prolonged exposure to noise levels of more than 90dB(A) per 8 hour shift.
Construction sites shall not be located 300 m from settlement areas. No hot mix,
batching and aggregate crushing plants shall be located within 200m of sensitive
land uses as schools, hospitals etc.
Noise Barriers: The shielding of the noise from the highway has resulted in design of
barriers for the attenuation for the entire length of the settlements. Either the sound waves
can be controlled near the source or the receptor can be shielded. Since safety of road
using vehicles is of paramount importance, a specific clear distance needs to be maintained
from the pavement. Hence, the only viable option is to provide a shield around the
The noise attenuation has been worked out by the adoption of the following types of noise
Physical barriers in the form of walls, screens etc.
Structural modifications at the receptor locations, in the form of provision of double-
glazing etc.
Rearrangement of the sensitive locations, through changes in the internal planning
where possible
Earthen barriers between the highway and the receptor and,
Vegetative barriers in the form of thick screen of vegetation etc.
Noise barriers have been designed and proposed at sensitive locations such as schools,
and hospitals.

7.3.10 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Flora:

Tree felling has been minimised and a large number of the trees (46 to 61%) were saved by
design modification.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Tree Transplantation: Tree transplantation is a keynote of this project to save healthy and
significant trees, which would otherwise be felled due to the proposed project.

Enhancement Measures
Road Landscape Plan: The road landscape has been developed envisaging a holistic
approach to the entire stretch. A concept has been evolved so as to maintain visual
characteristics and uniformity in terms of landscape along the stretch. To achieve this, the
entire stretch of the project corridor has been classified as homogenous in terms of
landscape based on similarity of soil conditions, climate (temperature and rainfall) and
topography. The landscape plan includes preparation of a detailed land use plan.

Enhancement of Junctions: As parts of the road landscape plan all the major and minor
road junctions are proposed to be enhanced. Typical enhancement drawings have been
prepared for
Cross roads
T Junctions
Y Junctions
And Traffic Islands
Strip Plantation: The FMW envisages the plantation of trees in strips 25 m wide at locations
identified by the Forestry Department.

7.3.11 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Fauna
General measures such as prevention of hunting have been recommended and
enforcement of regular patrolling during construction and operation stage (as part of
corridor management plan during operation stage) has been proposed. The following
measures to prevent any impacts on disruption to fauna are proposed.

7.3.12 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Archaeological and Cultural


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Although no impact is envisaged all along the project road, pollution resistant trees
(especially resistant to SO2) shall be planted to absorb sulphur emission from the project
road. The project has also included acquisition of 1Om strip of land on either sides of the
road for tree plantation to counter the impacts of air pollution.

7.3.13 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Shrines and Sacred Structures

Various mitigation measures have been adopted to minimize the impacts on cultural
properties within the RoW.

Retaining walls: have been proposed at locations where the cultural property has been
found to be located within the proposed embankment.
Diversion of Ditch: has been resorted to where the property in question has been found to
be located in the proposed road ditch. In these cases either the ditch shall be taken around
the property or a pipe culvert has been proposed to ensure continuity of the ditch below the
location of the cultural property.
Safety: Measures such as defining the use boundaries of the cultural property, putting up
railings or hazard markers towards the road side are some of the measures to increase
safety of users of these places.
Relocation: Relocation of cultural properties has been resorted to only as a last option. The
relocation shall be in full conformity with the wishes of the community and cost of relocation
shall be borne by the project. The new place of establishment of the property shall be
identified through the community consultation process.

Enhancement Measures
Along the project road shrines and sacred structures have been identified for enhancement.
These properties have been found to be significant to the community during the course of
the baseline survey. Improving, defining, and redefining access and the precincts:
Depending upon site-specific situations the project strives to improve the access to these
properties by providing walkway to the property from the highway. Locally available
materials like stone and bricks have been preferred for paving. CC flooring also has been
adopted for ground treatment. Effort has been made to create interesting ground surfaces
by using different paving patterns and materials. The intention is to enrich the roadside


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

Creating seating spaces: Areas have been developed especially around/adjacent to cultural
properties where there is easy availability of space. The utility of these rest-spaces
increases when created in conjunction with cultural properties.

Plantation: Trees not only enrich the visual quality of a space but also act as functional
buffer screens to counter pollution, define areas and provide shade. Plantation of trees has
been a prime enhancement as well as mitigation measure in the project. Tree bases have
been proposed around existing as well as proposed shade trees to form informal seating
spaces, which are evidently preferred to the formal seating spaces.

7.3.14 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Other Amenities
Bus Stops: The baseline survey identified location along the project road which are being
used formally or informally as bus stops. These locations have been reviewed and locations
for construction of new bus stop structures have been finalized.

Truck Laybys: Some locations along the road have been provided with truck parking laybys
to prevent unauthorized parking of trucks on the project road. The locations have been
identified on basis of detailed primary surveys and site observations. Plantation of trees for
shade and provision of facilities such as cleaning platforms and seating at these locations
has been proposed. The enhancements have been done on basis of the location of these
resources in the ROW

7.3.15 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Human Values (Land Use and
Land Speculation
Provision of Retaining Walls: Wherever it is imperative that the land adjacent to the road be
used as little as possible for construction, providing retaining walls to the embankment can
reduce the width of the formation. Such conditions are frequently encountered in urban
areas or where it is decided not to encroach into a water body. Various retaining walls are
available to minimize the land-take for highway construction.

7.3.16 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Human Health


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
At ever y workplace, good, and sufficient water supply will be maintained to avoid
waterborne/water-related and water-based diseases and to secure the health of workers.
Adequate drainage, sanitation and waste disposal will be provided at workplaces.
Preventive medical care will be provided to workers.

7.3.17 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Demography
The entire corridor will acquire a pattern of urban and rural stretches. At certain stretches
the concentration, density and level of urbanisation will be much higher due to the
overlapping and amalgamation of two to three settlements over time. All along the Corridor
length the urban and rural stretches have been identified. Within the urban settlements the
areas with highest, high, medium and low concentrations have been filtered and
accordingly suggested appropriate treatment to avoid further and future ribbon

7.3.18 Mitigation Measures for Potential impacts on Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology.

Other project activities such as sand exploitation that involve disturbance fish nest in
sediment outside the marked area for such activity shall be minimised.
Ponds and small creeks shall be avoided as much as is practicable.
In instances of rare case of chemical or petroleum product spill from tanks,
boats and barges emergency/spill response actions/contingencies shall be
activated for prompt clean-up of such spill in the area.
Monitoring of the effects of changes in water quality that may be influenced by
such activities as dredging on fishes, benthic organisms etc. shall be
undertaken by FMW in the projects life cycle.

7.3.19 Mitigation Measures for Potential Impacts on Socio-economics.

Use of temporary camp to accommodate workers during the implementation
phase of the project shall not be necessary, as most workers shall be
accommodated in Warri and environs. This shall reduce the impact on the
existing infrastructure.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Sustain an open door policy to facilitate flow of information to and from host
communities to further enhance existing cordial relationships.
Skill improvement training programs and youth vocational training shall be
extended to the host community.
Sports shall be encouraged to occupy the youth including football league, and
other sporting activities.

7.3.20 Waste Management
All wastes generated during the project implementation shall be handled in accordance with
regulatory requirements. All wastes shall be segregated before disposal. The segregation
of food wastes, paper wastes, scrap metals, chemical waste, medical wastes, etc. shall be
in line with regulatory requirements.

Table 7.3.2a: Mitigation Plan for Potential Impacts of UAM Construction Project
Potential Impacts Related Act/ Sources Mitigation Measures
Gaseous emissions (CO
and CO)
Particulat es and unbur ned hydrocarbons
Transport ation of mat erials, plants
and labour to sit e, dredging and
constructi on operations involvi ng
the use of machinery; int ernal
combustion from engines,
occasional particulat e release.
At the event of prol onged dr y spell during project
implementation FMW shall spray water within the
Construction sit e to moisten t he soil and keep
down dust . I n addition, constr uction wor kers will be
provided with nose mask.
All fuel combustion engines shall be maint ained
at opti mal operating conditions to reduce t he
emission of exhaust gases.
Wher ever practical FMW shall use electric
mot ors t o replace gas and di esel operat ed power
generat ors.
Hearing impairment, communicati on
interference, and annoyance, wor k
inefficiencies, psychological distress and other
noise rel ated healt h problems.
Construction acti vities, operations
of machi nes/ engines,
transportation and excessive use of
alarm syst ems.
Noisy and stationary equipment shall be enclosed
in acoustic structure to reduce on sit e noise.
The use of earmuffs shall be enf orced for all st aff
wor king in noisy ar eas or engaged in t he use of
high noise equipment/ machinery


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Drainage/discharge, hydrological pattern,
sediment ation,
Sand winni ng, dredging, barrier
constructi on, excavations and ot her
Wast e pits shall be constr ucted t o meet
regulator y requirements for such facilities.
Dredging shall be done i n accordance with
regulations and good engineering practice to
minimize impacts on the benthic ecosyst em.
All borehol es shall be cased and sealed.
Construction to avoid introduci ng contaminants i nto
the aquifer
FMW shall adopt t he FMENV recommended
approach in the cleanup of any contaminated soil
or groundwat er. The approach invol ves location
and isolation of site and recover y/clean up of site.
Erodibilit y at the ri verbanks
Natural effects Grouters should be put in place to reduce
the erodabilit y of t he ri verbank as a result of
continuous impact by water currents
Dredging the water around the area down to
Gbekebor could be carried out to check sand
accumulati on which could lead t o the submergence
of existing structur es.
Loss of producti ve far mland and l ocal fuel
(firewood) source, destructi on resulti ng in loss
of medicinal/ ot her economic plants and
erosion, loss of breeding and f eedi ng grounds
for shrimps, fishes, i nsect l arvae, crabs etc.
Land t ake, dredging activiti es,
creation of more access routes,
and general construction activiti es,
increase i n noise levels resulti ng
from operation of machines and
vehicular movement.
Land-take shall be limited t o t he area
approved by t he regulat ory authorities.
FMW shall re- veget ate cleared unused areas.
The number of access roads t o be built shall be
minimized as practical.
Host communities shall be allowed to scour the
project site and remove val uabl e resources prior to
site clearing.
FMW shall ensure t hat veget ation clearing is
done manuall y (without eart h moving or other
mechanical equipment) wherever practical and
bush bur ning shall be prohi bited.
FMW shall ensure t hat trees, and their seeds
where applicable, are preser ved and handed over
to t he host communities.
FMW shall ensure that any wildlife species
encount ered at the project sit e are pr eser ved and
relocated t o a saf e habit at.
FMW shall ensure that the maximum elapse ti me
bet ween site clearing and initiation of dredging and
Construction work is reduced t o the barest
Archaeology/Sacred Sites
Exposure of once sacred site to public vi ew.
Land t ake/sit e clearing. Liaise with owners for relocation of site if
* Avoid sites t o help sust ain t heir cult ural import ance.

Impact on densit y and di versit y of benthic organisms.
Construction of
embankments, struct ures,
impoundments, barriers,
borrow pits and dredging.

As much as possible the proj ect acti vities t hat
result in sedi ment dist urbance shall be carried out
according t o good engineering practice and
regulator y requirement to mini mise i mpacts on the
benthic ecosyst em
As much as is pr acticabl e t he ponds and small
creeks will be avoided.
Turbidit y
Oil and grease
Transport ation, dr edging,
sand wi nning, petr oleum
products and chemical spills.
All equipment shall be l ocat ed outside the
navigation fair way, i n keepi ng with government
regulations requiring the f airway to be kept free
and open to water tr ansport traffic.
All storm water channels shall be evacuat e int o
Forcados river;
Dredged spoil shall also be used f or buildi ng
temporar y bund walls around the proj ect ar ea.
FMW shall devel op and implement wast e
management pl ans f or all wastes generat ed i n
accordance wit h regulat or y requirement and
standard practice. Pl astic and metals wastes shall
be collected in designated contai ners and sent to
recycling plants.
Sanit ary wastes shall be treat ed in sewage
treat ment pl ant .
FMW shall activat e existing emergency response
in the event of exigency.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Increase in population
Empl oyment
Increase in cash flow
Loss of economic r esource
Farmland t ake
Communit y dist urbance
Communit y development
Commencement of
project and pr oject
Use temporary camp to accommodat e wor kers
during the implementati on phase of t he project.
This shall reduce the impact on pr esent
infrastruct ure.
Sustai n t he current open door policy to f acilitat e
flow of i nfor mation t o and from host communities.
Skill improvement training programme and youth
vocational tr aining shall be ext ended to all the host
Sports shall be encouraged to occupy t he youth.

Commencement of proj ect
and project implementati on/
FMW shall assist in t he provision of potable water
to t hese communiti es.
FMW shall diligentl y observe agreements reached
with host communiti es.
FMW shall continue to sponsor healt h education
campaigns and the hazards and risks to which the
people may be exposed as a result of t he project.
FMW shall pr ovide assistance to the host
communities in the area of hygiene and sewage
disposal by providing public t oilets, and ref use
collection and disposal facilities.
FMW shall assist strengt hen governments effort i n
capacit y buildi ng towards health care deli ver y
services in t he host communiti es thr ough
publicizing mass immunizati on.
FMW shall ensure that all employees on the proj ect
undergo pre-empl oyment and periodic medical
examinati on.

Table 7.3.2b Mitigation Plan for Potential Impacts at Various Stages of UAM Proj ect

Activities /issues Potential Environmental Impact Mitigation Plan
Construction/Site Preparation

Land take/Land clearing
Drainage alteration leading
to increased erosion and
reduction of farmland.
Land Take/Clearing
Ensure all equipment moving on soils have low
pressure wheels such as ballooned tyres,


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Site preparation
Campsite construction
Surface excavation

Disruption of soil physical
properties, soil aggregates,
soil water regime and soil
Soil contaminated by oil
and grease through soil
Fumes from generating
equipment would
contribute to acid rain
phenomenon and global
green house effect.
Ambient air quality would
be adversely affected by
deposition of unburned
carbon or soot.
Hearing impairment within
the project site.
Exposure of sealed
Sediment influx into the
rivers/streams disturbance
of remote communities
values of people.
Road Construction
Heavy-duty equipment/
Row clearance
Use tracked wheels.
Limit land take area to area delineated.
Bury forest residues
Felled trees should be chopped and used effectively
Cleared areas should be revegetated with indigenous
plant species to forestall erosion
Land clearing operation should not be done at the peak
of rain when the soil is waterlogged
Operation should not be done with conventional
bulldozers, which will remove the thin and most
important top soil. Consider swamp boogey.
Front-mounted tree pushers should be used
If possible, cut tree and chop so that it can be removed
from site. Burn shrubs and bury leafy materials so that
useful locked up soil nutrients on them are turned to the
soil instead of being carried away.
Put in place erosion channels and structures as quickly
as possible because once the vegetation is removed,
erosion sets in almost immediately.

excavation/ digging, pilling compaction etc,. should
be done by seasoned professionals, pay peculiar
attention to the sandy loam nature of the soil and these
activities should be done at the time of the year when the
soil drainage condition will be appropriate.

Ambient Air Quality
Ensure all the heavy equipment are in good
serviceable condition.

Hearing Impairment
Ensure all workers within the construction site say at
should put on ear defenders,
Education of all staff to wear ear protectors always
within the working zone.
Creation of functional safety and environmental
Additional silencing on the exhaust system

Exposure of Sacred Sites/Shrines
Relocation of shrines where feasible.
Take owners of such shrines into confidence before
Surface excavation , land Clearing and leveling should
be conducted with minimal disturbance to possible
sealed sites.
Exposed artifacts to be retrieved through an emergency
rescue archaeological excavation provided the
disturbance is unavoidable.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

Fisheries, Wildlife & Forestry
Biodiversity potential of the area (fisheries, wildlife and
Prohibition of hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering of
food resources by workers when on and off duty
Prohibition of purchase of the above items from the locals
Limit and monitor the use of wood for base camp
Slow initial pace of clearance to give the larger mammals
and other animals enough warning and time to move
further away.
Scan for streams still retaining water, ahead of the crew
clearing the area.
Check for presence of important fauna which if presents
(e.g crocodiles should be relocated to further streams with
the assistance of hunters in neighboring settlements.
Relocate away smaller animals caught during land-clearing
e.g amphibian eggs should be scooped into containers and
immediately deposited into pools or unsilted creeks into
the uncleared area closest to the work site. Reptilian eggs
should be re-buried at similar depths at which they were
exhumed and possibly in similar soil in the uncleared area.
Translocate to other safe areas in uncleared forests
possible endangered species encountered during any
stage of the project.
Wildlife expert should be on site during site preparation to
direct the sitting and translocation of endangered
organisms especially the slow moving amphibious animals.
Support intensive investigation of some of the more
endangered species in the area or support captive
breeding programmes. This will serve to increase the base
population and captive individuals will ultimately be
released in the wild.
The second option is to support creation of sanctuaries of
reasonable sizes in which most of the animals can build-up
their populations under protection. This on-site protection
is more feasible in that it allows for simultaneous protection
of several species although captive breeding might still be
required for species whose remaining population is low
(between 50 & 250 mature individuals.)

Influx of Labourers
To minimize accidents and destruction, roads should be
well mapped out with speed line imposed by signs while
both local and FMW drivers should be warned of the
consequences of excessive speed, bends and
overloading, in addition to being mandated to obey speed
limits and other road signs.
Casual labourers must also be medically fit before being

Site team should be educated on the culture and ethics of
adverse impacts and respects the feelings of the indigenous


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project

There should be closer interaction between FMW
workers, labourer and natives so as to be cognisant of
their cultural values. This will also pave way for improved
social life in terms of income, businesses, social
interactive activities.
Occasionally, forum on safety and health with locals on
ongoing activities should be encouraged. This should also
encompass environmental, cultural and economic systems
that could improve their lots.
To avoid unnecessary confrontation with the
communities, the communities should be compensated for
whatever is acquired by FMW rather than individuals.
FMW workers/labourers should equally be educated
periodically on Sex education and related diseases. As a
check, condoms should be provided to all workers on site.
Traditional doctors should be consulted by to know the
medicinal herbs that are indigenous to the area.
A mini-shopping hall should be established to provide
basic sanitary and leisure commodities.
Leisure facilities such as television, table tennis, library,
draught, cards, music box, chess, monopoly and video
should be provided.
Labourers should be encouraged to undergo medical
check-up regularly especially for venereal diseases. As a
check, condoms should be provided to all crew members.
Saturday work should be reduced to 6hrs and Sunday
set free for resting to improve leisure time.

Sediment influx into the Rivers/Creeks
Grading and the removal of topsoil/soil should be done
during the dry season or less rainy period.

Sanitary waste to be treated either biologically and
discharged through use of septic tank.
Domestic waste/refuse should be segregated, and
transported to designated site/landfill.
Containment plan should be developed
Spill management plan should be developed
Equipment/engines to reduce ecological impact of
oil and hydrocarbon leakage.

Periodic training and continued safety reminders to
all operating staff.
Ensure all visitors are briefed on potential hazards and
necessary safety precautions.
Ensure that appropriate safety and rescue
equipment are available and employees trained in its use.

Spillage and Leakages
Constant checking of machines to detect cracks
and weakness .

Pollution of Surface Water Rivers/Streams
Monitor for sediment influx by measuring turbidity,
suspended solids and conductivity, downstream of the
construction site 3 (three) times during run-off and monthly
until the Construction is completed.
Likelihood of Chronic Oil Pollution during Operation Phase
Determine every quarter THC, Ni/V, Zn/ Mn and Mn/Cr ratios
in sediment around the river/streams discharge point.

I Determine once a month THC, DO, and pH of the surface
waters/streams impact on Underground Water Quality around
the Dredging Location.
Monitor/Install Monitoring boreholes around the proposed
Monitor quarterly by determining pH, THC, hydrocarbon
degrading bacterial/fungi as well as heterotrophic


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
bacteria/fungal population densities of the water.
Impact on Fish Catch around the Rivers/Streams
Yearly monitoring of fishes for any sign of disease or
malnutrition, THC, etc.
Abandonment/Restorati on & Closure

Solid Waste Management.
Liquid Waste Management.

Fauna diversity
Sediment influx
Soil & Sediment structure
Adverse impact on water
quality, BOD, Coliforms
bacteria, etc,
Develop necessary contacts with the host
communities and DPR/ FMEnv representatives.
Non-reusable items will be carefully segregated,
labeled and properly disposed of.
Borrow pits will be rehabilitated by backfilling and
The sites will be contoured for drainage and control
of erosion as well as be prepared for replanting.
Plant indigenous plant species of the areas.
Removal and uprooting of all cement steel or wooden
structures not in use.



Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project


8.1 Introduction
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is a management tool that stipulates
strategies and procedures for managing the potential environmental impacts
associated with a proposed project. It includes a reporting system, which shall keep
track of the health and hygiene conditions at workers camps including precautions
taken to prevent adverse health effects The Project area Road Project EMP shall
incorporate various mitigation measures for the potential impacts and also form the
basis for the actual project implementation.

8.1.1 EMP Objectives

The overall objective of the EMP is to ensure the progressive reduction of the impact
of any project activity on the environment. This objective shall be achieved by
supporting the environmental management awareness among worker by
rationalizing and streamlining existing environmental activities to add value to
efficiency and effectiveness through;
compliance with stipulated legislation on environmental protection.
integrating environmental issues fully into the project development and
operational philosophies
providing standards for overall planning, operation audit and review;
during project life span, only environmentally sound procedures should be

8.2 Project Environment Management Action Plan.

Environmental Management Plans (including Environmental Monitoring Plans) have been
prepared for this road project. The Environmental Management Plans (EMP) is based on
the EIA/EMP reports prepared for the road the project. The Environmental Management
Plan (EMP) consists of the set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be
taken during the design, construction and operation stages of the project to eliminate
adverse environmental impacts, to offset them, or to reduce them to acceptable levels.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Pedestrians, cyclists, animals, as well as fishermen, boats carrying hazardous goods and
other motorized and/or heavy vehicles use the project area. These combinations create
hazardous conditions for all the road and waterway users. Poor pavement structure and
lack of warning/informatory signs and incidental parking especially in urban stretches seem
to be the reasons for accidents on most Nigerian roads.

During the construction stage, dismantling of structure, cutting trees, haulage material
obstructing vision, spillage of lubricants on road generally causes road accidents. Similarly,
in operation stage, the increase in speed would tend to increase the severity of accidents.

The proposed project would provide medians, improved existing road geometry, remove
congestion and provide facilities for pedestrian and non-motorised traffic.

In settlement stretches, service lanes would be provided. The safety benefits from the
project are quite significant and it could be even more if mitigation measures are
implemented each phase of the project

Design Measures: Design Improvements at curves, segregating slow moving traffic in the
market places by service lanes, provision of wider median in rural stretches and plantation
of shrubs/under trees to avoid the glare of vehicles moving in opposite directions during
night are some of the design solutions provided. Provision of proper signage, proper lighting
arrangements will be made.

Chain link fencing:
Two typical arrangements have been worked out to ensure the safety of the pedestrians
and for the Project area (UAM) . The construction camps will be fenced off using chain-link
fencing to prevent unauthorized entry. Chain-link is commercially available in rolls and can
be raised on-site as per the perimeter of the construction camps, vehicle-parking areas and
any other areas where temporary enclosure is required.

Control of Direct Access:
Unhindered access from adjoining properties at high speeds can lead to accidents with fast-
moving vehicles on the opposite direction. The design developed for the access ensures


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
that the user has to completely change the direction of movement at least twice between
leaving the area beyond the RoW. The semicircular dogleg type arrangement will be
provided wherever it is expected that the road-user will visit the adjoining properties.

Shrines, schools and educational establishments along the road route, public buildings will
have this arrangement at the entry/exit. The brick-walled and cement tiled structure will
provide the only opening through compound walls of the entire highway abutting properties.

Traffic Plan:
Traffic management plan will be developed, especially in congested locations in the
operation stages. Traffic control measures including speed limits will be enforced strictly.

Construction Safety Plan:
In addition a construction period safety plan has been prepared to maximize and ensure
safety of users and workers during the construction.

8.3 Management Organization

The corporate headquarters of the FMW environmental staff will be augmented by addition
of one Senior Manager and two field engineers. This will create a systematic environmental
cadre in the FMW that will act as a channel for inculcating environmentally sensitive assure
career-minded professionals that choosing to implement project will not adversely affect the

The land acquisition for especially any b ypass or spur, and the property removal in the
areas necessitates the services of a professional well acquainted with the human
dimensions of development projects.

8.4 Manning Requirement.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
The engineer in charge of GIS should have previous certified training in the area and
should preferably have a degree in Civil Engineering. The Contracts engineer should be a
Civil Engineer or Planner in Environmental Engineering.

8.5 Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
The main responsibilities of the incumbent would be:
1. Compile quarterly environmental reports and send the same to the Corporate HQ,
FMW Abuja
2. Verif y compliance monitoring carried out by consultants
3. Routine check on the site every fortnight.
4. Take on the spot decisions to rectify minor problems on site
5. Oversee supervision consultants
6. Ensure co-ordination among government departments/agencies

8.6 Construction Supervision Consultants
The Construction Supervision Consultant will need to employ environmental engineer. The
engineer, will actually monitor the site activities, verify that the contractor has executed the
management plan provisions as per specifications. He will arrange for the monitoring of
environmental conditions as per the monitoring plan and also prepare the reports to be
submitted to the Ministry. They should ideally be Environmental/Civil engineers with good
training and prior experience of environmental monitoring.

8.7 Contractors
The Contractors will have to employ Environmental Engineer(s). His duty will include the
proper construction and maintenance of the facilities for the labour camps, the
measurement and verification of quantities for environmental enhancement, ensuring that
proper environmental safeguards are being maintained at borrow sites and quarries from
which the contractor procures material for construction. He will also have to prepare the
bills of quantities for the work carried out for enhancement monitoring of ambient air quality
and collection of water and soil samples as provided for in the environmental monitoring


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
The monitoring pollution of physical environment is being envisaged to be carried out by
reputed Environmental Consultancy Outfit.

FMW impresses upon Environmental Consultant the critical role of their monitoring. The
PIU should also ensure that they send competent staff with necessary equipment for quality
assurance monitoring and have the capacity in terms of staff & equipments to
simultaneously monitor at least two sites within the construction site.

8.8 Facilities for the Environmental Cell
The environment cell at the PIU will require a vehicle to inspect works on site. Normally, a
four-wheeler with enough seating (room) for two officers and a driver along with space for
equipment for measurement will be needed at each PIU. A four wheel-drive vehicle will be
the preferred choice. The vehicle need not be dedicated for the environmental cell but such
an arrangement would be better than sharing PIU's other vehicles. In addition, the PIU is
better off having its own
monitoring equipment viz noise meter, hand-held gas sensors, etc. The FMW
representative will need to have access to e-mail facilities and GSM phone dedicated to
reporting daily activities.

It will also need a scanner, which can be used with GIS based corridor management
system able to handle up to A3 sized sheets for directly transferring top sheet image into
the system. Adequate computing facilities to allow the documentation unit to be self-
sufficient are suggested.

8.9 Environmental Monitoring Reporting System
The Monitoring and Evaluation are critical activities in implementation of the Project.
Monitoring involves periodic checking to ascertain whether activities are going according to
the plans. It provides the necessary feedback for project management to keep the program
on schedule. By contrast evaluation is essentially a summing up, at the end of the projects
assessment, of whether those activities actually achieved their intended ends.

There are two important aspects of reporting as described in the section dealing with the
responsibilities of the Manager (Environment):
* Reporting on progress,


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
* Environmental compliance monitoring.

The reporting system will operate linearly with the contractor who is at the lowest rung of
the implementation system reporting to the Supervision Consultant, who in turn shall report
to the PIU. All reporting by the contractor and Supervision Consultant shall be on a
quarterly basis. The compliance monitoring and the progress reports on environmental
components may be clubbed together and submitted to the FMW quarterly during the
implementation period.

The operation stage monitoring reports may be annual or biennial. Responsibilities for
oversight (overseeing) will rest with the Supervision Consultant's staff reporting to the PIU
Environmental Unit. Capacity to quantitatively monitor relevant ecological parameters would
be an advantage but monitoring will primarily involve ensuring that actions taken are in
accordance with contract and specification clauses, and specified mitigation measures as
per the EMP. Photographic records will also be established to provide useful environmental
monitoring tools. A full record will be kept as part of normal contract monitoring.

Reporting and Monitoring Systems for various stages of construction and related activities
have been proposed to ensure timely and effective implementation of the EMP.

8.10 Internalizing Environmental Expertise In The FMW

Long chain of projects is envisaged over the next decade or so in the highways sector in
Nigeria, the acquired capacity needs to be fully internalized. Two things become important
in this respect. One, there should be substantial environmental capacity beyond the staff
directly responsible for implementing the EMP in different projects. This may be achieved
through training and dissemination of information. Two, there should be a distinct career
path for the Managers (Environment) once the projects are completed. It may involve
engaging new staff that are specialist in environmental management or training the existing
staff within FMW.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
8.11 Capacity Building
The training aspect of the intermediate term capacity building and internalisation is
described below. The career path or incentives to the Environmental specialists is a long-
term issue and is not within the scope of this assignment. However, it is expected that steps
in this direction will be taken.

8.11.1 Training Needs :
The Managers (Environment), the personnel of the Construction Supervision Consultant
and the Contractor, who would be responsible for the implementation of the EMP, need to
be trained on environmental issues of road development project. To ensure the success of
the implementation setup proposed, there is a high requirement of training and skill up

8.11.2 Training Programme:
The proposed training programme incorporates the project needs as well as the
intermediate-term capacity building needs of the FMW. The programme consists of a
number of training modules specific to target groups. The training programme proposed in
the FMW has been retained to build a continuum for the advanced training being proposed
as part of the UAM.

8.11.3 Target Groups:
All members of the PlUs/FMW, staff of the contractors, supervision consultants, the
collaborating government agencies represented by the officials identified to be directly
responsible for delivery of collaborating services and the NGOs with their field staff will all
be imparted training. They are divided into the following target groups. As the needs of
these groups are different from each other, training deliverables would also be distinct.
Specifying a combination of training modules for each target group would attain this

The group that potentially needs training in EMP implementation; environmental design, re-
design and environmental conflict resolution includes the Managers (Environment) of the
PlUs and the representative staff of the Construction Supervision Consultants while the


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
group that potentially needs training in environmentally acceptable processes, methods and
equipment of road construction includes the full PIU, representative staff of the Construction
Supervision Consultants and the Contractors.

The group that would require an understanding of the environmental policies and
programmes. Includes the full PIU and the Senior FMW staff.

The group that needs to be included into the environmental awareness programmes.
Includes staff of the collaborating government agencies and all staff of the Ministry.

8.12 Training Programme
The training would cover the basic principles and postulates of environmental assessment,
mitigation plans and programmes (particularly the World Bank Operational Guidelines and
National Policy Perspectives), implementation techniques, monitoring and management
methods and tools.

Looking into the potential requirements of each of the target groups, several training
modules are suggested below.
Module I: Environmental Over view
Module II: En vironmental Regulations and Acts
Module III: Pollution
Module IV: Environmental Impact Assessment
Module V: En vironmental management Plan
Module VI: Highway Projects and Environmental Issues
Module VII : En vironmental Issues in the Project
Module VII I: The Environmental Management Plan for Highway Projects
Module IX: Environmentally Sound Construction Management
Module X: Planning for Environmentally Sustainable Operation of Highways
Module Xl: Long Term Environmental Issues in Highway Management

The training modules are combined into different training components. There are overlaps
in the composition of the target groups and the constitution of the training components.
However, each training module would need to be developed keeping in view the
composition and responsibilities of the target group members. Other Components may be


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
imparted throughout the implementation period and held in the initial 2-3 months of project
months of project implementation, period
implementation; preferably on site.

The total budget required for implementing the training programme is a function of the
number of staff that will attend. It is estimated that N10,000,000 will be sufficient.
Suggested Implementation schedule is shown in 8.10.1

8.12.1 Implementation of Environmental Training Programme
Informal Training Sessions
Audio-Visual Communications
Case Studies
Lecture Sessions
Group Discussions
Short-Term Training Courses
Additional Training Modules
Short-Term Training Courses
Full-term Training Courses

8.13 Operationalisation
Operationalisation of the environmental setup would involve (i) identification and
appointment of staff, (ii) procurement of NGOs and other agencies responsible for
implementation, and (iii) training. The Managers (Technical & i/c Environment) have
already been involved in the design of the project and preparation of EMP.

The Environmental Manager (HQ) will be selected and appointed shortly.
NGOs, as and wherever required, will be procured based on quality-cum-cost basis.

8.14 Environmental Monitoring Programme


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
FMW shall comply with the DPR/FMEn v regulatory controls by establishing an ecological
monitoring programme that shall keep track of the entire project development activities and
facilities performance from pre-Construction through implementation phases. This
programme will help to generate information on the impacts, which, in comparison with
predicted impacts, will forewarn of any adverse variation in the ecological components. The
environmental components to be monitored will include but not limited to:
Ecology (plankton and fisheries)
Air quality/Gaseous Emission
surface water quality;

To ensure effective implementation of the EMP, it is essential that an effective monitoring
programme be designed and carried out. The broad objectives are
* To evaluate the performance of mitigation measures proposed in the EMP
* To evaluate the adequacy of Environmental Impact Assessment
* To suggest improvements in management plan, if required
* To enhance environmental quality
* To satisfy the legal and community obligations.
8.14.1 Performance Indicators
The physical, biological and social components identified as of particular significance in
affecting the environment at critical locations have been suggested as Performance
Indicators and are Air quality (SPM, RSPM and CO),Water quality (DO, BOD and Coliform
count),Noise levels around sensitive locations, Replantation success/survival rate,
Erosion-indices, Sedimentation rate in the downstream where bridges, culverts, etc., are to
be built ,Vital statistics on health, Accident frequency.

8.14.2 Monitoring Plans
The monitoring plans during construction and operation stages have again been described
in detail in this report. For each of the environmental components, the monitoring plan
specifies the parameters to be monitored; location of monitoring sites; frequency and
duration of monitoring. The monitoring plan also specifies the applicable standards,
implementation and supervising responsibilities.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project Gaseous Emission Monitoring
Gaseous emission point source monitoring shall be performed on SOx, NOx, CO,
particulate, hydrocarbons, heavy and trace metals.

The general results obtained from the various monitoring programmes shall be
compared with acceptable standards to evaluate performance of mitigation
measures. Audit Programme

Environmental audit will be conducted on the project. This audit process shall be
used to check the prediction in the EIA and also to assess the environmental
performance during the implementation phase of the project. This will ensure that
environmental protection and management procedures are reinforced.

Implementing the audit schemes, projects perceived as having the highest
environmental risk are stressed. The audit program shall:
examine compliance with regulatory requirements
Identify current and potential environment problems especially during the
operational phase of the project;
check the predictions in EIA and assure implementations and application of
recommended practices and procedures; and

The environmental auditor shall produce an Environmental Audit Report (EAR),
which shall be submitted to FMW.

8.15 Waste Management
A number of waste management practices have been recommended for implementation on
this project as depicted in table 8.15 below.

Table 8.15; Waste Management Procedure for UAM Road Construction Project


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Waste Hazard Origin \ Waste Management practice
Felled tress and seeds Non-hazardous Site pr epar ation acti vit y Stockpiled and utilise by host communities
Wood scraps Non-hazardous Site pr epar ation acti vit y Stockpiled and utilise by host communities
Stumps Non-hazardous Site pr epar ation acti vit y Used f or pond dykes construction
Dredge spoil Non-hazardous Topsoil excavation and
Used f or pond dykes construction
Borrow Pit Wast es
Groundwat er, surface
wat er contamination
Routine cleaning of pit Surface impoundment, landfill.
Domestic waste garbage Attracts rodents,
unpl easant odour
Logistics centr es, offices
Segregate and take t o approved dump
sites for disposal
Food waste Attracts rodents,
unpl easant odour
Campsit e Segregate, manifest and transport t o t he
Sewage sludge Potential environment al
cont amination
Contai n in septic tanks prior t o evacuation
to treat ment/land f arming sit e.
Sanit ary sewage
Potential environment al
cont amination
Logistics centr es, offices
Treat pl ant on board t o regulator y limit and
discharge t o sea
Rainwater drainage Surface wat er
cont amination
channel run-off water
Empt y oil/chemical drums Depend on the original
cont ents of drum
Packaging of l ube oil, f uel
and chemicals
Contaminated soil Type and conc.
Determines hazar dous
nat ure
Oil and chemical spills,
cleanup operations
Manifest and transport to Inci nerat or site
Used oils (lube/ engine) Potential ground water
and soil contamination
Engine and rotating
equipment , lubricating
syst ems, vehicles
Atmospheric emission Environmental
pollution/pot ential health
Engine and rotating
equipment , operati on facilit y,
minimise emission
Clinical wast e Potential health risk first aid treat ment Segregate properly & incinerat e.
Stabilized ash.
Bulbs and mercur y t ubes Environmental health
Logistics centr es, location Recycle tubes and bulbs
Potential health risk Offices, l ocation Recycle at Ughelli plant
Batt eries Corrosive-lead
cont amination.
Vehicles and boats Lead Aci d batt eries; Nickel Cadmi um
Batt eries recycle.
Oil and fuel filters Potential ground water
and soil contamination
Engine and rotating
equipment .
Extract oil and crush met al and sell as
Paper Non-hazardous Logistics centr es Segregate, recycl e
Plastics Non-hazardous Logistics centr es Segregate, recycl e
Scrap met al Non-hazardous Scrapped equipment Segregate, recycl e
Tyres Non-hazardous Offices, sit es Segregate, recycl e

8.16 Responsibilities

It is the duty of FMW to retain the primary responsibility for ensuring that
environmental commitments are met at all times.

8.17 Decommissioning and Closure Plan

The activities shall involve demolition and site clean-up, disposal of wastes,
demobilisation and final site review.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project




Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
9.1 Demolition and Site Clean-up
All demolition of structures at the end of the project shall be carefully carried out to
minimize environmental impact.

FMW shall ensure that all relevant community issues raised are properly addressed
before project site closure,.

FMW shall assist the community in adjusting to the socio-economic and health
impact of the project by continuing the development and implementation of
programmes designed to promote community development and help actuate benefits
from the changes taking place. The programmes shall cover areas such as health,
education and employment.

9.2 Post closure

The federal Ministry of Works shall institute a post impact assessment survey to
ensure that residual environmental damage is minimal and that site is fit for purpose
uses. lt consider full assessment of the potential impacts and describe methods of
ameliorating adverse environmental effects. During this phase wide scale
consultation with land owners and authorities shall be instituted.




Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
The Project area Road Project site is located in a ver y sensitive savanna region,
inhabited by several endangered wildlife and scores of important economic plants.
Since land is a non-renewable resource, the land take for the project should be

The EIA of proposed Road Construction Project has been evaluated. The EI A report
indicated that the environmental components that are likely to be adversely impacted
are water quality, sediment, fisheries and vegetation.

The potential impacts of the proposed project on the socio-economy of the people
are in the overall beneficial.

This EIA report includes an Environmental Management Plan that will ensure and
guarantee minimal adverse effects of the project on the environment. The
implementation of the road development plans will significantly open up the areas for
sustainable development.

The project will assist to enhancing aesthetics, boosting employment, encourage
evacuation of agricultural produce including timber and aquatic products as well as
improving the living standard of the people. The proposed road construction will not
pose serious threat to the biophysical environment, as most organisms will easily
migrate to adjourning pristine environment.

The identified potential adverse impacts are eliminated or minimised through
mitigation measures, which will be strictly adhered to during project execution
hence, implementation of the proposed project is therefore recommended for the
benefit of all Nigerian stakeholders.


Adams W. J. Kimede, R. A and Barnet J. (1992). Sediment Quality and Aquatic Life
Assessment. Environ. Sci. Techechnology 26, 1864-1873.


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115(5), 367-375

Amadi A.A. 1991. The Coastal and Marine Environment of Nigeria Aspects of Ecology
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Marine Research. 34 p.

Allen, J. R., 1965, Late quartenary Niger Delta and adjacent areas: sedimentary
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Davis C. C. (1955), The Marine and Freshwater Plankton. Michigan State University
Press, Michigan, 522pp

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Dublin-Green, C. O. Awobamishe, E.A. Ajoa (1997) Coastal Profile of Nigeria. Large Marine
Ecosystem Project of the Gulf of Guinea G EF/UNIDO. 57pp

Egborge, A. B. M. 1994. Water Pollution in Nigeria. Biodiversity and Chemistry of Warri
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Fox, M. 1957. A First List of Marine Algae from Nigeria. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 55: 615 631.

Henhy, N. I. 1958. Marine Diatoms from some West African Ports. J. Roy. Micro Sc, 77: 22
International Council for the Study of the Sea Report. 1957 1970. Fi ches d Identi fi cati on du
Zoopl ankton. Revi sed by J. H. Frasser and V. Kr. Hausen. Nos 1 10. Andr. Fred. Host and Fill .


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Lahman E (1992) Determination and Evaluation of Ambient Air Quality Manual of Ambient
Air Quality Control in Germany.

Lenat et al (1981), Ogbaibu and Victor, (1989). The Effects of Road and Bridge
Construction on the Bankroot Macroinvertebrates of a Southern Nigerian Stream.
Environ. Pollut, 56:85-100

Longhurst, A. 1958. An Ecologi cal Survey of the West Afri can Mari ne Benthos. Fi sheri es Publ. No. 11.

(Menzie C. A. 1982, The En vironmental Implication of Oil and Gas Activities. Environ.
Technology 16 454A-472A.

NAOC (2005) Environmental Impact Assessment of Swamp Area Gas Gathering (Final

(NEDECO, 1961). The Waters of Niger Delta, The Hague 57pp

Newkon Associates & FMW (2002) Ojobo/Siama/Gbekebor Communities Constructioning
Project: 9-20pp

Nwankwo, D. I. 1984. Seasonal Changes of Phytoplankton of Lagos Lagoon and the
Adjacent Sea in relation to Environmental Factors. Ph D Thesis, University of Lagos.

Odum, E. P (1971) Fundamentals Ecology. 3
ed. W. B. Sannders. London.

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Okpokwasili, G.C. and Nnorom, E.E., 1986. Microbial Degradation of Petroleum
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Duu Okali (eds) EMMI Press, London.

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RPI (1985) Research Planning Institute. Environmental Baseline Studies for the
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Edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.



Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Alternative Optional site or area where the same project could be
carried out with equal, lesser or greater environmental
impact; alternative may also refer to different harvesting
or industrial methods or processes, including different
timing, that may have different environmental impacts.
Aquifers Rock strata that contain, and are permeable to water.
The water may be fresh or saline and either potable or
Baseline Data Original information obtained in the field to describe the
existing nature of the study area.
Baseline Study Study undertaken to establish existing environmental
situation before development.
Biodegradable Susceptible to breakdown, into simpler substances (often
soluble and/or gaseous compounds), by microorganisms
in the soil, water and atmosphere. Biodegradation often
converts toxic compounds into non or less toxic

BOD (biochemi cal oxygen
Measure of the quantity of dissolved oxygen (expressed
in parts per million) used in the decomposition of organic
matter by biochemical action of micro-organisms.

Communities Settlements within the proposed activity area.

Contingency Plan Procedures set in place to manage emergency situations.

Decommissioning The final project activities and the removal of all surface

Diversity, species Number of plant or animal species per unit area; a high
number of species or high diversity, is usually indicative
of a relatively undisturbed environment, of a complex
ecosystem and of an area that may be of scientific or
economic value (genetic diversity, source of medicinal
and other valuable plants, presence of species as yet
unknown to science, etc.). However, some undisturbed
ecosystems may have low diversity and vice versa.
Ecosystem An assemblage of plants and animals, in a specific
physical setting that supports them and that functions as
a unit because of internal linkages such as food webs.
Humans, such as forest dwellers, can be part of distinct
natural ecosystems.


Envi ronmental Impact Assessment of Project
Environment Sum total of the biophysical elements (air, water, land,
other organisms, man-made habitat) that support the life
of organisms. In the case of man, the term environment is
often used to include the cultural and socio-economic
fabric that sustains his life and livelihood.
The unfavourable alteration of our surroundings through
direct or indirect effects of changes in energy patterns,
radiation levels, chemical and physical constitution and
abundance of organisms
Environmental effect Initiation or acceleration of environmental change caused
by human action.
Envi ronmental impact
Acti vit y or process of evaluation or analysis of actions
and their environmental impacts. The evaluation of
alternatives is central to formal EIA.

Hydrogen sulphide a pungent, corrosive, toxic gas occurring naturally in oil
and gas (and elsewhere), generated by the normal
metabolism of sulphur utilising bacteria.
Impact The consequence of an action, activity or idea interacting
with its surroundings.
Sheet piles Interconnecting very tightly-spaced sheets of material
driven vertically into the ground with special driving
Sedimentation The process of depositing solid particles (silt, sand,
stones, gravels) that are being carried by water at the
bottom of river, stream, sea etc.
Spawning The release of eggs by fish and other aquatic species in
preparation for fertilisation.

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